Newspaper Page Text
buhI College of S. Curolimi;
I ECtrUIUirt of this Institution will be to
E ' , icd-.0n" (,’ie second Monday of November
-iiw/am^By John Edward* Holbrdok,
L r „.~Jam4s Ramsay, M. D.
In * V IJ^/fnF
Until o and Practice of Mtdicint^S. Bonry
* M- O. ,
„Medico— Henry R. Frost, M. D,
iesof I
I. D.
| rt ,Q I’liolean. tM
Llr^ d namdcy
Edmund Rhvcncl,
ml Itidofy and Rointiy—Stephen Elliott; L
Dean of the Fucully.
'Treasury Department,
29th Arnit,, 18^5.
nCE is hereby givnn, that on tun first day
Lf October next, tlie principal of tile six per.
Lrkoftho Doited Stale, created under the
r.jtyhfan Act of Congress, entitled “An
i iioriditg n Loan for a sum not exceeding
» Millions of’ Dollars” approved on the
' i ThonsAii
lentil ilnv of March, One Thousand Elgin
IredsiulTwelvo, togetherwith the interest
line thereon, will lie paid to the Proprietors
I Stock, or'o their Attorneys duly authorised,
J Treasury of the United Statu* in Washing-
|. u { ot ttic several Loan Offices, on the Books
V h nny portion of Said stock may stand,
^render of the Certificates , of said Stock
iiuired at Die time of payment, and the
|iton said Stock will cease, from and after
nrtielh day of September next
Acting Secretary of Me Treat ary
il ...
Troii.sury Departmeiitr
WT^HF 1 ,subscriber (late ofSavannali) has esta
da, fished himself in this City for the transact
ion of Commission business am. begs leave to ten.
der his services to his frieuos and the public in
. New-York Sept. 1825.
References in Sovanttah,
Mr. .1 ph Cutnming
Messrs. John Gumming
Mr. William Gaston
net 6 186
and Sort
March 14, 1825.
hfEIlEAS, Oil the 6tli Marcli, 1825, a law
was passed by the Congress of the United
|,, ji which the 3d, 4th, and 5th sections are
■ wards following,Vizi
,3. hid be it fdriller enacted, That a Sub-
on to the amount of twelve millions of dol
tthesi* jler cent,stock of tkeyeareighteen
.vd and thirteen, be; ami the same is hereby
Ltd; for which purpose books shall be o-
|Utthe Treasury of the United Slates, and
1 several loan offices oil the first day of April
|li) continue open until the first day of Octo
lereafmr, for such parts dT the above-men
Id description of stock, as shall, on (lie day
ksciiptlarri, stand on the books of the Treusti
hd on those of tile several loan offices res
[vely; Which subscription shall be cilWled
Jtraitsfer to tbe United States in the manuei
Jided by law for sucli transfers, of the credit
Icditsstanding on the said books, and by a
Inder of the certificates of the stock So sub
led. Provided, That all Subscription by sueh
Ifcrof stock, shall lie 'considered as part of
Lid twelve millions of dollars authorized to
lormwo-.l by the first section of this act.
per. 4. And be il further enacted, That, for
Jvhole Ur uny part of airy Suin', which shall be
iM'Hcrlned, credits shall be entered to the
Ittivcsiinscribers, who shall be entitled to a
beats or certificates, purporting that the Unl-
klates owe to tire holder or Holders thereof,
kr,or their assigns, a smn to lie expressed
lii\, equal to tiie amount of the principa
|thu» subscribed,bearing an interest not ex
lug four and one half per centum per annum
lie quarterly, from the thirty-first day of Do
ler,onc thousand eight hundred mid twenty
; Iransfcrrahls in the same manner us is pin
p by law for the t ransfer of the stockfsuhscsih
Ind'subjectto redemption pit the pleasure «l
Mnited- Statety ns follows: one half at h*V
latter the thirty-first day of December, <>*
land eight hundred and twenty-eight, and
kmainder at any lime after the thirty-first
If December, one thousand eight hundred
penty-rrinu; Provided, Tiiat no reimburse-
pshall be made, except for the whole amount
jeh new certificate, nor until after at least six
(In’ public notice of such intended reira*
Intent. Audit shall b'e the duty of the Secre
|of the Treasury to cause to he' re-trans
Id to the respective subscribers the se
Isums by them Subscribed 1 “beyond the a
jit of the certificates of four and one half per
(stock issued tofhem respectively.
