Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 15, 1829, Image 1

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SHat No 179 i$..Vol* XXVI SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 15, 1829. Whole [^o.v...;....6446. Administrator's Notice, i OUR months after (Into, I stml^ apply to the Honorable the Justices ofctlie ferior court of Chatham county, when tinK far ordinary purposes, for leave to ■ i tract ol land, number ninety, four,: 84) situated 111 tho twelfth distrlot of onroe county, In the stale of Georgia, ntainliiK *' v “ hundred t\w> and a half rds being the'real estate of Launcelot FeaVt deceased, for the benefit of the in and c,editors estate^ • Xdm'r. of L. H. Feay. nnrll 20 67 Brought to. Jtril. Savannah, some time ago, a negro, lan w|io says hiw primo is JIM, and le belongs to John Pitman hut does iamw alierb Ids masteHiy.cs,tier where runaway te that lie . is 4 feet 9 1-4 irs of ago', ho aUing ' JNO.I.DE une 14 . Treasurer’s Ofilc.e. August 1,19*9, I HE average, price of Flour during the 1 last month being ‘If 'p'gr barrel of lbs. Ilread for the present month weigh as(ptlowsvl*t| f 12 1-2 cents Loaf _ 0* e 1*4 i. .» i 41 5 H H , Of whloh aU Bakers and sellersof Bread Ultakedde Notice. ... M. W. STEWART, c :.i ■ - :ed to be io else, I 15 hen aug i NSteidlitz and Soda Pow der?. DOZEN boxes Soda Pow. ' 59 So*" geldlii*. do i... . ' atao. . . ; I Tho Improved Cheltenham Salts, pre ared by Savory, Moore St, Davidson, ini dried and for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, at the Eagle. No. 8 f» march B 54 ^, ‘ Notice. - | HE co-partnership heretofore exist' — mg between the siilurrilters under the firm,of James Anderson & Co. expired |by limitation on the 8tst of May last. All persons Indebted will make payment J Janies Anderson, who is duly authorised, j settle the affairsoTlhe'cnrrcvrn, and will ontinue the business for Ids own account JAMES ANDERSON, _ C. M. KINO, jnne 19 189 Notice. lOUIt months after dole, application will,be miide to the HonoLible.thi ,oea of tho Inferior Conn of Effing ham county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell tho half of on unde led )ract of land in the county of Effing _in, containing IH7 I S ac.cs formerly he property of Benjamin Porter, Tor the. jenefit of the heirs of William G. Porter, Deceased. -WILLIAM KING, Administrator de bonis non. may B toe Notice. [ EREAFTER the Savannah Libra ry will bo Apebbd for the deliver to’ Books every Monday, Wednesday and Fri [day, from 4 to 0 o’clock P. M. I individuals not share holders .don have I tho uso qf the Library on lire .following f terms:— ■ ,For one .year, by paying SI* “ six month's, “ 9, " any loss period, at the -rate ol s' per'month -WM. MOREL. Librarian, ■jnay I -l-O^n JMALUERY& DUFFY, DRAPERS If TAILORS, m os Tiies bat; * EAST OF THE CITY HOTEL. H AVE received by r-cont arrivals from Now York, afresh and elegant as sortment of the most tcasonah/e , GOODS, In thdlr lino— ' ' COBSISTINOOT Blue black, brown, olive. Green and mtxi BROADCLOTHS. JUiMi, brown,green,and steel mlxt QUEENS CLOTH. Blue black anil fancy colored single mil* .led CAS8IMEUE. Merino-Cloth and Caasimere, (light and beautiful materials for summer wear) Bombazine Circassian Brown, white arid drab Eeglish and French Drill line, Sat hi Jc suitable foi ■antalOons E tigrish, I(gliaiiarid and ' Valencia and Marse|(les'af Buff,Wjiite and uoai ftrnnr Patterns White and Buff Cassimere and'Casli- ineret All of which they are prepared to innk. to measure, "m the best mjmner and at short notice. * . fancy articles. A-handsoine assortment of Silk and Linen Cambric Pocket Hand kerchiefs Cravats, Spooks, Stifffcrii Blkckr white and straw qo1orcd.Horse- skin Gloves, Grass Cloth