Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, November 11, 1829, Image 2

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i'iiEDEr'ick ,s.Ft;«,u ClTT l'BIN-’ K.n.* Tr l’uper.'...». # .ciglrt dollars per annum CuiihU/ roper six dollars per .nmum. tAYAUm: IN ADVANCE. All Nows, nn'il Now Advertisements ap- •• ! pfin licH.li [Vipers. 0*“ Office In Dickson's three story nricK building, on the Bay, near the Ex- r.lutnge; between Hull anil Draytmt-streott. SAVANNAH.' WEDNESDAY (EVENING; Nov. li. (J^Tontoi’row having been eel apart,by the .City Connell, am day bf Thank,giv- iill, and Prayer, the KefuilIcax will noi be Istiicd again until Friday Evening. ■ Dispatch—The barque Oxford commen ced loading on tlft 3.1 Just.; was cleared yesterday at the "custom bouse with 084 hales of cotton for Ifavife, olid went to sea this niorning.whli*strong north welt wind, Appointmenti by the- President of At: United Stairs.—John George Schtvsrs. to be Consul of the United States et Vien na, in the Austrian Empire. , James l.ehox Kennedy, of New York,to he Consul ofthe United Statcifor'the parts' of Guaymas, Magellan, and Sun Bias, In Mexico. Asa Worthington. of Now York, to be Consul of l he United States at Lima, aipfi fur the “Forts of. Pent, rice Willihiil itlilf, reimived. Joseph W; E. Wallace, to he Consul of the United StAles-at San Antonio, in Mex- i'co, vice David Dtxnn, resigned. John M. Bowyer, of Alabama, to be Coniid oftho United States at Gnuzacita- leo, in Mexico, vice Charles Douglas, re Eintnuel J. Weft, lobo Charge iVAf- faires of the United States IQ life Republic afPetu. ^ The Governors Election—No less than fnortooVi counties of this-state tailed to tpake leftlrnsof the .votes for, .Governor, -conromtahly to last, and they were of cenrse rejected. \Vc.are surprised, says the MilledgeviHe Journal, at Hie negli- tgcnce nf the' preiidiffg officers of elections. 'This negligence is Indeed unpardonable, because the law is so clear, anil .explicit that a mart possessed of ihe most circuits scribed understanding, -cannot fail to com prebend it pn reading it but once. . All e- leciinti* are important; and especially that of the chief magistrate of the state 1 and tffi“elections should be determined by the vpice pf the majmity. Hdw, then, can the Venice of that majoritv be ascertained. niton the superintendents' of the elttellods are remiss in their duties, and do not Con- . fitrm to the rrqoisillons of those taws which are enacted for the rxvhtslva phntote of -XicertainiYig.iii the most authentic man- iter, the will ofthe people? "(Ite gence of the officers In those M co'dnties trtigiit Ii»vc occasioned the election of a man wlrtW regjhy had rcceired only a minority ofthe sotes^-Thevotes ofjd.i'sc tvjunties did not effect tlie election on tl.o jircseqt occasion. Bid tlte-oonifst mlj.ht Rjivebyo ascliHuj as clcse. As wliert P°»t .Troup waa elected it! opposition-16 OoV. Clark ; and ifil liptwen soi about 0000 ‘ votes, which the 11 counties have given in, could have dunged the election, whether admitted or rejected by the General As- srmbly. If the legislature Cannot interpose its authority, we shouitUoneeirC that the cienplo th'cmselve* ought-to- feel it to be • their duty and interest, to elect as justices ofthe peace, wlio'hy ‘law suo'erintend. the ■general election, men qualified for the of fice, and wittftUbfd perform with diiigtnyo and the sirictest’aUeotion, all the duties pertaining to it. ’ • We. publish this afternoon 4 very Inter . r sling article translated for the Notional ' Gazette from the Pat is, Constitution^, on iij. Lc Vasseur’s work'“La Fayette in A- fttrica," There is an diyor in it that we ’ .hall lake this occasion to correct. A son of the deceased . King of Nap.'ee Murat, might have been oh a visit to Savannah at the time Gen. Li Yayatte was the guest of the city, but lie never had is'-permanent re sidence here. Atsbills Murat, tho nidi viduul we presume,'slludetl to. now resides „( Taihdiastee, Florida, Or pi’hln the vi cinity, and was, not long ago, a Candidate to represent iiis district in the territorial !d- ■ gislatme—indeed lie may be, at present ' ipcmber of that body. ’ Internal Irnpmemntr-We understand gpys the Miliedgevllle Statesman that an application will be made ioonr Legislature diui.iglits' present sessibrt, fdt a clnlrtsr to iucuipuriite a Rail Rdutf CuiiljrJiiy. ivltii the privilege ofconiiru'Ctiijg a Rail Road ■ (roin Augusta to Columbus, passing lltro’ JVlilledgeville and Macon. 