Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 30, 1829, Image 1

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.a-A—._ : -j Abid-el daily savannah republican. No *218. .Yol. XXVI W n $>- ■rllU III tjjpfIt'ff) It COURT *-\.V ,»>•’ o. w I'llnif tlit! cxlstonc* & 1 taUtiduncnt a: i,« tiip Count// July Tkiim, lia 111 Aluro lid pi nf a cm'tin proiiiis 1 vcrally made* and sig and Willi’*m K.L, both laid of said cmmly d fffi llfllrtgliam amniy, l.-nh « v!j4 payable to'the said \\ ililam i " . Before ilio 1st day. of order. , , r , said William Morel, is value reftf •flidavit of tno *— , , , .OI.-cU’s OOice,—It o orlWr,:, « r.juc Kinc. of tlio County ol ,theaotinir and qualified adnil ) S,.aid William G. and ilio heirtJknrl repres ■Willin' J. Mulrynp. cause on or J porter, dent enintivesof llu deceased. do ; before the fust day of the Sftl.Cai.MtyH.e I )i ;y° r rielitin cer should not bo granted, am Cher ordered that this ruloM publ one of dec public: Onzett.-s u ofSavanitalt. oneo a moutl. tppblatcd for showing cause: thereof. Kxtraot from the imorttc,, JNO. OlIcMU.TON, Clk.. July id Wfr wet" !tirn,-«c. Bk'JC |-ltI,S prJnmNvE. Hum 1 to hah' Pluitis Stripes, and S 4 rases Djahaud Rlaclt Hate 10 VeSdbnicr 'in Icon Ituiidr ' 0 bids ■•Va idunvatcr's" Slnoa Itrrf 50 Virginia Hams Ort 1 s r,al ''" , -:oIIIIN V MU.mi. ‘iiblicittions. FOREST, tf Novel , of‘•Unndiletye limn TT' ■T cri! ■' -5 T Udy - <) sfjffft'd fr< "nfinANt'r.s op heal life, the Atillioi of “Hungarian Tales." ALSU An.^»ashOi‘tnient of STORY & I’C IiOOKS, for fjiilaron, and Selected H i uim'uI.iV (yorm in • Rich rd Holrraft, IJ. A. K 1 Just received and for sale hv T. M. DRISCOLL. OCt 3 1 • .Sugar,' Coffee, &c. [{MUfiprime JhimTOa " cigar 5 tjerces do (Ii ren (loffeo 160 pieces Hemp I*nu. ini’ chip Eliza & Abb»y Jn GKO. GOKDON. far sale Icy oi l r, Edit i. > Al. Piendergsist. ITT AS fcpived per ichr Francis, fror li New York, rficpr IIIk Palmirlne, Sii|ii f'acicy Velvet I’lints, ' Kuyr English .Ginghams, 3 , JM French (i imb.czines, 8po.pl Grictis .il ll.illineti, aMPIutiii Levantines. CaeoaWli lotcJIuPirella covering, JI:i.;W.DHtPd lie aid. ... 8:ailct and Drab Oas3tmft o Shnwk IViuj Chintz do Slk Nahltin and Canton .Crapes, llarege Ifilkfs f lirt Cravats; Etc, . ciar Lawns, and Liiien GSmbrl IJ chefs lllcia and Broivn Cloths Oassucierp-s & riatl diets, Woodstock Gloves, Horseskilt do l.icced do I All for sale Imv, I At NgS fe 14 Gibbon's Rlock. |ocl 1 "no prising nf a complete as- lall, Shapter $ Tupper. t Intel ij Received and mw offer for sale. too fliriem do hlids prince St.'mix Sugar fiO bbU I.nijf . c jp •J* Iwif* prime Green Cofleo 8 lilid* do Jq *00 hula No If Mackerel I P ^SJ&PeabodyV- White Lee 10 bhls Portland (turn (colurod) 15 pipes Cognnc Ilrandy, 5 do Holland trio 10 pipoH CanaryWine 20 qr casks tin do I puncheon Irish WhUkey SO bhls New York Canal Flour, . , M. R. &ico ADO hags-VopioV’ Patent !■'hot, soried 10 bbls "WndeivnterV' sniol Reef 10 boxes "best old Cavendish" 1 bricco / "0 «°gs “host old Cavendish” To bacco 40 qr boxes Spanish and Anieri Segars |>ct 6°° Qr !«M^ assorted sizes Treasurer’s Office. VIP, average „, p ., ■«' if ■ being *8 51 I 1 !'.’. I' read for the hi A "^S 1 ' as follows viz: - iltr 5 - Qr.Tiiny.ii 1,182i>. 