Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 01, 1829, Image 2

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KtHP-UMLlCAHr. I KMIRRICK g. FELL. CITY ruiNTK.U* Daily Paper riiht dollar* per annum. Country Paper.... v ..six dollars per annum, V.t YAlll.t’. in advance. All Ncvv* % and Now Advertisements up • pear in both papers. Offiro in Dickson’s throo story oriel; building, on tlin Hnv, .roar (he F.x- chance, between Hull ami Drayton-streets. SAVAMAH. TUESDAY EVENING. Sum. 1. Corrcsp'm , .ence.—"(l.” is received anil Shall appear. ft?* A part of the Northern mail due op Saturday last arrived this morning.— There will he four Northern mails due hero tomorrow'. So tee go. penditttro would have been justified by ilto moral sentiment of all mankind. I cer tainly would have used the fuud upon which I have been interrogated ; and I uni Sure it would have been sanctioned by tiro Kind hearted Mr. Channcev. and lira Philadel phia donors. The facts arc, however, that f never did receive lire check said to have been transmitted me on lire 2Sil of March, (not the Siltli 'as stated tit the Investigation by "the sufferer.") and that I gavo a receipt to Anthony I’ortcr, Cashier of tiro -State Hank, dated 1st Novombcri 10i&, which engaged "tb indemnify nil parties, should saift check he presented for paynfetft.”— Mr. Chnuntcy had enclosed a hi,celt to mo ineioucr, dated Md of Match, but on 111# 1st of Juno, 18J0, (»copx of which- is in the State Benk) lie informs m# of (ho los* of (lie cheek by robbery of the mail, andre- quests, that 1 would make some enquiries about it at the general post office. On the 26th or June, the Board ofthe Committee of Distributions, of which Mr. Uarris was Chairman, had been dissolved. There only remained this small sum when it arrived to be. distributed, and among tho nmnerous .'offerers by the fire, such dis- me for tho sktisfirctlon of this community, ' RUSSIANS AND TURKS. I C , .• ir t Tlio last ad''CCS bring us an account 01 and inttitcstill further mves.tgatlon. if 1 of SiUwtviu. Use speedy suncu- have been Ruiliy ul prolixity, u has been tlcr of w | lWh >vas confidently. preyed on rendered unavoidable, by the details, with- t j m retveat of tho Grand Vizier tQ CUouinia. out which, there could have hci'ti very littlo 1 Tho fall of this fmtrcss is a tefious hlon In tho Savannah Republican oY* Satur day Inst, I sun entcchisrd in refertbec ton money tran'.rctiondnring my Mayoralty ojfjMrjrarainobi^’ieaAt :e.i£,n. 1 hart persuaded tpjself, tbit ail I purpose. Many debts were then hedging mattira connected with my official «on-1 „ rm0|W l, lc h T had contracted during the rim t at time,had been so well known j r:llAmilous p rog(ert of the peitUthce— tp this immunity, «to render unne«..a- Thtsedebuhatlbeen con(ri)ete d ilH j ti . ryany expositions, other limn t»so*«t. 1 peM di, u «, nude, lo relieve shff.r'mgswhM hod sr. often submitted to.tbs City Coun-Lj rtraHed froto thb and ther'efbi*. and m the public. But. at th# expira-1 thi, suffi-tlils small balance, which on its •-,nn of-xixa Tr.vns, I am interrogated by a * ( j ta , wou ( d be at , be disposer of th# on annoymrms w riter, in n pnblic^irint, ”on I C | ia j rlnan , would by being placed' at my n transaction which occurred in the e»r I dUpoul,.b# substantially appropriated to me,nm able 1 820." 1 am addressed a, fol- purpoje , |fof whieh it waJ origintlly intend- l0WSI—"0tl the 2i til of Mnrchf of thot I Wee is.sni*itn«nilv year, a letter was you, from. Air. Chnunco/, of Philadelphia, Informing jou, of his Iraving previously remitted to you,a check from the Cashier-of the Bank Stare of Georgia, for $M& 65, payable to your ordrr, for the use of the sufferers By ihe fire.—Permit me lo ask, if you ever re ceived that money, and what disposition was made ol it?” ' It Is-the advice of my friends, that I ought not to answer the en quiries ol thfs bebind-the-curtaln-annilant; but living of a different opinion, I niff-give all the information I position the .object ef the "transaction” referred to.