Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 15, 1829, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY REPUBLICAN. No IG5 ............Vol. XXVI WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 15, 1829. Whole No. Choice French Hose Wa ter. J ust imported And for sale by A BAUSONS, Druggist. No U Gibbons’ Range. do Martinique Molasses. 15 HIIOS prime retailing Molnsscs. jjtiiling and fur sate low if taken froiii the ■ft lintf. apply to 11A1.1., SIIAPTER & TUPPF.R. June10 Brought to Jail. [ M Savannah on lire 16th Inst a negro man who says liis name is Will*Brown nn I that lie belongs to Win Coflinof Clmr leston SO. lie is about 47 years of age, 0 foot 11 incites high,aml.lms a sear on bis forehead, feb C!1 JNO. I. DEWS, j. c. r. Splendid Razor Strops. r/t MMERSON'S end PRENTISS’ Jii Razor Straps an: kept constantly on inncl, and .lioso gentlemen who have nsctl tit cm. pronounce them superior to any at kite present time in nso. For sale by 1 A. PARSONS, Druggist . At the Eagle, No 8 Gibbon’s Rango. march 15 . (Salts and Castor Oil. IN STOUR - at AV BBLS Sal Glauber. . J00 boxes do assorted sizes 1000 quart buttles Castor Oil for Plan tnllon Purposes 800 quart bottles cold pressed BOO'plats do do . do Which is offered unusually Ipvv. JMantcrs aro particularly requested tp call and oxamino for themselves. - ° r “'af ARSONS, Druggist. At tile Eagle No 0 Gibbons range, -. mar-5 * Saratoga Congress Miner al Spring Water. T UK JMHiseribor bns just received a rtnuscribi lare;o supply of those celebrated Wa tors, in quart an;J pint bottles, in boxes of ouo to three dozen each, and will be kept constantly on hand during the season, and it is intended that the store open ed early in the morning to receive custom ers.—For sale at tho tlaglo, No. 8, Gib bous’ Range. A. P^USONS, Druggist, r.pril 21 03 > English White Mustard Seed. -jriJST received, for affections of tlie- ejfl Liver's internal organs, and to rc- sluro the loss of action in the nervous sys tem generally. Fur sale by Druggist, jSn 15 A. PARSONS, No. 0, Gibbons’ Range. &eiiUitz and Soda Pow ders. B 1DOZEN boxes Soda Pow- 50 do Soldlitz do ;P , AT.SO , „ i The Improved Obeltenham Sails, pro ■pared by Savafy, Moore & Davidson, im ported and for sale by A.,.PARSONS, Druggist, at the Eagle. Nn.,8. f* "* •> marc’i R -54 S ill'll OF GEORGIA—By Elijah Rafter, Clerk of the Court of Ordtnq- r 'J, • To Planters. -a IIOTTLES Common Castor Oil 500 do Superior Cold Press is jtist leceived and for sale low liy A. PARSONS, Drueeist. no I) Gibbons Rango. R 'orthr. County of Liberty. ajnr \. Alaybartk applies for letters of Administration of all and singular die goods and chattels, rights and credits, that were of Bernard M’Cann, lacedTsaid coun ty, deceased. ' These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and credi tors of said deceased,to fde their objections if any they have) io my,office at Kiccbn- roiiglt oft or before the first- Monday in May hpxf, .otherwise letters of admlmstra tion wlR be gr anted to the sqi.l applicant. Witness til a Ifon. John Eunwoody, one of the Judges of said court this stftth day of March in tits year ofohr Lord eighteen hundred and twenty lilne,. E. BAKER, c. c. o. l. c. april 1 78* j Bottled Cider. JUST Received, a fotv boxes of Crab W Apple Cider, a very choice article. For salo by ^ 1 i ARS ^ )N8| Al the Eagle, No. 8, Gibbons' Range, may 7 107 r. Adnrinistrator’s Notice. "■71 OUR months after date;I sh.all apply B? to the Ifttnoroble the Jititiceiof