Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 28, 1824, Image 4

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Administrator's sale. On the first Tuesday iti January ntxl; ti sold nt Hie Court Home, in the \ y County of Effinghnija, between the usual iionrlofsale. , , , Xw o negroes n Follow nnd n \*oiu*ii, namcii ;,!.t (1 and Fanny. Aiul also all thi* right tillo n: i* Interest of William Joseph Spencer, dcc’ih ot in a d to a negro woman named Amy, and her v;, ,j l orn, and dispossession thereof. I In* above r j|t ;t< (In* properly of Wm.Sponger, doc'd. by nrd of the lion, the Judges of the Court ot Or- tii::;%ry for the County of j ilFmgham. tor the.bene- /; t of the heirs and creditors oi tin* said dec d.— 0 Jit 10119 made known on the day ot sale, viov g KLIAS UFED, jBmV. ates—continu «. i-<y iii January next, l,b !>,■ sold at the court house, in Savannah, between the usual boms of sale, Lite following jjcki-os Deliln, it ml her 8 bildron, Lucinda, Mary and Anthony, levied on property of K le»,;.r Curly, to ritis y nil oxc- ul ion in favor of the Hank of the United States \ negro man named .loo. levied on as the pro- vtv of Joseph C. Ilahersbam^under u ft la on >reclosure in I’aVor of Davis *: Berrien. Lite following Seven Negroes, via: Lena, Ester, rob, Sinah, Adam, Daphne nnd .lohn, levied on is the property of F.'izubeth Whiting, io satistviin xeeution in favor ot \\ iIiis It. Franklin, ugjninsl Shcriii ’s sales. On the first Tuesday in February next, V K71LL be sold at the court house in the city of \ V Savannah between the hours of 10 and *1 O'rloek. 18 negroes viz, Charlotte, Bae.cus. Eve. Tennli, 't , is. Sambo, Nuro, Itelindn, Dorcus, Isaac, s. Sippio, Carfus, Cloe, Peggy, Anne, Betty, i .Monday, levied on by consent us the proper- •. of A'. («. Kntlierford, under n ft fa on n tpreclo- L :*re of u mortgage in favor of the Bank of Darien. ISAAC D’LYON, see. 4 230 Augustus F. Durkee, mid Elizabeth Whiling. fhe southern half of lot No. 32, Klbert \iard; lutltern half of lot No. 37, Liberty ward: Sold the proper! v of the late William Shaw, deed, under a deciee ol the lion. Superior Court ol Chat- in County. Conditions, a credit of one and two years—the purchaser giving bond and mort gage on tile property. I. O’LYON, s. c. e. tec U -236 Oi City S'licrili’’s sales. the • Jnyin January next. ' fore the Court House in the nuh between the usual hours iek, fable Linen, Bed Linen levied on as the property of two executions for house cr Early and assigned to J '5 T HU, 1m sold 1 'y V City of Save of ten and three n’v Sundry articles o P'atbd Ware. ice. is tJrran Bvrd to satis ■•"Mil in tayor o! Eli !> Ilevhert (t co Ail that building on part of Trus< Lot letter (A Darby M arti, bounded south by Congress street, east In the residence of Geo. Millen, Esq. west by lit -lore occupied by .Mayersic Hamilton, north hv one portion of-aid lot. levied on as the proper- tvbfjohn Willson to satisfy an execution in fa- > ; of Ann It. Edwards fot ground rent. ' i!,-e 3 230 A. I, D’LYON, City Mur: dial's sales, O N the firs! fnesday in Januury in front of the Court-House", between the usual hours, will be sold, the following property, if the taxis s not paid : Wharf lot No. 8. Washington ward, bounded st by lot No. !*. south by Bay-street, west by lot >o. 7. and north by riser, levii dona the property of Site estate of l’at. Stanton, to sat is the city taxes of said estate lorthc years l^JI. :md 1822, amount tax Si"-' and cost. Buildings on south lialtoflot no.-10 : leviedon the property ol Benjcniin Sitettall. to sati.-ty , city taxes for the years 1823 and 182 L A- niouot due tjH7 50, ami costs. Buildings on lot no.24, Elect ward, levied on as the property of J. 1. sali-ly bis city lxes for the years 1823 und 1S2-I. Amount due .-S33 43, and costs. dee 18 F. M :-TONE. Marshal. SheriiPs stile. On the f,r tTuesday in February next, “S"*," I LI, he sola at the Court House betw VT tho hours cl ten and four o'clock, the fol i ing three N egroes, vfz: .Alary, otherwise known by the name of Con On.tee. and her tw i children Lucy und Kez'inh le vied On under a forecli sure of a mortgage as the •Ir'opcity of William K. Holland, to satisfy Gaudrv ts. DuMure. I. D’LYON, s c dee 3 229 wm Shorill’s stiles. O' t the fir it Tuesday m January next, H L L lie sold at the court bouse in the cit; V • Savannah, between the hours of 10 an O’r'.'ck. , A'; tliat parcel or tract of land in the county rh.viinm, State of tteorgia, known in the plan of ‘ .i.i -.