Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 18, 1829, Image 1

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Adniinistvutbr’s Notice. P OUR n. inths after date, I shall apply to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior cuurt of Chatham comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for'leave to sell a tract of land, number ninety four, (nil. 01) situated in the twelfth district of Jltenroe county, in the stifle of Qbtitgia, containing two hundred two and a half ticres, being the real .estate of Launcclot II Pony,'deceased, far the benefit of the rcirsand ctedildia of said oatsite. J. WALLACE, Adin’r. of Lt II. Fcay. aprll to 07 it, to Jail. •jfN Savannah,, some ti^ie ago, a fiegro X man who says his name is JIM, and that lie belongs to John Pitman but docs nut know where,Ills master lives,nor where l.e ranaway Item. I am induced . to ‘be ,'tive tliat lie : , 0 is •! feet 9 cars of ngej peaking, t une (4 JNO.I.Ol’.N i4»vyr ono else, dabout 10 ;t!e when j. C. 6.. — Treasurer s, '-vOatlST. 1, 1829. T 1IE average price of Plourduriagthe . last month being S7 per barrel of | mi fbs. bread for the present month must welRh as follows via: 11 l-t cents Loaf libs It oz el-4 *• •• 1. •*. 51-1“ Of which all Rakers and Sellcrsof Bread will take dftc Notice. .... M. W. STEWART, c. t. yjg l * Seidlitz and Soda Pow- ... ' iters. t fTbft DOZEN boxes Soda row- A M W dors 60 do Seldlite do ALSO The Improved .Cheltenham Salts, pre pared by Savory, Moore & Davidson, Im parled aridfor sale by X parsons, Druggist, at the Eagle, No. 8 O. *•'!* march 8 64 Notice. T HE co-partnership Heretofore exist ing between the subscribers under the Arm of James Anderson & Co. expired by limitation onthaStit oCHJnv Iasi, , , All persons indebted will mate payment to James Anderson, who it duly authorised to settle the affairs of the concern, and still coutinuo the business for hit own account, -JAMES ANDERSON, CVM. KINO. sjunr 18 • IH8 Notice. .. TjlUUR months .after'date, application JL 1 will be mrtd(! to tho Honorable the Jusdcei of the Inferior Court of Effing- baai county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the half of an tmdi- videil tract of land in the county of Effing bam, containing 187 t t acres Tormerly the property of llenjamin Porter, for the I benefit of the heirs of William G. Porter, fcceaaed. • • 1 WILLIAM KING, Administrator de bonis non. 1 1hay8 100 MALLEllY & DUFFY, drapers h tailors, ,, . Wt Tllft BATsV ' ! J^?T OF THE CITY HOTE*.. H S i, 'ceeivnd by roeonl arrivals from -*--*1- Neiv , York, n fresh arid elegant as sortment of tho most seasonable ■ GOODS, In their lino—. * ■» .. . ootrsisTijfoor llhie black, brown, olive, Oroen and mixi BROADCLOTHS. Ulun, brown,green,iind steel mlxt , ,, QUEENS CLOTH. Blue black And fancy' colored single ml|» „ led .. caMimere. Merino Cloth and Cnssimcre, (light and beautiful materials for summer - * wbar) . Bombazine Circassian Brown, white and drab Epglllfi and French Drill Striped Fhrentltie, Sgtin Joan Grass Clollu, Bmirhon Drill SNk Gamble!. Nankeen And a variety of flihcMuffs 'suitable foi summer coatees and pnhtaloons VESTINGS English, Italian and French blafcft and colored Silk Valencia and,Marseilles of Buff,White •fid neat fancy Patterb'i White and Buff Caisimere and Cash- iner«*t X(l of wiiic^ ili6t tire prepared to make to measure, In the best manner and at short notice. ■ FANCY ARTICLES. A handsome nsifartment of Sllkand Linen Cambric Pocktf Hind kerchief. , Cravats, Stocks, Stiffnerg , Blarlt, white and straw colored Horse- skin Glnyes, Grass Cloth and Linen do Suspenders, Watch Guards and Rib. bom, Hosiery of all descriptions - Foraging, Moroco. C*d«t & Bfedllei ranean Caps,- Ac. &c. ALIO, A antral Assortment of *K£pr