Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 28, 1824, Image 3

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Wc leurrl tlmt two new Counties tiave eouleitl out by the Inst legislature: tlto ne, taken fi-bln Appling and hounding on h# Florida lino, is called Ware, the otli- | r lying betWeen the Counties of Craw- r/'nild Pike, was named Upson. It is II ifying to know tlmt Georgia gratefully | t \embers two of the most unostentatious L| disinterested of her patriots: mch who | 0 vea her with zeal, and served tier with idelity—Augusta Chr. ii6th inst. POPULATION OF GEORCtlA. 5 P £ fe 2 a C. in ituiuden ;hnt!mm linrk _ ■ Columbia ; raw ford Jccalnr IcKalb Duly. • arly i ffiogjmm . Ibcrt manlier . ayette TOIlklill lynn reefid wiunett abershatrt tall • anqock enry ouston win icksoh 3596 2223 2339 6*133 833 1533 4902 6181 •110(5 1781 3*169 Oil 1069 1449 4606 3489 2127 6943 8933 763.1 6629 4387 1428 6426 1157 fulaskl utnam - abui) • hchlffono |crlven fattnall telfair * riv/gg* Tuton * Farren pubington sVne [likes Ulkinspn COMMERCIAL. (tract of a letter lent/. I IS a 1 tou gentleman in this city dated New Orleans, Nov 30. mm. u •! ) AVWUVVU WII p^rket, for which *U is asked;” tom mYv/.M The. mg C tnM ilC f" j liM iftr ‘ iniit * imwm Port of savannau. i- ■ ■ • - • ARRIVED: Ellison, 9 - gli, and 3 fm the Capes—flour 15 Police ii B1‘- lenzie. [ Sloop William, Luce, 3 ds fm Darieri—100 bales tton td Johnston; Hills t co. and T Butler & .andcotfec and ricoto Hall&lloyt. 1 Pussenger. Sloop Matthew, SffiQWichj fm Ossabaw Island, >Ddak and cotton, to Bullouh & Ehmwoity Sloop Tfrader, Luce, fm Clifton Mill,rice to R ii 'labersbam, and Biilfoch Si Dumvody. “team Boat Georgia, Dubois, 69 hours fra All a, with boats Nos, 11 Si 4 in tow, 1176 bales on and other merchandize, to Dull am cl *y 'e,G B Lamar, RCahipbell, Johnston, Hills Si W Gasioh, J Cdmitiiiig A* Son, C C Griswold, Gordon, C Wcstieldt, ana others.—Passengers; "Robertson and family, Messrs I< tinman, King, 1 Brown. “Oming up, a b H Coloihbian national schr Centella, Captain ertlett, has i(rr. at the Balize: where she nut iu f repairs; Sic; , . ARRIVED' FROSt THIS ronT, | At Norfolk, 17(h inst. Sloop Ann, Headly, 6 ds. [SAipirrtc*.—The schooner Eliza, of Baltimore, Yinmanded and owned, with her eufgo of 2,000 Niels of corn, bySumucI Smith, Bound from rcdcrickbtirg tor this port, when about 30 miles I the porthward of Cape Hntteras, on (lie night I flie loth inst . unfortunately sprang aleak: At p clock I’. M. the Schr wns ns usual pumped,but pie or no water wns found in her. At 12 o'clock, In boy was seiit to tlife'caldh to call* the watch, discovered the whter over the cabin fidoiS As l as Iris ktieAs: Thp vessel was settling fait, I the lashings by Which'. m61put wns filled to the homier s neck, wefe immediately tut: The Ilf 11 " and crew with ffi'uhh difficulty were enai [!'!° P'' 1 b° r > with ri feW gallons of water lic.h were m n barrebon deck; undo small quad- | of h>semt,,when the schr went down, leaving “m barely time to escape her. fafe. This waS o clock on thcmorningol the, 16tfi in's’t: In jyawl of a small Vessel; out of sight of land, I lout compass, with hut one oar, slforl of provi- f w With no more dothing than .whit covered I 1 ’ nn ‘* die w ind fresh from the north-west; |se unfortunate individuals, the captain; two in and ii boy,' remained exposed to' the. cold and inching wet, for three days, 'they were relieved f 1 this distressing situation by C'npt. John Jones Psclir from Salem bound to Beaufort, S; C; l'-re (hey were landed Copt Smith, arrived I us city yesterday entirely destitute, and willi- 0, "‘T a change Ol clothing—Georgian'. Pori Wine and Wfnshey; £4 16 hogsheads Philadelphia Whiskey Just received and for sale bv , f dec 28 249 J. B. 11ERBKRT &i CO. Falmouth Flour. * ' Landing from on hoard the schooner Altai Ann, k QUANTITY of Falmouth Flour in whole and J\- half barrels. \ AI.80, * ; 600 Jlushels oj Shorty, which will lie sOldJonv, if. taken