“ec. 5. .dud be it further enacted, Thai th#
Wholesale and Retail Fashion-
able Hat Ware House,
T HE subscriber oiler* at the above establish
ment, an extensive and jgeneral assortment
ol the moat fashionable Huts of every description,
consisting ot all the Various patterns that are tile
most generally approved of at the present time,
and purticqlarly udapted to all the most prevail
ing fashions both at home and abroad, and tlmt
train among his stock of Mats mity be selected at
all times, all the vurious qualities mid grade, from
tlie finest Beaver down to the most common Uo-
ratri, with corresponding prices to each kind, and
those which may be tlie most suitable, and made
in conformity to the fashion, in whatever purt of
tlie United State the purchaser tnuy reside. His
stock is at all times large mid independent of
vvh ch lie can utiiiiy time manufacture uny quan
tity conformable to order. His preset supply
consists of those made expreSly for tjie Full trade
ad of which are got up in the most superior style
of workinunship in every respect, uud equal if
not superior to any that can can be offered in this
City or any oilier part of'tlie (in Ion. His stock is
eohtinually replenished with Hilts fresh from the
Mnnufaetury, and none Will be offered for sale
but those which will lie sorb, to giye the most
perfect satisfaction to the purchaser, and ensure a
continuance of his custom: us to prices he is sel
ling as low if not lower tlmu uny other house ill
this city and on the most liberal terms.
Country Merchants and others from tlie differ
ent purls oflhe U. Slates anil abroad; who may
visit t is city, and be ifi want of the above article
either at Wholesale or Retail, are earnestly re
quested to call and examine for themselves, not
fo-getting before they leave home to take tlie
number oi the above establishment from this ad
sept 17 $t!77
(funds whichhave heretofore been, and now
llcdged hy law foV tlie payment of the intcr-
InJ lor the redemption and reimbursement
1 stock whidlf may be redeemed or reitilfmr
Py virtue of the provision* of this act, shall
f*n pledged in like manner for the payment of
Interest accruing-on the stock created byreul
T 1 such subscription, and for the redemption
Imibursement of the principal of the some.—••
Ikshall he the duty of the Commissioners of
pinking Fund to cause to'be applied and paid
pf the said fund, yearly and every year, such
land sums as may be annually required to
barge the interest adcruingon the stock,which
|be created by virtue of this act. The said
•missioned are also hereby authorized toap
llroin time to time, such sum' and sums out o
ud fund, as they may think proper, towards
laming, by purchase, or by reimbursement
fnforinity with the provisionsof this act, the
Icipal of the said stock; and such part of the
Til sura of tei^nillions of eiollurr, vested by
|m the said Commissioners', as may be tie*
f lr y and required foV the above purposes, sliall
Pnd continue appropriated to the payment ol
fast and redemption of tlie public debt, until
pvliolc of the stock which may be created un
|he provisions of tills act, shall have been re
■nod or reimbursed;"'
therefore, Notice is hereby given,' That
i will he opened at the Treasury of the Unit-
■tntes, and at the several loan olhees, on the
tuay of April' next, and continue open until
first day of October thereafter, for receiving
pauU° nS ™ col ^ or,n ' t y with tlie provisions ol
■e subscriptions'mny lie made by the propri
1 at the stock, either in person or'by their At
I 0 .? 3 ( J l '*y uft thorizedto'subscribe aiid'transfer
I‘he United'States.'
Pohld subscriptions of said stock be mat * to
imoant exceeding twelve millions of dollars,
sn nation of the sab ] sum of, twelve millions,
I e made among the subscribers in proportion
f su, ns subscribed by tlieni respectively.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury,
. 11.1*7
Tide Swamp Plantation and
The dbbscriber bins been spe
cially empowered hy the cre
ditors of the late James H. Ancrcm
to sellthe l'lantation (Laurel-Hill) on
Savannah Buck River, which wits assigned to him
in trust for them. The. place is altogether oir> o
flic finest Rice estate in the Statu oi South Carol!
na, on an excellent pitch of tlie tide, exempt from
injury cither from freshets nr salts, and protected
by its locality from the extreme violence of no
tumnal gales. The Plantation consists of four Hun
drod acres of Tide-Swamp, three hundred and se
venty-Uve of which are in fine order und under
bank.— On it there rs, for its size, the most efii
cient Mill on the River, which has within the sea
son. pounded 3000 barrels: it is now in excellent
order, aud commands ax a Toll-Mill as much Ira
siness ns sh'e' Can do.
