Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, November 13, 1829, Image 2

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ItRPfnULIC41V. vnEJtKKIGK H. FELL. oitv t'nrvrRR. Imoy Paper eight dollars pur annum Untiln.y t’up3r...i....six doltavs pur annum. t'AVAUliK I V ADVX.NCK All Nows, .uni Now Advertisements ap- pu.tr in Imtli ;wipers. C?“ Ofllco in Dickson*! tliroo story wrick building, on tile Kay, near tho Ex* change, between Hull anil Drnylnn-stn-upn NAVANWAH . FHIHAY EVENING, Nov 18. From the Sulcrn Register, 4tl Insix The Late Storm.—Several vessels at an chor in our hatliour, were unable to with- stand tho fury of the wind ttuil sea; and drilled ashore at the head of tho harbor, near I’iokcring's Biiut. AiNonhiirypnrl.fwo or three small res- sots were diiven from the wharves and went aslmret tuo. vessels went ashore on Plumb Island, and went entiroly to pieces —line of them the Hannah & Susan, a mackerel vessel belonging to Copt. Hai ley, uf Newbury port—tho other' unknown and crew supposed to be lost- • Two fishing vessels were also said to be ashore above Plumb Island, ona of them gone to pieces. An open boat lleft Beverly on Tuesday, in svliich oere three men, whose names were Bartlett, Grimes and Gordon, and bar not since been heard of A boat has been seen (till of water, supposed to be the saute with ndperson on board. GLOUCESTER. NiV. Is Since Friday the wind has blown a gale from the N. and E. Tho intrbors ol Swam and Sandy Bay were lull of vessels dining the storm, but »0 have not heard of toy damage. Wo learn horn llolmes Hole, that llio schr Nancy Treat, from I'rovidenre for Castine, went en shore'during the gale on Friday night high and dry. ' At Kdgartowm the ship Susan drove a- shore in three feet water. The pier was much damaged, anti the breakwater u{ (lie light liotisodestroyed. A gentleman of Nahant has favored ns with the following account of the storm at that place.' We have «ime*<ed one of the moat sub lime scenes of nsturo; the late storm has been the most violent within the bounds of tmr ''memory. Yesterday mornlnc the wind began to inutile, anil incicased until h tweaine al most impositde to Stem its currant. Buil dings ami trees were blown down; atmusi every thing on (lie rnaig tt of our shore was innudated and destroyed. Wharves uf the largast and strongest materials were torn asunder, the tide over leap! its usual boundaries, oud cast ashore a human body, supposed, however, from its appearance, to have long been buried in the sand. An enormous mass of Kelps and weed* from the bottom of the ocean Convention on the subject of the basis of I were hurled on shore, hut we have not ^presentation, which stifl occupies Hie at- of a wreck on shore. Sea fowl and „r,k., iwiu V111..1J ... I flslfr* of various kinds were strewed over lunrinn of that Itody. Wren lie rose, a pro- (||(| 1)0fdcrj ^ the ,| eep , in nU ml>er and size found silence immediately reigned through , uper i„ r any tiling of the kind <*o have tho gallery and lobby, and Matty of the | ever before experienced, members giadually gathered around the The steamboats Mount Vernon, and Long llranclt, noticed under nnr Marine I lead,arc ire understand intended tn run ns packets, between .Mobile and New Orleans, cud will carry the II. 8. Mui) between rhino two plaeos. Interesting fact—In the. cnursn.nf de- halo in the Virginia Convention, tho au thorship of the Milt number of Use Fcder- adit was am ibiitedbv Mr. Mercer to Gen. Hutiiiltnn, in consequence of whioli Mr. Madison roso and observing that lit was sorry to be obliged 10 sty any thing on such n subject, added, (hat lie did not sec any very material boating, which flic paper just read,*'had upon the snivel before the Committee 1 but lest lie might lie under- stood nsliaving'given his sanction so she au thorship ascribed to it, bethought ll proper to Slate, that tilts particular number had hot hetu w ritten either by Mr. Hamilton, hr by Mr. Jay, but by a thin! peison con cerned in lliat work. Inmost el the editions of the Federalist credit it given to Gen. ILnnihun for this number. Mi. Monroe has addressed the qv'iginia sjeaket. The Richmond Enquirer states shat U is understood Messrs. Madison, and Marshall.