the [nferior.court cf Chatham county, sviten ittiug for ordinary purposes, for’leave to sell a tract, number ninety four, (no. 94) situated in tlie. twelfth district of Monroe county, in thc-riate of Georgia, ionuinlng two,.hundred - two and' a half hcri‘5, being the real estate of Launcelot II. Feny, deceased, for tho benefit of the cits and creditors of said estate- ,,J. WALLACE, .. Adin’r. of L. H. Feay. • april £0 67 Eor: Rale. A TRACT of Innil containing 250 n ; - ores, situate in the district of Oi- nngebitrgh. on Edisto creek in the state of South Carolina, bounding noilli on' lands of Daniel Mazyck, nnd south and west on hesaidoreek. For n plat of said land, nhd terms of sale, apply to GEO. GLEN, Ex'or. est. of John Glen, fob B ’ 27.-, s 1 . M. Prcndevgast,.: k. ilia lust received perschr Exact. Court of' Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the City of Savan nah. JUNE TERM. 1820, IIF.RF.AS Wm Taylor and Jas . ir, - S. Bulloch,wen); summoned to at- ■end tins Court as p'raml Jurors'—and ' v "’ l '-, Smipsen. Tbes, Garnet, Reuben “■ Taylor and Jas. I’ioicoas Petit Jurors, and failed to npaoar. R is ordered that inless they file with Jfipoierk of this Court ;ood and sufficient cause of excuse on it before the tioxt Term (July 13tlt) ihey be severally fined—Grand Jurors m the sum of foity; Petit'Jhrors in tho lum of twenty dollars. Vi': • W.K.GUERINEAU.CIk. June IS Y .... ..... UPERIOR Blue' Cloth Itallanetto Black and mixed Cnmblets Super fancy Silk Dress Udkts 11 V Gauze do do “ ■ *' Smyrna do do • Ilersesltin Gloves , “ Shaded &. pv'mted Bcarfs'Gauze J 1! Plain 8$ figured Swiss Muslin Gentlemen's plaid siikCmvats FtrenplijCasimero and Drills Russia . do- V - . frith a handsome assortment of Kensington, •Gimp,, Boblnet' and Englisli.TItread Laces -No 3 Sc 18 Gibbon's Range. mayo Congress! Mineral Spring Water. nrVIE subscriber will during the season w; have this article cooled in ice and will bo ready for customers at all times of ho day. ., m , A. PARSONS. '.Druggist at Uto Eagle Gibbons’ Range •June 22 > 14ft Court of Ordinary, Effing ham County. rtECEMnrn, term 1028 xfYN'tbe petition of Sam’l. J. Bryan 'LF stating that ho is posessed of a bond wl||oh ho produced to the Court made and signed by Benjamin Kennedy late of lit? county aforesaid - bearing date tho 12th day of January 1019 far titles to a certain trac of land .described in said bond. These are to cite and admonish-all persons having or claiming any-interest, in the cstute <jf the said. Behjamin'Kenncdy to file their objections if any they have, on or before tho meeting of the Court of Ordinary for id county, for May term 1820, othetwise io administrator, will bo .ordered .to make titles to-said-tract of land' pursuant' to the statute in suchtcavts made and provided. J. CHARLTON, c.c. o'.e.o, jnn 12-8 ' PRME TWO DOLLARS PER BOT- ^TLE. To tlie Public. TBN consequence of the numerous frauds B. and impusiticr.Siftrpe.tised in reference to my ntedieitto, I am again imUjeed to change tho form of int 1IOTTI.ES. In futurp, 1 the PANACEA will be put up in round bottles, fiuted longitudinally, with the following words, blown in tho glass, “Swaim's Pasacba, Piiilaua,’.’ ns repre sented above, Tltcso bottles aro much rtronger than those heretofore used,nnd will have but one label., which covers tho cork, with my own signature rfft-h, so that tho cotk cannot be drawn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine. Tlie me dicine may consequently be known to be genuine when my signature is visible; to counterfeit \M'b,.xeill be funishhUt as for. ^/Fife increasing demand for litis celebra ted medicine lias enabled' reduce tlie price to TWO DOLLARS per bottle,thus bringing it within the reach of thr inc/i*- -geht.. ...... •„ - !