Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 08, 1829, Image 1

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Administrator’s Notice. I JJOUIt months after (into, I shall apply ’ to the Honorable the Justices of the Interior court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a tract ol land, number ninety four, (no* 1**) situated in the twelfth district of Monroe county, in the state of Georgia, containing two hundred two and a half acres, being the real estate of Lauucclot 11. Pcay, deceased, for the benefit of the veils and cieditors or said estate. J. WALLACE, Afim’r. of L. 11. Pcay. npril 20 « r> ? Broil” lit to Jail. I N Savannah, some time ago. a negro man who says hi* name is JIM, and that ho belongs to John Pitman but docs not know where his master lives,nor where *. e ranaway from. \ am induced to bo . tve that he is owturi by some one else, c is 4 feet 0 1-4 inches high and {bout 10 ears of age; he stammers a little wl>tm ypeaking. jno.I DEWS, j.c.c uni 14 14^ , MALLERY & DUFFY, VRAPERS tf TAILOR S, on Stum bat,. EAST OF THE city hotel. H AVE received by recent arrivals from New York, a fresh and elegant as soitmcnt.of the most seasonable GOODS, llmir linn ' Treasurer’s Oflici*. — . . auuust l.i can T HE average price of Flourdurlngthe last montli beiug SI per barrel of 1110 lbs. Ilrcai] for tho present mont must weigh as follows viz:, IS 1-2 ccnls Loaf Sib, 11 07. 6 1-4 •* «•'. I *• 5 1-2" , • Of which all Bakers and sellers ifilrCad ’""•'"nW.-STEWAHT,,. ■ OUgl £eidUtz.and Soda Pow ders. ‘DOZEN bdjtes Sods Pows ders 50 do . Seidlitz do The improved CheUen )latn Sails, Jrrb hared by Savory, Moore St Davidson. HD- ported ahd for sale by 1 A. PARSONS, > Druggist. a«he Eagle,N6. 8 0 — *i»jj mareli G ■ 54 -J- Notice. wwi j exist-; . J| ’ohdaij the litmuf James Anderson & Co. expired ty limitation ontheSlst of May last. All persons indebted will make payment to James Anderson; wHoil duly authorised to settle the afthirsofthe concern, and will continue the business fot his own account. JAMES ANDERSON,. C. M. KINO, jane H (.10 , Notice. F OUR months After date, application -till be made to thd Honorable the fJiisiicftxof the Inferior Court of Efllng- |ham county, when sitting for ordinary pur- I poses, fur leave Ul sell tilt) Half of ah uridl- I Tided tract oflond in the county of Effing [ham, Rontaining I37 1-1 'icres formerly I tlie propertv of Benjamin Porter, for the beneiit of the heirs of William G. Cotter, Bcccased. -• . • . WILLIAM KING, Administrator de bonis non. may 8 too . In llioir line— ooSsisTiNoor Dine black, brown, olive. Green and mlxt llRUApeiiOTIlH. Blue, brown,groen,and steel mixt QUEENS CLOTH. Blue black ,iud fancy colored tingle mil* led CASSIMERE. Merino Cloth anil Cassitncre, (light and beautiful materials for surhmer wear) Bombazine Circassian Brown, white arid drab English and French Drill Striped Florentine, Satin Jean Grass (Moths, Bourbon Drill Silk Camblct, Nankeen And a variety of other stufls suitable foi sitnitncr coatees nnd pantaloons VESTINGS English', Italian and French black and colored Silk Valencia and Marseilles of Buff,White . and neat Toney Patterns White and Buff Cassimeie end Cash- merrt • AJI of which they are prepared to make to measure, in the bestmanher and at short notice. . ....... FANCY ARTICLES. A handsome assortment of SilkBnd Linen Cambric Pocket Hand kerchiefs Cravats, Stooks, Sliffneri Black, white and straw colored Horse- skin Gloves, S rass Cloth and Linen do - uspeoders, Watch Guards and Rib. Hoslety of ail descriptions ^'orqging, Moroco, Cadet & Mediior rancan CIps, dec. disc. ALSO, A gtjicral Assortment of Itf.ADT HA OK IFBIJtO AND SUMMKIt . CLOTHIM Consisting of Coals, Frocks and Coauces, Pahta- T Iona Vests, Jackets, Pratyets, Shirts, Collars, dec. dec. dee. M. de D. respectfully inform their friends that the whole of the goods have been care fully selected by Mr. M. and the ready made dothing, .manufactured entirely un der his inspection,' dr. they assure their cus tomers that the utmost confidence mav be placed ih the faithfulness of their word, april 30 Notice. rGREAFTEK the Savannah Libra- L ry will bu opened for the delivery fo Books every Monday, Wednesday and Fri y, from 4 to 0 o’clock P. I Individuals not share holders con hove ? u, f J ■the use of the Library on the following by William J. Millryne, ■terms:— 6 Porter, both late of sale For one year, by paying git six months, " q “ a "y less period, at' the rate ol 2 per month • WM. MORE# Librarian, .way 1 10^,, Notice. IOUR months after dale, we shall opS My •» the Court of Ordinary ofEf- tMili«!i, fl . 