Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 03, 1829, Image 2

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K^PCrBl^lCAJf. _ i-'iiKinnu. cvrv rat 3LL. — Daily Fjtpet eight dollars per annum. Count, y Paper six dollars peramihm. r*TAnUt\fj» ahvancb. All Nows, and Now Advertisements ap pear in.both papers. ■ {if Office in Dickson’s three story Stick building, on the Bay, near the F.x* change, between hull and, Drayton.strrets. ” fS A VANN AH'". Thursday EVENING. Sept. S. The Mr.its ngm'n.—Tlm Mail north of Charleston, due here to-day, has again failed. Five mails will bo duo to-morrow. . A man named Arquillt R- .IcocA-, was yesterday brought into the Police Office Charged with Ivtving the night previous sintered tho Exchange, breaking glasses in one of the tipper rntSnis, and disturbing llio dock. The watchman in the steeplo canto down, and on_npptiacbing Aeocit, his lamp was arrested ffom him’and thrown at his bead—at the same time, Acock, with a drawn knife in hishnnil, inflicted a serere wound in the aim qf the watchman. Two i gnaid r -die to tho assistance of the I the offender secured, lie Mnination, committed by ^fot trial, before tho next Superior Court A letter to the Editor of the Charleston Mercury from Columbia, dated 29th nit. says—"We have had some sickness in Co lombia lately, Judge Johnson is at this time Tory ill, not expectedto recocer, important if True.—The fast sailing schooner Yellott. Murphy, arrived at Bal timore on the, s4d lilt, in 88 days front Oc hoa. Capt. M. confirms the account of the surrender-of the Turkish fortress’ of SitistrU into the h'rinds ot the Russians, I 011 his property and labour, with a loss to the Turks' of 85,00If- troops. Among them were said lo be 25,000 pick ed soldiers, trained after the European sys tem. It was reported at Genoa-that the French h id embarked 80.000 men to at tack Algiers., The Algerine Corsairs had been seen offTonlon. - The Y. was class ed by one of them hut outsailed’ him: The English and Trench ambassadors h,ad arrived at Tenedos, and it was expect ed an arciisiice would bo concluded be tween the belligerents.' There was not an American vessel in port nhen the Y - sailed. TheNurfolk Herald states that theschr. Washington's Bare*. Capt. Itenedict, has Ijgfenichartered by the Government to take out to Liberia tho captutod • Africans at A melii Island, ISO in number. She was to sail immediately for the Island,to take them an board. A. It. Mechlin. Esq. goesout in the Washington’s Barge, as Agent on ihetpatt of tht government, and Doctor J Vaughan Smith, of the Navy, as Surgeon .qf the vessel.' It Is staled that the cattetpillar hasmade ■ It*'appearance in'the vicinity of Sunbury Kentucky ■ ElfCttonS.—The Fiankfnrt Commentator says, in the Congressional .election, we have not much to boast' of.— The truth is, the Jackson pariv bad secured an overflowing majmily in "Congress .which this sute, even if unanimous, could RM change. , Coincidence.—it is a little singular, says the New York Herald, that the ships Col (dssus and Courier, which arrived at this pact yesterday, sailed from New York on the tame day for Savannah, arrived at that port together, went to Europe, One to tile Mediterranean and the oilier to Liverpool and arrived back again at New York on the same day, A letter from London received by a gen 4]eman in New York, 'dated July 14th, states that our late Minister at the Court .ofSt, James, has been presented by the University of Oxford with tbedegiec-of, L, It ■vai. reported at Havana'that the Spanish fleet wliich recently sailed from Havana, had taken Vera Cruz, without fir- ing a shot, bht the report was pot believ- V s - One ofthe-Bosuinpapets, in an article relating to tlie’twq Siamese youths, whose bodies are said to 'h’ava.'been ’connected from their birth, and of whnni we publish ed an account on Monday last, says, that _ they show that they have separate volitions by sometimes desiring to move different ways, to effect’ which they puli in opposite directions, like tuodogs in a coller. They both fall asleep aboift the same time, show. }ng the sympathy .of thei'r. material organi sation, (hough their minds seem to be dis tinct. Tliey^re said to play a good game . of draughts, in which they beat nno of tlie . ’passengers constantly 1 A similar instance >. tsf the adhesion of two- human, beings has > beep recorded,it is said, in the books of the anatomist. Two females, natives of Bo- ’hernia, called the Bohemian sisters, lived to the age of SI years, connected in a simi lar’way by the back and loins. 