from on board. INfSTORE, Haxall’s Ricfiiflend Superfine FI.OUR. dec 28 iA49; PONGKfc:MACKENZIE. Notice. rpHE Anniversary of the Georgia Medical Sn- A qlety, being ou Suturdax the first day oTJan- narv, u paper will be read before the Society, at their room iffthe ChaQinm Ycttdethy, nt one o’ clock, bn the subject or the Fdssil Remains of the Megatherium, found on Skldawdy, Island,In 1823, by Dr. Jnniuii P. Srreveu. The citizens arc res pectfully invited tq nltcnd. WM. H.CUYLEk, Sec’ry Geo.Med.So. dec 28 849 Notice, nnOSuitors, Witnesses uml Jurors of tlm Supe- A rior Court of Chntlmtii County, January Term ensuing—Pleas**, take Notice that iu fconseijuenec of the County Election, Public Sales,and certain duties of tho Inferior Court of said coituty on Monday the third January und attrihg the first week of said month, tlie Superior coiirl will be adjourned over from the third lo the lath,, the Se cond Monday in January next of which ail inter ested will take due notice, and give punctual at tendance. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk. .dec 28 249 EORU1A, Chatham County—l’o all whom it V7 ffiuy concern. ! Wbcreus Levi S. D'LyonhasnppUed to the Hori. . the Court Of Ordinary of Chatham County, for ' letters Of administration on the estate and effects ' of Hczbkiah Winkler, laic of tho State of South ! Carolina as principal credit* r. Tlihsc are. tlrercforo to cite and admonish all and Singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their Objections (if any they I have) to tho granting of the administration of tlie . estate of tlie said deceased to (lie applicant in tlie ! Clerk’s Office of tho said Court, on or before the tweniy-sovontli day of January next;otlier.Vise let- Ibrk of administration will be grunted, i . YVitnessthe Hop. otic of the [ Justice's of thc^uid Court, tlie 27th day of Debem- her, A D. 1824. B. M. BOND, c c o. ,dec28 249, . ... f rililE Subscrihcroffersugain tor Justice of tile ; A Peace in the 3d Bent Company—Cnp’t.Hay- j dens. WILLIAM BELCHER, dee 2.8 249 . Leslie Thompson . , TS a Candidate for Justice of the Peace in Cant. 5 A Hayden’s District, and will be thankful for the' ) suffrages of the Electors resident therein. i dec2R 249. , ...... \ will. c. BARTON, [ TS a cnudiilute for Justice of the t^eace in the 2d 1 A district, Captain GireUon's Beat, nnd solicits . the suffrages ol the Voters residing therein; I dec 17 || 241 l ~ R. W. MTiinnon TS a candidate for Justice of the Peace in the A Second District, Cnpt. Girodon’s Boat, and would he thankful for the support of tlie resident voters on New Year’s,Day. dec 24 247’ TITE ure requested to state thut Husky J. Y’ai.- i VV Kiu, iso candidate fdr Justice of the u Peuce in thn 3d District—Capt. Hayden's beat. . dec 20 243 c TT/E aie requested to Mate, that Jambs Errin' s VY ukk, is a candidate for the Offiilo of Tat d Coilebtor, at tlie ensuing election, u «M C 7 232 TTPE are requested to State, that George ftiiL- V V Lem, is a candidate; for tho Office of Tat Collector at the ensuing Election. lt . dec 11 236 T \7"E arc requested to state, that David Bell e vV isu canaidute, for the Office of Tux Col lector at the ensuing Election, dec 11 .. 23<3 TTfTE ure requested to state, that Adam Core, Y V is u candidate, for the Office ot Receiver oi xTRettims at the ensuing Election. .deoil 23(1 100 .u247 mkctj, ■*'from Hli ip SMtJkHJ nnh\ Blil. '’. Rye Whiskey, for sale .low, nil tlie | GUO. GORDO'', .lours’ Buildings flam* and Tar. rUST, a large supply of Georgia und Baltimore HAMS, ol ii superior quality. ALSO, A few bbls. GKOIKilA TAB. l'or sale by J. G. BBANCE, lei: 24 247 Hillivnson's Whorf. CiSlAl i> i: x t i s r. AS taken his old stun'i in the dwelling orcti- pied by Mrs. I.imheri ori llrou^hlpn, a few - east of I)rayton-st. w here lie will he happy wait upon tliose who may honor him with their infidence. <lee. 27 r.248 ) F an Expedition to tlicsonrcc of the Si l’eters River, l.nkti Winnepeek, Tak e of the Woods .fee. performfcdin