-odl likewise address tho Corn- snitteo. Asthma probably will he the to- Disasters In the Harbor of Boston by the late Gate.—At Otis’ wharf, schr Venus, ol Boston,<a Ashing vessel) with afew Irhils. of salt on hoard only, stove in her side, Ai led opd sunk, derive ft ont these eminent remains of the I b^rah. nfliosion; »li» former stove in her revolutionary school, wc shall endeavor to | how ; ihe lartcr sustained but little dsun- rccord iliem« • * ,... . ~ I Schr. Merritt, of Lmcolnvile. drifie* •Vrie York Election—Great 'excitement <">'» her luoorings in the stream, and ran 1. .»i,i. n -..i .,W, I into rhi dock « Foster's wharf A chain s ciidenccd among the rephhlU.in editors | ca( j le 1(adin ^ from bn g James across the in New \ ork, favorable to rcqjibr nomin- j ^ oC | tf checked the schr. eeught in iudder, ntinns hy the party,-in consequence of a I and tare up part of the stem, Sho after- dicker, suouosed to bn suunurted hruMrsons I wards ran foul of sloop Charles, of Biddc- CHARLESTON, Nov. Uh- FVuin Havana—Ily tho Hr. llrig Geo. Canning, from Havana, tenunerciil ac counts to the gbth Oct. Imva been recolv- cd. We have seen lefts rs of the filth, which state that Klee was *ery dull at $9 t-fi to 8 3-4, Tito Margo uf tho Gen. Gadsden, from tills port was sold at the a- Jiuvo prices. Huger very dull, althongh thv stock is said to be snmlt. CofTee, new crop, was coming in slowly t tit* crop is of good quality and plentiful; Lartl, 8, all els. thill. The schr- Marlon, from Trini dad, had notched Havana, In euntequence nftlio urrtvxl at the former plane of the brig AUgntriia, Surgcant 1 with Rtce. The cargo of the brig Maty, together with that of the Marion, i.xnuined unsold. Letters of Milt August, from Hr. Jngo, vlu Havana, quote Wee at* 1-1 a J f No Coffee In nuiket ; White, box Sugur, 89 a i 8-4 | Drown, 89 f •* *° Troubles in Colominn—Tilt schooner Thaddeus, Capt. Dayton. in 29 days from Carthegtna, arrived ut N. York on tVed- nvsdny, bringing CarthageiKt papers to the Dili October, inclusive. The New York Post suyt that some considerable jioiitloal disturbances had taken place in Col ombia) and Capt. Dayton reports that Canli agetiu was in a state of great confusion and up roar when tis salted. The occasion of this was the nows of the insnrrec'ion winch Gen. Cordova bad excited in Anlioqid*i (lie capital ofCanca, and (he intelligence of which had just arrived from Bogota. A handbill published al Clrthag ena on tiro -9th October, announcing this intelligence, says that tho Secretary of war anticipates from tills event no other consequent's than the evils which the temerity of its au thor will bring Upon die province whiult has been the theatre of this insurrection,-— Til® tame paper affirms that Cordova's party'll) Aatioquia, consisted uf only about furty or fifty persons, that he had been joiiwtl by no ntan of Influence, rlnhes or mitt, and that no alarm was felt at Bogota oa account of what Imd taken plaoe- From another paper of the 8th It .ap pears trial an attempt had been made try Col. FrancifCO.Vrdanela, al llie order of the War Department, to arrest Gen. Cor dova, Ills brother, Salvador Cordova, and Ms brother in law, die Governor of tho pro vince, die three priucipaljeadcr* of the re bellion. Urdaneta wit limit a single soldier am! without any oilier moans than Ills own activity, had collected u party for thu pur pose of makincthe arrest, but his plan be ing discovered hv Cordova, lie found him self obliged (0 hasten its execution. He sent twenty men with an officer to Rid No- «®r u lilch wu, toheM,,n cVl.v'', | i cfli " : h* At1 merchant, and oth ", *• l' 1 ' 1 * K • New Vink id the City Hole, Z ' n * «f 15 El Censor of the samo date s»Js i- I in diameter, Ttt» two fore wheels linvc a We know tint ins Excellency die Vice movenbl® nxlo,'Which moj lie placed at any President has received orders at his head angle; and causes die carriage to revolve quarters, in lluamnnda, to descend with j In any circle not les than six feet.—Strath- Ill] army‘to Jalap,1, hut from the above I mire Journal. news. neturtheWss, ho tins probably toed 1 t , vert orders to proceed to Tchaaean,, front A net® invented conveyantt Jar Acdl),y_ whence It* may sip-caur Onjacu and Hint I irobas—*’ Stale in cose of need. As I10 has energy nml activity, wo have nothing to fear not only from 8 or 10,000 Spaniards, nor cvenfVom 40 or 90,000.