Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 10, 1829, Image 1

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^fo 204 moVoL I SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ID, 18B9* Whole No y ; ,Notice* . T he Subscribe having qualified on (1,0 will of the' latiloseph ; L»w soil. nf Libo V County, requests all person, hlvlnademands afrlnst the estate to pro- lent Iboin duly attested, and all persons in debted to the samo, to come forward und make payment, J0l iNS.LAW. July . nlML Maekere!. from trig Cent aridtehr. IP. H. galwMsoii. I A 4ft Barrels and 20 half ditto no 2, lAV Mackerel, and 130 ditto no 3 do. #pllf> '»> NFER hate, jeii Porter, am J. i both lal iighuni County, ci'lbil COURT, Jult Txrm, 1829* \ tho petition of William Moral, sta- tlie existence & loss aud praying mont nfaeortain promissory I severally made dnd signed iltllryne. and William U i of tald county deceased, tawd Effingham county, ifitU February, 8*4. payable to the said William Morel, or ,,der, on or beforo tho 1st day of January lext, for tho sum of twenty five dollars,for -t,,a received, a copy whereof, with the *' of the said William Morel, is Hied the Clerk’s OBice.-fl is ordered that ant King, of the County of Effllng- theactina and qualified administrator ,„e said William U. Potter, deceased, id the heirs And representatives of the said illUm J. Mulryne, deceased, do *hew .use on of before the fiist day of tne noxt inn of ihWOourtt why the prayer of the ,er should not he granted, anu It is rtlier ordered that this rule be published one of the public Garottes of the City f .Snvnnimh, onco a month until the time ippomted fdr sho ving cause thereof. * Extract from the inihutes, JjkO. CHARLTON. Clk. )uly IB 187$t., ' ■ kffidavU 0 In tho Clt Villiam 1 ham, tit if the 1 to. Jail. tho Hull Inst, a negro man who says his name is .JERRY*, and that lie belongs tq the State of Gem. gia, that he runaway from the Chaiahoo- cliee river about 4 months ago—he is t> feet B inches high, and about 33 years of agqtlio is of a yellaw complexion and stub ters when speaking. JOHN I DEWS, J.c.c. oug IS - 180 Brought to Jail, F I Savannah on tho loth Mat. a negro nton who says hls’name Is SIMON, and that he belongs to the State rtf Geor gia, that he ratlhway from the Chutuimo- choc River about 4 months ago—lie is b feet 8 8-4 inches high and about 2b years of agh—lie Has lost one of Ids front teeth. JOHNI. DEWS, J.c.c. nttg 18 • Brought to Jail. 0"N Savannah, on the 10th ln*t. a negro J. mnn who says his itAinn is NED. nnd that h< belongs to the State nf Qc^fciu, that he ranaiMiv from the Chatahom-hee river about 4 mouths ago, lie is 3 feet I) Inches high and about (3 years < John 1. Dews c. c. aug 18 180 * Brought to Jail. TN Savannah, on the 25th ultimo, a ne- .1. Rro man, who says his name is TO NEY,ami that ho belong* to William Deal of Richmond County, Uu. Hint he ranauay about two weeks ago, he is C fee> 3 12 in’- ches high & about 36 ycnisofnge—the top of Id. bend Is gray. JOHMIDEWH.j c. e. aug 6 ' 115 ■* Notice. |OliR months after date application will be made to the Mon. the Justi- softhe Inferior Court of l.iberty Cnun- I for leave to sell one hundred acres of nml belonging to the estate of Donald Fra- Jer.lbr the benefit of tile hells and ciedilors If said estate. M MSO ARETR.FR asf.r. [ July S3 170 Ekeentrix. Brought to Jail. I N Savannahs on the .31st ultimo. a He gro man who sa-sl-is name ills \ AC and Hint tie belongs to Be-ill Cook or El hert CoumV, (!a thus he ranaway about three weeks ac.6—he Is a feel £ 4-4 inches high mid about 13 ears of age. he lys a bear on bis chin. JOHN I DEWS, j.c.c. aug8 175 Notice, I OUR Months after date application will be made til the Hon. the Justice, f the Inferior Court of Emanuel bounty jr leave to sell all the real estate of James Iwiliey. dec for the benefitof the heirs and ►editors of said estate THOMA* SWIVI’.Y. 