Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, June 17, 1834, Image 1

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No 143- -Volume XXXI. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. JUNE L7, 1834. Whole No.- ss jGAYLER'S PAT K N 'I' ,.„rr r//T.’ /'/too /■ 1 "w5n,chests - Gig and Harness. Norton & Fuller A Flntrnt ntiicle built of the but KK'AVE received J>y ahl|t Agnes material! unit it ol.firit rate work B.JL 1 bale Durlnpi uansbip, and la nearly aagoed ns new.— Vo! particulars,enquire uf Y. 8. Pickard, at Ills Ntables. where the Gig can bo ex amined, or to CLAGHORN St WOOD. • may S3 122 E ntrant from a latter, receive I from J 3 Abbott, Baq. whonurcliased one of Gayler 1 ! Prtent Double Chests last winter! and ho b ys, after referring to the recent fire, the Safe was exposed to an intense red heat for some hours, ami fell (torn tltesecond story into the cellar—the ItMl was «0 great as to melt part of astove arnlaoiron key on being touched crum bird to atoms—yet no papers in the Cheat , (W( f,i the least dezree burnt, or render ed illegible I do not suppose fhat one time in a hundred, in cases of fire, that a Chest would be exposed to so intense a heat as mine was, and do not hesitate to iirthat Gayltr's Double Chtsls are, asthey purport to be, FtRR Proop. and 1 would cheerfully recommend them to 8< Signed, Sfl- JOHN S. ABBOTT, Solicitor,ThomnstoO,Me. 13th Nov. 1833 J, B. HERBERT &co of this city,are Agents for the Manufacture, april 21 9«?m ONQ blood beet|8alsafy round Spinaee "iarly Turnip do sugar Parsnip Ltwz orange Carrot jlnrge do Ispiragras Curled Cress Loht; salmon Radish Red solid Cellery White do do If - curled Parsley black Spanish do |White do do white Spanish do do Gariy York Cabbage|scarlet Turnip large do do .early DutchTurnip Battersea do Curled Savoy do Philadelphia _ do Prickly Cucumber Early Ftnmo do Ureen cos Lettuce White do Ea,U CaVo.igo ,Io Early curled do London ,tsk Silversbin Onions Wethersfield do Large yellow do Droothead Cahbago Re- Pickling •> do Long scarlet reddish Red top Turnip Tomatoes Long red lloets Broccoli jape Egg Plant Early cabbage letlicc Mangel IVurzee Okra Crop of 1833 A fresh supply just received and «aleby T M TURN GSR, Agent, Opposite the Mansion (louse march 28 ' 74 Clothing. Case Summer Cluthing, assorted. Just raceived from Balrlm,.re, end for sale by S. PHILBR1CK &co. Juno 9- .’Spanish and American Se- gars just Received. 49 4K SSSfc Alexandria See UVsVVv gars, very good. *0,000'Trabuca and other Spanish Be gum, different brands, and for sale by may 10 CLAGHORN &WOC Green Coffee. d dh 4k Bags Prime Green Cnfifee. &."* V a first ruto article, received per late arrivals and for sale by CLAGHORN & WOOD. may 30 Sugars, Rum and Coffee. I /8 Hilda Jamaica Sugar I. ~8; 10 Ithds Jamaica Rum 20 bags Calico - Just landed and for sale bv J. B. HERBERT &co. may 28 •127 Burlaps Thread and Berlin Gloves . Col’il cation Hose Brown Linons, Bonnot Wire 57 do* blue Ramal Handkerchiefs Verlno Cravats, Dnwlass Superior black belt Ribbons Painted Belts, Embroidered do Black Italian Crapes 7-8 black Circassians 1 bale Ticks, 1 do Plaids 25 lb- assorted patent Thread 12 pcs dark Ginghams 30 ps Madras Handkerchiefs 15 Berkley do Striped and Ploitl Ginghams fill doz Combs, cheap 25 pcs Chintz, 10 do Mar’ls Veiling 60 pcs Russia Diapirs 10 pcs Hucknbnck do 20 pcs low price Prints The above, with many other articles have