Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 11, 1829, Image 1

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4 No 162 Choice French Rose ter. J UST IMPORTED Anil fur sale by .. A PARSONS, Druf No S Gibbom' 11 do 5 lingo. Martinique Molasses. ' J, *9 HDDS prime retailing Molasses. Landing and for sale low if takou from the ' (lia HAl P L* SHAPTER & TUPPER. jnno 18 ' Brouglit to Jail. [ Savannah on tbo tutli init a negro, nan "ho say* his name is Will. (Down i be belong 9 to XXVI Saratoga Congress Miner al Spring Waiter. rBlDEjSjtusoriber lias just rccolyed a AL largo supplv ofthose celebrated Wa ters, in quart and pint bottles, in boxes of oito to three doti-n each, and will bo'kept constantly on band during tbo season, and it ia intended, ll'.at the store shall be open ed early in tho morning tn receive custom ers.—For side at the Eagle, No. 8, Gib bons' Range. * A. PARSONS. Drygglst. aprjl £1 r 93 SARURDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1829. Whole No .....6428. English White M Seed. J UST received, for aflectl Liver’s, iiitcri oss of stave tern. feet It inch forehead, fob 28 JNO .PARSO Tibbons’ I OLLAR9 PERBpT Razor St limSd, " w< ! (them, pronounco them »p porter to any at Lhe present time In use. , for sale by 'EKSON'S'am' f- . xor ritraps ambegt epnstwilly un M le'preseitt time in use. n or n* uy P A. PARSONS. Drugglit At the Eagle, Vo, 8 Ojbbon's Range. march l.t ' Salts and Castor Oil,. .1* STin.K BHLS -al Glauber. 100 boxes do assorted sizes 1800 quart bnWee Castor Ojl for Plan tati'in Purposes 800 quart bottles cold pressed 300 pUvtX do j ,do do Which is offered unusually low. Planters are particularly requested to eall and oxamlno for themselves. For sale by A PARSONS, Druggist. At tha Eagle No B Gibbons rungs, mars d Soda Pow ders. OO^EN boxesSotla.Pow ders dp Scidlitz do Tito improved Cheltenham Salts, pro - pared hy Savory, Moore & Davidson, im ported and for sale by ^ ' 1 'A. PARSONS, Druggist, at ,the Eagle. No. 8 f® " march It 31 To Planters. lOOO'B^ Common' _ Castor Oil , 800 do Superior Oold Press Is just eccived and for sale low ljy A. PARSONS, iboru Range ttt Dhtfegist. no 8 Gibbons'l Bottled Cider. ' [yST Received, a few boxes of Crab 1 Apple Citlor, a vory choice article. ‘ For sale by .A.PARSQN8, At the Ragle, No. 8, Gibbons' Range, mjy 7 107 ^ •Vri'T .iF UEqRGIA—Dy Elijah J31 Ouker, Clerk of the Court of Ordina ry for the County of Liberty. Major A. Majmank applies for. letters of Administration’ of all and singular tile notids and'ehatteU, rights and credits, that aero of-Uornar.d M’.Oann, late of said coun ty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and arlmnn-' iih all and singular the kindred and credi tors ofspid deceased,to file their objections, (ifany they hqvc) in my office at Kicebo- rough onor before, the first Monday in May next, otherwise letters of qdmlnistra tion will be granted to the said applicant. Witness the Hon. John Dunwoody, one of the Judges of said court (his 28th day of March in the rear of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty nine. E. BAKER, c. c.o. l.c. april A 78* Administrator’s Notice. OUR months after date, I shall apply _ to the Honorable tho. Justices of the iferior court of Chatham county, when (ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to II a tract ot land, mumher ninety four, o. 04) situated in. the twelfth district of [onroe county, in tile state of Georgia, intaining two hundred two and . a half Feres, being the real estate pf Launci-loC 1 Feay, deceased, for the benefit of the lira and eiedilors of said estate. J. WALLACE, Adin’r. of L. H. Feay. april SO ' .07 For sale. A TRACT of land containing *60 a ’ ores', situate in the dtstriot .of Oi- angebqrgh, on Edisto creek in the state of South Carolina, bounding north on lands of Daniel Mazygk, qnd south and wost on. he said oreek. For a plat of said laud, and terms of sale, apply to GEO. GLEN, Ex’or. est. of John Glen, febjfi Jtr -*—tew M. Prendergjfist Has lust received per iehr Exact, Superior Blue ci.oth It.ilLnoUe * * Black and mixed Cambists Super fancy Silk Dross Hdkll •• “ Gauze do do “ „ " -Smyrng do do .