Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 08, 1825, Image 3
& uliI return 25 per cent on . nlflo understand has en Clinton’s son, Dewitt il Engineer, to survey tlio ground and I. , he will visit Savannah lot-that purpose , MASOjV/C ft ALL tO'F'i'ERY December next, As soon as the survey Will ho suspended until utter tl!e shc’ond Drawing ompieted and exhibited, it is enajee- " h ‘* 11 |*“ Ve lttke, > which- will be positively Jed Hint tf it be required, fund's can be Oil AVcdliesdfty ilCXttlte 12th inst. dined here. I A lew tickets anti shares may yet bo had at the Original Prices. : , ‘i* ... . *, i ,, Tho Tiekels ordered by tlm, subscriber in the Augusta on the 4th inst. by, die Rev. Mr. popular fllufyland Stato Rettery, have been re Idorwcl, Um. J. Hobby, Esq. to Mrs. L- A. j.colvtid and are ready for delivery, ridgo. n)j of tlnyt plumy. thny huve rfemoved to those commodious mid lire iroot buildlngion Scott und AndrewLow i- CoV. vharves, where they continue I tie. ’ ’actoruge & Com mission Busi ness’ ,, Their best exertions will be used to merit a con- tmuunce of former patronage. They have, to supply their customer, best COTTON' BAGGING, PLAINS AND StASKTS, PORT OF SAVANNAH. TTmivEix : lilotboat Schr. Savannah. White, 7 days from r York. Passengers, P M’Dermott, J A Beau- T Bourdon, Mr Winants, Mr PreVost; Mr Irtley, und Mr Gorhartf. 15 SAii.nn. jig Enterprize,Providence Ur. Hern, pnnglcr, Norfolk. n 0 np Rosetta, Vcrnard, Darien Onto eiidy I HENRY M AG DON' NELL, Augusta .Masonic Ilatl Ijtltery, Thompson ,Si Bonuey's Buildings. 185 Tlie Druwing Approaches! | ON NEXT WEDNESDAY WEEK, THE SECOND tm.UVINO Op i'HB AUGUST A Masonic hall lottery; If'ill take jilacr. at the City llyll, iii the City of . ( . ’ Augusta. “venue Cutter Crawford, Puino, oh a cruise I I^NHIS Lottery contains a greater number of g oU l|), di Grand Capital Prizes than any Northern Lot- AIUlIVED FftoM THIS PORT, tery, some of which will in all probability be Ncw-York, 26th ult.brlg Pheasant, Jarvis, Cf| g . <idventUrc ^ tt tho next ’ ' 6aLl Withoutdelay at James Adder son <§» Co. YOUNG’S BUILDINGS, "JTAVE received by the ship Emily, from Liv riorpOol, their usual supply of. ?Iaiils, Blankets atul Bagging, nttd by recent arrivals from the North, an celgant and extensive assortment oi Fancy artel Staple Articles, which ihey oli'ei- for sale on accommodating terms. Oct l I Hilt. . , Charleston, 4th inst. sloop James Monroe, idington, 10 hours. 1 Darien, Schr. Experiment, Porquet j sloop frt, Niehdtas- CLEAHES KOp THIS POUT, t RcW-Vork, 27th ult. Ship Oglethorpe, Teub LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 241,11 ROAD*STREET, tCTTICKETS and SHARES tnuy still be had at tbe original price, but may soon advance. Whole Tickets, # 10 00 Halves, 5 00 Quarters, 2 50 J. S. BEERS, Secretary to the Commissioner». , . N. B.—Orders received by the Tuesday night's lers.. ,Up for Savannah, ut Boston 23d inst. mail before the Drawing will be attended to bo- MedemacU; schr. Cclpr, Robinson J ship fore the Drawing iot, .Pratt—all with despatch. Up ut New | u ct 6 185 ^n, brig Splendid. , sights here arc plenty for Savannah, but oW* o the number of vessels Up, und others expec- o be up in a few dot's, they do not fill so fast ey might otherwise. pt. Jarvis, of the brig Pheasant, from Snvon- dii.'U yesterd'*^, find tlie vessel lias to be un- at Quarantine. , yp FOR THIS t'ORT, Haven, 271b ult brig Stranger, Cart- n.sail loth hist letter to the editor of the Georgian, dnt^d .-•York, Se,pt. 28, saysi—“The Printhen,.is up ill the 30th, but will hardly go before the fid Lull the births token. The Ogiethorpo sails (arrow—full of passengers. The Louisa Mu- I soils next wc k—two settees only left. The h Eliza Nicoll sails on Saturday nlso full. The [Osprcv is shortly to sail—thirty steerage pas I ... Ilu CS it v n si it ii It n4 Tl fiutni. OO.I •■■•i Fresh Boots ami Shod t New |ht, to- lira lie te«, f wt his I off C'i For Providence. The tuat smiling schooner arollo, Crowell, hjaster, • Having most of her cargo engaged, I have immediate dispatch.For b lance pf I rlit or passage, apply to Capt. C. on board ut h'upher wharf, or to RXLL & HOYT, its . 