Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, November 14, 1829, Image 2

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...I iho EOlh, who possess important hnowl- • " t ‘'p Ut "hU nklti undor'a bushel omt edge of said lino, and olio would much I )eft lba obsertor In the dark. They are morolikely communltalo disinterested in- very rarely seen, and caught with R ,tal formation than those occupying thesoll. I dlflioulty—Worcester, A resolution was passed appointing ,. TI|8 VctilXu^lfmem Oy. tlie light Commissioners to examine the Great So- n(ng bu 1|n J nl | , bo i um i nnU5 insects of title above Jefferson, and to report upon ,|, n tropics, sink Into iustgulflonnce when the practicabllitp of rendering it navigable compared with otto which is a nallvoolour .I.,,,,, * own country. This truly splendid little in to the next Legislature. .... seel might/in the daytime, be mistaken In tbo House on Tuesday, 10th, tlie bills 1 nn j° ob | a grub or , vorm ,-bm not so in respecting absconding sailors, agents of |j ia night, for then no princely diadcin a- Insurance Companies, ami the State Arse-1 domed with the most oostly nearls und pro- I'KliUKHlCK S. FULL, citt vni ntzh SATURDAY EVENING, Nov New York Elections.—Tito tegular, °r Daily l’apcr eight dollars per annum. Count,‘y Rap at, six dolluvs per annum. VAYAIILE tx ABVANCK Ail News, anti Now Advertisements ap- pear in both papers. fty Office in. Dickson’s tltrcn story nrick building, on tlio ll»y, near die Ex change, between Hull ami Drayton-strects. Tammany Hall ticket, in New York has prevailed for members of the Assembly, eight of the candidates named upon it,hav ing been chosen by a large majority. The “Mechanics Tlckot" tecelved a vote of S000 out of the to,000 given in. SAVANNAH MARKETS, Novkhueh 14, 1088. (II’holt title Price Current, corrected tetekly) Rritislt Dry Goods, 55 a 0! l-« per cents nils’. Reef, prime, St 85 mess, 510 Bacon, 0 n 7 1-* cents per lb. “ Hams, 10 Rutter,Northern, 17 a 18 els permit, Bagging, Dundee Si Inverness, *0 n £1 els. Brandy, Cognac, Olard, Dupuy & Co s brand, 161 n 170 ols. '• other brands, 1 a 1111-7 Cotton, New Uplands, 9 a i) 1-8 •« Inferor to prime. 7 a B 1 •* •> st selections of prune, 0 1-f <> Sea-Islands, 18 a 2* Cum, |tcr bushel, cargo 50. Candles, Northern Mould Tallow, 10a 11 dull. “ Georgia, 15. a 19 ! •< Spcriu, 84 o 85 Cheese—7 a 8 Crockery,85a33 per cent adv Coffee, llavanua Green, prime,14 1-1 a 15 l-l “ Other qualities, II 1-1 a 11 1-8 Flout, Philadelphia,Baltimore, Riehmoud and Alexandria, go *5 a 7 50 “ -fhrnal. go 50 a 8 75 ^oVnPO® «>® n * y ’ Pf cem. I ! 0tthel, ‘‘ ‘ -"WT. *»•« Hyson Tea, 100-« 118 1-8 per Id. Iron Swede’s gtOS a 111 .per Ton 8840 lbs. Lard, 6 a 7 Lumber, yellow pine Ranging Timber, g l . a 8 - Steam sawed scantling gia l'lank 315 V Inuring boards gfO River Lumber,Boards,Flanks & Scan fling, 510 a 12 Quartered 1 1-4 inch flooring Boaids, S14 1\ liitc Pine Ho.ml-. < 1. :ir, SI” (l 15 Merchantable, SO a 10 W. O. Hogshead Staves, 315 n.ia R O. “ ‘I 10 a 12 Shingles, rafted, “ 8 “ boned,- *• 31-8 a 4 Mackerel, No. 1, 0 ” 4, 5 N* g, 3 88a 3 76 Molasses, IV. India, 88 a 88 N. Orleans, 35 none -Osnaburgs, 0 1-8 o to Oil, Sperm, winter pressed, 70 cts. Summer strained, 68 Olive, 4 1-8 a 5 Linseed, (Dutch) 85 Tork, prime, 111-8 mess. 18%0 a 13 76 Porter, 3 a 8 1-4 JRice, 8 5Q n 8 75 Kum, Jamaica, 00 to 1 85 ■** West India, none. ’• N- England, 83 a 35. dull Soap, yellow, 5a7 cts per lb. dull Salt, Jjiverpool, 40 cts. Sugars, Havana, -white, none. Brawn, 0 1-8 a 10 Muscovado, 8 8-4 -a 10 St. Croix, 10 1-2a 11 cts. , New Orleans, 8 a 8 Refined Loaf, 10 1-8 o 18 “ J.uinp, 15 a.15 1-2 Tobacco, Kentucky, Geo. Ac. 3 a 5 Manufactured, do. 8 a 30 Tallow, 8 aO. Whiskey, in bbls. 30 cts EXCHANGE. On England, none. France, none New York, 00 days, 1 l-4all-8dis, and 30 days, 1-So3-4 Bank Checks, 1-2 perct. prem. Philadelphia, 1-2 “ ” Baltimore, 1-2 “ “ Charleston, 1-2 ” . “ Bank of Macon, 1 a 1 1-2 per ct. dis Bank U. S. Bills, 1-4 a 1-2 premium Darien Bank Notes, Branch 1 per ct, dis. • N. Carolina, S.B. Notes. 