-minty us ttnrd'-n Lot No. eighty, (80) ta containing 1 l.j acres mole or Ic-s,bounded on the :• -rib by tie Thunderbolt Bond and lands of Ja ’ '. On thesouth by lands of Jno. Scriven, and on the west by a road leading to land, of Col .fas Johnstons and Others, with the appurtenance the y to appertaining, levied on as the property of .'Im.nas K. Broom, to satisfy aft fa on u foreelo sj- ■ of a m rtgage in favor ofWm.T. Williai Sevunly-livc. acres of .and and improvement V. bile Bldjf dist. Chatiiani County, levied on a ll . . ropvrty (iovan, to satisfy an cxecu L • i in favor of Henry Haupt, et. ul.,. A- negro man mimed Le'ter, levied on as the ri i erty of John W mnnek to execution : i i w.rol Henry AL Alpin, vs. John W'omackand *‘i M. Craig, s' cunty, etrd. ■e hundred aitiUltirly acres of land more s, White Biuil' Chatham County, le on as the property of Chns. 15. Jones to s execution in lavorofThoi. Walton, i. uldings on lot No. 1*, Spring Hill with the tin expired lease of said lot, hounded south hv lot No. ■ "st by lot No. 8, north by Oake street, and v>esi hv I'raukli.u-st. levied on by a constable as the property of W nt Lichardson to satisfy several e:«ei utions in favor of Richard B..well ct al and turn'd over to me. I. D’LYON, sc c I c4 . 230 10 At this season of the year, when it is so high ly proper and important to cleanse the Stomach and Bowels of redundancy of bile, and all perni cious inul ruinous owAfniulations, the proprietors of LEE’S most e cellent ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, would very respectfully advise the use of several doses of them, and thereby in many instances pre vent Ithad-nchi's, sickness at the stomach, obsti nate obstructions of the bowels, scorching fevers, LEE’8 NERVOUS CORDIAL, tin excellent medicine for all nervous affections, weakness, pains in loins, hack, 4yc. I,EE'S ESSENCE OE MUSTARD, no medicine ever excelled this in curing rheuma tism, sprains, bruises, trusted teet, V- Ai' LEE'S AGUE AND LEVER DROPS. a never failing cure. LI E'S SOVEREIGN OINTMENT, warranted to cure the itch, by ouiy one upplien lion. LEE’S PERSIAN LOTION, an cx- ci ll.-nt medicine for curing totters, ring worms, prickly iteal; softens the skin, und improves the complexion. LEG’S WORM DESTROYING LO- ZF.NBES, a most powerful Medicine, remove and destroys all kinds of worms. LEE’S ELI \Ell, tin invaluable roedi cine, it never fails to cure the mo-t violent cold, and affords instant 'Ojl great relief, in all obstinate Coughs, it also relietrs v'oung children from chitl- Ir AUGUST Gr. OKMIiUR, H AS removed his DRUB STORK, tothe corner of lirouglilanand iihil ibtr-SIredt, opposite. Col. Shrltmnn’i Mansion House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of Fresh Medicines and Garden seeds, and various other articles suiting his line, lie ab stains relating the whole string of names of Uhe things lie oilers, and only mentions a lew winch are not commonly found in every Drug Store, viz: Fol. Sabina, Py rala Umbellate, Dcgitulis Purpurea. Scutlcap, Hyssop, (iermn-t Leopard's Bano, (arnica niontiuta) F.lecinnpaue, (Inul:'. Heleuitim) Hops, F.rgOt. Tontintn Beans. Squire's F.lixir. Dally s Kiixir. Mustard, I'.ss. 'Lyre, Jesuit Drop, Chute lie's Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegar, Toilet, Vegetable, and other Soaps, Macassar Oil, Phosphorus, Ox Mur. Potnssr, James's Fever Powders, Infantile Powders, Head's Stiptir,Spirits Soap, Fumigating Pastils, Pyroligtitous Arid, Black Drop. Bespectingthe utility of this last article, he refers to the Inst, hut one, page of thetieorgin undSouth Carolina Almanac, of this year pet a - - E0i>G!A 5p,V;?cb r«»«»«•_.5- thr t- £ VX bte the court of ordinary of 'aid counly. To all whom it tUay eoaeet n. ere Whereas Robert Burton, ndmmistratdfof the stale of Stephen Denmark deceased lintli appli ed to tile said Court for letters disinissory Irom lid mlmiiiistratioii. These are tlierofore to cite and admonish all id singular the kindred and creditors of tho said iissed, to file their objections (if any they have) in the oilier of Ihe clerk of tills court with in the time prescribed by luiy» otherwise letters dtsmiesory will lie granted dm applicant. W itm-ss the honorable Sldjphcrd Williams, one the Justices of said court'uils 3d June, 1824. FLY KKNfNLDY, c eo it c. jutto 4 132 1187 LEE’S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE CIFIC—An eficctual cure for the Venereal and (•onorim'it. LEES’ TOOTH-ACHE DROPS— which rive immediate relief. LEE’S TOOTH POM’DER—AVhicl cleanses nnd beaii'.il’u - the t -rth. LEE’S EVE WATER—A certain City Murshiirs sales—continuctl On the tint Tuesday in January next. \TTII.I, be sold before the court hotue in th \ V city of Savannah, between the h md 4 o'clock. Lots tio.2'A and $>,Columbia ward, 60 by 90 nch lot bounded cast by Jot uo. 31, outll Ly a me. west by Habersham Alma north by York treet;rc-eetered up in ns the property ot the es- ate of F. Likin, for 4 quarters n ot each lot. Lot no. 25, Biow n ward. 00by 90 teet, bound 'd cast by iot no. 2!, su-ath Sty Perry-st' west by otim. 26, and north by a lane, re-entered upon the property of C. H. Ilaydcn, for 12 quarters rent. Lot No. 31. Libe ty ward,GO by 90 feet, bound- I east by lot No. 30,‘south by a lane, west by lot No 32, mil north by York st. re-entered