186. —: , ii HALL &. HOYT, Offer for Sale, . . J BUSHELS Baltimore prime Corn 10,000 wi.BaltimoreBucon assorted is St Croix Sugars, 10 pipes Holland Gin, 6 do Cogoac Brandy (SeignettaJ 10 cask ^Cheese, 100 hexes smoked Herring, (fresh) 10 bills Cratnlierries, 200 Hams in bags for family use I oct 8 186 fiTIHE ■ii rivals, a genera. a.Soitment BOOTS AND SHOES Which he offers for suie on reasonable terms. GEO. ’ EWHALL Youngs Building. FllAN CIS SO lilt EL 01 FEUS FOR SALE A OlY bmrcls Baltimore Rye Whiskey, ■dt vr vJ 60 Barrels Baltimore Gin, 26 Barrels 5lh proof Whiskey, 14 Pipes superior Holland Gin, loo Pieces Cotton Begging, . 60 Barrels Loaf Sugar, 2(),OlH) Pounds o( Bacuti, , 80 Barrels Mess uud Prime Pork, 60 Barrels Flour, Amorican Shot, Atnericnn Castings, Window Glass, itanericnn and Spanish Scgars, he. Sic. Sept 20 m178 Sugur, Collee, Whiskey, &c. O i V Hogsheads Santa Crus Sugar OLr 10 Hogsheads N.O. do BO barrels loaf Jo . 25 do lump i do 100 bags Coffea 26 do Java do 150 barrels Whiskey 100 do Gin 20 do Malaga Wine 25 qtliu ter Casks Teneriffe do 16 casks Currant do , ■. 6 pipes old Bruudy (Otard’s brand) 25 bags Pepper &i Pimento luO kegs cut Nails 260 bundles liar Lead 300 bags Shot 30 dozen Shovels h S 60 barrels prime Poili 60 pieces Bagging 00 boxes Pipes 10 coils bale Rope . 25 kegs Tobacco, £c. Si o’. 150 kegs Duponts Powder For sale by L. PETTY, Taylor's It harf. ept 10 174b Oct 6 lm!85 a>,s.swtiw ACADEMY. WANTED PfRO hire a good Cook. Apply to the Editor iL. Oct 0 185 CITY THE ASCII EH 1 8 OFl'lCL, Oth Oct. 1825. Assize' ofBread. T HE average priee nt Flour being $5 76 . per hbj. 106 lbs. weiglil, the weight of Bread lor the present month must be 12.1 cents Loaf - 3 lhs. 1 oz. • « .“ . “ -1 84 Of xvhich all Bakers and Sellers of Bread will take due notice. M. W. STEWART, c. T. oct 6 185 pa*« irtlnl of ti| on&S the! Soil Thbl 3 iU) rforal NOTICE WDHEsubscriber (late pfSavalinnh) hns esta ik blished himself in this City (or the transact R. John C. Lege respectfully informs the Iton of Commission business anil bejs,leave to ten iii1)lict)iat his Danoiiti: school will be open rder his services to Li* friends and the public ii le season as usual at his assembly bail on Georgia. day (lie 10th inst. II. it. GWATHMEk’, ys ufTuition, Monday, Wednesday and FrL .■ New-York Sept. 1825. ifturnooiis at five o,clock. . ,( References in Sanannph, Mr. Joseph Gumming Messrs. Joint Camming and Son Mr. William Gaston oct 6 185 ... L. will also attend in private dwellings and luarics. .. . : Class I for Gentlemen will also be open on me evgniiig at 7 o’clock. r terms which will be low, cnll at his resi- MiMts-f-'f. 'p A >rj| TTis, a i three Doors East or Mr. James Morrissohs W Ji. -> J W v-JA V) eiitonstreet. I OF AUGUSTA. 0 |hi;> Late of the firm of \VA Y BAKER. Savawnaii. Gf.o services to his friends end tlie the GENERAL COMMISSION Mon street . Ml 8Q ML CHOPEU, TAILOR, J /ni FFEUS hu jtS removed his shop to that part of the house A.9 PnUIJc, In 'on the North East corner of Market square, I.JMISINES8 in this place, and solicits their pat ’occupied by .Limes Epphiger, Esq. Justice J rnn " an * "eace, where pli kinds ol cldtliing will be in tlie best manner and at tho shortest no-1 , M. C. hojios by his attention an 4 work- ip to give satisfaction to all those gentle-' no will favor uim With their natronaee. 8- lira ned® GRAND LODGE. ’hi nn* artp ■u li« dri i to or | tud iy trill ion sett JOUI lubli Jgoi lint scoti IS o( W »' ronaoe. Kefeiirncesto M6ssrs. A. Low Co. Savannah, Geo. G. B^cittmayer & Co. . /iegusio, Geo act 6 . 