0U fK , .,S r **a ve to-sell all the leal Estate AfWlUiam H. Womack, dep. S! ? lr J c ? °J Land In said county, Ei!m„ h ,he Louisville road, eon- R thMiei» ether 570 acrM ’ for ,h ® l,enefi> WILLIAM a. PREVATT, war 28 73 ■chambers Superior Court, fh. Marine ^ffi™*** [nance Bank of the Plate of Georgia, et al. I yj, pleazer Early, 'heir- e ‘- ak Chatham Su perior Court, January Term, 1880. In Equity. Elea- inthe , ren< tos out of Chatham coun- r." wotmn it is ordered that the said appear on or before the first henextTetmof this Court and en- ' thereto arid in default HM complainant haVe leave to ,‘beir said- Bill in the same Htfpenoha 1 service of the Bill l,;!?lhad been effected on thb sai 1 i!ltm^ And jf, i 5 r,,r " ,er oraered tha - once a.monthin ono aHfer r **“ ^Vn^'tact from tho minutes. tt: ?.°bert w. pooler June so 153 POOLER, Clk. . Notice, L the E?' j!? vih 8 Remands against sat them “ rj| unesSivlney, willpre- ty. 8 nt Sf rln *«ty absence from this July w 011 ^A. WOODRUFF. ' Notice. T HE Subscriber hating qualified on the will ofthe Into Joseph Law sen. of Liberty County, requests alt persons having demands against the estate to pre sent them duly attested, and sill persons in debted io the same, to oorne forward end make payments JOHN S. LAW. July ,8 171ml Effingham County, INFERIOR COURT, Jult Trust. I8S8. O N the petition of William Morel, sta ting the existence & loss and praying the establishment of a certain promissory severally made and signed ‘ yne, and William G skid county deceased, dated Effingham county, 13th February, 1824, payable to the said Wililain Morel, or order, on or before the 1st day of January next, for the sum of twenty five dollars,for value received, a copy whereof, with tho affidavit of the sold William Morel, is filed In the Clerk’s Office,—It Is ordered that William King, of the County of Effiing- ham, the acting and qualified administrator of the said William (1, Porter, deceased, and the hoiri and representatives of the said William J. Mulryne, deceased, do shew cause on or before the fust day of the next term of this Court, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and it is further ordered that this rule be published in one of the public Gazettes of the City of Savannah, onco a month until the time appointed for shewing cause thereof. Extract from the minutes, JNG. CHARLTON, Clk. july 18 167 §L Treasury Department Brought to Jail. r r Savannah on the 10th Inst a negro men who says his nniiio is Will-Brown and that lie belongs to Wm Coffinof Char leston SC. He is about 27 years of age. 5 feet 11 inchest high , and has a scar on his forehead. fob 28 JNO. I. bE WS, j. c. c. For safe. A TRACT of land containing 250 a cres, situate in the district of Or- angeburgh, 6n Edisto cTcek in the state of South Carolina, bounding poitlt on.lands of Daniel Mazyck, nnd south end west on he said creek. For a plat of said laud, and terms of said, apply to GEO. GLEN, Ex'or. est. of John Glen., ±LL Notice, TNOUR Months after date application J? will be made to the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court of Emanuel county for leave to sell all the real estate of James ;Swl'ney, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. THOMAS SW1NEY, Adm’or. july 20 171 Notieef. P ERSONS having demands against tho estate of the late Mrs. Sarah Da Lamotfn will presort! them duly attested, and those indebted to said estate Will make payment to J. DE LAMOTTA, Jun. • Qualified Executor, juty 7 * 58 .tjF _ JULY 17th, 1829; . BALED PROPOSALS will be re- ceivrnl at this offico until Thursday, Sd September next, for building ami lilting out, In all respects ready lor sea. (cabin furniture,- provisions and ballast on ly excepted) a vessel to bo employed 4s 1 Revenue Cutter, 'of the burthen of seventy two tons, at cither of the following ports; Savannah, Philadelphia, Charleston, ' Washington, DC. Norfolk, • NoW York, Baltimore, The vessel to be built