Newspaper Page Text
] m
183 Vol. XXII.
. 4732
leclictvl College of S. Carolina.
aHK LECTURES of this Institution will bore
6 umed on tho second Monday of November
Kt us follows: ■ . '
[On Anatomy-By John Edwards ■ Ildlbrtiok,
rsUrffcrw—-lamesRamsay, M. D.
I and Practice of Medicine—3. Herify,
Afflict® Medica—Henry R. Frost,'M. D.
M. D.
‘obstetrics and Discrticsof fl'onlun and lhfarjp—
olid pharmacy—Edmund ’Eavenel,
Mural History and BotHny—Stephen Elliott; L
I sopt
1)tan of the Far•“
Treasury Department,
• 2tmi April, 1825.
OflCE Is hereby given, that on the fnit dad
of October fitixt, the principal of the six per?
nt Stork of the United State, created under the
ithority of an Act of Congress, entitled "An
rt siithorising a Loan for a sum not.exceeding
|o#fcli MilHoni of Dollars’' anp^vt’d "on tho
urtnenthday of Mafch^ One thousand Eight
undred and twelve, together with the Interest
ifn doe thereon, will biTUUu to.tlie Proprietors
Stock, ortenheir Attofnevsdulyautliorlsed,
1 'Treasury ofthe United State* In Washing*'
,n, ami at the several Loan Offices, on tho books
'which any portliffi of said stock may stand.
Aiiirrendcr of the Certificates of said? Stock
ill lie required at the time of payment, and the
ittrest on «ud Stock will cease, from and. after
thirtieln day of September nezt
•Acting Secretary of the 'treasury.
town . >■»•» T ..
Treasury Department,
1.4 11
I slop.
F.R tbesupernilmidmice of (lm liouflnHt
mers appointed by file Governor, and
Council; and by the IjnpenvW thbdp hr drawing,
secured %’LcUcrif l*niun|tunil<jM tile seal ol the
United States—the whole to he coihpleledin One
day, mid will positively take place in the city of «
Baltimore iit a fcwjwubks. ' ...
Highest Frize #20,000*
. r SOIiEME.
1 Prise of $30,000 Is $30,000 Dollars
l 1 n i inn
Ml. survntfbr, .
, J \V. \V.i' -’*»
6,ouo ;
_ 15S
Now firming in the
.tier,the suiter,
Si Hai.k,
K. Hi in,
, ‘*y|t
Will take place 6n the 12th of October next.
All tbe Capital Prises ure still undruwnt conse
quently the Wheel Isvem* rich.
me/ '
20813 Prllest
162,000 Dollars:'
40000 tickets—Not one blqnk to H prize. '■ ■“
Tbe bolder of two tickets', will be certain o
obtaining nt least one prise, mid uiny draw threat
Moo*: ok Drawi,no.—Thu numbers will be puf
Into one wheril ns usual—and in the oilier Wheel
will Ifc put orie prize above the denomination o.
$4, and the drawing to, progress in the usual
milliner The 20,000 prise of $4, will he award-
ded to the odd or even numbers In the Lottery,
drnv ‘
March 1825.
F.UE.VS^'oh the 6th Mnreh, I825i h law
was passed. bytlieJCongresa of the IJnltod
jates, of which the 3d, 4th, and fifk sections are
nthe words folio win .
Sec. 3, Aiul he it fyrlhtr tMcicd, .Tlipt a sub-
fiption to the amount of twelve millions of dol
W of the six pftrppnt. stock of tlie year eighteen
(iindred and thirteen, lie, end the same is hereoy
Irnpused; for which purpose liopks shall jic o-
|ened at the Treasury of the, United „S|tHtc», and
It the several loan oflioes oh the first day of April
|Mt,to continue open until the first day of Onto
er thereafter, for sftch parts ofthe above-men
joned description of stock, as shall, on the day
Ifiil'scriptlon, stand on the books of the 'freasu
V and on those of tho several loan offices res
actively; which subscription shnIMio effected
; a transfer to.lhe United States In the manuei
,'ideddjv law for such transfers, of the credit
ircaKsWmding on the said books, hnd by n
Inminiler of the certificates of the stock so sub
Icriii'lijtf Provided, That till subscription by such
” If stock, shall he Considered as part of
|he«aTd twelve millions of .dollars
ie borrowed hy the first section of this act. 1
"See. 4. Jlnd.bp it fuHherenacted, Thai, for
should come out to mi odd number, then every
odd number hut ho*scheme will be.cntitled to a
SI prize: if the !jl3i),UO0 prize Should coftie out
to ah even number, Mien all tbO,- even numbers
in the scheme will be each untitled to $4; .
Odd numbers are those eliding With 1/3, 6, 7,
Even numbers are those endirig wilb 2, 4,6, 8;
or 0.