—With tire exception of a few thousand dollars, a turn perspicuity m this communication. No vanity, has stimulated me in the refercucos tolny conduct during tire prevalence of a dis vale the most Unsparing and ralcntloss, that ovbr visited a pour and unhappy peo ple. In puru self defence, I havo been compelled to advert to circumstances and incidents, which, without the apology fur such vindication, never would liavo been pnbtislred by me. Why at tlils'lato period aro those ‘ ” ibstructivo and admonitory” InlorrngatdrleS put to mo ? Would it not have been more generoits arid magnanim ous to hdVe lion# so, iritlto lifetime of Mr. Roberts or Mr. Harris, who possessed all 'the Informatibh to controvert or corrdbor- rnte my present ttetumenli.' That Would have been the course of any noble minded gentleman—and of that chivalrie feeling which ever has in view a principle of ab- street justice Or of patriotism, and never the grillfication of private enmities. I am not conscious of #v#r having done ah inten- tlonsl tnjdrv to the publie, or ally human being, and yet when 2 candidate for any office, I am pursued, 2nd harrassed with moro rirtdlctivefresl and ptipaUle calumny than any dther who #v#r solicited tit# con fidence of the people; Is it because I stand Cl It Were isolated, unsupported by th# ad- ventltiouh props of wealth and family con nexions, and rely upon the People alone, not the influence of the ruling demagogues ofthe dayf I presume these interrogatories lure been extracted In consequence of my being ■■■■ had declined that honour, and as r> the mayor alty, I had often filled that station rind I, for that reafon, neither desired nor aspired to it. Rut after a retirement for years, 1 am again willing to serse nty fellow-citiakns in any way 1 can be useful to them. THOS. V. P. CHARLTON. Kept. 1,1819. to tho Otlom'm Volte,because a whole gar rison consisting of 10,000 men and great • [lunUf quantities of cannon, arms and ammunition I ns altogether, and, when 1 have fallen a sacrifice to tire enemy. This nlglll. tho sea way-smooth and bright The,gale came on soon after' itk- ,' one complaisant', and this appeared’^ 11 mi'/.cn royal mast hcad;our niam-m-,,,W a cbhin con'd actor, '“hj W Cnm “magno tcllur is atnore," “Vo Mr ; Eitracl nf a letter receivedin this ritu i ted,' "The river has within tire last tun [ ( is not n w ■sufllcieftlly high f u , s.i|| Augusta lu come up—with tire present j, I ver slie would coinc as far as Twlggi, *' iss mo Iranians. ; , -I- • ,, -.-J --- , ,1 lie prospect of dnw n freight la-foi- e it, n I is not Iinpreparc'd for this re- tlio must, and tho officers' tread along lire monlli of October is not good, tho cron b iultan has defended his strong dock was tho ottly sound heard, Sol loft irtg backward, and the present stuck ofJ,' ton in Augusta arid llnmhurgh doe, excocd 1800 bales."—Charleston Mercury 1A NIGHT SQUAT!. AT PEA.-ORA- l’liiii ani) wei.i, Written. • Fro fir Silltman’s J ourrml U U. S. Frigate Constitution, ? Monday, Seyt. 1, lOitj > ‘On Fridayt Ihe moon *.hoics of Hicily rm in view, l»ul llio breeze was lights & advanced slowly. On Saturday* it left turned in at as a result will eniumlo the Russians to a firr- I mfrntr; t|;c vast firmament seemed todvs- liter prosecution of tho war, and if the gar- cend bnlow us i ihe ship appeared suspon- tison at Clroutnla is as Weal; as been reme- dotl in Iho.comrcof an Immcnso sphere, A. sented, Ufa Russians may ooifcentrate their if I may say so.ono faff in awcVsileuco tho furecs arid pass the Balkans.. . majesty,of apace. Thu.sails hutif; idly by ' ‘ - suit. Tho Sultan passes with great bravery, considering it I them. . . _ . possible to tcrminlite the war by cheeking About midnight 1 was awakened by a hea- tho udvanco ofthe enemy on tile borders ofl vy swing of mv cot. r.ucccodcd by a[suddcn the Dmmbe,. and intlio ProvirtoOs, and dash lo the other side;-tho water was pom- Tltf following is an extract or n l ctte , likewise at Varna, Ruilachuk, Clioumki, j lug into our room, aqd l could hear its rush .froth a distinguished prelate oT tlio |{ 0ra , Siliitrln, curl other fortrosses. Should all across the upppr decks, ,-whoru all.wn> | Oatlmlic olptrch. ti osoplaces fall, it is contemplated to to- noise and rapid motion. I.hurried on my an "Home, May C.