tin 1 year )828, liy order ol j Secretary of War, under (lie command nfiVta- 1 Long, UyjW 11 Ruling^. M.2 vols.with plates. Jniinuil of the Conversations of Lord ByrOn, tye. ,dea 27. x248 C. k, J. aCHEN’K. st received per ship Emperor, from Ncw- , . . V ' 'York. ‘ j- ■ X LEG ANT I.afaydttc Glass Lamps ) I'nrious J “ l’lnin I’ut- Sthnll Glass Lamps forcaudlestlcks ) terns. Jdp an Uisli Tuliu Lamps “ Socket . . *• > 'TILvj| Lmnp Wicli nll kinds, Tin Canisters, froin 1 to 3 T v cei1erslnrgeand small, dndfiOO EH.V OIL. for sale low by LAV m IlKNiMUCKSON, Di'uggisWmid Chemists, Slmd's Buildings. dec 20 243 Landing, From ship Oglethorpe, BOXES prime DlglW Herrinji; lUU IN h'lOKL, 30 bills St. Croix Sugar 20 do Loaf nnd Ldnfp Sufear 20 bags Collco h , 30 bbls Baltimore Superfine aild Canal Flour, 20 do Whiskey ' 6 do old 4th proof do’ 20 half bbls Beef nnd Tongues ! 6 do No l ahd 2 Mackerel 2 kegs No 1 nnd 2 Richmond Tobuccd 10 kegs prltne Goslien Biiltor 6 casks London l’orfer 5 hkds prime retailing Molasses 6 bbls Sl'gHr HoOse do 4 dozen Jars Pickled Onions 60 kegs cut Nails, assorted .i Jamaica, W. 1. und N.' E, Rmn Madeira and TertcHfl'e Wine Old Irish Whiskey in Bottles, Teas Powder Si Shot, beinijelir.s, Jugs,.Sit! For sale bp GEO. D. COUNVYELL. dec 14, v241 . . . t,V ■' - . surance Coinpnny. SAVANNAH, Dec. 2d; 1824; N adjourned nidctlng of the Stockholder-! of L this Institution will take place at its Office dec. 3 229 -as matters GEO. SCI1LEV, President. surance Company; SAVANNAH. Dec. 2d, 1824. jF.RSONS holding Bills of this Company 'nr requested to present them for payment forth 229 GEO. SCIILE5, President. J UST received ah additional supply of Zanto Currants, Nuimegs, Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Ginger, Allspice, Black and Cuyaiie Popper, SuperiorJ.ondon Mustard, warranted . Loap und Lump Sugar all of the first quality and for sale by LAY « HEND1UCKSON, ()cc 9?. . 2.46 Corner Congress fy.irititnker.sls, Lost This Morning, I N Ulc Muvket-IIdusc—a red Alorocco Podket Book, considerably worn, containing (wenty- six dollars, and some change, and several papers, of no ute to uuy person but the owner. Tim find* cr will be suitably rewarded by returning it to the subscriber or leaviug it at this Office. dgcJ23,- ,m24Q JOHN ROBINSON,. FirEand .Marine Jnsttraitce npHE Suliscriber continues to nircive propo- JL sals for Insurances iigninst Jire and marine iwkt, for the Chiulcston Tire nba Marine Instir- anqe f ompnnjr—Persons wishing to protect them* Selves,against I*mws, would do well to apply to tbi* ofiice, thtf staiiility of which is well known to be undoubted—the rates of premium low, nnd the payment oflosscs; when they occur, most prompt and liberal. Apply to Homes TurpER, A S e >,/. dficl3 i;237 . .. Domestics, fyc. CASES Plaids und Ginghams 4 bales brown Shirting* 5 “ “ Slicetings 3 “ bleached a 1 case fancy Windsor Soap 110 lihds N. E. Rum [■86 bbls “ “ I -10 qr casks Currant Wine (superior) 7 hlidsNcw Orleans Molasses ■ 6 M. Spunish Segnrs 1*00 hhls Pilot and Navy Bread M. Laths. ;jg low, by B. C. GREENE, ' 14 ||e237 Moore’s Wharf. Fresh Currants, $»(;.' Just Received. I BBt. FrAsh Currants 20 half bills corn Beef for family use' 160 Smoked Tongues 200 Pickled “ CO bbls Whiskey 60 *• N.E.GW 30 « “ Hunt . 10 tiercesGporgia Syrup ... . ^or sale by GAUDRt’& HERBERT, dec 22 *-■■»,.£l£43 . ■ HaVE just received per ship Wm Wallace. LEGHORNS. A general assortment of Misses, Girls and BtiyS Yellow ahd White .Legho'rn Hats very low dnarged. PAPER hanging. A very choice assortment of various patterns, und prices from 37A ct.4. to $1, per piece with borders to match. AMERICAN PLAINS. 4 bales of stout American Plfiiirs, very low. . .. ALSO, Grundy’s a rid Widsh Plni.ns 8-4 nnd 9-4 London Dufflo Blankets' 12-4 and 13-4 Rose do R-'4, 9-4 ami 10-4 Linen Diapers . ... 2 bales French OsnaburgThread t»f a Superior quality. • ^sHKfcL.