iuor. tear tro <-<yvlfcwMra CJLOTHfN^. Cinsiltmgof Coats, Frocks and' Coattees, Paata Ions Vests, Jackets, Draweis, Shirts, Collars, See.. Sic. &e. M. & D. respectfully inform their friends that tne whols of the goods have been care fully selected by Mi. M. and the ready made clothing, manufactured entirely uo* dor htt inspection. At they Assure their cas toinefs that the' utmost confidence ift'av be placed in tlie faithfulness of their work, april 50 Notice.; fyUREAFTER the Savannah Libra AA ry will ho opened for the.deliver’ lo Beaks every Mandny,.Wednesday and Fri day. from 4 to 6 o’clock P. M. .Individuals not share holders can. have WruM ' th ° ^ ibr8rjr 00 tlle following For one year, by paying gig six months, " ■ ■ a “ *by less porlod, at the rate ol 1 per month may l W ^WREL, Librerian. Notice. OUR months after date, we shall apS * ply to the Court of. Ordinary- of Ef- fingliam county, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of William H..Womack, dec. An ul!' 8 ? iOfitf of Land in skid county. , !I< CS , ,he Louisville road, coir- of the 5i „eiM° t ,0r 570 acros ’ for ,he lieneflt „ WltT.TAM A. PREVATT, ' Adm’r. in right of his Wife. SARAH PREVATT. A'dm’x. marts 73 Chambers Superior Court, Th, m: • . „ JUNE 15 th. if ill M »nna& Fire In- ' - Sjirance Bank of the s ‘ate of Georgia, et al. Eieazer Early,- # it. al. Effingham Cduniy, INFERIOR COURT. Jolt Term. 1818. XXN t|ie petition of William Morel, sta- VF ling the existence & loss and praying tile establishment of a certain promissory note, jointly and severally made and signed by William J. Mulryne, and William G Porter, both late of said county deceased, dated Effingham county, lS't'h February, T8*4, payable to the said William lftorel, or order, on or before the tst day of January next, for ihtysiim of twenty five.dollars,for value received; a' copy whereof, with tho 'affidavit of the said '.Villiam Morel, is filed in the Clerk's Office,—It is ordered that William King, of lb". County of Effilng- hain, the acting and qualified administrator of tho said William G. Porter, deceased, and the heirs and representatives of the said William J. Mulryno, deceased, do shew cause on or before the fitsl day of the next term of this Court, w(iy the prayer of the petitio- er should not lie granted, and it is further ordered that this rule be published in one of die public GnzelUs of the I 'itv of Savannah, once a month until the time .appointeil.’for she ving cause thereof 1 . Extract from the minutes, , /NO. CHARLTON, Clk. July 18 . 1B7§l . Chatham Su perior Court, January Te'rm, 1880. hf Equity. , fo tho Court that Elea- ahnvn « "“Uy °oe of tile defendants in the tv . f . Cill| se resides outof Chalham coun- sJt./.n’ot nnlli, ordered'tliat the said ■'-"fly appear on or before the first ferhu h " neXlT,lrm of»>•<• <"ouri.anden- thor^r a . I ? pe ,r - , ? 0B *B*ieto and in delault urnn„^a 16 tn,d oomplaihant have leave to §®C 0n .,"' e,r Bill in the same and . m lf l? crs '> n al Service of the Rill Fh •.mJ 1<E a' 1 * leen effected on the sai I foxier ordered tha' of lhi. i»° uf- once a month in'om* the exui 11 ^^ IC f* nzclte »of Sgvannab until 'he expiration thereof. , tonnnL^ ,he minutes. june^ 01!EIl 1 ” V ' POOLER', Clk. .Not ice, sent iliom an", .7 '’ on ’ e, Slv *ney, will pr e- peyineiuio^^l^A jaly 3r MA 7 9 1 8WINEY - Adin'or; im—r. Notice. UY will act as my city, ■" during my absence from this C n-.A, WOODRUFF. Notice, T HE Subierlb»r having qualified on th'e will of ihd bile lbseph Law sen. of Liberty County, requosls all persons having demands against the estate to pre sent them duly attested, and all persons in debted to the same, to come forward and make payment. JOHN 8. LAW. july 18 17Iml Brought to Jail. ( N Savannah on the 10th