—Tlio news of Callmli, 3maneipatjon gave great joy! hcre.r and treat and concentrate tho Turkish forces on clothes and ran ups (he gun .clock was J. lire plains of Adriimople, and every Mus-1 clears hainmookiiiad already, hoen lasliqd alshough it his not come withn-.u its ailny jf aulhrah capable af bearing arths. will rally I up and s|uwcd, it was lighted , up, and. the I is fondTvhORprtthal good will eventual!, rotlnd tho standard uf tho Prophet. Leaving I lamps showed It flooded in its whole cx arise from In*} Tlio EngHs|i college co l{! smalt detachments jn (the fipper provinces 1.tept, I ascended to die noxt.;, tho rain b r atcd a solemn High Alas, nnd 2’e Heun', sherd will.tlot bo less than BOO,000 mon. in fcama down in turrents, hut I did not feel l« splendid illumination followed in the af- arms otif the plains headed by the SuUaqjn | it, so deeply absorbing was tke scene. I tcvtioon.—Monsivtn Nicolia, a R om ,.‘ person; and If tiro Russians do not kvail I wjslrl could describe It. Tiro jky was in Cardinal, gavo i splendid cutcrtainincm themselves of these favorable results nud [a constant blag’e ; tho sea was not high, l/t(crlmm/iurt, at uliiclr wero pic,cut make peaco with the Dlviti, they will have Lhutlh'e wavos wero broken, confused end ] dinnl Zunla, the heads ol tlio lliitisli j,;i, to stand a bloody fight) and If the/ mail all'* foaming, nnd taking from th# lightning an and Scotch Colleges.—Italian Nbblt, fortresses nnd lyavo Glesimat In the Pro 1 unnatural hue. Above nte were tho yatds Prelates, in all slxty-fivc—the fitlciiiu 0 r vlnces and Paskewltcli on tho Asiatic side, I covered with human -beings, thrown by tho weather edrling greatly t„ o, 0 sc fnc _. they will nut be able to display 100,000 each flasji Into .stronger outline, struggling His preaentlloliuoss, Pius VIH. „ „ ‘ nien before Adrianople—and then they will hard to sopure the .canvass, and. to ntaln- ainiahlo p.ersqnage.irtily pious and cnihij have 850miles ofcnnntry to pass through tain their precarious footing , the shiprol-1 e ned, and appeals admirably qu;dif m f before the/ reach the Capital—AVw York I led trcmcndqusly. And now odd tho wild preshlg over the Church of Cud in t| lel . Courier. ... J uproar of cfctqpntSr Ore "noise of many tva- evcptful lime:, llcshowj all the meek. , . FRANCE.' . , tors,” thed'epp nnd constant.ronrofwiods, 'mss ofa Saint, with thatfirumesi and do TJtO foreign relations of France create I the cries of then aloft, the lioatry end ra- clsion of character dliieli he so necesr warm discussions in the Chamber of Do-. | piJ tread of those helow, the reiterated or- in him elio is placed by tire Iloly sii pnties. M. Porfolis.tliq minister, hss been I dors of officers, and tire sounds ol trumpet 1 to gov.orn \ho Church, 1 fonml him t } 10r . closely questioned os to tho Protocol for rising above all; and then ndd (n tlii9 tlio I nughly acquainted w iih die affairs of tho settling the affairs' Of Greece,and has opan-1 haary' rolling ofthundel, at'.tbiiea .drown- Irish Cliurcli—liis aUachreem t0 • >U.s ICska SS...1.S I i .Vsl “ 11* mi.. (?„. H_... I ItR.J. u'f L.s.. ai.- _ ... U,|, ed. We consequently requested Mr.Chaun cy. through the then acting Cashier of I pia'ccd'onTuc^t'ffir" Alderman tho Sutb Bsnk> to authorize the payment 1 of the meufcy to rhe, Upon giving an in „, ! g r A..s > a-vw ,f *«-S ted’ October 90, 1660,- addressed to tlio Cashler'oftho State Bank-, in answer to his of lhr23d of Sr()tehi6er, Suggesting our proposals, Says—"I cheerfully agree to the request made by Mr. Charlton, Mr. Har ris and yourself, that you should pay in the manner proposed, the amount of my check on you, No.646. dated March C5J ! 820,for S92B E5. and charge the same to my ac count, under the stipulations contained in «ecedl0L. I Lelievo 4100 Deo ... “ 1 "ft >' lter " Undet th'u arrangement. Ihe | althij ] alt evening, exceeding, I bel cvo, S100.000. was re- monfy wM ( , atd (o me on lhe of No . < —1 muted to me, to lre distributed among the rYembofrWkO, upon my receipt enmrglng I LOSS OF THE SCHIt. MARTHA sufterer* by the conflagration. My drcnlarh jpjjmuyy a )| parties, "shouid sald check I Tlio brig Atlantic^ Capt. Nye, from Jiad stirred up feelings of klndfiess and L ver ba p rejenled f or p ,y men t," anil it has Stockholm, arrived this morning haring sympathy In every section-of the United nwr ^ ^nstntei: On the next day of oh board the Captain; Passengers and States, and from every- »e«fon, l received ffi 0 deposit; Tctecked for more then one Crew, of tho schooner Martha, Captnin re o i e sn enter. , b -, tdi to renay a sum I had borrowed j Hand,(trim^Philadelphia", hound to this as Mayor.