This mode ol drawing hoi dniy enables tli
Cdmmissionrirs to complete the whole Lottery ii
one drawingybut has the great ndvrintagfi of di»*.
tributing the small prizes regularly In every alter
iinto number in the scheme, so thaj.tiie Judder o
two .tickets pr two shffes’of tickets, one odd add
onifeveii number,willin' certain ofob’tnlhlng
The Prizes only to lie Drawn
Alt the rriscl to lie Aaatingfrom thtconimcnitcment,
except the following, scinch scilt be deposited in
the wheel tit definite, periods, riz :—
oi 10,tx)0 ii 1 of 600
« 6 000 V 1 “ 1,000 k 1 of
<• 10,000 Ki 1 " 000
“ 5,000 & 1 “ 1,0004t 1 of
“ 10,000 &l 1 “ 600
V 6,000 1 “ 1,000 Si 1 of
“ 10.1HJ0 & 1 “ 6,000 “ * "
“ 20,000 Si 1 " 1,000
«< 30,000 fc 1 “ 1,V>00 Si 1 of POO
1 prize
1 do
3d. I do
4th. 1 do
6th. I do
Blh. 1 do
7th. 1 do
8th 1* do
Oth. 1 do
ieust one prize, and ih the ratio for any gre’ntei'
(pianlity. • *m • "<z
CF A MckeWrawing a superior prize in this
scheme, is not restricted from drawing an Infer!
or one also, ninny ticket,*,’ ti.eroiurt'j will neceX
sarily obtain two prizes eneh.
T’nr.sHXTgRlct! or TitKtvrs.
Wholes$&, Halves^ 50. Quarters ^1 2&; Ail
orders promptly attended to,-at
of the Masonic Hgll.
, A great variety of TICKETS and SHARES may
i r. i j yet, tie ha Jnj the original prico at
"" Tho Augusta Masonic Hall Lot-
sept I
[hs whole or any parfrof any sniff, which shall be' £ < ■ j hT>T33 TIT A 111VF
ihuj ^ubicrihed, credits shall be entered to/Alie J-i Jli. J. l\. V 1* jLV-L X ^
mpsetife subscribers, who shall be entitled to a -
jtertilicKte or certificates, [mrporting that the Uhl-
ted States owe to t)ie bolder or holders thereof,
III, her, or their assigns, a sum to he expressed
Vrein, equal to the amount Of the priheipa
pek thus subscrihpd, bearing mi interest not ex
Ceding four and one half per centum |ter unuUm
jsyabie quarterly, from Uiethp-ty-first day of l>e
Icittber,one th'.usand eight hundred and tueirty
lvs; translerrablu in the sitme manner as is'pio
filled by law for the transfer of the stocklsuliscsib
UltUttlgeville, Washington and Charleston
Kd,andsubjectto redemption at the pleasure «l
lie United States, as followsi one half at a"*
line alter tile thirty-first day' of December,, i •
Imuiand night hundred and twenty-eight, mi.l
he remainder at any lime nftcr the thirty-first
lay of Decomber, one thousand eight hundred
Jnd twenty-nine; Provided, That no relmbtirse-
teat shall be made, except for the whole ampunt
pinch new dertilicate,nor nntil after at leastiix
juintlis’ public notice of such intended reitn-
■nrsement. And !t shrill bp U*e duly of Mie Se'ci o'
py of the Treasury to cause (to be re-trnns :
xrred to the respective subscribers , the se
feral sums hy them subscribed .beyond then
mount of the certificates of four and ode half per
lentstoclcissucd tothem respectively,
j "Sec. 5. And be it further enacted* That tfffl
lame funds which have.heretofore been, and n'OW
Ire pledged hy law furthe pdvment ^f tlie iptert
lit,and for the redemption and reinaburtemont
If the stock which may be redeemed or reimliiir
F'J by virtue of the provisions <7f this act,, shall
«maln pledged in like ntnriner.for tht payment of
He interest accruing on the stock icrcated by real
HI ‘ ‘ dm ' 1 (dr - ■ ' dJhyJ
ible as any
tbe Soutfii
R ESPECTFULLY ncquhinls his friends and
the public, tluit ho llas purchased Mr. l
IVis’interest in t|ie^ nbovo well knoyvn flstal^
men!—that bis Rouse lias iftidergotie a. tborougli
reiialr. mid.that-it will .afford to iionrders and
Travel levs ureceptiop qs eomfOrtabl
t her eslablislilneiilTif.(tb
atatesb': .
The Qtobols'sltualod
very centre of tlie city, tiififf otTers
tages t‘> the Pliuitcrs and .men of liusin
lis.Stables.are furnished \yjtb the licSf Of pro
dek, ^iidAvith.faithfiil and attentive hostlers
Je only "solicits from-his friends anu the public
that.pnnmriion uf patrmimre to wlticli his alien
llon to idiini*; and tft tbc comfort to bis custom'
era,may eutith'-JiiWi;
Angusta v Ga Aug: B
[LF -The editors of life Journal niid- Patriot
Milledgcviilc; Savannab Itcftiib'lican, AVaslittigtor
News, Ctinrlcstuh Couricr,.Colmi.bIa Telescope
and Nutiojial lntilHgeaccr, will insert the abov
advertisement, weekly for 3 months, and to
ward their accounts to.the subscriber.
