Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 05, 1829, Image 2

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UEFUIJIilCAN. and rights- FREDERICK S. FELL, city l-ntNTr.n. Daily l'aper... J1 ...eightidollai's per Count,/ Paper sin ilollavs per PAYABLE IN ADVANCE- annum, per annum. me with vinJictireness ; on the contrary,it lias been my infirmity through life (if it is ■one) to forget and forgive many such Inju ries, as I have received firom"ll)e sufferer.” I detost recrimination, hut I would ask any candid and honorable .nan, how it ^ JSj&'frjS gratuitous, must - ft v wer »h 0 nuostion in the necativo: All News, and Now Advortisomonts ap- pear In both papers; * In ntekson’-a three story Wick buildiuR, on thj( Bay, near tho *Ex- change, between Bull and Dfaytonjstreetsa SAVANNAH. SATURDAY EVENING,;9ept. 5. ffj=* pour of tho Northern Mailt arrived this dajr. Tvo are stUl'due. No news. By the »it!p*Empcror, Capt. IButler, we have received New York papers of Satur day last. They contain no news. tonlinn, nor will there he any attempt to interfere with your legitimate enjoyments and all attempts to array your fears against your reason should excite S oar indignation. Permit me to t,sk you, 'there is a city to the north, in which tho avoided upder tho attack, the. unprovoked attack, whioh. lias been made upop me., . Ono' should always be pre pared to, justify .111* . comSuct by refer ences to its intrinsio worth, not b^a par allel which shews another to bo wnrso than himself. .Tills 1 must confess is. a poor must-ankwer the question in the' negative! but it Is urged that our parlicurar situa tion Creates an. exception—that our' slave population calls fpr tho Indulgonoe (it will not be pretended that -6ur white population require sunh a regulation) this suggestion however, Is rcpcllod by the fhet, (and -it is due trvthis community- that it should be sort of vindication,, blit ifever therc-walan promhlgifed,) that-the-planters- haven- a-*® iwii.i ma h m - a.. aisaseasSssfliS present occasion. 1 Imvo only ona further 1 -* interrogatory of the Sufferer to answer.— lie asks what was done with another little sum remitted nte from Annapolis 1 All my letters on that subject can be found In tho Mnyqt't Oftico and in tho Sasannah Republican Tills money had to take a circuitons route before it reached me. Tile . • Treasurer, Mr.. Roberts, and myself, by We are requested by Mr,. II. Lord, to C0J . re ,^ 0n ^ cncei ucerJainMl tho causes of city and trade for themselves—it >111 not do <o say, that the pUttterx will -Hot adltere lata defeat at iCulcr-Olscha, tho enemy,re-, mains within tho linos of Schumia. He has not even dated to muko a detnonstrq,-. lion against Lieut. General Princo Made- tulf w lio on the Oth advanced with 10 squad rons to Eski Dschutnn, wltlch was not oc cupied f . Report of skirmishes are mndo—in alt of which the Russians declare themselves victorious. to bo separated, ivon if an operation to that intent could ba successful.—Host, Bui- /din. Nettie, and I will forward it to gent and sensitiro, nil their movements nro tpiick arid pleasing, ami we have no doubt they would consider it a misfortune shall he so used As that nbL nihS lhat ' u klmll Alii nil Vrss, ir., 8 . M f jQ ' V C under tho most sacred itijunclions^'^' sltall fall on you or from either of us. DAIU.EN, September 3/ Caterpillars.—We learn. from St. Si mons,' IT* ' “* Flam preece and Turkey direct.—h\ e have received the Smyrna Coqrier to June T. The.Protocol of Lolidon, of March St, reiatlvo tp tiie affairs' of Qrccco.'Was'puh iisltcd at length in the Courlef. Tho Pre sident of Orccco had called a meeting of iheriteitTbirtofthe Panuelleniutn. fur the purposo'nf communicating to" thorn this document. He hqd also issued a tlocree grille convocation of the NaVionalAssem- tons,' that tiie planters there apprehend no njiiry front this enomy of qogftirtflp. It ids, it is true, appeared on Olfe -plautatiun of tho iss'l a suauow oflt myself, that it hasco 1 Lint what you do, r)„ ,. promptly as your convenience (will a aJ' sl,ould bo ai 'ticipated by som5'| Ever and affectionately yours Til. JEFFERSON, to thi agreement—they fete composed o(( 'biy, which was to be (refer,t A.rgns'On (ho biglt minded men, and-tho unjust insinua- lath o( July, h had been doubted, wlte- of Mr. Jrjlin Conper. but in a part field in which it nhountls more or less eve ry summer, and it is not now more ttumet- ousthan usual. In oilier parts, of Glynn anil,to tlio southward, po indications of danger are percentihlo —It is currently re ported in town that about forty aerbi of the coltop strop of Mr. Thomas Spalding on SapelO island have