Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 09, 1829, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY REPUBLICAN No 160 .Vol; XXVI THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 9, 1829. Choice French ter. J UST IMPORTED Ami to salo. by Hose Wa- da s A PARSONS, Druggist. No B Gibbons' Rnngo. Martinique Molasses. IIIIDS prime retailing Mojnsses. -Landing and for snlo low if taken from th# wharf, apply to HALI* SIIAPTER & TUPP.ER, j’ino 10 „ . Brought to Ja#. "N Savannah on tlio 10th hist a lan who says his nainoi iat ho belongs to Wni:0 Icatoil SC. Ho is-about 27 years of a foot 11 inches high, ami has a scar on forehead. fob 48 .. JNO. I. DEWS, j Splendid Razor •■rniMEiisoN’U and prenyls fllj Razor Straps are kept constantly on hand, anduboie gentlemen who have used -thorn, pronounce them superior .to any at *ho present time In tit*. PoMoleby N ■ P A. PARSONS, Druggist At the Eaglg, No 3 Gibbon's Range, march 1* ’ Salts and Castor Oil. tm STOKE •W yTK • Bltl.S Sal <llauber <£P <W 100 boxes do assorted sites 1000 quart hottlei Castor dll for Plan tatjon Purposes S00 quart bottles-cold pressed 800 pints do do do ' Which Is offered unusually lore. Planters are particularly, requested to call und'eaamine for themselves. For sale by APATtSONS, Druggist. At the Eagle No d Gibbons range, mar 5 ^ Saratoga Congress Miner al Spring Water. T HE Buosoribor has just received a largo supply of those celebrated Wa ters, in quart and pint bottles. In boxes of ono to throo dozen each, and will bo kept constantly on hand during tho season, and it is intended that the storo shall bo open- ad oarly in the morning .to receive,custom ers.—-For sale at iho Eagle, No. 8, Oib- borts’ llango. A. PARSONS, Druggist, april 21 .98 * . English White Mustard ’Seed. IT received, Whole No..... 6426. of the nud to re* nervous sys- jnn 15 A. PARSONS, 8, Gibbons 1 Range. SVidlitz’and Soda Pow ders. “■ DOZEN boxes Seda Pow- _ - ders 00 do -Seldlitss do AMO , The improved Clroltonham Salts, pro pared by Havory, Moore A Davidson, Itn- oorted and for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist; at the Eagle, No. 8 O -• » march fl 84 „ ■fn.iui it el A I’AI’KOF GE’lRGlA-iJu Elijah CT linker,- Clerk of the Court of Ordina ry To Planters. rv ‘Adyk liDTIT.ES Common tXUlVW.Ca.ldr.iDll,. ,090 do Superior Cold Press Is just Received and for sale low by PARSONS, , Druggist. no ;i Gibbons Ha'ige Bottled Cider. RUST Received, e few boxes of Crab Off Apple Cider,-a very choice article. For'sale by A. PAgSCNS, ‘ . Atthe Rarrle-No. 8, Gibbons' Range, miy 7 107 Adininistriuor’s Notice. •UR months afier date. 1 shall apply to the Uonorable the Justices of the n>riof court.of Chatham;, county, when sHtiog for ordinary purposes, . for leavq' to sell a tract at, land, (lumber riinaty'four, (nu. «« situated in the twelfth district of Monroe county, in the state of- Georgia,’ t onlaiu'mg t\jo hundred two and a half cres. being-ifee real estate of La'uucelot H Feay. deceased, for the .benefit of the xeirs and cl editors of said estate. J. WALLACE, , Adm’ L. H. Feay. t ,.aprtl 20 . ^ 87 . . - . . M. Plrendergast. Has lust received per tchr Exact. UPERIOR Bluo C16th t Italianette -.Black and mixed Camblot.' Super fancy Silk Dress IldMs ,” “ Gauze do B’o “ “ Smyrna do do ' * Horseskin Gloves f Shaded Sc printed Scarfs Gauze. Plain Sallgured Swiss Muslin Gentlemen's plaid silk Cravats .French Casimore and Drills Hussia do . With a handiome assortment of Kensington, Gimp, .Bobinet and English Thread Lice. No 3 & 13 Gibbon*s Range. mayB • 6 For pute. A TRACT of land containing 280 a . XMi cres, situate in the district Of Ot- angeburgh, on Edisto creek in the state of South Carolina, bounding nbith on lands of Daniel MaZyck, and south and western he said creek. , ,, For a plat of said land, and terms of sale, apply to GEO. GLEN, ;Ex’or. est. of John Glen, feb 3 . 