Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 31, 1829, Image 3

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\ori1i Webster’s Dictionary i' oal . nll . rl0 „rice Sio mboatds- » ie ai th ^’suh’scriliers C .vi.o have not yet been requested to call and ^ht.iiti it. ,applied aro t it 31 WM.T. WILLIAMS Just received, j ) an din» per Schr. Ranger from Balt. ^ aTfc TONS assorted Castings ■ flP 10 boxes bo'st quality llaius JO casks do do 10 hbds Whiskey 100 keR® I* nr d _ . AHofavUtcli "ill he sold losv from the ttluirf' octal SORREL Si ANDERSON. 419M ' _ Bacon. nAA FLITCHES lJncori zCflf ff too Shoulders v lit hbls Canal Flbur 10 do Bless I’ork 20 do prime do . 40 boxes Spcrinacitli Cnndlei 10 do Finn Apple Cheese 20 Itcgs fresh Goshen Bolter Just received and/or sole bv GAUDRY Si LEGUIEL. octal . »i»t - 6 - BORGIA, Chatham Cmtnty-Br, the Honorable, the Justice* of the In- firior Court o/ Chatham County, sitting concern. Whereas. William Williams, npplitt for letters of administration on tlio cstato and „ lY ,,,, of John Shaw, the younger, late or Savanna'll, deceased, In behalf of the heir. 51 These aro!'tMreforo, to cite and ndnion- Id, all and singular, the kindred and ored- nors of the said deceased to file their objec tions, if any they have, tn the clerk', of. - id court, on or before the 1st of said court, on inv of neccmhcr next, otherwise letter, of /ministration will bo granted. Witness tl V Hon Ettas Fort, one of the f..,tiers of the said court nt Sayannnli, till* tst day of Oct. A O l**i>. 7 SMROND.ococo. oet 31 ’ fy EORGIA,Chatham County—Bo the Uf Hon. the Justices of the Inferior Co of "intham County, sitting for ordinary ««poses To all whom It may concern. Whereas, A 0 Oomlcr, hns appllod ti iho lion tlio Court of Ordinary ol Chat tiara County for Letters afAdnolnistratio jrfth the will annexed, on the estate and effects of John V Ouobell, late of Savan nah. merchant,deceased, in behalf of the heirs. These are, therefore, to cite nnd admo nish all and singular the kindred and cre- Jitovsof the said dot.eased, to file their ob jections (if any thoy have) in Ilia Clerk’s Oll'icn of the said Court, on or before the Htliil iy of Nov. next, otherwise letters of ailministration will be granted to the said applicant. Witness the lion. Elias Fort, one of the Justices of the said court at Savannah tlio ltth day of .)ct. A. 0.1820. S. ill. BOND, c. c. o. c c. net SI * ' L fror New York. (KHT\HLlSHK.n LINK.) The ic^ular packet ship Emperor, J. II. Bennett, Master.j, Will meet with imniodtatedespatch. For height or passage, having excellent ac commodations, apply to Capt. U.on hoard at Jones’ upper wharf, or to MALL,SllAFTER &TTPPER. oct 20 pFW New Orleans. Tho fino new brig ATLANTIC, IF. L. Ni/c, Master. Will sail for the above named port about tlio 10th November next. For freight oi passengers, linving good accom modation. for slaves, npply to HALL, SlIAFTER St,TAPPER, oct 48. For Freight or Charter. ■ Tim brig A Elba, Capt. Clark. About 1 TO tons is now ready tu take in. For fright or charter apply to tlio muster on board or to CANDLER Si DAVIDSON. net tro Dry Goods. REMOVAL. mHE Subscribers have removed to A Sitan’s UuitmtNo, near Johns,oil's Stjtnire, where they are now opening, re ceived.by lato arrivals, n general assort ment ofbeavy Woolen, Staplo and Fnn- dry goods, Which areofferod for