Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 08, 1825, Image 2
of Votes from I I Counties forGqveriior.of tho State of Gcorgin. - .... ——a—-- —- —■ ■ '— .-CounHtt. r Troup 125 60 7*16 625 370 107 100 a to 117 Clark. 1 168 253 133 894 lOj 40 32 S3 t 827 131 218 850 447 161 70 08 145 124 483 463 181 60 mnjfor C. 112 Senator*. 24 Lawson Danicll Orawford 178 84 i48 705 gft RlrJ Yoiing lleprcsenMii m Smith. Denmark. Tootle. Roberts, Byne. Harden, Robertson, Myicts. Bttfusides, Ccllllns, Pettit. Powers Burtoo. Scarlett Baker Powell Dupree. j\Vay, Harris. Rraihford, Thomas. 60 IWnlkcr 60 WilkinsOn Johnston . Fort Baker Poihill, Primrose, Walkitwt Smith. Sapp. Manning. Thomas, Monericf, Wilson- >» Council, loth Sept. 18-5. STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL. £f Finance. Minis, Cumming, Purkman, Williams. 0/Market Morrison, UHuJry, Oildon. Of Dry Culture. \fhrine. Morrison, Williams. Of Health and CtnUlry. Phiibrick, Waring, Wayne. Of l.ampe. Williams, Cumroing, Milieu. Of Pumpi. Wr.yne, Jackson, Phiibrick. Of Public,i Sales. Harris, Jaekson, Camming Of Accounts. Camming, Minis, Jackson, ■Of Engines, Hooks and LtaMifS. Parkman, Milieu, Morrison. X)f Exchange. Gnudiy, Gildon, Parkrgm. 40f Public Docks. Gildon, Gaudry, Wayne. M. MYERS,c. c. ’sept 15 JU AUTHOK1TY Of the State of South Carolina a . For the building a Homan Catholic Church in the towu of Columbia.—-lat Class. 1 Prize of $6,000 is 1 do 2,000 2 Prizes of 1,000 0 4 9 12 20 30 do do do do do do '7,400 600 100 50 25 10 5 ( To be .paid in 7 Tickets in the > $37,00! Second Class.) $(i,00t 2,00i> 2,00i 1,50. 400 451 300 200 150 7,442 Prize*. 50,000 - § GCOBE TAVERN, AND MilleJgcvillc, Washington and Charleston STAGE OFFICE. WM. SHANNON ■^R ESPECTFULLY fcqimlUts ]>.« friends and it, lhe public, that lie Iihs purchased Mr. P _ O. ran*' interest in the ubove yi ell known establish- meat—-that his house has undergone n thorough repair, and that it will afford to Boarders find ‘Travellers, a reception as comfortable ns any o- ther establishment of the kind in the Southern states.- The Globe is situated bn Broad-street, in the very centre of the city, and oilers peculiar advan tages tn tlus Planters ap'd men of business. ,-His SlalUes are fnfnished With (he best ofpro- Ataider. and with faithful and attentive hostlers. He only solicits from hU friends and the public, tlWt proportioncf patronage to which his atteiv? lion to business ami to the comfort to bis custom ers, in.-y entitle him. . Augusta, Ga. Aug. 6 Ip* The editors of the Journal and Patriot, Millcdgcvllle; Savannah Republican, W ashington « fcws, Charleston Courier, Cojut,, hi a Telescope, nd National Intelligencer, will insert tlifi above advertisement, weekly for 3 months, und for ward their accounts to the fiubftriber. ■s w. s. /ttug 27 163131. The New Infantry Tactics. W. T. WILLIAMS, HAS JUST RECEIVED, I NFANTRY TACTICS,orRulcsfor the Exerc.i- ses k Manoeuvres of the Infantry of the U. S. Army, revised by Gen. Scott, and a board ‘ of Officers, ami adopted by the last Con- grefcs.-^ijv);' GENERAL RKGfTLATIOSS FOR THE AR- MY, or Military Institutes, u new edition re vised by Gen. Sedtt,— V AI.SO, METCALFS’ DIGEST,-of Massachusetts Reports from 1816 to 1823—$4 50. BIGALOWS’ DIGEST, of Massachusetts Reports second edition comprising the cases from 1786 to 1824—one largo Volume.—$9*/, WALTER SCOTTS’ LIVES of the NffflKtS, prefixed to Ballantyues’ Novelists Library. Jg bow lirst: published separately, 2 Vols.-—§1 75. ROPERS on the Law of Property, arising'from ' the relation of Husband and W ife, 2 V.—$10. SCIiOOLC RAFTS TRAVELS in the central portion of the Mississippi VaRoy in 1821 with Map and pHes.—$3 6U. DRAWING COLOURS^ in Bffxcs of various sizes from 60 cts to $12. Together with r variety of other works. au,-* 9 m!60 Mahys Renowned Piaster Cloth. TV Sovereign remedy for all ulcers, sore breasts. Boils, sore legs, swellings, sprains, bruises, Rains in the back, sic. Approved and recommended by all the etriin- Ptit Physicians in the City of Philadelphia. For «ale by appointment. A. PARSONS. Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’Foldings. ang 2 £0,000 Tickets, nt $2 50 50,000 "7400 Prizes of $5 each, to be entitled to tickets in the Second Class, subject to no deduction. First drawn number on the first da i,. prize o/$KMi( Lust draicn number ro the lust day, prize of $0000 SECOND CLASS. 1 Prize 6t’ 20,000 is 15,000 is 10,000 i* 5,000 ia 1 Prize 2 Prizes 2 Prizes 3 Przes •4 Prizes 5 Prizes 1000 Prizes of of of of of of of 1,000 is 500 is 100 is 5 is 9918 Prizes 16000 Tickets at $5, 20,000 15,000 20,000 10,000 3,000 2,000 500 9,000 $ 80,000 80,000 ll.WtV VAPKK ....K10I1T lit)I.l.Alls PKH ANNUM. couKviiT pai’ku.'.»....,8in ndu.AMs een annum. vaVablkxn ADVANCE.. engii( advniil of his ai thus frustrui hictl enhio SATURDAY EVENING, Ocronuu 8,1825. O’ By the pilot boat schooner savannah, Cnpt. WiiiTKjiyehnvo received the New-York Mercan tile Advertiser of the 30th ult—two days later than the mail—it furnishes nothing of importance. The render will observe on reference to our ta bic of votes for Governor, that wo have returns from Fourteen Counties, Which give Troup a ina • jority of 2147. Thus tar the good cause*goes on well. Goo speed it throughout the State. Mr. Editor, William J. Hobby, the brother in law of Gen. John Clark has sold out the estab lishment of the Augusta Chronicle, and Georgiu Advertiser to Mr. A H. Pemberton. Thus it is— wo all have our entrances and our exits. 'The salary which the Mexican Government proposed to givTs Coulmodcre Porter should ho enter their service, it is said, is $23,000 peV an num—h compensation equal to that of the Presi dent of (lie United States."—The duties of the Commodore are intended to be purely of an Ex ecutive nature; that if he does not aceept an of fer of foreign service, his duties would probably correspond with those of our Secretary of the Na vy, or President of the Board of Navy Commis sioners The-Richmond Enquirer of the 30th ult. thus concludes n long article on the subject of the Georgia controversy:—"If the U S. mean to com ply with their compact of 1802 (and we should not entertain any doubt of their good faith) they must in some respects change their measures. They must send no more such Special Agents on such a high and responsible Errand. They must order Gon. Gaines to show more respect for the constituted authorities of one of the’states ot this Union; they must impose silence upon Ins pen even after the election, and bid him recollect, that neither the respect which lie owes to ffimself, to Georgia nor to the U. States, admits of the ar rogant und disrespectful language, into which his lings have betrayed him.—They must super cede Colonel Crowell, und put in his place, some ptrsoA, who commands (he confidence of the country; Some man, who will neither be swerved by kis interests or feedings; from carrying into execution the large views und faithful pledges of tne general government.’’ In the District Court of the city and countv of Philadelphia, an ac ion of slander was recently instituted by E II. Bunks, n young mechanic, against John Gibbs, Lottery office keeper, Gibbs laving charged him with having nllered lottery tickets. A verdict was returned in favor of the plaintiff for 750 dollars damages. The sum of $9,000 the profits arising from the labor of the convicts in the state prison for three months, has been paid over to the Treasurer of the State of New Hampshire, b) (he warden. The above Lottery is to be drawn under the management of JOSEPH R. ARTHUR, W. B. WATTS, D. J. M COUD, M. ANTONIO, AND JAMES T. GOODWYN, Esqrs. O’ Orders fur Tickets from any part of the United States, enclosing cash, (post paid) shall be promptly attended to by the subscriber,v’wlio lias ln'cri appointed Agent for the Commissioners. i he Tickets, already ordered have been re ceived and are ready for delivery. HENRY MACDONNELL, Agent, Thompson