* Horseskin Gloves " Shaded Sc printed Scarfs Gauze " Plain & figured SwiJs Muslin -Gentlemen'! plaid silk Cravats JDrench Casimere and Drills ..Russia - d 0 With a handsome assortment of Konsington, Gimp, Bpbinet and English Thread Laces Np 8 &13 Gibbon.’s Range. Court of Ordinary, Effing ham County. ' DECEMBFR, TERM 18*8 a N'tlie petition of Sam’I. J. Bryan .stgtlng posefsed ofa bond which ho produced to the Court made snd signed by Benjamin Kennedy late df the county aforesaid bearing date the IZth day of .January 1818 for titles to a certain troc of land .described in said bond. These are to cite and admonish all persons having or claiming any interest in the estate of the said BenjaminlKonherty-tp file their objections if any they have, on or before the meeting oftjte Court of Ordinary for said county, for May term 18*0, otherwise the administrator'will be ordered to make titles to said tract of land pursuant to the statute tn snch cates made and providod. -J. CHARLTON, e.c. o.E. C. jsn i* JS /ourt pf Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the City of Savanr 'nali. „„„„ JUNE VERM, 18*0. HEREAS Wm Taylor and Jna. w w -8. Bulloch were summoned to at- , 'bis Court as Gtand Jurors—and .Simpson.Thus Gurnet. 'Reuben Taylor and Jaa. Piei.ce as Petit Jurors, I failed"to appear. It is ordered that dess they, file wjt|i tlte.clerk of tills Court, ion and sufficient causo of excuse on befpro,.the next Term (July 18th) ey ue severally fined—Grand Jurors the turn of. foity, Pe.tit Jurors in tho m of twenty dollars, jun. i3 ^ K ^ERINEAU,Clk. id ongvess Mineral Spring •Water. HE subscriber will duripg the. 'season . have tins article cooled in ice and; i bo ready for .customers at ail times of | ™S|istot_thdEagle P GI^on > s'Range: Board qf Health', J LsSOLVED, Pliat the Citizens who ^?^l,^ ^8 u 0s,ro,,, °f having the trees bo- 8 ‘ i 8ir l ’ ouso ? Rimmed, .Cere to 8a . me done before .the hour of 8 S . r® m, « nin «. and have,the offal imethatoly removed, so that the heat of it„ i m a y tho same. publl,hed Extract from the Minutes. WM. MOREL, Soc’ry. >3 Jtt Public. tlie numerous frai . ractised in teforei... edicinc, I am again induced (o chango the form of my BOTTLES. In future, the PANACEA will bo put up in round bojtles, fluted longitudinally, Vltt the following words, blown in the glass “Swaut's PattfOEa, PttiLiDA," at repte. tented above. • ’ •• These bottles are much stronger Mian those heretofore used,and will have hut one. label, which covors the cork, with my own signature on it, so that the cork cannot be • drawn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine. The me dicine may consequently be known to be genuine when my signature is visible; tc counterfeit which, will be punishable as for '7.10 increasing demand lor this celebra. ted medicine lias enabled me to reduce tin price to TWO DOLLARS per bottle,thus bringing it .within the reach of the indi gent. My Panacea requires no encomium; itr astonishing effects arid wonderful operation, have drawn, both from Patients and Medi cal Practitioners ,6f the highest respectabi lity, the most unqualified approbation', and established for it a character which Envyts. pen, though dipped in gall, can never tarn- Tlie false reports concerning this valu able medicine, which have been so diligently circulated by certain Physicians,have their origin either in ENVY, or in the mischiev ous effects of tho SPURIOUS IMITA TIONS. < The Proprietor