insFa negro man who says his name Is Will Brown and that he beldtigs to Wm Cuffinof Char, lestoq se. He is about 27 years of age. S feef II inches high, and has a scar on his lorehead. feb 28 /NO. I. DEWS, j. c. c. For sale. . A TRACT of land containing 2S0 a ^CjL eras, situate in the district of Oi- angcbnrgli, on Ediito creek in the state of South Carolina, bounding nqith on lands of Daniel Mazyok, and south and west .on he said creek.. For a plat of said laud, and terms of sale, apply to , GEO. GLEN, feb S Ex'nr. est. of John Glen. Notice, F OUR Months after date application "ill be niade to the Hon. the Justic s or the Inferior Court of F.mamiel county for leave to sell allthe real estate of James ^'vinoy, dec for the benefit of tlio heirs and UL persons having demands against P*»*«r». of said estate. > 1 '“ estate ofjame^ sVjnev win nm . . THOMAS SWINBY,Adm’or. inly 28, 171 : ... Notice. P ERSONS, having demands against tho estate of tin late Mr*. Sarah De Lamolta will present them duly attested) and those indebted to said estate will make J. DE LARfOTtf A,.Jun. . Qualified Executor. ff58fj4 payment to july 7 H AS jiiit received and for sale, the 7th number df the SobtiIZhw Re- view.. I. II too ir»a’ Ckltic Dauine.—The fcei- lie Druids. By dbdfrey Higgins, Esq. I. S. A- of SCellow Grunge, near Don caster, Yorkshire, II. llorvHAN’3 Leual Outlines.—Legal Outlinasi being the substance ofn course of Lei tures now delivering in the Uni versity of Maryland. lib David Hoff- man. III. Tne F1.n* Aars.—Fine Arts. A re Ply to article X. No.LVIlJ. In the North American Review, entitled “Academics ?, f Ao -„ Uy Samuel F. U. Morse, 1 resident of the National Academy ot Design; IVi Education in Germany.—1. Tour In Germany, ahd tome of tha Southern Provinces of the Austrian Emplro, in the years 18(0, 1821 and 1822. By John Russell. , 8. Travels In the North of Germany In the years 1885 and 1880. By Hearv E. Dwight. V. Abbott's LrttEb's from Cuba—Let- tors written jo the interior ofCliba, be- ttreen.the Mountains of ArCara, to the Eust, and of Cusco, to the West, in' the months of February, March, April and May,18*0. By the late Rev. Ablol Ab- . hot.D. D. Pastor of the First Church in Beverly, (Mass ) V|l Cicero DE.K»UBLtCAA>-t-TheRe public of Ciptro, translated from the La tin; and accompanied with a Critical and Historical Introduction. By G, W. Featherstnnhaugh, Esq. Fellow of the Geological Society of London, Sir. 8. M Tvllli Ciceronisdo Repvbliea, library m teliqiiite e palimpsesto. Ab Angelo Maio, uvpei errna ad edltionem Knmaniim diligentissimo express., VII. Travel? in Cuina.—'Travels o) 1 the Russian Mission through Mongolia to China, and resideiie in Pekin in the S ears 1820 and 1821 By George Titfi- owflH; with corrections and notes, by uliaa Von. Klaproth; illustrated 6y map*, plates, &c. VIII. DraFRpau,—l.g. Ah Essay on dis- oljlers of the Digestive Organ*, ahd Ge neral Health and on their complaints. By Marshall Hall, M. D. Sic.. - t. A Treatise on. Indigestion and its consequences, called nervous and blllious cmnpnints f i.ftli observation* on the or ganic disease* in whiili they sometimes terminate. By A. F. W. Philip, M. D. &c. 8; A Treatise on Diet, with a' view to establish, on practicable grounds, a sys tem of rules for the prevention anil cure of the diseases incident to a disordered . Hate of the digestive functions. By J. A. Paris, M D. 4. .An Essay on morbid sensibility of (he sloinach Si bowels, nsjtha proximate eause or charact- rrsirs con/lition of In digestion, Nervous Irritability, Menial Despondenoy, Hypochondriasis, Jce.