On tb6 place there nre a com
rfUH fort able dwelling bouse, two
MfsH* burns, winowing bouse and stacking
yuid. nil situated un a fine knoll 13
feet above tho level of the Sw amp, on w hich the
crop w- saved during the hurricane of file lost
year, and which is calculated to afford a complete
protection to it as well as to the lives of the no
groes on any similar occasion. There are also ve
ry good negro houses for one hundred and fifty
negroes, with an overseer’s or miller’s house
The terms will be one fourth cash, balance pay
able in three annual insfalhnenjs, with a mort-
guge of the property and an assignment of a poli
cy of insurance on the tide machine.—Possession
fo be given on the 1st of Februaiy nexf, or be
fore if tho.crop now planted should, be sent ti
Capitalists who are disposed to vest tfiCir funds
iii tliisuncomniuvly fine estate, will apply to Pe
tit Do Fillers, Esq. in Savannah, Geo who will
furnish every facility to those who may wish to
visit tlie Plantation; to Ogicr&. Carter, Charleston
who have tlie Plat, or to the subscriber.
Assignee of the late .1. H. AnutiUt.
li the plantation is not sold at privnte sale pre
viously,’ it will be exposed at public auction on
the 18th of NoVetnbcf next, by Ogier & Carter,
june 1 t!23
U NDER the superiiiteudance of tlie commis
sioners. appointed by the Governor nnd
Council, and by tlie improved inode of drawing,
secured by f.utters Patent utidei* the seal ol tlie
United Slaleh—the whole to lie completed in one
day, and will positively take place iu the city of
Bulliinorc in a few weeks.
Highest Prize #30,000.
1 Prize of $30,0<H) is
10 *
2,000 .
20813 Prize*.
162,000 Dollars.
40000 Tickets—Not one blank to a prize.
Tim holder pf two tickets, will be certain o
obtaining at least one prize, and may draw tlireet
Mode ok Dkawing.—Tlie numbers will be piif
into one wheel u* usual—and ill the other wheel
will be put one prize above the denomination o
$4, aud the drawing to progress in the usua
manner Tl le 20,000 prize of $4, will lie award'
oed to the odd or even numbers in the Lotteryl
(as the case maybe) dependant on tlie drawing
I (the Capital Prize of THIRTY TIIOUSaND
DOLLARS—tlmt is to say, if the $30,000 piize
should roinn but to nn odd number, then every
odd number ill the scheme will be entitled to a
$4 prize! if tlie $30,000 prize should come out
to an even number, then all the even numbers
ill the scheme will be each entitled to $4.
Odd numbers are those ending witli 1, 3, 5, 7,
or If.
Even numbers firb those cu'ding with 2, 4, 0, 8,
or 0.
This inode ot drawing not only enables tlie
Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery in
one drawing, but has tlie great advantage of dis
tributing the small prizes regularly-to every uller :
mile number in tlie scheme, so that tlie holder o
two tickets or two shares of tickets, one odd and
one even number, will he certain of obtaining at
le -st one prize, and in tlife ra'tio for any greater
ILF A ticket drawing a superior prize in this
srljeme, is not restricted from drawing an inferi
or one also, nmny tickets, therefore, Will neces
sarily obtain two prizes each.
Present price of tickets.
Wholes $5, Halves $2 5d Quarters $1 25. All
orders'nro.iiptly attended to. at
sept I
EORG1A, Chatham county—By tlie lion, the
Justices of tlie Inferior court sitting for or li
nary purposes.
To all « horn it Aay concern
Whereas Wm. Roche, applied to the hon. till
court of Ordinary «l Chatham county for letters
of udniinistration on the estate nnd effects ofJito
Gribhin, late of Suvonnuh merchant, dec. asprin
cipal creditor
These ure therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular tlie kindred and creditors ot the said
deceased, to file iheir objections (il any they
have) to thegranting of life administration ot tlie
estate of tlife deceased to tlm applicant in tile
Clerk’s office ol the said Court, on or before the
sixth day of October next; otherwise letters of ud
ministration will be granted.
Witness fin: hon Elias Fort, one of the Justice
of the said Court, the sixtli day of September,
D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five
S M. LOND; <
J l'SI Rci.i
sup’.lv of,
larch 28
t Notice.
I . ra ° nt hs after date application will be
6 lo Die Honorable the Justices of the
IS, ° u EP°f Chatham County when sittin
? f n . ai 'y purposes for leave to sell a certai
PnnnS- j?ltuet0'd .on Wilntingion . Island in
; Chatham, containing fifty acres,
I, ess )'with the buildings and imprbve-
I tliBreon, formerly the property of William
fnio.'u ", SeiJ ’ beil ’g the leal estute of Dennis
Ihaminor and orphan son of John
led,,’ .r' Htts ed, for the benefit, maintainafice
pQucation of the said Dennis B. Hughes.
EDW’D HUGHES, SenV. ) Trus-
EDW’J) HUGHES, Jun’r. J tecs.
te ron,, ">« a h ou t 14 years of age to learn
I arpenters Business. Apply at this Qf-
PS 2§
The DraSving Approaches!