-AdCTKp’’- i-‘4 Red Flannel nt 31 j cts Plaid Homespun at 124 1 6-4 Mull Muslin at 374 il Merino' and Cashmere Long Shawls, . Waist Ribbons, Linen Cambric, And Cambric Handkerchiefs cheap; ■ Cliinchila Hats, Thread Laces and footings With a general and Well selected assortmentof TAPLE AHD FANCY GOODS, Which they Will Sell low andona long credit, dec ?. cX234 - dfitf ■— —~ Planters Bank. LN election will be held for Thirteen Directors M?. nlh( T' lrt Stockholders at the Bank i"«N [)AY 3d Tanuary next. The poll will he '' Iroin 9 until two,und from three until five K"> I Genuine patent Family Medicines L EES Pills ©ffufenes Mustard Andersons do Chings worm Lozenges Hoopers do’ Thompsons teeth paste James do do eye water Churches cough drops Rogers vegetable Andersons do pulmonic detergent Balsoni Honey Hearletn oil Audlerslcnativo Opodeldoclc Squires elixir Suits Lemons British oil Henrys canc’d mngnesiu Batemans drops, i$-c t j. MAtiftUALL, CasUier. Con conitanUy be had st the store ol JjAY ^ |UBNDIUCKSON r WOOD, F OR sale on Goodwins wharf; nt the lowest rates nnd of the Best quality on application to I I'm. A. Moore who solicits from bit friends and former customers and the public in general a sliar of patronage. dec 2. }r227 . , SAVANNAH tiuLvirpi/i.vii u u-Mm Appear on your Pdriuic; Ground, in full Uniform, coin- plmttly ttrmed and mpiiontti, on S.VtTRDAY, the lit, January next, atpast 9 o’clock, A; M. pre pared to fife for the.'annual Medal 'the animal .contribution will bt required of every member Oil thut day. By order,,.. BAYARD; 1stSerg't. , dec 27 248 S; V.G. Battalion Orders. Tilt Coinpunvs composing For f 5 *: : v Vork, Hi (Kith Riittniion tire hereby ordered to appear on tlie Regimen tal Parade Gtvimid od THURSDAY; 30ih Dec, inst. at Ten o'clock A. M. armed and cqillped according lo law for drill. By orilott»rIsaac D’Lvos, Lt. pot. CM/l Vuttalioii, G.M. .M.-5V..STEW ART, .idj’l. nt Left. G. M. dec 10 (E S T a B li . •. a l . L) L I'it Eq) The regular last sailingpacketslup S V V A N N A ll, TVw. Her be, Master, Will meet with immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having elegantly furnished accommodations, apply to Cnpt. B. on bonrd, at louts’ upper wharf, or to HALL it HOYT. de.c 24 247 .. .. GEORGIA—C1IAT1IAM COUNYY. B V virtue of an order of the. Judges of the In* icrior Court of said County—It is ordered that an Election he held at tlie Georgia Hotel, in the city of Savannah, on SutPcdtiv the 1st day of January next, for two Justices of” llie Peace, for the first heiit Company—the coitipany enilirace ail that section of snid city, west of Montgomery street; extending from tlie* l iver ns fur south ns is incorporated—Poll to open at 10 o’clock, A M. JOHN GARDNER; GEORGE SHICIQ, JOHN G. HOLCOMBE) \ l .: 8 ROBERTS, WM. W. BLACK, HENRY 1LVUPT, Freeholders. dec 18 241 iiegiittentul < Inlcrs. Captains or Cotnmnnd- nnts of the First, Second, Third, mid Fourth Rent Companies are hereby ordered, forthwith loiillby elections all Va cancies of Commissioned Officers, and to appoint or draw non com missioned officers in their respec tive bents; to fake .it correct cen sus of all the men then in; be tween the ages of eighteen and sixty years, designating in sepe rate columns, those who arc eiti zens, those who uve aliens, nnd those who arc d cr the age of forty-five years, All tho Captains or commandants ol Compa nies'of thn first Regiment are ordered to attend (without uniform) at the Exchange lmigrnom.nn Thursday afternoon 13th January allhrec o’clock to compare anil complete their Rolls. The Companies o! the first Regiment are to he assembled on their several parade grounds, and formrd nt nine o’clock in the moi'iiiug, oti THURSDAY.27thuf January-next. | On the firing of a Gun by the Artillery; at half af ter nine, they arc to bc inarched to the ground South West of the Gnot, for drill nnd tn&npuVrc, where their posts will be assigned tothemby the Adjutant, ttl whom Commnwlunls will ‘promptly report the number of files under their conunund. Companies not arriving on the ground when tlie