Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 30, 1824, Image 3

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oe tni PORT OF SAVANNAH "The steum boat Pcndloton, from Augusta hound to Charleston,, passed down the rlvor yesterday. ARRIVED FROM THIS PORT, At Charleston, 28th Inst, sloop Dolphin, Wil liam's, 4 days rei tii ivii >nj sit lici n Bgl m if tot m lid ut 9 Wfc| y 'mil util ICI in Nj iv«| Wn sin 0 'A t1 tfhl -tvll ids;] sell |»la utt pVq| Hal mill me I dutj the I "5, i one t th *\4 idea ,'wtiia rcill ,ooT HE Subscribcroffors again for Justice of the ' 'eat Company—Cap* ’ “ WILLIAM BKLC !; *F 1 i’eaceTnthe 3d Beat 'Company—Cnpt. Hay s' * •* «r»T » t »** liL'T r^IU .K. dens- dec 23 2111 Leslie Thompson I q a candidate for Justice of tho Peace in Cant. Hayden’s District, and will be thankful for the suffrages of the Electors resident therein. dee 28 ■ • ' WM. 0. BARTON, I 9a candidate for Justice of the Peace in tho 2d district, Captain CJJrodon’s Bcut, and solicits the suffrages orthe Voters residing therein. dec 17 1|241 ' It, Vv. M‘Kinnon I S it candidate for Justice of the Peace in tlie Second District, Capt. Glrodon’s B«>nt, and would be thankful for the support of the resident \oters on New Yeur’s Day. dee 24 247, W E are requested to state that Henry J. Val- eav, is a candidate for Justice of the Trace In the 3d District—Cept. Hayden’s beeL dec 20 243 , , W E aie requested to state, that James Eri'iti- ■oisR, Is n candidate for the Offiio ot Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, dec 7 282 ■. -„ E are requested to slate, that Grorcie Mil len, is a enudidute, for the Office of Tax Collector ut the ensuing Election, jjee 11 236 , W E are requested to state, that David Beel Isa candidate, for the Office of Tux Col lector at the ensuing Election, dec H 230 ...... •\-\TE are requested to state, that Adah Core, yV is u candidate, for the Office ot Receiver ol xTReturns at tho ensuing Election, dee II 236 Head Quarters. BRIGADE ORDERS. Savannah, Df.c. BO, 1824. ■JVJrR SAMUEL STILES is appointed my Aid- ItJL ue-Curnji, in the place of Captain Isaac T. Stewart, resigned. * .He will rnnlnbsn Captain, and is to be respect ed and obeyed accordingly. ED. HARDEN, B.G IstJB, Id G. M. de< Sem i ■'Me S ubscribe: formed, that place on >nthly Assemblies. > the above parties are in- 0 Fourth Assembly will take 5AY EVENING NEXT. 261 dec 3ft Office Bank"United States. SAVANNAH, I>ec. 30 1824. T HIS Office will be Shut on Saturday the lstof January—Notes or Bonds falling due on that day must be taken up on Friday the 31st i’nst, J t HUNTER, Cashier. dec 30 e251 Sheriffs Sales. On the first Tuesday in March nett, W ILL he sold At the Court House, between the usual hours of lo and 4 o’clock, One hundred and three negro Slaycs.vifc.Nclson, Rachel, Sain, Morris, Nanny, Charles, Milley, Huunuh, Davy, Harry, Floru, Anna, Sam, Sllvy, Hercules, Brqbny, John, Peter. David,. Nancv, Polly, Cuntbn, Patience, .will, Philip,‘Judy, John, Harry, Eve, Philip, Anna, Lucy, Monday, Tcnfmj Molly, Henry,Ben, Venus, Cain, Cumba, Celi'i, Flora, Jim, Sophu, Charlotte, Sandy, Stephen, Molly, Bella, Nelly, Hunnuh,-Simon, Matty, Lu- key, Paddy/ Jenny, Brutus, Cindu, Beck, Fanny, Joe, Hester, Maria, Jnly.l’lielie, Jack, Bella, Fan* nv, Jack, Robert, Isaac, Pomney, Cwsar, Caty, Willoughby, Fortune, Rachel,Scipio,Phillis, Dan- no,. Tacob, Biiiah, Rose. Richard, Miner, Jane, London, Davy, Patty^Elsey, Ishmacl,Lizzy,Dick, Suay, George, Grace, Cudjo, Caty, Betsy, Samp son, Billy, Molly, .mid Abrahmn, together with the future Issue and increase ofthe families: Lcvi- vied on by consent under a ft. fa. on foreclosure of tv mortgage front George L. Cope In favor of Peter Mitchell, John M'Nish, nnd Robert Mitch ell. I.D'LYON, see. dec 30 26l % -a A/i BAGS Havana Gfecn Coffee,forsnle by J.l#Udec2ll 260 IIALLfallOVT. Pilot Bread. ■j HALF BBI.S, Inglis’ Pilot Bread, justfe- xJZ ceived and for safe by dec 20 260 J. B. HERBERT St CO. oati c del wen iroi il’id' ise ;ra o| T (1 0<> ied, the b nder ill