&c. to which are prefixed, observations on the disuses and regimen of individuals on fheir return from not ami unhealthy climates. By James Jolftiston,' MV D. &c. 5. Sure method* of improving health and pinlonging life; or a Treatise on the art of Living long and eomfo.tahly. by r.egulating the diet and regimen; em bracing all tho most approved principles of hoalth and longevity,& exhibiting the remarkable power of proper food, wioe, air, exercise, sleep, fire, in (lie cure of chronic diseasos, as well as tho proserva tlon of health and- prolongation of life. To which is added, the art of training for health, rules frr redo lug corpulency, and maxims of health for the billions and nervous, the consumptive, men ofteilers. nnd people of fashion. Illustrated by cases. By a Physician. IX. HlibKn's Sermoi/8.—Sermons prea ched in Englnnil. by ilia late I' ight Re verend Reginald Heber, D. D.; Lord Bishop of Calcutta, firo: aug 15' 178 . To Printers and Publish* .■a- ers. . T HE Subscriber having added the Manufacture of mnvfcahle type to his Stereotype establishment respectfully soli cits a share oflhe patronage of ihe Prin ters of Pennsylvania and the adjacent Slate*. J Having a practical knowledge of print ing, and also having been longer practical ly engaged in tho business of Stereotyping man any other person ,m tho United States ne hopes to be able^from such experience to give satisfaction lo those who may favour him with their orders. From ail intimate acquaintance for a number of yean, (near ly eight.) with the business of type found ing, lie hopes to he able lo,(traduce lypeo- qnal to any offered to the Printers of the U. States. Hit prices, though low, will of cottise be ine same a* others in the same business. Nor will l|e attempt to violate truth, or in sult common sense, by pretending lo any "Increased faeiliiie* in ine manufacture. , manufacture, (for (here are ho other “ftcllitles" at prd sent In this city, then there werfc 12 years ego, when type were from <0 to 50 per ct. higher than at present,) nor have the "ma- ferial* mad In making printing typer so greatly reduced," as to bear any propor tion to the reduction in the prices of type. Bat ihe reduction ha* been “Induced" t.y competition, nml an overbearing disposition income of thole founders nho have grown rich on the heretofore finormoui profits on type." . r i All sizes of type, plain and oynariiental, far hoolt and job printing, ft5m 14 linet Pica to Nonpailel, constantly on hand in gnch quantity as to lupply any order at short notice. In the ohoieo of Book-letter, pains have been taken to select nigh feces as site gen erally approved foi symmetry,ncatnessTand durability. lie also keep* a complete Printers’ Ware House, (tho only one In thlf oily,) and con furnish a complete Printing office at vory short notice. Tho following are hi* Prices at % credit of six months, for approved notes or accep tances—or a discount of five'per cent will be made fur cash:— Six line* Pica, and all larger. Double Pice, to five line* Pico, Great Primer, English', Ffi a. Small Pica, . Long Primfif, * Bourgeois, Brevier, Minion, . Nonpareil, Leads, ' Quotations, ‘ The price* on qrnamental apd type liuvc been reduced in poriion. Old type received in excliange, at 8 ct*. per lb. A Brink of Specimen* will shortly be puhlished. - StmusotTpino will be done at tho low est prices,' iii the best manner, ns hereto fore. Publishers ol Newspapers in the State* of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,Virginia.North and South Caro lina and Georgia, w ho will give the above 9 conspicuous insertions, shall be entitled 10 St 58, payable in type, or in settlement of account. , J. HOWE, Corner of Crown Si Callowhilftsti. aug 8 175 I 80 8 80 86 88 40 48 58 70 SO 80 SO fancy a greater pro Foreign. From theNcw-York American, August 7. Prom Prance-—By ihe Francis I., from Havre, wo have our Pari* file*.to the- 80th ult inclusive—a few days Iaier than we had previously received through Liverpool.