sale upon asaciinm- ^ nuidating terms, and at as low price, as - any in the market. JAMES INGL1SS & CO, net 46, 214cn i Sugar Cane. T HE subscribers will deliver in thn ci ty any quantity of cane for seed, of tViebesl quality, at ,$10 per lOO'O, inclu ding all expenses. BULLOCK & DUNWOODY. oct gQ _ giTaif (Mioeointe. HALF boxes No, l Chocolate ** * * Lauding from brig i’togress and for sale by . ' II ALL, SIIAPTER & TUPPER* oct 41 LandiiVg and for .Sale, LIILsi .Vtirc Boston Ruin 50 casks Nails, itss.tied 5 libds Copperas 10 boxes prime Cheese, 2 years old 20 do made ilm Reason. L. BALDWIN & CO. nctSO 218m quality For Freight or Charter. Tins well known copper fastened schr. Justice, Cajn. J.Emerj^ ft or freight or Charter apply to the mas ter on board or \o ± . t’ANLDER & DAVIDSON, oct 9(1 Negro ClothsjBUmkets &c. At usual low prices— In Shad’s Buildings ISAAC NORTON, H AS received by late arrivals, nnd of fers for sbIo the following t— 21) bale. Cotton and Wool ICcrseyv (aborted) 10 bales all Wool Kerseys(assorted) 14 do low priced 8atinelts,Cas- sineiii and Limeys 4 do heavy Welsh and English Plains , 12 do Blotched nnd Brown Shir tings and Sheetings itF.Avr London mnvLK blankets Together with a general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods. net 43 i For Augusta. Tim Pole boat OGLETIIOHPE, having half of her freight jssjiengngcd, will meet, with S22»despatch—She made her lust trip tn Augusta in 14 days, and land ed horjeargo on tho thirteenth day'—she has a full act f hand, nnd 6 lighter will nttend her on the river a. usual. For the balance of freight apply to CANDI.F.R Si DAVIDSON, Blungin’, iippor wharf. net SO Just Received. Landing from brig Stranger, from Havana, «1,000 garis bhtnil) or Superior quality > • l‘or sale by not 22 J.Il. HERBERT. (turn and Gin. thAk IIIILS Portland Rum, colored ™" 50 do ••Phelps" Gin Now landing and for >ulo by HALL. SIIAPTER & TUPl’ER. oct 27 ’ *' 1 American Scgars. 40,000 issiwt 1 quality for .ale bv PALMES Si LEE. Oet 41 Exchange Dock. t Chichester & Scranton, B1E .CHANTTAILORS, North East Corner oj Young's Buildings. fjiy and are -delving by tlm late , II arrjvnli from New York and l’liila- 5«'v»o, » hUud'Qn .c assort meat of season. j tUt Jfeady Made Clothing, CONSISTING "F Dress nnd Frock CO ATS.COAT FES. Pantaloons, vests, RiirKHami- Lrchicfs. Cr ivats, Stocks, Hoslery.Blou’s, VoutU’sand Children’s Morocco and Cloth JAPS.Ladles’Sc Gentlemen’s CLOAKS ICi &c, 'ogitkr with it Splendid Assortment" o, ASIIIONABLE OI.OTHS, CAS MEUES AND VESTINGS, iikioli they aro prepared to make to order, i fashionable style, at short notice, oct 13 Leghorn Hats. CASES Bolivar lla(s , . Just received per tfiip Florian. and or sale by M..PUENriEnGAST, [ ■j )ct j- S114 (||t)Inns' Itlock. [F|pur, Batter, Lard> &c. ililfiiu?Andes nnd Emperor, MX llBLS Canal Flour ^ Firkin, elmice Goshen ter ■50 do Lsrd forTahiily use J? casks I st quality (.'heeso Vo half bids Fu||„;, M Seasonable Goods. T AN DING from shin Oglellmrpe, .. fl-i general end ek'tentive. importatior/of FALL AND WINTER. BRITISH GOODS; \Vliich nre offered for sale,together with complete assortment of IJOBIESTIC ARTICLE^', Fir sale liy LOW, TAYLOR &bo sept 48 198 Beef, Wine, Mackerel, See. A few hills. Boston BlesS Beef Tl Bhis no 3 Blackerel JLXfv 50 qr. casks Marseilles Ma deira wine 4 Corn Shelter 4 Handsome riding