Newspaper Page Text
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• lJaiJy.yi.i-
r4 S ~ s ' i ***
U &&&8L&+
Tax Collector’s Sales.
On the first TUES DAY, ih JVovember next.
,Vill be sold, utthe Court Hoifce, in the cUv'Of
•the 'hotifti of 10 and 3
On the first Tuesday in .Vow mber iifxt,
YSTfiNlLL bo be sold before the Court j House in
\w’/ .» * f O - 1. l.ntu-dAii tl*«i
' Snviinnuh, between — ™
o’clock, the following property, or so much
thereof ns will satisfy the state and comity
tuxes and costs, to Wit t
Lot letter I in Ltocker Ward, In the city of Sa
vannah, with improvements thereon. Levied on
to satisfy the state and cotmty taxes of .Tolto M.
M'Cullaf forthe year 1824, and costs. Amount
OI Lot NirY»8 Columbia Ward, In the city of Sa-
vanmili, sUbjcftt- to ground rertt to the Corpora
tion of said city, with the improvements thereon.
Levied on tb siitlsfy the state und county tnxes oft
Ann Kodthau, for the years 1823 and 1824—
Atont 6f (ex—#11 . .
A-l ract of Lund in Camden County, on tiic
south side of Great SutlUa Rlve'r, vonta ningCOo
acres, inure or less. Levied on to satisfy' the
•lute and county tnxes of Urn estate Iff Matthew
Johnston, fdr the years 1823 and island cdsts
Amountof tax—*10. rA ^ Qm ,
Tax Collett. Chat- County, for 1823 (,■ 1824
v august W) 109 ^
the city of Savauuuh, between thd usual
hours of snle, , - , j. „
Two Stages, Tour hortes add four setts Of Har
ness, belonging-fa this end of the Augusth line—
ieviedon under a foreclosure of a .Mortgage from
JosephJ. Thompson',to Joseph Cumming Assigned
to AfextmderT. Do 1 faou. . .. .
A. D LYON, DCs. c. c.
171 r
Tax Collector’s sales,
On tiic first Tuesday in N^elhber next .
W ill be sold at the court house. Ill the city of
Savnnnah, between the hours of 10 and 3
•o'clock the following property, or'so milch there
of as wilt satisfy the state and cotlnty taxes and
C °A tract of land in Little Ogechee District,Chat-
iliaiu jouiily, containing 600 acres, more or less
Itucrior Court—Chatham county
July 1&25
TTl’bN the petition of William Black, stating
U tla i t
Executors Sales,
TOii the first Tuesday in November next.
ILL he soldatthe’Court Hbuse ih Riceboro
Liberty cdunty between the Usual hours
ofsale, the following property viz:
Oh'e negro boy named .Morris thlB property of
the Est. of Or. Thus. Stevens dec. Bold by per
mission rtf the hon. the Inferior court of Liberty
county for tlie benefit of the Heirs dud creditors
sept 22 lit' . ...
AUmimstrator’s Sales,
On theJint Tuesday in .Vovtmher next.
W ILL Ue sold at the Court lldtfse in Ricebo
ro Liberty counlybetween'tfee usual hours
of sale,
The following tracts of lots oflntnlvis:
One tract or lot of land no 3(56: 7th District “ ok
inson how Telfair county containing 202i
fey-fed on to'satisiy the state and county taxes of
lVter R. Clifton, far the ldftH‘1823 and 18*4,and
costs", amount of tax $9 62.
Lot no. hi, Franklin ward in th e city Of Savan
nah. bounded on the enst by Jefforson-sMtotho
soutli by rynn-st. subject to a ground rent To the
corporation of said city. With'the improvements
thereon, levied on to satisfy the stale and con ty
taxes of the estate of Frahcis Doyle, for the years
1823 and 1824, and costs ; fffc’t of tax, $178 89.
A tract of laud in Ogechee District, Chatham
lioimty, contaiiiing 260 acre*, more or less, levied
on to satisfy the state Kind ciinuty faxes of Niolio- _
las J. Carter, for the year I8i4, ttitd costs; uifidunt itort>
<lJ A usct of land in dlynn county, containing 600
acres, more or less, bounded north by land of .las.
Harrison, and on all other sides by vacant laud ;
granted to John Miller in 1797. levied on to satis-
’ fv the state and county taxes of Catherine Life-
i »: ert far tlie years 1822 and 1823; auiouiit ol tax
One otherlract or lot of land no 3t9; 7th District
Wilkinson, now Tel(j»ircountytontainihg'202$
Ono x>tlier tract nr lot of land no 436; 7th District,
WtlkinsoiYnu'w Telfair county toutahiing 2024
at'he was possessed oi.a certain prom
ry note for sixTiuudred and fitly dollars, made oh
the second day of February Eighteen hundred
and tweiity, Wv Mary Motta, payable two years al
ter date to Edmund' Warren, or order, and upon
which t\ote tile said Edmund had made h guaran
tee in these words; “ I guarantee thotoaymeiilot
the Within note to the time stated.” Signed Ed
mund Warreh, “and which note was by the said
F.dmahti delivered to the petitioner. It appear
ing to the Court that the said note has been lost
and eamiot Bis found and that a copy of said dote
as nrur as call be recbllected together with cvi-
deace of ifa existence and losi is filedin tti’e office
ot Its Clerk.
