Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 27, 1825, Image 1

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J * 0 181. Voi.. XXII. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1825. Whol e No. 4730 cal College of S. Carolina. I. gM'l'RES of this Institution will bo re Vd on the second Monday of November John Edwards Holbrook, |ii/Vj dnd • ante* Ramsay, M. D. id Practice of Medicine—$. Henry is ji/rrfirtf—Henry ®« Frost. Mi D. line* ond Diseases of tVon tan and Infants— f 0 1’rioloau, M. D. r y an d Pharmacy—Edmund Rovcnel, i History and Botany—Stephen Elliott, L S, HENRY DICKSON, M. D. Dean of the Faculty. at.171 I'rcasury Department, 2{/th Artur,, 18526. tCF. is hereby given, that on the first day .(October next, the principal of the six per [U 0 fthe United State, Crented under the Lyofmt Act of Congress, entitled “An lUiorlsing a Loan for 0 sdiu not exceeding f. Lillians of Dollars” approvted on the fenth dny of March, One Thousand Eight Lj anil Twelve, together With the interest . thertOh, will be paid to the Proprietors [oik, orto their Attorneys duly authorised, I Treasury of the United States in Washing. Jiid at the sever al Loan Offices, on the Books licit B ny portion of said stock muy stand. T rr eitder of the Certificates of said Stock erequired at the time of payment, and the .toilsaid Stock will cease,from arid after 'Inrtieth day of September next SAM’L L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury lyll ... t»> 5 NEXT SCHEME\ BY SPECIAL ACT OF ASSEMBLY. GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND. U NDER the siiperinicnddnce of the commis sioners appointed liy the ttoverndr and Council, and by the improved mode of drawing, secured by Letters Puteut iihder the Seal ot the I United States—I lie whole to he completed in one day. and will positively take place iu the city of | Baltimore in a few weeks. Highest Priefe' #20,OOO» SCHEME. 1 Trize tjf $30,01)0 is $30,000 boilers SPLENDID SCHEME ! of Tim Masonic hall lotery. #30,000 HIGHEST PRIZE, AW» Drawing in the City of Augusta] un der the supct'intenrtcinec of f A.SfcAuontER, S;, i i... j., \ CbmmiSsidners< j \ v h"u»B f i.l.t hay, J (ll. D. TiioMrsojr., 10,000 6,000 1,000 600 100 60 Ho i to I 6 4 10,000 а, ouO 10,000 б. 000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,o00 80,000 The Second Dr aiding Augusta. Masonic Hall ThCfirtkDraUing isorcr, and au'the Capital fri- s'es are still in the ft'heel. Tire second Drawing wilt take place on WED NESDAY, 12tll dfe-efober next. The unprecedented Richness ofthe Wceel, ni ter tire drawing of a large proportion ofthe nlitn- bars, offers every possible inducement to adven turers. This is evidently the richest Lottery in the Union, iu Grand Capital Prises, besides a Ve ry large proportion of the minor Prizes. Ticket and Shares, warranted undrawn, may Still be had at the original Scheme price, at The Aiigusttt Masonic Hall Lot tery Office; Those who have drawn prizes are informed that uuently the Wheel is very fleli. SCHEME 20813 Prizes, 162,000 Dollars. Treasury Department, . March 14, 182A. niF.REAS, On the Gtli March, 1826, a law ’ was passed by the Congress of the United is,of which the 3d, 4th, add Oth tcctiohs are 8 words following, viz: c. 3. And be it further alacted, Thai a shb- [tiuit to the amount of twelve millions of dot ofthe six per cent, stock of the year eighteen red and thirteen, be, and the same is hereby jsed ; for which purpose books shall be d- |d at the Treasury of the United States, and ie several loan offices On the first day of April Lto continue open until the first day bf Outo ihereaftcr, for 1 such parts of the above-nieii Id description of stock, as shall, dn the day |tiscriptlon, stand on the books of the Treasu md 011 those of the several loan offices res Jrcly; which subscription shall be c(levied ■ transfer to tho United States in the maiinei tided by law for such transfers, of the credit [redits standing oil the said hooks, and by a tender ofthe certificates of the stock So Sub Jbed- Provided, That all subscription by such- In'crof stock, shall be considered us part of [said twelve millions of dollars authorized to ■borrowed by the first section of this act. pee. 4. And be it further t*acledj That, for | whole or any part of any sum, which shall be s subscribed, credits shall be entered to the .pectivc subscribers, who shall be entitled to a ftikate or certificates, purporting that the Uni- i States owe to the holder or holders thereoi, 1,her, or their assigns, a sunt