Waggons F or sale bv CANO'LER Si DAVIDSON. oet 20 New Paint and Oil Store. rcderick Howland & Co. H AVF. taken the Store latelv occu pied by T Tompkins in Wliltaker- strect three tluors South of G. Se C. Bon liey’s, where they intend to carry on House, Ship, Sign and Ornamental Painting. Gilding, Glutting ail'd Paper-Hanging, Chairs re-pallllcd, Gilt aiid Btmtzed, all of which will be done hi, tlm neatest manner, and at short-notice. ALSO Keep constantly on hand a] general as sortment of For Sale. A NEGRO Fellow, a Jobtng Carpeu- . ter—for parlleulars, apply at the Of fice of the Savannah Republioan. oct 24 213st , Half bids f'ulto,. (Market Beef 10 do and 10 qr bbls Buckwheat meal i 40 bbl» Fidler Si 'iVylar’s Albany Ale For sale by «««. BENTLEY. Dancing Acadeniy. I i,i .. * respect full V informs DTOcinVs 6 !" 1 ' , n / ltl *W pnbjic, that his , n S School for the reception of young • iu* Rasters, will be open on Blon ,® l, . ofN ?*embernext, in the Solo Uondd.r’jy'r ' l< V" n ’ na W of Tuiton, I’docft F'Mays, at latalin,. ,Ee will also attend iripri lalo Ileuses and Seminaries. ' , lienco* o’ fOT ^""tleinen will also com Price nr"r l0 .' ,anu! evellin ff, at 7 o’clock Kierif Ilf "ithe School Room, fill ^'fiiavdn l "' i ' ,at0 |6S!0U5 810, one ‘ tayahle advance. 117 *Mc«|| Staple nnd Fnncy Goods. M PRENDERGAST, has recnived . by recent arrivals Of packages of Staple and Fancy D R Y GOODS, which lie niters at unusual law prices by wholesale or retail Consisting in part of 1500 Yards Welch Plains SfiOO do Domestic do 1900 do do Plaids 4 bale. 8-4 Twilled Blankets -1 do 4 Point do ldo 313 do Rose and Whitney, do 14 do 3 4 4r 4-4 bleach’d Si brown Slurtin.’s Si Shearlings 0 Cases Linens. 2 do Laima Washington, Clinton'& Eliott sldr ling (fine) 0 pi Colored Gro de Indes 10 dA do Gio deNup lot) do .up, English Thread edging and footing 'do , do Bobthet lace & peart ing SO p. plain & fig’d Linen Blu.lins Blerinu scarfs, crimson, white Sc black Snnrletand ,lrnh casslnicreshawls Prussian & Chintz do Valent m Vesting, handsome patterns Plain (v fig'll Mitt velvet do 10 ps 5 8 ,V |J 4 Hangup cord 9 do Grcou wbdeu seigc Worsted Cravats—woolen Si dog skin gloves Bilk, Buckskin, Knitted & web sus- pfemlors A general assor tment ofCombs BlkPalinariiie & -Worsted Barege Pongee, Gingli.rnts, Foulnrd, I’laid & Dotted prints 50 Reams foolscup iiaper 2 bales paper hangings, 10 case lints Nos 3 Si 14 Gibbon's Block. del 21 Isuac Norton. • • Shad's Buildings. TXAS received by ship Florian and -■XL schr. Oregon and offers for into ata small ndvance from New York prices. Rosa nnd Duffle Blankets, Blarselltes Quilts 11,12 end 13-4 very cheap, Blk and Blue mixed Cntsltnere mil Sattinolts, Sup. Black Merino Cloth, Imitation col'd do do, Fine Lawns and birds eyn Diapers, Act anil blue black Gros de Berlin, Bluck Palmcrine do Stal. Cravats, Imiiailon French silk do, Gent, .white silk Woodstock, indltnrso slan gloves. Ladies sup. black and white Eng. Silk and ;lcrso skin do ' Do Deck still, and raw silk Hose, Blk silk l<4 hose Satin, Garniture and Taffeta Ribbon). VarisSiaii capes, needle Worked Bluslin lidltfs, sewing Silks, Assortment English tlucad Edgings Inserting!! and boblnet Quillings, Black silk fringe for trimming ; - Dresses Thibet shawls, sflinil Fig'il Ca'mbrio points, furniture FJn gas, M Assortment Peart, gilt nnd glass