Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 01, 1825, Image 4

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^m 2^ w :*rf- a &&&&$« City Marshall's Sales, On the first Tuesday in October next, W ILL bescild in front of tlto Court House between the hours of 10 a. I< mid 1 t>. m., theffilluwhig Lots, if tho Ground rents ere not ^Lot No. 21 Columhia ward, 60 by 90 feet, boon* dad east liy Price it smith liv York-sl west by lot ni 22 and north by Prosbtent-st., re-entered upy.i'as the’property of .Mrs Hill and Miss Blogg, , for 2quarters groqutl rent. Lot no 24 Elbert ward.00 by 90 feet bounded cast by Jefferson-st. soutlf by Perry-st west by lot no 23 north by M'DonuugU-st, nv’entqrbd npOhus .the proderty dfC. Bulloch, for 3<jnarter? rent. Lot No 2 franklin ward 60 by !*t) feel bounioil- east by lot no 1 south by a June west by lot no R and uiirth by Bay-st., re-crttereif upbti us the pro- party of the Est. of.O. AV. Evans, for 8 quarters rent. . A Sr • Lot no 3 Grauktin ward, CQ by 90 fe«t,bounded cast by lot no 2 south by a lane'vvosl by lot no 4 and north by Bay-atrafet, remnterod upon ns the property of the Estate of'}. W; Evans/TSt'quar ters rent. . v* Lot no 17 and 18 Franklin ward 60 by 90 feet ench, bounded east by Jcffeamn*st *omli by 8t. Julian-st west by Franklin squave*uprth by Hry-, nn-st, re-entered iqiofi nstiie Property of John ston-- Hills, for 3 quarters tent. Lot ho 33 Franklin ward, Mb TO feet, boun ded east by lot uoIJ4 south by Brauglitou-st west by West Broadest north by a lanej re-entered up- -tin ns the property ol Tiros. Butler, for 3 quurters rent. ' '*•* '«. , Lot ho 11 -W’arrtfn ward, do by 90' feet,' bound ed cast by lot no 10south by Rrynu-st west by lot jjo 12 anuViqrth liV a t*ne,'re-cnten ; d upon ns the, property of r. Moody. umlC/lte M'Uutcn, fat. 3 quarters rent. Lot no 12\Vnrreu ward, 60 by SO feet, bound- oJenst by lotno 11 south'by Bryan-st west by Habh>ahant-st and north by a In no, re-entered up- dh us tffif,properly off Junto* Bilbo, for 3 quarters Lot no 21 Warren Ward, 60 by TO feet bounded eftdt by Price-st south bv Congrcss-st west by lot iiolK dortliby Su dolian-st, re entered upon ns the property bfefosapp A 8pott for 3 quarters rent. Lot no 6 iVnatiSngtpn ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun- ded earthy l*t ujii soutitby Vt Imu- west by lious- ton-St and northriyo lane,re-emeied.upon aa the V- N Uobfirtson, for 2raiiarlcrs rent, i Washington ward, 60 by 90 ft., boun- [ by lot no 9 south %y' Bry mi-si west by lot no-11 and north by u)ar.e, re-entered upon as thp.projferty ofJno. II. Cole, for2 quarters rent, iq 31 Washington wa-d, 60 by 90 ft.,Boun- 6 by lot no 82 south by a lane west by lot nd north Wp Congress-st, re-entered upon ipertt of Jus. Bilbo. 4'or 3 quarters rent. “1 Washington ward, 60 hy 90 ft., boun- | lot no 54 north by Droughton-st west 1 and northby a lane, re-entered upon r of Fanny Williams for 3 quarters V F. M. STONE, C.K. 171 , *, Sheriffs sales, * ; ' On tktfir.J Tuesday pi October next, V V /y*l LI, be sold before the Court House in Ef- V/y fingham county, between (he usual hours Ot sule, A tract of land in said county, containing 201J acres, lying on the 'Augusta Load, bounded on the- north by lands of Stavley, wi st by lauds or City*; ler, and south by lauds ol Abbott—levied on us the property of Joshua Feebler, to satisfy-; an ex ecution in favor of Samuel Oliver. TllOS. ELKINS, s.U.c. sept 3 171 MS !> Administrator’s Sale. , Ontho first Tuesday in October next, W Tl.b be sold before the Count House In' Dcyan Coutity, between the usual hours of sale, ~ ' '* ^ v * ' •* .tjiLlhe rcnreilatobfSaraS M’Kfndly dec. Con sisting,of two tracts of land rrn tiie Uanooob^Fri \’Ot,—on'e of 809 acres bounded south-westward- ly by 1 unknown and vacant lands, and on all oth er sides by vnr.ant lands; the other ot 60 .acres, bounded N. E. by lands of Elizabeth Hurd, and onnll other sides by vacant Inndi. ./Sold by order of the Hon. Itiferiof Court ofBry- aH County, fut 1 the benefit ofthe heirs and creilj- tors. Conditions made know u at the llhie of sale. JAMES BUTLER, Adm’r.L. July 21 162 SlWriffVsiilesy OA the first Tiiesdiy irfjYortmber next, ’vlFlfiMLL be .life soldbefore the Courtj House In W. th| city-of Savannah, between the usual hours cf Rule, -■Two Singes, four horses and four setts &f Her-, lies!, bolonging/o this endoftbtt Augusta line— levied on tinder a foreclosure of a Mortgage from JosrphJ. Thotnpsoa/o JoApU Cummiug assigned to Alexander T. Hopson. ' A. D'LV8N, c. s. c. c. sepl 3 17-1 ; ’uffsol Kxccutors Sates, On the first Tuesday in November next. ^EWILb lie soldatthe Court House-in RlceborS' \T/ Liberty county between the usual hours, of sale, tho following property, viir. One negro hoy-named Morris the properly of the Est. ol Or. Thus. Stevens’dec. Sold by per mission of the lion, the Inferior court of Liberty county for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors. received per ship Augufln, a fresh tjftd legantnssbrtment ufPEKFUMEUY.