boen rpiued iOLEM DECLARATION ANn ITEST of the common- say iliet lie will not be a candidate for Al derman at tiie ensuing election, on Monday- next. We are authorized to stale, that A. J. C. Shaw Will be a Onndidcfte for Alderman at rheeleftion on Monday next. t papers slalo that Mr. Rush d a numhtF of . American gentlemen waited up hi the Duke of \\'elliiigU)n, re lative to the territory in dispute lietw een Main, and New Brunswick, £ttd the papers further state, the dspntatioffwwas reoeived by tho prime minister, afitT Chancellor of tho Exchequer and Sir Howard Diiugl'as,, Lt Gurernor of New Brunswick, and tho conference lasted for aq hour. VVo must confess (says'tiro New York .Courier and Enquirer).that we cr-nnot .Understand what It.meant by tills visit, unless tit'- gentlemen alluded to,claimed some of the lands in dis pute. uor can we ascertain nbyMr. Rush.a very ditcryot man, should lent) the. influ ejnee of his farmer station in the discussion pf a question which he is aware, has, been confided to other hands by our government The subject of this dispute has bnej refec ted to Holland, a minister .to that Court having been specially appointed*. The visit of Mr. Rush to London, was; -wi un derstand, to raise money for the Qtiio Ca nal, and no public authority waj connect ed with this object. Contrary to the advice friends, t answered interrogatories addressed to me "by'a writer under the signature of "A Sufferer by the fire of 18*0." Nine teabs have elapsed in relation to the transaction, upon which 1 was imptrtioently catechis ed; and it was no doubt supposed, that at the expiration of that time, taken into the Writer's calculation, my well known liabi- tual carelessness in money matters, I could be assailed in an unarmed,defenceless con dition, and cat^o pieces by a prepared and n^erciloss enemy, This was no duubt the expectation of ”,he sufferer," rvlio, to pro* . mute tiie election of a friend - (whose fair and honorable effractor, did not require She aid of aspersions upon my reputation) (lit the interrogatories to me, under the false, and anonytpoui signature of "A suf ferer by'tiie me of 18*0.’’—I have earnest \j solicited Mr. Fell, to give me up the au thor, for the -pnrpoaa'jof addressing this ~ communication to him. The author wijl not consent, that I sjialt kno-v his name, for that purpose, and is, therefore, evidently ashamed of his insiduous attack upon me j suspect who he is,—many persons have -confirmed the suspicion, and 1 could say wUli much confidence, "step furth, for theft att the man.". Still, 1 am restrained from making any direct allusion to him in flits communication, but the dav of retribu- tipn is not distant, .and the gentleman wjll, to his amazemonti 1 trust discover, that he has done as much ihjury to my private, as he has to 1 my public charattef. I could in my turn put questions to “the spfforer," as excruciating, and intoierate as any that could be extracted front the deca logue itself. Hetisrperhaps the last man in this community,. who should haye ven tured to throw the first stone.. Fermit the to ask him npw, are you sit, so irnnraqglalc as to be inaccessible to any shaft from that qiiiverof malignity, you have aimed at me) Hpw have you expended public money 1 if you have' filled, or at' present fill a pub lic station,- wliat nferits or qualifications entitled yon to it, or now entitle you to hold it I Has it been conferred upon you as a jwward of past services and eminent civic virtues) Will you have the’ kindness to Communicate to this public, under any sig nature, one solitary trait of character which authorizes you to assume the functions of a'’.censor 1 Any alterations in a public statute, without authority, is a serious of fence, Ik there now in the Department of the State Government, an act purporting' to be an ac,t pf-fee General Assembly,with A.rupiwscd miscarriage, and .tho money was at lait received and distributed by tiro ! Committee. Under the "surveillance" of that Committee, and the Treasurer, 1 re ceived every dollar remitted to mo, and with the,exception o r tire 20(8 83, I And in the Treasurers book, every dollar ac counted for. 1 am not responsible for any deficit the Sufferer has referred to, iiv the noroimtof Ilia distributing committee.— That Committee was composed of Mr. Harris, as Chairman,'Messrs, Wm.Tavlor, Robert Isaac,: Oliver Surges, John Boi- ton, and 1 think, John II'. Morel, men r>( unsullied. Integrity, and beyond the reach of slander or obloquy. 