Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 22, 1829, Image 1

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. ' SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. No !82..t;.......Voi. XXVI ; fc. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, 1829. Whole No..........(M48. Notice, fUK Subscrib- raillF. Subscrib-r having qualified oil ' B III,; will of the late Ioeepli Law sen nf Libel ty Culinly, requests all persons M iitR demands against the estate to pro- 'i„t them duly attested, and all persons in- ijchti d to the same, to come forwnrd an-' /ioake payment. J0l , NSiM w. lulygS 171>'b * ' Notice, F Olilt Months nftcr rlato nppjlcalion ,»illbj ip made to the Hon. tli’o Justice* of the Inferior Court nf Emanuel county v r leave to sell ell the real estate of James Hwinry.dec for the benefit of the heirs and creditor^ ojgji 'sft INEY, Adm'or. fc W« ,fl Notice r»l'RSONS havincdemn’nds against I* ihe estate of the late Sirs. Sarah Do Tinmta will present tlinn duly attested, pnei those indebted to said estate will make payment»^ DE l AM0TT A, Jim. Qualified Executor, inly 7 , Notice, A LI, persons having demands against did estate ofJnmcs Swlnoy, will P'«- lent them, and those indebted will make payment to the subscriber • r) THOMAS SWINEV, Adm’or. july 28 <71 ■ " '■ Ndtice. - T HE! co-pnrtnersliip lifrdtofcrtp exist, ing between the subscribers under, the firm of James Anderson & Co. expired Wliimtallnn onlltefllst of May last All persons Indebted will make payment |o James Anderson, who Is duly authorised (o settle the affairs ofthe concern, and will continue,hebu^sforhisow^aecriun, X. MI KING. • JnneH; 139 Notice: OUlt months after flale, application JC will be made to the Honorable thi llbQI *•**» " w —' *■ — P a county, when sitting for ordinary pur- es, for leave to sell the halt of an undi- cd tract of land in the county of Effing Justices of tho itiforior Court of Effing- (nn i poses, tided T bam, containing 1.17 1 2 seres formerly theproperlv of Benjamin Porter, for the benefit of tlie heir* of William G. Porter, ° MMCd< WILLIAM KINO, Administrator'de bonis non. may 9 108 “ Notice. H EREAFTER the Savannah Libra ■ ry will be opened for the deliver fo Bqaka every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, from 4 to 6 o’clock P. M. . individuals not share holders can have the,use of the Library on the following turns:— For one year, by paying #11 “ six months, " . 0 ‘1 any less period, at the rate ol 2 per month- WM. MOREL, Librarian. ma/1 lot§* Notice. F OUR months after date, we shall ap] ply to tho Court of Ordinary of Ef fingham county, (or leave to sell all the Real Estate of William H. Womaok, dec. being several tracts ofLandinsaid county, on both sides of the Louisville rondi eon. tabling together 570 acres, for the benefit Of tho heirs. WILLIAM A. PREVATT. - mar IS AdinV. in right of his Wife, SARAH PREVATT, yfdm’x. 73, Notice. ri11H3'subscribers beg leave to inform -Is, their customers and friends, that early in the Fall they'will hare a superior assortment of , Dry Goods, hath imported and dpmestlo, nf every de- 1 scriptmn, whichthey intend selling bn their Jffitfl liberal terms. They also inform'ihat William Rose will attend to the Dry Goods Business, and Hugh Rose to the Factorage and Commission Business, at their Count- , ‘!'8 House on tho Hay, and will make libe ral advance* to such, as may fool disposed to enliust them with the disposal of their produce. Both businesses will bo carried on as before, under tjio firm of ,WM. & II. ROSE, jano12 tag For sale. A TRACT of land containing 25.0 a ores, situate in the district of Oi- angehiirgh, dn Edlsro crook in the.state of qouthOaralftia, bounding north on lands Of Daniel Alazyck, and south and west on Ite said creek. Fora plat of said laud, and terms of sale, apply to GEO. GLEN, feb 8 . F.x’or. eat, of John Glen. . Treasurer’s Office. W^wnr, August 1, 1820. "| average price ofElonrduringthc 1 last month being g7 per.harrel ol Ta*. Bread for tno present month nnltt weigh as follows viz:] 12 cents Loaf fibs l, oz P 1*4 “ -if. | a j t-2** whlchall Bakers and sellers of Bread will take dud Noticed • r M; W. STEWART, c. t. I augl 00 iS'eidKtz and Soda Pciiw- ders. dozen boxes Soda Pow- Ao Soidlitz do Improved Cheltenham Salts, pro & David,on; i,!