'In the applica tion, lh<t State wi! i bS petitioned to loan n cerUiu stun or sumsofm-mev at IhtifiVali. gs the-work may ho completed, or tosub- scribe fur a certain liuihber pf shares at stipulated prices. It is- computed tli.it two millions nine ImndiedthousSiiJ dulUis will . complete llie-worli- . ' Tholinpolta nca of such a work need not ho commented on. Tho tip country Wild derive ' Moaidiilablo advantage from it. while all our to» ns,from tho nteun- tains» Savartnah, would feol its vivifying influence*. Should ibis central rente ho; Utcjal roads tdfti b« constructed id communicate from the va rious extremes ofthe State, The Last of a Nation—TUoto IS sdmo- thing indescribably desolate id tit* idea nf the last of a family falling under the stroke of death—but (ha feeling becomes still more melancholy when we Contemplate tlie ex Unction oftlfe last of a rabe. Such a fact is recCided in the late Canadian papers in refefenno lo a tribe of Indians of pecnliar, nr rather Cxclnsivo habits. 8HAWNA- DETIIT, in the 80sh year of her ago diod is the summer, supposed to be the last of the Red Indians,Or lieothlckt. This in teresting female it llstatad lived six years a captive among the English, and when taheo notice of Utterly, exhibited extraordi nary strong natural talents, Sho was a niece to .Mary March’s husband, a chief of the tribe who was killed in 13t0, at the bead of Indian's Lake, ID the inleriur, while attempting to roseuo his wife from the party of English who took her, tho view hefiig to open a friendiy intercourse with hls'tribb. Tills tribe, the aborigines of Ne wfoundland, presents an anomaly in Ute history of men. Excepting a few fami lies of them soon after the-discovery nf A- merica. they never held iumrebbrio wfth the Europeans, by whom they liavo boon ever since surrounded nor with the other tribesof-lndtaifs slntcthe introduction of fire arms among them- Tito Chinoso have secluhed lltomsejvos from tlie intercourse: pf all other uetloits, ihob bei Ul{ understood -flttlw t„ themselves, and the O’Tral pecilllariliei of that people are slow, ly developed to others. Hut in Newfound land, nearly at far apart tram China as the Antipodes,’ there has b.-en a_ primitive nation, once claiming rank ks a portion of tlie human tacf, who have lived, nourish ed, and become extinct in their own orbit. They have been dislodged and disappeared from tlie eartlt Sn their native indepen dence in 1030, Vo as primitive a “Condition as they were befute the discovery of the New World, and tint ton qn tho neatest point of America to England, in one of her oldest-end must important Colonies. The forbearance ol Russia towards life Turks as some people tifrm it, tnaybo an- counted for by rdferring to the blh article ofthe treaty -uftmndon, always consider- ing that Nicholas holds these contracts lit more reverence than most of his predeces sors.. It is In those words. The Conlraetiitg I'otrcrs will not seek in these arrangements any augmentation of teiritogr, any exclusive infliience.any.coin. mercial advantage fur their subjects, wliiolt the anhjccts of any other nation may not equally obtain,' Treaty bf July 6, 1827. From f.i's/aut-'-The brig Antelope, Cap tain Rowers, arrived at Providence on tho tat lint,. Sho loll Lisbon on the 20th Sep- teller. A Te-v days befuro Capt. Ilowers sailed, tlM Venus, (Portuguese fciiiate) ar rived, bringing part of tlie crew of the Ga- Istie jofNew Bedford,) titey were Id doti bte iroue, and had toceivtkl conviderable severe usa c, but'6y the interlerendo of the Americait-Consol.it was expCctcd thry would be released in a few days- AuuStl- can vesselk-were subject .to every speoics nfunimsiiions, Ihe A. was detained S3 Hay^ fur w ant of a dor.