'They were poth beautiful and intelligent. "Had they . Jived at this day,'"says the .paper from Vhch this, account is taken, "they might - have made suitable helpmates. for the Sia- " •tuc'So, whonre said to potless great quick ness-of intellejet,” [ran the SAVANMAii’iUnruBUCAN.] To T. U. P. Charlton, Esq. Sir Yon acknowlego having recciv- ed ili - sutnof $9*0 83, from Mr:. ChiUn- cey, of Bhilatlolpiiia. You say that yon appropriated that, money lor tho reliet Of the sufferers by fife. This appropriation you slate received tho approbation of the City Council, and yon promise, to publish vouelici 5 showing the disposition mede of the money’. The papers vou promise con taining the communication to Council of the receipt of the money, and tho appropri ation, e\wel) as the evidences of .ejrpentli ture, will bo satislactory, oven to the most fastidious,' though the money was dlretted from-the object of the donors. You "in vite still further invrstigatinn.” I will not usk'you to explain how it is, dial (hero yet appears upon the booh of the Treasurer, containing a a moment ol the’ receipt of monios for tho stlffereis by fire, a hjilance unexpended of upwards of seven hundred dollars. Fbr that I do not suppose you are accountable—If there has been any .thing wrong, which I am by no means dis- r poso<l to believe. But Twill make one and the last inquiry—Was*there-dot a sirim'raK sed jn Annapolis for our sufferers by fire in 1820', and did not Mr. Joseph Gales, ol Washington CIty,forwafitKat sum to you? Why is it that that money lias not been entered in the Treasurer's book, if you’re ceived it? ... • ■ . > . Yoircomplain, that at^this late day I should make the enquiry which I'have— Jf yon had not manifested a disposition to participate again In the effahy of (lie city I would- not have done it. .1 am not un mindful of the character of yonr former administration*. Who hay forgotten the wasteful extravagances—the profuse prod igality of your former mayoralties t The tax-p^yer' wiil not soon be allowed to .for get that yoit left'jhe city government en cumbered with, it is believed, upwards of one hundred thousand dollars of public debt, ohich hangi a perpetual incubus up on Ms property ant) la bout. Ism not dis posed to charge this, to you so much a crime a* a mislhitune.—You may make a -very good member of Congress—but nature' and hallit have whotly'dlsqdalifird you' foi 'directing' the pecuniary matters of a Cor- poratinn. jit is on. that account that I'ain opposed to yotlr-eleotion intathe board of AldCrmeq. Let it be recollected, sir/by every votei, that when our city onjoyed its greatest prosperity—when property was highest, trade most extensive and profita ble, end the receipts iuto the Treasury the -gitaUit, you sir, exliibited annually an empty tiwasuty, en impaired public credit, and an increasing .public debt—and that uow in our adversity, when property duet not bear one third the value—our trade vastly curtailed, the receipts treas ury greatly diminished*; 'the unwearied in dustry and exact economy-of the present council, exhibit without un increased taxa tion, a replenished treasury, re-established credit, and a reduced public debt. Say not sir, thatihe publicdebt was created fy the dry culture purchase—because at (he time a new tax of £5 per cent, upon the former was levied for the express' purpose of ex tinguishing that deist*, it was the only pon dition upon which the public'would have submitted to such an increase of taxation j and instead of your applying that 25'per Cent tax to the extinguishment of the dry culture debt; you left tire fibailees of the city in so involved and embarrassed a con* dftion. tho period at which it had beer) pledged to pay off tht whole city debt by foal twenty-five per cent.'extra tax had well nigh arrived before the first appropri ation couid-be made of it to its'legitimate object, by your' successors.—Therefore it is, that I am oppojed'to.your election. A sufferer by the fre of 1820. tiro strife of parly corne ts, nor prostitute the holy influences of religion Its the pur poses of interest, or of nmbitloij—if they do,.thoy umst nut complain if tho freedom of tho Forum encroaches on this sanctity of,tho Qtski nor charge witli sacritego the dUpulcrs of their dogmas. Jt is understood Unit theso (would-be) immaculate gentlemen nro deeply afflicted, and grievously scandalized, at tho practice itanded down th us, .from oiirjwliiers,. of permitting anestly Irtnir of the seventh day to be used for the petty traffle of the slave,who thus receives.