Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, July 31, 1839, Image 1

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mtbnmfi SO. 1 » -VOfc. XXXVI. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 31, 1839.' CT CI.E.X!V8»1 AND FUltIFY 1'IIK UODY.—‘Tlio apiilioiiuu ofllie pnncii nla •TlMllMto# l»nt| lo !>• ««» °(H“ i aateat uiility iu Ilia euro and prevention of SiioaiJ. ilia or Ilia graatait conreipionce lo a<> carlain what uiodiciua ia capable ufproduolng ilia iitainan arracr in Ilia onaiaal, and at Ilia utna lima iu iha moil ailbniual mannar. IiIim now no longer lo contend with Ilia blind prejudice. of Iho graaiail norlion of the public; ii ii only iviui llioio foW who anil ero de. Inriiiiiiod 101 hilled ecourdmg to rulo," like the ocopla ofuld who -would have’ a -King lo reian o*or ihain.’ Um. thank. lo the elreulo. lion Ilf newapnpora—lhaiihalotho conoruldil- rofiou of kllowledge. whlull oimbloa nhialoen twentieth) of THE PEOPLE lo road and lo twentieth- iwtaa for iheineeWea—now wo no longer bo. fiire In awallowingthat deadly minoral, Man- cunv. preferring locuio—bill ilnivonally loav inf no in n worie condition olior iu u«e. Wo no longer bolievo iu Iho abaurd nolion •liai IhStmiuallana of any kind can bo cured by nbrtraoihigoiirlifu—OUR lil.OUL), Ilia now well iindoralood that an iullauinmlioii uawiao badnuaca of NiTuaa. a aignal lhai ahe to- wuiraa ihe nuiatonce of purgative medicine lo «aae her of tins opprorrive liurden whicli alio £ rovea by iho high rover and Iha alrong pulaa, Wanted lo bo lomuved. Iu olhar worda, tile bodr callafora vegetable cleansing UaianacTM’a Vanaraai.a Uaivi aennire no akill iu their adniiniitrationi the airiuted direction only hoe lo be obaarved, and tliey doicrilio thu just proportion of the doaa, to Iha magniludo or Ilia di.oaao to be oured. lit all pereone rend Ike following opinion of a gintUm'tn icho wdl knuuu Ihe qmliticv of then Vdli. DIIANDRETH'S PILLS Tills modioliio ia ecknowlodged to bo one nf the marl valuiiblo aver diacoverod, aa a puiifior ofllie hlood and lluida. Il ia auporior to Sar- •tparilla.wholhoraaaaodotifioor aluraliva. Il ataiida infiuilely boforoall Iho prepanitioua or coinliiiiaiionr of Morcury. Iu purgative pioi parliea are alone oHucalculable value—for there Villa may be taken daily »on *av raaioo, and innond of wookeuiiig by ihe cathartic elfocl.lhey add airenglh by Inking away Iho caure of woak' near. Tnora ia no good Msaouav doea, which thoaa 1MW do not likawiaa. Put they have none of Hi,i iniaoiablo effecU of liinl urault apccip. ic. The tckth ora not injured—the bonci and limbi are not parolyxod—no—but in Ike alead of there diatrouiug eyinploma, new life and conaopinnt auiiuulion ia evident iu every tnovuineul nfilin body. UnaaonkTii’a Pm. nra indued n Uxivxiuai. IUmxov, for they cure opporita diaoaaeaitlioy cure larLtuaaTion and Chsoxic lliir.us*Tiaii! They ouro Diabstu and STSunuinr! They core DvaeaTxav and CimriromvM.CoaTivkirr.aa! They willcure all ilieee app irentln uppoaila dueaaea, aaoauae (hey ccevuc and rumrr iha hlood. provided, hnwover. naiuro ir uot beyond all human AS. SI3TANCK. Four yeare liila mudiciue hae now been before iho public in Ihe U. Slater) wherever it hu been introduced itiiae euperae dod all otlior remedies. Dr. Drandratli'a Ollicea in New York are 241 OROADWAY, I So lludaon at. and 270 Dow, ery. hduee* Prince and Hoaeton ata, 23 cauia per box with directiona. Ueware of cuunterfoita. Druggists seven ninde agenta. Each of Dr. Urundroih'r Agenta havo an an. graced eaej/lci<a,.f.ilad l wiiliiu iha twelve munilia next preceding. These certificatea aia renow. ed regalerlysllierufore wlion ovorlwolvo mouths old they uo longer giiarautse the genuineness of Iho medicine. eJUmnnker Dm flute an never made dgaUt. Sold by SKA BORN UUODALL. comer Cnngrcss and |Jeiroraon atreela, (near Ike Mac hd) tiix oner hoist non thu as lx or me oxauisa liRASpntru's Pills in Savanuali. July 10 I53tw3in «130 set; IVA ICO. WHOLE NO.-0(1,031 SWAIMS VERMIFUGE T BX IDS remedy counteracu the whole train .fl. ofdiaeaaeaariaingfrumthednbilityofthe d goativo organa nr a dopraved condition of file stomach and bowela. Moit of iho diseases of children originate ic vcrminousalfections. Worms destroy the nonriahniaiit which ie in tondod by iintura tn support lifts, Thoiinineilinto olfcct ul'Swaim’e Vermifuge, nro to trampiilixe the stninnch, clear it of ncidu- out phlegm, diaaipnto eupcrflnona bilo, increase tho grastic jilieoa and promote honltliy digoslion Il ulloriatca sick headache,and ia an antedott for tho Cholera Morbus of our country, dirrnat fovor aud ague, and that dan of dieoaaea wliid owo their origin to adiaurdared stato ofllie etc* lunch or bowels. Tide remedy expels Worms by giving health) action to the stomach and organa of digestion. • Thorn is nothing in its composition In kill worms. Tlioy ore seldom seen after iu uso, and the pa limit improves in health, color and appetite.