Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 06, 1829, Image 2

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ttEPUBLICM. ' FREDERICK S. 1>'HLL, CITY rillNTF.U. Daily I'npiv.-.j, eight dollars per annum, Juimtry l'ap«......usix dollars per annum. a'AYAUbr. IN ADVANCE* AlFNew and Now Advertisements ap pear ill both papers. ■ (T?* Office in Dickson’* lliree etory orieU building, on tlio liny, near the Ex change, beta oon BulUaml Drnytim-slrecis' SAVAJWAS1. TUESDAY EVENING. Oct. 0. Cnrrfsponrfntee l ‘8im Ulinn" i» iln- avoidably laid ovet for the waul of room. Early Frott.—A white Host was very pcrceptlbloinourClty yesterday morning —in the country it was tuoic severe, and It js feared that vegetation, particularly cot ton, will bo somewhat injured by it. Our summer has been very short, having expe rienced a frost on the nth of May last. ELECTION. a Ao election for Governor, a Represent- alive in Congress in the place of G.*R. Gilmer, resigned, and for inonthors of the State Legislature, look place yesterday throughout the State. Tito f Honing is the result In this County. 7*1 votel were given in. ™ For Governor. ■ 'JOEL CRAWFORD, '430 «. H. GILMER, *70 .i/cmSkM oj Congress. ; T. U. 1“. i 'll WILTON, 488 .H. G LAMApy 188 STATE LEGISLATURE. St mitnr, Jl. W .‘HABERSHAM, 683 Representatives* R.M. CHARLTON, 531 M. MYERS, 5"0 R. WAYNE, 4 19 GEO. HOUSTOUN, 919 The result of the election for Governor and Member of Congress cannot be final ly known for two or three weeks to come, as there ate upwards of seventy counties yet to be heard from. We learn that Mr. Gilmer hat beaten Mr. Crawford in Liber ty and Bryan—Use preciso number of vote* ffe hare not been able to obtain. EFFINGHAM COUNTY. The following it the result of the elec tion In the above County 1 For Governor. JoelCrawford. 97 Q. U. Gilmer, 22 For Congress. 11. G. Lamer, 104 X-U. P. Charlton, a Slate Senator. C- Powers, (tm opposition) too Representative. J. F. Waldhuur. (no opposition) 100 .Yellow Ftverin Mobile—We.regret the painful necessity we are undei (says the Mobile Register of the SSd ult.) of giving notice loathe public that an unfavorable change hat taken place in the aspect and character of the cases of sickness, that now exist in the city. Since our last report, several caserof yellow fever, in all perhaps amounting to seven or eight, hate occur red , two or three of which have proved fa tal; and by the report of the Board of Health there is reason to fear that it may ■prevail as an epidemic. We are informed by the Macon Messen ger that it new town is contemplated on the OcmuUree River, in Pulaski County, op posite Hartford, by the name of Hawkins- villt. The site has advantages.which must fgcaminend it to men of business, and un doubtedly w ill become a place of considera ble mercantil«intportance.lti situation is at \be first shoal on the River, which is mvi- gable/roin thence to Darien at all seasons for pole boots The location is good, hav ing every indication of health, (Theciun- try being high and dry in the vicinity.) It will naturally command the trade of sev eral counties in the vicinity .some of which aye new attd fertile. A retvSrd of One Thousand Dollars is offered by the City Council of Augusta for the discovery and conviction of the Incen diary or Incendiaries who fired the Eagle Tavern in that city on the morning of the ■1,9th August, and the House adjoining the City Hotel on the morning of the 24th ult. Tho U. fl. ship Peacock, fitted with a finit of cotton duck sails, went to sea from New York on Sunday, 27th ultimo. She carries out captain Elliott, who is to take • command of the West India Squadron. A writer in the New Orleans Advertiser, iccommends the juice of the narrow or broad leaf Plantain as an antidote against Ibe yellow fever, Mr. John Gnimaran, tr silversmith and ~ Ulan of