* rcwprd for ins toils in those humble comfotls wlnoh liiininutty tfoultl yield even'to the most abandoned, If any evil results,.it is to the master alone, and as liefoas the powor to correct it, he certain ly has not the right to complain. To the citizens generally, no Inconvenience can arise, because it is a matter entirely within their conhoul, and uttiu the Inspeetlon and guidance Of the municipality. To ptislic devotion, it cannut be obnoxious, because, long before tho churches ate o* pen—the simps are dosed, the market' is cleared, and every vestige of worldly traf- ic is removed frqm obwtrvtttioh, and pet- haps from recbllcction—unless indeed the poor laborer bestprvi a grateful thouglit light bvrk of the tiver. ft is' thought all gcucil that it might he in contemplation Belgrade limt tho Servians wilt tako ml- that Mr. 1’ocl slmnld lie made PrclHicr. vantagcoftheVidnityofthe Russian tioops] It was said that the Bishop ot l.nmion to vise In insuvrcction agamst tho Porte, tvodU probably ho appointed Archbishop and that (Jen. OiftinSr, in occupyitk; Kd* of Centcrbiiry. , , eliuva, an* ,1'tn concert with tho chiefs of I Tho Empoior Nicholas lias mini essctl that noth'll. Snell n concort inav, however, a Utnn. Doibltscli congtaWhiUdi ho reasonably duubted, as the Turkish<ut'j Him on tlm skill and valour ijlip’Aved hy thoritics watch with thn gtcatest attention him in tho late defeat of the Grand Vizier every step ofl’rinco Mtlesch and Ills frioatls cojiforrlug on Idm.ihooidubof St; George, nml would call them to account on the Land makiii;-, him a present of six of tho ihghcst suspicion. Meanwhile, tho Pacha Cannun taken in the hattlc. ' of Bolgrntle tnkesevory precaution to pie- k Advices from Egypt statu, the l’achn had servo tranquility, and Ilia communications resolved not to send any troops to tho aid of with Widtlitt and Travnik are very fre- tlm Turks fn'Asin, alleging the lateness of quant. - A- ft-, days ago a targe quantity of (lie season, and the unhealthy stnto of tho corn was stmt front Belgrade to|\V'iUdin. | country, ashis excuse! ... ' Il ls inentionod|iu,leUers from Cnnstnn-1 LONDON, July 10. tiuople, 'Altai Sir Sidney Smith was daily A roport,h»s bceh'splead, that Mr. lies expected there to take .command of the 1 kisson has Booh Invited lo return to - the Turkish fleet.”' The MorninR Advertiser Ministry, nml that If Ht) should return, n says:—"We know not whether there is trnnty of commerce w)th Pruncewiil be nno any .good foundation for the report, or wlie-1 of Ids first ntcasiires. It may bo stated thergl is tperoly a revival of a rumour which from [paid authority, that sonicthjng of this prevailed apmetimo'ago; but-theteoap bo kind has been attempted by iheptoscnt no doubt that il the Sultan succeeds iu so-1 Board of Trade, hut tho French Ministry curing the services of that' gallant oil! or, I refuse to negneiatoat all, excepi upon’ the he will also at the same time secure mbio I assurance that France.shall, as to its win01. naval rraosfti titan li t yc; fallen lo the lot | lie put upon tho same (footing ns-Portugal Ftom the N. Y. Evonint u United Slates rirmi/— low a Goncial Order comaininti ^ 1 turn made by. tits Wat llepait, mining the question i espectinn qj," w <?| out or which so tnany dispute, t *n. In a matter cuncerning vshSJu* 1 ry officers are so sensitive ns Hie ol fame, and justly so, since u ,i ,"‘«k of skill, htavciy, and tervicc, taut nothing should bu left , Q ' n ' > •‘etuto. at of the successors of llio Prophot. We bo on the friilts of hi* toil, and takes a com- lieve there is no officer ip 'lie British navy placent forecast of their enjoynfents. who possesses vo irpicli experience lioth by The ofcer itoJou* have jaast oLail vtaseh * ’ alft, to object, or right-to complain, because they require that every moment of the'se venth ds.v shall bo-devoted to holy exetoi- »es, and ihereforo canput be presumed to itave cognizance of nbominatlons on that Jag, which enter not into tho sanctuary. ;• ( object to this pious tampering, not merely in defence ot those rights of hu manity which generous men should never corn promt tc, but became I view it as oh at tempt to unite religion and politics, and revive an influence wliich -has ever been withering to tite liberties ol Ills people.