nnd Linen do Suspender,, Watch Guards and Rib. house ' Hosiery rtf all descriptions Foraging, MorocorCadet & Mediter ranenn Caps, &c. ,4m. aim,. . A general Assortment of kSiady siadk BURixn Asr> snsrsiun CLOTHING. Cmiiiating of Coats. Frocks and Coattees,Palita Iona, , Vests, Jackets, Diarveis, Sliirls, Collars, Sic. Sic. Sic. M. Si D. respectfully Inform their friends that the whole of lire goods have been care fully selected by Mr. M. and She ready made clothing, maniifictiirad entirelv un der hi, inspection, A they assure (hair rps- miners that the utmost confidence m.xv Ire placed in the foithliiiness of their work . april.80 Treasury Department, JULY-mil, i 829. ^EAI-ED PROPOSALS will lm re- eeived this office until Thursday, the 3/September neXt,/or building and fitting out. In all respects reudy lor sea. (cabin furniture, provisions and ballast bil ly excepted) a vessel to he employed a, a Itevenue Cutter, of (lie burthen of seventy- two tons, at either of tho following ports, Savannah, Philadelphia, Charleston, Washington. DC. Norfolk, Now York, Baltimore, The vessel to he built agreeably to a mo del to be furinsjied upon entering Into the contract, and of nialerlals corresponding to .tho following'dimensions tint! specifica tions. to wit: Length— Between perpendiculars, sisty- iwo feel Ream—Moulded, eighteen feet. Hold— Seven and eight feet. ?-*.Of White Oak, to be* sided nine irf—Amidships, of White Oak, inches. ne and After,ofLiye.Oak _ r nqlics. ' . Knee—Ot Live Oak, to be' fitted on4)io keol to the fore side of inner iiern-pbyt,an I aver tbis.knee.ihe dead wood is to be baill ke'epltig the shortest pieces be- in*, Four bolls are to he drlVi-n ihrmiph the knee, viz: two through tho Knee and !iterh-pnst, indjwo through the Knee and Keel, before the deariwood bo is are drove: care must lie taken that the denilwoucl.bnlis aotkslern post knee bolls do not dome in|o contact. TKe holts of knee and deadwqpd to be -five lien on the miilt'1 M(h.uf keel and Notice, T HE Subscrih r having Qualified on the will of the fate loscpli Law sen. of Liberty County, requests nil. persons liavlne demands against the estate id pre sent litem dulv attested, and all persons in ilebtrd to 1 e same, to enmn .forward and moke payment. JOHN S. LAW. July 5.8 171ml Notice. P OUR months after date, we shall ap] ply to tho Court<of (Hdimiry of Ef- kfinghnin countys for leave fo sell nil tl»*» | Real Lstute of William H. Womack, dec. I being several tracts of Lund in county* bn both sides of the Louisville r«nd, con taining together 570 acres, for the benefit th the heirs. William a. prevatt, Arbn’r. in right of his Wife; SAltAll PREVATT. Arh'iVxv mar 28 73 Chambers Superior Court, Chatham Sir*, per tor Court, Jartuarv Term, 1830. In Equity. JUNE 25th, 1050 J he Mariije&^lre In- I siirance Rank of the Slate of Georgia, et al; 1 -r.. V8, I Elcazer Early, ■ et. al. Wi nning verified *o the Court that Elea- - •*. zer.Early one of trie defendants in the above cause resides out of Oliaiham coun- M'-On motion it is. ordered that the said -blazer Early appear on or before the first oay of the next Term of this t ’onrt and en ter his appearance thereto and in default theteof the said complainant have leave I .proceed on their said Bill, in the san e fnanner as if personal service of the Hill Slid subpoena had keen effected on the sai I Llenzor—Aud it is further ordered tha • e i ,. 1° published once a month in on Gazettes of Savannah' unfit the expirniion thereof. Erttract from the mlpufes. . Robert vv. pooler, cik. ..Juno 30 1h 3 Effingham Counts/, -INFERIOR-f'i lUItT, July Tkiim. 