&c. rare- full,.- selected by the proprietor.,. Ara’ung .viilcli, •uro Ufa following nrUcjailtiv-fJ', ™ MaceasSor, Russia, Hears. and'Antlqul-uils, for bfftuti^lng and promoting tlie growth ol hair ,t -4 l’oowitnpis.tndargs find smail pots,all syrt^.nl - odors,' - * . v- , Hose, orange Floweiy ^avetflc^nd Colofine AValcr. in boxes, very highly peffiujhuL F.ssences.oMtueaamot, Lcditm, l.aveBudr.'Musk aryl-Cinnamon Milk ofBdses, o« bejiuty’s preservative- > Quirks Eiseuee t>f Tyfo; for dr grey Imir, to a pcruiunent un* ^broxvu or black « ~ , Low's very superior scented u b nsh Son|ts,‘ all sbrts oCpI'rfum . Cake anil Quiutessotmc shaving Soapq eor perfuim il fancy Sotip, by the I Haird’owder of various odors, INnvd •sorted sizes * *' " £> i Eleghut Rocket, Dress, and' finefteetU Combs, and ivory Letter-Folders Ladies and Iruiillemeii's Fockct-Books with and without clasps, of all sizes,' Jndespens- able* assorted patterns Tlltl Card Cases, assorted patterns, and Visit ing Cards to shit them # n i* Silver Ft ucjI Casts, best quality, do - do TooUt Picks do do: do Tweezers,Penknives, Sugar Boss, Dominoes •* ' Fancy cut ‘glass, Mermaid and English Pungent Smelling Bottles, Dine, Pitying Cards,Ladins’Toilet Dj-essCases,, Clenllenien’s Shaving do Button's'uiporlot DrnUifice,Marshall's do. Prepared Cliareoel from the wlllpw hark, Thompson's Aromatic ,.,T(»th Paste, tor whitening and preserving the teeth F.jfl--Honcs, SfiutV Boxes, a fine assortment ot Reefe’s Colors, Tapers*ol' all kinds, 4*hos- pltoruj Boxes ■Fancy shaving Boxes of all sizes, Very superior ^ do Brushes, Hair Brashes, Cloth Brusliese TooiliBitiincs, with dufctl and plain handle sept 22 ^SAMUEL STEVENS, Ex’r. s sales, the firs'. Vuctdfyin October sei/, ILL be sold befark the Court House In Bul- lod» county between the • usual hours of '' A tntet offand Containing four hundred acres more or"with improvements thereon in said e.onaty, levic^ on nsftie prtqrfrtyof Win. Fletch er, to satisfy an execution in favor ef Elisha Bow en. Also a tract af land containing eight hundred acres, mofo or less,yvlth improvement* thereon in said coiidt^, levied on as the property of Enoch . Fagan, to satisfy an execution in favor of Joshua Everitt. JOHN MATTH1S, s. i. c. sept. 3 171 l TaxCollector’s sales—Continued . * On the first Tuesday in Sept, next, TILL be sold at the Court House in the city a**. of Savannah,between the hours of 10 and VV ck. the .following, property, or so much o'oftk as will satisfy the state and county taxes hereof,- . * i' and costs hern half of Lot Xo. r 6, lower ty thing The soul ’d, in the city of Savannah, levied on DeckdrWai 1 state »uu -county ; taxes of John to satisfy thi years 1823 and 24.- and cost*. A Street for tho,. $23 13. mount of tax, V JAMES EFP1KC1ER, Tax Col. c. c. fur 1823 and 24 Administrator’s Sales; On the first Titesdayrn Xercmbtr next. W ILL ne sold at lire Court House in Uicetm- io Liberty county between the usual hpur* of stile. The following tradts or lots 6Hand viz One tract or lot of iand no 365; 7th District W'llk- inson now Telfair county, containing 2u2 acres Dinvotliertractor lot of land no ; ,7th District Wilkinson, now Telfair county containing 202} acres. One other trait or lot of land no 43G; 7th District Wilkiusou now Telfair county containing 202.^ acres. One other tract or Jot of land no 264; lltli Dis trict Wilkinson now TeUiiir county containing- 2t>23 acres. One other lot or tract of Land no 183; 8th District .Monro now Pike conntyxmntaining 2021 acres One other tract or lot of land no 87; 6th District Munro county contniuz 292J acres. One other tract cr lot of land no 199 1st Distrftt Walton comity 250 aers. OneothertrBCt or lot ofiand m>3M; 14th District Telfair coun'yconlHintnglKklJrBcres.' Being the real estate of L Lard dec. Sold by permission of the hon. the Inferior c urt of Lib-, erty county for the benefit ol the Heirs anreCred- ilors. "EDWABD WAY, Adm'r sepl 17 H77 16* »ngg Tax. C ’lector’s Sales. OA Y, in A’orembtr nett. >urt House, in the city Of the hours of 10 and 3 roperty, or so much statu and county north side of Great County, c ntainiiq; *tded south hy lane :*. from Savannah. . r lld county taxes r 1824 and cost*. the city of Sa i. Levied on of John M »« Amount On the pit TUBS. Will be sold, utthe Ci Savannah, between o'clock, the following thereof as will sntlsf taxes and costs, to w( A Tract of Land on Ogechee River, in Cl 862 acres, more or It of Mary Fryer, about Levied on to satisfy thi of William Mallon Amount of tax—t Lot letter I in Decker Ward, ih vannnli, with iuiprovetnouU thereoi to satisfy the stale Sad, county taxes M‘Calla, for the year 1824, nod coit of