Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, November 18, 1829, Image 2

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itEPUBUilCAtt. FjffifFittlCIi S.FELL, 'city pnnobnu • llallv. t*ane^....|..elglU dollars per annum. CgHliti' TSpJKt-.M.ttx noSlBv* pr annum. , ^PAYAnijK in abVaNcV.. All News, ami New AdwtSiemenw ap pear in both papers. Adriatic, to sail in n fc'wtlnyHoi tile Lo* . rant to relieve the sleep of war Lerington —officers all ucll. The Ontarinli.nl sail ed f. oin Gibraltar for Algiers, with Mr. I,co, U S 'Consul, and family qn boaftl.— Tlie frigate Constellation 'vat dally looked Tore-. - . While the Warren was nt Alexandria, a h-poit reached there by a French brig.that the Russians wero under the wull» ofCon- stnmlnoplc.- Alttiers continued to be blockaded by 'the French. Ah 'Krcli'h i'rid a Fnfnbii squadron, were at Smyrna, arid a' largo Russia tv/lcct ut r lhb*erilrkBte of the Darilh- holies. „ .. ... .. Idem. Writ. N. Tlolridr ilieft ViHMly oh bo’artrthe’Ul'S. ihlp FxIfReld, tb widish vessel ho was ittacliedi uii’llle inorMlig V the 81st Sept. ' . >.* i- Tftd Porpoise loft; «t CMbvvIttri WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. TO. pf e w Jrtssty tmtf Trtrtar, iptl rbr t „ ■-— ’ - »- lenlMbs not r eCbllected, and came hilt ofthe >• un^tand that.****°~j* F.dward Harden, has forwarded to. the 1 - Governor Ills reslgtialirinnf thc cnmmahd fly Odlco In Dicksoh's throo'slory oriclt building, on ihoilav, hear the Ex- olinnge, between Hull and lTi'a>lon-strecjs. NAVAIOtM?. drln, (Egypt.) arid tbo Fairfield from the eftho 1st Brigade, lit.' Dlvisfotl GcOrp Militia. >•*} Major GcncrM Floyd, *lt» has likewise I resigned, and Gen. Harden, »ro tips two I senior olllieon'uf llrtfiryespeblWc grthles In [ the Slate. ri'iiE wept of the Wish-ton wish. k Tlift last production of Cooper, is uve of the Itrost intense and potoEnul interest. TnoYltno is during tbo first hair ccnturyaT ter life landing of Ilia pilgrims—and we fid low the characters nf the novel wills all tho breathless anxiety of.dcrp feeling ns their encounters with tho savage me detailed. Tho ngmtlvr'of facts,however, is far (Vein ennstituting tho only interest of the work. The exhibition of character is made with' the master touches of a pnwerfnl and dis criminating thfiid: and our wonder is, that one nt this day coiil.i) so identify himself with the feelings end malmehof New En gland in tlie Pilgritti tim'ns. AVo have all gtd'np, chmriVtlng that, of Christ Ity Jlta character of its |iersoitnges, yet dteintfl n -pictorial analugy to it by its (liuistvensss Sltil repine, cbmprohcndslhoimiweror Ha ritbbas, tiro tliinvcs condemned to no OrtlfllP fled, and »omo Roman soldiers, lit oppo sition in,tin's,and in perfect synipalby witli of Eli ns! - seen portraits wiilcli convoyed indescribably preparing th« idjirrimmlt! for tbo crucifix- tlio conviction ihaPthey were 'strong like nesses though wo liavobeverJaaii the orb ' glnalss Bull Is svith'tho portthluire hf the 'altar, sliipc Test Wuarter'aftli'e'ITth cehrtiry in A'triorl- rriir 9- brigs ctt.hrri'preSenled iullfo Wept hf file Wish- haJIuIs n/tlia R1«m U/lkU . tehWisiilat Hllllf k'n! tillls i . - » . A« •OFFICERS OF THE PORPOISE. Thomas M. Newell, Esq. Comipauderr , -l.leuten inti—Wiii. W Al’Kcan and IVm. L Hudson, late oftlic U S ship Wat KichardKennon, SurgooB, late oft he LU S ship •FaltfleM. ■ - Marmaduko Dove, sailing Matter, lbfc I of the U S'ship Warren. 