tli f mei o act coni somi if thii id tfi ivnpi er in its j;! emu ngsa <110! le die tuuit elf. iroul ■c—o en, ippnlt to ei ould sentii nnd I legii B COt lopil emsa ’ at ten H(« m the Mr.1 the t ctshll SUJYBirRY ACADEMY. A N examination of the.,pupiU attnclicd to this liistitujidn,under the tuitouof the Rev. James Shannon, took place on the 21stand 22d ^nstunt. The Commissioners are happy in thus publicly ex pressing their satisfaction with the progre s which , the children and youth are making under their able and diligent instruction. They believe that ' no institution of the kind in the country, 'presents more fluttering prospects to young men preparing I for College, or those who ore designed for useful ness in the comnmn business of life. OLIVER STEVENS, See’ry to the Board, dee 22 a250 Pyroligneous Acid, or Essence of Smoke. T HIS Essence contains ail the properties which ore necessary for the curing of beet, nhd pork hams with tho common method of smoking, and is uot attended with half the oxpeucqs as is requi site in the usual munner of making bacon. It ulso preserves fresh meat a longer time from detriment and flies and the effect of hot weather. The above Essence is sold ut ray Drug Store comer of Brougtuou una wim-aker-st, dec 20 260 AUGUST G. OEMLER. Dollars Reward. 'hip tfatrttri Rye Wliiskt few. on t HUIONV ! , "'''dm? 24 m247 , Mies’' RwMioJig JIams and Tar. J UST Received, u large supply of Georgia And. Bult'unoro HAMS, of a superior quality. * •, A few this. GEORGIA TAR. For .1.0, BL.\NCE; dqc 2-1 237 ^ ' m(ti,imon's Wharf, ‘“"Ta 1B.O DENTIST, H AS jtiken liis qld stand in the dwollihg'wcrii- pled.hy Mrs. Llmbert on .Broughton, n few doors eu?t'ot Druyton-st. where lie wltt he happy to wait upon those'who may hortor hiin witli their confuicitcd. dec 37 1.248 O Y an Expedition to the source of the St Peters River, Lake Winriepcek, Lake of the Woo^s &.c. &.cj performediu thi)year 1823, by order of the Secretary of Wur, uituer the coirrmui'd of Ma jor Long, by|W II Reling, A. M2 vols.with plate*. Journal of the ConvirsntitM of Lord liyron, fye. •by Thomas'Medwin, Esq.—$1. ■ de.i 27 a248 S. C &..T. SCIIF.NK. ' LU Fayette Glass Lamps, fac. Just received per shift Ev\pcror l from New-. York, i ■ E LEGANT Lafayette Glass Lamps ) Various “ Plain «. “ > Pnt- Sinnll Glass Lamps forcandletticks ) terns. . Japan Dish Tube Lutiqis * “ Socket “ ’ Lamp Wick all kinds, Tin Cqnist gall’s. Tin Lamp Feeders large mid 3| gall’s, of Pure SPERM OIL,Tor salo low by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists and Chemists, Shad’s Buildings. dec 20 243 r Four House $hd Hospital. .Tliis Property,so well known ■ IfWr us to need no description, will be offered ut pnblic sale With the out* — and every thing belonging to it, at tbb Court House ot» the first Tuesday ia January next, if not previously disposed of at t riVate sale. Applications in the tocah tlttfc may C made lo either of Rio unuersigned Committees. G. W. OWENS, ) Com. ofUm FRANCIS SORREL. < Planters Bank. NORMAN WALLACE, > Com. of Marine • F. H.WKLMAN. 4 fa, Fire Ins. Co. C ALVIN BAKER, Auctioneer. dec 8 1233 • Georgia Syrup. J <£\ tierces host quality—For sale by & leo l GAUDRV It-ltE F.RRF.RT Dr. A. De Laroche, H AS on hand Syrup of Quinine “ .Sudorific . “ Sudorific (dilde cuilinier) “ of Lemon “ of Althea Robanli Syphilitic Together with a gene ,, n! assortment ot Drugs and Medicines, which lie offers for sale on the most reasonable terms at bis store opposite the Exchange, dee. I 227 prnilE House ofthe subscriber was entered ves- terday afternoon, between three nnd four o’clock, aua between $40 end $50 taken from a trunk, the principal part of which was 50 and 26 Cent pieces—the remainderIn bilisthc Denomina tion of which is not recollected. The thief is sup posed to huve got into the House through a back Window, The above reward will be given for the appre hension ofthe tldef and recovery of the money, or q'6 for either. W. \V. OATES, dec 24 a247 . Falmouth Flutii*. landing from on board Ike schooner Alisa