Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 11, 1825, Image 4

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Sheriff's salt's, continued. On the first Tuesday in Oct. next. ^ TTILL be sold at the Court House in the city v V of Savannah between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, All those two lots and improvements in the city of Savannah known in plan of said city as num bers (21) twenty one and (22) twenty two Jack- son ward Orleans square levied on as ntw property n;( Cleaa. Early under.a fi. fa. in favour of Aanos •Scudder. All the right title and interest of Andew Knox in Rica’swharf being one undivided eighth oftwo undevlded thirds and one undevided seventh ol one undevided eighth of two undevided thirds, levied on of Andrew Knox to sat isfy an execution in favour of WKliamson and Dr Villen. Sold at the risk of the former purchaser. I. D’LYON s. c. c. sept 1~ .177 Stierifif’s salts, On thefirst Tuesday in.Yovember next, Vir^llA. be he sold before the Court j House in \M the city of Savannah, between the usual hburs of sale, Two Stages, four horses andfour setts of Har ness, belonging to this end of the Angusta line— levied on under a foreclosure of a Mortgage from Joseph.!. Thompson,to Joseph Camming assigned to Alexander'!. Donsou. A, D’LYON, d. s. c. c. sept 3 171 Tax Collector’s Sales. On the first TUESDAY, in November next Will ho sold, at the Court House, in the city of Savannah, between the horns of 10 and 3 o’clock, the following property, or <eo much thereof as will satisfy the state and county taxes and costs to wit : Lot letter I in Decker Ward, in the city of Sa vannah, with improvements thereon. Levied on to satisfy the state and county taxes of John M. M'Calla, for the year .1824, and costs. Amount oftax—J 39 06. Lot Mo. 38 Columbia Ward, in the city of Sa vannah, subject to ground rent to the corpora tion of said city, with the improvements thereon Levied on to satisfy tile state and county taxes of Ann Rodman, for the years 1823 and 1824— Amount of tax—$ 11 72. A Tract ofT.and in Camden CoHnly, on the south side of Great Satilla River, i-onte ning 60ti acres, more or less. Levied on te satisfy the State and county taxes of the estate of Matthew Johnston, for the years 1823 and 1824 and costs Amount of tax—$10. JAMES EPPINGER, Tax Collect. Chat. County, for 1823 4’ 1824. august 30 169 Tax Collector’s sales, On the first Tuesday in November next, W ill be suld at the court-house in the city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 O’clock the fallowing property, or so much there of as will satisfy the state and county taxes and costs, viz: A tract of laud in Little Ogeched District.Chat- ham ounty, containing 600 acres, more or less, levied on to satisfy the state and county taxes of Peter R. Clifton, for the years 1823 and 1824,and costs; amountoltax $9 62. Lot no. Id, Frraklia ward in the city of Savan- nah, bounded on the east by Jeffnson-st. on the south by ryan-st. subject to’ a ground rent to the corporation of said city, with the improvements thereon, levied on to satisfy the state and cou ty .taxesof the estate of Francis Doyle, for the years 1823and 1824; and costs-; nm’t of tax. $178’ 89. A tract of land in Ogechee District, < hatham -county, containing250 acres, more or less, levied on to satisfy the state and county taxes of Nicho las J. Carter,for tbeyear 1824,andcosts-; amount of tax $2 64. A tract of land in Glynn county, containing 600 acres, taore or less, bounded norlh by land ot Jas Harrison, and on ail other-sides by vacant laud ; granted to John Millerin 1797. levied onto satis fy the Mate and eonnty taxes of Catherine Lim- bert for the years 1822 and 1823; amount ot tax $9 37 JAMES "EPPINGER, Tax Collector, Chatham couuty for 1823—’24 auft 26 167 City Marshals Sale On the first Tuesday in Nov.uext. W ILL be sold in front of the Court House be tween the usual hours of 10 A. ,Vj. and 4 P. M. the following property or as much thereof at will pay the tastes, if they are not paid before that xJay. Lot No. (7) Tower Tything,- Decker Ward, bounded east by lot No. 6, south by Jkoughton st. west by lot No. 8, and north bv a lane, levied on • as the property of the estate of Matthew M’Allis- ter, to satisfy the aslate city taxes for the present year, amount due $3 75 and cost. Half lot N.o. 8, and building Trustee Garden <now attached to Greene ward, bounded east by east Broad st. south by lot No6,west by east broad ei. and north by lot No 7, levied on aslhe proper ty ot Moses Herbert to satisfy a commission and his city taxes for the preseut year. Lot No. 4 Hicks Tything Percival ward, boun ded east by lot No. 5, south by Drayton st. west by 3ot No. 8, and north by Broughton st. levied on a’s the property of Judy Minis to satisfy her city tax- «s for the years 1823 and 1824,amount aue $40 93 and cost. A building on Telfairs lot Joacbim st. Ogletborp ward, levied on as the property of Joe (-'amphell to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823, 1824 and 1326, amount due $1 37 and co«u A building on lot No. 17, St. Gull