Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 15, 1829, Image 4

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SMH :Tt * Executor's Sale. By J. B. Herbert. formerly occupied by Mrs Sarah I)o La President street, all the household [ Motto, and , *. Kitchen Furniture. cnmuTinonV A large Extension Dining Tuolo, Onrii Tables, Dressing Tables, Chain, . Carpets* Mantle Classes, Crockery and Glass Wart, Andiions, Shovel and Tongs. 1UO Beds,Bedsteads&Bedding Bold by permission of the Honorable the Court bf Ordinary, and by order of the Executor. .opt:) Terms cash. a cuto Tuesday soltftbtfc r H in Savannah bpt Ilnurs of sale. All tho eastern tenement of Brick buil dings on lot No 8 Darby \Vnrd;Honse and lot No 84 Colombia Ward; iotuind bull dings NolSrCarpentcra Row, l.ot No9 and Improvements Decker ward and ’•i No 10 mid hall the improvements Decker Ward, nil In the city of Savannah; kilng f iart of the real estate of Jusiah Pciiflcld, ato of Savannah dec’d, v * Sold by permission of the Court of Or dinary of Chatham County—for the bene, fit of the heirs and creditors. Conditions cash.. JOS. GUMMING,) Ex’ors of Joslah S. C. DUN1NQ, J Fenfielth oat t 800 State Arsenal. POSALri will bo received until ...j 1st of Decombcr next, for build ing an Arsenal of Brick on the Lot op posite the Guaid House, 00 feet front by 40 Icet deep, two stories high, in accord ance with a plan in possession of the un dersigned. The proposals must include the cost of laterials; best manm 1st day of I J Carpenter's proposals.may be separato or |0 )ntly—the latter would lie preferred. ■ A Bond of Ten Thousand Dollars with approved sequfity will be required, for the faithful performance of the contract. W. T. WILLIAMS, Agml. aug 1 17311 Sheriff's Sale. On the first Tuesday in November next, | W ILL be sold at ‘hmConit House in Ricehorn .Liberty County between the usual hours of sale the following prop- ' i'ne negro boy nnmod Ilozzard levied ou as the property ot Thomas S. Mull to guilty an execution issued ander thefore- closure of a mpitgage in favor or William Bat'ktn. B, MELL, s. l. c. sept tt 188 Administrator’s Sale. Qi the fir it Tuesday in January nut. TILL be sold before the Court Huuse in Bulloch County between the urs of sale. i belonging to the estate of per of the Justices said county, fur I creditors of said ill' sept «9 To Kent. The stores hear Market square, occupied by Ebenrzer Jenckes. .Possession given the 1st Nov. for terms enquire of M. MYERS. I9« For Sole. That convenient House in Columbia Ward belonging to John F Lloyd, at present oc- _copied by Mrs. Stiles. If not f by the 15th October it w ill then bo YentH. For particulars apply to JAMES G. WILSON, sept 15 193 ill Mi For Sale or to Kent. The subscriber wishes ellh er to tell, or rent for one year from the 1st of November next, his House, situated on Colum bia Square, corner of York and Haber sham Streets—a carriage bouse and stable, with other outbuildings, are attached to the House. JAMES BROWN, sept 8 190t Administrators’ Sale. On the first Tuesday in December nut. I, -mmni.L be sold before the Court house S™*"*' W In Effingham count, between For sale. A TRACT of land containing *50 cres, situate in tile district of Oi angcbnrgh, on Edisto creek in the state of South Carolina, bounding noith on lands of Daniel Mazyck. and south and west on <usnai h—tt _____ The real estaleYifWii. "*■ ---trfio-' ’dessert, consisting of teveral'trecls'fff'lihiu, in said county, being on both sides of the Louisville road—containing fire hundred and sttgenty acres, for the benefit oi “ Bairs. • The above property sold by order of the inferior Court of said county, sitting for ordinaryipurposes. WM. A. PREVATT. Administrator in right nfhis wife. SARAII PREVATT. Adm’x. , sept 10 195* Sheriff’s Sale—Continu ed. j On (fa first Tuesday in Hovmber nut. 'WH7ILL be told before the Court liqtiie ifT imtho city of Savannah, between ■the usual hours of sale. . A portion of the furniture of the City Tlotol, comprising tables, chairs, beds, plat of said laud, and terms of sale, to GEO. GLEN, 3 Ex’or.