But- . tons, for childrens Cloths, doz English dressing and finedoo- ryComb.,finp Scissors, 45 thousand hemmings Needles,' oct 24 4J3 iYcgro Cloths Sc RlnnketS; at REDUeEn nit i A. Jacob Waring, (Gibbon's Range,) O FFERS the balance of his stock Negro Cloth, and Blankets at very reduced prices, consisting of tlm follow!, g descriptions: 8 bales,Mix'd Plains (all wool) oxtwt. do Mixed Kerseys do do White do do do Cnnton'do, V do Mill’d Mix'd . do Bide and Mixed Sattinctt. do Plain and Twilled Linseys. assorted colors and qunlity do Londoil Duffle Blankets, fl-4' 0 4 - do Points 8 0 5 5 5 40 Selected and first Wines. T HE Snhscribeishave lately impi od direct 1 front Madeira and 11 deaux. ' offer fdi u t.'.iyHii T 1 PILIHUC SAIaKS. ror Jor deaux. Tim following Wines which (hey r sale on reasonahi'c term's, pipes ol Jim Oliveira Stco's choice old L. P. wine of tlm finest growth (in hal'vba, quarter, hud eighths,) 2 casks ftlarguax Meildo 8 do Puliillac Medoc, 44 Boxes Chuttcau MargduX 48 do St. Julian Medoc 43 do St. Esrophe—All of the vlh- taco of 1845 They have also a good supply of older importations of Madeira Wines which will be sold low to close salo SOIUtEL Si ANDERSON, oet 80 2I7it BOOKS. By J. B. Herbert. On TUESDAY EVENING, 3d Nov. At 7 o'clock will.lie sold at tho store,, corner ufllry.ni mill Whitakor streets, mid opposite Messrs. J Pcbficldj&tCo’s. store U varioty.of Miscellaneous Books. Scon’s Poetical Works Buck’s Theological Dlctldiiaty Ovid's Art of Love Pope's Works Opic on Lying Ilumo, Smollett and Bissau's Mil- tury of England Life of JacksoA, Family BiUei) ' Walker’s Dictionary Toth Jones, Don Juan, &c. Sic. ALSO Reams Letter Paper, Quills, &c. oct 31 |Termi caih, Proposals LL be received until tliebrl llietHlv Ndv . of Ilif w by Win. J. Way, Esq. of laborty County, lor building a Church at Wal- thourvillp, of the following description, viz; The Building ot world, sixty Ivy forty—two stories high, with a .mail steeple—a gal lery of Hventy feet at aiie end. To bo fin Ishcd with ncjt pews and.pwlpit—Palpli and breast work of the gallery ' ‘ rk. Two aisle o gallery to bo of neat pamiel work. Two aisles ruimlng parallel tlio nhblo length of the church, with doors at each end, windpwj with neat ilain shutter, on the first floor. Brick pil- aillts, Oily Witldowglassj ■'"' 1 sufficiently near mid two feet clear of Putty and Brushes. ALSO Patent Composition for Vessel’s Bot . tnins. A lot of Sperm Oil and Candles, II of which will be sold cheap foi cash or short upproved credit. ALSO A lot of Patent and Common Con,pa ses for Vessels, Compasses repaired nnd put in onnploto order, nt short notice. We hope by strict attention to receive a share of jiulilic patronage. N. B. All orders frurn the country will lie thankfully reoeived and punctually at tended tn, oet 29 417m lynr._ _ tlm gtouiul. The metoriel. all to lie film isliorl by the undertaker ofilm best quality, subject to tlm inspection. of the building Cbinmitteo. The wtirk to he exeeuted in a neat workman like mnnner. For further particulars apply to tho undersigned where n plan of tlm building may he sijen. . ^ Wrihlioiirville, 44lh Oct. J829. net 29 Fall and Winter Goods FBT HE subscriber has received by late JL arrivals A full Assortment of Negro Clothing, C0NS1STIN0 OF Grundy's Wliito Plains, White Welsh do Heavy Woolen and Canton Linsey Kerseys