been purchased at auction for cash in New York and now offered at a small advance, nt the store uf Norton & Fuller for cash ot good paper. may 20 0 Palm Leaf Hats. . Dozen Men and Boys fine Palm Loaf Mats 6 do do & do Fancy colors Just recoived and for sale ky A. BENNETT, At the sign of the Golden Lamb No I Young’s Buildings,Market sq. april 22 95 E erior fancy Bead Bqgs. AcK. and colored,plain llerunnii Sui JjJwLAclinnd colored,plaio llertmnia 19 Shawls and Handkerchiefs, colored autm Itlbhoos, do corded Skirts, 5 4 Ital iun Crapes, plain, white,brown, and fancy Linen Drills. Just received and fur sale low. by J A. CLIFFORD, may 20 Gibbons’Block. Corn SlieUrrs. A Further snpply of ’ tiling's Patent xSuCbro Shelters. Landing friun ship " Belle, and for sale by may 17 HAZARD & DENSLOW. 'May Batter.* 8 Tubs Goshen Moy Butter,very sup erior.—Received per ship Agnes, may 2> JOHN GARDNER. Ready Made Clothing. & O. S. NICHOLS would re V* e spectfully inlortn their friends .in- the public,that they have just receiv ctl by achr Exact, from N. York, in addi tion to th"ir former stock, a good supply of Ready Made Garments—among winch are yuuth’s'Coats, Round Jackets. Vests, anil Pantaloons. All of which will oe dis posed of at a small a ivance fur cash or roved city acceptance. J. B Tailoring in all its-various branches executed with neatness and dcs patch,at their nld stand, Market-Square, may 2 104’ Travelling Trunks. B V the New Hanover Irum Philadel- p ta. O. JOHNSON &co. may 15 115 Mess and Prime Pork. R ECEIVED per last arrivals, 100 Idils Prime Pork 50 do Mess do Which are offered for sale by CLAGHORN & WOOD. Also, in store, lately received, 20 casks London Porter, to quart and pint bottles. r~ may 23 122 Corn—afloat m 63 '111 fife Bushels Corn, just re I. 5 if V ceived per schr Sarah Ann, and lor sale by may 15 J. 1 HERBERT &co Just deceived. Kitts Mackerel No, I. Forsale by J. B. GAUD’tY tone II 35 yellow Rutabaga white do Nutmeg Melon citron do water do early bush squash long green do ,n ij It-.! 1 -u,i i’u.la early Frame do dwarf imperial do Lima Beans chinared eye Beans early yellow do Landreth’s extra early Peas early Cauliflower Late Uff early 6 weeks beans Royal dwarf mar rowfat Peas white turnip radish Aberdeen Turnip early valentine bean for Indelible Ink. * Fresh supply oi Francis Kidder’s superior Indelible Ink, just roceiv ed and for sale bv LAY fc HENDRICKSON, junell * Garden Seeds. A Fresh supply ul Garden Seeds,just received per schr Excel and for sale by LAY & IIENDRIJKSON. Lemon Syrup, AK Dozen superior Lemon Syrup. ■i3\9 landing f.omb ig William and sale by • LAY & HENDRICKSON. potters Vegetable Catholicoa. A FRESH supply qf this celebrated Medicine, just received and f -r sale by Notice. T HE subscriber intending to close his business in this city for the sen *on iu 10 days, offers the balance of his 8 l°rp at ver y 1°*? l ,r * CR8 consisting tnpnrt of Peas, Sugars', Coffee, Molasses, Fork, i dot Bread, Cordage, &c. &c. Those having demands on him will please pre- wotihem for settlement, by the 15th inst. and those indebted to him by note or book account, are narticulurly requeste to set- he the same by that time; otherwise legal^ measures will be resorted to,to acuelernt payment. B. N. DOUGLASS. June 7 135 . Dissolution. YW\ HE Copartnership heretofore ex ,8l >og between the subscribers un- for tho firm of A. &J. Champion, was unsolved on the 1st inst, by