Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 10, 1829, Image 2

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W-' KEPUBL1CAW. FREDERICK. S. I'ELL, , CITY Fill -r- — Hally" paper-.......eight dollars per gnmum Cbuituy Paper. six dollars per annum,' PAYAHLK IX ADVANCff .All News, and Now Advertisements a|v- pear In both papers. 03* Office In Dickson's three, story • brick biiiWinR, on tlie ijjiy, henr the ft*- cimnge* betn een nnll*iuH)rft3fton««trcei y SAVANNAH. THURSDAY EVENING. Bept. 10. .05* All the Northern Mails that woro due have arrived. > r ; We ere requested in, announce Levi 9. TVI.rn.t as a Candidate to repsesent' this county in the Representative Drench or tlie State Legislature . ^ • ' John G. Maveb, Esijihas been appoint ed by the IIonorablo.tho Justices of the In- . ferlor Court. Notary Public for the coun ty or Chatham and. city- of Savannah. _ ^ received a message Loin Judge i fo. learn, tliat he has i house and bed. since “t Extract of a Utter from Washington City dated on the'lst inst. Dear Sin, " ;V It will give satisfaction to all our friends to knOtv that the licuUli of the Prosident ta perlectly re-established by his visit to .the S a Coat?, and tha faction must now' sock some other topic to indulge in prqgnosll- cations. -He I. expected up to day, and should be arrive eie 1 close till., I shall add how he has stotvl his journey. ■r~ P. 9.The President air ved a few hours' ago in the Polomac. and I tcjoict to add that he it in the best health and splfits.— Indeed I. have heard that he has declared ■’ his health' to hewter hi the prospnt mo ment than it has been forth* last teli years. This fact will be a dampor to the faction, but a signal for rejoicing among the truo republicans, who trtay still look lorward to eight good yean of tha rule of an holiest and incorruptible'PatriVt. ffering.-and amongst flic. greatest of all pU* gueson a journey. Your fcot get wot; yotir clolhes become plastered with mud from Ilia wheel'of the carriage t the gon- tlomon's coats and boots steamed t the dri ver,gets Ids nockcloilV saturated with wn- tor." Jib. ■ *■ ■ The act'published in to-day's paper by an. Executive order, should attract public attention—jt is a matter in our opinion, (says the Mdledgevilla'Recorder) of more public importance than the election of Go vernor, at a time when two candidates of the same politics, and both unexceptiona. ble in character and qualifications, are op posed to eaeh other. If thie act, which pioposcs to make the eloctions.of members of the legislature add the sessions of tho • )?rt>m the St. Louts Bedroll. It will bo seen from tne Jaflnwlng ex tracts of a letter from. Charles 8. Hamp stead, Esq. Secretary to the Commission- ers for ..treating .with tho Indians on tho Upper Mississippi, that tho negotiators have been completely‘iiicoossTuI, baying Inquired, in addition tn the gteal Icaclultine region,the Portage hetwoon tho Oulsconsln and Eox River, ami completed the military coiniinmicailons betwoen the valley of tint Mississippi and tha Canada frontier. Retracts of a lettrr from Charles S. Hamp stead, Esq. to Mi. friend in SI. Louis, dated " I jut me du Chirr, July 91st, 1819. •‘The commissioners havo had great dif ficulties to onedumer, but they are ull stir- nmuiitcd. - ' . - • « "» A lieaty lias bean cpn eluded wish Ilia Cldppewas anti Patlawata mios for their jvnstt of ilia mineral country and also for a tract ofH ihlles .by ^0 !»*>• tween lake Michigan and Rock River,—in all about 9,900,000 acr*s| t-o, millions of ih.ulic is pr< ent Mayoralitics fiscal affairs of this cilj given us, when his health permits conclude it. ' " ‘ Tha President of ilia United States has officially raeognleed, Albin Michel, Vice; , Copsttl of France, for tha purl of New Dr-, leans. • .*•; - - - • * /:• vv Lucfus Q. cf. Lamar, Esq. ha* been ap pointed by the Executive of Georgia, a Director of the Ceptral Bank, in place of Col. 8. Jones, resigned, . ; .The Miliadgeville Statesman.the mouth peace of tha Clavk party iufo|ms us, "that there will be no candidate for Governot or ' Clark politics—those who were spoken of baring all unequivocally declined the com petition. They have been induced to coma to this'conclusion from she views ol a. ma jority of their political friends cornmunica « trom different quarters of .the State." e Statesman has declared Itself in fwor of Mr. Gilmer’s election and .Calls upon the Claik party to unite in his