Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 17, 1829, Image 3

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riould have n I tail, ' rl ! tr0 ',’| lv i lef o, hr your efforts, (eceptioiii * n “ gnllgllt tliB P»>' of minht . d “ I "“c h ( , h “ # r«.ut subject to jommnniiy “ j e 5(i | ong devoted, *J“' r JJ'iM ll be the'pleasure of ,n "innl to con nue you. as the fuiih- “/llvS" I regret that want „» will allow ma only t» »")'• * ii'over, molt truly 'your friend and tiorrant, tl. LINCOLN. 10J . t. iIcKenneti Esq. DarartTStKitT or War. I Indian Aralrii slept. **• I 8 *® 1 > ,!«ar sir—I thank you for your fflflJi fijo of *i*° i9,h ln, V I SnieutsWM the ftnUarnialng sub- rod? Indian relallona has hail your M&Umi" and nut both grail t nVtiered that the result has been lJ A„uce «ith those opinions which 1 n elicited from met anil * coin, same, at which hundreds nSiJI'eur citizens. dnd the Exe- ■titUiuen h ivo arrived. It Is how. J lhdt’t true, 'a great diner- loinlon' exist* on. »''» quesllon.- _ nor audit any exception he , full and freo discussion of it. It tli oiocass alode.'Uint n elonr per- flYwhal is best, can be arrlvod at t «is no difference ns to the mom -jll agreeing that tchat it belt, J j, dune—best I mesn as regards iol the Indians, anil the pros- ■nu bapninels of their wco. 1 am iltout hope that the presflit ••divers - pinion” leading, at It lias done al- ind at It will continue to do, to u free liiTi us" X eUef.lhat nothing but a pou nn the States, as a fint itep, f r Indians.' But I am open to. coi L and shall feel grateful to the man ay convince me. that any otliei step, st one, ought to be taken, lie who monstrate that the present anoma out •ne oftlie Indians are friendly to llieir land Increase, totlielr prosperity, anil [cement in all the relations which man to hear to man, land government to Latent, will have Sdlvtert dots dUllcullyt sbo will reconcile tho states lo the i within their limits, of an Indian jonj and to the organization and [of separate and independent govern- I „iiliin tiieh respective sovereignties, lm lotted another; and those 'dlfll s beiiiB gotten u»er, the wuy will be fur those, who stand fady, to go in i the Indians, and by their enlighten, [enclri redeem them from their ha- md their comparatiue ignorance; and plain to them the sitpei iorityuf mind Reflects, ovkr merely animal prnpeq- and theli Indulgence; nnd of our so- latiuns, and system of government— four religion and ill prospects, and oVer theirs'. Bill until shase twu pns shall have keeh clearly established as appear to me to ■ be a vain effort Ste even experiments with n view"to Is and improve the condition uf the Is, or to attempt lo save them from extinction. Or evon should those ■Uni elements be harmuuizeil in the Lie, and the free assent or the states led in the oilier, (anil without the uc- [ishment of both, hn« utterly una t mail ill elforts be!) wh > does not e destructive character of ilium ill* |t which would go In amongst ihn |shorn tli* contiguous, and surmiii- Ulrmati, luting tile slow progress r adrinceinenl Irom their state to |_ Weakness always was, and always Heleniiiin't nature should be chun ■'Waned upby power. The Indians MUinly doomed to destruction, if lations to the power that surrounds 5 eqt changed, as the summer leaf f unjler lie prristiing e Ifccls of tile * trait; md » e might with the same Wain oyer the dreariness and deso |f "iWr.and offer resistanee to ihn PS »q|pb’ spoil the beauty of the lest, as to attempt to slay thnsoatli- ■ints which are tlilnning the num Wr Indians, and •wasting away their In?* *. bo . have equal surcess with | The only‘remedy for the Indium is, is nay tiling worth relying upon in i ienco of the pail; to temovo them lo action of all that has proved so l!! v « heri'tdfoie, anil whieli is nu levs is moment,' and place them under .