- to relieve the sick and poor, and | port, taken fr6m said schr on tho 05th ult. ly declared that if foe Votte should persist I ing all there sounds. .The first Ututaarabt qualified ; and I have tire g|sVdlc»fl 0 n r 0 in refusing conciliatitig (tfoputitioni-, anew had ihe deck ; ho bird sprung to ,it . at tlio l add^that ire has permitted me to Wtt order Of tilings—a new serics'of events will first alarm, and seizing the ti uhipot hpd I tho pleasing intelligence, in an ctpccnl take place, Gen. La Fayette expresses in a I called lor Black, Iris favorite helmsriian. I manner, that he semis lire apostolical hen* late dshate, the xtnmgest disapprobation ofl The sitip was soon undefi snug sail, and I diction to the clergy and laity ofthe Arch- the Protoool. Ilo said that "tho Crocks I now dashed onwards at a furious rate, gtv- Diocese of Tuem'.” took up arms to free themselves from the llng-to the gale a yet wilder character. * ' ' ' tribute they paid to. the Turks—to teoop-l All at once a rocky island seemotjtol . WHEELING, August 15., struot their Government, and to govern start up from the waters, but the .'next brqid| Ontlje6tli the steam boat Ni> themselves. _ The Frotocqi r'eimposed the l.flash shewed e good offiitg,' and wo vrere Vtl,ve was on her way up, ■ when about |l ■tribute, left u large, perl of Greece out oil safe •, when suddenly camq a loud shout I miles boldwr Pprtsmomli,'{Ohio) hetstcany its dominions t and to govern tlio.remain- froth the forecastle, "a tail on the star boardl pipe gavo way, tlio wliOloof her steam »u dor, they were to seek a Prince, who would | bow ' and then another, Va-eaU clbtq on suddenly discharged, Which crested great By a reference to our Marine Head, R I will be seen that the eehooner Oscar, from Baltimore, for the safety of which, comidv erable anxiety hit's bten manifested,arrived contributions, for the relief of Ihe sufferers. I Iliad, es Mayor, manyduties-to attend to,] alarm—several jumpod/overhoard, and tim- men, deck passengers, named Wolf nnd 1 A*. WK *i OU ‘ °'l then as Idtrg as It lasted, to discharge other in a elnking conditidp. Tlie’f61lowiiig are pressing derhands agaiust me, to that the | the particulars of loss:—On the (Stii fund was'eihaustcd before tlW end of the | ult. the Martha sailed from Philadelphia montln At' this time there was' a great I for Savannah, with a full cargo of Merch- mass'drpauperism in the city, (the r'em- andize—ftn-thf 2fd,at 5 A. SIi exporienc- nants ofthe yelloi* fSver populstion)whose [efl oieVere gale Hem N E. which contin- wants I'relieved, and lo others: gave small ued from that quarter to the moptfing ofthe sums to retire into the country fur emplby- Slid—when it shilled to N. N. VV. which roenti On the flth of Novembei, and be-] compel fed uito heave to. during whieh fore the ffhal expenditure of this fund, I time the Bulwarks' were stftve and decks referred to It'itf ah address to Council de-1 nearly swept of every thing, long boat die scribing the disfressed condition of tho ] On the 24th, while still ly'mg'to at, 8 o'- City during the long recess occasioned by clock'i^rM.tvarknncked down on har beam I wee' ved I tho malignant disease. Early ini Decern-|end,'which cemhelfad us to cut away the i s,vet * > ber. Hihl my*acfeotrrtt before Council in rmainmusi,' at thesaMe time the fore mast which my debts were stated,&'the resflonsi I went by the hoard, carrying with it every biiities I'had assumed, .together with’ all | spar and sail excepting bowsprit and part of tnyoificial- expenditiuer/ I delivered to | the jib—alithe wate? casks wcrastOve— T. ..