to be expressed pin, equal to the amount of thd principa Vktliils subscribed,bearing an interest not ex tog four and atie half per centum per annum-, hie quarterly, from the thirty-first dny ofDc hber.onc thousand eight hundred and twenty b; transferrable in the same manner as ia |no cd by law for the transfer of the stockpiubscsib and subject to redemption nftlie pleasure id United States, as follows: one linlf at n“> ! alter tho thirty-first day of December, 1. • » uand eight hundred and twenty-eight, and [remainder at any time after the thirty-first 7 of December, one thousand eight hundred I twenty-nine; Provided, That no rCitnbifrse- nt shall be made, except for the whole amount uch new Certificate, nor until after ot least six libs’ public notice of such intended reiin- icmcnt. And it shall be the duty of the SbCs < e f of the Treasury to cause to be re-trnns fed to the respective subscriber* the sb fal mms by them subscribed beyond the a fidnt of the certificates of fcmr and one half per Int stock issued to them respectively. *' Sec. 5. And bt it further enaotidj That tlif ne funds Which have heretofore been,and now s pledged by law for the payment ol lhe inter- iianil for the redemption nnd reimbursement [the stock whieh may bo redeemed or reiralurr ■a by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall nain pledged in like manner for the payment of i interest accruing on the stock created by real , a of such subscription, and for the redemption rreimbursement ofthe principal of the same.— M ft shall be the duty of the Commissioner* of |e Sinking Fund (o cause to be applied and paid pt of the said fitrid, yearly and every yenr, such to and gurms as may be annually required to charge the interest accrulngon the stock,which ty be cheated by virtue of this act. The Said Commissioners are also hereby authorised to np [y/ from time to time, such sum and sums out of e said fund, as they may think proper, towards deeming, by purchase, or by reimbursement ) conformity witn tire provision's Of this act,; the pncipal of the said stock; and such purt of the hnual sum e ften millions of dollars, vested by lw . inthe said Commissioners, as maybe nc- jessary and required forthe above purpose#,-shall hand continue appropriated to the paymontof [iterest and redemption ol'the public debt, until lie whole ofthe stock Which may he created un ■er the' provisions of this act, shall have been re eeitfedi or'reimbursed.” Jvois, therefore, Notice is hereby given, That ooks will lie opened at the Treasury of the Uiiit- i States, and at the several loan offices', on the •st day of April next, and continue open until P e first day of October thereafter, for receiving UbScriptiqns in conformity With the provisions ol ne said law. The subscriptions maybe made by tiitf prepri tors of the stock, either in person or by their* At oriieys du ly authorized to subscribe and transfer. I to the United States. 40000 Tickets—N’dt drie blank to a prize. The holder of two tickets, will be certnlh olitalnlilg at least one prize, nnd ulay draw tlircct Moon op Drawing.—Tlite numbers will be puf into one wheel as usual—and in thd other wheel will beput one prize above the dertdmination o. $4, and the drawing to progress in the usual manner The 20,000 prize ot'$4, Will tie award- ded trt the odd or even numbers in the Lottery, (as the case may be) dopendnntoh the drawing ofthe Capital Prize of THIRTY THOUSAND doll: should odd number $4 prize: if the $30,000 prize should conic out to an even number, (lien all the even numbers id the scheme will be each entitled to $4. Odd numbers ato those ending with 1, 3, 6; 7, dr0. Even numbers are those ending with 2,4,6, 8, dr 0. This rdodo dt drawing dot only enables the Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery iii one drawing, Init hnstlic great advnntuge of dis- tribuling the small prizes regularly to every alter nate number in the scheme, so that the holder o two tickets or two siiurcS of tickets, one odd and one even number, will be certain of obtaining at least one prize; and in the ratio for any greater quantify. ILF A ticket drawing n superior prize in this scheme, Is not restricted from drawing an inferi or one also, many tickets, therefore, will neces sarily obtain two prizes each. ennSnsT rntefe of tIckf.tS. Wholes $6, Halves $2 SO Quarters $1 25- All orders promptly attended to, at lb W T m OB excua no r. o mcu. Sept 1 of $30,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 600 UK) 60 10 $30,000 20,000 40,000 20,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6;000 60,000 ranted undrawn. Orders from any part rif the U.S.eeciosingJcash or prize tickets (postpaid) shall be promply ex- executeil bv application to, II ENItY’M AC DONNELL, Agent, Fur Augustn Masonic Hall Lottery, Thompson & Bouncy’S Buildings, Savannah. nug 23 105 $ 180,000 6175 Prizes, 12825 Blanks, , 18,000 TICKETS nt TF.N DOLLARS Lew than two and an half Blanks to a Prise. l*lld Prizes only to be Drawri. BY AUTHORITY Of the State of South.Carolina A For the building n Roman Catholic Church in the lowd of Coliunbiu.