large family, who has tesided sev- '■ tyal years in the city of Augusta and ac cumulated considerable'property, hat been apprehended on the charge ofhaviDg fired Wo fire informed by tho last Columbus Enquirer, that tho Indian Council wine, assembled in the Creek Natibn on the 13n. of August last has adjourned, Tho oh ject of its mooting to take inio considera tion the property oftlie emigration»west of the Mississippi river in nceordance wllh'the views of the Government, as expressed in the recent talk of President Jackson to thi ll reek Indian. The couneil has requested tho Agent Col, Oroweli, to apprise thr President of the position, determination of the Nation not to relinquish its proient territory, but to remain and submit to the laws of Alabama, Commissioners have hoen appointed on the part of Alabama to take the Census oftlie Nation ; and Itnve proceeded considerably In the business of tlteir appointments. Tho New York Tost states tint Wash, inglon Irving has acscpted the pi,-tee offer ed Idol by this government, of Scerctary of Legation at the CourUtf St. James. • J. St. Campbell has been appointed by tho President of the United Slates, Sur veyor and Inspector of the Port of Louis ville, Ky. in the place of Rioliard Fergu son, removed. James Robertson, Jr. has been temoved from tho office of Collcotor of the Cus toms for the District of Petersburg, Vn. and Cltas. D. Mcludoo appointed in his stead. A correspondent of the Western Caroli irian, in Mecklonhiirg county, states tltat “a degree of mortality now prevails In this section, which* I believe is without its par allel in this or any other country,so remolo from the tea boatd. I am persuaded that the proportion of deaths to Hid number at tacked, has been seldom greuter in Phila delphia nr Charleston, during the preva lence of Yellow Fever. *« Raleigh Star, 1st inst. The Rank Robbery.—Yesterday fore noon was brought hetnro tho Police Court for examination, John Wade, charged with larceny, for having taking 99,100 from the Suffolk bank. He plead guilty to (lie specification as set forth in an extract from the newspaper, and was ordered to re- cognise in' the sum of 910,000 for his ap pearance next month tu take his trial at the Municipal Court, but for want of sure ties he was committed. The whole oftlia money was received, U having been hid by Wade, who directed the officers to the spot where he had placed it—Bost. Bui. Banquet to La Fayette—General La fayette has come respond-die autumn with his son at Clarrannt, where he arrived on the. 17th of July. On his arrival the poo- pie resolved to give him a banquet on his return to Auvergne. The large room in which it took place was brilliantly lighted, aiftf produced a magnificent effect. Yet the only decorations were the ^General's bust, as made on his return from America, and liis full length pioture, by Mr. Scheffer. The evening was one of decoruin and cor dial enjoyment. After the first tvast of "The King ajtd the Charter, the firmest support of the Throne altd the Public Lib erties,'. the Chairman, M. Bolrot, gave— "Our Illustrious Guest and Great Citizen, who devoted from his vomit to tbo wor ship of Liberty, at twenty years of- a£e, set up the standard of independence in Amer ica ; the disciple and friend of Washing- tmifthe greatest character of modern times; the indexible defender' of our rights: ns zealous as eloquent, in all our le.islalivc assemblies.” M. Lafayette who Was much affected, replied in un oxtompore speech, which he wound up with this toast:—"The department of the Puy de Dome, and ita excellent capital; where, at the distance of twenty centuries, two national armies found their last refuge—where, I hope, li berty will always find a bulwark against the invasions of arbitrary power, privilege, mid anthority." All the toasts wetfelottd ly applauded.