Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 25, 1829, Image 2

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V* - a.^&MMILlCA'N. ; : —^ -• Fit KUBRICKS, FELL, CITV VIUNTfiR. . .... Hally Paper ..tight dollars per annum Count./ Paper six dollar*, per annum vaTahi.r nr: advance. All Nows, ami Now Advertisements tip. pear in both papers. tr j^Otneii In Dickson's tlirco story oriole building, on llio llay, near the Kx- ehnneo, her uqnn Hull itud PrnylpM-stti'Ct*. HAVAlS-WAH. TUESDAY EVENING, Aooua-r 23. rT-.m -a—r—.i—i ■■ — (T7» \t’e are authorized to itato, that Col. M; M>TPtti, trill be a candidate to' re present this county',’ 111 the Hept'cScntativH of llio General Assembly of this State, Captain Hall's Itook of Travels In tl»o United Stafs, haFat last been pub lished in this country, and as nulc(i curi osity lias been evlti ed to seo Iho work, we have occupied two or throe columns of this- tl.iy's'ItrpnbltcirtT; with extracts from it— To them we refer our readers, which may to form somo idea of what ok is lomposed of. pitronicle of Saturday . orised to slate that • S i t v has no inclination, nor will he'consent to ho run for Gor'crimr, at tho approathinj] election, V • Dll. WATKINS. It will he seen, hy referooce to our' sue- ceding columns, that, at length, the fate of this Individual has been decided, and that lie hys been doomed to expiate hit offences, by an imprisiinineiit'of D months in addition to the time already passed, while lie was undergoing Ida trial. fli. Furtlf had a majority of the von in, and his name was according [Ruled. THE jMAlter' ... The Northern stage driver, arrived this morning at the Post Office, at the usual hour, hut brought no majT. The following letter from the Post-Master In Goo Jaw- • hatchip, to tho Post-Master in this city, ex- -* plains in some degree the cause of the fail- uit:— . \ , ' POST-OtFlCE. CooiauhalrJtic. t-l/A Aug. 1810, 1-8 past 3 o'clock, P. M. ' Dz*x Six :-*-Tlio null stilkey has just arrived (and should have keen hero at one - P. M ) and brings no mads. From a cat* I curiosity! • tifleate sworn to before IV. II. Collins, at' Collins'p* Roads, the atnoliht of which H, (if I understand it) that this driver,, after waiting at Heap's Cross Roads, "hero the mails from and in Charlestonfisually meet 'tilt tl o'clock, this morning was obliged t<i leave without tliem, in order to be in time to'.mott tile mgil which left Savannah this day. By so ddlng, the Nertliern mail is lost to yon fur this day. The Southern mail will bo carried In Course . to-morrow . I'. T. MUMFORD.r. »t. No eonjecturo ean be formed for tho do lay.—the wind blew very heavy yesterday —last night possibly the gale may havo •been severe Timber north, and the road im - jteded by the falTof trees. Lewis II. •vutos gif on lj Bllistltutcd On motion, it was ftfrthe^ Resolved that tho ticket thus nominntcdjio styled "In dk- rENdr.ST Tiokut." On motion also Ucsolved.that tile thanks of the meeting bo rettu ned to tho Chairman & Secretary, mid that (iie proceedings be published,. «* , Tho meeting then adjo'tifned. TltOS. U. P. CHARLTON! - v ; Chairman.' CiiAirt.Es 8. Hexet, Sec’ry. , N. B.—Since the adjournment of the meeting, Mr. H. Cassidy having declined, the above named committee have placed In Ills stead, Genrgn Shlck. . Tho ticket ihprefnr* pibmitted to the people for their support is as follows :— Independent ticket. WILLJAM T. WILLIAMS, TI10S. U.'P. CHARLTON; WILLIAM R. WARING, MOSES SHEFTALL, GEORGE W. OWENS. MORI). SJIKFTAI.L, Sen. MICHAEL BROWN. . CHARLES S. HENRY, JOHN B. GAUDltY, RICHARD WAYNE. SAMUEL M. nOND, Geo roe sRfcK, LEWIS H. PURTH. GEORGE W. ANDERSON. Titos. U. P. CttAtiLTorf. Chalrmno. Charles S. Henry, Sec’ry. Tho (bllotvlng Cadets, natives of this State, have bgqn appointed by the Presi dent of the United States, Lieutenants in the Arrny, vixt Cadet \V. II. Harford, to be brevet Sd Lieu tenant *th Regt. of Infantry, 1st July, 1810. Cadet' John Mhekay, to be brevet Id Lieutenant Id Regt. of Artiliary, 1st July, 1869. Cadet Richard B. Screven, to be brevet Id Lieut. Sd Regt. or Infantry, 1st July, 1819' We are. informed (says the Augusta' Courier) our Townsman. Mr- Prouty, has succeeded tn discovering the long' desired secret of Perpetual Motion. Seseral in telligent gentlemen have examined ills machine, xtn) declj w^ie a selfmnyiog apparatus capable of continuing its opem? lions without my extrancious Assistance's We are tuforintd* it wii) be exhibited* in a few days* for the gratification of public TOWN MEETING. At a very numerous cud respectable meeting of the Citizens of Savannah, held in the Cuupcit Chamber. .