—1st Class 1 Prize of $0,000 is 1 do 2,000 3 Prizes of 1,000 Order Nisi. In the Court of Ordinary; Chatham County, Jltly Term, 1825, N tlie diatter 'ofthe (Sstate or Sarall 7 Tucker and John, Tdcker, orphan I children of Henry Rucker, deceased. ( Updn tlie petition of William P. > Clark, and Winifred, his wife, guard- [ Ians of (he said orphans, for leave to | sellit negro Slave named Muilah. J It is ordered that a notice of this application bt* published In one ofthe Gazettes of the City ol Snvaitnah opce a week utltil the first Monday In August next.and that if no objectlbns be filed th’areti) tlmfthe ordet he blade absolute. Extract from the ibinUtes, 8tli July, 1825; S. M. BOND, c.c. d. julyfi .147 ... . . . .. State ot* Georgia, B Y Elijah Baker, Clerk ofthe Court ofOrdina ry for the County of Liberty; David Stetson, administrator of the estate of Piielic Carter, late of said county diic’d, applies to lie dismissed from his said administration. These are therefore to citeundadnionish all per sons concerned to file their objections (if any they have,) in my office nt Ricebordugh, within the time prescribed by law, or the said David Stetsou will be dismissed from ids said adminis tration. Given under my hand nnd soal ibis second day (June, A. D. 1825. E. BAKER, ccolc. junt? 16 136 2d. 1 Sd. 1 4th. 1 6th. I 6th. 1 7th. 1 8th 1 tUli. 1 1 prize of 10,IWO fc 600 of 500 57)00 V 1 “ IJHKlfc 1 bf 600 '« 10-000 Ji1 l “ 600 0 5,000 & 1 “ 1,1 HM) St, l of *• 10,000 k 1 “ 500 “ 5,000 k 1 “ 1,000 te I bf “ 10,000 h 1 “ 5,000 & 1 ef “ 20,000 1 “ i,(KK) k 2 of *! 30,000 li I “ 1,000 U 1 of 3 4 9 12 20 ao do do ’do do do do 600 600 600 6<H> *7,409 500 100 . 50 23 10 5 t To be paid in [ 5 ' Tickets in tlie > $37, 1 s. J Superior court—Chatham ebuny ; Thomas F. Purse et. til. 7 Complaints I and J IN EQUITY. , Richard R. Cuylbr, ex'r Writ Sliaw, deceased. J I N this case, on. the snggestloh in the defend aril’s answ er, tllftt, bertUin per tfol pm-iic-s to this bill, residing iti Scoltniid, claim to be un titled to a distribution of part of the jihRiv ido estate of Win bhaw, decen.<ci1, Blip oh motion, is ordered that all persons concerned do appear before the Superior Court of Chatham Cohnty in the term bf January next, then nnd there to es tabllsh such their claims; and in default thereof, that tlie Undivided estate of the said Win Slinw, be distributed among the complainants agreeably to the decree of said Court and (lint this ride i|y published once a month |’uhtit thfc cxjiii'ntiori thereof. Extract frdm tile minutes tills 7th dny of Jane, 1824- A. U. FANNIN, Clerk, tone 17 . ?t138 Petition for fore closure of a mortgage. 1 Svcuild Class. 7,482 Prizes. tionr teen 1 month of tiie MaSouic Hall. , , A great variety of TICKETS and SHARES may | yet be ha,I at the Original price nt The Augusta Masonic Hall Lot- 50 50,000 be entitled to ticktts in deduction. First drawn number on the first day,prise o/$1000 CJTATE of Georgia Chatham County.—B.. the lion, the Justices of the Inferior C6Urt, sitting or* non |/«r Ordinary purposes. o'nitit I To all whom it nihy concern. I Whereas Julia A. Snnderlin, widow, Hits np- 2,000 I plied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of 1,500 I Chatham £oiinty for letters of Gum-diamdiip 011 400 '* ,e P‘ 5rsons nl >d properties of Ann Rebecca San- .. dcrlin ami Fereby Ellen Snnderlin, brpliiin chll- 4.>tl I j,. el , 0 f Benjamin SnndKriln, deceased, ns their mother. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tlie kindred and friends ofth -snid Orphans to file their objections (if ariy they have) to granting of the Gunrdiahshipof the said Or phans, to tile applicant, in tin- Clerks Office of tlie sai-j Court, on or before the eighth dak ol September next, otherwise letters bf guardian ship will lie granted. Witness tlie honorable Elias Fort, one of the Justices of said Court, this Htli day of August, 1825. S. M. BOND, c.c. o. c.c. august 167 . 