2lbs is oz 11 ’ke! 18 “ • 50lle / r,Of 11 " a( M-\V. STEWART, 0. t. Eft S , Nefiee. 1 a:!^. I’bin t any demands n- miio of Gotlclbr County, dec. will uhscriber duly ul Psciibod by law, r _ '"uiteTimneu?f" 1 '■*">“> |r? requir: t'ber. -J ' ■ 1 Q Paymont to the sub- E PH H AIM-k Ri F p 10 R, ' ^ughant County <kc - ^ta • wn v» 2d October, 1820. Brought, to Jail. ). J*N Savamrah, on the loth inst. a negro , n l ,mi u 10 s>,vs n «nie i* JERRY g and that ho belong' to the State of Goorl y gia, Hint lie ,anaivay from the Chutahoo- " oboe river about 4 months ago—lie is 5 1. et «inches high, and about 33 years of . agojlio is „f a vollow complexion and stut- , ters ulien speakings r joiin 1 dews; j.o. c. V ang til 180 <= Brbtitfhf to Jail, B -V Savannah on the 10th hist, n negro man »hosays his name is SIMON, and rti.it lie belongs to tho Stale of Gcor- ma, that Ire runaway from the Chatahoo- : ol II ivor a.i out 4 months ago—Ito I* 5 1 l-et 5 3-4 inches high and ehnut 25 years of age—he has 1-st min nf his front teeth. JOrINI. DEWS.j.c.c. e ling 18 Brought to Jail. i rf v Pavanmih. nn Ilio imhin'f. a negro c .4 Oian who says Ids name is NED, and mat ho belongs to the Slate of Oeotgln. that lie runaway from the Chotahoocheo c river about 4 months ago, he is 5 feet 8 iuohos high and about 28 'ears r J**Hn I. DEWS c. c. attg.18 inn Brought to Jail, TN Sav.iuiinli, on the 25th ultimo, a ne- JL gro man, who says his name it TO* NKWan'l lltnt he belong, to William Bekl of Richmond CuUntv, Ga. that he ranawav L ahoitt two weeks sign, he is 5 feet 8 1-2 ib- ' ches high & about 35 voaisofago—tile tap of his head is gray. JOHN I DEWS, j. c. e. * qua 8 115 Brought to Jail. TN Savannah, on the Slit iililmo. a ne- .1 urn man who surshis name is IS \ AC uni that he belongs toBevill Cook of F.l- hevr • ounty, Gn that he vanaivay alinut three' » eelts ngo—he is a feel 2 8-4 inches ! high and about 15 'ears of nge, he has a 1 scar on his chin. ■ ’ JOHN I DEWS, J. 0. 0. ' aug8 175 - - Brough! to Jail. ■■"NSavannah on tile 10tli ins,, a negro ■Lilian who savs Ids name (1 MoS' H,apd. that lit belong, to Wm Bell, of Monroe - Grimily, Georgia, that he runaway about g four weeks ago. lie is 5 feet 8 1-2 inches high and about 28 years of ge. sept22 J. 1. DEWS, 1. 0. 0. Brought to Jail. •TN Savanngh on the 25th May a negro JL man who says his name is -JANUA RY, and. that he belongs to Edward Chit 2 olmn. of South Carolina, that lie r*iM>y«y A nbhirt one week ago. he is 5 leet 2 inches te high and about 22 years of age. he has lost y several of Ids front teeth. p nog 8 J. 1. DEWS.j.c.c. Brought to Jail, ■'N Savannah. on the23d ult. a mulatto JL woman who says her name it NELLY and that she belongs to the estate of Edwfi Bryan, Twiggs County. Georgia, and that she runaway about two months ago. She I, 5 feet 1 1-2 inches high and about 32 B yearn of age. . JNO.l. DEWS.j.c.c nOl 8 Committed to Jail, A T Coosau Katclde, on the 15th of Mav Jrti last, a negro man named GEORGE , who says lib belongs to tho Onkmulgee Navigation Company in Georgia, of whom Mr. 4obeli McCall is agent j he is about 35 years of Bge, 5 feat 7 or 8 inches high jitlv IS .1. J.BF.fJK, j. n. i>. Committed to Jail, A T- Oonsawhatclde. nn