Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, August 02, 1839, Image 1

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■M • rfr • V* ' • >/ - JS&k : s',; aMflSgi OTMfc ’.'*»• .'r.j/ V^^Ti' ft • *^!V§J /,;. ..4 1 .».*'Jj' •* iv.y.- •; -v-A NO. t«S -VOL. XMTI. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST I, IS80. WllOUE NO.-06,OS5 m. ID- C/.EANSE AND PUUIFY Till; UODY.—'lira «pi>*ic«iIon oflh« pruicii «ll tarn* sllow.il to ho ono of tho J ° ,„t utility in Ilia cure and provonlion of aUoitZ.UUt>rtlta» gioiuo.t oonnqiwniio-to «,l„in >«hat moJIcimi i. oopobto of producing ihsnt«iKi:o ErmcT ill tho ea.ie.l, ond at the limoiii llm in°«t «*»)»! mannot _ It lino mi'V no longer to conluiid with tho blind prejudice ol tho grentct portion-of tho ‘" li C . it , only wlm thoio fow who mill are do- &&$ to bo ••killed according to rulo.” like iho pooplo of old who 'would huva'a •King to ihom.’ U.il. th ink, lo tho cironlii. ,ion of niiWidoport—jhaukolo tho aanoral dll- r i,l,in or knowledge, which onnblet nineteen twontioth, of TUB FKOFLF. in rend und to iinleo for ihoiiuolvoe—now wo no lunger ho- iiovS in .wallowing that du.idly inthoralJ Mkii- cuar,profo.uing tocuio-hnt unWoreally loov- iiie in in n worm conJilion niter in uio. Wo no longer hoitovo In llto ahiurd no'.ion that lull uninaiiont of nny kind con bo cu red by 1 obilrncting our life—UUtt 81.01)6, Ilia now -well nndoriitoiiJ that oil iullainiiiatiiin luwio -onuiaaoca of N.ture, a signal that .ho ro- ,.,„ret tho n-ilit nice ol piiri-mvo inedicino lo - e- t |, a( 0 f the npprauiv* burden which uio StMoi'byihoiiigh‘revor end Iho urong niilio, j, „ a „tod m ho louiovod. In oiltor word*, the toady calls fur a voaoteble olooiunig URVEUttKril'e VKOKTAnt-E UniTEMAI. Pun, oeauiro nn .kill in Ihoir adiniiliitralion; Iho niiutud diieclmn only lui to bo obioreed, and !{hoy deioiibii iho ju.t proporlion of Iho do.o, to aho magnitude of tho dUoaM to lie cured. la ,11 persons rend tks /Muting opinion of a oenllemin who well knows (Ac qualities of thus tills. BltANDRETIl’3 FILLS. Till, medicine ii acknowledged In bo ode of the moil valuable etor dincovered, a. a purifier of Ilia blood mid fluid,. Ilia uiperior lo Bar. aipurill i. whelher ai n lodoiiflo or alterative. It oltndi inllniioly beforoall Die preparation, or combinoiioii. of Mercury. Iu piirgalivo nroi f erliei are nlono of incalculable value—for iheto ■ill, in ly bo lakon daily roll a«v rEnioo, and inilead of weakening by the cathartic eltecl.lhey odd airengtlt by taking away the eau.e of weak' non. Tlioro i. no good Mercury dee., which llioio Fill, do not liltewiio. Uni they have none of Ilia mi,arable effect, of that ueadi.t specif ic. The teeth are not injured—tfie none, and limb, are not parulyaed—no—but ill Ike .load of thoio di.tra.iiug .ymptom., new life end con. upient animation ii evident in ovary rnerein.nl of the body. Uraedreth'. Pill. are indeed a Ulivaniii. Remedy, fur they euro opposite diien.ii! they euro Inpi-AMMATioit and Ciino.nc ItuEUM.iTH.ul They cure Uiaoete. and Striiooary! Tliey cure Dyieetery nod Ci»tiveiie.i! They will cure “ ippoiito dnon.i., nacAU.E rv tho blood, provided, boyuud all human AS, ire thin medicine ha. lie iu tho U. Staler; iduced it lie. anporio >'■ Office, in Now York are 3-11 sWAi ivt's Vermifuge YON did roinudy coiintoraota the whole train JL of dtioaso. ariling from the dnbilily of tho dige.liva organ, or n depraved condition of tho •toinaoh anil bowels. Most nftho disease, of chHdron orlglnato in vertnlttousanbotioti.. Worm, domroy tho nonrishmeut which It in tended by nntiiro to support life. The immodiato offect of Swann’* Vormifuce nro to trnnquiliEn tho atoumcli, clour it afnciilu mi. plilegm, dissipate superfluous hilo, iitcrcaw the grastic juice, nud prumatohealthy digestion It alleviates sick headache, nud is mi nntodetr for tho Cholera Morbus nf our country, dirrno- fevoritud ague, nod that class of diseases whicl oivo Ihoir origin to adisordorod state of the sic, much or bowels. This remedy o»po|s worm, by giving health) nation to the stomach and orgnu. of digestion. Tlioro is nothing in its com position lo kill worms. Thoy nro soldom soon after its use, and tho pa tiont improve, in lionllli, color and appetite.