300 200 150 000 SO,000 Cuindeii—Superior Court. , v -'Viajmn I • OuTCUEB TERM, 1824. Last drawn numberto hr hs Hay, pr,leaf $0000 ^ icho)aJ j B rtl > sit nvt) i i.t^s t vg r RiilcMsi. SECOND CLASS. Prize of 20,000 is iery Office. All orders from any part of tho U.S. post paid | containing cash or prize tickets Khali be promptly attended to bv, HENRY MACDONNELL, Agent, Thompson k Bouncy's Buildings, sept 6 . 172 GLOBE TAVERN, MiUcdgcvillc, Washinnfon and Charleston STAGE OFFICE. Hit. DYOTTH Approved Anti-Bilious Pills, I Which prevent nnd cure all Bilious Complaints MALIGNANT FKVt.KS.kc. ! rjIHESE PILLS if administered Intimetd be 1 Prize 2 Prizes 2 Prizes 3 Przcs 4 Prizes 5 Prizes 1900 Prizes 15,000 is 10,000 is 5,000 ia 1,000 iif 500 is 100 iri 5 is* 20*000 15,000 20,000 10,000 3,000 2,000 500 9,000 9918 i’rizbs 16000 Tickets nt $5; $ 80,000 80,000 tVMi SHANNON F.SPF.CTFULLY acquaints Ins friends and R ! the public, that lie bus purchased Mr. P O. ANTONIO, Paris' interest in the above well known establish ment—that his house Iihs undergone a thorough epair. and (lint. it will nfl'ord to Boardtrs and Travellers, a reception ns comfortable a# any o tlier establlsbmeiit of the kind in tile Southern states. The Globe is situated on Hrortd-slrcci, in the Tiie above; Lottery is to be drawn under tlie management of JOSEPH R- ARTHUR, W. B. 7VATTS, D. J. M'CORD, M. , AnW - , JAMES f. GOODWYN; Esqrs. pileptic fits, hypochondria and hysterical com-1 gj- Orders, for Tickets from rfriy part of tiie ilriints, sour stomach, hem t burn, dyspepsia or in | United States, enclosing cash, (post paid) shall lie promptly attended to by tlie subscriber, who mote the bile, from tlie stomach, will cbiiu- j tefactthe caiixes widen commonly produce, yel low or bilious fever, ague or fall fevers, bilious cholic,pleurisy, dysentery, worms, sick and foul stomach, head" ache, loss of appetite, flatulence, digestion, kfc. They remove habitual costiveness, cotds and coughs, asthma, stianguary, gravel, rheumatism, gout, scurvy,scorbutic blotches, irfi- purRies in tlie blood, feirtnlo complaints, kc If taken about <,nre n fortnight during the Ray Saiids j O N the petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, stating that Ray Sands, on the fifth day of June eigh teen hundred and twoiity-four, for the better se curing the pnyment of hi* pertain bond or writing obligatory, bearing date the day and year afore said, whereon he tiie said Roy acknowl'edgetl him self hold and bound unto the said Nicholas J. Bay ard, in the penal sum iff four thousand dollars conditioned for tlie naymet of one tho.usnnd dpi, lars on or before the first day of Ofopber then next, nnd the fdrtlicrsum of one thousand dollars oii the first dny of January then next, did mort gage all that truct, piece, or parcel of land, lyilig, being nnd situate oii Cumberland Island in tile county of Camden, and known by tlie name of Cotton. Bluff, containing four huhdred and fifty acres, bounded oil the north by lands of Sblerer, on (lie south by lands ot Nathaniel Green, nnd on the west by salt marsh, together with the appurle nances—nnd further stating flint tlte said sums of money remained unpaid, and pray tiie foreclosure of the equity of redemption of the t'aid Ray. On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the In the Superior Court—Ejfinghnni County NovKMtiP.ti TerM,' 1824. Trustetes of the German 1 Lutheran Congregation | vs. | The heirs hnd fephesen- ) tutive of William J. j U l’Orl' the petition ot the Trustees of the Del nian Lutheran Congregation preying the foreclosure ofthe equity of redumption of all that tract bftatid containing three.hundred acres morn or less lying,and bfelng in thte Cotility of Effingham hoimdfed on the noltli by Martin Liickner and Bathhger Bncklcr, on ijie eiist of the School house lands of Goshen, and lands of Nicholas I.itlor.on the south by Duntan McGilljv try mid Chflsjlnh Dasher, and on the ri.brth.liy land of John Reuter and vacant Ignd, mortgaged oti the the 18th day of June, 1808, by the said William .1. Spencer to secure the payineutof aiiond bearing tlie same date, for tlie penal sum of eight hundred dollars; conditioned for the payment ol the sum. of four ■ hundred dollars oii the 1st of Jatmary, 18,08, with interest from dale; at the rote ofsix per cent pt*r ntiuuin ; which said bond is stilUduO end unpaid Upon (notion of George W, Owens, ■ Attorney tor petitioners, it is ordered that the principal and in forest duo on the said bond, and.the cost# .ot tho application be