upon as rp'-ity of tiie t-itaie of Joan 11. Doubell, for 12 quarters rent. '.,1 \., 32. i.ihertv word.60by..90feeLbpundr :?st by lot No. 31, south by a lane, west by West Broad-st. and north by York-st. re-entered upon as the property ot The estate of. John 11. Dedbell, for 12 quarters rent. Lots Nos. 17 and 18. Franklin Ward, 60 by 90 fecteach, boundedcnatby .letfersoh st. south hv St Julian-st- west by Franklin square, and ncrtli hv Itryan-st. re-entered upon as the property ol I S Fell, lor 8 ip s. each lot. • F. M. STONE, c. m. dec 18 242 LEE’S ANODYNE ELIXIR—For HALL & HOYT, HHDS. prime OFFER BOR SALE, and 2d quality St Croi Sugo ■d Plates LEE’S CORN PLAI9TER—For re aving and destroying corns. LEE’S LIP SALVE. (LTlNtuncrous cases of cukes could he annex 1. of the happy nnd good effects that have tol- .wedthe use of the above JUSTLY CELEURA- I’F.'D FAMILY MEDICINES, hut the publisher not room for thr.m in tills paper. Pitmae to observe iohuit mr, and iclicrt ever you buy none can he Lee's Genuine Family Modi vines, without the rivnature of the proprietor, NOAH RIDGELY, Late Michael Lee 4" Co. The above famous family medicines are ftr ale by . DR. A. DELAROCllE, Senr. Druggist, Savannah Who lms just received a fresh supply from Balt! more. •bet 7‘A 186 Lump Oils, Lamp VVSck, Glass TA 11F, Subscribers have just received per ship xciaux’s Wharf, H AVE lately received and offer for sale on ac commodating terms,'^ Cognac, Brandy, Holland Gin Of every variety and Pattern. StW 50 hblj “ “ 70 hags prime green Coffee 30 crates blue mid green eil; 10 tons Iron assorted 6 pipes Cognac Brandy 6 “ HollapdGlH 8 hhds Jain. Ktim hafi'pipes.qr casks,and i qr casks Wine 3n I.oat 30 coils Bale Rope 200 Grindstones 201111 hit,h.-I- Maryland Corn 800 “ Loner Island White, eqtml to Geor gia Flint Corn ikiV 22 219 ah . Administrator’s sale! A 'ILL he sold at the late residence of Allen . t Denmark, deed, late of Bulloch County, on 1st Saturday in February next. '. m- following tracts of laud, amounting to 3,- - acres, situate tit the County of Bullock nnd . -diiitely on the MillodgeviUe road, thirty five - from Savannah, viz : i.'!ie tract containing one hundred acres, more • i- -s, with a comfortable Dwelling House, kitch- :. -tables and curu houses—Fourteen hundred -• adjoiningJlie above described tract, being former residence of the late -Major Stephen mark—on this tract is a 2-v.oMiag bouse, corn rasa, store hour;; at:d k-.ichuii-wiih goad stables, . an excellent stream and mill site, whereon a d lias been for many years, hut out of repairs ". -sent: the mill stones and mill irons will he i.i at the same time ( 'ne other tract adjoining the above, whereon dunce lately resided, containing five hundred 1 thirty acres, with comfortable buildings and oases, one other wood land tract Containing - -n htmdred ai-.res.ioiie lot in the first District !" ' ton, containing 202.', acres, No. 116, oneot!i- 1 J?( in the Silt district Early containing 250u- No.-231. Terms of sale, 12 months credit with a mortgage I lie premises and small notes and approved ■irity. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary d i'nlloch County. Any person wishing to pnr- t- can view the tirenthcB by application to the ... -cdoers. ROBERT BURTON, Adtn’r MARY DENMARK, Adin’x. dee 4 230 ENCF. "1 l.imia:.K):i. l’i. jiperm-i.;, •e-.l, Cloves, Lavender, Fetiael and gas-; fr.ts 5'J do'/icit Cologne. Water For -ale by Dr. A. I)C LAROCHE, pruggist. On the Bav opposite the EJtchungei dec I 227 The suiiscKUiKR, jjjTAS i*eceivt.(i by late arrival?, a comp JTA general ab^onmeiit uf ' • t 11 O IV, ofalmosleverv description,as ul.-o a fresh supply of SHU* ( HANDLER V, which will he disposed of on the most aceoinmo dating terms. , '.f, ' ■ v - -ggjfc. stqit.a, Fresh superfine IT-OL'R, and a few thousand buitafit Virginia of ad excellent quality. The subscriber intends kecjiinv a constant sup ply of these articles. VV.M. TAYLOR nov 17 x21." mpevor, A general supply of Vniitcr, Fall and Summer strained Lamp Oil. Breltaned Socket Lamps') Jupaniu Dish do Glass do > do Peg do I do Latayettc do J Globe Lamp Glasses l’miclt Chimney do for Billiard Rooms and Theatres Lamp Wick of every description Together with Tin Lamp Feeders, Tin Canisters fur huijp'Oil, and every other article suitable for (Up convenience of Light. The whole of which c inipfii n a more complete assortment than has 1 .i-i- in in exhibited in this city, and are offered for side at prices to correspond with the times. Th*1 public are very respectfully invited to call mid examine them. LAY St HENDRICKSON, Clfcmisls and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. nov It 210 Elegant & choice I’crtunierv, «!cc Adniimstrator’s sale, On the first Tuesday in January next, X T71LL he-old before the Court House in the V V City of Savannah, the follow ing properly. Leinir the realvstate of Andrew APLean, late of 7'iiathum