'din’or. | taly 33 I’M SWEDES IKON. .ately arrived ind now landing from brig ! Anhntlr at Jones’ upper whaif. > Aft A ''ONSof 1st Quality Swedes 1 I '/'lr Iren, comprising a full and |nipl"te JW'irtinent of all siges. For sale hy mu.. sf/41'TRR &TUFPER. Bar.mnili. Sent. In 1829. Brought to Jail. I N Savannah bu the tOtb ins a nogro man who savs his namu is t|« >S S,and dial he belongs to Wm Hell, of Munrne County, Georgia, that lie ranaway about font Weeks ago. he is 3 feet 012 inches high and about 2" ye -r» of age. sept22 j.l. E'VS, J.c.c. Brought to Jail. TN Savannah on the 25th;May a necin i man whn says Ills name'ls JANUA KY, and that He belongs to Edward Cliis olinn. of South Carolina, til t he rana" ay about one week ago. he is 3 teet 2 Inolies high ami about 22 years of age. ha has lost several of his front teeth. aug 0 .?. 1. DEWS. j. c. c. Treasurer’s Office. SAVANNAH. Sept. 1ST, 1820 1*1 R Owner* of Stock m the Snvan nnh ‘Exchange* nrehereby notified Ji aercMhlp to a resolution of Council ■000 of said Stock will be redeemed on ■ before tho £0th of tyovember next. and It I am now prepared to pay the same at j office. to. W. StP.WART, c. t. Kept 15 ih4 Notice. I.I. persons having demands against V die osiate of Jblin J. Ihloy, are re eled to present them duly attested and r w “'uebted to said. estate will make jyiiient [orthwith to j. CHART,TON, Adm’r. I'PllO M. f.IIII.F.Y. Adm’x. Notice. k LI. persons indebted to the late Wil liams riiLLV.’iT, will be pleased to e M.<v .. P ,i, ( 0 t|u> subscriber -, and Having ileinjhdt against tho tame 1 present Ihum to JAMb.S IIICfHNBOTTOM, x. m, _ Administrator Tver Thre.RU",,(S. C.) Sept. 7th, 1820. pets got Notice. M. persons indebted to tho Estate of id. Elijah Oillett, will he plea- ,,1 10 *«■ payment to the snbscrihor; tliose having demands against the will present them to MME8 HIQGINBOTTOM, Ad’nior. de bonis non. „ with the will annexed, iaet -» - eRun, ’< S ' C )Sopt, 7th, 1828. £01 rr ... P« Marlow, If' received n fresh supply nf bNtJi lS'li AND AMERICAN JVHITE LEAD. Al.SO, 1 / A Tariety of Paper Hangings fire board prints. pept 2(j Brought to Jail. I N Savannah, on tli>*2d uh. a miilatio a Oman who says hername is NEI.I.Y and (hat she belongs to the estate of Erl- <) Bryan, Twiggs County. Georgia, nnd tli t she ranaway about two months ago. She is 9 feet 1 1-2 inches high and about. 22 years of age. JNO.I. DEWS, J.c.c net 3 Committed to JiulT A T Oaosaa batcliie, on tin* Ifith «t*M:»v last, a neuro man nnmed fil'OlrOI! who say* he belongs to the OaUmulgr'p Navigation Company in ^eoiu;i:t. of Imin Mr. Kubeit McCall i* neeut; he i* -ih»»n| 35 years of a^e, 5 fret 7 >r r » inche* hit'll julv 13 J 1. JiK^K. J n. n. 4 T Coosa whatehh*. •ast,« negro man Commitied to Jail, n the 35th March ho say* his name •*« Jt'lR, who first ( l ilini'tl >lr Jllcharif f M- lt% a* his master, but sim-v s.ivs he bvlont* to a Mr. J ihn rili'Tee, vli » lives about l niles from Havainwh • lie is iihoiit •* fret U inches high, anti about fortv years nf age J. J. DECK. j. b. n July 13 103 For S >1<\ B Y log' e of the Inferior Court rtf this County, will bo sold on tho First Tuesday of tWemher. for the benefit of the hrc.lilors, that valuable and improved pin nt a t ion, on Ski da way Island, contain ing 630 ncres, nnd known by tho flame of HlBEKNlA. THOn. U. P. CHARLTON.