* » V . IV.Si?
atle 27 l«8t8t
an of such subscription, and for the redemption
brreimbursement ofthe principal of tlio saine,—
pnd it shall tie the duty of the Commissioners of
Bie Sinking Fund to cause to be applied and paid
fut of the said fund, yearly and every year, such
md sitms us may be annually ’- required, to
pischarge tlie Interest slock,which
pay be created by Virtue of this act; The said
Munmissinners are also hereby authorised to aji
py, from time to time; auch sum and surWsout of
pc said fund, as they' may think pkoper,' towards
leeiniag, by purchase, or by reimbursement
It .conformity witn the.provisionsof this pet, tbe
rmcipal qj the said stook; and such fiart of .the
mini sum eftet^nillions of dollars,' vested by
,v » in tbe said (bnninifsloncrs, as may be., ne-
essary and required'?orthe nbbve purposes, shall
i e > a nd continue appropriated to' the payment ot
"tcrestand redemption ofthe public, debt, until
e whole ofthe stock which may be created un
jrtbe provisions- of this hot, shall have been
tamed or reimbursed."
trow, therefore,' Notice is hereby given, That
[oks will be opened at the Treasury of the Unit-
a States, and at the several loan offices, on thp
rst day of.Aprjl next, nnd continue open until
>e firsTdfty of October, thereafter, for receiving
inscriptions in conformity whbthe provisions ol
ifc said law. Ai .
The subscriptions maybe made by tlie prOpri
tors ot the stock, either in person or by their At
trneys duly authorized to subscribe and transfer
tOitbo United States. ■ . . . ,
ohould subscriptions' of said- stock t)6' made to’
exceeding twelve' milbots of dollars
oistnbmion ofthe said sum of twelve'millions
ml be.made afnohg the subscrihers in proportion
) tuc suins'siibsCriuedby them respectively.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury,
march 26 iftf? , -
ATINE month's; aftef'.'date applicnlion Will be
[-X made to the Honorablc the Justices of the
ntcrior Courl.oi Chatham County when siltin
Wholesale pud Retail Fashioy
able Hat Ware House,
' ii4 r
E subscrliibt'ofters nt the above establish
sent, nn extensive and general assortment
ot tlie mostfnfrtiionalde Hats of every description
consisting of all the various patterns that
most generally npproVed of at the present Time
nndmarticularly adapted to oil the most prevail
ing fashioiis botlj at Iroine and abroad, and that
from a'mon'y his stock of Hats muy be selected ut
from' tunoffg I
all times, all tlie various qualities and grade, from
,i - - * ‘ " * common Ro-
i kind, arid
.(ibid made
in conformity tdthe fashion, in whatever,part of
' ' ~ - " .His
the United Sfitte the purchaser may, rpsidn. _
stock is at all tWnes large and independent
wli eh lie: nail at any time manufacture any ijuan
tity Conformable to order. Mis present supply
consists of those made expresly for tlig Frill' trade,
all of .wliicli nre gut up in the most superior style,
dfworkitmnsbipino.veiy respect? and 'equal If
not superior to any that can cari^ie offered fii this
City or any other part of live Union. His stock is
continually replenished with liat.i firisfi Ir'offi 'the
Mannfactnry, arid none will be ottered for sale,
but those which will he sure to give the riiost
perfect satisfaction totho prirchaser, and ensure a
'cOiitinuaiice ofdiis custom: as to prices he is sel
ling as lotV if not lower than any other house ill
mis i
Thefirsf Ormoiti+isovcr, and alt the Capital Pri-
set art ilill in the Wheel.
'|l» setorril Drawing will take place on WED-
.-•q^lEBlJ'AY, V2tli of i-ctUlicr ncxt.-
unpr('ce.dciitett,l</chnes| ofthe Weqel, af-
riffs *
odM*on0 t Lm\’ tii m
[B, D. TuoMPsqtr.
» _ __ _
. ftlu*Jiilbh, in Grand Capfttil Phsct, besides a Vtt-
largo proportion iit tlie ntinor'FrizeX.
Tickht and Shire's, warrumed undrawn; may
I be Imd at tlie original Scheme price at
tery OIRce.
Those wh6 linvo drawn prizes nre informed tlial
their tickets shall be taken as cash for others war-
r«iiled,undrawii. 1
Orders from any part of the U.S.ericlosing^bash
r prize tickets (post paid) shall be promply ex-
is, f80,000
2o,woO .
12826 Blanl
$ 180,600 •
.ut than ttilo and an Irnlf plunks to a f rise.
Of tlie State ot South Carblina
For the building a Homan Catholic Church in the
town of Coluidbia,—1st Class.-
L Pri/.u fit $6,000 id $G,000
1 do 2,000 2,000
2 Prizes of 1,000 > < 2,000
. tif 600
•g of' 500
II prizes pay able,thirty days after the coniple-
of thofflrawlng, subject to a deduction of fif
teen per cenl— if pot applied for rvitjiin twelve
months, to be considered a donation to the funds
of the Masonic Hall. >
tery !(>ffice.