(Exchange,) on Saturday Evening, the lid day of August Instant, in pursuance of public notice, for the purpose of nominating fourteen Citi zens to be inpporte'J"at the approaching election as Aldermen for the City of Sa xtannah. Thomas U. P. Chariton was called to the'Cliair. and Charles S. Henry, appoint ed Secretary. The oujeot of the mooting, was then _ faridfly stated by the Chairman, and tho fallowing reioldtioo moved and unanim ous!), agreed to!: Resolved,'Phut———he a Committee ‘ .[eostimiudATKo.) Me. Feu.:—You will please continue the following Ticket, in your paper until the day of election End oblige " A is Old SaiBSCEiEER. PEOPLE'S!.TICKET. WM. T. WILLIAMS, DiC WARING, O. W. OWENS. G. W. ANDERSON; J. P. WILLIAM.SON, JACOB SHAFFER, LEVI S.D’LYON, If, LORD, R.R. CUYLER. THOMAS'DLARK, CIIAS. GILDONr- F. H.AVF.LMAN. MICHAEL BROWN, * JOHN i«. GAUDRY. Ihfotmanls m.ty have been misinfotinci) or mistaken is very probable, but we know them too well, to bclievo for a moment,that they would Itato given Us any information knowing it to be erroneous,that would tend to lead public opinion astray. Tho Con stitutionalist docs not botiovo that All. Gil-, peer-has been fixed upon by. tho dominant party—we shall not gainsay the opinion of jour brother e - ilor, as he has conversed w till several, gentlemen from Athens, whose in formation and influence, wo hava no rigitt to question. . Whore not llio advocates of the proceedings-at Athens—tho moment we heard of them. w.o plainly forsaw the awkward position that mndy Of the best jwd worthiest of our citizeds-.wouldii’e J placed, in.rolntirm to' tlte .Gubernatorial olcotioii. Hundreds will not go 'to the polls, whilst others will hesitate, which of (lie two can didates to choose—tho people we humbly think, should be informed to^whom they are indebted for suah-a state of tilings—an awful responsibility rests some where. Un der existing circumstances, we can not be the pardzan of Air. Gilmer or Mr. Craw ford—both gentlemen, stand alike in our estimation.—We were, and still are, the advocates ol union in support of the can didate who would. unite and knit together our party; but as tliera is no prospect of any such point being now gained, we in com mon (with many of our citizens, are com - pletely neutralized,and shall therefore qui etly fold our arms and to providence for thejvesult.-Ed- S»v. Rev.) APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESI- i DENT. • Major A—Davczac to bo Secretary of Location, to- the Netherlands. William A. Harrison, District Attorney for the Western District of Virginia, vice Edwin S. Duncan, resigned. Augustus Jongs, of Missouri, to be Mar shal for the District of Missouri, vice John Simonds, Jr. removed, George Shanon, Etq, of St. Louis, Mis sour), to be District Attorney, vice Beverly Allen removed. ■> WASHINGTON, August 19* CiaroiT Court.—TAe Case aJ\Tolids IPatkins—Concluded—The Court yoster- day delivered its Opinion on tho motion ofT. Watkins' Council, in arrest of Judg ment,-and for new trials.: The..objections to the Indictments, and the motion in. ar rest, were overruled by' the Court, aud the defendant was ordered to be brougiit in, to receive sentence. * The Marshal, accordingly proceeded to the jail, and soon after tetnined into Court with Dr. Watkins in custody,when tho fol lowing sentence was pronounced by JUdge Craoch]: In the indictment tor 130 dollars: Fined 8730 and' be.imprlsonert.fbr three calen dar months from this 14th day of August, 1819, inclusive. In the 900 dollar case ! Fined-f300. and to be imprisoned for three (calender months next following the teiminution of his imprisonment under the sentence- in the preceding case. In tire 1,000 dollar case.t.Fined Jt,000 and to be imprisoned lor three calender months next following the termination of Ills imprisonment under the sentence in tho next preceding case for 8300. \ Tire sentence altogether, it will be per ceived, is a fiue of three thousand and fif ty dollars, and nine months imprisonment from this date,(lie t4th day.of August. Tim Court then adjourned until next le.'Bt. ' That S09b Turks' were" hilled tv ill not I .' . HEW YORK, Aug! 14. 