clock hnJ striick ten will With their Officers he re ported as Defaulters. n, Commandants will-lie pgrticulhr in’.hnvinglegal notices given, nnd will , notify to till under their command whan they arc siiminoned for parade, that in cnie of default they are trt anpear liefore a Regimental Court of Enquiry; to be licit! on Thurs day, 10th February, 1826, fit the Exciiangc, and to be. opened at niiie o’clock, A. M.. : Commissioned nnd non Commissioned Staff Officers must appear on the Tannic fully equip ped:' By order J. Mausiiali, Col. 1st Ucg't. M* W. STEWART, Adjutant. dec 24 247 . NOTICE. V N Election will be held at tlie Market House in Ellis’ square in tho city of Savannah on SATURDAY the, 1st day of January next for Uvo Justices of the Peace for the Second Company Bent. Tolls will lie openc precisely ut 10 o’ clock. Three freeholders aw* competent to pre side. CHARLES GILDON, FREDERICK HERB, JOHN WATERS, A SHEET ALL, JACOB SHAFFER, . .. HUGH CASSIDY. Qiinlillcntioris of voters tlu* same as for Mem hers of the Legislature—to he a resident of th> Beat. dee 18 *212 G -:*t St/.'.,) and Cordials. fit, J. B. Hnbcft Sf Co. On THURSDAY, 3btli iiist. nt 11 o’clock, wil> he sold on Holtons Central wharf. 24 lipds Georgia Syrup dl a superior quality. ALSO, Ol A few boxes superior old Cordials, and Yin Grave Wines. Terms ul tiiiid of salt, dec 28 219 LOOKING GLASSES. On WEDNESDAY, 2!>tli inst. nt 11 o’clock. Will he sold before our .store, ’ An invoice of superb Mantle and Tier Glasses direct from the tnifnvifc ufactory: Terms cash! Executor's sale, Ontl/e First Tuesday in JamUtr;/ next, u'ill he sold before the Court lluusi, in this city, bcticua the usual hours uf 10 and 2 o’elael:, the following property., being the PERSONAL ESTATE of Win. Craig, dec. viz.— Ouc Share Steam-Jinat Stock, and Fodi NEGROES, haticlin, Fortune, Jack, and Sylvia. Sold by yei, nissioy of the llotl. the Inferior Court and by ordrte i/Uu E.tectitor. Terms Cash. nov 17 -1^-i Bv Calvin Bilker. On the First Tuesday in January next,at Lt o’clock, will be sold in front oj the Court IToitsr, in this i.ity, A NEGRO WOMAN, a good cook, washer mid ironcr. tfee ‘27 ' 247 £ Plantation and Negroes for salt , The Plantation .belonging to the estate of the late Fleming Akin; situated on tlie little Ogccchee . • ltnowii by (hpnaincofMenihnil, con triiqiiig tIOOucres—4 large propoHion of wliich IS fifst tjudlity Rice arid Cotton land, ... a A With horivenibnt Dwelling. Ne- lC gro 'Unil gin HoiiscK-^stahlc hjwl corn tiinl cqtton houses it* nbinplete ovder. Together with a gang jf twen ty prime field hands—for sale tipon Veiy liberal terms. Application to-be uiuilc to Mr. Jumes Brown on tlie pluce GEO. W. MCALLISTER, Strathy Ilnll, Brvnti county, or C. W. ROCKWELL fcCo. *•; : . Savannah, nov 18 jlfi c . t , Flantal ion. for Sale, Tilt. 1 PJantal ion on the Augus ta Road, six yiiics from Siivnn- naitj comprising fifty-two and a half acres, ahoi’t twenty of wliich is clear ed and inclosed—Tog; Iher uith the buildings Y thcreoii, i tic Hiding a d\voljing l‘> -fif hnciwn as tlm Six Mile house, lljJlwW one of the'best staildson the Aii^tista tSSsMSssl Road for a ’i’avei u, is offered for Sale low. Persons wishing to purchase will please apply* to the stibscrihi r on tin* ]in-nii--e-. dec 14 238 C.F.HUNK. NOTICE. L N Election will he held at tlu*. house of W RoiiKivrsos. in tlie. city of Savannah on SAT URDAY the 1st January 1825, for two Justices of the Peace for the dtli coirindhy herit. Polls will he opened at 10 o’clock. e; JACKSON. WM. PARKER. JOHN MILLER, WM. GASTON, .IAS.S. BULLOCH; GEO.W. OWENS, I.DAVKNl'ORT; P. GUFRAUD. dec 21 2 14 Notice, \ N Election willhe lirld nttlie Court Hoiisi* in . the City of Savannah, on SATURDAY’, the first day of January next for two Justices of the Pence for the Third Company Brat. Tolls will be opiited precisely at lOnVbbTR Three Freehold ers ate Competent to preside. JAMES MORRISON FRED’K DENSLER, T.BRA8CH, T. N. MOREL, l f G. W. ANDERSON, i JAMES M HENRY. J ^ N. B. Qimlificaiiorl ol voters the same us for Me nib era of the Legislature—to lie a ressdent of the Bciit. dec 13. J237 R E ci[ Salary of .