1 Imped to have escaped it too, and have this consolation, that I verily believe,, there is. not an indi vidual in this community, save “ tiie Suf ferer,” who,during nly frequent adminis trations as Mayor, would haw inteirogatrd me ais to any intentional malversation. . THO£. X), P. CHARLTON. lion whereever oFwlienevel 'made,,will, re coil upon those who may-be so illiberal as, to advance it. Do you jpuieve; fellory-ct- lizens.thdt pure benevolenceand kind feel ing alone actuates tho zealous advocates for keeping open chops on the Sabbath day, in their untiring efforts to sustain that measure—or, is there not a desiro in at leaat a portion oftlie friends of that mea sure to continue an unhallowed, commerce, which lias heretofore enlarged the fortunes of many, and which holds out to others the hope and tiie prospect of aniaising wealth also) Reflect! I ask you to reflect well upon litis interesting subject. A list of names for Aldeimen, has been f irescnted for yonr consideration. You lave .been told, hnwcve’f, that "the dig nified gunidiana of-youc city, are tn bo o- lected, not for the interest they have in the temporal concerns of tho |-:ity,' or their willingnsrs and hut for their pli restrictions rvlrl ilily Tb advance them, y ru yielding to certain aie ter be enforced.V Examine foi yourr-elves the "People's Ticket" and decide whether th.e character, the-Mown wi the standing, ihrffiown worth and capuci tynfthe individuals nnmod, will justify such unsparing and'unqualified remarks with,reganl to them—and is not%ucJi con- duct'calculated to put you on the nleril Inyvhotncan a people better coqfide the management of their pnldie concerns than in such mdividuals as.ara there offered for their suffrages) But the,charge .could he (retorted, and the writer of -'Cl." lequircd to say, for wliat purpose was the "Indepen- TheU, S. Telegraph says, that Win. Reach Lawrence, Esq. late charge nt the was the dent Ticket" form-d 1-*Mhfitlo seetirea tain tho ' majority- who would suits ordinance of not T I refrain ( obnoxious hofrever*- Courtof St. James, has given the followinglthe whole matter is before the public and particulars of an interview with President Jackaon. It must he recollected-that Mr. Lawrence is the personal friend of Mr. A-' dahts, and consequently cart have no ob ject in praising tho President. . How con temptible does the opposition becontp when the most respectable among them thus pub licly give the lie to what is daily circulated through l|i8columns of eortupt presses. "During an interview with the Presi dent, 1 wxs reluctant to lead on the con venation that passed between us, from the disparaging reports 1 had treard of Isis in tellect.laipowers, gnd from an apprehen sion I might introduce topics on which he wavnqt prepared to discourse ; therefore, they will iiq doubt make a just decision. ONfi OF THE PEOPLE. x\ - .■ w THE PRESIDENT’S HEALTH. That there is a settled purpose to dis- dhv. fnlseTSlatemonts i»f the President .is at first,' I merely res^ erally tn his enquiries. Rut and gen- _ , „« of-my, gratification' when I found I was in the presenceoljm intelligent Ai penetrating in dividual, gifted witii conversational powers ' 0,lr of a high nriler-._ My recent arrival from Europe naturally' led to some remarks on •the political condition of that'quarler oftlie globe, and to the topic or tho nar'between tha Russians and Turks.—'On this subject he was perfectly well informed, evincing an exact knowledge of the positions of the contending armies,.their Inarches, and"their countermarches, the advantageous posts of each—in fine,there are very few individuals, with the assistance ot a map' on tiie table beforethem, who couldhavo traced, with the same acctlracy an ! precision, the move ments of the,Turks and Russians on the borders of tha Balkan and-Black Sea. This fact .is probably the iiioier vivid and impre*' sive oii.myniind, as I bad sd lately con versed'with some of the most acute obser vers and statesmen inEurqpo, on the same tract the puidic mind relative to the health manifestv Yesterday a private report that he was severely iridhposed at Old Point Comfort, got up. no doubt, ' to give color to "letters from Washington,'.'was current -in our facet* - The object of all this, is to beget distrust, division and.discoid in the republican ranks b]f speculations in antici pation of Ills death, -t >■' ' ' ; ' A morning paper pouirs fqrtli liypdcrltl- I Committaes in thi cal lamcntatiotis at-the-contemplation of | i' the changes that would follow upon- the elovation of Mr. Calhuun. Thus exposing | the motive ami the hopes whioh gave this new direction to the coa ition, recoil- upon ave tlier the Preildeut mlcnded' to cptivtn-o thi* Assembly.