185 O* The Savannah Republican and the Gnnr giun, will please insert the above once a week for one month, and forward their bills to this offic for payment. SPRING AND SUMMER k‘Y the ships Georgia and Harp just arrived 0 from Liverpool tho subscribers have receiv cd their usual supply of ( Seasonable Dry Goods. Having been purclm3nd with Cash, previous to tlie advnn'r.c hi England they can be afforded nnd .will be sold at low prices,and on a long credit for .undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW Si CO. SELLING OFF. TITHE SUBSCRIBER will dispose of bis present .1. Stock of goods, at cost anil charges either by Wholesale or Retail'. ALSO, Several negroes, male and female of good char acter. One tract of land 202.J acre?, Henry County. One do do 49() do Irvine do, JOS. TRUC11ELUT. f>ct4 m || 183 • tn n T hi •ois I saa c 1 ct'erU linllt* i\M ng ; , jefof Mfl ii iv ,h fl the/ i® xlr « Communication of the Grand Lodge |«i l * 8tate ot Georgia Will ba held tin MON- |b>Lining loth inst nt 7 o’clock, F. M. of T us members will take due notice. (order of ike M. W. Grand Master. , l. h. furth; ,g Grand Secretary, G. L. S. G.’ imm. CONTRACT ~ I will be received’by the under- K”f. c j 1®. hujld^ aYds^yoiruf (lie head, of Inii . e t’. With a'tuiincl' leading there- f ue head of the dock of said .street, sons I a „ e ., Wlt<!r hito'the River.-—The contractor , .. . c , . m ii" wturi,,,s > w ! 1 i ch nre t0 l,e 9 f 'brick , ■ I' moil feociety ieno Asn lke Iron 'gratings and bars ttiaf A QUARTF.RLY meeting will be held on MON slotA e8 f , o'^7 _ !’ >r further iDformatlo 11 , apply" J\, DAY EVENING; 10th inst. at 7 o’clock, [ °t S. Fhilbrickj.orfd , | the Sunday School Room, Academy. . L. MASON, Secretary oct 4 183 GEO, MILLEN, T. MINIS. . /; .. Aphilbrick', Committee of Streets and Lanes. 186 luitu THE LIBRARY I S opened on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fr days, from 3 until 6 o’clock. nfil riir J . *’" w <| OCt 4 183 oses lC 1 5nor ccfMir ^ 9 *u n & fa orditia Ww r ®. A** whom'jt may concerrfi 8 ; lftra fsJ. Cullihert has applied to the , ... IctfA ' C ? U1 * °*j D l' ( hilH.rydf Glinthain comp paying for this advertisement'and l»y the boy ly o ^ 3 ( Of B"nrdiansliip on the person and | something for hjs'trduble ;Fickcd up. B Y a black Boy a few day Bince on the Rond a fluid Clonk which the owner can have by. of George Bridger, an orphan child of 1 seiit- 29 liffi t, late of ehat 1 j . ‘ I * | l l n r t iA er ' *® tc °f.Chatham county dec’d. , . NOTICE, therefore to. cite and tidnionish all I A LL persons having demunds agains rnl? ai Ihe.'klndred'nnd. friends .of the L/jL Antlorspn, deceased, of Liberty Cc to Vl ’ ° hm their objections (if tiny .they render them in properly attested, within ainst William y Cimuly will • --- un,, uujeuiiuus in uny.mey i luiiuur ujimi ■■■ |nu>n,.itliin the time •^Hjgraiitirtgnf the guardianship of (lie prescribed by law-..and tlidse indebted to tlie es^ t0 *he applicant in the clerk’s office late will make immediate payment to Iff m °n or before the 7th day of . JOS. JONES, Adtn r. I'll'be* 1 ' n |' ,unv ,i s e letters of guardian- may 14 108 ^Wlro honorable EUns Fort,' one of the English. Copperas’, i^he said Coiltt- tins 7lli day of October, TlY the barrel or half burreJ-t or sale^jry I 8 *’ ISO S- M. BOND, c c o. j ,Druggist,.No. 9, Gibb’vti’s Buildings aprij 6 ii74 j i ’imaxnmiuonc». U AV’E removed lo tlie middle Tenement Young’s Building, where they offer'for sale ')( A. I.AUGK ANU OKNKRAI. ASSOUTMENE OK Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Received by the latest arrivals from Liverpool and New-Yorh. juno’23 )4i , Oct t 183 Mus'covtido Sugars, tYA HHDS very prime Muscovado Sugars apply to J. P. HENRY. ,ung 25 ,., cji167 The. Rev. A. CARTER, ILL receive into his family mid personally instruct, from four to six Young Ladies who inuy wish'to complete their course pit literary education. In addition In tlic aliove, a few day scholars of a simitar description will be received, lo commence on the first of November. For particulars, application may be make per. sonallyorby letter, sept 17 tl77 REMO YAL. /fnHE subscribers have removed to Johnston’s sLL> Sqmir-e, next door west of Messrs A. Low Ik. (Jo. where they are opening a handsome assort ment of Fancy and. Staple Dry Goods, in addition to tliciv fonder stock. Wi| 6~ 74 W. b H. ROSE. T O H 0 I, A ITT Ii U S. THE SUBSCRIBERS - J. I nst sensoii’s imported PM/.V5. whicjitltey oiler for sale at the last year's prices, ur cash or drifts on their factors, payable any time before the. 1st ot Aprfl next ; which must lie, nt least, 20 to 25 per cent, lei’s then the ensuing Fall Im portation citn be sold at. W. .VII. ROSE. Savannah, 7th June. 1825, inne 7 128 YMES ANDERSON & CO. H AVE bn baud a, few hales of WHITE, BLUE AMD MlXT PLAINS, AND . LOJVDOy T) VFFIL liLANICETS, (imported last year,) Which they will sell,tit a considerable reduction from the prices of lust season. Their usual sup ply of _ . ■ Plains, Blankets and Bagging will he received by the first vessel from Liverpool and they will be uble to supply their friends with fresh Imported goods, nt as low rates ns any former importation can be sold for. , june 23 141 . SPLENDID SCHEME OF TIIE Masonic hall lotery: #30,000 ni&HEST PRIZE. Noio Drawing in Hit City of Augusta, un der the superintcndance of S IIaIk 1 f A. SlAUOHTER, ft. It. Reid, i Commissioners ] iy'\vb° LT ' i.i j _ The Second Drawing Will take plate on the 12th of Octobor nest. All.the Capital l’rizus are still undrawn, conse quently the Wheel is very i-'fh SCHEME of $30,000 20,000 10,000 6,000 1,000 6t)0 loo 60 10 STEAM BOATS On the Ocjriulgee and Oconee. t/i rtllE undersigned have the pleasure to un- 4JL uouncelothe Merchants nnd Planters in this section of the State, that they are prepared to run a STEAM BOAT and FOUR-TOW BOATS, constantly from Savannah to Macon mid Milledg- villo, stopping at the intermediate landings for the recentibn and delivery of Produce uud Mcr- clmmlize on Freight. The Stentn Boat is now ready, eud they con template starting her on the first trip from Savan nah on the fifteenth day of October next, to be in Macon bv the first day of November ; when they will lie prepared to receive Cotton on Freight to Savannah, direct, without the delay and inconvenience of binding and reloading in Dm-ien. , . They will brovide hands, so that wlicn the state of tlie river will not admit of the Steam Boat ap proaching Macon orMilleilgeViile, no unnecessa ry delay will detain the Tow. Boats. fn»urnnce,.on Merchandize mid Produce sliip- , d by this conveyance, Will tie provided for in a respectable nfid responsible Office, and on Iqtvcr terms thun is,now paid on tlje Boats' in operation, of which those disposed lo coyer tln ir .property from all hazards, may avail-themselves. Cotton to lie shipped by these Boats will be re ceived in Macon at the customary storage, mid lie forwarded agreeable lo instructions, on very moderate terms; and when dysired,^Storage .will tie provided for it in Savannah, subject lo the ur- ders of the owrier. From the convenience nnd dispatch tube affor- de I by this arrangement, they confidently ex pect the encouragement of the public For terms apply to, JOHN T. LAMAR, in Macon. . B. L AM Alt, in Savannah. The subscriber continues to transect the Fac torage and Commission Business, in Savannah ; and lenders the. most nnremmuted attention to llie interests of those who may favor him, witli tirt-ir business. I Tlie Cash, will be advanced on shipments to his address, by application ns above either in Ala- cou or Savannah. G.B LAMAR sept 22 si179 Giiardian &ules, be sdlil nt'pltblic sale at the. Court V» House in the cjty of, Savunnnh between the hours of 10 ana 4 o’clock, A iNeg'vo woman ilanied Mari ah. 9pld as the property of Sarah, and John Tucker, minors and Orphans, mid -old. by order, of the Court of Ordinary of Chatjiniri County. WM. P. CLARK;, WINIFRED CLARK, i ( -’- ia > , ’ lftn ’'- nng 23 it 166 ■ . Notice, W ILT, be solsl at the pound on Mohday next the 10th hist, at 10 o’clock A. M. the fol lowing cuttle that have been impounded, it thoj> are not taken away before tliut duy by their ow ners. . . . ... . One red and white QiDx, marked iii each ear with a crop ami swallow fork. One briodle Ci.w with a short tail,-marked in one ear with an upper bit, in the other ear with a* swallow I'orlj, brapde.d A. M. Oao i-ed and white Cow, marked in one. Car with mi upper bit nut! piggin handle, in the other ear with a crop and c|it,,branded S. F. One white uud red spotted cow, with a heiffer calf, uo murk or biaml. • , F. M. ^TONE, City Marshal, oct 4 ' 183 ' ’ , mu, si a i 5 NEXT SCHEME. BY SPECIAL ACT OF ASSEMBLY. GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND. U NDER the sap.