— Opinion canno* lie more st,ongiy pronoun I chine is named tho. “Nondescript." ced against, so detestnbla a came sinco with wheels nrc seven feet in height,anil tho bn- very insignificant exoeptmus nil tho inhab-1 ,ty of die call or Wagon is suspended lie- limits of the Hepuhlio detest tho Spanish neatlt the axletree- There are sa'd to bo DIED, Government. mntty emnvchnmct!! arising from this In- M Baltimore cn tho 9th lilt. Mr nti„, Tlds Is prubuhty the same expedition volition; from tho lowness of tlio body of I A1U) H. DOUGLASS, in (he 48ili * which was semi oil* Nuzen on tho 23d of the machine, it Is Itiaded in 8 quarter (he df iils ttgO, (flirmerlv inctrl.n,., i_ I*}' July, proceeding in die direction of Acup- limit die present ones are, and Unloaded in njcho, widcli is not very far from Fort An- proportion. There is another improvement! gel. The distance across the Continent —should the shaft horse have nn accident IVom Vera Crua lo Port Angel, (in a'sntuh I and fall, with 0 load of two nr 1I1100. tons westerly direction,) cannot exceed £90 or I weight, there would nut qna uttnort rust Up- SuO miles. on it. By this rtewly tnveutmi inatddne, A Vera Crua date of (ho lttli Sept, re- there were double dm weight and quantity presents the Mexican loss I11 attempting to I of grains drawn, and widt half the number | drive the Spaniards from their entrchch- of horses dint the present mode requires, moms at die liar of Tampico, to liavo been I tr. the Whole it seamed to give much 1 ilia- L upwards of 800, besides various chiefs and fuctium—Philadelphia paper. I ,,' 1V in huda«> td-th® matter. Italians.,, officers. Tho Spanish loss is slated at —J- I i!Vs ,r, , A , N v V . l> ' , l! ^ c * P ' Vi ®b»-W With nearly 900. Thu whole.number uf Mcxi- The Jewish Neta Yeor.—Oil Sunday “andori, Smith, J eo ,. can troops eoffected siiccossivcly, at Tain- evening last, tile year 9900 was Ushered in j *"*• Itobiiis, and Aiitsnn. picn Viego and Tampico do Tamaultpas, with die usual rites observed on such occtl ., ,0I 'P Augusta, Hanford, Dnrien 1 dar nmtmmcd to 10,000. “Tho number of siotis by the Israeljiei.' At sunset, the J" ,h ® ntnsler. Cotton to Hall, Sh»pt c ,j! troops on the march, and wh were otdor-1 people now called-Jcwi,resident in this mo-1 Itjl’per- _ • ttopolis, nil assembled m their synagogues I - . ."P ,"''?, c ®!s l"atikentltl|), ftnOteches when the whole of die Moiaie laws, and dm bush II. filbe hi n Hubetshntfi, usual prayers, 4tc. weie read over, and die „ ,, I 1 Aiigelibn, Burgo, fm St. Ifm. cnngrvgndon remained until hstween eflflit ( H*" 0 * 1 totltemnttei. ' mid nine o’clock, On Monday, their New Vent's day fm Ihe preaant year, limy a- gain assembled nt sunrise to celokrate the I feast of trumpets, in cummeinoialinn of Ahrnhnm'solfering up hi« Son. At 10 o' cloek the trumpets were sounded, »hltah| j one of thb firtn of Douglmi & Horre| ) f MARIS i'i'tlHX,- POUT OF SAVANBAliT^ ariuvedT * "' sa Charlestoo | cd to return, was very considerable, and sufficient to show wluit tho (loptiblic it a hie to accomplish. BOSTON, Nov C radio.—We have rereivetl by dm ship Arhello, whlcli’airivcu at tlds port floio Calcutta on Fdday, a file of the India Ga- itntto front April 1, to Juno 8th, inclusive. ','lto India Gazette is published in C.alcut- .t.i *end-weekly, on Itfumlnys and Thtir-s- d ay*. It furnishes recent intelligence from C.hiasa, the Cape, and the islands.of dm Eistilm Archipelago, Wo have gleaned froL 1 i'ts cnlitms the following articles. Mea sores ara in progreis for the estab dicker,.supposed to bn tupparted by .persons converted to Miss Fanny Wright's prlncl 'I>las, haring obtained a majority in the S rst days uf election for members of the cgisiatura. The Brandywine.