Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, January 03, 1831, Image 1

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jftcr daw I„PP W tlia Honorable tho Court of Chatham Justice* of'j. Cetr'if '“ME.,. for liiaratoy 11 The.#** J® M " fa- orZ".‘l-ah-no.. r thu i 0l ^r*"wX$5^r, Wittiiinglon ward. WM*® 0 ®* „ 4 '' ^ trict Dooly County. Ktuct.no t!4. 7tli dm. Henry County, heirs and creditor* * Wol ' db HOMEdTUPtEB, Attorney inlr l For tfro Admiuistrltor, nov !7 __ xes. size Band Box* Ved and for sole vc- . A. BENNETT. „ i young’s Buildings, Market Squsre. lining about« acres i In the neighborhood fl.ll, 12. 16 a 45—all rAient* known as iota the benefit bf the estate ot Wnt, Notice. In the HafteriorSourt of '7 JANV ARt TERM. 1850. Site Holmww. V Buie Nisi for ton the lieirs and rep- I . closure of ■ Mori reaenUliTea of I; } gage on real estate laiahDevanport, I in the City of Sa deceased. - j vabnah. ing -the fc tfon of sin City of Savannah knowiawad distinguished upaitoflot(nn.4) number four, Trus tees Oarden and Immediately north of Fort Waftie, beginning south at a wall and in cluding the said wall, and running thence northwardly to the river one hundred and nine|y one feet, thence Eastward!/ along the river Savannah seventy-five feet, thence southwardly one hundred and nine ty one feat to thq said wall, and including the said wail; thence along the said wall to the place ofbegloning: Leaving and re serving alweye a passage or road sufficiently wide for wagons and other carriages to past and repast with conveniepce through the said lot from the whijrf now used as, a Ferry wharf, with all anq singular the im provements thereon, which lot of land dis cribrd and bounded as aforesaid with all F OUR months after date application .ill be made to the Court of Ordi- rm „„„ nary of Chatham County, for leave to sell ,| lr improvements tbereon was mortgaged the following P r0 P er, J:T b ' in £ a hv Isaiah Devanport late of tlte County real eilate of the lato D. A. Slrohhar, viz. . .r att%ll A deceased.tn hit life time real eilate of me late u. o.™.,...,. »«.- a ,„| , utB ( f or esaid deceased.tn hit life time one half of l^_»a_d^ Itpror«iB«nt»^Jaymg j m Abraham Richards of itfe city of New York oy deed bearingdate on the second day nf April Eighteen Hundred and Twen ty Two to secure the payment nf the cum hundred in the city of Savannah. Brvan street. O eleihorpe ward, known in the plan of said city as lot no IK. alto, one half, of the southern half, of the westirn half, of lot, in Ewensbuig cily of 8ar»nn»li. being one fourth of said lot. Sold for the benefit of -heirs and creditors. • RICHARD A. BIRD. g cc 3 < Administrator, Notice. A LI. persons luting demands against die estate of Richard S. Baker, da ce,uo.1, Hre requested to render them in, attested within the time prescribed by law, ami rhosapertous indebted to llto estate, wifi make immediate payment to WM. ROB \RT8, Admr. Riceboro, Dec. 1, 18SO. dec 8 ft Notice. F low and after this date the Savan nah Libr.ny for the delivery of hooks, will he Open On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 8 to 5 o’clock, P. M. Individuals not share holders c m hare (he use of the Library on the following terms, v For one year, - JHt “ 6 months tt — “ Any period less then one year *1 per month. Persons holding books belonging tlo tits Library are requested to rstuitt them without delay. - WM MOREL, Librarian,S. L. sept 45 ‘ . . A FEW piei olive, gret on sccotntni ail hy Cloths. lejol handsome blue,black in fie brown cloths for sate sting ternts hy the pice or re