— Every age (ju it* characteristic, and ihe present mayTtuly be termed a restless one? 'July It is cmphatisally the age oj societies—by age, them mcry thing is A be done—nothing is to be lefrloTPVetnmem.nor cvenJApro- "vldencg! Mails are' to ho stopped,’Ttlop* to he closed, Jeigg tn be converted, and Ko- matV Catholic, arc to be brought to read he hlblo.without the consent of their Ilish- ' without comment. Let-this sods lltit, under the mask of philanthro py, be h little more encouraged; and -sve shall soon.seo added (o' tho many now iu man cam \ She blble j - ops, and t f vShm\r walk in Ids gaeden, or elsewhere, excep- Ing reverently to ahd ftom meeting . . No one shall cook victuals,' make betNT We Insert the following communication pith some relnctsnce, because we had pie tfously determined not to publish any thing iisiaticc on tits subject of the approacliing election for Aldermen, pro or con, whereby public opinion might lie influonepd or forestalled in the smallest degree. The people are of age, and can act for themselves—pod we have no doubt, will do what is-riglit. The at tide below, however, comes from so re spectable a source, with a pressing appeal to us, as the conductor of an indeptndent press, .that we were forced to yield to its publicity. Wc wish it to be distinctly un derstood, that we, by no means, agree with the writer in many of his sentiments and suggestion*.—Eh. Sat. iikf. ! [roll the Savakuah Republican-1, . Mr., EditorIn a land of toleration", whose boas, is, the jnpst unrestrained cipil and religious liberty—where, every citizen itfree to worship as .he pleases, apd His pose of fiis time as.he deem* proper, under .a due observance of the law, and trjuit re- card for the rights and feeijngs of others, it cannot be expected that an effort to im pose restraints not required by. sound mor- siiott monstrous sleeves, that (tfipeat in my humble opinion, si oneofonr militia companies, baggage and all, to parade therein witli bperfcct ease, Without any fear of treading on their neigh bor", toes. to Decrease the regard and es teem of lheir admirers ? How cgregiously are. they mistnken. I know not what may be the opinion of others, hut fot myself, nhen I see a pair of matnmouth shoulders, and-a waist screwed up like hour glasses, I pity the unforuinnte wanderers that adopt} it—a folly .which has not the merit of be-' ing pleasant or liecuming. “Och! mjf-Nor-th’s cosvn for ipe, That floats as wild * a* mountain*Jgee ■ » .aes, -,»• • Leaving every heanty free. To sittkot swell as nature 1 pleases " : Simplicity in dress is its greatest beau IV—artifloiatitv becomes distortion,' and I seriously recommend an.immedinto aban donment of the vices in question, assuring the fair sex, that if a sudden gtist of w'tpti. should-happen trf take place, it would' be. out of the power of friends to give any as, '•istance—that ladies, unlike ships, are thttch best “when slack in staye," I am, dear sir, - Your most humble servant ' ' ! ' . HU.M-ATAS. and that at least nno half of the duty shall be taken off French brandies. V , July 22, Despatches were received at the Foreign *Od->and as Sir.Sidney, and no one, . perhaps, so .well - calculated' to tuke the [ Office this morning from Lnrtl Heyiesbury, coiqmnnd of the Turkish fleet, ' ^ our Ambnesatlur .from St. Petersburg. /h lettev from Munich, dated.the tot i'pst* 'The Wellington Administration, is as mentions |ho arrival of the Marquis do Bur firm nl cybr was Lord, Liverpool’s in tlio bacona jn-.lhatjaqpita), to’demand the hand Ldays of )ts greatest popularity. True, it of tho third daughter of the DqChoss of has beet) beset with difflcultiea—true, it I^uchtenberg.for his Imperial,master Don | had prejudice] t j remove—aninnisities lo Petlto.- The Duchess is daughter of llio j soften—long-uhorllhcd opinions to Rtappie late, .nml sister of the present King of Ba- with.and controveit—but it. has performed vaytw, and widow ofEtigehc iieauharnnis. Its talks manfully, hnsppt forth all Us Her- One of the daughters is already married to cuiean energies, and i»«n* in full tnjoy- the Ciotvn Prince nf-Swedon (Osear Ber-1 meht of Its triumph.