1)0 denied, and that number of Russians it One of the Clerks in a tcr-pcctahlc met. seems was also destroyed—tiro prisoners cantilo house In youth st. was sent yestt-r- w‘oro doubtless the stragglers belonging to duy morning to tho bank, with nearly t!ix- tlfo retreating army; there was no stirren- teen hundred dollars,in checks olid Dills to dyr of whole battalions—the Tilths found I deposit. On his way tn the bank, ho had tkeifltelyp* with 20,009 moo safe in Chmintjoccasion to stopin an oflico In Wall st., ami Is. having lull sever.) fighliiig-Ae liaving a- to hit utter dismay, found that all Ills bin- f iho Turkish army into a I'ney was gone. Ho forthwith- returned to I bis employers and infotnu-d them of his loss. 1'noy intniedintcly dispitoliod a messenget to-the several hanks on whlclt (hoy were drawn, mid stopped the payment of them.. A notico wai then prepared ami .zcn- of the west, on whoso representation entire it Haute may he placed —u P m.' mystery •, hut clearly and satlsfacS explains the nrcono of the weohlne. y It ought to Jjc looked at by-tho curinn. til Inch tmittcrii, at least as a novel am l,?y gonjous in.vemton, which may he ancliJ'r many Useful purposes.' .". ,. .. P U 0 , and all Christendom will bftailbnith- sent to our office, to bo pieced cp the. hullo ) hear that the battle was fought part- tin, when wolnid tho gratification nfinfor- I a plain and the Turkish' Infsiftry ining the bearer of it that tliern was no oc- Ttoulilon Medical Prize Questions*. The l-'ornmilteo appointed py llio C,„L. . yttlon of U-irvnrd4.ollegn to adjudge this . premiums cstohlislicd .by tho lateVain ' Nicholas Bdylitcfhi Esq. liavo shnoanitJ till) following subjects for d.rtertatluni nert year : ... , 1st. Whether Fever is produced hv tho decomposition of animal or vrgetahle sah stances, and If by both, their tonmataiiva influence 1 3 , .Id. On the connexion between cutnno. ous diseases which uro nut contnglous, und the internal organs'. For thoouHH- 1891 tho fallowing quei- llans are proposed : - 1st. The History of the Autunmnl Di- , senses, of New England. 9d. -.What Insects in the United States and ctlpn 1 pat tirnlnrly In the Northern part, are il)lo of inflicting poisonous wound? tho " bandonuU 40 filfeces of camion end heavy baggage.. You will see In all tills nothing to encourage tho Russians or disoouiage tire Turks. Slflstrla has been weakened by strengthening Gen. Itolh, who lias fur red a division ofi Relit. cd to ly on _ r ...» .... moved handsomely by huttallonst end ex- casino lor such a slop,’tit the checks and hibitod groat discipline tilth gieat valor, money wore all in the possession of h res- Tho speculalors in Blocks hire,' who I pectuble ihcrchant'in I’enrl street, ttho hid know liow to culoulate the results of a list-1 picked llynn up near. Coouties slip, pud tie, infer that the Russians Itnve gained immediately gavo us notice of tho fecL It nothing hy this fight. They Have, hy a Uppetirsthat tl\« young man carried hit handsnnio manoeuvre surprised the Turks, bank book loosely in his Inn,I, ilpd that llio hut the result will make them more *au-1 checks, Ac. dronped out. This will best tinus, and compel them to keep within lesson to him and to others to be more cau- their fortresses ami net upon tho defensive. I lions in future.—Oaz. It is rumored thit the Russians, having as . Judge Jitoiy and Mr. Aslimttn are to-lie -they ijrnngiue gained a victory, are now.dls-1 tnahguratrd ns Professors of tho Lnw posed,jo mako pence on fair terms. They School of Harvard University i)n tlio JZStli cannot pass'the Balkans this campaign, I Inst, thejie'y preyions to Commcnccrnent. knd if they do, they will Itavajo encoUoter I Tho Hoiton Patriot mentions that llio means ol remedying ihtlr lll-eonscquen- lielzcbub liimself on tlio plnmt of Adrian-1 course of instruction ami latv lectures will oes? H pie, with >ometl)lng-llko.JS0,0C0 men | and begin immcdlatcl'y'.nftcra'itrds. whift-is a bust among the “faitlrful, 1 ' the j A Narrow Escape.