| fit# Treasurer my .vonehert.and cltecks, so pambouse carried away and part of’the ■tvkh the Philadelphia donor,. It the sum ‘ h *‘ * he a PP |ic h “‘ ioD 7°’ ?" ‘ 5 ‘ h ‘ h# 88,8 alluded to by "the sufferer” who addresses I ““ d ** “‘’‘"l' « cart » in *< f - . A | abated and thewmd came out from 8. W. She, had-been in my ppssessian during the xtvlul visiiatiqn oftho yellow fever of 1820; I certainly would -have-expended it, under the influence of a-necessity, which at the time, set aside all the ordinary tulcs and answering the letters addressed to- me:-** The Treasurer of the City; or a: Po lice Officer, was iimrocted'to take my: of- IttiaHettersout of.the poit-officr, and.' to dcliter them to me, when I visited the Po lice Office at tho usual hour. When these letters contained money, lt;«ss immediate ly handed over to the Treasurer, entered In a bock kept-for that-purpose, and an- •■vers acknowledginffibe receipt, transmits'' ted by me, and ■ duplicates published in the Savannah Republican. These letters and answers, are contained in a book, which I left in thc.PoitcQ-Offi;-:e. al letter, f om Me. Chauncoy, in February'; wuclosing checks nnd'monay, whidi were' acknowledged and answered by me;. and all my answers are dated In that month'.— 1)0 the llospodarbotlt to tlio East and tlio the larboard lmw I" I tfqmhlcd the" (.not West,'in whom (he Greeks would only sea for ourselves, for tve shoutd have'gnnt o- a vassal of the Porte; and an additional t>l-1 ver them, and have acatccly fplt the shock, 1 Paxton,’ were dtowhed. bute to pa/; Tliis'rfllght suit the views'of biit/or the poor wretches, whom it. would f. , . , ... —— England antj Russia, hut- not Franco, whd have b'oen Impossible to save. The Holm f, A new weekly paper, hhder the title of must'desireto have a' powerfttl nallqn-aaa WB s put hard down •, we shot By, and* again the Pleiades was issued'yesterday front tin hairier to Iheambltipn both of the cohnuer I breathed freely, when some one bade tue I,Press ofJamcs'S. Burgess of tills city.— or anff the merchant,.’ On this subject I | 0 ok up to our spars. I did so, and found | : We learn from the Prospectus that aHio 1 lOen; La Eayette dainodfled explanations every* tipper yard atm and mast head’ tip I It «iil embrace general subjects, yet It will [from tlje ministry. He. was sconded by Ghu.I p«d ; with lightning. Each' blaze was I be particularly devoted,to.the amusentnt Hobastianl, who said that in the “Protocol twico as largo as that .of a candle t- end and edification of ihu Ladies.—CAcr. ilet< there was nothing but obscurity and inco-1 thus we flew on with the elements of da, I eisktrl Hid hprepco | nnd it seemedesifit .had been hructioh playing above our lietcl,-.lp,.i]: drawn up to render any Treaty impossible, bqut thirty minutes the wind, which was Accounts from Lisbon tOthkrSOlh June, The Turks said, that.only the sword could from the S’. W. changed suddenly .to tlic ^published In Lloyd’, List, state; that the take away wlmt the sword had. given t .apa j g, E. and became as hot a, air frqiri the | schr. Gleaner, belonging to N. Vork.ladcn Itlio battle of Navarltloafttlther. oncnpatlon mouth of an oven t it was tho tirhqco, tttid I with rite, flour and other articles, bound to of Ihe Mores were only arguments theyll was told afterwards by those most above I Faralfora market, h.iskecn sbnt into Sr. understood. If Uie Contracting Powers the daclt, brought with it a qnaniity of (foe n .Portuguese ship of wat - wlshed forth# iberouorf of Greece, they , Bn d. Wo were then n few miles Irom'goMlatfbccu landed. The Port.f would have facilitated the conquest of the | Martlmo, sixty six 'from Cape .Bou. lhe I guese crew took- from the sihoonci the i* «J° * •" ! ou j 0 • j l ne • roe • * n I nearest African shore, and three hundred IqfladVantt/tpy; glasses,. scsirocnV cloth*, Jhe.rrotpcar, and would have negociatedn I Tronuhe nearest land in \Ut direction ofthe I &c. Tho British"and a French Tesselhafl long truce with the Porte, which might wind. It lasted half an'hour, nnd was a |heen taken bytho 'Parluaueitr havo been dbne. But ive cannot believe In | » t iff. smaeking. breeze, but not pear aolt t . ■ tho sincerity of these Powers. At ?-oiidon I stronga, the on6 that had'prp4eded;it t |) Mr. Paronhar's tf-ill.