ORTON i: FULLER, nov *0 yw’ Shad’s Buildings. < Notice. '■jl OUR months after date epplieation JP will be made lo the Honorable the Inferior Court for the County of Effing ham, for leave to sell all the teal estate be longing th Philip lones dec’d late of said county, for the henefil of the heirs tod creditors of said estate. ELIZABETH JOKES, Admx. nov 8 v F OUR months after date application will be made * n the Honorable the Infctior Court of he county of Effingham for leave to soll'lhn real estate belonging to Willis Spier, dec’d. fue of the «aid enunt) for the benefit sf the heirs and creditors of said ,«.i, V J \S SPIER, F.x’r. nov 8 Treasurer’s Cilice. f Novkhubii I, 1889. T HE average price of Flni.vHnriitwvhw last month being (6 per barret ol 198 lbs. Bread for the present month mast weigh as iciinirr.vts : 12 1-4 cents Loaf Slbslbl Soz 8 1-4 “ “ 1 •• 7 3 4 •* Of which all Bakers and seliersof Bread will rako due Notice. nov 8 M. W. STEWART, «. t. fbou T ; to J&ii, nalatto JL man who stye his name is JERRY, that he belongs to Russel Junes,of Jstkton County Oeorgia; ibyt ho isnaway ibout the 15th of August list, he is 5 feet I 9 4 Inches high and afoht 82 years of sge. JOHN!. DEWS, Sltcviff c.c. OCI fi For Sale, 8 ELEGANT ehd first rale Ratio Fortes, for saliJow, for cash. Also, A Spanish Guitar, and selected Music. J A. BE AULA RD. dec 18 ttSfL Want T WQ BOYS of gi Will be t(kea M Printing Business, Savannah Repubjidn. fund Legi €£ CASES nf t wo thousand twq hundred Dollars ih two equal inatalmeitts, that is to sa7 the sum of eleven hundred dollars on the first day of January one thousand eight hun dred and twenty three, and the* further sum of eleven hundred dollars on the first day of January oue thousand eight hundred and twenty four, with interest ar eight per cent per annum an the said tyo thousand two hundred dollars from the said, second day of April 1822 according to the condl tion of a bond executed by the said Isaiah Deranporno bis lifetime to the said Abr’tn Richards, bearing eyen date with the said nortgage, and it appearing that there was fue on said bond the third day of aeptem her 1844, the ptinctpal sum of one thou .and and twelve dollars and ninety cents, axclusirc of interest thereon, which still remains' unpaid. And it also appearing that the said bond and mortgage with all the right and inlerest'of the said Abrahsnt Richards to the property in the said mort gage described, wore on the second day ol February 1828 assigned for a valuable con sideration to the said Silas Holmes' by the laid Abraham Richards. On motion of McAllister fie Bulloch, Attorneys for the petilioneis, it is ordered Jtliat the Heirsor legal Representatives of tite said isaiait Be yanport do pay into this Court within 12 months from this date the principal and interest duenn the said bond and the costs >f this application for foreclosing of the pre mfses or in default thereof the equity of re demption of the said heirs and legal repro tentative! of the said Isaiah Devanport to the Slid Mortgaged premises be thence forth an! forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered (hat a copy of (his rule be served on the heirs fie legal representatives jflhe said Isaiah JJevanport at least six months before the time appointed for the 'paymentof said sou of money into Court, or published in one of the Gazettes of the city of Savmnah in said Slate once a month lor twelve months before the time sfneesaid,' And that .further and other pro ceeditigs be had as are prescribed by the Statutes in such case made and provided. 