*.--*>. - My Pnftar.en requires no encomium; its ns(m,ishing effects and wonderful operation have drawn, both from Patients and Medi cal PractUiqnors of tlp» highest respectabi lily, the most* unqualified approbation, and established fur it a character which Envy’s pen, though dipped in gall, can never (Orn ish. . : " Tlie false reports Concerning this valu able medicine.which have been so di tgontlv circulated by certain Pliysicinth,have their origin -either inKNVV, or in tlie inlsciiev- otts effects of the SPURIOUS IMITA TIONS., ..... .. . v .„ ... Tito Proprietor pledges himself to the I’uhllc, and gives them the most solemn assurances,' that tills .medicine contains neither mercury nor any other deleterious drug.. ,.- i-.* The public aVo-dautloned not to purchase my Panacea, except frottf myself, my ae- credi.ed agents, or persons of known ,o»- peotability: and all those will consequent ly be without excuse, who shall purchase from any other persons. -. • . WM. SWAIM. September, 1828. The following certificate gives the his tory of the ilttrodnctlDn-of lJieranahea Into the Philadelphia Aims House Infirmary, Those who read it, will bo convinced that the proprietor has never foared tho invest!* gallon- of physicians, or endeavored to ad minister the nMM ovinces litoso exclude would neglect mr opportunity of expelling it, after it had been introduced. FROM WILLIAM DUANE, Esq wav impossible to be mistaken, and for borne to introduce any other Circumstan ces than what belong immediately to-it. WM. DUANE. Philadelphia, March tlth 1828. CERTIFICATE OF DR. EDWIN A. •ALTEF,, Member if the Philadelphia .Medical Socie- tyt. Tho case detailed in tho. nhovo o.ortlfi- cato oumo under my observation, nnd 1 be lieve Alderman Duane's statement to ho slrlctly cortect. ..Mr. Swaim showed me two Ollier cases r.eurlv Similar,, which were cured by Ids'l’anacca,after every oilier re-, ■aiiia' failed/ m . Brought to Jail. JTN Savannah, sortfo- time ago, a negro JL man who says his name is JIM, and that he belongs to John Pitman but does not know where his master lives,nof where lie runaway from- I am induced to be Hove that ite is owntd-hy some one else, lie is 4 feet 0 1-4 inches high and about 15 years of age; he stammers a little when speaking. ' c >. • .- . • JNO. I. DEWS, j. c. c. nne 14 142 ; Treasurer’s Office. . ■'"i •■■■ Jut-T 1,1829. ; fWNIIE average pried ofFIoiirduringthe JL last month being S7 25 par barrel .of 188 lbs v Bread for tho present month musi'weighjisfollows viz: 12 1-2 ceuts- Loaf 21bs 10 oz 0 1-4 . 1 •• 5 “ Of which all Bakers and sollersof Bread will take due Notice. ■’. : . . M. W. STEWART, c. t. . Jnly*l ■ - ' .j medicine in secret. It also vinces tfie prejudices of, the faculty, that lioso who:were., so anxlon's originally to xclude the medicine,from this institution, verso ns I am to quackery, 11itJpcev- or to bo preserved from unjust and selfish prejudice j aitdt therefore, do not hesitate to give mv name, ih coufmnation of the ef ficacy and safety ol Dir. Swaim's modi ciuc. »■»'.. • EDWIN fa altEE. PliUadf.lphin, Nor. 5th, 1828. A supply of this Valuable Medicine is just received and for sale hv A PARSONS, Aftt-n?. V At tho Eagle No 0 (iibbons Range. m.irch 17 03 Board of Health, Town Tropcrty for Sale. A'N eligihly situated lot, in tho Southern XlL section of the city, ivitluhe improve- meuti, consisting oFu'two story dwelling "hbuse, with Piazzas, and-comaining seven nftrttly finished rooms,and tho requisite out buildings—all in good repair. A half lot, in the centreof the city, hav ing n convenient two story,dwelling* good .Out boildlngs.