paid into CutiH, within twel o months from the dote, of this Rule Nisi: And, til on failure thereof, the Equity of redemption of, ill and to the said mortgaged premises, Tie from thenceforth tbreclosed, untl sueli further proceed ings lit hail iliereon ri$ liie.luw directs. And it is further ordered, that the. rule be published in onu oftbedazettesof this State-,nt lenat once a month until the expiration of the tiine.appointed for pay inent, as aforesaid, or served on the.iicirs and te presentatives of the mortgagor nt least six month* previous thereto. ft'- . Extract frpfn the MlhtiTc*;. . JOHN CHARLTON, Cterk. jan 15 11 r , bus lieen appointed Agent for the Commissioners, petitioner, it is ordered that the said Hay Sands do *..* 3 he 1 ieknis nlremli- ordered have been re- 1 pay info this court before the expiration of twelve Aug uiuuc I* BiiuttiLu uii Jiruiui’Siruoii in mu | -j . g p .i. very centre ofthe city, and offers peculiar advnn- ^l'>>"kand Sumnir - months, they will prove a i * * _ -i m . i ... r . I nbriom niTVAntiVf ..reiiinsf tlip. lUmt! Iiiifl nri'VHlIlIie tages to the PlniiterSund men of business. His Stable* are furnished with the best of pro Vender, and with faiihliil and attentive hostlerr-. He Only solicits from his friends und the public that proportion of patronage to which bis ntti-n tion to business And to the comtort to bis custom ers, may entitle him. . Augusta, Gn. Aug. G EF The editors of the' Journal and Patriot, Millcdgevillej Savannah Republican. Washington New#; Charleston courier. Columbia Telescope, and National Intelligencer, wilt insert the above advertisement, weekly for 3 months, and lor ward their accounts to the subscriber. W.S. Aug 27 . 168I3t. certain preventive against the ague mid prevailing Fail Sickness. A bill of directions fortakingthemactompanics acli box of pills ;small boxes 26 rents, large do. 50 cents. And by appointment sold by A PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons' Buildings. April 25 01 the Tickets already ordered have been rc ceived and are rondv for delivery. HENRY AlACDONNELL, Agent, Thompson A Bounty's Buildings, Savannah. august 30 169. ^ Scouring and Dying, M RS. Rawly, formerly Mrs. Kelly, most rfe- specitiitly acquaints her friend* and tin I public, that she lies Removed her Establishment froff. James square, to the lane in the roar of Dr. Oil of XVormseed. rpHE OB of Wofmseed is the most innocent as _L well as most powerful vermifuge yet known properly managed and genuine, (ns this is war- tinted to be) by A. PARSONS, Druggist No. 8, Gibbons' Buiiling*. mav 17 HATS. REMEDY AGAINST D V S P E P S I A; TVR. J.W. ATTRIDGE’S TINCTURE for in ...., , . digestion, termed Dyspepsia. The discov S reven?, next door to Mr Lawrence Dumphy's [ ery of tliis Medicine hus beeh the effect of Ions Grocery, Whiuker-st. Where she continues car* I and attentive-, study, nnd i? now made public from rying on the Scourin', and Dying business in all | the most decided conviction founded on ample its various branches, Leghorn, Straw and Cliip’d experience o'f its pb^rcrlri erndicuting this disease, Bonnets, pressed u d done up in the in-St stile, on uftcr every other Medicine had failed. It has on- Moueiiite terms and solicits a continuance of I ly been in (his country twelve months, arid it has months from this date, the said several sums of money in the condition ol thc said bond mention ed, together with tlie interest and cost, otherwise that the equity of redemption -of the said Ray Sands his keirsi executors, administrators and as signs, of, in and to tlie said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth ami forever foreclosed. , And it is furtherorucrcd, that this rule be pub fished in one of the. Gazettes of this state at least once a month for twelve month's, or that a copy- lie served on the said Ruy Sands, &f least six months before the expiration of the title appoin(- ed for the payment of the* said money into, court, and that such further proceedings be had us are pursuant to the statute in such case made arid pro vnied- ' Extract from the minutes, this 25th Oct. 182- JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. oct 29 200 Wholesale (ind Retail Fa sit iv li able Hat Ware House, loupi-nte | public Patronage, sent 13 *cl75 ANN RAWLY. G corgia—C ii at li am County • B EFORE me Isaac Russell, otie of (he Justices assigned to keep tlie Peace for tho county ana state aforesaid. Came Peter Duringcr, who done wonders in giving restoration, and in asth- matical cases, i(s