Blue Cas.inets and low pi iced Satti- nets 5 -4 cloths for sen ants LONDON DUFFLE BLANKETS. Negro Caps I’lilllc.rte and Ronmll Handkerchiefs, Si6i Sic. Together w ith a general and Tjxtensivo as .ortnnmt of FA SCY A ND STA PLE DRYGOODS suitable to llic present and approaching season, which lie odors for sale on accom modating terms. ’ . JAMES ANDERSON, Young's Building. oct 20 209e lticlmrd Turner—Taylor . (North side of Johnston's square) F ROM repeated application is indu cell to tender Ins services tn the in I,ubitmns.uf Savannah, amt its vicinity in CUTTING, MAKING (tod STRAIN /NO CARPETS , With acoitracy and despatch.. For further particulars, inquire as above w here test, nionials will be given to that rAecl. Also PATENT MANGLING done mi an inlproved pHnciple, by tile piece or dozen rid 29 217 United States—District o;' Georgia> T HE District Court of this District adjourned to the 44th Nov. next, by order of the District Judge, when all per sons interested-will give (heir attendance, JOHN II. MOREL, st. o.o. act 30 218 Earthenware, Glass ayd tlcrring. BYJ. B. 'HERBERT. On MONDAY the Bill November, At II o'clock will be'sold on Messrs. A. Low Si Co’s Wharf, 800 Crates Crdckcry, ^ Consistingof all kinds of rrbsortmenu suit-- Able for tills market and tho piinclpal part of them received this Fall from Liverpool. ALSO 8 tasks plain cut and moulied En- , glish Glass 8 bales Bagging Twine of tllfe best .quality l do sail Twine , 15Q kegs Scotch- fine Herrings ! T t enns—All sum. undet S.2po eish,ov9t $200 10 $509 OO’days, from S500 to £1000 90 days, over 31000 4 months for approved indorsed paper. oct SI Byj. • Herbert. On the first Tuaday in November. Will he soil) before tlm Court House k,m" tweert the usual hours of sale. A Hotste mid Gig,, the Gig nearly new, and tlmllnrso Rentla in harness. oct 80 Terms Cash. PiihiC Eastern Hay. J On MONDAY next 2d Nov. At I l.uVl'i will ho sold at Mesne. Scott Si Balfour's wharf,.landing from ship An des. SSQhruwlJc, prime eastern liny, in lota to suit purchaser.. . oct 80 Terms at lime cf sale BY J. B. HERBERT - On'tlle first Tuesday in November TSS7TLL be sold beloretho Court hens* if m this City, nt 11 o’clock A liegro Woman about 43 t enrs of ege, a plain Cuol; oct *9 Terms bash. Jiist received. Landing from ship Florian, jtfXQIMRTEIt casks sweet Malaga JL V Wine , 10 do do dry dodo 30 boxi's Negro Pipes 18 do Supeifine March For sale by oct 21 J. IS. HERBERT- Sale. l innn ' 1 ' Yo j'4 negroes, viz. a negro, Ui nniTr 45 j’ 0 " 4 old ' hi* wife a and tlioir chlldm.,. “Phdp’s” Gin. » Bbl4 "I’lieip’s" Gin. ftp XX Liindlng from sloop Gbqrjjla) and for sale hy HALL, feHAI , TER&TUPPER. oct 20 ll ™cM 2 |' m t ' n n d d , a no S to woman about ip— Kye. FEW Bushels for seed. Apply to PALMES Si LEE. oct 40 [oct S4 JAMES EPPINGER. * iec eived J'iB,.IIERBHRT. T. M. Driscoll ' H AS just received tlm following new works: RYBRENT DE CRUCE, a novel in years old, g vols. "Tills novel is ano of the most irttelll- gent anti interesting that the season has afforded.’ 7 ...... Memoir of THUS.