1820. O N tho petition of William Morel, sta ling the existence & loss dud proving the establishment of/ certain prb.nUsory note, jointly mid severally,made and stoned by William J. Mulryne. and VVillmn? G Porter, both late of said county deceased •toted Effingham county, 19th .Fehrtbirv 18S4, pav able to the said Wililam Vorel, or rtider, on or before tho 1st day of January next, for tho sum of twenty-five dollars,for value received, a copy, whereof, with the affidavit of the said \ illhitn Morel, is filed in the Clerk's,Office,—rIt is ordered, that' William King, of the County of Effiing- ham, thedetinv and qualified administrator oflhrc said William G. Porter, deceased, and the heirs and representatives of the said William J. Mulryne, deceased, do shew cause on or before the fijsl day of next term of this Court, why Hie prayer of the should not he granted, and it is fm-tii^r Qr.dered that this rule be published in one of the public. Gazettes of the City of Savannah, once a month finlil the time appointed for shewing cause thereof. I .Xtraot from the minutes, JNO. fllAIU/TON, Clk. julv 18 1B7§r. Brouj^lit to Jail. f N SaVHiinAn on the totli inst a negro man who nays his naine is Will Brown mil that ho belongs to Will Onflinof Char leston SC. Ho is about 37 jrears of age. 5 feet It inches high,and has a scar on his (orchcad. fob 5)8 ' JNO. I. DEWS, j. c. c. Fop sale. A TRACT of lam) cpnlainihg 250 n erns, situale in the district of Oi- nngehurch, on Edisto creek in the state of South Carolina, bounding noitli pn lands of Daniel Mazyck, and south and west on he said creek. .. For a plat of said land, and terms of sale, apply to GEO. GLEN, feii 3 Ex’or. eat. of John Glen. aft side oT stern p. st Bolls through the knee in diamater three quarters of an inch. Bolt, ihrmicl ',* »- deadwoud in diameter seven-eiehis of an Inch Inner Stern-post—Ol Live Oak. Main Stern-post—Of Live Oak, sided nine iiichns. Apron—Of Live Oak. to be sided one oot three Inches. ' Fote Deadwond and Apron -bPiis. to one foot above floating pf copper, in diameter nueMpiartenioT an inch. Floor timber*, fuliock*. lop'timbef. of Live oak,to he sided six inches. ; . o lie moulded at floorheads six skid a half inches. ' .1 —at port sill or ohmic slice-' foui inches, —at rail lliree'aud li’reequarier inches. To he ci|irn;li-iclv frnmeil. frame bobs ill diatitefor ihree-qiiarlers of «n inch, l-’.ve- rv other floor limber to lie IssiHed 'im one copper boll in diafneter lliVee quarters of an Inch. The alternate floor limbers tube bolted after llie kelson Is filled, with cop per boll, in dianmlei with a 'Irifl added three quarters of ahjncb Keelson—Qf Whi'c Oak,to he sided nine inches. Main Transom—Of Live Oak, to J>e bolted with ton iron holts, I di Hnmer >e-- ven ,-iemils of an Rich The remaining transoms 10 side seven incites ami bolted wrtli copper bolts,in diameter sevrn-e glilhs nf an inch. Night heads oat) Haute pieces—Of Lir e Oak, lo lie sided nine Inches'. , Oulsidt plank—The running plank of white oak. in thickness iw , & one qtinrler inches. The outside plank .gbrea.t the. 1 deck to he in ilnckuess ilirec inches, and from thence life plank will fairly and gra dually diminish io the tliicknessofilio run ning plank nf'djie bottom. The upper- edge oftiie plank next Jiolow the plank sheer, to lie in ililckhe-s {Vvu and a half Tnclie-. Plank Sheer—Of white oak, J|r yellow pine in thickness two and a half inches.— From flic plank sheet lo rail,the -pace will lie hiinrded outside only ivilli narrow inch lyliile or yellow pine boards, fastened to. sidiincheon. about iwenly-seve'ii Inches ii- sundor, io have five ports on each side And too in-the stern with shutters. No plank outside from the light water line upwards (amidships) to be in widlli more than Right 'J inches. The fastenings nf outside plank from keel to one fool a horn load water line, 10 ho of copaer. The spikos may bo Composition. The bolls to bn copper.