—A-late London £jJ^J*jjj^['^*^B|'[®H"*'h'’*'’*^J'®'Mh^^^^Imtla^)actrl^jheno(neno^occurJ'paper says:—The question relating effects ofthe late Mr. Fntquhar, lux sailed, in the Argortjtutli expedition, hilHtbhev, is now. finnlly set at rest, tlv only tho light appeared or; the caps of the I High Court of Delegates having Oeclsid two heroes t the storm subsided and they] tltar die' .died' intestate, llis immtmi were received as patrons of saflbra;—.] Wealth will be immeiliatelv divided amour Hence, the ancient medals represent them | his relativcr, two of whom aro, theh,[rot eacif-with a star orflameof fire at the apex jsir W. T. Pole, Bart.'of HlmieWa,. of his cap. , Ih'thil ; way, too, we may ac- Devon,qnl Air. Fraser, barrister OJ fo. search’is directed for oR'necessary' dticu-1 with a heavy sea running, which".made a menu- which will bo pnbllvhdd in due ] complete breach over her. On’the same time- dayat 5-P. M. in lat, 32 19, loti. 75, after With a fdlf knowledge bn the part ofthe I hein" alioutOO hours'on the wreck, fell in City Treasurer, tho chairman ofthe Com-1 v " t '' the brig Atlantic, Captaid Ny«, who todk us off, nine id number, aod treated us witli every kindness and attention.;- Noth ing was saved from the Martha but' a few same,and political principles had boon pro claimed and abandoned.”—II). ■ NORFOLK, August 22. Violent Hail Storm—Gentlemen resi dents of that County, who came down on Thiusdpy morning Inst from Buriy, states, that a storm of hairaccompaniod by a vio-. u , ms oau, .way, iuv, wc i,i,j> uc-1 uevnn, am -sir. - lent gale, passed over'that par,t of the count for the story, that tficy often appear | Western Circuit. County, bordering on Black Water, , on.led to sailors in distress, and alsoto Upmnnl . —m, -,-j Saturday night, wjiich did great damage] armies, loading therntb victory. The lac |7Mieh u>\U even t'amertakca Paper!* to tho crops of Corn and Cotton, boating | t e r was nothing mote than tfie'flu-1 The dther day. we were informed by a rt* then*tq pieces. The stones arcreptesen-1 ( d 0D their speart. I recollect hearing| spectaEle farmer residing in the loan J1 tod lo have been as largo as pullets eggs. p ro r e ssor Sillintan, in on# of his ..lectures, Phelps; OnC. county, that he had taken and to have prostrated-every species of relate a case nearly similar, ofthe Idle Mr. 1120dolls, on tho Middle District Bank. & vegetation in their eodrse, tree* also were Whitney, of New Haven.' He was ridhitf that too, 4-days after the failure was knoM louch injured, and the cattle and hogs nro I on horseback, near East Rock, in'thq vi-1 in that county! It appears that soms said to have been severely pelted—a porch cinity ofttiat.lown, during.a itight thunder | (harper took this occasion to defraud the, to a house was blown down,and many win-1 s ( m m of great severity-, nnd was astonlshod I honest faifiler to this amount undoubted!) doivs broken to pieces. Our iriforinr-*- “ * —.. . . . did not learn the extent of the storm,'' maxims of ethical law. With reluctance mittee of Distribution and of ever/ mein (and It is the first time, I hare been com- be ' of ,l,e Bo ’ ,d of Aldeimen that I ’had pelied publickiy to do so) 1 must go into ( U! * d * hl4 fodd/aod fdethe purposes stated, . mine detalls.asto the nature of the nece*- “ wa * “ R*»>»ed unanimously,on motion |artlolos bPwearlng apjrarel belong to-the * of Mi. Aldetman Shcftall, that' Council J Pat*eng«r«. The following arc the names tender to the Ma/or-their thanks for his | ofthe Passengers, who were on bool’d:— manly, sympathetic and geneYous conduet | Misjllir)ter,'M<ssrs EMuston and J ftluv- during the malignant disease which"'afflict-1 lor >.' aity, which will, at last; shew the disposi flun ofthe fund, on which,Iain interroga ted by the ••sufferer.”'' The appalling in- discriminating liavock made by .the- dis ease referred to, drove-from the: city every pne who had tlio means of leaving it, or whose avocations did not eomps/ ; them to re main., Save my virtuous and benevolent friend, alderman JLtaitts, there was* not one (if tho City Council left, or any other ed our devoted city.” And on motion of | Alderman Harris, w it was unanimously’ Resolved, that the sum of ohe thousand fivehumlred dollars be paid to the follow ing Aldermen, viz.