5 dis. Rumford Premium.—It may not be gen erally known Dial site American Academy of Arts,and Sciences will, at their meeting in May next lake into consideration the useful improvements, and disooveries tljat have been “made and published by printing, or litany other way made public, in any part ot tbo continent of America,or in any of the American Islands, during ihe preceding twp years, on heat and light" and will award to tha most deserving the Riimfotd Premium. Thie consists of a gold and silver medal ol Ihe value ofihree hundred dollars together with Ihe sum of fifteen hundred dollars which is the amount of the interest accruing from Count’llum- ford’s donation,for the two years. Appli cations rmntbeaddiessod to the officers of the Society. 10,000 tho number of licnscd taverns is two hundred. From the American T,\f JUgHtcr and mWSIWSiSfllftew- those “beautiful wings” is suddenly alfuri, to her shoulders; overhead is written "ih» wish gtuilficd.” Captain S. of ihe U.S. Armv. when a boy, slmt at a Pox wliilifln tbo act or run. niiiK (Torn him, and witljo single riflo ball biolte every one of Its lift’. . The same officer lies Seen known to load nal at Savannah, were rend the first lime, Tbo amendment to the latter exionds to she Corporation and Volunteer Companies the privilege of using it as a place of do- pesil for arms, &c. Mr. Myers was added to the joint Com mittee on the Ponltentlaiy A resolution to authorise certain repairs to the Penitentiary, to preserve it from Tor titer decay, was carried, after a division. cions itonos ever sltoite with hnlftbo bril liancy. It is about'an inch and a half in longtli, and one fourth ofau inch in width, and is entirely destitute of wings. It e- min an nninlerrupied flood of light of u beautiful greenish tint, and sufficient lo see to read by, Bom twelve luminous points, of the slid of the common pin’s head, situa ted on each side of ils body, beginning at otto extremity and ending at the other, ils beak is also crossed by an equal number of luminous bands. an! fire a common rTfir, (U. S. Youger.) five limes in a minute, and hit »target ol the site of a dollar, end at the distance of fifty vards, every lime with a single ball lie shoots on ihe wing with sitnost tin erring coitalnty with a single ball.when the object of Ills ahn is not boyoml Aho range of bis rifle. / ,, Onoeveningnl my camp Inihn wilder ness, wishing lo discharge and reload my pistols (oommon horsetnon’s with brass . r barrels,) I handed ono of them to Lapt.». y eo fitanry of Ins native counity at t | le f , and requested him to give mo an example mou , Rattle of Caulks’ Field, lie met W(1 of his shill In thoollng.—Ho Immediately conquered Sir Peter Parker, leaving took tlio pistol.—ouoked it,—picked up on I „„ thu Held, aid shoe which chanced to lie near him, Ucn , Reed always enjoying in an emij. and hurled it into ihe air,—turned sudden. | ont degree the confidence and ciiecm.r ly upon his heel and fired,—-on examining b |, f„t|„ w citizens, was frequently hoaot* .v _ _» t..n i,A,i.,ocu>i thrauini. And I i . ANOTHER REVOLUTIONAUY PA TKIOT AND SOLDIER GONE, to « - It has become our melancholy Uuty, to* ^ announce tile lamented death of another distinguished defender of his country. Tha brave and gallant Gen. PHILIP HEED » no more. Ho died suddenly on Monday night, at Huntlngfiohl, his residence, ii, Kent County, Maryland. Gen. Uecd.dii. tinguishod liimself in many hard fought bit ties, iluiing the ever memorable War of tlio Revolution, Atn later period „ be . Great Britain sent her panorful Fleet, and Armies, to spread War and Deiolj. lion along our Sea