-.inlcnt tint would cost about 1 5Uc although coming Irani a port vrjtcte there was no Consul, The afeodd squadron for Tetcoira was .making rer y slow progress. A report says, that two frigates of tho Miguclitc squadron Imd revolted and given themselves up to the TCrccirins. hie ladies tn Iho oily, and. In n veijr Bui* timr.it would he.disrespectable fur liny la*, dy to go buyond a prudahl economy in dross. If an inijiruiiial ol tho class above niciitibnWl would take up thn subject, in earnest, Mid object fr.icht be accomplished (low finally bankruptcies may thus bo pre-' veol'edf lluw many pTlbo rising genera lion may Be left with a'patrimony, who will otherwise be left destitute? Artd huw uta- ny.husbands and fathers -may b« relieved frbih perplexing embarrassment, and slso front an inlempeiate use of spirituous li quors, to which men hare been driven for consolation, whose wives and daughters arc too pressing in their demands fur fancy ar ticles of dress)" - From tho National Cnzctte. Translated from the-Porto Constitutionth LA FAYETTE IN AMERICA IN 1824 -and 1843; or a Journal of a Tbitr thro’ tho U, Stales. Hy A. Levasseur, Se cretary to General let Jfayinte during bis juuriiay. Efiibellished with elovanen- and one map., , 'lie toitr of La Fpycitof'throitgh tlie U. States, lias nbliteratod from the charncleV ofrepublics the stain of ihgrutiiude. A tncro strmtger, isivestod neither tvitlt power nnr with titles, traversing ti vast country whose whole population, to tho number of leo miliums, arose in receive him and pay him their disinterested homage in acknnitl- edgpmont of bis former services, presents n spectacle no less uovel than engugiag Anil delightful. Ol ell ihe events of this age so finite in Singular events, none perhaps Is mute Sin gular than thin. It is at the same time an lionur to France; fir in the porsou of one of her mo»t iH^nViOus CjUgciis, she is nin- pIV rw’Satdeo for.jlto part which site jook ln the achievement of American liberty. On these two accounts, few works can he en titled to a ntoio attentive pmttsal tltnrt n faithful narrative of SI. La FayeUeV tour. This narrative is fiont its naluro very In teresting!—it It Jt nnoau picture of Ameri can manners;,! statistical (Inscription of a country hitherto lint littlo known; a Insto- ry of its imlependkn'cb, and a view nf its present civilixatlbit. In thn space of ono t Bhr, La Fayette passed successively thro' the many States bf the Union, beheld' tho respective inhabitants of each one gnrern- ed by their own. laws, united only by tlie grand political tie of tlie general confeder ation. A tspiililio like that ofthe United States, neither debased bv the slavery, the waf, and tho Ignbranec 'Of Sparta ; dntrafii’cd hy tHe libertinism,-’the rivalries rfnd tlm fictions of RotileT' ndt degraded by ilia ihdpiciiius and the inquisitorial tilhunals of Venice, is truly a beautiful Spectacle.— gratitude Ih vain endeavored 10 retain Idmi he return* to Ids cnunlry. ■ • • What a scene there meets his eyes!—A guard nf suldicrsiUrWundlng his daelling, peaceable cltlxcfis trainplSU under the. Iinofsof nimmii-d cava|rv, uotnch innde victims ofthe sword, and chlMren crushed by the pressure of the moh.—VVliata rkccp lion .'—What n contrast! NEW ORLEANS, Oct 4S. Iljr tbe Gorreo, arrived, yosterdsy from Tampico, in ulna days, wo learn that tho achnodet Galga, (late the Hound) anil fill other,tlta name of which is not known,wore lost. Tlie sloop uf ivat. Ilurnet, hud been dismasted in a gale. A bum fifteen ofijters of HurrattaC army arrived it) the Gorreo. LATEST FROM BUENOS' AYltbs. Hy the arrival at lMiiladolphht of iIip brig Itmh, t’nptam Jefferson, which led duettos Anns Aug. 20 anti Monte Video Sept. 3, tins ctlilors nf the U. H. Gazette, have received c Jile uf papers from - both pieces. At Buenos A vros. all was quiet—The now nfiministratinn bas been ariutiRod.