Oglethorpe ward, levied on as the property of James Curley,; to satisfy his city taxes for the yeai 1823,1824 and 1826, aiftount due $1 00 aad cos*. A building on lot N«. L Trustee garden now known as Greene ward, situated on east Boundary at. levied on as the .property of Mary and Geo. M. Carter, to satisfy their city tax for the present year, amount due $3 624 and cost F. M. STONE, City Marshal oct 1 183 Executors Soles, On the first Tuesday in November next. W ILL besoldnlthe Court House inRiccboro Liberty county between the usual hours ot sate, Hie following property vis’. One negro boy named Morris 'the property.of the list, ot Dr. Thus. Stevens dec. Sold by per mission of the lion- (he Inferior court of Liberty county for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors. SAMUEL STEVENS, Ex’r. sept 22 179 Administrator’s Sales, On the first Tuesday in.Vovember next. W ILL be sold at the Court House in Ricebo- ro Liberty county between the usual hours of sale, The following tracts or lots of land viz: One tract or lot of land no. 865; 7th District Wilk inson now Telfair county containing 2024 -acres. One ot her tract or lot of land no 329: 7th District Wilkinson, now Telfaircounty containing 2024 acres. ' ; One othertract or lot of lanilno 486; 7th District. Wilkinson now Telfaircounty containing 2924’. acres. One other tract or lot ofland no 25*; 11th Dis-. trict Witkinscn now Telfaircounty containing 2024 ncres. One other iot-or tract of Land no 183; 8fhDistriet ! Munro now Pike counts containing 2021 acres (j One other tract or lot of land-no 87; Sth District Munro county coutaibg 2»24 acres. One other tract or lot of land no 199 '1st District 1 Walton county 250 aers. One othcriract or lot ofland no 321; 14th : Dlstrict Telfair coun'y containing 2024 acres. Being the real estate of L Lard dec. Sold by' permission of the hon. the Inferior C"urt of Lib erty county for tbebenefit ofthe Heirs and Cred itors. EDWARD WAY, Adm’r. sept 17 177 Inferior Court—Chatham comity July Term, 182-3 U PON the petition of William Black, stating that he was possessed of U certain promisso ry note lor six hundred and fifty dollars, made on the second day of February Eighteen hundred and twenty, by Mary Alotta, payable two years af ter date to Edmund Warren, or order, and upon which note the said Edmund had made a guaran tee in these words; “ l gutfrdutee the payment of- the within note to the tune stated." Signed Ed mund Warren, “and which note was by the-said ■ Edmund delivered to the petitioner. If appear ing to the CoOft tbatthe said note has been lost and cannot he found and that a copy of said note as near as can be recollected together With evi dence of its existence and loss is filed in the ol its Clerk. On Motion of Law Si Jackson, it Is ordered that any and all persons interested do shew cause on or before the next term ol this Court why the prayer ofthe petitioner for the Establish ment ofJnc said note should not he granted, and that this rule be published in one of tbe public Ga zettes of this state once li month until the time appointed for shewing.ceose thereon. A true Extract from the minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clk. aug 2 187 Notice. N INE months after date application will mr ' G EORGIA, Chatham County By the hon. tne .Justices of Iht Inferior court sitting for ordma ry purposes. To all whom it may concern.. Where** James J. Cuthhert lias applied to the honorable the court of ordinary of Chatham coun ty. t’<^r letters of guardianship on the person and' property of George Bridget', an orphan child of Bridger, late of Chatham -county dec’d. ■aud under 14 years-of age. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and friends of the said orphan, to file their objections (if any they, have)'to the granting dt (he guardianship of the said orphan to the applicant in the clerk’s office' of the said court, on or before the 7th 'day of November next : -otherwise letters of guardian ship will be granted. Witness the honorable 'Elias Fnft, one if the Justices of the said Court this 7th davof October, A. D. 1825. S. M. BOND, c c o. oct 8 lPifi corner of Bull ami Bryan streets, being No 6, iekvi Tything, Derby Ward, in the city ol Savannah, belonging -to the estate of Robert S. Gihsr , deed, for thc'beuefit of the hews and creditors of said estate. JAMES BARNARD, . Executor. jan 25 19 TheOhl English Razors, -Unproved acd warranted to shave well. HEAD QVJRTER8, WAYNESBORO, 14th July, 1828. BRIGADE ORDERS. In Cpnformityto .orders from flic Major General ofthe Division, eni- nutiug from ordersAf the Comman der. iu chief, Colonels George Wych, David T Smith, Augustus S. Jones, Robert Tittle, t L ttleton Spivy.and Michael Young, of the 4th, 5th, tith, 7th, 8th, and 9th IW>- giments, are ordered to proceed lortlnvith,to the completion of tho organizatlfin of their respective Regiments, where tiro privates ne glect or roftjso to elect officers,they must he uouiluhted as directed by law, ami such nominate I persons, will be cons id ©red liable to all the duties, and subject to all the