27 Court of Ordinary, Effing- haili County. DECEiinm, 'TEfisi 1828 * fl^N'llio 'petitioriof Sam’l. J. Bryan Tf Stating that he is posessed of a bond whloh bo produced to the Court'made and signed by Benjamin Kennedy late of -she county aforesaid bearing date the l!th‘ day of January tOlflfqr titles to a certain tracofland .describedin saidbond. These are to cite and admonish all personrhavihg or claiming any interest in the estate of the said HenjamtnKeunedy to file their objections if nny they have, on or before the-meeting of the Court of OrdinaryJor said county, for May term 1829, otherwise the administrator will be ordered, to make titles to said tract of land pursuant to the- statute in such cases made and provided. J. CHARLTON, c. c. o. e. o. jan 12 8 . UT. ..... • _ ‘ 1 sAi - f Coiirt of Common and Oyep and Terminer for the City of Savan nah. - . June'term, 1029. TfSUiyiREAS Wm Taylor and Jas. " * “• Bulloch wore summoned to at- tend this. Court as Grand J.urors—and, n impson, Tims Garnet, Reuben V l J'.?. r - antl Jas - Piooeas Petit Jurors, and failed to appear. It is ordered that unless they file with the clerk of this Court- good and sufficient enuse of excuse on ,or before the next Term '(-July 18th) they he .severally -fined—Grand Jurors m tlio sum of'forty, Petit J.urors in the' aura of twenty dbllars. W. K.GUERINEAU, Clkl June-IS.i Congress Mineral (Spring Water. HBfls subscriber will during tho season ^sje-tajee this article cooled in ice-and thoday r °* dy ® ,, ' ou,tlm, ers at 'alltimes-of - A. PARSONS. IDroggist ntth'e Eagle Gibbons’ Range ■June 22 * 14tf Board of Health, 'jf.Swoona]), \ith June, 1829. H B lSaOLVED, That the Citizens who £!V. r0 , d0!iroU! °f having the trees ho- ,v. ® ., 0lt “puses trimmed, be requested to- nave tho same done before tits hqur of Ik f* 10 1 “bluing, and-hnve the offal immediately removed, so that the boat of theaun may not act on tlio same, lh’ihon ^ lllt l* 1 ® “bove be published mtbe Gazettes oi this City. Extract from the.Miiuites, ■june la. WM.MOREL,Sec’ry. of I irthe County of f.iherty ajor A. Maybank applies for letters of Admjnistratton of ‘all -and cingular the gnods and chattels, rights and eredits, that » ere of Barnard M’Cann, late of said coun ty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admen-, sh ill and singular the kindred and credi tors -of said dace,ned, to file' their objections (if any they Imve)' fn my office at Kicebo- rnugli on or before the first Monday in May next, otherwise letters of administra tion will be grinted la tho said applicant. Witness the Hon. John'Dunwoody, nne of the Judges uf said court this'28th' day of March' in tho tear of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty bine. " E. BAKER, c. c. o.-x. c. april 1 76* . Brought to Jail. *TN Savannah, some time ago, a negro fl. man who says bis name it JIM, and that ho-belongt to John Pitman but dees not know Where his master lives,nor where he ranaway from. 1 am induced -to he lleve that he is owned by some one else, he is 4 feet.9 1-4 inchesJiigband about 18 yearsofage; he stammers a ’tittle when ineakmg. > • JNO.I.DEWS, j. c,o line 14 . 142 Treasurer’s Office. j., July j, 1829. FflYHE average price of Flour during tho 4L last month being 27 23 per barrel of 198 lbs. Rread for the present montli must weigh as follows viz: . 