support. - Mr. ILL. Pinkney, editor of the CHarfet .ton Mercury, haa been glfctpd fntendant of Charleston,, by a .majority of 109 votes. Pinckney 580—Grlmke 457.' ^ ^ ^ Willie’s N. Orleans "Commercial Intel ligc'nccr,” ol *2d ult. says “the general sickness in that city, still prevails. The weathpt has been wet aatj unfavorable for Outdoor business, and nearly all the- un (Nived streets ars now Impassible for a car riaga.or.dray. Tbe.rivv remains aI near Ipw water mark. Th* market is;excessive 1) dull, even for the time of years and will, the exception of a decline in Flour, affords no material alteration to notice that week." - ' (or," dfti- Tli'e following it an extract from'a, let ter, dated Smyrna bgy, 0th June, IBM, written by *n officer bn board tho U. S- ship Lexington, to a relative In this pity. "I am sorry I carthdl giyo yon any thing in the shape of news, except, indeed, U he to.inform you of the arrival here, yester day, ol the English and French Ministers, who await a firman from the Porte to vis it Constantinople, the place'of their dostl- nation. ‘ They wero attended hy 9 or < English line of battle a Id jis, a frigate and three sloops of war, two Rite-of battle ships, '8 frigates and several small vessels of w nr of the Ytaneh squadron. Salntbs Were fired bv. all the vessels,.In coin|,lir.nnt to the MinUter*. and great eonjaoture os to the object of their mission, which w«» kept t profound secret; many knowing ones, think it is d peace betwcen-Rtttsla and Ilia Porte, with certain conditions, say,. that of * free navigation through the Bospborns to Ilia Black Sea. for'the vessels and flags, pf alt natron*, while others think Itshnpfy the liberation of Greece, and a cessation of » es.—an armistice, until metiers fully settled by .the l.ntercess of the allied powers.—U. S. Tel. 9if inst. , j ELECTION OF GOVERNOR, We have been waiting, most anxiously in thq hope, that some arrangement would he made by the friends of the -two.CAndl- datot before the people,-by which but one .influence*.«?•*•» t0 • would be run. * The absolute neewsity- of J ceiiful termination such an arrangement has keen obvious enough to every,one without « word fioip ns. It has not, hopevet., been made to our vary' great regret; yet we are still not-able to bring btirseivcs to consent to widen, the [breach that hasbeon crested, in the party, to the building up of which we have conltt- billed our inite. We still cherish the hope that it may be heated. The time, it is true, is shott—but not too short to have the mat ter arrangei).. . v... Most of our fried*, no doubt leeollcct the ...... case that occurred in Missouri last year.— I strong as to induce the belief; that-cai . ... . There were two candidates up of the Jack, r— u unless the people brrfttlly convinced of. son part/, for seats in Congress, and bull I.filtf. sii-raii/.n ji will tone of thg other side. The party haying 1,1 utilttjr of tins alteration, it Jvul be sa. I., ; candidate* saw that thev must be From the New Yorle Tenth Teller. y. Mysterious Circumstance On Ft iday • , of "‘‘"'‘lor i on proc" e in tho direction from whence they cgmf lie saw two persons, (oiio'a female,Yip ,^2 out of a carriage, which this ha Mint; ai,u run with great |,ase. Before ilio . iulcl„ m m cbuld get up to the tairiage, Hie drl. vnr ol It also-ran. The «*'.-taav and hor ses wore brought to tho policeSvd, "? r0 noxt day claimed , by, and v their owner, a Mr. M'LuUghlin. T|| The lollonmg extract fiom Capt. Hall's night onooft|io wuicluncn was travels In Amurica. just Vc-puldisliod in reiluraied oriesof m'uriler; on ornc"',i- y - Philadelphia, by Messrs. Carey, Lea and Carey, contains a very Interesting, and,we think, coircct description of Messrs Clurko and Brown's ostablislimont, "the Franklin Coffee House," in Jilaidcn Lnuo.'-'We do not exactly understand how tho Captain and ills two frion Is contrived lo-'rdu up tho bi|l to nine shillings and sixpence English nen.