Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 04, 1825, Image 2
Jb'llEDEltlCK S. FELL, CITY PH1NTKR. daily pavkk .....eight hou.aiis peh annum. COVKTIir PAPKII... SIX DOLLAR!! Ann ANNUM. PAYABLE IN ADVANCK. ip » TUE9DAY EVENING* Octobbh 4,1826. m THE ELECTION. An election was held .yesterday for a Governor of tho State of Georgia, and for ono Senator and three Representatives fi otn the Comity of Chatham, in tip: State Legislature. The tiumher of votes taken in were 732—On ’counting them nut lust night, the following result was declared by tho presiding -Judges: POR GOVERNOR. GEORGE M. TROUP : s : : JOHN CLARK i i i : -s ■: 695 132 Minority for Troup SENATOR WM. C. DANIELL i : : MotiKd 8HKPXALL 463 it ix? 602 160 303 5619 617 606 l ? | S’ Majority for Daniell retreSunativeS, SOW. HARDEN t s : : : GEO. ROBE 111 SON ; ; t t WORDECAl MYERS : : *t If the same feelings which actuated the good people of Chatham, -have prevailed throughout the State, Troup is our Gmcr- a>or by au overwhelming majority. They fought a good fight, and victory has crowned their lahotirs. Unto eld, Repub lican, consistent Chatham we may truly ^juy “ tcell done good and faithful servant." The following is the only additional re turn we have received: EFFINGHAM COUNTY. ■ FOR GOVERNOR. TROUP, 197 CLARK, 16 SENATOR. CLEM POWERS. REfRKSXNTATIVS. C. A. BURTON. Report says that Bryan County has giv en an almost unanimous vote for Troup. found guilty, and sentenced to he ffus- ( Inured. Tho sentence wu until the termination oi Atm into naval tuulsiu tins city, in ono of which (the case of Lieut, liamngc) it will ho re collected. Limit. Wpviefl was tho ac cuser, and a material wiitUlSs. 'flic Scrt- teneo against Lieut. Wotocrl lias since hoen approved' by tho (’resident, and lie has accordingly been stricken from tho roll of the Navy. Tho dftonco of which he wus convicted was, we believe, preferr ing wilfully, fuiso changes against Lieu); Uanvage.—i6i Interesting to Sailors. —Tho Now York The Giant's Boots-\\v have jnst had an opportunity of examining si pair of hoots made by Air. 1*. Nagle, for Air."Magee the Irish Guild, now exhibiting in (tus* city. Tire length of .llio foot is 443-4 niches, mid the width 5 1-2. The circnm- -fereuco of the boots at iiio top arc 18 in ches, reaching, us we arc imornicd, to the bottom of the call.—FnHud. Sent. This day tho venerable CHARLES CAllKDEL, of Canolion, ono of the Utrcu.survivtug signers of the Declara tion of Independence, attains to tho nd- vuuccd ago of biouTY nine years, lie -continues to enjoy excellent health and spirits—his singular activity in tho ex- of w alking, and riding on horseback seqms to dety the usual influence of time. Long may ho life honoured by his country, and beloved by all who know him.—Balt. Gtiz. 21s/. utt. suspthded j Gnzetto contains a brief report of a caso recently Hide before tho district Court in that 'city. It ivas the case of the U. States against the crew df ship Criterion. It tin- pears that nine oflicr crew) when tho ship was ready for sen, refused to do duty du tho plea tliut there was one mart short. The captain wns consequently obligoA to procure a gang of riggers to tiiko the Ves sel to Sandy llook, Imping, thtd after his ship passed the light house, his limn would conie to a sense of their duty ; but when the. pilot and riggers were about to leave the nhip off Sandy Hook) the men still persisted in their bbstirtney. ,Thd ship of course, was necessarily obliged to return, when tlio Sailors Were comittted for a Revolt, nttd tho ship pro ceeded with a netV crew.—On tho trial, the proof of guilt wn& positive ; hut it was argued thrtt the latV will not clnen as to making this trachea a revolt; blit the judge in a claea and satisfactory mu tuier made it evident that the offotVcc, in its probable results, might amount-to the cliargo in the iiidictmtnt of revolt—tliut it was no offence against which the I ultra had pro vided, and one, if nut punished might oc casion incalculable loss, vcxafmrt and inconvenience to merchants and ships owners. Tho Jury brought in a verdict of guiltp ; and the sentenco of tho Court was fine and imprisonment. .vaKtvBn. .. iww Steam boat Pertdleton, Brtcken, 2,;qhy. from Charleston,with freight tor Augusta And HuWhitro —Pnsiscngers, Mn. Beunran, Mrs. Lufor, Miss pororio, Dr. Uoricluon) Messrs Hill, Blutkuian, nrttl