—f he Long Island lutle green standard of tho Prophet. ’ Star of yesterday mentions, that in. the You liavo lead the King's speech , no I thunder storm whiilr took placo on Snliir- doubt as mndo np for liitn hy tho Cabinol— I day last, n laige poplar tree at Red' Honk it is a milk and wator concern. Much was I near Governor's Island, stailding'hot more expected at this important crisis, hut his Ithan three rods froiqtho powder magazine, Grace the Duko considered that wo weie ail ] was struck with lightning and shivered' tn in the dark on Continental affairs, deemed I pieces. SovernI persons who weio sitting it prudent to keep us so. I in a ravern adjoining the powder housa Ybu will perZeiye that Dun Miguel is | sensibly felt tho shock. , •! AUGUST t». Thunder S/orrn.—This morning, about half past two o'clock, a terrible Murm set in over the city, anti continued for several . . • — , hums, the rain pouring down in torrcols, Hist India TVode.—Tho foHoVflh^facts I accompanied with loud thunder and inces'- wc And in.nrj Eastern paper, with regkrd I sant lightning. A house was struck at to the importance of this trtfde with only the corner of Mulbury and Heater straats. one of the-islands. . In tho fivo years from jlf was a| thrfce story .wooden building in 1821 to 1820, tho exports, from.tho United j habited by; several Tamlltes. The olee States fo..the Island of Jamaica' alone, a-1 trical fluid fell on the roof setting ii motrniad to two and a ha\f millions ofdol- Inn lire, qtitl descended to the lower sto tars.. T/t>e]freightx.on these etrpqrli ainouh- fry without injanitg any of the inmates ted to oni million. Ninc- lcnllis of. t|iese I except-Ortd woman, wjih was thrown by It ^freights were earned 6y American vessels, I from her bed, and who remained for iomo making the consumption of American pro-1 time in a state of Inaen3il>iliiv,.biit was 'so doce and labour in this one island upwards [ far recovered tills jo be able tu of three millions ofdollars.. c ._ •' ■ I walk. Tho alarm of fire iui Imuiedlntrly In 1821,.in constqiiencecf tba potti'of -given, and she engines in thV midst of (lie this Island beinjrclosed against ua, the ex- furioux storm immediately proceeded to portsfrpmthe United States-were-s'mnll, the spot. The flames were extinguished hut during' tile three following years, there | after having entirely consumed' the tipper was.a’cnpid inorease-of exports, and a cor-1 story of the-huilding and the grealtr part -rosponding decrease of exports from thej ofthe second.. Messrs. Job and Naliran British North- Ameridan Colanisst This [ Griftim of Greanwich, had ti valuablo pair continued until 1823-8, whetr (he exports |-of oxen killed hy lightning in the same of Ilia United States to the IslamVexcectied | storm. Tlleir' house was' protected bv > the whole «thount.of its imports, when the | lightning rod, but this did notjirsvcrtt tbeii nitrll ll'arn nlnanrl nrmiH■ I t n »» I -1rt 1.1 #s ,1.1,mil isua lim.,1 nnrf- fvnm I- — *.!.- not 10 be moleifefl. )Y0 are heginning to | give up legitimacy eud (he divine rights ol Kings for tlte mote modern custom of sup porting the "powers that W. I . Our friend of the Savannah Republican says t-“If Mr. Gilmer has really lieen fixed upon by a majority of the. dominant party* as a candidate fur the chair of state —then we say, in the language ol true re publicans,, let us merge all private feelings and unite heart and hand in his election,” - Now, we do not know, hor do we be lieve, that Mr. Gilmer has been fixed upon as a candidate by a majority of the domi nant party—and ifsuch information be in the possession of anyone, we humbly think it speedily given tu the public — ffs have conversed with several intellig- nl persons who were at Athens,-and we can not learnthut Mr. G's. name was pm up by a majorilt, oj the dominant party ; in deed, tve have, reason to think that some of our ablest and most influential citizens were not consulted—wc allude to IVm. //. to be appomted'hv the Chairman to select 14 Citizens to be supported as Aldermen .. _ r at tile ensuing •lection,-and that tho-aaid | Crwfard, Governor Troup, Governor for- „ ... | , . „ .. .' • sutA-aiid others, whom wo do not now Committee make their Report mstanter. Zme \iey, we further learn that Mr. G. On motion it »-as resolved, that the blank m , „ re lucfnntl.y yielded to (he jolicitations he filled by the CltatAtlart with five namcY 1 0 f those who applied to him—tvij know not IVlieretipon the ChiinnSrV appointed the [>• hat the reason that at .last prevail^ jWitJj From tVik N. Y. Cornier ..and Enquirer. ; LONDON, June 20, 1820, Correspondence We