On Motion of Law k
WAYNESBORO, 14th July, 16
Bli f GADE OR tip R'S. ^ Joseph M’Goxvctijr
In Conformity to orders from the
Major General ol tlie Division, em-
mdlhg from orders ofthc Comman
der in. chief, Colonels George
Wycl), David T Smith, Augustus
S. Jbnes, Uohcrt Tulle, L ttlcton
SpiVy.and Michael Yodug, of the
4th,oth, fall, 7th, 8th, And9tl» Re
giments, are ordered to pi'ocet'.d
forthwith, to the cbmnlotldh Of the
orgimillation of their .respective
Regiments, where tho privates ne
glect or refuse to elect officers,they
i,.,ist be ndiltliiateo as directed by
.cor.witt-^Jiiberty Comity,
Elijah Baker, Clerk ot the Court of Ordina
f Liberty.
applies lot letters pf ad
ministration on the J$ods and chattels, riglifa and
crcilits that were of .10On M Guwcii, late ol smd
county dec’d
— must be ndillliiated .
meal ofthc said note snouia not ue granteu, n..u , Tho pu tri1 |'duties required by .
(lint thlt rule he fhihlished In one of tho public ua- , . La enlbrccd with military exact-
xeltes of this state once ft month iffitil the time | nefl( . ,
A prompt report of hie|e*eciition of these or-
appointed fflr shewing Cettse thereon.
A true Extract from the minutes.
A. B. FANNIN, Clk.
157 . *
nag 2
defa, forwarded direct tu the Brigadier General
will he expected. TAV L0K) jr . B .
iulv 18 m!6I . 6
j\TlNE months after date applicntloh will
i\ made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol |
One other tract or lot ofland nft 256; lltli Dis
trict Wilkinsoii now Telfair duuuty containing
'2024 acres. . .
One oilier Idt or tract of Land ttol83; 8th District
Munro now Pike county contuinlng iS024 ncres
One other tract or lot of land tjo 87 i 8th District
Munro county cotifaing 2024 acres.
One other tract or lot of land *10 199 1st District 1
Walwu county 250 aers. .
One oilier tract or lot of land do 321; 14th District
Telfair coiihTy conliiinhig 2024 acres.
Being thf real estate of L Lard dec. Sold by
permission of the lirtn. the Inferior want of Lib
erty county for the benefit of the Heirs and Cred-
ClintliAm Codnty, for 1cAve to sell a fat on tim
corner of Bull Hind Brylin streets, being No. «,
lekj, Tvthing, Derby Ward, in the city ol
Savannali, bi longing to the estate of Robert S. ,
Oil,,, , Reed, far the benefit ol‘tlie heirs and j Grocery, Whitakf rst
creditors of'said estate.
jan 23 5|» ■■
'"Tlie Old English Hazara,
Scouring and Dying
a/rRS. Rawly, formerly Mrs. Kfaiy, most re
j*X spcctfully aciplaiuts her frierttts and the
public, that stie has Rbinoyed licr Establislimmit
iron* .Inmcs Square, to the lane In the rear ot Dr.
SurAvcns, next door to Mr Lawrence Dumphy s
Grocery, Whit»k#r st. Where she continues enr-
rying on the Scourius aiid Dying business in nl
m'i'L therefore to cite nnd ndinnll\bii All
administration will be granted tp the laid appli-
““Given finder my hand 'fthd sdal, this eleve.ill.
dnvof Arfitnstln the year ol our Lord eighteen
hundred find twenty live, andln the ilfteonth year
of Amorfaan ludepenUesteo^ ^ V ^ f
DM - ■ • ; . . •
IHj Iht lion the
G EORGIA, Chatham Cv.mty—By tu,. I
thw Justice's ol the Inferior Court 1
for ordinary purposes, ’ wlut
To all whom It may concern. ,
HYIiareas, U dim.., Kahn, administrator H.wl
— ot the estate of John S. Alley, dee has
b*I tho lion, the Court of Ordinary to J?|
god irom his said ndinii.lsti'i.iiiii,
clnh’ged from
These are therefore to cite and admonish
null singular the kindred ami creditors 0 f tCJ
deceased to lilotlielr objociious, if nnvthpvi ”
... ,1 nIRnn „t .1... .ilj ^ '“W
in the clerk’s office, ot the said Court iail!.
fore the 9th day bf .Itumury next, KtheiJL
letters dlsmlifsoby will ,be granted Uie netitin.J
Witness the lloli'. E. Harden, one ftftbo SLiS
,of said court, tills 9th duy'of July A. D imA
S. M. BOND, oh
jdiy 9 147
K t EORG1A, Chatham xjom.ty—Uytl.i.TTrjH
V?T Justices of tlib inferior Court of Chathlii
a TegRGIA, CltatltHW county. •—.
Or Jmctt of the Inferior Court, while sitting
fur uonc h rn . _
Wliereh^.Hamutni Johnson, exeCmtJX of Thom
ns Johnson, late i f SAVu.iinah, decchsed.hns pe l-
tioned the lion, tho cdOvt ot ordinal^, to bo dis
charged from her said'excctitorshm.
These are therefore to cite und admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors ot the said
deceased, to file their objections (if any' they
have! lo'the clerk’s office ot the court fit ordinary
on or before tlie the 3d day of Nov. next, other
wise letters dismissory will be granted the peth
tioiiHr* *" -
Witness the Hon.Jotin Cnmmlng>onethe Jus
ticcs of said court, this 3d day of May, A D.1825.
piay 3 a M BOND, c co.