-est. ofjoltn Glen, 1 The Post-Master General, United States, • vs 1 Eteazer Early, and othera. ) In the nth Circuit Court V. S. District oj Georgia, to May 7cm, 1849. A N action of debt on bond lisvlng'bcc instituted iiMhe abovo case by the Post-Master General of the United States, against Eleazer Early, Sheldon C. Dun ning, Samuel Nicholas, and F. H. Well man, and scrvico having been effectedon all the defendants, except Samuel Nicho las, who, the Marshal returns, is not to be found in this District—On motion of the District Attorney, it is Ordered, that the said Samuel Nicholas be, and he ie hereby. cited to appear at the office pi the'Clcrk of said Court on or before tho first Monday in November next, being the Rules day of lldl|5| D6U9, I * . o , J bedding, bedsteads, crockery and silver »»'d Conrt.for said month.'then and there ware.knives end forks, kiteffin utensil., to plead or answer to the said action—and &c.— levied on under and bv virtue of nn D is further Ordered, that this citation 'execution on foreclosure—T. M. Driscoll | published for the space of three inontlis one of the Gazettes of this state. J. CUYLER, District Judge. Extract from Rule Book, .• % Geo. Glen. Cleric. jnly 8th, 1880. tl!59 vs H. W. Lubbock. ^ oct 8 GEO. MILLEN.e.c.c. Sheriff’s Sales. On Btefirst Tuesday in November nert. WMTILLbo sold before the Court lloui Vf in -the City of Savannalt, between the usual hours of sale.. . All that plantation near Savannah, known a« Twecdside, containing 405 acres, snrance llank of the with the improvements thereon, bounded | Slate of Georgia, et al North and North east by Savannah river 3ind Gnlow Island, on the North West by 'lands belonging to Postell.and on the south by lands belonging to Mrs. Marcaiet Mac- key,.levied on at the property of John Mo tel, to satisfy executions in favor of the Dank of Darien,Bank of the Slate of Geor gia, Planters Bank, and others. Also, all lhaljlot No. (G.) six rent Bargain on a lor Urcdit. HE subscriber is anxious to sell tho following valuablo lands, or any of i d will sell.ots goo'd terms, ondglve i to pay for tho sumo; and If not tho first Tuesday in December :, will offer them on that day at Mil- • on the own losais must income me cos. o, ^ j,h» t(J hift | lest bidder, on er. *a n'd'mus" be*, finished by tic above tcrms-il.e propel, to stand It. filay 1830. The Bricklayers’ & Blankets, piping, &c. R ECEIVED by Barque Arinidillo, | and ichr Oregon Sup 9-4 Fr. Blankets Point do do n new Si superior aiticlo for plantation use 9-4 Duffle Blanket! 8-4 to'l3-4Roso do 4-4 Domestic Plnins 3-4 Si * 4 do. Plaids Si Stripes do do Checks Blue fit Mixed Satinetts Swansdowu Flannels English fit|Am. do Blue, Green, Brown St Blk Circas sian* •• *• •• ** Bombazetls Marseilles, Valenlia, Swansdown and Silk Vesting and Marseilles Knotted Quilts A General Assortment of Cotton and Woolon Hosiery I.innons and Lawns Silk and Cotton Umhrcllas M.PUENDERGAST. No. 3 fit 14 Gibbons Block, sept 17 Fifty Dollars Reward. A BSF.NTED himself on the 13th ull my mulatto servant man JIM ho has bean since in Savannah. Fifty dollars will be paid on proof to conviction of his being harbored bv a white person, or twen ty dollars if by a cokned person, or ten dollars for his delivery in Jail. Alt mas ters and owuers of vessels are cautioned not to receive him on board, us every exer tion will be made to detect them, and the law inforced. JIM is a small size man, 32 or 3 years old, woll made and thick for Ins height, smiles when spoken to, one or both of his ears an bored, he it passing himself as a free man,lie wore a white lint', dark Sattinett short coat, lias a red Plaid Gambler Cloak and other clothing, w ith him, USII dly wears a 'round jacket of dark Sattinof. WM ROBARTS. Riceboro, Liberty co. 5th of October Hi20. P. S. The above fellow JIM, bat been seen lurking about the streots of Savannah, w ithin the .last five or six days, oct 8 20tpt PAPF.R- Chambevs Superior Court, JUNE 25th, 