— There will be no Iremlils, each slraite tobo fastened to one frame (comprising two timbers) with three composition spikes ol six inches in length (where the plank is two arid oiie-quarier inches tlijck) and one copper bolt.five-uighthS dinmtcr, to he 'drove thr#ugh and riveited inside. Butt holts iind hooder end holts of c ipper .in diameter five-oighths of an inch. Cieling plank ol yellbiv pine ill thickness two in ches. Breast hooks Of live oak, two (iclow the. deck hook, to he favetl and fastened before tho cieling is put on, and lioliod with copper bolts in diafiioter tbroe-quarlors of an inch. Clamps—Of white oak nr yellow pmo, in thickness at the upper-edge 3 inches. do do lower-edge two mid a half in ches. - , A list or air strakes six inches wide to be formed .next below the strako under tho. c, “ ,n P- " - , ., , . Beams—Of yellow pinfe, to he sided in dies, and moulded seven and a hdlf inches. To be kneed at each e/id with one ledge and one lap knee, to be sided five, inches, excepting iho mast beams, winch aro to baveri dagger knee in lieu of die lap.kuee, Ao bo bolted wtlil bolts ill diameter tliree- ' Tourtha of all Inch. Deck plank of yel low pine in thickness twb and a half inch . es, in width not to exceed eight inches. Tobo fastened with iron spikes and plug Fore grift seventeen feet. Main do sixteen feet. Mnin-boom 32, , Bowsprit out board t£ feet. Lower inast and bowsprit, to ho of j»l low pine jf to be hat), the remaining spars to lie spruce. Tho remaining spars to be io propor tion. To have nno fare-sail, om MaiQ-sail, one jib.nnn fpro-top sqll. No. I. One living jib, one square sail, one top gallant sail, niie lower studding-sail, pne. topmast Studding-sail, one gall top-sail, of light canvass j an .inning fine and aft, of canvass. No. 2, with striunciteons complete. To have three shrouds to the foreinas oil each side, and twpi on each side the nynin- ina*t, of five and a half inches rope. The fore stay seven inches, with the remaining miming ami'siauding rigging, to he in dun proportion, of the heM • Kussi i ri hemp, to lie patent laid, and bf equal fineness and strength with that used in llie navy. The blocks foe-sheets, haly ards,' braces to he patent bii-ihei) ‘ To have one h'empen cn- iile, 75 fnlliom' 9 1o-lies, and one proof chain cable, one inch diameter, 00, Taih nms. Two anchors, each weighing' 5l pnnnds clear of stoek. Tlie anelidr chain calde to have anil iron-stock; to h all tjie fixtures .ne.dtissnijr for working a chain 5jb|e. /ir.c hunter, six lnolies-75 fathoms. One kedge apehnr. u-hli iron sio'elt, weighing clear of siocki-ftOO'poii'nds. To liava a capstan,' cambose, hammock, slariiiclienn, waist-cloths ring and -ye noils .Ring bolts for'train in rerejving tnckels.— Two irop dayiti dp each quarter, for the (mats All t-e outside plank including llie Heck plank, in be plained Forecas- lln flnnvlh leimlli, aboutti (eet, to have ifiblrths. v . - •: To have a'trunk cabin, with a skylight, .end two sliding lighls on each side, to be fitted will, four birihs and loekers—lo have a store room between flic ylem frame and after bulkhead pf enbin,, in length about 13 feet—o have a magazine under the ca-' bin floor. ! • To have two store rooms (one on each siife) before the cabin ill length six feet. The length ol cabin.floor, including store rooms, If! feet. To have two scuttles near (lie sioio- rnnin., leading io the hold. .The seuttle le uling toUie magazine, to' liave raised cornines and a cap of lend _ To have the necessary Inuksand bars for llie doors and scuttles: Tft.bnve (wo boats Of suitable size ; To Have two coals of paint ; To have sufficient lo carrv fifteen liun- By the President