pledges himself to the Public, and gives them the most solemn assurances, that this medicine contains neither mercury nor any other deleterious drug. The pllblie are cautioned not to purchase my Panacea, except from' myself, my ac credited agents, or persons of known .es- lectabillty: and nil .those will consequent- y be without exouse, who shall purchase rom any other persons. WM. SWAIM. September, 18*8. The following certificate gives the hit,, lory of the introduction of the Panacea into tho Philadelphia' Alms House Infirmary. Those who read it, will be convinced that the proprietor has never feared the inveili? gallon of physicians, or endeavored to ad minister the niedicine ln secret. It also evinces the prejudices of the faculty,"that, those who were so anxious originally to exclude the medicine from Utis.institution, would neglect no opportunity of expelling if, after it had been introduced. FROM WILLIAM DUANE, Esq» was impossible to be mistaken, and for borne to Introduce any other circumstan ces than .what belopg.Immediately to It- Philadelphia, March UjK CERTIFICATE OF*DR. EDWIN A. ALTEE* Mtmber cjihtPhiladelphia Mtdical Soeie• Tho ease detailed in the above' certifi cate dame under tny observation, and 1 be lieve’ 'Alderman Duane’? statement to be strictly correct. Mr. Switio showed me two Mllcr caios nearly similar, which were cured by his Panacea,aflcr overy other re medy had Tailed. - a. i . ? Averse as 1 am to qnackory, I li or to bo preserved from unjust t prejudice ; and, therefore, do.' ;ive my dame, in confirmatloif ' Brought to Jap. ■"N Savannah, some time ago,, a, negro M. man who says his name' is JIM, and that he belongs to John Pitman but does not know where his "master lives,nor where lie ranaway from. I .pm induced to be lieve that he is mvntd by some pne else, he is 4 fopt 9 1-4 inches high and about 15 years of age; |p> stammers a little, when speaking! JNO.IJJEWS.j.c.c, ime 14 ' 14* rTrhasHrer’s Office, Jolt 1,18*0. T HE average price of Flour during the last month being 37 *5 per barrel of 108 lbs. Breed for tlie present month must yveigh as (qI lows viz: IX 1-g cents Loaf libs 10 . oz 0 1-4 " 11 .1 <•' 6 “ Of which all Bpkerpapd sellers of Bread will take due Notice. M. W. STEWART, c. t. isilh '• „ Town Property for Sale. A N eligibly situated lot, in tlie Southern section of the city, with the improve ments, consisting ofa two story, dwelling house, with Piazzas, and containing seven neatly finishedhrooms.end the requisite out buildings—nllTn good repair. ' A half lot, in the centre of the city, hav ing a convenient two ?tory,dwellingSt good out .buildings! • - • - — A corner Ipt, in n desirable situation, with a cominodtous.dwelling, well calcu lated for a Boarding House; attached to which is so. extensive stable. A nuriiberof lots,'improved and vacant, in different parts.of the city. : Apply, to june is J. FATINGER. Notice. T HE copartnership heretofore exist ing between the subscribers undei the firm of James Anderson & Co. expired by limitation on the 31st of May last. All persons indebted will make payment to James Anderson, who is duly authorised to settle the affairs of the concern, and will continue tho business for his awn account. JAMES ANDERSON, O. M. KING, juneis 1S0| and spfety ot Mr. EDWIN A. ALTEE. Philadelphia, Nov. 5th, 18*8. A supply of this Valuable Medioino Is just received yml for sale by » A PARSONS, Agent. At tho Eagle No 8 Gibbons Ra'ngc, march 17 03 £ Svyaim’s Vermifuge. Patent. THIS valuable Anti-dysen teric and Worn Medicine lias boon .used for theso seven years past, and its virtues are universally acknowledged by all who havo .tried it,.to he far superior to any other medicine ever employed for most diseases children are subject .to. It is perfectly safe, and'iyo child will refuse to take