Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, November 28, 1829, Image 1

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No 242... Vol. XXVI SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 28, 1829, .V* Effingham County, INFERIOR COURT, Jui.t TfltUr, 1880. | ^\ ,l,o petition of Wlllltlm Morel, sta- Of line (He existence It Ion and praying ,| 1C establishment of n certain pro,nissory note inlnlly and soVcrnlly mndn nntl signed lwwffimJ.Mulr.no. and WII Q Porter, both late of aaid county deceased, .tntoil Effingham county, lath February, 1 A payable to ll.e said William Moral, or '|,r' mi or before tbo tit day of January * a ala ala... .. C lll.ahlu it I, A ll.tll'l *•» ffl, I Regular Communication I emporium of fashion. Mallery & Duffy, Od the Bay, the AVING availed theinsulves of the • recent arrl.nl, from Europe, I ere nut.-prepared to fun,id, their friends and llto public concrolly with Whole Nd,....... Chambers Superior Court, T . . M ... . JUNE 85th, 1880. The Marine & Firo In- . _ sttrance Hank <>f ih 0 Chatham Bn Slate of Goorgia, et al. . * ,Brior Court t»f, 1 JiniMiy Term, Eleanor Early, 1880, cl. of. In Equity, •h«ir line, ihan the,ha,.’‘evLofiS L" "'JSi*?!?*! '*“«»«• loth. William King, or the County of F.ffilng-1 ginpnd llto different Lodges under its ju- I,thcnclintt and qualified administrator. risdlctlon by their proper representatives, nfllie said William 0. Porter, deeqaaed, } rB 'eqncstud •« assemble at tjie GRAND and llto heirs and ropresentntl.es of the said LODGE II M.I., In Millego.lllo, ouMon- William J. Mttlryne, deceased, do shew I n*r the 7th day of December neat, c" ,,e on or before llto lit st day of the nitxt THOMAS I;’. GKEEN, trrniol tills Court, why the prayer of the __ Grand Secretary, G. S. O. i, elitioner should not be granted, and It Is fly“ The Editor Hof the .Savannah Re- fiirtltor ordered that this rule be published publican. Augusta Constitutionalist, Ma in one of llto public Gnaeltes of Ilia City eon Telegraph, Washington Neiv»,Colum* ef Savannah, oncoa month until the lime | »"* Enquirer, will gl*o the above thiee nine. Ulaok, Drake Neck Greco thee far hV. ' " 8X ' T,r,, ' of ,hii ‘ and Oxford mlxt patent finish hr Lon- tReron/tlin rtjd??. tn deWull don CLOTHS. . lit V *" d wMPpWnanl have leave to Sup. blue, black.brown, drab, fawn,steel l hC ' r '*! d 8,11 l ” t,le nilws fs ...I • a 1 ; Oimninled for shewing cause theranf. Extract from the minutes, JNO. CHARLTON, Oik. inly 18 1»T|«- M. Prcndertfnst. H AS received per scltr Francis, from New York, dapr lllk Palniarine, 8«pr Fancy Velvet Prints, Supr English Ginghnms, Papr 8-4 French Itomh.izincs, Spotted Crimson Katlinets, Hlk Satin Le.nntincs, Orcen Sill; for Umbrella covering, llllte Worsted llraid, Scarlet and Oral. Cassimc e Shawls, Fancy Chintz do lllk Nankin nnd Canton Crapes, llarege tldkfs < nd Cravats, Superior Lawns, and Linen Cambric lltlkfs Blue nnd Brown Cloths Casslmeres b Snllincts, Wondsuick Gloves, IlnrsesUn do Lined do All for sale low, At No 8 & 14 Gibbon's Block. ocl I 880 Treasurer’s Office. NnvKMDKR 8, 1820. I T¥lUR average prlco of l-'lonr during the I JL last month 'wing 88 7b per barrel ol f HID lbs. ttread for the present month must weigh as follows viz: It 1-8 cents l/>af . 