Ann, A jQIJANTIT Y of Falmouth Flour in whole und half barrels- AT.vto, 600 flnshrls of BHfrts, which will bo sold law, it ’taken from on board TN STORE, Ilnxall’s Richmond Superfine FT.OUR. dec 28 1,241) -PONCEfc MACKENZIE. Landing, From ship Oglethorpe, AA BOXES prime Digby Herrings JLlnl IN STORE, 30 bids St. Croix Sugar 20 do Loaf and Lump Sugar 20 bags Coffee 3ft bids Baltimore Superfine and Canal Flour 20 do Whiskey 5 do old 4tli proof do 20 hnlf bills Beef nnd Tongues J5 do No 1 nitd 2 Mackerel 12 kfcgs No 1 tuid. 2 Richmond Tobacco » • 10 kegs prime Goshen Butter 6 casks London Porter 6 hhds prime retailing Molasses 6 libls Sugar House' do 4 dozen Jars Pickled Onions 1 1 20 kegs cut Nails, assorted Jamaica, VV. I. and N. E. Rum Madeira and Tcneriffe Wine Old Irish Whiskey in Bottles, Teas Powderfa Shot, Demijohns, Jugs,fac. For sale by GEO. R. CORNWELL. dec 14 r241 feierav. ritis .of jC'OBPPnnde tbo First,' Second, noil Foiirtli Rent sfi fire hereby ordered, fo'rrh’vyHh tofiii by.oiiic.tionsmII va- ciineios ofCftmjnjsslont'd Officers, mid m Appoint of-dsaW turn com- liiissirtricn offiCork in tbi'.ir respt'C* live heats,; to fake n correct cen* sus bf alt' the inert therein, bo- .tWecn tbc ager of eighteen cut! Si.xty yi'ars designgiing lii rate colurttiis, loose wlio are ps, those who (Ire aliens,' nhd lliose'wh gthe age of fofty-fiyft-yeflts. - All.tlie Captains of conimandaht* ot Oomj58#l [•s of tile firstlteginlcnt ate nrtlMed to attend (ffithmit tinilorm) at the ExchmlgeTAnj; room,on Thursday uftcrnoon ,|3tli Juni«u.y at three o’clock .cnmpnre and dumroate 'W? Rolls. ■ The Companies .or the first KuL*ifne«tirre to be assembled onTbcir'seVeml parude g' ounds, ttfid formed at nine o’clock in the luoniiug. on , THURSDAY, 27tli of Jnnmiry next. On tho firing nr ifiau by the Artillery, ht lialf af ter nine, they are to be mafclieil to the ground South West of the Gnol, for drill and uinnouYW!, where their posts nqil bo.oksigiictl to them by fhd Adjutant, to whom Commandant* *vi!l promptly report the number of files under their command. Companies not arriving on the ground when the with tiielr Officers bo re ported as Defaulters. (g! wv ‘^NO-L’K-K. ; will be held at tlie house of Wm. HoStotsoh, in the city of Savunnahon SAT URDAY the 1st Jannury 1826, for two Justices of i — - . ... ,, the Peace for the 4ilieoiupimy beat* Poll* will Commandnht* will be particular In haying legal |, e 0 p'ened at 10 o’clock, qotices given, end will noti'y to all under their; 1 yq. commnud When they are silinmoned for parade, that in case of default they nrc fo appeiir.befoco a Regimental Court ofF.nqmry, to li/c held on Thurs day, 10th February, 1S25, at the Etielupigo, .and to "be opened at nine o'clock, A. M. • Commissioned and ifon Comnv»«ii)ijed. ^tnffl Officers must appear ton the ParRdo fully pquip- iicd. liy order J. Marshai.i,' Col. W RejpJ. M. VV. STEVVAltT. Adjutant. Jcc 24 247 * Flfintation and Nc^roeft lor sale. The Plnntntion belpt)»iiig to the estate of the lute Fleming Akin, shunted on the litflc Ogeerhee, known by the intnio of Meatball, com taming If00 acres—;t largo pnipontiou of which i* first quality Alice and Cotton tana. With convenient uvvqHing, Ne- »»pa gro and git*. Houses^—stqbles, -I 1 '™ corn and cotton houses m complete order. Together witli n giinf; .if twen- Office of the Marine anti Fire In suYance Compan}'. SAVANNAH, Dee. 2d, 18241 A N adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of this institution will lake place at its Office on WEDNESDAY the 12th day of Jdtuinry next at which all persons interested are. desired to at tcnd,eithei"persoi<ally or by attorney—as.mntter' of importance,'in relation to tho future ope rat id hr of tlie Compnny, will then be discussed and de oided, persons representing stock, should be In vested with full powerto vote on all questiops that inayiirise,tou(;hiiigtbo progress oftiin insti tution. GEO. SCHLEY, President x 3 229 CROCKERY. T HE subscribers continue to file orders for PROCKKIl V of any description on advan tageous terms. Persons wishing to order for the, Spring would flu well to hand in their orders as early as the mouth of January, nov 26 f 222 J. U.HERBERT fa CO. A T.L those who ore indebted to Hector Mac Donald late of Savannah, in Motts, flue Rills, and open Aceompts, are requested to make Immediate payment to v.niv'.v ?MITH, noyrt |0>2 6 The Famgou Toll Mill, W ILL beat Rice on the most accommodating terms. Apply to HORAcE kiRBY, Savannah, or to dec 13 JACOB READ, Drakics Plantation. 