C 1 EORGIA, Chatham County.—lly the lion
JT the Justices of the liifetior Court, silting fo
Improved ued Warranted to shave xvcfl.
T HE Subscriber bus just received to order from
Thomas Gorg'd, John Barber, And G V s
Furfiis, Sheffield K.nglaml—nn elegantftssortinM.'
of those Itaaors, in red Morocco cases, of'pans
and single, ornamented, had the 'wHirkinansllip
throughout is vsYrnnled to be of the best kind.
»..l lamao iim .li'illi/ tl* IMlI'I'lljlSR All ill'tlClC It
Sept 17
/ x EUKGIA, Llialliain uiumy o,y mt mv«.
VJT .histiecsof the Inferior churl sitting for ordina
Gcntleinen wiihiiig to purchase an article
this kind, mny do well to call on ^
Druggist, No.B, Gibbons’ Buildinss.
April 2 -■ • • -
its vaiious l.ranclics, Leghorn, Straw and Chip’d Vjjj* pXes°'
Bonnets, pressed a.\d donif up in the best stile, oil y V . ^ w i, ora n may cb'hcern
Modenjte terms und solicits " RaWLY ° f W nercas Isaiah Davenport, administrator fif
publfa Patronage. ANN RAWLY. V Atkcrson.dec. has petitioned the honorable
sept 13 c.l75 .. ■ . I the Court of Ordinary to be discharged from Ins
said Administration: , , , ,
Now these urn therefore to cite nnd admonlsli
id creditorsof the
(if any they have)
Court of Ordina^
ry, oil dr before tiic 3d day df November next, o
therwirt letters dismissory wall tie granted the pe
Ut Sss the hon. John £ Minting, one of the
Justices bf the said‘Court tills 3d <lny ol May, A.
D. |82(L S. M. BOND, e. c. o.
Oil of Wo'rmsced.
I J . . ... . . .". r vi £\ow ure mereiurc wvuc
SI nnHE Oil of Wormsced is tlie most innocenf as M , sin .„ br (ho kindred and
^ 1 well as most powerful vermifuge yet known m ( , ec . tl f fllc (heir ol.jeotiifps,(if
it properly managed and genuine, (ns this is Rar- (u thfi otfi( . 0 0 f tlle cierk of the C
anted to be) by .' , A. PARSONS,
Druggist No. B, Gibbons' Buildings.
’ may. 17
coutity, sit'ing fob ordinary purposes.
To «fl to whom it nyiy concern.
Wl’ioleas LnvI S, D'Lyon, administrator ofn
esiate of Heeekinh Winkler, dec. has petitfai
the hon. tlie Court of Ordinary to bo .li st | wt
from Ills said lulmiiiistratlon.
TIiobo Arc therefore to cite and adinenisii i
nnd singular tho.klmlred and creditors of Hi.J.
decoaVed to file their objections if f.ny they kbl
in the Clerks office of tlip C ourt of 0.uift»n J
or before the ninth day of January nest joy
wise letters disd lssory ivill ha granted tnc |
liont-r. .. T
Witness the lion, Eij. Harden, one of the id
tlces of the said cduH, this Uth day of July i H
1826. S,M. liOND,c, c J]
julyD 147 v - ,. H
i » EORGIA—Elliiiglianl County.—
bt, a.
[On j
I Surg
. D
VJT the Justices of the Inferior Court, L u
coiiiit}/, sil/fn# ft>r. ordinary purposes.
To all whom ft may concern.
Whereas, Howell Hines, executor
digestion, termed Dyspepsia. The discov
Hines, has petitioned to tlib Hon. the Ju
the Inferior Court sittlng.Tor Ordinary ;
to he discharged from tho tXecutbishinr
These nrb therefore to cite mid admonish ill,,
singular the kindl ed fiti'd creditors of the said f
ceased, to file their objections (if any they IfcL
in the Clerk's Office of the .said Court, oia
before the 4 th day of December next; uthcii
letters dismissory xvill be griinted'.
Witness the Mon. John Watdliau'erbnc of(L
Justices of the snid Court, the <tlh May, A.D.lj
_ may 6 10b ■TNO.tUAIU.TflN.rJ
EORGIA, Chatham County—Ilylhe Bill
Justices bf the Inferior Court sitting Jin f
nary purpose.
To all whom it may concern.
Wlfarens Francis H. W elman, executor nflj
•hert for the years
v* 9 37 - Tames eppinger,
Tax Collector, Chatham county for 1823—’24
aug 25 ,1167 . ..
ry purposes.
To all whom it may concern.
Whereas Alexander Hunter has Applied to the
lionornlile court ofordinnry of ChiHhmn county,
for letters of administration on Hu- estate and
effects of Isabella Hunter late of Chatham county.
Spinster dec’d in behalf of the heifs. . .
These nre therefore to cite slid admonish all.
and singular tlie kindred and creditors of the
said deceased, to file theif objections (il any they
have) to tlie granting of tho administration of the
estate of the saiff deceased to tlie applicant indite
J City Mdrahal s Sale
' On the first Tuesday in Nov. next.
'.r-j-TjLL be sold in front of the Court House be-
W tween the usual hours of 10 A. M. and 4IP.