12 1:2 cents Loaf tfiis lO pz 0'l-'4 “ “ 1 5 “ . Of which all Bhkerfcand selletsof Bread will take due Notice. M. W. STEWART, c. t. . jniy.J . ■' ! Town Property for Sale. A N eligiBly situated lot, lit tho Southern X*. section of the city, with the improve ments, consisting of a two story dwelling house,.with Piazzas, and containing seven neatly finished rooms,and the requisite out buildings—all in good repair. A half/lot, in the' centre of the city, hav-; big a convenient two story,dwelling^ good out buildings. , A corner lot, In a desirable situation, with.o commodious dwelling, well calcu lated for a Boarding House; attached to which is an extensive stable. , . . A pitthber of lots, improved and vacant, in different parts of the city. Apply to ,. june 15 J.F.PPINOER. Notice. T HE co-partnership heretofore exist ing hetweeji the subscribers under the firm of James Anderson & Co. expired by limitation outlie fit st of May last. All persons indebted will make paymonr to James Anderson, who is duly authorised to settle the affairs of tho.cnncern, and «ill continue the business fur his own account JAMBS. ANDERSON, C. M. KING, jitne 19 138J PRICE WO DOLLARS'PER BOT- TLE. To the Pt I N consequence nf the numerous fraud: . and impositions practised in refercuct to my medicine, I am again induced to chnnge.llio form of mj BOTTLES. In future, the PANACEA wiUbc put up in round bottles, fluted longitudinally, with the foll°wlng / jvords, blown in the glass, “SwxIm’b Pxiiacbx, PmiAiu," as repre- ■; son ted above. , f : : . Thasc bottles are’ much stranger than' thoso herMoforo used,and will have but one label, which covers th^pork, with my own signature on it, so that the cotk cannot be drawn without destroying the signature,- without which none is genuine. Tliemo- djclne may consequently be known'to be genuine when my signature it visible; <o counterfeit iekiph, jeiM 6e punishable at for*. ^he increasing demand lor this celebra ted medicine has enabled me to reduce the price to T\VO DOLLARSper (jqttle.thus bringing if svithta the' neach of the Indi- % Panacea requires go. encomium; its astonishing effects and wonderful operation have drawn,.both from Patients and Medi cal Prautitioners of the highest rc'spcetabl lity, the most unqualified approbation, and established for it a character which Envy’s pen, though dipped in gull, can never tarn ish. . The false reports concerning this valu ahte medicine,which have been so di igemlv circulaled by eertaln Physicians,have thujr origin either in ENVY, or inthe inlse* iev- oii« effects of tho SPURIOUS IMITA TIONS. The Proprietor pledges himself to tho Public, and gives them the most solemn insurances, ■ that this medicine contains .neither mercury nor any other deleterious drug. The public are cautinncd not in purchase my Panacea, except'from-myself, -my ac- ercdl ed agents, sir persons of known os- pectahility: and all those will consequent ly be without oxcuse, who shall purchase from any oilier persons. WM. SVVAIM. September, 1828. The following certificate gives the his tory of the introduction of the Panacea into the Philadelphia Alms House Infirmary.- Those who read it, will be convinced that the proprietor has never fearod the investi? gallon of physicians, or endeavorejlt'o ad-' minister the medicine 1 in seci'el. It also eyinces.the.prejudices of the faculty, that those who wqre so anxious originally to exclude (he medicine from.this institution, would neglect no opportunity of expelling it,-aftet4t liad been introduced. FROM WILLIAM DUANE, Esq. One of the AMehtun^of the City oJ.Phi-. ML Swaim. proprietor of a medical com position called Swaim’s Panacea, applied to me, requesting me to state what I know nimut-.the introduction of bjsHie'dioine into, the Aims House—and J nonsider it a duty* to comply with Ilia requ st. Being President Of the Board of Malta gersof the Alms I louse in the year J WO. Mr. Swaim expressed to me a wish to un dertake the cure of sora.a.ponons The house, whose oases were givennp as in curable by. the medical gentlemen, that he. was confident of curing by -his medicine those enses, anil svould undertake some of the most desperate—and weal'd require no other compensation . than the satisfaction to he derived from the service rendered. t promised to consult the othet mana gers, and did so ; h‘utT found that «une of the medical gentlemen' in the houst-1iad_ labored to prejudice them, arspme of them" nttempto’d