— Those rmnodie.whiclikill worm.inii.tufcmir.se injure tho stemach materially, and Iho couso of many serious complninl.. This fact has boon materially neglected by the faculty, nnd tho or- rnr has nover boon discovered until Swirlin'. Vormifitgo proved it lo tho entire satisfaction of every family wlm lias used it. The medicine is no less officaoiousin manyo the disease, of grown persons, by dissipating Ihaso morbid aooretions which produce dysen tery, diarrim, cholera morbus, piles, fever and ague, dyspepsia, acidity of the stomach, fuitl breath, nud tho disagreeable afToctions oonso- rjuoiitupon billious disorders. It is now in general use in most parts of the world. Families resident in tho country, tra vellers going into tho interior nr voyaging inlo distant tropical climates, (insulated front medi cal talent) would find Swuim'i Vormifuge of groatadvautago. Kepi constantly on hand, nnd for sale by A PARSONS,«nlo Agent for tho Stnto, ICo.nriruri 1 these u, I they oce.issi Ihowaver, ild'FAN ■ now Iwnorovor it ' 1 all mini Ir.Bi OOLT’I BOOK-KEEPING. A PRACTICAL work upon nplnnenliroly new.—Tho account* which form the has- ei of the science are classed rindor FIvo 'Divb lions, witli Jelinilo explanations after tho fornu of grammar and arithmetic. It coniains a vo cabulary of mercantile terms and phrases. Also, nKoy explaining the nature nnd niniinorufjour utilizing each ol the Day Boole entries ns a prac lical accountant would explain the same to Im pupil; this so simplifies tho science that any young man nf common English education may acquire u knowledge without tho nssistnncQ nfn teacher. To which is added, Direction* to the Learner,nud Fraclical Forms for Keeping books in every extent nnd vnriety of roiruuercial hom es; Fublio Addresses, tho first ever dulivorot' npnntho subject,&c. &c. Just received ant fur solo wholesale nnd retail by jan 8 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. UN EXAMPLE!) MAMMOTH SCIIBI1K f|i HE following dotnil a Scheme or a in December next, bo UNPAUAL, uies. Fiites to BEER OFrEHED ore many blanks, ly low charge E ahd Number ivol oflhoguod old ory pttio shell bo *uro, give univer- todio Six Ilex, option of tho winners ...ill illOFFATT'S LIFE PILES AND 1’IICENIX BITTt.RS T IIRSE medicines liftve long been known and npprecintud for thoir extraordinary nnd uuniedinto powers of restoring perfect health lo persons suffering under nrarly every kind of d»eus« to which the human finiue 11 liable* The proprietor rejoices in tho opportunity ef» forded by tho universal diffusion of the dstly for placing his VEGETABLE LIFE . uratu ■ROADWAY, 185 Hudson st. mid 270 Bow. rjf, 6tU6ccn Princn and Ihutlan tit, 25 cuius pnr box with directions. Beware of coiiHiorftiiia. DriicgiAts RKVKR in.ido agents. Knelt of Dr. IJrundroth’s Agents hnvo nn em rap#! cerii/jttdo.dnterfjWhtmt tho twelve months ext preceding. These certificates mo ronc.v. d rt*2itl:irly:thsrof«»r^ when overturolve luoiuits Id they un longer guamutpo the gonuiuonoss f tho inedicino. llmmbtr Drussit's nro nover math Ancntt, Sold hy SEABORN GUODALL. corner of (ingress and (Jefferson "trouts, (near tho Mar* tt) TUB O.VIstf AO KMT FOlt TIIB SAI.K OF TUB rvuivk Uiunpuktu'" Fills in Savmitiah. jnlv 10 l5:Uw:)m ■ 10(1 UStVAItU. ' Abscondod fiom Wnvorloy Flamalion, Cmmluii County, on ilia IQlh day of July last, LAR KIN, DICK, and