> ■ H MALLEllY & DUFFY, DRAPERS If TAILORS, on the nxY, •* - EAST OP THE CITY HOTEL. AVE received by recon, arrivals from Now- .York, a fresh n ml .elegant as sortment of the most seasonable , Goofis; In their lino— ’ coNStaTiNunr Blue blaok, brown, olive,'Green arid mixi BROADCLOTHS.. Blue, brown,green,and steel mlxt (QUEENS CLOTH. Blue black and fancy colored single mil' ... CASsiMfiRE. Merino.Cloth and Casslmcre, flight and beautiful materials for summer wear) Bombazine Circassian Brown, wlme and drab English and . French Drill Striped Florentine, Satin Jeiti Gross Cloths, Bourbon Drill Silk Gamble,, Nankeen , And a Variety of qt|icf stuffs suitable lot summer coatees and pantaloons VWSTINGS English, Italian and French black and Colored Silk. Valencia and Marseilles of Duff, White and neat fancy Patterns ... White and BoflT Casslmcre and Cash- . hiefot •• V ,i All of which they arc prepared to make to measure, In the best manner and at short notice. ~ FANCY articles; . A handsome assortment of Silk andLlnen Cambric Pocket Hand kerchiefs Cravats, Stocks, fltiffnert ., Black, Kbitajuid straw colored Horse- skin Gloves, Grass Cloth and Linen do - Suspenders,Watch Guards-and Rio. boits, Hosiery of all descriptions Foraging, MorficO, Opdet & Meditcr jinoan Caps, tic. tie. also, A general Assortment of ready made *f«>no and summer clothing. Consisting of Coats, Frocks and Coattees, Panto, Ions Vests, Jackets, Draweis, Shirts, Collars, dec. &c. &c. M. ti D. respectfully inform their friends that tlie whole of the goods hofis been care fully .selected by Mr. M. and-the ready made clothing, ihamifaeluri'd entirely un der his inspection, A they assure* turners that the utmost confidence may be placed in tho faithlulneas of their work, aprilSO • ■ h W. T. WILLIAMS, n ^S just received and for sale, the 7th number of the Sootiiehn Re view* I. Haftih* CktTic Druids.—Tho Cel- lio Druids. By Godfrey Higgins, Esn. F. S. A. of Skollow Grange, near Dum easier, Yorkshire. . ,, n-HorfMAN’S.LEBALOOTllNEV—Ugal Outlines, being the ,qbit*nce ofa course of Lectures now delivering in the Uni versity of Maryland. By David Hoff- man. . - . III. The Fine Aats.—Fl'tfc Arts. A re ply to article X‘. No.LVJII, in the North American Review, entitled ••Academios of Art.,’’ &o. By Samuel F- B. Morse, I resident of the National Academy ot .Pvv'Bb.'';. IV. P.bqcATio.N lit tlr.RMANT Tour j j n Germany, and some of the Southern , Provides of. lh* Austrian Empire, in thpjears 1820, 1821 and 1822. By John Russell. . ,-*• Travel* In tho Nprtfi of Germany in tho year* 1835 and 1820. By Hoary E. Dydght. V. A*butt’i Letters from CuoA.—Lot- ters written in tho interior of Cuba, be- Gvoon the Mountains of Arcnna, to the Eusf. and of Cusco, to the .West, in the months of February, Maicb, April and May,1828. Py the late Rev. Ablel Ab- bot.D. D. Pasior of the First Church in Beverly, (Mo,,) VI.,Cicero pt Repubiica.—1 TheRo- public of Cicero, translated from the L > ,h>! and accompanied . with a Critical and Historical Inf reduction, liy G, W Fcatlicrstnnltaugh, Esq. Fellow of the Geological Society of Imndon, Ace. 2; ftl Oieeronistle Ucpvblicn, librurtm reliquim e paliihpsosto. Ab Angelo Maio.