Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 21, 1829, Image 1

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m k Ingham County, tvFFR'fOR COURT, J tflT Trn.M, 18*6. 0 *‘ N tile petition of William Morel, tin-, ling the existence & lot* nod preying ."blishment nf a certain promissory V' Unttt and scvernlly innde nnd signori H^ffij;lJlryn./ ? nd William O kr L,h late of mid county decoated, Po "n Pfllnal am county. 18th February, «£-& to the tali JVIIIIatrfMortl. or '•fftn or before the 1st day of Joniiury *?.' {3f the titnt of twenty five.dollar*,for * e * ’ r( , c »ivp(l, a copy whereof, with the ’,&» of the mid William Morel. It filed St Clerk't Ofilce.-It it or.lered l.nl Sim King, of the County of hffllng- . .K acting nnd qualified adn. initiator f ftr tald William O. Porter, deceased, f |,.i rl and representative* of the said VVil iam J. Mulryne, deceased, do shew t' onor before the fi. si day of the next Unnot tbit Court, why the prayer of the SSilio cr should not he granted, and it is r ordered thnt this rule be published i public Gazettes of the l.itv u, once a month until the time hr shewing cause thereof. 1 ! minutes, JIARI.TON, Clk. N. E. Rum. &c. w A l.andin {pXjf MU.S prime N. I 10 bales Plaid* Strij tings ’ 4 cases Drab and Hlnclt 10 keg* choice Go-hell Hotter 6 bbls ‘•Vaiiderwater’s" Sinoi Beef 80 Virginia Uanit Jr""V.omn uhller. Brought to Jail. I N Savannah, oh the lUthintt. n negro man who myt his name is JERKY, and that ho belongs to the State of <Jcor gi", that ho ranawny from the Cliatalioo- cliee river about 4 month* ago—he is 8 feet 0 inches high, and about 33-years of Bge;ho it of a yellow complexion and stut ter* »lion speaking. JOilN I DEWS.j.c.c. Bllg 18 180 Regular Communication Brought to Jail, I N Savannah on the loili Inst, a negro ■nair who says Ills name is SIMON, and that he belong* to the Stele of tienr- gta, that hnranaway from ihc Chatnlmo- eliao River al oiu 4 month* ago—lie i* 8 feel 6 8-4 inch,- high and uhout *8 year* of age—he has lost one of his front teeth. JOltNI. DEWS,4. o.o. iiug 18 Brought to Jail. 8;«v mwah, on die lOtli in«t. n negro JL inn i who his name is NBD. ami that he belongs to dm State of Geotgia, th.it In* ruiiawtn fnni the Clintahonchec ri»ei diuiui'4 months ago, He is 5 feet 8 inches hit'll nml about 53 ears i JOIIVf. DEWS c.c. nug in ion op THE Gr^nd Lodge of Georgia. T UB Officers iind Members of the Grand Lodge of the State of Geor gia and the different Lodges under id ju» lisdiction by choir proper representatives, arc leqiiested to assemble at the Git AND LODGB II \LL, in Millegcville, on Mon day the 7th dny of December next. THOMAS P.GIIBBN, Grand Secretary, 0. L. S. G. The Editor* of the Savannah lie- publican, Augusta Constitutionalist, Mo- cun Teleernph, Washington New-*,Colour ous Bnquirer, will give the above three weekly insertions, and forward their ac count* to the Grand Secretary, oct 15 fiOfl Brought to Jitil. I N Savannah, «n tile 25th ultimo, a ne gro min'i'v ho my* lilt iimir i* TO* EY.and that he belong* to Willinm Ileal Richmond County, tin. that hr rana» av two wpek* ago, licis 8 fee- 8 I £ in- high to about 88 vcaisofage—tile tup bend is gray. JOHN I DEAVS.J c.c. ailed 178 Late Publications. T HE NEW FOREST. .a Novel by die author of “Rramhlelye House" wjotr illtl" &c TALESOF HUMOR fc ROMANCE, irlected from popular German Writers, translated by Richard Holerafl, H. A. ROMANCES OP RF,AI. LIFE, by Abe Author of “Hungarian Tales.” . • ■ ALSO I’An assortment of STORY $ TOY BOOKS, for children, and Selected En- jgisvings and LITHOGRAPHIC Prints. Just received aod for tale by T. M DRISCOLL. oct 8 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah-An the 31st I'hinin, a nr gro man wbn&a> * bit nnme it H ' AC hat lie'balongs tdBevill Poolt of El ert t'oiinly. Ga Unit be ranawny ahum three weeks ago-^-he;ls 8 feet S '-4 inches high and about 45 rears of age, lie bus » scar on Id* chill. JOHN I DBW8.J.C.C.