of the Ll- nited States. .TTN pursuance of law,,I, Andhf.w Jack- JL sox, President of the United Stales of America, do hereby declare and muke known that a public said will bo liold atdie Land office at SpAriTA. in thn Sttitii of; Alabaiha. on the second Monday in Octo ber next, for the disposal of the public lands within the limits of .llie nnderim-n- lioncd townships and fractional townships,: to wit! Townships seven, eight, nine, ten ar.d eleven, of Range tivemy five. To'vriships seven, eight, nine, ten and Irantional townships eleven of Range twen ty six. . • Townshlpc seven, eiglii, nine and frac tional'totvnxhip ten,'of Range twenty sev en. fc’' Townships seven and eight, and fraption- iiI townships nine end ten of Rupge twenty eight. ‘ Township seven, and fractional town ships eight am) nine, nf Unn£e twenty nine." inril to - nr.h|p» seven und eight, . kre to be offered in the above designated, beginning with the lowest number of sehti^vin each. The lands reserved I v law lor the schools, nr far otherpurpoies, are lo ciutlecblrom sale. • • Given under my hknd at the City Washington, this third (lav of July. A. nun. s ’ ANiuuiny Jackson. By the President ':’ ' - ' GE'Ht'SE.GR AHAV1, , Commissimser of llie GeneralLandOffic e To be published in me Niftdhez States Ilian, Jackson Journal. Louisiana AdteVli scr, Allapnpn Gazelle, Huiiisvlllu Denm oral, Mo iile egiftcr. B iltimme Rcpohli can, Philadelphia Keminel, Ridunond En S Hirer, Kaleigh Star, Gharlesinn Mcrcurr, lavannali Kcpuhliran, Augusta Clironi cle, Kn-livillc Republican, and Louisville Advertiser,' inly 2» 171 To Printers and Publisli- - efs. T HE Subscriber liavipg added tho Manufatlure nfjnovcablo tipu to his Steieolrpe establislrincu respeclftilly soli- • cits a share of the patronage of il;e Prill- terV of Pennsylvania and .the adjacent Stales., Having a knowledge of print ing, arid also having been lunger ptnciical- ly engaged in tlie'liusmfss of Srefentypirig Ihuri any ntlicr person in the United Slates be hopes to lie able, frn.m sncli expcrUinco-. to give Satisfaction (o ilimo w ho tnay favour liim wldi tlinir oriiei's. From an acqiiaintanec for a number .of year!, (near ly eight.) wiih the liusiness of type found ing, lie hopes to be able to prudnee ty pe e- qual lo uny offered to the Printers of the . V. Slates. '■ t Hispnces, though low, will ,if cpms® be llie same as ollrers in' the same .business, Qior wilHie altjnnpt lo violate truth, or in sult common sense, by pretending to nny ‘‘Increased .facilities in the in.miifaCt.urej'L. (for llicro rn no iitlmr “fabillllrisRl sent in Ibis city, then ih re were ago. .when type were from 40 la higher thkti al pr-Vont j) nor | teiials used in.niakine dred gallons .of wgtpr.., , Tlif materials iised In the construction of the vessel, lobe approved of by such officer of tbri Itcvemio service, as thb sec retary of the Treasury may appoint. The vessel to lie completed within gjxty days’- from llie date of the contract, and the wrirkinJflali'jj In he inspected previous to, llie delivery, By (wo eompelentjndgeS;one io be chosen hv each nf the parlies to the contract, avlin, ill the event nf their disa- creeiilaiit. ire t6 choose a third, who are lo dete/nme whether the work (ms been executed in all respects, conformably to the proposal! «nd agreement. . S. D. IVGIHM. Sc:i clary of Treasury. Jnl V 20—law III 05*The Savannah Reprihliean, Cliar- Icsion Mercury,Norfolk Beacon, Baltimore Republican. A'Petiran Hentincl, and Now York Courier- and Enquirer, wjil pnhlisli the above twice a week, for three-.Weeks, julv 28 lit A Notice, 'J\^ erso P. 8 1'aving demantfs against tne-estate of James Swiney, will pre sem tliern, and^hose, indebted will make paymonrto the Subscriber ^ly'JROMvk^SW'INEY, Adm’or. _ Notice. ]WTR- WM. CROSBY will act as my during my absence from thin jnly 23 CHAS.