Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 18, 1829, Image 1

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LICAJN SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 18, 1829. Whole No <3433. Choice French Rose Wa ter. LT rust IMPORTER) Ami for suIq by A 1*ARSONS, DrUMist. is’ Range* No 8 Gibbons’ Range. do 5 Martinique Molasses. a ~ 5} nunsfiRmeretailingMoljsses. Jilini; and fur sale luw if lukon front the SHAFTER & TOPPER. iime 10 Brought to Jail. TV Savannah on the lot It tint » tiegro 1 man who nay n that lie heh" Ktiill SO. Ho fct11 inches high,and .IMP. 1. DEWS, j. c. i . Saratoga Congress Miner al Spring Water. I’Ep HE ijuuscriber hus just received a JL largo supplv of those oolehrhted VVn smtipWit ii •' ' ■ " tors, In quart and pint holies, in Inixos of ono to thro? dozen each, and will 1)0 kept constantly on blind during the season, and It is intended that ihcxtove shall bo open ed early in the morning to receive . . . _ _ , - cuitonC <*rs.—Pur self ut the Eagle, No. 8, Glb- huq,' Range. npril 21 A. PARSONS, Druggist. 03 English’ White Seed. J UST 'received; for affectloi Liver'* internal organ,, £.. . . store the loss of action in thd nervout in generally, . For sale by A. PARSONS, ulmidid Razor Strojis, Im.UERSON’S and PRENTISS’ Al Razor Straps are kept consiantly on lU ,l, ami ihuse gentlemen who httveipted ' n, Iiroiioimno them superior to nny at, present time in use. For sale by V A. PARSONS, Druggist —' i’sR It the r.agle, No 8 Olbbim’s ill)'l 2 itaugo. Suits'-and Castor Oil. IN STOUR -JX RIILS Sal Glauber J MF lOOhux,* 1000 quart hiittles Castor Oil for Plan ■ tai Kin Pur puses 500 quart bottles cold pressed 800 pints Ho du tin' Which is offered unusually tow. Planters ate particularly requested to 111 amlesamlnn for themselves. For sale by A P*RS6N9. Druggist. At the Eagle Nn 8 Gibbons ranee oar 5 ‘ To Planters. AA A jhVn’LES Common VW Castor Oil Isoo do Superior'Cnlii Press is just eived and for sale low hy A. PARSONS, &riis;gi*t. non Gibbons Range Bottled Cider. • jUST Received, a few huxea of Crab Apple Cidur, a very choice article. For sale by A. PARSONS, At the Eagle. No. 8, Gibbons’ Range, hay 7 107 ‘ Uliniuislrator’s Notice. 1. iU11 months nfier date, I shall apply to the. Honorable the Justices uf the IbriOr court of Chatham county, when ling for onliiiary purposes, for leave to 1 a tract of land, number ninety lour, . 01) situated in the twelfth district of biirno county, in the state of Georgia, plaining two hundred two and a half fes. being the real estate of I.auQcelnt j t'cay, deceased, for tlie benefit of the Its and cieditors of said estate. J. WALLACE, Adtn’r. of L. U. Feay. |pril 20 57 M. PrendergRst. " *"~ Has fust received perschr Exact. Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Range'. Seidlitz and Soda Pow ders. ID® for- itaii- | was impossible jo bo mistaken, und I home, to jntruduco any other, oiroutnsl-. ces than what belong immediately to it. „ ' Will. DUANE. Philadelphia, Mnrch lttli 18SU.,; A. CERTIFICATE OF DR. EDWIN At-TlSE ' MtmUr afthcPhiladcIphiahlciUcal Socle- The case detailed-in the abovo certlfl- ente came under my observation, and 1 be, llilerniaii Duane’s statement to he 50 Thei DOZEN boxes Soda Pow ders do Boidlltz do also > s roved Cheltenham Salts, pre ipipr, wi . . ■ pared by Savory, Moore 4a Davidson, im ported and for snlo by - A. PARSONS, Druggist, at the Eagle. No. 8 (1 ih n ■ 54 much PATH OF GKOIlGIA—,Jty Elijah linker,'Clerk of Ifit Court of Ordina- S linker,'Clerk of I ry for the County of Liberty. Major A.'Mayhank applies for letters ul Administration of all and singular the gnodsand elialtels, rights and credits, that » ere of Hernard M'Cann, late of said coun ty, deceased. ■ Tiitsb.’aro therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and credi tors of said deceased,to file their abjections (if any they. Imvu) In my office at