M. the following property or ^» mu, j ht, ‘« r ® or ** c | er k’ s office of the said bourt, on or before the
xvill pay the taxes, il tucy are not paid before that Q f \ U g U ,i ne »t; otherwise letfei'S ad
d *Lot No. (7) Tower T- vl,1, "l* ®^ eker '' :ar ‘', m tvilnesrt'lie'honorafae^Anthduy' Potter, one
bounded east by lot No. «> ”{*th b\ Broiigbton st. Justices of the sa'iS Court this loth day Ol
’ west ny lot No. 8, and north by a lane, levied on j pj jg/jg. s. M. B0ND,0 c o
as the property of tbo estate ot Matthe w M Allis-1 j r> iro
5 Half lot Nc.8, and baifatug Trustee Garden I lN xvill be made to the Hon. the Court of Or«li
now attached to Greene ward, bounded east by nary far the County of Chatham, far leax e to sel
"as! Brem! st. south $lot Nob.west by east broad Urn whole ora fHrt, or parts ofatntcof land,
• mid u ;ii bv lot No 7, levied on as the proper-1 tying and bem#hr the couftty ofEffifigham, coh
•v Moses Herbert to satisfy a commirtion and I taining by recent Survey, nine luihiln'dand g-
; ,1 nresent vear. ty five acres, and ktfaVrn by the name of thc Tnck-
"".‘.‘t'V. ; II,'k. 11'ti'in; tvrcivnl ward,boun I peeking Tract, formerly the property °i ^‘ng
- i,.: N mthbxr^iyton.t..we»t by I a«d Hotchkiss, now belonging to lie estate u
,,'t : u.l north by Broughton st. levied on as J Alexander S. Roe s orphansjrfor the benefit of said
the prop.ui Jmlv MlttlSto : s«»fyherAp tax-1'orphans,
f ir tl'r years 1823 and 1^4,amountatlf^4093
j-j sad cost. , ^ , ,
A ..uildingonTelfairslot Joachim st.Oglethorp
ward, levied on as the property of Joe l ainpuell
to satisfy Ms city taxes t'.rthe year. 1823, 1884
- and 1325, amount duo-$l 3l nad cp*'
(jfi ' jiitlices of l/ie Inftriir court sttlingfor ordinu-
To all wlfom jt Iftay concern.
Whereas, Mary Alfa' Porter withov. hpnliCs t<>
e honorable the* court of qrd5n»ry of Kfliutluun
iJ' digestion, termrd Dyspepsia. 1 he discov ^ loRGIA Clmtlifiin county—lij/ the hon. the
ery of this Medicine has hton Uje effedt of ^ Just ires of the Inferior court of Chatham tom• I Bixlok., of Savannah, Mo.clinnt, dec’d,.
aftd attentive study, and famijv mad.ejiUUltctiom,| /H ftf ordhm) pV j p „, u . I petitioned the Hon. the Court of Ordinary, (.
afid attentive study, and Ir hoW mnde nulilic horn „'(,;i w / ur ordinanj piupuses.
tlie most decided convictlbn founded oil ample J -p 0 n || w hrt,n It may concert.
c perience of its power in d'“‘bentniir this disease. 1 - • ■ - - -
after every' other Modicine
the honorable the court ot ormnaryo. r mogun..' i ^^‘•vo.ldirs fa’givfa l ' VUU °
cdnhtv for letters of adm.n.slrnbon on the csta •; f ,
and direct, of William G Porter dec. late ol hi-1 mfaical Cases, Us berte
sept 24
sfdmacli und sides, and tbe windy choilfi. ADo
giddiaesslh tho Head, which ull prdlfaed frbm in
july 14
William mixrf.l,
Gunrdian A. $ Roe’s Orphans.
N INE months alter date application will bft
made to the hon. the Justices ot the Interior
Crf'rt of Bulloch Cotinty, for leave to sell atract
‘ *' -es more or less
Houston in the
.afflrtnnt due 45 1 llw B,,u cos V , , , . . | district, st»id forthe tienriii ot me heirs and cred-
building on lot No. 3rTrtl*tee garden now L .- ^-<T’ifrvH, An orphan den.
vii as Gruenewtfrd.sitimtedowenst Boundary | ,,UISV -Liu. MURPHY,
june’2 '1^4 ' Gna’dnYand A
7 , EORGIA. F.ffiiiigbliniroiiiity—Oy lhtllon.lht I ( |i c ,. s tion. It liAS been lecoinmeuded by some
G «"»•«' '*• 'vw* I i tzssuarai
nary purposes.
To all wholn it mfiy bnticern.
Wherdas Elias Heed 4 administrator of W. J.
Spencer, dec. has petitioned the Hon. the Court
of Ordinary to be dismissed from his said hdaiin-
A^D. 1826.
n.ay 3 - ■ -
EORGIA, Clmtlmra County—Hytht Hon. iht
)T Justices of the Inferior Court sitting for or
dinafy purposes.
To all whom it may concert.