agreeably to a mo del to be furnished upon entering into the contract, and of materials corresponding to the fullowing dimensions and specifica tions. to witt Ltngth—Between perpendiculars, sixty- two feet. , Ream—Moulded, eighteen feet. Hold— Seven and eight feet. A'rt/—or.White Oak, to bo sided nine inches. , Dtadirood— Amidships - , of Whlto Oak, to bo sided nine ilichcs. DeaiUooii— Fnre and After,of Lire Oak tn bo sided nine inches. Stern-post Knic—Of Live Oak, to be fajed on the keel to the fore tide of innet stern-post,an I over tills knee the deadwood Is to be built keeping the shortest pieces be low, Fobr bolts are to ho driven through (he knee, viz: two through the' Knee and Stern-post, and two through the Knee and Keel, beforo the dead wood bolls are droVe; care must be taken that the deadwood bolts and itern-ixut knee bolts do ttot come into contact. The bolts of knee and deadwoori to be rlvetted on theuhflarslde of keel and aft side of stern Bolts through the knee In dlarilater three quarters of an inch. Bolts through the deadwood in diameter seven-elghta of an Inch. ■Inner Stern-post—Of Live Oak. Main Stern-post—Of Live Oak, aided nine Inches. Apron—Of Live Otk, to be sided one font three inches. Fore Deadwood and Apron bolts, to one foot above floating of oopper, in diameter three-quarters of au inch. Floor timbers, fotlocks, (optimbeH of Live oak,to be sided six Inches.' . To be moulded st floorbeads six and a half inches. ——at port- dill or plank sheer Tout Inches, —at rail three and three quarter inches. To he completely framed, frame bolts tn diameter three-quartera of an loch. Eve ry other Boor timber to be bolted with one copper bolt in dlafneter three quartern of an inch. The alternate floor timbers to be bolted after the kelson is fitted, with cop per bolt, io diameter with a drift added three quarters of an inch. Keelson—Of White Oak,to be sided tiine inches. Main Transom—Of Live Oak, to be boltfcd with two iron bolts, In diametar se ven-eighths of an inch. The remaining transoms to side seven inches ahd bolted with copper bolts,in diameter seven-eighths of an inch. Night-heads and House Pieces—Of Live Oak, to he sided nine inches. Outeide plank—The running plank of white oak, in thickness two & one quarter inches. The outside plank abreast the deck to be in thickness three inches, and from thence (he plank will fairly and gra dually diminish to the thickness of the run - itlng plank of the bottoml The upper- edge of the plank next below the plank sheer, to be m thickness two and a half inches. Plank Sheer—Of white oak, or yellow pine in thickness two and k half inches.— Front the plank sheer to roil,the spaco will Jie boarded outside only with narrow inch H white or yellow pipe boards, fastened to stauncheons about twenty-seven inches a- sunder, to have five ports on each, side and two in thn stern with shutters. No plank outside from the light water line upwards (amidships) to be in width more than eight inches. The fastenings of outside plank from keel to one foot shove load water line, to be of copper. The spikes may be composition. The bolts to be copper.— There will be no trendils, each strake to be fastened to one frame (comprising two timbers) with three composition spikes of six inches in length (where the plank is -two and one-quarter inches thiok) ahd one copper bolt-nvo-oighths diameter, to be drove through nnd rivalled inside. Butt bolts and hooder end bolts of capper in diameter five-eighths of an inch. Cieling plank of yellow pine in thickness two in ches. Breast hooks—Qflive oak, two below the deck hook, to be faved nnd fastened before the cieling is put on, and bolted with copper bolts in diameiet three-quarters of an inch. Clamps— 1 Of white oak or yellow pine; in thickness at the upper-edge 3 inches. do do larwer-edge two and a half in ches. A list or art strokes six inches wide to bo formed next below tho strake under the clamp. - - Blams—Of yellow pine, to bi sided in ches. and moulded seven and a half inches. To be kneed at each end with one ledge and one lap IrheC, to be sided five inches, excepting the mast beams, which etc to have a dagger knee in lieu of the laji' knee, to be bolted with bolts in diameter three- fourths of an inch. Deck plank of yel-’ low pine in