$60A nnd “ 600 400 and Cotton Plantations; For stile, tho Plan tation on which the iPiaasiiLiiiF^ 3 Academy and Boarding School. M R. PHILLIPS has the honor to inform the public and particularly those ladies and gen tlemen who intend placing their children under his tuition that lie will open SCHOOL on JlfOA’- DA V the 3d of January next, in the upper part of the House, at the S. YV. corner of Col. Shad’s Buildings, Johnston's Square, dec 2i 244. Classical and English ©umaaiiiB^ WT^HE subscriber informs his friends and the ii public that lie lias removed his Seminary for young Ladies and Gentlemen, to Congrc« Street, within two doors qf Whitaker Street, and one. of Johnson’s Square, whore lie has taken Hint large room lately occupied by Messrs CitAimToir fc Siikktai.i., as a Laic Office,—and ran acco'iiiiiio- datc a few additional ])U)iils.. Forterms apjily lo the suhs’eriher, at the School Room. 4f , . HENRY MACDONNELL. dec 21 . |[o244 .. ; Laurel Saw Mill. rpiIE above Mill is now in complete order, and X will cut and deliver at SaVaiumli, or at the plantations on the river, lumber of every descrip tion wanted. Apply to HORACE KIRBY', Savaiinah, or to JACOB READ, Drakie’s Plantation, dec 13 237m||&4xf * *, Timtfl I ’i ’i ' Tr r 1 ~ • i ' iti ti'i 1 For Sale, A BOUT ten thousand fed White Oak Plank from two to four inches thick. ’, A quantity of Pine iVoud, at reduced prices, dec .8 > 232 D. A. STROBI1AR. Wanted to Hire. A FEW good Axmen by the. month or year— Apply tu YV. Bird, or I). A Strobhar, Camp’ Jack, or to R. A. BIRD, Wav lie's Wharf. dec 7 .. 232 Wanted to Hirefoi* 1« Months. A WOMAN and BOY r . The woman us Cook and Washerwoman, and the lioy to attend at Table, Sic. They must bo well recommended. Apply to Mr. PHILLIPS,, at. Capt- DouvilleV, Johnson’s Square. | SPks or. 2T suliscriber resides; called rfnd known by tile name oFNew ton, having on it a well finished Dweilii House, witli eight rooms, besides a basement Sto ry with four rooms; and a good Overseer House, Barn, Cotton House, and other cbnvenient build ings ; and a never-failing sp'Hjig of excellent wa ter At.'fit. The Two adjoining Planta tions called and known. h’y the namespflj.iMriETiiandDr.AN Fouest,' each having improvements thereon. The three plantations arc within seven miles of Savannah, on (he Great Ogecliee Rond, and con tain about two thousand and l.liree hundred n- cres: about five hundred acres of which is prime rice land, within Banks, atulahout five hundred acres of cleared good cotton und provision land; n greater part of which is enclosejlby pretty good fences. The land will be divided to suit a pur chaser if desired* A part only of tlie purchase mo ney will lie required, and a liberal credit given for the 'balance, tlie purchaser securing payment by a mortgage. F.or terms and conditions en quire of GEO. JONES, dec.16 ca240 Dissolution. T HE Partnership heretofore existing in this city between the subscribers tinder the firm of Petersen, Ilmnmovd 4* Co. expires by its own lim- itutien on lst'Jnnuary, 1825. N. -M. PETERSEN, OGDEN HAMMOND, FRED. JAILNCKE, By his Attorney Ogden Hammont'*. All demands against the .firm must be rc'iidcred, and all'outstnmliiigpnyincnts made to the Subscri ber who is fully authorised to settle the same- deed 281 OGDEN HAMMONIJ, jExtract from an Ordinance, Passed December i^th, 1866. A ND be it further ordained, That from and af ter the 24th day of the .month of December until the second day of Janurffy next, and in each succeeding year not more than two negroes, or o- ther slaves (rom one and the snrne plantation shall he permitted to come within the limits of the ci ty on the same day,6y night; and if more than two negroes beloligingto the same plantation shall be seen or found within' the limits of the city on any day or night from tlie 24th qf Dec. to the . 