2 lbs 11 oz 8 1-4 •• •• I •• 6)1-1" Of whioh all Bakers and sellersof Bread will taka due Notice. M. W. STEWART, c. T. nnv 3 weekly' insertions, nnd forward their counts to the Grand Secretary, net 15 SlUl mi Black ni h a *, ” ,v ,,, P B, ldf article for june 80 I'm ’ k ' Cloaks nnd Groat Coats. 1 10 Bolng supplied With a lull nnd ftrst rate cum,dement of New York and Phtladelphi Wnrkmen, from the first establishments.. thoy ere prepared to make up tho above To rent. I I P®?* 0 .™ against The stores near Market square !mlclos°in a H^^that'cs^ t f iu° *1’'’'"’ ,l """ of * S<Br «W’" y «IM prawn! t'^n occupied by Ebenezer J,nIkos. ' 0S fl > 11 J° P>'-a« duly attested end those Indebterl to sept 29 Possession given Ihe 1st Nov. for terms enquire of M. MYERS IQOt For Snle or to Rent. The subscriber wishes eilli- tlH. er to tell, or ton, for one year For sale. A TRACT of land containing 250 n il. cros, situate in the district of Oi- ntgeburgh,.on Ktllato creek in tbo stale of I SautliCarolina, bounding north on lands ofDaniel .M.tzyck, nnd south and west on hnuld crook. For a plat of said land, nnd terms of sain, ipplyto GEO. GLEN, hit 5 Ex’or. est. of John Glen. Pig Blue and Starch. QA BOXES Gilbert’. STARCH f®V 5 do Pig Blue Jun received and for sale by A PARSONS, Druggist. At tho Eapl ■ e Gibhnn’s Range Vpl 28 ’ourt of Common Pleas wid Oyer and Terminer for the City ofSnvnnnali, ‘KVT„n9. CTOaBn TERM, '820 Mathew W.' Stewart, *» IV Zlonter and Jnlm Ouijinnr «»fres rnmimed to .attend lids f'nurl as «nn Jurors—anil Dupreo Postell, IV. Iwiinons and John Everingham jr. ns mit Jurors, and having tailed to appear, Tlmt unless they file with blerk nf this Court good and sufficient ,i, “ exoana on or befuro the next Term ; ' "’ey ho severely fined; Grand Jtt- "1",'''° 40, Peril Juror, in the ‘"“of 80 dollars, each. Superior Rose nnd Orange Flower Water FIST received and lor -ale by. O A, PARSONS. Druggist, At the Eagle No. 8, Gibbons' range. 8*0 from tho 1st of November next. Ids House, situated on Colum bia Square, corner of York and llnlicr sham Streets—a carriage bouse and stable, with other outbuildings, are attached to the ouse. JAMES BROWN aejit 8 loot Brought to Jail. I N Savannah, on tbo loth Inst, n negro man who says Ills name Is JERRY, anil that ho belongs to tho State of Gem- gin, that lie rnnawny from the Cbataboo- chop river nbnut 4 months ago—bo is 5 (eel 0 inches high, and about 88 years of age;he L of a yellow. Vkjmplcxirm and stut ters when speaking. JOHN I DEWSi j.c. c. ang 18 180 Brought to Jail, I N Savannah on the 10th Inst, a negro man who says his name is SIMON, and that lie belongs tn the Stnte of Geor gia, that he ranawny from the Chalnhoo- cliee River about 4 months ngo—ho is 5 feet 5 3-4 inches high nnd about <5 years of nee—he lias lost one of Ids front teeth. JOHN L DEWS, j.c.o. Dug 18 .Brought to Jail. g'N Savamdlli, on the 10th Inst, a negro | aL man who say.s his inline Is NED. nnd that he belongs to tho State of Geoigtn, llint hn ranawny from the Chatahoncliee river about 4 months ngo, ho Is 5 feet 8 inches high nnd about *3 rears c JOHN I. DEWS c. c. ang 18 180 Aim at usual, For the iccoaimndation of Tra vellers and tltoso who prefer despatch, they hare a full assortment of Ready Made Clothing, of the 1st, til and 3d qualities, cuntisting Coats, Frocks, Contices, Great Coats, Cloaks, Opera