Board, this venerable Pntrlot once more, cheerfully obeyed llie voice or Ills country, and rallying' a . round Ills standard the brave and |>atr?otja The hill to extend the time for drawer! I llK!1 I | ,f 0 jtixa' l i/a alait vessel! m the bottom I tie shoe, the half had tiassed. through, and I w j lb „ omo „f the most important' and flj in the Land-Lottery of 18*7 to take out | of w | |ieh „ a s placed a tittle moist earth, | very Bear the^«eWje tR it nr | tilftcd offices w' , | | m ,1 ] olr _gift’ both imj, their grants, was taken up and passed— beneath which it generally lay coilad up He has repeatedly ta ^''P en ® r . a * 1 a » M * ’““ 6 R ove 1 ' ' ,, ™ T ' t *’»ilof which The time 1, extended to SOlli December, duiing the day time, but name out and ex- small billets of wood,—tossed them suoooe I filled in e manner Ktghly honorable it 1 lie time i ext d tended itself on the surface during the lively in the air and when In the not «f himself and useful «o Ins cnunlry. Jl* ■130. Price or grams, SIS. n | gb( . j, continued splendidly luminous crossing each oilier as viewed from his eye I death of such a man Isa loss toihenniu, Tha bill to authorise P, Cone to erect a nb “ faur nionl |„, b ut about tlio first of ho has, with a good pistol, passed a ball Ball. Rep. 7U bridge over tbo Ogeeoliio, in Bulloch November, iho weather becoming colder, removed | tlirnuch both of them. He will permit any one standing at the county t and ihe billio change the name I ou\\nheh" la^s/andhi^Vow daykificr I distance iifaboutfin'cen paces frini him, _ 1 A n t. A as S* t . I a a .tan « It'lllnt nl SWISlIll ffl tlalllA IIP tVllfliltltg Tlie Medical College of South Ceroli- na(sayi the Charleston Mercury of the 18th inst.) commenced its Annual Course of Lectures ill this city on Monday Iasi, end from what we have understood, with in creased prospects of success during the pro sent session. We have before called tlie attention, (if indeed It were at all necessary^not only of the citixens of South Carolina,* but of tlie oilier Siaies,tothi« most excellent endjtou rithing intliUUion; and we do not feer to repeal, what we have said.on former occa sions, that a belter Medical education, es- pccially for Southern Students, is not to be Vnd in the United Stales, Ilian in out own College intltis city. * * " ban wetake a viewr or the different Professors ; Hicir tact in imparling know- | ed 6 v —tiieir coal for tlie prosperity of ihe iiistiluiion— tba c0 , n bined talent of llie Whole.Faculty,-- n ,|,y wa || j a y, tliai our city bat ebuniiant reason ^fatifiod both with the character and prospect, gf the College. An increase, alia, in the number of instruments, and of tlio apparfc> ms necessary for Ihe different departments rrnders the acquirement of practical at well as theoretical Science, still more ea sy than ever lo the diligent Student. And we cannot but trust and hope, that large as was (he number of Gentlemen ut- tpmilng tlie Lectures last year, tlie Classes will be-greatiy increased during the pres ent. of Iho Medical Academy of Georgia, lo the Medical Institute of tlie Stale of Georgia, were passed, Tlie first meeting of the Senatus Acade. miens took place yesterday The election of the Rev. A. Church, as President of Franklin College,by llie Trus| clinen,“though notji living lees, w as unanimously confirmod by Iho Senatus Academicus. this, it ii as bereft of lifo, as well as'liglii.” I to lake a billet of wood, a stmie orputatue, It is a very rare insect—I liavo soon on-1 and -east p into tlioi air. in such a manner ly four of tbMti: three of these were found tnat llie object will fall uka" equal dislance lo Suiion, Maas, and one in the siato of In- from the person that projects It, ami «nh a aje,,,, ’ pistol I untied with a ball, will lilt the pro- ll isa species- of Telephotos, and is. to- jectilo liofore It