- ADDIS EMMET. THE BEAUTIES OF HISTORY or Lectures of Virtue nnd Vice, designed for'the instruction - and eiuqrtalwpQPt of. Youth. ■ , ; oat 87 215 5 do net 44 So 81-4 th aii 4 1-2 New raisins. A BOXES Muscatel Raisins Tt 50 half boxes Bunch do Laudiug from schr Oregon, nnd for sale by COHEN & MILLER, net 23 SILKS; Champion & Lafhrop, South East Corner of Gibbons 1 Range, H AVE just opened a large assortment of Silks, . AMOrm WJIIC1I ABK- Superior black Italian Lutestrings jet add blue black Gro de Naps Light and dark colours do I’laid do figured do Murcelines, Florences, Gro do Zcills pro do Berlins, Camblels, Poplins pongees, Satin Levantines Siiic hews and Furs net is VcsTim;s. Silk Hosiery Jntb a general assortment of ■ Staple and Faiicy Dm Goods; (til of which they oiler whole sale and re tail at the lowest prices, oct 29 217||m Dunlap s Albany Ale. *k BARRELS for sale by XU P. MARLOW, oct 30 Removed. nSTllF, 'injnerilier. have Removed to _BL the South West corner of Shad's buildings, opposite the East end of Gib bon's buildings, Whore they are opening a very extensive assortment of PLAINS', BLANKETS, COTTON, BAGGING, STAPLE GOODS, and a superior assort ment nf Fancy Gohds, which they intend selling nt a low advance. WM. & II. ROSE. ocl SO 209 , (iyJ, B- UEllIlEItT. On the first TuesdayinNoitfaler next. At 11 o'clock, will he sold before, thli court house, in this City. , A liegro Womah, agori about 50 years. - . . •*«"< A qegro Woman) aged.aitpi l 21, years, with her daughter gk ged about 18 months—good house servant and seamstress. , A negro boy; aged about 22 years, li good house servant- oct 47 Tonm cash. ■ — -- - . .-.r u-, Hay. BUNDLES 1stqtinlily Hay for n)e on hoard ship An des, A Low Si Co's, wharf. J. BENTLF.Y. oct 28 Just received. Landing from Armadillo and Emperor, 8 HALF Pipes 1st quality Brandy 3 pipes Holland Gin M U, 5 bbls Madeira Wine Jpf » do TVneriffe do “<• 2 qr cusks Malnga Wine ALSO 25 k6gs V K Butter of Superior tpial ity 7 cases Hats, assorted For sale hy oct 27 J- B. HERBERT. Ntigl'o Shoes, &C. | PAfclKAGES—consisting of Men’s Boots, Bootees, Shoes and Posies. also Ladies, Bovs and Children's Shoes. axo 40 dozen Lead Pencils. For salo low at LUTHER’S Exchange Office. oct 27 Dividend No. 28) Bank of the State if Georgia. Savumialf, 23d October, 1849. ' f*nHE Directors having thisdby decla- I rod ti dividend trf S3 50 per share on ilie Capital Stock of this Bank, for the last six niontiis,' tho same will he paid to Iho stocklioldefs thereof, or to' their order On and after Wednesday next the 28th Inst. A- PORTER,’ Ca'sh'r. - oet. 83 212l' The Southern Recorder and Jburnal, Mlliedgevillo ; Constitutionalist and Cow tier, Augusta and Washington Norfs’.j tlio Requested ta publish the above thrba titties'. MADAM (L PE'fflT,. FROM PARIS. ESPECTFULLY informs tho La- BPi dies of Sakannali and'its vicinity, tliut she has oporied a great variety of tlio PAUIStAN FaSuions, Consisting of MILLENARY, , FANCY* ARTICLES); Frenoh Bonnets « Ostrich i . r ' Bird of Paradise s Feathers. Marabou Y Thread Laciand Bobinetts French Embroidery, Caps,Ciipes,5ici Artificial Flowers » Ladles Hoad Dresses, very eligant Fancy Boxes, Sic.. Sib.