Will take plait at the City Hull, ill the City of
ra-pHIS Lottery contains a greater number of
ji, Grand Capital Prizes than any Northern Lot
tery, some of which will id all probability be
awarded to fortunate adventurers 11 the next
lottery office,
JXo. 241, broad-street,
(LE"TICKETS and SHARES may still he had
at the original price,, but may soon advance.
W hole Tickets,' $ 10 00
Halves, 5 00
Quarters, . 2 50
* ' J. S. BFEF.s,
Secretary to the Commissioners.
N B—Orders received by tbe Tuesday night's
mail lielore the Drawing will be attended to be
fore the Drawing.
oqt 6 . .135 . y-' '
0 liire a xood Cook. Apply to tile Editor
Oct 6 ■'*'
fith Oct. 1825.
Assize oj Bread
T HE average price oi Flour being $5 75 per
bbl. 190 lbs. weight, the weight of Bread for
the present month must be
12i cents Loaf
3 liis. 1 oz.
Of which all Bakers andI Sellers of^waj will
take due notice. M. W. ST-AYAHI, c. t
oct 6 185
sepf 6
Vs or Family Use,
i tier recent arrivals, a fre
V-' HYSON, and
Imported liy Thos. H, Smith in the ship 5jaria
from Canton', at New-York: Cttstoir.rr- may d
nend on the quality of tlmse Teus, a« snlenmd I
a first rate judge, and wnrunted to l 'f- of the nnu
Cronl For sale at retail by A I’aHSON
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings
aiig 4 158
Saratoga, Congress and Mini
eral Spring Waters
Cooled i n ice ,
riOR tlie accommodation oi lie pobife, tl
JU rii febralpd Saratoga Watt, bns been ke;
for some time past, find i shnli continue to km
it cooled in Ice during the season.. If will I ,
dy for delivery every morning at half piwt ft\ •*
clock precisely. For sale on as liberal terms
my neighbors, by )• B ' f ' '- ^-
DruggiSi, No 8 Gibbon's i addings.
July 19' 151
‘UST received persliip Augusta, a fresh
' ofPf
elegant assortment ofPERFUMEKY, *ic. care
fully selected by tlie proprietor. Ainong whiuh,
arc the following articles:—
Maccasser, Russia, dears, and Antique Oils, for
beautifying and promoting the growth ol
Pomatums in large and small pots, all sorts oi
Rose, Orange Flower, Lavender and Cologne
Water, in boxes, very highly perfumed.
Essences ofliiirgaindt,Lemon, Lavender, Musk
and Cinnamon
Milk dfRoses,-ol beauty’s preservative
Quirks Essence of Tyre, for changing light,red
or grey hair, to a permanent und beautiful
brown or black
Low’s very superior scented shaving and
wash Soups, all sorts of perfunie; Naples, Pot,
Cake anil Quintessence shuving Soap ; Wind
sor perfumed fancy Soap, by tbe box
Ilair Powder of various odors, Powder Puffsof
assorted sizes
Elegant Pocket, Dress, nnd fine teeth Combs,
atid ivory Letter-Flilders
Ladies und Gentlemen's Fqcket-Books with
ami without clusps, of all sizes, ludespens-
aliles assorted patterns'
Gilt Card Cases, assorted patterns, and Visit
ing Cards tosuitihcm
Silver Pencil Cases, best quality, do do Tooth
Picks do do; do Tweezers,Peiikuives, Segur
Boxs, Dominoes
Fancy cut giuss, Mermaid and English Pungent
, LiHplling Bottles,
Dice, Playing Cards. Ladies’TolletDfessCases,
Gentlemen's Shaving do
Button's superior Denlrifice,Marshall’s do. But-
Prcpiqrid Charcoal from the willow bark,
Tliuifipsou’s Aromatic Tooth Paste, for
whjpuiing und preserving the teetii'^btles, Snuff Boxes, a fine assortment of
Reeve’s Colors, Tapers of all kinds, Phos
phorus Boxes
Fartev shaving Boxes of all sizes, very superior,
do brushes, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes,
Tooth Brushes, with flutld Hnd piuin handles
of the best quality, and various other kinds of
brushes, made ol the best inalci'ials
John Barber’s and Thomas Scargill’s superior
Razors, in double and single cases, inudeto
order, warranted to please the purchaser or
to be returned
An elegant assortment of Glass Lamps, attached
to Stands in complete style
Tonquiu and Vanilln Beaus, Gold Leaf, and
Dutch Metal, &.C k*
Fifty packages of
all of which has been selected oy himself, express-
In the Court of Ordinary.