Cloaks, Pauls,, Vests, Shirts, under Vests and Drawers, Col lais, uml Hosiery, of all descriptions. t'ANdY ARTICLES. Cloth, morocco, and patent lenilier Caps of Luke Davis’ most approved style Doreinus Si Sydam's N. Yoik. Tnnnt’s Philadelphia, and Towson't Baltimore approved Stocks of all tiatierns Biding Bells, Shoulder Braces, Watch Guards Suspenders. Eanry Spiialfirbl hukfs. Cravats Cravat Pads. Purses. Hair Brushes, Pantaloon and Vest Springs, llorsesldn, Caster, and Ruek skin Gloves, Double Meclmnlc Horse- skin Gloves, (the most lieauuriil arti cle of the kind ever ottered in this market) the whole of whioh will l, e sold at ihe most reduced prices, for cash or men acceptances. N. II. The w hole of site above stock ha ving been carefully, selected, nnd the gren ter parr puieliased direct from the linpar- tersby Mr. D. prisnnally, anil the ready- made clothing nianofae.iiircd Immediately under his inspe. tint:, we fool confident In nssur.ng our.fiiemls, that nothinghasheen spared in rcnderlngpur establishment wor thy Ihe patrminge we have hereiofore liberally enjoyed. 31 M.&D, CARPENTER'S Saratoga Powders, rOR MAKINO CONGRESS SPRING OR SARATO- T GA WATERS. HERE is perhaps scarcely an indi vidual in the United States, who is oot acquainted, cither by experience or report, wlllr the sn'iuary effects of the Congress Spring Wuters at Saratoga Prom thirty to fifty thousand porsnus no •. . -. “alii cs late Will make pavfhrnt to WM. H. SCRUGGS, Adm'r. net 81 JlO. Finch & Warland, DRAPERS AND TAILORS. T „.,„^. A, "' rT *2i'Anz. ENDE R their sincere thanks to their friends and the politic geuernllv for past ravors, and very respectfully solicit w continuation of patronage. They have received end are receiving a rresh and handsome assortment of . summon atrpziiri^E FA'innn.mt.n Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest* ings, tyc. See, ALSO On band an extensive assortment of Faslilnnable Ready Made Cloihing Consisting uf Frock Goats, Coyttci si Vests, Pantaloons, Shins, Clonks, dec. AMO. A splendid assortment of Fancy articles shell ns. Crnrofs, (of the very latest style,) Stocks, Hosiery, Gloves,Himdkrrcliiefs, Nc.Atc.br.. i ■'w'7?.'. v . or ) r ,i " M » No™ York, f.on- lion Philadelphia Kashirins are received, mid their customers may depend on hnviae their garments made in a style nnl to be excelled liy any. and at the slimiest possi ble notice, nnd on such terms as cannot full toplense. net *7 sis 4 Leghorn Ilats. CASES Bolivar Huts tor sale by rec * ivod per ,lll l 1 Flur 'an. end M. PIlF.NDERGAST, . ;Nop b 14Gibbons' Block. oct Cl Ceopcr’s New Novel. TJ!,® WEPT OF WISH-TON >.nn di 'o ~ ,c ' bv 1,18 Author of "The Pioneer*" "Tha PreiHe," be. "lint Stic IS dead to him—to all— . Her lute hangs silent on th'o wall, And oiTihe stairs and at the door Her fairy step is hoard no more." In two volumes. A Selection from the Pnblio nnd Private Correspondence „ r Vice Admiral Lord r, • r V>*°°d ' interspersed with Memnirs or his life. Just received hv THOMAS M. DRISCOLL. nnv iv New Fruit—Raisins aud Grapes. R»C^OOXES Hunch Muscatel Raisins 48 half do Muscatel do 10 jars Malaga Grapes . a Rom ship Emperor and barque Ariiindillo, nnd for snle bv JNO. BENTLEY. Canal Whiskey and Hyson Tea. KT BBl.S Superior Cnttol Whiskcv 50 catty boxes Uysoti Teu I alio each landing from ship .Macon and