Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, May 08, 1833, Image 2

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Sdly Paper, - Country Paper,' -- .• - i Mil V,,,., nnd ia»nu>nta. armrttr ■ - 05T omeg on the bat, ur tue bhicx mntmno ori the c-uniixnor wiiita •— t. tTEnaon i DX0B An P CHEMICAL “TORE , ■- i —- ■"'=■— CIRCULAR ITP officers of the customs. Treasury DEYARTMr.nr, ) S ^ April SOtb, 1833 $ The 7.h eection ofthe act of the 14th July. 1832. entitled “An act to alter am) amend tho several acts imposing dalles on imports.” provides, that iu all cases when the duty which novris, nr hereafter may be imposed on nny goods, wares.' or met- chandide.lraportod into the United States, shall, by law, bo regulated*or he directed’ to be estimated or levied upon the value of the sqstare yard, or bf any othtr quan tity or 'parcel thereof; and in all oases ethers there is or shall be fmposvd any aJ ■ or merehsndiie imported into the United - States, it shall be the duty of the Codec tor, within whose district the same shall • t|e imported or entered.IS cause the ac tual value tlrereoh at the time purchased and pin ce from which liio same shall have been Imported into the United States to be appraised, Estimated and ascertained, pna the yumhei^6T>iaeh yaids, parcels or quantities, and such actual value ol crety One ot them as the case way require; and it shall, in every case, be the duty of the appraisers of the United State* .and' ever; Of theta,v«*d awry other person who shall net as such appr -foef; by ail tho reasona ble ways or raCansi plus or their power, to ascertain, estimate and appraise itie i i»uc ttuu dbiudi «niuc,rtuj in voice or hi' Jd util thereto to the contrary notwith Star ing, of the said goods, wares and bde-cbtindizir, nt the. lime purchased? and Jpltii-" from'whence the same shall have hr. c imported into the United .States, and , the number of such yards, parcclskor qu n» . titti-v. Au i'snch aciuai vai-j*- of every, ni (bent, a ihVcasetuay require,” &c ice. -- ‘E. Dm section of lim umi act pro eider. *Thaiit shall bo tiie duty of the Secretary of thei Treat ary, under tlio di pecti n of the President ol the Uuited ■Slates from lime to time, to establish «neh rules and regulations not inconsis (eel with the laws of the United Slates, as . the President of the United Stiles Shall ' think proper, to tecure a jusr,faithful and . impartial appraisal of all goods, tvarea and .... Ipefcfiaqdise. us aforesaid imported into Abe United. Sistn, uti.i I u,t .iij't proper ^ (totriee ofsuch-ncttial, value thereof, sod ' Of tee square yards, parctls, or other .qiamities, OS' I lie can* n.av leqnire. aed of-Of" I dual value of every of them; and -ft shut! lie the duty of the Secretary of th" Treasury to report all such rides and /eguiatione, with the reasons therefor, ro Ce then next aeeiioo of Congrcey” The Insertion ofthe Act of the 2d March. 1833, entitled “An Act to modify (ju.Act ofthe 14th July, .1832. and all 't - tghere imposing Duties on Imports," de- (dares “that from sad after the 31st da« Ql Decemher.1833, in alfcases where du- ties are imposed do foreign iiitports by Wsct of the 14th July, 1832, out,tie 1 ♦An Act to alter and amend Ihe several gftj imposing duties on imports.’ of by • yy ‘iheriet. sbsll exceed twenty per geqpim on the salne thereof, one tenth p-'-f .'icli eycese ehnllbe deducted,’Jcc . 6< I» believed that by this proTisioQ.and #<•.