it. Jt.selitomlims-CuringJPysentery, Summer Complaint, Colic or Cltolera Morbus, grown persons or children und It gives appetito to almost all debilita ted persons. Wormsjrequemly InXcstclill d«n, aggravate ilielr other diseases, and are the cliief cause of most 'fevers,'bowel complaints, and chronic and nervous diseas es, incident al childhood, which arc so nu merous and frequently fata). It is mirth regretted that- most vermifugeiteow In use aye injurious, andthousands of children are- swept off, or are rendered feeble, pale and enunciated through the first stage' of hfo —whish loads on to pulmonary complaints .&c. 4ic. 5te. Worm* lieltig .especially apt to Infest persons of debihtated'digestive organs and 1 emaciated oonstitutions, much mischief is alien done hy .the ordinary worm medi cines, which generally qonsist of the strong-, est purgatives, mercurials, bitters, narco tics, dr spirits of turpentine. Articles of this kind ihay dastrgy worms, but they de bilitate the stomach, and often materially, Iqjitre the general health.- Swain's Ver- MirttoE lias the peculiar advantage of de stroying'lin'd removing worms front tlie bowels without the weakening consequen ces of the stronger purgatives, dec.—and it has. mqreaver, a decided tendency to give vigor belli td thestomach and boiveis und organs of digestion—thereby relieving the general system fro.m many troublesome complaints. It is by .ibis means that so- many grown 'persons have been relieved, *y." w Tlie Virtues and Use 1 OF TIfK ’ CORDIAL Cephalic Snuff. Milch, by long experience, has been found ancjfectital Remedy for most Disorders °/ r , UUAD, •tencc'lallr, the Common which it hardly ever falls giv-' tng immediate ease, dud by frsauent use prevents tts return, v- ' f T admirably opensdnd purges .the hoad, -B- strengthens the ncrvcs.rovives tho spi- 'smoil"^-* a most gtateful aromatie It rtjssrc: B.-owsIaess, Sleepiness; .Gid diness, and Vapours, relieves dimness of the eyes, Is excellent in curing reoent deaf ness, und has been of great service in Ilys- teric und Paralytic complaints, and in re storing the memory wjhon impaired hy dis orders of the* head. - It Is also extremely proper for persons' who\ isit the sick, or go into Unwholesome rooms or unhealthy places, and .lio.t cli mates, as it fortifies the head against nox ious, exhalations and ihfeotlous air. A pinch or two may ho taken at any tune, and indeed several in a day; hat for a cold, oratoppago in the head, a pinch or two should bo taken jutt before,going to: Those who are in the habit of taking- mu th of the common snuffs, (and thereby injure both h.ead and stomach,) are desired to mix some ofthisCEPHALIC SNUFF with them, and their bad effects will in a greqt measure,' be prevented. Is on hand and for sale hy IA PA R80NS, Druggist, At the Eagle no 8 Gibbon's Rani marl* Range. One of the Aldermen of the City of Phi- • _ ladilpnia. ' - Mr, Swaim,proprietor of a medical com position called Swaim’s Panacea, applied to me, requesting me to state what I know about the introduction of his medicine into tho Alms House—and 1 consider it a .duty to comply with his request. Bfing President of .tlie Board of Mana erspf tho Aims House in the year'-IOlO, Ir. Swaim expressed to mo n wish to un dertake the cure of some persons then in the house, whoso casestvere givenuji as in curable by tlie medical gentlemen, that lie wgs '.confident of curing hy his medicine those casdi; and would undertake some of the most desperate-and would require no other compensation than tho satisfaction to bederived from the service rendered. I promised to consult tbo other .mann ers, and did so; hut I fodiid that some of lie medical gentlemen in the house had labored to prejudice them, as some of them attempted to prepossess me 8gainst what they denominated