Whereas Timothy Barnard, executor of Darren |
»riiie,d' dec’d. has petitioned tke Court of Ordi-
^’liese are therefore to cite and admqtilsh all
and singular tbe. kindred nhd creditors of the stfid
dec’d, : to file their objection! (if ahy they haVe)
in the office of the Cierkof the court of ordinary
on or before the V&th day of December next,
otherwise letters dismiss,!ry wilt be granted the
edict Boiirquin late of Clinthnm County
deceased so far as relates to his personal; ant
mlnlslrative o'f thereul estate of the said deer
has petitioned the Hon. Court of Ordinary I
discharged froip lief said Executorship until
ministratorsliip. . f
These are therefore to cite and adminel
icinc in dWnepslii.hut It’does not cure all disoasei. I Percival, dec’U, lias |ieuuoneu xue ^ . nnd siugufarthe kindred and effeditors of tU
"told in square bottles, with Dr.Atfijdge, London, he discharged fFtffa his *«*' deceased to ftleJhfelrohjecjions if any <hcy,|
3h each bottle, wholesale and retail, % . These arc tltercfaretotilo and adrfldnish all and .„ „, u C|crk . s cilice of tlie Court of ordina
AUGUST G. OF.MLEU, Agent, I slngulni the kindred and creditors of the said dec. 1 or | je f ore thfi third day of Nevedfaer next,
At his Drug Store corner of Whitaker Slid tb file their olyections, if any they have. In the wl|e Lctlors Dismtssofy will be granted tic j
- • ■ I clerk’s office ofthc said court, on or before the lionpr .
twelfth day of Novcmbcrnext; otherwise letters I witness the Honorable Jacob Read ones
dlsmisjory will be pranfotl the petitioner. I said Justices, this the third day ot May, All
; Broughton Streets;
Teh 15 34
petitioner. ,
Witness (lie Hon. John Waldhour, one ot ti t
Justice-of the said Court, the 2?tIt dny of Juifa, A.,
known as Greene wttrd,_ M
rt. levied on as the property of Mary and Geo.
M. Carter, to satisfy their city tax forthe present
Vcar, amount due $9 624 anu cost
7 F.M. STONE, City Marshal,
ort - 1R3 . ■ .
' On the first Tuesday in November next.
-ir-t-TiLL be sold befre thcCourtllousc iii Chat-
VV ham County, between the usual hours
Twenty Dollars Reward,
R ANAWAY*Fi'om Uie Subscriber some tihie
in April last, a negfo man named Will, some
times dsjls himself Willis, about six feel high nnd
about 23 vears of has a sulky lfiok nnd au
effeminate voice, speaks slow when spoken to,
has a scar on the upper lip or under the left eye,
' '■ occasioned
’Sfxla^^dtitainhig sTi|# tiirVe acres more or less;
Al ;n iill that nther trttfiror parcel of land situated
ami being On Skidaway Island In the County
nforesalib'Comiiosed ot "three different and or-
Jginally 'distinct (fact of land but adjoining each
■ oiberithe first of which wfts originally granted
to Mlclnef Hitter for.onc hundred acres, the sec
ond ofwhioh tVas origtnaly granted to Juo. Ellis
for fifty acres, and thd tliurd and lastofivbicli Was
brginaly granted o Michael” Ritter for fifty acres,
■witich thrde tracts offend tontain in the whole
(not intlUdmg' Redoubt Island) two Hundred and
thirty seven iicres’wilh tlitr appurtenances. Ifivi-
erfr/n to satify the rianti-fa Bfinkof the slate of
Geo. on furcdoiuie ot morguge, aguinst John W
-SUrk* ,
ISAAC D’LYON. s. c. c.
, any jail .m me state so i get him.
dug. 4
Washington County Geo
Elegant Brushes,
J UST received from Mr. Taylor’s Factory, viz
Cloth Brushes,
Hair Pateftt penetrating, large and very su
perior, .
Waterproof do.
Tooth Brushes, silver wire,
.Jappahed Fiesb Brushes,
'Plate, Shaving and Comb do.
Bottle Brtfkes. For sale by,
Drftggist'f^il.'SfGibboiis’ Buildildgs.
sept 13
jpne {SB
184 JOHN CHARl.TQiN c.c.p. e.»
Ocorgia-^-ChtitlmiD Coimty,
COVItToFOBDINAUY, 1st August, 1825.
4 LL personsihife.bted to the estate of Aleian
i’.M Into rtf T ttinnlxr Prtlit*i\f.
. .r . u der Martin, late of Liberty Codnty, clcceas
/kN the petitnin ol Robert Haliershani and Jo 1 , a .. u reoueste.d'lo make Immediate paytpent.
,epli Hal,ershain Executors riff rancis Cour- ’ 1 R. F; BAKER, I .
vhisic, late of t'lmtlfam County nlantei deC d sta-1 w w MARTIN) )
ting tint by the Will oftlieSaYd dec’d it is ordered! .. Tg .’
'hnt a tract of iauu 4 in Ciifithah) county siffiateil oi. 1 . - . .■■■'---2—-————5 -. —• '”~~
• - * 1 >-■■■' 1 Just Received
turlttg, and locale by pARSONS,
Druggist No 8, Gibbons’ Buildings,
may 13 , ■ ■
Madeira Wines.
the be tic fit of the Heirs nnd Crediton of i
Anderson, deceased. ... ?