CATO. Lar- bin Is a stout Mulatto fallow, n- about d j years nf ago, & foot 0 la inchss high '•ho has a scar ou his tight chock, Iso some marks of small pox about his fiico, lartionlarly ou hit non. also a large scar Irotn naxo on hisfoot, noar tho groat loo. Larkin fns rather a feeble voice for a man of his statue, pato is a black follow, on African by In rib, tic i a stout, square built follow, about 5 foot 4 to inches high—has the mark of his tribe on his roa<t; ho is likewise raptured, and has n dbry irge mouth. Dick is a small black, well oat fob iw, alto on Africtnby birth, with n round foco in J down cast look, easily confused when intar 1 ojatodi there is nlso a singular appournneo ibont his month whin nlartned. Tito ah ivo ‘iron follows wore bought of tho estate of Jim. i. Morel, in March IBdd.oml formerly lived nl io Cotton ham Flaula'inii, Bryan On. Tlioy [to also well niquaihiud In and about Savnuuuli GKO. C. DUNHAM, Manager. ' feb 88 GO (Georgian) SlOO ItE IV.1UU. StVAIM’M PANACEA. A S iho iutompernnee and luxury of tho ago* rue hastoning tho ravage* of scorbutic com plaints, and rendoring tho blood more inipuro, and as thousands hnve destroyed their constitn tions by noglecting to apply the proper reme dies; to such, Swaim’s Panacea, must bo and has boon more than doubly valuable ns a certain and eilectunl means of restoring them to perfect health nnd vigor. Foiv families are wholly ox- emptfrom scorbutic affections, which exhibit vn« non*symptoms, as eruptions, nlcoralions,debil ity, loss of appotito und dejection, till arising from impnro blood, and if not properly attended to, produces thag^tatesl injury to the constitution, nnd may beiiiipartedtoFietroffspriug. Swoim’s Panacea is recommended nt this season of tho yoar.ns nil invaluable restorative of the system, tharoby invigorating the constitHtiou and own] bliug us tobearthe debilitating effects of iho sum mor season. It is conveyed by the circulating fluids, and corrects their tondoucy tv all those dis eases which origmnteinn vitiated bload,diseased liver, depraved appetite, or predisposition to ef- faction of the lungs, A*c. No ono, however, is advised to use it without convincing themselves of the truth of what is here slated. This inedicino is now used with success in all parts of the world, aud is gnining great reputa^ tiou in England. From Dr. Valentine Mott. Professor of Surgery in the University of New Yurie, Surgeon of tho N. York Hospital, tVc. I hnvo ropcatodly used Swnim’s Panncon. both in the Hospital and in privntonmcticn.nnd have always found it to bo a valuable medicine in chronic,syphilitic„nndscrnfiil(niscotnplniiUs, ud in obslinutncutntionn*affections. VALENTINE MOTT, M. D. From thisvarious impositions which have been practiced by adulteration, A*c. even lo tho extent of perjury, for tho purpose of imitating tho me dicine,is sufficient to prove its ellicnny m tho dis eases in which it has boon sufficiently proven to have cured. It is nnuocessary to say further in relnlion to this Paimcen, other than to caution the piiblioaguinstthodoloterious mixtures which have been made to imposo upon tho ignorant The genuine article can always be found at the storo ofthe subscriber, who is the solo agent for this State. A. PARSONS, Druggist, FILLS within Uio knowledge ond reach of eve* ry individual in the community. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries, wliioh boast of vegotitblo ingredients the Lifo rills ore purely, and toldly vegiVtbfeen 1 contain neither mercury antimony, arsenic, nor any othor mineral in nny form whatever. Thoy are entirely com posed of extracts from rare nnd powerful plunts, tho virtues of which, though long known to sev eral Indian tribes, and recently to some eminent E hnrumcoutical chemists, are altogether nn* nown to tho ignorant pretenders to medical science; and wore never before administered in • happily efficacious a combination. THE PHCENIX BITTERS, ore so called bccntise thoy popsess the power of restoring tho expiring embers of hoallii, to n glowing vigor throughout tho constitution, as iho Pliamix is said to be restored lo life from the ashes of its own disolnllon* Tho Uhcenix Bitter nro entire ly vogetable,composed of roots found only in cor tain parts ofthe western country, which' will in* falibly cure FEVERS AND AGUES ofai kindx; will never fail to eradicate entirely all the effects of mercury.infinitely sooner than^lhemusl powoiful preparations of Sarsaparilla, aud will immediately cure the determination of BLOOD TO THE HEAD; never fail in the sickness inci dent to youngfemalct; and will he found a certain remedy in oil casos of nervous dc&Uily and tcuik- nest ofthe most impaired constitutions. As a remedy for Chronio and Inflammatory Rheitinntisni, the efficacy of tho Pliamix Bitters will bo demonstrated by tho uio of u single hot* tie. Tho usual dose of these bitters is half a wine glass fulk in water or wino, nnd this quail* tity tuny be taken two or three times a day .about ha nn hour before meals, or n less quantity nny bo taken nt nil times. To ihose who are aflhctcd with indigestion odor nioiils, these bit* ter* will prove Invaluable, ns they vorv groatly iucrouso the action oftlto piiucipui viscera, help them to perform their functions, nndcnnblo the •toinnch to dischnrgn into !he bowcU whoever is offensive. Tims indigestion is cosily and speedily removed, appotito restored, nnd llio mouths of tho nhnorbaut vessels being cleansed, nutrition t" facilitated and strength of body mid euercy of mind are the happy results. For fiirthor particulars of Mnffm’s Life Pills nnd Phcsrdx Bitters,apply nt Mr. Mofiati'suffice No 510 Broadway, New York, where the Pills nan bo obtained lor 25 cents. 50 cent*, or $1 per box; and tho Bitters fur $ I a $2 pnr bot tle. Numerous certificates of tho wondorful efficacy of both, may be there inspected. For sale by A; BARTOW. At his Store on the Bay,, corner of Draytou St. nov23 FILES, Ac. iiagmurrIioids. So Cuts Ko 1‘ayl!—Pries $1 LANDS FOR SALE, T HE subscriber will sell on roasonablo terms, three small Farms or Plantations, in Walton county! two of which ara known ns the Cowpeus, adjoining lands formerly owned by Judge Harris, (now the property of Col. John A. Cobb.) Theso Farms or Plantations nro well improved, h iving ull necessary nnd comfortnblo buildings, with excellent springs of wnlor, with a small nnd well selected apple orchard and oilier pleasant fruits. The other about two miles from tho former, with a com* Portable dwelling house, with a fow well select ed applo trees, and sovoral negro cabins. Those farms or plantations mo well known lo bo ns healthy ns any section of the State, South or East of tho mountains. Terms,—Five Thous- m Ranawny from McPherson' villa, Bunuforl Disuict, S. C.on tho 10th inst. n mulatto boy uniu* at/ CHARLES, tho property of j tho subscriber. Charles is be tween lOuiul 17 years of ago. a- liotito feet in hoiglit. stout nnd well made, has hort blown curling hair,with keen dark brown On his upper lip ho has a dark, obloui il mark, eusily perceived upon clow ol ■vstion. He reads well, speaks quickly and ■ remarkably intelligent. Among othor apt >«rol, he carried with him a blijS cotton twilled frock coat & a brown fur cnp. He has free in rebr Itons Savannah and in the interior of Georgia, Ind was Inst heard of iu Barnwell Village, S. v* on his way. it is holioved to Augusta aud IbnncQ to Savannah. One hundred doltari fill .ho paid for his recovery and proof to com liciion of his having houn harbored or afforded T«cilitio« orosenpo by nny person, white, b'nck |r colored, or 'twenty five dollars fur his safu do. | tfa *y toe, or to tho Jail in Snvnnuab'so that 1 tocovor him. W. H. W1UO. t nJtof^toligo Post Oflieo, S. C. ■Ji *? Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel will ■a-i 1 '? l to° vo daily for lwo woeks—nnd II. i !■ * onco a week until forbid, nud T bill to ibis oflieo for pnyinoiit. LJldy22 15-jcA-t FiiLJI«i\AUIJ hr VEGETABLE DEMULCENT. |N cases of obstinate Caiarth; in coughs .Whetherarisdig from rocontor uegleclod ®5 in Asthma; and as an auxiliary, and °fptosenf roliof from tho threatoniiig ("HP 1 °r approaching Pulmonary Con- , . ,n toedicitie Imsgroator claims upon of Uio invuud thaii tho uhave Im r r 'I'®, ^filidlivq nnd trotihlosome synip- 1 „'' )l , C( » ,| ghi , tg, o x | , octormion orphlogm, puiu In. m ro ’^ , '. <& 9* which constitn to prominent li« \ ,u tto'iipliuul, that tho Fnltnonnrin !• •leagued, nud has manifested its most vnlu I'lo properties. 0, l ,, njly useful of course In tlio relief of Tiv?. , r, UI,(J f^dds,arising from eiidden changes Ip" -'tor, Itoiu wearing damp liuou,-&u, and Dollars for tho two first motioned; aud Three Thousand for the lust—possosniun will bo given on the first of November noxt. Tho terms of payment will be mado easy to the purchaser or purchasers. HINES HOLT, Sr. juno7 135—H3m Millodgovillo Recorder. I Oi ly *ilo by -?■> A. BARTOW. *RlUl)(»K’8'■ Dj,|.u op Colnm'iia. for r«»* «u;l haatitifying tho flair. A fresh | J' , «lreceived and fur sale bv O.U, HENDRICKSON. UOWANO’S TONIC MIXTURE OR VEGETABLE FEBRIFUGE. A specific and lasting cure for Fever & Ague. T HIS worthyrotnody earnestly repel* tla^ slur of being n quack medicine, it having beeu^ho result of ninny years oiperietico nnd labor, in tho medical practice nnd observation of Fover nnd Ague. It is composed of such medical principles as were considered most fit to restore tho harmony of action between tho stomach, liver, nud the other important fnne* liens of tho system, tho loss of which harmony is evidently the iminodinto causo of tho disease, It speedily promotes a regular and healthy np- petitn, which is geiiernllj entirely destroyed or rendered very precarious; by which effect, vig* or nud strongtn is soon afforded lo tho whole system. It must bo apparent to all. tlint n me dicine possessing those peculiar virtues, is use. fill ill u groat variety of complaints, hy renew ing the healthy action of tho digestive organs, it bus proved itself of remaiknblo benefit iu dys. popsin. doprnved appetite, heart burn, water brush, flatulency, jaundice,night sweats, dysen tery, bowel complaints, nud many other ntfec- tioiis of similar origin. But it is in the tront ment offovors, and espocinlly in Fever and A* guo, or intermittent fevor, that its powers hnvo bpen principally tewted, and with those who have scon its usefulness, it is pronounced hov* erpign to all remedies heioloforq discovered for lliose diseases. It ha* nlso been used ns n pie- veutivo, by ninny who wore subjoct to a pejl odicnl rccurroncy of chills and fevor, nnd it hns always warded off the approhendod nttnclc.— Qj-It was doetuod not improper to accompany the febrifuge with a fow ofthe many unequivocal certificates politely furnished to tho proprietor, (•.m rohnralivo of tho foregoing statomonts. I* or furtlluV accounts of its groat usefulness, boo pamphlets accompanying onch bottle. A fresh supply rccoivcd nnd fiir mie by A. PAUSuMs, . ■ July io No. 8 (tilihuns’ Buildings. HAYS’ LINIMENT. N O FICTION.