— We V.npy the follosvi eg from the ‘"Argen- thteTMews" of August 20. ".Ml the newly appointed ministers have entered upon the diaph.trgu of their respec tive liincllOns.The anas vers wlilch they re- tmned upon receiving tlVeir apnnintnients, Wfctxi pnblishciMn the (Iin-.eta 'Aterciimllaif yetteiday. Don Tontaa Guido stated, "that it is well known tn tile Governor that in a field covered with rariim, it >»•* very difficult lo avoid stltmbligig but thkt boiug obliged to travel through. it, ho promised to contribute all in hit psissscr lo remove them, and seek the shortest and securrtt path towards the re-esinlfiislnitent nf iho institutions of- the country.’' The Ian gnage of Seiinres Garcia and Etcalada was much to the same effort, Tho latter, ts Minister nf wnr has aditriused n letter to Gen. Juan Manuel Rotas, commandant ol thw eotlntry districts, stating that the Gov. erninefil hail authorised And given to tlm General full powers tn ragulate the peace ofthe country, and reliod upon his known patriotism to carry it into effect. The now prnriiinnal governor of the colmiv, Joan Jose VUinolit. Issued a proc lamation on the soil! of August, in which lie promised lo uverlook.tlic past, bait to pm down with tlm strong arm of power, those that should ratio the cry o( discord. X Scotch pape, dosgjibesa marriage fes tival lately held III tho wild and beautiful gloli nfUtqithnrt, between George Ander son, tho Blacksmith of the district, and Mary Macdonald,'“a decont young dam sel who resided in tlie same Vntish.” Sneh an orgAiiitiatiun os this, lit which The editor, trim we hope was A guest,says. Vlio advance towards perfectio . is ttnimpe- —-“As tho *'Godhailbngaehline." or Idack- Prlct oj Cal<&> 49 jitor# ago.—Tho fol lowing memdrandum lays' tlio Blackburn Gazctte. was wrote in aBH'le, now hi tho possession of a family at Rishton, near Blackburn, for the purpose, no doubti pf recording the petiod when ilia ntanufacidro of eallco was first introduced into England —“I J September, ITI0. Thomas DdxUd J-Vi of Itlshlbii; hear Jltiekhtirh, stid lo Messrs. Peels, Yates 4c Co. Church ft an*;, two common fine cxjjco plecga, for £5 0s Sit. These were the first calien'pieces c- ver manufactured ill tho kingdom.” 'Pieces of thft vamo description aro now sold fir About bsCd or 0s etch. , The following pertinent remarks we would resjWcifuliy "recommend to the ,at tention of Our readers. With e.VBry poiisi- ole care w* Have frequently to drJw Upon their indulgence for errors, and omissions, and limy will perceive that more perfect establishments have asked similar favors. The London ded hy disorder or collision in Its 'vAHoils parts, cannot be Too mueli admired. Tlte Stales aVe united lo the General Govern ment like branches to a common trunk, whiclt evermutually impart life und vigour, without lost of individuality. What a country that, lit which the innuaiice ofthe government ' is entirely unpcYfccivod ; where tho citizens aro unmolested in theiv avocations, traVel or sojourn without pass ports and n hetc different sects are min gted liVgetliorlullte nidst perfhet ltartnony —a particular problem before unsolved- There nkty be found in M. Lovasseur't work a detailed exposition of this system df government 1 also, (and this part will he perused with lively interest,) characters ofthe most ilistingttishcd personages of the republic, viz '; 'of Joffersod, Adams,Mon- rtie and Aladison, All of Wltoitt liavo filled the presidential chair i' and after enjoying In hottois have, with oilntirablis mudesty re tired td Hie sltades of private lile. Mr. MoproA for example, who waa succeeded by Mr. Adams, lm> returned to his furm ; and being elm ten to the offica of a justice of thc peace.lie wliiv had directed jli'e affairs tif a nation, now /.Settles Ute disputes of n fow villagers and inaihlnlns- order ih a small community- Such are the blessings of Liberty!