-nvpei eruta ad.edltlooeni . Rnroanmn diligcmissimn express®. VII. Tbsvels in China—Travel*n(,flie Russian Million through Mdiigolf* to China, and resldenp l-i Pekin in the year* 1820 and IB21. By Ueorge Tim- kow ski; with correction* and notes, jp Treasury Department, , JULY 17th, 1829. gjEALED PROPOSAL^ will ho re- 15 ceived at Ihi* ofBco until Thursday, tho Sd September hex,, for building and fitting out, in all respects ready for sea. (cabin furniture, provision* and ballast on ly excepted) a vessel to be vii Revenue Cu Effingham County, INFERIOR COURT, JuitTerm. 1829. 11|N the petition of iVtlliarh Morel, sta- T-F ting the existence fk loss and praying the establishment of n certain -prontisionr nijte, jointly and severally made and sighed by William J. Mulryne. and William G Porter, both late of said County deceased, dated Effingham county, 19th February, 1824, payable to the said William More), or order, on or before the lstday of .January next, for the sum of twenty five dollars,for value received, a copy whereof, with the affidavit of the said illlam Morel, Is tiled in the Clerk's Office,—It is ordered that William King, of the County of Effiing- Itain, tlie acting and qualified administrator of the said William G. Porter, deceased,- and the heirs and representalives.of the' said William J.. Mulrynf. deceased, do shew cause on or before thq,fltst day of lh« next term ol this Court, why the prayer of the petitlo er should not be granted,'and it is further Ordered that this rule be published in one of the public Gazettes of the City of Savannah, once a month unfll tho time appointed - for she ving cause thereof. Extract from the minutes, JNO. CHARLTON, Clk. july 18 10751 Chambers Superior Court, JUNE 25th, 1829. The Marine Si Firo In surance Bank of t,he Slate of Georgia, ot al. vs. Eleazor Early, * et. al. Chathnm Su perior Cnuri, JLnuary.Term, 1830. In Equity. F ’ being verifiod'o the Court that Elea- zer Early one ofthe defendants in the above cause resides out of Chatham coun ty—Qn motion It is ordered I 1 at the said Eleazcr Eorly-appear on or I., fOre't >e first day of the next Tnrni of thi* 1 url and en ter his appearance thereto and tn default thereof tlie said complainant have, leave to proceed on their said Bill in the same mannpr ns if personal sorvleo of the Bill and siibpcOoa .had.been oflbeted on the sai I Eleazcr-—And it Is , further ordered tha this Ruin ho published once a month In one ■qf the Public Gazettes of Savannlth until the expiration thercpE Extract from the minutes. ., ROBERT VV. POOLER, Clk. juneHQ. 153 P cie*: Just Received ER .Ship Henry and other 1aje arri val* a supply of the following arti- White Lead, ground in oil Dutch Si American Linseed Oil India Vermillion Gold Leaf Gum Shellao Dry Hlnck Lead , Lamklack assarted paper* Window Glag* assorted sizes Paint Brushes d6.. d>, . ; With a complete assortment of articles m the above line for sale low by . july 28 ... P-MARLOW. ] Removal. T S. LUTHER’S EXCHANGE Of- • fice Is removed to the Office for• A. PARSONS, I morlv occupioll hy 8. Si M. Allen & CoJ, tho Eygle, Noi 8 0, *'gio | two doors-msi, 0 * ,he v City Hotel. , Jane 32 , 14* Julias Von Klaproth; illustrated ..PyP*' P ll " e >’ , VIIJ. DFSFKPaiA—t. An Essay.on tils order, of the Digestive Organs, and i.'o neral Health, and nn their complaints. By Marshall.H*l| ( ji!..P Siq. 2. ATreatlsgon Inflig-stion and its consequences, called tier,ous and billions comid-ituts; »it|i observati'inson tlieor- g.inic diseases in wlihli they sometimes tmuinatn. Hy A'.’r. W. Philip, Al, D. 3. ATreatise on Djet, with a view ,16 establish, ,op pfaclicahle grounds, a sys tem of rules for the prevention and cure ofthe diseases Incident to a disordered state of the digestive functh-na, By J A. Paris, Al D. Ac,. ., > 4. An Essay qn morbid sensibility of the stomach Ac bowels, asjtlte proximate cause or characteristic condition nf In- digestion, Nervous Irritability, Almral Despondency, Hypochondriasis, Sic.tic. to which are prefixed., observations 011 the disease* antfregimen of individuals . on.tltelr return from 101ami unhealthy . , climates. By James Johnston, Al. D. &Cs 5. Sore methods of improving’ liealth and prolonging lifq 1 or,-ft Treatise on -the art of Living long and comfq tahly, by. regulating the diet and regimen, em bracing all the most approved principles of health and longevity,& exhibiting the remarkable power of proper food, wine, air, exercise, ilesp'.