- We prcsume-lltcy determined to i;o tlid“whole hog,” und indulged in tho usury of avimi—otherwise wo do not sco- ho« they -could have spent six shillings and four itence of our money, each, for dinner, as tho charges at this establishment arc lixetl at so very model aton rato us to ten iluril almost Impossible .without tiie 'Assis tance of wine or some other luxury to make up such a bill. At all events tho f aptain aliuuld have tuld us what lie hud fur'the liioiicy. - “On thc2Ut of May, I accompanied two gentlemen,nhiHit three o'clock, to a uurious pluce nailed the Piute House, in tho very’ centre of tho business part of thebusy town of New York. ■ w -; '■ We entered a loug narrow, and rntlic jt mineral,—and cuvering all, tho oountry frnnr tbo Ouisconsin to Rock river. Tltese Indtahs haw received their good*!' and de parted well satitdlkd. With the Winneha „ goes tho terms n'fatljeAty ItaVe been ngieeo -dark room, or gallery, fitted up like a cut upon;—.they cpd* also.front Rock river the l>uisc<tiiiit>j and anoibet considerable tract to -include tlie Portage aud Fort Win nebagd —A council will be Jtefn wnh life Sacs ohd Foxes next week,- and it Is pro bable that oil the labours Ul tilts commis sioners wlir be closed Hs.wards-sthe -. 8tlt or 10th proximo,. -Out friends, Gen, Dodge, II.Gratiot, and otltors, have efficiently -as sisted tlie commissioners to counteract evil sue fittsliousA, with boxes on each side lit tile just Idvgeenougli to hold four persnnsand, divided itftp that number by -fixed amts limiting the seals.- Along the passage, ‘ or avenue, between tho rows of boxes- which till trot above four fci «d sundry-Unto boys. ide, wcrestnliqti- twokaitiirs.witli tressing indispo- GeneraPAsjembly biennial instead of an- "" - w-t— ---V nual.and to elect the JudgoeoftlieSaperior courts for 4 years instead of 3, bo passed the Consliiutional majority at the next sion, ax it ivnsar will theft boa par;oftlifc Const!nttion of tlm Slato.Before this be (lane, the people should enquire in fo the mntterand satisfy themselves of tlie advantages and disadvantages which may result from the proposed Change.' All al terations o'f.the Constitution, not obviously for the better, should bo.carefully avoided, and the u their jackets olt— and toed need too, ’as will bu seen. At Ihe lime entered, all the compumhont* weic tilled except one, of wliloh wo took possession. Tliurc was m; aipaziiiK clatter of knives and forks; but not a word audible to us was spnkon by any of-tltu gliosis. . This silence, however, on tho part of tilts company, was uinply .made.,up for. by the-.rapid vociferation of tho attendants;-especially -the boys, who wore gliding op ahd down apd across the passage, Inclining their head for instant j first to ono box, another, nnd re- positively, that on express, <ent to Major cciving the whispered wishes of one cotn- Klley .with official communications, had puny, which ibay'strightwSy bawled out tn been killed by trie T’awneas. The same l a loud voice, to glvo- notice of -what fate 1 lettorvatgsa.iKat-tbe bbounistinces are «o Lwm " . -m.j _ sa&te'Sawc'l bcnei, were on Saturday tehteticed u servo.six-months In Btidawell. A, II0 J, Hive proof could bo given tha) they ho robbers,.the*, were sentence/ uni! that port Oil ol the not relating t0 fj,u 1 • ell, *Mc|) describes as vagraip,, ssxsnssffafi-i, - ■ r ft '•'Siotar not at off."—In the High Court or Justice, Edinburgh, last">cjjL llinn4Snl.nnmm,i...i uiiiis ’r if, not at all." y s a tvitnoss, aad „ oailij said, -1 -iniih bdt I will „d t eslied llirlftho iil ■**—ani — mao -was-commttted io prison interpreted, according to tlie scriptural maxim, "Su Mrs. Tdrnbuil iraj' ca" on being Hiked to t.iln am roudy to »t»eair ’>- “ >s. T.- ST. LOUI0. Aug. UI I Wo learn by a Jettei addressed to Ihe odltors of the Missouri Republican, that "tome Dafitw are Indians, on their return from. Major Riley’s d-lachtnent," were at tacked hy -tile l’atvnees, ahd some wero killed on both l»de». -.The Delawares slate uwwtliall .taw -.1 °A |led . l, nd tel-« M „ ill;' Tlie hui. refused siio g. I ' , T , IVlIU VrUlllliyillll a »t««» sirs'; test fot them to set their facet, against, it, I divided, if both their candidates wore tun land instruct their Senators and Represen- I They, therefore agreed to leave tho whole tativet-accordinglyAmentfmenfeOfConv I matter,to Col. Benton, binding themselves marked. tre oot iMprftfmcntt, urta I f0n pirfjr were irinmpliant. v . this amendment in our view would bo no I Why cannot a timilar arrangement be Improvement, but onjtlie'-con\rary;an in- m»do here? We adjure the Troup.-partyV , n 'Btw. At.Iqll over the stale, to take the matter into conventehce atal injury to the State. *» [ atrjons consideration. There Is yet time the election of Judges for e longer tarot I enough.