its own Itmi taken. Ai CHAMPION, • J A. CHAMPION. The subscriber will continue to receive a full supplv of Groceries, Dry Goode, &c and solicits from his friends nat liberal support heretofore received. juneO A. CHAMPION. ir Notice. fiVHE subsoriber expecting inn lew to leave the city, offers the balance of hie valuable stock of Dry Goods et unusual low prices, for cash - Undoubted paper, june9 J. N, CHAMPION. k Tales and Sketches, S VJoiV they are * by Wm ’ st ° ne ' Helen, by Miss Edgworth, a new edi one volume, iroTn ^ our * 8t or Pocket Manual for s leri 00 the Hudson River and Canal !° 1 : ia g® ra the Lakes, and St, Law ence River to Quebec, mid routes to Le* w ’tth n Sap 8t ° Wn ^ Saratoga Springs, Jhst received. . .W. l’HOItjp WILLIAMS. New Goods. J UST received by brigs Halcyon and Wm, Ta)lo?. n large supply of stn plo and fancy Goods consisting in part of handsome Gauze Bonnet anti Cap Rib • bons. Blonde Quilling and Edging Black and colored Bead Bags Tafleta Ribbons Florences (assorted colors) Fine hippings Hair Pins and Hemminge, drill eyed Needles Black and plated Hooks and Eyes t 4 .md 5 4 Black Bombesins Black Love Shnwls Jackonct and Book Muslios White Blonde Gauze Veils Hamilton Stripes Bengal do Ladif's and Misses Botton Hosiery Silk and Cotton Stsy Lncets Brown Shirtings and Sheetings And various other articles for sale,whole sale or retail low. by A. BENNETT, At the sign of the Golden Lamb No. 1 Young’s Buildings april 25 x Maiket square May Butter, &c. l|A Kegs May Butler •iS/xLP 10 boxes Herrings 20 do Sperm (handles 500 galls Sperm Oil • 300 galls Whale Oil Received per Wm. Taylor,and forsale by CLAGHORN & WOOD, juoe 7 Superior White Hats. A few cases superior White Denser HATS, just received per brig Cornelia, and for sale i by H.N. ALDRICH &to. april 25 Pnnfiebl'* Buildings. M Z&S i mav 10 Select Teas. JUST received by the i rtg Georgia, Imperial t’ea, Hyson do. Young lyson do, Powchong or hek Tea. For sale by a. Parsons, No. H Gibbons’ Range. Ill Splendid Fancy Shawls. IUST received per brig Halcyon: a V handsome assortment of 4 4 and 5-4 Sewing Silk Shawls. 4 4 and 5-4 rich Hernania do, 4-4 and 3-4 rich figured Gauze do, 4 4 rich figured Sntteoe do. For sale low by A. BENNETT. At the sign of the G, Id- n Lamb, No. I Young's Buildings Market sq. april 16 Scallop and Inserting Muslin Trimmings. A Handsome nasortment.just received and for sale by JAS. A. CLIFFORD, april 23 96 Just Received 4 8mall lot ol supcn -roneeolor plain 4 4 ami 5 4 Sewing Silk Shawls, a very desirable and fashionable article and for sale by JAS. A. CLIFFORD, may 2 Gibbons'Block Molasses, Coffee and Sugar, I (ifedfe HIIDri Prime Havana Mo- JL^r'tr laises 8*J bags prime Green CuflVe 30-. boxes Havana Brown Sugar 10,000 Havana Segura Landing from Spanish achr Torrenta, from Havana, and (<»r safe bv PAD* FFOitn pay co For sale on board, a quantity of fresh West India fruit. » may 26 Pavilian Gauze. HI PE,.blue and green of an ex cellent quality received this day and for sale by JAS. A CLIFFORD, april 23 Gibbons’ Block. \\ More New Spring Goods. «. (f LI. 6. NICHULS FASHIONAitl-E CLOTHING klMPORIUM, XT TIIB OLD STAND, MXnKEl-sqUAUE W HERE may he found an extefieive collection of English, French, and American Broad Clollia, Cassmtere and Vesting of the latest importation and fashion, which th- y will makeup la order at the shorten notice and in the most ap travel style. They