237 Domestics, A*c. 5 CASES Plaids and Ginghams 4 bales brown Shirtings o replil * dec-14 c theui Sheetings 3 “ bleached “ I case fancy Windsor Soap 10 hhds N. E. Rum 26 bills “ *' ■ 10 (|r casks Currant Wine (superior 7 hlids New Orleans Moiusses . 6 M. Spanish Separs •100 libls Pilot and Navy Bread 60 M. Laths. For sa)e low, by S. C. GREENE, ||r237 Moore’s ll'hutf. D ICE Will bo prepared forMarkct at the above rates!— 15 ■* - c lst of hoxt.ntthe following ft per pent,the ownertaking all theoffall. 7 per cent, tiny owner Inking half. 6 per cent, the mill taking nil the offal, the customary charges for freight end cooper* age fac. us formerly; Apply to Wilma* Kilpa- trick ut the Hor to JACOB READ, dec. 6 PWP.281 Rnnawav * the 26th qlt. a yellow ifelWw (namedTOM) Vr .belonging to Prince.Candy n colored man SH Co ”J 1 ®_ 1 'this plnce. Tom is about 6 feet 10 inches, v'siblypiitod in the face with gtm- p 'Vder, resembling small pox, .and nbriut 25..years , ■fttormafion lius been lodged thnt lie is' bur* nourctl qn board afisliing smack off Tybce. ■- 1 hh?™ 1 reward iviffba given for the atiprelien- «on°t loin, or ,sufficient testimony to convict ■nose in whose employ he may now be. . SAM’L STILF.S, Guardian. Oth Od iad b(j this cej ihout l LAW PpHE subscriber tenders his professional servi- , t'i,7 C .°l lo 1 t " e piiblic",; amUirtgs leave to inform ‘Hcm. that lie may nt*ill times be found nLthe Of* mBSflm Mra?- <•> tlie Bay. t __.iEPH VJ •\nra,uwft, Oct. 26, 182<{. To R ent. „ Thft three Story brick build- !»|™f .ingort tlie Bay, lately occupied I.HlBSi by Co os a U’ltple- ESEStoiibsale Dry Gaud Store. Apply to C. IV. ROCKWELL CO dec 10 f Office ofthe Marine auu Fire In . surance Company. SAVANNAH, Dei,-2d, 1824. P ERSONS holding Bills of this Corap an requested to present them for payment with,as it is desirable that they should all deemed as curly us may lie convenient. > • GEO. SCHLEV, 1’resldent- dec 3 22t> r l () BE LET. The STORE corner of Boy and Drayton-Streets, now Oeeu- ied’by Jt P. Setae. Pustcssion may chad on the 16th of this m nth. For further particulars, apply to Pet o- Dypoii. PETER EVEN. octlft ||101 ..^wiiim V URNACOL AR Soap,Rose do.' Palm do. Raudaun do. Celon do. Almon do. Vegltablc Myvth “ Musk “ Low's Oriental do- Violet “ Transparent “ Windsor “ Wash Bulls “ Savdhnette “ Ilair Powder, Pomatum, Combs, Hair urUB’e<M„Cloatl) Brushes, Teeth “ Razors, Strops of Pomeroys fa Ben jamin, ’■ Rogers Pen Knives, Ladies Pencil Cases Lead Pencils, fac. For sale by Dr.DE LA ROCHE, nov 20 223 CLim ON MILL. t nnHE subscriber’s Mill being in complete order. J will heat rice on as moderate tirmsasTiny o- tiier on tlie river; and every 'accommodation af forded persons, who send their crops to it/ The following arc tho present fixed lutes: 9 per ct the owner taking all the oflul 7 « “ “ half f* “ G « the Mill “ ail “ Apply to Mr. Qliv’. (Ji/ob Vat 'tlie Mill, or to JOHN T. WILLIAMSON, dec 8 tp,-+tr233 Presh Teas» I MPERIAL, ) Hyson and > Teas of a very superior quality. Pocltoiig • Just received and for Yale by a LAY fa HENDRICKSON, dec 23 346 Shads Buildings. U Fresh Currants, tyc. . . Just Received. 1 BBL. Fresh Ciirrants v 20 half bbls corn Beef for family use 160 Smoked Tongues 200 Pickled “ CO bbls Whiskey 60 *• N. E, Gin 30 «' “ Ruin 10 tierces Georgia Syrup For sale by : GAUDRY fa HERBERT, dec 22 l243' " .'