^A. wbODUUFF. Notice, F OUR Months after .date application will be made to the Hon. the Juslic* a of the Inferior Court of Emauuel county for leave to sell all the real esjBto of James Swinov. dec Tor the benefit of tlieheirs and creditors of said estate. THOM A id SWINEY, Adm’or, jrity .28 171 ‘ Notice. P ERSOrtS having demands , against the estate of tlie late Mrs. Sarah Do Lamotta will present them, duly nltested, .iud those indebted to said estate will make raymentto J. DE LAMOTTA, Jun. Qualified Executor, july 7 • BSBfyf Matt Porters.—Oflivo oak tqJic knocrl, To be fitted with a trunk cabin, nnd in. Ollier respects tp correspond with tin draught. . , To be coppered to a water lino cigli reet aft and sevdn feot forward, with tweo ty.four oiineo copper,. To have a com plete set oT masts and spars. The prtncip.r ones to he of the following named dimen mast whole length fifty-eight feel, head sevon tcet. , , . ■ . For. mast whole length_56 feet 0 inches lie,nl 7 feet. . , 1 Fore-vnrd ihirty-feet. •• Top -sail-yard twenty-four feet. ■i Top-g,illarit-y,\rd sixteen feet Forp-top-raast thirty-one feel, pdle six teco Ret. ^ f. By the President of the U. • States. I N pursuance of law? i. \^oi»F.yv Jack- son, President nf the United .Slates ol Vmeri’ca do hereby declare nnd make known that a pu',lie sale will be held al the Land Office at St Helena Court House, ill the State of Louisiana, on the second Monday in November next, for tlie dispo sal of tile unappropriated public lands with ill the limit ollhe undermentioned town ships, situate In llie Land-District West of Pearl River,and East of tho Island of New Orleans, to win Township two, nf Range one, Townships one, two, three, five and six, of Range two. Townships one, two, three, fohr, fivo and six. of Range three. Townships one, two, threo,.fnur, six and seven, and Irantional townships eight and iiino, of Range, four. Townships ont, two, tliree, fout, five,six and seven l and fractional township eight, of Range five. Townships ono, two, three, four, five, six and soven, and fractjonal township eight,of Range six. Townships one, two, three, four, five,six ;md soven. nnd fractional township eight,of Range seven. Townships ono. tivri, three, four, five,six nnd sevfen, and liactional township-eight,of Range eight. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six and seven of Range nino. The above townships are all situate south nf the thirty first degree of l atitude, anil East ollhe Meridian, and embrace noarly all the lands lying on the Amite Tickfaiv, nd Tangapaha rivers. The townships will be offered in iho or- ter above designated, beginning - with the lowest nnnibrr of section in eao.h. Tlr. lands reserved bv law for the use of ■chords.'o> for other purposes, will bo ex- luded from snlo. .Given under my l)nnd nt the city of -Washington, this thirteenth day of June, A- D. 18^9. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON. !v the President, • - • ’ GEO. GRAHAM, ’/ommissiqner ofthe General Land Office. To he publisiied in tiic Natchez States- Mail, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Adverti- er. Allapapa Gazette, Huntsville Demo- rat, Mobile Register, Baltimore Republi can. Philadelphia Sentinel,, Richmond • 'Inquirer, Raleigh Star, Charleston .JVIpr- .ury, Savannnli.i,Republican, Angustj ‘hronicle,Nashville Republican,Luuis- illo Advertiser. , , , july. 2B Pt Navy Beef and Fork lor 4830. NavV CoMIliBBlON’KR’a OrFJCEJ ? 17th June, >8^0. ( S EALED PROPOSALS will he re i»t tbi* Office, until llie Ut of Sepieiriber n**xt,for the supply of 3000 .#ai- rels Navy Ueef, »iml 2400 barrels Nnvy Poi k', fur the me of the United Stains* Na^ val Sorvico. 