Comity's Buildinus, Savannah. august 30 I <59 Mr Addington’, late Secretary of Legation and Charge d’ Affaires of the British Government to the United States, left Washington on the 27th uit on his rcturri to England. lATEST FROM ENGLAND. The Packet Ship Leeds, Captain Stoddard, which arrived at New-York on the 27th ult from Liverpool, files of London journals to the 22d and Liverpool to the 24ih of August; inclusive have been received. Their contents ill a political point of View are uninteresting, but in a commer cial point,we regret to say the accounts are by no means’tSatisfacWy.' Another American house had stopped payment, and we understand u bro ker who has advanced heavily on cotton, had also been compelled to suspend his payments. A cabinet council had been summoned to’ meet early in Oct. to determine on the question win (her a dissolution ot parliament shall take place this year 1 lie’New Times, says it was eonlmen- f Ail' S. C. & J. SCHENK, Have just received per Sfrip Emily S OME of the latest London publications, arid also a lew late publications Irbm New-York, among which are the following: The Laughing Philosopher or Pun, Hutfiourand Wit; being a selection of choice Anecdotes, many ol whiefr, never before in print; originat ed in or about, "The Literary Emporium” 1 vol. 18 mo. 874. Eccentric'Biography or Sketch of Remarkable Characters, Ancient and Modern, 1 vol. 18 n.o. 874 cts; The Novice or the Man of Integrity, by L. B. Pi-’ card, author of the Gil Bias of the Revolution, 2 vols. 12 mu. $2. Patience, a Tale, by Mrs. Hoffland. author of In tegrity a (ale, the Son of a Genius, &c I vol. 18 mo. $1. Boudens Memoirs of J. F. Kemble, 1 Vol.»VO; $3.. Wain's Life of La Fayette, 1 vol. 8 V6. $3. sept 29 a182 S W AI M’S P A N A- G E A. ,4 DOKEN Bottles just'received per brig Jd~k. Frances, from Philadelphia.—Druggists io this state, will bosupplied at the original prices, by applying-to. ANSON PARSONS, Agent, Durggist, No. 8,Gibbons’ Buildings-. ’ sc'pt 6 172 , SI 1)0 i fe a d SHOE&. k JUST RECEIVED, CASES Gt nllenn-n’s fine naild Boots’, do do do do do do do do do do do For sale low by sept 10 174 Stout pegd Shoes, Round do do Womens Morocco Wiflking do’ do’ do pumps do do- Leather Walking do do do- pumps do Boys bOund' do do Stout do Misses Morodco pumps do do Leather do do Childrens do Bootees T. S. LUTHER; Hams, Flour,. &c superior, Hams in bags 9 20 bids superfine New Flour 10 Pipes Holland Gin 9 do Cognac Biandy For sale by , HALL fc HOYT, sept 20 ly expfictrdto take plate between the gust nnd the 31st of October. Tile French accounts are only one dny’ Inter than we received by tlm Arelia and furnish nothing of particular inlert-sf. The newsofthe recognition of Haylien Independence had reached Marseilles, and was received with satisfaction. Two vessels which were finding for Martinique had changed their destination nnd would proceed to lluyti. it is said that a new French force amounting lo 8000 men, Was about erit'el ijig Spain. ‘There is no additional intelligence from the Greeks oi a satisfactory-nature. Mr.Socretary t'anninghnd quite recovered from his fate illness. The Liverpool Courier of the Q4lh says that Kean who was playing there had taken passage in the Canada, for N, Yolk, to sail on the 1st in stant. The letters give gloomy accounts of the state of the cotton market, and announce; llmt another respectable house, extensively en^ged in that' trade, had stopped payment. Some of I he letters mention the failure of a fifth house in the same linq,-but of iesjfimportance, and u letter from Lon don’of (be 22d, stales? that a cotton broaer in tlmf city had suspended payment These circumstances, added to the great sup plitfs that had arrived, had pnralized (lie market tor a time, und a further decline in price had ta ken place. Uplands and Alalmmas are quoted at (o lid; Orleans, 8A lo 13d; Carolina rice improving. A letter says, “ Tobacco is up to daiigcrous price.’’ The Brazillian frigate Pcranga, was nearly re ady for sea, and it is asserted that lord Cochrane was to proceed immediately for Greece. THF, GREEKS. Paths, Aug. 2d—The situation of Greece is still involved in obscurity. We know nothing certuin since the retreat of Ibvahaiin from Napoli, or rath er since the 29th of June, where there was fig hting at the foot of Mount Purlitenon, and Col cotroni had ordered a levy on masse of the Pel oiionrtesiajis. The news of the capture of llira- him is not; xonfirnied,' The following are the latest accounts, Which wc cannot in any wise guarantee. A vessel'which arrived at’Ancpna, June 29J 3-days from Corfu, liroiiglit the. ’following new ‘ Tlie C reek* in the Morea are defeated Mis solonglil and Napoli di Romania, to avoid a mas saerd; have hoisted La bandeira litglese.' The Turks then suspended their operations against those two places.” »’letter from Corfu, of 20th July informs that it whs reported there that the English flag was flying on the walls of Napoli di Romania The sume letter mentions a report at Corfu, tlirft Ihraliim had been defeated 6th July, ontliC plams of 'P ipoljzza, by Coiocolroni, with the loss of, 1500 meii.. V2NicK, Aug. 6.-—" A ship which sailed from Corfu tkd 31st of July, has brought letters from t the rttporW already cir- tcvmiirntnm of this year’s >a. lbrahitti Paclm, whose Morea ha;' raised to tmiity aftlie Euitipemi fi|eild'i of vqioried, after having Imd sovdral With Coldcotroni, nil tli llik liave br.en taken prisoner,'with part nd the great plan of the. Porte It) he i nt one tiloiv. An English cutter, lirect from Napoli di ltoitihiiiH, ar rived at Corfu thefiOth of July,mid is said t) have hrouglit this important iiuws. ’ Tuhin; August 11.—'L'lie RomanJotirnnls, which have nlwrtys bio igiitllle latest news, quote letters from Zaiife ofthe 14th of July, whicii uhnouiice great disSentions between the Chiefs the ndmin- istratlon, und those of the garrison of Mlssoldnglti, in conscqumieuofwhielt the English flag had been displayed for sonio hours iti that Tdrtress. .They add in ti postscript, wliich needs conflrmalinn, the news of a Sanguinary buttle ftiught iti (Ini defiles of Calamnta, in which Ihralilih Pacha was iVoimd- i aud tnkmi mid conveyed to Napoli di Romani. 1’auIs, August 2 P—A letter from Corfu of a re cent date, announces the urrival of n British cut ter from Napoli di, Itonlani, with intelligence confirming tiie report of Ibrahim Pacha being made prisoner by the Greeks. London, August 22.—\Vo can state on the most unquestionable authority, that an arrangement has been concluded with lord Coehmtieihy which large smn of money is to lie immediately placed (the disposal of Ids lordship, to he expended by bun in ivhntuvcr way he thirtks tnost advisonble for the successful proseciltion of operations a- ninst tlte Turks. His lordship Iras left town ifor Scotland,.whence he will return immediately, i proceed forthwith lo Greece. He will tHke ith him steam-vessels nnd all sorts of material necessary for the particular sort of wurefare lie contemplates carrying on. Thu excitement which the first rumor of this inteligpnce gave on the stock e.v- chtuijre is indescribable. Wc cun sttttc us certuin thut one eminent bunking house in tbc Si rand purchased through their bunker, 59,000 pounds of Greek scrip. Such is now the prom sing ns'pcct f Greek affairs.—-Morning Chronicle. It is said thut the plan hud means of the intended operation were first develop ed at a recent meeting with Str Francis Burdett, that a Sum of not lessthan 300, 000 pounds is to he placed instantly nt the disposal of lord Cochrance, with which his lordship is forthwith to provide two steam Vessels, nnd eventually, if possible two ships ofthe line, which it is supposed an be’purchased of n northern power, weden we presume; und lust, though it least, that a military force of 3500 is io be placed under the cutnmnnd of Sir. Robert Wilson, cxpreessly in co-opera tion with his lordship. Liverpool, A gust 20.