strikes tlio ground, iltopro cording to Dr Hurrls, who has seen a spe- hector being allowed lo practice nuv feints clmen, though not a living one. in iho lar- <o beguile llie attention of Ihe marksman. COMMKRCIA Dates rnou LivxnpooL,:::::t::qlsT 0, Dates most IlAViiE.:::::::::::::Suni Si m =^— ™— : \ Savannah, Exports,Nov. II. Ship Otlovla, Havre, 1068 bales Upland Cotton. va or grub stile. ’.The insect is winged and I It is worthy of partleiilar remark that probably luminous in iho perfect state, and Onpt. S. almost eniu^y lost lie uso of bis I N E W YORK.Nnr.i there cannot be much doubt of iti being riRlit arm by <a wound in the elbow, which Cotton—'The sales since our list rtp^, ,, i.« M....rAAii>» In I 'he ignis fat us or jack with a lantern, bad the offect In a great meiisuro to paral- j (gave bean very limited, comprising onlyi. The Litchfield Woolon Manulaclury in I ^ bai | on , exoilot! the curiosity of yzo the arm, bill Hint in a short lime nf- bout 200 halos, Uplnnd at 8 aO erntt . ...t,L A I. _ —I, I, ci Inn n - I . . . >• A. i t. •» I •A ,1, lm auras nlslfl In flianljV annul cl.-ill I i i 1 . „ . n _ ■ s . r Connecticut, with llie mncliinery belong' Ingto tlio establishment; which waa sold a few yours since for 570,000 has been re sold al public auction, for 58,700 ! Ihe learned, and the fears of the vulgar.” Tlio Louisville Advertiser contains tha fallowing article lespeciing the late chal lenges in Lexington, IcrwnriD, lie was able to display equal skill 1 0 |tl crop and 10 i-S n ’ 1 cams forntn.i j anil ailioilncss with tlie uso of bis left hand. I „ small lot of New Orleans at It cera- A User in of Slags Traveller!.—Wailing I The foregoing interesting exploits were I The new crop arrives very spsrintlt, 4 ad hour for a passenger befure a hoiel.yout I communicated by n personal acquaintance I ol)r stock nf ull discretions is very ua| horses reslive, and driver absent. N. B. I of Onpt. S. also an ofticerl of, high repute I Import, from 1st Jan. to Slti Oct. IliAii owu house with a | in the army and ate a few only among the 1 “ vaiiety of feats performed by this gentle man Hurried off from your ball a breakfast. Taking a back soot, alid being misled by afresh oompany—comftii'tably scaled by To silence turner upon the subject of I an agreeable young lady, « ml being r.qnes ,,,„ r.j|,„r „r lira ted to exchange liv a plettiorlo old gcnllc- Ihe challenges sent lo Ihe Editor of llie man ^ wbu Ci(nnot rjl j e Imckwurds—you Kentucky Gauttcsince the affair between | iml5t , that gentleman and Ihe late Mr. Charles | Stepping in._ you thnw jiour agility a Wickliffo, we stale llie following foots, on llie authority of one of Mr. Trotter »| ejt 0 f ((jo party—cuileavoring friends, who derailed them to us, in this y 0llr „)l(; t|,n horses start, and you perform place, a fow day* since. I tha samo feat backwards, crushing a trav. On Friday. 10th tilt. Mr. Trotter reeelv-1 elling-basket In ihe openitlon, Same period last year, Decrease, *35,111 IMfl GREAT PRODUCE OF PUMKINS. Taylorsville, Vanover, Cy. Va. October ia, 1880. J.S. Skinner, Esq. Sir: I yes'erday weighed the produce of Expait, from 1st Jan.toSIstOct. Same period last year, 11,l» 101,111 Decrease, 16.11 Rice—The priaelpal tnmaciimi fii , n I inong a coach full of Iodine, bv aiumbling three Pumkin vines, raised in my garden, has cuiiih to our knowledge, Is i nils 0 (i head foremost intolhelap ul'tiso hanilsom- and among a crop nf hrtels. I here svere bout 100 tcs. of good quality at 17-3 us I- eat of iba parly—cuileavoring lo recover I foriy.lh.ee pumpkins lliot came to perftc-1 per B*. * State Bank of Georgia, pay able at the Bran dies other than Augusta, and Mtlledge- ‘ ville, 1 a I 1-8 per ct.dis. South Carolina Bank Notes* par, FREIGHTS. Liverpool, 1-SdduII. France, I 1-11 New York, 100 cents per bale. Providence, 51 1-4 a I 1-8 REMARKS. Cotton—Some sains in Uplands have been made during the week of piime qual ity at 0 1-8 nnd infeiior at 0 a 8 G4 cents. The Stock in market is small owing to the lowness of the river, which has caused an advanceof 1-8 to 1-4. -In Sea Islands we have heaid qf no transactions, anil- llie stock on hand is light. Prices raoge from 80 to 82 cts and upwards. Jlice—Of the new crop, ready soles are made as it nrti ves.ai 2 5-8; there have been no sales of the old crop, and but liula in quiry for it. Wo quote from 5* 1-2 to $3 3 4. Corn.