-' Mr^. Dawkins, the British Charge d'Affahrs in Qrpece,' and the Mar quis Valffiy, thd I-’rtfnch Charge,' proceed ed from Egina to'Miio. the former ill the frigato Blonde, ftnd -tho'laftffr io. a' govi eminent schooner, to meet tho'Britisli and French Ambassadors, who were tin 'ihoir way to Constantinople. They however returned without meeting them. Tlie tV/o Ambassadors arrived at Smyrna, June 6, Mr. Gordon in the ship Revenge, unri Count Gouilleminot in the Bresfenu.— They subsequently proceeded to Constan tinople. where tuey arrived on the Uth. , Marshal Matson, the French, comman der in Greece, had recently made a tour, in the course of which bo visited Egina.— Ilu was received with tho most studied marks of attention. Alter his return to Naverin, an officer was dispatched by the Preiidenlof Greece, to present to him two swords, ope of wijich was made in (he pe riod of the Lower Empire, and Jbe oilier had hccn.jh'e swptd of tha. luta'GenctjJ Karaiscaqitl. The British ’Admiral Sit Ptiltney Malcomb, arrived oh the Sd in the harbor of Voprln, witii the ships of tiie line Asia, Ocean, Windsor Castle, ah'd Spar- tiaie, beiidps several frigates and light'ves sels.—The Wellesley and Revenge arriv ed shortly after; Smyrna. Admiral Malcomb had been a few' days before at Egina, where he had h conference, with the. President of Greece. . J ' The acts' of capltiilatlo'd of Mis'solonghi and Anatplico, sjgned May 14, end of (e- panto signed April Iff, are published ' at iengtli. By tho fhrnfer jt was stipulated that (lie .Turkish faqtiliei in 'tiie two places should be tranifiortfd by sea with their ef. feels, to Sayada or Prevesa, and thd tro’upj should Im.permilted to retire byland,' with their arms and bYggagm, By the latter,tiie galrlkon and inhabllunUof tiie place, of the Mussulman religion, were to be trans ported in Greek vessels to Prevesa—Bolt. Daily Ado. V' ' NEW ORLEANS, Aitinst lS. It Is with no.suiall decree of pleasure we observe, in this season of sickness, that tho city council, with a feeliUg of humanity hlghrycteditable to that honorable body, in their sitting orsiuirday felt,, passed rnoyt the yt'aoiNiA advocate We lay before our readers tn-daf from the w.qrks of Mr. Jeffersop now ip -the press, a protest against‘tiie exercise of pow Orhy the. General Government oyor. the " * "" " * ,' Tlie TIIE SO PROTEST OF THE COMMON •WEALTH OF VIRGINIA, ON Tim .PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTr TLTTON.OF THE U. STATES op' •AMeUIC'A, AND ON THE VlO!» TIONS OF THEM. A ’ Wo, tlio General 'Assembly 0 f Vir»i nl .\ behalf; and in tlio naino of th 0 subject of Internal .improvement.' "Thh letter wliicit |neeetlei it, will ( " ' to Mr. Madison, explain its history. \Ve presume -that some difficulty,' suggested bv tiie latter, prevented tiie destination, w hich tfto au thor had, Conditionally, -given to it. > Of iho nature oRthat difficulty we are nol np prised, whether it arose from any doubts as tqthajffstoossqfjtiie constitutional ar guntc'fit, as Jo the expediency, as to, time and ocoaslon. Wo do not, for . a moment, ontert'iiu tl]8 thought that M r - Madison entertain! tiny doubts dir |ho constitutlunal question. Besides lliut the principles on whiplithe protest denies the oxcroise of power byjho General Governmentjover tho subject of Internal Improvement,'rest on the same grounds of argynietiL find au thority so fully developed and unanswera bly enforced in his celebrated report, bis own puhllc act In refuslng'ltis sanction to a law having the exorcisn uf that power for its object, leaves no doubt on tho subjeer There is one suggestion in, tho proi ■VI gn tliereof, do deciaie its i no cjtuies in i\ortn AmcricMvhich federated tp establish their 'mdepen'aetiS the governmeqt of Groat Brltajh, Virginia was one, became, on lh.u.acaii'.' tion, free and independent States, an- a...h ...shnet.. .1,72 ln - such,nuthoriztd to constitute iofe'nim.,? 1 oaolj loj itself,' hi such.form ns it best. resolution,authorising the Mayor to appoint —...- ' • . They entered Into a compact (whldl i. sailad the conitilullon of tiie United |,' of America,) by whiolt they agreed lo * nite in a sliiglo gov^nment as to t| lc :. " lalions with each otitor,, and • iriil, r m tktions, and ns to Curtain other article, plcnlsriy specified. - They tv.aiw-d at ii' same lima, each to itself, tlio other tit ,, of independent governnient, jug, tnninly tl.oir domestic Intonu , , >°! ,1, 1 U ktindnislratioii uf t| leir 'federal !r .branch they agreed to appoint, tn co „j u ' ft tlon, a distinct saf of functionaries C. I.llve, executive And-judiciary, ffl, Jg* nsr jpttlod in that, compxy, while to severally and of course, rem»i ne j ginal rlRltt of appoinlitigeach tai.Uitff » soparato set of functlouaries, executive and judiciary, also, for idtnmli’. wliicit lias out cor ditr assent. .We allude te/(n'(i the.domestic brunch ol their rrsp cc , live'gorernment. ■ v '. . t r must ■ V -have Hpectlve wards of thel city Tor the relief of the Indigent sick— Another'rvsqlqtion was alio passed, author- 1 Jsing his honour Jo invite the gegflemen of the faculty toafford thelr attendance gratis assigning to each individual who may vnl- untcer his services in this work of,charity, Now all these trh ks . . _ r opponents. They' havo begnn this I a particular district, with .orders to call mi work of misrepresentation too soon.' That I the npotlYecorlqs .Tor ’such medlcln.