the 25th March Inst, a negro man who says Ins namn is JOE, who first claimed Sir Richard El. lis as Ids master, hut since says lie belongs to a Mr. J dm rhierce, who lives about 4 miles from Savannah j he is about 5 feet 0 indies high, and about fnrtv years of age. J. J. BECK, j. b.d. - jllly IS 103 For Sale. itY lea'eoftlie Inferior-Court of this * County, will be sold on the First Tuesday or December, for the benefit ot the creditors, that -valuable and improied y plahtntion, on Skidnivaj Island, contain- ns 630 acres, and known by tho name of HIBERNIA. . THOd. II. P. CHARLTON, B Adm’r. do bonis non, &c. sept 15 103 Just Received. /fl LBS very fire Bacon a ' "LvVVV IN STORK A few huddred lbs of Goorgia Ba con, ourod by Jones ALSO; A general Assortment of GROCERIES. With many articles of Dry Goods, Castings, Cut lery, Crockery Ware, “> Shoes, Hats, §'C. ar All of which will be sold on good lenns by in applying to (lie subscriber. SAMUEL J. BRYAN. OOt 3 201 Notice. .* ’■j'l OUR months nftor date, application JD will-be made to the Hon. the Justi ces of tho Inferior court of Emanuel conn- . ty,. for leave to sell alf the real estate ol .lames I. Amlerson for the benefit of the hairs &-creditors. TllOSr WINNEY. sept 20 FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER Communication Whole No.. ..<5484. OF THE rand Lodge of Georgia. II1E Officers and Members of the lira ml Lodge of the State of Geoy tin lltlS rl 1 fl*hmmh. T .. I 1 . THOMAS F. GRBEN, Orotid Secretary, 0. L; S. O. he Editors of the Sevennah Re* Augusta Constitutionalist, Mo- and forward their nc- oct 15 . 108 To Rent. A convenient dwelling house' Pleasantly situate,, in Bruugh- * ton street- Apply to ib A. D AWtAHAMS. SOBmJ M sept 49 To Rent. The stores near Market square occupied by Ebenezor Jenckes. Possession given the 1st Nov.' for terms enquire nf ' - M. MYERS. , 190$ For Sale or to Rent. UA The subscriber wishes eitli- ■tTfJ er to sell, or rent for ono year IlioH ^ ronl ,lle 1,1 of November next, ■HIM. his House, situated on Colunc- Square, corner of York and Haber 108$ JAMES BROWN To Rent. Swjk A comloriablo Dwelling iS^L House Apply to ’ HALL,;SHAPTi:R &TUPPER. To /?eut, THE wlcurf and bcitlding si tuated in Yniiiucrnii, adjoining i the lumber dock of the estate of ■ Pooler, and now occupied by els Thispmperty is wed silua- Juinbcr and wood business—1 os II be givenim the 1st Nov. Ap- net (0 . R. M. 109cn GOODWIN. Just .eceiveil. Landing fom sloop John Chevalur. ' ' 20 hlids Molasses 8 chests Hyson Tea , . 10 quarter casks Marseilles Wine For sale by at 13 J.H. HERBERT mgpi Portland Rum. -g 4k BB I.S Portland Rum (coloured.)- Ji. AF Longing from ship Helen Mar "*Sat'W«a-».«iW»* 9«e . , /; ./ ... Landing 15 qr casks Seignelts Bran dy 4 12 pipes Seignetts Bran dy 1U Firkins snp Goshen Butter 20 bhls Mess and Prime Reef 20 do Lcithain'a pure Molasses Rum 6 half bhls Fulton Ma ket Beef 20 do rto Renter 20 do do Water 25 Wine 40 boxes Soda 28' do White Soap 54 kegs ".Ender’s No t Tobacco For sale by . COHEN &MILLER. Cr.ckors George Newlnill HAS just received and offers for sale at his old and I well known stand. Nos. 4 and 0 Young’s building, A lame and complete assortment of If 81 50 12 1-2 12 1-2 A-Card. T HE Subscriber lias taken charge of, nud will keep under his own direc tion, the warehouse first built by himself, and by an Act of the Legislature of 1821, intended to Ice a public waiehousc, in Hamburg, for the stor ego of cotton and tobacco.