Chatham County, Jiily Tehn, 1825.
I N the mutter df the estate,of Small ‘
Tucker und John T.udker, orpluui
cJiildren of Henry Rucker, deceased!
Upon the petition of Williclin P.
Clurk, and Winifred, his wife, guard
ians of the said orphans, for lea a to
sella negro stave named Mariah.
It is ordered that a notice of this npp
published in one of the Gazettes of the City ol
.Savannah once u Week until tlie first Monday in
August next; nnd tlmt if no Ohjbctloiis be filed
thereto, that tlie order he made absolute.
Extract from the minutes, Hlii JiUv, 1825.
S. M. BOND, c.c.o.
■July 9 147
icetion be
State of Georgia*
J^Y Elijah Baker; Clerk of tlie Court of Ordina
ry for the County of Liberty,
David Stetson, administrator of the estate of
Plichc Carter; late of sutd county dec’d, applies
he dismissed troin his said administration.
These nre therefore to citeandadinonisli all per
sons concerned to file their objections (If any
they have,) in my office at Ricebornugh, within
the time prescribed by law, of the said David
Stetson will be dismissed from his said admiuis-
l rati,bn.
Given udder my hand and Seal this second day
June, A. D. 1825. E. BAKER, c c o i. c.
june IB 13d ' , ■ .
S TATE of Georgia Chatham Crfunty — By the
Hon. the Justices of the inferior Court, sitting
for Ordinary purposes.
To all whom it may concern.
Whereas Julia A. 'randerlin, widow, ha* ap*.
plied to the Honorable tlie Court of Ordinary of
Chatham County for letters o( Guardianship on
the persons and properties of Ann Rebecca Snn-
dcrlin and Fereby Ellen Stfuderlin, orphan chil
dren of Benjamin Sanderlin, deceased, as their
These are therefore to cite tiftd admonish all
nnd singular tlie kindred ami friends of the said
rplmiis to file their objections (if any they have)
granting of tlie Guardianship of the said Or
phans, to tlie applicant, in the Clerks Office of
tlie suiJ Court, on or before the eighth day ol
September next,, otherwise letters of guardian
ship wilt be granted.
Witness tlie honorable Ellas Fort, one 6f (lie
Justices of said Court, thh Hth day of August,
1825. S. M. BOND, c. c. o. C. c.
uugust 157
lor this market. Gentlemen, Physicians, Coun
try Merchants, Planters, und all that wish to pur
chase iu this line, sliull be supplied on ns accomY
modating terms as any house may oti'er in this
city. For sale at wholesaleand retail, by
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings,
aug 9 ->
G x EORGIA, Chatham County By the hoil. tut
* Justices of the inferior court sitting fist ordina
ry purposes.
To all whom it irrn'y concern
Whereas James J. Cuthbert has applied to the
honorable t he court oi ordinary of Chatham coun
ty, liir letters of guardianship on the person and
property of George Bridget-, an orphan child of
Bridger, laic of Clmtham cotinty dec’d
ami under 14 years of age.
These are therefor* to Che and admonish nil
ail'd’ singular tlie kindred' and friends of tlie
said orphan, to' file their objections (if any they
Imve) to the granting of the guardianship of tlie
said orphan to tlie applicaiit in the clerk's otlice
of'the said court, on nr before, the 7th dny of
November next; otherwise letters of guardian
ship will be granted.
WitnCSs Hie honorable Elins Fort, one )f th
Justices of the saqi Court this 7th dav of October,
A. D. 1825. S. M. BOND, c cm.
out .3. , , ,l?f<
i.? the Justices of the Inferior Ceurt,of said coun
ly silting for ordinary purposes.
To alf win mi it may concern.
WherCas ThhAax Hurst, executor of Wm M Gn
hagin, dt-c has petitioned li the Mon. iheJustic
<yf tlie interior Court sitting for Ordiimi-v purpos
to be discharged from the executorship aforesaid
These urc therefor* to cite and admonirl
all aud singular the kindred and creditors of the
said deceased, to file their objections (if any they
imve) in the Clerk’s office of the sniil Court, on Or
before file fourth dny of N .vemher next; other-
aise letters'dismissory will bp granted.