have had the newt of alight between the Turks and Russians, and if yon on tho other side of thn water, will credit the Ruarian bulletin-, the Turks, have been routed,' and aimo-t destroyed. The knowinjfones Mro, on 'hange, have a clearer insight into these matter!: gird al though there has been doubtless a very des perate combat, rely upon it that Russia hasgninedno one tangible point. It'is Certain that the Turks defeated General Roth at Priivdili—the Grant) Vizier retiring tranquilly to Chouinla,- leaving the Rus sians weak and dispirited. General Rntli immediately acquainted General Deibjtsch witli his forloyn condition, imploring suc cour, in o.dortd enable him to keep the field before- Chounila. Gep. Doibi sell contrary to ail stie speculations and calcu lations of the TUrks, abandoned his posi tion before Sihstria, and took with him the corps of Count Pnlilen, and by forced marches, arid thiouglt an entire new route, he joined General'Roth before the Grand V,Zler, had the least intelligence ofthe moverneiil. Jt was a n .-af enterprise on the part ofthe Russian General, far he deserves groat praise. .-The force under the Grand Vizier seems to have been a ■Whereupon t following Citizent t r constitute ^ttiat Com- luittoe, to wit. Col.-James Hunter, John \V.-Sink.' Abraliauv Slieftall, John Guil- martin and Peter Guer'atd. j' The Commit tee ( having retired, shortly thereafter re turned, and reported, the fojlowipg named Citizens as proper persons to he supported for Aldermen'at the "ensuing City F.lec lion:— • • WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS v THOS. U- P. CltARLYON, WILCIAM R- WARING, MOSES SHEFTAHi, . GEORGE W. OWENS, ! WORD. SHEFTALL. Sen. R. R. CUYLER, j Michael iiruwn, .. CHARLES S. HENRY, jOilN B. GAUDRY, RICHARD WAYNE, - SAMUfil. M.'BOND, ’ HUGH CASSIDY, PEO. VV. ANDERSON. tant Episcopal Chnrch ln the United States, | Baltimore, Washington, Savannah and assenibled at St. James’ Church, in .tins | Pittsburgh, city, oil Wednesday morning, the 12thInst. ] ‘Beneath,a most beautiful vignette title, Sermon by the Right Reverend Bishop I i’a comprehontiye aiid highly iusfructive Brownell,| or Connecticut; after which| atafujlonltable ;,atid near tlte Southwest the holy socrainent wax administered.—, j corner of the map, and In other parts,-arc The house of bishops ups organized hy tlic j heaiilifiilLy.delincareii profiler of the Erie, election of the Rev. Dr. Wilson, nfNbtv|Ohio, Morris,. Dismal Swamp,' Union, strom 12,0 him was—we have no doubt he. thought it a good, ope—but his unwillingness .Jo be put in nomination proves that his good seme foresting and his good feeline regret ted the schiwn about to be produced a- ' mong his political friends Tlte Republican pays x just tribute‘to the merits of Major Crawford, "his claims on the people of Georgia are by no means inconsiderable—lie has served them in the field, in the national nod state Legislatures with crejjt tu himself, honor, and us'(ni nes* to tliatij.' He is a gen leman of st.-riiug i .tegrity, pure principles and 'unblemished reputation. Should the people make choice of Air. Crawford'as their Governor, we ap- prehcnd tliey will Itave no cattle to repent." Wc join most;cordially in the feeling ! aud the wish expressed in the following sen tohee by thh Republican..' "It pains ns veiy much to see two such good.democrats come in collision with each other—and wo [tiUst that.before the day of election shall I have arrived, somo arrangement will he I entered.into that will prevent them from’ [being rival' pandidotes.”—Augusta Consti ' I lulionalist. . . 1 , ; (We have' but a few words to say on tho tg Corps of obsetvatinn, hot exceeding 00 troops, and within a few days’ march of Choufnta, at which place the main'body of the a rmy must have remain ed. n ■' • The Gram) Vizier supposing that the enemy co.listed merely of .General Rotli’S division, and heipg Unapprized of his ac cession of sttengtli by Pahien's corps, at tacked them tdleiably brisk—mure with a Tito sebte df tHelWeetlng was then taken'[ aWove article. .Tli.e intclligcnca communi on each name separately, as reported hy I cated to ui from the up country that Mr. the'Committee, nnd tlte Report was unan- Gjlmcr hadI been fixed upon by a majority imnnsly confirmed, with, the exception of lofjtlrc duirtrimut party at Athens as a can- one of the gentleman nominated A j hat- difiate for Governor, was received from so lot being called fotr by-, the Chairman, on respectable a source that wjj could not for q' COuStifig out the Votes, it appeared that j a moment doubt its autlieuticity—that our p Cr . -- matter,and’ tltat the RnssianEliad keen coh sidera'ily strengthened. * Tho fightbccome desperate, xnd according to' tlte Russian tnilletin, both armies had to cease -firing.