— Those remedioswkichkill worms tntiatofcouree injure the stomach materially, and the cause of many serious coniplnluts. This fact lias been materially neglected by the faculty, and ihe or- rnr has never been discovered until 8wniin's Vormifuge proved it to the entiro satisfaction of overy family whn has uaod it. Tho medicine ia noleaaoflicncioiiain many the diwosea or grown persona, by dissipating those morbid secretions which produce dysen tery, diarrioo, cholera morbus, piles, fever and nguo, dyspepaia, acidity of tho stomach, fuul breath, and the disagroeable eductions conse quent upon billioua disorders. It ia now in general use in moat parts nf tho world. Families resident in tho country, tra vellers going into Ihe interior or voyaging into distant tropical climates, (insulated from medi cal talent) would And dwaiin's Vermifugo of great advantage. Kopt constantly on hand, and for sain by A PARSONS.rale Agent for tho Slnlo, I’HACTICALworkupon a | non a plnn entirely Tho accounts which form tho bar es of the science are classed nndor Five Divi sions, with definite explanations after the fonm of grammar and arithmetic. It contains a vo cabulary of morcnntilo torma and phrases. Also, a Kay explaining iho natureand manner of Jour nalixing each oftlie Day Book entries as a prac lical accountant would explain Iho samo to hn pupil; this so simplifies tho sciouon that any young man of common F.liglish education may acquire a knowledge without the assistance ora teacher. To which is added, Directions to the Learner,and Practical Forms forKeepiughooks in evory extent and variety ofcoirmiercial hous es; Public Addresses, tho first ever delivered upon the subject, Ac. Ac. Just received and for sols whofeealn end retail by jan 8 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. COLT’S BOOK-KEEPING. Absconded from Waverley Plantation, Camden County, on tho Ifitli day of July last, LAR KIN, DICK, aud CATO. Lar- kin is a stout Mulatto fellow, a- about 28 years of age, 5 feet 6 to Dinehes high—ho has a scar on his right cheek, also some marks of small pux about his fneo, particularly on his noso, also a targe scar Irani an axa on hie fool, near the great toe. Larkin his rather a feeble vniea for a man oftiis statue. Cato is a black fellow, an African by birth, lie Is a stout.square built fallow, about 5 feet 4 to 6 inches high—has the mark of his tribe on his breast; hois likewise ruptured, and has a vary iargamouth. Dickisaamatlblack,wellset fol low, also an African by birth, with a round face and down cast look, easily confused when inter, regaled: there is also a singular appearance about lus mouth when alarmed. The above Uireo fellows wore bought of tho estate ofjno. II. Morel, hi March 183d, aud formerly lived at (lie Lotion ham Plantation, Bryan Co. They are also well acquainted in and about Savannah GKO. C. DUNHAM, Managor. • 3d DO (Georgian) 9100 UEWAKD. Runaway from McPherson- villo, Beaufort Dfstrier, 8 1'. 011 the 10th Inst, n mulatto boy iiaui- ocf CHARLES, the properly of . the subscriber. Charles is be, 'tween 10 and 17 years ofage, a- bout G feet in height, stout and well made, has short biown curling hair,with keen dark brown ayes. On his upper lip he has a dark, oblong, natural mirk, easily perceived upon close ob servation. He rends well, speaks quickly and is reinarknbly intelligent. Among other op. f iarel, lie carried with him a bine cotton twilled rock coat A n brown for cap. He lie. Tree in rela tions Savannah and in Ihe interior of Georgia, mid was last lionrd of iu Barnwell Village, S. C. on his wny, it is believed to Augusta and ihnnco lo Savannah. One hundred dollars i lu t P*“,r<* r htf recovery and proo f coll , vtcnon of his having been harbored or afforded ■aciliiios ofescapo by any person, whits, b'uok I or colored, or twenty five dollars for his safe do- I livery lo me, or to the Jail in Savannah no that 11 recover him W. 11. W1GG. Pocoiahgo Post Ollloo, S. C. I mJlu i .? Chronicle A Sontiuol will Be™.' ll '« "hove daily for itvn weoks—and !."