Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 21, 1829, Image 1

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No 168 ......Vol. XXVI TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 21, 1820. Whole No......i...<)434. -Choice French Rose Wa- ter. jUST IMPORTED lie fi And for wale by - A PARSONS, Druggist. No It Gibbons' Range. r Martinique MolasseB. M HIIDS prime retailing Molasses. and fur sale low if taken from the wharf, apply to WALL, SHAPTEtt St TUPPER. june 10 ' Brought to Jail; rtf Savannah on the . 10th Inst a negro who sa; mil Will.Hrnwn' and that lie bclj lesion SC. lie feet 11 inches high,.' forehead, feb 88 JNO. I. n Saratoga Congress Miner al Spring Water. • T HE suuseriber lias just received s large supply af thoso celebrated Wa lers, in quart and pint bottles, In boxes of one to three doznn each, and will be kepi constantly on hand during the season, and it la intended that the store shall be open ed earl v In the morning to receive custom ers.—For sale at the Eagle, No. 8, Gib bons’ Range. A. PARSONS. Druggist, april 81 89 * English White Mustard Seed. J UST received, for affections of the Liver's internal organs, and to re store the loss of action in the nervous sys tem generally. For sale by A. PARSONS. Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Range, fan 15 _; Splendid Razor S 8MMERSO >B. Tnv'MMEttSON'S and PRENTISS’ ylj Razor Straps aro kept constantly on },rfnd, and those gentlomen who have used them, pronounce them superior to any at the preseut time in use. .For snle by H A. PARSONS. Druggist ' At the Eagle, No 8 Uibbbn’t Range, inarch 18 SrtltB and Castor Oil. . itr'aTOax w RIILS Sal Dauber Ar 100 boxos do assorted sixes luuo quart buttles Castor Oil for Plan tation Purposes 508 quart bottles cold pressed , 800 pints do do do' Which is offered unusually low. Planters are particularly requested to oxil and examlno for thoinselvei. For sale by A PARSONS, Druggist. At the Eagle No 8 Gibbons range. mar ft To Planters. •g AAA MOTTLES Common JLWV Castor Oil 500 do Superior Cold Press is just Received and for tale low by A. PARSONS, Druggist, no 8 Gibbons Rnngr V Bottled Cider. J UST Received, a few boxes of Crab Applo Cider, a very choice article. For tale by A. PARSONS, At the Eagle, No. 8, Gibbons' Range, may! 107 Administrator’s Notice. P OUR months after date, I shall apply to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a tract ol land, number.ninety four, (no. 91) situated in the twelfth district of Monroe county, in the state of Georgia, containing two hundred two and a naif acres, being the real estate of Lanncelot H Feay, deceased, for the benefit of the coirs and creditors of said estate. J. WALLACE, Adm'r. of L. II. Feay. sprll 80 07 s M. Prcndergast. Has fust received persehr Exact, Seidlitz and Soda Pow ders. 1O0 n rf 0ZEN b °woi»Ftow; 50 do Setdliu do ALSO The improved Cheltenham Salts, pro pared by Savory, Moore St Davidson, im ported and for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, at the Eagle, No. 8- O march 8 5* s r.VI’E OF GEORGIA—By Elijah Baker, Clerk of the Court of Ordi rij for the County of Liberty. ‘ Major A. Maybank applies for letters of Administration of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, that were of Bernard M’Cinn, late of said coun- ty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admon. ish all and singular the kindred and eredi- tors of said deceased, to Me their objections (if any they have) in my office at Kicebo- rough on or before the first Monday in May next, otherwise letters of administra lion will be granted to the said s applicant. Witness the Hon, John Dunwoody, one ofthe Judges uf said court this gflth day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty nine. F,. BAKER, c. c. o. i>.«. april 1 78* TWO DOLLARS PER BOT- TLE. To the Public. I N consequence of the numerous frauds .and impositions practised In rcfercnco to my tnediciue, I am again induced to chango the form of mj BOTTLES. In future, the PANACEA will bo put up ill round bottles, fluted . longitudinally, with the following wofdt, blown in the glass, “SwAin’s Pamacca, PniLADA," as repre sented above. These bottles are much stronger than those heretofore used,-and will have but one label, which covers the cork, with my own signature nn it, so that the oork cannot be drawn without destroying the signature, without which none is genuine. The me tay consequently be' kt when my signature is visible; (o be punishable as for- For