-» «**iy lo«heexecution of the- law. I*i>- imposed by aoy set of Congress /thereof from nni nTlei i'S0tb of June ascertained upon tbf wi addition to the said it will also be deducted such further per ecatupi as will $0 peewnry to pre»wtfe the discriminntlob In favor of such wines, stipulated in the convention between the UnitedjSutes and hit Majesty the King 4th of July, 1831, and authorised by law It. may be proper to observe that all ma nufactures ol' cQtton.or Which cotton ab;i I be a component pari, will be appraised, estimated and ascertained,and the number of yards, square yards, or otherwise, par cel or quantities, and of such aotunl value thereof as the . case may require, will be ascertained, and just and proper entries thereof made, according to the foregoing regulations. li isuc lie veil that ihe value of foreign Imports referred to in the Act of the 2d of ALirrh, 1833, is oot the assumed value on cotton,ei which cotton shall ben compo nept part, is directed tu be estimated un- dcr tlio act of the l‘4th of July. 1832—m: of thirty cen/s, if not dyed,colored,paiuied or stained, though valued at less than thir ty cents; and of thirty-five cents, if tlye»J,- cojqreg, pami-U or atoinert.thoUgb valued at less than thirty live cent* the square vard. This value is merely artificial, and assumed.by ptevious laws as a means of augmenting* the ail valorem rate of duty i in posed, fo/ the purpose of protection, up on such articles; and the amount of the duty although ascertained by the adop tion of the minimum principle, is the pro portion which the sum collected by the go veroment bears to Hie .actual value ol the article; and. therefore, a quantity of such cottons, costing in fact eighty dollars, bat valued for the purposes ofthp Actwf the 14th of July, l6’«, at two hundred and forty dollars, really pays a duty of 75 ppr centutii upon the truo value thereof.. The Jict of the 2d of Mar^h,l83d, how ever, proceeds'upon'a different principle, and aims at a/iiflerent purpose. It ob viously intends to make an equal deduc tion from the ditty on all foreign imports, ultimately to reduce if to a rote not ex ceeding twenty per centum upon the renal, and pot an assumed, value oftho ar tides imported. This last purpose is nt- pliritly stated in the last clausd of tho 5th section, which provides “that all imports on which the 1st sectiou of this' <£t may operate, and. all articles not admitted to to entry from duty, or paying a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valor em, before ihe said thirteenth day of June,one thousand eight hundred, abd forty two, from after that day, may be admitted to entry, subject tosuch duty, co! exceeding twenty per Centura adva- lorciu, as shall be proved for by law.” il iIja ftr«f wfiieb ffas heoi . dth the for; and we c'srwM a«yar opinion which i-* irreconcilable magnificent and impregnabh he fai« completed aiiice |Hei!iibdj5jt_ t$ie C hirlestonMncu • Consulate of tiie tf. I, iuciii »J. Ci.Evn.WD, ua.p'/.'onsul of hich [iha Uuiu Ji tify, that the 1 Ihe Royal Junta of Frotomedieoto, that the Cholera no longer existed in this city; or iu the suburbs. • - -- 3p > wlwirMif I hnvAt harauntn arI my hand and attired tho seal of iny fficc. nt Havana, thi* twenty-sevauih da\ of ApriK lo the. year of uurri.ord ooo thuusand eight bun- dr sd and thirty-three and of the ludcpcndcacc of the United ■'itatoM Ihe fifty-seventh. It. J. CLLVKL iNL), Acting Consul. } \V DNESOAY APTBaWOON, Mav 8. 1833. Mr. Yoevu; of South-Cnrolina, may be expect ed to officiate in Christ Church, this evening, at 8 o’clock. - We copy from the Auguste Courier. the »tatemviit made by the President of the .Mer chants’ &t 1*1.utcrs’ Dank of that city, of th«> extstiog situation of that institution i he hold ers of Bills can judge of their probable va'iie if they can make any calculation from this statement; for ourselves, we see but !it‘l« to hope for, as much ‘^depends upon the, price* Which may be obtained for the Kent and I'e? sons! Property, owned by the debtors ” x\ c nwy notice this institution hereafter. .A Coiniuittie of le cu g ntlc^ -n on the part <rf the citizeoa ofCoiuiubus on Dm £tHi> nlU. invited .dr. 1‘onsTrn, who was then in that town, to a public dinner, which ho decline,., owing to the shortness of hi* stay an inuiqjetj sable engagements. In the present d nrtb f lews.we return a* we ever do—with feelings of pleasure—to ^hot we call the domestic nUmrs of our ** cUssic Citv.” Instead of leaving—as is cu«totaary with many of our much respected fellewciu zens—their Savannah homes, in the pursuit of health or pleasure in Northern sections, ire have endeavor id to persuade .them that both may be found here, and in contff .ous localities on the Salts. - We bnre invited the mure weal- thy, and all'others who really havo the inter ests and prosperity of Savannah at heart, to make n trial of the experiments we have sug gested: Cottages erected upon the pian wc d<MnoM!t«?d •voel'fiu py—»r*ixt ready referred to, expressly provides for | demonstrate the capability of thssi. residences thr deduction, after the 20th >fJune 134-’, of all excess of fcreign imports a ;..