*} mine a tvoak until forbid, and July 22 r bl "iSa* ?? SWA INFS PANACEA. A S the iiitenipornnco ami luxury of tlio ngo nro hastening the ravages of scorbutic com plaints, and rendering tho blood more impure, and as thousands have destroyed their conslitii lions by noglooting to apply the proper reme dies s to such, Swaim’s Panacea must bo and has been more than doubly valuable ns a certain and effectual means of restoring them to perfect health nnd vigor. Few families are wholly ox- emptfrom scorbutic aflbutions, which exhibit va- rium symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations,debil ity, loss o (appetite and dejection, all arising from impure blood, aud if not properly attended to, produces tho greatest injury to the constitution, and may boiiuparted to their offspring. Swaim’s Panacea is recommended at tins season of the year, as an invaluable restorative oftlie system, thereby invigorating the constitntinn nnd emi{ tiling us to hour tho debilitating oA'ectsof the sum mer season. It is conveyed by tiie circulating fluids, and correctstbeir toudency tu all those dis eases which originnte in a vitiated[blood, diseased liver,depraved appetite, or predisposition to of- fection ufthe lungs, &c. No one, however, is advised to use it without convincing themselves of the truth of what is here stated. This tnedicino is now used with success in all parts of the world, aud is guiniug grout reputa! tion in England. From Dr. Valentina Mott. Professor of Burgory in tho University of New York, Surgeon of iho N. York Hospital, Arc. 1 have renoatedly used Swaim’s Panacea, both iu the Ilospitafund in private praclico. nnd have always found it to be a valuable tnedir.iuo in chrouic.sy phililic,, nnd scrofulous couipluints, ltd In obstinate cutaneous affections. VALENTINE MOTT, M. D. From this various impositions which Imve bean practised by adulteration, 4>*c.eveu t« ihe extent of perjury, for the purpose ofiniitating tho me' dicino.is sufficient to prove itseflicucy m tho dis bei "* cases in which it has been sufficiently provon tn have cured. It Is unnecessary to sny further ill relation to this Panacea, other limit to caution the publicagaiitsl the deleterious mixtures which have been made to impose upon the ignorant The genuine article can always be found at the store oftlie subscriber, who is tho sole agent for this Slate. A. PARSONS, Druggist, LANDS FOR SALE. T HE subscriber will sell on reasonable terms, three small Farms or Plantations, in Walton county: two of which are known as the Cowpens, adjoining lands formerly owned by Judge Harris, (now the property of Col. John A. Cobb.) Theao Farms or Plantations are well improved, h iving all nocessary and comfortable buildings, with excellent springs of wateri with a small and well selected npplo orchard and otlior pleasant fruits. The olhar about two miles from tlio former, with a com* fortable dwelling house, with a few well select ed apple trees, aud sevsral negro cabins. These farms or plantations are well known to bo as honltliy as any suction of tho Stato." South or East of.the mountains. Terms,—Fivo Thous and Dollars for the two first motioned; and Throe Thousnnd for the last—possession will be given on tho first of Novombor next. Tho terms of payment will be made easy to the purchaser or purchasers. HINES HOLT, Sr. juno7 135—H3in Milledgovillo Recorder. «DWAND’S PULRIONAItlA. 1 - OR VEGETABLE DEMULCENT. of Olutinnte Cnuuili; in coughx leolSjPf. n ® f r0M1 recant or neglected ImU?.: ‘"A-lhma, and a. an auxiliary, and l»vinnnJKEi9^ IU lba threatening VSSSr- of n Pn r ? M h |n g Pulmonary Con- Itlio .nit-j' ,ln mo “ lall ° Inwgrontor claim, upon Imediclna ° ,1C0 ° f th ° lnV0 ' id ,h,n lh# “ b;>vo ltn!,i> ; r r " r 'ho nfiliotivo nnd trnitblnnoma nynip- [fj l , 00 "gl|lug, oxiiooiiiraliiiii or phlegm, pnlii Em art^K* 0 - W,Klcll oouHiiiiiia prominom Bn. ,u’- oP l ha cninpliml, that tliu Piilmiinarin C.|.'“t©M.. and lias manira,tod its moit valu> fj" piopuriioit. baii3i!t®"! 1 * F cmiree in lire rcliof of bf bSSks * iirinng from .nddun clinngo. J PerInilo'lf 10 " 1 , woaril, 8 daiuplinoii,Ac. |. ni'iyM A BARTOW raj IW'iiof C'nliimbin, for re- Litimlv “'‘'l beautifying tho Hair. A fresh «»"d for knluliv J,y13 0. U. HENDRICKSON HIOFFATT’S LIFE PILLS AND PIKENIX UITTbRS T HESE medicines have long bsen known and appreciated for thoir extraordinary and immediate powers of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frutuo is liable* The proprietor rejoices in tho opportunity af forded by the universal diffusion of the daily press lor placing his VEGETABLE LIFE FILLS within the knowledge and reach ofovo* ry individual in the community. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries, whicli boast of vegetable ingredients the Life Tills are purely, and loldlyvcgtlablcvin} contain naitl.er mercury antimony, arsenic, nor any other mineral in any form whatover. Thoy are ontircly com posed ofextracts from rare and powerful'plants, the virtues of whicli, though long known to sev eral Indian tribos, and recently to sonioeminout pharmaceutical chemists, are altogether un known to the ignorant pretenders to medical scionco; and were never before administered in so lumpily efficacious a combination. ' THE PIKE NIX BITTERS, are so called beenuso they possess the power of restoring the expiring embers of hoallli, to a glowing vigor throughout the constitution, as the Phcenix is said to be restored to life from the ashes of its own disolution. Tho Rhasnix Bitter are entire ly vegetable,composed of roots found only in cer tain parts oftlie westorncountry, which’ will in< fiilibly cure FEVERS AND AGUFS of hi kinds; will never fail to eradicate entirely allthe effects of mercury .infinitely sooner tlinuphemost jownrful preparations ofSnrxapnriUn. nnd will inmediatcly euro the determination of BLOUD TO THE HEAD; never fuilin tlio ticlincttinci dent lo young females; and will he found a certain remedy in all enses nf nervous debility and xetuk- nes$ ufthe most impaired constitutions. Asa remedy for Chronic and Inflammatory Rheumatism, the efficacy of tlio Pliumix Bitters will bo demonstrated by the use of a single bot tle. The usual dose of these bitters is half a wino glass full, in wutor or wiuo.and this quail' tity may be taken two or three times a day .about ha an hour before meals, or a less quantity may bo taken at all limes. To thosa who aro afllictcd with indigestion after meals, these hit* tors will prove invnlimblo, as they, vory greatly increase the action of the principal viscera, help them to perforin their functions, md enable the •itomnch to discharge into tho bowels whatover isofleusivo. Thus iudigostion is easily and speedily removed, appetite restored, and tlio mouths of tho ahsorbnut vessels being cleansed, nutrition is facilitated aud strength of body and energy of mind are tho happy results. For further particulars or Mofl’att’s Life Fills and Phoenix Bitters,apply at Air. Moflalt’snfliro No 5IC Broadway, New York, where the Fills can be obtained lor 25 cents. 50 cents, or $1 por box; and tho Bitiorsfor$l n $2 per bot tle. Numerous certificates of tlio wonderful efficacy of both, may bo thore inspected. For sale by A. BARTOW. At his Store on tho Bay,, corner of Drayton St. uov23 PILLS, &c. HAEMORRHOIDS. No Cute No Puy!!—Price III. HAYS’ LINIMENT. N O FICTION.—This extraordinary churn* icnl composition, tho result of science,nnd the invention of a celebrated medical man. tho introdnetiou of which to tlio public was invonl. ed with the solemnity of a death bed bequest, has since gainod a reputation unparolleled.fully sustaining tlio correctness of tho lamented Dr. Gridloy’s last confession, tlmt “ho dared not die without giving to posterity tho benefit of his knowledge on this subject," and ho therefore bequeathed to his fiicud nnd attendant, Soloi moil Mays, the secret of his discovery. It is now usod iu the principal hospitnls.nnd tho private prnciico in our country, first and most certainly for the cure of the Pilos. and also so oxleiisively and eflecttially ns to buflle credir lily, uiiloss whero itselfucts aro witnonsed. Ex. teruallv in the following complaints: For Dropsy—Creating oxtraoidinary absorp 1 tion ut once. All Swellings— Rcdiicingthom in n few hours Rheumatism—Acute or Chrome,giving quick ROWAND’8 TONIC ill I XT U HE OR VEGETABLE FEBRIFUGE. A specific aud lasting euro for Fever & Ague. T HIS worthy remedy earnestly repels the slur of being a quack medicine, it havitif been the result of many yenrs experience am labor, in tho madical practice and observation of Fovar and Ague. It is composed of such medical principles as were considered most fit to restore tho harmony of action between tho stomach, liver, and tho otlior important fit no* lions of tlio sysioin, tho loss of which hnrmony^ is evidently the immedinto cause of the disease. It speedily promotes a regular and healthy ap petite, which is generally entirely destroyed or reudored very precarious; by which effect, via* or aud strength is soon ufmrdcd to the whole system. It must he npparent to all. that a me* diciuo possessing these peculiar virtues, is use. fill in a grout variety of complaints, by renew ing the healthy action of the digostivo organs, il Ims proved itself ofremnrkablu benefit iu dya. pepsin, depraved nppoiite, heart burn, wntcr brash, flniuleney, jaundice,night sweats, dysen. tery, bowel complaints, and muny oilier Direc tions of similar origin. But it is in the trent* ment of fevers, and especially in Fever and A* S ue, or intermittent fuvor, that its powers havo pen principally tested, nnd with those who havo seen its tisoftilness, it is pronounced snv eruign to all remedies heretofore discovered for those diseases. It has also been used os a pro- voulivo, by many who wore subject to n peri odical recurruuoy of chills nnd fuvor, nnd it has always warded oil* tho apprehended attack.