— We do not find any authentic news from the seat of war,' but tranilote what wo do Hodi U T'"k'y.—Belgra<it, 8i Maj.-Tho Grant] Vizier, it U *oid, is about to laave Lhiiumla with forty thousand men for Sib htria, of which place he ureiqlVed to raise the seige, Itcomainsa garrl-on of iwolve thousand men, and has 10,000 inhabitants, Hussein* Pacha also who command* at RiidEchneki is about to unite a portion of his troops with Ihe garrison of TourtonkM, to march upon Sllistria, .The Russian* nave 35,000 men. before that place, and, as •he Turk* deem that position of Immense importance to them, there will doubtless he a terrible contain In it vicinity. The Congreve rackets now mltch uieil In Eu ropean irmirs, have just been introduced by an Englishman among the Turks, who expect to derive grfeai oil vintage from' them agaipsi the Russian cavalry in the broken country of the Balkan. 'ten , . . Oazetlc of Augsburg. Moldavia—Jauu 28tA Alby -The rumour gains grpumfthat the garrison of Silisiria made a sortie on the *dd, and gained possesslbn of some of th* Russian entrenchment*, which th* tatter only re- tank efltran ohitinate cofltest. Geniyal Pernaiki is *aid to be severely wounded 'A Turkish Ago was taken prisqntr. It is alld said that the vonguani of the Grand Vitler has shown itself in llie.tleltiliy ol Bllistria, and that a pail of General Rntli’s corps is to reinforce the besieging army.— The Russian*Flotilla on the 'Danube bun commenced bombarding (he place, and Ihe principal attack will, it it supposed, be made on iheside of the rivlr. Nothing official, however, haayet been received as M' those doings, and every thing reatiupon rumour. Some wounded have arfived at I ucharest. Commercial letter* from Odettagive as a rennri, that Admiral Grelg had engaged the.Ruiaiani and capdived several ofiheir vessel*. Gen. Paikewilch 1* al*o *aid to have beaten the Turk* before Aklialzlk.— The walers.of the Danube are much swol len t and fear* are entertained lest the communication with ihe tight hank may be interrupted, and the labor* of the icigr of Siliit'rla brimpederi. , [OatfHs of Augsburg.1 Mr. ntratfard Canning, late English Ambassador at Constantinople, arrived at Pari* from Naples on the 18th. Ionian Islands, Corfu, tad May—Ml* tolnnghl and Anatolioa are in posseiilon of lb* Gieek trqops—this result Was ac- coipplisheil on the 17ih, by> capitulation, and Without lot*. Tile first proposal was ntadeby ihe Greens, which the garrb son at first rejected and afterwards accep ted. In Missoionghi there was a great, quan tity of cannon and ammunition; the Ser- askier having placed there ail that had been used in the siege. After the surrender 3,(’00 Greek troop* set out for Athens, the •rest for Epirus. Paris to lb - Public Slocks —After Sir Walter Scott’s New Work. A NNE OF GUERSTEIN.or TheIMai den or rut MW. 2 valsi By the author of Wavcily, Sic. Sic. Just received by nog 15 T. HI. DRISCOLL. Just Received. 58/k RBL8 No. 8 .Mackar'cl, landing Ov and for sale by J. B. HERBERT. nog 11. Notice T HE annual eleetio.i.for officers of ihe Hebrew Congregation will take .place (ngieeable to Chaiterj ori Monday the 17tli ins'i. at the Synagogue, between the hours of 12 nnd 2 o’clock.