“ vc :w«~r,;y i-eiiium uu v«Su«j ihercoi*, which shall have been imposed by pre vious laws, and to which they may then be sahjeu. The, object ol tbue establishing a geo oral ad valorem duty on foreign imports, and ot t quulizciug. the rate, can only Uv atta»uc(Li>v calcoJatiDg thodnty oulthe red, iriitcudof the assumed value. This purpose is fnore particular manifest fro:;. ;h ■ !«»;. oi tue third section, hicli proyides, that from end. after the 3oth of June, 1842, “tho duties rpquried to be paid b> Jaw on goods,wares*& mcr chsudis^shail he assessed upon thb value thereof at the port where they shall be cn fo» Oil thu porposoa of. health, or rationa I en joyment. Titerefs no other city of the imio:.; with Ihde salubrious, sen breeze localities « near it, that would -o entirely ucglcCt them for another,” bpt as wc Uclieve nut a •' bett- ctirac.” Theretnfs near the Castern Reach of Tybee, an Hotel with considerable dimensions, which if continued to the present time, wouto have made the fortuucof any enterprising man: bul, it has t>^ SulTered to become a lieup rf ruins—as we are informed-few, or none, L r««orlm* to a hrsrh presenting a fit!! and Lcuul- Ics* view ofthe Atlantic, dashing its white- capp ed wavss at your feet, invigorating oy «ts strung end regular breeze tSe lassitude ofu city life, on i giviug a f.-esli and cheering stock of spirits to the sufferers from enntu. a AnotUi •Q T' / where that is the farm, ahi) Vp v c otherjqaautny pr parcei inca- iii*duly l# ou imposed by. .the •q. r r>i;aDd that conseqnetulv the i ’^ conferred bytheDthsedtioa > 'i3t fiecesxrily he exercised, for fTec'tlal'bMcmipnof th said K 4 March* 1x33 'whig role* and regolitidn* are hT rr »>blwhgd. aodetthe direction of Joeehlawt otthi' Uuited States, for Imx.jhaW of securing a jusi.taithlol and ItoM-uti »J appraisal of.ill goods, wares M nd •hK*u.harulbse imported, into the United fStnivstfrwra nod after the 3lst December pwv* jo?* aod proper cr.uii* of Ihe actual value (hereof, and of ihe •qture yards, parcels or other quantities, as the esse may require. In all esses of ad vtlofem duties under the Act of tbs l4tb July. J8£>, «, r any o ^ter act, the regulations at present auth- ttrised by law, for gseeri-iinin^ tin? aetual tal will remain unaltered. With r«- qpe . tu those angles iiablS jo n eiiecitic duty • 1‘ier deiy thaw that of ad v.do «»*. the.actoM vales thereof at the ‘rime purcl.nu*d,and gJacefiom which the same gnU have been Imported into the United Plato aria the country wherein the wnio may bare been originally manufacturer! Or produced, as tha ease may he. will be tppraUsd, estimated and ascertained, and Qi« .numberof yards, or squage yards, tens, pounds, galloni* enshefs, or other f eels or quantities, nod such actual r.i- ofeny of them as. the cage may re ire, anil just aud proper entries thereof ravie. ii the same manner kccording Ip W wow -mifikisi «d£re required wy *''* sv d ,*£i ofthe 14lh July, 1832.nnd ^w4n Jbtoo lo regard to the , hd valorem duty5 and in i ^ pa tfie same verification of in tomy* aaj!i*>mer proofs will bs required Qud'produpod -♦ arc at present aatuorized ^ respect te uticlee liable by previous ifils to so ic, v. i .rem duty. • TJ»e value pf such quick* being thus sscertalned.the prpporHon, which ihe doty now paid hi (Qch articles beam to the said value, wil. fe coJc^Iated, and froni-ths excess thers- * «f Uyoiid iweoty per cetitom, there will Jc deducted, Irotn sod after the3!stof Decemhcr next.ten per esotnm; that is to •ay. where suds