—If is staled in thi N. York papers that dm reason for counter- .mauding the orders of tho sailing of this of sloop ford, and damaged bet conshletalily. ■At Booth lloston.s—Schr. Lenity, of Is- 1, Me. ran ashore high and dry, and bilged. Two other sclirs. and a sloop also went ashore. An Eastern schooner between the two Bridges at South Boston, bilged arid fit- led# At the T. !cbt. Philadelphia, rif Great Egg Harbor, partod Iter fasts, ran into sloop frigate is, the Insufficiency of the appro-1 Harriet, of Plymouth, stovein part of rite nriations maile at the last session of Con-1 bows of the H- and ran liar jib-boom into gresslo meet die expense. the sadloflef Mr. Lombird. Tt.oP.sus- — ,, , , , Mined but little ilamago. True economy, we would remark, it al- 8clir De :Mnr| of -?- rel Aon.in Ihe ttream Ways consulted in ample appropriations for 1 dragged her anchors, run foul of a schr. Accessary contingencies. | al Log IVliarf, broke her tiller and unhung • / ’ -—— I her tudder. Impeachment tf Judge iriUiamt—’Un | Brig Victory, or Dnkhury. outward H.»» „> .r w»-r p£»?A'i , ,r'ota!‘2|ISJ Blonp Dirlgo, Bates, Datich t ill t 0 -l,„ master. 1U0 halos Uotton to A U, *1 l-o,v, Taylor fct o. 1 - Sloop Mill Maid, fm Haig's place, Hon hhsli K lire® tt> R I -abeitham. r-— 9teUm Packet Mount Vernon, 8»nn. announced the commencement df tho year, <ol j- Wasldiigton City Via Charlestu and tlmse who thought proper left lllcsyn 11 "JJ '’ ,u MarsliaU. The M. V.ltboutd iigogur, but many of them remained to a 10 M°mmi put in to this |>br! to repair dnj late Imnr. Tlmy met again at unmet t|| B I a E ,! » and ohtaili wood, having been ailiott same day, and also yesterday, at the same "J* Hmillt Edistn and sustained conuiJen. „ hour, when the observance of these tiles "lelnptry tiihcr hull and machinery. Sal lishment of n I’uhlio Bank in tits city ofrtarminated. No food is allowed to he tak-1 '®" 11 ? c " T»JJf stbam packet I,ong UranCh, Calcutta.. [en until tho sounding of the t.umpeis on I “Shtnf her at half past 8 o’clk-oa Tho it.liabitnnts of nil the principal roll-1 eldmr day.—London, Sent, 30, •• I *• ttesday night olf South Etlitlo, lagos In'lo ngine m Itajah Teeim Sing Imve | ' — 8®”- Blrs Slibaf.utitl 8 servants; Mrs Urtt coiqe in aiedmad*-their submission iotbo Tim United Stntcs Frigate Oongteis | 3 children, Mrs K«,t, Meisti Baker, British 4Jowcinmenl—Teerut Sing with a 1 was lowed liy the Steam bu ll Feicrslmrg. I Hhcaf, Ilyson; M’Kinuhl; Long, Arcir, few folioav, v« was still lurking about the I nn Thursday last, fiimi her meetings at LiP''®» , ilb, Applelon. UdopOr. jungles, h nt simasores were taken to insure I tire Navy Yard, destined for Norfolk,where I Steamboat Edgefield, Blackman,Hot,h- Ills jnppreitei ttion by the Political Agent of I sha will remain until ihe public service I nl ®’' * *™® * jj’ w j l h bouts (C&D)lo Ihe Gover now General | may render it ncccs4ary for hev.lo lie fittod ‘’•'‘S®"* 1 ® S® CO- I&U4 Intel Tuc Khtg at Spain lias determined to I out. The Congress Is ono of tho oldest I “dltnn to A Lellnrliier &co, I) llurrouglti . grant llcot is to capitalists In the Vhillipplne j ships belonging to our Navy, About four ■* J‘ 0,< “ u Gordon, Toft Ac Padelford. gro jo seize Cordova, hut the latter was on j Islands for thocultivation of tuo poppy and I years since she underwent a complete arid 1 1 I oleboit Splendid, fm Angela. 3|j hi< guard and the plan was-frustrated."* I the prodmttion of opium, with liberty to I tlmiougl, repair at this place. Alihoitgli bales, Coupu to J Stone, J Qaualil, 0 Lip Cordova then tnarclicdupon Medellin, and I export tho same from those dominions. ] the models of our modern built ships ofiP 1 "- Paft at Padelford, O Gordon, Hall, Urdaneta canto out to meet him, hut the I At a putl'tn Bfheling ofllin inhabitants of war vary much from her's nnd those of her Chapter St luppet. prmoipil men of the ntighborliood nnd tile I St. Ilelcnx it svas voted to memorialize Ilia day, it is, nerertheleis, tiio opinion id rax-1 . civil authorities interfered between tho | Governor soliciting aid to the project ofj nyniinticsl .gentlemen of skill and taste, combatants and prevented nn engagement. I Mr. Wagharit of establishing a steam corn' 1 that there is not a more beautiful tpecWiien Cordova agreed to guarantee the lives and I niunication «ith India, from Great Britain. | of the arf in our Navy, propoity of those who had opposed hint, I St. Helena ">.31 he mado a provisional do-1 It is alto a source of gratification tn end Urdaneta found Itiunclf obliged to pot for