-. augB -475 ” Sugar, Coffee, &c. eg AkllllDS prime Jamaica s ug*r JL*r 5 tierces do Green Goflfeo 100 pieces Hemp Hngving ' Landing fronj ship BHzn At Abh*y And (or sale by GEO. GOilDON. oct 0 tOf T Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the 10th in, . a negrh man who my, his name is MOS • S.and that he belongs to VVm Dell, of Monroe County, Georgia, that lie runaway -about four weeks ago, belt 8 feet 6 1-t Inches high and about *8 ye irs of age. sept ti J. 1. DEWS, 4. c. c. M. Prcndergnst. a AS received per sulir Francis, from New York, rbiyi Blk'Palmarine, BuprVsncy Velvet Prints, Bupr English Ginghams, Hup, 6-4 French Bombazines, Spotted Crimson Rattinets, Blit Batin Levantinea, Green Silk for -Umbrella covering, Blur Worsted Braid, Scarlet and Drab Cassirae.e Shawls, Fancy Chiats do •Blk Nankin and Canton Crapes, Barege Hdkft «nd Cravats, Superior Lawns,-and Linen Cambric lldkft Blue aad Brown Clothe Casshnerai to Satlinets, Woodstock Ulovcs, Horteikin do Lined do All for mle low, At No 8 to 14 Gibbon's Block, net 1 200 Brought to Juil. N Savannah on the *5tli May a negro . man who says his name is JANUA RY. and that he belongs to Edward Cliis “lino, of South Carolina, tint lie runaway about one week ago, ho is 8 leet 2 inches high ami about 9* years of age. he lias lost several of bis front teeth, aug 8 J. 1. DF.WS, i. c. c. Brought to Jnil. N Savannah, on the ,3d tilt, a mulatto » oman w ho says her name is N F, LLY and hat she belongs to the estate of Edwd Bryan, Twjggs County. Georgia, and that she ranawny about two months ago She Is S/eet I 1-2 Inches high and about 22 years of age. JNO. 1. DEWS, j. c.c oct 8 Committed to Jnil, A T Consawliatchie, on tin- 15lh-nfMav last, a negro ntannamed GEORGE who says ha belongs to the Oakmulgee Navigation Company in Georgia, of .whom Mr. Itobeit McCall is agent; he is abnut 35 years of ago, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high julv 13 J. .1. 11KOK. J. n. n- Hall, Shnpter & Tupper, Hu lately Received and now offer /hr salt. fTONB Swedes lion, cont entment prising of a complete as- 80 hhds prime St. Croix Sugar 60 bbls Loaf To 80 bag, prime Green Cnffoo 8 hhds do do do | lbl * No 8 Mackerel lOd kegs “Peabody’s” While Lead 10 bbls Portland Rum (colored) 15 pipes Cognac Brandy 6 do Holland Gin . 10 pipes Canary Wine *0 qr casks dn do ! Puncheon Irish Whiskey *0 bbls New York Canal Flour,E , ». B. &co 400 bags "Youlo’s” Parent- hot, as sorted. 10 bbls “VandewaterV Beef . 10 boxes “bostold Cavendish" To bacco , SQ kegs “best old Cavendish" To bneco 40 qr boxes Spanish and American Segars oct 6°° ^ r ' ,u ** tones ' assorted sizes smoked Treasurer’s Office.' tflvm October 1, 1820. NjURl. average price of Flour during the -9. last'lS ,nth bein B 8° 50 per barrel ol Wo for the present month must as follows vixt 1(4-2 cents I .oaf gibs 13 < ^81-4 “ „ | „ _mSi all Bakers and sellersofUread "ill take dhe Notice. oct 8 M ' W ‘ STEWA B-T, o. t. . Notice. •A. Esinllm" 9 ha?in * *"y demands.a- UnTof F.ffinih e l a,e of Go ‘ le ' b E,ns '. them it, '\t n ' Cofoly. dec. will hand Within the lim. Sub,<!rib or duly attested r*f*oS,td‘.tn s r b a ed byiaw ' ; ' nda,, •d to make iinm.a? ** d are requir spiibor. mmedi »te payment to the sub- 1 Ep HRAlMKF.IFFF.R, ElRnghatutv„. Adm " rG; Ernst,dec. Oftt a 8 ■ . Unt y< SdOctablr, 1829, Notice. A LL persons hid, bled to the Estate of Hi. Elijah Gillktt, will ha |,lea- «*d to in iimlte payment to ilte snbscilln-r j ml those having demands against thi same, »llt present ihemtn JAMES HIGGlNHOTTOM. Ad'ninr. t/e loafs non. with the will annexed, ower Three Runs.