—A lolcutco inspection to bo kept therein. This warehouse, for convenience and safety front fire, if not superior, is in ferior to none In this part ol the country— It is 800 feet in length and 50 feat in width, with a plank floor—situated in the centre of the town, on the hank nf the Savannah River, and within too feel, of the stream, the oilier three eidcs are bounded bv streots, one of 100 feet.one of 100 feet,and oneofBO .cet. Two platforms will ex tend from the warehouse to the river; so that cotton will be put on boats without touching the ground, except when the riv er is very low. RATES. For Inspection and Storage of Tobacco for 8 months, per hhd. F01 Storage of Cotton and delivery on the river bank each bale par month. Fo forwarding cither to Sa vannah 01 Charleston, per hale 'Liberal advances on produce placed un. dcr his charge, will be made for a moderate premium, or customary rates. Tie will lake the same earn, and tide the same dili gence for others as ho would for himself. He will adhere to anil go on with Ida 0- tiginal plan 'vltb regard to the bnildtng'of tlto to • n of Hamburg—all imprisonments, personal violence and persecutions, and all the larsical Sheriff’s Sales of Hamburg, to the contrary notwithstanding. If John VVilliamsnm and his colleagues « nnt a town, let them do as I have done— build nice. J will however, acrept nf all their spate change to help along the accomplishment of that great undertaking s hut the Town hey shell never have. I Imilt it for my self j not foi them.—And if I lend the a- bilities and perseverance to build a Town, the will find that I leave abilities and perse- vefanee enough to take core of it. He will bo duly thankful to all who. fa vor him with their anatom. HENRY SHULTZ. H \ M RUUG, sdept 2Stlc, 1820 P. S..I inn proud to sav that the Ham burg merchants Itava supplied themselves •hla seasoq. with more goods ol all kinds than nl nnv lornter period, particularly such as salt, iron, sugar, coffee, bagging, dry-goods, Stc. Several hew stores navp already opened and others will open vety shortly The usual spirited disposition prevails to give ns heretofore, at least as much, if not more, for cotton, than in any other r.itv or town in the up-eoiiiiUy. As for money, none will be countenon- reil mil s» ,t isfonncled on a solid basis j anil should mbev.bo taken in the mnrket. or should any monied institution in wliieli lie market and country are interested, go bevond wha. might bn considered just am) prudent, immediate notice of it will be gi vcp; without fearor favor. Under all these favorable circumstances I an induced to hope that the community and country generally, will find it to their interest to favor us with their custom. H. S. oct 8 201r Yellow Bine Timber Wan ted. T HE Subscriber will contract (or Yel low I’ino Timber of various lengths and sizes, deliverable from the niiddlo of September to the 1st December. WILLIAM CRABTREE, Jr Ag't. H. S. S Mill Co. NEGROES WANTED. Wanted to hire, five able bodied