Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 31, 1824, Image 1

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jVo. 252 Vol. XXII. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 31, 1824. Whole No. 4554. I TM OF WHARFAGE, STORAGE, DRAY- 'jtOEAMD WEIGHING, in savannah, published Ian. 1824, and now in operation. WHARFAGE* ..sell under 100 tons, por day 00 cents. n n over do. do 75 ifcar/hge on Landing and Shipping Country Pro- 4 cents. 6 4 15 30 ' 30 12i 20 30 llucc. ^resell barrel or half do Rico bale Cotton pnekago of Indigo • hogshead of tobacco 1000 feet of Lumber 1000 staves 1000 shingles 1000 reeds IWt'cet'ofilve oak, cedar and other heavy wood, sold by the solid1 ft. 37J 100 bushels of corn, and grain or all kind, in bulk • * 25 100 bushels lime in bulk 30 co! d of-wood * • 25 cedar, lightwood or other posts, per TOO legs * • M Wkorfitgt on Landing and Shipping Goods, ichor of n small size, caoli • 10 cants. Ho floo lb*. and upwards - lo do 1200 do * • 2? utils tort erf coffee, pimento, sugar, and all other bngs of such size, (grain e»£ rented) each • • «fgrain and salt • erreKof sailed provisions naval stores, hread, tuples, cider,and nil kinds of barrels except dry goods, and liquors do ot wines, and all kinds of liquor (eider excepted) dry goods In casks exceeding 20 gallons, and not over 68 gallons • d#. wines or Honors and dty *o°“‘ 3 6 20 under *1 test square I do. do do over 4 firtj «quare . do. stvs’* r ' each * f ^nf corn, per 1000 •s, the same ns boxes, i of osnaburgs, Russia dnek, bagging canvas, each Li;, of lffuorbr any kind of casks, ex* ceedlng 130 gallons tiles, loose, per gross « it <r pots, each - * ■osIm «f p»n>, npadet, lie. each pm, per lOObusnels * - 1 • .lies not exceeding 500 lbs. eaeh exceeding 600 lbs. not exceeding 1200 lbs. - - 35 exceeding 1200 lb . *60 |>rdsge of all xfitdi, per coil • 3 ap ovens with covers, and fire dogs per pair • » 1 ites of earthenware • * • esc, per 100 lbs. » *3 n per cask • » 4 l«irs, of 2 wheels » 37 , of two wheels • *25 iiages,cf four wheels • $1 00 in, Windsor nndali sitting chairs,per dozen • *12 sis, per ton * • 12 [anons under 60011m. • 25 over 600, not over 1200 lbs 60 . . over 13(H) lbs. . 00 kmbouses . .. . 26 liks, empty • . » 2 kale, each . 36 fmijnhns, each- * • 1 sks and chests of drawers • IQ ! Wood, per cord * - 25 |sh, per quintal . . 3 ala of all descriptions (except in bags) per 100 bushels • • 26 unpowder, in bbls. of 100 lbs. each 12J do. in half bbls. • 61 do. in kegs of 28 lbs. or under 8 bus, window, per 100 feet, in propor* I tion for smaller - * 4 I lids, exceeding 130 gallons of liquor I or any Und of merchandize 18 Ido. exceeding 63 and,not exceeding « 130 gallons * 8 iFartli tile, per 1000 • 25 temp, per ton • .60 [Ides, raw or tanned, per 100 • 60 f iy, loose, per 100 lbs. • .26 in bundles, each • 6 tampers of Merchandize, each », 6 ido. of Potatoes, each * 3 ogs,each - . .6 i or Jugs, each per dozen - 6 a, per ton - . 26 leg* of paint, butter, lard, biscuit, aad such size kegs 1 “* * ,, nt arid lend ov« r so ll,s. not over 600 lbs - . 6 liquors of a smaller size than 20 2 30 4 10 25 26 124 1 -24 26 8 15 M 1* / gallons *, per 100 bushels to- per barrel Ihs for plastering per 1000 tales, each lions, per 100 bushels do. in ropes, per 100 ropes J ts, iron, each * ne Apples, per 100 itatoes per 100 bushel •pea of gin, brandy, and all kinds of li quor, exceeding 63 gallons do. exceeding 130 gallons fflrter casks of wine and other liquor, (cider cxccptcd) and dry goods in casks exceeding ,°0 gallons not ex ceeding 63 gallons •sins in jars ... lit per 100 bushels •'lets each . . * joes, quern and grind, Bermuda, per 100 large mill per pair laliast, and other stones, per ton Is under 200 gallous each do over 200 do •fas . -tecs . cep each . iwces of allkinds (rice excepted) over 40, under 03 gallons I . 5 funks of all kinds, tinder 4 feet square 4 «o 00 over 4 squares - 6 brandy, puncheon of rjlin, and nil kinds of liquor in cask*fxcceding63, and not exceeding 13ft gallons - 20 Iron per tou, first and lust week 00 cents, intervening weeks - - 25 Every other article sumo at tit wharfage. WEIGHING. Each l)M. or half bb. rice « 6 Hhd. of tobacco or sugar * - 15 Packago of indigo • • -8 Bale of cotton * - 6 Each draft of light goods, under 100 lbs. 6; do do do over 100 lbs. 12i do dp heavy goods under 200 6. do do do over 200 per 100 lbs 3 DRAYAOE. For hanllng up the BluITto any porLoftheclly, articles not herein enumerated, for 1600 pounds weight • - - 60 cents. Under 1500 lbs and net less than 100 374 do 1000 do do do COO 25 Fora lOOO feet of Lumber $1 60 do 1000 Bricks • • 1.60 do cord of wood - * * 1 60 For every bale of cotton • - 8 do bid. of Rice * • 18! do hhd of Tobacco • • 87c do bbl of Flour • • 6, Ahd every other artlclo in thesaroeproportion; for hauling down (ho Bluff, or from one wharf to another exceeding 1600 lbs - 374 eta. Under 1600 and not less than 100 lbs 26 For each bale of cotton * 6j do bbl Ilicc - - l! dp lihd Tobacco - 31; do bbl Flour - • 6*. And every other article in the tame proportion. In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, John W. Lohg 1 w. > Monition. 