1000 ^barruls of lleef, nnfi 84>0 barrels 1 6f€ , 0rk,*to bo cVfivereil at each 1 uf thoUniipfi State* Navy Yards; Charles* to^wu, Mnssnclmsctts. Hrooklyn.New-Y.oik and Norfolk, Viieimn; and the wliolnquan* tiiv must be’delivoied, at each atid cver^ NaVV Ifard, by tho..1st of April, 1880. The’ wlruio quantity of the sAi«f Heef nrtd P6rk. must be of the best quality. The Beef must be packed fioin "ell fatted cattle, weighing not less than 400 lbs in the quar ter, or BOO |brf. on the hoof, all the lots, teg rounds, c/o Js, cheeks, shin*, bud the neck of each animal, inu»t be wholly excluded from thn barrel, and the remainder of tin? car cass muxf be out into pieces of 10 lbs. Cadi, os ne.ii os may be, so thol twenty ^ieefis will make n ban el of £00 lbs. nett weight, ofNavy Benf, The Pork must be corn fed and well fatted, all the skulls, feet,and hind legs entire jaunt he wholly excluded fioii) tho barrel,'and „the remainder of the Hog must bo cut into pieces of n lbs each as near as ffiay be, so that 25 pieces, not more than three of whieh shalHie shoulders will make a barrel f200 lbs. nett weight of Navy Pork. The whole quantity of the said Beef and Poek .iymt be perfectly sal-, ted in the first insihnce with, and after wards parked with a 'sufficient quantiiy of the best Turk’s Islands, Isle of May, or St l^jessalt, and no other, to ensure its pre servmion, with fivo ounces of^utre snltpe- tre-fo each nnd every barrel. The barrels in which the said Beef and Pork is to be packed, must be made of the best seasoned heart of White-Oak or White-Ash, free from sup, with one iron hoop on each chime, and otherwise fully and substantial ly hooped, and each barrel must be bran ded on its head. “Navy Beef,’* or **Na vy Pork,’* with the “Contractor’s namo.*^ and tlie “.year” when packed. All the said Beef and Pork on delivery at the res pective Navy Yards must 6c subjected to the test and inspection of souk •Sworn In spector, oft.lie iS'/ri/e within which it is to ue delivered, who sIimII be selected by the Commandant of the Yard, at the place of delivery, without nny charge to the United states therefor, and when inspected in said manner, the contractor must put the bar rels in good shipping order, or the Bcel and Pork will not be received. Bidders are required to stnm their prices separately, for the Beef, and for thojpork, and if they ctfter to.furnish nt unore than one yard, then siepei-dlely for each Yard^ They aro also required to £ivo their mtipes. their residence, and the names and'resi dence of their sureties, minutely, and mu*t transmit their bids sealed and endorsed.* “Offer iu'fdrnish Navy ( Beef aud f^a- vy Pork, for 1830.” .The Commissions of the Navy arc at li- werty.-to take tlie offers ofo bidder for - ahy one Yard,or for tlie articles deliverable at any ono Yard, or in greater proportions, if such bids, bo tho lowest. Any Bid not made in conformity to this advertisement, of not received within the liinilod time, will not be opened. The p.irts v pf the* aniiqal to be excluded from, the barrel will be particularly descri be^ in drawings,which will form part of the contracts. Persons desiring information upon the subject with an intention to bid, -• i. i(A«.n,inklB nrinltilnlimt ,r All sizes of 17410, tjlaiii and ornauivnla), for hook autl job primii'K, front 14 lino* I'ica to Noii|imirl. constantly on limd in -ucii 4)uiifnll as tn sui ply any order «t short notice, P1 -. Ill tin- irlioioe .qf Rriok icttor, pains Imvo hfl.ii taken in seicot sin-li f,tics as are gen erally approved for yiiiiiintryinegtnessl.infl - diiraliilsty. He alt" kotps a complete I’rinleis’ Write Uouse, (lire only one In ihi* cut.) anil cap f rrnlvli a unnplete I'riiillng office af vorjr slmrl rinticn." The fnllotting are Wi Brices at .a credit of iix hitimbs', lor approved uotesur.accep tances—or it dlscou'nt-of five percent mil be-riirde. fur, cashl— . Six lines I’icn, und all larger, $ 3<l ' Double l’ica, lo fivo lines Flea, * 2.’