AH orders from aiiy part of tlie U. S. post paid
- — prizeticke'U aliall be promptly
containing cnsji of
attended to by,*
Thoinpsoa&. Uonncv’s Buildings
t 0 172
•s', DU. DYOTT S
Approved Anti-Bilious Pills,
Which prevent and cure all Bjiiou’s Complaints
THESE FILLS if administered in time to re
mrfVe (lie bile from the stomach, will coum
teractjllie causes wliicli commonly produce .yel
low or bilioiis fever, ague or fall fevers, bilious
cholic, pleurisy, dysentery, worms, sick mid tout
steniacii, lived ache,loss of appetite,' flatulence
epileptic fit*. Iiyjirir hoi'drim nnd hysterical c
sits, souf stomach,%eariburn, djppepsia or in
They r.emovp babitu&I costiveness
digestion,^C. Tucy remove liabitutu coslivenes
colds ( BHd toughs, "asthma,' stinnginiry, Inuu
rlieulnatism, goiit, scurvy.scrtrliutic blotches; ini
ittrities in the blood, female cotnploiiftsj&c. < ■
If takffff uboiit once a sfortnight during Mr'
Spring and Sqpiuier months, they will prove' a
srtain prevemtve against the agueHiid prevailing
aU.Sickncss. "I P
A bill of directions fortakiiigthemaccompanies 1
lacti box of,pills ; small boxes 25 cents, Inrge do.
iO'eents.” And by uppyiillmeat sold by
, A t'.\it»0N5,
^ * Druggist, No. 8, Gibbon?’ jinldingh.
April 25 61
Scouring and Dying,
itv Mrs- Kellv, most i
TMTRV RnwIjvF'l'fie . . _
IfX snectlully acquaints iier friends and the
' ' ' 1 ltr ■ J " M""
„ Ll lf ■■■
public, that she ba< Removed tier Establishment
i'om Juincs sqdStv, to the iuu« in the rear ol Dr
Serevens, next dooi L> Mr Lawrence Dnmpby's
st._ "Where'she continues car
Grocery, Vyhituker - r —
ryiug on the Bcjquriti: and Dying business in all
its various hrnnidies, Leghorn, Straw and Chip’l
Bonnets, pressed n d done the ln st stile, on
-Moderate terms till solicits .a eoiilinuimce of
lilic Tntrcmagr. * ?ANJf“ ' *■'
sept 13'
Augusta.' Masonic Hall
tli the Court of Ordinary. !
. CiiATHitM CouNyY, July Tertrl; 1826.
JN the matter of the estate of Sarali
ffl t
ue lmo at the original scheme mice at
e Augusta Masonic llall Lot-
Tucker and John ; T acker, orphan I
children of Henry Rnriker, deceased. [
Upon the petition of William I’. >
Clark; rind Winifred, his It ife, guard* I
inns of the laid . orphans, for leave to l
sella liqgro slave named Mariuji. J *
It is ordered Hint a notice uf tills application be
published In otic ofthe Gazettes of illfe City ‘ol
savannah once a week'Until tlie first Mondnyin
August next; and that If tio objections ho filed
thereto that the order be made absolute.
Extract from the minutes, 8th Jtily 1826:
S. M. BOND, c.c.o.
inly !>147 - t
’ v*l TV
irior court—Chatham coun]
tornas F. Parse ct. ril. j
Complaints It
and [ IN EQUITY*
lobtird R: Cuylcr, ex’r ,
AVin Slinw,ddtcased. J/ . , , .,
'N this case, on the suggestibh lit the defend
ant’s answer; that certain per oas hot partiei
this bill, residing Id Scotland, claim to lie en
I...I I . X ri .1 . nt m. I. .. 1 I .. .. >.'m i.t A f Urn . t .1 il 11* Ll fl
persons concerned do appe
before the; SapcrlOr Court of Chathatn County lit
tlie terfti of January next; tlieit nnd there to es
tablish siich tlieir claims; and in default thereof/
Acinr. Nv^. ril,.....?
Cutedjiv application to,
, For Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery,
3 By
Thompson & Bonney’s Buildings,
State ot Georgia,
B Y Elijah Baker,Clerk ofthe Ceurt OfOrdina
ry for tile County of Liberty,
David Stetson, administrator of the estate bf
Pliehe Carter, late of said county dec'd, applies
to lic.dilmissed troni Ids said.administration.
Tliese arc Micrefore to cite nnd admonish all per-"
son,* concerned to fife tlieir objections (if uny
lliey have,) in my office at Riceborough, Within
the tinfe prescribed by law, or the said David
Stetson will be dismissed from ids said adininis
trillion,. -
Given under my band nnd seat tliiS second driy
(Jane, A, D. 1826. E. BAKER, ccoic.
jurie Jo 136
that Urn undivided estate df ihbsahi Win Shaw,
tlie'deeree o'fsaid Court and thjrt thisrulfc hr,
published once n month ^until the
uxtrabt from the riiinntes this 7tli day of June/
!4. A. B. FANNIN; Clerk.
jUne 17 frrJSB - ■
hi the Superior. Court—Ejjifigham Counts)
November Term, 1824.
Trustees 6f the German Y
Imtherau Congregation j
^TAT'K of Georgia ChfutliHin Couniy.—-Bi/ the
12 do
20 do
30 do
( To be paid iti 1
> < Ticktts in the > $37,000
( Second Clast, j
lion, the Justices of the Inferior Coiirt, sitting
fur Urdiswry purposes.
To all whom It may concern.