quackery. Some of the managers felt inclined .to the trial, consid ering that as they were cases abandoned by tho inodical men which were to be opera ted uponrno harm at least would be done, and jf cure was practicable, the opportuni ty ought to bd afforded,Jrut they expressed a relqctauce to take any responsibility upon them; hy which I understood that they .did not like to put themselves in opposition to tlie physicians. Others opposed It alto gether. ; ltlier,ftfofe offered and' look.upoii myself whatever responsibility there ivns in the ense, and notified Mr. .Swaim .that I would accompany him, and Slid so. ~ The first case sileStod was that of' n rvoiifan, whose appearance Was horrible, a.nd whoso condition was so deplorable that the pa tients jn the same rpom wished to have her removed, and the nvidonce of my own sen ses "justified their oomplaint. J3i;6 WU8 * woman of about .30 or 3* years of age, Iter right eye was alredy destroyed, the left eye protruded more than half an inch out of tho socket, the flgsli of the left cheek was one complete ulcer, the flesh ofjlie nose had disappeared and left tlie nostrils two naked holes, tlie uppoi lip on the loft side" was destroyed,' and the lieih. and gums bare,' and the whole face, as it appeared to me,lip a stato of dissolution; her appetite had loft her—shoyepreseute.d a living skel eton frightful to behold. M.r.Swaim said he could our* her; he could not restore the lost eye, nor restore the nose, but he could restore.tholeft eye,and tho mouth. He undertook the case, and I frequent ly attended him in his visits to the poor wo man, and sho was cured—and I have fre quently seen her since, going about her ordinary business with the alacrity usual to a person of that age; the deformity of course remained; hut all that remained besides appoared healthful. I have con Sued myself to this dase,. upon which J plaints or dysentery, bilious cholic, vomit ing, sickness, vain or weakness in the sto mach or bowels, toss of appetite, either In children br grown persons, in a few hours; and it seldom fails curing chills and fe ver or fever ague. No family ought, of eter will be wlthoifit; after a trial. Worms are capable of produoing' great' disturbances in tne system. Not only do they-aggrnvato ordinary diseases when they are present,-but 4hcy a|to "give rise to a' great variety of very alarming anomalous affections. The whole train of spasmodic Sc convulsive diseases may proceed from tlie Irritation of worms in the alimentary canal. Cholera, epilepsy, £ainlcpsy, tomflns, pa ralysis, mania, convulsjons, ns well as a variety of other nervous and convulsive affections, are not unfrequently the imme diate effectsof this cause Besides these diseases, worms have afto been known to produce pleuritic and rheumatio pains,dys entery. remitting fever,dropsy of the hr pin,' chronic anti spasmodic cough, &c. &c. &c. ' ~ Among the symptoms which indicate tho pretence of Worms, the following ate the most common and striking:—A pale, leaden-coloured, and occasionally flushed countenance ; .U bluish streak under tile eyes, those are dull and heavy, tlie - pupils are dilated and muqif contracted, tlie low er eyelids qud.upper lip swell,' especially during the' night while sleeping; great itohingln the nostrils, which causes the patient to pick Bis nose; .foul -breath; dis turbed .sleep; during which the patient grinds his teeth, is apt to scream out and start up suddenly as if frightened: "tingling in the earj; giddiness; interrupted speech; palpitation of the heart- n .dry spasmodic cough; irregular and depraved appetite, being sometimes entirely suppressed, and at others exceedingly .voracious; abdomen swelled and hard; looseness of the bowels; eosllvep'ess; unnatural, s)imy,oi foul stools; pains in thehonels; wasting of the