'd cSxasLtUtgvx W litely favored by the author, the Rev. Auu WtiHnsflUW It. llooniein, We rff the X JBlel 8hcrwood, with a copy of tile eocorfit Wefren t R H I. Patterson, late nf thb edition of "A Gsxctlee'r of the'State df FaitfieiU'i i&weh Hurries and Wnt, H., OdbrpA." “Tftney. Cmriter, .atettf thefe. *. ship' very neatly prictoil on good paper, anti I barren, contains A in'ap. exire'mely wftll executed | which is ilsO said tilbk very ticeurale, and] Bbmc objection to aiptndidate fdr office which comprises all'tbo 'IVewiy o.ganisedt in Now York, on account of his having Wuoticslh thedtiire.'ln aildition to tliks I fifstseendrfylniho "Green Isle of, the O. Usoaimstter coinprised in a gaieftcer.rher'e I eean” has drnwn forth'the fidlowing hap|iy will, bo found in this work'hiucti"other in-J reiharks'frhm tlie able Editor of the Xl terestieipinfnrmalloin —for insftmee, bio. 1 baity Argils. , , -graphical sketches of all the -perSnhs aftar ■ •‘Nutliing perliSps more sinklngly tilnsv whelm' tlie coitntlos were hameil, history ot '™‘« ' ho W* ebaracter, and tire genitis . - . . . ...... 1 "'"I sdb|M! of oilr own Institutions, that'tho the press, svith the nkines or Newspapers I r3 ,- <r Altl |j, Kmriict. In IROd, in the state, crtlturo of Sugar. Rico and I |, c carhdllrour jdmres .in esilo'froih liis na- ' Cotton With a'hlstory ol the intio'dilition of I tike laltd, preceded by urdjud.ces and ■ po- the latter plant inw America; &r.. &c. But litidaTdislikes « hiin. thth.igll the interfer- > . _ „ , ... „ vl enceofthe American Minuter, hadalready •the work mustspeak for Itstll-It IS oke oT suH j c{tj(J hiriiln'reWi/od and Idiig cbntin., a character that has been long wanted, and I ued iiiipflssmment. He ahd Ms assiiciato bnust neceisarily be widely circulated. AVe I cmtlqialrlAls, Dr. M’Ncvdn Hud Mr.O’- •Sakegreat idvasure'ih freely iectiminendifi|| Gnifnnt, reddS^I''tidverth^less a cordial •• n'., e • • 1 weleonte from the lending republicans of tl both for matter. Arrangement, arid ex«. ||u( dltv friendship of George Clin option to the patronage-of the Georpid mtt-and Dk WWCtljlUnn was tiitffli and public. This vork is for Sile arMr. T.Mi I tlm*ifi6dour. DfUcoll’s. ' * I Tliby applied to Ilia supremo court Tor it : licence. notwWistaiidhtg tlie obvious nil- rtf -cominenceil lM fiJUbwion oa Monday .s, ie n C pr, gov TompMlfs&jiidgo 'lliimip- iasi before hit hqitor Judge Holt. son, («vhV Uflre then tipontlie bench) favoi —I ccl Hie appUcatluns n«.ainst the ommsitu The U. 8.’schr. Gr.mipus, Lieut. Com. of the thch ciiTeljustitrelCoiu. Tuc opp,. Latimer, tvefit to sen from PentncuU on a 1 pWWnildj ancl Mpr Kmiiiet entered fk«*.K. efliK i.'lr • 4 upon that professionhl dfarevr. wh’r.li has -qrnize, 6n the Mlh fit. 1 c i,„«. d m,o.n name will, las'fthgfcn/,wb, _ . ... v,, and rendered luvalukblo sdfticeS To tlie The Ocorgctnvyn Intelligencer, publish-! «s the following extract M a letter (rum Richmond :—"I 'vas a itisf iCtdrllylltform- -ed the oil,er day, tbat-Mr.' ^anilulph had declared tlte. Southern Review 16'be "the best in sfcxisleuce!'—anil that Judge Xtar- sball had sjhl the last numbei oY Ilie Sop-. ... apver seen.—John Randolph s jirhisb Is no I which tewaidk'Uleril iBt Vnfue and lion ^friUnary matter, and 1 lake Judge Mitr-1 arable conduct, hot aicotxliite to'flfeir/lindt 'sbairsto be lliC best Ibis side of the Allefi* I »(«>< but' tftitdrding ttt their iTfctctr. Chan * ■ er.ll,se lf.nl . ttvSftrAro'esle* tlsii. Is, Too-Wfth. The Character ofittfo I’uritan —of hie Son's Wife—of Wlulley—of the' Narraruftsettldof Philip—of illiWept lur- >t9f—all stand (n lfvdilg likenesses upon tlie page. tttO tltare Is hot in u book of Mllrtyg-. duin "Sv exiiggeratlob of fiction, a scone of more it.iking, bfeblthless interest, than, Is reprf senteil in the Writing Ot Mw Bloch House bf the Vnthojr. We might continue our remarks to iiianv columns; a (til in ip dbifig, furgit, In the plesnre which we trad 'received from thobentitics and excejlolieids hf the work, to Itote any tif. its defects.-* Where so much merit exists in do this last wbtild he a graceless olfioc, and we leave thcV.isic'tn critics less "’pleasurably egeited than ourselves.