constantly keep on hand a large supply of fashionable ready made Garments or every quality.colorand fashion, usually sold by clothiers. The following comprise a partol’tbeii Stock: Brond Cloths nl extra aaxony, blue, black, brawn, olive,claret, snuff, green, invisible green mulberry, adeluid, oxford, steel and cadet mix Cussimtre or blue, black, bull, drab, lavender, white, and fashionable stripes, Summer Cloths of blue, black, l-rown, plum, and green crape eainlhs, flesh, buff and colored diagonal Cantoonal blue and buff colored Mnrineoa. Vesting of plain and figured Velvet, buff, while, check. Hod figured Marseilles figured and plain Valeotia, figured En glish and Freneh Silks. Most ol the above are new Goods and of the latest fashions, which having been selected expressly for this market, by 0 "u. of the firm (who baa just returned, and being well acquainted with all of the la teat fashions) cannnt fail to please all who may favor them with a call. Coats. Pantaloons and Vesta,from most of the above are constantly kept on hand, which will hr disposed of at a small ail vance for cash, or-approved city aeccp tances. FANCY ARTICLES. V- Ivel Silk Bombazine and llairCloih Slocks, Gum Elastic, Silk, Cotton and knit and webbing Suspenders, plain anil corded linen Collars, linen anil insertion Shirt Fronts, linen, cotton and English fancy Shins, rilk, linen and cotton Pock et Han ikerr.iefs, black Italian silk Cra vats. black ho,sc skin, buck, silk, kid and washlenlherliloves, vigonia woolen and cotton Hosiery, black and white Pantn- lu-ina, Straps, premium silk nnd eolton I’mlirellna, Flannel and Guernsey Skirts, &c. &C- ' ' . The public may be assured that no pains on their part will be spared to give gener -I satislaction, and theyhopk by strict at tention to business to merit public pat ronage. All orders from the canntry will oe thankfully received and promptly at eqdedto. may 12 Wine Bottles. Crates Wine Untiles, 12 dozen each. Just received and for tale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, may 17 117 Ginger. 1 A 9 nee Ginger m. V 6 kege pure ground Ginger , Just received und for sale by IV LAY & HENDRICKSON. may 17 117 Rev. T. Bartholomew’s, M. D. Elixir of Life. F OR the cure of fevere, c'guea, drop sy, gravel, indigestion, bnwal com plaints, heartburn, inflammation audoth- er affections of the lunga. stands unsur passed as a general medicine; it is per haps more used and more effrctual than any other ever offered to the public Tba sale of one bottle, ns far ns can be ascer tained, has made a.ile for nt leaat eight or ten, through the recommendation of the person using jt. P.ice Si ptTbottlo. Just received and fwflleby A - aWausons, At the Engle No. 8 Gibbons’Range may 15 115 B The Poor Man’s Friend A Universal remedy for wounds ofeV ery description; prepared by D Roberta, Bridgeport. Price 50 ct«. For Bale by A. PARSONS, may IS • ■*k April LAY & HFNDRICKFON. I 77 Agents. he Kentuckian in N. York, O R lire Advuntnrca of three South erns hy a Virginian, in 2 volumes Perhaps it may turn out a song, Peihnpsturn nut a sermon— Burns. The Frolics of Puck, 2 vols. The Works of Mrs. Sherwood, the on- uniform edition ever published in the United States; each volume embellished with engravings on steel. —The work will correspond with Harper’s recent edition of Miss Edgw-rllt’s Works. The 1st volume,containing the history of Henry Milner, is just received . WM- TllOliNE W ILHAMS. Juno 9 A. DENSLOW & CO. H AVE received by recent arrivals,in addition to their Block ol DRUGS, MEDICINES, tfc. tjc, which renders the same very completo anil extensive, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms First quality Hay. I icldk IlijiffiloH prime Hay.landing I. W from ship Paugiis. For Bale by PADEI.FORD, FAY &co. may 17 117 Quinine. unr.eh French Sulphate Quin ine, w;t.