(S. )Sept. 7th. I82U. net 3 201 Isaac Norton H XS rot eivnd liy recent arrivals f-om VewYarka handsouie nssoitmrnt nf* ell «e|ected * STAPLEl,- FA.Vdr DRY GOODS ■ Among which are 30.000 yds. Negro Cloth ro-'ilftlng pfEmllsh and I'omcslic 1'l.iins, S it- tinets. Iluvs. Cassinets, Woolseys&r Heavy Pnfllc Itlunkets Blench'd and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings Striped and I’laid Homespuns 15p ps. Chintz and low priced Cali coes Light and dark Plaid Ginghama 1 case Superfine Linen Bmnhazetts, Slnoha'vt and Snisnetl* 0-4 7 4 11-4 and 9 4 Table Diaper » Shell and llrazillinn Tucking and Side Combs Silk Gauze and Worsted Barege Shawls White fit. Coloured Flannels Are. Ate oct .1 20> Commilted to Jail, A T Consawliatchie. on the 25th March last, it negro man who says his name is JOE, who first claimed Mr Richard El- lis as his master, but sinco says be belongs to a Mr. J ilm Thierce. who lives about 4 mites from Savannah; ho is about 5 feet inches high, aod about fnrtv years of age J. J. BECK. J. b. t july 13 103 For Sale. B Y leave of the Inferior Court of this County, will be sold on the First Tuesday of December, for Iho benefit ot the creditors, that valuable nnd improved dentation, on Skiilawaj Island, -contain ng 630 acres, and known by the name of HIBERNIA. ' THOo. U. P. CHARLTON, Adra’r. de bonis non, toe. sept 15 193 Just Received. 4,000 “r.'i.v”*”" A few hundred lln of Goorgia Ba con, cured by Jones ALSO, A general Assortment of GROCERIES. With many articles of Dry Goods, Castings, Cut lery, Crockery Ware, Shoes, Hais, fyc. All of which jvill bo sold on good terms by applying to the subscriber. - SAMUEL J. BRYAN, oct 3 201 Syrup of Sassaparilla PB^HE subscriber h.isjust 1 eceived a sup JL ply of this celebrated Sy rup. A. PARSONS, Druggist, At the Eagle, no 8, Gibbon,' Range.| , sept £2 1*8 Notice. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Justi ces of the Inforior court of Emanuel emm ty, for leave to soil all the real estate o James I. Anderson for tho benefit of the heirs'As creditors. TIIOS. VVIWNBY. sept^B 81 50 oct 13 To Rent. A convenient dwelling bouse Pleasantly situate,, in Brough ton strcci Applv to • A D ABRAHAMS 2PHsit It 1-2 12 1-2 Proposals. T HE undersign-,I will receive proposals unit! the next meeiing of f'uuncil. to cut a slip ot thirty feet wide and -ixtv feet deep, between the uliarves <•( R. M Goodwin and the estate m Serinus Mayer MICHAEL BROWN.) GEORGE SliU K > ommitlte - R. R. CUYLEIt, S oct 8 >205 A Card. T HE Subscriber has taken charge of, and will keep under Ids own dircc- timi, the warehouse first built by himself, and by an Act of the Legislature of |82I, intended to be a public naiehojiie, ’ In Hamburg, for the storage of roitou anil tobacco.—A tobiu co inspection to be kept therein. This warehouse, fur convenience and safety from fire, if not supeiior, Is in ferior to none ill tills pa.it ol the country' ll is 800 feet in length and 50 feet in width, with a plank floor—situated In the conlie of die town, on the bank nf the Savannah River, and within 100 feet ol the stream. The uiher three sides are bounded bv streets, one of 160 fei-t.one of too feet,and Olt* of 80 -.eet. Two platforms will ox- lenri from the warehouse to the river; so that cotton will bo put on boats without touching the ground, except wlieutbe liv er is very low. RATES. For Inspection nml Storage or Tobacco for 0 months,’ per Idid. F01 Storage of Cotton and delivery on the river bank each bale per month, l' o forwarding eilhor to Sa vannah 01 Charleston, per bale Liberal advances on produce placed un der bis charge, will be made for a moderate premium, or customary rates. He will tukc