— In this Irpervnl the Turks retreated towards tlie main body at Chonmla, and tho Hus kians pursued. The fruits of this victory, a#claimed by thn Russians, are 40 ‘pieces of cannon and as many ammunition wag ons. This is It erally nothing—for you will understand, that prudence aud sound judgment, in modern warfare,admonish ar mies never ttr lose mnii. in order to save cannon or ammunition wagons. When firing ceases, cannon have done their duty, and may be abandoned, if bringing them off hazards tho loss Of men. The Turks brfko their liipbersj oltoakcd up the road with caqnptiltnd' iia^gagif, aijd thus check ed tfle prdgrtSss offfie pthajir.'. .Tho Russian* report 'killed dm! 1300 prisoners. The disparity of numbers between tho killecTanil prisoners will strike every one accustomed to calculate the re sults of.a battle. If llin Russians gained a violory, and killed 2000 men’, {hey would have taken-ij,000 prisooerr,. That is in propovtiom pliennnicita bf such wounds? and the bed -eans.ol remedying ihtlr tit-con s? A premiu m of (Illy dollati, or a gold nu> dal of Otkt value, will b« awarded to i| m author of the he/t dissert .it ion on each of t|ie foregoing questions, ii is required thin candidates Ilioiihl transmit their mtn« - tiscripts by thf flrtt Wednesday of April | 0 the rcqiectivp ybars,, each dissertation te bo achnmpanied with a sealed packet con taining the author's name and address, and having written mi lli'e'.qutsidc, as wells*’' on the outside of tho dlise'rlton to which the packet isnttaelted.somo dovloo or sentence; Unsuccessfully candidates may have back- their |»odUetiont, if. applied for witk\ n , year after their transmission to tho Seas, tarjf Georgo Hay ward, Esq. ‘ On Iho 90th October, tn New South Wales, a hurricane occurred, during which "tho earth itf various places beoame convul sed, heaving up into changing billowy rid! It gns, yawning and closing,nnd'spiminglicri and there him destructive chasms." In if. ports tvero. closed against us. During. an I stable, nhicli was very near! from being Open (fade we supplied them with' articles, | struck, therefore,which, during a nhn-intercourae, I they either raised or fuund e, substitute for TANNER'S NEW MAP OF TllE U, within;themselves. In loith-when theit I' STATES, porti were opened to a|l our products, qx We yesterday found lima to refer to ... — a-..;. . ... i"->t-.-v • - jf an- . MM - „ . . . « to the such quamitied at to promiso a vreat In- j successful fhgenuity of the highly rCrpect cease ofthe. trade had but dfreclintercoursa table pjihlisher, nnd indeed to tlte arts o ' with the IslahiTcoiilmued. | bur country, to'notice, more particularly i Inour commerce with iMflslanri, it- is I the distinguished merits of this Uujy Valu.- further staled, tve were in reality custrm-1 able odd beautiful ptoduction.' Tlte out ers fur its produce comparatively to a small I lines of the States are rtiarited with aciu- rxtent.' A itrrgeproportion of our imports] racy, nnd the cities, towns, townships, c|c. were exported to Europe. In four years) Uro distinctly -designated. The-rivets,- our annual import* Of Coffee' inoreasedl mountains, anti.canal routes, together witli (roin half tt miHioh to upsraidsoftw’O mil-1 the usual, and indeed mure than'usual, lions—of Pimento wo received on an ave contents n! welt filled maps are iiamlsunie- rage about one-tliird-bl rite crop—in*t8231 ly tlisiilnvcd ; and the coloring of tlio wliolo neatly half of it. "•Of -Rum, the average | xultea to set off the mofll Important gfapb- itnpurtatton Was33()0 puncheons. - Merit on io (ahots. these ariiclcs were re-expoited to Europe, | The divisions of the.territories, and the affording to our shipping two freight*.