—Tlie stock on hand i« small tlie last sales made were at 55 cis. by quantity ani it retails at 00 cts. =*= TlnjNoiv York MercanlOe Advcrdser say*“Lctleis from llosow, of tlie Bill Kept., sinlo that the now Boneress was to assemble in Jon., inform a Consiitmion. .4 part of tlio nrtny had alreaily licnn gain ed over to mako Bolivar Enipcior; bur 1l)o opposition was very strong and a com promise wnsoxpeeicd between the patties, f a as to make him President for toft years, will dictatorial powers and liberty to be re elected another ten years. A stiong party was also favorable to his being clccr- ■ Presldepi for tile. Few except the inil- ry, were JO favor of bis being made Em- £ “i •tor,' 4m * The following extracts we make from Ihe Private Correspondence of llie Gpor gian. Milledgevitle, Tuesday, Nov. 10. In the Home on Saturday, Ihe annual eporta of ihe Treasurer and Comptroller were received and referred to the Commit; tee on Finance. Notice was given df Bills, to alter und amend (he Bill Section of the Sd Articlo of Iho Constitution. This relates to divorces, and is intended to reliove the Legislature of the labor attending these harrassing ap plications by vesting the Superior Courts wiih Ihe power of graining them. To cx empt members of Volunteer Corps from Militia duty after six yearssertice, except when called Into actual servioe. Mr. Myers presented two petitions, one from General Bailey, praying for compen sation for services rendered svhilo Solicit or of the Chatalioouhio Circuit, the other from Maj. John Screven, praying for the payment of certain audited certificates.— Referred to a select committee, composed ofMyeis, Wayne&Char|ton. Mr. Charllongavc noticeof the follow ing Hills: To amend Ihe several attach ment laws so far as to permit persons whose property may be insured in Insurance Offi cos carried on Ky agents in this Slate, whenever a dispute shill hereafter arise betwebn the insurers and insured, to issue an attachment against tlie goods, property or effects of said Insurance Company, end to garnishee ils agent or agents. To au tlmrise the Sheriff or any lawful Constable of Chatham County lo enter tltedwelling of Sailor Landlords, or any other place where- justreason shall exist,founded on oath, that regularly a'rliclrtl fugitive teamen are har bored or protected. In Senate, on Monday, notice was giv- ee or bills to make it obligatory * on ihe Road Commissioners of M’tntosb corny, to open u roadfrom Fort Barrington Fer ry, in ns direct a line as practicable, lo what it known at Bull Town settlement. To Incorporate Ihe Presidnnland Directors nf the Georgia Central Rail Road Compa ny with banking privilege*. Notice was.also given of bills—io ex empt free white citizens from paying poll lax. To compensate Justices cf llie Infe rior Com t o( lilts State for cerlain services. Air. Dougherty offered a resolution, which was agreed to, and concurred in by llie Senate next day, to authorize tlie Gov ernor to appoint one or more Commission ers I o proceed to the Cherokee nation, to inquire into, and collect testimony of In- diausand others, lespeciing Iho boundary line between the Chorohecs and Greeks— Mc. D. stated that there was a U. 8, agent engaged in the same pursuit, end that ■here were letters in town mentioning that a number of Cherokees nsrs qsssmbling