tho sa | (ply of coals, as the run he-1 those who foelinterested in the navigation leave the province, lie reported that on [ tween Madeira, and the Cope would be too I of our river and (he prosperity of this Na- his way lltrdogli the province lie found the I long without s ach a supply. I vy Yard, (o' know, that she found twenty- people every where friendly to the Libera-1 The vintage of the Cape is a third less | two foot water orer the bar, at the mouth tor. than it was las t year. - Infth* Allluistia, it citcumstance calr.uk, General C rrdova lint! witli him his Veto-1 Sir Wallet Scott's llfo of Napoleon. I ted to dispel any apprehensions lliat might raus, his uid-de-campa, nnd his brother. I Philadelphia edition, is ndvertised for sale I hive existed against th$ practicability and lie had cottecled a few nsilitia of llio Ne. I in Calcutta. Price 18 Rupees, cash. I propriety of continuing this os a nasal do- gro, and ultltougli these did not exceed 49 j Cheer leas residence for two years end six j pm, it being, from a variety of local and in numlier, they were enough to prevent I mmithr— Four seamen belonging to the natural advantages,-one of the must eligi any attempt of the unarmed inlialdlams ship -Jloyal Sovereign, of London, were ble in tile United States.—Naf. /of. against him. Ho had stmt a detachment lately taken olTfrnm the Isle of Desolation i„..„i, r»„.ii. „,i»a t.. of) 0 men >0occupy Naro. a point on the where thoy had remained two years and a i,,i IT—7/1 ^ * Magdshma, wl.eri a ttver of that na.m; (half, atavitig been drive..on shore in a shul-1 Uallllllu ' e °» -Mernday evening—lb, empties Into it, and wliere UrdauCtu had ] |oj>. Thair isnly subsistence was nn the sea el- ephnnt, 11 few fish nnd birds, and a species of wild oabbnge, the only vcgelnhlo to bn found thorn. Thero was not even a shrub on the whole island. They found n mica. nn, with the fciva of which, they “paid" the. - —, .. . seams of therr shallop nftnr cauikihg her. | There wuis Lewis the Biflky.ind Henry the | port at Now Ymk *il Inst. Former nari;;ator« Imve never mentioned stationed himself in order to disperse them on their arrival, Urriaoeia. in a despatch to the Secretary of War. status dial Cor dova had Sent Ins proclamations to divers persons in Cauca, and others 10 Bogota, thk'thowovor his party in Antioqiila con- sislcd only of a few young men of Rtn Ne gro, that the inhabitants of that placo had went intonommitiee of the whole 00 the 17th alt. on the report of the select Com. iTuttco, relativ* to Judge IVilfiami. A fhemqrial from the Judge was banded in, The report and rettrluiions of the Commit tec, recommending an impeachment, were read and adopted ; after which the Speak- Wharf, hut sustained no injury. BIlip Talina, and brig Haiti*, and the Mail pasket, brig Emily, in the stream, rode out the gale in safety, Brig Mermaid, outward bound, and mackerel schooner inward bbnnd, rod! out the gale in Nantaskei roads in sslety. _ r . The free bridge at South Boston has re tr took the chair, at* the Hodve concurred ®* i '*d« e , o n “ ch damage ttto be Impassible in the report of the committer of Ihe '’^'dXage to many of tho wharves U whole, and managers mere ehoven to too-1 a tso very considerable, duct the impeachment. . I — _ . . — I newspapers in Great Britain and Amer- The New York Journal of Commerce I ifa^-A gontlcinan who had been ■ travel- remarks—"Tbo next packet from Europe I lu g for some tinie in the WIM.nMW; will probably bring Os intelligence, cither that (lie preliminaries of peace arscobclti ded between tint Russians &. Turks,nr else that the tnvadcis are under the walls uf CunstiflHlnupIc. Tlie dales from Adrian- )ile aro already to the Dili ol Sept, and >t ( pressc* liis surprise at the great dispropor- wjit he recollected that Goii. Diohittcb de I lion between *ise nitnihcr of newspapers in I a ted (tint the treaty must he signed, if at this country and in Scotland. I n_ Boston, ' 6 1 for instance, wills a population of 70,000 f 11 inhabitants, there ale 34 newspapers, of ...l.:_l. n laaiiarl /faille lik (Ike* liiliiiln nf hasfiirnlshed the editor of the Edinburg! Scotsman with a number ol bonks aiul pamphlets ot this country, and with some notes taken