thickness twerand a half inch es, in width'not to exceed eight inches. To be fastened with iron spikes end plug- ged# ” Mast Porters Oflive oak to be^need, To be,fittcd with a trunk cabin, and in other respects W correspond with the draught. To be coppered to a water line eight feet aft anH seven foot forward, with twen ty-four ounce copper. To have a com plete set of masts and spars. The principal ones to be of the following named dimen- S1 °MMn mast whole length fifty-eight feet, head seven feet. ' - Fore must whole length 50 feet 6 inches, head 7 feet. • Fore-yard thirty-feet. “ Top-sail-yatd twenty-four feet. ” Top-galloitt-yard sixteen feet Fore-top-mast thirty-one feet, pole six teen feeh. F.iro gaft seventeen feel. Main do sixteen feet. Main-boon) 22. Bowsprit out board 12 feet. Lower inasl and buwsprit. to be ofjel- low pine tr to bo bad, tho remaini ng spars to bo spruce. The remaining spars to bo in propor tion. To have one fore-sail, one Main-sail, one jib, one fore-top-sall. No. 1. One flying jib, one square sail, one top- gallant-sail, one tower studding-sail, one topmast studding-sail, one gait top-sail, of light canvass^ in awning foie anil aft, of canvas^, No.,2, with itailncnhons complete. To Have three throuds to the foremast on each side, and two on each tide the main mast, of five and a haH inches rope. The fore stay seven inches, with tho remaining •mining and standing rigging, to be in due proportion, of the best Russian hemp, to be patent laid, and of equal fineness and strength with that used in the navy. The blpcks for sheets, hali'.irns, braces to be patent bushed To have one hempen ca ble, 7:> fathoms# im lies,, and one proof chain cable, one inch diameter, 00 fath oms. Two anchors, each weighing 500 pounds clear of stoek. Tho anchor for chain cahle to bavii and Iton Stock; to have all the fixtures neccssaiy for working a chain cable. One bauser, six inches, 75 fathoms. One kedge anchor, with lion stock, weighing clear of stock, 900 pounds. To havo a capstan, cambosc, hammock, stdunchedn, waist-cloths ring and eye bolls Ring bolts for train tn releiving tackcls.— Two iron davits on each quarter, for tho bdats. All tne outside plunk Including the deck plank, io bo plained. ■ Forecas- tle floor, in length, about 14 feet, to have 16 births. To have a trunk cabin, with a skylight, and two sliding lights on each side, to be fitted with four births and lookers—to have a storeroom between the stern frame and after bulkhead of cabin, in length about 18 feet—'o hate a magazine undor the 6aj bin float. To have two store rooms (one liri each side) before the oabin ln length six feel, The length ol cabin floor, including store rooms, 18 reel. , To have two Scuttles hear the stote rooms, leading to the hold. The •cuttle leading to the magazine, to have raised coming! and a cap of lead * To have the necessary loukiand bars fot the doors and seottles; To have two boats of suitable size; To have two ooaUof paint 1 ■ To have sufficient to carry fifteen hun dred gallons of water. The materials used Id tho eonstrootion of the vessel, to be approved of hy snch officer of the Revenue service, as thg sec retary 'of the Treasury may appoint^ The yessel to be completed within 'Sixty data from the date of the contract, and the workmanship to be inspected previous to the delivery, by two competent judges-,one to be chosen by each of the parties to the contract, who. in the event of their disa greement, are to chOaSe a third,- who are to-determine whether the work has been executed in all respect*, conformably to the proposals and agreement. 8. D. INGHAM. Seci etary of Treasury. July 20—2awtd Q7*The Savannah Republican, Char leston Mercury,Norfolk Beacon, Baltimore Republican, American Sentiucl, and New York Courier and Enquirer, will publish the above twice a week, for three weeks. july 28 111 By the President of the U. States. I N puminnee ol law, 1, AkPrew Jack- siin, President of the United Slates of America do hereby declare end make known that a public sale will be held 'at the Liffid Office at St Helena CoUrt House, in the States)! Louisiana, on the second Monday in November next, for the dispo sal of the unappropriated public lands with in the limit of tho undermentioned town ships, situate in the Land District West