[lint shall protect,' and preserve < them. r 'eroly hope those floppy remits which Bci|)alo from my recent visit to New ■oy he realized. (J,iten ‘ed uniter • authority of the Executive, and -".c wit), ,i,„ wishes, as made I department, of those wlm urn PlHpmopioie "PaUration, fZTr!c$ >lr0VnH ‘' it °S th ' Ab °ri- tractpdin'gs, as you have seen in the the Secretary of War, lo the Rev.' met 'he entire upprabatiun of 1“ ' ; »"d this to me, ns it ), I" he board, is a very grateful '‘'"'feudered, in so,far as I ftn, h ' ad ® ,t,0 "a»y grateful liy the E?t" * v * Men oftlien;, and of the rattvely small contribution wlilcli 1 Ienn° m * ko i° ,ho "“Ok of ze.,1, and lh» i'3P d kl,,dni ! s » of feelings to- l.n, 15 ■J lian ?‘ Witl ' ,'ihioll 1 .WHS SO LJ; d as 'hyse distingnisbed gentle- lumi. ed. They ,j* worthy of the part tho cause is worthy ijflhetri.Aiid I n? can convince tho Indians as l jf ,cst f°r tjieiri.lri llieir present I y. n must be to witness tho efforts •ay* them. As wise men ' ho cloud that hangs over our red _V nd have analiied its elomenfs- L Jf": 1 °f 'hew destructive qualities lv ..'.i men > have come forward,vol an ..iml f 5? or roward . ‘o advise; ro n th h J’/ ndM ' n ; how "* * nv « 'hem- mm ,ho fury or the st0 rm. Such he lo„ b f nOVU , enc8 ' wi " no '* h '« "P“" ‘hese people. lesion ul ma * lnceir e pleasuro to 'sisnonVm" l * n ' r ®at” me to do- ■s, yo„f pooermt least Just now. VendV, m' hera> “ nd <nnny others tapetofirmiilh j e * c *“ nt “'<1 'ban I light on dii, , 1 ?,fi ardalhrowin g lh >' 1, d i«lnguUh.d#A and philanihronhJ k a 01 i<a !n,elli view ol the w 0 P rlH ’ 0 “ d ,, “ nd, hi B h 'forts Which hs.fn" dccoant °f'he 0 enlighten aJj * been *° l° n R made ^'••Ca^fc-rurabodgin.,. [engsomeofourbest M° p n ^ n ** I 8 * which should n« 5t .®"i*ens, asjo a ' in it's onevjn ado P ted i mow 3Pje: But nl r ^? n *| to preserve '^r IthtVO liten extilnj 1 a “t 1 niostcor. no harm. Tliere is 'nothing dnngerrluiirf orrjjr according to Jufleraon, while reason Id left free to coinliat it—pod this is nut tiie only one of the doctrines uf this wonderful man, to which I suhscribo my full assont. —Hut 1 look Upon this as being worthy of nil acceptation, and about which thcro can not be two opinions. I notice much wilting, and labored es says to prove; frdih treatios, and ollierwtSe. the rights oi tho Indians; nnd arguments urnnously onldiced, showing that our re lations to tlieso people,asm their particu lar locations, ought out to bo violated, 8u far as these writings imply any intention in the If,xeuutivi! to drive llte Indians oR', by force, or even refuse (within legal nnd con stitutional limits) to protect t,mill, they are wholly without application. This, I hum bly conceive is nut the question. It is otic of another sort—nnd embraces the ample proposition, what le best to be dome, ai,L things coffstDEHEn, for liming' anil bettering the condition of the Indians! As well might labored cvvnys ho written to provo Ilia right of a family of children to a family mnnsion, wlilcli had been secured lo them by inheritance, and by every otliei sort of binding titlo nnd such right brought tu hour.upon the guardian of these children as applicable, and conclusive against his i*flbrts to persuade such uf those children as might yet survive the action upon their lives of some deadly elements, originating in the very mansion itself, to leave it, ami go tvhero they,would lie free, in nil the fit hire, fruin llieir desolating) ollects. If tho inheritor, uf this innnsiuii were not idiots, ns well as children, they would eo—espcci ally when it should bo demonstrated tu llieir Very senses, that nothing awaited them, to the mansion, hut extin 'lion; and every tiling., preserving and beneficial a waited