may 14 .108 JOS. JONES, 4fi
T\t1ND ffiionths after date application 7
11 mnde to tlie Hon. the Inferior CcurtrfC
.he Louisville Load, containing fifteen hundred
and fifty acre's,’known the name of Clay’s ’ place,'] ~
hounded oil the north and 1 north east by lands M
T HF, undersigned Iihs on hand,
gate upbn liberal terjns for ci
acceptances, payable in this city
Maithira Wine bi’the justly celcor
John Howard March ty Co. ip jiipes, halhpipcs, im.provr.ments, Washiiigton Ward, situate)
u ims . , | ouarler disks mid eighths,of vnriotis importations; 1 efty bf Savannah,—arid five Lots in tlie.Ti
er s in Louisa Mutilda, a large ahd choice 1 ye 0 |j i „ n( j H ll .voty superior. I Hurdwieke, Bryan County,No. 48,49, 63,1
supply of ■***..., i c< • I lie has always a suhscriplfau List open for the ffi,'ti, e herififit of the heirs atjdcrcditoi;i
tillaRlver containing one thousand acres inoreoi c.arefiilly selected by the-proprietor at the North,
less, originally grunted to Witlinmv*Telfair, and I and nartieulwrly suited to this mat'kef^wnil'll hu*
praying leuve to sell (lie aforesaid tracts of land I (fen to hi, fo ni.-r stock bn liahd, r'Chdcrs Im as
agreeably to the xvill of the deed.
It is ordered that an order nisi he granted tin
petitioners,'and be published nine' months in pile
of the public Gazettes of the City of Savannah
and if no objection* are' filed thereto'that then 'it
be made absolute.
Extract from the minute*
S. M. BOND, c. c. o.
nag 13 102.....
sortmenl. very e>;»ensive ail'd wel worthy the at
tention of Dealers. G utfaineri, Physicians, Coun-
.,y merchants, Planters unit all others that wish to
' i cluise in this line are invited to call and eXam
Savannah. 7lli July, 1825.
july 12 ct!48
INF months after ditto application will b
jNj made fa the lion. Inferior court of Liliert;
minty, for ienve to sell the real nnd personal bt
Im* far themselves, as they xvill be sold on ns lib- | (ate of Lodotvick Lnrd, lalfe Of Tattnall count
oral terms ns any house may offer'In this city.— I deceased; ior the! benefit of the heirs, and creo
For sale wfiolesufe and retail by . _ I tors. E. WAY, Adm’r.
Druggist No 8, Gibbons’ Buildings.
nug 31
'Oct 1
,, , - Georgia—Cliatliam County.
Mierm S O.aie. I -j-^ kFORE me Hs'ac Russell, one of the Justice?
Qr. the firs'. Tuesday in'December next. T> assigned to keep the Peace for the. county,
W ILL bewld beftfre the Court House in El-1 a nd stale afordSnjd. Came Peter Duri-ger, who_ U
fingham CfaJnty, betxveett tbe Usual hours I ma(le OBt h j n Siting that lie seized and took a- stojmir.b, head ache, loss of appetile, flatufepce,
of sale. ,1 I way fnpm a slave, knoxvn liy the name of Jack epileptic fits, hypofthondriu and liyjgencal com
Twelve head of Hofees,'levied OH as the pro- M oore, and said to belong to one Sami Hale, of plaints, stf'ur stotn'a'ch, heartfjdrh,d^Spe|t.sia or in
perfy of Joseph 1 Thompson, to satisfy ft forScIo- j Augusta,the following articles to wit. One Flat, digestion, Ate
sure of a mortgage ill favour of Joseph Cununing a Wooden shed building on a lot, belonging to, , ;o lds and cdiiglis'. astl'ina, strangnary, gravel,
4 ° 0 'HILIAU 1/1 Il'IXft’ c’ r 1 . 1 _1. Will*. .1 t.. VjmmnnHBIor (il./F ■ si * ■ * ■* 1 ' * *
MALfGNAN'l FEVERS’ jitc. I to^attend'to any business in the line of tfieir pro-
rriHESE PH/LS if administered in time to re- l f . They' will practice in the counties of For sale by
. . move the bile from the stomach, will c 59? ,| ijjhb .XIonroe Pike, Fayette, Newton, Houston, 1
teract the causes wliicll feothmonly produce yel- nii.4o. tj Baldwin,' Jones, Twiggs,
low or bitiotisieyef, ague or fall feveri, ml faff’ 1 pulaskiJastVefVl’iitnam, and Wilkinson.
Macon Dec 27, 1824. U41.
ang 4 1581Afi
cholic, pleurisy; dysentery, worms, sicJ^uhtl foul
-,b, heutla
sept 29
iftr. •josoph Stiles situated in A'ammacraw, alscTI rheumatism, gout, s.curyy,scorbutic blotches, ton-’
one'ffil'mi'Stdve and pipe, f6ur Iron bound Keg*;; purities in the blood, teiaale complaints, fee.
nn -Ullage keg of Tobacco, (wo pair of Scales, If taken about once a forluight during the
Sbawff’e Sfllpa, ffci »\ v fi Axes, fivo Jugs, fonr Iron Pots, one Dirami- Spnlfgftnd Summer months, they Will prove ft tlie mother .. , ,,
pllt lilt y j on * ontffofxirt'Rosin, otlfeTrunk with DtN'Goods,-. certain preventive ugairist the ajgUe'and prevailing I Novemberne.xJ, ami at every renew n tin ca :i
On the J* C’pair Of Stilfards, one barret ofCow $fas. one : Fa „ »cW * \ U •"# tl,f 8Hrte * ba “ baVe “*
ILL be sold betore the a writing desk, and several other small articles-, A bill of directions far taklhgtbemaccompanies mqifated to 36 per l eiil.
fingham Comity, between the usuaHiouriol « a s ’ hedu i e oft |, e same RaS K&a fur- 1 each box of pills -.small boxes 25 eeflts, large do. [
01 - hundred acres of land more or
cd to Andrew Lambert, and four hund
laud more dr less, originally grahted
Martain, bohnded By Abercorn Crfte
North and Calvins Creek 011 the East, lying In
EtSngha n Coarity—Levied on as '
Seth G. i'lireadcraft, to satisfy an
Vpur of William Mein.