-.'intendancc of the commis sioners appointed by the Governor and Council, and by flit- improved mode of drawiiig, secured by Letters Patent under tbe seal ot the United States—the whole to he completed in one day, and will positively tnke place in the city of Baltimore iii a few weeks. TO BE DRAWN ON THE Oth OF NOV. NEXT. Iliulies! Prize ^20,000. . SCHEME. I Prize of $30,000 is $30,000 Dollars 10,000. 6,0U0 lo.uoo 6,000 3,f)00 3,(*00 2.000 2,000 .2,000, 60,000 152,000 Dollars. 10,000 • 6,000 1,000 600 jfoo 60 20 rj; 6 4 10813 Prizes. 40000 rickets-—Not one blank to a prize. The holder .of two tickets, will be certain o obtaining at leastonc pifae. ami may draw three!. Moor, ok 'Drawing..—'Thu numbers will be put into,one wheel as usual—and in the other Wheel will be put oiie prize above the denomination o. $4, and the drawing to progress in the usua manner,. Tlie20.000 prize.of$4, will be awnr.di ded to the odd of even unnnbers in the. Loiicry- fas tbe cqse may be) d< peiulant on tlie drawing of the Capital Prize of THIRTY THuUSsND DOLLARS—that is tp say, if -the $30,000 p.iize should come out to'an odd' number, then every odd the scheme will be entitled - , to a $4 prize: if the $30,000 priZe should come out to an even number, then all tlie even numbers ill the scheme will be each entitled In $4. ■ Odd uumbers arc those ending with 1, 3] 6, 7, or 9. , , , i F.vcU numbers are fliose ending with 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0. . .. , . ^ , This mode ol drawing pot only enables tlie Commissioners tp complete' the whole Lottery in one, drawing, but has the treat advantage of dis tributing the small prizes regularly to every alter mite number in the scheme, so .(flat the liolder o, 'two tickets or two sin ires of tickets, one- odd and ouc even numbur,will be certain ofobtnining at least one prize, and in the ratio for any greater quantity. ;x . ., ... .,. , y [iy A ticket draxving a superior prize in this scheme, is not restricted from 'drawing ah inferi or one also, many tickets, therefore, will neces sarily obtain two prizes each. rnKSKNT THICK of'TICKETS, Wholes $5, Halves $2 60 Quarters $1 25. All orders promptfy attended to, at EXCHANGE Ul'EWE. sept 1 OFFICE For the Sale of Negroes, fyc, (gTRllF'. spbscribqr’sOffice is removed to John sLL ston’s Square, 3 doors west of the State Bank. FOR SALF, Improved LOTS in the City, , Tracts of Land in tlie new Counties, A young Negro Woman, cook, washer and field timid, und other valuable Negroes. WANTED, Planters’ nnd State Bank Stock, ITinfc Field Hands. JAMES EPFINGF.R, June 20Jm 139 • . • ; $30,000 20,000 40,000 20,000 6,000 6,008 6,000 6,000 60,000 .SSSS, \ « 180 ’ 000 18,0;)() TICKETS nt TEN DOLLARS Leu than two and an half Blanks to u Trite. Th'e Prizes'only to be Drawn. All the Prises to hi floating from Hit commencement, except the fallow inn, which wilt he deposited in the wheel at definite periods, vis :— ON THE FIRST DRAWING I prize of 10,000 k 1 of 600 2d'. 1 do “ 6.000 4- 1 1,000 b 1 of 600 3d. 1 do “ 10,000 b 1 “ 600 4th. 1 do “ 6.000 b 1 “ 1,000 b 1 of 600 6th. 1 do “ 10,000 b 1 “ 600 61 li. 1. do “ 6,00u b 1 “ 1,000 b 1 of 600 7tb. 1 do “ lO,OO0 b 1 « 6,000&1 «f 6iX> 8th 1 do “ 20,000 b 1 “ 1,000 b 2 of 600. 9th. 1 do ‘t 30,000 b 1 “ 1,000 b 1 of 600 All prizes payable thirty days ufter the coibple tlon of the .drawing, subject to a deduction of fif teen per cejit—if not applied for within twelve montlts, to he considered a donatiou to the funds of the Masonic Hull. A great variety of TICKETS and SHARES may yet be had at the ofiginat price ut The Augusta Masonic Hall Lot tery Office. All orders from any part of llie’U. S. post paid containing cash or prize tickets shall he promptly utteuded to by, . HENRY, Agent, Thompson b Bouncy’s Buildings. sept <Y 172 r_ A VALUABLE Tide Swamp Plantation and Toll-Mill, FOR, SALE ON SAVANNAH RTYEIt. The suliscrilier has been spe- cialiy timpowered by • the cre ditors of the late James H. Ancrd.... ^ to sell the Piuutatioh (Laurel-Hill) on Savannah ouek