—French paper. We have translated the annexed para graph from the Paris Journal its Debates, of the Dili ult.' "A French painter. M. Charjon, recent ly, on a visit at the villa of Lucien Bona parte. near Rome, was seized and. carried off, from under the very roof, by robbers who mistook him for Lucien. They knock ed him down on the floor, with the hut-end of a musket, and bore him away insensible. He remained three days in their hands, without being able to convince them that he was not Lucien B naparte. The latter paid five hundred dollars for his ransom Nat. Gaz. Crops.—Every thing at drought. Tho past when that and numerous other buildings, in Augusta and among them the City Ho tel , were destroyed ; and after an examin ation before the City Council, .VhichTas ted during the wholo of Wednesday last and the forenoon of Thursday, lie was fi nally committed .to await his (rial before (he Bbperior Court in November nc*t> , The weather eind I ro is sudeting from season has been one of extremos.— I'lio crops, we regret to-sav, are worse e- icn than represented by the Lite expose of the Agricultural Society. A Planter men dotted, a few days since, that ho then had picked but one bale, when at tile same timo last year, ho had In thirty . Things me bail enough without the Caterpillar, which U still extending its ravages. Beaufort Gaz. lit inst. We nnfice, Inohe of oitr foreign papers, the following patlicitlarls relating to the general wlmjnisdisplayed so much taient and activity at the head ‘of the Russianl forces during the pretont campaign. It has already been mentioned that ho is nearly related to the celebrated Barclay de Tolly: —"Gonernl Diobilsrlt, ol Silesian origin, distinguished himself in The campaign of 1812. He commanded General Wittgen stein's ndvoncedgtnrd, nnd on the 6th af October contributed materially to the vic tory of Polotsk, on the Dwina. In the month of November, he marched on the Uercsina,' nnd compelled the remainder of General Partronnc,tux’s division to lay down their arms, near Staroi Borisow Marching towards tho Niemon in Decem ber, he daringly threw himself with two thousand men, between the Prussian corps ofYorcknnd Masenhach, nnd concluded Iwith them the famous Convention* of Pos- [cliercn. In the campaign Jof 1814, he commanded a division of the army which invaded France, and fought w ith the utmost [valor at Montniirnil, on the 17th Fob." Philadelphia Chronicle. The Philadelphia Chronicle of the t-lili mlt. says—“Some tune last spring the mate of a French vessel the St. Clair, arrived at New York in a boat from scn.nnd repor ted that the Captain had been killed and the vessel taken possession of by tho crew, who had mutinied. A colored man nlio, ive understand, has confessed himself to bo [one of the mutineers, was taken at Cape May within .1 day or two, arid was this [morning aem on to Now York in one nf the Steamboats. Suspicion had been excited against the man by the chcmnstanceofhis placing n large stun of money,in doubloons nnd dollars, in tho Itandanf a person near Cape May, saying that lie had received it as a gift from a sister in Franco. After liis arrest he acknowledged ft tu he his] share ofthe plunder. . Memoir of the late Thomas Addi^mA met—A biographical sketch of the lamen ted Thomas Addis Emmet, by the Into Charles G. Haines, is now in press, and will be pnblislted in a few days by the Messrs. G. and C. H. Carvlll. It will be comprised, we undeislantl, in one smalll [volume cap octavo.—N. Y. Eve. Post. Strange but True.—Among nthor curi osities of nature, which Major John Ken nedy, of Chcsterville, bas preserved and keeps in a "Museum upon a small scale," is a Lamb with two feet, one body front the short ribs to the necks, and two hindpnrls branching off at the shorl-ribs, with four feet. ‘This is a fact; for we have seen and examined said lamb. It was born in the above mentioned form; and we shnuldl judge from ita size, that it lived almuti.. month. When it died it was stuffed for PTMamiioni and may Iw seen at Chester- vlllo by any one who doubts the roalily of this story—Camden Guz. Catcr'piflars.