sale. A TRACT of land containing 850 a cres, situate in the ^district of Oi- angeburgh, on Edisto creek in the state of South Carolina, bounding noith on lands of Daniel Mazyck. and south and wost on he said creek. For e plat of slid laud, and terms of sale, apply to GEO. GLEN, Ex’or, est. of John Olen, feb 9 87 UPF.RIOR Blue Cloth ltnlinnelte Black and mixed Camblcrs Super,fancy Silk Dress Ildkls ” " Gauze do do ” " Smyrna do do • Horseskin Gloves “ Shaded St printed Scarfs Gauze " Plain & figured Swiss Muslin Gentlemen's plaid silk Cravats “ French Casimere and Drills Russia d 0 Ifith a handsome assortment of Kensington, Gimp, ., 4t Bobinet and English Thread Laces No S Sc 19 Gibbon's Range. mav8 Court of Ordinary, Effing ham County. decehbfr, term 1888 a N'the petition of Sam’l. 3, Bryan stating that he is posessed of a bond whieh he produced to the Court made and signed by Benjamin -Kennedy late ai the county aforesaid bearing date the 18th day of January 1810 for titles to a certain trac of land .described in said bond. These nre to cite and admonish all persons having or claiming any interest in the estate of tho said UenjatninTCennedy to file their objections if any they have, on or before the meeting of the Court of Ordinary for said county, for May term 1889, otherwise the administrator will be ordered to make titles to said tract of land pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided J. CHARLTON, c.o. o. e. c. jan 18 8 Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the 'City of Savan nah. June term, teas. * ■■/HERE AS Wm Taylor and Jas. 8. Bulloch were summoned toat- tend this Court as Grand Jurors—and " ™ • Simpson, Thos Garnet, Reuben laylor and Jas. Pieice as Petit Jurors, anrl foiled to appear. It is ordered that unless they file with the clerk ofthiilCourt good and sufficient enpso of excuse on or before the next Terra (July 18th) titey. he severally fined—Grand Jurors >n the sum of foity, Petit Jurors in the sum of twenty dollars. W. K. GUERINEAU, Cik. juno is 1 Brought to Jail. F [ Savannah, some time ago, a negro mail who says his name is JIM, and that he belongs to John Pitman but does no'-know where his master lives,not where he ranaway from- I am induced to be lieve that no is owned by some one else, ho is 4 feet 9 1-4 inches high and about 15 years of age; he stammers a little when speaking. JNO. 1 DEWS, j. c.o, une 14 148 Congress Mineral Spring Water. sFJlHE subserffior will during the season JL have this article cooled in ice and wm ho ready for customers at all rimes of the day. Iri A. PARSONS. .• D,,,1 Egist at tiio Eagle Gibbons' Range. Jtnc 88 ; 48 p b Board of Health, If ESOLVED, That tire Citizens Who - .. Otonesirous of having the trees be- k '' 1 Af ir houses trimmed, he requested to have the same dnne before the hour of 8 ii! ie "fining, ami have the offal linmedlutely removed, so that the heat of acton tho same. ' I ^ lnt the above be published l rathe Gazettes ol this City Extract from tho Minutes, ' June .8 WM,MOREL, Seo’ry. Treasurer’s Office. July 1, 1880. T HE average price of Flour during the last month being 87 85 per barrel of 188 lbs. Bread for the present month must weigh as follows viz: 18 1-8 cents Loaf 8lbs 10 oz 6 1-4 '• « 1 “ 5 Of which ail Bakers and sellers of Bread will take due Notice. M. W. STEWART, e. t. july 1 * ' Town Property for Sale A N eligibly situated lot, in tire Southern section of tho city, with the improve ments, consisting ofa two yory dwelling house, witlt Piazzas, and containing seven neatly finished rooms,and the requisite out buildings—all In good repair., A half lot, in the centre of the city, hav ing a convenient two story,dwelling^ good out buildings. A corner lot, in a desirable situation, with a commodious dwelling, well ealeu- latedfora Boarding House; attached to which is an extensive stable. A number of lots, improved and vacant, in different parts of the city. Apply to june 15 J.EPP1NGER. j Notice.. T HE eo-partnership heretofore exist ing between the subscribers under the firm of James Anderson & Co. expired by limitation on the 81st of May last All persons indebted will make payment .to James Anderson, who is duly authorised to settle the affairsof the concern, and will continue the busiuess for hisow.n account, .JAMES ANDERSON, - C. M. KING. ’ june 15- 189 was impossible to be mistaken, and for borne to Introduce any other circumstaii ces than what belong immediately .to it. „ WM. DUANE. Philadelphia, March 11th 1888. CERTIFICATE