—Afitf. Jour. tltgn three years We should Have oo'objec-1 , i> —-r . ,, tton t lluf>whlle-the Btate whose popula-1 MR. LtVINGSTON. tiun is leu fiiictuating, and whost instifb-1 I* is not a little remarkable that tha pe- ,.on, from being older.arc mUf..vna,urod^ f ^chh«e evin«dro ^ohjinpe. than our, find rt useful ta have the sessions iPutMiu Journal of this city, should ven of their Legislature annually, it rosy be'al tutetrr speak about defaulters, much more rash attempt io us to risk bionnial meetings that they should assume Jhe task of puli mentLeveiihworth wHi.-he attacked by tha Indiuiu, that Lieut. Lee, commanding the ,.,. mv , t>ot'. Wfl aylted end Obtained assistance the two candidates saw that they must be I from the cit(Xens,..tiitlI «ultablo aid could be obtained frbm JcfTcrlon bjtYrackv. ;J, Gen. Iieaveiiworth isltt the western part of tha state at present, and if be ihould re ceive intelligence of the alove facts, will was wanted. It quita-baffied my compre hension to imagine (tow the people at- the upper end of llio room, by whom, a coin- municationwdakopt up Id some magical way with the kitchen, could contrive to distinguish between one ordorfWim auo'h or. It wns still pioie marvellous that with in a fey sepped* after out wishes had been oommunicated io oiie of the aforesaid urchins, imps, gnomes, or - whatever name God jjpuAhl If S' fa°r & sc lento.ake, I will bearmv.bunlSi'tm.r a* becoiilcN'ff aaH in’ lhat aituaiion." Thm ,lfen tad to ptjsaji. fdr fefosln* to do that ahifin lie considered a crime. It is teally hSh^l titno tlialYbtno iiiiiirovcnicnt'il.ould bt made in the mode of receiving evidence, aud in other cases tvhe{e oaths Its oil. I ho sacretf charaitcr of an mini, not that which letlrfam- the ! witnm who is »tiling to profane It. but the penalty Inched to perjury. If tlie s|uit p,a,lt»' *5™ ufflaed to rite sulebsn affirnuliooof a fulseliouil in the.cases suppoutl, the same put pose would be obtained, and tlm mg. pic* of couauientious meu on this iKtd would be shucked no longer, From Key West.—By the Revenue’Cut ter -Marion, Capt. Jgckson, -from Key West, we have verbal advices to the 4th inst. and the Register to tae 27th nit. - ■' We tegret to find rite'report of the sick ness at Key West confirmed. . Altho' the crows of most vessels there had adflwred.the men of the Marion have enjoyed good health. , Capt. Hitchcock, Of the brig Enterprise, arrived at Key West from New York on tire 4th inst. was boarded on the Bahama Banks by the Comiqauder of an English fitan-of war schooner, who informed him that‘the Spanish Squadron had taken Tampico. -- - •The Register mentions that the wreck ers, of the Coast of Florida have Jia#h up a Oietnorial tu congress, praying for a sal tags on the duties of all foreign articles <a- Vod from wrcclis.' A person named Levy Glass, .was killed oqabe 23d ult. by falling from the door of nf sail loft. The Attgus a Courier of Tuesday last ays—Eigltpsqaari bales of Colton, of tire step crop; were brought to market on Fri day last, from the plantation of General B»>d Taylor, of Burke County,packed in his usual-flue style. - We understand that it was sold at"8 1-2 cents, and shipped to •New Yorlr.r It is a fact worthy of remark tbirt each bale was" marked- and- weighed ■827 v . The General is a first rale planter- afidauper'tmends the weighing of bis Cot Ton befote it is-pa'cked. There were made in the Mate of Louisian .n inthsyear 1828, eighty seven thousand ' nine .hundred and sixty hogsheads of sugar, nn'djhirty nine thousand eight hundred & seventy-four hogsheads of Molasses. Of these there were tpade on Genaial Wade Hampton's plantation.1840 hogsheads of sugar, and 740 hogsheads of Molasses, JjJMr. Skinner, the able and estimable ed itor of .the American Firmer, has been complimentod by the Agricultural Society of South Carolina, with an elegant piece pf Plate, as a mark of their respeyt, and a6nte of the service he hasfeudered to the AgrjpuUural and Planting ^interest by his yalueblV-journgf'. of ours Legidativa Body. The probability of a large accession of territory, and of the . necessity vf legislation-fbr its disposition 1 and oiganixation, would seem to ihai|s mis as not th‘a most proper time for trying an experiment, which, under more -favorable circumstances,might be 'ofdoublful policy MR. INGHAM AND THE • RHoilE ISLAND ELECTIONS., v We are authoiized to say (says the U. -8.-Talcgra^it) that, the -charge of inter ference in-the Rhode-Island' elections, na|de -so boljly in a Rhode Island paper, against‘the Secretar j of the 'freaiuiy, and copied into .the National Journal'of thii morning, isfalvo in all It* 'party. It has not tlta least shadow of a foundation.