— | inf'irmaliun thrown along,the places that Supposing that Jamaica embraced but one | would other wise have bceiileft blank, ■ give third of the.whole consumption bf tilb West India Islaods of American produce, tliose islands afford a market for the pro ductions and labor of the United States, a- ihoimting to more titan a million and a half of dollars annually, , - , . The General Convention of the Proles- additiohal value to tile map, as well as in crease its beauty. On the margin of tho tnsp are exact planxqf the streets, Ipucs, wharves, etc. of llestun.New York,Philadelphia,Baltimore Washington, Charleston, New Orlenns, Pittsburgh, nnd the environs of -Albany, Boston,.New York,Trentoiiil’iiiladelpliia, York, as Secretary, Bishop White,dfPdhn sylvania,-presiding. The houSa of Clerical nod lay delegates was organized by elect ing the Rev. Dr. Wyatt, of Baltimore, as President, aqd Rev. Benjamin T- Cinder* donk, of New York,-ga Secretary. -The Sclmyikltl, Pennsylvania, Chesapeake and Delaware, Chesapeake gnd Ohio, tin'll thtr Florida Canals, and tho Massachusetts, Columbia, Pa, and the Baltimore' Itaij Roads. V . Tho Oregortand Man Jan districts are house of bisltnps consists of Bishops White | also pfaced On tt\fc map,’ and. the outlet* o( and Onderdonk.of Pennsylvania ; Hobart. l the UiegCn'designated.-/ - j of New York ; Croes, of Now- Jersey s | Tho richness, beauty, and we doubt not, Brotvpftlh of Connecticut i Grisword ofthe I nccuracy of this map, commend it to-, gen- F.aitern Diocese ; Aloore, of Virginia, and 1 oral patronage; knd while it enlinncds the Ravensorofl, of North Catnlina.—Bishops I just fame pf its proprietor, It wllladd to the Bowen, of South Carolina, and Chase, of I credit which our city sustains as qf Ohio, 1 weie absent—Phil. C/iron. 12tii the fine arts. • insti .1 Accompanying iho map, A]r. Tatinor ■ 'if I tends'oht anept volume, entitled ,'Memuir -i It will be remembered, that the Duke of tho Recent Surveys,' fibiervmtons, and of WelH'nglon disputed Lord Angle-1 InterniV Improvements In the Jtl'. States," sea's assertion of.tlie Ri.yal permission to This is a valuable addition to the tisaj), and make a statement ofthe occnnenccs con-1 will interest those who ate fond {of certain neetdd with' nis recall. Ministers thought knowledge.—U. S, Gap. , such a permission tantamount to a hostile I . , - desertion of them on the part of the King, I ' From the Aihany Argils. ’ and it was agreed among them, that \f it ' Perpetual Motion—We were intiofi grail- really Was 'prhpted and avowed, they had no tied yesterday with - the result of an exam course but to retire from office.' T"® morn- ination'of a self moving machine, which ‘rng after the debate, the Duke df Welling-1 mSy be seon at Bqwlsbjrs Mercliatit’s llo ton waitedon his Majesty, and in his brus■ tel, in Statei-Strccl, and which the inven yuein ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ cnah and there iilty destructive .chesmi-" la tho vicinity ofSegenboer tho volcano, dii- covered about * twelro mouth ago, was throwing tip. •• stilphereou* 'flame* and. pitchy mould'.”. Tha ndtlvts considered it of thq work of til* Devil, - >, »--- 'r A sliorl lima since sovetal ladles pasted. through tho tunnel -ofthe Liverpool and • I Mnricheitei inllway, in one of tho wagons,' Id tho extremely short period of three tnin- •• u(e*. Tho lepgth of tlio tnnool it '2,200 yartla, and the wagon disCended witli chi*' wonderful rapidity by its own -weight on the inclined plane, without the application of apy exietnaj futfe.—Lje. Mir. '■ • i '• c-. ■' - -■' * Newspaper (Meets thetlgh indigenous,art • not poculiarflo.Uiia city. ,Af-t the police Couit in Edinburg, in June, a fellow j cqnvictedof stealing Ilc(l's Life In London, and two other newspppkte, end sentenced to Bridewell for.aixiy day*.\ ' i' .- From tho Saratoga Sentinel,'Aug It. '. The Springs—'Tlio number of strangers • who arrived in this village during the week eliding on, Sunday evening is estimated tod bnve'beeh upwards of 1'tOpjnnd it is believ- edlhat Ufereaie'nol icsuhun-fjteenhundnt now in the place. Tills is a much larger number tiian we have ever teen hero befote j at any,time. All tho public and private! houaes'are filled, and tlio village nssuiner the appearance tsf a populous and crowded cRy. , Among tho arrivals of last week, Ur. Vaughan, tlio British Minister, Cornu, de GriardUuutd Count.Ney. son\f the late • Marshal Nfeyt And among thole of ye<tcr« day, were Count Survelliers (Joseph Btmtf parte) .and suite. . A note from a subscriber informs its that on Friday afternoon tlio sliore-jn the tea* uf Mr. Andrew Armstroug’s boat building shop, at Fell’s Point, wbs coveted with thousands of flslf called AleWives, or Old. w ives.,whine death hp attributes to a se» > vcre flash of lightning experienced a short time before—Baltimore American, 111b - drift. * *»■• A gneke was lately ijmt at Hitnmichi, , N. B. which measured. 