—Uatt. Gin. to that ofTJwTst tbo group of tlio lioljt wo men ui'tloars on Die foreground; it ooMblns tlio thotlier of Jesus slipphHbd uy St. John and Surrnumled bV sovrr.rl women uttaph- esl list allVciioii, lesjwcu or gratitude to uiir Sayiouit .before' thfidi; Mnjgdilen -iltrows herself upon the' cPoss; ahtl contrasting ibe figure of the high priest, unites this group with tlio fifth, 'illicit, tniiilp up of tho Ro man guards, tho cxccutlunefS and llotpra .inn, aipl opposed most ingeniously to tile Scs . «n uninterrupted -lie-... tt (lenses abuse, djBIw. chain nf most infcpeitlng objects." .. Jsktptorrcl:—Tim sclir. Foitity, of New York.Caul. Pollard, which sailed front the .Ship Y»rd I-Miditig, tit Cltiokahomlitjt Riven on ttundny tmernootl last, laden with wood, bmmdU) this ftoil, a ltd having on bnjril ns 'passengers, IJT. Michael S. Warren of James City Cooni'y,lift 4 ioiis, and Mr. tlblt Klcbbrdsbn, capsibcd and sunkjn a heavy s'ludll, 'on Tuesday 'eve- niftg Inst, about 7.o'clock, two lAitcS bo- tow ilii C'raiicy Tslaml tight lliiat.—Ho suddeq and unexpected,, yrus the occur rence, lli'at those on board had barely time to jump into the smalt boat belonging to the Vessel when >>hc wet)t dbwn.—Tlie pas- seitger* wore jireparihg to turn fit f.ir tho night, qiul were partly undiet«d,'wlieit tlio accident happened. |h this Situation, spine of them wilhptil a coat, liat.er shoos, after rowing kbdiit four'or Bye mllek—tlie sVeatliorbeing hoiMctous .itnd colt)—they landed 'ill Mmberl’s Point, Where they Ifere very ,kindly received hhd^ Holpitably eiitcrtainedJhr tlie nlgjit, at tho libilso.of' ait old lady, who,o name they do not re- : member, . 4II tlie passetigeis and crew w'ero saved; the farmer arrived'hero yes terday thorniltg.in,goqd iicdttliifthe.oaptnin anil mate rbiiiaihed below. Dr. Warren- I prwri'c of h"s kdnpted country. For *evertrt'yt;irS Mr, Eftntrgt was fnet 1 with whatTts authors cttfitideied the re- |pr«lcA<ff Wing bom under itnirthcr gov I ernmeiu : but tbnSe'wbo iitdulged in this 1 illitrernllty, lived ttt Teel anircdnTess that it wes unjust and'illiberal, cofitrary to the free nifociples iffnlir dmisthtttim'i, and tic." ARRIVAL OF THE PEACOCK. The Pensacola' Gazette of the *7th silt. Uyg—The U. S. sloop of war Peacock, collar Kent regtetfed- afterfi-ards' that he liadtieeu hveri uled itt the hp|dicSiion of Mr. Emittett. , Huppdse.Jdage SpenCcr and Oov.Tititlp 'kins, and Qciirge and 13* Witt Clinton, had ihdalgcd in prejodfees towards tliock lied phfriott add Itdo atteniplcd 1o exclude Capt. McCain nn ^ 1 him fiomtho privilege of citizenship, hoc .after a passage of 18 day* front Nesv , ork | uouhl the Acfu/rican poaplc have revolfe'd The Peactfck hss brouglitout Commodore 'fOliott to relieve Com. Uidgley, in the command of the West India Squadron.— Com. R. assumed the command of the squadron on tlie 26th October, 10(6, anti is relieved this day being exactly three years LONDON POU E—WORSIltl* stf t Effitlt qf QUanrmj 'Pro'cfs.s.-rA young fe- .male presented In rself hi fore R. Brough- Um, Esq.tp.pbtuiu nit order of seltlentvut for .herself niid lwo cltildrot]. Ip the |htrlsh ,bf ppltajfleldi. .'Site sabj that her imma was. Matilda Picker lug, and that her hus band ivas now ,i-prisoner in ||,s Fleet.for '. lie was .by trade a and also Isi-pf d fHinll Hhnredilr.il. Ahoul sik months agit.alie'Hntl thq itilsfiiitiino to lievo.h share in it vo*y large property be queathed to her by tin uncle, who had been an extertiivo engineer. The estates amounting’in vnliiQ io nearly £30,000, wore thrown Into chancery, ami a •bill' was mad agilnst liar husband, to whicli he was reqmrctl id piit ill ail qiisiver. Unable to raise the reqiiisito Mttn-In pay. tho fees nf the lawyer, Ate,,lie nqgUlctcil to do so hv the,proper period, and a "Writ of Relii.i- lioti" ivas iniiiK’di stcly. IsMictl," Avhicb has kept him iit priiioo 'two months, without uny provision for liinisejfor family w ho"a'rtf now In a stato of c .inparmi'vo starratloi). Sir. Ilniiigliton inquired if the Stale o Iter, husband had uppea'red lately in the public papers. , ‘ Site said ho was * tlio sipne irtdiyilJiml With hud an interview with tlie SducUm c enpt.ts s rdoll.bsiiti nidiio’y.