- lie censors. DlscomfitufeTn Jlieif assault io doubt afford that protection which shall I they deserve, the things arc asked for were ( daced piping hot before us It was pcal- y,quite an Arabian Night’s Entertain ment.not a sober dinner at a chop-house.' Tlie sole oli ect of the company evident Jy was to get througlt a certain quantum nf victuals with as much dispa>cli as possible, and ull the world knows that talking inter feres with eating, every art wns used in this said mint exocllont-Plate House, to titter as few words ns might be, und tlmse absolutely essential to the cerenion'y. I giving the urder to tlie sprites fluting about its, u-e had merely to name tlie dish wanted, which they conjured to tlie table either-in a single portion or plateful, or in appear.necessary. -y j w- ., l- Specie.—Considerable Ibuitle mas pro ditced tills morning i(xY\all street, by II drays, which were all at the satfi'h time un loading specie at file various banks. ' The .whole amount weiysboiit $900,000, and had just drrivad from Philadelphia.—N. T. Joum: of Com. J ■ 1 i, • - — .• i o The Cropa.r-AVe regret to learn that the rot fi makiilt ravsgesin tho cotton crop in aome sections of the -State. From the great quantity of rain that has.fallen—the unuiu- | al backwardness of the season—and the Inxiiriaitce of the weed—tlfis disaster had upon Major Lewis seems to have taught [been anticipated.-^Providence, in its over- any other quantity,mcedrding to tlie num- them no discretion, and Mr. Livingstonfias rilling goodness, lias given ua bountiful sup-1 bar of theparlyi 0 furlhoi supply werd 11 now. beetr-ntarked out. It happens, how-1 pliespf small grain and Indian corn. .The wanted, W half or a wholo plateful was 1 * . « . 1 • I* 1 1.-MH. .. f I Its l,s Shaia.1 tnw -,,.,1 alvrtiivlltiunll I* tuna Iwif! crops of sugar are vary flattering, as fat as we. have keen informed, t We should not | humility, t<S his judgments,. whilst with grateful hearts,, wo ■ should acknowledge are over all Rotterdam Canal.—A' letter" from^lS. Wamberiie, .Esq. U. S. Consul at' Hotter dam. which is published lath* BostonGa ecus, states that tlie ship canal from Ueb- levoetsluis to Rotterdam,', will bt "naviga ble in the month of August." The depth ofwater can be brougliteo 21 feet, and the width of the locks la sufficibnl for the larg est ship cf the line. ' ‘ ever, that he also is bryond the reach of ; their malicious invectlvv, and his case wiU ntake no better screen for their friend Dr, AYotkins than that of Major Lewis,. Mr. Livingston dees no! onx the government one cent- Ol this faetthe Journal writers, were probably folly aware, Cut aa their HI-^ those-"tender mercies which ari hunter has'no spice of .pctriatitai In, it, it I his works."—Mill. Stat. hth ttta!. Was no doubt increased by ihe knotyledgo.i - - ! i — that Mr. Livingston had paid in full all that-fleeyer owed to the government. - We nweian apolqgy to Mr. Livingston for. in troducing his name, even for the purpose of virtdicalion, asaitist the assaults of such a paper; -but it is due to our readers that they should be informed of the truth, ana it is for their satisfaction atone, that we now altode to Inc!subject.. . - ' It is generally known, that. Mr. Livings ton had long suffered in. filance under the odium of being a publio defaulter, ..but it wltispeved-for, ami straightway it was laid before US. We had been tuld by old stagers I — .. A n> — t’ slki.V J . t. — _ f .. . 1 therefore mormer against the chasteningsI df-the excellence-btllicf corned-beef, and of oitr - hsyveuly Fatlier—but liosy, with ! aaid to the boy w« should all three take that dish. Oil the gnome glanced fiom us like a shot, to attend to the beck of anoth er set of guosts-, on the opposite side or the room; but, in flying across the passage, turned his facr. towards tlie uppor. end of tlie apartment and called out,'.“Three beef, 8 j" the last word of his sentence ro ved al this part last.evening, that an order I f° rr,n t£ to the number nf our .box.! Tn a from Bogota had buett received afi that trice ,ve a.iw tho waiters gliding down the "'.tii.i.1 si <• . *' • . I flVAniic Inite sail • fVaat Porta Cavelltu—By the schooner [ Eagle, Cooper, from Porto Cavello, atri place, pqpkjbltlng >R foreign' vessels'from receiving- a part oftfioU cargo ip one poft of the public, and proceeding to ‘ another to fill.iip'—Flour was nominal, as an aug-1 mtait-uion of -duties .was soon .to take f iUce No pyoducc was to be had—A Co- omblan ship of 8*.guns wait soon to be dispatched fur Sptiin,'on.ypme mission of was .also known to an extensive atelp of I the government—it was'supposed she " ‘ J • ; “ J - tvould sailln to or 15 days. « -' ..Baft. Am. Sd hit. ■ friends, (hat his debt was incurred usuyr peculiar clrcunistances, over which he had no control, ahd.tppugh legally he was not morally responsiblqfor the default. When this event happened, Mr.