*ianted genuine. Just receive I and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON may 5 106 m St. Croix Sugar. Hluls St. Croix .^ugar, very choice quality. Forsale b; may 20 JOHN'B. GAUDRi First quality Champagne W'me. m /h Dozen quart and 20 do pint v bottles, just received from Havre via Nvw-York, by ship Florian Crown brand. For sale by JOHN B. GAUDRY. may 5 106 Claret Wine. Iron bound 1-8 casks, very con venient for family U9e. For 8 ale by A. PARSONS may 21 35 FEVER AND AGUE! «. KY INSTANCE! By the use uf this highly popular and Cele brated ROWLAND'S TONIC MIXTURE. ’'** D -lvi-li «>»>•« ikon 0(1 (Mill nsvonna N l u r * * * JL who have realized its efficacy with in*the short period that it has been offer ed to the public, are toady and anxious to testify. CAUTION. In consequence of the attempts which are always made by knaves and impostors to palm off 'alse and spurious imi'ations us soon as*the public have. decided opon the value and excellence ot a Medicine; and in order to seenro those who wish to avail themselves of the great usefulness of ROWLAND’S TONIC .MIXTURE in the cure ufFever nnd Ague,t*r Bilious Intermittent Fever,from such impositions the Proprietor has determined upon the necessity of confining the sale thereof, to as few chosen Agents in the different por ttons of the country, as shall be just suf* fif.ient to supply the regular demandi—He therefore respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Savannah and its vicinity, that Mr. Peter VV. Mazyck who is to be found ot the City Hotel, ha9 been regu larly appointed sole Agent for the above Section, who with such Assistant Agents as he may select in convenient places,will have constantly on hand a full supply of said valuable Medicine. J. R. ROWLAND, Propiietor, Philadelphia, april 22 95— 12m 50 jnne 7 Canal Flour. 4 b»ds Canal Flour.just receiv ed and for sale by CLAGHORN & WOOD. To Families. P EPPER sauce,fine table salt,Kitch en's patent cocoa, pure grunnd^in- ger. clove, nutmegs, mace, caraway and ' cmiamle 'seeds, cinnamon, salarffittu, ►alts uf tartar, pearl aah. and .larch.ofthe best quality, expressly for family use. Just received,nnd for Bale by ‘ A PARBONfe, At tho Eagle No. 8. Gibbons’ Range, may 15 110 To the Teachers and Friends of Education in genei-gl. A Meeting of the Teacbbr’e Society will be held Ijn Alondaj, "the, l6tb day nf June neat, at Mount Zion Han cock county All interested in the cause of instruction, amt Teachers willing to further the objects of tire Society, grs , earnestly invited to attend. Prevision will be made for members and friends, who attend the Society’s Meeting. #’ Mr. Beiunn ia appointed to deliver an ad dress. By nrder ol the Society, , ROBT. C BROWN, Scc’ry. All Editors of papers in the State are respectfully requested to publish' this till the day el meeting. may 8 * Linseed Lil. mTZ Pipes Linseed Oil, Dutch 4! 1 ton Whiling Just received per Augusta and lor sale LAY 8; HENDIUGKSON. !