beneficial effect has been aston ishing. Dr. James Farmer, Member ofthe Royal Chatham Superior Court, May Term, 1825 The Bank of the State of Georgia, J Vs. John Hunter. * RULE NISI College Of Siifgcoris iii London, declares in Ids ITTfON the petition ofthe Bank ofthe State o Treatise, flia't Asthma and indigestion are found r U Georgia.pruyingthefofeclosnrpofthecqui- tiri r> »nnrFv*'x7p vr ne | JL-P assigm.u n» ncep me , cute iur mu tuumj , coexisting, the stomach at all times exerts consid- I ty of redemption of John (Irintcr in the following BROADWAY, NEW-YORK* arid state aforesaid. Came Peter Duringcr, who I erable influence over the pulmonary functions, I property to wit. all that lot of land in the cfly of T HE subscriber offers at the above establish- j made until in writing that fro seized and took a- I mid it is therefore fair to conclude that the former I Savannah, in Reynolds ward, known if) the plan ment, nn extensive and general assortment way from a slave, known by the name' of Jnck | disease is aggravated by the latter. Asthmatic I ol the said city by the No. three, (3,) with the im- ot the most fashionable Hats of every description, Moore, and said to belong to one Sami Hale, of | pcopte, Con times the leaVned Doctor, should il'n-1 provements thereon, which said property lirid consisting Of rill the varioris patterns that are tlie Augusta, the following artir.los to wit. One Flat. I pose upon them'selvcs the same regulation as if 1 been mortgaged by the said John Hunter on the most grirlerally approvrid of n! the present time, I a wooden shed building on a lot, belonging to l the case wefe purely dispeptic. Tills.tincture o- I twelfth day af June, eighteen iiuudred arid twenty and particularly adapted to all tlie most prevail- j Mr. Joseph Stiles situated in Yamrimcrnw, also | pens obstructions of the spleen and liver, cleans- I two, to Maine) fc Lathebeaudierre, Merchants, to tog fashions both at home-And aliroad. and that lone-small Stove and pipe, four Ifon bouftd Kegs, | eth the'brieast of phlegm, and the chest of hu-1 secure them the payment ofthe penal sum of from ariiongliis stock of Hats may lie selected at j an ullage keg ot Tobacco, > United States. I sll °uld subscriptions of said stock bo made to r RJririttllt exceeding twelve mrlliohs' of dollars, i distribution'of the said sum of twelve (billions, i 1)<! mtl de among the. subscribers in proportion o the sums subscribed by them respectively. SAM’L L. SOUTHARD, mfrV h 26 Secretary of the Treasury'. Notice. TINE months after date application will be » l made to the Honorable thd Justices of the :rior Court of Chatham Cotinfy when slttin. ordinary purposes foHeave to sell a certai- ?r ac * land situated on Wilmington Island ii me County oil Chatham, containing fifty acres .more or less) with fife buildings nnd iriiprqvc- nents thereon, formerly the property of Willium Gilbert, deceased, being the real estate of Dennis Bneniet'Hughcs, a minor and orphan son of John Hughes, deceased, for tlie benefit, maintuiuarice Wri education ofthe suid Dennis B. Hughes: EDW’D HUGHES, Sen’r. ( Tnis- . EDW’D HUOHES, Jun’r.) tees. Jtri 12 .34 A ~ Wanted, irentic? about 14 years of age to learn al-penters Business. Apply ot this Of- wig 25 1 *167 all' times, all the various qualities and grade, from tlie finest Beaver down to the most common Ro- rnm, with eprfespOndibg prices to each kind, and those which' may be tlie most satiable', a'nd made in conformity to the'fashion, in wliatever part of the United State the purchaser may resid . His stock is at all times large nnd independent of which he can at any time manufacture any quan tity conformable to order. His' present supply consists of those made expreifly for the Fail trade,- all of which are got up in (he most superior style of workmanship in every respect, and equal if not superior to any that can can be offered in this City or any other part of the Union. His stock is continually replenished with Hats fresh from the Manufactory, and none will be offered for sale but tlioso which xviif be surd to give the most perfect satisfaction to the purchaser, and ensure n continuance of his custom: as to pricts he ft sel ling as low if not lower than any oilier house in this city and'on thd'most liberal terms. Country Merchants and others from (lie differ ent part's of the U. States and abroad, who may visit t is city, arid be in Ws'nl Of the above article either at Wholesale or Retnil, aVe earnestly re quested to cal! ah'd examine folr tb'emselvte, not