-Lmugston" w as III the meridian of life.' The debt,,ajnoua- On Wednesday se’nnight while Mr. Faiquharson, at Hankend. and his daugh ter, a young woman about 10 years of age, ' The steamboat North -America brought 800 passtngerslrom Albany to New York din the 23tb ult. V Y’ : ted to upwards of $00,000, and lhert)'.was,lwere ilaoiling a short distance from a bee |lto hopv*f recovering the inqney from tip, rhi/e, iljey. were suddenly surrounded hy tusljpepulator. Jig aoon after went to I thbusandaof little insects—the hive having ,Aas ak sIa .ma . . >1 .l,'. ,1. m nAvvarti.v inan n n.l I - k , t .'It' .. .... C. 1 9...-.!. J ,1. . avenue ton's, with three seta of little cover ed dishes, each contuining-.n plate,‘ors whialt lay a laige, slicu -Of beef. Another plate Was at tile same -time,given, with a moderate proportion of maslnid po tatoes on ii together with a knife', lind fork on » hich .was stuck a piece nf bread As tlie waiters passed along, they took oc casion to incline their ears, fp the right and to the left, to receive fresh orders, and also to snatch up empty tumblers,, plates, and kulveedhtl forks. The multiplicity and rnpiditv nf these orders made mo giddy.— Had there been ono sat receive and for-, ward fiteordera r audnnothctqt to put them in execution, we might have seen, better througlt tba confusion ; but all hands, lit tie aud big together, were, screaming out with equal loudness and quickness—"Half plate beef, 4!"—"One potato*, 5!”—'c'J’wo "I"-and so A commercial friend lias fuinidied tba editor* otthe N. Y. Journal of Cotpmctcs with a list ol t-enty four pencil wl kick it- rived at Hull, (hug.) trum dilTereni pom ot tlie Neihoil.iuils and iterinAity, between' lire |3ib and until of June inclusive, -. no aggregate ol moa tonofcailt'ibom. besiileS DUoO sliaita bunts.’ , They arethtn grbund up, and utietnards ttscU as inaimre- I lie editot vililil that a- ship cleared fioa New York redo tly for tire same destination having uu hoard 200 tuft* of hones aliicii had been collected ill that city. Bitccri.—A, gentleman of scletica «h has paid great attention to many siibjtcu of domestic economy, has favoured as ajik tile following receipt for curing Bacon—i mode ^vhiclfha jiunrcs ui he lias even pro- Jived recently in' England withcumplcu "When tlie Bacon is proparddfot iiml- mg,say one hundred weight,use ^iiuiulirf ood Soot, in as much water asWill . .. It—let IMif twelve hours, then tfSnppl If In A dry place—aftet which It will Iwktiv use in a taw days.”—Boilori IStdlttis. I The Frpnch paper* ijjeak 'of t yntig painiET-of oxtrauidinary sKill in painting jandspapea with unexampled' cleapAtcli — His name isTcudel. and lie t'esides si Bor deaux. It is stated that'.he can exrcoie t qricturo of country, sedper'y, &c. in In iioure, which would leqisire the time of a common artist for at least a mtmik.—A-1. Daily Adv,. . - , ,Y. ■, > ‘5 . Types for tie Blind.—The gold Vuleu medal ut t1 New Orleaps, and with a perseverance and I just thrown olf p swarm. Instead,Otowev well directed skill, that .does him infinite or,[of flying to a bush or tsee for shelter,as credit, he laboured to'repair hi» fortune I expected, they alighted on the young' -wO- “PPle pies, one plum pudding, 8 !” twenty-five years, and succeeded notwith.- mms’.s head: Fot tithately, she had cour- 0,, ‘ - .standing many-untoward eircntastanccs, age add presen'ceofmindeqital to the oc- There aoutd not i.e. I sliuuld Captain-Basil Hall’s route, in hia late land the sacrifice of the property he left I dastoat' for idstead of running awav.oi at-j fewer than a dozen boxes, with four pro- arduous journey fn the United States,' is f behind,' iir'acquiring the means of satisfy- Itempting to remove of annoy tlieinias mostj |de in' each ; and everyone seemed to-be rnarked'and traced on Lis map. liko that, pf ling the. whole amount of the claim, which', .would have done in tin-same situation, she -"‘ 1 — ” r ~" —'■* a great