*r Ae houia non, &c. sopt 15 10.3 An Act. T O prflVcnt the introduction of paisen- ger*. who are uliens into the port of Savannah, during the months of July, Au gust. September and October. VVJftroai it has boon the practice of mas* ters of vessels to bring a number of passon- gets, natives of foreign countries into the port of Snvunnah,during the sickly months thereby exposing to almost certain death individuals whose constitutions are but illy adapted to the insalubrious climate of that city, nnd thereby subjects the community to an erroneous expense j Do It therofore enacted by tho Senate nnd House of Representatives in General As sembly met. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of tho same. That any mas ter or cominuuder of any ship dr vcssol ar riving between the first of July and last day of October inclusive, from a foreign country or from any part of the U. States, who shall, enter his ves-el at the Custom House in the city of Savannah, shall within twenty-four hour»after such entry, make a report in writing on oath In ihe Mayor of said 'city, of the age, name and occupation of every person,whoslntll have been brought as passenger in such ship or vessel on her lust voyage, upon pain of forfeiting for eve ry neglect or omission to make such report the sum ol sevonty five dollars, for every alien neglected to bo so leported afore* said. § 2 And he it further enacted. That it shall bn lawful for the said Mayor, or in his sickness or absence any person 'legally au thorized to act in his place, to require eve- r such master of such ship or vftsvcl, to be bound wit! two sufficient securities tome Mavorund Mdurmen of theclty A of Savan nah. in such sums .ts the Mayor or’atn h per son SO legally autbuiiZf.I .is aforesaid, may hi' U ptopnr not exceeding three hundred dollars for ea< li passenger, to indemnity -• id s n e harmless, the said Mayor aud Al dcrmen.ind the cottimts'doneift of the poor lmu<e aud-, and tlu-i» sue* essors from all a d every expense and charge which shall or m «y ’ c incurred (or the mumtenance mil *uppo< t of tiny such p'*i- 8o*i so introduced, and loi the maintenance altd Htiopori of the child or children of any s, ich >ersot1 W.iicii m «v h- born ifier such rim ortation. incuse mioIi person so import* ft, ’*»r unv such child oi i hlldicn, shall at Hiiytiuiu vithin six montliN after the said inportatiou heeome chargeable to the said city, and if snv such person so brought •forcjHid, and not being a ci izen of the !'• Sfates, sh ill be permitted or sutfmed tn land within said citv frdn. any su< h ship or vessel, before such bond shall h iVe been given, and without a permission in writing from the said Mayor, or person so legally authorized as aforesaid, the master or com mandcr of such ship oi vessel shall be suh- jectlo the penalty of three hundred dollars for every person so suffered or permitted to bind as atoicrf.iid. / § 3. And heit further enacted, That if •my person who may have been a passenger in such ship or vessel, and not a efti zen of tne U. Slates, shall he sntTered in land from such ship or vessel at any placo ithin the distance of 50 miles from the stdd tty, with intent lo proceed to tho said city itherwise than in the snid shin or vessel,' tho master or comma.'der thereof shall lie liable tothe like penalty of three hundred lolliirs lor every such person so suffered or