them on their removal from it. For nty own part, I look upon the Indians (with some few .exceptions of course) be nothing hut children, aiiil am ennvin d that nothing would he so good for them as to trggt tljcm ns such—provided Hie object oftlie treatment was to improvo llieir ton. dltlmi; and v those who undertook llieir gnardinnsHl)i,' wore quiiliRed, hath ns it rc- gnuls tlio power, nml llie will to advance their happiness. Wolmdv questions the kind designs ol the government of ill s country towards these people; nud it wer" time tlnown away to prove Ilia, it lias,alien the Indians are upon lands belonging to the Federal Government, the poiccr. The great objoct in dtscu'sfigns of tins subject, should V (ns indeed iii all others) lo keep to tile quest thing irrelevant be put nside; let not an atom of S nliiics, or sectarianism, ho | oat even in its neighborhood—and let all look the evils that we all see' among the Indians, full in the face, and put Ihn ques tion eacli to Itimsolf, what is best to lie done to save this hapless fare from the noccssry nml fatal consequences of anoma lous relations to os? Them will he noatned then of labored essays; of reflning upon the stipulations df treaties, m of going backlit to tho p st, nnd telling what ought to have been dono; 6r of forcing states lido a con Riot with the Federal Union, since, if the slates yield, (and all llte other poTnls be car ried,) it is clear to any body’s appreliim sion, that for the Indians to live, and pros per within them. Is impossible. Accept assurances of my respects and sincero friendship. TIIOS. I„ M'RF.NNEV. lion. II. Lincoln, Boston. 07- Advertisements omitted shall bo attended to in nnr next. in day COWHBHCI1L. Dates i iiosi LtvriirooL,::::::::TTH Sett, •'ates mom 11 Avn*.:::::t:::t::t::E4TH Ana ■peotea—it ego do [bv theoeoroia.) Extract of a letter received in this city, dated Liverpool, sept. 5. We IIOIV enclose von account sates of your notion per Unicorn, Sii^ Howard Douglass, Agnes & Ann and‘Oglethorpe, which we hope will he found correct We regret tho unfavorable issue of your, opera tions this season, hut wo trust the ensuing one will bo more fortunate. Tho transactinns in cotton this week has been oil a more extensive scnle than for some lime, reaching nearly 30,000 bags, hut it hus been dune in a very quiet man ner. holders having met the demand with a free disposition to sel—no advance is ob servable, The large stock of irlouus ami Alabama, a large pri porlion of which con sists of low quality. Interferes sensibly to tile detriment of the same ejass uf Uplands, Imt the bolter qualities of the latter main tain full prices, and more likely to do. as they are getting into cmnpaiatiiely a nai- row compass. We have this week sold ol your Uplands per • tedrgia, E. Ida bags at b S-lid ami 1118 hags oftlie same mark at b f-tfd—tkffJ. W Gt (nig*-prove a clear, oven and well stapled parcel, and we ox peel to olHuin G I 8d for them shortly. It is reasonable to calc-dale that present rales ivill he supported—‘the consumption is going rm at the full ratio uf nny I'ormor periods (ml tile general depression of trade in the country, and the complaints fro foreign markets, will not warrant tho cx- pecl.itjuii of hliv material or permauont improvement in 1 tl|o raw article. If a fair average crop of Uplands is made, and you Rod but little .shipping in the ear ly par of tho season, tile first few enrgoes that arrive will meet ri ready sale at ful ler prices than old cottons of a similar de scription. If you. could lay them down hero, (ncUtding all (.Imrges, at the mini mum quotation in the enclosed circular, say i d-Sd for good fair quality (and would .recommend your keeping up to that classification more prat|Culariy) we, consi der Uplands would prove an advantageous