fur sale bv HALL 8IIAPTKR &TUPPER. tlov £ not i Committed to Jail, A T Coasawhatchie.'on tlm 15th of Mar | . - ■ - :: last, a nogru man named GEOIIOE- ? ’ J 1 ,'"'ll 7 who say, ho belongs to tho Oakmnlgeo rBmn ';" veHlonj of Ihe Uoited Sla es, and Navigation Company In Georgia, of whom T r r o,n ,l "'Jy e,, ,nd,e5 ' and ""’7. , ° r P 8 Mr. Itobeir McCall Is agent; he it about 8i 2 n P'f 8 «- Tl.e crest expense in visiting be ege, 5 foot 7 nr 8 inches high Rr *'"f p< »rtmn of| • 1 the community, (more than nlno out of ten,) nnd tile bottled water, from 35 years of age, July 13 J Inches high J. J. BECK, i, n. n. art ta W.K. OUERINEAU.dk. Committed to Jail* A T Coosawbatchle. on the *6lh Mnfch last, a nogro man who says his nnme is JOE, who first claimed Mr Richard El lis ns his master, but since saya he belongs tn n Mr. J ihn I'hlerco, who lives about 4 miles from Snvannnh; lie is about 5 feet 9 inches high, and ahont forty years of age. . J. J. RECK, i. u. o. July 13 183 Brought to Jail. I N Sitvennah-in the 7th inst. a negro man who snys Ills nnme is JOE, and that he belongs to William Howard of So. >’a. and that hn rannway about one month ago. He is 5 feet 4 1-4 inches high amt n- botit 80 years of ago—he has lost his front teeth. JOHN t. DEWS, s.ot c. nov 8 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the 4th inst. a negro loan who says Ins name is S AM, and that lie belongs in Jnsinh Howell of Eilgo- field So. Ca. and that lie ranawny about fifteen days ngo, he is 5 feet 0 inches high and bout 28 years of age. JOHNX. DEWS, j. c.o. nov 8 State Arsenal. P ROPOSALS will bo rocelved until the 1st of December next, for build ing an AnszNALof Brick on tho Lot op- ""TOunem r.a-1 polite the Guard House, 80 foot front hv tear the £teio« ^ Dantl and Brush, 40 feet deep, two stories high, in aecord- nd eji-ii t i„„ ls midergoing a general nnoe with a plan in possession nf the un- rc aeiveln,! U i' lrovel ! ,on . t ' I,ml thnt he derslgned. 1 Point, Oil. n ni vtvalw rv Inrgo supply The proposals most include tho cost of !, v Vo *\Vi»h»i ru * . ' " ^ n ^ ow Wins*. I matarlnl* ; the work must he tlfme in the fore'inai, -i ‘AnMlstanee of a compo- best manner, and must he finished by the 'Is him ho l,ns ••mpluyert, will 11st day of May 1830. Tho Bricklayers’ & as nocoiiin, n ?i X ?°"- t8 <v<,rl< of 1,10 Car P 8 t>ter’s proposals may ho soparnto or ilie city. terms as any person | jointly—the Inttor would be preferred. A Bond ofTen Thousand Dollars with approved security will bo required, for tho faithful performance of the contract. W; T. WILLIAMS, Agent. ang 1 1731f its high priee. prevents its use to the extent nf be- ingsiirvii c ible, and eonfines it to a small number; it appears to lie It vtrious i vij (hat so valuable an urlicle should he so res- tricted, that comparatively few should lie able to enjoy what is so conducive to gen crnl health in the hot weather of our sum tner months. From these circiimstsncos. Geo. W, Carpenter is pleated to announce tlm preparation of tho above powders, con taiiilHg all the essential substances with .* hicli these celebrated Springs nre imprrg nntedi and fiom which tlie waters of Ihe Congress Springs at Haratnga me precis. I.v amt effectually imitated. With a vion An Ordinance T o repeal so much or an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to permit Markets on ^nn.l.iv, aqd for other pitrpAs. e« ntbermiit shops to he open on Sun- day until nine o'clock, A. M.t passed no the aotli day of October. 