County, dec'd for the benefitofthe heirs iiiid creditors, pursuant to an order of Court. One tract of land, containing 800 acres adjoin ing lands of Francis Tufts, James Rasco, and Ma- ry shares, known ns Jonathan and John Fox’s fi'm-ts,’ iihoul'12 ntllcs from Savannah. > 'tie vacant lot in fee simple, situated in Ewens- barg, on Margarel-xl.Savannah, known by No. 28. :»ne Ditto, also fee simple, situated in do. and known by the No. 21, with udwelliag house nnd i- ! " r improvements thereon. Lot in Ricehorottgh, Liberty counly. I purchasers ghfing bond and mortgage, nay 1 one, two and threeyeais,with interestlrorr ud personal security. GEO. GLEN, 30 201 Adm’r est. Andrew MT.aue Ran aw a^’ a ■ pic 2Cth tilt, a yellow tellow (namedTOM) x V belonging to Prince Cnndy a colored man u : i -iujier in this place. Turn is about5feet 10 inch high, visibly,pitted in the face with guu- ) del’, resembling small pox, and about 25 years m i. information has been lodged that he Is'liar l.-oUved on board u ihiiing smack offTyhee. 'i i'li i-i,l reward will he given for the apprehen sion of Total or sufficient testimony to convict tl. c in whose employ lie may now he. SAM’L STILES, Guardian. de- Filt.y Hollars Reward, 1X7111, be paid for tin- apjireliciision am » v livery ot the follow ing Negroes to the Sub scribersj li' ing in liourke < iinly, ot any safe Jtii so we 1 an get them—or a liberal reward will L given tor any part of them, to wit. -Monittan bright .Mutal'.o man, about 35 years old, rathe slender made and of keen apprehension, and hi wife Hannah a black woman about 45 years oil with a scar on one side 01 iirr face, the properl of Josep.’i lliiir-s—fieri mi '.fi-ii-nu about 4.5 year- old, small and well set and filed teeth, With a sear one arm, and his wife Sylvia about 33 years ot age, pretty heavy to Iter hei g>it.— They took of 3 ( hililren Ben, Dave and Hetty;'the children of Ben und Sylvid, two of the children belong to the Estate of Smith Stringer- deed, the other child and Ben and Sylvia to Abner Belclter. They broke topic a iurge Catioe on Titr-day tlie 28th Si-ptemhcrfast, at Stephen’s Bridge, Burke Cpuri- i y< iuw 1 we tiling will aim down the River to the JMarshyi Country, below Savannah, a-i Beti v.ii« fccgjlit up there nnd has oqcermiaway and got hi: wife and children hack there and w ere apprehen ded and pul in Savannah Jail, not two years ago, —One of the men took oil’ u Gun theothera Pis tol with them. JOSEPH HINES ABNER BELCHER. ocl 14 189 fJJIIE Subscribers have received pr brig Ann L Schooner Intrepid nnd ship Corsair, a fresh supply ofChoiee rerfumery, consisting of Otto of Roses in elegant gilt bottles of vari ous patterns . ' -M Macassar, Russia, Bears and Antique Oils Pomatum in Pots and Rolls Rose, Orange flow n and Lavender Water Rose,Benjotn, Musk, Olive, Vcnacular, Palm t'e »Ceylon, Bandana, Ti en -parent, ■ 'Ffirfegafed, bob F.ntdt-h W irioaor Soaps, Wash Balls, Naples shaving Soup in rots Shaving Cukes, 4'C " Pocket, line teeth anil dressing Combs, new Patterns Hair Powder arid Powder Pufix Pocket Books arid Pocket Wallets, with and without spl ines V® La Fayette and Silk? Stock*, Elastic Wire and Coburg Stilfiu-rs, Silver Wire Tenth Brushes with gilt baud Toiingo Scrnpers, Nail, Cloth, Hair and Shaving Brushes, Cut Glass Smelling Bottles, Visiting Curds, Metal Shaving Boxes. Floating Tapers of every description, ykjl BBLS. llaxnlls Flour 20,000 best Spanish Scgars •20 half bids corned Beef put up forfatnilir 20 do Goshen Butter 00 hags prime Green Coffee 30 hhls do do do 20 boxes white Havana Sugar 25 hhds prime St. Croix do ,V 1 50 Uhls do do do 40 do do Muscovado do 60 do Rvc Whiskey 10 hltds do tl<> 5 do N.^E. Bum • 10 pipes GogoqWratidy 0 do best Hollands Gift 40 bbls N. K; Gin 20 do prune Pork 60 do new Mnckerel No. 3 60 boxes yellow Soap 40 do New Bedford Sperm Candles 20 kegs Slmt„assorted 100 do Duponts Powder 60 half kegs do do 110 bags Black Pepper 20 boxes fresh Chocolate, No. 1 60 kegs Spiced Salmon With a general assortment of GROCERIES, x GAUDRY U HERBERT. JENNE Y A* iX>U G LAS Anci Jamaica and St. Croix Rum 4 hhds N. E. Rum , Wiues, Coffee, Teas, Chocolate Sugars, Molasses Beef uml Pork Butter, Cheese and Lard 30 boxes Soap 10 “ Tallow Candles 140 “ Sperm “ new • 10 hhds best Sperm Oil Ilhds and bbls Train Oil 40 n-nins Wropping Paper, 2000 lbs Codfish 20 hhls No. 1 Mackerel 20 “ 2 “ 20 “ 3 “ 15 half bbls 1 " 10 “ 2 «* 10 hhls Rye nnd Corn Meril Pilot and Groat Breud 1000 lbs Hams Cordnge, Corn Brooms—Nails Thin and heavy Sole Leather for ships use Flour in whole and half bbls. 250-bbls Potatoes . Glauber Salts, first qual. in bbls and boxes Herring, Salmon, Tongues.nnd Sounds White Beans—Vinegar Loudon and American Mustard Fine BOOTS and SHOES Course do do SEAMEN’S CLOTHING, And many other articles at Retail nov 23 tr221 MX tsUVITY. In tho 6th Circuit, Court, IJ, g. District or O*-'.. * a -lo all