2d of January next! ensuing, even though they may have tickets they shall be apprehended and im prisoned by the city marshal, orsuperintendant of the city \VtifchV or any. one ol the members of the watch, oV city coiistiiirfes, ahd shall remain in pri- ?bh until discharged, urid rojsts paid. - ,, SOLOMON GUBflPj Vk.ftrtA'.m: 48$ts ■ life r - NOTICE. EfoRDER lltyTre usurer City Marshal (•lerk of Council Clerk of C. P; and O..T; ■ Shcriff.of “ “ Sup. of City WntcH $55 pet* montU Dep.sup. “ “ 45 “ “ 1st Serg’t “ “ 23 “ “ 2d “ “ “ . 25 “ « Messeiiget of Council 100 iutd Fe Sexton 150 . >* Clerk of the Market Keeper of Iho PoWderMagnEine *> Contractor fot*sweeping chihiniea, City Scavenge!*, (by contract) Keeper of the City Clock, (by contract) Port Wardens Fees. A City Gauger—and proposals for lighting (he Lamps for one year. Applicants for any of the. above offices will hand in their applications to the Clerk of Council on or before (lie firstregular meeting of Council in January next, as on that day the elections will take place. SALOMON COHEN, dec 20 243 c. c: pro. tint. City Mursliul\s Sale—continued. On the first Tuesday in January next, \\rtl.L be sold in front of the Court House, . W between, the usual hours, if the amount m • fines imposed by council arc not paid, the tolloW ing property. Two small buildings on tbe west halt ofjpl letter Hi Oglethorpe Ward, bounded east by east half iff said hit, west by o lane, north by Zubley-st. und south by lot letter F. levied oe as tlie pr*iperty ot Mary Gurnet!, to satisfy 9 executions issued by life, mayor of tho city, against Mary Garnett for enter- lailling.iicgroVs otl Sundays, aud retailing liquor without iiilviug ii licence. Amount ot fines, i?27f>7 ,nd cost. F. M.'BTONE, Marshal. *' H..e. »4 . . 1>-U ' S' 10 Dollars Reward. »R11E House ofthi! subscriber was entered yoj. terday afternoon, lietween three and foi<i* I'elock, end between $40 and $50 token from .a trunk, the principal part of which was 6Q and 25 citnt pieces—the remainder in bills the dcnoininu-, lion of which is not recollected. The thief is supg posed to have got into tile House through a back !..v.. The above reward will be given for the apprr-. Iieiisiou of tlie thief und reeoveiy of tho money, or (5*5 for either. YV. YV. OATES. ' Ice 2*1 a247 * - NOTICE. V Small Family can he accommodated with, genteel lodgings in a private family. Ladies will also he received us boardenon mgt derate terms. Apply to the Editor. ’ dec 20 243 ^ Wanted, T AND to purchase or Rent sufficient for twelvo 1_J working bands, enquire of L S D'Lvox,Es^ Saynininji; dec 20 . m243 W The Paragon Poll Tlill, ILL beat Rice on tlie most accommodating terms. Apply to llORAf'C KIRBY, Savannah, or to dec 13 JACOB READ, Drakies Plantation. '237 . 1 Bank State Georgia. SAVANNAH Dec. 18, 1821. 5»i |4IH$ Bank will eject a Teller, withusnlnry of i$I440 to fill flit* vacancy Occasioned by the. resignation of J.P. Henry, on Friday the 31st inst. .Bond, with two or more sufficient securi ties,Tor $15,000.will be reqiiired—applicalioiis must be handed in, previous to the day of elec- . \ I'OKTEK, l n-lii* r. dec 18 ,242 Bank of Daiieii, Dec. 14. 1824. A N efectidn for Five Directors, on tlie part of tlie Individual stockholders for the ensuing year, will be held at tlie Banking house, on Mon day the 3 • January next The poll will ho open ed at 9 o’cldck.A.M. and closed nt2 o’clock,P.M. F.BEN, S. REES,* Cashier. ftp The editors of the Savannah Republican and Georgia Journal will insert the above until the election and forward their accounts to this Bank for payment, Painting, Glazing, etc. rril-lE Subscriber continues to carry on the J. PAIXTI.XG, OLAZI.XG and GILDI.XG business in all its dift’erent branches, at his old stand corner of Broughton and Bull-streets. lie keeps constantly on hand a general assort- ni,-ut of ^ii.T GLASS of all sizes. All kinds of PAINT OILS, 4 c. •. ’*■ .?