proportion shall be equal P fifty psr ceotu.ii, there shall he deduc- tnred, iiuder such -regulations as may be W«**h creetea with stronger ami mure perma prescribed by law.’ 1 Each of those neat mate iaUtbar was the othsr. upon cl «v*e* relates to the nctnal viilne of the lurfign import, end they differ only in cetimatiiig that value; previously to the 30thJane, 1842, the value in the foreign country. Iieing taken an alter that time, the value at the port 0! entry. The object qf ueiiiier can be. nccumplishud at *v*V P««jud, uy, adhering, viiiier to the honiiuai value assumed by previous acts, or-to tho lateof ad valorem funded upon •uch assumption^ all huporutions of mauufietures of cotton tnerefure. or which • cotton *h>!t boa «•<> npoueot part,after.the 3ht *»f Re . camber, 1833. the..value thereof will be 'eccriainfd tp'tjie ntapupr. aloresaid; and- from the amount which the‘rate of duty nnilsr the A*!‘et'.hf !4th;ef Ja!~. ?8i2 or any uthf r act. shall exceed twenty |>er ceQtu non such value, the deduction re qntod 6v tl.e Act nf the 2d of March. 1833, will he made according to the fure- I* tuica. . . . mJ . . j , Though tlnuc.jfulet a»U regulation, -ill nut go io_Ii. effect until - the liril ih Jnqolry in-xi, tl;e, have been th,,. ear], -, )nr 1 : !■ rl aun m-ne public for the purptuc of Hieing timely iioljce to ,Ue jnaoufac. itir. i oiij merchaiiu, anil all oiliar, con crrfic-i; .in.l e.pechlly agio th. .uriOoa- iion.by- the C611.I1I, n /ru.nJ.of ,h, ib.oire, of/mporiajiime til Ilf nis ie after Rut •“«<. . . * ' . “ ,. \ / Coriis HLA/ifi, ,* Secretary of the Tiearuty. dicing'tip the whole.—Tlio war of word. 13 (lot ,.4 envied in Chail.,ion. The " f .'! n n er " -(Vnioni and rlto ' Mercury ' (Su'liJUation) hare lately ..e,I high” op m tlioee “high matter,," of eitixeneuip, ■o.ereigoty, allegiance, linii, of ihe no tion. Ac. 4ec. The Courier in one of ii. recent article,, brought forward va ioj, quuitnion, to show the riewe of Jeffeinon and other lalhere of th'- church—and eon elodiog with the following aulholity: “8. Laetf,. what did JitlmC. Calhoun,- the anthor of nullification, with iie'ihoo eond hereeiee and .comyleae evil*, mean, When. To the exposition of our legialature, in 1828, penned hr Itlm, be declared that, “there are t ro, distinct Md independent • rereigntiei,” ip opr complex ayetem— •'tooerrignty in tlio United .State,, in re gard to the purpose! of the Union, at well M aorereignty in the eereral Htxlee for etaie porpaceet" And how does tho Mercury rebut tbece cute menu! Hear kirn! ~ “Knowing thatmanyof our reader* ate tired id it, we will net. contioue our eon- troverey with the Courier on the eobjeet ofthe Independence of|he eereral United , _ , . , - - notice to tbi. Con.olute, under date 2DtU mrt.. Ofsx «- P *A* J-*AIA Hear- Meeere. Caiboon, and Hamilton,- and Tyler, and I-’lovd ! What say -yeto- thi, CKUtiiii bnt.imjucreet concession of the oiiject oi rour faithi -Wnat- after thn Mercury ha, so warmly denounced the President's Proclamation fur calling u»,"o»e people” “a tingle oation," dde, it. own l-'ditor admit.that “to the extent ofthe authority of the Federal Qorern- ment, the Statsa United (do) constitute on. nation J" As for Mr. C- he is constant ly going for some “insignificant theory," Iu 18IC-.17 hois fora jeptemliil govern ment—and declaring that “but for thii Huff about Slate liighte.aet altotilti me to be the greatest Empire in the world. In ! 3r-,3i,' he goes tor the oposite" “magnificent theory,” and ia for each State. nullifying the act of the great Empire! Up ii’ 6S,t ip tiio eAtroiiiea—ooo orir A Jnnpsll. H. Thoinp- Girard College Tfc»r»r„,. O ’ T ust, lias .cH."