Moore. sailed. Slilp SavMinnli, Beebe,.for New-Ycirk, brig Draco. Conklin, for dco Slop Cynthia, Tdriier foi Boaufort. . rT • . ARWVEO PROM TtttS PORT, At Liverpool, 10th Aug. ship Africa, Cox; tip FOR T|US PORT, At Ncw-York, Sept 42, brig Osprey, Dorfoy, despatch. At Boston', Sept IP, packet sebr. MaiVInncb, At ProvhlentSo, sloop Gold Huntress, Currie, to suit 2'itlvult. SELLING OFF. rttHE SUBSCRIBER will dispose of Ids preient .1. Stock of goods, at cost and charge) either by Wholesale or Retail. ALSO, , Several negroes, male and female Of good char acter. One tract of land 202,\ acres; Henry County) • One do do 490 do Irvin# do, JOS TRUCHELU . oct4 Mjjl83 ... Pulton Market iicef. By the Sarah Sf Caroline, Capt. Prince, which arrived at Charleston on Friday last from Liverpool; London dates to the 18th and Liverpool to the 00th of August have keen received. Tho papers contain no political news whatever. The following extracts of letters show tbb state of the cotton market:— "LIVERPOOL, Adgusl 20.—TheMliusIateU Sustained A. 8t S. Richards, Isaac Low ti Co. and doubtless 2 or 8 more, largely connected with U States trade, must follow—these are inomentuous limes. - % “/.mount of-skies T»f Cotton from the 13ib t- The 19th mtt. inclusive. 60 Sea Island, Georgia -ordinary, to middling, 18d; -fair to good. 20 anil Slid;—150 stained do. ordinary to middling, 9 «»; fair to good, JJ a02d, 4860 Uplands, ordinnr to middling, 8 a Pd; foir to good. 10 a lid; 229n New-Orleans, ordinary to middling, 8i nP , fo, <o good, 10( a 1SJ; 1600 Alabama and Mobile, or- diuory to middling 84 a 8,; lair to good, lo a !(»-. Liverpool. August, 20.—The demand foir Colton continues regular and prices rather, declining TChe sales of the past week ate about 16,000 pack age*. 000 of which an? to the trade ami the r xnaider to (peculator#-. Of SSen islands only 6r bales have been sold from IS to '2 Id. Of Up Jauiis 4,800, the greatest part of which from 83 to 9 mnl fromevery appearance prices are more lil; 4y lo decline than advance. The imports into-, t. - rl since the first of JaiuiBrWjIsS'l.OOO bag*., atul about <00,000 into the Kingdom. Annexed Arethe present prices. Sea-Island, 14 e27d. Up. JandsOil a lOid; Ncw-Orkaus, Bin 12d. Rice 46 a 23." Captains Bainbuidge, Bn>dLc, and yVAiimifoToN have been appointed com Anissimiers, by the Secretary of the Navy to nx upon a site for a Navy yard on the t>ay of Pensacola, They will tail, in few days from Norfolk in the Hornet sloop of wnr, Captain Kennedy. Washington, Sept.24.—We are inform Oil, and have bo doubt of the fact, that Com. David Porter has lately been invt ted to cuter tlie service of the Republic ■of Mexico, 09 Commander iq chief of its Jluval forces. The Executive of that Re public decided, on the 4th of July last to recommend to the Council of the Gov ernment to tender this bppoihmient to Com; Porter;—on the 30th of. July the proposition was approved by the Cnubcil and the offer lias accordingly been made to lum. We understand, also, that simi lar i.-verture lias been made to Com F. on the part of the government of Cofo tobia We have not understood what Com mo dofePorter’s determination is in relation to either of those offers. The navy of Mexico, tve ftre itiforiilifed will shortly consist of one line of battle ship four or five frigates, some smaller Vessels. W e per same its ultimate augmen tation wdf be Very considerable, as the Inst appropriation for the purpose was we believe, three thiOionfl of dollars The Navy of Colombia will Consist, in short time, of a force equals or superior to that of Mexico as there are building both in England and the CJnifed States, Gome ships of a largo class intended for the service of that Repdbltc;- * The invitation from MeXitfC must be very gratifying to Com. Porter’s feelings as it is the highest compliment,we believe that ha9 been offered by any govennont to a foreign officer Nat. Int. SEPTEMBER 22. The Secretary op tup. Navy left the ™ sent of Government yesterday, on a short visit to his native state. He 18 to deliver the anniversary oration before the Soci eties of Princeton College, on the 27th instnnt.