River, which iviisassigned to him, in trust for them. The place is altogether one of tlie finest Rice estate in tlie State .4 .'oulli Caroli na,nn un excellent pile)) of the tide, exempt from injury either from freshets or salts, and protected by its locality from the extreme violence of au tumnal gales. Tlie Plantation consists ol four hun dred ncres of Tide-Swamp, tliree hundred und se- vo.ity-fiVe of which .arc in fine order and und.r bank. —Ou ,t tjieiv is,for its si '.In most edi- cie.itMill on the Rivu;-, wuicli aswithltl these ,- son. pounded 3IXK) barrels: it is,now' in excellent order, uud commands us a Toll-Mitf as much bu siness us she can do, On tho plaon there arc a doth* jBL Portable dwelling house, two barns, winowiqg house and stneking vuid. all situated mi a fine knoll 13 Sheriff's sales, continued. On the first Tuesday In Oct. ntxU ■ ■ X.S/TLL be sold nt the CourtHouse jn the city v v of Savaunuh between the hours of 10 uud 4 o’clock, , ., • | All those two lots ami improvements in the pity of Savannah knovyii iu plan of said city as num bers (21) twenty one amt (22) twenty two Jack- son ward Orleuns suu-nre levied on esihe pro|iorty of EleaZ. Early under a fi. fa. in favour of Amos Scudder All tlf* right title and interest of Andew Knox in Rice's wlmrf being one undivided eighth of two mulcvided thirdsnnd one undevided seventh of one undevided eighth of two undevided thirds,, levied on ns the property of Andrew Kitox to sat* isfy an execution in favour ot Williamson ami De, Vfllers. Sold ut the risk of the former pure baser. li D’LYON s. c. e. sept 1* 177 • .. Sulphate of Quinti, JFRHE high price of this so valuable medicine jjz lias tempted some wretches to sophisticate it—uml stuff so debased, has already been ex hibited for sale at tf&vannab ; but tlie Qutna.whiph I offer has.been made, in Germany ; has been sun- reeled to chemical tests by fuyself alid 'ouiid true und good—So, 1 do recommend it. .. AUGUST G. OEMLER. sept 24' • 18P • • ' protection to it aswell us to the lives of tlie lie groes qn any similar neeusion, There me also ve ry good negro houses for one., hundred and fifty negroes, with an overseer's nr miller’s ImuJe. . The terms will be oiie fourth cash, bnluuce pay able in tliree animal installments, with ft .mort gage of the’property und an assignment nfa. poli cy of insurance oq tbe tide macnine.-rPoBsession to lie given on the 1st of Fehruary.iiext, or be fore if the crop now planteiDshoiifd be sent to market. . Capitalists who are disposed to vest their funds in this uncommonly line,estate, wiBupply to Pe tit De Villers, Emj. in Savannah, Geo who will furnish every facility to those, who may wish to isit the Plnntntlonfto Ogierit Carter, Charleston who hive the Flat, or to flic subscriber. . JAMES.HAMILTON, Jr. Assignee of the late J. H. Ancfuin. li tlie plantation is not sold ut private sale pre- iously, it will be exposed at public auction o.i tlie 18tli of November next, by Ggier iii Caller, Charleston. jnne.l 1123 To lletir, I ofleFmy dwelling house si tuate in Biougton street, for one year, or (to suit those who may wish to he absent during the summer apd full mouths; from tlie 1st of Nov. to tlie 1st of June eusueing. Apply to John W, Stirk, Esq. or oct 6 j',185 JOHN MOREL. Augusta. Masonic, Hall J The first Druwing is over, and all the Capital Pri- are still iuthe li licel. The second Draw ing will. take place on WED NESDAY) 12th of ctoher next. 'The unprecedented Richness of the Weeel, af ter the drawing of a large proportion.of the num bers, offeis eyery possible inducement to adven turers. 'This is evidently the richest Lottery in the Union, in Grand Capital Prizes, besides a. vfr ry large proportion of the minor Prizes. Ticket and Shares, warranted undrawn, may till be had'at the original Scheme price at The Augusta Masonic llall Lot teiy Office. Those who have drawn prizes are informed that their tickets shall betaken as cash for others war ranted undrawn. Orders from any part of the U.S.epclosingjcasli or prize tickets (postpaid) shall be promply ex. executed by application to, HENRY-MACDONNELL, Agent, For Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery, Thompson b Bonuey’s Buildings, Savannah ang 23 156 Fulton Market v ^ iy -4 half bills just received hyjiie seiir Maryfc At JB. Margaret, from N York—for sale by oct.4 J-B. HERBERTS Co.' , DAltlEN BILLS, THE 7 .Masonic Hall Lottery Office I S the only place in thij city /'where the DARI EN BILLS are taken at PAIL A (treat variety, of number^ Jmvg been received, nnd ure for sale for'prize tickets or cash by . . HHNitV MACDONNELL- .