fines and penalties, for military officers, as officers arc who have been duly elected and commission ed. The Patrol duties.required by law, it is further ordered, will be enforced with military exact ness. A prompt report oftheVxecution of these or ders, forwarded direct to the Brigadier General, will be expected. D AVID T AY LOR, jt\ n. <J. fnlv 18 m151 Scouring and Dying, made to the Honorable the Inferior Court o|. j* rRS. Rawly, formerly Mrs. Kelly, most re- Chatham County, tor leave to sell a lot on the j * spectfully acquaints her friends and the 'jVpN E months niter the dale hereoi; application -Lx will be made to the Hon. the Court of Ordi nary for the County of Chatham, for leave to sell the whole ora part, ©r-psrts of a tract of land,- lyingand being inthe county of Effingham, con taining by recent survey, ninp hundr-d and. eigh- ty'five acres, and known by the name of theTuck-' asserting Tract, farmery the property* of King and Hotchkiss, now belonging to the estate of Alexander S. Roe’s orphans, fur tbe benefit of said orphans. WILLIAM MOREL, Ttuardian A. S Roe’s Orphans, july 14 149 Sheriff’s Sule. On the first Tuesday in December next. W ILL be sold before the Court House in Ef fingham County, between the usual hours of sale. Twelve head of Horses, levied on as tbe pro perty of Joseph-1 Thompson, to satisfy a foreclo sure of a mortgage in favour of Joseph Cumming THOS. ELKINS, s. x. c. 1 sept 29 182 WI Sale. rlTHE subscriber has just received to Order (roar A Thomas-Hi.trgil, John (Barber, and G !■ Furnis, Sbeffiel 1 England—alt dleganlassortmenl of those Razors, in red Morocco cases, of pairs and single, ornamented, and the workmanship throughout is vm ranted to be of the best kind. pentleuien wishing to article o this kind, may do well to call bn A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings. April 2 • ♦ ( 'i EORG1A Effingham County- By the him tht 31 Justices ofthe Inferior court sitting for ordina ry purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Mary Ann Portej- widow, applies to the honorable the court of ordinary of Effingham county for letters of administration on the -state and effects of -William G Porter dec. late of Ef- fiugham County. These are therefore to bite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said let-eased, to file tbeir objections (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of -the estate of the deceased to the applicant, in the lark's Office of the said Court, on or before the S-tih day of October hext-; otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Witness the bonoremc-Herman Elkins, one of the Justices ol the said court tills twenty-fourth day of September, A. D. 1826. JOHN CHARLTON,c.c. o. K. c. sept 24 180 N INE months after date application will be mndc to the hon. the Justices of the Inferior Co rt of Bulloch County, for leave to sell a tract ol lend, containing two lutnred acres more or less lying and being in the county of Houston in the state of Georgia, known by the No. 97, fourteenth district, sold fortlie benefit of the heirs andcred- itorsof Purvis, an orphan dec. -— murphy; june 2 124 Gua'dn.andA Twenty Dollars H ovard, R ANAWaY From the Subscriber some time in April last, a negro man named Will, some times calls himself Willis, about six feet high-ant) about 23 years of age, he has a sulky look and an effeminate voice, speaks slow when snoken -t< has a srar on the upper lip or under the left eyi as likewise a scar on the left arm, occasioned ■from a blow of a stifck.he is a Blacksmith by trade I will gige the above reward for the delivery o said ««gre in any jail in the State so f get him. WILLIAM MURPHEY, Washington County Geo aug 4 *158*8 Elegant Brushes, J UST received from Mr. Taylor’s Factory, viz Cloth Brushes, Hair Patent penetrating, large and very su perior, YAater proof do. Tooth Brushes, silver u#e, Jappaned Flesh Brushes, Plate, Shaving and Comb do. Bottle Bruses. For sale by, * A. PASONS, Druggist No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildildgs. «pt 13 •Sheriff’^ Sales. On the first Tuesday in Nov. next. ILL be sold-before the Court House in Ef fingham County, between the usua'i hours of One hundred acres ofland more or less, grant ed to Andrew Lambert, and four hundred acre-, of land more or less, originally granted to Clement Martain, bounded by Abercorn Creek on the North and Calvins Creek on the East, lying in Effingham County—Levied on as the property of Seth G. Threadcraft, to satisfy an execution iu fa vour of William Mein. Also, twelve hundred acres ofland more or less bounded by lands of Paul Beville and by the Sa-. vannah’ river on the East, and on the Augusta Road, lying in Effingham County-—levied on os the property of Grosse Scruggs dec. to satisfy an execution in favour of Elias Read and others. THOS. ELKINS, s. E .c. aept 20 182 Sheriff Sale, , On the first Tuesday in November next. TITiLL be sold befre theCourtHouse in Chat- . \\ ham Comity, between the Usual hours. All tbatcerthin tract or parcel of laud situated ih the County of Chatham and State of Georgia