flesh; convulsions; fits; palsy; and finally death. A supply of this' valuable Medicine is Juit received and for sale by r ■'• A. PERSONS, Agent. A.t tfee eagle No 8 Gibbon’s Range, march'31 Notice. P OUR months after date, application will bo .made to the Honorable the Justices oftho Inferior Court of Tattnal County, for loavo to sell the real estate of Thomas Dickinson late ofsaui county de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors .of sa)d estate. Win. DICKINSON, Qualified Executor. march 7 45 Shoe BJftchina » AY & MARTINS liquid Just imported,Olid for ~ cask or dozen by A P. Druggist No 8 M n Blacking le by the ONS. More New G.oods. J UST received by M. Prendergatt, and .for sals low. 3 Cases sup. Irish Linens jn full and half pieces > > - 4 do do do ..Sheeting « bales <t4flreiwn do 2 do do Bleached do 5 do 3-4 do Shirtings 5 do 8-i Brown do 3 do DomesUcFIkjdi Sf. Stripes Russia & Birdseye Diaper 8-4 8-4 0-4 10-4 Irish do Ceases ladies Leghorns Ido--- .mens ■ ile 1 do boys do Fashionable Ginghams & Prints Plain plaid St stripe Palinarine Blue Straw & hl|t Wofsted Barege Plain Baliice, all cbtoifts ’ Crimson St Grcon Moreens Bib station Silk—Gros da Naples, Florence Sc Sinchoivi -- " Satin Levaiitin'd' -- Faney col'd. Grosde Naples Plkided Straw col’d hat silk Fig. Swiss dresses collars St half hdkfs" do and Plain Swiss* Book Muslins Ganibric,Jaconet,Mull St Nansook do Blkltl. Veil-Crape ' • and Colored do " Canton and-Nankin do Fancy Gjbs De Nop—Barege, and Gauze Dress Ilkfs " S ik Cravats, Jaconet do •' “and Marseilles Vesting! Single Sc double width, blk St -blue blnck Bombazin Bangnp cords, white Nankin* stripe Lasting Circassians Nankeens Sup. Blk blue Olive and Mix’d ’cloths English Thread Sc Bobbinct Laces &c: jScc. mar *8 NoS Sc 14 Gibbons’ range. MALLERY& DUFFY, DRAPERS (f TAILORS, ON TIIE EAT, EAST OF THE CITY HOTEL. f-T AVB received by recent arrivals front Now YorK, n fresh and elegant sortment of tho moil seasonable (GOODS, In their line—- ft f , consistingo* Uluo black, brown, olive. Green gnd mix! BROADCLOTHS. ' - Blue black aud fancy colored single -mil. led* v T „ CASSIMERE. Merino Cloth and Casslmere, (light and beautiful mfteriali for summer Bombasine Circassian proivni white and drab • French Drill * Striped Florentine, 1 Grass Cloths, Bourb Sfik Gambler, Nankeen Anu a variety of other stuffs suitable Cat summer coatees and pantaloons ' NESTINGS English, Italian and French black arid ooloredSilk - " Valencia and Marseilles of Buff,^White and neat fancy Patterns White and Buff C merer All of which .tliey are prepared to make to meaiure, Ip the best manner and .at short notice, . • FANCY ARTICLES, kA handsome assortment of .fiilkund Linen Camhrie Pocket Hand kerchiefs 's " Cravats, Stocks, Stiffners ski*’ T fUM * * ,,aw cct,orc< ^ Horsg* Grass Cloth and Linen do Suspenders, Watch Guards and Rib, bom, Hosiery ol ail descriptions Foraging, Muruco, Cadet St Medltoz rancan Caps, See. Stc. f ALSO, A general Assortment of .QKADY MADE SPRING and summer CJLOTHIJYCf, ' * * Consisting of 7 Gnats. Frocks and Coattees, Pantu • Ions- ■ * Veals, Jackets, Draweis, Shirts, Collars, *e.' &c. &c. M. it D. respeotfully infprmtheir friend* that the whole of the goods have been care fully selected jtr Mr. M. and the ready ' -made clothing, manufactured entirely un- der his inspection. Ar they assure their cuj tomers that the utmost confidence mav bp placed in the falllilujnoss of tliesr worlt. • april 30 f and Call* Notice. F OUR momhi aftcr date, we shall ap! ply to the Court of Ordinary of Ef fingham county, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of William IT. Womack,Dec- being several tracts of Land in said county, on both sides of the Louisville road, con taining together 570 acres, Jor the benefii of the halts. v WILLIAM