• ? Agent. nug fi7 • -.168 - ' ' - ' Tax Collector’s Sales. On the first TUESDAY, in November next. Will be sold, ntthe . Court House, in tfie city of Savannah, beiweeh the jiour* of 10 nnd 3 o'clock, the following property, or so much , thereof as will satisfy tue stale and county taxes and costs, to wit: , ■, .. Lot, letter I iu Decker Ward, in the city of Sa vannah, with improvements thereon. .Levied on, to satisfy the state und county taxes of John M. M’Galln, for the year 182-1, and'costs. Amount of tux—$ 09..00. ■, Lot No. 38 Columbia Ward, In the city of Sa- vaiumli, subject to, ground rent to the corpora tion of said city, with the improvements thfreon. Levied on to satisfy the state and county ta$et of Ann Rodman, for ti e years 1823'aiid 1 (, 24.— Amount < i lax—$11 J2. ■ , A Truct of Band in Camden County, .on tips soiuli side.of Great dutilla River, ,.onttIn'ing 600 acres,, more, or less. Levied ou te satisfy tlie state and. county taxes ot the estate of .Matthew Jolirefton, for, tiie years 1823 and 1824 and costs. Amount ui tax—$10. . ■ ’ , JAMES EPPL'fdER, tax Collect. Chat. Comity, for 1823 4-1824. august 30 IC'9 . ' ft , Tax Collector’s sales, On the first Tuesdn^ iwNpyipmber next, W ill be sold at,the court iiocse in tlie city of Savannah, lieftweeji tlie hours of in and 3 o’clock tlto folloWtngproperty,bv *'o i. . ti.ure feet ubovo the level of the Swamp, on which ti e |of as will- satisfy the state and coUnty. taxes anil icrop was suved during the hun'ii nne of the last I costs,,viiz; ■ , ... year, and which is calculated to afford a complete A tract of land in Lilllo Ogecbee Distrl.-i For Sale. THREE Buildings on M iss Minis’ lot in Broualiton-street —one fronting,Brongliton-strect and the other twooftjhe lane in rear of the first. Tlie unexpired lease hns oyoars to run from the 1st January 1826'. apply to, .MR. ARNAUDonthe premises Oct 4 B To Rent, The house,and t two lots in Brouphton-st. betonginglo the subscriber. Apply to Win, Davies, Esq. possession will be given early n November. J. M BERRIEN, Oct 6 2m 185 jM W A SHIN G TON H A LlK No. 224, Broad-Street,. T HIS ESTABLISHMENT is opened In A Uundsopie Brick Buildfng, erected duri.-igtlii 'past summer, at the (jorneT of Broad and BWn tosh-Streets. Jt is reepthmended to Planters and MercliHuls/by its situation, m the. cenUe, of.lip- town mid of bu.-lness,.and within a convenient distance of tlie Banks, IVareiiouses,. nnd Public Offices, Stage Passengers'Will find it convenient from its being opposite the Post-Office, the place o( arrival and .dep-rlure o| th - Stages . There, is coiihected. with tiie HALI., an adjacent Klick Tcuement, witli spiter, of Private Apai'tu^nts,aiiil 'a ^S.epurate. Entrance fromi Bfoa'd-StrhetAwliich will be appropriafed.exofusively ,to tliefflecomm * dation of. Families; kupd Ltuiies .will find them, selves as quiet .an ji refi red as j ii any.privhte house. wi.llH.he additional advantage oj' hein^ i.o the im mediate neighborhood ‘of .tlie jprinciptil .Fancy Stores. sTIie W ASHINGTON I1AL1. is superin tended by W. J-.'DuDtEy, Whose study it wif " toplease and fender comfortable, those wbb i faypur the Htpuse with their patronfige. Augusta ( Ga.) 1825. A- ». sept 29 . .182. -. ..: • London Mustard W ARRANTED a pure article;.;’just re- ceived per Corsair, and for sale by may 11 A. PARSONS Druggist No. 8 Gibbons’ Buildings NOTICE, -njaTNE months after date Application.-will be 1\ made to the lidn. Inferior court of Effingham coun'y for leave to sell all tlie real Est. of Win, ShDmpt, late of said county for the purpose of ma- kinga division with the Heirs of saiff Est. JONATHAN SECKtNGEH, Adm’r. sept 10 174. or Jess, ' s of 1824,aqd Run Og bam ouftty, fiontat'dh'g w.'ucrejj’Hipre levied on to satiny the state and county tax efer R.