.Whereas Julia A. Suadcrtin, widow, his ap
plied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of
Chatham County for letters of Guardianship 011
tbe persons and properties of Ann Rebecca Snn-
derlin and Fereliy Ellen Sanderlin,'omhnn chil
dren of Benjamin Sanderlin, decensdO, a s their
These nre therefore to cite and admonish all
nnd singular the kindred mid friends of the said
Orphans'to file tlieir objections (if any tli fy have)
the lioirt and represen
tative of William J.;
Spencer. * \ .
•TPihN tlie petitirin oTUie Trusteed of ilia Her
J man Lutheran Congregation praying the
f redetuntinn of all t
7,4*12 Prizes.
20,000 Tickets, Jit $2 50' 50,000
"7400'Prixes of $5 tarh, to bi/entitled to tickets in
the Second Class, subject to no deduction,
first ttrrwnpumbermi thefirst day,prise of §UfltH)
•Lust drawn mnnber ro the lasl day, priseof $6000
1' Prize of 20,000 is
I Prize oP 15,000 is
10,000 is
5,000 rs
1,000 is
2 Prizes of
/ 2 Prizes of
3 Tr zes of
4 Prizes of
,5 Prizes of
1900 Prizes of
500 is
100 is
5 is
to granting of the Gurirtliunship of "the, suit! Or"
phans, to the applicant, in the Clerk,* Office of
tlie said Court, on or before the cig'ntli day ol
B ty
September next, otherwise letters vf gunrdian
ship Will be grunted.
tp wilt oe g
Witness the honorable Elia* I' crt, one of the
Justices of said Court, this 8tli day of August
3. M. BON I*,
9918 Prizes
1(5000 Tickets at $5,
$ 80,000
The above Lottery is to bo- drawn under the
linnagcmont of
' ** ,
ID? Orders for. Tickets from any part of the
United States, enclosing unstL (post paid) sliull
be promptly fittendod to hv fhn sulneribcr, who/
has been-appointed Agent for the Commissioner ^:
hs Ticktts:ii!ready ordered have been ■/(..
r.Civcd andnra'readv fo- delivery.
Thompson b,- Bouncy’s Buildings, Sammy,,//.
Afftnsl art r 1_ L. .
"Oil of tVormseed.
Petition for fore
closure of a
forecloisure of tlie equity ofreiicpi] it ion of alT that
tract of.lan'd containing three linm'l'cd acres more
or less lying,rind being In the County of Effingham
bounded oft the north by Martjn l.nckncr and
Hat linger Backler, bit the east ofthe School house
laiids of GosKen, riftd lands of Nicholas I.itlor,on
the south by Duncan AlcGIlliv ,ry and Chrlstinn
Dasher, hnd on tlie north Tjv land of Jbhn Renter
'dhd vacant land, rtiortgagedon (lie the 18th day
of June, 1808, by the saidWilliam J. Spencer to
secure the payment ttf a bond bcarinp the same
date, for the peurij sum of ielglit hundred dollars,
conditioned lor the iihyment of tin- sum of lour
the 1
hundred dollars till the 1st of Jftftuni y. 1809, with
1 of Georgt
petitioners, it is ordered Unit the principal and rn>
lerest due on the said bond, and tin- costa Ot (|i«
application be firtid ihto Court, Within twel e
<14HE Oil of Wqrmseod is the inost ’innocent as
JL well as inost'fn
owerful vermlfuc f V et known
properly managed and genuine, (ns -'m,^ ;* W ar-
autttd to be) by A. P ERSONS,
Druggist No. 8. C.ibln /(,*■ HuiWlings.
m«v 17
4-f' digestion, termed 1 '/y spepsia. The discov
ery of tbis SEsdicinq hah „ tlie effect of Ions
r.nd attentive, study, an J A now tnmle public from
(lie most decided con .l iction foundod on ample
e jicricnce of its prnv.or in euulir.nting Mils disease,
nffel- ^VcVy "
Camden—Hduperiijr Court,
OcronyiR Term, 1824.
Nicholns J. Bayard ) /'
vs. S Rut4 Nisi,
’ Ray Sands ) /
O N tlie petition of Ni kolas J. Bayard, stating
that Ray Sands, dr A the fifth day of June eigb
teen hundred nnd twcyuy-four, for the better sri
curing the payment s if i,, s certain bond or wrftinj
obligatory, bearing j date tlie day and year Rforc-
snid, whereon lie ti je said Ray acknowledged him
self held and boii',ij unto the said Nicholns J. Bay.
ard, in lim pen sum of four thousand dollars
conditioned fi’> fee paymet of one tliousanddol.
lurs onffiir b ^f ore tho first day of October thcji
next, aif^l tli y further sum of one thousand dollars
on the firs'; (fey of January then next, did mort
gage ail U jj/t truct, piece, or parcel of land, lying,
b’eiug nr,(l situate on Cumberland Island in the
county .„f Camden, and known by tbcnnmeof
Cottc j ftluti’, con'ainlng four hundred and fifty
anreyi'hctmided on tlie north by lands of Shierer
on t J-.o south by land* of Nathaniel Green, and 01
the.; wqst by salt inursh, logetfier with tlie appurte
n'/iices—and further stating tlirit the said 9111ns of
yloney remained unpaid, and pray tlie foreclosure
- of the equity of rcdeiiqition of the said Kay.