Ricebo- rough nn or before the flrst Monday in May next, otherwise letters ofndministra tinn will be gr imed to the said applicant. Witness the lion. John Dunivoody, one of tbo Judges t(fsaid court this filth day of March in tile vearofuur Loul eighteen hundred and twenty nine. E. BAKER, c. c. o. l.c npril 1 - 70* * For sale. TR.VCT uf land containing 250 a ores, situate tl).the' district of 07- angebiirgh, on Ediito creek in the stale of South Carolina, bounding noitli on lands of Daniel M.izyck, and south and west on lie said creek. For n plat of said Und, and terms of sale, ply to GKO. Gi.EN, apply feh 8 Ex’or. est. of Joint Glen. 27 Public. IS frauds reference induced to- change tho form of m) ' BOTTLES In future, the PANACEA will be put up in round hiHtles, (luted lungltudliiully, with the following words, blown in the glass, “SivAiM’s Pauaiea, I’iiii.ada," as repre sented aliove. These bottles are much stronger than those heretofore.used,and will have but one label, which covers tho cork, with my’ own signature nn it, so that the'cmk cannot be. drawn without destroying the signature, Without which none is genuine. The me dicine may consequently lie known to he genuine when my signature is visible; to counterfeit which, will be puiiitlmble at for- *7,1 (UPERIOR Bine Cloth Italianelte 111,irk and mixed Gamble!* Super fancy Silk Dress lldbls ” “ .Gauze do do ” ’’ Smyrna do do * Horseskin Gloves “ Shaded it printed Scarfii Gauze “ Plain & figured Swiss Muslin , Gentlemen's plaid silk ’’rav.its i Preach Caslmore nnd Drills '.Russia do j With a handsome assortment of Konsiugton, I Gini'p, | Bobinet nnd English Thread Laces No.3,«Sz. 13 Gibbon's Range. Court of Ordinary, Effing ham County. DKCCMBPn, TERM 1821) O N’the .petition of Suin'). J. lirynn stating that lie is posessed of a bond which ho produced to the Court made md signed hy Benjamin Kennedy Into of the county aforesaid , bearing dato the 12lh day of January 181!) for titles to u certain true of land .described in said bond. These are to cite and admonish ail persons having or claiming any interest in the estate of the said BenjaminHCeunedy to file their abjections if any they have, on or before the meeting of tire Court of Ordinary for said county, for May term 1820, otherwise tile administrator will be ordered to make titles to said tract of land pursuant to the statute in such cases madf and provided. J., CHARLTON, c.x. o. E. o. 1 jan t* .« ' Here strictly correct.' Mr. Swaim showcd me two other cases nearly similar, which were cured by his Panacea,after every other re medy had tailed. ' fi AVerso as I am to quackery, I hope cr er to bo prosarved frolii unjust and saltish prejudice ; end, therefore, do not hesitate ,ive my name, in confirmation of the ef- cy and safety ol Mr. Swaim’s modi cine. . . fig- DWIN A. ALTEE. nv. 5th, 1828. A supply of this Valuable Medicine h just received and for.sate by a Parsons, Agent. At the Eaglo No 8 Gibbons Range, 'triarch 17 08 Tlie Virtues and Use OP THE CORDIAL Cephalic’ Snuff. fnhtcht by tong txjierknce, hail been found ‘ ,IW * - an effectual Rtmtilyfor most DinurtUn of tlie HR AD, esiieciull^ }he Common I Ieudacji, to which 11 hardfu ever fails giv ing immediate ease, and by frequent use reventi. its return. V odnvjrably opensm3 purges tliebpod, strengthens the nerves,reviv'es the spi rits, and' has a most gtateful aiomatic smell. ‘ It'renioves Drowsiness, Sleepiness, Giif- diness, itfid " Vapours,' relieves Uinmess of the eyes, is excellent in curing reccut deaf ness, and has been of great service in Hys teric und Paralytic complaints, uud in re storing the memory when impaired hy die- QidiTs^ofthe head. It is glso extremely proper for pel who visit the sipk, or go into unwholesome rooms or unhealthy places, and hot cli mates,'as it fortifies the head against nox ious, exhalations aiid infectious air. MALLERY & DUFFY, DRAPlifts if TAILORS, .oy .Tin; hay, DART OP TUG CITY HOTEL. AVE/pceived Jj\ r r< ,ocu Ear rivals fiom* Now York, iffiesh ami elegant as- sorriucnt of the most seasonable , Brought to Jail, JjN Savannah, some time ago, a^ negro lavfl hut of, Common Pleas mil Oyer and. Terminer for the City of Savant bah. __ man who says his name is. JIM, and i hat he belongs to John Pitman Jmt does no know where his mastprliyes,hor where lie renew ay Yrom. f am induced to bo >ieve that lie is own^'d by some one else, he is 4 ; foot a 1-4 Inches high and about 15 /ears of age; lie stammers a little whetf speaking. JNO.I DEWS,j.c.c; •me 14 142 * .i JmE term, im HEUEAS Win Taylor and j»s^ S. Hulloph wore snnnnoned to at- this Qourt ns Grand Jurors—and • l‘ • Simpson. Thus Garnet, IH uben la.vlor and Jas. Pieiceas Petit Jurors, liailed to appear. ,lt is ordered, that |>sthey file with the. cierh of this-Coin t U Mid sufficient causo of excuse , on before the next Term . (Jplv A/ith) I ho severally fmod-r-Giand Jurors |ho sum of foity. Petit Jurors ju the 1 of twenty dollars, W.K.GUERINEAU, Gl|c. Due 13 Treasurer's Office. July 1,1820. rglllE -iveritgo.price of Flourduringthe ll_ last month being 57 25 per barrel of l;ld lbs. ’’read for the. present month must weigh ns follows viz: 12 l.s2 cents 2lbs to or. 0 1-4 “ “ 1 *V 5 “ Of which all linkers and sellers of Bread will tak<3.due Notice. M. \V. STEWART, c. t. July 1 Town Property for Sale, N eligibly situated lot, in tlu^ Southern Spring Digress Mineral Water. < HE suhsciibor will during tho season nave liiis article cooled in ice and Bay rCa< ty for customers at all times of A. PARSONS. r r,, Kgistutlhe Engto Gibbons' Range. * ll« file 22 Cit Board of Health, •M 'f Savannah, nth June, 1820. EsOLVED, Tliat the Citizens wl who aredesirous of having tlio trees be- tbair houses trimmed, be'requested to 1 tun same done before tlie hour of 8 in the morning,.and have tho offal 'Odiately removed, so that the heat of sun may not act on the same. Bock my ^... ■ .. . esoived, That the above b^puhlijliotl. ie Gazettes ol ij#s t;,(y. . W.tli., I Extract from tlie Minutes, WM. MOREL, Sec’ry. H3 ■ bne 18 section of lltb city', withjtllo improve menls, consi.,ti:.g of a two." story ejweiliog house, with Piazzas, and containing seven neatly finished rooms,and the requisite put buildings—all in good repair. A half lot, in the ceutreof, bar lilgn convenient two story,dwelling^ good out huilditigs. ’ A coriier'lot, in a desirable situation with a commodious dwelling, well cslcu Inted fura Boarding I louse; attached to which extensive stable. A number of lots, improved and vacant in different parts of tlie city. Apply to jnneis J.EPP1NGER. lie increasing deriiand lor this relcbf.a led medirine lias enabled ine to reduce tiio pries to TWO DOLLARS pet hottle.thus cringing it within the Teach of the indi gerft. My .Panacea encomium; .its astonishing effects and wonderful operation have dr.iwp, both from Patients and Ajedi cal Practitioners of the highest respentabi lily, the most unqualified approbation, and established for tin character which Envy’: pep, though dipped in gall, can never tarn ish. Tlie faiso reports concerning this valu aide medirine,which have been so diligently hirculntfll by certain Physicians,have their origin either inENVY, or in the inisc’ lev .aw effects of the Sf’UltlOUS IMJTA TlONS. - . - The Proprietor pledges himself to the Public, anti kivfs tfiein tho most solemn HS.Mirauces, that this medirine contains neither mercury nor any othpr deleterious drug. The-pnhlicare cautioned not to purclmse my Panacea, except frdin myself, my ac credi.Pil agents, or prrsoiH of known os pectability: and nil tho«e will consequent ly bo without excuse, who shall purchase from any oilier persons. \VM. SJVAIM. September, 1828. Tim following certificate gives the his tory of tin* introduction of tl.eJPanacea into the PhiladfJ'phia * Alins House