during Ills tour, presenlinf views of the manners and Institutions n ihe United States. The editor of Uie Scots man, in publishing some of these notes, oa- all, on 01 liefuie tlie 14th." Mr. Clay's EUttiunf.iing Dinners—It ts said in a Kentucky paper that Mr.Ciay, fluting tlie Ium six mouths has entertained tbitty thousand pnr&olt!. Tho -cheer pro- s ided, for tlie amusement of Ida hearers M these convivial meetings, tt would appear from the fallowing lif! oj/are for 4000 per- stint, is ample, nnd various—if wc except , tho liquor department, a half pint a piece hejng rather a short allowance for thirsty and excited politicians “Five hundred and seventy-nine pounds pf beef—sixty.flvo hams— foirr veals-sfifty- fnur shoats-thirty timers—ninety Seven lamrfs—ten sheep— t -vo htmtlro.l and fUteep • pqahdsoflnuter—two hundred thirty-three dmje-s nf eggs—onn tlmtisand loaves of bread—tine hundred nnd-three gallons of whiskey—ftfiy.-five gallons of brandy—one hundred and fifty-niuo patifiJs of sugar pttny,h, i &c. k" TltC Fhiladelphift' National Gaaotte elates, that O. D. Well. fi«j- It** declined the offica of Governor nf New Jersey, trluch he had heennppo'intcd. Clyrles R.'lldfmci; Esq-has been ap pijropii ur'tli® PresiifelitjAppraitef of tlie qiorTSf CnarMfto.ti m pi^o of Jus Oijlnrd (Ivti'asctl/ | From (he London New Monthly Maga zine. SURNAMES. I Men once weresurnamed from thclf shape or ettelo (You all may from history worm it,) sent to Min beseeching his return and that with 200 men he would restoro tho province to tranquility. 'Hie preciso dafe of these events- does not appear from any paper wo Imve receiv- ed. The dospatclt, however of Urdaneta from Nere, sent tuon after,thoy had taken place, was doted tilt 21st of Septi On the t<th nf Sept, the government of Cdlom bis ordered a column of 700 veterans to march.ui.der the command of Gen. Olenty ■against Cordova, On the same day-dcs- intches were received fsoin tile command- nit-general in the department of the Caitca announcing the measures lie had taken to prevent tile spread of tho insurrection. The accounts of tlie insurrection given in the Carthagena papers doubtless repiesOnt it In the most favorable light for the exist- tng government. Hut the tone of alarm is evident throughout, atlil the distnthances are probably of a more serious nature than those journalists are wilting toaflow. Tlie Carthagena Gazette says of it! “Wo shall shortly have further news. God know! what will be the end of this f-irCo which may yet become n trdgedy. At this very date two columns are proceeding by differ ent diicctinns to restore the tranquility ,, - Groat, a volcano (in 'ids island, hut the general I John Lackland, and Peter (lie Hermit. nature of tho islands in tiio Soutli Sea is | volcanic. Hut now the door plates of Alistcri and j Dames, Are read, each so Constantly Paries, From the owner’s trade,figure, and calling; am names Ser m given by role of contraries. . ilELOW,. •- Barit HCrald, Goldie, fmChailcston, , CLEARED. Shlp.Mncnn, Potter, New York,. Hall, Skapter It Topper, Brig Lydia, Wood, Providence. SAILED, 1 S'™' Sloop George Washington, Luce, Da | rlen; Sloop fonder, Chevalier, Si. Mans, DEPARTED, . Steamboat Andrew Jackson, kinf.Au. [ guild. MEMOUdliDA. The steam packet Jalftr David Monglib Dubois, hence »i Cif.itRsfoh'lIib lost The Established Line ship Tjbce.H Wood, was up at New Yotki 2d hist, m | sail for this pnrt«rv th-7th. The ship Helen Msr, »h up for this port at New York (o sail 2d Inst.' The packet ship Queen Mali, mi upfr this port at New Yolk lo ssll Mb. TliC ship Mary ford, was Op for I irt at New Ymk Id Inst. The schr Wotro, was up mV this f Bal imore4th last. The ship Wm Penn, elCtfred if detphia forthi's.pori.oi)lhe 4<ji ins). The ship Alleighany cleared a't Ito' | (lelphia lor this port on the 9th Inst. -Thetr.hr Romeo, cleared at Baltioet | for this putt on tlie 9th Inst, wliir.li 0 are issued daily. In the wlidle of Scotland there is not one daily publication The newspaper pres! of Udston sends forth eighty publication* in a week. LiVorpool With twice the trade and population, forty-, eight, and all Scotland about fifty. The daily paper of Boston is delivered to .sub scribers at 88 petf-aitaum. The wieklydfoi .sheet of Great BHtnirucan.be obtained fdf about Lite tamo miney.