. '■'rfal Primer, 34 ' English, .‘id . Ena. Sti Small Pica, _ SB Long Primer,’ - 4j0 BourgepU', 48 KrevieV, 5? Minion, .70 Nonpareil, 9p Leads, ; fip Quoiattons, . . , .30 The prices on-ornamental and furicy type have been reduced ill a greater pic- pnrtion. ()ld type received in exchange, at 9 cts. per Ih. A Book of Specimens will shortly bo pulrlisliptl. ; S.tkreotypino will bp'done at the low est prides, iti'iiie best manner, hs hereto fore. • Publlsiiers ol Newspapers ill the Stales of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,Virginia,N(§th' andjSouthrGaro- linn and Georgia, wjni will give the above •I conspicuous insoftlqris, shall, he entitled to 52 bp, payable in type, or in. setllemeftt nf account. j ' 1 . /.HOWE,.; Corner of Crown St Callow's. aug 8 175 Just Deceived. , S TRATTON HILL, a Tale, of die 01- vil Wnrs, by tho author of “Letters from the East,” “Tales of iho West of Etir gland,” Ate. &c. in 2 vohv , “Very elegantly writion—fortunate; too, in having i?s author’s haunted ground, Cornwall, untrodden—blending historical information with antiquaiian exactness- 4 - treating ol a most exciting period. Wo cannot but highly cninpiend Stratton Hill**” Londoi Literary Gazette. Hun.oarian Taxes.* by the author of - the LetDe de f^nrli^i.** Thn Miscellaneous Prose Works, of Sir Walter Srott, in six veils. Laconics, o£ the best Words of tho best Authors, with three (imhoriries, in three' vo|s. Uust American Edition. ‘ also A further supply of Anne op GEier* stein, just received by julv 28 T. M. DRISCOLL, may obtain it by scasoiitible opplication to the .Board*' * - ‘ june 26 1501 To be published twice a week-in the Bal timore llepufilican, Atner, Sentinel, Nat Gazette, N. Y Mer. Advertiser aud-Ej Post, Boston StatesmanvCominejcial Ga/ zette, N'ew-'Hampshire Patriot, ProvidencO* Patriot,* Hartford Times, Raleigh Star, Halifax Minerva, Norfolk Herald, Rich mond Enquirer, OJiio Monitor, Cincinna ti Republican,.Na'shviMe,.RepubIiean.Ken* tucky-Gaiettee, Kentucky Argus, Colum bia telescope, Charleston Patriot, Savan- ,nnh Republican, Mobile Register, St. Lou- iis,Beacon, Louisiana Advertiser. Salisbu- hi Wcstbrn^arolirilari; • ■ ' FKlNTlNa. M i; KAFVEBT lms c»iahl|«hftl.» • first rate ‘•Job I'hintino-offur Infp.ftkson’yBuilding, on theHay. in die room directly over the office of the Savan nah Republican, where orders for nil kiiidt} of Pruiling wiU be thgukfully received nnd neatly nnd fironiptlijExecuted, on reasona ble terms. (£/** Any order for printing, addressed to m j.jc and left at either of the. Reading-Rfidm's of .the Republican^ Georgian, or A/c/t'ury, shall receive his immediate and personal attention. . july 21 1.08 Brought to Jaif . ~ I N Savannah, on tlfe 31st ultimo, a ne gro man who say.s his name is ISAAC ,md that.he belongs toBevill Cook* of El-** beft County, Ga> that he runaway about three weeks ago—rhe is 5 feet % 3*4 inchfl| high and about 45 years of 4 ags, he has a scar on, his chin. • ’JOHN I. DEWS, j. c. c. atig 6 1 175 Brought to Jail. . , I N Savannah on the 25tli May a negiQ man who says his naipe iy /ANUA- RY, and that ho belongs tit Edward ChiSy olriin, of South Carolina, th.rt.lie rana'way; about one week a (Jo, ho is 5 ICet 2 inches, high and about 22 years of age, he has lost several of his front leelh. aug 6 j. 1. DEWS, j. c. o. - Kurd. • \ nBLS. Portidnd jtnm. Landing fiotii ship Helen Mar, and fur sale by : . * HA LUSH ALTER & Tt?£E#- July so ■: •■ " ■ 1 - . i V. >>>l