-—Wc have Itttd upon the whole a steady demand for cot ton this week us well from the trade as on speculation ; but another extensive failure has operated very unfavourably upon the mnrkct, und prices have receded fully l-4d per pound. The sales consist of 50 Sen Island nt Is Oil to ls9J, with 150 stained nt9d to,Is, 4840 Bowed 8 td I Id, 2300 Orleans 8 t-2d to Is 01-2, 1500 Ala bamn nnd Tennessee 8 l-2d to 10 5-8d; making together, including other descrip tions, about 13,980 bugs, of which about 3000 bags Arneric in ancl2000 Brazil have been taken on speculation. NEW-YORK Sept. 27. From Frame.—he ship Azalia, Capt. Wibray,* Arrived yesterday from Havre, brings Paris advi ces two dnys later; but there is tUiuyprfVifs. A- bout 2000 bales of cotton hai) been sold at Havre, at a price somewhat improved- Not a word of additional intelligence is furnished from Greece. The Duke of Wellington was still at Pm is, and his visit was said to be connected with the a Hairs of Spain, wliich are in us deplorable a condition as ever. Madiud, August 8.—Orders have been-issued to the Generals, Brigadiers, and Colonels, who resided in this city during the Constitutional Re gime, to deliver in, ns ‘;oon as possible, to the Royal Junta of Pacification, a naff designating their present quarters, parishes streets, and num bers of the houses wliich' they occupied during that time. The object of these orders is to pro cure correct information of their behaviour. The Gazette contains a list ofthe judgments by the Military Commission of Mnlnga, in which many cases of highway robbers are noticed ns having been condemned to four and six years imprison ment, whilst others have been sent to Hie galleys for ten years for seditious language or abuse of the royalist volunteers. Our finances are in a most distressing situation. There is not enough on hand to pay the dooi keepers of the treasury; every one is railing nt the monks, who detain in their, possession, suffi cient io pay our most nijcred onllgations. It is said that the object of the French troops in re- tnruing to Spain, is lo insist on the sale of their effects On the. -Ith instant, the Gazetteo pub li*hed a Royal Resolution of tlie 15th of July ordering the effects of the Inquisition to be held subject to the future payment of tlie contribution called frutos civiles, us Well us the urreurs since 1794. Fbescii Funds. Aug. 18—Five per cent Con sols R)-2f. Klc. lo 102f. 25c.Bank Actions, none. Lon on, Aug. ifi—Contois 89A to 8».* ; ; Mexi can’Scrip 3g discount; do Bonds 75; Columbian 854*, Greek Scrip 14J l-lj discount. Sales nt Havre, Aug. 18—213 hales Louisiana Colton II. 60c. to If. 75c.; 74 Alabama 1 28’} to 150; T10 Georgia 1 22j; 39 bbls. Brown Sugar 84 to 86 5ft August 17.—431 bales Georgia Cotton 1 23;] to 1 40; 235 Lonisinnn I 4 V] lo 1624; 130 Tei.i- nessee 1 42j ; 60 Alabama 1 324 to 1 45; 21 casks Rice 39f. ofseleot- ■ yard and into oon'di- purclmso of ut place tffo on for tltis coast of Florida for the . ing u suitnblo site for a depot, with Hitthbritj - * -1 ‘ tionnl uuiptspdneius such kite; It ih und Cdtmritdsiohers will Very important estahilshiucrit but it must bo somewhere “ on the cortst of Florida in the Gulf of Mexictt, ” Tlie act <if the 3d March Inst appropriates 100,00(1 dol lars tor tltp purchase t»f the grounds mid the erection oflstieh.ftiilihtlg mid improve ments as may he judged nocuss try for tlid accoii) nodution nnd supply ofthe United Stntcs’vessels of tvnr In thill quarter. The ground will, it is presumed he hut ti very small portion of tho expense. It is suit! thut the Commissioners will take thoir passage in the sloup Hornet Captain Wood house, which vessel will sail early in Oc tober for her Station in tho West IndicB.