—Ball. Gut, New York, Nov.-t. A fatal and Melancholy Accident occur red this forenoon at pier No. 13, E. R. The Salem, Mr New Orleans, being about to sail, Mr. Milligan*®f New Orleans, wife, child, and servuht. »ho were to CmbaHt in tlie Salem, drove down in a hdek to tlie whatf, in uiniihg (It® wrtiuja round, quo qf tha wheel! tame oft and the conse quence was, that thu catrlilge, with its pas sengers. svas overturned into tlie dock.— Unhappily, Mrs. Milligan sunk immcdi-ito- Ir, and all efforts to recover the body have hitherto proved unavailing. Mr. Milligan, tho child, and the servant, were saved. Ml, Milligan is the brother of Mrs Louis Mcfono,.of Delaware. , Sirs. Milligan »as tiio (Vmghter of Mr. U(lhatlf of Raw Or- lenhs—American- MOBILE, Nov. *. 77te S/niosi-wSinco onr last paper we Itavn not heard -of the occurrence of any „ more instances offerer; wc are only aware I Air. Bex though provok’d, ne'er doubles of the existence uf a single case of sickness | his fist, nt the present moment, nnd have at last I Mr. Burns in hit grate tins no fuel, the pleasure to aciuinit ledge the honor of a I Mr. Playfair don’t catch me ut Hazards or visit from Jack Frost. | whist, Ml. Coward was wing’d in a duel. Mr. Wise is a dunce, Mr King is a whig. Air. Coffin’s uncommonly sprightly, And huge Air. Little broke down in a gig. While driting fat Alt*. Gulightly. Sirs. Prink water's apt to indulge in a d mam, Airs. Angol's an absolute fury. And meek Mr. Lyon let fierce Mr. Lamb Tweak liisnosein the lobby nf Drury. v . At Hath, where the feeble gut more than the stout, (A conduct well worthy of Nero,) Over poor Mr. Light foot, confined with the gout, Mr. Iloavyside danced a bolero. . ... Miss Joy, wretched maiJ, when she cltoH which lias been destroyed by the caprice or hot we hope our reader* will go and »cu Mr. Love the folly ofa rnffian." for themscivjs-a-Thn body of the carriage is Fimnd nothing Imt sorrow await her; The following extract from Bogota, is of about 12 inches long by fl indies oroad|| Slie now holds in wedlock a true mrtle a dale anterior to the news of Cordova's I tbo hoilor is (imposed of three distinct dove, rehe'lion- I tube* running the whole length of the car-1 The fondest of mates, Mr. Hayter. [Extract oj a letter dated Bogota, 28ffi I riage. Thesis tubes aro two incltps in di- Mr. Oldcustle dwells in a modern built August] I a meter, and communicate with each other Imt, '•We iiavo no dews of much imerost.— by means of branch pipes; one sat below Miss Hugo is of madcaps the archest ; Guayaquil Das been surrcmle.ed to (tie I containing water, and another set above Of all the qucci hntchelors Cupid o’er ettt Ctdombians and a gdneral (trmistldo con- filled with steam. Them is a platform a-1 Old Mr. Yaitnghtfsbaod’S the storchcst. clddcd between them and the Peruvians, hove the holler, extending the whole length [ Air. Child in a passion knock d down Mr. and breadth of the machine, upon which is j Hock; cUmtrucniUhc engine, with its connecting Mr, Slone liko an dsptfn leaf siiivcrs wheel wnilf fnr turning tho wheels olj Miss Pool used in dunce, but she stands I inkci) low, Apply to tho carnage; nnd to which are likewise nl- [t like a stock, 1 tachod Hie springs that support the body of Ever since she bqcame Mr*.Rivers, ibeCarriage. Tile machinery being pla- Air. Swift hobbles onward, nq mortul ccd between the carriage and the tubular knows lio>». boiler, the steain cylinder lies will) its broad | Iln moves n ( though cords had entwined him, Sfratti Carriage.—'There is an humble individual in Ihe town uf Peitli, who never saw either Atr.Gunioy or his steam carriage | lint who lias, nevertheless, succeeded in Irtvcittlhg one of Ills own. His model dif- fers in ninny respects from Gurney's, but i we have reason in believe that it is equal ly e.tpabte of being applied to practicable I purposes. Tbit ingenious individual'* I dame ia Peter Elder, a workman in tlie | Perth foundry i lie is already known to I some of our men of scienca as the maker of several heudliful models of tlie steam | engine. As We have seen (liis steam car riage In full operation, wo think tiio follo'v- ingis a pretty accurate descriptit 11 of it; Fitosi on* CoanKSWpawrs. Offices oj the Counler, Mercury ft (hit'll! UnniLKSTun, November 1l-> c. «•' anatvcD. Schr Clarion, Savannah !