on the salts betweqp the Islands of Skedaway nnd Burnsides and known by the nnmeofRedoubs Island containing sixty, three acres more or less; also all that other tract or pared of land situated and being on Skidaway Island in the County aforesaid, composed qf three 'different ap'd or iginally distinct tract of land but adjoining each other, the first of which was originally granted to Miclael Ritter for one hundred acres, the sec ondmf which was "figinaly granted to JnO. Ellis fbrfiQy acres, and the thurd and last of which was orginaly granted 0 Michael Ritter for fifty acres, which t|iree tracts ofland contain in the whole fnot including Redoubt IslaoffJ two Hundred and tulrty seven acres vyith the appurtenances. |pvi- ed on to satify the Planters Fank of the state of t Geo. on loradoqure ot morguge, against John W Stirk* ISAAC D’LYON. 8. c. c. Oat 1 38? . \ EuKGIA. EffiinghamCoiinty—Bythellon.thc VJT Justices y the Ivferior court sitting for ordi- eory.purposes. To all whom it ha ay coticerti. Whereas Elias Herd administrator of IV. J. Spencer, dec. has petitioned the Hon. the Court Of Ordinary to be dismissed from iiis said admin- istrnion. . These fire therefore to cite and admonish ali and singuiarthe kimh-ed and creditors ofthe said dec’d, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the Ctcrk of the court of ordinary on or before the 28lh day of December next, otherwive-lettcrs dismissory will be granted the petitioner. WifnVss the'Hon. John Wnldhour, one of the lusthcCrof-the said Cdbrt, the 27th day of June, A. D. 1826 iune28 334 JOHN CH'ARJ.TONc.e.o.c.c lit'oru ia—Chatham County, COURT OF ORDINARY, 1st Aueust, 1625 O N the petition of Robert HabeiTiam and J . seph Habersham Executors of Francis Cour- voisie, late of t-batham County planter dec’d sta ting that by the Will of the said dec’d it is ordered that a trict ofland in Chatham county situated on the Louisville Road, -eontaii-ing fifteen hundred and fifty acres, known the ilhme of Clay's place hounded 011 the north anr -north ensi by land formerly the property ofH.. oinquin dec’d, east erly by lands ot tlu- Estate of,Iolia Gibbons and others, fioiitherly and westerly by lands of the estates of Jusiah B Fox and James Habersham Also a tract of land in Camden county on the Sn tilliiRiver containing one thousand acres more or less, originally granted to William Telfair; and praying leave to sell the aforesaid tracts ot land agreeably to'the will of (lie deed. It i« ordered that an order nisi be granted thr petitioners, and he published nine months in one o! the public Gazettes of the City of Savannah and if no objections are fUeff-thereto that then be made absolute. Extract from the minutes S. M. BOND, c.’c. o. mig 13 163 Georgia—Chatham County. B EFORE me Isaac Russell, one of the Justices assigned to keep the Peace for the county aud stale aforesaid. Came Peter Duri eer, who made oath in w riting that he seized and took a- way from a slave, known by the..same of Jack Moore, arid said to belong to one Sami Hale, of Augusta, the following articles to wit. One Flat, a wooden shed building on a lot, belonging to Mr. Joseph Stiles situated in YammacraW, also one small Stove and pipe, four Iron hound Kegs, an ullage keg ot Tobacco, two pair ol Scales, two Axes, five Jugs, four iron Pots, one Dirrimi- jon, one-box ot Rosin, one trunk with Dry Goods, one pair of Sliliards, or.e barrel ot Cow peas one writing desk, arid several other small articles; Of which a schedule of the. same has been fur nished me and said articles put in my possession. I his is to notify the said band. Hale or any other person, who may be interested in’ any , of said property that I shall in conformity with an act of the Legislature of 1 this Slate proceed to make or der ofForfeilure and Sale, in ten days from this date, if said properly he not claimed agreeable to the provisions oi said act. Savannah 30lh August 1925. ISAAC RUSSELL, j. r. c.c.’ aug 30 109 G EORGIA, Chatham county—By the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior court sitting for ordi nary purposes. To all whom il may concern. Whereas Wm. Roche, applied to the hon. the court of Ordinary of Chatham county for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Jno Grihbin, late of Savannah merchant, dee. as prin cippl creditor. These ore therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors ot the said decoascd, to file their objections (if any they have) to thegranting of the administration oi the estate of the deceased to thr applicant in the Clerk's office of the said Coi|rt, on or before the sixth day of October next; otherwise letters of ad ministration will be granted. Witness the hon. Elias Fdrt, one of the Justice of the said Court, the sixth Iny of September, A- D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five. 3; M. BOND, c. c. 0. septa m -• 1 . DR. DYOTT'8 Approved Anti-Bilious Piils, Which prevent and cure nil Bilious Complaints MALIGNANT KKVeRS,&.c T HESE PILLS if administered in time to re move the bile from the stomach, will coun teract the causes which commonly produce ye! low or bilious fever, ague or fall fevers, bilious oliolic, pleurisy, dysentery, worms, sick and foul stomach,head ache, loss of appetite, flatulence epileptic fits hypochondria and hysterical com plaints, sour stomach, heart burn, dyspepsia or in digestion, her.. They rpraoce habitual Costiveness colds and coughs, ujtlima, stiangnarv cnivel rheumatism, gout, scurvy,scorbutic Mutebes, ini purities in the blood, female complaints;Kc. If taken about once a fortnight during ibe Springond Summer months, they will pro; e a certain preventive.against the flgueund prevailing Full Sickness. 