tlie same care, and use tho same dili gence for others as he would for himself. He will adhere to and go on with his o- ilginal plan with regard to tho building of the to <n of I lambing—.ill imprisonments, personal violence and persecutions, and all the farsicat SbcnlTa Sales of Hamburg, to the contrary nntwith,landing. If John William,om anil his colleagutt ml a town, let them do a, I have dune- build one. I will hnwover, nceept of all (heir spare change tu help slung the acenm|.lisliinent of that great linden.iking ; hill the Tdwn hey shall never have; I Imilt it for my self i not fm them.—And if I had the .1- hilities and perseveinnee to build a Town, •he will find that I have abilities and peise vernnee enough tu take care of it. lie will be duly thankful to all who fa vor him with their custom. _ HENRY SHULTZ. HAMBURG, Sept 28th, 1820 P. S. I am proud to sa> that the Ham burg merchants have supplied themselves lids season, with more goods ot all kinds than at any Inrmer period, particularly such as salt, iron, sugar, coffee, bagging, dry-goods, toe. Several new stoics Have already opened, and others will open very shortly. The usual spirited disposition prevails to give as licri-tofure. at least as much, if not more. Tor cotton, than in any other city rfr town in the up-country. As for money, none will be cntintenait. ceil mil ss it is founded un a solid basis; and should uiher be taken in the market, or should any monied institution in which lie mrrfkel arid country are Interested,' go lie .-nod whai might be considered just and pnirienl, immediate notice of it will be gi von, without fear or favor. Under nil those favorable circumstances I am induced to hope that the community anil country generally, will find it to their interest to favor ui with their custom. II. S. net 3 IQtP Sulphate Quinine and SwaimsPanucea, M 'Ol'NCKH l*’iomli and English Milphatr Q,uinine ? boxes Swann » P.nutce.t For sale by HALL. SHAPTER & TUPPER. oct 13 Puints and Paint Oil. Navt Commissioners’ Office, _ . IO1I1 September lHiD. £1 EALED Piopositls wiltbe received nl Ibis Office until in November next, lo supply all flic Paints ind Palm Oil tlmt •nay be required lor the service of the) year iBdO, ut the Nuv.v Yards Portsmouth, N. lie Charlestown, .Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y, Philadelphia, Washington, and Gosport. Va. to be delivered upfinihe requisitions of tho Commanding Officers ol* the Navy Yards* respectively, or of the Navy Agents* iz: y W 80 to tt 3: 33 p a 5 ?&!•“§:- J # I||| 1 = < f) S’g. ,? ~ ST 3 8 ? «r fc oooo J&l s- s- in • > S •% 11 CtQtQ.o.s.Qia.Q.a.Q.fta,. ooooooooeooo! measured cotiforiiiahly to the printed rules prescribed by the Commissioners, dated oeht. 1st. 1820,*tir such other inipceli >n and measurement as they may direct, and must be delivered by Die 1st of Dcccmuer, 1030. Tlie certificate of two reipeoiabie persons that Ihe timber was cut within n o prescribed limits, must accompany each , cargo delivered. The rordago must ho made of clean water rotted hemp, the yarns to lie tarred at least thru monlht before be- tog laid into cordage; the cordage ntOst he id such sizes as Itiay heienuired by the tos- pective Commandants, and must stand the proof es-ablislicd at the 'respective Nuyy Yards. Bidders must state their price lot - patent,'* anil, fur “common laid.” The copper mnsi he of the best quality,end con sist of such kinds and sizes as tin re’speo- live coiiimniidnnts‘may require; the slientll'- mg copper must be cold, rolled; the whole on delivery must undergo the inspection of tho Navy Yards, owsueii other irtspec- tion as the Commissioners may direct. Alt deliveries must be marlofreo from all ex pense to lire Government, To be published twice a woek In the Na tional Intelligencer, U. 8. Telegraph, Bal timore Republican. Ainerir-an -Sentinel, N, Y. Courier mid Enquirer, Piuvldence Pat riot, 'ichmiiRd Enquirer, Norfolk Herald, It lejgh’Sinr,Charleston Patriot,Savannah Itcpnldicnn. I.unislana Advertiser, sept 26 .188 ' S’ Q. S’ Q. S’ . S’ 0 s; 0 Si*5 i: fro. .e s-s ■ earsaes.