of Pearl River,and East of the Island of N6w Orleans, to wit: Township two, of Range one, Townships one, two, three, five and fix, of Range two. Townships one, two, three, lour, five and six, of Range three. Townships one, two, three, four, six and seven, end Iractional townships eight and nine, of Range four. Townships one, two, three, foul, five,six and seven, and fractional township eight, of Range fivd. _ Townships one, ttfo, three, four, five, six nnd seven, and fractional township eight,of Range six.' Townships one, two, three, fotir, five,six and seven, and fractional township eight,of Range seven. Townships one, two, three, four, five,six and seven, and li actional township eight,of Range eight. Townships one, two, three,' four, five, six and seven of Range nine. The above townships are all situate south of the thirty first degree of latitude, and East ol the Meridian’, and embrace nearly all tho lands lying oh the Amite Tickfaw, and.Tangapaha rivers. Tlie townships will be offered in the or der above designated, beginning with the lowest number of section in each. The lands reserved by law for the use fif schools, or for other purposes, will be ex cluded' from sale. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, this thirteenth day of June, A. D. 1829. (Signad) ANDREW JACKSON. By tho President. . GEO. GRAHAM, Commissioner ofthe General Land Office. published in the Natchez States man, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Adverti ser. Allapapa Gazette, Huntsville Demo- oral, Mobile Register, Baltimore Republi can'; Philadcluhia Sentinel, Richmond Enquirer, Raleigh Star, Charleston Mer cury, Savannah Republican; Augusta Chronicle,Nashville Republican, & Louis- •villo Advertiser, july S8 17V By the President of the U- nited States. I N pursuance of law, I, Andrew Jack son, President of the United Slates of America, do hereby declare and make known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office at SrAaTA. in tho State of Alabama, on the second Monday In Octo ber next, for tbit disposal of tlie public lands williin tho limits of the undermen tioned townships and fractional townships, Townships seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven, of Range twenty five. Townships seven, eight, nine, ten ahd Itactional townships eleven of Rangetweu- Townships seven, eight, nine end frac tional township ten, of J tango twenty sev- on. Townships seven and eight, and fraction al townships nine and ten of Range twenty eight. Tofimihip seven, and fractional town ships eight and nine, of Range twenty nine# Fractldhal townships seven and eight, of Range thirty. . The townships arc to be offered in the order above designated, beginning with the lowest number of section in each. The lands reserved l,y law lor the use of skhbols, or Tor otn'er purposes, are to be ex cluded from sale. Given under my hand dt the City of Washington, this of July, A. D- 18*9. ANDREW JACKSON. By the President: GEORGE GRAHAM; CommlsSloder ofthe GeueralLandOffire. To be published in the Natchez States man, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Advert! ser, Allapapa Gazette, Huutsville Demo crat, Mobile Register. Baltimore Republi can, Philadelphia Sentinel, Richmond En S ulrer, Raleigh Star, Charleston Alercury. avanndh Republican, Augusta Clirdni- ole, Ndshtille Republican, and Louiaville Advertiser. july 28 171 , £"M Navy Beef and Pdrk for 1830. Navt Commissioner's OmcE, ) 17th June, 1829. < S EALED PROPOSALS will bn ve ceived it this Office, until the 1st of September next,for the supply of 8000 bsi- tels Navy Beef, and 2400 barrels Nsvy P01 k. fot the use of the United States' Na val Service. 