8th January, 1830. True Extract from the Minutes. R. W. POOLER, Clk. ten 80 SSJca Fresh Spices. A SUPPLY of fresh Spices of all de- j3L scriptions, just received and for atle THOMAS N TURNER. Druggist, Opposite the aluttiion House. dee 21 f Savannah on the 4tb Inst. • negro pin,who says Ms name is MINGO— beloogsto Mr.Greeo Ball of Fatu ity Georgia. That he ranawgy tur weeks ago, he is 9 feet 4 inches high spdvaboat 21 years of age. iune 1^ JNO. I. DF.WS, ft. c.c. light to Jail. F i Savannah, on the 28th ult. a negro man who fays his name is JOHN or PARIS,and tllat he belong; to John Jones of Houston comity Georgia, the! he rana- way about three months ago, he is 0 feet 8 1-2 Incites high. and about 27 years of age, he says he vvas raised in Virginia, june 4 JpO. I, DEWS,a. c. c.- to Jail. e loth intt. a mulat to man who sa>s his name is WLI LIAN and that he btVongs to Jas. Clark of Richmond County, »4io resides about 29 miles above Augusta, that he raoawa/a bout three weeks ago, he it 5 feet 5 incites bigh and about 21 yearn ot age. JNO. I.'DEWSfs. c. c; april 27 Brought to Jail. r l Savannah on the loth insl. a negro iron who aays Ilia name is POMPY, and thst.he Won*; to MrJCmharin* Me Murphy, of Edgefield Diiltict S. C, that he tausway about one month ago, lie is 5 feet 2 inches high and qbout SO years 01 t8 *'jOHN I. DEWS, Sheriff, c. c. sept SO Brou| I N Savannah < i Fresh Garden Seeds. TfflHE subscriber has just received an JL assortment of Freeh Garden Seeds. which are warranted very superior and of this years’ growth, vim Marrowfat, Early Charlton, Prussian Blue, Evly Dwarf,fit Early Frame Peas , Drumhead, Early York. Sugar Loaf, and Green Savoy Cabbago Large Blood and Red Turnip Be.t Scarlet Tarnip and long Scarlet Rad* dish Esrly Dutch, Large Not folk a:*d Rui ; abaga Turnip Round and Priekly Spinage Ico, Imperial and Cabbage Lettace Rod and White Onions White Solid Cellery P«r«ip - Cnrled.Parsley Orange Carrot, fitc. he. For.sale at tba lowest market price by .THOMAS M. TURNER, Drnggiit, i Opposite tho Mansiun House. dee 7 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the 29tb intt. a negro iron who says his name is JACKW1L LIAMSON, and that he belongs to James Marlin, of New Ecltota, Cherokee Nation that he ranaway on the 5th inst. He is 5 feet 6 3-4 incites high and about45 years of age. JOHN 1. DEWS, Sheriff, c. o. ispt SO # Cologne Water, OAHE JL. 150 doz.-douhle extract, in small foxes, in elegant order, just received from Franco and for uiebj- ^^g At the Eagle No 8, Gibbon’s -Range dee S Seasonable (ioods. - T HE subscribers offer for sale any quantity ol all qualities -of HEMP and TOW BAGGING, with best London manufactured Twine. . . „ . Tallied Sacking and 42 Inch Htstums. London Dock Brandy' and Cm in pipes. London Bottled Porter in casks, of qts. or pints. Scotch Bottled Ale, and Crates ol Crockery IPart:— Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres BUnkets, Flannels, Baizes, and every description of suitable. Btituh Manufactured DRY (iOODS. And eases of assorted Hardware, with a complete assortment of Italian, French, German and India. SILKS are ordered to arrive early In September, Hals. 1 i Us and Misses Ldg- ‘ tor horn Dunstable, just received tod t b r m. prendErgast, \ Shad’s Buildini, oposit* a-ttn ft Pulaski MomnSnt. to it / . p e- demands agai • Netbsrellfl i j^LL Persons Having ta nfH A '°*’ r ’ NeSsrellfld^c. THOS. U, BAKER. lar prices, or on long credit for approved paper, or can be exchanged in barter for Produce, Bank. Steamboat or Insurance Company’s Stocks of Georgia. p