Ne- groos. / Apply as above sept 20 108tTf Fig Blue and Starch. QA BOXES Gilbert's STARCH 5 do Fig Blue Just received ami for sale by A PARSONS, Druggist, Aube Eagle No8 Gibbon’s Range, sepi (8 Lumber Factorage. T HE subscriber Informs bis friends and the public, that lie'Continues the Lumber Factorage and Commission Business> at the wliarf adjoining the Canal, on bis individual account. He takes this opportunity of returning Ills grateful thanks to thnso who so liberal!' patronised the lute firm of Wylly it- Brown N. respectfully solid's a share ofthc same ELISHA WYLLY. ang SI 18B*e An Ordinance. T Oam-nd.m Ordinance, entitled nn Ordinance, for regulating the hire of Drays, Paris and Wagons, as also the hire of Negro and other slaves, and for the better ordering InSo negroes, Mulattoes or rnnstizznes within the city of Savannah, and for other persons therein mentioned. Re it further ordained by the Mavnr and Aldermen of the city nf Savannah, and Hamlets thereof, in f otincll assembl-d, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same. That It shall he lire dntv of tin chv marshal andrtiv constables, or either 0''Them, to seize as forfaited to the use of the city ail Articles which may he expo sed for idle hv venders nf small wares throughout the city, without the proper li cense, and the per-nn so vending, shall hy the mayor or either of the alderman ho committed to jail, to ho released on pay ment of three dollars, tQgcther With all costs ami charges incurred. Sec. 2. Beit fin tier ri darned lijllin au thority of tile same. That the enods so sei zed by tlic marshal or consPit-lvs, shall he immediatelv exposed to sale at the market hy order of tile mayor or any one of the aidcruien, and ilio proceeds oftha sale he paid over to the clerk of ilia hoard of health for the use of jliai hndv. Pasted in Council,' Octoher (2>1,1820. W.T. WILLIAMS. Mayor, (Attest) M. Mthhh, c. e. net 20 , , . Wanted in ParcE aid. A NEC. <) hoy beta, cn if, .mil I7 years of age, Apply at the office 01 tno Savannah Republican, sepi 28 maw $10,000. Washington citu LOTT ?-) ftf. •v 1 i GLASS, No 18. ^ 0 k on?i W ? 1,1 on Thursday -Otll ins 0 draw n h.iljols. . - , SCHEME: 510.000 £3,0<U) 2,00() 1,15.-50 1,000 4i»0 200 Tickets, gl—Halves 82—Quarters's!. .Older* uiifciidtij <<» EPPINGER’S oct 21 ^ ollcr ll anit ' change Office 1 <lo 1 do l do do 10 <16 20 do 40 do Annals for 1830. milOs. M. DRISCOLL has just re- JL ceivod SOUVENIR for T HE TOKEN and Christmas .mil Now Year’* nreseiit. THE AT LANTIC 1830. , At.so, The Now Novel WALDEGRAVE. oct 20 200 Landing Aoni schr Pliidglihoi from, Baltimore. ty A Bags Green CnficO V I i hllrls Claret 10 bids & 8 boxes IlamS 50 gags Lard . |0 boxes icin' Lend tia 500 bags shot assorted For salb liv SO’;REI, & ANnEUSn.v net 22 ktlsi rr Oranges- 10,000 WZ.1X put up iu barrels, jc&t rpreived nud for s.ilo i>y .. PALMES & LEE, Kxchaimn Duck* Jict SI Wrapping Paper. (ffc'' LAMS Wrapping Paper, ■wylf landing froth sclir. Effitllhd ami for sale hy , IIALUSIJAPTER & TUri’ER. oct 13 Notice. A l.l, persons indebted to the Estate or l)i. Elijah Gillktt, will lie p sed to to make payment to the subscriber; and those having demands against tho same, will present them to JAMES HIGGINBOTTOM, Ad-’inor. tie