- ’ Lafayette did lioV tonfinu bis visits to those ek-hiifgistratos, so lately exalted, and who so easily returned lo the level nf com mon life. He found on the liberal soil of America, personages, formerly illustrious in Europe, -wjiiclfievoii still vibrates from their fall, llo'Visitod Joseph Napoieon.at Unrdentowo,--ht the State of Now Jersey. I'hix ioterview- of tc-velrraii defender of FrdAch liberty with tho ex-kidg of Spain excites m the mlnd a crowd of reflections. Joseph, kindly received Lafayelte, and pre- setUed l)imj[9)»»nophs« , to Ills son in law, -“As tho ‘“Oodhadbogaghline," or black smith, is stdll n personage of some impor tance in Ilia thinly peopled straths, n vast concourse ol' people assembled cm the oc - casion. and numerous presents were made from ull quart en. that them might bp a competency Of the good .things of this world evniltilde at tho. r.crpmony. The. monger mixmliers or the families of Loch etter, Lakelirld, and Corimnny. graced the scene afitlt their presence, and there Were in all nbout 400 persons assembled. All the ntitidens displayed their tnonds,nn1 plaids, and .tlmut 90 of (lie young man were dreasori In the full Hl« hlaitd garb. Tlte preparations lor the feast would not havo disgraced an English Corporation dinner or Vestry Meeting. Tlicro ere .200 SoOteli pint* nt loo English gnllnnsof whiskey; U» Scots or 60 English gallons ofhoittebre»ed alc;'two coivs, 10 High land u odder*; 12 salmon; tltreo dozen hens, 40 thicks, and six turkeys; 80 brace of muirfowl,and six blackcocks; SO stones of cheese; soven stones of butter; six bolls of meal, halted into cakes, 50. cogs of ctoivdy, with milk in all it* varieties nf pieparnllon, and eggs (“thick as leaves 111 Vallumbrosa.” As merry makings hf tills sort do not occur everv day, even in tho Highlands, the guests wisely resnlvod tn make tlte most of the occasion, nod they accordingly kept up tlte festivities from Tuesday tRI tiuturday night." lit ' ... , . ■- there aro 158,113 boyk.Httii 153,304 girls; that is, for every inobifyl theruare 07 girls; white in-Onr six lnrecst cities, there ate, under tcuyonrs of age, 80,ftl» bovs, and 88,228 girls; that is, for 100 hays tiiero alb ttcuvly 1O0 girls. ,- Fxtracl Af a lettter received in ChArlcstott, . deled !.' " MANCHESTER, Sept. 80. "Gifat oxpeciotluhi were entertained last weeknltat-we should snC ihe Tlnb mills at wot k this week, hut yesterday thn men had a meeting, and from the promises til sttfi port they have received from other trades, they passed A resolution to remitie n months lmig*t. Wo have, however, no Idirn of such a thing ; tlm hpproacliing cold ivea titer will bring them to, und we slmhld not bo sltrplaod to See. them lit shortly, j' "Tlte tleiVi.tittl ior finu yams continues eljunlln tho present Supply, hut it is certain ly tho worst feature in tho business that a six months' stoppage of the principal mills has not yet advanced the ptlces of this ar ticle." , The Affair oj HaVarina—CajitninDIcIt- inson has beeti aeqtiiltrd liy a court mar tial, of the charges whiclt Sir Edward Cod rington wasJbreetl to biing againkt him. for the inismansgcnlent of tho “Genoa,” during Ihe sea fight nf Navarlnn. Nt> sits picion attached lo captain Dickinson's courage—Ills skill and judgment were cel led in question. The decision of tho roiiVt »cqri|U hill) of jsll libititr. The trial lies been very singular in ite cliaractcr, Tho Atlmiralty ordered the court martial, in opposition lo the wishes of Admirnl God- rington, and from ihe nature of the pro cettdines it svnuld seem that tlte object was to humiliate Sir Edward—not to convict Gapluin Dickinson. Truly that same af fair of Nuvarinn was "an untmrard” event, to all parties, except tjio Czar Ntelinlas. A enrioits cxItiblHon is now attractin'; Iho piibtin nt Agen, in France; Two Hi tlinns have a number of pigeons, which are in cages, and from ten to twelve of tli same colour are placed together. Hy dim nf great patience end porsf vorance they have been taught sevarnl feats uf the most va ried nature, mid q 'ite opposed to theli m sttal habits. As soon ns the cages are open ed, the pigeone ascend, mix together, nnd fly away; hut, oA u signal, these of (lib same colour separate from the rest and; fly away together, each flight entering the ap propriate engc. Carpets of different col ours aro placed upon the grountl, tfnd nct* being spread, each flight nil a given signal, goes to thn carpet, or to the net pointed mil for it. A flight of pigeons is next let loose and n. sportsman liaviuc fired of or thoni, they instantly fly toMiim and emertlie game hag. / This bird, which novel before Inis been seen (<t mix in martial exercises, upon this occasion places itself before the gtm which Is about to be fired. at it. and does hoe-more when It Is discharged; it e ven takes n lighted match it! Us beak, and lAtyehei itself upon a cannon, wlilnh it dis charges hy applying it to the match hole; wo nl onco find excuses foe ». "ess,end pblllatteiu t,f*e»L Collect a thousand enfirari„oni ■ ’ **ts elitlj-.l off our n,i, •ions, a iliuuiand fa%or«unJI-?l U V'nptci sand duties nnperfonuni ,, ! M I * HaR «!»