- A corner lot, in a desirable' situation, with a commodious dwelling,' well calcu lated fora Boarding House; attached which is an extensive stable. A number of lots, improved and vacant, in different parts of the oily. Apply to jnno 16 , J.EPP1NGER. One of the AhlerMn-'of the City oj Phi ladelphia. Mr. Swnhn, proprietor of a medical com position called Swaim's Panacea, appliod to me, requesting me to state what I know about the introduction of his medicine into tlie Alms I[otite-os&nd i,consider it a duty 40 comply witlt his request. Being President of the Board of Mana gers of tho Alms I louse in the year 1820, Sir. Rwaint expressed tome a wish to un dertake the cure of some persons then in the house, whose cases wore given op as jju curabie'by the medical eeiitleiiien. that lie was confident of curing by his medicine those cases, and would Undertake some of the most despcratc—and would require no other compensation than tile satisfaction 'to be derived from the service retidored, I ,promised to-, consult the other mana-. gers, and did so; hut I found that some of the medical gentlemen in tho house had labored to prejudice litem, as someof-thejii attempted to prepossess me agninst what they denominated quackery. ■ Sonic of tlie managers felt inclined to the trial, consid ering that asthey were cases abandoned by the medical men which were to lie opera ted upon, no harm at least would be dntie, and if curb was prhctieable, theopporturti- ly ought to bo afforded, but they expressed a reluctance ttttake any responsibility upon them;-by whicli I understood that they did not like to put 'themselves in opposition to the physicians. Others opposed it alto gether. • I-tlfprefore offered and tcok upon myself whatever responsibility there was in the case, and notified Dir. Swnim that I yvould accompany him, and did so. Tlie first case selected; was that of a woman, whoso appearance was horrib'o, nnd whose condition was so deplorable that the pa tterns in the same-room wished to have her removed; and the ovidenc.e of my o,vn sen ses justified tifeir oomplnint. Site wns a woman of about SO or S2 years of age, hor right eye was alredy vestroyed, tho left eye pio’truded more than half an ineh oxA of the socket, the flesh of fheleft chock was brie complete nicer, the flesh of the nose TTk C ^ PfSnwnnah.'l'Uh June. 1829. .1? Ua °LVED, That tho Gitizons.who a . r ?-i loslro "s;of hpving tho trees bo- forn their houses trimmed, bo requested 1 to tlono ''before (he . hour of 8 immv.t- 1 ? ! l, e s murning. and ha ve the .offal immediately removed, so that the hont of t.heAtm may not get on.the same.", ., ' Extruet from the Minutes, June 18 WM.MouEL.Soc’ry. MS . Notice. , FH1HE co-partnership horetofore-oiist- -H ing Itetween the. subscribers under tile firm of JameS Andorson & Co. expired by limitation on theWst of May last All persons indebted will ntnko payment to James Anderson, who is duly authorised |C settle tho affalrsnftho eoncttrit, and will continue tlto business for his own account, JAMES ANDERSON, ■ • C,M,ICING.