> '•*- ■’ A. BAIN, no*. I - 16 . YHALg A Plain Cook, Washer & Ironer T O hire by the year. For particulars', apply to W T.WILLIAMS. dec 9 134 ;* .'", American Cough Drops. ^T|mSMedicine, is a safe' lin'd ccrtnin Cure for i-L Coughs, Colds, Asthmas', and Consumptions, in their early stages and prepared entirely from American Plants.. ’■ *■ • Many. persons in this City have been greatly relic,vcd.from obstinate coughs by its use. A sap- ply has just been received, and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Shad s Buildings. dqc 22 245 JLumb'er, ' Factorage and cvnir mission Business. rnHE Subscriber continue • 'he Lumber, Factor;■, .L age nud Cinlmfflion Business, at his old* stand near the. Union Ferry Wharf; and tcudcmliMf services lo his friends and the public. IIo will also attend to the HF.-PA 1 KiNG and. GOMPIU.3S(,NG of CO 1 TON,his cotton press bf^ ing in coirqilete order. Oct 30 201 JNO. F.VERINUTJ AM _ T Lost; Supposed to have been stolen, F ROM the subscriber on tho Evening of the 8th inst. between the 6 nnd 7 mile posts, on the Louisville Road, a Black Morocco Pocket Book, containing a note of hand given by Elijah Fox, for $195, dated sometime in' J'819 and due in 1820. An execution against William Lee, for House rent, in favor of John H. Mofell, Esq. and paid by Philip R. Douglass, and held *>Y him a- gainst Said Lee, for $22 50.' Also, articles of a- greement with Ebin Jenckcs for the hire of a ne gro; Woman Tamer, for the year 1823, amount $50.' Besides several other notes, accounts, Sic. which is not recollected, that can be of no use to any one. but the owner. YVhoever will return the said Pocket Rook and its contents, shall be liberally rewarded and no question's asked. >i;g; JOHN DOUGLASS, ... Louisville Roadj 11 miles from Savhf ):• ■St. is® A© IS Su :.:.a AT tl’ALTHOURPILLE, LIBERTY-COUJfTYy, THE Public are respectfully inform ' I, that the, ltcv. Mr. Riti.ev has been appointed PriucW pal of the above-named lnstitutiou : 51 v M. Jon.k,*, paving resigned. Instruction in the branches ill sually taught in Academics will commchce ou th*r first MONDAY' in January next. Term f Tuition: Latin und Greek Languages, $9 per quartej^s. English Grammar, Arithmetic, ,, Geography, History, Com- ; position, - - - $71 “ “ Spelling, Reading and Writing,"-■ 6 “ WaBY ' ■ ; S. J. AXSON, Ghnirtnqn, dec 22 i*245 of Commissioners. — - . Notice. i > MO enable the assignees of Mr. *t Tea- L nek, to make at an early period a Oitul dTvi' (lend; it is requested that all clainis u * is; him;, be presented to their agent Mr, Thomas G. Mil- leu, by the FIRST DA V OF JAMAH Y YLX7V otherwise they will be dehareil; It is hoped IbajT those indebted will see the necessity of making an immediate, settlement. JAMES MT1ENRY, GEORGE RELPIl, JOHN fi. REID, JtTKi ; Assignees of W. Turner.' • ; . nov 8 208 fj, % JOSEPH Gb BLAi\< E, WilliaMson’s wharf, O FFERS for Sale—Sugar 1st aud 2d quality Loaf and Lump “ Molasses, Coffee, Pepper, Pimento, Cognac Brandy, HMltod Gin, Jam. and Northern Rum Rye Whiskey, Northern Gin, Lamp Oil, Demijohns, Nos. l and 2„Muokerel, in whole und half .<£• , *1)017614 “3 11 in bbls.' x Flour in bbls. and half “ Buck YVlidat Flour in bbls. and half bbls. Salt in sacks, Iron, American nnd.English YVbite Load Hums and flitches* Bacon Powder in Kegs and Cannistcrs, or by the Pouud ^ . t Nails in Kegs, or by the lb. Casks Ch'eH3e,'boxes Candles, Tea, Lard, Butter, . .. _ •’ y Fine and Negro SHOES, 1st quality. ALSO, A quantity of fine nnd coarse CLOTHING. Together with a general assortment of , (IIlflMi, ■ And all other articles in the' Grocery line. dee 9 234 * CROCKERY. T HE subscribers continue to file orders for CRACKER V of any description on advan tageous terms. Persons wishing to order for the Spring would do well to hand in their orders as early as the month of January. -nov 25 222 J. B.HERBERT 3t CO. A LL those who are indebted to Hector Mac Donald late of Savannah, In IVotes, Due Bills, and open Accompli, are requested to mafce immediate payment, to - AND’W SMITH, nov 6 l226 / Hi