On motion of W. JV. Gordon, attorney for the
petitioner it i* ordered thus the said Bay Sands do
pay into this court before the expiration of twelve
months from this date, the said several sums of
money in the condition ol'lbe snid bond mention
ed, together With the infeVest und cost, otherwise
that tlie equity of redemption of the snid Ray
Sands his heirs, executors, administrators and as
signs, of, in and to llie said mortgaged premises,
be thenceforth end forever foreclosed.
And it*is further ordered, that this rule be pub
lished in one of (lie Gazettes Of this stale at least
once g mouth for twelve months, or that a copy
be served on the said Ray Sands, at least six
mouths iicforc tlie expiration of the ti 'ie appoint
ed for the payment of the. said money into court,
anti tiinl such further proceedings be hud. as are
pursuant to the statute in such cose made and pro
Extract from the minutes, this 25th Oct. I824
oct 2P 2«vx ,
application be firtid _ , . .
months from the date of this Rule Nisi: And tli
on failure therfeof, the F.qulty of redemption ol,
in and to tfie daid mortgaged'lirem'ispo, .ho from
thenceforth foreclosed, and suth further proceed
ings be had thereon as tlie law directs. And *1 IS '
further ordered, the tule be published in one
of the Gazettes of this State,at least once h month
until the expiration of the time appointed for liny
ment, as nforesbld; or served on ink heirs and re
presentatives of the niortgrigOt'al least eix month*
previous thereto. f f <5
Extract from the Minutes.
In Equityi
Gfeoipriii—-Chatham County".
JTEffbRE me Isaac Russell;one qf the Ji"-ticei
13 assigned tqkce)) the Peace f(W the. county
arid strito nToresnid/ Came Peter DurLgiy, 'vho
made oatliji) writingTlint lie seized and,took ri-
way.fpom Wlavc, known by the mime of Jack
T’FMom-e, an “aid to belong to one bawl Hale, of
Augnstn, tiife following articles to wit. One Flat,
n wooden sbed building on a lot, belonging to
Air. Josopb.Stiles situated in Yammacraw, also
ope smalt Stove.and pipe, four Iroii bound Kegs,,
an ullage keg ol ToTatco, two pair of Scales,
two A'xSfre Juga^rtur Irnti Pots. 0119 Dimmi-
jpn, onefeui'oi Rosin, '6ne tr unk with Ufy Good.-,
ri'nepairflf Sliliards, one bam lofCow pens, one
ailicntinC ■■
(jvery other M.odiciue bad tailed. It has on
ly lieen in this r.mqntry twelve montlis, and it has
none wonders in giving restoration, and In ristli-
miiticaTOnscs,’3s beneficuil'cttect inis been aston
ishing. I Dr. .’(nines 1’Hrmer, MAfnbef ofthe Royal
Colfege of F>uvgp6n» ( iii London, -decinres in his
Treatise, that Asthma and indigestion are found
coexisting, the stomuofi at all times exerts consid
erable innueucc ovor tlie pulmonriry functions,
nnd it is tberefote fqir toconoludri that the tbrnier
disease is aggravated by the latter.' Asthmatic
i'iciiple^cdiitiiqj s live leiirhed Doctor, should im-
esk, afid several other snyii! urticlgs; /•( tli« im»t eminent physiciansasavaliinlile med-
f writing uesK, ann several ot
Of which a schedule of tne same has lij
nislied me and said articles pul in my pp
This is trt notify the said Sami . Hale or nn
person,'.who may be interested in any 1
property.that I shall in conformit) With an uct of
tho Legislature of this State proceed to make or
der of Forfeiture nnd Sale, in ten days from this
date, if said properly be not claimed trgreriidde'
to the provisions of saUFuct. Savannah 3otli
id ■■-
fur| irinq in ilijpepaiR.bnt it does not cure all disease!.
this city nnd ori the most liberal terms. . .. .
Country Mcrchaiits and others from the dlffer-
pr ordinHcy purposes for lerivc ta sell a certa i
fact of land situated on Wilmingioii Island in
I! 0 County pf Chatham,i containing fifty acres,
Cut parts of the U. States and abroad, Who may
visit t is city, and be in waiit ot the above article
either nt Wholesale or Rein'd, nre earnestly re
quested to cull .and examine for themselves, not
forgetting before they leave home to take the
mumhei' of the above establishment tirorti tbitf ad-,
verliscment, M0S ES HOBSON
enadict-Hughes; aminof:and;orpfiansori of John
[luglies-, deceased, for the berientv iriaintalrianoe
»d education of the, said Dpnitis B.Ilugl
■IM,,.,. f- DWD HUGHE8 ',
lies. .
Seii'r. \ Trus-
Jiin’r. ( fees.
irnntice nboiit 14 years of age to learn
arpenlers Busiucss. Apply at this 01-
a«g 25
sept- 17
Wanted Immediately,
A single MAN, who is.soiior and honest, to
take cliarge of a small Plantation near the
citv. Apply to the JSdifor.-
sept 10 174b •
Brought to Jail,
I N SaVannah ori the 14th iiist. n nrigro man who
spys his name is Simon, arid that he belongs to
John McCormack of Warren county Georgia and
tlmf Infrnnaw'ay from hiin nhout too month ago
lie is 6 feet7 inches high and about40 years of
: HgC ' JOHN I. DEWS, j. 0. c.
sept 17 177
August 1925.