Also, i welvo hundred acres of laud more or less
bouiido ■ by lands of Paul BeVille.ond by the Sa
vannah river on'the East, and on the Augusta
Road, 1 lng in Effingham County—levied on as
the pro ci ty of Gr*6*e Scruggs‘dec, to satisfy an
exocutt m in favour of Eliuir Read and others.
THOS. ELKINS, s. e.'c
sept 29 182
x County—By the^Hc
fprior Court, of saiatfru
pscs, - ■ m
desk, and several other 'small ^articles-, \ fj{|| of
Of wlircb'a.schedule of tlie same fiai bHen fur^' .each box of.
nisbed me titid said articles put in my ^ptissessioir.. 60 cent*. And by‘a|ipoihtPii-ntsoRJ by
« n r ThisWto notify tlie said Sami. Flale or tfny other A PARSON’S,
)RG1A, Elfin
ithe Justices 0 _
ty sitting for Ol'cHnag/pu
To alj
io at) wiioni it may concern. .
Wberens*Hivnqtui tewcuto'r ofWwi M GIS
lagin, <1 'c. Ims petitioned i;-'i!teUortv‘th'e .rusticeg
r.L- t • r* .... •ii< u »r.W'/A.w1:.. n ....nn..r.nerre
August 1025,
aug 30
ISAAC itUS'SELL. J. 9. c. c.
G EORGIA, Chatham county—By the Hon. ttfe
Jiufjces of the Inferior c'odrt sitting for orJl
nhry puj'ppses.
To all whom if may concern. ,
YVhereps VVm.Itochp, applied to the hon. Int-
court of Ordinary of Chatlilm county far fetters
ifretion on the estate and effects of Jnb
of 1 lie im'eripft Court sittifl; I for Ordinary purposes;
to lie discharged from the <gbutorsiiip afoyesaid.
These are therefore (o' cite and admonish
nl 1 and singula tlie kindred and creditors of ,the
s id deceased, to. file their-objectipp* (if any they
have) in the Cork's office of the said Co'iirl,,Oh ifr
before tlie fcrirtli day of Novewlier next; other
wise letters d smissory geaMfed.
Witness the Hon. John C. Helvenston,' one of
the Justices of ■" said CoHTt.tllc41 hdu? oflffay,
A D 1825. JQHN'CHARLTON* Ctofjt.-
may 6 v
admihHt_,. ...
bin, late of Savannah merchant, del. as prHi-
{[creditor. . -& ,
esd#e thferefare tb crib find admonish hlJ
ingulaWJje kindred and creditors of thevdid
oft's'e' file (heir objections (if any tb'fy
Imve) tb thegrapting bfthe admihistratitm of the
estate bf the dfetcased lb the appli'caht In toe
Clerk’s offiefe bfthe said Cbhrf.bnbr before the
sixth day of October next;, otherwise letters ofSd-
ministration ivill be granted;
Witness the hqh. Etias I'brt, one of the .Tustifte
ofthc said Court, the sixth day of September, A
D, one thousand eight hundred and twertty-fiv
§, M. BOND) e. c. a.
sept 6 172
ii.vxv Ad lift
DU. dyotT’’s
Approved Anti-BiUoUS pilfa , HE ^ cribcrilia fj„g ass oclated themselves
Which-prevent and c«re, all Jtdious^ Cpmplamts j[ together in the practice of law, are prepared
Bagging, Nails, fyc;
A PI ^ CKS 42 inch Cotton Bagging,
as ks Cut Nats ■
9 Hd^slieads ti } PhilapelpKia
37 Barrels j Whiskey
1 Hogshead Tobaco
fl.'LORP &. CO.
Mbngin’s Wharf
sept 3 ... 171
R f
March last;fi nfegrb xvohinn about 23 y«
1 yellow eotnplectlbii; front teftth oftt,i’W
’lie breast (witli the lettersG. HIPP.) b|ieM
ly belonged to' George Hipp of SavamiaM
i iiitifcxV; 11 try to make for tiinl place by (“’J
>if Augusta. Hiid it is inore than pi'olmWr
try to pass for n free xvomari. Any personp
1 me informuUbn so that I- get her agnin, or J
I 1 Aril) sotne Jail; shall be entitled toareir
ten dollars, |
Millington S. C. ABheville r
sept 29* , A-,182 ’
(Wo.tcft IjOStT
I J EFT in tlie yard of thc City Hog!
j^j INK, Months-alter date nj pliratior, X|B( h,
They remoVe'liSfiilual costivencss,
Buuk 4 of Darien.