w hunt it ( EOKUIA—Chatham County T intiy ci'hgcrn. W itercas Caroline Mastot'oti lias applied to Hie lLiuorahle the Court of Ordinary of Chatham minty, for letters of mlniinislration on the estate and effects bf.William Maslerson late of Sitvan- ali, stone cutter, deed, as widow of the .said dec. lose are therefore to Cite and admonish all and ingulm- the kindred and creditors of the said dec. to file their objections, (If any they have) to the granting of the ailministrotion of the estate of the said dceMscd to tlm applicant in tho Clcrk’a Office of the said Court, on or before the second day f January next; otherwise letters of administra tion will be granted. ■ * Witness the lion. Edward Harden, one of the Justices of the said Court, the 2d dny of Dcfcetn her, A. P. 1624. S. M. BOND, c 0 o. c. c. dec 2 227 »jf£ ■ 9^1 x U EORGIA Chatham County—By Hit lion, the of bridge bills now aotftalty, thereof, respectively, apf Ot) ho XKfetrt licav; )0 has Ur Justices of Ihe Inferior eourt tilling fur ordi nary purposes. To nil whom it may concern. Whereas Richard R. Cttylcr, executor of Wil liam Shaw deceased, hns petitioned the lion, court of ordinnry, to be discharged from his said exe cutorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred nml creditors of the snid deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of tho clerk of the court of ordinary on or before the 13th dny of January next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letters dismissory wall be granted to the petitioner Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel, one of the Justices of the said Court, this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824. S M. BOND, c c o. july 13 160 fX EORGIA, Chatham County—Jly the hon. th* I am your obd’t. serv’t. Savannah, 141 h Oel. 1824^°* GLEN ' C * # *' fcofl her! VJT Justices of the Inferior court, tilting for or Unary purports. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Mary E. Norris, widow, has npplied tothe honorable the Court of Or.iinnry of Clint* limit county for letters of guardianship on the per son nnd property of James A. Norris a minor un der fourteen years of age and orphan child of Ben juinin B. Norris, dec’d, as nearest of kin These arc therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and nil persons Interested in the welfare of the said orphan to file their objections, (If any they have) to the granting of the guardianship of the said orphan to the nnplicunt in the clerk’s of fice, of the court of ordinary, on or beforethe22d day of January next 5 otherwise letters of guar- kinship will be granted Witness the honorable John Curaming, one of the Justices of the suid court, this 21st day of December,A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. doc 21 244 O’ Although It can be ascartalno?.by tlieU’ of tho Bridge Company, what amount of In'/, hills are at this time unredeemed, yetitapp<J*„„„, be necessary from the above decretal order thi T tho respective holders thereof should all,, { *7“ known. The subscriber therefore rcspecifuliy „ quests nil such holders of bridge bills.ti. Diai n! known to him by letter or otherwise, thestS ,ofb | held by them respectively, on or before the Monday in November next, the better to him to comply witii the above order. HENRY SHULTZ. Hamburgh, Oct. 20. ocl 29 200 179 h bn tin Co teknge ngslten ,000 fm IliOOstu 000 slli as each case may severally taken hv the complainants oreltW sl,D ?l the north end of the bridge, from tL°,- ln ’,r south end passed into the bunds.,f o,. A V'Jt tlu: or their agent, or any public olfi,,, ul port upon such discounts or char-;. M ,V t *000,'ot tlants shall suggest' nnd give proof M against Rio complainants or crtlicr of lhe m .-' pc ‘ Sir l’lenso to take notice, that pursuant. tho above reference, I am ready to rerafiMi, necessary statements of accounts and other Inf rnation, tn relation tothe matters therein com.i!' cd, until the.first Monday hi December ,m lf j,' G GORG1A, Chatham county—By Ihe hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court tilting for ordi nary purposes. Tn all whom it may concern. Whereas William Davies,administrators of Mnr- tha Johnson dec.'has petitioned the hon. (he court of ordinary to be discharged from his said ad ministration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singulur the kindred nnd creditors of said do ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the vlerk of the court of ordina ry on nr before the seventh day of March next; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the petitioner. Witness the hon. John P. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said Court, this 7th day of September, A. D. 1824, S. M. BOND, qco tic sept 0 176, G EORGIA, Chatham County—By tho hon the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern, Whereas Robert Scott bus petitioned to the hon orable the court of Ordinnry i-f Chatham Coun . .