tax—$ 89 06. Lot No. 38 Columbia Ward, in the vannnb, subject to ground rent, to tht lion of said city, with the improvements Levied on to.sutisfy the ‘state and coonty Ann Hodman, for ti c years 1823 apd . Amount of tax—§11 72; A Tract of Laud in Cainden County, «• south side of Great Sutilla Hiyer, cbnta ni.ig nercs, more or less. Levied on te satisfy y state and county taxes of the estate of Mattbe Johnston, for the years 1823 and 1824 and costs Amount of tax—1810. JAMES EPPINGER, Tax Collect. Chat. Comly, for 1823 if 1824. august 30 109 city of Sa • corpoiu thereon taxes of 1824— CHOICE FllKNCIL lA'D EXGLISIl a Bank. O P V T C E For the Sale of Negroes, fyc, ' ”E subscriber’sOllii e is removed to John ton’s Square, 3 doors west of the bLito FOR SAl.F, Improved LDT6 in the Citv, Tructsof l.nild in the new Connlies A \ oungNegro Womun, cook, washer nnd held hand, i.inl oilier valuable Negroes- ir.iyrr.i). Planters’ und State Bunk Stock, Prime Fiold Bails. .iAMjjs r.rriNGEft. jtifie m 7M iVOTiCE * ! ng assotjaliul lb tied of law, are SLn, vtn, Jones, tnatm and Wilkinson.’ ahg 4 IiiSIav iflleriof (Jottrjt—Cl^ithRfH count rTPONtlte p-tition of Wllilam Blad vJ u at be was possessed of.a certain | y note for six hundred and fitly dollars, tne.seeond day of i: seuunu uny tn renrunry r.iglltft’ll III tr twenty, by Mary MOtta, payable two years af ter date ' which n ibhmry F.iglit r MOtta, payable Wnrreh, or order, nhd upon - . . Edrauud Imdinade'a guimin- tee in these woi'dsjf' I guarantee the payment, of ihn within uote to the tune stated.” Signed Ed mund Warren, “and which note Was by the said Edmund delivered to (tie petitioner. 'It appear ing to the Court tlmt the said note has been lost and cannot be found and tlmt a copy of said note as near ns can lie recollected together with eyi- deuce^cl il^s existence and loss is filed in the office On Motion of Law &. Jackson, it is ordered tbat-any nnd nil persons interested do shew uuso on or before the next term of this Court the prayer ofilie petitioner for the Establish- .ol'tlieseid note should not b& granted, and Ibis rule lie published in one of (lie public lip- at the best quality,ana various other kinds of aette* of this state once a month until the time . brushes, made of the best materials c ' ! “ " John Barber’s-nnd Thomas Scargill’s superior s, made,to rehaser or Tax Collector’s sales, On the first’fuesday in November next, W ill be sold at the court house in the oily of Savannah, lietween the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock the following property, or so much there of as will satisfy the state and county taxes aud costs, viz: A tract ofiand in Little Ogechee District,Chat ham .’ounty, containing 600 1 acres, more or less, levied on to satisfy the state and county taxes ol Pet it R. Clifton, tor the yenrs 1823 and 1824,and costs; amount of tax §9 52. Lot no. 16, Franklin ward in the city of Savan nah, bounded on the east by Jetierson-at. on the south hy -ryan-st. subject to a ground rent to the corporation of said city, with the improvements thereon, lev ed on to satisfy the state and cou ty faxes of the rstate of Francis Doyle, for the years 123 aud 1824, oml costs ; ain’t of tax, $178 89. Ytrapt of laud in Ogechee District, Chatham cou >ty, containing 250 acres, more or less, levied on '.satisfy (he state and county taxes of Nicho- las J., Darter, for the year 1824, nnd costs; amount ot f,t $2 04. a ,, ’ it of land in Chatham county, on the Lou- isvillo ’ nd, about 124 miles from Savannah, con taining H> ,u:re9 > m0l ' e ot ' lesl, > lBvle<1 on '° 8,uis - fv Bib ' and county taxes of Charles M Gools- > year 1824,and costs; amount of tax JShcrs sales, continued. On the pit Tuesday in Ort. next. W ILL be sold at tlie Court House In the- city . of Savannah between the «oars of 10 and 4 o'clock, All those two lots and improvements ittlhe city of Savannah known in plan of said city az-jiuin- ber* (21) twenty one and (22) twenty two Jack, son ward Orlcuns square levied on as’the property of Kleox 'Early under a fi. fa, in favour qf Amos Scuddar. All tlto right title and interest of Ajldew 'Knov in fticp’swhart'helngone undivided eighthpf two tlndevided thirds and one undevided 'eeventh of one undevided eighth of two undevided tliirds,’ levied on asthe property of Andrew Knox to sat isfy an execution in favour of Williamson and De Villen. Sold at the risk of the former purchaser. 1. D’LYON f. c. c. * r pt 1* 177 A G s EOUGIA, Chatham County liy ihe,hoii."lne I Justices of the Inferior court tilling for orjiha ry purfotn. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Alexander Hunter has applied toithe Inuorahle court of ordinary of Chatham county, for letters of administration on the ettate and' elTccUof Isabella Hunter late of Chatham county Spinster dec'd in behalf of the heirs. ' -i These are therefore to cite and admonish.nil and singolar the kindred and creditors of^lic said deceased, to file tiicir objections (it any they have) to the granting of the administration of the estate of tlie said deceased to the n|>plieant in the clerk’s office of the laid court, on or before the 19th day of August next; otherwise letters ad ministration will lie granted. Witness the honorable Anthony Poftcft 'one if the Justices of the said Court this 15th day .of July, A. 1>. 1825. S. M. BT)ND, c c o. jaly.lfl 150 ■ TVflN'E monilisa^ter the date'Jierqof/applTcHtiun _L a will'be made to tlie Hqn. the’Court of Ordi nary for the County offjhajiam, for leave to sell the wlinleora part, or parts of a iract of litnd’, lying and )>ein$in tpe county ofElfingltam, con- niriing by recfcnt survey, nine bundred and eigp., • five acres, and known by tho dame of the Tuck- seking Tract, formeriy the property .of King llbtchki'S, now belonging .to the estate of ■ nder S. Roe's orphans, fur the benefit uf said WILLIAM MORE!., Guardian A. S ltoc’s Orphans. .-.omiis _.azors, in double and sin ■ ordeiywarrmited to picas, to be returaaO Ail clegaut nssortqier.tofGlazaLarflps, attached to stands in complete style Tonqiiin nnd'Vanilla Beaus, Gold Leaf, and; Dutch Metal, ike &e. ALSO, •Fl*TV PArHACKS OV S GEIWIXE DRUGS Medicines FANCY'ARTICLfiS, 4-r. all of which lias been sMbctedhy liimself, expwss- lorlilts inurket. -Gentlemen, Fliysiciiius;1Cutm- try Merchants, rintitf-rs.and all that wish tq fnqt- chase in till* line, shall la? supplied on as accom- niodating terms as anjj house may oS'er io . tliiq city. For sadc.ut wholesale nnd retail,By ANSON FARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’.Buildings. ' nug * ; ' ■ „ 5 A VA^UAHLi? , Tide Swamp. Plantation uric ^ TolFMU, for, s vi.E on savannah riveII Tlie nuhscriher tins been spe- cinlly tjmpowered.^by 'the «re ditors of the (ate Jamjm H. Anctuim __ to sell tlie Plantation (LhiVirel-Hill) on Savannah Back River, wMcli wnsttsignedto him; in trust for theioj The place is altogether one of 4lie finest Rice estate in the Sta(e ot South Caroli na, on an efeeUentyiitcii of thenide, exempt from injury eitlier from Ireshets or salts, nnd protected by its locality from the extreme violence of au kuinnal galas. The Flanfhtion consists offourbnfi dred Hcres 6f Tide-Bwainp, three hundred and so ventyiifive of wlrieli are in fine order and under bank—On it there is; for Us size, the most effi- ciep: Mill on tbe-River, which harwithin tlieten’- son’. pounded 3900barrels: it is now in excellent order, aud commands as a Toll-Alilt us much bu siness ns she-can da. On the plnceAberP are n enm fufhtble dwelling liouse, tvyo hams, Winowing house and stacking Wra, all situated drt a ■ fine knoll i feet alrove tlrfe level of the Swamp, on iit’liicli ft crop was saved during the limjiinil the -Iasi year, and rihjctits calculated to,afford a completi proteevion to it ns as to the lives o^ the ne groey pn nny similar occasion. Tj|erc a^e. also ve. ry good negro houses for one hundred and fifty icgroes, wTth Woversccr'sor mjller’s house. The tCriniKillhe one fourth cash, haluuce pay able in three annua! installments, with a morl gage of the property nnd an assignment ofa poll cy ofinsurartce on tlie tide muelmiR.-*-lV>ssnssio to be given out he 1st of Tulirnary next, or lie fore if tho-,crop nflw planted should be sent market. * CSpltalistsNvho are drtpoShdttt vesHheir food: in tkisunconsmoi'iy fine estate, wiii apply to IV ti( De Vlllers, Esq. in Savaunah, -Geo who w‘ furnish every facility to Those who may wish, visitjhe Plantatiort;to't%ier&i‘Carter, Chariest' who have tne Flat, or to the subscriber. • JAMES HAMILTON, Jr. Assignee of the"late J. H.Ancruin 1 m HSS- and . Alexi orphht july i4 gia—Liberty County, slijnli Baker, Clerk ol tlie Court of Ordina ry for the County of Liberty. Joseph M’Uowenjr. applies for letter? of ad ministration on the goods and clinUels, rights and credits tliut were ol John M’Uowen, late of said county dec’d. ,*«■' # ’ > i’J|e»o%re therefore to cite olid ndmohislt nil and singular iltc kimlrcd and creditors of the said dec’d, to file their objections (if uuy l Itcy have) in my office ut Htcfchorougli, on or before the first Monday in October next I otllBTwls letters of administration wlUbegradted to the said appli cant. ’ v ' - „ > (iivnt'undermy liatul ^ttd aeal, this Eleventh day of August in tlie year ottftur Lord .eighteen Imudred and iwqaty live, and to the nllcentlt year of Americim ladepemlitnce. * ’ u A KER *fi «• «'• *•« i mm JT .lusScetif Uie hfcriut' Couri, ,vhiU tilting 0IR ‘ farordbtcrrujp><eVOt(s. ' / *„ T» all whom it may concern’, . AV®teas,Ha\|Ui|nlJohn?