-Clifton, for the years 1823 aim 182-1 esta: amount.of tax $9 62;:.,.. Lot no. Id, Franklin ward in the city of Snvaa- nah, bounded on the east by Jetfersou-st. on the south by ryan-st. subject to a ground rout to the - corporation ol said city. with tlie improvements thereon, (evied on lo satisfy the slate and cou -ty taxes of the estafe. of Francis Doyle, for the yettral 1823 and 1824, and Costs j ain’t oflax, $178 89. A tract of laud in Ogeifiiee District, Chatham county, containing 250 ucres, more or less, levied on to satisfy the state aud county taxes of Nicho las.!. Carter,for theyeur 1824, and costs ; umount of fax $2 64. T " A tract %iT land hi Glynn county,'coiiiainiug ofifr acres', more or less, bounded north by hind of Jus. Harrison, nnd on all other sides by vacant land. granted to John Miller in 1797, levied on to satis fy the state and comity taxes ot Catherine Lim- berl for tho years I822and 1823 j amount of tax $9 37 JAMES F.PPINGER, Tnx Collector, Chatham county for 1823—’24. nug 25 HI7 :t ■■ -a. r City Marshal s Sale, On the first T uesday in Nov.most. . ^ < '-TTILL be sold in front of the Court House be- y %‘y tween the usual Hours of lo A. M. and 4 Pj M. tlm following property or us much thereof as! will pay the taxes, if they aro not paid before that ,' day . . ' 1 ’ ? ... ,,. s- ’V’ Lot No. (7) Tower Tythihg, Decker .Ward,' bounded east by iot No, 6, Bi-oughtpn *t« west :-y iot No. 8, and nortb by n Iqne, fevifed oiif- ns the property of the estate of JJlatlliew, AJ’Adtis-: ter, to satisfy the estate,eit^ taxed ibr Ohs' present ear, amoujit,due1$3 Yo'aud CdfT. aV-v Half lot No. 8, and building Trustee Garden now attached to. Greene \ynrd, bounded east by east Broad st, sotilil by lot Nun,wept by east broa'd st. and north by lot No 7;i7evied on as the proper-, ty.ot .’loses IxerBert tb gatisfy.commission aud' bis city faxes forthe present year. . Lot No. <1 Hicks Tything Pcrci^Avard, boms dad east by lot No.-o, south by Drayton st. West by, lot Nii’ 3, and north by Broughtons!. Vayied on as the property of.ludy Minis to satisfy her.citv tax es for (bqyeavs 1823 aud 1824,amount ..ue $40 93 'A biifiming'on Telfoira lot Johchim st.Oglcthorp War^kHvied on as the property of Joe Campbell td'toitlsfy hlsyiiy taxes for the years 1823, ,1824 uii'd 1325. qirouut due $1 37 and cost. ■%A building d-n lot No.. 17, St. Gall Oglethorpe wqr-d, levied on rft the property ot James Curley,! ' to salisiy his city tatfes for the yeai 1823,1824 and' - 1825j ajfibpu.t t)ue $1 00 and cost. .' ■ i • A^biiUdiiig ou lot No. 3, Trustee garden how- knowniMpceene ward, situated ou east Boundary ,st. levied’on as tlie property of Mary ‘and Geo.; M. Carter, to. satkfy their city tax forthe present Voar, amount due $9 62j and cost. • ., F. M. STONE, City Murshal. oct 1 - 183 ■' ) SlicritfSale, ... On the first Tuesday in November next. ; . W ILL be solifbefrp the CourtHouse in Chat* ham County, between the usual hoiinba''. All that certain tract' or parcel of land situated in the Countv of Chatham und State of Gebrgia ., an the salts between tne Islands of Ske.daway • and Burnsides and known by the name of Hcilnuhs tsjand containing sixty three acres mofe''nr less; elsmitl that other tract or parcel of land situated and being on Skidaway Island iii the County atoresaid, composed of tin- »- different and or iginally distinct tract of land but adj,fining each other, the fust of which wns originally granted toMiclae.l Ritter for one hundr«t acres, (lie sec ond of Which was originaly granted to .In,.. Ell is for fifty acres, mid the tliurd nnd inst oi u ETci! was Oiginaly'greihted’-b Michael RittVr.fnr fifty acres, which three-bracts otT-i ml contain in tiie whole (not including Rednuht Island) two En.-scli-ed and thirty seven acres with tlie appurtenn; ,,!.-vi- ed on to shtify the Planters Tank ot* the ’ .fe oi foreclosure oi moreuge, against John IV Btirk" - • ■ * . ISAAC D'LYCOf. s . -. o, Oct 1 183 Hiiw