remittance. Tliere are foiy orders going from here, artd those few at low limits. , ‘‘ron Islands to cost over 10 cents for '•lean common quality "are more hazard ous, even if only 8 Srds of -a ipoderato crop is made—the consumption Inis been materially curtailed by the spinners espo. ■ually of fine cottons continuing sn long.ofT nrk for an advance iu wages, which the masters refuse to'give, without any appar i-nt prospect of the differences being spec dily adjusted. Stained Sea Islands, unless rood clean quality are quite out of fashion, being superseded by the loW price of Bra zil and Egyptian. . „ I The Meridian Is not yet in; the Supe- ior nrrjvod yesterday, bringing us yonr ; favor of the tstb of July, by which we ub- ,serve your movements in shipments by the former vessel, - \To hopo they you ,sonio goadi' . Extractor another loiter; dated LIVERPOOL, SMt. 7. >V o hnvo sent yoq by this conveyance copies of tiie, catalogue of the last iiuullc sales of Sea Islands, which may ho or some survlco to you. Tliere is a very fair„in- qniry in the Upland market this murning, hut untiling of interest to communicate, The liloriiHim from your porl; airived Inst evening, blit we liavo none of your fa vors to acknowledge by her. We are still decidedly of opinion tliui tho first few par elcs of neiv crop Unit arrive will do some good; If they can ho laid down hern at 5 3 4 fur good fair quality, und olheis in propor tion, including ail charges, TIIE MARKETS. Liverpool Sept. 5.—Tiie demand for Cotton this week litis .neon rather exten •Ivo, the sales amounting to upwards of 111,900 bags £200 Egyliiins, GOO Brazil & 500 American have bceii taken for oxpint, Iii prices we can notice no alteration since our last.—The ealaswomprlsn 05 Hea Isl and at 10 1-4U to t£d. With 30 stained at 5 3 4d toG 1-4(1—6390 Bowed 4 8-4d to 0 I -4d— 185o Orleans 4 5-8d lo 7 t-8d— 5350 Mobile ami Alabama 4 5-ud In G 1-Id —130 Pernainbueo 0 l-lil to 7 I -Id—980 Maraiiham 5 5-Bil lo G 3 Id—.100 H ilda S 3 4(1 Iu 0 1 4—10 Carlhagen.1 41-£d— £5 Surinam 5 3 4d— 800 Dcmerarn 5 1-1 In 0 1 2d—40 Welt India 5 l-3d to 5 I-id —1730 Egyptian 5 7-8d In 7 -2d—350 Surat 3d li/4cl— and £9 Bengal at 4 l-4d per III. ISO tes, Carolina Rice have been dispo sed of at 15s Oil to 17s Oil perewt, London Sept 4 —Tho demand for Rice oarlylin the week was checked by tlm fall in the Corn market t 787 hags very good cargo Rich was taken Tuesday at Its 8d ; the market since lias been more firm, and there is no alteration to nutice In the pri ces. The Cnttnn market is more firm hut without briskness, The purchases for tiie week coding last night inclusive, consist of 390 Bengal at 3 I-4(1 to 4 1-4(1—1780 Surat 3d to 4 3'4d—00 Madras £3-4 to 4 7-0d—00 New Orloans 5 7-8d—140 Hawed 5 l-2d to B l-Od—and 10 Pcriiams nt 5-8d per III. Ily public sale (bis day IU49 bales Colton,chiefly ordinary (jurats, auiltakeu hi at2,1 4dto 3 t ud per lb. Glasgow, Avgust 28.—In Colton the- transactions have been very limited ; the sales oftlie week are only 593 packages, nod prices are down about I - Or] per lb, the particulars are, (3 Sen Island at ltd a I id, 171 lioweds at 5 I Id, a Oil 17 inferi or doat4 9'4d 03 Orleans nl Od n B 1-0,1 45 Mobile nt 5 t Od.l'i Egyptian atn 8 4d 29 tu 7 1-4, 4 Grenada 5 l -8d, 115 Surat at 3 3-8d o 4 l-2d. MACON; October 10. Colton.—Considerable Colton is daily coming into ’. aiket and is selling at from 7 1 -2 to 0 cents. • NEW YORK. Oct. Cotton.—The sales from the 3d to the Bill Inst, inclu-ivn, amount to about BOO bales, consisting of 800 Uplands at 8 1-4 lo 10 14 cents. A few bales bf the new crop at tile latter price, cash; 80 Alalia mas at 9 1-2 cents and 40 Now Orleans at 10 1-2 cents. Tin- demand lias been quite limited ami a considerable part of the business done, was affected by agreement to sltip a quantity nn owners aoedunt, Import 522, Export loifthe mouth ending SOrli nit. II,- 252. Rice.