- juhe 13 -130 Swaim’s Venftifilge. Patent. Tills valuable Anti-dysen teric and li'orm Medicine lias been used for these seven years past, and Us virtues are , uttiversallv acknowledged by all who have tried it, to be far superior to any oUter, medicine ever employed for most dlseafcs children areaphject to. It is perlectly safe, nnd no ehild will, refuse to take it. It sel.tpm fails curing Dysentery, Suitnnor Complaint, Colio or Cltolcra Morbus, cither in grown persons or children unci It gives appetite toalmost all debilita ted persons. Worms frequetdIk infest chi! dren, aggravate their other diseases, and are the clticf cause of most fevers, bowel complaints, nnd oltrdrilc nnd.nervous diseas es, incident.toehildhood, wlfioli arosoi-mi- meroits and fteqoently fatal.., If i3 mufili regretted that most vermifuges now in use are injurious, and thousands ofcliildten are swept off, or are rendered feeble, pale and enunciated through tjte first stago of life —which leads oft to pulmonary complaints *e. &c.&c. ,■ ; , t. Worms being especially .apt to insist- persons of debilitated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions,'much mischief is often done by the ordinary worm medi cines, Which generally.consist of the strang est purgatives, mei'cnrials/blUeri, narco tics, or spirits of turpentine. Articles of .this kind tnay destroy worms, hut they de bilitate the stomach, and ofto«. materially injure the general health. Stvatta’s siiruaEhas the peculiar advantage of dtr- stroying and removing worms from the bowels without the sveakenlng consequen ces of the stronger purgatives.- Ac.—and It has. morenver, a decided tenderiVf’to give' vigor botli to the stomach and howels and organs of digestion—thereby relieving the general system from manv troublesome complaints. It is by this -means that so many grown persons have been relieved, by its use, of different complaints—suprio. sing themselves to lie tn n decline, &c. &c. This medicine will relieve : bqml com plaints or dysentery,, bilious cholic, vomit ing, sickness m pain or weakness in the sto mach or bowels, lost of appetite, either in children or grown persons, indf-w hours ,■ arid it seldom fails owing cuittn fND rr.- VEII OR fkvkr AOI.R. No family ought, or ever will be withoif it, after a trial. Worms are capable of producing great disturbances ih the system. Not only do they aggravate ordinary di.soases. when they are present, but they' also give' rise to a!' great variety of very alarming anomalous affections. The whole train nfspAsntodic & convulsive diseases may proceed from tlie irritation of worms in the alimentary canal.’ Cholera, epilepsy, catalepsy, tetanus, pa ralysis, mania, convulsions, as well as a variety of other netVyus and convulsive affections, are not unfrequently the inline- diato effects of this cause ' 1 Besides these diseases, worms have also been known to produce pleuritic and rheumatic pains,dys entery. remittingfeverpjropsy of the hrain, chronic and spasmodic cough, &c. &c. &c. . . ■' Amopg the symptoms which .indicate the presence of worms, the following are the most common and striking:—A pale,; leaden-coloured, nnd occnsiomlly flushed countenancet a bluish- streak under the eyes, ttiese are dulfand heavy, the pupils are driated and much.contracted, the low. er eyelids and upper -lip swell, especially during the night while sleeping; great itchlngin the nostrils, which causes the patient to pick his nose; foul bryath; dis turbed sleep; during which the patient grinds his teeth,-is scream out and start up suddenly as if frightened: tingling in