- aug 8 176si . Just Received. S TRATTON HILL, , Tale of the Ci vil War*, by the author of “Letters' lrum''the E*»l,” “Tala* ofthe Weit of En gland," file. Sic. in 2 vols. "Very elegantly writtcn^-forl'unata, too, In haring its attllior's haunted ground, .Cornwall, untrodden—blending hisloiical information witli anliquaiian exactness— treating of a most exciting period. We cannot buthigliiy commend Stratton Hill." London Literary Oazetlc. IIunoarian Tales, by the author of "the Lettre de Cachet.” Tift: Prose Works, of Sir iValler Seott, in si* vols. Laconics, or the best Words of tho best Authors, with three authorities, in three vols. First American Edition. also A further supply of Anne of Geier- stkin, jpst received, hy july 28 T. M. DRISCOLL. Swedes Iron—daily expect ed, AAA TONS Swedes Iron, edm- prlsingYi full and complete assortment ofall the sizes in common use —and many extra sizes are daily expected nnd on arrival will he offered for sale on accommodating terms. As this iron lias bcon selected from tlie factories in Sweden by an experienced' hand, its quality may bo l ° Ue H A LL? i^PTER &' TUPPEK. j"'y *« . .' P cics Just Received ER Ship rfenry anil other lata arri- .vats a supply of the ftllldwiiig urti- White Lead, ground in oil • -.j .-l, Dutch .& American Linseed Oil India Vermillion Gold Leaf s Gum Shellac . Dry Black Lead Lamblaak assorted papers / Window Glass assorted sizes Paint Brushes do do With a complete assortment of articles in the above line for sale iowtiy , •' v july 28 e P. MARLOW' mumentary depression, the tluec pei cents have gone up again tn 79. The five per cents have varied lint little. The Courier de* Pays has of I6tli June says, on the 1st of pest January ihe docu nients relating to the d fferenerg between England and the U. Stale* will be s'nbuut led to the arbitration of tire King of the Nethetlnods. From Rqneii they write, wheat is arriv ing heie in abundance; the port is' en- cumhere'd. and besides forty vessels nov waiting to unload, there are advices of 150 others. Every thing indicates a fall in Ihe price of giain. [From the Gazette de France, Jane 18 J We have stated that Admiral lleyden had, by official declaration,- confirmed tlie exlentinn of tlie blockade of thp Dardanel les, ordered hy A'di'niral Kicord. This re solution alarmed all Ihe commerce, bl Eu rope, and gave rise to fear that difficulties would ensile between England and Russia. We have now a letter fmm Vienna, slating that the Austrian government hod,received intelligence that (lie Emperor Nicholas has declared his intention that the fleet in the Mediterranean should confine its blockade to the. Dardanelles. The courier who brought this,intelligence, left Warsaiy on Ihe nil June From the Now York Evening Post. The Neapolitan officer alluded In ibis debate wns.Galtali, lib wa* taken to Na ples, and tllh Journal dts tkbults of (lie *1st says,'that hb \ras Immediately execu ted. Tlie fact that the Neapolitan govern-» mont had obtained possession of th e per son urGallntl by rcpicsciitations infamous ly tal*c was now manifest, lhr,the only of fences of Galloti were of a polltioal nature; The Paris papers exclaim ognlrfst iho min istry fur having allowed themselves to ho deceived and tiding Incpnsideiaiely, and against (he Neapolitan government for tha atrocious artifice to which It hail been re« euurse. , ■ Letters from Beilin ofthe 14th of Jq'ne, ssytllaMho Emperor of Russia has returns A fire broke out on (he morning of tlie I9lliin'n Braiidy Ware house situated iA the street Charles I0i|j t .Havre which oc casioned u loss of. property estimated at 100,000 IVahbs. J One of the member* of the Sclehtlflc ex» pedliiim in il;e (ttorM, 1 "writes f u " " under date of the 28th April,'lb visited Athens, where he hi ' A ted "y the Turkish chiefij.'ti pleasure. AthcnSyei liij heaulilul, elegant and I ni d ne finds wiijj * nunieiits.1 From.the New 1... , The (’onsiituli'Mial GeiieihlDo'n Joseph deZ iy is, wIi’o'ih,-rented, ,u 1843, ihe nil-' laging of Matlruji hy Jicssieres and his haniljiaa'IitS'i follml dead in Ills bed : at C'hidana, where he was living in ohseuri- ty. Sinre the lit imt.'sixty-right shocks of' .earthquakes have een feltlfi (lie buv irons of Tone Vieja. thiitecu of which