—Int. Lieut. Frederick G. Womirrt.TJ. S. Na vy was tried on certain charges by a Court JMfomal avritav YovUrsoRje tinniest Fi»U» Fathering of the house of ISRAEL In the New’ York papers, wo perceive the revival of the spiritual govermnfnt of the Jews is attempted, by ceremonies per formed at Uiiftnln for the settlement of a colony ht Grand Island situate on the Ni agara river, ami tho promulgation of 11 “ Proclamtitum to the Jews," by Mordecai Alanuel Noah, Citizen ofthe United Slates of America, late Consul uftlie Said States for the city and kingdom of Tunis, High Sheriff of New York, Counsellor at Law and, and by the Gritce of God, and Gov- rnor nnd Judge of Isrcil,.’ signed by “A . B. Sexins Sccietnry pro tem." The Commissioncis carry the provis ions of the Pi nclatnntion into eflVct, arc lie must learned and pious Abraham de Cologon, Knight of the Iron Crown of Lombardy, Grand Rabbi of the Jews und President of tho Consistory of Paris, likc- ise the Grand Rabbi Andrade of Horde- tux, and alto the estimable Grand Rabins f the German and Portngnl Jews,in Lon- loti Rabbis Herchell and Mendoza, togeth r with the honorable Aron Nunes Cnr- >za of Gibraltar, Abraham Fusaac, Esq. ('Leghorn, Benjamin G1 adis of Bordc- nx Dr. E. Gans and Professor Zitntz of lerlin, and Di Leo Wtiolf of Hamburgh. ’Iiese preliminaries cut a very pretty fig ure on yhjier, hat, how far the intemionR jfthe parties can he realized, remain in f vturo. Of all the classes of emigrants that have flocked to onr shores to seek an asv- Itim from Eurofipnimppression we believe the Jews are the most limited: and yet they always had a double motive in seeli ng emancipation “ bevond the western innin:” they have loftg been stripped of both their religinuT and political rights, and been condemned to the migratory life 0f a bird of passage for forty centuries past. May-be n relaying point was wan ted, to concentrate and give Confidence to an extensive emigration; if so, the experi ment can now bn tried on a very grand scale, and under nui>pic'e9, ns far ns we are able to judge, quite favorable to the un dertaking. Should ft sucof-fd, Mujnr Noah Will merit the gratitude and the thanks ofthe children Ikreal, to the latest posterity; and, probably, may gain what is seldom unacceptable hither to Christian or Jews a handsome pecuniary profit fur ■his project.—'To complete the tout ensem ble of the design, a Gazette, printed in the Hebrew character, should be forthwith issued. In the back settlements of Penn sylvania, Wfchave newspapers executed ih the German character. We have long had the Irifhriinrt pouring out his feelings at the unhjipppy condition of Eriti; the Frenchman boasting ofthe battles of Na poleon, and the glories of Republican Franee; the Scot breathing his home hrend loyalty, and boasting of Edinburgh as the modern Athens; the .Englishmen tri- umphingatthe lofty eminence his country- metf have attained, for their wisdom, valor and perseverance, in being able to give lows, not ouly to a neighboring continent but Ui'a great portion of the habitable globe, elsewhere—and, Why should we not, tn malting tip the chord of Untionql- ity; o6t of these small filaments wish to see the Hefirew dom estictfted, arid fie cherished, if not under hisvine, as in the Holy Land, udder the spreading branch es ofour lofty onks, tftrowing his ingenuity industry or his shekels of silver into the common'stock, add becoming an Aibori- Cati citizen. In short, let the Jews, who repair tootfr shores practice temperance cultivate knowledge, regidtite their passi ons And their prejudices persevere irt some honest calling, and they cannot fail to im prove theie wordly condition, and reach as exhalted n height of pecuniary pros perity, in the United States, as many of ; their bretheren in Europe. | By this proclamation, published on laying the foundation stone of the city of Ararat Noah is created Governor mid first Judge of Israel. Certain regulations are /henceforth, fo be established, to gov ern tlie Jews all over the world; commis sioners appointed, whose line of duty is marked'out, and a taK of one dollar a head to be levied, trt'carry the proclama tion into effect.- There arc supposed to be six millions of Jews scattered through out the universe, which, at three shekels or 100 cents a head, would amount to more than we gave to Ferdinand, for the entire country cud sovereignty of Florida. ' SHIPWRECK.