—AVe nolo a sale of about 100 tcs. A * 8 8 a 2 7-8 per 190 Ills. MARINE LIST. PORT OP SAVANNAH. ARK1V It. Ship Georgia, Vuriium, 30 (Is fin Liver pool, with n full cargo of Dry Goods,to A Low &co. Coii-ignees, ' Campbell, R Habersham, N II &1I Woe I, A Low &co Low, Taylor &coJ II Reid, O W Owens, Stiles & Fannin, N Wallace, &T Yunng. Passengers, Messrs Win Scarborough, Jno. Millci, Androw Low, jr. Maria Quigly, Edward Ouigly, Tcrrenco Quigly, Abra ham Lewis, loin's Lewis, Henry Ross. Tiie ship Franklin. Taylor, for this port was to sail on tho same day. Arrived previous to tiie 7th oil. William, Larinoiir, and lltbor Ilia, Hamilton, from Charleston; Hermit age, Ivanlmo, Tecumveh, Saracen,-and Quebec Trader, fin New Orleans; Peru, Dick, from Mobile, Tiie Sarali Sc. Caro line, to sail loth, nnd brig William, nre advertised for Charleston. Entered for loading Will Neilsun, for New Orleans— I lth-iusi. Iu(• 31 Hi Ion. 75, spoke sclir Orion,from Porlo Ca .Bello hound to Bal timore. Tlmi (day 3 P. M. was hoarded hv the British armed, sclir .Monkey and* treated politely Ship Himtoaia, Watson, Neiv York 5 d - to S II Fay Seen, J Auze, and O Tenney Schr Excel, llelikei. New York. 4 ds to Cohen & Miller. Mdzo lo L Baldwin &co,Tnft Si Padolford, D & B Foley, J VV Long, M Prondergust, E Wells, L W Cur tis, J A Blanton, J Cuinming. C W Camp field, it .Malone,O II Lama , J Waring, Hazard & Denslowft W .Morrell, Cnndler S: Davidson, Stiles & Faintin', M Wood ward, L Baldwin ,vco II Lord, E ltoecl, Mansfield & Pardee, Finch & Warland, J Stone, Chichester & Scranton, W Alai shall T Butloi ico.Luy Si lloiidrlokson, J In- glis, A Bennett, N B & 11 Weed & Steam boat Co. Passengers, A Bennett, lady and child,'G W Weeks, lady and child, Messys J S Beers, W Coles. N Jcnks, M Wood ward. D C Hawes, J Huff, E Hull - . D Par ker, E Lockwood, E Weils, W Edwards, II Banks, C Southard, A B Curtis, DVea der, J Sagurs, II Sagurs, J l. Clark, A W Smith, L W Curtis and 1 servant. Sloop Dirigo, Bates, Providence 5 days with a full cargo to A & E Wood, and s jndry persons m Darien. Passengers. Messrs J Turner. E Bliss, J Robins, F Robins. Walker, Palmer, Church, Smith. Tillinghast. • , _ , Sloop Matthews, Pierce, fin Ogoechee. 12 hales Sea Island Cotton to R Haber sham. BELOW. A brig front Bath, waiting orders* CLEARED. Ship Henry, Motire,. New York. . Unit, Shctpter t,- Tupptr. Sohr Glide, Milcy; New York. Cohen S{ Miller Iailed. Ship Henry, Moore, New York. Ship Eliza & Abby, Manchester, Pro vidence. Schr Glide, Macy, New York. Revenue Cutter Georgia, on a cruise. Sloop Leader, Chevalier, Dapen. I Sloop AoiivSoloVieb/SqDhurf.. DEPARTED, . • Steamboat Wm Guston, Bowman, An gusta. - ’ Steamboat Augusta, Brooks, for Augus ta. ARRIVED VRO.ll This FORT. At Liverpool, previous to the 7tH lilt, •hips Superior, and Mciedinn. op vo this puR-r. . .. At New York, 8th iuit. ship llimiltdn, io sail 20th. At New York, 0th sloop Atigiista, to sail loth. At New York, loilt ship Emperor, lien- hett. At Boston Otii brig William, to sdll ISth Inst. At New York, 10th bark Armadillo,des patch. cleared for this port. Al Providence 7th lust, sluop Meislialt, Chase. ■ MEMORANDA. . Pile brig Francis, Croll, for Charleston andtliis poitto sail totli inst. was left at Philadelphia by the Transport ‘at Charles ton. , The brig l.yilia, fin P oVidenee, fur this porl, is reported in the New York papersof the Gill inti, ashore near Hurl date. Extract of a letter, dated AUt.USTA.OcL 14. The pole boat Ogle'hnrpc, arrived at this port from Savannah in 13 days, said lo be the shortest trip made this Seinoil. Her cargo will be landed tomorrow. Darien Oct. 15,—Arr schr Clarion, Now York 5 ds. Sloop Sapclo, New York 5 ds. SPOKEN. 