weie vij- lent. . '• j We learlV'from Havre, that the windkhat hap been unfair fur some time, having bo." come fi,torable,;ioft>weV Ihjm 65' .vessels' entered tpat-nurt's.ith the evening iWe of ihe.lOili, and the morning tide of ilia. 17th r 'inst. Of these vessels, 8 came Iru iV ilie French Celotiiei, 8i airth from the In'i’ d. States) 8 from Brazil,and3 tram the wlialo fishery. ' The debates' In thp Chamber oP Peers' and of Deputies on the Budjet, were car ried on wi'h great- vifactry. M Cllat- eaiibrinnd' was taking an active part m them. W* have nu time to day (or ex tracts. In tlie Chamber ofPeers, on the 19ih, the Law Project relallbg (o' the exclmngo xif certain Domains of the Crown, was adopted by a majority of 88 against - 22. This measure nn rise to much excite ment. The Gazette de France gites tlie follows- 1 ing extract ol a private letter Irani Vienna, dated June It: ,* T jJ k .’!li is how certain that the Russians Have] sustained a sariotis check al Pafbvadl— Neveriheleys, in spite of their lossa< on tlie Danube,they' have invested Bllistria, and it l* said that the bombardment lias obm- ' un need-. The plague at Buvhiirest is. he- ' coming lessseriuua.-' Oiir government ha*, just.lecftived officialinteliigcngQ pf/.ap' r af fair hetweeu the Uussi .iis ami Turk- al tlio - mouth of .the Biyvphuriis. Tlie Tuikisli fleet having euterwi the Blinis. SeuVjbel - four Russian frigates and a brig, w’ ' ler a s oil engugeiiienf.uiree ill l|i« frigdiesf -and |he brig-esc -pe.lj tlie fhifrj.ii frigme, of. 50guns,iiirreiideied to inu.,Tucks;" who' returned to ihe BospliorriS with their prize." . ' a. " ' l Tlie Prapagatiiur dn la'Giroiide state*, that ill that department and elsn - here,' sbeh js lhedkures*'il the wine' trade, that many gruwrrs are obliged to give up their wine in paymenl of the taxzs. , / Snow fellon.ili* fill) iiisf. at Noiicdurt' (department nf tha itisntq) and frost was fell tlie.aon the,saniB day,' . Our Cuiresponden: at Lisbon wi]lys unis fuilOi.s, under date, of, tlie 3d inst ant:— "The new Spanish .Miniiler in tills cap- . ilal has fiequuit conferences tulh 'JJon Migiiol and the Qui eb Miguel He has -uuceydcd m pievuiling tilth Dun 'MigiieL to accede lo a marr age witli Ins niece, •jl nna Maria", but lias now' an enterprise much mure diflieulf ta accnmpli'sh, llial of 'indueiug him to* resign the character of King (or that Regent. NEW YORK. Augusts, PRINTING; M l. ICAPPEL, . has established a • first rale job printing-office in Dickson’9 Building, on the Hay. in tjie room directly over tlie office of the Savan- nahRepublican, where orders for all kinds of Priming will bb thankfully received and neatly and promptly executed, on reasona ble terms. fljT* Any order for printing, addressed to si V. k and' left at eithef of Ihe Reading-Rooms of- the ' Republican, Georgian, or Mercury, shall receive his immediate and personal attention, july 21 . 168 - Brought to Jail. . S N Savannah, on tlie Slst ultimo, a ne gro man.who says his name is ISAAC and that ho belongs to Bevill Cook of El bert County, Ga that Ire runaway,, about three weeks ago—lie is 5 feet 2 3-4 inches high and about 45 years of ago, ho has a scar on his chin. JOHN I. DEWS, j. e. c. aug6 175 Brought to Jail, I N Savannah un the 25th May a negro man who says his name is JANUA RY, and that he.-beIongs*to Edward Cliis- nlmn.uf Sbuth Carolina, that-he runaway about one week ago, he is 5 ; ieet 2 inches high and about 22 years of age, he has lost several.’ufliis front toeih. aug 6 - - ■ 1. Ii DEWSyj. c. o. . .Riuny-•»- BBLS. Portland Rum, Landing from ship Helen Mar, a.ud fp>. sale liv -. -- 1 .HALL.SHAPTER fit TOPPER. July 30 Prom Havre.—By the packet ship Fran cois 1.