1817. _s s .. 1. Belt ord.iined hv the Mayor and Aldermen of. the city of Savannah and llamlets thereof, in Counril assemhlett. and it is Iterchv ordained by Ihe auihority of the same, That so much ol the shove recRpil ordinance as permits shops to he o pened until 0 o'clm It A. U. on Sunday, and the same is hereby repoalcil, I'nssed in Council, Nov. in. 1880. WM. T. \\ II.LI a Ms, Mayor. (Attest) Jat Ct.Kl.4ifD, o. c pro tern nov 4t - • ... “Peabody’s While Lead. rill IE subscribers, agents for "p. aim- M. ■!>’." White Lead.will he constant ly supplied, end now nfihr for sale at fnc- tm v prices, ond hundred kegs of a very superior quality, warranted equal to any maiiufactiire, whether English or Amorl- coil. IIAL1..SHAPTER IfcTUPPER.’ nnv 7 “Yolils” Patent Shot. 'y eon cnecmniiv imiiaioa. vvnii n vici. | raw me ...i. a...- ,.a .. to accoinmnrlaie the public, and to bring T 1 l'! Yhnlcs Pm cm St'hm into i!Pnt*r.il n«o rnftvfininnt uml valnn. I ? . YblliCS Patent 8hot, A Gazetteer of the Slate of Georgia, By the Bee Adhi Sherwood. •Ei'Diro XDtTinn. I860 muck ||, L .. CONTENTS. Map of the Stale, with all III* new counlies and roads. L General description of Georgia. His tory. Hcssi ns of Legist lure. Tienties and Xrqiii.iijon* nf Land, Itivcrs, Gen eral remarks on Lakes. Ponds. Face of she Country. Soil. Productions, * lltnate. Rain. Zoology. Ornillmlogv. Divisions Government. Judirinry. Manufacture. Imports anil Exports fir a series of years. Militia. Revenue. Funds of the Stute. An- tirjnilles. Counties, with their length, breadth, square miles, population, be lax paid b. each coiimv. Appropriations. Salaries of Officers fur 18*0. Religion. Population. Couniios in alpliabeticol or*’ der with chief towns and number of Ac* demies. 11. A particular description of the rivers, mountains, ereeks; counties', towns, villa ges, hanks, canals, mineral springs, bo. in alphabetical order, 111. An Iqiemlix, with a biographical ski’tcli of nil tlio persons nftor whom the couiiiles were named. History of the I’revs, with the names nf the Newspapers in the state, number issued weekly, &c. Histo ry and Progress of Education, Willi the a- mount of Academic and i’nor School funds, and probable number of pupils in- itnlctad. Pauperism. Sketch ofilie snv eral I’eliginot Demnninnlious in iho Sliile, willi ilieir numbers. Cuhnre of sugai rice, and cotton, with a liisiory of the In iroduollonef llto latter plant into Imerh $a CnliUrenfSilk 1,1st of Post Off, es in Ihe State. I 1st of Governors Doe. tnrVFees. Old Style and VeWStyle— Price of entahies, lands. A-e. List Roads. Mendels of Congress since 17. ■ An Act. i„*i'/, tN | d ,h j ! iule 188 fortunate drtiwira ■ in tho Land Lotteries or ilghtceir hun dred and eighteen, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and eighteen hundred anil twenty one, to take uuf grants for tha Wnds thus drawn, and after the tjfna Iftte peo fWd ' vest the game in (ha B E it enacted by tho Senate anti Hotiso of Represeutatlves of tbo State of uenrgtn.fi General Assembly met. and is hereby enacted by the authority of theiame, Ihnl every persdn who was ,v fortunate tlrnwet in llto land lotteries by 1,18 " c,, p " 5,8<, on ,hB *D teenili day of December, eighteen Intudred nntl eigltteon, on the sixteenth day of De cember, eighteen hundred and lilnoteoh, Ion" ,B ,* <Wntl1 ,lav of M »y. eighteen mmdicil and twenty-one, shall have until the first day of Nnvemlrr, eighteen hun dred and thirty, to tnkd out his, her or heir giant upon paying into the Tree- »ury ilip sunt of eight ifollurv. 