- Were It even other- nadotte.) The Princess Amelia Augusta wise, were it rickelty—embarrassed—beset Eugenio Napoleon was born the 81st of I with treacherous friend* and factious op- ■’ 1812. She will toon to 17 years oft pononts, still, with the country in Its favor, She will leave us in the beginning with the opinions of every Inmcst man In of llio month of August. She it to embark | the three kingdom* to’second'it, It could at Osteqd for England, and to continue | scarcely time to gain strength, sub afterwatd* her voyage to Rio fle Janeiro, Utanc«. and the materials dr durability.— accompanied hy the'Young Queen Donna | Bi,t it isihe very convlctlqn of its.strength Maria de Gloria. I that lias so holly arrayed our ultra 1 contem- Th» following rescript addtesied by the | poraries agalnst-tbe Wellington administra- Emperor of Russia to count Diebitsch.ap tion. This it is ih*prtiey can neither forget pear* h» thb-St.■ Petcrtburgh Joutnals of I n0 r forgive.—Sort. ' the28th Jtme.-i. -. 'VIENNA. July 9.. „ s "I Itave received the report by which you |. LettCrifroni Odessa are full of reports vogne, "the anti opening shorn pnrSvnetay gave ma an aeconnt-nf the victory you I of nai.-ociallonsfur peace, audit isholiesvd todety." and this,or some other; expanded gained on the J Ith of June, near Chouhila there (hat hostilities will sOon cease. In into One, for reviving 'h*. Blue Letps, the over the army of the Ors'nd.Vizior, in con- eonscqiienco of these letter* our fujtdi have benefits of which may be anticipated hy an xequence of which the giettel.. part of the I risen cbusideraldy.1 ■ I attentive study of the following exlraeU Turkish force his been entirely:dispersed. FRONTIERS’ 'OF ITALY. July fs: ftom'the old bone’ after losing its litimeroiii artillery, with I According ttv'Jhe; latest accounts from i’ e freentarr, or give-«- ill itxcamp, baggage and ammunition. | Greece, received hy wav of Corlu. Athens vote, unless ho be in flill campiunion with b ,"Tift honorof the brilllgnt and complete has capltlilatee lo the Greeks. It is be- the church. . . . success of our arms belongs chiefly to you. lieved in Grobca'that the mceBng of the ]Vo food or lodging.shiit bp offered to o Y-qu concealed your plans and your movo Nallonal Assembry is deferred till the ne- (luaker, or other heretio. men A fiom the enemy, Inspired him with I goeiatlons of the tlitec powers with Ilia Pur Nq one *halr rnn on the Sabbath day, or confidence to risk the hattlo.sod triumphed Ue respecting the future destinies of Gieece over all his eftoitt to avoid the decisive 'shall be terminated. There jr no. doubt blow whtoh you hsp prepared to strike. tliat if tlie choice nfahCad for the New . ’-'Axiutestimony of my gralitude-for :to| State sltouitj be left to the Greek nation, it wcop houses, cut hair, or shave on the signaf a service 1 nominate jouKnight of | will foil-on Count Capo Ii’lstria, ■ Sabbath day, - -theOrder of St Georgs of 2d Class, the Stupemlou_ Vniertaking.—The long No woman shall kiss-her child on the, insignia oC which I send you. To preserve [ contemplated junction of the Rhine-and Sabbath, or lasting day. the mrriiory qftpo glory which our troops I the Danube is announced as about to lie -A debtor in prison, swearing he hat no gaihed under your command in this mattio | undertaken hy a company in Paris, on a estate, shall lie let out and sold'ea make ralilo battle) I authorize yoii to choose six | pplent for ninety-nine years. The plan is. Satisfaction." - ., .; ’ of the Cannon taken itvthis* battle, of wliich I to cnlargennd, clear tho dianncl of llje I shall avail myrtlf of ’ other oppnrllinl. I make you a present, I Denube frniii Ulm tii’Tiillingcn, and thus ties ol letting you hear from me, tipon the "I dnire^you tntfiank'in my name your I into the grand dughy ef Baden ; to< carry crtndUiou.ihat, In these perilous times yous iirave comrades, and all the trooprwhoin I the navigation liv a canal thronglHhc Black dont glrp up the author. Q, this battle gavo fresh proof, oftheir intre — - • ■■ *-• .. . - —~ " peditj; and 1 remain ever yoursa&c. [roa TtnrSATANlrAnREPuiiiicAN.] • • NICllOLAS. Mr. Editor:—I am astonished to see* "Warsaw, June'31." the change that has taken pjace In the • ,. — 1 *,’ *-'• ! dress anduppearancc of our respectable GTILL LATER FROMEURGPE. fenajes. Do they tMnk that b/ wearing The Boston* papers of the «t,tult. received by yesterday mornjng’s mail, bring advices tVofo Liverpool to the 24th, and ftom Lon don to tho-22d of July inclusive, received voisy of can ADjUTAN'PGENERAVSOFFlPr I WaSIHBOTOM, 18th August, ’•'he stihjimied liegi-.laiium,., Ml * l| Ihe Pitsi.ii-iu uf the. U, hied s'’I been vceeivcd from thVWar Dcpi^lSI and is published for t!ia.