-s as the President has ns fair a prospect of Iiv- they may' deein riecesst ‘ ' Is 1 out of the clfy 'treasffry. [The, apothecaries' have. ecessary, to be paid (or . t the next eight years as any. of hi Secretaries, is apparent to all irho'have ac cess to him. - a respectable cit, izen passes through this metropolis, with out shaking tit” hand of the beloved patri ot. The falsity of the-.-- reports will he ex posed by living witnesses in all patts ofthe country, and when the people shall again I General Lamarque, in reviewing the state speak forth at the polls on this subject, it of the mnrincSeuid, “Itis neither Prussia through the I newspapers, tendered to'the poor of that city, gratis, whatever medicines shall be prescript! by the physiciansj In''the FrOlch 'Chamber of Deputies, will bo found that the opposition will have «o,far rundown as to ba u.q|b!c to muster a candidatc. That the President has been somewhat indisposed is true, but tha report that he is compelled by the Secretary of War, to ride on horseback, is perfectly ti dionlhus. Riding on horseback has been his favorite exorcise a* all limes.' It was v ft HO I88H8 lllwi wsklwa 11 13 IIVIIIICI IIU33IU -nor Austria whioh fives cause for these ar maments; it is England, and England a- tothe suggestion of oonferring;thi; power so long-copti-sted on (lie General Government at this sanie time guarding its exericlse a- kainst- abuse and corrupting patronage— We have jio'ldea that tlio Federal flotern- metii wiH'ccascto exorcisoit. Unlike Hie usurpations of the second administration ot tho government,, (his offers to tho people obvious and dlredt benefits, while the prin ciples pn which the it rests, are questioned tjy thahy, and their .perni cious consequences, pot bbvioiTs to (he gen erpl mind, are denied, and are in truth, re mote and prospective merely, though in our mind not the less certain. On -each proposition to apply money to an objbbt of Internal linprovrmiem,.opposition will' he •renewed on tiie floor of Congress, and per haps by the Vlrgipia Legislature, equally vain as.opppsitfofi has heretofore hem.—- The law will pats—the money be appro prlated—tile hands of usurpation will bo strengthened by eaclt successful jtruggle jr opposition to governmental encroachment weakened ; tiie confidence of tho friends of the constitution betrayed, and their. hopes disheartened. Itvjpipro'ving .aqtl opening high-ways of cninmeree and intercourse between the states,, the government as sume* iho character of q benefactor to the people, who, in tiie certain, prospect of ini-- mediate.'good, either ennnot see nr will not aeknowledge the remote mlsehlefs srlticli may follow ip its train. If. is in truth-the sop toCerbenis. I.- ', Mdle sopor atom, et medicatis frvgibus JanCObjicil.* fjltfqm* robidutria guttu- ra pandens Corripti Ohjectam— . Qccupat JEncas aditum custode sepui lo...., ■ ’ Fvadit que qelcryipam jrrcmedUlis un da. tv . The passage once effected, the guIf is ir removable. The power over InternaMni provement will he exerplsed by tiie Feder a I branch. All lliat can now be done is to guard against jts aijuse.' These two lets of office)*, fleh indepen- deut of tbe oljter, constitute thus a ulult of gove rnnient, for each State septratelr- tlie, pokers i\s(tribed,to tlio one, as *p« B W ly made-federal, exercised over tho wholaf the residuary powers, ilia atlm, artira|jr' subject, who, from the deep interesr they j '’ ut Ihentber day.that a geti.uq take iti the contesf, are, in the jnihutesi INew England called tosee him genllonian from re liim;' hirhorse lone, which puts-us to annual ckpente ol 50 or 60 millions (about £t,100,000.;) since the Restoration it has amounted- to an- e normotis sum,' which .if applied to roqdi, canals, industry, and agriculture,' would have doubled tho riches and prosperity, of France. If war should happen io ltlft 0,0, ,„ „,o . . tween England and France,anoventUhlch degree, acquainted with'the same 1 pSrticu- »»• door, and tiie old Cliiof mount- tiie interest and wishes of both these great lars, and are so mufth nearer the theatre of ®d with the elastic spring of a youth of 20. nations would-seek to? nvert, there would ' ' - 1 "uehvktt the effect llmt the gentletjinn ex- [he but two methods ofcompeting with the . TO JAMES MADISON. . Monticello. December 24,1825 Dear Sir:—I have for smne time con littered the question of internal improve- meat as desperate. . The torrent of general opinion sets so stronglj'in favor of if ns to bet irrestible.