—(JonsltWnblo injury lias been sustained bv several gentlemen In this vicinity, front the ravages of tho Cat erpillar] though we are happy to h am, that the evil has extended to comparatively few plantations. In some instances, an antin'loss nf the crop will he xullerod one field in particular containing 920 «• ores, has been totally destroyed—luUahas sicAdv. I8(A ult. Idem. Constantine Smith, of tbeMarine Corps, charged with tha det,lh of the late Lieut. Bourne,of the same Corps,In ,1 du el, has been tried the present session of tho Superior Court of Law tut Norfolk t’oun ty.nml unanimously acquitted by the ver dict ol a most intelligent Jury.—Norfolk Beacon ibth inst. „ Medical Academy of Georgia.—'The ex ercisesof lids institution commenced on Thursday morning with nn introiluctoiy Lecture, delivered by Dr. Milton Antony, and we are informed 1 hat a regular course of instruction will follow immediately. The Grand Jury of Columbia Xlounty in their late presentments foi the Septem ber Term, speak of this institution as fol lows: •We approbate the law establishing a Medical Academy in Augusta, because it will encourage Students to come within the limits of our state, nnd will enable our own to obtain a graduation in Medicine, with nut the cost and risk of going to foreign Universities.”—Augusta Chronicle 3d inst. The Rev. A. De. Angelis of this city, has received a letter from Rome under date of 12th May last, giving notice that the Right llev. Michael Porteus, formerly Kjshop of Eicon, and Vicar Apostolic of life State of Alabama and of Florida, has been appointed by His Holiness Pius VIII, Bishop of Mobile; and that tin is expected in this City in all of December next, ac companied by some of the Priests, for the purpose of erecting a Seminary,and trans acting such other business as appertains to his office.—Mob. Jleg. 22i ult. Maine—glorious, emancipated Maine, has emerged like the sun from an eclipse, from beneath tho cloud of corruption that hts house on the morning of the 24th ult.. hat long been hanging over her; she will now take her rank with her worthy sisters •vho have cast the yoke of tho Adams nnd Clay dynasty beneath tlteir feet. From all we can learn we think there is no doubt but that our friends will have a majority in both blanches of the Legislature, and it is possible, though we hardly deem It proba ble, that tlteir' candidate far Governor, Judge Smith,is elected.—Bolt.'Stats, noth vilr From the Baltimore Americans WUhuU* Tho folia wing letter nf the-Secretary ol State in reply to tne memorial of the merchants of Baltimore relative to the in- secure ftnte of AraeriHb property on the c 9 as * of Mexico, and prnving further .pro- lection front government, was placed on the books of the Exchange Reading Rooms yesterday morning,— Thomas Tenant, Esq. and others. Merchants ofthe city of Baltimore. Department or State, ? IFashington, 21st Sopt. 1820.9 ( - Gentikmen—I have the honor to in form you. in reference to the Memorial "Itich ynuliddressed to the President on tho 10th of this month, that.before it reach- ed his hands, he hnd given the nccessnry orders for the employment of such part of the naval (nice of the United States as noulti ho conveniently spared from the public service elsewhere, upon the coast of Mexi co, with a view to the eventual aid which it might lie able to render to the citizens of the United States residing ill the ports of itat country,whose petsott or property were exposed to any risk from the existing style of tilings there, and to lie with the highest respect, Your obedient servant, M. VAN