—'The French brig Maria Theresa, J. B. Ferand master, from Point Peter, Guadatoupe, in ballast bound to Wilmington, wns Iqst on North Edisto, on Thursday night last. From the 2?tli to tho 29th, spa experienced very bad weather, the wiiutbluwing hard froth S9E- On the morhing rtf the 29th, nbont 4 o’clock, the vessel struck near North Edtsto. wns carried by n current on reel’ and entirely disabled. The chief name and six of the crew, in ah aRettipt to swim ashore wo regret to suy, Wert, drowned. The captain, second math And four sca- nion, remained on tho wreck until 1 o’clock on Thursdny, when they succoedeti in in gaming a Sand hank, where they rc- maiiicdfor several hours,Up to theirknoes ia writer. At length n signal made with a board, Was preceived by stivernl negroes on the Island, .about three, miles. distant who immediately comeWthcir relief and took them off. Tlie captain, mate und two senrnen, nrrivvd iq town ftt ft late bout on Thursday night. The oilier two Sea men remained oh ttio Island, to snvq such Articles as might drift ashore from the reck.£ The vessels will lie entirely lost the*en malting ft fnirurfcftch over her when tlife enptniit lad h6r; Captain Ff.rand feels grnetful for the ready assistance nffordedhim by the persons nlluded^to uhove, they liuving stripped off their clo thes and wnded into the Sea, the moment they saw the distressed situation of tho person# on the batik. The nnmes of the juirvivors are, J. B. Fernnd master, Francis Menrs 2d mate. Fran.Vis Aergler, Pierre Cuvarry, Jean Andre Paillei sailors, Lnmoue, mulatto .shipped nt Point Petre, Guad. Ch. Courier, 1st inst. 11 Mit'tTAitv CninrETAiN.V This seems to be emphatically the rei<*n nl militaryrhieftnint. , Gen Gaines has ordered his aid da ramp to write an Impudent letter to the editors oi the National in- teliicencer, rensurinR them for publishinR his !a*t letter to Gov. Troup without publishing also an uncbnspqnnncial note of the said Abide camp, which accompanied its pUhliration in the.Geor gia papers. Has not Mr. Adams, forgot hisojd quarrel with the IntellieenCer, that hi« hull rfo" the “ military ehifftnin," h set upon them * does he think a military force a more efficient means ofovrr-nwinR the press than the Gas;. Law was found to be 1—Boston Stateinnn 20th intt. I.-UalBj—g" 1 III I ii -J..LJ-L-LiHBN ICommumealedfor the SavdnmA Rrpithlirian:'] In various places benevolent and pious persons have devised methods of aiding the filndsof char- itablt institutions whichf oririerlv wero unthought of—A Lady of this City sonin time since under took to solicit front her acquaintance their old useless cotton and linen rags of every description In about five months she collected os much as sold fortwenly two dollars whiqh stun isappropriated itlie Savannah Missionary Society —Should any person feel disposed to lend their aid" todoShggood in this manner: by asaving which would otherwise be thtown away—they are requested to send all the cdttonBhd liieti rngsol everydcseriptlan,which they enn convenientlv sphre fo Mrs CLELAND OBITUARY Departed this life on - Uuday the2oth ult in the fifty sixth year of her age Mr’s Sarah D’Lyon consort of Abraham D'l.yon Esq. of this City. In the loss of this lady, a disconsolate husband her afflicted (.bulled, other numerous kindred aud large circle of affectionate friends; have met calamity full of sadness and sorrow. More than forty years of unalloyed Itapp h< ss’is now brought Jo the remembrance of hersumving companion "to increase the measure of his grief and affliction and the ardent affection of a tender and pious rent, so strongly impressed on the heirt-ts of_._. children, that her loss will long be folt ivith the Most excruciating anguish. Sincerely devoted to religion, the whole tenor of her life Was marked by truth, virtue and' pin and in fearing a-numerous offspring she invarinbl inculcated among them those sacred doctrines the observance of which Wiltinsure the mercies of heeven. To her surviving relatives and friends it is a source of consolation to believe that she is happily placed among the glurified immorfals around the throne of that God, who promises sal yation fo those who lend a life of piety and right eousness. IMMT OF SAVANNAH. r *0FFICR For the Sale oj Negroes, S,'c. ~~ HE subscriber’s Office is removed to John . ltdii’s Square, 3 doors west of the Slule Dank. FOR SALF, Improved LOTS in the.City, Tracts of t.nnd in the new Counties, A voting Negro Woman} cook, washer and field liund, and other valuable