bonis non. |ivith the will annexed Lower Throe Runs,(3. C )Sept. 7th, 1820. oct3 201 " es and Children’s SLIPPERS, ^ Togclhor with his usual supply of Negro Shoes, ted qualities. ALSO 50 . cases Hats, assorted qualities 10 bales Negro doth 20 do Broad do low priced 16U ronms Writing Paper 50 do Letter do 500 do Wrapping do Sole Leather; Call qnd Lining Skins, Shoe Thread, Upper Leather, &c. lie offers for sale on reasonable 213 Isaac Norton H AS received by .recent arrivals from Now York a handsome assortment of well selected . * STAPLESf FANCY DRY GOODS. Among which .ire 20,000-yils. Negro Cloth consisting of English and Domestic Plains. S;it tinels, Rihts. C.issincts, Woolsevs Heavy Pnllle Plankeis Bleachpd and Brown Shirtings and .Sheetings . Striped and Plaid Homespuns 150 ps. Chintz and low priced Cali- , CO0S Light and dark Plaid Ginghams' 1 caso Superfine Linen Bombazetis, Sinchaws and Snrsiietts 0-4 7 4 8-4 and 0 4 Table Diaper < Shell and Tlrazillinn Tucking and SideJDomlwt Silk Ganzo and Worsted Barege * Shawl* 'White & Colotffed Flaflnels &c, &c. *o6fra sot . v , Just Received. HMDS Nr O. Sugar 10 kegs Goshen lluitar sain uy J. B. HERfiERT. Swaims Panacea, J) afk. OUNCES French and English “fit . Sulphate Quinine.. 2 boxes Sivaiin's Panatea , For sale liy . f HALL, SHATTER & TUPl'ER. ■ Tobacco and Segars. ML BpXES.“HS Saunders” bBst quali- tv old Cavendish Tobacco 5 boxes “Marshall’s" dry eared prime old Cavendish T'oh.coco 5 bvxes"SS Sauniler s" old & choice Tobacco—8 lumps 10 kegs “ Goode”-Tobacco—IB’s iO do “Morgan” do I2’s .0 do ” Bernard” do I2’s OOS’liair boxes common Segars 4» qr do half Spanish do . 180 one tenth boxes Spanish Segars, “Cabanoro" brand '20 qr and f boxes Spanish Segars, 12 half y *'\V C.” brand Just received and for sale by |HALL, S H A PTElt & TUl’PER. oct 43 Landing per Emeline, from Boston. A N invoice of Olnirs and Bedsteads, 1 hair cloth Couch 1 Jersey Wagon For solo by oct id J. B. HERBERT. Just Received; FltUUNS p'rilnri Goshen putter Forsalohy M Mrs. R. BEAULARD, r NTOlt .Wfl tlifi' I .nil t J * nf Savsinnah Mild its vicinity, that aim hns minniril from Nn«-York with tho newest fashiona ble P.ittoniH of Dresses, Bonnets, Cups, Turbans, iVc. Directly Iuiportfrl from'I’ariS j logeiher with t« 1'iitv three Cases nf ilia most choice Ihn he fined In tho sum nf20 dollar*, and fashionable tvruriinrtit rtf Fancy & Milletinry Goods, Selected liv h-rseif. viz: •Gros do China;’do. Naples; do. India Marcellige, Zephyrine.Pnpeline and Man darine Silk, for Dresses and silk fiin ges. for Trimmings, Navarioo, Palmarone and Thibet ombroi dop'd Dresses, Cashmere, Merino. Palmerine and Thibet Scarf' and Shawls, Aspasia Silk, and gauze collar and fanoy ladies’ Ciavais, French and Swiss Gingham and Muslins. for Dresses, with Fringes, Embroidered Dresses, bpbinet and muslin worked. Boils, llorellas, capes, collars, ladies' and children’s Caps, „ - Ladies’ ainadisnnd elbow Gloves, tslqnal. Twenty casds of fancy hats, oaps, and hclls,^mhroiilered ribhons.lnnr (oaids, S utrsfcitiglots, and ready undo hair end dresses, for balls. Twelve eases Frenchyntifie'nl Flowers, Six do. Ostiicli, Saules, birds and agrettes Feathers, Beads, bags and purses; Musical Cards, Visiting do and oases. Jewellery—Bracelets and waist hitrklee, Leghorns, English Straw t-ottages, misses and children's new style Bolivar Hats, two oases of Luke Davies’ children's playing cups; one case of children’s Toys, and an assortment of Perfumery, &c. &q... ' N. II.