-, Gapfain Hkiddy.froin Havre,which a,rived tills day, Paris papers to the 2tst of June inclusive have been received. Nol having our regular files, we arc obliged to the politeness of tho editor of ilnf Gazette for an opportunity of looking them over.— They contain no intelligence of any Im portance in addition to the arrival from England. The Chamber of Deputies, on the -18th of Jnno. was occupied with the ease of cer tain Neapolitans, wlm had Bbgp obliged lo leave their countiy for political offences, and had sought ygfuge in Corsica'. They had been demanded of tho French gov ernment, and an order had been issued to arrest and deliver them up.' Two of them had accordingly been apprehgridcd nnd giv en up, ono of whom was a Neapolitan uffi-. cer. Their cate nas brought before tile Chamber of Deputies by Ueneral Helias- tinni, the Deputy from-Corsica, who pio- lestod against thq violation of the rights of hospitality in that land which in all limes had been-a sacred asylum for the proscrilieil J)fItaly, alldin which yet dwelt ;ho de scendants df the Guelf and Gidbeline fattii lias who found refuge there ill the middle ages. • '' r V The Minister of the Interior answered, that tlie persons alluded to by Gen. Scbas- liani were a band of highway robbers,.who had for their chiefane Capasqlff, that hf- ter having been fully assured of-tjie. trmli of thiFa'ccuSatioh lie had dbSpntolie'd order! for (heir arrest. He added, that/he-had since some, reason (b doubt of Ithe'ncc.iira- cy of the representation that' fittd beoh ihade lum, aud.that he bad 'immadiiitaly trans- ipiited instructions to the- French ngent not W deliver Up the persons in" question if UifiMNjf^e pursued merely for political of- Lnc-y. , g“ Foreign News — I’lle Liverpuol packet ship York, Ca|itain lJeCo«, ar'rived ( yos-; lerday aftoriioon, bringing regular filos of London aud Liverpool papers, tlie former lo the 33o, ahd tho lauer to the 241J1 Jehu . inclusive. They contain hut little addi tional intelligence from the seat of war,and that little is notpf nn important uhnra'cipr. An engagement liad takeii pluee at Piavu- di, hetweeu'the Russians a.nd the Turks,' but without’ any decisive result, as bath parties lay claim to the Victory. The £r. Petersburg!! Gazette of the tOtll, in whjcli die victory is ol course ascribed to tile RaA, sians, contains somewhat "of an account of the battle. The Russian forces had r(- treated to Koslantlji, for the purpose of don. ceniratinn and reinfoi cement, Tlie battle of Prevail! was fought With very greet' ob stinacy on both sale*;'only 45 Turk^ were mndeprisoners', and the Russians had,IS officeis killed and:32 wounded. Account* ol the 12th of June had beta yeceived at Vienna, by a despatch extraordinary,_ Sta ling that the A uslfian government haffjust received official irifbiiiiatiiin from Constan tinople, of a recontre between tlii-VJ’ufks and Russians, near'(he mouth of the ilos- uhorus. .The Turkish' fleet, on ie-entcr- - jug tliuBlack Sea, loll iu with four Rim- ’ siao frigates and a''b'rig. After hn'action of a fan hoars, three of liie' Irigates and the brig urC reported'to have run away,mid tlie fuurll^frigate, of 50 guns, was taken by die Turks, who immediately with tlieir’prize to Constantinople* Intelligence was received ill London on the £3dlby tlie steein boat from Hamburg,., confirming the report which, we fortiieily gave that tlie bumbariliifeiit of feilistria by’, die Russians had oomhienced.. Tho,gar- - i tson wliicli is 13,000 ’ strong, had expres sed a wish to capitulate,' but Count-.,D.h:- ffltscli, fully confident pfhisiabilUy'tb taks the place by storu.bad rejected every pro position ol the kind. We also find it, incu- tjoned that tlw TiukiSJi'flpat, by running out into the BlackjSeaytut' without any in- .Jis'.. v". - r ' -''ibS i.'- LV '.-- 5