^Ty, for letters of administration on the estate and ". ‘f ~ V “V '"""i- ®Rffecla of Edward l’enmnn, late of London in till, isi lumber mtonnsIns triends and patrons, Ellg!llnd merchant, dec!d, as prlnclphl creditor, that Ins room lmvmg been thoroughly clenn- ’ - r - * DANCING ACAD ASSEMBL VITALL—Brent "li P| 1 having hceti tlioroughly donn ed and repaired, Ids ' /ire./for Young Misses anil Masters is now open for tiiu season. Having taken into consideration the present de pression afbusin ;ss nnd consequent scarcity of money, ho 1ms determined to lower the price of tuition accordingly. 1 lie terms will hereafter be Ttt'ELVE DXJLL.1BS per quarter. The school for gentlemen is also open in the evening. QlT Persons wishing to see the subscriber will jitease call at his dwelling, corner of Drayton nnd State Streets. JOHN C. LEGE. nov 1 m ?n Benils < It , 1 m mine, ’la~t*-r, 8nuIf Boxt-s, er Lights and .'latches, Scgar Box- nrtn -.'•r with ay( ry general and -xlensive t Drugs; Medicines, Chemicals, Pa- t -in Meiiieines, fcc. i-zc. All of which have, been • 1-" cti-d by good judgr, and arc offered for sub- nt i.-ii-t ‘.!n per i t tower than has e\er been sold thi - market tor cash nr credit. 1 nrqhasers w- .d do wdl to cafi and examine them. ( >' lil.MiliHL -I r-J oct26 196 Fresh and swim ' ing 20 days since THE subscriber informs his friends and the . inhabitants of Snvciiinlli generally,that he will give instructions on the PI.!. it) FUltTEi—Those who feel dis posedto encourage him will please make application at the house of Mr. FithlP Brascu, Corner of Broughton and Drayton-Streets. or nt the Furniture Store of Mr 1. \V. Moiikai.l, IFliitlukcr-Strecl. The subscriber tenders Ids thanks tothe citizens of Savannah for the support lie has hitherto re ceived, and hopes, that irom his knowledge, and experience iri his profession, ana the attention he pledges himself tn pay to those who may be plac ed under his instructions, ue will receive a liberal share of public palronage. Terms ij25 per quarter. 07=PIANO FORTES tuned at the shortest notice. nov 16 t214 IIF.NUY I.. BRASCH LJ1W ■ ' i IE subscriber tenders his professional servi ces t® the public ; and begs leave to inform m. that he may at all times he found at the Of- :of Messrs. Barits ts,- Berrien, situated in Huu- buildings on the Bay. joseiti y’allenoe bevan biettnnah, Oct. 26, 1824. . 1 j The Constitutiunalist, Georgia Journal,and ' v c.aiington News, are requested to give the aj * ’--aawrtjoiip ttcekly. — \ WSBKUHKmmm. - v.;' Jlssizc of Bread. T HE average price of Flour being SO 1-2 per barrel 196 lbs weight, the weight of Bread for the present month must be 12J cts. loaf ' 2 lbs. 13 oz. <>5 “ “ 1 lb. 6J oz. Of which all Bakers and sellers of bread will take due notice. M.W. STEWART, . City Treasurer. dee 9 234 V: 11 u;5!)ie .\ 1 ctlieine. AX : f-DISl , EP'l 1C PILLS, Prepared by Henry James. V N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or indi gestion. Habitual Costiveiiesa, and Riles. It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable diseases of our country. Its commencement is indicated in dif ferent patients liy various symptoms, of which the most remarkable are— irregularity of tit bowels, obstinate costive- ss, headacb, commonly ca lied nervous or sick- Jy headacb, yillowiicss of the eyes and skin,acidi ty of stomach after i-»t inz, often called iiciirt burn, li.itulente or wind on (he 4binuel), hitter ( tho month in the nvm'ningjfoelid breath, drowsiness after dinner, debility, lassitude, emaciation, de li i- -ion 1 ,f spirits, q-e. Piles lifting conitftcted with ‘mdigestinn and Co*, tivenesspure certainly and sp.-i-dily ntmot eel by the pills. A supply, of the above valuable Medicine has just,beep received from the Patentee, ami can 11 obtained of (Ilf subscribers; who have been ap pointed agents for the State of (ieotgiti. ' L A V .v 111 i M) Ii 1' KSBtt ‘w'j Druggist* and ChdNnifts, Shad’s Buildings, dec 7 232 New Mackerel, limn, Lard, 8pc ,>4 /V BARRELS Boston Ram i \ ? 25 kegs Butter (fresh) 25 kegs new Leaf Lard 2-> barrels No 1 Mackerel fin do No 2 do 100 do No 3 do 30 tialfdo Np l do 30 h:dfdoNo2 do 30 half do No 3 do 500 reams, single, double size and iron mon gers U rapping Paper IOOO reams Cap, Pot and Letter Paper 100 packages Glass, of all descriptions 30 boxes Windsor Gluss lo-o kegsPiipoiit’ssnd ChelmsfordGunpowdc/ 2 cases Playing Cards 10 cans Hluttemorcs No 10 Colton Cards 100 boxes No 1 Soap 100 do smoked Herrings iAm • * ,V Landing from scltr. L-mrol, nnd ship Chariot und fors'ideon accommodating terms by : ROBERTS. GOFF. nov J3 si212 These are therefore to cite and admonislt oil and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in tile elerks office of the said court, on or before the 8th day of January next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Witness the Honoraotc John Camming, one of the Justices of the said court, this 9th day Dec. A. D. 1824. S. M BOND, c c o. dec 9 234 .Shulls and c. Ereithm V t, : ComplainZ S ' * Bank of the. .State of Georgia and ,! ’ " T ’‘ fonts*—llerloculiry Decree. ’ hcn ’ f kXi \ „ W 4 *" 1 th ' j , Court cannot procci*. II. ftnul decreo, hut prenaratoi-v ti will order and direct that a reference d T the register, to require mid report the ;,j ' uouhts between the M'Kinncsut.d the su “fo- upon the loan of ^50 000. and by dolnl r, ”" pears by agrenmont, the Hank Snuare specifically, in part, for that loan, Sa fib J of sales thereof, ho so applied, al so ill mou 'Z falls reoelvqd ,u the soutfiend of tl, e hriT U ? 