—“c Dae Olf. Geho'ral Sir B 1) Hugden, ivlicti fie visited the Fleet Prison, who prniiiisuil to lodk tnin llte buii/jess, aud presented him wilfi half- .Sloop John Chovgjier. Slssort/ Charles n*. A ANDA. ebr Swtim, hence at Pennsacoh 37th nit. . The pilot boat Tattnall, Hopkins, hottco nt Now Oriontts-Slst oh. Tlie ship Mount Vernon, wjis up frit this part iit.Uosloli 7lh Inst. From oun ConaKSt'O.vnEN'ra. jMpts't}jhi Qotlrilr^3hrfiUt)i l,- Gtaelte CuAHi.Ket'ox, Nriviunbor id—5 r • VuitlYkti.. StjM.Evh'donlA- Aritncip 4B.ds,' Ship. Niagara, Now Vnfkb ds. : • Ship MlweVVa, Notv York 7 ds.- Si.hr Bpyi No* York 12 ds; S'dliV Sri’petior, H.iviilla 0 ds. Ssft't. Kxnmplert New York 0 <14. Hchr Essex, Nmv York 7 ds. SelirEiiEler, HaHWIVTO d>; Sclir Reaper, llaltlnmro 7 ds. - ... in tiik-ofVino.' . Scjlr Star, fnt Now York Fifst- GonM»a»yj (i; M* 4 Fi tv’ tra ' V ® 0nine ]8 nov 16 ISAAC NORTON. Notice, A. the SeVf Mh? , l ! 6 '' imt make payment to Jld ‘’"■to npv 11! Notice. A LL persons having dcnttinrh .. , the estate nl'Jnhn Fny dec. x*. me estate ol Jnhn Fny dco „?« im| i|iiostcil in present tlicmdnlv atU»m|“^' atj-eeaw^ nnv 18 O The first Dnivviiur F the Milledgcvlile Mareni, >, LOTTERY I, received ftcial pvizo IM r«nn bp cxamincrl at 1 ‘ : eppingeivs ' I.olUry and Exchange ojfo, Ofilcinl Prize List Election. "AN Efenthm U Itctohy ot . derml t<v ha liehlat iny Office on Thursday the CBlh Inst, nt 10 o’clock A. HI. frit n 1st Lieutenant Tor tlie ill Ileal Cnii.pany, Q. M. vice Lietl.lo- S ant Thoiniis ^ullivan, re gncil, and ( to fill such oilier Vacancies lis-mny onmtr, nt wjiirdilline an.d place all per- s(iiis'liahle) tu pmform Miiilla duty within -said district are hereby cum- inqndod to be aud appear fully armed nud equipped nr. llui law direojs, ■_ “ IIknht MACUoxdkpL By older of (?ApL IIknht M JOUNlUlAHTON, rinv 111 1st Scigt. ^tiijtlc alld Fancy Goods. V4PI f It] 1 i.iil,Diivil,iip line riktiiiiitA/1 Istf lIssi u crowns .. Mr. Bfntiglitnnadvised hof to, apply . to shifia humane lawyer, to take hcrcasc for the Siike fifcliarily. Sltn.said she Itail applied to several vary cltarilalde gentlemen, hut they were all u- naniniuus.iii first requiring lo he paid their fees', A Petition was preparing, which she iniuudcd to present to the Court of Chau- eery Imrsclf.,. Mr. Jf roughtdn lamented that lift could only offer Ills .t'ydipSlIiy ivlih respect tn her Chanpgry affairs, and. immediately signed an order for settlement, with a recommen- datlop'tn the dverseers to lake care <if tlio uitforttiria'to female: ■ T flK subscriber Ims're'eelled liy ship, Htiifi/a, a h.indstiiii'j,assortment of Staple amlFantn mtY g(R)ds, among which arc ' Rich embroidered l’ulmarino .Shawls ral hundred .Tlie Collector of tlio Customs at Quo- bee, having refused to take. Spauisli dol lar i at more t|ian four slpllings iodjour pence sterling, instead of four .shillings bhd six, pence, .as thqy (lad ftiruvrly Ifeau lakcn. a case was mnie pud taken before the Court of King's llouch. to deter nine tho valito of (lie dollar. The Judges de livered their opinions seriatim in favur of the Collector. -Chief Justice Sewell ob served. "lint the value ofa Spanish milted dollar, ryjjli'felaiibi'i.io its actual contents, in pure silver, its Issued from his MyjoVty's I ■ • f AM,I flk.iv i.ultiiii ll.ta mint, is four shilfipgs and friurpeficcstcr- tifrs.