permitted to bind. § J And boit further enacted, That if any hunsehotdfcf in said cilv shall,knowing y. entertain in his bouse or family, any alien so landed uh aforesaid,& slv.dl not 'rport such alien to lilt* Slid Mayor, or in «‘c ofhis sickness or absence, any person .allv authorized to officiate in Ins place, within the twenty four hours • Tier xucti cn • t iinm* .it co uinencfd, he oi she shall frit and p»y »h * sum of fifty dollars for *e» * -uch alien am entertained. § 3. \iid be it further enacted. That all ul HingU'iU the said penalties and forfeit ••s arising »u said city shall .md may b.» sued for and recovered with fill costs of niiit tiy nc lion of dci’t in the Superior court In?* state, in the tv'ine of said Mayor Aldermen and •t»cn recovered by them sh •!, be epplied towards the suppo*l • *f m»* poor ol tiie.suid • itv, and tbc tlu fund nt in every such mu. shall he held to sppcitl tm'it, in* 1 npo "Very such irial fn nv penalty or f jittfnnre nipp-wd lobe in- urred by the landing of .mv such persons as aforesaid within the said city, th * /Same landing shall e presumed u-dess the de fendant shall piove that, the said person was iokfi. or sent to some foreign co ntry without having been suficred to lajid as a foresaid. i ,!t umber Factorage. ’ L SU ^ C , r i b<lr '"founs his founds and r public, that he continues the -'Umber Factorage und ommiagion Business, fewwnSHBpI Canal - on lli5 P'eftS'thaVik*to P ra tUni,y ,° f re,llrnin R !•>» f'unised tha lorn a’ OS0 ' v , ° 80 .*'»*r:illy I rc »Ucciful° V 80 |i^, m of WyHy Brown, [ ^ solicit, a share oflhe same; >*3i , 8 VVULY. Committees of Council. O N Fiimnce Mdermert Owens, Cuv ier. Welmnn iftid Ahdeison On Dry Culture—Cuylcr, Andersen ami Bond. On Health and Cemetery—Clark. Slief- tall and Waring. On Public Sates and City lots—Bond Owens ancLCuylor. On the Market.—Slicftall, Blinder i Bon . On Pumps.—•Chaffer, Clerk and Bum n On Account, Shick, Brown and Ow ens. On Streets and Lanes.—Waring. Wei man and Shick. On Lamps.—Gaudry, Shoftnll and Gil don. . On the Fire Department.—Brown, tfhick and Shader. On the exchange.—Gildon, Clark am. Gamlry. On Docks and IFliarvcs—VVclman, Anderson and Clark. - Extract Irom the Minutes, M. MYERS, c. c. «ept 4d 107 » Notice. F OUR months after date, applientinn will ho made to the Hon. the Justi ces of the Inferior court of Emanuel cmin tv. for leave to sell all the real osiate id James I. Anderson for tho benefit of tho heirs &. reditors. TUOSj VVINNEY. • 88 linkers, plains, &c. ECKIVED by Barque Annidillo,’ JLEr nnd schr Oregon. Sup 8-4 Fr. Blanket, Point do do a now St superior nr ticlc for plantation use 8-4 Dud), Blanket, 8-4 to 13-4 Ross do 4-4 Domestic Plains » 8-4 St, 4'4 do Plaids At Stripes do do Checki Blue k Mixed Satiuetis Bwansdorvn Flannels English &|Atn. do Blue, Groon, Brown St Blk Circas sians “ “ " Bomhsxcus nlarsailles, Valenlia, Swaimlown nnd Bilk Vesting and Marseilles Knotted Guilts A Central Assortment of Cotton und Woolen lloliery Limteni and Lawns Silk ami Cotton Umbrellas M.PIIENDEKGAST. No. 3 k 14 Gibbons Block. sept 17 Pnper &c. Lntiding. tfl£g|,aXEEAMB Fine and Superfine letter Paper 70 do Printing paper to kegs rolined Salipetro SO keg. butter Crackers Fur sale by COHEN & MILLER, sept IS 103 By the President of the U- nited 8S lutes. I N pursuance- of law, I, Audiimv Jack- sox. Piesiileot of the Undcrl Slate, ol America. <lu lierebv declare nml make known that a pul-lie sale will he livid at die I .and - dice al Bpakta. in the Stale ul Aleh ina, nil the .ernml Moudai