Ifi^ , .
Brought to Jail.
I N Savmuiah, on.tlie atli List, anegto man who
Says his name is Will, and Mint he belongs to
William Midribey, AVqsliingtou County Gep., and,
thritbe runaway aboul-fe irionUis’ago, lie is, 6 feel
liiglif and ab- ut 25,years uf age, and has n scar
under the left eye, arid says lie-is a Blacksmith by
sept 6
fOHN L DfiWSi’j. c. ,o.
A LL persons having demands against William
Anderson, deceased,'of Liberty Oounty.wilb
render tbeiri in properly attested, within the time
prescribed by law. arid those indebted to tlie es
tate Will make imniediafte.payment to
)S. JONES;, Adm’r.
may 14
Bugging, Nails, fyc.
200 lM Bagging,
For sale by
sept 3
190 Cdsiis Cut- Nais
9' Hogsheads &. I
37. Barrels J .Whiskey
1 Hogshead Tobaco
Mongin’s Wharf
trtiftiuus ■ tat ^
eili Ibebreast of 'phlegm^ and the chest of 4i(l-
moiirg gailicred theiein; removes pain in tliebA’ck,
st-iniacii ami sides, and the; windy-, rlielic, Ai*o
glddffiess iii-tbe head,^vhieli all proceed frpm in
digestion: rjtjias been recommended by some
.Sojlui sqaage liptMas, yjt-bDr. AMridge, London;
qji each liqtMo, wholesale and retail, by
At hi.,
fell 16 . 34
g Store corner,ot Wliitttker nnd
on Streets. ,
< EURGI A. Cliatiunn county—By the Hon. M10
VTf'j)—tY- .-c—.-i-L...h.<>— .•—*--o
Justices of tl/e Inferior court sitting lor ordi-
ttces o
nary, purpiises.
To alj whon/it mny Coticrii'n.
Whereas VVrii. llncba. applied to the bon.
M.. ppip
cburtrifCp'iJmajyofChalhani county for letters
i t adniinistfiitiou oiiThc estate and eifectsbl' Jno.'
GrUibiu, |ate of Savannah merchant, driri. as prin
cipal creditpr , M) ■
'Hief-p are therefore to cite and admonish rill
mid.singular the kindred and creditors ofthe said
deepased, to file’fheif objections (if any they
ifevoyto the granting of tlie udniiniftratiun iit tlie
estate of flifc deceased tp the applicant in the
Clerk’s office of the said Court, 011 or before tlie
5ixlli day tif October next; otherwise letters of ad-
iiiiiiistiation Will be granted.
Witness tlie lion. Elins Fort, one of tlie Justice
of the said Court,'tlie sixth day of September, A'
D, ipie thousand eight hundred and twenty-five.
S M. BOND, c.c.o.
sept fr 172
hite Pine Lumber,
M. MYERS, c. 6:
FEET northern white pins
1 v vf xj) V® boards drill plankitof'u Superior
tl'ty,- for sale by/ WATT & SMET3.
®pt 1 r . , . 176m •
English Copper as,
! Y tlie barrel oi‘half barrel—For sale By .
► . .
. Druggirt,’Nb’.'^GBi»fi»»#f
pril 5
fSouili Carolina, ;
Fourth Circuit
Georgetown Dist.
George W. Burrows, Adm’or.
de bonis non of Elizabeth
McKee deceased.
John Hawkins, ndm'or Thom
as Green, dec’d und Joli.n
Graham, late adm’or E. Mc
Kee, deceased. ... „
I T having appeared to the satisfaction of the .
Court dial tlie children of Matthew Bryan, (1
anv he living) are materially interested inrthe
event of this suit; and it having further appeared
tliaj th.e said MnttliP.w Brygn removed from this
State to Georgia many years ago, and that no in
icljigence of himself or'his family has’since been
received: It. Ii therefore ordered, 611 (notion ot
the Complainants’ Solicitors,.th&t notice be pub
lished once a month until the first day of January
next, jn the Winy an Intelligencerol Georgetown,'
and in one ofthe public Gazette's tif Savannah,
(Gen.) calling on thft children rifthesiidMntthcw
Bryan to furmssatisfactory evidence oftlieiridea-
(tty and relationship, at (lie (Joart of Equity to be
ho'lden for (he District of Georgetown,on the first
Monday aftefthe fourth Monday of January next,
and that in default thereof tj'final distriliution niny
bo made of the remaining Ejtote of the snid .Eli*
alietli Mr.Koe deceased, innong thoso entitled to
the samp in the event qf the death ofthe children
of Matthew Bryan.’
itssimerand Rejgisicnn Equity.
' "WKr".