-infornia(i™" > 'l giivernim-ntofallconeornctl, ' “Regulations concerning Rar.kanit mand." ^ 1. Brevet Hank will givo ni' Com J excepting detachment* eompovdJir Ont corps, and Witlllu tlie Incanin. r , .' 2. Detachment: means a both 0 r ,, sent out from the main butly, to n, r larticular service, audio he absent 0 / ipiited, Vuno: "lien such a do cninposcd tif difi'oranl corps, Brt will take effort in conformity ait Article of VVet. ; / • 3. Under the*same Article oflis, s vcf rank will take plate on Couth'k" rial, when composed ofOffi ccrlof ...'"t- corps. ' 1 4.' In icgulariy" coriatitiitcd i sq.cli as g.u risons. posts, dcparimem, .liehits, ctnps, companies, bsu,|| M ’ ados,; divisions, corps d’armco. or the A my ill'll, Brevet tank jsnut to bi ,^ Fores), in the direction of the valley of the Kthssjpg; and, finally, to make the .Kin zini navigable to where it falls into the Rhine, near Itelh. The chief difficulty is expected in (he Black Forest, whore a tun nel will-be necessary. * % ; _ '*«>■ Mr JiffemotFs H'brft* pad Opmicns. We understand that Mr. Jaflerson’s Works n avc passed the Ptess; and that the 4th Valuinc is In (he hands of the Binder; ality or iutelligciu decorum, will he per mitted witiiout'creating a zealous and un yielding opposition 1 , .lienee tho excite ment which we all feel, in relation to the approaching election forAldermen. These dignified guardians of our city ato lo be selected, it would seem, not for the interest they have in its temporal concerns, or their willingness arid ability to advance them, but for their pliancy, in yielding to certain restrictions which are to be impos ed on our hereditary a few sec tarian reformers, whose new-born zeal, to say the loast, seems rather out of place. Ministers of the gospel,and those who pro fess-the meekness of its doctrines, should confine their efforts to argument, and ex hortation, & above.all, proceed moderately and persuasively in-the’line of their voca tion-let them go not'beyond, the pale of the church—they should, never mingle in ONE DAY LAfi^p FROM LONDON. . The packet ship Hudson,* at Ne.w-York, bringfto the editors their Iwjndon papers'] to the evening of the 13th July, and Ports mouth of the -toih: . i _ThVnews of the fall of ilistria had* not reached London; but the defeat of the Grand Vizier before,CliMUinla, was consid ered an event of so deStsiva it character as to render a speedy peace probable. - _ An order of the King in Goupcil, liear- iiig .date July 19. 1020,.declares the port pf Sy^jfoijn’i, Newf nndland, a free ware housing poft, for the purposes menfidned la an act of Parliament passed in the 8th year ef tho present reign.- The writ for the Clare election wasissu- ml on tho J Cth. Tliere doubt Mr O’ Connell will hq elected. . . :Ttie Paris Moniteur contradict* the ac- count of .the capture ‘of a French schooner by the squadron of Don Miguel off Tetts» r , Ira. All ;hat* were detained were-, three English and two Portuguese vessels. If this statement-be true, the reported' cap ture of an American brig was erroneous. The Gasman papers state thatfhe know ledge of the. defeat of the Grand Vizier considerably abated'the military: ardor of the Turks ip Belgrade. The’Pnelfa of Belgrade seems-to Awfully sensible, of the importance of the defeat of the 11th June, and to entertain great apprehensions for ihe.issue of the presefit campaign. He is besides very uneasy at the loss of Raciiova, wliich General Goismar keeps possession of, interrupting the navigation of the Dan ube, and threatening the country bp the etl, except on special assignment 0. 0fltcers having rank la <L the. AYmy, foo Staff, or by il rew , eligible to command, will no; „ U u lne , SSS5S?TT"-*»’ 0. An Officer ebtrusted abb tl w mand of .1 poet detachment,, or, urate command, wilt.not.stmtadet another, unless'regularly*relieved fron, duty assigned hitii, except hi cwt „i I ness or inability to"perform liis duty, »i,J the Officer next in rank, present md c . duty wUlt sucls command, will suctul) a matter of couiso;,’ , 7. All officer not otvduty will), i„ longing to any ofthecompaaiev.bjit* regiments,or corps composing acomm. cannot assume site’ ctmvtnaml,, lie # first havebeen put on duty by semi petent authority to make him'*p«tofik|] command, before ho can assume, ot t ciwtbe command. FT tf difftrent corps happen tojomitJ dn duty logctlier, the Oiiicer, highest til rank by liis commission in tlie