to prepossess me against what they denominated quackery. Some of the managers foil inclined to tite trial, consid ering that as they were cases abandoned by tho iilodioal men which wore to he opera •ted upon, Ha harm at least would ho-dnne. and if cure was practicable,'the opportuni-. ty ought to he afforded, but they expressed.' a reluctance to take any responsibility upon thorn ('.by which I understood that, they did not like-to,put-themselves in opposition to the physicians. Others.ppposed it allo- gether. I therefore offered and took upon mysolf wlratevatjesponsihility theiewas iif the case, and notified Mr. Swaim that l svould accompany him, >nd did so. The first case .selected svtts that df, n svoman, whose appeuraVtcn was horrible, and svltose condition was so deplorable that the pa tients in the same room stished to have her removed, and tho evidence of my own sen ses justified thoir oomplnint. - She wns a svoman of ahostt 30 or 82 years of tge.'hpr right eye was alredy uestroyed, the left eye piotruded-mdretirah half an inch out of the,socket, the flesh of the left cheek svas-: one complete ulcer, tho flesh of the nose had disappeared and left tlio nostrils two naked holes, the uppei lip on the left siije waa destroyed, land the teeth and gumy bare,.and tlio svliolq face, as it appeared to' ine, in.n statu of dissolution; hor appetite had left her—stiff represented a living gkel- etqn frightful to behold. Mr.Ssvqim said lie could cure her; he could, not restore the lost eye, nor restore the nose, but.he could restore theleft eye and.the,mouth.. He undertook the case, and T -frequent ly attended kith in his visits to the poor wo man, and she was cured—and I .have fre quently seen her sjneo, going about her ordinary business svith tho alacrity usual to a person of that age; the deformity of course riunained ; but ail that remuinbd besides appeared healthful. I have con fined myself to tills case, upon which I was impossible to ho mistaken, and 'for borne to introduce any. other.clrcumstau- eos than what belong immediately to it. . tom.,... WM. DUANE. Philadelphia, March 11th 1828. CERTIFICATE OF 'DR. EDWIN A. Memler of the Philadelphia Medical Socie- Tbe case detailed in the above -.certifi cate came under my observation, and 1 be lieve Alderman Duane’s statement to bo strictly correct. Mr. Swaim showed jne two other cases nearly similar, which were cured by his Panacea,after every other re medy had failed. Averse as I am to' quackery, Lhoptxcv- or to bo preserved from ui ' “ prejudice rand, thereft ' 10 give rpy name, in c- fie.u y and safet; . EDWIN A. AL r ilactclphia, K iv. 5th, 18211. A supply uf this Valuable Medicine ■jits’, received and for sale by At-tho EagleT^sAGtb^i'ns^laiige. tnnreli 17 08 m. The Virtues and Use oe.TiiK : CORDIAL > . Cephalic Snuff. tong,experience, has been found on effectual Remedy for most Disorders Yt , £Af Common flcadach, to uh(ch tf hardly ever fails giv ing immediate ease, altd by frequent use vnvents its return. MT admirably opens-and purges the head, fl. strengthen? the nerves,revives.the spi r ribs, god ligs a most gtateful aromatic’ It remaves Drowsinass. Sleepiness,Gid diness, and Vapours, relieves -dimness of the eyts % i» excellent in curing recent deaf- ness, and has been of great service lii Ilya-, •eric nnd Paralytic complaints, find in re:- irtng the memory when impaired by dis c's fifth* head. —^ ' also extremcb tthesicl Swaim’s-Vermifuge. ■Pateiit. 1 ills valuable 'Anti-dysen teric and /Form Medicine has bjpn used for these seven ydars past, and v i|e virtues arc ■:. universally ackhmwledged by; all who have tried 1t,-to be far any other medicine ever employed for most diseeset children are subject to. It is perfectly safe, and no cJiijd will refuse tq - ilsSli' “ It sehioni faili Summer Complaint,. Morons, either lit | eiliing'-Dysoiitet; Colic, or Cliotcri either in grown persons or children and It gives appetite to Almost all deblliti-, ted persons. WormsfVequenilv.infeit cliil dren, aggravate their other diseases, and ■re the cliii-f cause of most fevere, bowel eomflaints, and chronic and nervous disras es, incident to childhood, which are so nu merous arnf frequently fatal. 