12 feet 1 indies in length. Five wholepigeons wcto found it) Rsstomach. ' . ' North Carollna Gold A/jS«—Early last pjing, six enterprising citizens of Salem, f fotlr of them sliipmaster*. set out for the gold mine district in NftUh Carolina, with -ski outfit of one thousatid Juilai's each in- cash, hcrttlea.iniplemen|s 'considered ne-"' cessarv for mining, &a &d. Afler seIec- tot calls a perpetual motion, And wc pave no dntibt of its belng'near er a perpetual self-moving principle than any invention that has preceded it, nnd as near ns any wo over shall see. Its great merit, aside front its practical. uses, is It. manner nsked him whether'ho hail giv- hii'MarquiS permission, as Ills Lordsliip alleged,, .to make that stateinenl. The' King saw the tfallierlrig'stftrih, a hd answer ed— No. Tlie. Duke took the "No," as dqnlers recei ve goods from certain charac- l tors, without asking qiiestiorfs; and when simplicity, and the certainly and reBdi’noss he mat the Home Minister, merely said to with which yuu perceive that it covers no “ W® afP' m°t ous. Deot, Ho says "no." trick or deception, It is little else than an ' erbum eat-—Land. Exam- ’tuliustration of one of tlio most obvious latgs Dienunam , ’. .' [ ?f "“ lure - The agent is tlio utmosplteric RICHMOND, (Va.) Aug. 18: | ait, lioaring direptly, hy means of poipen- 'Vo understand, from a gentleman just dicular boxes and obliquetubes,, upon five frum Washington,, that tho Presideiii’s’j buckets of a wheel, which is propelled with health wis-so-miich improved within a fow greater or less velocity; but which is cbn days, that he'would probably abandon the Stantly propelled, and "will continue to idea lie bad formed of visiting Old Point, nth, without ,lho possibility of cessation; -mi, ii— “hilst the materials of which it is formed (The Arkansas Gazette of July tsth, an-1 last, and thq. present laws of nature con- nounces .the entire destruction of Onfiion-1 timie.-"' - ' meot TTOron, ond'Red River'. Tito Pres- The inventor is Mr. Richard Vnn Dyke, idem. It seetns, had ordered tlie troops to of Orleans county in this stnte, wiio gives cantonment Jessup, Louisiana -, and soon it as the result of fivo or six years’ applioa after Iretr deportare, a number of despor- tion to the subject. lie is a venerable man tafl v 'destroyed ritem* UMrttcl “ 8ni ko- J communicative and intnlilggnt, and doscri taity qestroyeu them, I bed as highly rospcctablo by several citi ling' ground, they, labored diligently apd pcfseveringly until the whdlejiiflpi tty embarked In ,tlio Undertaking’ Was exhaim ted A few days since 'they- returned to S'aletp! having Spent thoir lest dollar.— One of ihpm was arrested for debt inline- dieteiy after his return.and'hnw lie* in-jail, v This statement, we have received from* ; gentleman has left his name ; and who. thinks, with .qs,.that,.if any of.our enterpri- . .sing young men should have n fit of the mine fever, it might be.of jervtco to make .it. public;—Bost. Cour. ■ t * •mmmmmrnmm ' The New York Gazetto says,—"A mn* • chant, whose piiicy expired at I2i o'clock, called|;it the Insurance office at halfpailll, nnd obtained a renewal ofit.. At 2 o'clock, ■the same day, Ills stdrt and goods wore ro dneed to ashes I P-Tnls circumstance cc currcd at the late destructive (Tre In Augus ta, Geo. What would have becomo of that men’s fortune if he had thought it "would , do as well after dinner^* By an assay of parts of a Spanish del' lop made at the Mint, it appears that 100 dollars in quarters.of tho ordinary cir- dilation are worth oply. 100 dollars in eighths. 10 dollars in sixteenths, Loss otf 8210, 894.-44 90 62 8 94 103 DO' TO. Iff , , . $ho Off Mthtingllto real value of Quarters ' about ' 231-2 ctl, Shilling pieces, it tts. , j . . Sigpennv pieces, 8 els. Tho Edgefield (si C. Oaro)lnioo sfaW ‘, that much injury has been done to p 1 ; crops bordering tlie Savannah andSaljua, i rivers in that district. Tho weSthcr haf beep strapgely unseasonible—cold, wet gloomy. s- V ■;