^, executrix of Thom niitJiQe (Talivannnhi deceased,Tins peti- leiwff.tiye fonrt 6fordinary, to he dls^ charged From her said exOcuioi’SliipT i 'Tlje^ are llteiwforc tb cite aliu ndmohish all nnd siiigdlar the’ kindred and creditors df the said deoensen,: to file their objections (if any they , tave) »n the ci®rk’f olliok ol the court of ordinary 6n or ireforo thb the 36 day of Nov. next, other- wise letters dismlssory will be granted the peti tioner. — " WihiesStne FWb. John Cumtning, one tire Jus- saidLcourt, this 3d day of May, A.D. 1826. 3 ; S M BOND.fe ro. s' x EORalA, Chatham County.—By the ’lion \JF the Jitslices qf lm Inferior Court, tilling fv otiHnary purposes. , ,, ! appointed for shewing cense thcrcjn. A'true Extract from the minutes ,A. B. FANNIN, Clk nug-2, 167 SlEtAD QlLtUlT^RS, NESBORt), i'ftli July,J825. 3 WAYNE ■ lUUGADE ORDERS. In Conformity to orders from the Major General uflho DiyisioiT,em mating frmn orders of the Cumtnan. . der in chief, 'Colonels Geqrge Wych, David T< Smith, Augustus S. Jtiiies, Robert Tulle, L ttleton Spivy.and-MIHinel Young, of the .4fh*0tli, 6ill, 7lb, 8tli, artd Bth Re- **iments,,^are ordered td proceed forthwith, to tho completion of the orgnitizallon of their respectiVfc Regiinihts, where the privates ne- •gleet or refusoto elect ollicers,they must be QoiuiliHtcd ns directed hy law, and such nominate.! persons, will lie .tSPhsiif ered liable to nil the duties, and subject to’all tlie fines and penalties, for military rtificeV*, ns officers are who have been-duty elected and commission *d. Tli orde' nessv A decs Will be expected. Justices of the Inferior court of Chatham coun ’ ly sitting for.ordinnry piupuscs. ’ To nil whom it inny concern. Wliereas Isaiah Davenport, adniiriistrntor of the estate of.foimuol-Pnvenport, Intv of Savannah cnrpenlei^rttec. tins petitioned the lion, court of Ordinary to be discharged from his said adminis tration. These are therefore tp cite ,and admonish all nnd singular, the kindred and creditors of the .-aid deceased to file their objections (if nny they Itgtve.) in the office of the office of the Clerk ol the conn of ordinary, on or before the 3d day of Nov. next, otherwise leltera dismlssory will be granted the petitioner. Witness the honorable John Camming, ohe uf tile Justices of said court this 3d day of May, A. D. 1825. JSI. BOND, c c o. ir.’ny 3 ’ - N I'.ttHGI a' CliHtimui County—ftythe t&n.llic’ finite s required by law. it is ^irtli.. , wiil ;be enforced 'vith military exact. t prompt report of thefoxeention of tlicspt or- s, forwupded direct to the Brigadier Geuernl, 11... "-.iBcled. J&AVlt) TAYLOR, Jr. u.’o. , ”' mT61 •■!■"**. In rSOF XXT R'W Madeira Wtnc&i* ♦TU^E undersigned has o'ii hand, and cite rsfo l ’#ftle v upqit liberal terms for dash or approved Uf . ..nces^pay able .-i a this city, a lira Wine of the justly cnlehrnte Jotin H&cnrd Mnreh Co. In pipes, hall'pipe|, quarter casks and eighths, of varinuslmportations; some very old, and all very-superior. very old, and all very-superior 'Tlefhas'alwuys n subscription. LisLopelifor the importation of Wine from;Mndelru to this,place and will thankfully-receivo orders Tor any qumi ♦fitv: lie will in the course of tliis mbntlv, forward a(7st?wli1eh will be Supplied in the coin se,of tlm next ensuing uutuinn. » . f PETIT DE V4LLER9.' Surnnimh, 'Uh July, 1625. Factor july, 12 J 'crl48 The J^cw Infantry Tactics. W. T. \VI!*LIAM8, HAS JUST RECEIVED I NFANTRY TAC'WCS.or Rules for the Exerci ses ^ Manoeuvres of the Infantry of the u. g Army, revised hy Geu. Sctfft, and a board a- of Officers, Ritd adopted by the lust Con If theplantntion is nol sold fit private sale pre- viously, it will be exposed at public jiuction ou the Jfilli of Nqvember next, by Dgipr ii Carter, Charleston. ' 'J Ulle f fl23-. ' Leorgia—C’Imtliam County, coui QNthe r OF ORDIN ARY, 1st Augiist, li letition of R jbert H ahersham ai fabersliHin Executors of Francis state"of Deorffi Jnowrt. ‘I?, J thfi hcirs and cr ~ d district, sold fo rtne oenex . ferf d ilors of Fu,’'is, an o#y^ —MURPHY, june 2 12 1 S'fo’d"*'" 1 * by for ti le 1^2 28, A tract ofj nercs, hki )m ILirrison, , lad fi 1 anted loJofi, - v lf) <? state and ber lor t| ie ye Ju.v Cnlleotor, C Jjng .25 lr>7 \ , BUSH! Jones'u r ^ r r ^|t June 4 J26 and in Glynn county, containing 600 r less, hounded nortli by land of Jan. on all other sides by var.ant land ; i M|ller in 1797, levied on to satis, countv taxes of Catherine Lim- ' -s 1822 and 1823 > amount ol tax JAMES EPFINGEK, hatham county for 1823—''24 Twenty dollars \ t |®'vaTclj R AN AW AY Froan the Suhscri ’"dWin'spme in April last, a negro man nab f . ..V . times calls himself Willis, about six. . , ® . about 23 years of age, lie hns a sulky l k t0 effeminate voice, speaks slow when i 1 . ’ has a scar on the upper lip or under thfe . • £ 3 us likewise a scar on the left mm, oca . j- fromablowofastick,he isaBlacksmith bj j l will gige the above reward for the delivi said negro in any jail in the State so I get ft) m ' WILLIAM