* o o c c o c 2. All the articles must lie of the best qua) •ty; must be delivered in sound snhsranti.il boxes, barrels, casks, nr other suitable a mb proper packages, in good shipping Older, fice of all expense to tho government; Mid no alloe nnee will be made for tinxes, bar rels, casks, or any oilier packages wliatuv in. On delivtrvlthe articles must Ira sub mitted to the inspection of the respective Navy Yards, or such other inspection as itic Commissioners may dirr-n. Pinsons makingofter* liiuseaflix a price in each and every aitielo. otherwise their bids will not be considered! they must bv endorsed “Offer to fornish. Paints and Paint Oil for the year 1830." To be published twice a week intheNa- tiunul Intelligencer, United Slates’ Tele- graph, Baltimore Republican, American Sentinel, New York Courier A Enquirer. Providence Patriot, Raleigh Star, Char lesion Patiint, Savannah Republican, Lou isiana Advertiser, Richmond Enquirer. Norfolk Herald, sept 20 198 Tobucco and Sugars. ^ Ht)XI’'8“rt 8 .^iiimdfrs ’ best quoli tv old Cavondi^h Tolmpr.<» 5 boxes **!MarshallV* dry corad prime old Cavpiidist) ' ob.irco 5 boxes “S^ Haimder s” old & choice Tobacco—8 lumps 10 kegs** Goode” Tobacco—18** It) do ** Mortian” do l**s 10 do •* Bernard” do It’s 100 half boxes common Sec;ars 40 qr do half Spanish do 100 one tenth boxes Spanish Segnrs, *M dban n rti” brand £0 qr nnd t boxes Spanish Seqars, 12 half \ • W C.” brand Just received and for sale by HALL, Sll PTlit&TUlTER. oct 18 Just Received, K HitDS N. O. Simm >0 ke^s G'lshen r utter An invoice of Sot tees, Fancy dnd .Wind or and Rocking Chairs. Lamli* ^ from ships Statira an l F.Uza & Abbev. and f r sale by oct 0 J B. HERBERT. Landing and in Store. 5 HMDS. Boston Hum 5 ilo Jamaica do 8 pipes Brandy 8 Hhds Sugars 50 casks Nail* assorted 5 Bags Pepper 5 do Pimento ■ 1 cotton to Wool cards 2 Oases Leghorn Hals, toe.. 10 Kegs Cordials, For sulc by L. BALDWIN &co. oct10 204 Landing per Emeline,' from liaston. A N invoice of Oil sirs mid Bedsteads, 1 hair cloth Conch 1 Jersey Wagon For sale by oct 10 J. n. HERBERT. For Sale. A N excellent Gig anil saddle Horse a- bout six years of age, perfectly gen tle and safe for family use, and is also well calculated for a Physician. Applv tu the subscriber JU8. 8. PliLOT OCt 10 - 20431 ^ By the President of the U. States. I N pursuance nf law, I, Amdeew Jack- son, President of the United Slates ol America do hereby declare and make known that a puMic sale will be held at the Land Office at 3t Helena Court House, ill the State of Louisiana, on the secaiid Monday in November next, for the dispo sal of the unappropriated public lands w-itli- in the limit of the undermentioned tmvn- diOs. situate ill tne Land District West nf Pearl River,and East of the Island of New Orleuns, to wilt' Township two, of Range one, Townships one, two, three, five and six. of Range two. Township* one, two, three, four, five and six. of Range three. Townships one, two, three, four, six and saven. and Iractinnal townships eight and nine, of Range four. Tow nships one, two, three, foui, five,six and seven, and fractional township-bight, of Range five. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six nnd seven, and fractional township eight,of Range six. Townships one, two, three, four, Ave.six and soven. and fractional township eight.of Range seven. Townships one, two, three, four, five,six and seven, nnd liactional township eight.of Range night. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six nnd seven of Range nine. The nbove townships are all situate sooth of the thirty first degree of latitude, and East ot the Meridian, anil embrace nearly all the lands lying on the Amite Tickfaw, mil Tangnpaha rivers. The townships will be offered in the or der abovo designated, beginning with the lowest number of section in each. The lands reserved by law for the Use of schools, or for other purposes, will ho ex eluded from sale. Given under my hand at the' ciiy of Washington, this thirteenth day of June, A. D. 1829. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON, Bv the President, ' GEO. GRAHAM Comnlissionei nfthe Geueral Land Office. To be published in the Natchez States man. Jackson Journal, Louisiana Adverti ser. Allnpapa Gazette, Huntsville Demq orat, Mobile Register, Baltimore Republi can, Philadelphia Sentinel, Richmond Enquirer, Raleigh Star, Charleston Mer- i ury, Savannah Republican, August. Chronicle,Nashville Republican, to Louis ville Advertiser, inly 28 171 Timber, Cordage, Sc Cop per. Navt Cosimissionebs’ Orncx, 10th Scpli mlier, 1829 S EALED proposals » II be received at this office until the lit Novemhei nexi to supply the following White Oak and Yellow Pine Plank Stocks, \> Idle Oak Knees, end Masts and Spar Timber, to he dcliveied at the Navy Yards Portsmouth, N. H. Charlestown, Mass llrooklyn.N. Y. Philadelphia, Washington, and Norfolk! and all the cordage and cupper that may be required by the respeetive Commanding Officers of the said ,\avi Yards, to be de livered upon their requisitions, for the ser vice of theycBi 1830. While Oak and Ytlloio Pine Plank Slockt At Portsmouth, 5000’cubic leei best whiie oak plimx stm ks 7000 do best loug leaf yel low pine plank stocks Groceries, Slop Clothing and Navy Bread. Navt Commissioners' Orrim, . 18th September 1829. S EALED PROPOSALS will he re- celved at this Office until the 1st uf N hi ember n xt,1o lurnish all the Groceritt, Slop Clothing, and Navy Bread, that m*y heiaqnired during theyear 1830, for ilia Naval serrlde, at tho Navy Yards, Potts-" mouth, N. II. Charlestown. Mass. Brook- I' n'New York, Philadelphia, Raltimmo Washington, and Gosport, Va. to bo fur i nishnl upon the icqidsilinns of Ihe respen- tivo Commanding^ Offices or Navy A-" gems. GROCERIES, hlskey. hrst quality, 1st proof, 1-4 at least rye, Molasses, While deans, sound White Peas, sound Rice, fresli Sperm Oil, Wintei strained d pei ill Candles Hupei fine Flour Sl.cp clothing: per gslloq, per bushc(. • do per pound, per gallon, per pound, per barrel. 3 At Charles town, At Brooklyn, At Philadel phia. Just Received.* -J A| FIRKIN.-' prime Goshon’Butsei -M-XJ For sale by , o«j3 ~ .,*• J.B. HERBERT, Drab Pea Jackets, each Blue’ Cloth Trowsers, per pair Do do Jackets, each Do do Vests, - tacit \ kite Flannel Shirts, * each Do do Drawers, |pair Yarn Stockings, - pair Blankets, each Duck Frocks, each l)o Trowsers, per pair Black Silk Hdkft. each Wool Hats, each Shoes, p.tfr Curled hair Mattrasses, each At all ihe .ihore mentioned Yanis, ex cept Baltimore. And all the Navy Bread that mar he required at the said Navy Yards, and at the Navy Yard Pensacola West Florida. All the .,ftides must be ol Ihe ben qual ity. The Slop Clull ing and Navy Bread must he fully equal lo the samples, or pal- terns in the posses,ion of tlto res, ecttVe Coniinaiidaots, by whom they will he shewn to all pe sons who in iy «ith to see them. The Blue I'lnth Jackets,Trowsers, and Vests, must he made of Indigo riftd Cloth; the Matliassct must be made of- clean coiled hair with iliick cotton ticking; they must he six fact long, 28 inches wide, nnd most weigh not less than ninep umda avoirdupois each. The casks