15th Inst. offCliaileston; bldg Newcas tle fit, Boston for this port. lOtlt iu-t. lat. 38, brig Kingston, from Jamaica for this pint. 18lh inst. lat. S7, sloop Charles, from Wareham, (Mass.) for this porl. From our Correspondents, . s Ojjiccs oj the Courier, Mercury ) and Ornette, > Charleston, Oct. 15—7 p. si. ) ARRIVED. Brig Sarah, Hath, (Mo.) 10 ds—hound to Savannah put in on account of head winds. IN THE ovvino - Ship Isaac Hicks, fin New York. Mariner’s Church. T HE services itflho Mariner’sClmrcli will commence TOMORROW MOtiNING. nnd will he continued rogu- larly on every Sabbath, oct 17 Dauciiijr Academy; J OHN C. LEGE, respecifully informs Ills Irlends arid the public, that his Dalicjng School for the reception nfynimg Ladies und Blasters, will lie npan on Mon day the 2d of November next: in lh» Solo mon’s Lodge Room. Days of Tiliton, Momluys. IVednesaays .mil Pridayt, at 0 o’clock P. M. He will also attend in pri vate houses and Seminaries. The school for Gentlemen wilt abo com mence outlie same evening, nt 7 o’clock. Price of Ttsition at the HchnnlRoaiii, g|g K er quarter, sod private lessons |I5, one alfpayable advance. net 17 207 }!|| $30,000, Millcdgcvillc Masonic Hall LOTTERY, FIRST CLASS. To BE COMPLETED IN FlVV. DrAWINOS, Tile first drawing to take place pus.lively on tho 14th df November next, dr al an eatlinr period, should the snle of Tickets,—Tito whole of tiie prizes pay able sixty days after the drawing, subject to a discount of 10 per cent. SCHEME: Sheriff's Sale. Gri the first Tuesday in December next. W ILL lie sold in front uf the Court House in the County uf t'ffing- ham between the Usual hours of sale. Two Imtuli-ed acres of Und with all and singular the improvements thereon, lying and being in tiie comity of Elfin.ham hounded by land of Wm. Woniahk and nil the east by Und grab ed to Wright Lofiley levied un ns tiie properly, of Frederick Womack Id satisly sundry executions in favor (If Thomas /.Tamil, J else Hinder tin and olheri, levied on and returned to me hv a Constable. J.R. MORGAN, i.e.c. net It 1 prize of do . do do do do - do do do do do do do do 1 * S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 Tickets, Halves, Qu ARTJShS, $30,000 15.000 10,000* 5,090 1,000 900 BOO * 790 OHO BOO 400 890 too 100 ltd oo 9 00 2 50 For sale in a great variety nf numbers at LUTHER’S Lottery and Exchange OJJlce. oct 17 R 1 MADAM G. PETIT, FROM PARIS. ESPEOTFIJLLY informs the La- dies of Savannah and its vioinity, that she will open on the ltd inst. A large mil Elegant 'Assortment of MILLENARY, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Consisting of ' French Bonnets Ostrich 1 Bird of Paradise 5 Feathers. Marabou ) Thread Lace nnd Bohinetts French Embroidery Cups, Capes,&c. Artificial Floweis Ladies Hoad Dresses, very elegant Fancy Boxes, See, dec. die. Madam Petit enntinues the Bonnet and Dress Making nnd will executn all orders al the shortest notice. Scuddtr's Building opposite Low, Tan lor lico's. oct 11 207iJ City Marshal’s Sales. On the flest Tuesday in Decen.ber next, D *V conformity with h resolution of coun- JL cil, I shall proceed, in front of the Court House between the usual hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, to sell the following loti, viw ' » Lot no. 49, Hr own ward, bounded east by lot no 60, -sfliltlf by i tnne of 30 feet wide,north by a street of 76’feet’ wide and went by a Stro*t 45 feet wide. Lots nos. &o nnd 61, upon which the •Cirrus now stands. Lois rios. 6b and id Hrown ward, bnun- east by lot no 57, south by Liberty sireet, that fronts the South Commons, west bv Hull sireet and north by a lane 30 ft wide. building onejind a quarter story high anil 60 feet long stands upon one of these lots. Lots nos. 61 and 62, Brown waird. frori* ling the