in < ieto- her ncxl, for the disposal of the public hinds within Bin limits of the undermen tioned townships and fractional townships, to wit: Township* seven,-cialit. nine, ten aid cloven,of Range twenty five. Tow nsliips .even, eight, nine, ten. nnd fractional townships eleven of It nnge twen ty six. Townships seven, eight, nine and frac tinual towuship teffl, of Range twenty sev en. Townships seven and eight, anil fraction al townships nine and ten of Range twenty eight Township seven, and fractional town ships eight aud nine, of Rang, (went) nine. Fractional township, seven and eight, of Ranee thirty. The tow nsliips are to be offered in the order above designated, begiuning with the lowest number of section in each. Tiro lands rosarved hr law lor the Use of schools, or for other purposes, are to bo «x> eluded from sale. Given under my the City of Washington, this third day of Julv.44. D. 182o. Andrew Jackson. By lit" Pres denl: GEORGE GRAHAM, Cainmissinnernf the GeneralLandOffino. To be published in the Natchez Mtates- m in. Jackson Journal, Louisiana Adverti ser, All,-papa Gazette, Huntsville Demo crat, Mo iile egister, Baltimore Republi can Philadelphia Sentinel, Richmond Eli quirer, llwh igh Star, Charleston Mercury. •Savannah Itcpuhl'icnn. Augusta Chroni cle, Nashville Republican, and Luuistill Advertiser, iulv 2fl* 171 Paints ami Paint Oil. NaVT CoHtalSSIONXBS’ Orpit-E,- ' .. *8th -September 1820. EALED Proposals will In, received at tins Ofiico uudl Is, Nuvoinber next, to supply all the Paints slid Paint Oil that may be required lor the service of the year JOSO. attire nvy Yards PorLilioinh. N. II. Charlestown, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. Philadelphia, Washington, and Gosport, Va. to ba delivered upon tile requisitions of tiro Commanding Officers of the Navy Yards, respectively, or of the Navy Agents, S og. o n s -• n 9 C3 Q. ® ^ 7 5- *"5. » £ 0-00 Ijfil H i l 1*4 • o« o , §*§■&§■§•§• s-8-8-8-i X-8-8-^8-II ga ’ ■ W „»o »|i o §*§*8* o §*8* !*o* 8* §•§•§• §■§■§•■§ •' tir 4'H x mtsv B . .. .. .. _p a. g.atn 3 S C O - a£.a.o. — ac. i. 2 ceosaeeaeso^ All the arl.'cleS mutt nl'ihe best qual ity; must he delivered in sound sul anlial iioxes. barrel,, risks, nr oi her suitable and proper packages, in good .luppmg older, flee oI nil expense to Ihe government; nml no allowance -.ill be made for boxes, bar rels, casks, -n any ..liter paokagr* wliutev er. (Ill delivery lire articles must be sub mitted n- the inspection nf the respective Nat* Yard* or such oilier inspection as the Cuimni,sinners may direct. Persons milking offers mus affix a price ■beach ami every auiclo. otherwise their bids will not bn consideied: thfc, must be eiidmseil "Offer to furnish Paints and Paint Oil for tlie year 1830.” To be published twice, week in the Na tional Intelligencer. United States' Tele graph, Baltimore Republican, American Sentinel.. New York Courier \ Enquirer. Providence Patriot, It al- iglt Star, Char lestof) Pall lot, Savannah Republican, Lou isiana Advertiser. It. hraund Enquirer, Norfolk Herald. sept 20 188 • MIM88M,,, ". ,c prl "" d ru| M prescribed by the Commissioners, dated Sept. 1st. 1820, or such otljcr inspection anil incaSiiramont ns they may direct, and 1st or December, 1830. The oorlificgte of two respectable persons that tho timber was cut within tho prescribed limits, must accbmpjiiy each cargo delivered. The cordiigo niqst bo made or clean watot rotted lioihp, the yarns to be tarred at least tfrree before he- inglaid into cordage; the cordage must be or