3h1p_A1h!on and cargo.) To the Marshal 0/said District— greeting ; GEO. GLEN, Clerk W HEREAS John W. Long assignee of the un derwriters at Lloyds in Loudon, in the Kingdom of Groat Britain, the supposed (usurers of the Ship Albion and cargo, baa exhibited his libel or complaint, in the District Court of the U- nlted States, for the District of Georgia; stating, alleging and propounding, that the British Ship Albion, laden with Mahogany, Logwood, and di vers other articles, was, on the morning of the 16th September lost, by the force of the wind and waves driven fin the beach of Saint Catherines Island, ia the District aforesaid, and there aban doned by horprew; nndfhat ranch of the cargo has floated out of the said Ship, some portof which has been token by George H. Johnston, Patrick Houston and George M. Wnldburg, and by divers other persons, to a place of greater safety, and that part theref still lies on tile beach of Suit! Island, below high water mark exposed to the sea That the Agent ot the underwriters at Lloyds, un- der the impression that the said Ship ana cargo were insured at Lloyds, has for the benefit of ull concerned, sold the Interest of the said underwri ters aforesaid, therain atpublick sale to John W. Long. But the said persons, who have removed a part of the cargo to a place of greater safety, . claim to be entitled lo Salvage thereon, and pray ing process of this'court to take the said wreck and the saidcargo„orso much thereof, us is to be found within the jurisdictloif of this Court, Into the custody of tho Court for the benefit of tlm said libellant, and all persons concerned, and praying a monition against the said George, Patrick, and George, and all other persons, claiming to be en titled to salvage to appear and establish such tbeir claims and also to all persons interested to appear, andshew cause why tho said wreck and her car go Si all not be adjudged to tbe said John W. Lonr, assignee, as aforesaid, of the underwriters at Uoyds, and for further proceedings. Now therefore,youthesaid Marshal, are hereby com manded to attach, seize, take, and safely keep the rematat ofthc said Ship Albion and her cargo, wherehevor within the jurisdiction of this Court, or in tlh possession of whomsoever to bo found, to ans\Ar the said libel, and you are further com- mandedyo cite and admonish the said George, Patrick, tnd George, and all other persons, claim ing to bcVntitlcd to salvage in this behalf to ap pear befq* this Court, and there establish such their clainlaiid further to cite and admonish all and every tenon and persons, whomsoever bnv- Ing or pretitading to have any right, title, interest, property, clBm or demand in, or to the said wreck orto the cargo thereof, to be, andappearat a spe cial Court of admiralty, to be held at Snvnnnah, on the Twelfth day of November next, to answer tho libellnntiifyhc premises that right and justice may be done in this behalf. And whatsoever you shall do, in this regard certify and make known to the Judge ofsaid Court,at tbe time and place aforesaid; and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge of said District, this twenty-firat duy of October, eighteen hundred and twenty four. * NICOLL Si. GORDON, . Proclort for Libellants. AH persons interested in the foregoing Monition will take duenotice. JNO.H. MOREL, m.d.o. Oct 30 201 Dr. A. DE LAROCHE. Opposite the Exchange, Savannah. 9 constantly receiving fresh supplies of gen- . uine DRUGS AND MEDICINES, selected for Country Merchants mid Physicians, which he will sell lor ensb or approved credit at the lowest City price. Just received, SULPHATE qf QUIN1NA. OCt 16 100 General Drug,Chcinictil&Family Medicine Ware House. LAY Sf HENDRICKSON, Wholesale and Retail Chemists mid Druggists Jfo. 1. Shad’s Buildings, Comer of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savannah. H AVF. constantly on band a very general os sortmeut of DRUGS, MEDICINES, x DYE STUFFS AND PAINTS, - PERFUMERY, ll^C. A*C. A great variety of Apothecaries Glass Ware such as wide and narrow moutli bottles, from 1 gallon to one ounce,composition and glass mortars, glass lamps and lamp glasses, smeltings bottles, gradua ted measures, Apothecaries viuls white and green. Surgeons Instruments—Pocket sets, turnkeys, trusses, spring and thumb lances, forceps, sntulus, bougies, catheters, scales and weights, fyc. 4j-c. Patent Medicines—of every description, viz: Seidlitz and Soda Powders, balm of Quito, cnlcin ed magnesia, Lees, Andcrsons, and Hoopers Pills, Swairas Panacea, Balsam Honey, Buteiuuns und Churches Cough Drops, Itch ointment, $-c. All of which are offered for sale on the most liberal