ESOlVED that a rcdqctton oi ldpcr cent be
_ . made to thehbn.the InferiorCourt of Effing
ham coiinfy, for leave to sell the lollbwirip binds
One tritct lying in tlie county of Early; known by
the (No. 7) seven 21st district. One tract lying
in the county of Gwiniir.tlj kiimvn by (lie No.two
- . momiiig lusta Doulile Cased ^
supposed {(> be made by E. Johnson, b°P
3464; with a sinfiir gold ring and s b r «» *1
tach’fcd to it 'lfy a ribbon. The
fay rewarded by IcuVIiig it at the Baro
;c'U27, - 181,
, EOilGlA, Eifiiighain s'ounty.—-N.V '
/ , Psimuin, r*iiiu^iimil ' ypi
vjl' the Justices of the Inferior Court oftI
.. .I iu:.i(i.„ ....1 . To all whom if. may Cl ICC*;
Guardian of said orphafis
nug 30 166
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Building?.
April 25 . - , c .
Just Received and for. Sale,
20,000 c T£ A i£Si» A,
sept ‘4.0 , . .
jj 1 The Milfedg’evill Journal und bin.innu!
Republican, will publish the above Until the l v
of November,
june 26 142
O WNERS of Horses, wlio afe In the habit ol
alfa’vving them lo go at large through the
City, aVe notified that in conformity with the Or
dinance', they will be token up alter Thursday
next, atid placed in tlie pound, aird there kept
until'ihe line of five dollars is paid: .
Y: Mi STONE, Marshul,
atfg ip ....... 1'62
Genuine Eau Medicinale da
J UST Importecfliy the ship Emily.
Clarified Honey,
3&i( rfeceived from Boston, und for sale by
Druggisf No. 8, Gibbons’ Buiidlugs
Reject Teas for Family Use,
tUST Received per recent arrivals', a fresh
J Slfpflfy Bf,
(mported by Thou. H. Smith in the 4 ship’Mafia,,
from Canton, at New-York, Customers rooy de
pend on. tlie quality of U103C Teas, as selected by
a first rate judge, and wflrauled to be Of Uie new
Crori, For sale at retail by A. PARSONS
{Druggist/ No, 8, Gibbon's’ Building;
aug 4 168
Wanted Immediately,
A single MAN, who is sober and lionpst, fa
take' charge of a small Plantation near the'
city. Apply to Hie Editor,
ejpt 10
i? in
Ch im i ng Tobacco j
Porter,' fete of Effiughmn comity, df«M
These are therefore to cite and' n .ri
arid singular the kindred and crediloi .J
decoftsed, to file their objection?
»r w 1 "4‘".r£fS»bt c .°3-
lilt a very superior article. For sole by.
Druggist No. 8 Gibbous’ Buildings. 13
I h ought to Jtid,
v N Siivaiinidi on (lie i4tl. >1 st. a negro man who
l ays bis ntuiie is Simon, and that lielielongs to
.1 i,,s McCormack *»f Warren county Georgia und
that lie hiftiiway tr- ui liim ulfaut too month ( tigo
he is 5 j'eet7 inches high nnd about40 years of
age. ■ ■ ; -
JOHN I DEWS, j.c.e.
fa '7 . , , 177 , .
< s jcai and Philosophical
(TBjtllS ftistitulioq iv'll opeq on Monday 1st of
dJL August for the instruction of young gentle-
NE months after date n^hci
made to th'e Hon. the ® 9 f „ rll
Court of the County of Cluithonv^ I
sell ail the real eMa'to belonging
Philip Brasch deceased.
Brought to Jail.
•Tit SavriVinnli, on the 5th Inst, a negro miin xvho
JL says his nnifift'is WillVand that lie' belongs tu
wii’’ ^ •-'..c-'- -...r,. - i*
... ..limn Mtii'phey,, Washington County Geo , muf
that he raft a Way ftbbut 6 months ago, licls 6 feet
high, and ubi ut 26 years of nge, and has a scar,
under the left eye, and says lie is a Blacksmith by
TOHN I. DEWS, l. p. c.
sept 6 ;72
1 lie several branches of, ft polite aiid sci-
eirtiric educatfan will he taugfit in this, establlsli-
ine'nt. l’tireilth and giferdians wlio will' entrust
their children and wurds-fa confidence of tho
principal miiy expect the almost ulteiition paid lo
the literary miproycnierit of tlie scholars.
Latin rtnd Greek per fjifarter $16 Oft
Miitlicijiatfe*, do jt to
EugiisH, do If) IK)
july 21 152 /
The Savannali Repahlicnn is is requested to'
print this ad vcriisflinent dnee ln the week for four
months and forw’tird his account to this office.' -
says Ids name!
to Mr. PnUen, nhd*thnthc ra - if .
Iffml six weeks ago xvhon hc-xx •'
that his master, wits on lirsxyny
rN Savhnrlah on the 14th fa* 1 ' 0 |)C
: s'7 8 hls »■*'# is G,iy faulty
leftort xvill he granted. . „
Witness tlto Hon., John'fc/ltolvens "'^
tlie Justices of the said Court, Uiis-
AusW’ .me. JOHN C»ABLT0S-l*|
-hugest 30 - , lop
and ti nt lie ran axvay alfa' 1 * ” „ s v ii=.]
6 feet 8J inches high and about ; .7. J
he bus a scar under thejH^'| ; ^ ]
sept 17 1*1
j nut
1 du
liit I
I; am
led ft
I sub
lion f\
. ji.iv 12
Brought to .
TN Savannah on toe 20th l ||
A stivs Ill's name is WitJinm, uu f ri) m I