Negroes. W.'LXTF.D, -r>:: Planters’ mid State Dank Stock, Prime Field Hands. JAMES EPP1NGER. |uno20tu.. 139 21 act 4 half bbls.just received by tfieschr Mar^fc Margaret, from N York—for side liy J. B, HEBBEItT k Co. Union bocietv. A QUARTERLY meeting will be held oh MON- DAY EVENING, tOlh inst. «t 7 o’clock, nt the Sufiday School Room, Academy. L. MASON, Secretary oet 4 (83 . , THE LIE It ARY A valuable r Tide Swamp Plantation and Toll-Mill, FOR, SALE ON HAVANNAB KlVlBU. TIir suliscriber has beeii 8|ie- citilly empowered by tho Cre ditors ofthe late JaMes H Ancucm. _____ to scllthe I’tantntioh (LaureFHill) on Savmnmli Duck River, which wits assigned to him, in trust for them. The pluce is ulUigellieroiie oi the finest Ilice estate in U16 State ot Soilth Caroli na, 011 an excellent pitch ofthe tide, dxempl from injury either from freshets or salts, und protected by its loculily from the extreme violence of nu- tuiiinal gates. The Plmitutioii consists of fotirhun- Ired acres of Tide-Swamp, three hundred and so- ,’cnty-fivc of which are in tine order and under bank.—Un it there is, for its siee, the uios’i effi cient Mill on the River, which’ tins within the sea son. pounded 30U0 barrels: it is now In excellent order, aud commands us a Toll-Mill as much bu siness as she can do. Oh the place there tire a com- 1: S opened on Monday#, Wednesdays; and Fri lays, from 3 until 6 o’clock: ort 4 .183 For Sale. THREE Ruildihiis oh Miss Minis’ lot in Brouffhtoh-street —on«i fronting Broughton-strect and tho other two on the Innu in rear of The unexpired lease has 6years to run front the 1st January 1826. apply to, MR. ARNAUD on the promises Oct 4 . 183m* 1■ the first. Notice, W ILL ho soft! at the pound oh Monday next the 10th inst. at. 10 o’dook A. M the fol lowing cattle ttiat have been impounded, it they arc not taken away before that day by their ow ners. , . One red And white Cow, marked In each ear with a crop and swallow fork. One hrlndle Cow with a short tall, marked in one car with an Upper bit, in the other ear With a swallow fork, branded A. M. One red and while Cow, marked in one ear with an upper bit and piggin bundle, in (lie other ear with a crop and slit, branded 8. F One white and fed spotted Cow, with c heiff. calf, uo mark or brand. F. M. STONE, City Marshal. oct 4 183 CHOICE FKE NCI/.J.YD ENGLISH TUST received per ship Augusta. H ' fPERFUM Or t fresh and O elegant assortment of PERFUMERY, Sic. Care fully selected hy tho proprietor. Among which are the following articles:— Maccasser, Russia, Boars, and Antique Oils, for beautifying and promoting the growth ot hair Pomatums in large and small pots, all sorts ot odors Rose, Orange Flower, Lavender and Cologne Water, in boxes, very highly perfumed. Essences of Bergamot, Lemon, Lavender, Musk and Cinnamon Milk of Roses, 01 lieau’ty's preservative Quirks Essence of Tyro;for cban'giiig light, red 1 or grey hair', to a permanent ami beautiful brown or black Low’s very superior jeejited ahuving and wash Soaps, all sorts.of perfume; Naples, Pint, Cake unaQiiintesSence shaving Soap/, Wind . i'or perfumed fn'noy Soup, hy the box Hair Powder of various odors, Fbwdor Puffs of assorted sizes \ Elegant Pocket, Dress, -and firte teeth Combs, and ivqrjpL'ottcr-FoldV« Ladies and Gentlemen’*' Pocket-Books with and without clrfSps‘,of all sizes, ladespeiLv ablti assorted patterns Gilt Card Case's, assorted patfefns, and Visit ing Cards to suit them Silver Pencil Cases, host quality, do do Tooth Picks' do do'r do Tweezers,Penknives, Segnr Boxs, Dominoes Fahey cut glass', Mermaid and English Pungertt Smelling Bottles', - Dice, Playing Cards,Ladip.s'Toilct DrcssCases Gentlemen’s Shaving d-i SettonVsuperior Dcutrilice,Marshall’s do. But ler’s do. Prepared Charcoal from the willow bark Thompson’s Aromatic Tooth Paste, for , whitening and preserving the teeth Eye-Stoops, Snulf Boxes, a fine assortment Reeve’s Colors', Tapers of all kinds, Phos phoru-a Boxes ‘ Fancy shaving Boxes of allsizcs, very superior, do ’Brushes, flair jjjruslic3, Cloth Brushes Tooth Brushes, with'fluted and plain liatidl of the best quality, and various other' kinds brushes, ucide ol the best materials John Barber’s and Thwnms Scargill’s superior Razors, in double and singly c.i»es, Order, warranted to please the purchaser or to he returned An elegant assortment of Glass Lamps, attached . to stands