oFDR. EDWIN A. ALTEE, V Member of the Philadelphia Medical Socle The case detailed in the above certifi cate came under my observation, and 1 be lieve Alderman Duane's statement to be strictly correct. Mr. Swaim showed me two other cases nearly similar, which .were cured by his Panaeea,after every other re medy had failed. • Averse as I am to quackery, Thopeev er to be preserved from unjust and solfisb prejudice ; and, therefore,' do nothesitate to give my name, in confirmation ofthe ef ficacy and safety ol Mr. Swaliq> medi cine. ~ a EDWIN A. ALTEE Philadelphia, Nov. 5th, 1828. A supply of-this Valuable Medicine just received o_pd for sale by . V A PARSONS, Agent- *At the Eagle No 8 Gibbon* III march 17 63 Unge. g' dlcine may consequently be' known to be genuine when my s counterfeit which, ui *7h e increasing demand lor this celebra ted medicine hat enabled me to reduce the price to TWO DOLLARS per bottle,thus bringing it within the reach of the indi gent. My Pantcea requires no encomium; its attonishingeffectaend wonderful operation have drawn, both from Patients and Med) cal Practitioners of the highest respeetabi lif, the most unqualified approbation, and established for it a character which Envy’i pen, though dipped in gall, can nercr tarn ish. The false reports concerning this valu able medicine,which have been so diligently circulated by aertain Physicians,have their origin either in ENVY, or in the mischiev ous effects ofthe SPURIOUS IMITA TIONS. Tlte Proprietor pledget himself to the Public, and gives them the most solemn assurances, that this medicine contains neither mercury nor any other deleterious drug. , . The public ire cautioned not to purchase my Panacea, except from myself, my .ac credited agents, or parsons of known os- notability: and all those will consequent- y be without excuse, who shall purchase rom any other persons. WM. SWAIM. September, 1888. The following certificate gives the his tory of thn introduction of the Panacea into the Philadelphia Alms House Infirmary. Those who read it, will be convinced that the proprietor has never feared the invest^ Ration of physicians, or endeavored to ad minister the medicine in secret. It also evinces the prejudices of the faculty, that those who were so anxious originally to exclude the medicine front this institution, would neglect no opportunity of expelling it, after it had been introduced. FROM WILLIAM DUANE, Esq. One of the Aldermen of the City o] Phi ladelphia. Mr. Swaim, proprietor ofa medical com position called Swaim’s Panacea, applied to me, requesting me to state what 1 know about the introduction of his medicine into the Alms House—and I consider it a duty to comply with his reqn.’st. Being President of the Bonrd of Mana gers of the Aims House in the year 1880, Mr. Swaim expressed to me a wish to un dertake the cure of sumo persons then in the house, whose cases were given up as in curable by the medical gentlemen, that he was confident of curing by his modicine those cases, and would undertake some of the most desperate—and would require no other compensation than the satisfaction to be derived from the service rendered. 1 promised to consult the other mana- S era, and did so; hut I found that some of te medical gentlemen in the house had labored to prejudice them, as some of them attempted to prepossess mo against what they denominated quackery. Some of the managers felt inclined to the trial, consid ering that as they were cases abandoned by the medical men which were to be opora ted upon, no harm at least would be done, and if cure was practicable, tire opportuni ty .ought to be afforded, but they expressed a rMUctance to take any responsibility upon them; by which I understood that they did not like to put themselves in opposition to the phyiicians. Others opposed it alto gether- I therefore offered and look upon myself whatever responsibility there was in the case, and notified Mr. Swaim that I would accompany him, and did so. The first case selected was that of a woman, whose appearance was-florrible, and whose condition was so-deplorablc that the pa tients indite same room wished to have her removed, and tho evidence of my own sen ses justified their oomplaint. She was a woman of abopt 80 or 38 years of age, her right eye was alredy destroyed, the left eye protruded more than half an inch out of the socket, the flesh of tho left cheek was one complete ulcer, the flesh of the nose had disappeared and left the nostrils two naked holes, the uppei