LOW. TAYLOR fit CO. general assortment of Domestic Goods always for sale, aog 19 . Chimisettcs. FEW French worked muslin Chun in. very fin®—receiver! by 3HAMPIcj|&LATllROP. hooper’s New NoveL ■HE Water Witch, or tho fktmmar [Sfthe Sea*, by '>'• Swartcope’s P HYSIC DROPS,composed of herbs, proventive against fevers, fire. he. For Sale by I A. PARSONS, Druggist, At Utb Ea e No 8, Gibbon’s ftange. teo t [■ - New (jrootls. J UST received per ships Fiorian and Statira, front New Yoik a large sup ply of Fancy and Staple Goods, consisting in part of[t he following, vizi 2 Pieces M meoni best Italian Lute- ■triog Silk 5-4 Blk French Bombazine it Pisces English Bombazine Ladies’ blk and white Silk Hosery Do ' do slate ji.ri white English ! ColtuO Hose (a sup article) Ladies black end slate colored wor- ' sled Hose Misses while Cotton Hosery Worsted Betraze Hdkfs (assorted) Jllack'J.ore do Prussian and Valencia Shawls Needle Worked and Laco Caps Bird's Eye Diaper Ctoss bar and corded Cambrics Hair carded Cambric 6 4 Cambric Dimity Ladies Horse skin Gloves An assortment of Gros de Nsples Silks and Florences 30 lbs Cotton Halls (assorted colors 10 do while Cotton Balls 10' ps Sattinet (Cadet fit blue colors) £00 Rich Embroidered Belts (latest style) 10 Pieces thick Watered Beit Bibbon 10 BexeaTaft and Bonnet Ribbon It dozen Childrens’ worsted Boots. to boxes Fanny scented Snaps 1 cate Ladies Leghorn Bolivar Hats itaiian sewing biifcs «ud m*u> other articles Ihr sale wholesale or retail at the very lowest market prices by A. BENNETT. No. 1, Young’s Buildings, market square. AleeI, on consignment A lot of ready made clothing consisting of viz: blk Velvet, Valencia and Swans- down Vests, h Bang up Cord Pantaloons, dec 20 A B. Shoe Blacking. DAY h MARTIN’S REAL JAPAN BLACKING. I S Jast imported, in jugs, from 25 to 50 cents each This inestimable compound, affotds pe culiar courishment to (he Leather, will not soil the iinrst lanen, is perfectly tree from smell, and will retain its virtues in any climate—which is more titan what any of the American compounds does do. For sale by < A. PARSONS. Druggiit No 8 Gibbon’s Range, nnv 28 Camden Superior Court NOVEMBER TERM, 1830. Edwin R. Alberti, as signee of Etban Clark, The legal represent*- of He Rule Niei. Falmes & Lee, H AVE just received end now landing from tchrs. Glide aud Othcllo*U' , in New York,the following articles,which aie o8«f«d on Mccominodating terms: SO calks best Goshen Cheeso 20 kegs do Butter SO bbls Canal Flour 20 1-2 do do do £0 1 2 do Buckwheat 10 qr do * do 1500 lbs Pig Hants 500 do Smoked Beef 200 boxes Table Salt 10 casks liibbcrt's best Brown Stout quarts and pints 5 bags Java Coffee dec 20 Silver Steel Razors. A SUPPLY of Jos. Rogers fis 8on's Silver Steel 'Razors, jnst received and for sale by v TlltiM AS M. TURNER, dec 4 Opposite the Mansion House Robinson’s Patent Barley. A FRESH supply of this superior ar ticle, Just received and for sale by THOS. M. TURNER, Druggut, Opposite the Mansion House, nov 18 v Patent Polisbiug Powder. T O clean and Polish all kindsof metal just received and for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, At the Eagle No 8 Gibbon’s Rangfr dec IS CJorks A* BALES 400. gross Velvet Bottle Corks Just received in More and for sate by |A PARSONS. Druggist, ' dee 7 Not Gibbon's Range. lives of Her.ry Sadler, deceased and Ray Sands, , O N the petition of Edwin R. Alberti, assignee of Ethan Clark, shewing that Henry Sadler, late of Camden county, deceased, in his life time, together with Rey Sands, of same county, to wit: on the 12th day of