tiiiiitli Common. Led do *3, Columbia ward,bounded east by Columbia Square, south by Vork street west by lot no 24, and north by President Strefel. Lots nos. 47 and 48, Jackson ward.boun- ded south by Liberty Meet, west by JojTej* son sireet, north by a lane of 30 feti wide and east by lot no 40. , . F. M. STONti, c. m. oct 17 Eor Freight or Ciiarter. Tho last sailing lirig UNION . Capt, Jordon. Burthen 170 tons or 1500 Itarrel., four yo.tloid, will be ready tu receive, a ergo III 3 or 4 day.. For terms apply to oct IS CGIIEN & ill 11,1,ru. For New York. The flue fast sailing hrig Frances, > , F»y, Mailer, Will meet>i(h r^uick rietpriudi# For freight of passage, applv to thq master on board, at Anoiaux’s wharf, or to oct 15 . ... CUIIEN& MILLER For PiiryBburg and Paraclmclar. . Oyster Hall. FBY IlE aliove old and well known estab- 1 lislinicnt is qo* open for tiie season. The prnpiietor beg- leave to return thanks fur past favors, ami solicits a continuance oftlie same—lie pledges liimsell that nil exertions slialI he wanting on his part to keep lip the repulaliun ofliis4iouse for the supeiiority of its accommodation,numerous improvcmenlshaving been made at consid erable expense, and all with an eve to the comfort of his friends and patrons.—'Ve trust therefore, tliaUlis exertions will en sure him a continuance oftlie public favor. To his Country Customers lie.can pro mise a regular nml Constant supply of Oysters, sent to any part of tin mo States South Carolina and Georgia, put up to or der ; having made extensive arrangements for that purpose. All orders will ns usual be thankfully received and promptly exo- euted, hv the public’s Obedient Servant, C. MIDDLETON. oct 17 (15“ The Milledgeville Recorder aod llte Augusta Constitutionalist, will publish die above threo times'; and forward their hills to this office.. Notice. , T iie savannah library, win he opened hereafter, on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday in each week from 3 to 5 o'clock, P. M. WM MOREL, Librarian, oct IT Wf The Steamboat COTTON PLANT, Being now in the best order, will coni mence, her,regular route for ilia season on MONDAY MORNING NEXT, Iflih inst. at 7 o’clock A. At. She will leave Wayne’s.whaif for the above place— w ill touch at Puryshurgli and jirncce l to I’uru- clinelar, will arrive there in the evening— will leave I’arachuctar at half past Oo'el'k A. M. on Tuesday Morning, tough at Pu- rysburgli, arrive at Savannah iu tho even iug; and on Wednesdays, Thursdays ami Saturdays, nt f o'clock, {u'tha morning, "ill leave Wayne's Wharf for P.uryslmrgli (only)—will leave 2 o’l-lncl, P. til. on each' of those days, arriving at. Savannah in the evening.. ..Till* route «Jji positively continue during the fall, winter and spring—charges will be moderate, and all freight payable in Savannah. For freight or passage, apply on board, nr to the subscriber at his Wood Yard, Wayne’s wharf. ^ S1IADRACH WINKLER. oct 15 £08si . _ X 3 U«LIC MALES.. FURNITURE .ily .J. B. Herbert. On TUESDAY, totlt Inst. , Af.1| o'clock, will bo sold at ilia East end of the Academy. A (iUsNt)TT op FURNITURE. . Consisting of. 1, and Sofa.j Bureaus,' , Dressing Tables,, Breakfast Tables, Carpets. Bedsteads and Beds, Bitov* I and Tongs, And Irons, Ne. &so. aLso • t A Qumititji of Kitcluiii' Furniture. Terms cash. oct 17 By J. B. Herbert. On the first Tirtilay in .\uvembtr nett. Will bo sold heloie the Court House bfi- tween the usual Ilnurs of sale. A negro called CJESAIt sold at the risk of the former purchaser he not having com plied ivitli the terms of sale. oct IS- Chichester d* Scranton, Ml it CHANT TAILORS, North Bust Corner oj Young’s Buildings, H AV and are teceiving . Ivy tho late arrivals from New York and Phila delphia, a handsome assortment of season able Ready Made Clothing-, CONIISTINO nr Dress and Frock (HI ATB.CQATEE8, PANTALOONS, VESTS. 