eil ■ challenge from fhe"von of Mr. Clay borne tqi M r . John Hart, Mr. Clay’s ne- ydtttt. The ciiKti rn g a of young Mr. Clay was returned by Alr.Trusrar. who directed the bearer, Mr. Hart, In inform young Mr. Clay that Mr. Trotter looked upon him no a common ruffian. Mr. John Hart then challenged Mr Trotter, and the bearer was informed that Mr. T. would return an an swer lo Mr. Ilarl’s note on ihe next day nl 12 o'clock—Imi shortly afterwards, the friend ofMr. Ilnrl returned and withdrew the challenge, refusing peremptorily to act in the affair. The avowed cause of complaint, on tho part of young Air. Clay against Alt. Trot- ter was, that the latter had written againtl hit father lion, which weighed 1890 1-8 lbs.; besides there were a number tlmt did not ripen.- Sixteen nf ilia largest welgli-d us follows) 07 1-8,07, 60,00, 04 1 8,03 t-f, 03. 08 I-S, 68. 00, 50 1-8,58, and 50 lbs I nev er before noticed the. weight of the produce of a vine, and lake llie liberty of asking you if you ever did, and wli.it was this Tho seat in front of you slipping against I greatest weight. 1 havo known a single yon end breaking your shins, till in your a-1 pumpkin lo weigh 88 Ihs.s It was raised a gony you pray for an upset as a relief; yog good many years past, in ibis neighbor- are gratified, and dislocate your wrist. | hood, by Col. Wm. O. WInston. A supplementary passenger, after the stage is crammed. Who insists upon In troducing his valice ; thermometer 04. A crying child, and to ill-natuied pug- dog among tbo passengers. per lb / relgAtt—Vessels are rery ibnadui, It employment Oil laving terms not easily ub .mined. Exchange.—On London, 0 31; France, 6f. its 1-tc. MARINS M>t'* POUT OP SAVANNAH. It is sufficiently hot to roast an egg in [ ihe sun; you are on the sunny side, bull the lady on the opposite side objects In dropping the curtain on account nf ike air; dust in whirling clouds resting on nod | Introducing itself into your oyes, nose, mouth and ears ( you havo your best coat I on. The New Orleans Courier of the 20th nit. says: ’’Since the statement we gave the other day fiom a passenger in Ihe Cor- reo, ol llie loss of two schrs. one supposed lobe llie Galga, (late Hound,] we have learned from Cnpt. Kaicman of the Cor- reo, that the report wes incorrect as to the Ilaund; but Capt. R. states that there is but little.doubt of the U. ft. sloop Hornet being lost with nil on board. He further Hales, that the French brig Caroline, of Nanu, was wrecked in the seme gate on llie coast, not far from Tampico. There was on board lior about 5800,000 in specie, and ether valuable effects ol mercantile houses of Tampico, which had been put in her for safely during tlie invasion.” A lady, a member of the Tremont thea ire company,,Jloston, is said tai have re cently received intelligence fiotn England, that a relallve has bequeathed lo her $200,- 000, That is a good thing in the way of a benefit. A magnificient projoct, we hear, 4s now in agitation in New York. It is that of erecting a bridge Irom the feet of Alaiden lane to Brooklyn, high, enough to allow the largest ships to pass under it. Ex penso estimated at 5600,000, The pro ject appearito be yet in its crude.stato WAI. W. TAYLOR. lir.Mia LATE FROM LIBERIA. Death of Prince Abduhl Doha man. We give oil extract of a letter from a ve ry highly respectable Colonist, who nnjova tlie confidence of the inhabitant! of l.iberi* a, conlainiugan account of the death nf Iho Moorish Prince Abdulil Rnhanian—an event to bo regretted, as it destroys all hope of obtaining through his moans an intercourse with his countrymen in Ihe in- terior.