0 A bill of directions farSakttjgtfiemaceofripanigs each box.of pills ; small boxes 25 cents, large do. 50 cents. And by appointment sold by A PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbous’ Buildings. \prd 25 91 . b spectfully acquaints puldic, that she has Removed her Establishment Iron, James square, to the lane in the rear of Dr. Serevens, next door tu Mr Lawrence Duniphy ’s Grocery, VVliituker sl. Where she continues car rying on the Scourin'end Dying business in nil its vuiliiuS!-nunches, Leghorn, Straw and C'hip’d Bonnets, pressed n u done up iu the best stile, on Moderate terms uutl solicits a contiiiunnc- of public Patronage. ANN RAWLY, sept 13 *cl78 Oil of iforrnst.i d. r |THF. Oil of Wormsecd is the most innocent as I. well as most powerful vermifuge yet known properly managed and genuine, (as this is War- anted-to be) by A. PARSONS, * Druggist No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings. mav,17 REMEDY AGAINST D y &'PE P SIAs D r. J. w, ATTRIDQF.’S TINCTURE/or in digestion, termed Dyspepsia. The discov ery of this Medicine Iras been tho effect of Ions and attentive study, and it now made public from the most decided conviction founded on ample e perience of its power in etadicating this disease,' after every other Medicine had failed, it has on ly been in this country twelve months, nnd it has ifottc wonders in giving restoration, end in asth- inatiral cases, its beneficial effect has been aston ishing. Dr. James Farmer, Member ofthe Royal College of Surgeons in London, declares in his Treatise, that Asthma and indigestion are found coexisting, the stomach at all limes exerts consid erable influence over the pntmonary functions, and it is therefore fair to conclude that tile former disease is aggravated by (he tr.tter. Asthmatic people, contiiiu s tho learned Doctor, should im pose-upon themselves the same regulation as if the case were purely disper-tic. This tincture o- pens obstructions of the spleen and liver, cleans- eth the breast of phlegm, and the chest of hu mours gathered therein; removes pain jn thebatk, stomach and sides, and the windy cholic-. Also giddiness in tlte head, which all proceed from in digestion. It has been .recommended by some of the most eminent physiciansasa valuable med icine in dispepsia.lmt it does not cure al! disease. Sold in square bottle?, with Dr. Attridge, London, an each bottle, wholesale and retail, by AUGUST G. OEMLKR, Agent, At his Drug Store:corner ol Whitaker and Broughton Streets. feb 16 34 Georgia—Liberty County, T>Y Elijah Baker, vU-vkoflUo Court of Urdina- 13 ry for the County of Liberty. Joseph M’Gowenjr. applies for letters of ad ministration on the goods and chattels, lights and credits that were ol John M’Gowen, late ot said county dec’d. These are therefor© to cite and admonish all nnd singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec’d, to file their objections (if any' they have) iu my office at Uieetiorough, on; or before the first Monday in October next; otlierivis letters of administration will be granted to the said appli cant. ' Given under my hand and seal, this eleventh day of Augustin the year ol our Lord eighteen hundred aud twenty hve, and in the fifteenth your of American Independence. E. BAKER, c c. o. c. 1. mig 18 . *164 A LL persons having anydemands against Beni Burton dec’d and late of the County of El- tingnam, arc requested to present them to ihe subscriber, properly authenticated. And those indebted to make payment forthwith. ROBERT 1* BURTON, Admr. RiceL-oro. aug 13 ill 62 » ; GoKUIA, 1 huilmm county. By the hon tin VJT Justices of the Inferior CoxIrt, whits sitting far ordinary purposes. To ail whom it may concern. Whereas,llamutal Johnson,executrix of Tiiom as Johnson, late of Savamiuli, deceased, has peti tioned the lion, the court of ordinary, to be dis charged from tier said executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish alt and singular the kindred utid creditors of the said deceased, to file their -objections (If sny they have) iu the cierk’s office ot the court of ordinary on or befpre the the 3d dfty of Nov. next, other wise letters dismissory will be granted the peti- tioncr. - Wit; essthe Hon, John Cumming, one the Jus tices of said court, this 3yl day of May, A-D. 1825. may 3 S M BOND, coo. g * iCOUUIA, Chatham Couuty.—By the Thi. V.T the Justices of the Inferior Court, silling fo ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern.' Whereas'Isaiah Davenport, administrator ot Win.Atkerson, dec. has petitioned the houorahh- the Court of Ordinary ta .be discharged from hi- said administration. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tlte kindred and creditors of th . Said dec. to Ale their objections,(if any they have) in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Ordina ry, on or before V,.e 3d day of November next, o therxvisc letters dismissory will be granted the pe titioner. Witness the hon. John Cumming, ene of the Justices ofthe said Court this 3d day of May, A. 1), IR25. 8. M. BOND, c. c. 0. may 3 , r _ r e EORUIA Chathani-.cuunty—By the hon. the IT Justices of the Inferiorevurt of Chatham coun ty sitting for ordinary piuposes. Tt» all whom it may concern. Whereas Isaiah Davenport, administrator of tne estate of Samuel Davenport, late of’Savannah carpenter, dec. has petitioned the hon. court of Ordinary to be discharged from his said adminis (option. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors o' Uu said deceased to file their objections (if any tltey have,) iu the office of the office of the Clerk ol the court of ordinary, on or before the 3d day ol Nov. next, otherwise tetters dismissory will be granted the petitioner. Witness the honorable John -Cumming, one of the Justices of said court this 3d day ol May, A. D 1825. S. M, BOND, u C o. n ay 3 _ 1 E()RGI A, ChaTtuini County—lly the lion, tin T~ Justices of the Inferior Court sitting for or dinary purpoies: To all w'liom it may concern. . Whereas Timothy Barnard, executor of Warren Percival, dec’d, has petitioned the Court of Ordi nary, to he discharged from his said executorship Tlmse are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec. to file their objection*, If any (hey have, In the clerk’s office ofthe said court, on or before Hie twelfth day of November next ; otherwise letters dismissory will he pranted the petitionee. Witnessthe lion. Edward Harden, one or the Justices of the said Court, the 12th day of May, A. D. 1826. S. M. BOND, c c o. mav 12 106 Notice, 4 LLpcrsons indebted to the estate of Alexau C11 der Martin, late of Liberty County, deceas id, arerequested to make immediate payment. R. F. BAKER, t may 10 $112 W. II. MARTIN, ( Ex’rs. Just Received, P er s'ip Louisa Matilda, a large and choice supply of Genuine Drugs, Chemicals, Spi ces, Perfumery, Die Stull's, Fancy Articles, t!yc ^*c. carefully selected by the proprietor at the North and particularly suited to this market—which ad ded to his fo raer stock on hand, renders his us snrtment, very extensive and wel worthy the at tention o'f Dealers. G.-ntiemen, Fhysicians, Colin- .ry merchants, Planters and all others that wi-h t< purchase in this line are invited to call und exam- ice. for themselves, as they will be sold on as lib eral terms as any house may offer in this city.. For sale wholesaieand retail by 1 A. PARSONS, Druggist No 8, Gibbons’ Buildings, F or\1 fj Fine Chewing Tobacco, J UST received f>er Corsair, Lorillards Manufac turing, und to *«ule by A. PARSONS, Druggist No8, Gibbons’.Buildings. may 13 Madeira IF? tic s. ’TYHF. undersigned has on hand, and offie rsfo l sale upon liberal terms for cash or approved acceptances, payable iu this city, a quantity of Madeira Wine of the justly celebrated brand of John Howard March ^ Co. in pipes, hull-pipes, quarter casks and eighths, of various importations; some very old, arid all very superior. *He has always n subscription List open for the importation of Wine from Madeira to this place and will thankfully receive orders for any quan ti<v: he will in the course of this month, forward a fist which will be supplied in the cuuise of the next ensuing autumn. PETIT DE FILLERS. Snrannah, 7th July, 1826. Factor july 12 ctI-18 ii.YVv AuiKF. 1 |1HE siibcribers having associated themselves 1 together in the practice tff law, are prepare., to attend to any business in tbe line of their pro fession They Will practice in tbe counties ol Bibb. Monroe Pike, Fayette, Newton, Houston, Crawford, Upson, Baldwin, Jones, Twiggs, Pulaski, Jasper,Putnam, and Wilkinson, AJ) 1)1 SON MAN DELL THOMAS CAMPBELL Macon Dee 27, 1824. tf41. aug 4 168Ian Just Received and for Sate, OH ftfin CABANA HEG4R9. by AA *5" "" f\J J. B. HERBERT L CO. M“pt 20 Notico. O WNERS of Horses, who arc in tbe habit of allowing them to go at large through (tie r if Jr, « re notified thnl in conformity with the Or dinance, they wilt he taken up after Thtnsdav next, and placed in the pound, nnd there kept until the One of five dollars is paid. F. M.-STONE, Marshal, . aug 16 162 Select Teas lor Family Use, J UST Received per recent arrivals, a fresh supply of, ^ S ' isa IMramAt, HYSON YOUNG HYSON, nnd POUCJIONG TEAS, Imported by Thos. H, S/nifh In the ship Maria from Canton, ut New,Vork. Customers may dc- pend On the quality of those Teas, os selected by a first rate judge, aifd waranted to be of tbe new <rop. For sale at retail by A PARSONS aug 4 lI J68 8SiSt ’ N °' B ' Gi,,b ’ a »' buildings J5an!