*‘ ' Mf, Hughe*, or nod ' ■■BMP. if New. York,, lias just exe cuted a modid nT Ihe si,Hue of lie Witt Clinton, wbieli llte Enquirer, of ,i]yit city, YortsirfeVs t'o M in o^qni.ii'o stylo,|Tlte like 'ness is said to bn adirilrafile, by all those who have sel'ii jlie Tnbdcj, apu e.ver seen tlio laic Gov. CI'mtgri. .This is the ifiiorc I'M Oeneritt W a fit, h.ivlri!* declined occep ting tlie executive elmir of Now-Jersey I’cter TL Vfo'oift. Jtmlnr, Esfij' was, on Fri duy. ill joliil iilcetlllg oTIlic l.ecisfaturo, c iccibd Oo^feriiljr otlliat SfifY, by a large , fifthe First Arnicine of the ltltLI.EpG.BYir,I P masonic mu to TTERY, Is tlECKlvirt' ANOCAN nr FXASUSvsiS Luthers tmv in " , , Letter Paper. nov 10 and io\ salrslnn by ISAAC NOtlON, Salem, Mr. Jolfcrs promptly caiiiu for ward, and pledged Ills cUrdial Vqminrt to Ills competitor,—This hrinnrafild japQduol on Ills purl hak, wo Idarn, still more strong ly entfqared him to .Ids friends arid' tlio whole of Ids party iri New Jersev. 01i.fi fes Parker, Esq, has' been elector) Treasurer of Nea Jeisey.—Trenton EnijicriiiA. . A sturdy ycomaR at a 'recent djnoSjrpaf. tv o|»eve,ralol'llte. flee rind iiidepeiidcm electors of a county in Efigjand, was, Seen ex.utiilihu; wiilt surprise rind ,lqqy|yliirn ness a silver fork wliic-was friid f “ ' Ic " nt such a contradiction olfcilr jioliticnl and national prof-'ssiona ; kno Vrf nliat Issiing injury would it nut have bean; both ait riti example and in the loss of Mr. Boliirel's 'services to the cortnmohy I Bril they hath nfed AO such prejodtees—tli'ey indtil- gad in no siicliPnfe'elirig illiberal 'exclusions -ItsIsAa* S,*Alt*AVn/( ♦ n fitV* Eiili'.infl maLhiII. - The Commodore merits, and no doubt will I ~ , I | *T prolfeted to Mh Erilriiett, notwith■ receive the highest ttommcmlritions for the Able and efficient manner in which lie dit charged his ditties, and for tile protedtion afforded our valuable (oinmcfte In ilio West Indies arid life tfulf of Mexico; in . .. , , r tins Male, ivonoov 101 Iguu-u nmv every Instance, if we ntillake not, UW Com- Imgiitd It^itsonfhis him, place; modoro has Anticipated the wisjrci Of Bie I there vyefesdmcillihcr.il enough to i Government, and despatched vessels , of dieohj cilon, Tlie number hoaever, tvgr to poinis where their services acre ro reniarltaiile, as Mr. lloglies never.Saw Gov. Climori. aud was olrliced tat rely, entirely, on the jiiliifs,iin^ portraits, which itavc beifti exhibited to Iiiiii. and to. the siiggestiotrjof tlio liilhiiatu frlomls of the lato Goreruor. . Tlie Dircclors of fciinton llall have it in view to older a stiituo ol marble, Irigcr than life', for tlie front oftlieir Hall. Mr. Hughes lias also executed a. model of a statute of Gnu. Ili|mtlfdu, .)yliich i* ’•7 s -' l!WVi» .. —I. fur.him. lie tnok il up looked at it, fqft. its prongs, add then with,r dfsappofmed tiir friiii.il down agoih. Ina minute or two riftot ward* tii« soup iVas h.ni||ed round, and alien his; plateful w;is»de|,united, hcfi.rc him standing fie had just landed on our shores, privilege! under odr cunslituliau raicly granted to ridlive citiiieus. In 1612, eight years after his arrival in this country, Mr. Emmet, was chosen by n republican council. Attorney Gendnil of Hits slate. Nobody inngined that he was tHuilgii urge wi designed Id lie executed in inarbie. and Ismail.' Anil shhscqucuily. «hen in tlie' . . , ... . . ., I discharge ol the duties of that Ofliee.n celw quited—more recently dher news rcaftlicf ,.| lr ^( cl | ; „|vocbie Itferi oflliis city, but long hitn of the sailing of the Spanish oiperii-1 since, deceased, alluded iri his foreign mlg lion floni ltavaila a'griirist Mexico,he forth* with despatched the Hornet, Capt. Norris, to Tampico and Vera Cruz to afford (ito- taction to our citiXcnt endahgertd iollici, lawful commetco. Tlie lioriefit tosultrug from his atrtlfcipntiog flic wislres of otfr j iriprcliAiitsarid; the, Oovcfom'cm, is sniff-1 1 to hrs appoi efforts, lie ieplted. “The olllee citntty demonstrated in the alf.iir of Mf. f-ed"—a rebuke not MHy (•which 1 now hale the hurfift Ilf lihld; is "the reward hf tncfiil flays and SlecfffcSs "nights, devoted to life actpiisitioir artif cx- •'•erciso Of iffy profession, and of ri lift hf "utrspoftccf iifie.