&c, in' the core ol chronic diseases, as well as the preserve lion of health and prolongation of life. To w hich is added, the art of training fur health, rules fi r redu ing coioplencv, and maxims of health for the,billf<nr* and 1 nefvomT, the consumptive,Vilen of letters, and people of tashion. Illustrated by cases. By a Physician. IX. llEnKB'8 Sermons.—Vermont prea ched in Mngl.iliJe by the late Right Re verend Reginald Holier. D D-i-Lord Bishop of Calculi*, Ate. atig 15 178 Swedes lroi*—daily expect ed. ik A TONS Swedes Iron, com- V prising a full and (Minqilete iii-sqitpien; of all the sizes in rnmnion use —aand many extra sizes are duily expected and on nrrivnl will be ‘offered fqr sale on accommodating terms. As .this iron has been selected from the factories in Sweden by an experienced hand, its quality may be relied oil. .Apply to • ' HALL, SHAPTER At TUPPER. july 28 New Goods. ., . Per Chancellor. -g A BALES .brown and bleached Xv Homespuns 3 bales plaid and Stripe Homespuns Superfine brown Itattice for bonnets do black worsted Barege ^Sihchews, Sarcenet and Gros De Naples Fancy Gauze and Silk Hdkfs. An Assortment of . COliOllEJt WOBSTEO BRAIDS. An Assortment of 1 LINEN BRAIDS. Irish Table Linens * Black and While Hooks and Eyes All of which will be-yold reasonable by AL PKENDERGAST. No. 3 At 14, Gibbons' Rango. juiy o , . -y ; ~ PRINTING. M J. KAPPEL,. h/t« established p . first rale *pB vwintino-office in Dickson's Building, on the Bay. in the room directly over the office of jne Savan nah Republican, whore orders for all kinds of Printing will bo thankfully receiyCd and neatly and promptly executed, on reuiona. ble term*. (Cy* Any order for frintino, addressed to sr. J- K- and loft at either nf the Reading-Rooms or the Republican, Georgian, or Merfuryi shall reoeive his Immediate and personal attention. july 24 108 Revenue Uutter, of the bu'rthen oY,evenly- two tons, at either of the following ports; Savannah, Philadelphia,. • Charleston, WaihifittoD, DC Norfolk, NawYork, Bnltmmrp, The vestal to be built agreeably to a mo del to be furnished upon entering into the cdhtract, and of materials corresponding to the following dinibmiona and specimen- lions, to wit: Length—Between perpendicular*, alxty- tyre foot. lltam—Moulded, eighteen feet! Hold—Seven and eight feet. Keel—Of White Oak, to be sided nine inches. , DfaJuood— Amidships, of White Oak, ,6 be aided nine inches. DeaAcoad—fore and After,of Lira Oak tn be aided nine inches. , Stem-post Knee—Ot Live Oa^, ,0 be fated on the keel to the fore side of inner stern-post,an l over this knot the deadwood it to be built keeping the shortest pieces bits low. Four holts are to he driven through the knee, vlzt two through the Knee and Stern-post, .nd.two,through the Knee and Keel,.before the dead wood bo Is are drove; cafe must be taken that the deadw ond bolts and stern-post knee bolts do not come into contact.. The bolts of knee and deadwood to be rlvetted oh the underside nf keel and a,ft side of stern peiff Bnlu through tho kin o in diamater three quartersof an inch. Bolts through the deadwuod In diameter seven-eights of an tnolf. , Inner Stern-pqstr^Ot\.We Oak. ; Main Stern-post—Ot Live Oak, sided nlnejpche*, • ' Apron—Of Live Oak, to be aided one fobt three inches. , ■ ,Su Fore Deadwood and Apron bolts, to one foot nhmf floating of copper, in