1000 barrels of Beef, and 800 barrels of Pork, to be delivered at each ofiboUnilfctl States Ndvy Yards; Chatles- town, Massachusetts. Brooklyn,New-Yoik Ofld Norfolk, Virginia; and the whole quan tity must be delivered, at each and every Navy Yard, by the lit of April, 1880. The whole quantity of the said Beef and Pork, must be o! the best quality. The Beef must be packed fiom well fatted cattle, weighing not lest than 480 Ibi in the quar ter, or 800 Iba. on the hoof, all the legs, leg- rounds. clods, cheeks, shtnl, and the neck of each animal, must bo wholly excluded from tlm barrel, -and the remainder of the car- eass must be out into pieces of 10 lbs. each, as noai as may be; sit that twenty pieces will make n banel ofitOO Ills, nett weight, of Navy Beef. The Vork must be corn fed and well fatted, all the skulls, feet,and hind legs entiremust he wholly excluded fiom the barrel, and the remainder uflhe Hag must be cut into pieces of 8 lbs esch as near as msy be, so that 25 pieces, not more than three of which shall be shoulders will make a barrel ..f200 lbs. nett weight of Navy Pork. The whole quantity ofthe said Beef and Pork must be perfectly sal ted in the (list instance with, and after wards parked with a sufficient quantity of the best Turk's Islands, Isle of May, or St. IJhejsalt, and no other, to ensure its pre servation, with five ounces of pure saltpr tre to each and every barrel. Thn barrels in which the said Beef and Pprk is to be packed, mnst be made of the best seasoned heart of White-Oak or White-Ash, free from sap, with one iron hoop on each chime, and otherwise fully and substantial ly hooped, and each barrel must be bran ded on its head. "Navy Beef," 6'r "Na vy Pork,” with the "Contractor's name.” and the “ year” when packed. All the said Beef End Pork on delivery auhe res. peettve Navy Yards must b? subjected to the test and inspection of some Sworn In spector, of the State within which it it to be delivered, who shall be selected by the Commandant nf the Yard,'at the place ol delivery, without any charge tn the United states therefor, and when inspected in said maimer, the contractor indst put the bar rels io good shipping order, or the Beef and Pork will not be received 1 . Bidders are required to state their prices separately, for the’ Beef, and for the Pork, and if they offer to furnish at more than one yard, then separately for each Yard, They are also requited to give their names, their residence, and the. names and resi dence nf (heir sureties, minutely, and must transmit their bids-sealed and endorsed. "Offer to furnish Navy Beef and Na vy Pork, fot 1880.” The Commissions of the NaVy are at li- oerty to take (fie offers of a bidder for any one Yard, ot for the aiticles deliverable at any one Yard, or in greater proportions, if suen bids be thd lowest. Any Biff riot made fn conformity to this advertisement. 61 not received within' the limited time, will not be opened. The parts of the animal to be excluded from the barrel will be particularly descri bed ih drawings, whicli will'form part of the contract!. Persons desiring info'rmatiori upon tho subject with an intention to bid, may ofitain it by seasonable aUpliegtlbn to theUo'.rVd; . * June 28' 150 J . To be published twice* week in the Bal timore Republican, Amer, Sentinel, Nnt Gazette, N->Y Mer. Advertiser and Ev Post, Boston Statesman, Commercial Ga zette, New-Hampshire Patriot, Providence Patriot, Hartford Times,- Itnleigli Star, Halifax Miherva, Norfollt' Herald, Rich mond Enquirer,: Ohio Monitor, Cincinna ti Republican,-' Nashville Republic'an.ICen- tucky Gazjttee, Kentucky Argus. Colum bia Telescope, Charleston Patriot, Savan- is Beicon, Louisiana Advertiser, Salisbu- 1 ry Western Catotinlan;' [From the Connontfeut Mirror.1 STANZAS. I was but a little boy Whin my Mother died; Yet would I have gone with joy, Forsaking gleeful sport and toy. To slumber al her side* It was a lohg, long tinie act,, But memory still is bright; Nor will her torch soon cense to glow; Nor shall I suurt forgot, Oh no— Ilottr sad 1 felt that night". Isaw them weep; anti I ditl weep, But why; 1 did nnt know ; Around her couch I saw them step As if ihcy feared (0 break tier sleep, And 1 slept softly loo. She diet!—but died as I would di.4 When God calls me away. Without a struggle or a sigh, Calm, peaceful as a summer sitv The spirit left tho clay. l: They told nie Ihen tliat she was doad, That lire to her was oleri. Tliat far a say her soul Itarl fled, And up to lleav'11 had gone, ihey said To cum© to me no more; Then came the funeral array Into that client room Sadly they bore her corse away. And laid it in tlie tomb. • • • * Still on her grave; by night and day, I love to kneel and wee|> ahd pray That God irould take me home; t. On W-dnesday the 520th ult. the Intiabl- tantj of Ayer, N. B. were thrown into The utmost consternation by a grave phenome non. While