in complete style Tonquin and Vanilla Beans, Gold Leaf, and Dutch Metal, he Itc ALSO,- FiTTt PACKAOZS OV GENUINE DRUGS' MEDICINES . FANCY ARTICLES, Ipt. all of which hasbcr.ri selectedby himself, ekpress- tor this market. Gentlemen, I’hysicinns, Coun try Merchants, Planters, and all that wish to pur- chase in thil line, shall be supplied on as accom modating terms as any house may ofibr in this 'City. Vat sale at Whblesale and retail, by ANSON PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Building#'. »«g 9 . . . SPLENDID wmm 1 Oli 1 THE " MASONIC HALL LO TFPv Tn #80,000' 1 HIGHEST ritlZiil Now Drawing inthtcun of Augusta der the supcrintbiclance of ' J.W.WuDe, I l j the e r the E I THU I posit!' . IIai.v., ] It. U. Rr.ii), \ Cmminiotim T.l.WRAyJ quuutly tho Wheel is very rielx SCHEME ze of $30,000 is fortiible uWellitiff Imuso, twrt barns, widowing house and' stacking yai d, alt situated on a fine knoll 13 feet above tho level nl'the. Swamp, oil which the crop was saved during the hurricane of the Inst year, and which is calculated to utford a complete protection to it ns well as to the lives Of the ne grnic's on liny similar occasion. There are also ve ry good negro houses for one hundred and fifty negroes,' with an oveMeur’snr miller’* house. The terms Will be one fourth cash, balance pay able in three annual, installments, with a mort gage of tile property nml an assignment of a puli cy of insurance on the tide machine.—Pusses- ion to lie given on the 1st of February next, or be* fore if tbo erdp now plunted should be sent to market. Capitalists who are disposed to vest their funds in this uncommonly fine estate, will apply to Pe tit De Villers, Esn. iu Savannah, Geo who will furnish every.facillty to those wlio may wish to visit tlie Plantation; to Ogier&t Carter,Charleston who bdvetlle Plat, or to the subscriber. JAMES HAMILTON, Jr. Assignee of the late J. H. Ancruin. It the plantation is not sold at private sale pre viously, it will lie exposed nt public Auction on tho 18th of November nuxt, by Ogier Carter Charleston. jmiA 1 1123 Augusta Masonic Hall Thefirtt Drawing is over, ami all the Capital Fri- sct,art still in Hie IVht.el. The second Drawing will lake place on 1 WED NESDAY, 12th of October next. The unprecedented Richness of the Weed, af ter the drawing of a large proportion of the iiuiu hers, offers every possible inducement In adven turers._ This is evidently tho richest Lottery in the Union, in Grand Capital Frists, besides u ve ry large proportion of the miirur Prizes. Ticket nud Shares, warranted undrawn, (nay still be had at the original Scheme price, at The Augusta Masonic Hall Lot tery Office- Those vtho have draw 11 priiies are informed that their tickets shall be taken' as cash for others War ranted Undrawn. Orders front any part of the U.S.cneloslngJensh or prize tickets (ppSFpauD_shall be promply Cx eitceuted by application to, " • HENRY MACDONNF.LL, Agent, For Angusta Masonic Hall Lottery, Thompson & Bouncy’s Building^; Savhnuah nug 23 155 Notice. WNERS of Horses, Who ore in the hnblt of V allowing them to go at targe through (!<« m a ,ign ’ sty, are notiffed that in cpiifovmity with the Or diuance, they will be taken up after Thursday next, and placed in the pound, and there kept until the flue of five dollars is paid. F. M. STONE, Marshal, aug ie ifi? Select Teas ior Family Use, J UST Received per recqnt (rt-rivals, a fresh supply-of, IMPERIAL, HYSON YOUNG HYSON, and POUCHONG TEAS. Imparted l)> Thos. II. -Smith in the ship Marin from Canton, at New-York. Cuitomets nfay de pend on'-the qualify or those Tea's, as selected by A first rate judge, and wnranted to be of the new a. Parsons Crop. For sale at retail by aug 4 .Druggist, No. ft, Glbborts’ Buildings 15S LAW NOTICE. T IfF. suberibers having associated themselves together in the practice of law, are prepared to attend to any business in the line of their pro fession. They will practifee IB the counties of Bibb, Monroe Pike, Fayette, Newfon, Houston; Crawford, Upson, Baldwin, Jones, Twiggs Pulaski,'Jasper,Putnam, and Wilkinson. ADDISON MANDF.LL > THOMAS CAMPBELL Macon Dec 27, 1824. ff41. . aug 4 . ISBIas . .,, Bank of Darien.' J^ESOLVED that a reduction of lt'per CCnf be . died: On .the 2 lth ultimo, aged 80'years, and riiiie months, Mrs. Maiiy Bhisbane, a espeetablc in habitant of the United States, for