—Tho Fashions will be opened on Wednesday, oct 10 208»t Court of Common Pleas niid Over and .Terminer 1 forthe City of Savannah, - OCTOHER TERM um. W HEREAS- John Tnllnrv Inving been ,oninoued In attend tho lira, il Jury at the present Term of I hi'* Court as a-Talesm ni and failed to appear, Il isnrdeied, 'I'hat onleas good anil snlli-' e lent cause „f excuse be filed wlih thd Clerk rifthis Court before the nnxt Term; oct 28 W. k. HUE iNEAU, clk. H Palmes & Lee, Exchange Dock, AVE received by rece'ut arrivals.and offer for sale, •ft/ikadkafk PRIME Hnms 100 Whole and half boxes soap .40 boxes Fancy Shaving do 25 casks Goshen Cheese 10 firkins best Butter ' 10 qr casks fresh hyson Tea 100 bids Rhnde Island Potatoes J50 reams Wrapping paper 4 boxes Starch 20 half bhls Flour • 20 casks Wine -I V, C 3000 bushels Corn 2000 do White Baltimore 300 .bushels seed Oats 20 boxes Claret Wine 500 bushels Turks Islam’ Salt out;. 13. New Orleans Rum. W* HMDS New tiileans Rum. 5 do Jamaica do Jtrst reoeiv'etf (#or brig Sea Island and foi sal6‘ by . . . .. , HALL,; SllArTf.Il &TUPPER. mw NEW & CHEAP GOODS. Received by ship Queen Mab. AMnjrp which Attz: dfe YDS handsome Ginehnnis. 508 do. Calico at IS l-iiits per yard Extra lino Swiss & Swiss Mull Muslin Swiss Muslin Dro.ses , > Black & Col’rl Cambrics ... ~ Bombazines. Levantines Ac India Str • tin Damask Silk, .Merino and Casimere Shawls . Cashmere Mantles. Cotton Sha" Is Misses fine white Cotton IIuse Ladies and. gentletii.ui. Cotton and Worsted Husiory ’, Clark’s thread,- needfes, tapes, pin,. Sewing, silks, patent thread, darning' Cotton, silver ihiiuhles, it j. large sizes Wliue Cettoo cord for dresses, Pearl, Cambric, bull", metal and lasting'lint- tons, fine (vary & horn dressing combs T“HI d Honiespiln, While and Red Ffanuels, Heavy Duffle Blankets 1200 yds Welsh Plains also . • A fresh supply of Cologne and LavcndeV t aler, Hair Powder, Fancy and Windsor soaps, Oils. Tooth & Hair brushes. &c. Persons wishing aov of the Rbove article* wil| find it for their interest to call ivith the CASH and examine them at ISAAC NORTON’S new store. oct .*,*.' )icrr eiuiur - T - Sir d’s Building# : --.Ur. ~;r.. Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and TermineV lorthe City ofSavanrialiy - OCTOBER TERM, f829.. ffflrilEREAS Matliew \V.' Stewarf,- fv W. I’. Hunter and JohiiGuilmar- tin weresimmoncd to atlcnithiitCourt as Grand Jurors—and Duptoe Postell, W. Timmons, and John Evdringhant jr. as Petit Jurors, and having failed to appear. It ieorderod. That unless they file.with tho Clerk of this Court gooil and sufficient cause of oxouse on or hefuro the next'Perm (Dec. 14) they be severely finedi Grand Ju rors in tho shin of 40', Petit Jurors in tho sum of 20 dollars, each, W. K. GUERINEAU, oik. riqt 20 Savanuali -Poor House &’ Hospital. V ISITING COMMITTEE for Oct. 182?#- William Taylor and Frederick Densler. Attendiug Physicians. Drs Footman and VSheftall. JOSEPH CUMMING, Seo'ry. sept 20