1829. The Marine* Fire In- ChBtham Su . perinr Court, January Term, 1889 In Equity. Eltazor Early, et. ail. JT being verified -o the Court that Eie.i- zer Early one of the-defendants Lube above cause resides out Of Chatham coun ty—On motion it is ordered that 'the said Eleazer Early appear on nr before the first Alia, ail u.. V u. „o. V o., »■». Colombia I <%, of Ihonext Term of this Court and on- ward, with the improvements therm, boon-1 ,er bn appearance thereto and in default ded East by No (7.) seven, South by a lane thereof the said complainant have leave to West bv lot No. (5) five, end North by| proceed on their said Bill in the same CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE House, Sign, Furniture Skip PAINTING, ING, GLAZING AND P T ..-. HANGING 111? subscriber' grateful for former favors, after a residence of ten years, tenders his services lb the public in the n- bove line, and informs them that his Es tablishment, Signoflhe Hand and Brush, ] near the Exchange, is undergoing a general and extensive improvement, and that lie has received by late arrivals a large supply ol Paints, Oils, Brushes, Window Gfnss, Sea. Sio. With tho assistance of a compe tent foreman, whom he has employed, will endble him to execute work of the kind, on as accommodating terms as any person in the city. Paints, Oils, Brushes, Window Glass, Sashes, Paper Hangings. f,-c. fire, . With a general assortment' of articles in the line always kept on hand, for sale wholesalo and retail. N; II. Paints ptepared Ibr use and ditca tions given for using them. P. MARLOW. abovo terms—tho propet ty scctliny—viz; . , _ . That well known placo called Cedar Shoals, iu Newton cuunty, three miles from Covlfiglon, on the rivet, nbovo Macon.— On the premises there are a good dwell- log house, large barn, stables, out bouses, store-house, with two good gtist and two saw mills, gin house, 50 saw gin tliroslitir, and about 75 acres of open land, inn nice State of cultivation. This place contains six hundred end seven acres of land, and owns tlte pino limber on six hundred actes more. The shoal is snlil by good judges to be equal to any shoal in the Unlop fur any kind of machinery requiring water power. By nnturo this shoal is so construc ted, ns to be free from all inconvoniencr oi danger from the highest freshets, and al ways has a sufficiency of water. Also, 1200 acres of land. 10 miles from Athens, and 10 miles ftom Monroe, Walton county, on tho Appalatchie river, with a- bout 200 acres of open land ; part of the wood land is of a superior quality. The place is welt svatcrod with brunches amt fine springs; has on it a gin tMiich Is car ried by water, and is supposed to be as healthy as nny patt of tho Hlatc; part of this is fine red lend for wheat. Also, 250 acres of land, directly on the road from Covington to Madison, 4 miles trom Covington. This is a beautiful le vel piece of land, a handsome place to live, within two miles of the fine flourishing A- cademy of Jefferson, in a good neighbor hood : there nre about 40 acres of open land, and in a fine state of cultivation. Also, a beautiful front lot on tho square, in Covington, ' with two houses, where MoNeil Si Batts, merchants, do business, and where the Rev, John Jones now lives. This is as desirable h stand as is in the vil lage for doing business. Also the following unimproved lotst No. 93, in tlto llth District of Houston county. No. 30, in 1st District of Monroe, now Pike county. No. to, in 6th Disttict,Habersham coun ty—drawn by Ren)an))n Koncday. No. 76, in 6th District Henry county, a ( beautiful level piece of land—drawn hr James R. Wilkinson, of Screven county. No. 70, in 5th District Henry, now Fay ette. No. 252, in 5th Disttict, Henry. Nn. 239, in the 1st District oPCowetn, With several other lots in Carroll, Mttsco- goe, Troup nnd Lee Counties,'which are now offered on good terms. Persons wish ing to settle in the above tract of country, on improved or unimproved land, will find it to tilth interest to examine tboso lands, and call on SAMUEL J. BRYAN. Savannah. N B.