Infirmary- Those who read it, will he convinced that the proprietor has never feared the investi* gaiion of physicians, or endeavored,to ad minister the medicine in secret. It also evtaueMhe prejudices of the faculty, that those who were so anxious originally to exclude the medicine from this JiistKution, would neglect no opportunity Of eipelling it, Rfter .it had been introduced. FROM WILLIAM DUANE, Esq. O/ie of the Aldermen of the City oj Phi ladelphia. Mr. Swaim, proprietor of a medical com position called Swaim’s Panacea, applied tome, requesting me to state what I know nbout the introduction of his medicine into the Alins House—find I consider it a duty to comply w)th his requ st. Being President of the Board of Mana> gersof tlie Alms tlouse in the year I«20, Mr. Swaim expressed 10 me a wish to un dertake the cure of some persons then in the house, w hove cases were given iip as in curable Jiy the medical gentlemen, that lie was confident of curing hy his medicine lliose cases, and would undertake some of tlie most desperater—and would require no other.-,compensation than the satisfaction to be derive^ from the service rendered. , I consult the otliet mana gers; and did so ; but I fouud that some of the medical gbntiemert the house had labored to prejudice them, as some of.them attempted to pfepasseNs mo against what they denomtikitnd q\»ackdry- Some of the managers felt incliued to tha trial, .consid ering that as they wej e cases abandoned by the medical men which,were to be opera ted upon, no harm at f least woujd lib done, and if cure was .praotinabl<vthe oppi)rtun»v ty ougjrt to be affordeil, ijut’they expressed a reluctance to take any responsibility upon them; by which I understood that they did not jiko to put themselves in opposi'tion to the physicians. <Jtbe rs ’opposed it alto gether. I therefore offered and took upon myself whatever responsibility there-was in the oase, and notified Mr. Swaim that I would accompany him, and did so. The first case selected was that of a woman, whose appearance washorrib'e, and whose condition was so deplorable that the pa tients in tlie same room wished to have her removed, and the evidence of njy cSam-Scn- {Swaim’s Vermifuge. Patent. THIS valuable Anti-dysen (eric and ll'orm Medicine has been used for these seven years past, and its virtues are universally nr.kttowlodged by all who. have tried it, to be far superior to any oilier medicine ever employed for most diseases children nre subject to, tt is perlectly safe, ami no child ivijl refuse tii take it. It sel'kmi fails curing.Dyneutery, Suuiiaor Complaint, .Colic or Cltofeia 1 Morbus, eitlior sis groivh persnns or cliildren and U gives appetite to almost all debilita ted persons. Worms frequently infest chll tlren, aggravate their other diseases, and are the chief cause of most (fewri, bowel complaints, and chronic ami nervous diseas es, incident to childhood, which are so nu merous and frequently fatal. It is much tegretted that must vermifuges notv in use are injurious, and thousands of children are swept off. or are rendered feeble, pale and enianciajed through the first stage of life —which leads on to pulmonary complaints &c. (2c. &c. Worms being especially apt to infest persous of debilitated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions, much mischief is often dune by the ordinary worm nfedi- oiites, which generally consist of the strong est purgatives, mercurials, bitters, narco tics, or spirits of turpentine.' Articles of this kind muy destroy worms, but they de bilitate the stomach, anil often materially injure the general health. Swaim’s Vkr-’ mifuue has the peculiar advantage of de stroying-and'removing worms from the houels without the weakening Ctmsequrn- cos of the stronger purgatives. (2c.