Witness tlsh Hon. John C. Helveaston, one of
the Justices of the said Court,tlie 4 1 li day ot May
\ D.1826. JOHN CHARL1 ON, Clerk,
inav 5 It'D
Fresh Spices, &c.
iVTUTMEG-j, Cinnainoii
LX Cloves, Mace
Alspice, black nnd red Pepper
Pulv. Giiiger, a pure urt.cle
Znrits Currants, English Mustard
Sln-el Izinglass, a pure article
Alin, superior Sweet Oil
Just received and for sale bv
Druggist, No. 8' Gibbons'Buildings
march 14
No. 224, Broad- Street, Augusta,
XH7S ESTABLISHMENT is opetied in' a
handsome Brick Building, erected during the
past summer, at the corner oi Broad and. M’ln-
tosh-Streets. {t is recommended to Pluntcrs and
Merchants, by its situation, in the centre of tlie
town and of business, and within a convenient
distance of the Banks, Warehouses, and Public
Ofiices. Stage Pusserigers will fin'd it convenient
from its beiitg opposite the Post-Office, the place
ol arrival and departure of the Stages'. There is
connectC(i with tl;e HALL,’ an udjucent Brick
I'cnemenl, with suites of Private Apartments, and
a Separate Entrance from Broad-Street, which
will be anpropriated e'xciusively to the accommo
dation of Families; and Ladies xvill find them
selves as quiet and retired as in any private house,
with tlie additional advantage of being in tlie im
mediate neighborhood of the principal Fancy
Stores. The WASHINGTON HALL is superin
tended by W. J. Dudley', whose study it will be
to please und render.comfortabie, those who raoy
favour tlie House with their putronuge.
Augusta (Ga.) 1826, ' ..
sept 2V 182
Fof the Sate of Negroes, fyc.
11 b. -ubscribar’s Office is removed to Job
,!» ston’s Square, 3 doors West of thb Stifle
Improved LOTS in tlie City,
Tracts of Land in the new Counties,
A young Negro Woman, cook, washer and
, field Hand, and other valuable Negroes.
Planters’ and State Bank Stock,
•rriinff Field Hands.
june 20Jm , 139
■pROPOSALS will lie received by the unde
signed, to build a reservoir at tlie head
Wes.t Broad-Street, with a tunnel leading there
from to the head of tlie dock' of said street so al
to pass the wafer into tho River—Tbe contractor
to find all tlie materials, which are to be of brie'
land lime—Also the Iron gratings nnd bars that
may lie necessary—for further information, apply
at the store of S. Philbrick, oT io
Committee of Streets and Lanes
oct 8 18t> If
Classical and Philosophical
pTftUIS Institution w’ on Moiiday Jst
iL Ailgusl for the instruction of youiig gentle
men. Tlie several brunches of a polite ami sci
entific. education will be,taught in'this estalilisli
Parents and guardians who will entrust
iatham cbuiit
Thomas F. J’urse et. al.’"
Richard R. Cuyler, hCr
Will Bltnw, dccehsed. j
I N tliik case, on tlie suggestion in the defend
ant’s answer, tiiat certain per oils not partie,
to this bill, residing in Scotland, claim to. be en
titled to a distribution of pdri of. t|ie, undivide
estate of;Win Shaw, dec.eR<ed, and on motion, ;
is ordered that ijll persons conccfnc.'d do appear
before the Superior Court of ClWhhin County irt
the term of January next, then arid tliere to es
tablish such their claims; find in default thereof*
tiiat tlie undivided estate of the suid Wirt Bhaw*
be distributed amuiig the complainants agreeably
to the deeree of said Court and thMt this rule bq
pnldished once k month t Until the bxpirntion
thereof. '
Extract from the minutes this 7th day of June,’
1824- A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.
June 17 . frit3g , . - .
1 7
■n tlie Superior Court—EjfiUg/uttii (Jaunty
NovKiqBEa TebM, 1824. 1
Trustees of the German i
Lutheran Congregation {
v r.
Camden—Superior Court.
Octguer Term, 1824.
Nicholas J. Bayard )
, Vs. > Rule Nisi,
Ray Sauds )
O N the petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, stating
that Ray Sands, on tlife fifth day of June eigh
teen hundred and twenty-four, for th£ better se
curing the payment of his certain bond or writing
obligatory, bearing date tlie day and year afore
said, whcfeo'li lie tlie said Ray acknowledged him
self held and bound unto tlie said Nicholas J. Bay •
Hi'd, in the penal, sum of four thousnnd dollars
conditioned for the pay met of one thousand dol,
lars on or before the first Any of October thep
next, and tbe further slim of one thousand dollars
on the fn-st day of Jnnuary then next, did mort
gage all tlmt tract, pieoe, or parcel of land, lying,
being aud situate on Cumberland Island in the
county of Camden, ai)d known by the name of
Cotton BlulV, con'aimng four hundred and fifty
acres, bounded on the north hy lands of Shierer,
on the south by lands of Nathaniel Green, und oil
the west by salt marsh, together witli tlie appurle
nances—and further stating that tlie said sums of
money remained unpaid,and pray the foreclosure
of tlie equity of redemption of tlie said Ray.