—The titles are all dear and u doubted. -'ll e 20 145 oti EAFTFJl the . ry will be opened ft __ s overy Monday, Wednesday day, from 3 to 5 o’clock P. M. Individuals not sharo holders can have tho use of the Library on the following terms t— ' - a, For ono year, by paying fit *• six months, “ ® 11 any less, period, at the rate ol i pet month WM. MOREL, Librarian, net l <00| , „' To Rent. IIE Wharf Lbt No 4 and Dock, well M. calculated fur u WOOD YARD, orSHIP CARPENTER. For tormsnpply N. sept 20 JOIINW. \NDERSOh t08i'M I Chatham Counts w tho estate of James J. Tipp1^‘jMf. .Ui'.ul^lU’unJrad'nn'fe’ tors of the said dec. to file their Z (if any they have) In tho Clcrk's^ow"! feSEm'sswasrf! Witness tho Hon. Ellas Fort, one oM Justices of the said Court at s/. h * nail tho 7th day of July A ft ! n thousand oiglit hnndred aud tw.m? nine; Yellow Fine Timber Wan * ted. fW^HE Subscriber will contract lor Ycl m jow Flue Timber of various Imigths and sizes, deliverable from iho middle of September to the 1st December. WILLIAM CRABTREE, Jr Ag’t. S. S. S' Mill Co. NEGROESWANTHD. Wanted to hire, five able bud led Ne groes. .Applv as above sept 26 HWi.Tj . — S. M. BOND.c.c o, July 7 • H EOItGIA Chatham C. c, -’OUIUV.W the Hon. the Justices of the I »thth- r 1 MALLEKY tfc DUFFY, DRAPERS I,- TAILORS, ' . ON the BAY, EAST Of THE CITY HOTEL, H AVE received.Jiy Into urriials from New York a partial supplyAf Sea sonable Goods consisting of Cloths, Cassi- niers, Vestings, Conts. Frock Coats, Cb.i tees, Pants, Veits, Drawers, Shirts, ltdkfs. Cravats, Slocks, fire. fire, sept 20 •rm Just .Receive! n A BOXES Mustard ■_V 10 bbls White Wine 7 half do Touch 10 firkins Goshen Butter. Landing front ship Helen filer, and for sate by or; 1 KRBERT. s friends removed igs,to the met 0 202 New Broughton street. Levied on as the prop erty of John Morel, to satisfy executions in favor of the Beak of Darien, Bank of the Brats of Georgia, Planter! ’lank, and oth er!. -GEORGE MII.LEN, i. c. c. net 8 • By J. B. Herbert. On tho first Tn«sdr»y in -November ncxti Will be *o!d before the Court (louse in the eity of Suvaminli between the usual hours of sale (if not previously disposed of by prtv ite salt*) A Negro Woman raised in the country 1.7 years of age with her child 4 months old A good house servant and sold for no fruit. oct fl 105 Jailor’s Sale. W ILL lie sold at Iho Court Hnnse of Chatham county, on the first T’uei; day in Noveinbor next, a negro bov who s.a)> hi. name is Jl il, and that he ketones' to John Pittman—lie, llie-said negro hav ing been m jail eighteen mnnthf and is now offered for sale as the law directs. - - JOHN I. DEAVS, j. c. c. ; OCt 3 Tax Collector’s Sale— . Continued, _On the first Tuesday in Nov. next, St ■TILL lie sold before the courthouse ff in the city of Sdvannnh between - the tispal hour! of sale ills following pro perty. viz t 2500 adres of land in Camden county, on St. Maty’i fiver, granted to Ruben Montlord of the following qualities:—30b acres brackish marsh, 200 dn 24' quality Inland swamp, too do 3d quality hummock rind 1400 pine land—also 1150 acres ql land in said county on the S.uifta. granted to Harutio Marbury, of the followinK qual ity900 acres-2d quality tide swamp, 190 do oak and hickory and 750 acres pine land,levied nnas the p operty of the es- .tatca of Robert, filmitfou and Solomon .-jPendleton,to satisfy the itate anl county tax for the y,ar 1828,amount due $110 po .'end costs. DAVID BELL, T.c. e.jB. 0S1 ji ; manner as if personal servire of lha Hill and subpixna had been effected on the sai I Eleazer—And it is fiftlher ordered tha this Rule lie published once a month in on" of the Public Gazettes of Savannah until the expiration thereof. Extract from the niinutei. ROBERT AV. POOLER, Clk. june 30 153 Treasurer’s Office. Oi ti-bkb 1, 1829. I ved by the consignee, or HE average price of !