'It'is much regretted (lie( most vermifuees now in use are injurious, and thousands of children are swept off, or are.Rendered feeble, pale and emanciRted through the first stage of .|ifq —which leads on to pulmonary complaints &c. Sic. See... , Worms being especia'ly apt to Infest persons of debilitated digestive nrgaus apd emaciated constitutions, much mischief is often done by the ordinary worm medi- e.ines, which generally consist oCtije strongs est purgatives, mercurials, hitters, narco- tips, or spirits of turpentine. Articles of this kind may destioy Worms,.but they de bilitate the stqmacb, and often materially injure the general health. Swaim’s .Vijji- mifuoe baa the peculiar advantage of : de-' straying and removing wqrtps from the bowels without the weakening conscqueti: ces of the stronger purgatives. Ac.—and it has, moreover, a decided tendency to give.yigor both tpthe stomach and bowels and organs of digestion—thereby relieving the general system from many troublesome' complaints. It is by this means that so many grown peons have been relieved. by its use, of different complaints—suppo sing themselves to be in adecMne. Ap. &c; This medicine util relieve bowel com- plaints or 'dysentery, bilious cholic, vomit ing, sickness, pain or weakness in the sip- mach or bowels, loss of appetite, either,In children or grown persons,’in a few hours; and it seldom foils curing chills and fe ver on fkver aooe, No family ought, or ever will be withoiff it, after a trial. .tVprms are capable of producing- great dlsturbafiaeglh the system. Nnt only do thef aggravate ordinary diseases when they are present, but they also givers,. to X; great variety of very alarming anomalous affectioijs.-fPlie whole train nfspasmodic Sc convailsiYc diseases rqay proceed from the irritation of worms in the aiitaamaj!* canal. 1 Cholera, opjjejisy, catalepsy, tclnfius, pa ralysis, mania', convulsions, as well as A variety of other nervous dlid convulsive alfeolions,.are not unfrequently the imme diate effects uf this cause Besides these ■disposes, worms have also been known to produce pleuritic and rheumatic pains,dys entery. remitting fever,di-opsy of the papain, chrouionnd s'pasmoi)io cough, &c. Ac. &Oi Among tho symptoms whiob indicate the presence of.warms, the following are tlie inost common and striking:~A pale,, lenden-chioiirnd, and occasionally .flushed countenance; a bluish streak utider the eyes, these are dill) and heavy, the pupils are dilated and much .contracted, the 'low er eyelids and upper lip swell, especially during the night while, .sleeping; great itching in thq. nfistrils, which, causes the patient to pick-his nose; foul breath; dis turbed sleep; during which the patient grinds hie.teetb, is apt to scream out arid startup suddenly ns if frightened: tingling in the ears; giddiness; intertqpted. speech; palpitation of the heart a dry spasmodic cough; irregular and depraved appetite, being sometiinee.qqtirely suppressed, and at. others exceedingly voracious; jabdomen swelled and hard; looseness of (lie haw'els; oostivenesa; unnatural, slimy,or foul stools' 3 pains inthe bowels; wasting of the flesh; convVilsions; fits; palsy; and Anally death. A supply of. this valuable Medicine it- Jurt received and for-sale by v .. A. PARSONS, Agent. -At the eagle No 8 Gibbon’s Range, march 31 . . .. More New GooHs. ta* 'W^ < ? *' f ® c ®l ve< i hy M.Frshdergast, and tlP for sale low. Notice. 