?:' “'Ii ng, Jos,pit Riley, to the Ctt, Council of. PhiHr^ 1 "'’ receipt of two MitEiuM of ln l ’ hi8 ' '1 the Truitoes ofthe OjEL froi aim. or three dollar,; and from and after ■7I10 2idt December, 1835, the like dedoe Son shall he made from the exme excear, or ten per centum upon titirty per centum the 31«ol December «8*. Iron, aedaf iei which, u-to bait of tjy.fBgfciiftdfih ff«<r will bo deducted, apxl tho- other “ r : f094|MV Std ten per cetrtum upon thirty per ecu. rilale., further than brieBy to reply to it, aim. or rhre. H.ti, n . .wi r, nn . —t -r— questions of jenerday, by aayiog tbat iu quotatinn, only go to establish what we admit, rixs that to the extent of the an- thoriry ofthe Federal Dorernment ia the serefally, and not in jU-lf. IfMr Cal auhD meant M), tbloi: else bt ihe a*s#r Iloo quoted «the Courier, he way in cry e lillle farther, iu the rear, >o a* to guard u ga’uivt caeualties which might occur from a tern p«t—like that of 16-Jl—uuco in half a ceutur> would uuaply com,icn*ate. aud indeed enrich .soy individual to well qualified far the n'd?r taking as the gentleman under whose auspice, our City Hotel is conducted, in the meauti , •» oleum-Ik»aI pljriog dally frum this to Tyln nod back, would find its account in the larg. profits that would ><i«ult from the enterprlr. Governor Troup.-*TbU diitiuguisbed mat Vidua I bus been c.iljrd upon by many of lb. dc uocrAltc priut*, tij como.it to becpuie a ca- didata.for the Gob irn itorial Chair; whether be will yield to their solicitation, we cannot pretend to aay. Tbt| Wuahiagtou AVw* rci'er •* ii “““ !, V* vottgbi ta mine th; which certainly never can. be erased from lb. memory of every patriot ciiizcur-tbe services aud trials cncouat«ri|d daring. Itis admiuutra tiou. anil the successful mnunwr whl-h 1.- tained the rights tmd dignity ofthe State. Jt«*>•*- v ‘ ; , j j - “Jutlging from th. many indications n ha.o sceo. welliitik ft certain, if Gorernor Troup will only etlnsrni. that lie will lie roil by hi* party. Mr the office-of Gorer nor ofthe state. Tho people cau tteret fotget the distinguished senlce* he rrn- d-red the state, when her ri2hts were en dangered—her libi rties threatened—tier lerritirrial jurisdiction denied, and her so- reignty riilicul.il. The strong arm of fod.ritl power was tpuentled o»er her, dis i-ttgirding alike the justice of Iter cause, and thr ".'ip-irtalter ol’lhe principles iaroltcd in the controversy, its poieney, by execu tive direetioa.wwiej he the arbiter ofright aud the decider of the contest. . The im- pntenev of executive tltrcats. wav defied, md he ntaie poised ou her sovereignty, was prepared 1 toteitst’unt.. death.gorero- mental oppression odd federal usiirpatinn. At that time, Georgli was distracted by patty-excitement, and tent-asunder by in ternal divitiors. (let suiter-slates man! Mated no interest in h*r cause, no feeling lor her sitnation. Thfongh their l.sgis- ft'lUSa. lb t treated 1i»r with the severity ofcoM neglect, and her canse with the cruelty of. bitter oppotkiinn. The Press —the palladium of out 1 liberties—levelled the (hunder of’ It* erdllery against her course—end public opi*ion,wiih its migh ty weight, was prepared to grind to pow der. the ehampjon of lidr rights. In that dayir fearful responsibility. Taber was superior 10 the dtpgtnby which he was surrounded—snd by firr*ness of purpose, energy of action, per,cn fance of conduct, and wisdom of counsel, hh achieved a vie. tnry, (bat has done more 1 (or State rights and Southern interests,'than any poe, •inewthe memorkhlc revolution of 1801. 'V. rvgrsi to Irern (myv the Charl.stoo Put ot Monday Ust.l Oat the Hen. Undo* ■ ’irevns bed his trie broke, a ft v days ski*, in goanqnsnse oilbinpKtSui ol the ntego be- -eenAnnsU end ftsvannh. The driver -c else thrown Csss bis srtrt, an* rnretva* s JrraMt injury. Assistsace wst Inucedi- ^typrWhfsij, ud wn both dttieg w.U, A rroclnmanon of the Governors, announce tha following elrgate* duly elected to the Re* duct ion r’onvontion, wJiicUmet at MiUedgerill* dtj MpudoiAU»t. ,)V.o have deferred iu publi. cation to tlii» period, nulling to record tbera A* ftl'SritiiUy mn'rf*. T 0 -^., rr .,su'w 9 {||. doubtles«j furnUb aamw iufinnation of their proceeding* » . Ji-# Sifss G. Qaisps. If. Stadifaut.