diameter ihiee ; qbafteninf an Rich/ Floor timbers, fullncks, tnptimhers of Llv oak,to be sided six inches. . .., To lie moulded at floorheads six and a half- melius. . . j p.Urf till or plank sheer fnqt. inches. — t rail three and tWrge quarter inches. Tn he ciimplelely .firanted. frame holts In dinmeter three-tfuanors of an im h. Eve ry other floor Umberto be bolted with one copper bolt in diameter' three quarters of an inr-h. The alternate floor t)inl.ier« to be bnlted after the kqlson is.fitted, with cop per beijr. in dlamafer with a drift added three qunrtersmf an inelT. Keelson—Ot White Oa|f,to lie tided nine inches. Main Trapsoiq—Of. Live Oak, to be bolted, with two iron holts, to diameter se- Ken-eightlts of an inch. The remaining transoms to side seven inches and bolted with copper bolts,in diameter seven-eighths of an inch. ,, Sight heads and Pause Pieces—Ot Live (Oak. to lie sided nino inches. (Hitside plank—The funning plank of white oak, in thickness twy A* one.quarter niches. The o'uUide plank abreast the deck ,p ; be in thickness three inches, and ifroin thence the plank will fairly and gra dually diminish tn the thickness of the. run ning plank of file bottom. Tlie upper- edge ofthe plank- next below the plank sheer, to be m thickness two and a half inches,. - .... Plank Sheer—Of white oak, or yellow pine in thickness two and a half inches,— From the plank sheer to rail,the -pace will ,bo boarded outside only with narrow inch white or yelluw pine' boards, fastened to stsuncheons.abouttwenty-seven indies a- sunder, 10 have five ports on oacli side apd .two in the stern with shulters- 'No plank ■outside front the light wjter llfte upwards (amidships) 10 be in width more than eight inches.: The fastenings of outside plank from keel to one font above.load water line, lo bp of coppec. The spikes may be composition. The bolts to be copper— There will be no trendils, each strake to be 'fastened to one frame (comprising two timbers) with three composition spikes ol six inches in length (where tlie plank is two and one-quarter inches thick) and one copper holt fivo-bighths diameter, to be drove ih/ough and rivelted inside. Butt holts and houder end bolts of cupper in -diameter, Ave-eigliths of an tjicli. Oieling plank of yellow pine in thickness two in ches. „ .. . Breast hooks—Of live oak, two below the dock hook, to he laved and fastened before the deling is put on, and bolted with copper bolts in uiannHcr three-quarters of an irrepti -ajS , • • Clamps—Of white-oak of yellow pine, ,n thickness at the upper-edge 3 inches. do, do lower-edge two and a half in ches. A list or nir strokes six inches wide to be formed noxt below the strake under the clamp. Beams—Of yellow pine, to be sided in ches, and moulded seven and a.half inches. To he kneed at each end with one .lodge and one lap knee, to he sided five inolies, excepting tho mast beams, which are to have a dagger kneein.lieuof the lap knee, lobe bolted with bolts in diainetor. three- fourths of an inch. Deck plank of yel low pino in thickness tivo and a half inch es, in width not to nxceoil eight inches, To be fastened with iron spikes and plug ged. ^ Mast Porters.—Oflivo oak to be kneed, TV.hejftttod with a trunk cabin, and in other respects to correspond with the .draught. ■ To bo coppered to a water lino eight feet oft ond seven foet fbrward, with twen ty-four, qunce copper. To linve a com plete act of masts and spars. The principal of the fallowing named dimen sions : : j. ,. 