line oftii Army, present on duty, has tbs tight i command the whole, and (give order* nn ful to the service ; Brevet Officers, or C cers liaving Hit-vets or Cqmminiimiell] pr or date to ilnue of the regiment in a they serve.'cannot by virtue of such b or commissions of a prior date, a command. i •. By command of tho President: JOHN Hi EATON, Seo’y of lVtl, By order of .alex’r Macomb. Maj. am, Cuinniamliiig tlie Army. I R. JCiNES, Adj. Gen. | Extract of a letter from WASHINGTON, 22d Aug. "Ill several papers I hare seen real on the President’s health, ia such tern would tend to live impression limit is; e ■ carious, and calculated to interrupt hi'* I tendons IQ busbies*, ' Itispropcrtlpas | presentation* should ,be corrected. a "Some fiftec'n days since, he tUJ*S/dfc| ly affected with hendacho and W' /.n lb j out the temporal regions,. i«liicli JitV.eS» I cupiiing; oven during tho operation, no 11 larm if apprehension ua* t-xpeiienctd |t I the family. His usqal good health rctitrtqJ cd, and lie has regularly applied iransillli 1 tbo dolles of his office, until Wcdnobjl last,when lie proceeded to the Clicsaptutl in tho lower waters pf. which, lie «ill :f I create a fen days, and rdturn by Ihe.ual conveyance on Thursday next. I sa't la I the day he left, home, and what niowtl there can he, for the repeated and unfa® I ed agitations of the public sensibilities the subject of iff* health, oho could sc« | ly imagine, without referring to 'he i busy politicians whose importance is o ed only fiom'tholi concern in the comn: tlons of politic:,! rivalry. It would *1 some be considered incredible, bat, Ihelt'sj, It is tlfo fact',- that General. s appearance at present indicates« robustness and |vigor of coasnUiri than did ids predecessor, or either .«W | sccrvtaries therith of March |ast,cxct; :, -i only Genera! Porter.'’—Richmond Z b B BB1 , :The Georgetown Intelligencer oftl thollcs, their religion, and priesthood. The , which this Assembly does declare, ha* not 89th Just, has the following:— - Catholics hotvevor, Im/fored the insult to b “ n <«•»» bn""*' h? th« Cbnsti, , "Tlireb Northern Mail* are .now I*n.. iAii. - - i i Lwtiopal- Pompact, but 'remains to* eael) Tlie ebatitry in repreien'ed fob® In pa<s>Uhbnt noUcc. On 14th a in | s, ate| among it* domestic ami nna.leninted places inundated. vHfnnch?s whioh w .winch tho prangemen 1 are said to have powers, exercisable within itself and hy its scarcely be recollected hy one who been the aggressors,* tooh pJaco.near Pnnis» domestic authoriflef aione.^i-THr protest sed them continually,/are now serious o> kilen. - It was on the anniversary of (he I ' v0, . transmiued to Mr. Mmlison for hi* o- itaeles tg trayelhng'.' . battle of AnEhrinf Tho Protestinti l Hinson.—-1fit met with his approbation, U The injury sustained by the late gale it batlle ot Angnrimv me I ro eslants were Uasiohcforwarded to. Mr,' Gordon, one very diffo'rently estimated. Either tM| armed .with muskets; the Gatholicaaiezed of the'Delegate* of ATlemarte, t»ho ha - ■ 7 upon ncythos and pitchforks. The Catho [consultod Mr. Jefferson upon the’-subject. lies baviitg been fired upon, and several oft—'J* 1 ” Advocate presumes, that some ir *■ “’saas 1 c charge:upon;thctr antagmusts, killed four, had,-conditionally, given to it—hut tlie and wounded sever,il othels mortally.'They Advocate does not, "for a moment, enter- afterivarcls formed an cncninpmcut on the **)" lbe thought, that Mi. Madison enter- 1 tains any doubts on the constitutional ques tion," • 1 Mri J’spaper,after protesiing against the assumption of aovsoch powor on the put of the federal government, proposes, (with a view to rfrrcst further encroachments,) - . ,, , .and from "a desire of conciliation with its lio lleimsuftho victory gamed by the troops | eo-Htaics," to givo tlie power, "provided it be done regularly, by an amendment of the compact, in the way established by that in strument, and provided also, it bo suffici ciitly guarded against almSr.s, compromises anti corrupt practices, not only of 'possihlo, but of probable occurrence.”—Rich. Eng. , hereby the picket tritlp: Liverpool, Capt. 