MURPHEY, Washington County Gee nug 4 *!68tB. orn, ’.I.S prime Mnrylnnd whiet 'out on board schr. Trial ud or sale by HALL ii I10YT. Elegant Brushes, J UST received from Mr. Taylor’s Factory, viz. Cloth Brushes, Hair Patent penetrating, large and very su perior, Waterproof do. . Tooth Brushes, silver wire, Jnppiined Flesh Brushes, Plate, Slowing and Conti) do. Bottle Bruses. For sale by, - A. PASONS, Druggist No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildildgs. sept 13: 1825. and Jo,' r rnncis Coflrt voisie,Jafo df ChatimmCdunly pUnterdec’d sta ting thill by «he \WH of the said dec’d h is ordered Uiat.aAi’uct'Dt land fe Chatham county situated,on’ the Louisville.Brad, cuirtaining ffteen-hundred and fi'fi^’acres, kifown the came cf tJlay’j ‘place, !; )midi d,on the north and .‘nor'.lf east by',lands) 1 formerly the projierty ofH.LouiquindecM, east- ' erlyhy lumjsofthe Esiate of Join GiChonaiiind Olliers, SQiitherly and, is o-iforly F.y lauds "of the of Jqsiah'B Fox and Japiesf llnbersham it of land in Camden cotnty on the Sa- containing WMjtfniismjd acres more or pally 'granted to Williqn Telfair, @fd rave to sell the afuresaicTracts of land ugreeflbiy to the wjll of the deedJ- , H is ordejed tlmt’an order, nisi tig grafted, the petiUonqrj.aiid he publjshed.nine mouths in oue of the pufue Gazeltes of the Cil/ -of Savannah anil if no,flf)jectioiig arc .filed Jhentto llidftliea it he made al^olute. - .. <f Extrgcl from the iriimtles ! S. M. liuND.c aug 13 182* A’fV* (V .allowing :hem to Mty, are nc4jficd dinance, thhy Vt next, an<rplaged^i. „ . T untiyiie fine of five dollars is paid. - F. M. STONE, Marshal, ang IB. 163 bcicct Teas'for Funti/i/ Use., J lffiT Ifeceived'per recent arrivals, .a’fresl: t/upplyJoL • , Baitk vof Darieji. R ESOLVED that a redueUoi of Hiper and is hereby required, pi, all paper due at the mother Bank, on or before the 2l iligreafter, November next, and at every renew a thrcaiter a similar reduction until the spne shall have n- mounted to 30 per cen|. Extract fnm (he minutes. KBEN.8- HEkS rush. UT The Mdlcdgevill .louwiil and Savannah Republican, will publish the mhve until the 1st of November. | >june 25 142 Genuine Eau Mdicinale de Hussion. ‘UST imported by the ship Imily. Clarified limey, Ja st received from Boston,-and for sale hy „ . A. PARSONS, Druggist No. 8, Uibboxs’ Buildings, aprif Y ' KRAL rU'.GULRTIONS FOR.THE AR MY, or Military Institutes, a new edition re .vilfcd hy Gen. Scott,—$3. Also, METCALFS' DIGEST, of Massachusetts Reports •from 1816 to 1823.—S4 >50. ElGALOW*>,’ UIGES / L of Massachusetts Reports sMond edition coTbpridBe the enscs froht 1786 to 1824r—one large Volume—#9. WALTER SqDTTS’ LIVES of«lie Noveli^ n<iw first published separately, 2 Vols.—$1 ROPERS on Ilft 'Lfl'.v of Property, arising from TRAVELS in the centra portion ol the Mississippi Valley in IB21 wi' Map andpIMes.—Aa 60. DRAWING GOLODRsCjn Roifes of various sizes from 60 cts to,§12. ' l Togelher.wilh « va Jety of other works, nug 9 m!60 . WNE|b oftiogJS&hR * are in (he habit -ol at large thrppghitlhi |upplyJot, ^ i Mri^n i :\t), ttyjsb^ YOUNG IlY^jON* mid PrHJCHONG TEAS. Imported by Thus. H. Smith In ,lhc. ship ,;Mnria Canton, at Ne« -Yoi4f Customers may de on (he quality of tiyjsc Teas, as selected by izt rale judge, and wnrantfed lo be of the now Crop, ipbrellle at retail by . - A. PARSONS •? 6 '.Druggist, N,o.8;Gihbons’Bull dings,■ aiti'4 168 * b A I,1, persons havineanydetnRn.i. . , Burton duc’d nnd late ofth» r mg,mm, are requested to preent”T’ 1 > ubscriber, properly uulhcnticaM T, 1 "isssKasa, Ricii tGI Aj cimlbunr'totiiiliy.V ily tlu lion, the Notice, ed, urcrequested to make immndiaS’ 1 «• V. IIAKKR ^ jn_ |M enmity, for jeavn to sell the rcalani^W mtlol Lodowlck Lard, late of t1 P ^ debased, for tl.clmnetit ofthe ' mjg Bi $o17l K ' UAt > hi t vEORi > lA^CImtlmin C -iinty-_fi v ,pj , * tjifl'Justices of tho Inferior (j^M To aH whom it may concern. AVherea* Isaiah Davenport, administrator/ of. Wm Atkerson, dec. has petitioned the houornlih no Court of Ordinary to be discharged fixmi his aid administration. Now these ere therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditorsof tho said dec.lofile their objections.(if any they have) in the Olficamf the Clerk of the Court of Ordina-. ry,on or before the Sdday.of November next, 0 tlierwisi! letters dbmissbry Will be granted the pe titioner. i, . » * ’ \yilness tlio hon. John Gumming, one of the Justices of the said Court this 3d d»y of May, A. D. 1825. S. M. BOND, c. mo: may 3 • ^|_EORGIA Cliutlmn) eountj'—lion, the JfJustices of the Inferior Court sitluig pr .or purposes. * * To all wlitsbi itmav'enneern. Whereas Timothy Barnard,txtfmitorofWarren Percival. dee/d, Ims'petKidjied. the.Court of Ofdi. nm-v,to be discharged from.his said executorship These nrc ttieretoretocitoaedadbionj^lialland singular the kindred and creditors of tlm said dee. fo file their oMcotiqna, if any tlioy huxm, jn the' clerk’s office ofthe Raid court„gn or Jmlbre the twelfth day of November next; othtrti j#o letters dismissory will be prarited the petit!olierl Witnesstlie lion. Edward Harden, one of the Justices ofthe said Court, the 12th day of May A..D. 1026. 