the ears; giddiness; interrupted speech; palpitation of the heart n dry spasmodic cough; irregular and dopraved: appetite, being sometimes entirely suppressed, and at others exceedingly voracious; abdomen swelled and hard; -loosenessofitite bowels;, unnatural, slimy,or foul stotils; paijts in the bowels; wasting of tlie flesh; convulsions; fits; palsy; and finally death. A supply of this valuable Medicine is Jutt'received and-for sale by * A. PARSONS; Agent. At the eagle No 8 Gibbonjg Range march 31 The Virtues and Use OF TIIK count al Cephalic Snuff. Which, In/ long experience, has Ulh found an I'Jfi'clutil Ihmtdyfor viost Disorders t especially the Common Iftadach, to which it hnrdiu ever fails giv ing immediate case, and by frequcnt'usc prevents tIs return. a T admirably opens-nnd jtnrgcs tlielicttd, M. strcngilicns the nerves,revives the spi rits, and has a most grateful aromatic tnoll. It rcmevcS.Drowsineil, Sleepiness, Gid diness, miii Vapours, relieves aimness of tlie eyes, is cxcellent tn curing recent draT- ness, and has Iteett of great service ill I lys- tcrio und Paralytic complaints, nnd in re storing tho memory when impaired, by die order* of the head,, ' ■ * It is also extremely proper for persons 'vho visit tllo sick, or go into unwholesome rooms orJtnhealthv places, ami hot cli mates, .,s it fortifies the head against nox ious, exhalations and infectious air. A pinch nr two tnay bo taken at any time, and indeed several in- a day; bm for a cold, or stoppago in tho head, a pinch or two should betaken just before going to bed. ' '' t0 liad disappeared and loft tlie nostrils two naked holes, the uppei lip on the left side was destroyed, and: the teeth and. gums bare, and the whole face, as it appeared to me, ill a state of dissolution; her appetite had left her—site represented a living skel eton frightful to behold. -• Mr.'Svvaitn said he could cure her t ho could wot restore the lost eye, nor restore the no3e', but he could •restore tlielqft eye and the mouth.' : Tie undertook theeaso, and I frequent ly attended him in ltjs visits to the poor wo man;'and she was cured—and I have fre quently seen her since; going about her ordinary business with tho alacrity usual jo a porson.of that age; tlie deformity of course riima'ipqd; but ail that remained besidesnppeared healthful. I .have con-' fined myself to this case, upon Which I •HqlC ir imstici .+u Notice. OUR months after date, application will he made' to the Honorable tlie jstices of tho Inferior Court of Tattnnl County, for leave to sell tho real estato of Thomas Dickinson late mfsaid county de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said estate. a , V Win. DICKINSON, ;■ ? '.-Qualified Executor. march : 7 ' 55 .. Those who are in the habit of takiiiR mticli oftlto common snuffs, (ami thereby injure both head and stomach,) are desired to mix some of this CEPHALIC SNUFF with thorn, mid their bad effects will (n great measure; be provoirfpd.' Is on.linud And for sale by A* t y (e jA;P ARSONS. DrUi mar 14 Eaglo no 8 Gibbon’s EtsT, tango. ., More New Goods. J UST received by M.Trendcrgatt, and for sale low. S Cases sup.'Irish Linens in full and half pieces .. 