—And I .suppose,that even tit war, and The sources of coiYect infbiinn lion. Alter this interesting and nnexpect ed conversation,! must oonfessthat I took cioimrM, "Is tins the man. whom I have giant, of the seas, who' with, his hundred my leave with a very different impression of tiie President’* intellectual standing (and 1 heard reprosenteAtor be in his dotage t I arms presses and encircles the entire globe We are gratified to have it in our. power j tye must either attack 1^3-commerce, with take pleasnre iq saying so) than when 1 first entered the executive mansion." pencil interpolations) Who made them by tvbat authority ) j If I had made them What'would havoheen ( nty- late). If you made them, or any other persons, have tho ' kindness again to say, why., have yM{ or they escaped punishment, nr aniittadver- •ion 1 Is it because you.ur thejf be.lqh'ged to tlio party, which then retained, and now ' retains the ascendancy ? Is that to operate as a plenary indulgenoe for ail transgres sions t The limits allowed me, (for I have ' delayed until this morning the answer to "the sufferer") will not permit further in terrogatories. But I have more in store to ho ujod.when I can wltlti certainty point to [fob Tna 8avan*ah Republican.] TO THE CITIZENS OF SAVAN- NAH- The effort* which have been made to enlist-the public feeling against tbe desire (it is sincerely believed out large majority of tiie community-)'to have tlio shops clo sed on the Sabbath day, require some no tice; toeugh as one of -yon, I reluctantly assume tiie task -of animadversion Tho measure desired, is riot attempted to he ar- gued down bjA its adversaries—but .effort! are made to excite your teelings—Jo alarm and arouse yoi;r' fears—alledging, that if this unpisure is permitled,' others will be re sorted to, calculated to' abridge your ra tional enjoyments and restrain your rights. Believe me there is nothing more incor- reel titan such suggestidns. The simplo question for your consideration is, shall the shops be kept open on the Sabbatibday, liy your permission? The objection to their baing kept open on that day is, first, that the m'v of the State is against it—and will yon consetu'to an ordinance being' contin ued on the'ordinance-book ol yottr city, ;o contradict the report of his jllnhtf, and to say that letter* rereived by Iris family represent his liealth to be restot od.‘. • ^ U- S. Telegraph 25th ult. N'EW YORlL Aug. 25.V i » AUg* One day later frbm London—The pao- ■ay ket ship George Canning, sailed from Li verpool on the inoj nmg oftlie 25 th ult.fc we Itave received ottr files of London papers &c. to the 23d, inclusive;. Cnpt. ; Aflyn lias obligingly furnixbed us wUh papers to totlio same date. Ttmy^however contain no further nows from tiie continent, nor a-1 rty intelligence of Interest,/ , 1 >-| A letter front Livetpocl, mentions the failrire-of the. house of Milnes,. Ilaulds- •wur(h & Co. of:Wakefield—subsequent lo lliat of Brooks, of Manchester. 1 .An Edinburg-paper of tho 22d, states that “the small pox is extremely prevalent amongst the higher class of-society. It scents to have been now (says the paper) thoroughly ascertained that the preventive quality of racihation wears out in seven or eight years. „ • ... PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 27-, - Latest from Havre—By the Colombian, Capt. Remington, at tilts port, from Ha vro, tve have,-by Mr.. Sanderson’s polite- dnt whictihe cannot egict' or, if tve should be unable to do' this successfully, wc ‘must grapple with the enemy Itimself, and steam will furqish us with the means. We may ffien ItdpO tp restore equality on the ocean, Jlbrtho advantages of superior tattles will be superseded) and naval fights will he similar to thoie of the'ancient Romans, in whioh boldness, physical itiongth amj'nnrn hers, decided the victory, llqd not he who threatened England'iorso long a time from the heights of Boulogne rejected thereiter died offers of the American Fulton, he would have visited the shores of England in another character titan that of a captive and neither fortresses, fcncibles, nor yoo- manry,.would then have, arrested the pro ress of the army of Ansterlitz.” opposition in Coogrets will, here,after’ be feeble a'nd', unless something can be done wliicit mny give a gleam, pf encour agement to our friends or alarm their op ponents in their fancied security. .1 learn roiir Richmond, that those who think with us there are in a .state of p'orfect dismay, not knowing wliat to do, or wha'f' .to pio- pose. Mr. Gordon,' our representative, particularly,has written to mein very des- The Siamese Prodigy.