1 Mainmast whole length fifty-eight feet; head seven leet. • - ... ,cr. Allapnpe Gazette, Huutsdlle Demo- Fore mast.whole length 50 feet 6 inches, ’ ~ .. .... Just Received. . AA DHLS No. 3 Mackerel, landing O V and for sale by J. B. HERBERT. . aug-ll" . ' ‘ Fore g.ift seventeen leet. Alain do sixteen feet. Meli\. boom-22. - > Bowsprit out board 12 feat. Lower mast and bu.wlprii, to be of yel low pine If to be had, the remaining spars to he spruee. ' .. The remaining spars to bo in propor tion. . . To have one fore-sall, one Main-sail, one jib.ono fore-top sail. No. 1. Oneflying jib,one square aail, one top- galJant-sall, one lower, studding-sail, one topmast studding-sail, one gaft top-sail. of light canvass,; an awning fma and aft, of canvass, No. 2, with stauncheons complete. To have three shrouds to the foreman on each side, and two on each side the main mast, of five and a half inches rope. The fore stay seven.inches, with the remaining tunning and standing rigging, to be in due proportion, of the best llussian hemp, to be patent laid, and. of equal fineness and strength with that used in'th* navy. The blocks for sheets, halyards, braces to lie patent bushed To hire one hempen ca ble, 75 fathoms 0 inches, and one. proof chain cable, one inch diameter, 60 fath oms. Two anchors, each weighing 500 ponnd* clear of stock The anchor for chain cable to have apd iron stock; to have all the fixtures ucressaiy for working a chain cablo. One heuier, six inches, 75 fathoms. One kedgo anchor, wiih iron stock,'‘weighing'clear ofatooki 80(f pounds'. To have a capstan, cainbose, hammpek, stauncheqn, waist-cloths ring and ey* bolts Ring bolts for train in releivlng lackrls— Two Iron davits on each quarter, for the boats All the outside plank including the deck, plank,, to be plained Forocas- tle floor, in lerfglh, about 14 feet, to have 10 Mrths. To have a trunk cabin, withe skylight, and two sliding light* on each side,< to. be fitted with four births and locker*—to have * store room between the item frame end after bnlkhead.of cabin,, in length about 13 feet—40 have a magazine under the ca- bin-floor. ’, Tn have two store rooms (one on eaoh side! before tha cabin in length six feel. The length of cabin floor, Including etorw rooms, 10 reel. ' To have two scuttles near tho itoie rooms, leading fo the hold. .. -The scutlleJeadhig to the magazine, to have raised cominzl and a ; cap of lead ;— To ha ve tho necessary locks and bars for the doors and scuttles s To have two boats of suitable size; To have twu coats of paint To have sufficient to carry fifteen hun dred gallons of water. The materials used in, tho construction ofthe vessel, to.heapprovqd of hy inch officer of the Revenue service, as tha sec retary of the Treasury may appoint. The Vessel to he completed within sixty days from the date of the contract, and the workmanship to he inspected previous to the delivery,by two. competentJudgei;nne to tie chosen bv each of : the parties to the contract, whorin the ovent of their disa greement, are to choose. «r third, who are to determine whether the work has been exenuted in all respects, conformably to •tho proposals and agreement. S.D. INGHAM. Sect ef ary of Treasury. July 20—fawtd (E7“The Savannah -Republican, Char leston Mercury,Norfolk Reaoon, Baltimore Republican, American Sentinel, and New York Courier and Enquirer, will publish the-above, twice i week, fo( three weeks, july 28 1.11 liead 7 feet. , . .1 Fore-yard thirty-feet. : i- ' r, ■ “ Top-tail-yard twenty-four feet, •• Top-gallant-yard.six;een fqepjlp >w .Forq-tqp-masl thirty-one feel, pole six teen feet, By the President of the U. States. F T pursuance of law, I, Andrew Jack- son, President of the United Stales ot America do hereby declare and make known that a public ,sale will he held at tlie Land Office at rit Helena Court House, in the State of Louisiana, - on the aocond Monday in November next, for tlie dispo sal ofthe unappropriated public lands n iih in the limit ofthe undermentioned town ships. situate in tho Land District West of Pearl River,and F.ast of the Island of New Orleans, to wit!: Township two, of Range one, Townships ono, two, three, fivo