-Tity—thffirfy rind ifnalifl- “eatiOlis whietr that grilillfiiifim can ifcYcf ' lj#< plncetl in the ceiilre df lire largo room of the New York F.xcffahgo.. Both niddels wefe to Ijave been exhibit ed in NeiV Y'iflf tin the fltfi inti; v I^AcV), (tije.)Noy. 1. "Durdiict.Vilc.'j—On Tuesday ninriiing lire 20fh‘ fust’, fwo young geritlemeii.of this placffrifocc'aifcddown,the fiver in a boat, for tlie purpose of visiting, spore of,tlie iieTglibonruig islands, on ii Itiiqliiig egef; sion; arriving lit Stratton's lsliiud, a hole wasbea)Into t|;o ho.p, which fMdered.it impossible fur '.heih to rfilifrn in Her. Af-. ter making shyerql iriteniptx (o. fegain life' sfiore,' at the peril of their lives, llioy foil'd I that there was no other antf rnativo Imt to riait lilTsonie vessel or boat should pass in that direction, by which tuey;might fieVcd.fro'in toffil I—- "pri| furtli fof riny office,' loYinlife efr oXatf- ._ ... .. t lltapji icatile tor some 1 farrison which «o ;Vuh!isli in fhil week's rihotfigetlio same objections tfmfe'f other Gazette—Corii. R. vVe' ffmlrirstnfnl Laves Lcircumstatftos. L«.*, rtf the ry with him lire best wishesof this coptma- shipFrtdtmiir, left Antwerp Octoher 2d, nily. • - I Iml firirigs rio pa'peft; Tlie folfinving is The Peacock Itas a sitit of cotton sails— [ # extract df n cdintnereial letrei, dated we learn from an officer oii have answered so far, verjf next we are in’ hopes to be able to give a ] nlailisifirt, arid'flfiie i# no ilemaiij hiit frit full and satisfactory riritotmi of'tlie tntirtSlffl: printc. WIiteRW MM|$ tlie. marker it of cotton sails— l a j' axtraet or n commercial lettei, dated n,, tin irit ,K„i' I A ,l,lt rirp Hepf. BB-^'llusiries's u'pbn lift on board that llyey |. whole .. alW . ,,'ftWonmin'g Pro- 'cry weft. Ill our ducc of altlcrofs criWottfei lmr. lt'fic' ri- rneut. We are indebted to our attentive corres pondents of thp Norfolk Beacon and Her ald for the following particulars received by the arrival of the U. S. sclir. Porpoise at that port. '. NOT FOLK; Noe. 12. Arrival of the Forpoi'^.—TJie ; U, . S. I is OvCrsiO'iiked' vvil'ti irififior soitf; and til'd}' .areentirely neglecffiil. Tlie crifgo; like that 6f the ship Rising Star, would dot I sell, upon an jveroge above to 1 Iff. Cot ton L somewhat fiiioe.r; hud finer qualities Idnoked niter: inferior niialiiies ’heavy.”— Ch, Cour. mh inst, The report front Now York, 6f the occu palion by the llriiisli riivd-' Ffcheh'"of tlie . *• -r w ~77’"iV -'-7-- r“|0(1» Ori the Dardancdls, a|ipriars’rtrit-tobri •chi. PorpoUt, Li- Com’dt. Newell, arriv- ctediled by thecaptain wliri'brriUglit it — .... cd at this port on Wednesday mrifuing Ajud wo nta'y ihldv furtliei', tltatwe wider; lofotir Sriviohrptlio guards atie'tiding him, ftleditmtanoan, nud proceeded up |,st^\ndf^ tliritf Capt. Grahtrce, of ,tl|e'ship the grateful reittifrioti, qnd other>. The j'nible and efcgaiit figure of Pjlato connects ■llin flrvt rrmilrt mills lliaia«AMil iuL'.-I. go the Navy The Porpoise loft Mahon on /September arid Oihn ' The " ea, to, at Main I IHicHinoml,.arrived ril tliW* pnfr yesterday' the.20th 1 from flrei'ncn. tvlu-ncd lie sailpfl-on'iliil' rivu ed.rrntn their uuplejsarit situation.