such stzos asinay beicquired by th'etos. peetive Commandants, and mtm stand tho proof established at the respective Navy Yards. Bidders must state their price for • palclit," and, for "common Itiiti." TH* copper must he of the bell quality,and con sist of *uch kind* and sizes as the respec tive cominandantsinay require; the shentli. mg copper must he cold rolled; the whole on delivery must undergo the ihspeotioti or the Navy Ywrds, or stseti other inspec tion as the Commissioners may direct. Alt deliveries most be made free worn all ex pense tn the Government. To he published twice a week in the Na tional Intelligencer,U. S. Telegraph, Bal timore Republican, Aineriran nentral l, N. Y. Courier and Enquirer, Providence Pat riot; Richmond Enquirer. Norfolk Herald, R leigli H(ar,Charle*um Patriot,Savannah Itepubliraii, LhulMank AdVeitUer. sept 20, 108 Groceriesj Slop Clothing and i>Jjivy Brehd* Navi C -stMtsstonKa* 1 Ot-ptck, . loth Heptembbi I82n. ALEDJ > ft»H , Ori.\*.» ■ ul -e re. •eiv^iai IbU i iffi- rt Until tl- 1st of ember h xUo iilruiali all the Uroctries, Slop Clothing, and Nabjl It read, il-n omy e nq-ni-,1 dming tbeypar 18.40, f..r tlto attire Navv Y tils, Forts. I'lrarlesto- h. M -fs.‘Br'.ok- s § 7. And bn it further enacted, That every ship or vessel from which such alien shall have been so lauded without permis sion in writing from the said M«J«r w per son so leg illv iiuthnrisSed ns aforesaid in his place shall he liable for die said penal ties, and may he proceeded against by at tachmentor any oilier mode in similar ca ses allowed by law unless the owner there of or their agents shall give bond with sure ties to the sheriff “r Ins deputy in the name of (ho Mayor and Alclcimen for the pay men* of tho said penalties and eve»v oi hem which may have been incurred dn ring or since the last voyage*of tilt* saiti hip oi vessel, oi for paying the value of such ship or vessel towards (he satisfaction if such penalties is may have lie n **» in curred hy suffering anv alien in land as a- foresaid, and such value shall bo ascertain ed liv the wardens of the port of Savan nah, or any two of them. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. MATTHEW TALBOT Fiesident of the Senate. Assented tn, 2£d December, 1810. JOHN’ CLARK, Governor. . ocl 3 Goshen huttev. Landing from brig Courier. 7 /}k. KEGs choice UoslieuButtor, JLV For sale l-y COHEN & MILLER, sept 10 Lemons. T BOXES superior Malaga Lemons just landed and for sale by , HALL SlUPTER & TUITJER Hy the Presitlent of the U. States. ( N pursuance of Inw, F, Anprf.w Jack* suit,* President, of the United Slate* nt \mcrica do hereby declare anil make kiihwn that t public sale will lie held at the Land Office nt St . MenaCou.i House, in the State of Louisian 4 tm the second Monday in November next, for the dispo sal of the unappropriated public lands w iih in (lie limit of Ihe uiidci iMciuioned tmn • shijs, situate in tne Land District West of Pen I Ilive^nnd East of the Island of New Orleans, to wit: Township i»-o t of Range one, Townships one, two, three, five and six, of Range two. Townships one, two, three, four, five and six. of R anee three. Townships one, two, three, four, six and sevem and factional townships eight and nine, nf Range four* Townships our, two, three, fnm, five,six and sevc, and fractional towuship eight, ol Range five. To -vnsYip, one, two, three, four, five, six ,ii-l seven, and frac imial township eight,nf Range mx. Townships two, three, fmir, five,six md .oven, an-l fractional township eight,of Itango seren