and six, of Unnge two. Townships one,, two, three, four, five and six, of Range three. - I Townships one, two, three, four, six and seven, and Iroctional townships eight and nine, of Range four.. ■Townshipsone, two, three, font, five,six and seven, and fractional township eight, of Range five. Townships ono, .two, three, four, fire, six and seven, and frac ional township eight,of Range six. , ..... > Townibi|is,one, two, three, four, five,six and seven, and fractional towusli'ip eight,of Range seven. Townships one, two, three, four, fivo,six and seven, and ii actional township eight,of Range eight. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six and seven of Rango niqe,>. The above townships are dll situate south of tlie thirty first degree' of latitude, and East ot the Aleridian, and embrace nearly all the- lands lying on the Amite Tiekfaw, and Tangapaharivers.., . Tlie townships will be offered in the .or- ler above designated, beginning tyilli the lowest number qf section in each. /. .- The lands teserv.ed by-law for the life of schools, or for other purposes, will be' ex cluded from sale. , ' Given under my, hand, at the city of . Washington, this thirteenth day of June, A.D. 1829... - . (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON. Hvxlio President,, s ' GEO.GRAHAA1 ! . . .. ^ Commissioner of the General-Land Office. To bo puhiisbed in the Natchez States man, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Adverti; Navy Heel - and Porkjfor . 1830. . Navt Commissioner’s Office/ ) 17th June, 1829. \ CJ BALED PHOPOHAL9 will Up rc« CT ceived nt thris Office, until the 1st of September next,for the supply of 3000 bai’-. fels Navyi Heef, and 2400 barrels Nnvy Poikg for. thcuie of the United States* Na val Service. 1000 barrels of }3eef t and 801) barrels of Pork, to he delivered at each of tho United States Navy Yards; Chailes- tojrn, Massachusetts. )liooklyn,N<'\v>Yoik and Norfolk, Virginui; and the whole quan tity must bo delivered, ot each and every Navy Yard, by tho 1st of April, 1830. Tho whole quantity of the said Heef and Pork, must bo of tho best quality. The IJeef uiuit be packed fiom well fatted cattle, w eighing not less than 480 lbs in the quar- ier t OC.800 lbs. on thr .ill the /ega, Icg- rovnds, clods, cheeks, shins, and the neck of each onimalq must be wholly excluded from the barrel,' and the remainder of the car- call must be cut into pieces of lfllbs. each, as noAi as may be, so that twcntvgpieecs will make a barrel of200 Ihs. nett weiyht, ef Navy Beef. The York timst he corn foil ami well fitted, all the skulls,fieet.,mi hind legs entire must lie wh.illy excluded from the barrel, and the remainder uftlia Hog must lie cut into pieces of n Ihs each ns near as may Ik-, so that 25 pieces, nut more titan three of which sliull be shoulders "ill mnkc :i barrel f20n Ihs. nelt weight of Navy Pork. The whole quantity of the said Beef and Pork mu-t lie perfectly sal ted in tlie (list instance with, end after ward* parked with a Sufficient qtianlii) of the best Turk's Islands, Isle of AlavAir St; Ubrssalt, other, to rdlnre itr pre* servaiion, with' five ounces of jn'irb sultpa* trelo each And every barrel. - The barrel* in which the aaid Betf and Pork is - to ba pecked,.must ba made of the best sensnned heart of Wliite-pak or White- Ash, free from tap, with one Iron hoop on .eacli chime, and otherwise fully and substantial, ly hooped, and-each barrel must be bran ded, on its head. ’ “Navy 'Beef,” or ‘*Na- : vy Pork,” with the "Contractor’s munc.'-* and the " year" when pgokeil-. 