- - Eire and .Marine Insurance. rnllE .Subscriber continues to’ receive'propo- 5. sal * for liisUriin'ces n gainst fire and marine iskf, fur the Charieston Fire and Marine Insur ance Company—Persons wishing to protect them, reives ague st losses, would do well to apply to. this office, the stability of which is well known to V undoubted—the rates of premium low, and tho payment of losses, when they occur, most prompt and liberal. Apply to HOMES TUrPER, Age nt. doc 13 l237 WOOD, I N OR sale on Goodwins wlraif; at the lowest . rates and of the best quality on application to If bn. A. Moore who solicits front his friends and former customers und the public in general asbtiri of patronage, dec 2 , jr227 ($> AcADFiiY and Boarding School M R.THILLIl’Shasthe honor to inform llie public and particularly those ladies and gen tlemen who intend placing (heir children under his tuition that he will open SCHOOL oh MOjY- DAY the 3d of January next, in the uppor part of the House, at the S. \Vi corner of Col,-Shad Buildings, Johnston's Square, dec 21 244 , Classtcal and English Sl'URiily I/TTOIIE subscriber inform* his friends and the iL public that he lias removed his Seminary for young Ladies and Gentlemen, to CotigresS Street' within J.wo doors of Wbitokei’ Street, and one oi Johnson's Square, where.he has taken that large room lately occupied by- Messrs Cn uu/roN & Shkftall, us n Luw Office,—unit can nccummo date a few additional pupiL.. FoHerms apply " tlie subscriber, at the School Room. HENRY MACDoNNELL dec 21 l|o244 ' Laurel Saw Mill. TTsHE above Mill is now in complete order, and i will cut and deliver at Savannah, or at the plmdal Lons on the river, lumber of every descrip tion Vunted. Apply to -- ' HORACE KIRBY, Savannah, or to \ JACOB READ, Drafcie’s Plantation dec 13- '237M||fatA§ dec. 1 • ’ ■ . A • I L' JOSEPH VALLENOE BEVAN? E: \\n~\ The OonstltUtfonalist, Georgia Journal,and Kw'scstetesf w ‘ iv ? ti,e “ epkly. AT WALTHOVllVILLE, LIBERTY COUMTY. T HE Public are respectfully-informed, that the Rev. Mr. Ripley hns been appointed Princi pal of the abovo-namdd Institution ! MrM. Jones having resigned. Instruction in the branches u- sunlly taught in Academies will commence on tho first MONDAY in January next- Terms of Tuition: atinand GreekLanguages, $9 per quarter.' nglish Gramniur, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Com- , . , position, - - - $7i “ “ Spelling,'Beading and Writing, 6 “ ^ S. J. AXSON,' Ckairman. den 22 -1346 of Clmmmontn For Sale, BpUT ten thousand feet White Oak Plank vow two to four inches tliicki ■' • ALSO, ■*' ' A quantify of Pine~ Woodfat reduced prices, decs 232 D.A.STUOBHAR Wanted to Hire. A FEW good Axinen by the month or year— Apply to W. Bird, or D. A Stroblnir, Camp Juck, or to' v . ’ R- A, BIRD, o Wayne’s Wharf, dec 7 g33 ti ll n y oi f* trade lui) urtifo: m. com- ifiirj nod equipped; :t Banuary' i 1 A*, pre io animal Mednl. Tli#atiinipf,i: .ntrjiration wilUbt- quired utCvi ry member on that By uqfqr, . RD, IstSerg’t. B, V. G. .1 ||gBiY't?or New York; (E S T A it L I - H H D LIN lM The n uuliir fust failihgpnicketshjp 8 A V A N N A II, Wm. Th chc, jVt/>(rr, Will soil on I'rid iV morning next. For ssign only Jiaviiigsiipcrioraccomiiioilations, imply to Capt. B. on board, at Jones’ upper wharf, OfW Vu. HALL tc HOYT, dec 21) j 250 ' - GEOR(5fA—CHATHAM dOUNYY. 6 ft Y virtue of an order of the Judges of the In- X>ferior Court of hill County—it is ordered that nn Election Be held at tlie .Georgia 1 lotci, in the city of Savannah, on Saturday the 1st day of January next, for IWo Justices of tlie Peace, for the first beat Company—ihe company embrace" all that section of said city, west of Montgomery stroeti extending from the fur south as Is inqorporated—Poll to open at 10 o’clock, A: M. JOHN GARDNER) GEORGE 8HICK, JOHN G. HOLCOMBE, Alls ROBERTS, ' WM. W. BLACK, , HENRY 11AUPT, , . / Freeholders, dec 18 241 wotToe. t N l’.lgction will be held at the Market House . $.