— 0*11 was doomed not impropor to accompany the fubrifiige with n fow of the many unuqpivocal certificates politely furnished to the proprietor, ooiroboraliva of tho forogoing statements. For further accounts of its great usefulness, seo pamphlets accompanying each bottle. A frosh supply received nnd forsnlo by A. PARSONS. july 10 No. 8 Gibbons’ Buildings. PLAYING CARDS. , T WO GROSS superior Flaying Cards, rucolvod olid for snloby jiiuo 10 THOMAS UYEKSON. Soro Throat—By cancers, nlccrs, or colds. Croup and Whooping Cough—Exturunily; and over the chest. All Bruises, Sprains nnd Burns—Curing in a few hours. Sores and Ulcors—Whethor fresh or long standing, nnd fuvor sores. Its operations upon adults and children ill reducing rheunintic swellings, and loosening coughs und tightness of the chest by relaxation of thu purl*, has boon surprising hoyoud yon. copiiim. The common remark of those wlm havo used it in tho Files is, ‘It uctu liken charm. 1 THE FILES.—The price §1 i« refunded to any person who wdl use a bottle of Hays’ Liu* imuut for tho Files, aud return tho empty but tle without being cured. These are the positive aiders of the proprietor to tho ngents; and out of tunny thousuiius sold, uot ouo has been on successful. Wo might insert certificates to any length, but profur that llioso who sell tho otliclo should exhibit tlio original lo purchasers. SOLOMON HAYS, HAYS’ LINIMENT. Floreuco, Alabama, Sopt. 28. A gentleman of the highest standing iu this tnwtn^who Ims been dreadfully afflicted with tho rflufl Files for the Inst 26 yenrs, an lied upon mo and freely confessed to me his situation.- After describing the severity of the complaint, he remarked ha had not been so well for 20 years pust ns hu wns at that moment. Holme used one bottle only of Hays’ Liniment. To iiseiiis own words ho said "the whole human family, who were thus afflicted, ought to be made acquainted with this msdicine." Signed, IL L. BLISS! A fresh supply of tlio above medicino receiv ed. nnd for salo by july 17 A. PARSONS, Agont. UNEXAMPLED MAMMOTH SLIIEM L 7 D (IIE following detail, of . Schp.me or A JL Lottery, lo bo drawn in December next, r .rra!,..u.i"dq 0 l. , lli, it «, bs UNPARAL. LELLD in Ilia lii.iory of Loltoriri. Piiie. m lire amount have river rktori birr orriMxn to tho public. It ia Iruo, there are ninny blank., but on Iho other hanJ, lire extremely low chnrne of3BO porTickel—lire Value ard Numbkii of lire Capital., nnd lb. revival ofjlregdod old cuntom of wnrrenting Hint every piixo .ball bo drawn and .old, will, wo are aura, giva iiuiv.r- aol inliifiicliou, Olid specially lo lire Six lluai uhkd Pkixx Huluxiu. To IhoMdbpmod to adventure, wo recom. mend early application being inode lo ti* fiir ticket.—when lire piize, nro all aolil, blank* only roinain—tlio (i„t buyer, have lire lie,I chance. We, therefore, emphatically .ay— DELAY NOT! biitaloncoreiniiandlroax-mli to u. your order., which aliall atw.y. receive our immediate otl.i.ibin. Letter, to bo oddrem-d, and application, mod. n> SYLVESTER & CO„ 16G Broadway, New York. (CrObiervo ihe Number, 1GG, 9200,000111 9900,0001! 939,0001 6 prize, of930,00011 2 prize, of919,00011 3 prize, of.910,000 I LOTTERY OfReal Eatate and Bank Slock, •itiraled in Now Oilcan.. ST Tho richcal and inoit magnificent Schome aver prewnled tn lire public, in tlii. or uuy other country. TICKKTi 0\LY *20. Authorized by nti Act nf tlio Legislative Assem bly ol Florida, und undei the Directions of the Commissioners, acting under tho same. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December 1st, 1839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER & CO., 156 Broadway, New York, Solo Agents. NO COMBINATION NUMDKtts!!! 100,000ttcketsfruin No. I upwards,iu succession Extract from ths Laws of the Legislative Council of tho Territory of Florida. Ghap.761.—No. 22.—Whereas the Court Iloiiso of Duval county, is in an uiifiiiish* ed state, and titers are yet due and owing up on the same, monies, which it is believed wil impose too burdensoms a tax upon tho people of Duval; und |whoroas, it is desirabk to pay those raid stuns stidcompleto said build ing,ns well for the greater convenience of the ad ministration nf justice,ns for the double purposo of an Academy, (or which purposo iu part, the said building, when completed, is designed Therefore— Sic. 1 ] Bo it enacted by the Governor and Lagislntive Council of (lie Territory of Florida, That it shall and may be lawful fi r Josopli B. Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hart and Wil. liam J, Mills, or any two of them under thu direction of tlio county court of Duval county, to raiso such sum or sums of money by Lottery, irt such Schemes a* they may deem appropriate and advisable: Provided, that the said persons shall bind themselves in such maimer as tlio court shall direct,well aud truly to conduct such "" in good faith,tn appropriate tho pioceeds bject ubovo stated.