forgetting before they leave ho die to take the number of the above cstablishmenl from this ad vertisement, ,. _ MOSES HOBSON, sept 17 ..... . two pair 01 Scales. imourS gathered therein; remove* jlain in (heback, (Twenty Four Thousand Dollars, upon, a pertain South Carolina, Fourth Cirdtit Georgetown Dist. George .VvT Burfpti*, Adm.'or- In Equity. de bonis itori of Elizabeth McKee dcceliicfl. v*. John llatykins, ailrri or Tliom- ris Green, ili-.cto and Jtihn Graham, late lidm’or E. hlt- Kcc, deceased. . I T having appeared to the satisfaction of Oik Court that the children o(Matthew Bryan, (i ariy sueli heliving) lire In-.itcririlly interested in the event of (hi* suit; and it having further appeared that flic said Matthew Bryan removed from this State to Georgia many years ago, and that no in telligenee of himself or his family lias slftee been received: It is therefore ordered, on motion ol tlie Crimplnmnnt?. Solicitors, that notice be pub lished once a month until the first day of January next, in the Winy uw Intelligericcfol Georgetown, and In one ofthe puh/ic Gazelle* of •Savannah,- (Geo.) calling o'ri the eliildrefi^oftheifaifl Matthew Bryan to forms satisfactory evidence nftiieirIden tity and relationship, nt the Court of Equity to be hulden forthe District of Georgetown,on tlie first Monday afterthn fourth Mpiitiuj- uf Jununry next, nnd that in default thereof u filial dlstiibutioii may lie made of (he remaining Esfatc of (he said Eliz nbeth SlcKee deceased, airiolig tho,se cirt)tle.d tte the same in the event of tlie death oitlic children of Matthew Bryan. . ROBERT HKRRIOT, Commissionernml llegutertn Equity, Commissionkk’s Orricr, ( Georgetown, May 14, 1826.) Tlie Editor of tire Savannah Republican is re* (inesied to pubiish the above once a month until the first day of January next, and to send Ids ac count to the Office of the WinyftW* Intelligencer* when it will be immediately paid., may 18 IU • ■ ■ ■ ■ {Superior Court—Camden Coun ty. M Aricli Term, 185fc.' Joliri Jackson, ) l RULE NISI; Mary Smith. j ivinry diuiui. ; , *r»p* ■) O N the petition of John .TrickSon praying tnit foreclosure of the equity, of r'edei'ppwri 61 two Axes, five Jugs, fo'ftr Iron Pots, one Diinmi-1 stomach and sides, and the windy cholic. ADo 1 bond of him, (he said John Hunter,'to tlie said jon, one i.iox ot Rosin, one tnink w ith Dry Goods, L giddiness in the head, which all proceed from in- Marirel fa Lathebeaudierre,' conditioned lor the one petir of Stillareft, one barrel ofCow peas one I. digestion. It has been rccom mended' by some payment unto the petitioner of the srim of Twelve writing desk, and several other simill articles; I of the most eminent physiciansasavaluable mod-1 Thousand Dollars, upon a Certain promissory note Of which a schedule Of the same hus been fur- I icinc in dispepsia,but it'does not cure all disease!, rfhen runiring in the said'Bank, Or any note that nished me and said articles put iri my possession. I Sold in square bottles, with Dr. Attridge, London, [might be given at any time thereafter iu renewal, 'I liisisto notify thri said Snml. Hnle or any other [on each bottle, wholesale and retail, by [—which bond and the'mortgngri deed ftave been person, who may be interested, in any of said I AUGUST G. OEMLER, Agent, [duly assigned to the petitionerIt appearing to “i’with nn act o! | At his Drug Store corner ot Wriitafccr and j the Court that there is now due. to the petitioner Broughton Streets. upon a cer'ain other promissory note of him the fob 16 34 . [John Hunter, endorsed by the said, Marirel, and Lathebeaudierre, for t'hri supi of Ten Thousand Wanted Immediately, A single Man, who is sober ami honest, to take charge of a small Plantation near the city. Apply to the Editor. sept' •1748 Brought to Jail, I N Savannah rin tlie 14th inst. a negro man who says his name is Siihon, and thut lie belongs to John McCormack of Warren cdunty Georgia and that he ranaw'ay from him ubout loo month ago he is 5 feet 7 inches high and about40 years of a6C ' JOHN I.DEWS,7. C. sept 17 177 property thut 1 shall in conformity tlie Legislature of this State proceed to tn-Ake or der of Forfeiture ami Sale, in ten days from this date, if said property be not claimed agreeable to the provisions of said act. Savannah 30th August H)2G.' ISAAC RUSSEI.L, j- r. c.c. aWg 30 169 G EORGIA, Chntlmrii county—By the Hon. the [Eight Hundred Wd Tfih ty Dollars, dated the .-1.Ai.