9. NL BUNl), c c o. may 12 196. / \ EOKGiA, idfiing11amv"o«int^-j/ijlthc llun.thc vT Justtcefiy the Inferior court sitting for ordi nary purposes. '' ■ To all wjmm it (hay coiidcrn, IVlierens Ellas Reed administrator of IV. Spencer, dec. bus petitioned the -Hon. tRo Cone of Ordinary,to lie dismissed frpm njs said ndinjn istraion, , 4 “ Tliese m e tiierefsire to cite and admonish;, all and singulur lh«.kindred nnd creditofs ol'rlie said dec’d,to file their.objections (if any they have) iq the offioenf the Clerk of tlie court of ortlinarj on or before the 28th day jpf December next, otherwise, letters dismissory .will lie granted the petitioner. Witness the Hon. John Waldhour, ohe ol the » slice/of the said Court, the 27th day of June 1825 iune 28 134 JOHN CH ART.Ton e.e.o. 1 ^ ; ‘%U ' Fine Cheu:htg Tobacco, rjUST received per Corsuir, Lorillards Manufac P tuririz, and for sale by t A. PARSONS, Druggist No 8, Gibbons’ Buildings. may 13 jr' i EURGIA, ElBiigfiani'Ccunty-fiiti/ the Hon YJ | the Juslices of Use Inferior Ct urt, of said coup me uu.Mict. oj tne i, ty sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom tLmay concern. Whereas Thomas HlirstJ executor of Wi prefixed to Ballantvnes' Novelists Library. ofthe’ G&. Justices purposes ot the Inferior ty} he discharged from the exccutorshin’iiforesoid. Ttidse. are, iherefcqre fo clte and admonish ail mid singular the kindrlfd hn(l creditors of: the .t V-i i..JE 77, , I’jffifjfc,' allano singular the klhdrtil nnd creditors olthe V '^, 10 ^ snid deceased, to file theirOhjaetio,,, (if any they BeHOOLCHAFfg rRAVfcLfc in .the^central | rtv e)5n the Clerlals'office ofilieWld CourLon or /e)*m the (ilorkisWicr ofllie'^AHl Court, on or iiefore the fourlli day ofNovember next} other wise letters dismisso/V,will W, gianted. Witness I he Hon. JoliVi C. Ildlvenstort, one of the Justices Of the snid Court, the 4lhdny of May A.I). 1826. JOHN CHARLTON, Clerk. - may 6 ., ’ Sar rtug 13 I.H62 for ordinary purposes, To all whom it mi Wherima,"William Rahn, hu... non of the estate uf John S. All concern, dnistrafori) lhcse ard^therefore tb cite »nii'%» .1 , <l„ 1,1..u. .. _ . e nntl mi fore tlm *9th day of January miters dlsm^ny will be zranUdil, « Witness the Hon. E. Harden, one ofZ, )f said court, this flfil day of July, j D * r I KORGIA, Cliul / i 1, until A, Cbalhn \T Justicus of tlie.l lounty, sil ing for ordinary To all to whom it'n UUty^-Byll prior Court of C ig tor ordinary purpW , - - -II to wliotq if may enneem die hon. the Court of Ordinary to W ii.Il uom his said ndministration. T These nre therefore (6 cite and adniotil nnd s)ngu|*r the kindred nnd creditorsofj deceased to file their ohjectiom itsm iu in the Clerks office mf the Court uf () r &! or before tlto ninth day oQ January mil wise letters din issory will be gfn n ( f j tionur, ? I Witness tlm Hon. Ed. Harden,one of ikl lipes of the said/court, this Uth day of J u | v I ffe* ii. 1 -~X8li«lhi-iaUi t i KUltUlA—Ettiugliam Ci.unty.—Ji« VT tht Justices of the IssJerror Court county, tilling for’ordinary purposes. ' To all udiom it may ettvetrs. Whereas,Unwell llMies,exe»,ut(ir of, Hines, lies petitioned to the lion, tin J U| the Inferior Court sitting for Ordinarv r. to Ire discharged from the executordiimiv These are therefore to cits andmlin<jm!i singular the kindred nnd c-reditors of tbr <t( ceased, to file their objections (if any for' in tlm Clerk’s Office of tlm snid (wm, before tlm 4lli day of Deccmlierneit; ' letters dismlssory will lie grunted. - Witnesstlie Hon. John Wnldhauprorr J list ices of I lie said Court, the 4th Mny, A. may 6 lot) JNO CHAU I/I 0), EURGIA, CliutlinnTCounty—JSplIu ’unices ofthe Inferior Courtiil/iiij/* nary purpose % To all whom it may concert. Whereas Francis H. Welmmi, ciectilor. jamin Brooks, of Savnnnnli, Mereluint, dee' petitioned tlm Hon. (lie Court of Ordinary, discharged Irom his SHidexcculordlp. These are tlmreforeto cite andadiminlih singular the kindred and creditors of tlie« lo filcrtholr objections (ifany they linve) clrk’s offico of the said court, on or btf< twel'tli day of November next; ethenrhe dismlssory will lie granted tlie petitioner. ..Witness the Hon. Eilwnrd Harden, one i] Justices of the said Court, Ihe IC/b thy ol A. D; 1825. S. M BOND, C t kubgia" Cl ““ ~ r the Justices of Ihc Inferior Court of < County sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Where as Hatnittal Johnson Execulrisof| edict Bonrquin lute of Ciiiitiimn (.'ounty p deceased so far us relates to Ills