< of Darien. R ESOLVED that a reduction of toper cent In and is hereby required, on all paper due hi tne mother Bank, on or before the 21 thereafter’, November ttext, and at every renewa IhreUlt-i a similar reduction until the same shall have a- inounted to 30 per cent. Extract from the minutes. EBEN. S. REES cash, O’ The Milledgevill Journal and Savannah Republican, will publish the above until the 1st of November, june 25 142 ' , Gen uine Ra u Medic inale de Husson, J UST Imported by the ship F.miiV. ALSO. Clarified I Itaipy, Jusi received from Boston, atidYor sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings, april 7 • Wanted Iniprcdiately, A sipelo MAN,'who is sober and lionesl, In take charge of a small Plantation near the city. Apply to the Editor, s>-p' !«■ . 174b N INE months afterdate application will h» made io the hon. Inferior court of Liberty county-, for leisve to sell the. rtr.l and personal es tate of Lodowick Lard, late of Tattnall court- deceased, for the benefit ot the heirs and cred tors. E. WAY, Adm’r. aug 31 Jo171 > Bagging, Nails. Sfe. PIECES 42 inch Cotton Bagging, <3UUi90 Casks Cut Nais 9 Hogsheads L ) Philnpelphia 37 Barrels \ Whiskey 1 Hogshead Tulmco For sale by H. LORD k CO. Mongin’s Wharf sept 3 171 G F.0RG1A, Chatham Cwanty- , tha Justices ofthe lnfXfl^l lor ordinary purposes, 10 (,0u d, 1 ■ fo all whom it mav Whereas, William Ralm,ndmin&' non ol the estate of John s. Afiev ft Rolled the Hon. the Court uf OnV,,. 1 charged from his said adininistrai, , y these are therefore to cite n„.| „, Mid singular the kindred and crcni deeeaseu to filetltetr objections if fS ol in the clerk’s office, of tl sa ’d fore the 9th day of January ‘° X T letters dismissory will be arautsd th. Witness the Hon. E. Hare&ffi ol said court, this «th day of July , a, y J ! •July 9 s -M B0N U ; 147 on of tnrofl EuRGIA, Chatlmm Count I Justices ol the Inferior county, sit ing for ordinary -urpv,,, 1 To ail to whom it may con®. Whereas Levi a. D’Lyon, adifiidB eslute of HeKekiah Winkler, dec. b? the hon. the Court of Ordinary to l) 6 j- from his said administration; 0I ™ l'iiese are therefore tq cite and and singular the kindred )md crcditmw! 1 ^ deceased to file their objections |f a „, ft in the Clerks office of ttie Court of Otlv or belore the ninth day of January 1 Wise letters dis 1 issory will be granted 1 • tioner. _ Witness the Hon, Etil. Harden,nnr'hfil, tices of the said court, this 9th day of t„ 1. 1825. s.m. Bono), july 9 147 M / t EORGIA— l-.tliiigiiuiii County.—fiT VI the Justices of Ihe Inferior Court county, sitting for ordinary purposes. ' To till wham it may concent Whereas, Hnwcll Hines, executor n| Hines, has petitioned to the Hon.tin] the Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary' >o be discharged from the bkecutorshipj These are therefore to cite andadmoniiiim .ngular the kindred nnd creditors of th-aid cased, to file their objections (if any thefti n the Clerk’s Office ofllie said Cointhi oefore - the 4th day of December nexfcoii 'alter? dismissory will be granted. ” Witness the Iloti, John Wnldhaudriuie •h.-|J JVI INE, Months after date appligutinn will b .Lx tiiude to tlu-hon.tlie InteriorCourt of Effing ham county, for leave to x<-li tbe following thuds One tract lying in the county ol Early, known by Ihe (No. 7) seven 21st district. One tract lying in the county of Gwinnett, known bythe No.two hundred and fifty seven (257) 7th district sold for .lie benefit of E bound. Martha and Benjamin Lavenucr, orphans of Jas. Luvendri deceased. JOHN CHARLTON, Guardian of said orphans aug 30 166 Cla wing TpbaeCo, J UST received, and it Is recommended as be- inga very superior article. For sale by. A. PARSONS, Drtlggist No. 8 Gibbous’ liuiidiqgg.. sept 13 brought to Jail, I N Savannah on the I4lh inst.n negro man who . rays Ids name is Htnon, and that lie belongs to John McCormack id Wafreii county Georgia und that herdnaway from him about too month ago he is 5 feet 7 inches high and'ab6ui40 years ol age. JOHN i DEWS, 3. c. e. r-pl 177 a... steal, and Philosophical SEMINAR* OF ST. AUGUSTINE 1/fpHIS Instilutiort w'llopen on Monday 1st of An. 1 11st for the instrueflon of young gentlo- Tlie several branches of a polite and sci- hrought to Jail. t N Savannah, on the 5th inst. a negro man w ho says bis name is Will; ft „d |j,' u t he belonas to William Murphey, Washington County Geo., and that he ranawuy about .1 mouths ago, he ib 6 feet Idgh, and ab ut 25 yeafs (,( age, and ha's, a scar under the Ipfl eye, undMys he is a Blacksmith by trade • . ? I sept fi l7» JOHN I. DEWS, j. c. c. 11 men eat:fic education wilf he tangjit in this ostahlisli- fi'Cnt. Parents and gqaidiuns wlm will entrust their children and wards to (he ( onfidenee ol ttie principal may expect the utmost attention paid to (hr.literary improvement of the scholars. * . TERMS OF TUITION. J.ntin and Greek per quarter $16 00 Mathematics, do j, (0 English V do 10 00 . Rev’d TlMOTHY-M’CARTIlY. Jttly 21 152 The Savannah Republican is is requested to firml tliig advertisement once in the week for lour. taouUit und lorwui'd hb account to thh ofcca, Justices of the snid Court, the 4th M may 5 lOO JNO CHAR G EORGIA, Chatham County--. Justices of the Inferior Court 1 nary purpose. i < To all whom it may cone Whereas Francis H. \\ clmftn, ex jainin Brooks, of Savannah, Merchal , _. v petitioned the Hon. life Cnrirt Of Or inBry discharged trom,Ids said executership, ’ These are 1 Ijerefore to cite and admonish, a;|J •ingularthe kindred and creditors of the said* to file their olijei lions .