—This extraordinary chom* ical composition, tho result of science,nud the invention of a celebrated medical man. the introduction of which to tho public was invont. ed with tho solemnity of a death bed bequest, hns sineb gained n reputation uuporulUded,fully sustaining the cortectness of the lamented Dr. Giidley’s Inst confession, that “ho dared not die without giving lo posterity tho benefit oflii" knowledge on this subject,” and he therefore bequeathed to his friend and attendant, Suloi moil (lays, the secret nf his discovery. It is now used in the principal hospitals, nnd the private practice in our country, first nud most certainly for tho cure of iho Piles, and nlso so extensively and effectually as to buflle credo* lity, unless whore its effect* are witnessed. Ex. ternnlly tw the following complntuist For Dropsy—Creating oxiraoidinnry absorp* tiou ut once. All Swellings—Rcducingthem in n few hours Rhimmatiitii—Acute or Chrumo,giving quick iso. Sore Throat—By enneors, ulcers, or colds. Croup nnd Whooping Cough—Externally, and over the chest. All Bruises, Sprains and Burns—Curing in a few hours. Sores and Ulcers—Whothor fresh or long standing, nud fover sores. Its operations upon adults nnd children in reducing rhomuntic swellings, nnd loosening coughs and tightness of tho chest by relaxation of Iho parts, has been surprising beyond con. coptiou. Tho common remaik of those who liavo used it In the Pilosis, •linciulikoa 01101111.’ THE PILES.—The ptico $1 i* refunded to any person who will use a bottle of Hay*’ Lin* fmeiit for tho Piles, and return the empty bot tle without being cured. Theso are the posttivo onlura of tho proprietor to tho ngout*; and out of many thousnmis sold, not ouo has been un* successful. Wo might insert certificates to nny length, but prefer that those who sell the at tide should exhibit tho original to purchasers. SOLOMON HAYS. HAYS’ LINIMENT. Florence. Alabama, Sopt 28. A gentleman of tho highest standing in-this town, who has been dreadfully afflicted with tho Blind Piles for tho last 20 years, called upon mo und freely confessed to mo his situation.— After describing the Boverity of tho complaint, he remarked ho had mil been so well for 20, years past as ha was at that moment. Ho had used one battle only dflluys’ Liniment. To ijho ilia own words he said‘ the wholo hitman family, who woio thus afflicted, ought to bu made acquainted with this medicine.” Signed,* R. L. BLISS. A fresh supply of tho above madtciuorucoiv. ed. and for sale by jnlv 17 A. PARSON8, Agent. Lotticrt.Io bod warrants us iu declaring LELEP in tho history ol iho amount havb kkver . to the public. It is true, but on tho othor hand, thi of $20 per Ticket—the of the Capitals, and Jh« custom of wurrautlBg-thai drawn and sold, will, wo sal satisfaction, and espei DRF.D pRIXK lloLtlBKS. To lliose disposed to ailvantilra. wo recoin, mem! oorly application being nindo to^ us for tickets—whon the prixes are all aolil, blanks only roiuaiu—tho first huyors have the beat chance. We, theicfore.JMmihallcnlly sny— DELAY NOT! hutntonjHfniitandfrans-tuii to ns your ordors, which slgffllwoys receive our immedinie atteutinn. LolWs to ho addressed, and applications mado to SYLVESTER.& CQ.^l 150 Broadway, New YotlE 07 Observe the Number, 150. $700,000Ml $500,0001! $95,000! 6 prizes of $20,000!! Sprizos of $15,000!! 3 prizes of $10,000 i LOTTERY Of Real Estate ond Bunk Stock, situated In New Orleans. 03* The richest and most magnificent Schotno over presented to the public, in this or any other country. TICKETS ONLY $20. Authorized by an Act of the Legislative Assem bly ot Florida, and undei the Directions of the Commbsioiiers, acting undor the sumo, TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December 1st, 1839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER & CO., 15C Brondwoy, New York, Sole Ageut*. KO COMBINATION NUMBERS! f! 100,000 ticketsfi0111 No. 1 upwards,in succession Extract from tho Laws of the Legislative Council of tho Territory of Florida. Chap. 70L—No. 22.