UURKN. A’splendid Silver Vase was recently pre senled by the Merchants of No York, to Hugh Maxwell, Esq. In testimony of tlteir appreciation of liis conduct and talents as District Attorney ofthe city amt county of Now York. The,price of the Vaso whs 91000, which was made up of donationi of 92 each. A suit was tried in the Common Pleas on Monday, in which Madame Johnson (lie tcronaut, was plaintiff, and.William Niblo defendant. The former was to have re ceived 9300 for going up in a balloon from defendant’s garden in July 11128 From some mismanagement of the gas, the bal- joun could not ascend, and Mr. Nililo hav ing Paid defendant 955 on account,did not hold himself responsible the per, sons who made tiio arrangements were re commended by the plaintiff. The Jury foifnd for the defendant—New York Com. Adv. The New York Commercial Advertiser of Thursday contains tho Reply of our Minister at Moxico, the Honorable Joel R. Poinsett to the ltomonstrance ofthe Stale of Mexico to the General Congress, solicit ing hi* expulsion from the Republic of Mexico. The Reply is nearly two columns of the Commercial, and is written will, great-spirit nnd boldness of expression— Besides the state of Mexico, two of the 01 h*r Slates sent in similar remonstrances. The proposition fui expulsion was lost in Congress by a vote of 23 to 18 Baltimore Chronicle, SB th ylt. At the late Commencement of Augdsta College, (which was attended by a uumor ous crowd of spectators from different pans of Kentucky and Ohio,) the Honorary de gree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on the Rev. Elijah Iledding, Bishop of tne Methodist Episcopal Clutrch, on the Rev. Wm. Capers,' of South Carolina, and on the Rev. VVilibut Fisk, Principal of tho Wesleyan Academy, in Wilhreham, M?», • RICHMOND, Sept. 20 Mr. Jefferson's IForks.—We undeisiand that the four volumes of Mr. Joffoisou’s Work*, hat'o passed the press—nnd tltat they are only wni ink -the ongruved por trait and the fnc simile of the original lie- rhnntion of American Independence to he bound up with them, before they are dis tribunal among 111* subscribers. These engravings are executing in Philadelphia —anil the Work may uow ho expected to issue in a fciv days. KINGSTON, (Jam.) July 31. Piracy and Murder—Mr. Chat. Fayle, who came ns n passenger in the Ann from 3l. Thonins, to this port, reports he wn* n passenger In tho nrig Main Captain Campbell, from Liverpool, hound to St. Vincent's, and that on tho 4th ult. nhom 500 miles S W. of Madeira about half past six I’ M.lhe-Mam was boarded by a brfiK amine under French colors. She sent 4 boats alongside with nearly 20 mon in each. The must Insulting conduct was manifest ed to every person on board. The captain had the melancholy task of seeing his own sister, afmut 10 years of age, stubbed to tho heart and with her servant a negro girl, tossed overboard. Three of tho crow we/e murdered, and the cook and carpen ter were token nut nf the vessel on board of the pirate. He cut the main and fore shrouds, scuttled the vessel, took out 85 casks of flour, 40 01 50 casks of pork and beef, 7 casks of water,and all the live stock and stove in a cask and a lialfpf water,the only remaining part of that cnntnfodiiy. left on hoard. During part of tliia the pnssen- g ef woa bound down to the sofa in his co in. The Captain was slabbed in about 4 nr 5 places in the body, and only escaped dentil hy turning himself about, to avoid the fatal blow; he lay upon the deck for some time, nnd the surviving orew, hesides the passenger, thought he was dead, as he was bleeding sn profusely; the pirates plunder ed the passenger of 38 doubloons, with tome change he had, and all his wearing apparel, St-c.—From tho state of drunken- ess in nhldh the pirates Vore, this passen ger escaped with Ills life. They demand ed wine at soon as they came on board.