lip on life left side was destroyed, and the teeth and gums bare, and the whole face, as it appeared to me, in a state of dissolution; hor appetite Imd left her—she represented a living skel eton frightful to behold. Mr.Swaim said he could cure her; he could not' restore the lost eye, nor restore the nose, but^he could restore theloft eye and the 'mouth. He undertook'the case, and I frequent ly attended him in his visits to the poor wo mun, and sire was cured—and I have fre quently seen her since, going about net 'ordinary business with'the alacrity usual to a person of that age; the 1 deformity of course remained i but all that: Remained besides appeared healthful. I have con- fined myself to this case, upon whieh 1 Swaim’s Vermifuge. Patent. THIS valuable Anti-dysen terleand /Form Medicine has been tueft for these seven years past, and iu virtues are universally acknowledged by ail who have tried it, to be far superior to any other medicine ever employed for must diseases children ere subject to. It is perlectly safe, and no child will refuse to take it. It seldom foils curing Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Colie or Cholera Morbus, either in grown persons or ahildren end It gives appetite to almost all debilita ted -persons. Worms frequently infest chil dren, aggravate their other diseases, and are the chief cause of most fevers, bowel complaints, and chronic and nervous diseas es, incident to childhood, whiuh ere so nu merous and frequently fatal. It is muth regretted that ritost vermifuges no* in use are injurious, and thousands of children arc swept off, or ere rendered feeble, pale and enunciated through the first stage of life —whieh leads on to pulmonary complaints Sic, Sto. &c. Worms being especially apt to infest pertont-af debilitated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions, much mischief is often done by the ordinary worm medi cines, which generally consisiof the strong est purgatives, mercurials, bitters, narco tics, or spirits of turpentine. Articles of this kind may destroy Worms, but they de bilitate the stomach, and often materially injure the general health. Swain’s Vkr- mifdoe has the peculiar advantage of de stroying and removing wnrms from the bowels without the weakening consequen ces of the stronger purgatives. &c.—and it has, moreover, a decided tendency to give vigor both to the stomach and bowels and organs of digestion—thereby relieving the general system from many troublesome complaints. It is by ibis meant that so many grown persons have been relieved, by its use, of different complaints—suppo sing themselves to be in a decline, dec. Stc. This medicine will relieve bowel com- ; ilainte or dysentery, bilious cholic, vomit- ng, sickness, pain or weakness in the sto mach or bowels, toes of appetite, either in children or grown persons, in a few hours; and it seldom fails curing chills and fe ver or fever aoue. No family ought, or ever, will be withorg it, after it trial. Worms are capable of producing great disturbinecs in the system. Not only do they aggravate ordinary diseases when they are present, but thoy also give rise to a gre it variety of very alarming anomalous affaotions. The whole train of spasmodic & convulsive diseases may proceed from the irritation of worms in the alimentary canal. Cholera, epilepsy, catalepsy, tetanus, pa ralysis, mania, convulsions, as well as a variety of other nervous'and convulsive affections, arcqiot unfrcquently the imme diate effects of this cause Besides these diseases, worms have also been known to pmdace pleuritic and rheumatic pains,dys entery, remitting fever,dropsy of the brain, chronic and spasmodic cough, &c. dec, dec. Among the symptoms whioh indicate the presence of worms, the following are the most common and striking!—A pale, teaden-eoioured, and occasionally flushed countenance; a bluish streak under the eyes, those are dull and heavy, the pupils are dilated and much contracted, the low er eyelids and upper lip swell, especially during the night while sleeping; great itching In the nostrils, which causes the patient to pick his nose; foul breath; dis turbed. sleep; during which the patient grinds his teeth, is apt to scream out and startup suddenly as if frightened: tingling in tire ears; giddiness; interrupted speech; palpitation of the heart a ‘ dry spasmodic cough; irregular and depraved appetite, being sometimes entirely suppressed, and at others exceedingly voracious; abdomen swelled and hard; looseness of