• lourduringthe HALL, H11 AFTER Si Missing. H AVING been landed from the York packets ships, viz: Marks. E. * VV. Joyner, 1 bill, liquor, J Hub bard, 1 bundle, landed from ship Henry. B. & It. 1 bundle and 2 anvils, fin ship Emperor. J. Hubbard, I box, A cask, and 3 bun dles. fin ship Emperor. H. Si G. or Holmes * Gray, 1 box, fm ship Macon. E. P. North, S boxes, (rosy, ship Helen Mar. The above goods are consigned to" Mr. E Bliss of this city. Any information re- specting the tame will be thankfully recei- T last month being S8 50 per barrel ol 190 lbs. Bread for the present month must weigh as follows viz: 13 1-2 cents ' I-oaf 2lbs IS oz 0 1-4 “ “ t •• 0 l-2 11 Of which all Bakers and sellers of Bread will take due Notice. M. W. STEWART, c.qr. net 3 ' Notice.- A LL persons having any demands a- jftiinsllhe estaro of Gotleib Ernst, I late of Effingham County, dec, will band | them in to the Subscriber duly attested 1 within the time prescribed by law, and all | person! indented to said estate are. requir ed in make immediate payment to the sub scriber. EPHRAIM KF.IFFER, Admor G. Ernst, dee. Effingham County, 2d October, 1829. net 8 , Savannah Poor House Hospital. V ISITING COMMITTEE for Oct 1829. William Taylor and Frederick Denalcr. Attending Physicians. Drs Footman and A Sheftn11. JOSEPH CUMfilING, Sec’ry. sept 29 Playing Cards. ^ A”N assortment of superior quality just il, received and for sale by A. PAUS30N8, . Druggist, At the Eagle, no 8, Gibbses’ Range. ,,ei * ' i oct 8 TUPPER. Notice. A LL persons indebted tn the late Wtr.- L1AS13 tin.LETT, will be pleased to paymeni to the subscriber; and | those having demands ugainst the same will present I liein to . JAMI.S HIGGINBOTTOM, - Administrator . Lower ThreeRuns,(S. C.)Sept.7th,1820. oct 3 201 Missing. CJUPPOSED to Imve been taken from tile wharf, after lauded from ship Helen Mar last voyage. 1 bhl Itqnnr marked “Portland Rum, J. 11." consigned (p Mr. J lin Bentley. Also, landing from ship Hcnry^ 8 boxes and t bhl liquor, marked J. IL 0. Si Co., or J. H. Gordon & Cn. And landed from whip Helen Mar. the present voyage, 1 bid liquor, T. St Neal, consigned to Meisrc. Stiles Si Fan nin.- Any information which may lend to tin recovery of the same, wifi r.e inqrikfull recei ted by tho consignees, r r H ALL. 8 il AFTER. & TUPPER. oct to . Notice. F OUR months after date nppiicntioi will ne made to the Hon. the Jusii cesoflhe Inferior Court of Liberty Couii ty for leave to sell one hundred mres of land belonging to tl)o estate pf Donald Fra ser,for the benefit of the hells anil cicdjtort [of said estate. MARGARET R. FRASER, july tb 179 - Executrix. In the Sixth Circuit Court United States, District of Georgia, MAY TERM. 1029. ' Ralph Clay ) Two JuJgmants vs. v in Sixth Circuit Thos. As Kobt. Newell. S Court. A ltULF. Iiaviug been granted fit the last term of the Court, requiring the att'irney of the plaintiff of record to shew cause wliy he should not .enter satisfaction on the above judgments, and it now ap pearing that the paymcnta'werc made to the plaintiff himself and uni to the attorney-of redord. And it further appearing that tin- plaintiff ia dead,-und his legal representa tives unknown or absent from the state, il. is oidercd that one month’s notice lie giv en in two ol tho gazettes in this place, and one at the seat ol the general government, calling upon tho said personal repiesenta- tives of the said Ralph, to shew cause at the next term of this couit, m wit, on the Thursdny next after the first Monday in November next, at filillodgnvillo, why sa tisfaction should not be ordered to he en tered by the clerk on the said two judg ments. Extract'frOm minutes. GEORGE GLEN, Clerk, aug 24 I82np North Amergan Rieviciv. W T. WILLIAMS lias jiisireceived • the North American Review, No 85, for October. 1829 CONTENTS :~ Irving’s Conquest ofGrannda t Author ship of Junius' Letters! Modern Greek Literature Egyptian Antiquiti«s;Dwiglit’s Travels in Germany ; The American Jo rist ; Holmes's American Annals ; Lifo and Works of CanflVo; Grceinti and Bo Ilian Oeograjihy ; Specimens of American Poetry; Hosacks’Life of !)