—Aldermen Brown, Whiteend SHeftall,' ont'of'any money in Coming to the Point—At one of the English public meetings to aid manufac turers, ithas proposed among other things to apply to Government id take Irom the Clergy all the revenue boyou'rf*'a.-decent allowance, and apply the same to thVre- , ' m , . . i . I uiiuwrtiiivCf uiiu -dijpiv hit samt} io mo re- ofthe Magistracy to aid,'of edvise me in the ; T / ea *" y 7 0,h ‘ r J ,,,lf ’Jtpfooprlated, a#e(ion of lha wa | t a „ d otbar j aa?i W |,|ch my then highly, responsible' and perilous | * nd ,hal ,he • J,d .. C0 ™ m ' do .P reseDt '» ho | prew'heayllyupon the poor; Thai income' of the clergy in the British Uing'dO.n is dear s.Uualion. A great part, of the-populetton of the city at one period nf the dreadful dis- ease, wascomposed Of people', chiefly .Tor- source of error and of'misory—that man whose history is one of usurpation and vio lence—the warrior—the aggressor—of whom a poor but encrgotic poet has not most tru ly said, "He built on multitudinous graves A tyrant's power, and sought to hind with cords said amount to the Mayor, and‘request-htm to accept the same with assurances of the. ^ mfmon , of do i, ars and r n1l „ France sincere regard, and their full nnd entire wW<h ., dal|c (j „ a p/rekt-fidd’ttYi 'country,” oigtier s,dependant eatircly for the necessa> epprota (ton ol his conduct. On the 28th ] th# lncome „ s , h# ohlJrch „ l|c * n rics of life,&all the comforts that could lle | °f ebroaryvlBil, when I sent to my re-1 n ,;t);'^ aa . nflerded them for tits few deys they were slgnefimt.I find >he following notice taken destined to linget in sick ness,upon the relief |, ' "Tiios, B. P. Charlton, having A feW days psevions to the 2td tilt, a par it.was in my puwer to furnish.- I had some | * enl *° Council his resignation as Mayor, j ty of five Indians armed with rifies.ctossed public funds whiclt wero soon exhausted, & »»<* foember. oi this Board, in consequence the Chatahoochic, intending to go as they I expended all that I had-or could Imrrow, of bis appointment as Judge of the Eastern said five or- si* iiillei intb tlio Statei Refn- ornmy private account. Mz.-alderman Hht' Circuit, the same was accepted, and'there- sing trf return to the nation; affidavits, (and ris did tins same, so did the ReV. Mr. Orah. U P 0D •• ' va * R«»olvtd, ■ thkt the Board feel an appeal for protection were made by cer- ston, than whom, there was not a worthier « sensible regret, at this resignation,' and tain inhabltants.upon whidh Gen. Woolfolk ropreseutative.ofthe almiglityi'on-carth. Jn | parting with a gentleman-, Who'has had the j ordered out the Colnrabus Frontier Guards this extremity.-I-’got articles in every quar- confidence of council, and so justly -floser- fur twenty days. Tjie Enquirer does not ter, Where I could obtain credtt,Tn-tny of- ve d it for'-hj* devotion and'services to' the know whether there'wSi.any necesiity for ficial or private capacity Mp.DanielGu--|I4W received the approbation of thte-lhovement or not. gel promptly .lent me $300, at, a time when my fellotv-C'ttzen*, and-tintil'intorrAgited s' . - r „ a iai d fron , H T ,,„ n . ft dollar from our own Dress ne wants rand U°ndi ,c t had been blamelw*—I did flutter ■ . . . / - or - ■«S£. I am confideutfsaved Vrom wRb'thfi hope, '(hat Th relation to ^ ^ starvation many poor, hclpless-and unhap- the *• eventful 1820 (" I should never havc ^ than'halfa crop.' py fallow creatures.' Another opportune |answer Or repe! any. mal.cious tnsinua- V 2 natta crop. supply from a citizen, at a distance,-gr^at- tion, nr dwect|impmmtit)n against my may- The Sag-HarBor Qo'rrectdr- of the 82d ly contributed to relieve the publi'c distress, pralty of-lhat-yearw Lrcgret to find; that l u j t . jays—Yesterday the U. 0. Engineers arid. I would have used' any fund I could 1 was mistaken io that expectation. I |fmished their survey of this Hnrborfor (he have had access to, beljeving, that the og.Jhavo anjweted (Its- interrogatories put to j purpose of erecting a Brcik-Water. ‘ - ■* ' * *4; : rfc-w&i. , ‘ A aj’inilar electric' phenomenon opeur lxedUo the snip in', which Castor and l’ol to tlir | Font. tlw I j jujjty’ vin * Utorm of great severity-, nqd was astonished 1 honest fatirler to vius amuiiiis u..