—fBall. Cat. MONROVIA. Atig. 24th, 1889. ”Our Colony appears to be In a healthy ARRIVED. Bark Herald, Goldie, Clmi lesion I Mdze in W Ganan, A Low Si co, Jnel Reid. Hliip Julius Ctczir, McMtiUin,' Pin dolphin. -8 days, inotclinndne &. llalla: W Gaston—MrsWondiuff, daughter servant. Misses F„ slid M.Telfaii “ Johnson and servant, Hnusion and Brig Bandore, Evell, Thnimston, Lime lo Candler Si Davidson si master. Steam Packet,lolm David Moi Vote to curt a drunkard, an Original I bni«, Charleston, 10 hours io J. ’ Anecdote.—A innn of properly, residing in | Passengers, Airs 'l'lmolhy, Airs Charlestown, Alass. srlio had long been in hnbils of intemperance, at last found his health on the decline, anil resolved to con sult the celebrated Dr. Spring, of Water- town. lie slated to him llie symptoms of Iris case, which Ihe learned Doctor could not but understand. “I can cure you A new Comedy—We timlerslnnd dial a 3 act Comedy, from a pen tvorlhv of good expeclnncy, adopted lo this meridian and fimndednn tnir own manners and poculiar- itics, la in active pleparadon and will short Ir be finished It is lo be called The Timet, or Life in New York. Air. Hacked is to have a principal character—a Ynnkeo of the name of Mr. Industrious Doolittle. N. Y. Courier. ilnl state at present; l)r. J Alechlin, our ore- said he. "if you will follow my advice sent Agent, has had several attacks of the I which the palient implicitly promised to do. chills and fevers since his recovery from l “Now," says the Doctor, “you—must steal the coast fever. Prince Atidnhl Raltamnn » horie”—what steal n horse! “Yrs—.you departed this life on tlic.Cth of July, and I must steal a horse. You will (hen be nr- was infoi med, that he took up his Alahom- rested, convicted, anil placed in a situation elan principles as soon as he got in sight where your diet and regimen will he such of this land, nnd ho died with the same— I that in a short lime your health will be I visited him In company with the Doctor perfeotly rcslorwl."—N. V. Jour. Com. during his sickness, which was an-overflow — of Idle, autl hit system was too weak on ac- I'D BE A BUTTERFLY, count ofhis age, to admit of llie necessary In these days of parody scarcely anv po- medicinea—he had every attention that polar song or versification escapes; and could he afforded him through Dr. Alecli-1 none, we believe, lias been morn frequently subjected to the ordeal than Air. Ilayly’s much admired sonnet above named. Tins Surgical Extirpation of a Tumour of an proceeding seems lo have roused the indig enormous magnitudes- On Thursday, 201I11 nation and resentment of iho poet—his ult. Dooms 8. D. Culbertson and N. B. mind being proverbially genus irritabiie,— Lane of this borough, removed from the and he thus rmoits upon his annoyers: abdomen, (or bollyj of a woman of colour, I'd be a Parody, made by a ninny, in the vicinity of (hit town, a tnmour of On tome little song, with a popular immense size, of (lie sarcomatous, or fleshy tone, klnd.andwhlch weighed 25 pounds. 11 Not worlli a half penny, sold for a guinea, was firmly attacked to the whole atirfece of I And aong in the Strand by the light of the abdomen, aiid involved 011 ila surface the moon, some ofThe muscles. | I'd never soek for the sense of a Pliny, (laid Si servant, Air Eltoft, J J So Elliot, J J Adams, E Barnwell, BH» lugs* CLEARED, ShipOctavla, Kemp, Havre. Candler If Da Brig Union, Jordon, New York. b Cohen Si HU Schr Aspasis, Pease, Uiilford. By tlie .Revenue cutter Alariou, Captain Jackson, arrived last evening, wo received a file of tlie Key West Aeg’.ster, to the Soil) ult. The U. 8. light ship Casar, was sold at Public audljuii, on the 15th ult. lor three mndred dollars. - Tim brig Rachel Ann, of Boston, bound to Mnbihl, 10 day* out, had her water casks stove fli a galo of wind; sent Her boat a- sliorc at Sand Key, pn the 21st ult. and re ceived asupply of waior from Air. Flaher ty, keeper of the The dimensions wore as follows;— Circumference round llie snikllcsi part, or that which was attached to tb»«bdomeii I feat 8 inches. • Circumference round the greateit<part,l feet 4 inches Length from below-the breast bono to °’l’ co “’’ 1 * P’ irI * u P * though! or a stanza, (Who cares for senao at St. James's in Juno?) I’d bo a Parody, made by a ninny, And sung in ihe strand by the light of the moon. er part of the abdomen 1 foot 10 the lower inohesljg’ The operation was completed in 15 ihift-1 ntes, and we are happy to add, the woman is iliceljr 19 itcow.