* Baker: » Baldwin: E. E. Park, Tomlinson, Fort Gre o Jourdon. Bibb: Wm. IJ.Cono, 11. VV. Eilra, My- rom Bartlett. , * '* Bryan: Nathaniel Bacon, - ClinTles Otarr. Bulloch: Peter Cone, Malachi* Den mark. * 1 Burke: Wmi E. Evans, Enoch tiyne, A J. l.tnvaon, A. Pemberton. Bulls: Parham l.inilspy, Gustsvu^ (leu j drick. Georao T Speak Camden: * rcliibald C.lqrk. Horace R. j Ward, John 11 McIntosh. Cpnifjbtlh Francjs Iiwii*, Thomas Mc Coy, Edward B *Thoni|»sou Carroll: Willntn O. c>j>rincer, Chris pher Howen, BoZPrqw .*dair. Cass: David l-'.rcrm. Thompson Kpsy. Chatham: James M. Wnvne, Joseph f. Jan! son. Win. C. Daniel, T. U. V Chrirlton hP'okef. John Taitw C».*rp«* W.l.nmn. kin. . •* Clark: Edward Paine, A. Hull, Joseph Lignn,' J'lhu J.»-rdainc < 066: James B. Waller, Thomas White head. J<u. Columbia; H Lamrr, Nathan Crawfard, 4bP Wm. MW’r;v«n Coweta: Owen II lvctian, John Griffin James Thompson. Cratofoid. Henry Crowell. T. Mont- ford.'Thomns Garrett. DfCa/irr:l>nor.an Curry,Richard Simms, M. If Moore Dekalb: Charles Morphy, Btepen Maya, John Dobbs, Wm. Ezzard. * * „ Dooly: Thomas H. Key, Simeon Rob* etc*. • Early: Solomon V. Wilson, William C lltiflon EfrzhiT.. Clem P-iwrrs, J. WsU- bouei Elbert: William White, Simon Oliver James M. Tme, Wiley lliompsun* .Emanuel: Stephen Sivain, John R, Daniel Fayette: Morton N. Burch, Simon Whitaker, Tandy D. King, fhyd* Jatiics Hemphill,|P. W. Ilctnp- hlH, - ‘ Forsyth: Reuben Sams, Joshua Mar tin. \ ’ ■Franklin:,Thnm. V Au*U»iAn. n .h^i Martin. Thomas Farmer, J unes Morris. (Ulmer: Clcmouds Ciuiljiyo, • John IV. Bramlctt. Glynn: Daniel M. Stewart, Thomas B, King, Charlce C Cooper, Greene: Oliver Porter. Nicholas Latvia, Tin mas F foster, Win, C D.mxon. Gwinnett: John U.'Pnrk.Thomns Wor th v, Wilson ritrickliiod, M, J. William;*. J hn Brewster. llaln1 sham: ■ ■ »■ ■ VVoffprtl, ■■■* Chris i*au, llulcombu, ■' Blair, Hall? Win. II. Lnderwood, Henry L. ims,A T Garrison, S.’Clark, Win. E. Wilson Hancxk: Joel Crawford, N. C. Sa*r?. G. Ilohcv, Wm. Terrell. Harris: John Barnes, M. J, Wellborn, Wiley E.Jones. Heard: J mes T. Wafer, Tlicmaa l.iv* mgston. - - Henry: Clark,—Johnson, — riel lei s —Bond. Houston: C. W'ellborn, James M. Kel ly. Hugh L.uvson, A. A Morgan. Irwin: U m. rilonr, Ife*. Walker. Jaefesoa: ti. \V 'I’boiiiAft, J. Rowan,J>i kQph J riiuglctOh, Edward rilory. Jasper: Jefferson: Asa Holt, P. B. Connelly, John W, WMfharn. Jones: T. Moughon, James Gray, Samuel Lowthcr, Warren J »urdan, [jiwrentM: David BlacUshcar, v Tlio McCall, Enst n Allen son. -‘alrpurJohfibl TaXbot i John F if; 11, mm«Li . -**. Tatr.ali; Jbfin H. Smith,Nathan COX* . . Thomas: J. J. Blackshenr, J,*JC Scar bo roach, DanielMclntvre. ; Troup: Thomas MamDieton, James W. Faaoto, S. A. Daily.' Twigs: Wm. Crocket,(3eo*, W.'Weleb, Moses Fort. 1 j ;* Union: Isaac N. Greer,*John B phnu taio. Upson: Joi. SturRcs.Jas. R. Cox,Tims. F Nolan Walton: E Gretham, Geo. Park,Thos. W. Harris. Geo. Willingham, Ware: ^ 9 f . Warren: Henry Lockhart, D, Dennis, Wm n^ bo th, -««oniheou,''i « years willbb P'incini ftiuhl complete It,~ ‘equiitgB It W further estliiiated by the r I tee. that thero will probably be '"*4 •uy for encroaching upon the,! ?“»l the fund for the erZctio^f S? { , I m. C. Hill, D. L. Ityan- _ Tho erection oftliehewj; 0 || e , ,| tFushinirioHl “iierriMl.Hcvvlon, ?rHifgftu iMilMMiou nfit-r lilo IlanLinB U * Brown. Wm. A. Tenndl, F. T. Schley. Girard.-theold United 8Sro."n" r,l 1 Ifayne: Moses S Harris, N. Uohcrt | anil jhe whole building will, in ih.^H • u "- ^ inr* uImw Commiiree. “rem.u /i^l Wilkes: Thus. Wooten, Jns. T. llav, G-irueit Andrews, Jones Kendrick. Wilkinson: Dauiel . M. Hall, Samuel -Beall, AjJam Jones. Statement of the Affairs ofthe Merchants’ ** tf Planters* Bank- On the 1st day of April (this month) the a- ino'.Rt t>f bills in eir. culation whs, 382,<01 Dur to Iodivldunl de depositors VBrinks. 