171 OUR months after date, application Jl. will be,, made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior -Court of Tattnal County, fpr leave to sell .the real estate of Thomas Dickinson late ofsaid county de ceased, fig the bQufiftt of the heirs and cre ditors of skid estate. Wm.Dii'KINSON, . .. Qualified Executor, march 7 - 85 -- Shoe Blackihg. AY A- MARTIN9 liquid Blaoking Just nnpprtfid and,for sale by the cask or dozen'hy . A PARSON?., Druggist No 8 Gibbon's Rang4 feb 44 ~ 1 persons' lolesome hot eli^- ' x- . f for pincii tous, cxlialatto . A pinch or two- f time; nnd indeed.jevofa! in „ Cold, or stoppage In tho head, a two should betaken jnst before going Those who nVe ln the habit of taking milch,of the common snuffs, (and.therebv injure both.head and stomach,) fire desiced to,mtx .some oftbisOEPIIALIC SNUFF with them, and their bad effects will' in great measure, be prevented. 'Is on lurid and for gain by * IA PARDONS.'Druggist, the Eagle no 8 Gibbon 1 .mar If fls Range. 8 Cases wppJrlsh Ltoens in ’Mil.'and half pieces 4 do p do Jo -Sheeting 8 hales 4-4 Brown ,go 2 do doBJesehcid >■ 'do, 8 do -8-4 do Shirtings Ji do 8-4 Brown do -8 do Domestic Plaids Sc Strtnes Russia ABirdkrye Diaper 6-4 8-4 0-4 10-4 Irish d.o 2 eases. Ipdjes Leghorns • l no mens do 1 do , boys do Fashionable Oinghains &’FrblU Plain plaid A.stnpe Palinarine .Blue Straw -A blk Worsted Barege Plain Baltice, all colliers Crimson Sc Green Moreens Blk ' Frisch™, de ^ “ Satin Levantine -Fancy colM- Grosde Naples Consisting . ■Cysts. Frocks add Coattees, Pauta- ’ Ions ■ ■ ■ • Vests, Jackets, Draetois, Shirts, Collars, Ac- Ac.. Ac. ■ M.-jA D ; respect fully inform their Wends tlio whole of the.-goods havo been care < lully selected hv Mr.-M. and the ready , ">■>«" ®.lst|ting, ihBnufaitiirfd entirely un- Flaided Straiv col’s! hat silk , j der.uli'inspection, »V they assure their cui Fig. Ssvis.s dresses collars A half hdkft toners that themmnstcWnfidshfielm'av'be " f '^heJaftAWiness of their wort. vf; do and Plain Swiss A. Book Muslins Cambri^JaconetnUull A Nansookdo -Blkitl. Veil Crape ’ and Colored do ” Canton nnd Najtkfndo Fancy <3s.o» pe Nap- * ' GaUze'Qrnsi Hkfs “ S ik Cravats, Jacnnct'do “,iV and Morsailles Vesting! f ,,..i and Sin ; gle A dfioble width, hlk A black Bombazin blue ' Ban^cerdi, white Nankin & Stripe, Lasting Circassians Nankeens • •fhtp.-Bftt blue Olive and Mix’d,clpthi English Thread A iSobbinct Lacei Ac. Ac. i mar 16 NoS .A 14 Gibbons! raoge- , Nqjtice. F OUR'morths afterdate, ave shall apl ply to the Court of Ordinary of Ef fingham county, for leave to sell nil the Real Estate of William H, Womack, dec. being several tracts.of^,and in.uaidpe<nvfity,‘ on.both-sides of the'Louisville road, con taining together 570 acres, for.thehenefit, of tho heirs. -is WILLIAM A. PUEVATT, Adm’r. in righ) of his Wife, i. SARAH PREVATT. Adm’x. mar 28 'fa - ~Z NoticflT . ~ ■flJpERE AFTER the Savannah tihra fl JL ry wjR be opened for the deliver-' to Hooks evefy.Mpndsy, Wednesday and Fri diy, from 4 to 0 o'clock P. M." - . litdiviclit.iln not share holders Man 'hive the use of (tie ’Library on tlio following Jerins_ For one year, by paying • $12 six months, - “ . ,, 6{ ” any less period, at the rate ol t per month - - AVM. MOREL, Librarian, may 1 102§b ■" ..... Notice. flfllOUR months after date,, aflplieati fl^ will tie mado to tho Honorable, t tion — v . „ notable, the Justices of the Inferior Court of Effing ham county, when sitting for ordinary pur-' .poses, for leave to sell tho half of an undi- vidqi tract of land in the county of Effing ham, coniaining . 137 1-2 acres formerly the property of Benjamin Porter,, for the benefit of the heirs of William G. Eorter, deceased. ■ WILLIAM KING, Administrator de bonis non;' may 6 100 • Negroes for Safe.. T HE following Negroes, from tin country, are offered for sale, vjz: A negro boy aged ahotlt. 