terras for cash or credit. OT L.4-H. Having enlarged their Establish meet and having inude such arrangements as to be coutinually receiving a fresli supply of goods, flatter themselves that none of the kindin this city, can offer greater Inducements to dealers. The Merchant, tho Planter, und tba Physician, can hero bu supplied with almost every article ia the Drug line, as their assortment wili bcfonudnston. sive and of tho best quality, under no consider* tion whatever will the sale of impure or udultcro ted articles be promoted. Tho utmost care will be used In the selection of good Medicines and will be sold at a moderate profit. It is upon these principles alone that they will endeavor to secure patronage. All orders promptly executed. The Georgia Patriot, and Darien Guzctte, will please to give tills advertisement six insertions and forward their bills for pavmeat. sept 28 182 Owners and Tenants of Houses Take Notice. T HE Managers and Assistants of Fire Engines will on Morula./, the 16III proceed to make an examination of Buckets, Ladders, he. throughout the City. All persons not complying with the following sections of an Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire kc. will be returned to Council. Sue. 10. ,'lwl be it further ordained. That every house within life limits and Jurisdiction of this ity, occupied and tenanted, shall be supplied Ith buckets at the expense of the owners of said promises, to the number of at least the nutn- lior of five-places in the same, including such ns are in the out-buildings, nnd the said bucketssllnll he equal in goodness and size to those procured for liic use at'the City,and painted,on which shall, be painted In visible characters the name of the owners of suid buckets ; ar.diu case the owner ol any house or tcncnientyiionld refuse or neglect to have the said buckets supplied agreeably to tins ordinance, it shall and may bo Inwiul for the tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of hit rent. Sue. 11'And be it further ordained, That the owner of every improved wharf shall furnisli twenty bucuets for the building or buildings on such wharf, nnd deliver them to Managers and Assistants of tiie Engines, on or before the second meeting-of Council in July next; and the receipt of any Manager or Assistant, for such buckets, shall bo deemed a full compliance with this sec tion, by the owner, for the number of buckets mentioned in said receipt; And the owner of every storu in the City, that has no fire-place or daces attached to the same,shall furnish two fire- rackets for every store of such kind, and under such regulations as other landlords are by this or dinance required to do. Sr.c. 12. Andbeitfurther ordained, That every owner of a wooden house or houses, brick, or stone houso.or houses covered with wood.occunl- edns dwelling-houses or kitchens,shall provide the same with a sufficient ladder, or have a scuttle or door cut through the roof of such house or bouses, largo enough for a man to pass througli conve nientir, under the pcnenlly of a fine not excee ding thirty dollars. nov 2 203 JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. •Is or casks exceeding 130 gallons )i* omi r brn?in C . r ( k "i\ ds of m «cbandize 16 ood, brasillctto, lignum vitte, and all dye woods, per ton . . 05 , "“i« ncr pair . . g a 8gifthf - wheels, (4 wheels) . 60 £Z&* “ U, ,V: proportion to the foregoing rates, ten an article is not to be found under its name, the package m which it is usually contained. siT" J l y , me 0n a , whu *f m0TC than n'ghts, lo object to a week’s storage unless landed on Sab ay, or any other evening immediately jirecedine J [day—in such cases to be removed on the second da .y thereafter, or be subject to storage as . STORAGE. . Often, per \veek, 8 cents for the yijfcWH* last week und for each intcr- •1 rice l rJ?S ck , " ' * 6 cents. ifflSiSjsertS ... o ,,-cask T'' weck * » 20 I Iona K 0II< tining more than 30gal* J ’ 01 SU£8r » m °j*ss6S, Pipe of gin, Planters Bank. ■JVTOTICE is hereby given, that after the first J.1 day of January next, this Bank will not re ceive for a> .y debts due to it, the notes of the Da rien Bank, nor the notes of any other bank,which does not, on demand, redeem its paper with spe- cte._ Notcs nnd acceptances deposited for col lection, until further notice, may be paid in any of the notes of the Banks of Georgia, it being un derstood that depositors of su .h paper will be paid in the same notes, tbq amount ot collections unde for them. - J- MARSHALL, Cashier. ( i,EOKtiiA, Chatham -,inty-—iiy the noli T the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes, T6 all whom it may concern. Whereas, John Dillon administrator of Ed mond Dillon, late of Chatham county dec. lias pe titioned (lie lion, court of ordinary,to be discharg ed from his said administration^ Now, these arc therefore to clto and admon ish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dccensed, the