4 do do do Sheeting 5 hales 4-4 Brown do 2 do do Bleached do 4 do 8-4 do Shir'fhtgs 8, do S-4 Brown ’ do 8 ' do Don.csttePjnids & Stripes Russia & Birdseye Diaper 0-4 8-4 0-4 10-4 Irish do 2 cases ladies Leghorns 1 do mens da 1 do boys do Fnshidnahlo Ginghams & Prints S lain plaid Sc stripe Palinarinq :j lue Straw & hik Worsted Barege 1 Plain Baltice, all colours Crimson Sc Green Atoreens Blk station Silk—Ores do Naples, Florence Sc Sinchews ■** Satin Levantine Fancy eol’d. Ores do Naples Elpided Straw col'd hat silk Fik-Swiss dresses collars & half hditfs do and Plain Swiss Sc Bonk Muslins Cambric, Janonct,Mull Sc Nansook do Blk III. Veil Crapo and Colored do “ Canton'nnd Nankin do : Fancy Gtos De Najj—Barege,, nnd Gauze Dress •• S ik Cravats. Jaconet do f{ “and Alarsaiiles Vesting! Single & double width, blk & blue ofack BumSiiZin .- Bangup cords, white Nankin* stripe Jean* Lasting Circassians Nankeens • '„V- Sup. Blk bluo Olive aitd Mix’d cloths English Thread Sc Bobbiuet Laces &’c. &c. , mar 20 NoH Sc f4 Gllihons’ range. MALLFRY & DUFFY, DRAPERS f,- TAU.URS, ' • ON TIIK RAT, EAST OF THE CITY IlOTEf; H AVE received by recent arrivals from New Yor ! ', n fresh and elegant as* ortment of the most seasonable GOODS, In their line— 1M ' COSSISTIROOF IJliie blade, hrown, olive, (ircen and mixt BUV>At)CbOTlI9. Blue, hrown,green,and stool mixt ... „ QUEENS cloth. Iilue black and fancy colored single mil led 1 CASsSlMEUE. iwerino Cloth and Cassimcre, (licitt •Rid beautiful materials fur summer noinbazine Circassian * Brown, white and drab Eu&Ush French Drill Striped Florentine, Satin .lean Crass Cloihs, Bourhon Drill • SUk Camhler, Nankepn And a variety of other stulb juitalde fut summer coatees ami pantaloons •- VESTINGS English, Italianand French black nnd colored Silk Valencia'ant! Marseilles of BuffAYhlte . ' , and neat faitey I'atterqs * * 7„ White nltd Bull'Cassitnero and Cash- • ttiernt ■ ■ • All of which tltey are pfejtared to mhko to measure, in tlie best manner And at.shoit notice. ; FANCY ARTICLES. ; •, . 7-.SA hatidSoifteiassortltrcnt of ' Silk and Linen Cambrio PoCketJIand . kerchiefs .■ - 5 Cravats, Stocks,’Sfl'ffnefs '.*>•' Black, while arid straw colored Horse. , skin-Gloves, ■' ,- Gras# Clodt rind Linen do' ’. ^uspenders, Watch Guards and Rib- •tens, ’ Heriery ol all descriptions' F oraglhg, Moruco, Cadet & Meditor ratteen Capv&ct &c* also, '•'* •• 1 A general Assorlntenl of " 1 nr.A'tt si a pk srtnrto'Axft summer CLOTHING}. L ' Consisting of Coals, Frotks and Coattees, Pattta- lons Vests, Jacket*, Dfntveii, ' ’ Shirls, Collori, Scc.'Scc,. Sic. ' AI. & D. respectfully inforrp.tlicir friends lliat the whole of the goods have been care' fully selected by Mr. AL mid tlra ready made clothing, manufactured entirely un-. der his inspection, .V they assure tlielr cus tomers thetnSe .utmost confidence .may be placed in’ttie nJuttumOH of their work. ■ april 30 ‘ , . ' " Notice. ’.mHE subscribers haviftg qualified on JL tlte wili of the late John \Vood Esq\ of Camden, plvd notice to all pHrsonihav-' ing claims against his estate* to present themj and request all perrons indebted to it, to ipme forward and settler the same; HO'ACE a.PRATT, Ex’or. LALEAH WOOD, Uu-v-i.!... ' JANE. F. PRATT, < ,r,x 1 jnne 11 ,, | , Notice. .< F OUR months after date, we shall ap|) ply to the. Court ofQrdinarv of Ef- finghadT'eounty, for leav'd to sellall the Real Estate of William JL Womack, (fee, being several tracts of Land in'saifl county, uh hath s.ides of the Louisville. Triad, bon- talning together 57° acres, for the benefit of the heirs. '• i /it WILLIAM A. PREVATf, ' » 'Adm’r. in right of his Wife; 1 ! SARAH PREVATT, AdoWt; mar 28 73 ' -. _ . • . Notice. TfjfeRE AFTER the Savannah Libra- ry will be opened fo^tha.deliver; to Bonks overy Mopday, Wednesdhy and Frt clay, from 4 to 6 o'clock P.'Al, ’• Individuals not shareholders can-have the Use of the Library on the following terms t—' V ! './ ; . ». >'.