the gravedigger of the "Auld Kirk ’ was busy at hi* Vocation, ho percei ved the earth at the bolionr of the gnvo to he on fire. This marvellous blrciiimtance was witnessed by numbers who instantly assembled. He ofthe spade threw out the earth and stance, which actually burnt tho grass in the Kirk yard. Upon Inveitl- t ation it appeared, that the earth and a ind of ironstone, which exhibited the phe nomenon longest, had been saturated with phosphorus supplied by the bones, and Igrtl led by the fraction' of this spade or expq-. sure to the atwbspnere. IttAbNOI.IA, (M. Florida,) July if . The predictions which werb some time since hazarded, with respect to tire weath er, havb.ehtirelv failed, and Instead Of tlie parching drought whlbli 'was then very nat urally anticipated, from tho uncommon duration of the wet saasqrf, wb have had almost a continued suecesinn of heavy rains aince, which will beproducilvn both of good and evil effccia. AbhpUqts frqlti (he coun try generally agree, that cotton will bd much injured; but that the crop -of cord will he abundant.—Nothing ,0*11 however - mo r forcibly show (ho sica'd* and rapid progress whicli is making in our Territory; In the inarch of prosperity, than a compar ison of the difference hicli has been wrought In our markets, lb the space of but one year. Large quantities 61 corn were imported frufn the northern and western states and met with (Cady sales last year, in this tnd the neighboring, ma'fk’ets. This year cpusldarible quantities have boon shipped hence to other places; and should other markets afford the samp inducements another yeat, an impo'rum trade will , ho carried on in that single article. The soil of middle Florida seems as well adapt ed for Corn, at for Cotton, Sugar, Indigo'/ dec; From the Baltimore Gazette. American Silk.—A correspondent of tho National Gazette, who states, ttyat lie has received a part of Ml early education Ilf the extensive silk manufactories qTFrnneis^t has published the result of several experi ments, tried by him to atfiertain the quali ty of American silk. Tlje examination,' he says, has satisfied him, tlmt the silk pro duced by the American wprm has'a supe riority oVer that of any other couhtry that lie has evei seen'. There ere yery few branches of industry more deserving of at tention in this community than the culti vation ofthe Silk Worm ; and whon wo" reffect that the labor of feeding, cleaning nnd protectin them from injury by insects or animals,'particularly, the mouse, may . be performed by e'liildrerf or . females not otherwise employed, it is matter of surprise' that tho number of persons engaged in this’ most important work should be so small.—" Two persons with a suitable building for (he accommodation of Silk Worrits nnd a neighbo.hobd producing, the .Mulberry Tree in some abundance, can'with ease at tend to several millions' of Worms, and wind and prepare the Silk fq'r market.— The Whole time employed in.tMs'operation may be estimated ai about .(in weeks', and’' should one million of the'. Worms p'rotluce here in the proportion' whicli, they rCarJil/ yield in other, Countries, two' Hundred pounds pf Silk would, amply repay tho’ time, labor , and trifling expense i.U'currid in fearing them'. , A rigdy market can at all limes bu found far the Silk which wilt'; •Command from ftp to' fourteen' dollars' J pound, taking the maximum, this would 'produce-t'weniy-eight hundred dollars', cer tainly a most exAao’rdiriufy rttiirri fot ten 1 weeks' IhSot of the, year.' mo—— Arson —At .4' Court of Oyer arid Ter miner held latqiy in Ogdenburgh, Ehene- Kcr Dale, a'lad'Between l'2 and IS years’., of age was convicted of Arson,(of a house).' and'was sentenced to tlie state prison a( Auburn, at hard labof/for the term'of thfeo' yeatsalid U day. . The Directors'of tlje sVeamboak -Chan cellor Liyirigston, running from New York to Ft evidence, hive resolved to disenhtinur, the custom of placing Spirituous Liquors on the table df their steamboat. Leeches.r-Silliinari's Journal quotes ari" authority, to s.lidw.that, in the application ofleeches, «lien lised'a second tiine, care, should ho taken with respect to tire nature ofthe disease ofthe person on'.whnm' they ' are first' employed, since diseases ha'A be'eri eomiuuhlcated by tllbir'agency ;