file their objectiins (if any they have,) to the granting of letters dismissory to the petitioner, in the clerk’s office, of the said court, on or before the 11th day of December next ensuing, otherwise letters dismissory will be grant 1 * the petition er. Witness the lion John Cummin,,, one of the Justices of tho said court, this 11th day of June, A. D. 1824t S. M. BOND, c c. o. juno 12 • • 136 EOKG1A, Chatham County—To ull whom it I may concern. Whereas Levi S.D'Lyonhnsappliedto thc Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Hezekiah Winkler, late of the State of South Carolina as principal crodlti r. .These atto therefore to cite and admonish all arid singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to the granting of tho administration of the estate of the said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or before the twenty-seventh day of January next jotherwise let ters of administration will be grunted. Witness thcMlon. one of tbe Justices of the said Court, the 27th day of Decem ber, A. D, 1824. S.M.B0NP,CCO, dec 28 2-fft Register of Debates in Congress. PROSPECTUS.* A CCORDING to Ull intimation heretofore given, there will be published at tbe Office of the National Intelligencer, during the next session of Congress, and, if encouraged by the approbation of the Public, nt every session thereafter, a RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, intend- edtocoinpreheudnmorc fuilKeportoi the Speech es on topics of general interest, in each House of Congress,than lias ever■heretofore been published, or than can be given to the Public through the or dinary and HmitodchuuneMba columnsof a news paper. This compilation will be of the most nu theutic cast,printed with great regard to accuracy, nnd in a form for durable preservation.. This undertaking is not of. course intended to substitute or supercede tbe Reports of Debates for the National Intelligencer, but rather, by with drawing the heavy and extended Reports from its columns, lo enable the Proprietors of that Journal to furnish, every day, in a comprehensive form, intelligible Reports of the Proceedings and Dis cussions in the day preceding, 011 both Houses. The “Rsoiswi” is necessarily an experiment, hut it is an experiment the success of which we see no reason lo doubt. Every one who takes an interest in our political history, as well asall those who engage in tbe duties of political life, must have felt and lamented the want of a Record of Debates in Congress, iu n convenient form, with indexes which might lead the enquirer to any »ub ject debated, nnd to the name of unv one whoen- gaged in debate. Such a work would lie an ele mentary book for young politicians, and we have no hesitation in asserting that the possession of such a oner, from the commencement of the exist ing government to this dav, would be of immense value to tbe nation, were it only to shew what has heretofore been said upon questions which are continually recurring for discussion, and produc ing needless consumption of time by superfluous debate. What is true of the years that have past, will, as soon as they are gone, be equally true .of those in which we five. it is not only, therefore, as a vehicle of present information) but also as u book for future reterence —nsa National Political Repository and Text-Book that wo hope this work will be both useful and popular. From the lowness of the subscription to this work, it will be seen that it is no part of our cal culation lo realize any present profit from it. Or the contrary, we shall, 111 all probability, lose mo ney by it for n year or two, hoping that thereafter its established character will ensure it a sufficient patronage to make it profitable. GALES & SEATON. Washington, September, 1824. CONDITIONS. The publication of GALES & SEATON’S RE GISTEROF DEBATES IN CONGRESS will commence as soon ns tbe Debates at each sue cessive Session of Congress shall afford materials to fill a half sheet, (8 pages.) The work will be printed in the octavo form, on a super roynl paper, made for tbe purpose, and on ubreviertype, in double columns—each page com prising nearly ns much matter ns one of the co 1 lumns of the National Intelligencer. It will contain as full aud accurate Reports as can be obtained of all Debates on main questions, and of all interesting Debntes on incidental ques tions; with an Appendi^ containing a list of the Members of each House, the Yens and Nays ip each House on questions which have been the subject of Debate, such Documents, connected witli the subjects of Debate, as may be deemed essential to enable the reader to comprehend them, and proper indexes to the whole. The Debates of the next Session, it is competed; will, with the Appendix, make a volume of five hundred pages, at least, nnd will be furnished to subscribers through the Post Office, in sheets, as published, (or