explorer, lie-suffered incredible | iucludir- r — - -■ ■■ - ■ think, ng imetest, ■ was upwards of one remmniid quietly-where she was till the eating as fast as he could, the extraordina ry bustle may beconceivod. We were not hardships. In Georgia, Ire pays, in very] hundred thousand d'oflan. (t is believed] wltple swann a lighted upon tier; -Somoi-I in the house above twenty minutes,but we f.... nf lk.A h.W.41 1 .. Ln J JU 1 Ln I..., — 1. .L. - A ... I .1. . ... • j, V. a .1 . ’j . jL # * I . fXlSl' least. The was nine few of the houses in which he stopped, did! by those best acquainicd'.with the profWity I dea maybe forinpd of 'the firmness and] * at out two setSbf company-at le te meet with ertjior a tea-kettle or tea-pot. of Mr. Livingston, ‘acquired, since h;s mis'- resolution evinced umJqr such trying eir- bi| l. roducodHo-English money, On twoocc-uiobr. he Irad to boil the water fortuuo, *oldi)y ihe;Uiiiied.8rat»»„anfl. ap- omnsiahces,sv|ieii if is'stafed, fliat site hud] shillin'gsand sixpenoepll.or three shillings in a frying-pan, amt to nnke the tea in a plied to the payment of this debt, that if it I neither cn' 1 -- - '■ *■ common earthenware jug—horrible perver- had been disposed of undcr-thc' most favor-1 so nous, whicli he has recorded with a lonp. ■tola of admiration- He could rarely ob tain a private Iparlour turd table in tlie country inns; he was often obliged to lie on a feather bedf he carried |with him, in deed, "one of those adniiiable travelling beds, made by Mr. Pratt, of B6nd‘‘stroet, Loudon, which fold . up "in an incredibly sm.ill compass," but this was "occupied by the infant and her maid." ' The . Captain was much scandalized when, "a tall farmer-looking roan” and .a sailor having come to Uluwv, "several per sons rushed out of the crowd, end instead ■>r sufiering them to fight it out manfully sdpnratid the cnmbalaiiisjby force.” ' /lie mentions tbar, when at Fayetteville, from mere habit of Poking about," he asked a gentleman if there was 4 prison in the town.* '{’his gentleman and the town constable conducted him lb tlie edifice,and it happened that their unexpected appear ance prevented the escape Of a convict. The disappointed worthy turned to the Cdptiin, and exclaimed—"Alt; If it had not been for you, Mr. Curiosity, . I should very toon have been far beyond the 'reach of these fellows.” Ho did dot imagine that the jail wns crammed down Mr. Curiosity’s' throat, like ihd peiiilbnlWriea.' hospitals, andjtchoolsofBiratbii.New York hud Pliila dclphia. The Captain-was obliged ‘ltd cut and run” from tire pleasant so'ciely'of Rich mond, “though much against Ids inclina tion." lie communicates tire following very im portant rnforjnatlon for Europe and Atner icat - ts.: able circumstances, Instead -of leaving him a'faw hundred dollars, it would liavqleft a iurpltwof not less than $50,000. <ft is to be hoped, hpiveyer, by tlid- will of his sister, the willow oTQehernl Montgomery, ho has been placed! for the remainder of his days, ip comfortable, if not' affluent, cir- cuititjances. Having enjoy'ecj tha xonfi- derice and'retpect of all those who -best know him, under pis. iiiisfoitURes. nnd ris en to tne highest honor in the gift of his a- dopterl Stateyhayingdefended its capital by the sidif of the iflustrious individual now at tpe head of tlie, Government *, lie does not require fiom'tis .my defence against the aspersions of the vindicators of Wat kins, tic.. HVs reputation’is. beyond their reach j it is In (he keeping of a . virtuous, intelligent, and grateful people, who will take care that his fianii shall never be made a screen,for tlie shelfor. of those whir rob bed the. sailor of his hospital a'njd pension money,' or plundered the Treasury by means of false requisitions, and sought to conceal the fraud by purloining spd forg ing publio documents. United S. Telegraph. ilher cap nor bonnet un, and the JWarm twopence each, large that it completely covered; her I • . eomaw. e 1 rt. t, ' Bn<1 ’ 5h0Uld T'“'? ( '! , . al . ,l,e An article is copied into the National SnlfSrifoLia Triff^Yin" ‘V* Gazcite.of Saturday, from a French jourh ntion she rema ned t.ll her father bronghf al whlch givcs all ^ c0 „nt of'Qrainnvhich B . | .'' - ft" moved it,n ll “ fell from' the .sky in Persia." ‘ A' packet i„ ol?/:' V l 'u Jl -!. er re ' C f V .' ng i*, 0 , muoh containing a (.ortlon of fills substance wgs hi VS.’ It i* well known latl .| y , r eceived inFrahte by -Mons. - TAdn- rtae r 9 “,',"! 