— Next morning, falling in with the brig Agenora, bound to St. Lucia, they fount that the pirate lutd boarded Iter and plund ered her of provisions and water, but hud not touched any of the craw. Tho pirate had a man onboard who had belonged ttj the Mary ofBristol. whoso crow he statei they had murdered offithc Cape de Verde Islands, and reported to the captain that ho was among them eonti ary to liis consent for tho purpose ving his oivn lifo. On the Sunday after this, the Mam fell in with the Ferret sloop or war, which, after sup plying them with water and prtuisinn, as well a* stir gloat assistance, wjtjj men to navignte the vessel they took her into Bar budans. Vessels were immediately dos patched to St. Thomas’s, Ilia Havana, nnd to the north side of St. Doiningn, ns well ns to Captain Sartorioits, stationed off Ter- eeirn, and a report also was forwarded to Sir O. Murry, colonial Secretary, in jrdor to obtain some accounts of these merciless murderers on tho high seas. Cornwall Chronicle. I’lio Philadelphia Gazelle, of the 20th ult. on the subject of lands In Floiida, gives tho following caution to purcha sers t— ‘•Them can ho no doubt many of the- tnnds In that territory tire very valmible :— lint we must repeal a camion we liavo sev eral times given to our friends to examine the' such limits.ns they may fuel disposed to pulohaso.R The character of tho speculations tltat have been entered In in in lands inrFlorida, inttsl. from ilia tu- ture Of tilings, snbnor or later be inailo pith lio 1 nnd then the Yazoo business may ho found to stiind not entirely alone lit the history ol Innd-johbln'g.’’ . The Albany Argus contains a sort of to port nf a case recently tried before Judge Oner lor the rccoveriofHicvuluc of an E- gyptian Mummy.—From the ovldence it appeared that the mummy w.19 a genuine one—nnd thitt while nn gxldhltlbn at Rons- salaervillc, in Albany county, some young "students in a dnctni's shop'' were seized with the desire of dissecting this ancient of days, nnd accordingly they brake into the house n- midnight, ImieatlTiho mummy, Si (Vain that day to this. It had not been heard of. Sonin oftlie parlies hcingsindentilleri, an aclion of ttover was instiliiled against llldm, and a decision rendered foi tho plaintiff of 91280 damages, and costs of sitii. M. was elected at tint,,. "lent by tho JI„ Jr( ] ufqwj «l of .Mntlicnialics orFraffh’'” 1 - V OSS will he severely | P |, “ to >b| ITUS MIO.W I.ivuu-.ioiT^J^ vrns must utiiu-n’l From the Georgian Cotton Exronrs or (j, n .:U South Oahomna.-TIio coim n .,1 having just closed, wo liavo coni»aJ care the following table of its ',1 Colton from Georgia and SduthTl for tho year 1828 and 1029 Zyl iucroaso of 168,878 hales—of JT PiHl.ADELPmA.Sept.23 On Monday Inst us« gentleman was ri ding on horseback, up Ciigsttilt Jtreet,near Eighth, his Imrse became unmanageable, and started off at a rapid gait. A dray was coining down the street' qt llte same time; they came to contact; the equestri an was niineresnoniniiily dismounted, and crpool has 88,316, Havre Hjt, * them porta *4,4*5 bales, ’’ Tho last crop tvas more th„., but according to accounts f ro , ‘ •rlor of tjio two states, the press. fall considerably short. ' Statement of Stock, lit OelkJ Upland. S. Iff Savannah 8,1 It . 101 -Charleston 2,43* ] gj Augusta *,431 6,874 I The shipments otfiga Ivl unlij embodied lit the first tai,ld| but* added auutlior, embracing that n Cotton alone—tin account din--. Uplands being kept oflliatthipJ aviso. 