Townships one, two, three, lour, five,six nud ,seven, nnd It actional township eight,of Range eight. Townships one, two, tluiie, four, five, six and scvoii of Range nine. Tho above townships are all situate south of the thirty first degreo of Iktitude, and East ol the Meridian, and emi-rnco noarly all tho lands lyinc on the Amite Tickfaw, nil Tnngapnlia rivers. The townships will be offered ip tire or der above designated, beginning with the lowest number of section in each. The lands reserved by law for the use of schools, or for other purposes, will be ex cluded from sale. Given under my hand qttheciiyof Washington, this thirteenth day of June, A. D. 1820. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON. Bv tho President, * GEO. GRAHAM Commissioner oftlte Goneral Lund Office To bo published in the Natchez State, man, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Ailverli scr. Allupupa Gazette, Huntsville Deni-) crat, Mobile Register, Baltimore Republi can, Philadelphia Sentinel, Richmond Enquirer, Raleigh Star, Charleston Mer cury, Savanna’ll Republican, ’ Auctistu Clironiclo,Naitivillo Republican, & Louis ville Advertiser, jui/ 23 174- Timber, Cordage, & Cop per. Navt CouMisstoxEM-Omcr, 18th September. 1839 S EALED proposals w tl be received ■-! Ihisnffi- e until tile 1st November next lo supply the fellow ing' White Oak ami Yellow l.’iin- Plank Stocks. V. Idle Oak Knees, and Mans and Spur Timber, to In deltveied at the Nav; Yard. PntUmoutlV, N. II. Charlestown, .Mast I rooklyn. N Y Phllud-lplna, W'.hii-vlnii, u"d Nerf-lk; anthill the enrtlage Zed copper that inu) be rr-qtit-ed In die .iespeciivc Eoinmgn-ling Officers of dm aaid .run Yards, lo be de livered upuu their tequisitionS) fur die ser viceuf Ihe yea- lliSD. *- ll hite Oak and Yellow Pine Plank Stocks At Portsmouth. 5000 cubic feet be-t white oak plank ttrn k* 70»0 do bust long leafjol- lO" pine plank Slocks At Charles- town, 10.000 do best white oak plank xt-.eks . , 18,000 do best iongleafyel low pine pUtik stock. At Brooklyn,- 23.000 do be-t while oak plank slocks. 18,0110 do best long leaf yel low pine plank stocks per gallon. per bushel, dn ■per pound, per gall-in. per pound, per barrel. each per pair edfh each . each pnlr pair cavil .each per pair each pair each At Philadel phia, At Washing ton, 5,800 5,000 do best white oak plank slock* do best long leal yel low pine plank stocks 4,000 do host w hite oak plank stocks 4,000 do best Iongleafyel low pine plank ■ stocks At GospOrt* 25.000 do best whim opk plank stocks 10,000 do best long Icafyel law pine plank stocks. White oak knees at Boston, New Yoil„ and Norfolk, from 8 feet 6 inches to 7 feci body, from 5 feet to 5 feet 6 inches art,. and to side from 8:11 inches net- sidii g .Masts and spar timber at Norfolk, for the lower tli.isis and bow.pms, topmasts curl jib booms,and lower vurds complete for one 74, one 4 , one .loop ol w ar ol die firs and one .1-op ol war -f toe second cl.-ss. per cubic foot, Tho-pino plank stocks and inastandsp.n limber must bo the I- quality long leaf, lino heart, .otilh ern yellow pine; lh* plant ,toc -.and in,,.' and spar limber must - e liee fn—- s.q heart shakes, aud all oilier defects; the plarik stocks must nut lie less-iluti 3b and must average 45 fo-t in leu. th; the p must jqiigienot less -ban 14 nor more tiin 18 juche. at the bun, and may .quaic on. fourth less at tile lop end. The oak plan, stocks musi sqmiie nut loss than 14 inc 1 e.s al the butt, and may square one-fo - le-s at the ion end; they must have gm on lands ne.1 