February 1810, being indebted to the said Ethao, in the sum of eighteen thousand one hundred and eighty dollars for which they jointly and seve'aily exe cuted fou, promissory notes of said Etban, bearing said daie.one of which was foi (he sum of four thousand two hundred doit. *s, and payable Itth Feb. 1817, one other for lire shut of fi.ii, iiiOuM.iu seven hundred fit ten dollars, payable 12th Fell. 18t8, one nllter for four thousand four hundred and ten dollars ■ payable 12th Feb. 1819, and the 4th and last note payable on the 12th Frb. 1820, for tire st>,o nf foor thousand night hundred and fifty dollars, together tmking said sum of eighteen thousand one hundred and eighty dollars—the better to secure the payment of which sum of money the said llcnry Sadler, then in life, and Hay Sands did on the ICth day ofFebrua ry, 1816, mortgaged to said Ethan, all that tract or parcel of land on Crooked Creek in said county, called Greenfield plantation, containing twenty three hun dred and twenty five aeres. more or less, originally granted to Dr. David Oliphant, beginning at a stake* at Crooked Creek, running south 89° west 155 ohainv by land of John Clark end ethers, thence tooth 1° east 150 chains to the lands of Jimrt Moore, thence bv the same land now or let* of the estate of SnmusI BraitsTord, Iheqce by the same to the place of begin- ' —and also one undivided fifth part of a trapt of iand, situated on, or uear St Ma rys river, in the county aforesaid called the name Of Catfish Tract, the whole seven thousand t .acres more or less—and also negro sieves therein enumerated, lii.litions that the said money shnulil be .agreeabie In the tenor of said notes, there eet forth, p-id, »• they respec tively become due, and providiog that said mo* (gage should not be foreclosed, until the last paymem was due and unpaid, and shrwtWi* that a part of said monev, to nit : 'levenjhiindred and forty six dollars and 46 cents, besides interest from the I8ih day nftjannary 1828. remains un aid.and praynik the foreclosure ot s*m inotigagr —and tin motion It ia ordered that the le- eal remvsenrativei of the said llrnry Sad ler, saijd Itay Sands niiolliera having claim lo the said mortgaged premises do pay in to this court, the said sunt of eleven hun dred aijd foity viz dollars 48 cents, and in toresi tiom the said 18th Jan. 1848, and the costs nf this application, within twelve montltt, otherwise that the equity of to demotion of the saitl legal represenutives nf the Lid Henry Sadler,and the said Ray Sandsj and of all others claiming, or to claim by them or undet the said Henry Sad ler anp Ray Sands, if. in, or to, the said mortgdged premises, and to all aud eveiy part tlfcreof, be from heneeloilb, and for ever foreclosed. And it is -urther ordered that a copy of this :uje be published once a month for twelve: months, previous to tha time appoin tad for tha payment of said money, in one of tba kaxeUea of this State. A tree extract from tho minutes of the Superior Court of Camden couuiy, Novem ter the 10th, 1880. ISAAC BAILEY, Clk. deo I 231ca$ Savannah Poor House & Hospital. ITIBITING COMMITTEE for Jan V and Fabraary, 1(81. Mcsyrs Jot. Camming and Francis Sor Attending Physician* DrsForth and Arnold. JOSEPH OUMKINCIs Sec’ry dee 29 Straw Huts' •1 CASES of Ladies and Misses Straw /%0 Dunstables, put received and for vale M.PRENDERQA3T, -... 