personal;« ministrutivu of the real estate ofthe snid hi lias-petitioned tlm Hon. Court of Ord'mnj d diselmrged from her suld Executorship nc| ndnistratorship. These are therefore to cite and adm nnd singulRrthe kindred nnd creditors oftlj decenscd to file thoir objections if any tht in tiie Cierk's office of tlie t ourt ot ordi»_ or before tlie third day of November ijtitJ wise Loiters Dismlssory will lie granted tWl lionor. ■ Witness the Honorable Jacob Rendontii said Justices, this the third day of Mav, A t| thuiisHnd eight hundred and twenty me. I mny 3 S. M. BOM'.r.J f*j INE months after dnte upplicatiotV«| IN mode to the lion, inferior Court of l County when sitting for ordinary pitot) leave losell fortn|e Hurts of l’ino I.imd. .on and near Doctors Creek nnd other plaj • lit benefit of the Heirs and Creditors-f' Anderson, deceased. inii/14 Hffi .109. JON FA A "IVTINE months after date application” Xx the Hon. the InferiorCourti hum County for leave lo sell all tbo nmleS James Wallace, Esq.,dec'd. ronsiiftrp of* 1 Lots No. 9 and 10; Lot .No. 7, Carpenter'd Lot No. B, AVosliington Ward ; Lot Jio, r improvements,''Wnshinglon W ard, situate oily Of Savannah,—and five Lots in the I Hardwieke, Brynn County,No 48, 40,53,8 —, foi the benefit of the heirs anricreditonw estate. , G. W. Ottm| Mtn'r of.J’ W hiay 31 ’ 122 iVlDliysUenouiud I’luBtepCIotlT. /A Sovereign remedy for all ulcers, sore breasts, Boils, sore legs, swellings, sprains, bruises, pains in tlie back, &c. Approved nnd recommended by nil the emin ent Physicians in the city of Pliibidelpliia. For sal* by appointment. A. FAItHONS. Druggist, No. 8, Gibbous’ Buildings, * aug 2 , « CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Y i 16th Auo. 1826. J Assize of. Bread. T HE average price of Flour bei ng $5 76 per bbl. 100 llis, weight, the weigbfol' Bread for the present month must be 124 cents Loaf * 3 llis. 1 bg. «! “ “ - 1 84 Of which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread will ' <l«'c notice. M. W. STEWART, c. t. ig 16 163 a toga, Congress Hind Muu- eral Spring Waters COOLED IN ICE. 1 7IOR the accommodation mf the public, -llie . celebrated Saratoga Wider, Ims been kepi for some time past, and I shnll continue to keep it cooled in Ice during this season. !| will be rea dy every morning at half past five o’ .clock precisely. For sale on as liberal terms as my neighbors,^by JWt A. PARSONS, : Druggist, No 8 pibben's Buildings. july 19 151 Classical and Philosophical SEMINARY <ty3» ST. AUGUSTINE. I/TJHIS Institution w’ll open on Monday 1st of . iL August.for the instruction of young gentle men. Tlm Aeveral branches of n polite nnd sci entific edijcntinn "wili be taught in'lhis cstablUli- ment. I'nrents nnd gtmrdimis who tvill entrust tl;eirc|iHdren and wards |o tlm'confidence of tlm principal may expect the utmost attentlon'paid to the literary improvement of the scliolufs. . TERMS.OF TUITION. Lntin and Greekper quaftCr Iplfi 00 Mntheiimtics, -do Jft to English dq 10 00 Rev’d TIMOTHY M’CARtHY. jllU- ai 162 " # .. ,. T'h'e 'Savannah Republican is is requested to print this udvvrtiscrtmnt qnco in the tyuelc for four 'months and forward bis imcounl jo this office. hytulon Mustard . "XKfk ^ WA NT ED a pure article, just re- TT ceivedper Corsair, and forsale. liy may 11 ■ A. PARSONS Druggist No. 8 Gibbons’ Buildings Kidder’s Indelible Ink lor" niar- king,on r Linen, T HIS is-warrfibled to- excel any otfiftf- kind that has been offered to Ihe Public. For sale by, A 1> ARSONS. Druggist No( 8, Gibbous’ Buildings. ■ r c |\t INE', Mdnths after date npplicnti'/u ri J. 3 made to tlmbon.the Inferior Court ql B ham cotuity; for leave to sell Ihe loil«r#S* One tract lying in tlm county ol Early, kno>J the (No. .7) seven 21st district. One Ira'H in the'county Of Gwinnett, known Ivy the A hundred and fifty seven .(267) 7th district* tho benefit .of Edmund. Marllm andwVJ Lavcnuer, orphans of Jos. Luvendei joiincharlto^J Guardian of snid £ ' aiig 3(1 166 Notice. - N INE months after date application mode to tlie Honorable the inferior CJH Chntlmm County, for leave to sellal?>*| corner of Bull and 'Bryan streets, being • I lekyi Tylhlng) Derby Ward, * n the . r Snvantmh, bt longing to the estate of iw I Glbs-r, deed, /or (he benefit of < lie lll!in l o„.m».or„id AM ABW J ipn 26 10 , , ■ 1 . _ The Old English U(^\ Improved ucd warranted to sir'"”' subsorilmr hns just reoclvea uarei ■ liomas Sc'nrgil, John Barhef,n |R ? * Furnisr Sheffield England—an clagrt 11 ^ of those Razors, in red . Morocco and single, Brnnnmnted, mid the throughout is .vitrraii’ he ol (In' ,|C . Gentlemen wishing to purchase ,m 1 tills kind, may do wel) to cull oh I ?; Druggist/ No. 8', Gibbons’ f " J Anril 2 r ■ —. ■ Ml yQhiiitiing Tobacco, - ( J UST re'dalVed, and it is recoimm'"! “, ing a very superior article. fl sept 13 ■ Druggist No. 8 Gibbons’