'Biirts.lland-c kerchiefs, Cr ivr.ts. Stocks, Hosiery,Men’s, Youth’s and Children's Moroero and Cloth CAPS,l.adies‘& tientlemen's CLOAKS Stc. Sic, Together With a Splendid Assortment of FASHIONABLE CLOTHS, CAsf SlEllES AND VESTINGS, «I lift 11 they are prepared to make to order, in fashionable style, at short notice, oct IS j I .V . Coffee & SugitV. "■ A2k 11 CS prime Green doffeo JL x_F vr 190 kegs Nulls essorled si zes 1 hales Foolsciu Paper Whole and lialf bbls new Flolli 1 80 lioxes Buncll Raisins Landing front schr. May Flour AND IN STORE. 10 Ithda piime St. Qroix Sugar 40 Luis do do so hints N O Sugar 50 bbls do do ALIO A genital supply of GROCE R 1 ES. • in-lully selected lur family use. <l\Ul)RY &LEGRIEU ,ocl !3 205w i For Augusta; The staunch arid well built pole boat A. SIBLEY, hvitfs a' full set. pf hands and a lighter to attend her on the river, will meet with' quick dispatch. For .freight, apply to 1 i CANDLER Si DAVIDSON, oct 15 . Mongin’s upper wjinrf. Just Received and for Sale A FEW kegs superior Lard, for family use. By oct |3 S.J. BRYAN. 100 dollars Reward. S TOLEN front tiie .Western Mail which left this City 6ri Saturday night last, a package containing $0.84.08, consisting as well as can lie recollected of tile following bank notes: 1 of 100 dollars 1 “ 50 do. The balance—20’s 10's 5's rind some S’s & 2’s.„a|l marked“19M Sept'r." Thenoest were principally of the-Branches of the Bank of the State of Georgia—some of the Centraf Brink and Bank of Ma'coq—done up in a package addressed to Beets, Booth & St, John, Augusta. The above reward will be paid on its delivery m either oftlie offices ol the subscribers,at Savannah,Au gusta or Charleston. . BEERS, BOOTH & ST.J0HN. SOJR20 ,39J ■■ A Seasonable Goods. TT ANDING from ship ; gtetMnrpc, n- u A general and , filrnsivc importiitian’of , FALL AND IVINTER. BRITISH GOODS. - Which meoflVird,together with, j complete -iseonnient of ■ HQMFSTIO AHTICLKS, For *nle by l.c«’.' TAYLOR 4tOO. lOpt 20 190 - - - r L. Scriiytoli. , " lias In stun qndfor sa li, x Aik riK DS prime licmp Colq JL W ton UngginR, 39 brigs GiL’fii Coffee 25 bbls Portland Hum 25 do Whiskey 20 do Northern Gill 50 kees Cut Nails and Urads ,10 ions Iron . 1000 bushels Sail . 20 kegs n'obacc/D 10 CHskf Cliff«• 20 boxes do 50 five gallon Demijohns, 10 qr casks sueel Al.duga Winp 15 India bbls . dn 10 c.»tiy -boxes Hyson Tea , 5 hlids St Croix und N O Sugar 16 bbls l.oiif do 50 reums l.ntter Paper 50 do Funhenp do - 5 bales Hru> i Hhirt'Ogs ^ 1 do Sheetings 100 bags Shot - Lead, Po»vde.», Spanish & Amcri* can Hegms, „ Salt Petre, Bar Soap{ Race and Gioutid Ginger. Almonds. Paper Tobacco, Starch,' Cussin, Sweet Oil, ’ . Togeiher with a general nssonment of GROCERIES, suiiabie Tor the city or countrv trade. t net 15 20Rp School for Young Ladies. 1 M I88.WlLi.ARp, & .MISS MEAD, have arrived iri this city and will open their school on Monday next, in (lie basement itorv oftlie house o eupied hyMra Platt opposite Johnston Bqiiarri.—They barn concluded,' that they will take three or four classes, in tlie| English branches, &tlio terms of! he llte same asin other schools, fur young ladies in this city. Parents, and Guardians, wishing to place thpir daughters or wards under llieir caro. ran see them by cnlling at Mis. Plalt'l where they cun also see.llieir recpinmciida- lions from gentlemen whose daughters they have educated Mackereir 1 HO BBLS No. 3 Mackerel JLXrXF<25 do 2 .do 25 do t dp 25 lialf do 1 do .25 do 2. do Landing from brig Progress and for sale by B. VV. DBi.AAlATER&Co. oct 15 20b D Landing, 30 4 pipe, I La'tham’s Pure Rum 50 bbls No. 3 Mackerel ' . 50 boxes White and Yellow Soap to firkins Goshen Butter 3 dozen Fancy Chairs . dct.itT COHEN So MILLER*'