A, PUEVATT, Adm’r. In right of bis Wife. SARAH PREVATT. Adin’x. mar *8 .78 Notice. \ • H EREAFTER the Sasapnah Libra ry will be opened for th'edeUve/y to Bonks every Monday, Wednesday arid Erl "day, from 4 to 8 o’clock P. M. - - Individuals not share holders can have the use of the Library on the following terms• •'*-• ' ' . For one year, by paying - Jl] “ six months, “ fl “ a »y >« period, at ^ie rate ol * per month' ' - WM. MOREL, Librarian, may 1 io*§ B ?, - - >. -r Notice. E OUR months after date, application ' will be made to .the Honorable the ces of the Inferior Court of Effing ham county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the half of an undi vided tract of land in the county of Effing ham, containing 137 1-3 acres formerly the property of Benjamin Porter, for the benefit of the heirs of William G. Porter, deceased. WILLIAM KING, Administrator de bonis non. may 8 toe the Negroes for jSale. HE following Negroes, from aJL country, are offered for sale, yijs A negro boy aged ahoqt 18 years. A negro boy aged about 15 "very likely A ncgro.boy agetTabqut 15 " do dg A nogrohoy aged about 11“ j A negro girl aged about IS ’>K A nogio man aged about 45“a field Haul - A negro man aged about 47" .dp dn ALSO A negro girl aged 10 years. A negro man aged 24 'a prlmo field hand. A negro hpy ahout 17 >f do do do A negro map aged 35. .*• do do do A negtp man and wjje, and their child- ahopt 5 years old. Apply to J.EPP1NGERJ Chambers Su JUI The Marine Jc Fite in- " surnitce Bank .of the * * Stale ul_Ueorgia, et a), es. Eieazer Early, ' et, of' perior Court, NE 25th, 18*9. .Cjiatham Su perior Courr, January Term, iw. 7 InEyulty. r ' being verifiedto the Court that Blea rer Early one of the defendants in the above cause resides out of Chntliam coun ty—On motion jl is ordered that tlie said Eieazer Early appear on or before ihe firs, day of the next Term of this Court and en ter his appearance thereto and in delimit thereof the- mid complainant'have leave to' proceed on their said Bill In the ■ samo - manner as if personal service of tho Uift and Subpoena had been effected on the said Eieazer—And it is further ordered ilia* this Rule lie published once a month in ono of thed’nblic Gazettes of Savannah untji .the expiration thereof. : - Extract from the minutes. ROBERT W. POOLER, Clk. June 30" 153 • - • IrvjBg’ll Colunih\i!s-(AbridT •' ged,) HE LIFE AND VOYAGES OF IISTC CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS by Washington Irving (abridged by tho same) price |1 *5. Sermons Preached in England by tho Right Kev. Regonald Heber D. D. price 31 60, ^ Letter from aEgina l^James Emerson price gi 25. Just received by T. M. DRISCOLL. June *4 . M. Freudergast. H r AS just received pel schooner Oio Lgon, Fancy willow travelling baskets and .-reticule India carved shell combs, . “ Plain do do Elegant Barege silk and gauze scarfs, do do do dress lidkft Black, blue and brown Ittrli.incUs, Superior Bine and Yellow Nankeens Swiss and jaconet -pedle-tvork dress robes, Swiss and Jaconet peedle-work Col lars and Palarines, Ny B ly14 Gibbons Range. may 15 Notice, T HE subscribers having qualified on ; the will of.the-latoJojiri VVnqd EsqJ of Camden, give tratipe to all persons hav ing-claims against his estate, to present them, and request: a jl pci sons-indebted to it, to some forward and settle tlie same.: HO Ab‘E S. PRATT, Ex’or. -L ALE AH WOOD, ) Px ,. rix ,. JANE F. PRATT, t*?* 1 "** june it ,137ft. ’ " Situation .Wan ted. B Y a person Who can give 'themos.t satisfactory testimonials of his com rtency as an overseer^ardner, vine cl res ■eror for any other employ mem,on a plan lation—us Ihe advertiser's principal object iw to be employed hn will engage till the ta of January ^teext. on very reasonable tcmqii Apply at this office. . jjiine 84 >40l