reserved at this Office, at the sub scriber’s option,) at thbee dollars for the vol ume, bo it more or less, to be paid in advance inall cases of transmission beyond the limitsofthe city, The sheets will be transmitted os completed without regard to any particular days, as the pub licalion must of course be regulated by the prepar ation of the matter of which it is to be composed. The subscription will in no case, unless within the city,’ and not then unless epeciully indicated; be undepstood to extend beyond .the volume ac tunlly paid for in advance. To non-subscribers the price will be four dol lars, bound in boards,for thc volume now announc ed. • The Debates of the Session of Congress follow ing the next, and of the first Session of every Con gress, will, it is supposed, fill about one thousand pages, or perhaps more, making one very large volume, or two of n handsome size—the fust Ses' sion of cacli Congress being nearly double the dw ration of the second. The price of the Register for the first Session of each Congress, be its con tents more or less than 1000 pages, will be fixed at five dollars to subscribers, and sixtonon-subscri her*. ' Oct 13 188 mmm wwwutft rpilE undersigned Imvc resumed their business JL at their old stand, in Bull street, opposite Judge Cuylcr's Mouse, and will execute orders in tiie neatest manner for Marble ; ‘ MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, HEAD STONES, PAINT STONES, CHIMNEY PIECES, HEARTH, BUILDING STONES, &c. Or any other work in their line ofbusiucss— All orders from the country and city will be thank!ally received, and promptly attended to, and executed on short notice. MOORE h LYMAN. jj208—l m J. Shinn’s Panacea rpHF. subscriber, having discovered the com J. position of Swaim’s celebrated Panacea hat now a supply on haud for sale—lie lias redu cod tiie price from $3 60 to $2 60, or by tbe d zen f 24. All charitable institutions in tbe United Stules, and the poor will he supplied gratis. if tiie citizeni of the principal cities and towns will appoint an agent to order and distribute this Mcdioine to the poor, it wilH>e supplied. This Medicine is celebrated for tbe cure of the following diseases: Scorfula or King's Evil, Ul cerated nr Putrid Sort Throat, long standing Rbeumntic affection*, Cutaneous Diseases, White Swelling nnd Diseases of the Bones, qnd ell ens cs generally of an Ulceroas character, and Chro nic Diseases, generally arising in debilitated con stitutions, but more especially from Syphilis or affections arising therefrom; Ulcers in tbe larynx ; t,-c. end the dreadful diseases occasioned by a long and escessivt ase of Mercury, tpe. It is al so used in Diseases of the Liver. CERTIFICATES, I have within tha last two years bad an oppor- tairlty of *e«ln« Mvtral caws of very inveterate Ulcers, which having resisted previously the re gular modes of treatment, were healed by tbe use of Mr. Swaim’s Panacea, anil 1 do believe, from what I have *eea. that it will prove au important remedy ia fccrofaluus, Venereal and Mercurial diseases. N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Profemr of the hstitutes and Practice of Physic, ta thi University of Pennsylvania. I have employsd the Panacea of Mr. Swaim i mnaerom irtteacaa, whbin tho last three yean and have always found it extremely efficacious specialty ia teaondary Syphilis, and Mercurial Disease*. 1 have ao hsiitation iu pronouncing it a Msdieiaa at' inaalimahia value. W GIBSON, M. D. Professor oftorgtry to tie University of Penn. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. PhilodetphiH. JTot. 17. 1823. Each publisher of a aawapaper in the U. States, is requested lo pubi'wii this advertisement once a mouth, for ode year, and sand their accounts for payment. G EORGIA, Chatham County.—By the Hon. the .hssliees of the tof trior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas John M’Nith, administrator of Isaac Baillon, dec. has petitioned the honorable the Court of Ordinary to be discharged from' his said administration. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditoraof the said dec. to file their objections,(if any they have) in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Ordina ry, on or before the second day of May next, o- tiienvise letter* dismissory will be granted tbe pe titioner. Witnessdhe hon. John P. Williamson one of the Justices of the said Court this second day of No vember, 1824. S. M. BOND, c. e. 0/ nov 2 203 Effingham Superior Court, To Ike Jurors, Witnesses and Suitors in the same. enc ircouit—Clmtlmni county. owns r. Purse et. al. ) Complaints f * and ) IN EQUITY. Richard R. Cuyler, ex’r Win Shaw, deceased. J 'N this case, on tho suggestion in tiie defend- . nnt’s answer, tlint ccrtn'in persons not parties to this bill, residing in Scotland, claim to he en titled to a distribution of part of the undivided estate of Wm Shaw, deceased, and on motion, it MS