(if any liicy have) in elrk's office ofthe said Court, on or brio- • vel th dny of November next; otherwise • inissory will be granted the petitioner. Witness the Hon. Edward Harden, one 1, lustices of the said Court, the Ifith duvet 1 A. P. 1326. ^ S. M BONfhcitx ( '1 EORGIA Clmthttin County—By tht T the Justine ofthe hferior Court 'ji chllu County .tilting for ordinary purposes. • To all whom .it may concent. Where as Hnmutal Johnson Executrix of I edict Bourquin lute of Chatham County deceased so far as relates to ids personal; i ministrafive of the real estate ofthe said de. lias petitioned the Hon. Court of Ordihary ... discharged from her said Executorship and; ministratorsidp. ' • l'iiese are therefore to cite and adminiih nnd singuiarthe kindred nnd creditors of ffirJ deceased to file their objections if any they |J in the Clerk’s Office ofthe Court of ordinary j or before the third day of November next, offi wise I.elters Dismissory willhe grantejjthe timicr. Witness the Honorable Jacob Read one of | said Justices,’this the third day of May, A U < thousand eight hundred nnd twenty five, f may 3 _ S, M. BOND.c. c 11J TAj INF. months’after date application nil IN made to the lion.' Inferior Court of lit .County when- silling for ordinary fmrpOini leave toseil certain tracts of Fine Land, situ on .and near DoctnijLCreek nnd other places,b thr. benefit of the Heirs and Creditors Miilia Anderson, deceased. may .14 1f>B JOS. JONES, Admr. | "IVjlNE months alter date applit at ion will J. 1 made to the Hon the Inferior Court cfCi lirtin Countv lor, leave fo sell all the real estate Jpmes Wallace, Estp dec’d. rrinsisting of Whi Lot* No. 9 nnd 10; Lot No. 7, Carpenter's Rox| Lot No. 3, Washington Ward ; Lht No, 29, ai improvements, Washington Ward, situated in ll city ofSavniuiHlv,!— and five Lots inthe Tsvs hlardwicke, Bryan County,No. 48, 49, 63, fit , lot the benefit of the heirs andcredito%«h KNS, Nc JU'.R .1.1 bmed 1 fol | .-Jiiid g,ry- lllidrt SU. J ||.rill. Metric Lg l»Wr I11 ral - TIC’ f 0. Btocl Irity 1.110 N lent! Iredt pu( t 13to I Tu la ich I lairti 7 HI f th vd had |\ at fided leht lude |’il. Kert aid! irhoi kcliv peat may 31 422 G. W. Oil I Adm’r of J. fi r,Han, NOTICE. R ANAWAY from the Subscriber some timt March Iasi,a negro womanala ut 28 yesool yellow complccllon, front teeth out,.branded the breast (with the letter,s'G; MIFF.) She torn)' ly belonged to George Hippof Savannah, and| think ;t it try to mane for that place fry Ibe of Augusta, anil it is more than probable she try to puss for a free Woman. Any person giving me Information so that I get her ngain, dr M| her in some Jail, shall \t& entitled to a reward ten dollars; JOHN T. C ARR. IVillingtdh S. C. Abbeville District sept 29 a 182 . ’ Watch Lost. L EFT ih the yard of the City Hotel on Sntif | morning lasia Double Cased Engl sli Wfich supposed to be made by E. Johnson, London,to-j 345-1, with p small gold ring and a brass key it-1 Inched to it by a ribbon. The finder will hesuikl bly rewarded by>leaving it at the Bar ofthe Lit/I Hotel. B ye .4 27 IS! e EOiu.lA, c ouiiiy.—By the tkvj V * the Justices of the. Inferior Court of EfinfiMj County-, sitting for ordtmrry purposes., t o all whom it may concern. , Whereas Matthew Reiser applies lor letters* administration on ttie estate and etfects of JaW f’orter, late of Effingham county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and- admonish nnd singular the kindred and creditors ol 'he'd deceased, to file tbeir objections (it any they have) in t .e Clerk’s office ot the said Comi, on ot w lore (lie 27tli day of 8e|itembcr next, others* letters will be granted, Witness the Hon. John C. Helvenslon, ont the Justices of the said Court, *liis 27th day® August, 1825. , JOHN CHARLTON, Clerk, hugnst 30 169 ^ l\ o.tice ]V r lNE. months nfter date application MU *! .11 made to the Hon. Ihe justicesol the ltif er|fl \ Court of the County of Chatliftm for leSVe set all the heal,estate belonging to the estate 0 Philip Brttsch deceased. CATHARINE A. BRASCH, july 12 AJruis*^ Brought to Juil, ! I N Snvnnnnli oil the 29|li lilt. 0 negro lua .," n „ J says his name is W illintn. and that he l 7. 10 8 to Mr. Fatten, and that he runaway fro® '■"™ n( j bout six weeks ugo when he wits in Atig»is ,a < that hismaster was on hiswuy to New-Orlci"'*) , is 0 feet 4j) inches high nnd nlmut 25 yenrso> 6 - June 20 139 JNO. I. DEWS. J-fR* Drought To Jail- . I N SavHnniili on the 14th inst. a negro itl.fin. says lijs name is Guy and that lie hem ft | MrstluiimtalJrihiixtoii, ot Bourlce county h-A and that lie ran nwny aliouttoo inonlhs ngoiji 5feet,8i inches Iiiab and about 25 years o 8 lie tms a scar under the right eye' / JN til, sopt 17 177 /. c ) * >'