1 farther enacted by he authority afotesajd. That from and nf- ter the first day of November, eighteen hundred and thirty, tho lands 10 drawn ov aforesaid.nnd nf>t granted, shall revert to and becomo the properly of the Slate. B0 '*•, ' "t* he it further enacted. That Ilrt nnl Bji, ed , l 10 any lot or lots ortand drawn by nrplmus until three years arterthe said orphans thall have anived at • *** P* fwrm.v 0110 years; nor lo' any db l idiots or Innaiics or persons wiio have departetf this life since the/ nr\V,oL n .7'Z 0 '' lr » w » I" "sid lotteries f 1 111 8* 1810 nnd lOCf,and who so esfates are mnepresenled, nor to any lots num ber ten and .me Itiihilrarf set apart fitr tho purposes 6f public education. ,,^ BB '. 4 ' h8 It further enacled, Thot all laws anrn parts of laws militntine n- galnsi this oct. boartrt tho samo 010 hereby repealed. J ,1 8rc ;, 5 - Anilbe H further enncled by he authority oforeinid. That It shall bo the duty ofhis Excellency the Governor, toenuse this net to he published in ,|| ||, 0 UH -i 7 ! "* ,,,B,of ' h . i »S , nte.oiteR a month, until the first day 0 f November next, and Hint bn cause the expenses of such pnhlicn- lion to be paid otlt of the contingent fund. c r. , warren jourdan. President of the Senate. Assented to Bill ■November, 1820. GEORGE Ri GILMER. Governor. nov 19 134|ca AnttonaL—List nf Presidents of the It. oiled HlajfS. with that of the chief otficer- Post Office revenue in the chief towns In U. S. Newspapers in U. S. Ecclesiastical Statisiies. Medical Statistics numbet of deaths in New-York. Pltihidelphin. Wash* inptmt, ahd Savannah T. M. DRISCOLL. 7HiSAHAND fashionable louse, Sign, Furniture t Sign, Furniture 4* „ Ship PAINTING, ILDINq, GLAZING AND PAPER- -HANGING fas,„‘" ’fi ril,er K r,1l eful for former cndPr. J | V * r ’ n ' ,er a re *idence of ten years,*! bou[i„S i ’*y| r|Be » lo 'he public in the a- l>lisltnie’"“ ,l,on * 'I’M-his Es- into general use so roAvcnient and valua hie a suhstitute for iflese waters, Ito has been Induced to go very extensively into the maniifacture of them, to put them nt a prico to lie within the reach of most per sons. For ihe accommodation of the ptib' lie, ngenis will be appointed in nil the ci ties anil principal inland owns to give a general circulation to so useful an artirle ders, a, he find, by experience, and from | ta * will he constantly supplied with nil sizes, and now off. t for sale at Fnctory prices, 580 lings nf drop and Buck Shot, Comprising a full assortment. HALL, SllAPTER &TUPPER. nov 7 Richard Turner—Taylor, (ftorth side of Johnston's square) Snihee 1 rV ^™** 8 *I Window Glass, li a eon ^ 7 r Hangings, tfc. be, . inf *, ' a,,ur, ment of nrlicles in 'ne ahvay, kept on hand, for sale Will, ^.aleZi-.JT h0nll, f ° r I"' 6 lio « ^fel7 ( r h e e d n S u,e nnd dl "‘°* V. MARLOW; act g 208 N p, uying Cards. Notice. A T.L persons indehted to file Estate of Dl. Elijah Gim.ktt, will