Chatham Superior Court,
May Term, 1825
The Bank of th e State of Georgia, J
John Hunter. )
U PON the petition of the Bank of the State o
Gcprgia, praying the foreclosure of the equi
ty of redemption of John. Hunter in the following
prnpert, <0 wit. all that lot of land jn (lie city of
Savannah, In Reynolds ward, kuoWn in the plan
o. the said city by the No. three, (3,) with the im
provements thereon, which said, properly had
beeu mortgaged by the said Johrifiriiiler on the
'twelfth day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty
two, to Mnurc’l be Latbebcnudierre, Merchants, to
secure them the payment of the pen’al sum of
Twenty FotfeTliousand Dollars, upon a certain
bond of hi in, tlie said John HunteL -to the Said
MmfreHi Lnthelieaudicrrc, conditioned tor the
pnymerit onto tlie petitioner of fee sum 6f Twelve
Thti'usnnd Dollars, upon a cerlnfri promissory note
then running rn ine said Bank, or any note that
rnigift lie aay tiirie fhereafter in renewal,'
-—which bond and tlie morjg ige deed have been
duty assigned to the petitionerIt appearing to
the Court that there is. now due to - the petitioner
upon a certain other promissory note of diim the
John Hunter, endorsed by the said Maurei nnd
Latliebennd'mrre, for the s'utn of Tert Tliqusand
F.iglit ifundred and 'Thirty Doliarif, dated tlie
tw enty rixth day of June, eighteen hundred rind
tWenty-thrCe, uiid whieh note was giveii in renew
al, the meaning of jlie said bend und
mortgage, life full find just amount of Eight Thou
sapd '1 niee HundreJ und Sixty Four Dollars,
with tufq’regt from the twenty eighth day of Jan
uary, eighteen hundred arid twenty live.
On motion of Law k Juekson, it is’ ordered,
that.the principal, interest und costs due upon
said mortgaged premises be paid into Court within
twelve months from this date; and unless thq
same be so paid, the Equity of redemption of the
said John Hunter, slmll thenceforth be foreclosed.
It is further ordered, tliot (his rule be published
oliee a month for twelve month in one of the Ga
zettes' of this State, or'served upon the mortgager,
ol‘ Iris special agent, lit least six months before the
money is to be paid info Court as aforesaid.
.Extract from the Minutes.
A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.
june 10 131 _
Commissioseb’s .OviicE,)
Georgetown, May 14, 1826. ( :
The Editar of the ^ayanr.ab is re*
quested to publish the above once/jj month until
the first day of January nextvandj to sond his ac
count to the Office of the Wtnyaw Intelligencer/
when it will be luimqdiately jj,aid.'
maV:18 111 j- -
{Superior Gourtf^Caimlen Couu
x . , March Term, 1826.
John Jacksoft,’ ) , ,
rs. > kULE mSI.
Mary. Slriith.; ) ... v, •
/~v N the petition o.f John' Jackson praying, tilt/
vJ wffectosure of file equity of redemption ol
all that certain Lot No, 44, forty-four,' in the towrt
of Saint Mary*, with improvements
' ’ ’ 'the t '
, Fresh Spices, &c.
[Vj UTMF.GS, Cinnamon
it Cloves, Mace
Alspice, black and red Fepper
Pulv. Ginger, a purr article
Zants Currants, English MqstariJ
Sheet lzinglass, a pure article
, Alnb supenor Sweet Oii
Just Fficeived and for sale by „
, . „ , A'.'PARSONS, .
DrugtUli'NV'. 8“ Gibbojus 1 Buildings!
meficing at the Soutji Corner I,ot nwqed fjy Arcin’.'
ba!J Clark,tbencesonfowardly on Gfsborne-street/
one bundfed nnd oifie feet to.Lot owned by Levin
Ganby, fhehce one.hui'dred feet east to Lot.own*.
ed by estate of G.,Stewart, thence northwardly,
qne Ifundred and nine feet to- Arehibald Cliurk’s
line; thence westWardly one hundred feet to tli*
place beginning,—the property of Mary Smith,'
and mortgaged by the saia Mnrv Smith, to tin*
said.John Jackson, on the twentieth day of June,’
eighteen hundred and twenty-one, to secure tlie’
payment ofthe snrnfef Fifteen Hundred Dollars,
nnd interest mentioned in three curium bonds or
obligations of the same date from the said Mary
Smith, to the said John Jackson; and on motion
of James Morrison, Attorney for. ‘petitioner, it hr
ordered by the Court that the principal, interest'
mortgaged premises w|ll frorii thepcefrirtii lie fore-*
closed, ana such farther proceedings' take place,
tlie law; direct,—and it is further ordered, by
urthei: ordei’ed. by
tbe Court that this rule bn puhlished in; fir the!
public Gazettes ofthis state, at lenst ..Once . ev'firjt
il tlie time appointed tortile .payment’
of the money aforesaid, or served on the mort,.
gager or her special' agent,six months' previously
iieretpPf . .. .... . .. . ...
, Extractfoefii the Minnies,29th March, 1826-
April SO .. •' 96'- ... ’' v...
Masonic Hall Loi
j S_1h.e_oiily plaice iii tilts'cRy, where't
... EN BILLS are taken at PAR- A great variety
of numbers have been received, nnd are for sale
for prize tickets or cpsii by .
aug 27
•» - V. - J- .