— It they we'fo kept its this uncomfortable Iftlll* ftrmi 1 r Pllfa«ffttv itirtrnSniytill Tltiirt. Grey fi»cro taken otr hr a man riefgfffioUrTng fov'rt'fifScii'rtotO. Christ licjertctil-^Sjthis line pri'inting by Weft, which lias jattheep introduced .into ™/.oorimrylWill he open' Tor qxhibirion un SfemTay next, at Nihlo's sn'loriri, Broad way. TlioTairie of this sirilnrio effort qf art will Jenifer it an object of general .at; tiaclulti. We cxlra'ct a ribltionof.tlre dcs- cripfioit of this'jnlcjiire, froiri tile pen of A D. lit'Cl'oriu—7V. T. Paper, i L u 3Xf. #9Wfi’* ifertU by Pili-4, »T|p nresepts |dm to-,the. Chief Prlevts and Itulyrs of the People, and ro- tldiviyliicll of the two, Jesus or Ifarahas, thoy wish him to, (elease,. "The tyl|qIo.p,f the design! nt; jiny bo (livid- ed into five principjl. groupes,., Qn the riglit of tl.iq.pcrfqipmnce. heforo oiiecf the porticos which, adorn Qjibiia(Ua, or phved court belonging loJlic Pretorium:(a‘itiqj«s- W|building,'tunposedto'likVo.heqn erected hf order, and under lire direction of llefod' the gleat) stands |he-■ n l,rst grou|i, composed \ (nil colours) Extra fine Thibet Wool tfrf do Worste'd /mil Silk llerogc do' Fancy Silk and Gillum dti . J B.frik Italian Lustring * ot and Blue Black G.ros Qe Naples <'; do' do Ijerjlns" ■jet anil Blue Black wide olid iiarrow , Silk Fringe lot dresses WhUo .Ciiiioii Fringe for dressos and . curtains Large.White Cotton;Gnhle Cmd HiltuhetYs, Barsuettsoud Levnntines Black arid .colored Cireassuiiis and, Boitlliazetrs Extrn flue litarik rind Fancy colored • Merino'Clollis Jet anti Idrie black anfl colored licit Ui)dio7l.i Black Italian, Cahlrin tftrd Nankin Grapes Fiaiirodnifrlpl.dll Swiss, Book and Mull Muslin (*, White, btqbk, null culdred Ca'mhrlcs Black and white’ Calicoes' arid Uiitg* haliis ,. Hark Ghlinz Cnlicoas Finilartl tin. till Furniture .ritiiitzes . 10 cases jileachnil and unbleached Hhirflogl , 10.4 Heavy Fletllish Sheetings. Fine d-4 and 4-4 Indigo and Scotch I'laids Black mixed Saltinctts Superfine Blue to Oa.let mixed do Also on hand A few Bales Negro Clollis Sc Blankets wliich will he sold unusually Iri'w for cash Ur approved paper. ,. . isaao Norton. IIOV 18 29.0 ^ ' . , •; K Liihc,&ci 1 K,4| G/VRKS DexterI.irtie- V 20 frills, first qitnlity Cider SO ijh Potatoes IQ ilhtfs first quality retailin: j , gufliUmv , I For dale, JSfidlhi frO|t;, ship Rlf« & Abhv, apply tctlie Captain on hnariior jg v. J. STONE. nnvin , .Cooper’s New Novel. r|111^', WEPT QF >VIS(I TON; a Tale, ^bv,the Aatliot ,0; , ei'icrAm—; I'rohi tho Frejich. !‘L«tNo loll'd tlimider roll nlnrifi tlie slvios, Clad iniiiy yirtpe, I t)jo.s{orm dospise." '•Indeed,” »iiys Peler. "liow yinir lot I bless To lie -so sheltered id sd thin it dress.” [poa Tirit S.!Vj^nnau Uvn 1 fiai.tcan.) , . , Lady ! fn'rgiye my nrislriiiig Into, , If iioir. it’s /ouriu'd by sfriiliger hand,f . Its chord;, "dear girl, liaVe .fmig bpeif nitfte, Its strains Itn'vo (fed tp^fairv larid, Hut still fitr filer;,-1 jfe tretiililiiig str ing Perohimco will hroallte some chorMli'il i ' wu'o; - ... That rouitn thy soul inay memoj-y. flliig, . When thou .A [,pens1vo’ nriia alone.' Ye;, I ti'ill striitglife silver chords,', T’lfa'i, wrapt hj silence long have hung ; Tliough t.ltcy slreiuld breathe hut partin' parting .,. wordri, , ■ ..... Tlre.req’iiiohr of ri .child of song'; iliov jiglit tire pl'igrini's (r.ilfi nf wo, - , Wlteii sorrow’s clouds would intervene; And fill fii.sscfiiiyjlh.'rnpfifre’s.glow. When no bright my unearth Is seem : For wife if ,1 sfntf. toy tlmtigltts on Itiglj, (To fairer worlds deliglited rove; And range hi b'o'worxbeyond,the sky, WlfoVo sorrows Bease, and riirfs love', H'ARWfN. ■0"" nriii), m-'. Mrs. ELEANOR llLLCHEU. wife of Air, Will. BV-lohcr, aged 00 years. MAUINIO Is'I-S'E. Jtjoitt OF SAVANNAH. ARRiyED. I .Sloop Swallotv,' rut Ogechoc. flOO - ihusltels Rough ltir.e ti>' It Habersham. Sloop Allas,' Hubhall,'. Nowholii N. C. 6 ds., Corn, Bacon und Llird fo 11 Haber sham. 1 ,, . , , , , Hlnttit M|ll Algid, fm, Haig’s Plude,' 1100. bifathi.K, Rice to R Habersham. . i fMoop Alaihtws, Pierrre, WiHiams plafco OdO, buiii' It,, Rjcc to- Hi I laberslnun. CLEARED, . ;> i, Sears, Providence. SAILED, rpe, Bulter, Liverpool