8bad’s Building. Opposite Green h Pulaski Monument. dee tl ,, . Quir v’s ‘ Essence of Tyre. OR changing light, red or grey hair f on the head. WhivW., fitc. fitc. to a beautiful and permanent brown or black. For isle by A. FARSONS. Druggist, At the Eagle no. 8, Gibbon,' Range, br.v. U To Merchants, Mechanics and others. A GENTLKMAN whose evenings are unemployed, wimld be willing to de- vuit: tneui to posting, bal mcicg. and arran giug Books, cop a ing. making out «md ad justing, accounts, or any other kind of Mcr cantile writing. A line addressed to K. \V. and left at (his office will meet-*with immediate attention. •lec 10 l Sty AIM'S PANACEA Aattinetts, &c. a) fik PS Fiue Saninetts /V aF 50 do Common do 20 do .Northern Hli’d Cloth Received by CHAMPION fit LATHROP, No. 3 and 14, Gibbon's Building, mt* 23 Marshal’s Office, Georgia, SAVANNAH, 3d Nov. 1830. rglHE Dutrict Court isadiourned until JL ^.Tuesday the 11th day January urxl, when all persons concerned will give their attendance. JNO II. MORELL, Marshal, D. G. dec 1 T* Shingles, Staves, Ranging Timber and Sawed Lumber. HE Subscriber has on hand and of fers for sale on the roost reasonable terms 1,000,00(5 feet ranging Timber, vari ous lengths from 12 to 20 inches square 100,000 feet fllooring or quartered boards, from 12 to 20 feet long, 11-4 inches thick and b to 7 in ches wide 100,000 feet inch boards 120,000 red oak and white oak staves i b'OOu pine »iuvej» 200 000 shingles boated and rafted Together with a large quantity of joists and scamling’of various sizes, snd ts daily receiving rafts of different descriptions of Lumhgr, orders for Lumber either in town or plantations promptly executed, dec 20 240 SAMUEL J. BRVAN* Fruit and Cordials. O A CASES assorted .French ,Cot- OV dial* 10 do brandy Peaeht* • do preserve Limas Capers and Olivas, for sale by ft. PARSONS, Druggist; nor SO No • Gibbon’s Range. American Annual Register F OR the years 1828, 1828, amt 1829, being site 31 volume of the work. The North American, Review for Ui.to- ber, contains the following remarks rela tive to this work. ■•We have already exprested a favnrab!* opinion of the manner in which site fomim nnntbers of the Ameiican Annual Rrgi, ter, have been executed. The present -1 consider quite equal toi;i(hcrof theniben; and considering it highly important that this work should be liberally sustained, we have felt it a duty to call il>u attention of our readers to its merits.” Persons desirous of subscribing, can ob tain the work from dm comninni emi-t. W. T. WILLIAMS, deo 23 Agent for the editor. Fresh Fruit, 4*®* Aik BOXES Prunes ' r«V 5 bales Almonds i hfci Brazil «•”; S do Madeira Nuts 3 do Filberts SO drums Figs ReceiverTper seltr Othello, and for sale by PALMES h LEE. dec xu Exchange Dock Hay and Flour. @ 3ft BUNDLES Huy, *"4 W 40 hbh Canal Flour, (Ford’a red brand) LaudW ahrpTvbce snd fersslr L*y HALL, SHAI’TER fieTUPl’ER dec 24 W, T. Williams, ffat jin,’ received G OODRICH’S Greek Grvmmav Parly’s Tates of Europe and Amer ica Parly’s Winter Evening Tales Pollock’s coutse of time Willard's Ancieol Geography and Aties Greenleaf’s Grammar American Popular Lessons Western Songster Abbot oa Shipping, by Story Moore's Works, 1 vol. 8 to dee *1 — LL person Notice. demands agiinst A the estate of Jodab Wilton, lata of Liberty ccsnty deceased, will please pre sent them duly attested. Aud those In debted will make payment m ELIAS FORT, Ez’ov. dee 24 V ft. Bank of Darien. D ividend No Rv.