>y Lancets (Evans Crown) Surgeonalnatrum’ts Forceps Tooth Keys Bolus Knives Plaster Spatulas Mortars & Postals Pill Tilea Apoi liocary’aScalos, and Weights Medicine Chests Thermometers Bougies (elastic) Bougies (wax) Cathetera Silvei do (elastio) Trusses Castor Oil (superior) do do com. Patent Medicines, fito. &c. Sulph. duiuine Piperine Sulph. Alorphine Hyiiriodale Potass Prussic Acid Jodine.Croten Oil JamesT'owders(Eg) Blaok-drops(Brailh waits) Ext, Bark’ Ext. Cienta Ext. Copaiba Blue Alass (Eng.) Strychnine Oxalic Acid Henry Cole's Mag nesia Isinglass (atnple do (sheet) Opium Sudn nnd Seidlitz Saffron Pulv. .Charcoal Rhuburb With a gene al assortment ol English French,and American Perfumery, &c. Country Merchants, Physicians nnl Planters, will find it to their advantage to call N IL—Physician's .prescriptions care lly put up nt tho ihar(est notice. London Mustard and Cayenne. 1 «D Boxes London Aluatnrd L .-4i 2 kegs Cayenne Pepper ■ Just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON. may 21 50 jnne 11 Lemon Syrup. Doz Lemon Syrup, first qnali ty,just recoived and forsale by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Mess Pork. 41h Rhla iIpoh - r»rU KArpioud nnd for sale l>y CLAGHORN & WOOD. jnos 7 for sale bv june 7 White Wine Vinegar; 4 t-aska pure White Wine Vi, egar, landing from achr. Exit.finmCharlea ton. For sain by J. B. HERBERT &co. Also, 50 bundles prime Hay 10« ream* Wrapping Paper Landing Irom brig ndison from New- York. june 7 Col- small DR MARSHALL'S Vegetable Indian Black Plas ter. ra^lllS Platter is unrivalled for curing JL Scrofulous Swellings, Scurvy, Sores, Lame Back, nnd fresh w unde, Paine in tho aides, hips and limds. and seldom fails to give relief in local Rheu matisms. If applied to the side, it will oure many of the common liver com* plaints and if applied to the neck in sea son, it will cure the Quinsy. The vir tues of the Plaster have been witnessed bv thousands of the most respectable in dividuals in the StateB of Vermont nnd New York, who Have tested its efficacy. A supply ol this Piaster fast received & for sale bv oy HNDRICKSON may 23 Drawing Paper, Water ors, &c. D RAWING Paper, large nnd sizes Uevoes Colors, assorted size boxes Do .do single cake Pinjt and blue Saucers. India Ink Bristol Boards, assorted sizes Note Paper,gilt,col’d & emboss’d edges Gold Paper, plain and figured Silver do' do do . Gold and silver stripes & edging, aes'd Camels Hair Pencils Do do Varnish Brushes Mordant aqd Varnish for transferring Transparent Picture Varnish Colored Paper. Alnrocco do, Rica do Gold and Silver Lenf Just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, april 18 Dr. Jebb’s Liniment. F OR Rheumatism, chilblains, bruis es, sprains, numbness, stiffness io the joints, &c. Forsale by A. PARSONS, No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. noril 12 Cut Tobacco. QA Groce Mrs. G. a. Miller’s fine OXF Cut Tobacco, just received and for sale by ;LAY St HENDRICKSON, april 8 Extract Dandelion. A s upply of the above article received f*.: and for sale by april 16 A. P BLOW, (,'co, Prime Pork. 100 Bbla prime Pork, City in- CLAGHORN & WOOD. Goshen May Batter. J UST receive.l per brig Alsdison, 30 tubs Goshen Alay Butter june7 JOHN GARDNER. Tea, &c. &c. ^ Half chests Young Hyson Tea 9 2 eases Fire Crackers Si Fire Worka I case Feather Fans 15 doz Silk Handkerchiefs 240 gross Pearl Buttons 50 wt Hemming'a silver eye Needles Just received per ship Statira fromN York, and for sale by . PH To Mothers. T HAT distressing complaint tonrhicli young Mothers ..re so frequently liable, which deprives them of the exer cise of that most interesting doty, the nursing their offspring, ji»> consequenc of • acre Nippies,is periectiypured,. without, ' the least inconvenience tn the Mother ov Infant, by the use of Dr. Smith’s celebra ted Nipple Salve *,* It will be given to the poor who require if. Just received aod for sale by may 15 APARSO^S. Thirty Dollars. Reward. R ANAVVAY on Aionday night, ane gro man. named JACOB, upwardn nf six feet high, slender made, smooth face and remarkably black, he ia by birth an Alrican.well known iu the city aod si- * cinity, he has a wife named Molly who resides at Yamacraw. Also a man named HARltY,' an un common fine looking fellow, has larg; whiakeia well known in the city, and as a boatman on Savannah River. Harry ab sents himself because he ia not disposed to pay his wages. SANDY, a short stout roan, yetloir cumpleciion, bow-legged. Sandy rana- way from Cockspur Island where be wae hired to work on Fort Pulaski. The two last fellows are frequently seen in the city, and particularly about the market. I will pay ten dollars for each oo their being lodged in the Jail of this county. JOHN H. MOREL, april 3 june 9 S. PH1LBRICK &co. Nipple Salve. : A Fresh supply of Dr Smith’s cele brated Nipple Salve, just received and for sale by LAY % HENDRICK80N, junell Travelling Trunks and Carpet Bags. A Complete assortment just receive,) per brig Frances from Philadelphia and for sale by ' H. N. ALDRICH &co. may 19 Penfield’s Buildings, Linseed Oil. 0 Pipes English Linseed Oil .Window Glass, White wash and marking Brashes, Copal and Japan Var nishes. Landing ftom ship Belle and lor sale by HAZARD & DENSLOW Negroes for sale, A Prime young iellow about 15 years Do do woman do 18 do Apply to J. D. HUGUENIN. may 3 105 SAVANNAH POOR HOUSE AND Hospital. May and June, A TTEND1NG Physicians, Doctors JSL 'Voting and Arnold, . Visiting Committeet- Messrs. Floods SorjeJ^dRah>hKln Itntj3 fijl Chatham Superior Court, January Term, 1834. V HEltEAS,Robert Hutchison and James Wallace Grand /urors.and James P. Alter,JameeR. Wanham.Thom- as A Dobson, B. T. Nichole, George Norstrand,Alex.J. Pratt, Joshua A. Hud son, James Sharp, William S. Harris,A- maaa Bennett, Goodwin W. Abbrt, Hor- ace Sistare, James S. Wilkins, Mark.W, Wakemah, Benjamin Douglass, Emanuel Bates, Petit Jurors; were enmmoned to at tend this Term of the Court, and made defa.ilt: It is ordered, That they bq sev erally fined Grand Jurors in the sum of Forty Dollars, Petit Jurors, io the epm of Twenty Dollnrs, unless good and auffi- ' cient cause of excuse be filed with the Clerk af thi8 Court on or before the fitet day of the next term. » True extract from the Alinutei. ROBERT W. POOLER,Cletk. april 23 96aa 4G, Scc’ry Chatham Inferior Court, February Terin, 1884. W HEREAS, James Carter, Robert Harvey,William Cannuet, Joseph Connerat, Allen Beasley, Robert Steven* - ' Amos Cook,George Newhall.PeterMitch- - ell and William R. Bivina, were lummoti- ed to attend this Term of the Court to serve aa Jurors, and made default: It is ordered,That they be severally Sued ib the sum of Tee Dollars, unless they file good ' ami sufficient cause of excuse, with the Icrk of tlii* Court on of before the ilrac ■ day of the next Term. -. 1. Tree extract fmm the Minute*, ry. ROBERT W. POOLER,Cleqk. 1 apnl )i3 96m, ( .