* uV.Kis’ square in the city of Savannah 6)» > iflRbw tlie. 1st da.v of January next for two tu flees of the Peace for tlie’Second, Company ’Beat. Polls will bc'openad precisely’ rtt lp oy clock. Three freeholders ate competent to side. .CHARtiEB GILEON, FREDERICK HERB, John waters, • A SHKFTALL, •' JACOB SHAFFER, . , ' . HUGH C V3B1DY. Qualifications of voters tlie same as'' fqr Meth- liers ofllipLegialature—-to be u resilient of Beat. . ftjj' v ? • w CASL By J. B. Herbert tfc co On TIU KSDAY, 6thJan. will bosoldnttlie stn ofJ.l|: Iteid fago. Jones’ Buildings,at 11 o’< 174 O reus and Covers, assorted sizes 336 Covers, : “ . “ 106 Pots « '< 1 Cash Tined Ware dec 29 250 Terms at time of srIc. Kxecutor’s .^ale, On the First Jiicsdm/ in Jan wiry next, will hr. sold before the Court House, in this riti,, between the rn >1 hones tf lu n;i,/ '2 o'clock, th’ I'uHoii 'ui c iirujurh/, bnny:ihc i;st vrv: of Will. Crali', dec. vis?.—- One Share Steam-JInat Stock, and Four Nr. u it < ills, Sane ho, Fortune, Jack, and Sylvia. Sold by per- mission ofthe lion, the Inferior Court and In/ order of the Executor. Terms Cash, nov 17; 215 ■ •’ • dec 21 ■ 244 • JACKSON, WMi PARKER, JOHN MILLER, q W.M. GASTON, ‘■JAB.8. BULI.OC1I, ,GEO. W. OWENS, I. davenport, ,p..guera«d. Notice, JH1 A n Election will be held atthe Court Hotiso in the Citv of Savannah, on SATURDAY, tlie ers are competent to preside ? JAMES MORRISON,) FRED’K DENSLER, P.BRASCH, N. MOREL, , G. W. andersOn, JAMEs MTIENRY. . ,T,| Quffilfidation ot voters the-same ns for y pnme fudd bands-4or sale upon ve, y liberal Moinlie „ o[thb U gislaturc-to Be a ressdent of terms. Application to be made to Mr. James | , n .. s Browh on the place 1 Co ' ,f ’ nov 18 geo. w. McAllister, Stratby Hall, Bryan county, or C. W. ROCKWELL fa Co. ' ’ - • -Savannah. J16 doc 13 T~ *237 Plantation i’6r Sale, The Plantation on the Augits- tn.Road, six miles from Savan nah, comprising fifty-two and a li.ilf acres, about twenty of Which is ciqar- closed—Togethor with the buildings' thereon, inchiding n dwelling known as the jffilc House, one of th« best stnnilson the Augusta Road for a Tavern, is offered for side Persons wishing to purchase will please apply to the subscriber on tlie premises. doc 14 238 C.F.HUNK. 400 $55 pet- month 45 “ 25 “ 25 “ 100 and Fees 150 • low Kice and Cotton Plantations. For sale, the Plan- Jfem1 tation on whicli the f|Vjf«w suhscriber resides, called Jiltlis anil known by the nnme of Newton, having on it a well finished Dwe’ling House, witli eiglitTomiis, besides a basement Sto ry witli four rooms ; mid u gqod Overseer House, Barn,. Cotton House, and other convenient build ings ; and a never-failing spring df excellent wa fer- • ALSO, ; NOTICE R ecorder ■ Fees City Treasured Salnxy of $608 and City Marshal “ 600, Clerk'of Council “ Clerk ofC.P.undo.T ' Sheri ff of “ “ Su|i. of City Watch Hep.sftp. “ “ IstSerg’t" ’ “ • do n • i <i <* Messenger of Council Sexton . • ’ Clerk of the Mnrkfct Keeper ofthe Powder Maghziuc ■ ?i * Contractor for sweeping chimnirts, City Rciivenger, (by contract) . Kchpcr of the City Clock, (by contract) * Port Wardens “ . Fees. A City Gauger—and proposal for" lighting tlie Lamps for one year. Applicants for any of tbj) above offices wijl hand in theirappiicationsto theClerk of, Council on or before the firstrcgulhr meeting of Council' in’.Tahtlary next; as on that’day fhe elections wilt take place. SOLOMON COHEN, dec 20 ' 243 ‘ c.c. pro. tern. By 1 Calvin Baker. Un the First Tuesday in January next,at 11 o'clock, will be cold in front of the C.airt Jf.-usr, in city, A NEGRO WOMAN, . a good book, waslicr find itoncr. dec 27 ■ 247 ■ ~>■«. i>:a^>Vuc * llAVE jhst received per sliip Wm Wallaco.' LEGHORNS. ,'Al 'Cnernl assortment of Misses, Girls mid BoyS Yeilbtv and White Leghorn lints Very . „ low charged. ,.: .; paDer hanging. *, k 1 A.v«ry choice assortment of varioiri patterns, and prices from 37i cts. to .-jjj.pcr piece '* .. with borders to match. AMERICAN PLAINS, 4 bales of stout American Plains, .very luw. , ’ ALSO, ' ' r ) Grundy’s and Welsh Plains 8-4 Bhd 9*4 London Dulild Blankcfs 12-4 and 13-4 Rose do ' 8-4, 9-4 Hiid 10-4 Linctt Diapers «?•. 