—The Board or Directors of this Bank, ban this day declared a Dividend out of tho profits of the Institution, for the last tiz months, off per cent, on tho amount of Capital Stock paid in. which wjl We' payable on and after the 20th Jaurtry, 1830. to tbs Stockholders or their lefcsl repreientat vos. EUENKZF.R 3. UKKS, Cash’r. Bank ofDarieD, Dcc;e, 1890. dee IS L vox the cues or . ., SCROFULA OR KING’S EVIL, SYPHILITIC AND MERCURIAL L.SE.A3E3, Rheumatism, Ulcerous Sens, White Sisel- lings. Diseases of the Liter„ and Skirt, General Debility, l(C. AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM lMFUtg BLOOD. It Is reaommended in internal direasa* where ibe lungs and breast ere supposed to be affected, and also where the coA- stitntion is hroken down by the inju dicious treatment of Physicians, fitc. THIS MEDICINE has the singular fortune, a just tribute to its gnnt merit, of being recommended by the most celebrated Pracli'hnnt of Medicine in the United States and Europe ; whereas not one of. the epuriorts matures, made in imitation of it, has the least eupportjrom the Medical Faculty. This fact offire an argument so plain and conclutht, that it needs paly tv be mentioned to enforce conviction. Certificates are in possession ol the Ag FROSt DOCTOR IT. CHAFISAN, Professor of the Institutes and F of Physic and Clmtcal Practice in the U~ nmrsily of Pennsylvania, President of tit Academy of Medicine of Philadelphia, he, most DOCTOR W. emsON, Professor of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania. Surgeon and Clinical Lec turer to the Alms-House Infirmary,he. fitc. FRO SI DOCTOR VALLKTINE MOTT, Professor of Surgery in the University of New York, Surgeon of the New York Hospital, he. he. non DOCTOR WILLIAM P. DEWEES, Adf t Professor of Midwifery in the U- nmersityof Pennsylvania, he. he. FROM DOCTOR SAUOEL R. MARSBALL, Surgtonof IhcUMled States’ NavalHtc pital, at Netc York, he he. .. A. PAK30N8, at Savannah, Sole Agent for the State of Georgia. dec 11 Notice. F OUR Months after dale of this no tice application will be made to tho honorable the court of ordinary of Liberty county, for prrniirsioo to sell a certain tract uf laud aiiuale in Hulls un ,.,u,ily in tho tnurth district, atnr designated m the plan of said district by tbs number 85, drawn by fiuMii £ Ifilson, orphan of James W|| sun. deceased, tor tite benefit of said or phan. WM. WILSON. Guardian, net 9 * Robinson’s Patent Barley aud Groats. A superior article lor making Gruel. Also— Bsiutuda Arrow Root an old articlo for salo by - A. PARSONS, At the Eagle No 8 Gibbon’s Range. Notice. F OUR months .Her date apphtat on will tie made to tite Ilotmtable ho Inferior Court of Chatham Couuiy. wins tilling far ordinary purpose; for leave to tell a lot of laud. No 138, 13th district tf - Houston county, belonging to the estate of Mums Herlicri, for the beniTn of the heir* and creditors. ' ' JOHNB. GAUDRY. Admr. sot 24 Nails. Hoes,Share Moulds, &c. &c. fkCA3K3 VufNsilt end Brad* r%V V comprising all sizes 150 casks Brides’ pat. Trenching and Carolina Does 10 tons Share Moulds 30 casks round Iroa Tract* * 100 Anvil*,assorted” 100 Vices, assorted 8 tons sheet, hoop, band and boi ler Iron 4 tons blister end german Cut Steel. i SO casks Bar Load 50,000 lbs American Hollow Ware, from Scotch Patterns 30,000 do Canon do do do 20 Suga'r Boilers, to bold 80 fp i poo call* 5 casks Hooks and Hingvs 10 do Sad IroM ' 50 do Wr’i Nails and Spikes 8 bale* Bagging Twine 1800 vets Wagon Boxer W Together with a general assortment oK Hardware. Be fed .^<>^7 dee 7 2S8BN . Notice t s bembv given to all persopr'Jfidebled to MichactCunningham, to mike pay ment tn the underiigned ofl ur before tits 1st of February next, and to all persons ig* ton said Cunningham ... them before that daj, as on that wilt be made among the having demands agai to rends* f AMES ANDERSON. VILI.JAM MARSHALL, Assignees of SI. Cam