<■ Witt Clin ton; Captain Hall’s Travels in the United States and Canada; ■Quarterly List of New Publications ; Index, oct 13 District Court U. S, Geor gia District. AUGUST TERM, 1839. E DWARD Copppe, Charles Camp- lintrl latnne 'P* Ne ■\SAAC NO; B. and tlm puhl f. mn his old slam corner one dooi v ly opened aud will rieejve by expected er- .rivals, A Handsome Assortment''of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, selected in New York market hy an expe rirnr.ed person, and will bp told at a very -.mail advance for cash or on hie usual terms for good piper, sppt 20 Portland Bum. iTk BB S Portland Rum (coloured.) Jl_ V Landing from ship Helen filar CiM Court of Chatham County HWltgJffiffl 5?t all whom it may concern. Whereas, E. S. Roes and Tlionn, Rico, administrators of Thomas Ilk. ceased has petitioned tho said t; be discharged front -heir ndriiinlitr ■ These are therefore to cite end ad; ish all and sfllgulartlto kindred & of said dccenscd to file their any they liavc)to tlte grantii sory Oil the estate of the C applicants in the Clerk’s ol Court, on or heft next: otherwise granted.• Witness tho J daygj, BOND, 7 * I’OUOIA, Liberty County—Ih vjff lion, the Justices of the Inferior l of Liberty County, sitting for ordinary ml poses 3 To all whom it may concern. -Whereas, Mist 8 Miller, hat applied to I the Hon the Court of Ordinary ol IJ.’ bertv County for Letters of Aditilniitraiioal of all and singular the goods and chattel,, I rights nnd credits that were of Ttioma, B. I Miller,late of the county of Liberty dtent I ed. * I These are, therefdre,- to cite and admo. I nish nil und singular the kindred and cn ' dltors of the said doceased, to file their 0 jeetions (If any they have) in, tho Cietl Office qf the-said Court, on or before t Dili day of Nov. next, otherwise letter, e administration will b»granted to the ; applicant. Witness tlto Hon. W Hughes, one of tl Justices of the said Court, the 5tb da; 1 Sept. A. D. 1829 E, BAKER, e, e, 0. t.c. j septs £r and for sale bv HALL. SHAPTER & TUPPER. oct 3 Notice. A LL.pershtis having demands against tlic estate of John J llilcy, nro re quested to present them Holy attested ami those indebted to said estate will make payment forthwith to J. CH ARLTON, Adm'r. sept !0 M. A.IIII.F.Y. Adm’x. • Notice, F OUR Months after date application will be made to the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court of Emanuel county for leave to sell all the real estate of James Swincy, dee., for tlte benefit of tile heirs and creditor! of said estate THOMAS SWINEY. Adm’or. ■ inly 28 171 >■ fund, James Thumpsou and Lau tenco O'Byrue having been duly summon '•d to servo as Petit Jurors at this Court, itid failing to attend—Ordered that .'they ie severally fined in the sum of ten dollars, inless sufficient sxcuses, on oath be filed ■n the ' lerk’s Office on or before tho sn .•olid Tuesday in Novemficr next. Extract (rojtJBhe minutes, GEO. GLEN, C’lk aug 15 178 Received per schr Frances 49 fik boxes yellow Soap 10 bills Mess Beef 10 do prime do For salo hy COHEN * MILLER, oct1 200 Notice. A M. persons having demands ngninsr the estate of James I. Anderson, of Emanuel countv. will present them duly attested, amlthose indebted to the same will make immediate payment to sept 20 THO III A 8 W1NNEY. G EORGIA, Chatham County.—By the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting for Or. dinary purposes. To alLwiiom it may concern. Whereas, R. vV. Habersham, Adminis trator. of the estate of Alexander llahcr- sham,late of Savannah, deceased, lias pe titioned the said jusiiees to be discharged from his said administratorship. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all nnd singular tile kindred and cred itors of the said dec. to file their objections (ifany they have) in the Clerk's office of tho Conn of Ordinary on or hefnre the 3d day of April next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to tho petition er. Witness the lion. Elias Fort, one of the justices of the said Court at Savannah (lie Sd day of Oct A. D. 1829. S.M. BOND, e. ci o. c. c. oct 3 EOItGIA, lltiilocli County—A the Hon. the^Justices of the h ~' dinary purposes. To all whom it may .concern. Whereas, iUargarct Hagin, nppliesfit I letters of administration on the cstattud I effects of Etheldred Hagin deceased, hit I nf Bulloch county, Jn behalf of the kin; [ ilrcd and creditors. I These are, lliurefore, to cite and admon* I islt ail and singular, the kindred andrmb I itors of the said deceased to file theiiohjec-1 lions, If any they have, in the clerk's of lice of said court, on or before the Id day of October next, otherwise letten 0 administration will bo granted. Witness, the lion. S. HVilliams of the Justices of slid court, the lOfil I of Sept, A. D. 1029. E. KENEDY, o.c.o.» sept 10 I81» k EOItGIA, Liberty Coumy-» Hon. the Justices of the It] Court of Liberty County, littingfor t nary purposes To all whom it mhy concern. Whereas, Mrs.' Sarah Sinyiie, ol s county applies to bo dismissed from i Guardianship of John S.’ Fraser, 1 of John E. Fraser, late of said count; 1 ceased. \ ’ ■ These aro therefore to cite and sd»» I ish all and singular the persons contend I to file their objections (if any theyh«i)< I my office at Riceboro', on nr before tin WI Monday in Noveinbor next, othei»i«®'| ters of dismissory will lie oblaitied by all said applicant. 1 Wiines! the Hon. William Hughes,edj of the J uilges of the Court of Ordinary w I snid County, this 13th day of July a. T-1 1829. %■ ' E. BAKER, c.c.o.».t' oct 0 ^ J Fort Wine. /fl QR. casks choice Port Wine ■Jc Just received and for sale hy P. MARLOW. S-pt 20 Treasurer’s Office. T SAVANNAH, Sept. 15, 1820 , HE Owners of Slock in (he Savan mill ‘Exchange’ are hereby notified 'b:ii agreeable to a resolution of Council : iO'if) of said Stock will he redeemed on .' b fore the 20th of November next, and 'met I am now prepated to pay the same at joy office, raff it ie M. W. STEWART, e. t. 1(13 G EORGIA—Chathant County—By the Honorable the Justices of the In fe ior Court of Chatham county sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Wheroas Geo. Millcn lias applied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary pf Chatham county for letters dismissory oil the astato & effects of Jno I. Seabroolt late of said county, deceased. These ai e therefore to cito and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of snid deceased to file their objections (if any ‘.hey havejto the ernming of the letters dismissory on the estate of tho deceased to the applicant in tlie Clerk’s office of tlto said Court, on nr before the 2tlth day df Dec. next-, otherwise letters dismissory ivill he granted. , Witness tho Honorable Eiias Fort, one Bih Judges of said Court, the 20th dev of June, A. D. 1029 EORGIA, Chatham CoiintJ-*! xJTthe lion tlie Justices of the lw Court of Chatham County,sittwgp 1 nary purposes. To all whom tf may concern. Whoioas James LanierdfBsssofli applied to the lionornblo tho Court 01 dinarv of Chatham county for ,<, | lltrt Adininlstraiinn(de bonis non on the and effects ofDuvi I G. Sloan, late 01 county deg. as principal creditor- These are therefore to cite and .i islt,nil,and singular the kindred ana tpi's of the sniddoo'dlo file their qbjf (if any they liavc) to the giaotiojl administration of the estate of tn'OJ 1 to the applicant in the Clerk t« tlie suid coprt, on 01 before the M Nov. next, otherwise lettersadnin' 1 ’ will he granted. _4 Witness tho Hon. Elias Fork , of the jt sticcs of said court,iho Stl «! October A. D. 1029. .1 S. M.BOND, c.c.o.C'M oct 3 * — _ . , t _ Dll £ A EORGIA. Effingham Couni)'I tjr the Hon. the Justices of the ^ I Court of Effingham county sittingJ« nary P“, r F"‘ e *; hom H may concerni -J Whereas, Jno C. Rahn Execo'o' _ of tlieestate of Mathew j;,®® t,ti mod thesaid Justices to be from his said executorship. ^ These are therefore to cito and 1 all and singular the kind red of said deceased to file lhcir “ b Jpi,(rt | any they have) to the er of the said pef tinner In «ceof.l.e..l<rOpmt,ottor^^ J lay of Nov next, otherwise mmmf ’ ! tOriJ f