cui ini mg Whiskey and Molasses must hove four iron hoops put on each when required by Ilia At Washing ton, 10,000 do best white oak plank stocks 18,000 do best long loaf yel-Irespocijve Commandants, at the expense of the Contractor. All articles must )ie delivered, ill sound substantial boxes, bar rels, casks, kegs, ur other suitable and pro] per packages, in good shipping order free of expense, nnd no allowance will he made ' lur boxes, barrels, toe. or any other pack ages whatsoever. On delivery the articles . must be suhmiiled to the inspection of the respec ive Navy Yards, or sin li other in spection as tit- Commissioners mav direct, I’crsuus mhking offers will endorse them “Offer to furnish Groceries,* 1 ' or “8lop Clothing," or “Navy Bread,” for the year I83u; they must also affix a price io each and every article enumerated under each head they may propose to furnish, other wise their offers will nut be considered. r7-T'o be published twice* week in the National Intelligencer, U. S. Telegraph, Baltimore Republican,American Sentinel, NY Courier and Enquirer, Providence Patriot, Hartford Tim r, Boston States- man, N. II. Patriot, Richmond Enquirer, . Norfolk Herald, Raleigh Star, Charleston Patriot, Savannah Republican, Louisiana Advertiser. 108 * low pine plank slocks 35,000 do best whilu oak plank snicks. 16,000 do best lung leal yel low pine plunk stocks 5,000 do best white oak plank stocks 5,000 do best long leaf yel low pine plank stocks 4,000 do best white oak plank stocks 4,000 do bestlongleafyel low pine plauk stocks At Gosport, 25.000 do best white oak plank stocks !6,000 do best long leafyel low pine plunk . stocks. White oak knees at Boston, New York, and Norfolk, from 6 reel 6 inches to 7 feel body, from 5 feet to 5 feet 6 inches arm and to side from 8 to 11 inches neti siding- Masts and spar timber at Norfolk, for the iuiver masts and bowsprits, topmasts mid jib booms,and lower yards complete for one f 74, one 4 ; one sloop of War of the first, and one sloop ol war of the second class, per cubic foot. The pine plank stocks and must and spar timber, must ho the besi quality long lejf. fine grain, heart, south ern yellow pine; Ihe plank stacks,and mast, and spar timber must be free from sap. heart shakes, and all other defect; tilt- plank stacks must not be less than 35 and must average 45 feet in length; the pine must square not less than 14 nor more than 18 inches at the him, and may square one fourth less at the top end. The oak plank stocks must square not less than 14 inch es at the butt, and may square -one-fourth .ess at the top end; they must liavo grow n on lands nearto salt water, or otherwise within tlie infiuence of the sua or salt water air- Tlie dimensions ofthe mast and' spar timberwill be furnished to persons intending ID make offers, by the commanding officer of the Navy Yard, Gosport, Va. All the aforementioned timber must have been cm nr the tiees have been girdled between the 20th of October, and the 20lli of February next; on,.delivery it wHl be Inspected, and sept .0 Fig Blue and Starch. 9)db BOXES Gilbert's STARCH, 5 do Fig Blue Just received ami for sale by A PARSONS, Druggist, At the Eagle No 8 Gibbon’s Range, sept 28 Lumber Factorage. T H E subscriber informs his friends and the public, that ho continues the Lumber Factorage and. Commission Business, ■ at the wharf adjoining the Cana), on his individual account. He takes this opportunity of returning his grateful thanks to those who so liberally patronised the late firm of Wylly to Brown, to respectfully solicits a share ofthe same. ELISHA WYLLY.’ aug SI 186aE£ . . ' . Wanted to Purchase. A NEG IO boy between 15 aiid IT i». years of age. Apply at the offict) of tlie Savannah'Republican, sept 20 s 108k I