—Fa-sed, Feb. 7ili 1834.—Approved Feb. Iltli 1634. By agreement, bearing date the 29th of F«du ruary, 1639, the above Joseph Lancaster,Isaiah D. Hart and William J. Mills did, fur certain coiihidertiiious, in uniformity to the said Lego- lativo Act, duly assign unto Messrs Schtnidt A. Hamilton ull their Right nnd In terest, and the Powers vested in them by the above recited Act of the Legislature nf Florida. Extrnct from tlio valuation of Goorgo Phillip Manmtvriur nud Jacob do Cordova, belli of tho Oily of Now Orleans, made und swum lo on the 19th day of April, 1830:— That the said George Phillip Manoitvrier and Jacob Curdovu. appraise and cumcieuti'iu-dy and hotioslly value the property known under iho uuriio nnd appellation of "Banks Arcade," imho City of New Orleans,at 8ix Hundred Thousand Dollars, and "Tho property known under tho ftppollation of"City Hotel" or "llishop’a Hotel," in the said City of of New Orleans, at Four iluiidicd and Twenty Thousand Dollars." The doods of tlio Properly and the Stoek tratisi forred in trust to the Cuiumissimiersnppointed by the said act of tho Legislniiuu nf Florida, fur the security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SCREIUEI!! Prize—Tlio Arcade—286 feet, 5 incbus,)4 lines, on Magazine street; 101 feet, 11 inches,wu Naiehez street; 126 feet, 6 inches, on Gravier st. Routed at about $37,000 peruir mini. Vulued at 1 Prize—City Hotel—162 ft on Com mon street, 146 feel, 6 inches, on Camp st. Runted at *25;000- Valued at 1 Prize-Dwelling House (adjoining tho Arcade) No. 16,24 ft, 7 inclu us front on Nutchcz st. Rented at *1200—Valued at 1 Prize—Dilin (adjoining the Arcade) No. 18,23 ft front oil Natchez at. Rented at *1200—Vulued at O* It shall lie at the option of the winners of Pr ixes of Bank Stocks, either to take (lie stock itself, or the par value thereof in casln The receipts of the snlo of tlio Tickets are. nnd will bo, deposited in the Citizens’, Com snlidatod. Canal, Union, and Carrollton Batiks, in the name of tho Managers jointly with J. B. Perrault, Esq., actually cashier of the Citizens’ Bank, nnd A. Boudouiu, Esq actually cashier of the CoiMolidsted Bank, asTrustoes, as por Act passed before A. Mazureau, Esq., Notary Public, on the 2d May, 1838. and the properties tran»fcrrcd iiniiirumliared, for thu security of.he fortunate Prize Holders. Mode of Drawing.— 100,000 tickets, from 1 to 100,00(1, will be put in one wheel, and 600 prizes, with tho blanks in ntinther. To every nuinharo prize or blank will ho drawn, until all the prives aro determined, leaving the balance of nuiubnrs hi the wheel blanks. D* To Edituksanu Publish tens.—Having received Newspapers containing the above Scheme, from twontydwo States and Tunitor ies,besides several of the British Provinces, we are satisfied with Ihe circulation, and therefore request that such papers as have not. np to thin time, inserted the advertisement, will be pleas* ed not tn do so, and that all the other papers will insert it o*eea teeek only until the 1st of De cember. and forward ua their accounts. SYLVESTER A CO., 150 Broadway,N. Y. July 29 IMt PORTO 1UCO SUGARS. * 5 IIHDS Porto Rieo Sugars, of prime quality, in store, and for sale by jnly 24 GEORGE If. MAY. *|*asBsras7-*« * do 1 do 1 do 3 do 3 do SALT AND IVIACKK 150 IIAUS_ Lire.pool' Silt, 25 bill. ERkL . I S.lt, 25 No.3 Mackurcl,u voiv lupetior nrticlo. For rale by july 24 M. DILLON & CO. Thoy sujiii i: iisIocka le. fSPS. DDLS llaiii’. col.brat.il AioberAU, /W*Js now lauding, for sale by jtny 94 M. DILLGN & CO. sup. do do foghorn Straws fino do col'd. do Tissue do 3 doz Boys Caps 14 <lnz block mill wlilio Uoodi, uip'or .rt, 8 dost '1 issue I loads G boxes Bonnet Ribbons 6 pcs Printed Lawn 15 do do CaiiibrhT 4 r« ttnds Irii-h Linen 6 pea Linen Sheeting 20 do Russia Diaper 11 do Birds foe Diaper 4 do Linen Drill, superfine U do Crape for Pantaloons 7 do Summer Cassimeru Scotch Giuehnme English Prints Long Lawns 4-4.5-4 and 6*4 Bobbinct Bobbinet Edging. Thread focos Plain and open work Silk ( Do do do do 1 Which willbo sold at redneed prices, by . . r WM. H. LLOYD, 1 rVlUE Sitlwcribcr, Agent for tht Allien. JL Manufacturing Cninpany, li.t run.l.nl- ly nil I'"nil. n iiipply ofih.ir domr.lib Woollen ui"l Cotton Good., n superior tniol. far N.xru Clothing. NOULE A. IIARDEE. jun. 11 PltlME DEEP Ac MOLASSES. 