upwards of 62 years. On the 30th ultimo,in tlie 7t'j year q|H» Jane Caiinociian, daughter of Mr JohnCarno- cliari. The bunding qualities of this sweat and in teresting child liacf endeared her to;;i11 who knew her, when death “claimed her as his own,” nrid borne her, we trust, to flridther and a better world. Notice. jVTINF. .ipbtiths'. aftif date application will e made to tlie Honorable the Inferior Court oi Chatham-/’County, for leave tb sell p. lolori the cornAr of Bull urid Bryan streets, being No. 6 Tekyi Tjrtbing, Derby Ward, in th,. c Ky gj Savannah, belonging to the estate of Robert S. Gibsor , deed, for the benefit of the heirs urid creditors of said estate. JAMES BARNARD, . Executor. i' jon 25 10 Madeira Wines. vrtriE undersigned his'on band, and offe rsfo I. sate upon liberal tenps for cash or npproved acceptances, pajtable In this' eitjt, a quantity of Madeira Wine of the justly celebrated brand, of Jnhn llmmntl March fy Co., in pipes, Imlf-pipes, quarter easks qnd eighths, of various importations; some very old, and all very superior. lie has always a subscription List open for the importation of Wine from Madeira to this place, mid wit) thankfully receive orders for agy qtian _ ...- .. .. .. . •.•••• ffii.fc ’ tity: he will in thi; course of this noonfli, forward a fist which will he supplied iq-tlie couise of tlie next ensuing autumn. PETIT DE VILLERS. Savannah, llh July, 1826. Factor July 12 ctI48 TVI'INE months after date application will'"b* IN made to the lion. Inferior eaurt of Liberty county, for leave to sell the real and nerjonal es tnte of Lodowiek Lard,, late of Tat I null count' deceased, for the benefit of the lii-irs und ered tors. E. WAY, Adm’r. uug 31 }ol7l XX and is hereby required, on all paper dii'e at the mother liUfin, on or before (tie 21 thereafter, the M. D. Tuo#] I'St-jJ 0 The Second Draiciit^ Will take place on the 12th of Octob'cn..,. All the Capital Prices hre still undraw,, l* ' imitlv the W I..... I t. van, .1.1. > kt 20,060 10,000' 6,000 1,000 600 loo 60 10 mil il 1 1 6 1* 7 140 6,000 6,008 150 6,01)01 .60,000 Sift 6176 Prizes, > 12326 Blanks,' $ 18,000 TICKETS fit TENDto Less than Im and aii half Blanks tin p,;™ The Prizes only to be Drawn I 4ll the L /• .. w m_ui | l2ft: 1001 I this fi >66 Iwltli I One i except the 2d. 3d. 1 I 1 4th. 1 6th. 1 6th. 1 7th. I 8th 1 9th. 1 ^ , _ pei ON l'HE FIRST DRAWING prize of 10,000 k. I of 600 do “ 6.O00 4- 1 “ l,(fi)0ltl c f “ 10,000 St X “ 606 V. Moo & i •• i,ouo & i of “ 10,000 St 1 “ 600 “ 5,000 St 1 « 1,090 !t I of “ 10,000 St I « 6,090 It 1 #f “ 20,000 St 1 «' 1,909 k 2 of ’• 30,000 St 1 «« 1,090 Jt I of do do do do do do do All prizes payable thirty days after the cot,,, tiun of the drawing, subject to a deduction teen ner cent—if wot applied fur within UtA months, to be considered a donation lothef of the Masonic Hall. . . A great variety o> TICKETS and SHARES yet be had at the original price at The Augusta Masonic Hull Lo| tery Office. All orders from any pnft of the l). S, post containing cash or pride tickets shall he prot attended to by, HENRY RIACDCfNNELL, Agent, .Thompson & Bouncy’s Ml*. sept fl 172 ...... dings, I Dll. DYOTl’s Approved Anti-Bilious PiJIiJ Which prevent end cure Alt Bilious Cot 1 MALIGNANT FEVERS,foj. 'JTHF.SE PILLS if administered in time to l L moVe tlie bito from the stomach, will coni tcract tire causes which commonly produce' low or bilious fever, ague or foil fcVtrs, bill cholic, pleurisy; dysenterjt, worms, sick and I stomach, head ache, loss of appetite, * epileptic fits, hypochondria and liyftr plaints, souir stomach,' heart burn,dyspepsia or it digestion, Ike. They remove habitnal costive) colds aud coughs,. asthrnA, straiigusry, gratt rheumatism', gout, scurvy,scorbatic blotches, I purities in the blood, femule complaints, &c. If. taken about once o fortnight during Spring and Summer months, they will prove! • urtAin preventive against the ague and preva Fall Sickness. A bill of directions for taklngthemactomp .. each box of pills ; small boxes 26 rents, large d 40 cents.' Andly Appointment sold hjt A. PARSON’S Druggist,‘No. 8,Gibbons' Rail, April 25 . or Scouring unti Dying, I M RS. Rawly, forjnit'fy Mrs. ifcftyj Bofttil spectfuliy acquaints her friendi And lb| public, that she has Removed her Kslabliihmtu from Jenin square, to the la’ne in (fie rearoi I) Serevcns, iiextdooi to Mr Lawrence DuofLj’l Grocery, Whituker-st. Where she continue) car] ryingon the Scourius Aud Dying b,isjin;;s in.t-l its variousBranches, Leghorn, Straw miu fkip’j Bonnets, pressed a d done up in' the best stilt, t Moderate terms end softnlts a conttnuwoJ public Patronage. ANN RAWER sept 18 *cl76 Oil of Wonnseed. T HE Oil of WorraseCd is the raoit Innoccctij well as m’ost powerful' vermifuge yetkno property managed and genuine, (As this is anted to be)'by j A'. PARSONS, Druggist No'. 