to salt water, or otherwise within the influence of-lho sea nr salt wale, •fir. The dimensions of the mast and .par timberWii) bo furniihed to persons inlendinc to m.iiie -Iters, by ihecmnniandiiig ofli of ill* Navy Y’ard, Gosport, Va. All t. afor'emontiiined tunl-c- imist l-ave boon ci or the tiecs have been girdled between tli 20tli III October, and the 20th of I'ebvuaij no\tj^on Uolivcty it will be iiwjectsdi and ■ ii vei'tice. at the Navy inoutii. N. ", Gliarlestoan. M -fs.'Br'j-k- , Ivn New York, Phil-delpliia. Baltimore, Washington, »ri-i t.osp.-rt, lie fur nished upon tin equisitinm of the respec tive Oonim,-tilling Officers or Nuvy A- gems. GROCERIES, quality, tit prnol. 1-4 at lo.ut rye,, White .eans, sound While I'eas, sound Rice, fresh Fperm Oil, Wilttoi strained 14 pel m Candle* Superfine Floor _ r-T.tlP CLOTUtNG. Drab Pea Jackets. Dine Cloth TroftserJ, Do do Jackets, Do do Vests. White Flannel Shirts, Do do DrlfterJj Yarn ^(obkinKt* Dlankeis, Duck Frocks, Dn Trousers, Black Silk IMkfs; Word Hat Stines. Curled hair Maltrasses, \t .*11 ihe ifiovt* hieniitinod Yards, ex- cfipi Baltimnrb. And all thfr Na«y .Bre»’ i that may ho inquired otthe s.*id Navy Yards* and at t •f- Nnvy Yard Pens-iroia ^Vest Flmtd.i. Ml ’lie ••rticlci must bexjfthe bus qual ity I’lie Slop Cib'.hinfi and Navv Bread uiiiti be lullv equal to tin- samples, or pat* torus in the possession nf the respective 1 imiiiii infla.ttN, by '»Inun they will ‘.q shewn in all p c sous who 111 iy •• isb tp see • hem. The Dili--* loth Jackets.^Trow sen, and Vests, must made nf l.uli^o dyed 1 Noth; the Mattiasses must he iikmIp nf ‘•lean cm led hair w itli thick cotton tic'.ing; they must be six fret long, 28 Inches ^ide, and must weigh nut le.%* than nine pounds avoirdupois each. The r*ask< r.m iniii iig Whiskey and Molawes must Ii vc lour iron hoops put on each when required by tho respective ComniHndtturs, nr the of the Contractor. All articles t iu bo livered, in sound sub*tanti >1 boxes, bar rels. casks, keu<. »ir dttfer pro; |i.*i- p.ii-Uagos, m ^nnd shipi'inti or;l free f expense, .md no allotrance -ajII undo fur boxes, barrels, ' c. or H.iy • ti.t-r p.tck- i.t»es whatsoever On delivery tim urtiolefl must he submitted to the inspection of tlie re spec ive v avy Y.irds, n« t; .r tee In spection as the CuminUsioners may direct; Persons uia'iiiu nffei*- »• ill endorse Mfter to fumish Gionerios,” or *f-lop Clothi g,” or “Naty Biead,” for the ydar IHdtl; they must afro affix k price to tdeh and article Hinmorated nndei encli head they may propose lo furnish, cither* wise tfieii offers will not be co untered •. C/*To be publisbed twirea week in flie National lutellifrencer, U» 8. Telegraph* Baltimore Republican,Aineriran So. tlnel, ■ N Y. Cornier and Enquirer,. Providence'. Pathol, Hartford rimes, Boftt.'if Bintos- iii<u., N. M. Patiioi, Richmond Enquirer* Norfolk Herald, Raleigh Star, Cli.ule. ton Pat»iot. Savannah Rcpuhlican; Louisiana Advertiser; ~ 6 I0B . sop’ Landing ftom schr. Pan- ope, ^ Aft BOXES l.'andles, 4, 8, and 8 fd ijPNV alb. For sale bv sept £9 J. B. HERBERT. Wanted (o Purchase. A Vl'lfr <♦"hoy between 15 and 17 years of age. Apply at the oflico of tun sSavanuah Repulilicaii. cpt l J6 19H\f Playing Cards. A N aasurtinaut of superior quality just iSl. lecuivrd dull for sale by .Wl'AltSONS, At the Eagle, no 8, Gibbons' Range, to# jfilirv * "S Blut’. and £>tUrch. . •Ita'a BOXES Gilbert’s STARCH, 5 do FigBluo I-isi rcteived ulj fin tale by • ■ A PARDONS, Druggist, • At the Eaglq No 8 Gibbon's fla»g2- .e^t Sfi, . « ✓