2 bales French OsiifiburgThrtad < siqvrinf ■■■A quality. pPr f 7-4 Red Plmiud ut 311 cti Vi Plaid llomesWnn At J*1 * 6-4 Moll Muslin at 37J “ Merino and Caslimei'e Long Shawls, Waist Ribbons, Linen. Cambric, Ajid Cnmbrid Handkerchiefs ftWap, Cliinchiln Hats, Tfuead Laei's.and fo, :ings With u general find well selected alsorttnent of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Which they will sell low atujona-Iong credit. , dec 9 I ca234 ;• * : , 'fa Lumber, Factorage *tind mission. Business. T HE Subscriber eonthlucs the Lumber'. FUclor- age and Commission'Ihtiiaiis, at Ids old stand lien# the Union Ferry Wharf, undteiiderslns Servidos to his friends and the public. . lie will also attend to the ItF.-PACKING and COMPRESSING of,COTTON,bis cotton press be ing in cdmulete oftleR •• f. i '■ -Y Oct 30 201- j J’NO, KVtqRINGHA-M, j' Senuin6 ntitentFuraii\ MedioiiieB L EES Pills ; Churches Ely Mustard Andcrsuns do C’hings worm Leadnges Hoopers' do \> Thompsons teoth paste James do do* eyewater. Churches cough drops Rogers vegetable Andersons do . pulmonic detergent Baisdrn Honey Henrletb oil AudtCbilcnutiVe British oil Opodtldock • Squires elixir - Salts Lemons Can constantly be had at the store of l.fiYVHENDRlCKBON, Hcm‘y« caiic'd magnesia Baldihans drops,'^o Bunk State Georgia . SAVANNAH Dpc. 18, 1834 pTRlllS Bank will elect a Teller, with a salary ii of $1440 to fill thq ; vacancy oceasipd’cdfjiy- Tho Two ndioininff Planta- I the resignation of J. P. Henry, on Friday the 3Jst ? fimiRul nn/1 known bv the inst ’ B(,nd ’ tu ’° or more suffl c! ent se ? url ' 5 ttonscnllod turn Kiiown ny .. for wi n be’required—applications -immexofLAtipr.THanoDrANl'.mMT, Mu ’ t be h T anded in , previous^to ll.e day of elec .• Akch/havlug lmntovetn nts_ i • I t - on , A, rORTER, Cashier. ~*dec )8 * 242 •' Bank of Darien u Dec. 14. 1824. I election for Five Directors, an the part of each having improvements The three plantations arc within seven miles, of Savannah, on tlie Great Og^chre Ttond, and con tain about tivo thousand and til ten hundred a CWg : about five hundred acres of which is prime rice land, within Banks, .and about, fivehundred fenees. The'land will be divided to suit a pur- chaser if uesired. A part only oflthe purchase mo- j edutO o clopk-A.- ‘ S. KliKS Cashier .the individual .stockholders for the ensuing Fainting, Glazing, etc nnHE Subscriber continues to carry Oh the', Dissolution. ng in this pity nplJE Partnership heretofore existiii . _ 1 between the subseribci-si under the firm of [ ' J. ’pWLYITJYG, GLAZING and GILDING Petersen, Hthnmhnd Co. expires by its own lira Ration on 1st January, 1825. N.' M. PETERSEN, ' ' A OGDEN HAMMOND, \ • FRED. JAI4NCKK., ■: By his Attorney Gaors Hav.mOxd. All demands against the firm must lie, rendcV’ed, and all oiitsfandiiignaymcnts made to the subscri ber tvlio is fiillv authorised to settle tlie slime, dec 6 231 OGDEN HAMMOND. business iu all its different branches, at his old stand cornojof Broughton and Bull-streets. lie keeps constaritly on hand a general assqrtr mentof-, • GLASS of nil sizes. . i • All kinds of PAINT OILS, £c. , A. BAIN. . nov 18 16 ' '■• Extract from an Ordinance Passed December 8th, 1SC6. ( yj^ND b6 ft further ordained, That froin and af- XX -ter Uie i A Plain. Cook, yVasher & IronGr T O hire by the yea/. For purlipUiars, apply to ' W T ( WJLLi AMS, „... , J ■ . t lV . . American Cough Dforis; fesifisrI y **&*. **•***»!%*<»■ be permitted to come wflhintbe limits.of the cl-J. , l ?f a r n ® c '| n ii,:, ru.- i,»» n trraatW seen or-found within tho limits of file city oil any day or night from tho 24th of Dec. to .the-2d of January next ensuing', even though they may huve tickets they; shall be, apprehended and im prisoned by the city marslial, orsunerintendnnt of the city watch, or any ono of tlie members of the watcli, or city constables, and shall remain W pri son until discharged,^and costs paid* SOLOMON COHEN, c. c. pro. tem, dec 22 245 ply has just been recirtved, find for s'alo by 1 LAY fa HENDRICKSON. Shad’s Buildings. dec 22 • 245 , Supposed to have ■been, stolen, F ROMtlie subscrihcr.on the Eyeping of the BtU" Inst'.'bp.fweiin the 6 arid 7 mj[e posts, on the I T n-.t^.illli, i) n.i .1 n llliS,.1f’ - 110A!