- tcci Madam Petit continues the and Dresb Making rill execute all orders at the shortest She repairs Veils and Laces, and- renders them as white as new—fixes Leg- horns, bleaelies ilioffi, aritl.gives tllctii thy shape (hat is retjiiesiod. Rje»Slio also dress'd/ Ladies' hail for balls. - , , N. B. In the course of the h'ext month, Madame G. P. will receive irnin Pstiis, a box of the most fashionable Winter Hats and nearest'patterns; , ' , Sciidder's Building, opposite LoU 1 , Tay lor Ikco'S, • J' oot 4b,' Still Bynnet We are authorised to announce IlENRY CASTE LLOM .is a Candidate'for Shefiff of tho County of Chatliaih a(' (he. election in Jamiiuy next'. . i ■ bet 30 St ott Finch &. Warlaml, JiRAPERS AND TAILORS. MARKET SqUABE. T ENDER Iheir sincere thanks to their friends and the public,generally for past favors, and very respectfully solicit a continuation of patronage. They have received and are receiving a fresh and hamlsonio assortment of SUl'KIllOll SUPERFINE FASHIONABLE Cloths, Cassinieres, Vett ings, 4’c. &c. ALSO t ’ On ban J an cxiensive nssortment of ’ y ,Fashionable > R 4 eady -Made Clothing Consisting of * Frock.Coats.jCoatte.es, Vests, Pantaloons; Shirts, Cloaks, &c. Atso ’ , A splendid assortment at Fancy articles , inch as , ■Crdhats, (of the very latest style,) Stocks, Hosiery, Glares ^Handkerchiefs, &b.*&c. &sc. N. B.—The very .latest NeW York, .Lon don Philadelphia Fashions are received, anti their customers may depend oh haying their garriienls madam a style not to bo excelled by'any;.and ai thb shortest jiossi- hlo notice, and on .sucli terms as cannot fail tbplfease. . , oct SY'. . 215 oct 21 Potatoes BBLS White Potatoes' for sale by , '■... PALMES,&LEE. .Exchange pnok New Fruit—iiaisins and Grapes. » R^^JlBO'XES Difncii Mfiscatel Raisins 40 halfdd ftlujfrntet 'do 10 j a i s M a I a ga G ra pes Landing Irons ship Emperor and barqiu Armadillo, aiid for sale t»v JN.o; BENTLEY.* oct 28 . v . Newark Cider. , BBLS: landing from ship Kin noror, - and for sale, hv , •. .Li BALDWIN Si Co. oil 4? - t 2I7H Dissbliitioin coparinpiship formerly, bxistingi JL , under lh'0 Orm of . * , ♦ Fairchild) Lydrt Co. df tiiis city, was mutually dissolved on the Istll of Juno last. . , , . All-poisons indebted to sjiid-iii-m, are re quested, previous to tlpe 1st of January next, to adjust their, accounts with the silt", scribcfs, who aid duly authorized to ie- ceivo the saihb. J- LYON, It. T. NtOildLS. 03^ “Pile business will Iso continued ps usual, at t|iu Nuj-tli side ofMarkel tiquioo under the film til' Lyon; Niehdls & Cd. who have on hand, and are consi. intly ye* ceiving fresli sup^lips of the various arti cles which form n lull aiid ebrnpiete Whole sale aHd refail SADDLE BY if Alt E HOUSE'. All nf which they offer for sale upon terms, which for qiiality find cheapness, merit exs aiqinnlion,.rather .than the flattery of an advertisement. LYON, NictlOLS & Go. Sav’h. Old. 49th, IIJSO. .217 Freficli Laiiguage. M R. R PETIT, Teacher of the Ereneli Language, has the honor to infmnl lfie Ludics and.Gcntleiiien who de sire to learn that language, that ho.will give lessons by the quurtor, to riay three los- he will have to, go; .Payment' in either cose half quarterly in .advance. Scudder'sliiiildmgs,opposite Late, Tay lor Si to'si oct 29-. 21 7m A Card. RS. JAMES HJjLLtjL (iriding it re quisito to turn her utientidrito-some. •wcupatiiin.fnr iho suppnrtof her family. ill thaiikfiilly aopoiiiiiiodatb with- Board -r few young Ladies, or six or olglif (-liil- 1 dren, to wiionl she,will paj every ,i(tontiqn that may ho requisite, till terms gs moder ate as can ,bo afl'orddtl. oct'20 ... 217f , '—fi-x- — li Blacksmith's Bellows, and A fishing (Jeirii ^0 .Blacksiuith’* Beilouv*, all 1 Fishing Sein in complete or* , . dec for fisliing For said hv. , , .j . CANDLER & DAVIDSON, net .28