1 1 is back, y horse opinion s proper ivocliar- predlc- raymaii re- s novel ran- luxiiry, in- tken tori- Tho New York Inquirer snys there is a machine in operation in that city which makes daily 25,000 bricks, being in opera tion It hours in each day. . These bricks are ready for tha fire the moment they leave the machine, and sell readily at from 5 to 8 dollars pei limits ind. The operators take the clay immediately from the hank, and without the use of any water, throw it into nn apparatus winch cuts the large lumps andrediicos them tun similar size. This enables the clay to pass through a kind of hopper into the moulds of the machine,which are placed on a hnri zontnl wheel: and ns the wliocl revolves, the clay is forcibly compressed into parnl- Icllograms of perfect form, so linn)' as to admit of being handled,and of being placed in the kiln for burning. It is said that a building erected last fall with this brick, stood all the severity of tho frost equal to any brick whatever. Ills horse fell into the drey, 1 with his feet in the air, moved on; but, peihaps that the other had place, soon stnpi ger was relieved ament. Tlte ridor ami tin ccivod but slight Injury fyor- eomra, Wn live man deed, when even horses It- ding.—Chron Niagara —There is to ho a great blow up >t the Fnlh, the utlt of Uctobir. Tho table rock, which is a dangerous pedestal for travelling stalites,nml front Which a largo fragment fell a few years since, has a fls sure-to inches wide, and 100 feet deep.-— This is 10 lie charged With powder,by which It Is calculated that 10 millions of tonsol'the rock, Will be blown off. At the same time, Sam Patch is to take a leap down the falls, or if he declines, the schooner Superior is to be dis Patched down the abyss.—Provi dence Am. The New York Courier slates that let ters from Tampion have been rccehod by the bjig Eliza, at Philadelphia from Vera Cruz, which state tltat Santa Anna had made nn attack upon the Spaniards with 2000 men. He was ihpulsed with, (he lots of 400 killed and missing ; tho reserve of Sama Anna’s army was in the immediate vicinity, and it was expeeteil.tlie next at tack would be decisive and end in the to tal destruction ol the Spaniards. Protestant Liberality,—Henry Barclay, Esq. of Sangertiei, Ulster county; has pre sented to the Catholic Bishop of N. York through tho Rev. Mr. O’Reillv, a piece of ground in tho above rising yiliage, for the site nfa Catliulic Church.—N. York Ame rican. The Branch Bank of the Common- wealth at Louisville, Ky. was entered hy some villain 011 Thursday night sveck, hy means of false keys, and robbed of about 25,000 dollars. A.reward of 500 dollars is offered for the detection of tho thief. Swedish Iron.—The following statement of tho amount in tons, of Swodislt Iron ex ported in 1828, is from the Revue Ency- clopediqtte. To the United States, 0,400 tons; Germany, 0,879 ; France, 5,One ; Portugal, 3,200; Denmark, 1,771 ; The Indies, 803; Russia, 350; Brazil, 286; Malta, 142 t Spain. 84: The Antilles, 58; Italy, 40; Norway, 25. Cnpt. Frye, of 1I10 brig’Osgood. at New York from Sardinia, spoke off the West ern Islands, about the 20th August, ship Good Return, SO dnys from New Bedford with a whale along side. Was informed that the Portuguese ar,d Brazilian squad rons were off Angra. and that a battle was daily expected. Tho Peak of Pico bore N. E. about 50. miles. Captain Collins, from Cadiz, August 14, infprins that Mr. Everett, out late flliit- ister to Spain, had left Madrid, on Ids re turn to the United Slates by way of Frame. N.Y.E.Post. The editor of tho Philadelphia National Gazette has received the Bogota Gaceta de Colombia of the 19th July. It announces that the Liberator was, on the 7t)i‘Juno, in the direction of Guayaquil, and hud met Senor Glial on his return from a political mission to the Peruvians. He has also re ceived, from Guayaquil, a copy of the ar misfire concluded on the 27th Jane be tween the authorities of that place and Bolivar, whose head quarteri were then at Buijo. ThoLiberatorhad sent a commissioner to the Peruvian enmmander in chief to of peace, and the suspension of hos. tililles was to endure until the relurn