concerned do appear ~ Chatham County In hi and there to cs- ind ill default thereof, r the said Wm Shmv, be dintributeiTatBwig ttie complainants agreeably to tiie decree of sniil Court and that this rule be published once a month until the expiration thereof. Extract from the minutes this 7th day of June, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. junc 17 frr!38 Superior court, Chatham county. Jahuary Term, 1824 ^ Aaron Cleveland and Susan C) his wife, ) vs. f Rule Misi^ Jacob Fnhm. J O N tiie petition of Aaron Cleveland and Su san C. bis wife, who was Susan C. Bona, stat ing that Jacob Fabm, before the intermarriage of the petitioners, to wit; on the 22d day of June 1821, did in conjunction witli one Joseph A. Scott, execute a joint bond to tbe said Susan C. in tiie penal sum of four thousand dollars condi tioned for Hie payment of two thousand dollars with interest from date, on or belore tbe first day of March then next, and that for the better securing the payment thereof, the said Jacob did on the day aud year first aforesaid make his certain indenture of mortgage, whereby be mortgaged to said Susan C. all that lot of ground known and designated as Garden lot number thirty nine, No 3<J, and also, that adjoining half part of another lot known as lot number forty two, No 42, containing together eight and a huff acres more or less situated to the cast of the city of Savannah and bounded to the north west of Lot No 26, to the soutli and east by lands bw longing to the estate of Hampton Lillibriilge and tiie west by tbe public road leading to Skidaway island whereon n brick yard is now established and known by the name of Folims brick yard- that there is now on the said bond or mortgage obligatory the sum of eighteen hun dred dollars with interest from the 23d day of January 1323, and praying the foreeiosure of the equity of redemption of tiie said Jacob and his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in and to the said mortgaged promises—On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for tiie petioners— It is ordered that the principal and interest due on tiie said bend or writing obligatory together with tbe cost of this application be paid into this court within twelve months from tins date, or iu case of default that the equity of redemption of said Jacob Faiitu, his heirs, executors* adminis trators and assigns bo from thenceforth forever foreclosed und that suck fusther and other pro ceedings he had thereon, os are pursuant to tbe statute in such caso made and provided—And it is further ordered that this rule be published in one of tiie Gazettes of this state at least once a mouth for twelve months, or that a copy, be served on the defendant at least six month boforo the time appointed for tbe payment of the mon ey into court. Extract from the minutes, 16tli Jan. 1824. jan 10 12 JOB T. BO LES. Chatham Superior Court. May, 1824. ( 1 EORGE Johnston and others, complainants X vs Peter Vanburgh Livingston and others, defendants, in equity in tiie Superior court, ot Chatham county, May term, 1824. It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Pe ter Vanburgh Livingston and Harriet E. Living ston, who are parties defendant reside beyond the state ofGeorgia, and within the United States on motion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered that the said defendant do respectively uppear and an swer the complaints bill within four months from he date of this rule. And is further ordered that this rule be published once a week during four monthsfrom this dute iu one of the public Gazettes of this State. Extract from the Minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk’ juuc8 134 Superior court, Chatham county John Retail 1 vs. / Rule Mist. • Nathan Baker. ) O N the petition of .Ino. Retail stating tha Nttthnn Baker did on the first day of May 1822. the better to secure the payment Of liis certain promissory note of that date for lira smn of two thousand dollars, payable to the said John Retun, or order, on or before the lstday of May, 1824, with interest at 7 per cent per annum, l>y his indenture, under his seal, bearing date tlm day and year first aforesaid, mortgaged to tlm said John Retun, all the undivided moiety or half part of all tlmt lot of land, situate, lying anil being In the city 1 of Savannah,' and known and distinguished in the plan thereof by the number one (1) Tyiconnctl tyjhing Darby ward, together with the nppiirtcnunces, and further stating that the said promissory note remains wholy unpaid, nnd tiie sniil mortguge in lull force, and praying the foreclosure of the said mortgage.