•' For ono year, by payiiig 312 “ six'months, “ ’ -ft- “ any-less period, at the rate o! 2 per month VVAL MOREL, Librarian, may t' 102§B ~ ' , t ; Situation Wanted. B Y a person who can give thembst satisfactory testimonials of his com potency as an overseer,gardper, vino tlfcs ser or fm guv other employment,oh pjan, tation-—ns tbe ndVertiser’s principal uhjftSl is to be employed ho will engage ftlpthf ji of Jannary next, on very reasonafile term:.. Apply at this pffied. J. ... . June 24 140li : . • Notice.' ;•,■ E OUlt months^ after date, applicatlritF' Will ho made To tho Honorable'tlid ' ces of the Inferior CSutt 'of ’F.ffing-' .. ham county, when sitting (br Ordinary pur- ' pnsci, for leave to sell the half of an midi-' vided tract of land in ihe.coituty of Effing bam, containing lit 1-2 ,«dres formerly the property of Benjamin Porter, for tho benefit t)f the heirs of William G. Porter* deceased. ' -' wiLuaat Ring, Administrator de bonis non; ■ 108- . • ... ; . . may 0 Negroes for Sale. ■„ fflllE following Negroes, from the JL country, are offered for sale, viz: A negro bopaged about 16 years. A negfo boy aged about 1'5 “very likely. • A negro boy aged'about 15 “ do do A negro boy aged abdut 12 “ A negrft girl aged about 12 “ • ' A negto man aged nbout 45“a field hand A negro man aged about 47“ • do do. ALSO A negro girl aged 10 years. . ■ A negro man agod 24 “ a prime field , . hand. '■■■ " • ti. ' A negrd boy about 17 “ ■ do do do. A negro man aged 88'.'“ do do do. A nhgro man and wife, and their child ahput 8 years old. . ' Apply to " ^ Vfgf- - mar 28 f-vC- . - JiEPPINdEli. Chambers Superior Court,' NE 35th,,1829; S.. ' : JUD. Tlie Mariha w Fire In surance Bank of tire ' State of Georgia, et al »s;.; Eleazer Eavly, et, Slf . Chatham ,Su- • ■ t peribr .Courr,' •January Term, ' •; /f830. ; Iii Zguiff. ITT being verified to the Coflrt tmifEtei-l JL' zor'Enily ont of'ilw tjeftadiuit^ki'the;., above cause resides 6qt o f Chatham court;* ty—On motion it iGqVderep that the aakl, Eleazer Early appeafot) or bafore-tlte first/ day of the next Tkrm iff tfiis Cburt'and en.-. ter his appearance thereto arid ih delault thereof the soitf-cplnplainant have leave to proceed on their said Biif ili the'same manner a^.if personal service qf tho Bill arid sult’pceita had been effected onjh'e said e.x av.;a a 4 A.'vt 1a c r..' n..lnws.i ■ Cite. -pr~ Portland Rum and Hay.. SVjtfV.BBLS, Portland Rum (boloured a® 81) bandies prime Hgy I j Lending ftom ship Florian and for sale by .. ' I'”-•:;!•' -• .--4'; •>, i HALL SHAPTER & TVPPER- . juno 15' Irving’s Columbhs--(Ait)fid- ■ ; '■■■ * -- gedA' .w/v: ', ’ . . miE LIFE ANO.VtoYAGE's 'oF by Wesbington' Irving (afifidged. by the same) price lf*5-t-ifti -ir -’ , Serhtons PsjtaottijsW Slngltvml by tlte Right Rev. Regon.eld Ilebe, D. D. price 31 SO, JVvks; Gnzcttesof the expiration thereof, /.. • ' J Jxtracf from tlte mlmitei. OBERT W. POOLER, jurftSO ' -163 ; M, Pvendei'gast. AS jiist'reoeived per.schooner Ore _ gdft.v : I '. '' ; Fancy willow travelling baskets and • reticule • ..- - India carved shell combs; “ PJain .dol do Elegant Barege silk and gatize scarfs. do. do do dress lidkft ; * Blaeii, blue and brown Itaiianctts, Superior Blue and Yellow Nankeens Swiss.-a-.ld jaconet nedle-work dresii ' TObesi Swiss and'Jaconet needle-work Col lars and Palurines, •• ' I No 3 t,-14 Gibbons Range- inay 15 . .