— Nat Int, Froth tiie Bosfon Courier, Sept. 16. We understand that Mr. Minns, the jit tiior Editor ntul proprietor ofthe Pullndi uni, left this town yestordny in the tunil stage for NuW-York. This is not meiitlon cd for the purpose of attractln<r public no tice to the excursions of our edito iul fra ternity ; least of ul|, to the movements of one whose modesty Would shrink from miy thing that would appear like ostentation and who would not thank us for writing this paragraph, if ho knew we were thus employed; hut it is to record a fact some what remarkable iti these days of travell ing nnd note-taking celebrity. Mr. Minns was born in Boston, is over 50 years of age, and except in two instances was never at a greater distance from it than ten or a dozen miles. Mote than thirty years ago business called him to Plymouth, and since that period lie has once visited Providence With these exceptions, his life has been one continued scene of patient and uiuir ing labor in the duties of bis profession, und presents an example of industry, economy, nnd application, which it would he well for our craft if more would itni title. It may also he remarked that the same perseverance, economy and industry, excited in tiny other pursuit, for s ch u length ot time* would place a mat) in a suite of perfect pecuniary independence We dare say that our friend of whom we are writing has seen hundreds of men with less exertion less frugality and wo may add less integrity accumulate their .thou sands nnd millions. So true it is that the race is not always to the swift, nor tin hattlotuthe'.strong, neither yet broad tothi wise nor vet riches lo men of u nderstand inft- Mr. Young commenced tho publication January 1st, 1793; aud the copartner ship of Messrs, Young and Miu'ns begun April, 1754. Tlity have ever since muitied together in business in the most perfect harmony. Tbc first handbill they issued Was the account ofthe beheading of Louis XVI. and they were the first prhi tuvs who commenced publishing n regular shipping list.’ : t . neccHsaryoflifctot,unibers, munVr . m e prusoryeti. In thu letters J, Ti escribed to ShnUspeare.thowriin.. 1 oil tho domestic hnbitsof 8ir\V»l. fit Islington “Where thut great min'1 often tilkptli a pipe of |,i s now Tibacca, in n morning ; whilst the world is too narrowe for his t| which] hear helpeih it much, and',’ said, for n truth, to enable li, m t® light from smoko.’* Ti, 0 Sto ' servant is well known who nppro’L, , master’s study with a tankurd of n i 6 T he was regaling himself with his k'd in4 the dusky wicuths of smoke fJ.H suing from tho mouth of ti,b Knight, and seized with at tlie strnugc hppearance lio incontij ly concluded that liis head vv ttlu , ? und for the purpose of extinguish},,!, couflagratimt, threw the bevera^;,, face and filed. 1 Mure satisfactory testimony 0 f|,i-1 for the Indian weed is '* s | tVp have been shown, says the Columbia Tele- scope,-of the 30th ult u teller by Mr. Green, re ceived by him n few dnys since, dated West Flori da, 22d August, 1825,signed by Mr William Gras, ey, from which wegnthertho following particulars;, Mr. G. says, a stranger Wlio said he wns’ from near Columbia, 9. C. and on his way to visit a brother in Pensacola, nnd thut he had been ip Alabama to attend to business of a deceased’ sis ter, stayed at Hie house of (he writer all night. The stranger said thnt lie was' well acquainted with Dr. Samuel Green, of Columbia, and when at hoitie lived within fifteen miles of the same. The traveller pursued his journey next morning, and when he had went about four miles, lie wu» attacked hy two men with the view,of robbing him. He defended himself with his dirk, and kil led one ofthe robbers and wounded tlie oilier', lull lost-his own life iti the contest* In Ids pocket I look', which Mr. Urasey lias in his possession, there is one htindred dollars, hut no name hy which he could lie known. Mr. Gniseyy describe*- the deceased ’ travel- leP.'firHaving black eyes and hair, mounted on a small sprrel mare, one eye blind. We publish lids that his'friends may hear' of'hls unfortunate death, and apply to Mr. Grusey .who holds'his money btkI property for the rightful heitto • THc article wliich wc copied yosterdav from the democratic Press respociing tire intended examination of thy. coast of Flor ida ftir the select Wit of ti site for a unvy yqrd, Was we are informed incdnect in some particulars.’ The facts wo under stand from an authentic source, to he these: Commodore Bairthridge, Commo dore Warrington, und Captain Biddle have been appointed to proceed to the St. Lovjs, Sept. 3.—Governor ClarJc the commissioner appointed in conjunc lion Goo. Cass, returned to St. Louis on Saturday evening accompanied hy Maj. Biddle, Secretary to the Commissioners. We are happy to state t hat the object* of the expedition havo been completely effected, to’ wit; the restoration of pence to the various Indian tribes interested, and the definite settlement of the limits nnd boundary lines to their lands. The Commissioners met at the Prairie ubout the Inst of July, (Gov. Gass having reach ed there by wny ofthe Fox und'Oijiecotm'tn rivers,) and immediately entered upon the performance of the dirties before them which occupied them some ten or Twelve dnys. The affairs of the Sioux appeared to occupy the principal attention ofthe coun cil, as they were inure of less involved in disputes with all the other irafions who attended the conferences. After a patient hearing ofthe ptetensions’ofeach parry, and a close investigation of their respective claims, &,c. the boundaries of the Sioux and Chippowas were adjusted, and pence made between them. The same was also ’done between the Foxes, Socks, and fauns on the one part and the Sioux subjected however lo the assent ofthe Ynncton Siotix as’ respects their dividing lines on the Missouri, which last netnioned hand was not represented in the council. The Wiiiherltigoes .and Menominus were not very definite in their claims hut it is supposed will enjoy the country which they occupy as a common stock) The Pottnwatnmies and Ottnwms attached themselves pretty much to die Chippcwns with whom'they wished tocotl- nect tfieir claims.- . This is the first time for a century, that the tomah'aWk Could he said to be complete ly buried on the Upper Mississippi; nnd it is believed tlint the pledges which the Indians have made to each other, will he observed with good faith. If this should he the ense, it will pot ptily be an advan tage to them hut tile persons engaged in the fur trade in these distant regions ; because the Indians may now explore the whole of their country in peace nnd safe ty and afnil themselves of rill thoir advan tages—when ,h fore they were confined to certain limits, which they dared not cross for fear of their encmis. Gov. Gass, accompanied hy his Secre taries, Mr.Trowbridge and Mr. Forsyth it is expected will be here to-day or to morrow, p(i his rctuni to Detroit. . WOR'CESTErToIuss) Sept 2f. ANTIQUITIES AND CUIitoSI- ' / TIES: . r Sfr Waller Raleigh's Tobacco Box.— In the ettbinof ofthe America Aritiqtiari- nn Society is a leaflet! vessel ascertained by n well nntheiiticntcd history to have been, the deposit of Sir Walter Rnlcigl tohncco. Any relict ofn man so celebra ted of oho equally distinguished Ijy his daring spirit of adventure, Of his fond ness for the plant, which nt.this time has become a luxury to most persons arid n dime Unions of the box used for jt* was so ample that the most inmf friend of the weed would have ne n eCt to replenish the magazine aloretliao! in a week should it be stored to ii s t for Ins accomodation. This verrii about four inches iti diumeter ttroj n( J and of tho capacity of a halfpqmj^? Kite food” or half pint liquid tn^J Yt the tdp, its rim is defendud byn J bossed circle ittu) tho bottdnt isj and ornamented by a similar projection! chased dud wrought metal. They is of lead, aud its appeuruttee is und singular. . The most ohstruce deridcr of those) licts preserved by the antiquarianw affection so true and a veneration sox. found ns almost to amount to idnlatryl Superstition,would he tempted torclul sight and stern contempt for the iim« acquisitions of the