—The two Sin ntese youths so strangoly united by a gam bol of nature, orb now exhibiting at tho Exchange Coffeehouse. They Imvo been examined by most of thectninent surgeons of our merropolis. and though not sm pas- sjne many womjcrful formations, rioscri bed in the bonks, yet as a living wonder, nothing at present exists in tho world, so far as-wo have heard, to he at all compared with them; Irtegulaiitics of this sort are by no, means' common ; and it is still; less XPJ a jsailaDt. No olio, i hope, will charge-* deceived we have not previonsly published.^ The Grand Vizier, who two days after his dqfeat had tetumed to Schotintla with a smalt detachment of cavalry, endeavour ed .irtArain'to reorganize his arrriy. The fugitives who succeeded in re-entering tile place by small-detachments,were not sitfli- can be found hardy enough to supporl the affirmative of these questions"-but what is the system pursued 7 You are told that if you aid inputting down this .illegal/;im moral and irreligious measure you will countenance tha introduction of others hereafter, injurious to your enjoyments a'nd tp you/rights—and is a measure right in itself, jto. be .d.Bfeated, leyt something. Wrong pjay attempted', hv^eafter) No! ccr- tamly not—ami 1 will'add.thVt'shquld any - . measures be attempted fropi any qtinrter, ' , J*htis'of.40,P9.(l : jnon whom.,'tbo Grand Vi- calcuhited to Intel fere -vith, or abridge your zier had in hH'-lihe,'scarce)/ 15,000 can just rights, tlio individuals who advocate- now be assembled under his standard :— the eloj' wool" you them objects of great curiosity and won' dfcr. Not only the children lived biff the mother wad hi good health at fee period bf ilieir, departure front their native country, She wash’remarkablo womng, having giv en biith to seventeen children—twins eve ty time except once, when three! healthy and now living children were horn. '' cipnf to gather up the vast m|mbcr of dead I would appear at the first thought, that bodies. Mari/koldiers tookfedvantago of j these heingiAveie objects of great commis- the deroitfo to regain their epcbmpment. l nrationV but their happiness and enjoy. ibeiif seoms.great,:qoi only in qagjt otiier’i society,‘hut dlso in the vjstu ahd attention of strangers. Ttiey are tangltt no nick to ’W exercisable exclusively over its p; Stale,.foreign herein, -each to the otUtfi at (heyjvere before tile original cair.uact.'- - To this construction of government ini distribution of Us potters, the Common, wealth of Virginia does religiously and af fectionately adhere,,opposing, with eqntli fidelity and firmness, the usurpation of el) junctiongries. on. tlte rightful powers oftneother, . ‘ But tlio federal branch hat • assumed io' some eases, and claimed'in others, a sight of enlarging its own powers by construe, lionsrinfererices, ami Indefinite deductions' front those directly, giron, which this At- sembly tines declare lo be usurp .tiont of the powers retained' to tiie independent branohes, mere interpolations into lit compact, and direct infractions of it. They claim, for example, and. bite commenced lite-exercise of a right to ceo* struct roads, optn canals, and effect other internal improvement* within tho terrile* ries exclusively belonging to the setnsl Htates,.which this Assembly dies declare has riot b»eh given to that braneli by ibt cnnstitiitipqal compact, but remains tt oaelt Slate among its domestic and uiialie- naffeil powers,' exerclfablo within iialj and hy ijs tjomestic .mthorities alone. -, This Assembly does further liitavovj/. rleelarn tp [jo mpst false and unfom if, ilie ilfictrinetliut the compact, in autoie. zmg itSrfodorui hronch to lay and eotet Ja'xes; duties, impos'.s, and cxciw ropy 4Ke debt's and provide for the conns®tv fence gnd general welfare of tbe United States, has given them thereby s power u ‘do wfiajeveribey ma)/ think, or prsttsd: would promote the ginerat-welfiiro whtcfi constiuction would make that, of itself, ( complete government,"without llmiisto of ponmn; ,but that tjio plant scnseaiv!ob vious meaning was, tliat tlioy might let) the taxes necessary to provide for the gee- eral welfare, by the various acts ofpovj llierei.u specified and delegated to thru).