25,31305 I)uc to Stockholder* 224.1)75 - ; —-6 (3,779 05 The asseth of tho * - Bank at the same ^ lion* consisted of . .specie find Notes - ^ of. other lla'nlt., 49.0581)5 . "xcliHoge running - to iKUurity iSr. ly ' * ing over unpaid, 285,84770 *- T otC3 dijcouuted * * ; dc etc. oioonava * -* ’ Dtieby-uVhcr R a riUs,*^l7,475 6*f Real fit per«o' al est 4.907.54, v */, Due by DaukAgf nts. ^15625 ^ lore: Lewis Rond, Abner Holiday. Liberty: Geo. W, Walthour, Wro II Fleming, Cliaa. West. Lincoln: Rehi. Rctnson,*—HarkUade—» Jours. Lowndes: Wm. A. Koight, WilUiatn Smith* Lumpkin t Allen Mathis, G. A. Parker Madison: JnlioJI Adair, 11, Grovee, James Pittman. McIntosh: 11. E. Hand, Wm. A. Dunham, Jacob Wood. Marion— Merriweather: Hope 11. Tigaer A. Hall, Elisha Kendall. Monroe: Jesso Pope, John Woottan John Watson Montgomery : Clement Bryan, Nor* mao McRea. Morgan: Vonng Srokos. L. L: Wit tich, L, E* Jones, E. A. Nesbit. Murray: Wm. j. Tarvio, Eltnh C. Rice. Showing an amount more rlinn suflief- eot to pay all tho obligations of* tho Bank of Of the abovc(which is tqkea from tho Report made to the Executive qn 1st inst.) there was . iu bail Si doubtful debts, And in Exchange . itvaiUtUe, Report to the* 30tli Afiril—there ha* been redeemed, since 1st inst Leaving in circula* tion on that day. Due to individual* nd Banks. 332,075 ^ 15,745 -231.020 Gtf.fldG 323.855 21,879.59 345734 tip On ll»« ROtK di>y of April. * then, the Bank wav indeb < d exclusive of ilia amount tlno . to Stockholders, $315,734 99. To nay which, thfcro is in cash, exchange, notes, real and personal estate, and nth* n assets, which If j* bcliev-^ cd can bo made available, 8SS87 54 Muscogee; Jam*, C Watson, J. T. Gamp, A. iverion. Smlon : II. I.uckie. Joviab Perry, F. II Trammell, D. Grawlonl. Oglethorpe; Wm. II. Crawford, Geo. R- Gilmer, B. Cox. O. II. Young. Paulding; Turner Walihal, John Me Bride. Fife I Jonathan Adam. John Neel, John C Maugham. Pulntki; B W. Rrxeewell, A- Den- Bard, Robert N.’Teylor. Putnam; llenry Breahem, Irby Ilnd- •or^M. A, Cooper, J. M. Clnimberi ’ , 1 . ®* muH Verris; H. T. Mete ly, Edward Coffee. *^» HanMpht P. .P. .Hamilton. B. W- Henderson. - • John P. King, V,), Walk- 5 er, C. R. Cuter, Wm. T. Gonld, Scrim ; Thoe. Green, II. Orecn, A, Leaving 2oa.Hit7 05 Of the remaicing assets a- mounting to *.- 8281.822 Much tha greater portion cunau's of the duuli. of iotlivoioVlf ourtltg il IX c 4 mnimts, which at the time Ihe report wn< made to the Executive, were considered eond lint in conei-qoence ol the full jtcr. .init of payment bv tho Hank, end not of individual credit, will now be nnavnila bt*- and the value of these debts will main ly depend npon the price# which may he obtained for the Ileal anil Personal Pro perty owned liv the debtors. JOSEPH wheeler. Prtt’l. April 30. IP39 * ~ » Importation of Ardent Spiritt—The New York Journal of Commerce con- ‘■tifi-i a HtHii.iioai taide of the annnai im ports of aydent spirits into this country rincc the year 171)0. From 1700 to 1815 the information it derived from S.oybert; —from thnt date tn 1820, the retnrns have been derired directly from the De-- partment at Washington:—those from 1821) to 1832, inclusive, ore from the published documents from the Treasury. Tn tho total amount of impnitation for these 43 year* hao'exceeded two hundred anil fourtrcrrmilliani four hundred thou sand gallons, (tnoro precisely 214,434.342) The largest importtlioot were in the years 1801, 1805. and 1807; being li|tle short of Jen millions of gallon* in each year The smallest annusl amount of importation, exclusive of tho war scare 1812 and 1813, lias been in the three year* 1830-31 and 32,—sreragin g rather more than 2,000.000. of gallon* , Tho Journal of Commerce adds the following coriona ’ calcolation, tn ahow that more ruin haa been imported loin this country than enough to. Iced a canal from New York In Trenton. , “Now if the reader will rgcollect that In each'gallon there nteJISl -cubic incltcs.he will find .that in'214,431.342 gallons there are 49,534,359,002 cubic ihchee,—cduul in 28,(FB.T02 cubic feet. Diride this by 80, the unmherol equare feet in a loot iff the Canal, and wc naye .358,321 feat of Canal. Diride this by 5280. the number offset length in a mil*:, and we hate 68 mile*. Sixtt kiwit milks then, will be the length of Canal, 20 feet wide and 4 deep, which opr rutiris competent tn All; Now t|te distance from this city to Trenton, according tq'ihe Gaxcttecri, it bat 60 miles, Wa shill hare, therefore,* remainder nft5,27&Ii)9 gallons, t# pro - Vide agslbst leakage anif tho, draughts cf *ve fttou l.ivxitrooi..