} On motion of W. IV. Gordon, uttorndy for the letioner, it is ordered that the suid Nathan Ba ler do pay into this court, within twelve months of this date, the principal and interest due on the said note and tiie cost of the suid application, nr .in default thereof, that tiie equity of reilenip • tion of the said Nathan Unkcf of and to the said mortgaged premises, he thenceforth and (orever foreclosed. - , •ui&kif-) And it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be served on tiie snid Nathan Bnker, nt least six- months before the time appointed for the payment of said money into court, or published 111 one of the public Gnzcttcs of this state, nt least once in every month, until tiie time np- peiiitcd for the payment thereof, and that such further nnd other proceedings be had us aro prescribed by the statute in such case made and provided. Extract from tho minutes this 24tb May. 1824. may 7 2 A. li. F \NNIN.’ (-7/rk. Superior Court, Chatham County. March Term, 1824. ‘ William Bcrric J vs. > Rule Mist. John Christopher, j O N tiie petition of William Berrie stating that one John Christopher, of the county of Cnmden, being indebted to one Ilcnry Sadler or order in a note of lmnd, dated St Marys in suid county, on the Dth October 1822, in lira sum of Five Hundred Dollars, payable witli interest from the date on the first day of January then next ensuing, did mortgage to tiie said Henry his heirs and assign*, to secure the payment of the note aforesaid with interest on tiie same—a cur tain lot of land in the town aforesuid being part of lot No. 1 beginning at the west corner of a lot belonging to one Calvin Iliiyes, thenee. rim ing south 100 feet on St. Marys Street, ti.-ncc north to Bryant St. cast to C. Mays’ land thence south to the beginning, with the margin attached to the same on the south side of fit! Marys or Bay st. being a hundred feet on the street und running'from thenee directly to tho river St. Marys, together with all and singular every thing thereto appertaining,that thesaidllenry Hadaier, to whom nud to whose heirs qnd assigns (tie said mortgage was made on the 2-ith of Sept. 18 » July assigned by deed, said mortgage to IL pe{ titioner, there is now due on snid mortgage tho sum of Five Hundred Dollars with intetan from, the 1st January 1822, aud praying for thclurnclo. sure of the equitv of redemption, in t the snid John Christopher, Ins heirs and 'assigns in tiie mortgaged premises and that tiie same bo foreclosed according to law. On motion of'Belton A Copp, nttornry for pc) titioner, it is ordered that the principal and ini terest due on the said mortgage together with the costs of his applicants be paid into this era rt within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the snid John Christopher Ins heirs executors, administrations nnd assigns be from thence forever foreclose* nnd that such other proceedings lake place as a pursuant to the statue. And it is further ordered that this rule be p il risked iu one of the Gnzettes of this state at r once n month for twelve months to the time apt pointed for the payment of said money' into Court. A true extract from the minutes. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Jefferson, 16th March, 1824 rriHE Judge of the Superior Courts of the Kast- X ern District having keen called to a conven tion of the Judges nt Milledgcville, the Superior Court of Effingham County will be adjourned, on the regular day of the Term, to the 13th of De cember, of whichJurors, Witnesses, and Suitors in tbe same will take notice, and give their attend- ancc accordingly. By order of Iris Honor James M. Wayne, Judge of the Superior Cou.t. JNO. CHARLTON, nov 16 t213 Clerk, G EORGIA, C-lmtham Cotuty—By the honora ble the Justices of the Inferior covrtof Chath-. am county sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Wheara* Charles Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis late of Chatham county deceased has >etitioned the honorable tbe court of ordinary to >e discharged from his said executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in tiie office of tiie Clerk of the court of ordinary on or before tbe 7th day of March next, otherwise letter* dismissory will be granted the petitioner. Witness the honorable George L Cope, one of tiie Justices of the said court this seventh day of September, A. D. 1824. . 1 S. M. BOND, c C 0 c 0 sep 9 176■ Swaims Panacea. T HE Subscribers have just received from Phil- kdelphiaa fresli supply of this celebrated Me dicine, and have made such arrangements as to keep a constant supply of it on hand. Persons in Xvuiit of this article can depend upon its being gen uine, os it comes direct from Mr. Swaim. LAY fy HENDRICKSON, Chemist and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. oct T . 