*> rot.hi,retimi Scots toha hac u)i’ IPallace Met/. This dythyrnmbic, we learn from tho Edinburgh Review, was composed on horseback in the midst of a tempest, over the wildest Galloway moor,. In company with Mr. Symc, who observing tho-poet's looks, forobnro to spebk: judiciously e nought for a man composing Brule's- *•' drew, might bo. unsafe (r jfl 0 ‘ ^ , „ ... • "“"btesi.-lnn stern hymn wa»Htigrne |t-1 vnrtsiBiijmr^ii«sa»'w. “»? *9?-r»ir.-a*h« fisnnetl H.\flHaffll «Sr .soul of nl m external car (t should be I * c " ,0 y:.: ^:! ie H l, ”* I,<rss snog with the tlitoat ofthe whirlwind. So . JARVIS vs. GREEN. Mr. Jarvis, from the land of steady hah its of nose pulling memory, ItA* lately en deavoured to crush his former coadjutor the editoi of the U. S. Telegraph,by divers btiltl mid valorous attacks—Duff gave lit, antagmiist every opportunity of foul and fair plsy—nnrferbnlt ntid'llberty to gouge and hilettle made use uf all udvantage.lmi it would not do—Duff. In the lust Tele graph, effectually and essentially floored itiin, and he lies completely hors de combat or as the Tennesseean has it, "used/ op." Houbitess, Mr. Jarvis thinks with Sir An drew Aguecheck, “Had 1 knew that he wae so vigorous and skdful nf fence. I'd seen him hanged, ore I'd u meddled with him.—Norfolk Bulletin. ' flaisins.—Tbo editor of tho New York SentineljSays, he ha, received specimens of raisins, prepared hy Mr, Learned, nf Laiisinghiifg, from grapes raised this year in hi* own garden. They were made I'roiir tho White'Madeira grapt, nr sweet water, a, it is usually called, and cpsl( no otltet trouble than culling off Hie clusters and piitting tltem twice into an nven after ha king'bread. Dr. Sp tfford. nf the snme f ilace. lias also made excelloitt raisins from lis'own grapes this year, with vegy. little trottbte; one species of bis grape is'tho " ivi lui Ills rclurn ; n„i ™ T 11 ''»ln|, UesS i ,lml We tteji, ahd recempmin that jfi, “* *'»ppi. ■ e we never mideritood.'i d M »»Ws 084 hales Upland Goum,. Ship Aspaste. Havte, 15 hales Upland Gnttoh 1135 bale's Upland Gottiin, IS do S. I. flo, MARINE LlJjT PUIIT OF tSAFANN^ Hlonfi Gcorgirt; Lti'cV, DaitM's, asseSk/etm Slqoji Ann Mane, fill Hullurb’i^pj? 1 ' Boa 4)00 blisli R, Rice to IjXtli aiiiop Mill M'alt), 8cV‘eikm'»f w , 1Nl bosh R UVce fO R Habers),am. "» GI.EARED, . -Barb Oxfoft)', 1‘rlnco, llavie. . ShijJ Akpasla) t'teniielr,, Ilntrref Bark Oxford, I’rince, Ilatre. MUtobtiAilDA. 11 The st ilt Romeo) wai iip for i|,;. at Haltimme; The si hr Olhello, cleared it Set V™t for this port. ” Fftosi ottil GiiHtiF.spoxBr.XTi, Offices oj the Courier, Mercury /.-fci.J GuiauteTox, NoreinberO—Jr.g f AHtllvkll. Schr Alpha, St. Jago de Cabs li j Markets—Rico £4 5-8 a 49-4. For New York, 1 (kST.xtuuao tixx.)' The regular packet ship A TKnr . Will sailTUMOilltUIV, r« balance of freigbi or passage, lisrlaimfi rior acroinnifiilatinm, ajijily to tin- oil board at Jobes’ t.j.jier wbstf. c, to , II ALL, SIIAl'TEU Si TUI’J'Ell. Urtv.II - 1 ,fe!ug<ir CancV Q ACRES of Sugar (jpgstarsala oi fj the tiUn'iaiten of Mr. Spahilag,, lltitcliiusob'i Island. Apple tu ' ; , ' COTT St IIAI.I 0L'R. | nov II .... .828l T HE subsciiber has -"rcmovrtl Cnuuting lloitse to Taylor's Itii dings, nov. 11 WM. MARSHAL . 228si . Lost. A CHECK drawn by Vie. Padelford on the U. H.Ui at Savannah, No. 306 for SI mem having been stopped it can use to the finder, wlm will lie. it- leaving it n't die ofiioe uf the or Georgian. -on* !!