-..-t::iti ; .. — I a.■ e ? .,o, msuuaaa^^l Coi oubub.Miiv 4—Ci,tt<in. |.tT^rr~“l priiuc imtl clt.ii.^t latglwL{ig readily , "'*■ | on to,or arrive..The etuck aoalitttit,“ } f •“I'l 1 ! «• coin mg to but .lawl, I © r I be *:ile« of i i/landi were loi -.i t J .. 131; 195»t lIJifiAnt"jJJS7& ' 1U0 ,t lt% 23 fM st fit R&jM pi 'UI little dciuitio :s oa i a | ll|ki J bit l.fhi.. We quota 2U a 23and 1 U. *• 'lmn«. 90 »v di-gautee^ L : piSb. 00 1 m fa ! B !' mu' I ice —The demand it' vtenclv. ail I saajKfSjsaL- **_*■ I f'-uu-tr., I jliivru, Ict. for t.ottun and 75 far Uiet ?* I Netv-yark 75e for fat ton. soil I* lb, |£ I .-ud'ffct ccn ' "* j - -•«*' -•»«• <- OtHumm A A .A 7.JS1 AliSXx gQA« OT 3AAA V has. K*i . MEMORANDA — Tits bt i* Tomqks nrrir.J from ibis ^4 Pliiladeliibie on ibe 30th ullino. B7 THIS ilAT* >* MA/L [rnox OUR CORRF.nPb'DiT.l Office oftfie emml, iio*T>!9j pnlij,- Arr brig Jn<ner. Elite. Palermo, 7th .’iirA, hrie Atiarr* Ryber*, Gotlrithuritih tit. h ,itf Cordelia I.eoe.IlpUiuit SW inai.. wigPif -P -•« V’n«»#r»(-Anlr N (Waiin* aftifc ..It eh* I 1 na ri ng, illinip*. Oca^’ema Lt liif FOB \JBir- YORK, 8T AVtlSH CD ViN K. The roeular packet ship P LOR!AN A.‘C.*Whiie nsttrr. A il* a ill on MftoUoy next J3tinn»i Fof bala ce of fK*l*hi «r7»e**flge. having «• eitot n*-cnmpt•*• >attoot, apply to Cqit. -tme on i>« I ALL. SlIXPTF.R tupper. A few days lunger, A Grand Panoramic'Picture by thi r mas ter hand of J. Vnnderlyn.-vepfesretit'gllw Palace and GardenoT vcrsftillcs.Ufinr cx- biliifine at Ihe Roland«. «lnifr from ft. A. ,l|. |n ^ P 41* 'fir. from il to Hunsct. Price of ndmi*sion« 50 cents—Children hsl/ price. Season ticket* 1 tMhnr* CTf* TheTanorama will be brilliant illuminated "P|l!8,KVENlNO. Sthin* from half |w*t 7 till 10 .o'clock may 8 lo7 TlieDriiwiiijf O F the Delsware Gand Coosofi-btri ’ l^nier -.'-'metdliandyrit'rdjy.rtt; 0 40 31 23 17 B 47 l» «. , (£7* Holders of prizes are iolotnteu'» , i after the arrival of tha Mall Thi« 0>J • few Tickets in the Union Caual Ui'rjft highest Prirt?j50.00 n .m’y, b* «-"•!>' « NF.W OFFICR, Opposite the, Exchut«- may 8 -' — •L. Smith. WwH Jones Stewarts Oto. Dismnkes .. . ymt.pj.rt Wa, Ji. K. Houghton. I), f ** ' ?• the boatmen,” .. , The journal, rnlg’Kt have.added„lhit the money coat of the fluid ‘ would have psW for th* caugt at Isast jSfly times orc< missed (torn his * ■f°i ftnlll » raibrnad with * dpoble trsck Witnogf ifte II from Cssiins to Now Orleans, ktosids* the, capital, labor, haalih, morals and- happi ness tliaUtbs* boon themebgsaf destroy i war Ifordone Ing.^amoau^T.lcH figurrp canons ft ilia nnderelauiltqg. ¥W*»rt A?*ri<m Drawing B.ccivfit T HE following*!*ihedrawn Not-M tho Grand 'Consolidated LoUMJi Class No- 7. * 9 40 31 23 17 5 47 13 41. Holden of prlxea will call (of the c«ks| LUTHER & CO’8 Lottery & Exchange Once, may 8 — NotlpK 72” A LL pe-sone haring demand »»>"* the eatet* of John Whit#eldJ»™ •{ Chatham County deceuxed, are requrst" to preaeut them duly 'attested, wnbta “• time prescribed by f*w; and those lodt*' cd, will make payment >o F. lil STONE. Executor- may B 107fL . 1 l<aw Notice. . T HE subscriber will in future JJ* tic* law in the Cherokee and MO tern Circuit*. Commonlealloo* sMrir •td to bimat Atheno. .Ul V»j attended to. .ED, HABDW- may 8 107 — B Stole of Georgia- jj r theCourt of Ordinary f" chattels, rights and credits thst •jjvj Richard S. Baker, inte ofsaM ccaeed.'gpplio* In' be di*ral*e*d fr»"* ” s a i-l in I in in is i rat ion. . i Theodero therefore to elte and ids"" i*b, all and sincolar the klodrt^“« “J. Itora ofthe 'aaid deceased to M* jectinn* (if toy they bare) »■ "1"^ within Ihe term bfaixmonH* ditg, otherwise them**#**.* missed Ikom htseald ailmioisWd”^^ qoertef Op ooeirflhe; , dinary this eii