Porter, New York. Donnell, Ilavro, *80,000. Till3 NEXT ORAin.VO OF THE, Millcilffevillo Qhisoilic Hull LOTTERY. Will take pjaea on,Friday S7tlf just. S C I f il M h ft 5 ft 24 Prize of do do do do do do do do -do do do do dor . jfco.'OOQ f . r i,noo fo.ooir 6.000 l.otfo 1 notf axitf 70a orro yob ^oo' •a icc. A-ri. lW The above Ca'pital Prides" rife, still un- urawii,'. , , , Tickles, $10 Halves, ft ” f’ . Qiiaiters, 2 fttf For sale nf v , KPPINGElt’S lottery und Exchange OJpca ^ ti ov 1 S' . “The Pioneers" "The Prairie," die. "Jliil tllie is dead 10 l;ith—to all— Her lute hangs silent pit the anil, And on tlie sluirs tml ut lire dear Her fairyitbp.trheard);p inorc." ^ In two voliiinct. A Belpc.tlon from |ho Piitllp aiiil Priran Cu'r(i.*pn[n|eqco .of Vjf'o.ddniirnl Lorip Colling,vood ; infcrsperjrd with Metuolrs of hi! life, jJusi a'ecmved by nnv.if ... I AI. l>!U3C01,t,. ... a Aii Bjifiow/ f NFORMS liis friends and the pukl'it tluit lie hat,opened . A Drug Siorc qn lire corner nf l|rnui*hlon street in Ccl, Marshall's In Ink buildings near the cfil-ro fie niters for soli) tire best' of Alarkt nitil Alediclncs. i»}iv 16 ' , lflUfri.; -——=— Driij . A ii 0 vfcrseer, Wanted, A PPLY to the ptiriten — unitl ■ a v y PfMi „. 1826, JLL lias just a Anicrifciiii Mo # * Siife.j * . £oB.SKVTWtllKI HQ?. At. BRISCC.... .. . . ceiveit the Auipricau MonthlyJfr, az'uiefor.Septetnlier:,, , , ^CONTENTS. fin trie! Gratuitous,,A'dmhd<i.r.ri!»J 5 Justice; EI.J11I1 nnJ Elisfiqi N.itiopallf ler.itnre; Mortiin'g ; Tlio Downer's J 1 ",' iter. N.ap'deou ; *8trrgl ,p( fflalilsfl Lines suggested by'a Dreari). Rcw/eu— A 'J'ukcn fnt 1630; Sappli'o iii;|l LW ,J “ Review—A Year in Spain—t(y a.yfflfs jtuiojlciiri f Black Hdrbary,. F/' 1 , 01 ’* „ . hie—Shelley's Posthumous foetus ’, I »• slave. Pilot (y—By 4I10' EdUor i Chantry, W fish ill ^trfn j S umuutVy. ' nov 4 Tlte’ Savanfinti Stc® lticc Mill. fy H IS-os:rib|isliW't.cnnmicncBl f; rati'oVis fttf tlie qbrisori, lire of this uimi-h, and'htfvin'g heat »H tl' 1 * rice on liaud’Nti'mv Indaiuplete file reception.tif tlie new crop, liarinsf 11 *' IV of rimin' »Vi<l separate bins (or f 'flic mill will lie kept suing uigM 1"“. as soon as 4I10 supply will wnr.ronl it— It THE NEXT DRAW IN 0 OF Til E Mill edged l lk Mason ic thill LOTTERY, Will l.tLn islitna <«■< It'riil.jV Ofllt sik! ' Will'take place oji Friday 27lh iusr. SCHEMEi 0 4. & 5 y Ii Sf-2 prize of dir do‘ do do 1 u t. (io' . 011 do .. ■ t tio: ,dri' fl30,obb' lftltlDO fo-qpi), 0,01)0 1 ,'o.ob . no,o 600. 700 flu,tt. 01)0' 4»o, fwo 100 100 siniii as tii(7 oiiiikiiT »»m 1 1., flow asWrfain’oiithat frritnliO (o*IOO ' fell can liri cieaned in tho 21 hiiuri ’’ »*• ^ijiC arid'iff,icIiVu'erylieing first sate ® , lilunteVs.seudimf fieri to this mill t" a ) qiilato wiihhynifqw days when they W", ocive it rctitly. for, market. Tlio a™.. i furnish .liarr'ols tvl|dnovor required at qolils .eao.llj and ivill.land rough ngiiJL lire deck of vessels at half a cent per . Tho proprietors Itavc erected ot; lire j*** 1 mf brick s'cs a range of very secure «s fiie'proa Iptildings covered with slate, for « L sR^sttarJw Factor, when tlio parcel for him is co't* dod. that Ire may determine in tuna rej^ ft stoted or receive U from the null as ns heat. In case it is not lakcn.away■' , turned oat of the ||iill,.it_.viU 'j 10 store and .KbssMftsI cbaiM'madfjaf^ per week. A constant suW o'f j"" ( i( and rice llour'nityajrt’.on.hand W ^ large or Slltall quantities. Vo tmy particulars, ap,dy «.-rio M,M ( . HALL, SIIAI'TERW (T7“ A lew gootl Conpors WWffl 1, HioMilltr>svliomJIIS por month given and found. ‘ , oct 31 ■ ; Tha.ali.ova Capitals nrc still undraw n. Tickbts. Rio 00 IIalvus, .. 5 00 QtlABTKBS,. ...S' 1 2 ftO For sale iri ri great variety of niimbais at LUTjW.S nov J8 an “Eftliani(6 Ojficc, Uemoval. linues tltq Faotprage ness, ffli. p. DO' octal'