1 « the time it vJus taken possession of in th •®xt r0il1 and to report,>. upon nch other !£!£ the complalnanu may insist unon ■ Qu U , ui made from the same sum. 1 r0|)or lo rt 2dly. That he o..q.,ire report , llonuiofe fo. ! OF it:M l/lisheti unde over 'jg« or. kind) 10 has rd of -</ar,l 40 mjfns rof i two] 120c liuu ofv eni^;( c i,i casl [not KKSONS indebted to~tho^stute^rSS^BunH belli Fell, late of Chuthnm county, do ed, are requested to make hnmediutu puyniesti tho suliscrtbcr, and those to whom the estate] Indebted tire requested <0 exhibit their demit duly authenticated. PETER' SHICK, Ex’t july 13 150 I'll IxNE months after date application trill ] ll made to the hon. Inferior court of l&fWtitt] of Bryan, for leave to sell all the reel cstutc William Cubbtdge deceased, to be »U lev itl benefit of the heirs mid creditors. | JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm'r, 138 Bryan knap [oil, »Uff sot t , the of os ca" of If June 17 ■jVI 1NE months after date application via J. 1 made to the hon. Inferior court ot I.i J rpri Icso lj'cr Inferior court county, for leave to sell the real uad person J tute of Lodowick Lard, lute of Tattnall r deceased, for the benefit of the heirs uml tors. E. WAY, AibJ nug31 §o!71 TVj 1NE mouths after date I Shull iipply" to] J. 1 lion. Inferior court of Liberty county] leuve to sell tlte real nnd personal prapett WTn L Baker, deceased, for the bem-fit - heirs and creditors. THOS. B. BAKER, Adml npril 7 89 TV INK months niter date apt,licalt'en will 1 it made to the hon. Inferior court of Bullet counly, when sitting 'for ordinary purposes, if| leave to sell tdl the real'and persons) estate of J leu Denmark, deceesed, for fits benefit of heirs and creditors. ROBERT BURTON, Adtn’r. I MARY DENMARK, Adm’j. fob 28 48 hullo eh Com TV' INF. months utter the date hereof, appl dc >,r« Ihou: Its, ei lie, e bijoh lion will he made to (he Inferior cot when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave I sell all that lot or part of ground in the ilistricll White Bluff, county of Chatham, containing t acres, more or less,hounded northwardly entlra wardly by lands late John l’oullcns, and son wardly by lurids of Williams, belonging to.tbnj tale of James Boyd, and to he sold for the Uij fit of the heirs ana creditors of said estate. ELIZABETH BOYD, AM may 26 124 I Wo fi tllF. public is apprised, that the sulisc/t A has titles to one half of a 60 acre trscH ^GEORGIA Chatham county—By / the hon. the T Justices of the Inferior eourt of Chatham coun ty silting for ordinary piuposes.. To nil whom it may Concern. Whereas William Davie*'administrator of Ja cob Franklin Keal dec. has petitioned the hon. court of Ordinary to be discharged from his said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonislt all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to file their objections (if any they have,) in the office of the office of the Clerk of the court of ordinary, on or before the 7th duy of March next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the petitioner. Witness the honorable John P. Williamson, one of the Justices of snid court this 7th day of September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o c c. sep 9.165 land on White Bluff, adjoining Ills and lately John l’oullen’s, now John Morrill's, for which the administratrix of the Into John f now applies for leave to sell as part of that 0 —his titles are.of prior date and record- All / sons are forewarned not to purchase ?L* r f,I l ra on Ihe premises. R. F. WILUVdS. I junu 17 , M—fol 38 I TV] INK months nfler dute, nppltcawnwii Irth PP, Pure Calcined Ylamnesia, a new Article. /THUS Medicine bus been prepared by the New York Chemical Manufacturing Company, gUCHpe rsons as design t-. attend the Singing School to he taught by the sm M-niicr, or, are disposed to encourage an attempt 10 improve the pre-ent state of Sacred .Music are informed tnat a subscription book lies I,eon lett at the Book Store of M'-ssra SC *4.1 Schenk. Should a sufficient subscriber* offer previous to Thursday 9th December, the Scl.ool will inmencc dl the evening of that day. nov 1.224 L.. MASON. ' INK months after dale, application will he AT made to the.Honorable the Justices of (lie Inferior Court, for leave to sell die real estate of Williai; Hotchstra-ses, dedeused, for the hen,Til of the’heirs and creditors. ■/; • JAMES MORRISON, Ad’mi; nov' 5 266 Spl EORGIA—Chatham County.