On inoikn of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the
petitioner it is ordered that the said Ray Suitds do
p'ay into this court before the expiration of twelve
months from this date, the said several sums of
money in the condition of the mention
ed, together with the interest and cost, otherwise
that the equity of redemption of the said Ray
Sands his heirs, executors, administrators and as
signs, of, in nnd to the said mortgaged premises,
be thenceforth and forever foreclosed.
And it is furtl.erordered, that tiiis rule be. pub
lished in one of the Gazettes of (his state at least
once a month for twelve months, or that a copy
he served on the said Ray Sands, at least six
months before tlie expiration of the trie appoint
ed for the payment ot the said money into court,
and that such further proceedings lie had as nre
pursuant to the statute in such case made and pro
Extract from the' minutes, tiiis 25(h Oct. 1824
oel C-9 2fWi,
I FelftionTpr fore-
future *i r
The heirs and represen
tative Of Wiiiiuni J.
U Spencer.
PON the petition ol the Trustees of the tier,
man Lutheran Congregation praying the
foreclosure of tlie equity of redemption of all tlmt,
tract of laud containing three huiuTred acres more
or less lying,and being in the.County ol Effu . hiiui
bounded on tlie north by Martin 1 nckner and(
Uatlrager Bank'er, on the east of the School house
luuds of Goshen, and lan'ds of Nicholas Litlor,oij^
Lite soutli by Duncan McGilliv ry and Christine
Dasher, and on the ngrth by land of Jolm Reuter
and vacant land, mortgaged oh the thq l8tli day
of June, 1808, by tlie su'd William J. Spencer to.
secure tbe payment of a bond hearing the same
date, fot-the penal suh'i of higlit hundred dollars*
conditioned tor the pHytnent ot the sum of fom;
hundred dollars oil the 1st of January, 1809, witli
interest frqm'date, at the rate ofsix per cent per
umiuin ; which said hon'd Is stilrtdue and Unpaid
Upon motion of George W. Owens, Attorney for
petitioners, it i^ ordered that the principal and in
teres! due on the suiu bond, and the cost* ot thu
application he paid into Court, within (Wcl u
months from (he dale of this Rule Nisi: And th
«)i failure thereof, the F.qyity of redemption ot,’
in and to the said mortgaged _ premises, be from
thenceforth foreclosed, and such further proceed
ings be lmd thereon as tile law djref.s And it is
further ordered, that the rule lie published in one
of the Gazettes of tiiis State,at least once a month
until the expiration of the time appointed for liny
ineut, as aforesaid, or served on the heirs and re
presentatives of the mortgagor at least six months'
previous thereto.
Extract from the Minutes..
jap 16 11 ■
{South Carolina, i
Fourth Circuit a )
Georgetown Dist. )
George VP. Burrows, Adm’or. 1
de bonis riort of, Elizabeth
McKee deceased.
In Equity .
Chatham Superior Court,
May Term, 1825
Tlie Bunk of tlie State ol'Ueorgia, J
vs. <• RULE NISI.
John Hunter. )
U PON tlie petition of 111* Bank of the State o
Georgia, praying the foreclosure of flip equi
ty of redemption of John Hunterinthe following
property to wit, nil that lot of land in tlie city of
Savannah, iu Reynolds ward, known iu the plan
> the said city hy the No. three, (3,) with the im-
irovemeuts thereon, which said property had
leeu mortgaged by the said John Hunter on tlie
t welttli day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty
two, to Maure! &. Lalhebeaudierre, Merchants, to
secure them the payment of the penal suin of
Twenty Four Thousand--Dollars; upon a certain
bond of him, the sa'id John Hunter, to the Said
Munrcl &• Lathobetrudierre, conditioned lor the
payment unto the petitioner oTt lie sum of Twelve
Tiiousand Dollars, upoli a certain promissory note
then running in the suid Bank, or any note tiiat
might be given at any time thereafter irt renewal,
—which bond and the? mortgage deed have been
duly assigned to the petitioner ;—It appearing to
tlie Court that there is_now due to the petitioner
upon n certain other promissory note of him the
John Hui)tcr) endorsed by the said MuiiVel arid
Lathelieaudierre, for the sum of Ten Thousand
Eight Hundred ,»»d Thiify Dollars, dated, the
twenty sixth day of June, eighteen, hundred and
.twenty-three, and which note was given in renew
al. agreeably to tlie meaning of the said bend und
mortgage, tlie full and just ambiidl of Eight’ Thou
sHtid Three HuiidreJ and Sixty Four Dollars,
with interest from the twenty eighth .day df Jan
nary, eighteen hundred and twenty five.