-•■• i«sr« ' ranch ft maije. Drawing or tiik : Maryland Stale LOTTEBW Sjf sanw as dial from which tliq bjonifi railifth >j ' gg go. . Tjoliet No. 7, fltf, S3, s prat ° r was ordered at this nffiee. Holders of prizes will caU-for the be extended lo Lafavette, MmgiL^i,.t... Urii m-dpt* ^ ),ave gained birtt die affec- tl0 *r, i? f »li; He is wealthy, and is cherish etlby his family." ; Joseph is imi die rinly relatiye of Na poleon now residing lit America. A - son of Murat,lives in Savannah, Jn Georgia) He is now. a jilartler and a naturalized cit izen of the United Stales, satisfied with thq title of Republican',/! His fti'liid has been cultivated, and bislieart ftltetl with gencr- tiusstmtiiiieilts. Delias ti profound anil melancholy/ veneration for (he memory, of his fa her. M. I ,e vest Cur heard him speak with great freedom pf the Hrtty Alliance and every species of dos|>otistii —“1 cotild not refrain," soys lie, ‘Trom observing In him, on this occasion, how eXtraordlni- ry it was-to Iteor art hereditary I’tloeh tit ter such tlplrtluns. 1 ' --"H'ereditary Prince!" teaders.whose as Ulcir »ole_' jl to correcl It it with W eumstances, dial The Loritlon newspaper establishment, exclaimed; "I enjoy a botlet lot; 1 am have in their employ generally speaking, a free mail !" • .« one m more (cotntitertly three oi-rourjproof j, ft- a clrcomstaJwij Wtifiy Df.i^itoiiHi. . - ' that the-effulgence of Najiofean'i (time lmsiness(iind for iv ' ey are cxpi jtaUcinftb, rpi lie, under tfiespotp jnglmf ;coultl. obtain , popularity thbre.— we see in the Landau Greet mentfil jin wots, deeds of arms', and sly fikid) iia, not matte'll lasting impressiui) in the iC$3,"~ United States. None other than a lycsh Otebe a notification like that below. With libw nilfch lenity, then, should conductors uf newspaper! ill this COilntry be, viewed, who perftirin Hot only ihe diiltei of edilots, •'iiiit al.u'of compilers, reporter!, "dreadful acevdent m'ikers," proul-reatleri, ,and a itfultitittle ii( etceteras'/—N. Y. GaH..'' “Errituih.—In a leading paragraph, in Hiimejiilftressloni of oor pdper yesterday, Ith col. 2d page, for “altifraiten, in the law cbncevmng tithes,” read “alleratious in Iiiit law concerning silks." To tie Ladies—We recommend the following remark, (from the Boston Pal ladium) to the.pardcular attention of the ladies. .. v’ Economy in Liidiei Dress— U 1 fa small number of Ihnsc ladies ,»Ito have a leading iitfittencu indircctiog public taste, (in llos- ionv) would associate for this pnipose, they might tjrlr^ it; them 8(1 the rerpecta brlltis? 1 *ohicvcfliept»nre ; ofno avail, no 1 less cbpseeralp.d to IjWttjt und to tho hap (iiHesspf mankind,, . . SttcH i| the people.who have bestowed i unexampled lionprs On 'thy; defender of. „ French liberty ;,siich.pr9 lliu 1 manners o| till', H»*pectable : nation! The free soil ' of AiHeriea offered a glorious asylum to La Fdyelie, Thither tie might have trnnspnr ted hi* Itpitselinltf, sure of enjoying fur tho remainder ol ht, dayslgloryj and honorable But he sras fifivojtJd to. hts conntryfe he o.ttld not consent toklitdidon her ; ho fear Jrl’not file siorhr'bf conflicting partiov nor again to expose fiis life, to; his enemies In that.caoso tn whteh lie hap so long been prepared and resolute in sacrifice.it.—Ppt- haps be rolled for protection i\gainst, tnoir malignant pasiiort«,;on (he lienors' pilid 1iim by a mighty nation, and on the pdmi- r'dtinn of miltionx for his virtue; lie departs: ho leaves the slwrt) whete .hosjiiwlity etui mng witli long as there is warm blond in the heart of Scotchmen or man, it will move in fierce thrills under this war-ode, die best, wo be lieve; that ever was written by aliy.'4>en. Curious IPateh—\. M. Reblltelately presented to the Academic ties Sciences a watch of Ills conslrut lion composed of rock crystal, rubies, and sapphires, inst'ond of metals. Tlte infcntnr announced his nil- lingoes* tn disclose die method of his man ufacture, should the academy hi of opin Ion i Imt tlte lubrication ol similar Ankles would br'of any ptillty, to the arts. Frairi the Philadelphia Chronicle, Our (treat Cities.