the bowels; costiveness; unnatural, slimy,or foul stools; pains iu the bowels; wasting of the flesh; convulsions; fits; palsy; and finally death. A supply of this valuable Medicine is Just received and for sale by A. PARSONS, Agent. At the eagle No 8 Gibbon’s Range, march 31 The Virtues and Use or THE CORDIAL Cephalic Snuff. mieh, by long experience, has been found °o effectual Remedy for most Disorders ofthe HEAD, especially the Common Headaeh, to which it hardly ever fails giv ing immediate ease, and by frequent use prevents iU return. mT admirably opens-and pttrgei the bead, JL strengthens tire nerves,revives the spi rits, end has a most gtatofol aromatic smell. It remeves Drowsiness, Sleepiness, Gid diness, and Vapours, relieves dimness of the eyes, is excellent in curing recent deaf ness, and has been of great service in Ilys. teric nnd Paralytic complaints, and in re. storing the memory when impaired by die. orders ofthe head. eiso extremely pfoper for persons who visit the sick, or go into unwholesome rooms or unhealthy places, and hot cli mates, as it fortifies the head against nox tone, exhalations and Infectious air. • A pinch or two may be taken at anj time, and indeed several in a day; bin for -. cold, or stoppage in the head, a pinr-h o two should betaken just before going to bed. Those who are In the habit of taking much ofthe common inuffk, (and thereby injure both hyad end stomach,) arc desired to mix some ofthls CEPHALIC SNUFF with theip, and their bad effects will io t gteat measure, be prevented. Is on hand and for sale by •A PARSONS. Druggist, At the Eegleno 8 Gibbon’s Range, mar 14 . . Notice. [71 OUR months after date, application J? will be made to the Honorable the Justices ofthe Inferior Court of Tattnal Coutity, for leave to sell the real estate of Thomas Dickinson late of said county dc- ceascil_for the benefit of the heirs and dre- ditorsofsaid estate. . .Wire,’ DICKINSON, Qualified Executor- march 7 55 > Portland Rum and Hay. AOX BBLS.' Portland Rum (coloured 50 bundles prime Ha'y Landing froln ship Florian and for sale bV ' HA'IjL SHATTER Si TUPPER'. june It . More New Goods. J UST received by M. Prendcrgasr, and for sale low, 8 Cases sup. Irish Linens in full and halfpicces 4 do do do Sheeting 5 bales 4-4 Brown do 8 do do Bleached do 5 do 8-4 do Shirtings 5 do 8-4 Brown do 8 do Domestic Plaids Ac Stripes Russia &Birdcevo Diaper 0-4 8-4 9-4 10-4 Irish do t eases ladies foghorns 1 do mens do 1 do boya do Fashionable Ginghams St Prints Plain plaid Jc stripe Pelmarine Bine Straw St hlk Worsted Barege Plain Baltice, all colours Crimson Si Green Moreens Blk station Silk—Gros de Naples, Florence St Sinchewi ’’ Satin Levantine Fancy coi'd. Gros do Naples Plalded Straw coi'd hat silk Fig. Swiss dresses collars &tialfhdkf» do and Plain Swiss & Book Muslins Cambric,Jaconet,Mull & Nansook do Blk III. Veil Crap6 and Colored do ” Canton and Nankin do Fancy Gros De Nap—Barege, and Gauze Dress Hkfs ” S ik Cravats, Jaconet do “ ’• nnd Marsailles Vesting! Single St double width, blk & blue black Bombazin Bangnp cords, white Nanking stripe Jeans Lasting Circassians Nankeens Sup. Blk blue Olive and Mix’d cloths English Thread & Bubbinet Laces &c. &c. mar 88 NoS St 14 Gibbons’ range. MALLERY& DllFFY* DRAPERS If TAILORS, H eAst, of°tiTe e city HOTEL AVE received by n cent arrivals frorti Now York, a fresh add elegant as sortment of the most seasonable GOODS, In their lido— u . fcoastsTittocry Blue black, brown; blive. Grech and niixt broadcloths. Blue, brown,green,and steel mixt ,, QUEENS clotii. Blue black and fancy coloied single mil • _ led CASSIMERfe. Moilno Cloth and Casslmere. (lighf and beautiful materials far slimmer wear) Botnbagine Circassian Brown, while thd di-ab French Drill Striped Florentine, Saiin Jean Grass Clq 1 -- ““ 8ij| And a |arwty uf ntbi-r smffa suitable fol er cu.m es mul p mtalouhs* vestings English, Italian and Friitch black and colored SIIK Valencia and Marseiiiesef Buff,White and neat fancy I’aiterrts White and Buff Castimere and Cash- trieri-t All of which they to measure, I notice. FANCY ARTICLES. kA handsome assortment of , Silk and Linen Cambric Pocket Hand kerchiefs Cravats, Stocks, Stiffners Black, white and straw colored Horse- skin Gloves, Gras. Cloth nnd Linen do Suspenders, Watch Guard* and Rib bons, Hosiery ot ail descriptions Foraging, Mnroco, Cadet & Mediter ranean Caps, dec. dec. AUO, A general Assortment of READY MADE IPRIISO AI»P SUMMER Notice. F OUR months after date, we