16 years. A negro boy aged pbout IS ’'very likely. A negro boy aged ahout i5 “ A negro boy aged about 12 A negr.o girl aged lO.years. ' A negro managed 44 “ a prime field - . ‘hanM.. .. . A negro bov about 17 “ do do do. A'.ijflgrp man aged 38 “ , do dp do.. ... v . man-and wife, and their child ibout 5 years o!d». , .Apply to ' tear 28 , J.EFPING^RJ Cn an -i. d JUNE 28th, 1829. The'-Manne A Fire In- Chatham Su* perio^ Coprj, , January Term, A---1880. In Equity. surance Bank of ifie State'.al. -• vs. Eleazer'Early, f it- nU JfT hejog verified to;the|Qpurt that Elea- Jt zonEarly oiie.oftlVc defendants In the above cause resiites out of Ctiatham ccuu- .U’mOn.niotioniUt ordered.that (he said Eleazer Early appear on or beforo tho first day nf the next Term of tills t.’ourt and cu ter his appearance-thereto and in default thereof the said cogiplainant have, leave to proceed on. their said Bill .in,'the same- manner as if personal service of the.Till and subpoena had been effected an tiie said Eleazer—And it is further ordered that' this Rule he published once a month in ono. of rite Public Gazettes of Savannah uutll, theexpiijiljotuhbieof. .... .'Extract from-the minutes. • ROBERT VV. POOLER, Cik. june SO 158 -Irving’s -Goluinbus—iAbrid- . ged.) T HE 'LIFE ANBttVOYAGF.P OF CHUItiTOPHER COLUMBrS by-Washington Irving (abridged by tlio' same) price $1 S(J, , ' . Hernions Preached in England by tlio Right Rev. Regonald .Heber D. D. prioo SV.SO. . . . . , . ;.' -Letter front jEghna hy James Emcrsoh price SI 48. Just received by ; . ' T. M. DRISCOLL. june 24 • . ; M. Prend^rgasjt, > „ 'AS just teceived per schooner Orb fegon. • , t.-isJ’ - Fancy willow travelling baskets and reticule •, , India pnrved shill combs, i •* Plain do do 'jJlaelr, blue and hratvn Italianetts, Superior Blue.and : ’Yellqw Nankeens. Swiss and jaconet ncdlc-work dress robes, -. : . Swiss and Jaconet needle-work CfiN Jars and Palatines, No S A14 Gibbons Range. mayJ8 - -• . Notice. rflHE subscribers having qualified qd JL .the will of the late John Wood Esq j of Camden, give notice lb all persons hav ing, claims against.,his estate,.to.jtrfsent, them, and request all perroits .indebted'to it, to eomeforwwj and- soulerhe same.. IltH-AiCE S.PRATTtEx’or. vfifcLEAH JANE W. PftATT, ij'W 4 june 11 . 137f.L Situation -Wanted, B Y a person .who can give the.most ialisfacuiry te.sttmort»als of his cops' on.oyerteer.gardnor, ViflijmSc ser.'orjni any other employment,hn'a plan tatibri—as the advertiser’s principal object is to bo employed.he will engage (ill (he la of Jannary next, bn very reasonable terms, Apply at this office. - .June 44 tffip A. MALLEIIY & DUFFY. - DRAPER&if TjiHnQRS, ' . OX TUB BAY, Vs EAST OP THE CITy*HOTEL„ TJTAVE received by irccnt avrivals from Now York, a fresh and clenaut as sortment. of the most seasonable GOODS, -’•In thair line—,. • ,, - coNsisttSn or Blue black, ibtown, olive; Green arid 'mix: BROADCLOTHS., r* 1lu ®’ Xmwn.grcen.and stcei niixt • 1 QUEENS CLOTH. Blue-block .tod fuqey colqred ilngle ‘ mil • • . . , <TOSIMF.liB. ’Merino Cloth and Cassimcre, - (light mitetialsior lummet Bombazine Circastinn - Brown, white nnd drab 'Eofclish and French Drill qjgBjiP Striped FlorCntinM Satin Jean GrassCloths, Bqiirhon Drill •feillc Cainlilft. Nankeen of other styfls'suitable'fot f coatees and pantalooQs . . . FSTINGS .. .. 4 ; English-, Italian and French black etfd ' colored Silk... Yftlenda jrod-MarreillesofJLtfr,White and neat fttncyPa«euls, Wltitejtud-Buff Caiilntere and Cash- : . merct • All qf which they are prepared to make to measure, mtltobestmarioer apd at short * notice. ■ • * . ,* EANCy ARTICLES. - A handsome assortment-of Silk and Liuen Cambric Pocket Hand kerchiefs Crtuiats, StotSs,'Stlffners Blark, white and straw ooiorod-Horse* skin Ulovqi*. -Crass Cloth rind Linen do , • Suspenders, Watch Guards and Rib. - bons, . , . -Hosiery otill descriptions foraging, Moroeo, Cadet A Mediter ranean Caps, See. See. - i Am6,- i- • . t A general Assortment of IICADY MADE Spa I NO AND ftUUHCn CUOTIIING.