—- morra^roken to pieces. Our irifdrinants 1, 0 f mdi n || nt ono ;, i his horae’s cai's, 'tipped | knowing his ignorance of the stato of mo* he extent of the storm,' bin „jt|t firo : ho alighted, but'now discovered pled institutions. ^ .Where Is the man wl» from whaf thejrsew, they tnfer that it | the same phenomenon al the end of his | does-not take a.paper, hut what loses tr dcnlt'destrnetion to every species Cf growth | whip, stirrups, arid every prominent object, hough every year to pay.ibrtbtee ? iHisoWri person, and that ofiui attendant, . Waterloo. (N. Y.) OM. (L P _ . Iwere tipped Iri’lhe same manner’. Similar 11 •• — : FromlheN. WEcenra^Poah^^^l 0 pp eal ^ nc0Jl probably suggested to Virgil The Pacha of Giurgevoo,—'The Russia) referring to that splendid writer and high j (. ound e a c h lt ad 3 cen (Hein‘three qr fonrl prowded with com|)any. The arrivals d«' JO" od man, whose services to literature times before, and that they occur most'fre- ring the last w eek wer'et‘ hpt ; less than e had been the highest ofder, podI whoso ca-1 qucntly among the West Indies. . They tell I thousand; ondappeara^c'e>illdicate,lllal |,,1 • hlVJirn I P e ! lh ^a oflon ?PP«-r <*#'* T*M* I for some-days to come irilj be io *« yds propitious totit. . — .-prisiue keapersofour numerous p®' hard question. At last one spoke very se- lie establishments, We are, happy to be riotfsly, "I'll-telll.,you, sir, vv|urt I think formed that otir sister village. Ball?t 0 “) thoyare: they ardfouf air that lb9'\wirid: fcpn, Is also sharing largely in the beOeh* rolls together into a.lump 1 ;-it. getsa little del ived from the visits of stranger!. lightning in it,and sticks fast on the yards.” | - ' Yesterday we had a strong wind, and ■ AWto* received in this .cltv, dated $ rough sea ell daytunotbqi sqiioit threnten- Om'oa the 12(h of July states that an order, , yet high er our Milton, our own English poet—him J r hose mind the'mind of Clianning most esambfes—him whose soul was like a star, anrdjdwelt apan-r- . , Who had u-voice whose sound was like the Pure as thenakod'hoiven!.; Uuttmokt-of all, and firlt of all do dtewround; the sea. w»s had berih'received, directing all Spaniard*, n an, anu iim oi an, no i wild and foaming; Ihe waves came ro ng Lu. u.n non nst IW tt?. i Ubanning, foi detliiomng. from on as ifoager to overwhelm us; th. ' ' the affections of men that modern conquer- rose , iUe dltrk waM , on the | mri W n , or.the mysterious hut magnificent delusions to ,u ut ... UD fnrev „ . ,u . | «""• "''""o’- n ; of whose name I look upTm a, the Ir’ulTfol | SS SVeavy mlss 'S Plfl’ 8 "" 8 an ‘ bark - FAl/ ' C ° 1 ’ bn over head, noctem hiememque ferens Nothing else could be seen,' except the North Carolina,(the flag line of battle ship.) an indistinct mass, several, miles distant. She too faded and became a misty speck, bill- [lie usual light was raised at her mize'n'- coro, - .«»P'fc flovem our course. . Bnt- thi. sud-1^^“""thfokeT iTa lf.tte"This" Thought—.fojfShe^flapped !,lm with 1 her To make Corn Soup.—Cut the from the cob, end bod it in- yatcr uefljr' is sufficiently done;t then pour in riiilU, with salt, pepper, nptl ono or '' ; continue the boiling, "nnd »tlf ?n Which agitated) nations.” ' 1?nv lies* ftasA/I.rlaswl '«• »ta^”4™^formTrad“ % mntlo Il'inchtster Repf. I InnlrOll Sn Una J'.anns!ai_ ..I . I S I I • ' * .1 < lpv^ror h p‘a 6 cTfofthU*^eSiiW^ ai ”d*’ar , nglit B aphbar^'*a'mere e poh)Uh° , tlie 1 Singularly generous.^-' n!l’h»£' rth^.,' i'i 1 lbap, ‘ distance; it spread amir brightened, :uidpei'e' contnined,n ' m y kfi'* all’^lacte^ho^^rpo^: I t A C ?. a, ’P t^sUuH a( uen w!,- — ntnila ItlH 4 St icnnla/t olnnani,. till. liss Zoucit who accompaniod a Mr. .... .The Englith F 1 ' «? P . h gfe 'Olfi* > w . itlien M'as dorkaM8> moment, and next fol* > 7, i Tk * M l 1. . . >6^ived tlireesucceisivo flashes. Wo lower-1 ce^^^KJ again epk ■and.—The despairing lover /ranco thence to India, ant) fair inconstant n largo turn of money, deserves a ducking, \. w.