shall a; ply to the Court of Ordinary of Ef fingham county, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of William H. Womack, dec- being several tracts of Land in said county, on both sides of the Louisville road, con taining together 570 acres, for the benefit of the heirs. WILLIAM A. PREVATT, Adm’r. in right of his Wife. SARAH PREVATT, Adm’x. mar 88 78 licit they nre prepared-to make i. in the besimanner and at thori CLOTHING. , Consisting'of Coats, Frocks and Coattees, Panta lons Vests, Jackets; Draweis, Shirts, Collars, dec. dec. See. M. dt D. respectfully inform their friend* that the whole of the goods have been carp fully selected by Mr. M. and the.readjr made clothing, manufactured entirely un der his inspection, A- they assure tlirir.cus tomerstmtt the utmost uoiifidcnce In ay be placed in the faithfulness of their work, aprtl 80. Notice. T HE subscribers haying qualified oft the will ofthe late John Wood Esqi of Camden, give notice, to ail persons ha*, ing claims against his estate, iti. present them, and request all perrons indebted to it, to aome forward and settle the same. HO. ACE S.PRATT, E*’6f. LALEAH WOOD, I JANE F. PRATT, C E * trlx ' june11 !87fL Situation Wanted. B Y a person who can give .the most satisfactory testimonials of his com potency as an overseer,gardner, vine dres ser or fori any other employment,on a plan tation—as the advertiser's principal object is to be employed he will engage till the l( of Jannary next, bn very reasonable terms. Apply at tills office, june 84 140l Notice. H EREAFTER the Savannah Libra ry Will be opened for the deliver* fo Bonks every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, from 4 to 8 o’clock P. M. Individuals not share holders can have the use of the Library on the following terms For one year, by paying $18 “ six months, •' • 8 “ any less period, at the rate ot 8 per month WM. MOREL, Librarian, may 1 108§b the Negroes for Sale. T HE following Negroes, from country, are offered for sale, viz A negro boy aged about 16 years. A negro boy aged about 15 “very likely. A negro coy aged about 15 “ do do A negro boy aged about IS “ A negro girl aged about IS “ A negio man aged about 45“a field hand A negro man aged about 47“ do do. - . ALSO A negro girl aged 10 years. A negro man aged 84 “ a prime field hand. A negro boy about 17 “ do do do A negro man aged 35 “ do do' do. A negro man and wife, and their child about 5 years old. mar 88^ /.EPPlftGER Irving’s Columhus-fAbrid- ' ged.) nrtHE LIFE AND VOYAGER OF JL. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS by Washington Irving (abridged by tl;e same) price 81 25. Sermons Preached in - England by thi- Right ReV. Regonald Heber D. D. uric- 31 50. Letter from oEgina by James Emetsm- ipWeJf S3. Jti'jt received by T. M. DRISCOLL. Notice; F OUR' months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inforior Court of Effing ham county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the half of an undi vided tract of land in the county of Effing ham, containing 187 1-8 .acres formerly the property of Benjamin Porter, fol the benefit of the heirs of William G. Porter* deceased. ... , , WILLIAM KINO, k Administrator de boni* non. may 8 108 Chambers Superior Court, JUNE 85th, 1826. The Marine St Fire In surance Bank of the State of Georgia, et al. Elcazer Early, et. ol. Chatham Su- .perior Court, January Term, 1830. In Equity. TT being verified to the Court that Elea- JL zer Early one ofine defendants in the above cause resides out of Chatham coun ty—On motion it is ordered that the said Eleazer Early appear on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court and enr ter his appearance thereto and in. default - thereof the said complainant have leave to proceed on their, said Bill in the same manner as if personal service of the Bill and subpoena had been effected on the said Eleazer—And it is further ordered that this Rule be published once a month in ono of the Pubfic Gazettes of Savannah lint'll the expiration thereof. ■ Extract from the minutes.- Robert w. Pooler, cik. june SO 153 Ei M- Prehdergast. a AS just received per schooner Oris gon, Fancy willow travelling'baskets and reticule India carved shelf combs, 1 “ Plain do do Elegant Barege silk and gauze scarfs. , do do' do dress hdkf; Black,-blue and brown Italianetts,- . Supctior Blue and Yellow (Jankeens Swiss and jaconet ncdle-work dress robes, . Swiss and Jaconet needle-work Col lar* and PalarlpCs,.. No '3 if 14 Gibbons Range, may 15 .