8, Gibbons' Bmilsp, may 17^1,.-,^ REMEDY AGAINST DYSPEP SI A. J. W. ATTKIDGF.’S 'flNC’fUltKfor erafoe influence over the pulmonary ruifuw- and it is theCefore Fair to conclude that the torus disfease ir ag Astbm November neitiend af .every renesyii tbienffei « similar reduction until tied same shall have a- mounted to 30 pfer' cCnt. a Extract from tlH mirtriles'. .. , , jfcB^N. S.;REES cash. (C? Tfie Milledgevin Journal arid' Savannah RentihUcan,wi|l publish tile abovC until lire 1st of November. , . jtme 25 1'4'2 . Genuine Eau Medicindle tie Hasson. JUST imported by th’e shi^ Eniily. Clalrified Honey,- Just received from Boston, and,for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings/ april 7 Classical and Philosophical SEMINARY 6#'ST, AUGUSTINE. prnillS Institution w : ll open on Monday 1st of qJL Arigust for' tlib instruction of young gentle men. The several brnnobes of a polite arid sei- entifio education will be taught in this establish ment. Pdrerits arid guardians who will entrust their children and wards to the confidence of the principal may expect tlie utmost attention paid to the liferary improvcrtierit of the scholars'. \ TERMS OF TUITION. Lntlti and Greek jifcr quarter $’'16 00 Mutheipntics, do 1ft .to English dp', , 10 00 , ftev’d TIMOTHY M’CARTHY. July 21 1'62 ; The Savannah Republican is is requested to print this advertisement once in the week for four months urid forward his account to This office. Af his Drug Store corner ol Broughton Streets'.' feb 16 34 s of th )detei umbci liny ol (rhU bii.tlu U6 4 hat hr W |iat mi tied tf hole li feth nr m Wm I each [ll otiu drawt M00. lie 62 , only 1m 15 lilt an I cad III otic Idrawi |nd tin .ft )Tic knot i tibjei sen' ». Ql el Iteryn 1 •v nV: SU|)| lenui Ices, E kfully -nt ono herd llllic r.h Itt-in 1 ; T' D R. J. W. ATTRIDGF.’S TINC’fUltK digestion, teripod Dyspepsiu. The uitwl cry of tiiiaMedicine lias been the effect of lea am! attentive study, and if uow made publicffosl the must decided conviction founded od amH e perience of its priwor i|ieradicat;iigthU<lts^H after every other Medicine had failed. It haml !y been in this country twelve months/And * ! done Wonders in giving restoration, mid iu enses, its bpneficia| effer.f has been w8*l isliing. Dr/James Farmer, Memberoftne Kt'ul CJollegei of Bqrgrons in London, declares inWl Treatise, that Asthma arid - indigestion are tow j coexisting, tb^ stomach at aH times exerts cowj ernbie influence over the pulmonary functr t t, m HI in Htiaj Us |>li,rs onirr, jprpu HI® Ipt 1 IlNE l mat htyf Impt. i '< u nt l „ „ft 0 .„.„.„d by. the latter.,, people, rtontmui-s the Seamed Doctor,should ml , pose upon themselves the same regulation as <| the case .were purely dispeptic. Tliis'.tincture^ jienf obstructions of the’spleen and liver, cles? etb flip bdepSt of phlegni", and the chest of raours gnih'ered therein; removes pain in tueW J stomach Arid sides, and tlfo windy cliche. giddiness in the head, which all proceed from t digestion. It has'been recommended by ofthe most dminent physiciansasavnlualile net I icinc in dispepsli(,l)ut it does not curo nll disens/ ■ 'Spid in square bottles, with Dr. Attridgc, Lodo k !»n each 1 bottle', wholesale and retail, by AUGUST G. OEMLER,' mm. )f Whitaker m IHF. [ co kinsi Ipt- - E0 J J\i FP< A Lj/persons having any demands against ByJ x\.tfurlon dop’d and lute ofthe County ol fingnam, ure requested to present them w ■ subscriber, properly autheiiticated.' Anu P indebted to mukc payment forthwith. ROBERT P BURTON', Admr. Uicebore- , I.H62 lest ring Wiilium iTim-pue/, e ten that lie ranaway uhout 6 months ago,- 1 - n sc jf the 6th inst.-a iipgf'P Ids .i«m'e is Will, I N SavrihnRh, on says hirntfmjb is high,’ and ab ut 26 years of age, and ha* under the left eye, and says he is a I tlud0, TOHN l DEtfS,;- c ' ( ’ . sept 6 j72 IlII J lia |nd ed trl, ;lt oc