—In all onr grant r i des, Ihe females are fitbre numerous than die males)-.: Tlte average nf our six largest cities, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Haltitnuro, Charleston atid New Orleans; gives 100 females to every' (Oil males.tvliiie )tbe average of the whole United States gives but 87 females to every 109 male* inakiir£the leinales in our eitios about 12 per cent, more numerous than to thd coun try nt large. : Tltiv great exeetB of female.) 'population in our large cities, is fo.bo at r ‘ Iributsd in part to tlye fact tli.it many of die mates are engaged'in occupations in ivliich there is unusual risk of life. Our seamen, for example,,aro taken principally from the towns on thapoasli , . ... Tl;is. however, does not account for iho wllide difference; for it is u singular fact, tltaf in everyoms-of the nboV</'jrqeiitie.ned Cities, among die'Children tinder, sixteen years of.age, Vhete ofcourse ihe'canse ro- ferred. to doej nut operate, the females are more npiiie'rgiis'than'the males, while in every, state’in die Union, the fact is the re- verso,.and In the netv states especially, the eiicntt.of males .airioftg the child/cn Is very great. In tlie slates of Alabama, Missis sippi, Trttlmna,-:Illinois and Missouri, .for example, all of which have lirea recently eettlcd, titbits are among the childten under tenyears of age, 70)087 boys, and 70,083 girl*; that is, for every 100 hoys thero ’.are only-02 girls; in the old states of-New Hampshire, MassticliuseUs, Rhntte Island. Connecticut a |)rt dio Distiict of Columbia, \lasontc liall Lottery—Wo linve been tnfor nod dint tho tickets ol this lottery, die first drawing of which is to take place on the Milt of this mouth, ure in great de mand. Tho scheme of the lottery is nn excellent and liberal one ; and the gentlej men appointed tii superintend its drawings, Utusoss the respect anti confidence of the community iinere they reside nnd nre known, (t caff, therefore, lie justly anti cipated, il'ia'l (lie luttory will hedrawo in n manner to give complete satisfaction lo die purchasers of tickets. Tlie rapid sale of tlte tickets will (to doubt authorize the coni- missioiters tn hasten the conclusion of die drawings.—Mill. Jour., Shelling Oitt.—Anoyslorman was lately fined two dollars and a half tor throwing his Shells into die' Street. He averred it was a hard case, lint was reminded that lie got ilia living on of hard cases. Firm’s latest—At tho dinner of tho "Soul of Soldiery,” on Monday, Mr. Finn laid tlio following tiiliiite in the Salem' Hill Dam Corporation and Lynn shoema kers. On being called upon for a senti ment, Mr. F. thus uddtessed the presiding officer:— , "Sir—While ivc.are thinking of our Selves, we should not be forgetful of onr friends and neighbors. I will'therefore give, The towns of Salem and Lynn—stri king example.*-of good character nnd mitral conduct; although the former is anxious to he Oamm'd, and the latter .not willing to Save'their Soles.”—Bost Bulletin. From die Now Yotk Mirrnr. Brief Correspondence—The fol1b«ing Correspondence, whiclt has been hatitted to us for publication, is suid to Iteve occurred on Monday last. A dandy, wishing to in quire if a faylor would give him credit for a coot, wrote tints : Crry Hotel,.Oc*.'19, 1820 Sip—Goat or/licit 1 Please answer.— •' Yours ..J.Dv m - THE .REPLY. Monday, Qu, j 0 , 1020. Sin—ti won't, answer, Ydnrsv ' C. W. Dr. JohAsod most iieattttfiilly remarks, t|ml "tvheu H friend lj carried to his grave, nov tt EPPlNGEIt’S Lottery and Kictatfr j Drawing hr THE Mnri/lattd MSB. NoV 7, 38, 85, 16- W Holders of prizes tr ill c** 1 fo1 LpTHE?’ 8 . Lottery and £ref nov II P. WiHfierger, Jf- O ffers ffi* sai'a on terms at Ids old stand. .1° wharf.« general assortment« i Provisions, Chnie.e Liqpori, *«• I ' ASHfiio'WHICH 100 sacks,Liverpool GrodJ 1 ^ I 000 bushels do ,. JL 50 bbls Mackerel No. .8 J5 do Canal Flmir Hnifhbls Howard 30 bbls Pilot Bread , f | 100 packages Butter Vj f Ornokors, and Wl" 4 I 50 superior oid Vhghtls 50 boxes Cheeso jlII 50 boxes Hunch, and Mm 1 sins Stc.Jkc. ^ English Potatoes a mg Northern do inbW f nov 10 . 227»( .- Electors of Chatl? anl 1 Friends and fetloid I AM a candidate lor " j tie |cctteninJanuary-'«' d *,K be elected,'Vil* endeavor h'ov 7. ' *35)