collectmfi pfcutius when contemplating this smiple men of one ofthe greatest miudg ofEnjI No vivid exercise of ini,urination i.,i quisitc to paint the gnltuut Sir YY’jJ accompanied hy this uompidiM dail his long eonfinement in the tower,iuj solitude of his dungeon reguling himt with his pipe, and while the dusky i'.li smoko curled and wreathed nrounil walls, forgetting the long series of calttj ies, the nHeunted favor of the 1 multitude, and the severity of a c; "its prince, titid drontning the j visions of the western continent, i afterwards allured him to his futc. know not for how tunny bright inn oils in his curious Histories we urc ia ed to this specious mnguzinc.—Butwtj know that whether its association n Raloigh wits during the summer time j its court favor with tlie nmnly Bltzabc the, dark days of his rc&ideqee in the I wer under the woman like James, adventurous voyages to the now when ho eloquently pleaded fof ltnl and liberty before the judges off realm when he, magnanimously re«a himself to death or in whatever vicissq of his eventful life, it is deeply invert for. the memory of file exulted powenj hold spirits of its former possessor. The Grand Ship Canal Company'is . < and <(oiiig iuto operation in London, tv immense capital of four millions . f (iji 17 777,777.) IU object is to construcU llirough which ships of the line fiiny pa* Poilsiuoiilli to Lonuoii, without exposure W delays and dangers of the sea navigationi the Forelands, ^c. Another company, caphtiiqf£ l ,76u,000 is incorporated forth' slruefion of harbours and n ship cSnal,'ofl5 deep, by 00 in .Width, niid 44 miles long, 1 Seaton’ Bay, in tn’e English CiiUnnel,' to. wwator Bay, in BfhtCl Chnnnel; emiddas highly advantageous ^ bcucficinl work; the I navigation company, for Atfuntic and 'Sota meficari Voynges, is also progressing. T'htyj poso to send a boat from’ the l'iiumes, to lu nnd New-York, once n fortnight, to pirfow voyage with certainty, rind wilpTri I wo thiri 1 fhe’ua'ani time, Packets, will also sail rep to tlie Wcst-Indics artd Sonth-America. T hruvingthe violence oftliosoeh-inenlsfrcins lhe canal companies arc providing tlie mei escape hy retreating.—A'oah's. Atltocate. A disbanded French officer nametK tois tde Cleairj n man of capacity insinuating address, bus been mji and imprisoned in the capital of Md us a secret agent of the governor of!' na and the FretVeh consul for the ui of (.hibtf. His correspondence, wind fallen into the hands ofthe Mexicannj! itictfdiscloses his errand arid partP liy proceedings in relation to it. Ifi* his letters to the French consul, he l for n stipend uf t hree or four hundrr Infs a month in order to be enable tot in the highest circles for tho bettor pn cutioii of his purposes oPchquiry nuiil gue. Wired interrogated officially lit presented himself as n simple tnfl .who look dotes for liis information ' that of liis friends as Mr Pointsotl I dotie. It is intimated in an acojWjj liip'travels rind'corresijondeiicc pubW lately at Mexico, that the Mexican went Imd abstained frotrttrying himp licly,'id'consequence of hnViiigrli^cot® that severurdistin^uisjted families oi capital .would be ijdplicated by lu» sl meals.—National Gazette. DESHA’S TRIAL.—We lentnj the Lexington,,Iiy; Gazette, tbaton day evening, I5ih itist.’ eight Jurm* been obtained for (lift trial ol Isaac Desha, that the‘8lterjffwus oiitena« af | ing to oblqin' nk ninny as would con ’* > •the pgnel; that the prisoner wns c ,ed not to claim his privilege fd “Im ^ so tis tojircvuutti trial,'and the trial' 1 progress on Monday 19th iust. From the Georgian of this morning' ^ Tub OctEBciiBB Canal— letter to the editors of the Georgia n . 'New-York, 28ih Sept. 1825.-“ * sto nd tlnit M r. Jencks,' who is "” lV has had several interviews vvitli Iw (‘lihton on the subject of hjs | mil toi tlio Ogeechee, niid M 1 ?- Governor spoko in high terms oili; ity nnd siicCess of the project, ly recommended it to ho cornedT,- Altnmahu giving it qs Lid opiiiWjy