2 4| URLS piitno Uouf, Now York City il -IF ln.pecium; 5 lihd. fir.t r.io retailing Mulanae.. Juit reamod, and for .ala by july 24 M. DILLON & CO. LAMP OIL. "B Me BBLS fiiin.uinmer .trained bleached •S. WW Oil, now landing from .Inn Celia, and for Ml. low from tire wharf, by j«ly 24 L. BALDWIN. ~TTSasT 1 SB BOXES Souchong Tea, 14 lbs each IL -IF 10 du lly.011 do 13 do do 20 do du , do 0 do do For >nlo by M. DILLON i CO. july 24 159 HEAD’S CREAM ALE. 1 (Jh URLS Rond', culcliruloil Slock Ain, JL MF received per brig Mednoti, and fur eel. by SI. DILLON & CO. july 20 IfiO SEIDL1TZ AND SODA POIV DERS. R ECEIVED, r lorgoeupply Ofittaynard Sr Noyes' Seidlilz nud Sudn Powders, and fur mile by ANSON PARSONS, juno lo 143 FItESH SFICES. 6TJ BAGS llluck l’cppur, 3Uo Pimento Am I bbl Nulmuxs, received nnd fur nnlo by july 3 ANSON PARSONS. FRICTION MATCHES. H O GROCE Uuirimi'e Puient Friclinn JL ^ Mntcliei, 12d. Mill. A; Win.hip'sinr proved Potent kiln dried in pnper.reeaivedand lor rale by JOHN E. 8TILWRI.L. jnly 22 Oppo.iio iliu Mnii.inn Hnnra. CHLOKIDE LIME. POUNDS fine dry Chlnndo *J* -4FIF Lime, received nud fur rale by uly22 A. PARSONS. Dollarn. 700,000 500,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOMATO, FETKItS ft IiHAN- IIHETH'S PILLS. GROCE Peter.'Ami Bilione Pill. 3 rla Urnudrelh’i . do do 0 do Plicluh.' Tmnntn do Ju.t received and fur rain wholerala and re 1 tail by G. 11.11 KNDlllCKSON, Agent, jnly 21 159 »0' O TIIE SUnsCIUBEH FFLItS Tor rale nl reduced price., the fol. lowing at tides— 3 bales 7.8 Springfield Shirting 2 do 3.4 do do, 1 do 4.4 do du 4 do 5*4 do do, i do G.4 do do 1 case low priced Calicoes 10 pcs French Muslin 20 do du Cambrie, 8 do do LihoH 0 do Mexicali Jeans 4 do Crape, for gentlemeu*s west 5 do plain Swiss Muafln 10 do Cross bsr’dtSwiss Muslin 3 do Nansonk Muslin G do Book do, 5 do Bishop Lawn Silk Shawls, Thread I .aces Gimp Edgings, Bobbinet do Open woik Silk Gloves Plain do do, Linen and Colton dd Long White Kid do £• „ Jo op®n work Silk do Silk Hose, plain and open work Awn. a largo n^ortmmit of Palm fo«f Hood* July 17 A ™ . VsINJBNNf dice. VF.lt Y &. JOHNSON have recftiVed, 20 ncs super Irish Linens, also Linen Sheet* ings, Diapers, Arc. For sale low. july 3 South side Monument Square. A VERY i&^OHNSON^mjNB received largd additionsto tboir t stock nl * Linen Hosiery, which they will jnlv 3 South side SIM A very & jo good assoittui for sale tow. jnly 2 South GOINGl COt nil UK Subscriber I JH. tiro cloi-c of hr* nrer Savatiliali. by tlio 1st day will sell his large ata* **" CY DRY GOOI Spring’s select be purchased f« for cuf-bouly sale, for j month* cr bargain* t selves, at my d No. 1 Waring jun 9 MLKTfJtti'JPON itOSlbUY^Je Por ship Alilledgavillu. DOZ Ladies super Ingrain blk t\\k Hoie 3 do do do Rtbu'd do do do 2 do do do Derby do d» du 6 do very sunor while Cotton d(i 10 do assorted qualities 25 groce Cotton Cord 25 do Diamond Bead Lace 25 do assorted do do 12 do sopor Silvered Suspender BtiUOntf 12 do English Japan 12 do Strap do SNIDER, LATHROP A NEVlTi’. jnly 8 J53 LLOYD, ftlarket 8tp CANTOR OIL. BOTTLES co'.d pressed Castor 200 do du do do, in pints 400 do Plantation do do, in quarts 400 do do do do, in pints Received and for sale by JOHN E. 8TUAVELL, july 22 Opposite tho Mansion Houso. Prize—-Ditto(adjoining the Arcade) No. 20,23 feat front on Natchez at. Ranted at *1200—Valued at l Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North oast corner of Basin & Cuslom.hoiiso street;40 feet fronton Basin, nnd 40 feet on Franklin at. by 127 ft. deep in Custom bouse hi. Rented nt *1500—Valued at l Prize—Ditto—No. 24, Soiifli west corner of Bnsin iV. Custom Imnse street; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feet, 7 inches on Fiunklin. 127 feet, 101 inches deep in front of Custom house street. Rented ut *1500—Valued nt 1 Prizo—Ditpi—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 * inches on Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 inches deep. Rented ut* 1400. Valued at 1 Prize—250 slmres Canal Bunk Stock, *100each I Ditto—200 ditto Com do, do do 1 Ditto—150 ditto Alechauics' aud Traders’ do do 1 Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—100 dc do do do do 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do l Ditto—50 do do do do do 1 Ditto—25 do Gus Light Bunk do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 1 Ditto—15 do Aiechunic*' & Tra ders’- dodo 1 Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 10 share# of tho Louis* iaiia State Bank, *100 each, each Prize $1000 10 do—each 2 shares of $100 each, each Prize $200, oftlie Gus Light Bank 200 do—each 1 share of *100, of tho Bank of fomisiana 200 do—each l share of *100, of tlio Now Orleans Bank 150 do—each 1 share of *100 of the Union Bunk of Florida 15,000 WilLLLEU’S IIALSAjtl OF MO&CATELLO. i GRATEFUL and oflectnal remedy for Ii. diseases of the stomach and bowels, viz: Dyspepsia, Diarrlima, Dysentery. Cholera Mur bus. Cholic, Aslaiic and Spasmodic Cholera, Cramps, Children Teething, summer com. plninl* of children, dangerous effects of drink' mg cold water when overheated, &c. A supply of lilts highly recommended modi' cine can lm obtained at tho subsetiber* store, whore will be exhibited testimonials of its hu* porior excellence from (known) respectable persons. From the New York Evening Star. Cholera Morhut.