—7’o all .whom V*' it may concern.—Whereas, William P. Hunter lias applied to the lion. tho Court of Ordinary of Chatham Counly for letters of administration on the , Mate mid effects of Oliver Sturges, late of, Savannah, Merchant, dec’d in behulf of the heirs and creditors. xjyfirt Tlmse are therefore to cite nndndrnonish all and singular the Kindred nnd creditors of the said de ceased, to file their objeelions (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of the estate ol theiaccerisen to tin- applicant in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, 011 or before the seventh day of January next; otherwise lettersof adminis- ‘on will be grunted. itnessthe Hon. John Cummiug, one of the Justices ol the said Court, the 8tii Dec. A. D. 1824. dec 8 2A3 S. M. HOND.c co. ^vljjflJ^GiA, Chatham Count)—By the hon. tin: ll nmdc to the Inferior court , county for leave to sell all the real P r ®P^ r ’Ll longing to the estate of the late Rev. Jno. M deceased, tying in said county, for the beneHJ theheirsand creditors. jjeCK, Ad april 16 — TKi LNE months alter date, I shall apply t»I IS hon. the Inferior court of the county jt ftnghatn, for leave to .sell all the teajert*!?] longing to Solomon Gnann, dec. of which alii] cerncd will take » oli J c «' SHUA GKA ^ N( aA march 4 52 TV 1NE months after (lute api.liention JN : made tothe hon. the Inferior' onrt 1 hum County, when setting lor ordmaiy ['"11 for permission to sell the following " I for the benefit of the heirs and creditors c l estate of N. S. Bayujd, deceased, viz:. I One undivided foiirth of a tract of taining about 600 aeres, on C.uml*rlui"i ; i Camden County, known ns Plum On 1^ an undivided fourth of a certain Tract» at E and is said to he i qiial to the celebrated nrtie’li made by the Messrs Henry’s. Many .persona in Ibis City who hayeused lf;is remedy give it a de cided prelcreno! over all others. Families are solicited to give it a trial as it comes much cheap- ei than Henry’s; being neatly nut upin buttles at 37i cents each, and for sale <n,/y l,v l.AY tr HENDRICKSON, Chemists rind Druggists, vflmti's Buildiu 7. dec-7 232 ’Ji iHF, kuliscrilier li ;i>» iissociutpil li .1 John !’. N s adFivorth, in tfn CohiiniHinn h-ss, in this place, nhicii will 'hereafter he hided under the linn of F,L AS,S' iy 11 A l/n 11 () /-' 77/. ELI AS BLISS oct 14 kJ89 ,0 situated on said Island, containing ah wry ores, originally granted to Gen. Laclil' ^ J tosh, nnd bounded 011 the soulli by tlte - Oreluird Tract. Also, a tract cnllcd Lottery Hill sttu»« J Ogeaubee Road, 3 miles from SavnnaaM - innv Is# 211 rt^'lNE motiilis after date application will be ,l.x made to the hon. Inferior eourt of Cttalhain county, for leave to :-"ll all that lot in Havimi -it known by the No. 1, Ellis sqlture, Decker uiml, with I lie iinpypvenicnts tiu-rcOn : arid all that lot in Savannah known Ly (lie No. 23, in Liberty ward, with the buildings thereon, being the re flu estate ol John .Smith; deceased. Idr the Bene fit of the heirs. ... DERICK HERB dm’r ~ , may Justices of the Inferior court sitting for ordina ry/ pur/i/iscs. ‘ To all whom it may concern. W hereas Linus P. Siigc administrator of Sprague Thy lor, decensed, has petitioned the honora ble court uf ordiuhryto ho discharged Irom his said ndininistralioni hip. These are therefore lo. cite and tidmonish all and singular the kjndiotl and lae’dljors of the Amt deceased, to file, their olijeetions (il andtliey have) in the office ol the clerk ol the cOltrl ol or dinary, on or before the 13th day ol'Jmutuiy next ensuing tlm date hereof; otherwise Tellers dfiiuiis sory will be granted to the applicant. Witness the honorable T homas NV Morel olic of the Justices ol tlte said Court this 13th day of Inly, A. D. 1824. S. M. BUND, c ci jtrfy 13 15" 20 Just FcCeiced, I er .i;i|i Gjrihepfipm Pbijadelpliia,. ilouUe. refined LO Ai de hhls Pennington SUGAR 25 “ do single do 15 “ do Lump S n r ar 60 half hhls FJ.OL'U . For rule by GAULHiY k HERBERT dec 2 1.226 (Icmiuiu* a IX persons having any ■X the estate of Francis Jalincnu, dri'f perl) J? LMFU ix/ invi i, * ' . cd,on or before tl.e first da^ofOcl n* ( •’ . soimtsnot brought forward h "^ ,rc . * ’‘*1 cS cr] lie refined navinent by the undering he refused payment by iftlyi 10 A LL iiersons Indebted 1o ll'" •■ct.rt<- ''• A. d -Martin, Ml r,, ,»!»»* '“3 w.ii marun.) may TO $112 •■A LL peisorig having ' 1 F ^ dc c caWJ tale of the late Hugh 1 ■ ic „t,ar.' requested to hand them for , in ,ike. indebffd 10,snid * ,stl Vfe.Jno Vi-C \LL, ? fill diutepay^ipiri. p.-WUSC’U. -•! io0 ~ t ii"| inly 13 ■ mint*# j X\VO Waiting Girls from h • n5( ,.’,n "1 ! lo do, the light work «b.<»ML» ,, r ,, co( i« 1 “ ; l‘P‘‘T ■ 1 <! -IfENU if Rnnufro ut dec 15 23'J