On motion of Law & Jackson, it is ordered,
that the principal, intereVt and costs due upon
surd mortgaged premises bk paid into Co,urt within
twelve.moritlis from'this date; and unless the
same lie so paid, the equity of redemption of the
said John Huiiter. shall thenceforth be foreclosed.
It is further orderej, that this rule be published
-once a month for twetve month inone of the Ga-
•zettes of this State, or served upon the mortgager
ordiis special agent, at least six months before the
money is to be paid into Court as aforesaid,
Extract from the Minutes. .Ti
, A. B. FANNiN, Clerk.
iqne 10 , . 131 -
John Hawkins, adm’or Thom
as Green, dec’d aud John
Crulium, late adin'orE. Mc
Kee. deceased.
I T having appeufed fo the satisfaction of the
Court that the children oi‘Matthew Bryan, (i,
any such beliving) arc materially interested in thc ( '
event of this suit; and it hnving further appeared"
tlmt the said Matth sv Bryan removed from this*
State to Georgia many years ago, arid that no in
telligenco of himsplf or his fuuiily lias since been'
received : It is therefore ordered, oft [notion of ,
the Complainants’ Solicitors, that notice be pub-'
lislied once a month uiufl the first day of Januiiry
next, in the Wlnyaw Intelligenccrot Georgetown '
and in one of the public Gazettes of Savannah,!
(Geo.) cnllingou tlie children of the BnidMatthew
Bryan to furnissatisfactory,evidence oftheiriden-,
titynnd relationship, at tile Court of Equity to lie'
lioluen for the District of Georgetown,on the, fii sC
Monday after the fourth Monday of January next,*
and that in defaqlt thereof a final distribution may
be made of the remaining Estate of tlie said Eliz
abeth McKee deceased, among those entitled to
the same in the event of the death of the children'
of Matthew Bryan. . .
Commissioner and Register in Equity.
Commissioner's Office, )
Georgetown, May 14, 1825. j ... ,
The Editor of the Savannah Republican' is rr-,
quested to publish the above once a month until
the # lirst day of January next, and to send his lie
count to tlY Office of the VVinvnw Intelligence!
when it will be immediately paid.'
may 18 111
their children and wui'ds to tlie contideiice of the
principal mny’expect thd. utmost uttention pai^ to'
the literary improvement of tlie scholars;
Latin and Greek per quarter $15 00
Miitheiniitic8, do • 11 0
English do 10- 00
July 21 162 . . ,. ( , , •
Tlie Savannah Republican is' i? reqbWe'd Id
print this advertisement once in the wEekToFwffF
^irttfUtbs and fbnvai'ti hls*a'cc'tfunt'tb v tWiF^(or- +
bVY the' ships Georgia and'"Harp just arrived
El from Liverpool the subscribers Imve receiv
ed their usual supply of ,
i Seasonable Dry' Goods:
; .Having fifeen'purchased wjtlj Cash, previous to
'the udvririce ill England'they gan be afforded aqd
■will Imsplda't Icivv prices, arid oo a long creditlor
lUnJoi.'bted'pwier.' * ,
ANjpRElY f (jfW CO.
tftMP #
Late of the firm of \VA Y 4- BAKER,
' .Savannah, Geo. .
O FFERS his services to his friends nnd the
BUSINESS in this place, and solicits their pat- -
References to
Messrs. A. Low Co*
Savannah, Geo.
G. Breittmayer &, Co.
Augusta, Geo.
oct 6 186
tr Tlie Savannah Republican and tbe Geor
gian, will.pleaso insert tlie above once a week fo’
one month, and forward their bills to this office-'
for payment. ,
To Rent;
.The house and two lots iu
Broughton-Kt. belonging to the
subscriber. Apply to VVei. Dayies,,'
Esq. posSessiou will be given early
in November.
■ Oct 2 186
lYfEXT Saturday tlie 9th inst. at 5 o’clock P. M'. 7
i. 1 tb'e sale of Tickets in the
Will be suspended until after the second Drawing'
shell have taken place, which will be .positively
Oil Wednesday next this l'2th inst.
A few tickets and shares may yet be iiari at' tl.<
Original Prices. , , .. ..' ,, «\ v , , ,
The Tickets ordered by the subscriber ih tlm .
popular Maryland State I.ottyTy, huve been re
ceived and are ready for delivery, .
- Agent for Augiitla Masonic Hall Lottery,
Thompson & Bonney’s Buildings.
; .oct 6 .186
Chewing Tobacco,
J UST received, and it is recommended as bs
ins a very superior article. For sale by.
Druggist No. 8 Gibboas r Baildiogs. ■
sept 13