—The season of fruit* having arrived, we may expect to have uinro or loss cases of Cholera Morbus. We continue un shaken in our confidence of the virtues of tlia Balsam of Aloxcatollo for diseasos oftlie aidin' itch and bowels, susluiuud by strong certificates of its ftliracy. Every family alionld keep a bottle in Ihe house, which is to be had of Dr. Wheeler, 33 Greenwich street. This celebrated medicino, direct from tho Proprietor, to bo obtained nt the store of «. U. HENDRICKSON, Sole Agent. j»ly l» 157 20,600 20,000 15,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5000 5000 2500 2500 20,000 2000 20,000 20,000 600 Prizes. *1,500,000 TICKETS *20-NO SHAPES. ilarket Square. TOOTH WASHES, * 4~kURIS. Cliloiiue aud KreosotTooth Wash cs. Received ami fbr sale bV John E. BTILWfctX, july 22 Opposite the Mansion House; EUE8* ODOItiFUKOlfS Com pound, or Persiuu Scent Bags. A AlOST grateful pet fume fur tcotitina Drawers, Wardrobes, &c., and is an or fectnal preventive against moth. Prepared oh 4 ly by Robert Best Ede, Chemist and Perfumer# by special appointment tn the Queen. For sale by PORCHER A LA ROCIIF, Opposite (he Alurkef, jnly 22 Sign ol lli TAX NOTICJU. N OTICE ih hereby given that a tax fur tho year A D. 1339, bus been assessed upon nljpioperiy real aud personal, wit bin the limiis of tho city ofDruuswick, amounting to twenty three} hundred, sixty -, seven ilollais and eighty one cents, which the owners of said property nro hereby requested to pay within Eiuht Wkkkh fie ill tlio data of this notice. All the properly upon which the taxes shall not be paid agreeably to the reque.-t iu this notice will be immediately advertised for sale at tlio expense of tho owner. ^Nniues of tho owners of property iu said ci ty, so far as known to the subscribed The Brunswick aud Florida Rail Road Co. Geo. Anderson, John W. Anderson, H. A. Breed. E. Bend. Brunswick Land Co. J. Bal four Adm. Eat. of Jus. Mossman, Robt. Bolton, A. G. Bmnett, Est. Alujor John Berrien, Colby A Davis, S. D. Coibitt, Stephen Chase, u. Dart, II. Dtibietion, Goo Dupree, T. Datt.T. C. A. Dextor.E. A. Dexter,L. S. D’Lyon,Ann Demote,John AlcDermid.Alosoa Eastman,John Franklin. Thos. Glascock. R. L. Gamble, T. W. Good.', J. J. Higginbotham, Est. Priscilla Hnustouti, Patrick Houstmin, R. Hnzlchurst, Benj. S. Hurris, Ex. to Est. John Alilton,Robt. Hutchinson, Bnnk of Brunswick, The Bruns* wick Lumber Gtr. Al. 11. & J Hebburd. Thos. 1500 B. King, 8. C. King, Sarah A. Kimberly, Ann 1500 King, J. S. Lawrence, Louisa Lench, Celia Lninb, A. H. Alerrminn, Jus. Mooro, W, B. Miller, Henry Al.Ateals nud Sister. Solomon Moody, P. AI Nightingale, R. S. Piles, J. G. Putman, R. Pooler for Air. Porter, Airs. Pin dar, Mrs. Poslell, Jane Remslinrt, E. 8. Ilecs, Jos. Rynls, Alex Scott, Win H. Stiles, J. R. SaiHsey. C. J. Shelton, W. P. White, Est A. Whitehead, P.J, Williams, Ann Wright, A. L. KING, Major. Brunswick, June 29, |83D. july 3 T50|l Sign ol the Golden GIoIk*. TO MOTH Lit S • A FRESH supply of Evans’ Southing Syr np. fur children tedthiug. ’ Also, Evuiitf* Chamomile Pills, for snlo by PORCHER iV LA ROCHE. Opposite the Alurkef, july 24 Sign of the Golden Glubo‘. ULUNftUU-S CHOLEUl 911X-' TURK. F OR Cliolorn Morbus, Asiatic Cholctn; Cholera Infantum, Bowel Complaint. Looseness of the Bowels, &c. A fresh supply just received and for saio by PORCHER A LA ROCHE, Opposite tlio Alurkot. jnlv 24 Siim oftlie Giddeo Globe. GRATES. A N assortment Russia Sheet Iron Pmlof Grates, fur sale hv July 17 N. B. A II. WEED SUPERIOR UAVEIMHM1 TO" BACCO. A SUPERIOR nrticlo of Cuvcmlitlj To. bacco, jost received and for sale by PORCHER & LA ROCHE. Opposite tlio Market. july 24 Sign of tho Golden Globe# HAVANA SLUAtlS. d-H SUPERIOR quality UVjUUw Havniiu Sognni, fuvor" its bronrJii. viz: Taeoiii Slur, Iboria, Itcgnliu, Cnroiie., ilc. , invited lo examine llii.r irerrul/' july 84- O. R HEN" LEMON SYRUP. QA DOZ Key'sKiqiHriiir I.einon Syrup, FPMF received and for rala by jnlie 15 ANSON PARSONS. 1 FHOSFHOHUS. A SUPPLY ofauperior 1’bo.pboriu, jual received and fur .ale by PORCHER ALA ROCHE. Sion of Golden Globe, oueoiilo lire Market. jnneI4 J41 LEMON SI RUP. * QH DOZ Underwond'ii rup'r Lemon Syr' (sjjvjjr up.au do lloe*' dji du, jn.l received and fur rale by jrPy 24 U. It, HENDRICKSON.