'j 1 ' 1 * n ,°" be delivered 4 Wl a I,tr,lv tisAm twill* mtkwl* ■ llowcs. Ail the information of impornneu relative to the war in theeasf hai been nn-1 tratSe the writer** opinions on the alarming ttcippted by ihe late arrivals at New York, cncroachmeiut.whjch .ba vo been made hy Ftanois B. Qgden, E*q. Coniul* of the ‘be Federal Go'verpipent, upon the Cpni)i- U.JStatcs, at lovcrpcol, arrived at that port '“^"e Ust Chariotteiville Adyoente, ha* onthe'Slst'iorJuly. ; ,s favored it*readers tvit|i a viWimportant- Considerable disturbances had takon paper Oh’lhis.Jubitjet.extracted,we presume' place in the north of Ireland on the 12th I C r0,n 1*)° *'j 1 Vo].—It it a .letter from Mi and ISfh of July, ini'coniequence of quar tets between the .Orangemen and Ca'iho lie*. Twenty penons were killed in Ulster,' and a part of the county of Dnnnegal was J. to'fifr. Madison, under date bfDec. 24, 1825, (soon after Mr. J. Q.. Adams'* me morable Message.) covering "Tho Solemn Declaration and Protest of foe Common- weittlii-of Virginia, on the Principle*of the . i w e:t ' „ ™,'.. •' i Cpusiitution offtlie U, S. ol Anrterita, and in a state of fearful commotion..The streets -£ n the Til)latlm ’ s of th p m "_apd especially of,Belfast were crowded .with a mob which [ against "the exorcise of i) right,'4 which intercepted the cnacfics. The Orangemen t|‘ e Fhdeyai Branch "claim, and have bom paraded through Tnrme, and, arriving at fenced .> construct roads, open cUnais, riu,—i J . " , and effect other internal improvement* llte., Roman Catholic Chapel, fired several -wjthjnthe ternlories and jijritdictldns ex vollies of imtsketry over it.trevihng tho Ca- clusively bolongins tn the soveral States, summit of ReaatigHljn. The Aiussagcr Acs Chambres.oi the 17th ■of July, give ns the substance of nn articlo from the Banks of the Danube, of the date of July 0, that the Cabinet of St. Peters- burglt. had sent to all the Allied Courts . _ * , 0 Ire under Goth JJIebilxch, accompanied with notes, renewing the assurance "that liis Majesty the Emperor Nicholes is persever ing in his desire to prevent as much as pos sible the furtheneffusion of blood, if tho Ottoman Potte will but show itself disposed to satisfy the|demandsj) which all Europe has recognized to be just, arid to enforce which. Russia was obliged to taltesip arms.” The y’ecy moderate language of these notes, say* the’-Meuagor Ae* Chambtes, has pro duced a -great impression; and ns sobn as they were known on’Change at Vien na, a decided rise in the Funds took placa. An American ship having entered the port of Havre,'With a lti-i-oloured flag, was ordered to tako it down, became the three colours are not to he displayed in 8 French [ port, even as a signal fl-igi '-A Fomth of. July Oration fills font co rn, v j 'm- ,, , „ c lumus In a Western paper, with eloquence, The Lpndon-Times of July 22d contains | of which this - — • a notice of an interview which took place the day previous, between Ilis'Grnce the Duke of Wellington, and Mr. Secretary Pee), and which il wa« conjectured, related io some dew arrangements in tlie Ministry An intimation is thrown out tliat the U.uke it lei* popular-than formerly, ami it is sug- i passage is a fair specimen:. "In the morning.of time when the first flashes of soul flew to brighten its beauteous firmament, the first intellectual day beam that burst from a mortal's breast was seen to illumine the shining foot-print of Lilier- ty’s Goddess.” The editor says, no doubt truly, that the effect was peculiar. matter is extremely uncertain, or the d JI differs riiltoh, on different pi 3 " 11 ' iiotis. We have heard it stated by tntw concerned, at nil proportions from one nr to ope fifth of the crop. Tt»e hanging Rice was whipped, csptti ally at the ends; Ihe loss from this causes practical planter told us he considers to P from 5 to 7 lmshels lire acre. Rice in i" 1 . sfate has also suffered from the twisting ™ llio pedicle which attaches it to tho Siam 1 The extent of this mischief, as well as tw* done to the Rice in milk, we suppose can* nbt bo wclf ascortained until tho g«»> n 11 prepared for market. ' .* Sufficient time has not yet elapsed to«ro low any conjecfltro respecting that pa' 1 “• the crop which was in fluwer. Wnstari* i foe destruction has been! the shift ef tt» wind in tho night undoubtedly P rtte [!. it from being much greater—and fronttnui and the weather having given warning, . , ry littlo damage ivas tlu*tianks. Some idea of the fall of ruin oi*J . formed, from the faot ttiot.tha rice W old reserve near this town, was about feet under water. .'Thaappoiiitment pf Washington ltvlnf' as Secretnty of Legation, is applaudc , i lie Lontlou papers. Free Port at Muriinfco.—Capt. KnsPPj arrived at Newbtiryporir reports in ,.. jniphiti.