—and it has, moreover, a decided tendency to give vigor Loth to the stomach and lio'weis and organs iif digestion—thereby relieving the general system from innnv troublesome complaints. It is hy this means that so many grown per.ons have been relieved, by its use, of different complaints—suppo sing themselves to be in a decline, &c. (2c This medicine him relieve bowel com plaints or dysentery, bilious cholic, vomit- ini', sickness, pain or weakness in the sto mach nr bowels, loss of appetite, either in. childrepor grown persons, in a few hours; and it seldom fails cueing a n n fk- VF.n or fever aouk. A'o family ought, or ever will be withoig it, after a trial. Worms are cnpislrfe yf producing great listmlimaes in the system. Not only du they aggravate ordinary diseases when they are present, hut they also give rile to a great variety of very alarming anomalous affections. The whole train iif spasmodic It convulsive diseases may proceed from the irritation of worms in the ahmemary canal. Cholera,' epilepsy, catalepsy, tetafius. pa ralysis, maqia, convulsions, ns well us a variety of other nervous and convulsive Affections, are not unfrcquently (he imme diate effeclsof this cause Besides these diseases, worms Jiave also been . known to' produce pleuritic and rheumatic paitis.dys- cnteiy, remitting fever,dropiy of the brain, chronic and spasmodic cough, (2c. &c Sec. ■ ‘ ' ’ • A pinch or two may bo 'takdn at any time, ahd indeed severAlhi u day; but for a cold, or stoppage in tlie head, u pinch or two should betaken jukt before going Vo bed. Those who we in the habit of tnkjng imtcb of the common snulfs, ^and^theteb: injure both head and stomach,) are desu-el to mix some oftliis CEPHALIC SNUF1 with them, and their bpd effects will in a great measure, be^ prevented. Is on hand and for sale by •A PARSONS. Druggist, At the Eagle no 8 Gibbon’Y itunge. mar 14 Sheeting do do Shirtings do More New Goods. ’ TU9T received by-HI* Prendergasr, and V for sale low. 3 Cases sup. Iri^b .Linens in full and half pieces 4 do do do 5 halos 4-4 Brown 2 do do Bleached 5 do 8-4. do 5 do 8-4 Brown 8 do Domestic Plaids & Stripes Russii &DirrUev0 Diaper {•4 8-4'8.4 Ji 0-4 .Irish do t cases ladies i.eghorns 1 do mens do 1 do - boys do Fashionable Ginghams 61 Prints Plain plaid & stripe Palmarim* Blue Straw & hlk Worsted Barege Plain Baitice, ail colours Crimson 'fe Green Moreens Blk station Silk—Cros dc Naples, Florence & Sinchcws 0 Satin Levantine Fancy col’d. Gtosde Naples iPlaided 8traw col’d hat sitk Fig. Swiss dresses collars & half hdk.fs do and Plain Swiss & Book Mti-duis Cam brie. Jaconet, Mull &. Nansook do Bik III. Veil Crapo nnd Colored do ** Canton and Nankin do Fancy Gtos De Nap—i.Barege, and Gauge,press Ilkfs 14 8 ik Cravats’. Juronc do 44 44 and Maisaifies'Vesting) Single A double width, blk & blue; ■ black Bombaziu /Bangup cords, white Nankin &. stripe Jeans Lasting Circassians Nankeens 8up. Blk hlue Olive ami Mix’d cloths English Thread & Bobbinet Luces &c. &c. mar 28 No3 A: 14 Gibbons* range! Notice. F OUR months after date, we shnjl ep* ply to the Court of Ordinary of Ef-‘ fingham county, -for leave to sell all the Beal Estate of William IL Womack, dec. being several tracts of Lnnd in said coiinty, oti both sides of the Lopisvilio'road, cotj’ taining together 570 acres, for .the benefit of tlie heirs. N • " WILLIAM AvPBEVATTt - ’Adm’r. in right of his Wife. SARAH 1’IIISVATT\ Adni’x .mar 28 7rt ses justified their ooibplaint. \She was a woman of about SOjor 32 years ofage. Iter Notice. fTO IIE co-partnership heretofore ekist- JBL ip’g between the subscribers under the firm of James Anderson •& Co, expired by limitation on the 31st of May last — ' All persons indebted VilI make payment to James Anderson, who is duly authorised, to settle the .affairsof thq concern, and will contimto the business for his own account JAMES ANDERSON, C. M. KING. June'IS ,439 right'eye was alretiy destroyed, the left eye piQinuled more than half an inch out of the socket, the flesh of the left cheek was