* by dn,otlteu..i .. . Nor IS It rfdinittod, ns has hcen said, tp pot&ibg terms, nol disposed Jo yield in deed; hut pressing for opinions nnd advice on the subject. 1 .liay.e pn doubt you are iressed in thesamb'waY, and t hope you tave devised nnd recommended something to them. If you have, stop herb .indrcjul t;o ntoro, but consider fell that follows a» non-avenue.—V.lhall’ ho hotter .satisfied to. adopt Implicitly any thing which you may have advised, than-thing occurring to my self For I have long ceased to think any thing'on aubjeejs of this kind, and pay: lit tle attention to'public; proceedings.—lint if yon Itave done nothing in'it', then I risk for your consideration' what has occurred to me. and,is expressed in the'enclosed pa per.' ' Bailey’s propositions, which came to hand since I wrote the paper, and which I supposed to Itave come from the Presi dent himself, shew a little hesitation in tlio- purposes of his (tarty; and in that state uf in hid, I), bolt shot critically may decide the cpntcst, by Its qffect on tha less bold. The oilvo biancli Itclil otjt to them at this, ntn- juent. may be accepted, and tho constitution thus saVcd at a moderate sacrifice. I may say nothing of the paper,which will explain itself'. Tho following heads of comb era- tfon; or someof them, mny weigh in its fa- vor. „ ^ It. ntay intimidate the warering. It may break the western coalition by offering the same thing in trdifferont form.- . It will be viewed with favor in contrast With tho Georgia opposition and fear of strenghten- ingthat. It willI bb>example,of.e temper ate modc'of opposition in fitture and simi lar cafes. I« will feivo us the' chance of better times and.of intervening.accidents; and in no way place usln-a.worse than our Djesont situation. I do not'dwcll on those tBpios; your mind will dqvclope’-tiieiq. . a.lirai ntsaa'itnn * si,t,*.ili» ... the people of tlieso -“•ate' 1 ”" 11 their federal branch witli'alMho mrantu betterilig.tiieir condition/' have deniedts, themselves any which may effect that fw pose s since, in the distribution of rW- ntctiiis, they , have given to that uraBtJ those which belong to its dtpartmrnll •/ to .the Stares have r’cserved l separatfefe resiaue whloh bolong to ihetn sepanit 1 /- And thus by the organization .of tw".' branches taken together, have.coupa!'. secured thr first object*of human M**'' tion, the full improvement pf sheir t*J! tioniOind 'tcseryod to themselves * ' ” faculties of, multiplying their own tw Vhilst the general Assembly Clares the - rights, retainod by the rights which thoy Itave tiever yielded,» tyhlcll. this State will lievci volonW yield, they do hot mean to raise the w* rirsr nfrliktifoanlinn n* nf (fiDSfUtl^n ” tier of disaffection, or of separajL 00 Sister States, po-parljes witii to this compact. . They, kqpw and too ,highly the blessingi of their Union » ioreign nations and questions arisiat mong themselves, to'Consider ever)'. |n ' mong themselves, to Consider =*“7" tion os (o' bo met. by lc(ual resistant ., They respect too affectionately *n® J J ions of tltose possessing the same fee der the same instrument, 10 rnaae' < difference of construction a ground/ 1 '^ ntediute rupture. They would, amt --iaflr- * ii ^-.Tb* firat question'ij" lvhc-ther you’ ap- lh'6in, every ftiiafortune WY^gspM] prove of doihg'aoy thing of.thq. kind. If living under a grfyermnent ofunn ^ not, send it back to me, audit shall be slip- '" —‘ ' 11 pressed; for I would not linzurd so impor tant a measure against your opinion, nor even without its support. may be a.canvnss on whit thing good, make what alterations you consider such a rupture es amoni greatest calamities which could ■them ; blit hot thi greatest. There I ! one greater, submission to a gW™> of nnlimiled powers. It is only w 1 '®",,. hope of avoiding (Iris ahull become luiolv desperate, that further feruc»>( ( Could hot be indulged. > Should tlio majorities of the ctt-] tKcrofore, contrary to the expectatio hope of this assembly, prefer-at thi- ' g acqnieaence m those assumptions r Jt by the federal member of thi «o)? r0 ^ we will be patient and su(fe|t-.muc# )(|(| tho confiderictftliat timp,-,ereit (tot «. will prove to thorn also, tiie belt ... j B . quences in w.hfeh that usurpation ?J!,iil vblVe us all. ' In tho mean witii „ job 'breast wife thorn rather than ih'fim. every misfortune save m" 1 ,. •elves, to our federal brethren. " n “ ,V world at large, to pursue with.tew We owo“every other sycrifico^.^ ^ ". If you think it JperseVoroncethe.great • 0 *P? l 1 bl ' o f”| l |ri»ljJ ich ti put sotqo-' vltali provb that vhaltprovS that man iscapuo e^j society, governing itieif by W