0 J en - Urd. which had been reccived'.by Lt. Gkn. ?hem ™ Fi v !? lente IDdllce Soklert, who had Served in Persia.j It ap. them to use tl.e.r sum’s t when oro-1 pcar , (hj( it fe „ jn lhe F rovinci) orBomoe, not far from Mount Ararat, and covered stings; when pro voked and irritated they become designate. Stirling Adv. .During the cruising of the French squad rons before Algiers, a' discovery is said to have been made, of the possibility of bom barding that place, by Captain Bratton- niero. He left Toulon on the 10th of Ju ly, on Itpard tho ship of file Line La Pro vince, as is said with the design of making fife experiment, to touch 011 Ills-way at Mahon. Bomb vessels were to be imme diately prepared at Toulon, and. tp ma- ntnnvre on those waters until ordered to Algiers. . the ground about six in'ehes deep, sheep tfere discovered eating jt, whiclf in duced tlie inhabitants to gather it, ahd on trial it was found, to make-a tolerably pas sable bread. The same phenomenon ap peared in 1824." On being examined by Mans. Thenard, he pronounced it to be a species of * tiie genus nifnii. tho'Socieiy-of Arts has keen prv vented to Mr. G. Gibson, of BirniiO|ktaj wlio, being blind himself, has inyenieil • isetof types, whereby he. can aiite m" his thought.), perform‘ajjUuneiiMl opes* lions, and cnmmunijc'ate.tlik rekultsor nice not only to those who can see; but l»k“' Mits laboring under the same pimkw with himself. V Y VAlilEfite?., Rogers ,w'as at dinnpr wfih Lote tj" hurst at Pultney kome time bsu. ™ there happening to be Some muttoiii was very tough, lie said of no' old English po et - S*"! ^ "who 1" by Mr. Lowdman, whowss po em ; "Chaucer,".replied the wit. JrisABuii*.—NowtliAflhepublicsu e'ngrossqd about Irish, affairs, pein'P 1 dullness of Irish politics myte the humor of otto or two Irish B** 1 ' W they may not be new;, tffipmeofour ers.—When his Majesty wassn Ir«l>» Dish'paper announced that the Ox had been roasted inJ certain town or of his arrival whs a Bull. Soon wards ah advertisement Appeared . of thoso Hibernian luritinkries, stat nf J the advertiser had oh' Mdjptoo *«: excellent whiskey which had been by hi. Majesty when: in tiie quostion of the umpn woskeenlj"' The' 'ted In (he Irish 'parliament as that cipation'is at piespnt tn the Bp ^ ™ memhe'f remarked, that, "he c ° uldn ° I(l eeive what made the gentlemen to tho measure the ladies arp all 1 nion, to a man E: ; I.ichcn.^ belonging, perhaps, to Lectdea.—Baltimore Chronicle, jWlicit the octogenarian.Capt. Bathurst, pftho Genoa, who was mortally wounded injhe battle o( Navarlqo, felt his end '-ap. proacli.he sint for his-Steward, and. posi- liUl- - - • Elisabethan Manuscript Thero , has been recently discovered tn the State pa per Office, London, a .translation of ; Boe thius’s De Consolations Philo,ophite, near- ly the whole of which is In tlie hand wri ting of Queen Elizabeth. From another | ward; Dam but'a' peor man'," and HeirtTi A singular anecdote is related in -HaW> slein's- memoirs of Bolivar, which hill serve tolllustrate a prominent feature,in' his character. 'On Jus triumphal’entry into Caraccas, in the year 1813. Bolivar was |.bqrnelna carjtcawn by tt’beautiful young ladies, from tli'e--first families irathe place, bargained for the price of a butt of | dressed elegantly in whito, adorned with rum toprcservehivownbudy in. . "Ishould [the nationol color*. He stood oh tiie.cer, like." said tho veteran, "tohave my old 1, 1 ■ ■ " -■ bones carried to iny native land ; but, Ste- document,-recently found, it'appears tliat the Queen made this translation at Wind sor doting fivo weeks of -tba Winter seas on,. ■ family boYind mo ; you mukt let nte have the stuff as choap as possible.” [Constantinople frt.mso, by Charles,AD- ■rand.' - ' bare headed, and in full uniform, with a. small wand in bis hand, and was thus- drawn through thousands of spectators from tho sntranch of the city' to his resi dence. - We doubt if there wore over, so ungaltantc a hero betoro!—Massachusetts Journal, „r. B .am~Thc Division John flJbos;-palrldge-snaring. was <>' II The inkghtriitd ffamed. buf the “Twomonths and two magistrates' 1 Woll, dte°k%e must have it-c<" nn,illa AfurJ««niL n -Th.follo^S tt ‘| peal Is Xataedin walls ■.-'•Tum »8 a '“ ^ el “ fal>» » nd , l pf England.” Now this Is a yyiaindl bellous allusion to *‘T U[ " a ® for 'j,!! ton, Lord Mayor ?f L°" do ".' 0 m .fington flourished c y encO»"^l whereas VVelll"8 wn 11,0 by them. .