of the Agent. Peaco was considered as cer tain. From Colombia—We learn by the pac ket brig Tampico,' wliieh left Cartliagcna on the 5th inst. that the Peruvian troops at Guayaquil revolted against their eomnian- dejs. declared themselves in favor nf Boli- vnr, nnd delivered the platre.wilh the com mander to chief, nnd other officers as pris- oners, to the Colombian troops. It was expected this event would be followed bv the submission ofthe whofocountry to the Liberator, and an immediate peaco. The New steam boat Libcrtndnr, Capl. Troby. had arrived at Sama Martha in ton dnys from tliia port, without any accident, and was to proceed in a short time up the VIogdancLi, tho river she was destined to navigate—New York Gazette SBth ult. In a now trial at Rutland, Vt. Mary Glnnsou has recovered 971 and costs of Bernard M*ConnelI,for a breach of-promise of marriage. Some thought this a small remuneration for seduction and breach of promise; others thought tho 8romiio was not provetj,. MARRIED, In St. Mary’s on the I7tlt ult. by tlio Rev. Horace S. Pratt, ALEXANDER J. PRATT, of this City to Miss MARGA- IM^T^AvPT^^LlPfc^>nheJorine^)lacc. *» 5! — I C.2.O.; 08 Of CO S 888a s ss III ? ‘S 0 ?! 8 * 21 «0 C> — *Kj II I coca u -• 8% -I *1 fiski 3 2 I S ; L P? rlj: 585sM S33Si gj.« W .' » n»; sap Isis I ?tjii .03 H ss *"• »* N* H eo e» 08 C9 8888 5.? CD 05 • W «3SSi\ The Tarhorough Free Press says, that it is supposed the cotton fields in that vicinity will not average more than about two thirds of a crop this season. Fine Arts—The Boston Bulletin,' says —‘‘We saw a common sized cherry-stone last evening, which contained twenty doz en silver spoons, manufactured by u lad in this city.’’ DIED, In lids City on Saturday evening last, infter a long nnd painful illness, JAMES M. A. CHRISTOPHER, aged 19 years jnd 10 months. Ho was n native nf Sun- bury in this Slate, and for the last 4 years a resident of this City. On tho 24th inst. GEORGIA, nge.d 18 months,lymtngest child of James A. Max well, deceased. And shall my bleeding heart arraign That God whoso ways arc love ? Or vainly cherish anxious pain For thoso who rest above ? No—let mo rather humbly pay Obedience to his'will, And »illi my inmost spirit say The Lord is righteous still. At Augusta on the 27tft tilt. Mr. AL LENDREGHORN, n native of Long- Govan, Scotland, aged 25 years. On tbo SO1I1 ult. at tho Inrlinn town of Coosawattoe, in the Cherokee Territory.on his way from Tcnnosseo to Athens, Mr. M’GEHEE,in theSOtli year of his age. Letters from Augusta slats MilH fully ascertained that tho prnsn 1 'fl crop will be a short one. The sloc« «| Cotton on the 1st inst. was 1401 «™i gainst 4842 same period last ceiptof new Cotton 1030, ng'j' 1 " 1 ' bales snnte period last year. .M'J selling from 8 1-St to 9 cents, and tn> very slow. CHARLESTON, OtlJ Cotton There lias been a ft"'T loads received this week of na« VP which have brought 9 1 8—0 W. “ 1 -2 cents—the quality good W The only transactions of which ** hoard in other descriptions was a«[ I small lot of fair Sea Islands at 24 't« Riel—The market continues «i, active. The price obtained this** j beqp g* 1-2, which was given for 1 very primo quality. MARINE LlST^ PORT OF SAVANNA^' ARRIVED SINCE OlIH l.A Brig Industry, Beecher, ?!• * j Bnllnst to Cohen vS& Miller. • ^ Schr. Swain, Swain, » ds »" o i phia, nrnl 72 hours from the CaP« lien & Miller, Mdze, to J. P ^ W Gordon, O I ; evist«.rie,\V^ Lay & Hendrickson, W T, '*" ef, Malone, S O D’unning.E Hltss.J Jin, Ketchum mate/ '* ~ e, S O Dunning, E llltjV , [tchum & Hurroughs. il ' rl '& Co. <$LippU, GW Lord. J Stone, ,H# Pnrsh.'T Butler & Co. G Gfo 1 r<, .„’ 0I dtr- land, Tall & Pndelford, ami '» mi Passengers W •JWS Keys, Miss Rornteek, Messrs, j.fiy Waters, Masters, Digman, Au "steamboat Sdmuel istet’s Race with 101s boats« 19 , Sister’s Race wi