'All th# said Beef and Pork on delivery at the rei- per.ltve Navy, Yards must be subjected 40 the test and inspectinn qf soini Sn orri-In spector, of the Stale wuhfn which if is to be delivered, who ahall be selected, by (hi Commandant nf the Yard, at -the place of dolivery, without any charge tn tlie United atatrs therefor, and when inspected in snid manner, (he contractor- must put the bar rels in-good shipping order, -or (he Beef and PArk will not be receivedt ■ \ ' Bidders are required to state tlipir prices! - separately, for (he Beqfyaha for the Pork,- and If ihoy ofler tnfuruisli at more thin one yard, then separately for each Yard, They ato also requiiedlo give their names, .their - residence, and the names- imd resi dence of their sureties, minutely, and must transmit their bids sealed and endorsed. "Offer tta furnishNavy Beef and NS- vy Porki fur 1880." ' 1 ; The Commissjona (if the Navy are at li berty to take the offers ofa bidder for any. one Yard, or for tho niticle* deliverable at!'' anyone Yard, or in greater proportions, if such bid* be the lowest,’' '• > Any Bid not made in conformity to this’ advertisement, or not received within U)e limited time, will not lie opened/ ; ; . ! The p.irfs ofrlie nnlmal4,v be excluded from tlie barret will ho particularly dcscri- lied in drawings,which wi]l form part of tho contracts. Persons 'desiring information upon the subject with an intention to bid, may obtain it by seasonable application to tne Board. ' i June 26 ' ISO.*- To bepuhlithed-twlcea week in tho Bal timore Republican, Amer. Sentinel, Nat- Gazelle, N. Y Aler, Advertiser and Et Post, Boston Statesman, Commercial Ga - zette, New-Hampshire patriot, Provldehco Patriot, Hartford Times: Ifaleigh Star, Halifax Alinorva, Norfolk Herald,' Ilicll- moml -Enquirer, Ohio Monitor, Cincinna ti Republican, Nashville Uenublican.Ken-- tucky .Gazettee, Kentucky Argus. Cotum- Inn Telescope, Charleston Patriot, Savan nah Republican, Mobile Register, St. Lou is Beacon, Louisiana Advertiser/Salisbu ry Western Carolinian. oral, Mobile-Register, Baltimore Republi can, ,'Philadelphia Sentinel, ;Richmqn4 Enquirer,Raleigh Star, Charleston Aler, bury, ..‘.Savannah Republican, • Augusta L'hctmielevNashvillq Republican, & Louis- riBatAdkaftiser, t' ‘ , *3 w»- By the President of the U- nited States. # -. I iN pursuance of taw; I, Andkew Jack- . son. President of the United Slates of America, do iiereby declare and make known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office ot Sparta, in the Slate-of - Alabama, on the second Alouday in Octo ber next; for 'the disposal of the public lands within the limits of the undermen tioned townships and fractional townships, jo wit: i > t» '. .-' 'J '•'• i Townships seven,' eight; nine, ten and ■eleven, of Range twenty five. •'» / • Townships seven, eight, -nine, ten -and fractional townships eleven of Rango tweu- ty six. }v. • Townships seven, eight, nine and-free ■ lional township ten, of Range twenty sev- i. ' -'•• '■ ■- - *■ t Townships severe and eight, and fraction al townships nine and ten ofllahge twenty eight, a ' . Township soven, -and fractional town- ' ships eight and nine, of Range . twenty nine/ ' Fractional town||)ip* seven and eight/ bf Range thirty. - < , '■ The townships'are to be .offered in : the order above designated, begiuning-with the lowejunuailiev-of section in each. i 4•« Tlie lapds' reserved liy law. lor the use of schools, qr far other purposos, are to be ex cluded from sale. '- t - ' ; Given undea my hand at the'City of Washington, this third day of July, A. D, 1829. ..ANDREW JACKSON. By the President: - - * GEORGE GRAHAM; ' V Commissioner of the QcneralL'argJOffic*/ ; -To be published iriihe Natchez State*- . man, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Adverti ser, Allapapa Gazette, Huntsville Demo crat, Mobile Register;Baltimore Republic , can,Philadelphia Sentinel, Richmond En-1 quirer, Ualeigii Star, Charleston Mocchry, Savannah Republican,‘ Augusta Clironl-,.. cle, Nashville Republican, and Louisville .Adverrisor. ? -J ■* syai- l - .■1 july 28 171