he tilon I sed to to make pay ment to the snltscrilibr; and those having detnnhds against (lie | same, will present them tn JAMES HIGOINBOTTOM, Ad’mor. tie bonis non. |ivith the will annexed. I Lower Three Runs,($9. C-)Scpt. 7th, 1820. ocl9 SOI the opinion ofthe most eminent oftltc fa cility, thnt the water made from them pos sesses the samo medicinal qualities, ia as effectual in ils operations, and precise in taste, as that taken immediately from the Springs. These ponders are therefore ro- comincnded ns a valuahl remedy in all cases wltero Ihe Saratoga Waters arc pre scribed. Persons on son voyages, or residing nt a distance from the springs, and ill wntni climates, will at once perceive . llto gicat ndvnntnge of limiting use nf these powders, which besides being more portable, and less expensive lliun the hollled water, will keep without injury for any length of time, as they nre equal in medical effect to that tnken fresh from the springs, tltov are cer tainly much preferable from the many ad vantages they possess. ff7“ These powders are superior to tho Seidlitz, inasmuch as they are equally ». perienl and agreeable, at the same lime possessing tonic and chalybeate qualities in a superior degreo, and nro consequently belter adapted to weak and debilitated constitutions than any other cathartic in use. Printed .directions will accompany tho powders. Manufactured nnd for sale, only, hy Geo. W. Carpoiner, and sold by appointment by A. Parsons, Druggist. At (he Eagle No. 8 Gibbon,’ Range. novffj ■“ • .. ru**- 1 ». 1* -• — , I. in CUTTING, MAKING and STRAIN- ING CARPETS with accuracy and despatch. For further particulars, inquire as above where testi monial* will be given to tlint effect, AfcSO PATENT MANGLING done on nn improved principle, by the pioco or dozen. octflO 217 iVcgro Cloths & .Blankets, at reduced Cricks. Jacob Waring, (Gibbon's Range,) O FFERS the balance nf his stock of Nogro rioths »Hn Blankets nt very reduced prices, consisting of the following descriptions: 8 bales Mix’d Plains (all wool) ext Wt, 8 do Mixed Kerseys do 0 do White do ~ do 5 do Cnntnn do 5 do Mill'd Mix’d 5 do llluo and Mixad Snttlnons *0 da Plain arid Twilled Linseys, assorted colon and qurrlit; dri London fiiifila Blankets, 8-4 to , 9 4- do do PotriG do 8 l-3fo 4 i-a oct St SU Just ireeived hy anv It) Jlaisins, Wines, Arc. BOXES hunch Muscatel 1 wW Raisins I 50 qr boxes ilo f 7 jars grapes do J 10 o> casks > Cette Madeira 10 Indian hbls { Wine 90 do do Sweet Malaga Wine 80 hbls first quality Newark Cider 100 boxes yellow soap Landing from achr hVnnreS, and for sale by - COHEN & MILLER, nov 2 Notice. A LL persons having demands against the cstato of John Fay dec, are re quested to present them dulv attested, and those indebted to payment to the .aid dec. to make nov 18 S. lit. BdND, Adm’r. 833ft, House of Entertainment. T HE Subscriber having purchased of Mr. Berk, that well known stand On the Augusta fond, about Cl miles from Sa vannah informs his friends and the public ill general that he has opened it linuso or entertainment for travellers, nnd assures those who may come bls way tbai the best attention shall be paid to llioir comfort av well ns the utmost care tn their horses; Joseph g. ulance. nov-0 8247*1 Almanacks for 1880/ J UST Received; nov 4 Tt 5l< DRISGdLL. Mr. Blake’s Steam Rice Mill, YAMACRAW, H AS commenced potindirig Rice for the season, is iri complete order,and managed hy an . experienced Miller.