one complete ulcer, the flesh of .the nose had disappearod and left u the nostrils two naked holes,, tjjte uppet iip on the left side was, destroyed, and the. teeth ahd gum I bare,autd the whole face, as it appeared to' me, in a state of dissolution; her appetite had left her—she represented^ living skel-; eton frightful to behold. Mr.8whim said he could cure iter; he-could pot restore the lost eye, nor restoFe the nose, but he could restore theleft eye and tlie mould). • He undertook the ease, and i frequent ly atldndgd him in his visits to tlie poor wo- man, and she was curod—aiid I have fre quently seen, her, since, going about her- ordinary business with the alacrity usual to-a'person of.that age; the deformity of course remained ; but all that .remained besides appeared healthful. I have con fined .this case, u$>M which J Among . the symptoms which indicate the presence of worms, the following are the most coiytmon and striking: - A pale, leaden-coloured, and occasionally flushed rollritenadee; a bluish streak under the eyes,jtii'esc are dull and heavy, tho pupils are.dilated and much contracted, the low dr%elids and upper lip swell, especially during the night while sleeping; greaf itching in'the nostrils, which causes the pdtient to pick his nose; foul breath; dis turbed sleep; during which* the patient grinds Itis teeth, is apt to scream out and start up suddenly as if frightened: .tingling in’the ears; giddiness; interrupted speech; palpitation ofthe*heart a dry spasmodic cough; irregular and depraved appetite, being sometimes entirely suppressed,’ and. at others exceedingly voracious; ^fdohieh swelled and hard; looseness of the bowels; costiveness; unnatural, slimy,or fpul stools/ pains in the bowels; wasting of the flesh; convulsions; fits; palsy; and finally death. A supply of this valuable Medicine is Jutt received and for sale by ' A. PARSONS, Agent. At the eagle No. 8 Gibbon’s Range, march 31 Notice. H ERE AFTE U the Savannah . Tipbra xy will be opened for the deliver; fo; B" - GOODS, In tbuir UVie— inlxt COXStSTlttO OF Iliilo black, Inoitn, nlivc. iuccti nnd BROADCLOTHS. ' Rlun, brown,,ttnd steel tnixt QIJEENS CLOTH. Blue black'inti fail'dv colored linclo mil, Ictl , CASS1MERE. Merino,Cloth and Cassimere, (light 1 Dili! beaoliful milcrials fot sqinmct wear) ’ ^• Rombazlnc Circassian T ‘Blown, while ai;il drab English and ’ French Di ill .Striped Florentine, Sniin Jean ; Grass C(otlir.. Ilnurljon Drill Silk Gamtdci, NiinU, And a variety of niher slufis suitable fpt suntiner euatecs and pantaloons ' . YESTINUS W English, Italian nnd Ftoneh’black and ctAored Silk .Valencia and Marseilles of Buff.l hits and neat fancy Proteins White and Bui)' Cassiinere and Gash* " .irietet - All of which they arc prepared’ to make to measure, in the best manner and at shot! notice. FANCY ARTICLES. y.A handsome assortment of .Silk and Linen Cambric I'ocket Hand kerchiefs » Cravats, Stocks, Stiffners Black, white and straw colored dorse- skin GJoves, • Grass,Cloth and Linen do j Snspeprlers,Watch Guards and Rib- hous, oslery Hosiery ol all descriptions Foraging, Mmoeo, ( adet (2 Medite,' ranean Caps, &e. Stc. \A general Assortment of RllADY NAUR SPRINO AND CLOTHI1VG. Consisting of Coats. Frocks and Coattees, Puntas Ions- Vests, Jackets, Drmveis, » Shirts, Collars, &.c. &r. Sic. M: & D. respectfully inform their friends lltat the uliole of tlie goods have heeuifare fully selected hy Mr. M. and the ready made clothing, manufactured entirely un der hi* inspection, V they assure their ru» tomeis that the utmost confidence mav be placed in the faithtuhress of their work, april 80 Notice. T HE subscribers having quMifird on .the w3ll of the lateJ-Jm V\qodEsq,| <)f Cumden, give notice to ail p^rsonxliav- ing claims against his pmoio. to present them, and n»qu«*st all persons indebted to it, to jotna forward and-settle the same. JIO ACE S. PR V * t, Ex’or. LALEAH WOOD, ? „ , . ¥ : JANE F. PRATT, (« lrix 4 June 1-1 187ft {Situation Wanted. B Y a person who can give the most satisfactory testimonials of hii coin potency us nn overseer,garrhier, vine dfes scr any other employmeni.on a plan tation—as the advertiser’s principal ol.jUdt is to be.employed he will engngctill thr It ofJannary next, on very.reasonable terms." Apply-at this dffti%. jufte 24 I4flt, Notice. 