/ JOSEPH G. DLANt/E, , Williamson’s wharf, ^rvFFkRS for Side-rxShgur 1st arid 2d qjiafity Loaf find Lump “ . Mohi"ses, Coffee, Pepper, Pimento, Cdgnae Brandy, Holland Clin, Jam. nnd Northern Rum llyb M'hiskey, Nofthe rq Gin*. Lamp Gil, Demijohns, Nos. I and 2 Mackerel, iu whole and half • I‘barrels ' ■ mt, '« 3, “ in bbls. Floflr in bbls. and imlf “ Buck'Wbent Flour iu bbls. and half bbls. Suit In sacks, Iron,. Aineiicimand F.imlisli White Lead , , limns arid Ditches Bacou^' V r’fajifa Powder in Kegs and Carinislers, or by the Pound J JNoils in Kerr, or liy tlie. Ill, Casks Cheese,-boxes Candles, ’ • Tea, Lard, Butter. Fine and Negro SHOI'3, 1st quality.; *, ' A quantity of fine mid comsc CLOTHING. ; Thgctlifer with n generaV assort iicnl of And all oilier arlicUis in tliC On dec 9 -.234 ; ; _ ' : * eery line , • - AOTr,: F. ; «• ■ 4 Small .Family can be nccommifWied with gcutimHodglhgslni' jwitvate atplly, x-adies will ftlso be fe’emved «s>Jp wuersori mo derate; terms. ;Apf.Jy to, the Editor. dm; 21, ■ . g43. , ‘ . , .■ , _ V ' iV~. r .’M ; .X. ANDle purchase'orRei.i ..-i.-ri i . twelve j ■| A working ba.uis, enquire of L S tpLVoiio -<ji Savauiiftb, .• " ’ * . . 'doe 20 '' m243 ’ • T HE Aiiuiversury of Ifof Gvo ciety, iieipg. .Sri Saturday tl iiury, a paper will be read keior, their rtioiq in .the Chatham Aea: clock,.on the subject p'tjlie ,*'ots Megatherium, found on hktdiuv •By.Dr. James P. Sefeyen. The peettuliy invifod to,attend. , IVM. IL CUYLEft, See’ry Geo. Med,So. dJ.r 28 . 249 . . i ’" • ,' . , edical nd)i;; .Notice, T OSuitoMj.XVitnesses ahd Jurors of the Supe rior Chur! Of Q’lmthamCounty, January Tf, m _ensiling—Picas; tfifoj Nutfoe that ia cpuseji of life Cquiity Electldii. PnBjic'Sfib s, audVr.isa in '.datips of (he Hfl'JHor Court of said oiniuty on > Mhiiilay.thb tiiiid'January bind tiring t:.i i-t weekrif said myiiib, the Superio court uill be qdjuiiruqd everfrum t(ietliii;(i to (be iOtJr, tho-se^. cond iMofiffay in .laliu.-.iv next of whirl, a!' .•••r- ested will.take due.nolico, rirui-give punctual ut- tendauce. A. B.F.VNNIN, Clerk, dvr 28 249 .... „ . PU LouisvIile lVoad, a Bltick'Mprocbo Pocket Book, containing a note of given by Elijah Fox, for $195, dated sdrrletlroe In 1819 qpa due in; 1820. An execution against William Lee, for Wanted to Hire fot 12 Months. A WOMAN and BOY. The woman tis Cook xjL and Washerwoman, and the Boy, to attend at Table, fac. They must be tvcll recommended. Apply to Mr, PHILLIPS, ut Copt. Douville’s, Johnson's Square. dec-27 243 . Notice. T O enable tlie assignees of Mr. ner, to make at art early dend; it is requested that nil c ■be presented to.tlieir agent Mr B „ leu, by the FIRST DA Y OF JANUARY NEXT, I gyo woman Tamer, for the year 1823, amount otherwise they will be debhred; It is . hoped that $50. Besides several ot her notes, accounts, fat;, thosfe indebted will’sea the' naceulty of making | vhiichU not recoilpctcd, that cun, bo use to an immediate settlement , , ' JAMES MG-IENRY, nov 8 •208. GEORGEIfELPlI, JOHN li. REID ' Assignees of W} Turner. any one but the cio'ntir. AVhofevcr will return ’.the .said ,Focket- Book and its contentSy.siiall be liberally rewarded and no quest ions' asked. • JOHN DOUGLASS, • Louisville Road, 11 miles from Snvh. dec IS 242 Frogh ( uirauis and ! J UST- reeciveifan atlditiona! .stir . Currants, Nutmegs) M ice, C'fo . Cinnamon, Gingqr, /.lispicc, blitqk and t’uVauc Pepper, V SuperiorLo'nd.jn Mustard; war " Lpap and Lump fin; r all of t• and for salt- by I.aY fa 11 END., dee 23 240 Corner ConarK* rated Du-sl .quality ! :s ^\, • •’! hUa':‘ r-sls. Liost This Aiovniitg, jTN the Market-House—a red .Moroc.eo Pocket .S. bo ik, qons'u.lerably worn, cputajqin - twenty- six dollars, aad some change, aiidseve.rui*papers, of no irse to any person bat.t'.ie owner., The find er wifi tie suitably l ew.H'Jiyi by reforiling U to the subscriber or leaving it at tirb Office. * ' .dec ?.'6 m240 ... JOHN ROBINSON.