186 ’ 1 . riAHE Copartnership of Nicholas ^ Noll'is dis- JL solved by mutual consent—William Neff is authorised to settle the offnirs of the concern. SAMUEL NICHOLAS. WILLIAM NBFF. dec 9 234 Camden—Superior Court. October Term, 1824. Nicholas J. Bayard ) vs. > Rule Nisi. Ray Sands ) O N tbe petition of Nicholas .I. Bayard, stating that Kay Sands, on the fifth doy of June eigh teen hundreiPand twenty-four, for the better se curing the payment of his certain bernd or writing obligatory, bearing date the day and year afore said, whereon he the said Ray acknowledged him self held and hound unto the said Nicholas J. Bay ard, in the penal sum of four thousand dollurs- conditioned for the paymet of one thousand dol, lars on or before the first day of October then next, and the further sum of one thousand dollars on the first day of January thfen next, did morl- ;agc all that tract, piece, or parcel of land, lying, raing and situate on Cumberland Island in tho county of Camden, and known by tho name of Cotton Bluff", con'airiing four hundred and fifty acres, bounded on the north by lands of Sliierer, on the south by lands of Nathaniel Green, and on the west by salt marsh, together with the nppurte nances—and further stating that the said sums of money remained unpaid, and pray tiie foreclosure of tiie equity of redemption of the said Ray. On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the petitioner, it is ordered that the said Ray Sands do pay into this court liofore the expiration of twelve months from this date, tiie said several sums of money in the condition of the said bond mention ed, together wjth.the interest and cost, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said Ray Sands his heirs, executors, administrators and as signs, of, in and to the said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that this rule be pub lished in one of the Gazettes of this state ot least once a montli for twelve months, or that a copy be served on the said Roy Sands, at least six month* before the expiration of tiie t’rie appoint ed for tiie payment pi the said money into court, and that suen further proceedings be had us are pursuant to the statute in such case made and pro vided. Extract from the minutes, this 26th Oct. 1824 JOHN BAILF*Y, Clerk. ectS? 2W In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, > DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, j George Woodruff and others,") SSL\ Plecss of Mahogany part cargo f Ship Albion J To the Marshal of the District of Georgia ’ oatETiao :— L. S. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS Georgo Woodruff, Patrick Hous ton and George Johnston and Jacob Wald- burg and George Waldburg and Edward P. Postell have exhibited their libel or complaint in the Dis trict Court of the United States for the District of Georgia aforesaid, stating and propounding tlmt by means of great labor arid exertion of the mana g ers, and negro slnves of tho said libnllantn, they ave saved and preserved pieces of Mahogany wood, from the wreck of the British, ship Albion which hndheen wrecked in'tlie gale of the four teenth of September last; and was driven on the beach of the Island of Saint Catherines, in the said District, and praying a reasonable salvage o allowance therefrom. And whereas (lie J udge of the District Court for the District aforesaid, hath ordered and directed the Twelfth day of Novem ber next,Tor all persons concerned, to be cited to appear at the Court Hou^ra, in the City of Savan nan, at ten o’clock of that day, and shew cause if uny.they have, why judgment should not pass as prayed : You are therefore hereby authorised uml enjoined, to cite and admonish nil persons, tvhute ver, having, or pretending to liave. nny right,title, or interest, in orto the said -Mahogany, libelled against ns aforesaid, to be, and appear, at the time and place, aforesaid, before the Judge afovesnid, - to hear, abide by and perform all and singular such judicial acts as are necessary and by law required to be done in (he premises ; and -iilrthc;- to do and receive whutuiitolnwand justice shall appertain, under the paid of the law and con tempt thereof, the absence and contdmney of them and every of them in any wise notwith standing. And whatsoever you shall do in (lie premises you shall duly certify unto lira said Judge, at the time and place aforesaid, together with these presents. Witness the Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge of the said District Court this twenty-ninth, day of Octo ber one tkdusand eight hundred and twenty four. DAVIES k BERRIEN, Proctors. All persons interested in the fpregoing Monition will take due notice. JNO. H. MOREL, u. 0. Oct 29 200' tvit . „... ... . _ _ ,11 made to tbe jion 1 . lira Inferior Court ol Bry ea County, for leave to sell ull the real esti te o Sarah M’Kiudly, late of Bryan County dec. fo the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said es tate. JAMES BUTLER, Adm’r. npil 2 $o77 Ranawayduriiigtlie last week, A NEGRO Womannani-d ELSY: SheR a tul black woman about the a-/o of 40, und lius a thick white shin or film which entirely covers tiie left eye, by which site cannot he mistaken. All persons are particularly warned against employ ing or harbouring said ’wench under tiie penalty of. a prosecution. bov 16 a214 IQS S PELOT.