-ex ll! I : " j; - -- ' * •-** Brought to Jail. I L ...... . ...... says his name is Will, and that lie belongs to William Mnrphcy, Washington Colirity Geo., and Justices 6f the Inferior court sitting for orli- [ twenty sixth day of Trine, eighteen hundred and nui-y purposes. [ twenty-three, arid which ri'ote was giVen iri fenew- To all (idiom it may concern. , Pal, agreeably to thri meaning of the sliid bend arid Whcrcfls’Wm-Roche, applied to (he hrin. the mortgage, the fall And just amount of Eight Thou court of Ordinary of Chatham county for letters [ sanc i 'JFhree Handled and Sixty Foiirr Dollars, of ndrniiiistrntiori on (lie estate and effects of Jno. [with interest from tiie twenty eighth day of Jari- Gribbin, late of Savannah merchant, dee. asprin- Uary, eighteeri hundred and twenty five. . cipal creditor. [: On motion of Law & Jackson, it is ordered, sept 6‘ 172 JOHN I. DEWS, j. c. c. estate of the deceased to (lie applicant iri the Clerk’s office ofthe said Courfy on or. before the sixth day of Octolier next; otherwise letters of ad ministration will be granted. Witness the hori. Elias Forffrine of the Justice NOTICE, , A LL persons Itavirig demands agaihsl. Willi'arti [°f *he said Court, the sixth day ot September, A Anderson, deceased, of Liberty County will " ‘ U - J - -*-* J - .render tliem in properly attested, within the time prescribed by law. ana those' indebted tri tlie es tate will mnke immediate imymoot to D. one tliorisiind eight hundred and twenty-five- , S. M. BOND, c. c. o. sept' 6’ 172 quity said John Hunter, shall thenceforth be foreclosed, ft is further ordered, that this rule be published once n month for twelve month irione of tlie Ga zettes of this State, or served upon tlie mortgager, ’or his special agent, at least six months before the money is to be paid into Court as aforesaid. Extract from the. Minutes. A. B.' FANNIN, Clerk. june 10 131 all that certain Lot No. 44, jofly-four, in (life(own of Saint Marys, with iinproveritenfo thereon,com ■nencingd't the south corher Lof OR-nrid by Archi bald Clark, thence southwardly rrii Orsliorrie-streety one hundred nnd nine feet tri Lot ownedby Levin Ganby, thence one'huhdred foet east to Lot own ed by estate ,ol'G.,Stewart, thepce northwardly one hundred and rijrie feet, to Archibald Chark’s line, thence westwardiy one hundred feet to the place beginning,y-theproperty of Maiy Smith, and mrirtgagedljy the said Mary Smith, to the said John Jackson, on (lie tWentietli day of June, eighteen fi'rindrfcd rind twenty-one, to secure the payment ofthe stimgrif Fifteen Hundred Dollars, arid interest mentioned in three certain bond* or obligations of the same date from the said Mary Smith,to'flic s'ftid John Jackson; and on motion of .Times Morrison, Attorney for petitioner, it is ordered by thri Court that the principal, interest andcost due on said' notes, and mortgage,be paid into Court, within twelve months, from the date, otherwise the equity of redemption of.,the said mortgaged premises will from thenceforth be fore closed, arid sueli further proceedings take place aif the law direct,—and it is further ordered by the Corirt' that this rule be published in one of tlie puiiliq Gazettes ofthis state, at feast once every month, until tlie time appointed tor the payment ofthe money aforesaid, or served on the mort gager or her special agent,six months previously thereto. • Extract frura the Minutes,29th Marcli, 1825- JOHPl BA1L11Y, Clerk- April 80 96 - &■ may 14 108 JOS. JONES, Adm’r. White Pine Lumber, M, MYERS, c. Fresh Spices, &c. ■JvrUTMEGS, Cinnamon Baggings Nails, foe. AAA fEEJ northern' white pine ‘IN Cloves, Mace \ PIECES 42 inch Cotton BucRirig OwUlFU lioaVds and planksofa Superior Alspioe, black and red Pepper AkPIECES 42 inch Cotton Bugging ^SvIV/l'JtiCasks Cut Nais For sale by sept 3 9 Hogsheads it f Philapelphia 37. Barrels J Wliiskty 1 Hogshead Tolmco' H. LORD k CO. Mongin’s Wharf 1TJ | quulity, for Sale by, sept 1 17Cim WATT it SMF.TS. B English Copperas, Y the barrel or half barrel—For sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbon’s Buildings, fijirilft a 7-4 Pulv. Ginger, a ptire article /ants Currants, English Mustard Sheet IZinglnss. a pure article Aim. superior Sweet Oil Just received and for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8 Gibbous’ Buildings, march Mr r DARIENJBILLS, Masonic Hall Lottery Office I S tlie only place' iu this city, where the I>AUI\ EN J)ILLS are taken ut PAH. A great variety Tor EN BILLS are taken at PAH. of nuinnei-s have beep received, arid arc for sale ■ for prize tickets or cash by HENRY MACDONNELL, Agxmt- aug 27 168