1 7^ OUR mouths lifter kiate, application will be tnnde to the Honomblp the B.O'ikti every Monday. Wednesday nnd Fri day, from 4 to 8 q’clock P. M. - individuals not share holders can have the use of the Library pn the following tonus:-—• •' . For one year, by paying jftt> “ six months, ** ' e “ any loss period, at the rate of 2 per month VVM. MOREL, Librarian, may 1 102§b Justices of the Inferior Court of F.fTiiig- hniit County, when rittinrfor ordinary pur-, poses,;for leave to sell the half of hii uiifli. videcl tract nflnnd In the county of F/Htig ham, containing 1.47 1*2 ncres former^ the property of Benjamin Porter, for the benefit of the.heirs of William G. Porter, deceased* •* ' • .AVILUAM ’KING, Administrator de bonis non. may 8 108 m Chambeis Superior Court, ' .JUNE 25th, .1820. The Marine & Fire in surance Dank uf the. State of Georgia, et al, vs. Eleazer Early, et. al. phatliam Su perior Court, January Term, 1880.' the "Negroes for Sale. T HE following Negroes, ifrom country; are offered for sale, viz; A negro hoy>gc.d about 18 years. A negro Uoy'aged abijpt 15 “very likely. A negro' boy aged abntlt t5 “ ;lodo ' A negro; boy aged about 12“ ■ - A negro girl aged about 12 “ A ncgio man aged abouf 45‘‘a field band A negro man aged about 47“ do do. • a lid 1 •* 1 JllLquitU- I T being verified to the Court l.hnt Elea- zer Eurly one of the defendants in tlio Notice. F OUR months after date, application VvilUVo made to. the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Cuuvt of Tattnal County, for leave to sell the real estate of Thomas Diokiusnn hue of said county de ceased, for the benefit.of tlie lieirs and ere: ditors of sgid estate. Win. DICKINSON, Qualified Executor. march 7 55 A negro girl aged 10 years. A negro man aged 24 •• a prime field lidnd. • -- v ■" • A negro boy about 17 “ do do do A negro man aged §5 “ do do do.. A negro man and wife, and their child about 5 years old. Apply to mar .28 - J.EPFINGFU T above cause resides out of Chatham coun ty—On motion ii is ordered that the said 1 Eleazer Early appear on or before the first day of the next Term of ibis Court and en ter his appearance thereto and in default thereof the said complainant have leave lo proceed on their said Bill in tlie san.n manner as if persnpal service of the Bill und sidipoSha had been effected-on the said Eletizers—And It is further ordered that ibis Rule btf published once a month In ono of the Public Gazettes of Savannah until the expiration thereof;\ ' ' ’ Extract frnm the minutes. ROBERT IV. POOLER, Clk. june SO 153 ‘‘S Povtland lium anil Hay. BBLS. Portland Rum (coloured rdSXF 50 bundles prime Hay bv Landing from shjp FlprianAtid ffor.aale; lLA BL.SIIAPTER fc TUPPER. June 1^5 Irying’s Columbu»--(Abrid- getl) nPHE LIFE AND VOYAGES OF A CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS hy Washington Irving (abridged by the same).pri.ce gl 25. Senpohs Preached in England by tllr RightrRev. Regonald Heber D. ;D..price sLeiterrfroni.^Egina by James Emetstin; * I %\f. Just received hy ■ T. M- DRISOQEL. M. Frendergast. H AS just received perschooner Oris gone - Fancy willow, travelling baskets and reticule India carved shell pombs, " Plain dii' do ' • Elegant Barege silk and gauze scarfs, do do do dress hdkft Black, blue and brown Italianetls, Superior Blue and Yellow Nankeens Swiss and jaconet hedle-ivork dress robes, Swiss and Jaconet needle-work Col- Jars and l’nlariries, No 3 if.IS Gibbons jlange. 1 ^JIfP.1,9- ’ . I ■ -tS-i**!