—Chambtrsburg Repo sitory. . . >r the light. Tho schr.. Francos, Which arrived on the 25tli ult. from Now York, had oil board a- liout 70 troops for Tampa Bay and Pensa cola, nndei the command of Lieut. Aber crombie. They were all in good health. Ch. Mer. lith iust. jg\Ve ate pleased that we hove an oppor tunity ol prttcntiiig our readers wiih the accetint of jiur native Glow Worm. It is from an iiidividusl wlm enjoys llie highest ranis in the medical profession in ollr country, and is perhaps as favorably known for bis scientific attainments, as for his professional skill. . Wo never have had Ihn good foriqru! of seeing but anon fill iws. splendid 'bugs, though a grove fribnd of ours assures us that a fow weeks ego he had his path lighicd up by one iheip, in I'll lake a (light on another bard's wings, Turning hit rhymes to rxtravnganza, Laugh at hit harp—and then pilfer its strings! When a poll-parrot can croak tho caden za, A niglitingalo loves, lie supposes he sings! Oh, nevermind, I will pick up n stanza, Laugh at his harp—and then pilfer its slringsl Walking Fith.—A fish called llie hus sar, in the West Indies,, possesses the sin gular properly of travelling over land, which it invnriably does, when the pool it a“»i;rriB,;i|@airs| wh “ sa r ** their object at the rate of ihrcu miles an I Minin n,»b hour, and thoy effect their inarch by the use | ° two m SAILED, „ . Brig Union, Jordon, Ni» Y'ak. Schr Aspasia, Pease, llirtforo. Schr lleisy Alaril, Hebbatd,St. »»q Sloop Elizu, Richenoa.Si.Mail 1 - Sloop George, Dane, SalillM. Sloop Dirigo. Bates, Darien. Sloop Bolivai. Howland,Dan® . DEPARTED. Steam packet Geo. Woshiagta" Augusta] MEMORANDA- . Thy schr Excel, hence at A!"” The brig Francis, hence at N-D 1 ' 1 The brig Courier, hencoatN Y«k inst, ■ ... The ship S.alira, cleared f« » ar Naw York 27th ult- Tho ship Alary & Susan, <*» this port at New York 4th inst. The ship Olive Branch, cleanll* 1 port nt New York 4th last, . The sloop Alerchant, cleared ra at Now I'oik Otbiiist. ntJkl CHARLESTON,^* Arr. Revenue cutter Alarioo, * Im Key West and a cruise. Mess and Prime Po<\ Landing from sloop Splendid, g-hsfVlillLS Aless Pork s£\V 70 do Prime 25 do Phelp’s Gin, INSTOHET. 100 casks Cut Nuil- Wftft 1.1.1. Mra loo bills N0.8- 20 llD**' citcre! Might make of such parodla' _ of llieir elastic mil, with which they throw I Mooklna^lr.li ih’ ^ 4 themselves forward on their arms or ftont ap „. UI —ink',’nlv Q h la i n fo . ..... fins. The Indians say these fish carry^al „ . C V .. -‘"eromtiln for each supply of water within them for their jour- 1 , ‘ P-Wgj&artniwa fer Iho namdled Inv •_ wiped dry they speedily been , gain. The ha.sar make- Jm ?. -wl«a in whioh it lavs its cv;,. .? t»6'll»r t|e*t car.fei,y,^ U l 1 ^jfe.| v .|y Hey lYtti Register, 1 -fSWiWpfi' ml Nofl—In 8a lem (Mass.) where tliere aro 13,000 par- ons. there are iwp W ye,„,. ciueCc, (Lowe; ggnuda) where u,e population |> jjfbj*lna Jn»i as high - as lie may, I u he a Parody madc-by a puppy. Who makes of *110)1 parodies two pair a - day) Note—This song lias nfionled scope In tlio humour of no nrtiit. One of Iho shop windows ifi Broadway liits * ladyseutod at the Piano wlth-lliis sbng bolero her, and, to her "extreme censlerimliqn,” a pair of - ■ . wl, Croix S.ajai . oags prime Green Cf’f.J ' do reams lmporial aud Su l Piinling Paper go reams WrappipgdQ For saloby j gyoJ'f I £30 nov 14 Carolina and Georg' 11 puTu,r#h «reqj EksK v r 9 *wr [ nov H