<!>/• ix 7ue ornni. ShipAth -ns, fm llavam. For Sunbury, Tlie regtiinr packet ifoV , N. Selowich, . Will sail for the above \ Tomorrow I4ib inst. - For freight *FT, the Master on board at Scott c* " wharf. nov 13 : For Augusta. The StesmboJ EDOEFIHf' 1 ;., Will) oneTowWM will leave ’f»™ olK I For freight nppjv l0 . r n J.AI’KENZIE&Cft Taylor’s Butldiaf* | tiu I Afternoon. nov 13 until their commissioner* assomblc to treat “ rpeace. The cargo of tiio British ship Waterloo, limn,’Sugar. &e. abandoned at sen, and carried, imo New York, hntbeen sold—tlie nett nmonntof which is 8f5,0(M), niost of which Wjlf be ftO doubt a«aided lo’ilie sal- roll.' The Crotr h.ivo arrived in England. For Augusta Tlie IV,le bo' 1 did, |ias 5 C" 0 ' 1 J hands nndligb ,e[ ,,1,1 fend. Freleld ’"“*1 Anoilier Spanish InCasiOh—A pbsfttript to the New York Journal of Commerce, contains tho following intelligence, of tiio landing of another Spanish army in the territory of Mexico.—It will doubtless spec (lily partake of the Same fate which bcfel Uarratlas at Tampico. •‘it Would seem that the report ofa fan- ding on the Western Coast of Mexico, ('» ?!»:!!!, was weli founded. Tuo Vorn Cruz Noticinsoot September 91, says:— "We are aulhorizad to annattnee offi cially , that tlie enemy has made Ills appear ance on the shores of the Pacific, and has disembarked at j’ort Angel; in tlie State of Oajacn, advancing as far as, Poehntin, a bout twenty leagues from Oajaca city. Tho number of his troops Is ■ not ascertained, but judging from the vessels which brought them, cannot be very large. Out own o- pinion is, that (bis small force was only In- tended to crente a di version frqiii the prin- oiptil point Of attack.,. Rut be fins as It mav ; tho Qnrernment has taken tho most efficient measures for the preserva tion of this pfecfautconthient, and ero now it is probable the new Invaders flavb been uurojrli'tcly annihilated j . . ’ .. Jr Freight ' j gfOtfE' nov 18 If: I side mi the platform, sa that ilia Dlp.fm { works hi a horizontal OireCftm, i „ u „„ (Wo,, not niify lakes lyy, ieftst room, hut Is I moi t ®°SVomcnf for applying the power nf the engino. The engine is wrought with high pressure steam; it has a 1 i-2' inch cylinder, with a 12inch strnko,and 1i gives from 900 to 1000 strokes in a mihutc. By shifting tbo rod which works tiio fore way cock or valve, tho carriage can bo made to run backwards or forwards in an instant. Ohs gill of strong spirits will canse it to run 9,000 feet. T)te sbirit fire is suspended under the. boiler, and in order tt) set the carriage agoing, His only necessary tn pour into the boilor one quart or ode half quart of boiling W'ltet before kindling the spirits and it coriftifences running immediately The impelling power ctin be applied to two wheel* 6r to oho; a* nccasioft inay require; they dre turned by clutches fixed on the points ufthblr axles. There are 4 ground wheels *11 of on* size,' e*4lr Xbout 8 incites Mr. Aloicajf run off upon meeting a cow, With pale Mr. Turnbull behind him, Air. Babbler's as mute ns 3 fish in the sea, Mr, Aliles never moved nn a journey; Mr. Giilnbc'd sits up till half alter three, Air, Makepeace was bred nrt.nttorncy. Mr. Gardner cna’t tell n flower from n root, , . . Air. Wild with timidity .draws hack, Mr. Blake’s Steain Mills YAMACKAVV- f H AS commenced,pounding I tbr'’m i Vx".c'.icncrd, 0^\ Air. Ryder pijfnrms all liisjotimies on foot, I rim* apply ^ poUpHAAt? 1 Air. Font all hfsjournibs on iinrscliai'k. I' llOilT. ilAUERSltA' ' Mr. Fenny wlioso fullier wus rolling in I gg’jjp wealth, ikiv4 __ ——r~ Kick’d down all thp ftiriunC his dad won, I ltClllOYR*' Largo Mr. Ivcfevai’S tlie picture of hpaiili, Air. Gootlenbugh is but n bad 6110. Mr. Cruokslmnks steps into three thousand a year, By showing pis leg tn an heiress t Now.! hope you'll acknowledge I've made it out, clear, J Surnames ever go by contraries, llCttlOv'**' .J0PI ymn(IE «abscrib e rWrem“'' Rp I ,lh,gs, near the fo ® a & 8 £ , 0 n , n , i is 1 tinttes the Faotoreg . j ness. VVM. E ll> *10||l- net 91