— Rough Rice will be taken from the decks of vessels at a half cent per bushel—Barrels furnished when required at 87 i-2 bents each. Small Rice and Flotir iriay always .. he had at the—For further informn- - Iftfrf ipply (o";' : ■ • ■ mm O. FdRDHAM, ItdBT. HAjBERSlIAi «ov4 mil liller, or An Ordinance E NTITLED\iSii ordinance to d«fin« ntid determine what length of time a i-ort Warden nnd all other persons hol ding appointments under Connell may ho nbsent fioiri and without the llutitis of t|i.' c ty, before their nppoinl. Cuts shall bade- ? a nn .I 1 * 8 * 1 ”’ “ , " 1 0,hrr penons appointed Bll 'he vacancy or vacancies— . 'Yhereas, grant incnnvcniench.s have *r- l»en, and tnay arise front one or rnora ot the Port Waldens leaving the city, as »*|f as Other persons holding appointments un der council—for remedy thereof *■ , °,,** , t Be i(ordained hv the Mayor and Aldermen of (It.. City of Savannah "id Innilctsthere* f, In Count jl assembled nnd II is hereby ordained by the auihority ofllin same, That from arid after the nice- non tn Jan ary next. If shall not be lawful nirnny poll nardrn or wardens, lo bo ab sent Iromjm, City, for a longer period thaw DO days; and in till* ev-nt of such ubsencS' being longer Ilian the said 80 days, then* such warden nr waidens' uHjJ 0 |ntment shelf he <b clare Vacant, ninl Council nre here by directed to fill such vacancy or vacan cies. giving ten days notice there f. Ski . 8d. And be jt ordained bVauthori- •y "f Ihe same, that if the Clark. Tteasor- er. Marshal. Messenger nr nnv other person holding appointment Undor Council shall alucnt himself for a longer lime than isnl- owctl Ilie port wa* drns.he or their appoint ments shall lie declared vacant, provided nothing herein contained shail.be constru ed as to prevent Council .fretn grantinc Heave of absence an y nf the officer, nam ed in ibis section ofthe nrdinaqco.on their appointing a deputy, which shall he appro- veil of hy Council; and they and timir se curity or secoriiics are hereby -declared to Ik? ‘ qn.illy Ijouiid for Mifck ilpputv 01 depnp lies js fol* themdncipal or princi|JDh. L ; 11 fut tU-or,I inr.1 by aiilhoritV nfllie x.ime.Tli.u ail ordinance or parts of ordinances militniiug nuaii.M this old I nan fee be; aiid ihe. inmc are hereby re- pealed. -. Passed In .Cohhril Nov. 5, 18£0. , WM.T WILLIAMS, Mayor. (Altesi) Mi Mteks, c. Ci nnv 1(1 i Lai SILKS, Cllaitipion & LtuhrDiJj Corner V dibbm' Range, oriilki* ° pellBd n ,ar B fe essortinditi AMorio wnicit /he Soporipr black Italian LutoSlrlrics Jet and blue black Gro do Naps Light arid dark cojoiirs do Plaid do ' figured do Maicehnes, Fltirehbes. Grtj lib Zcltrt Grade Herllhs, Camhleis. Poplins Pongees, Satin Levantines Slnchews and ?arsiiotis Vestings, Silk Hosierv ' II a general'assortment oj Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, nB of which thoy offer whole sale ahd vc- Intl at tho lowest prices, oct *9 - 217||.u electors of 1 Chatham Couh ,, ty. I Friends and Fellow Citizens: AM a candidate for Coroner at the®, lection ini January next, and should 1 no elected, will endeavor to, dischugo duties of thb office will) fidelity,. 6 Vrfrjf respectfully, nov 7 225$ 8 &AUPT, (ho. *