—Whereas iho Court House of Duval county, is in on tinfiiiish* e.i atnto, ami there are yot due and owing up on the same, monies, which it is belioved wil imposo too burdensome a tax upon the people of Duval; nnd |whereas, it it desirable In pay llioso said sums aiidcnniploto snidbuildi mg,as well for the greater convenience of iho ad ministration ofjii»tice,its for tliedoimlo purposo of an Academy, for which purpose iu part, the said building, when completed, is designed Therefore— Szc. 1 ] Bo it ennetedbv the Governor and Legislative Council of *the Territory of Florida, That it shall and may bo lawful fi r Joseph B. Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hart aud Wil. liamJ, Mills, or any two of them under the direction of Uio county court of Duval county* to raise such miu or sums of money by Lottery, in such Schemes ns thoy may deem appropriate and advisable: Provided, Unit tho said persons shall bind themselves in such manner as the court shall direct,well and truly lo conduct such lottery in good faith,to appropriate the proceeds to tho object above stated,—Parsed, Fob. 7th 1834,—Approved Feb. 11th 1831. By agreement, beating dute the 23th of Fehi ruary. 1839, the above Joseph Lancaster.Isaiah D. Hart nud William J. Alilisdid, for certain considerations, in roufurmiiy to lliu said Legis lative Act, duly assign unto Messrs Schinidl & Hamilton nil their Right and In* lerest, ond the Powers vested in tlioin by the above rucitod Act of the Loginlatiiro of Florida. Extruct from tho valuation of Georgo Phillip Mutioitvrier nud Jacob do Cordnvo, buthof tho City of New Orleans, mado aud swum to on the 10th day of April, 1839:— That tlio said George Phillip Mnnouvricr nud Jacob Cordova, appraise aud coifcieniioii'ly . •— known under Arcade,” .... - — Hundred Thousand Dollars, and “Tho properly known under iho appellation of “City Hotel” or “Bishop's llotol,” in the snid City of of Now Orleans, nt Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars.” Tho deeds of tho Properly nud tho Stock trails 03“ It shall be at of Puzos of Bank Stocks, abhor to mkn the stock iliolf, or Iho par vnltio thereof in cash. Tho rocoipis of the sale of the Tickots nro. and will bo. donosited in tho Citizens', Con* •olidated, Cntuil. Union, and Carrollton Banks, Cluthinj in tho nnmu of tlio Managers jointly with J. B. Pcrrnult, Esq., actually cashier of iho Chitons' Bank, and A. Boudouin, E*n actually cashier of llm CoiHolidatetf flank, at Trustees, as pnr Act nassod hnforo A. Mnzuroau, Eiq., Notary Public, on the 2d May, 1833, and the properties tran-furred uninrunilicrod, for iho security of<he fortunate Prize Holders. Mode of Drawing.—100,000 tickets, from 1 in 100,OUO, will he put in ono wheel, nnd GOO prizes, with tho blank" 111 another. To evorv number a prixo or blank willbodra'wn. until nil tho privcaarodctanninerl, leaving the halunco of number* in the whnol blanks. 03* To Euituikand Publishers.—Having received Newspnpois containing the above Scheme, from twenlytwo Stales nud Tariitor* ics,besides sovflrnl ofthe British Provinces, wo ni« salmfied with IhRciycilInrtrrfr.Rn'd therefnro request that mich papers as have not. up to this tiino. inserted llie advertisement, will bo plensi ed not to do so, nnd Hint all tho other pnpors will Insert it once a tocck only until the 1st of De cember. and forward us fheir accounts. SYLVESTER*. CO.,t5GBroadway,N.Y. j»iy .89 1511 RtrOAK, UUHI AND GIN. ^ 11IIUS prime Si. Croix 8ugar feP 50 bbls Boston Rum 25 do Indin Point Gin 15 do Phelps' do Just received, and for sale hy jnly 24 II. DILLON * CO. PORTO RICO SUGARS. 5 MUDS Porto Rieo Sugars, of prime quality, in storo, and for salo by j»ly 24 GEORGE II. MAY. SALT AND HIAL’KEItJbL. BAGS Liverpool Salt, 25 bbls JL WNo.3 Mackerel,! very superior article. For sale by jnly 84 M. DII.LON & CO. troy hnSBESiVtnKllE .AJC 11UL. Uiii)’» t.lebr.I.J Amber AI., MrQW now landing, fur mIo by jmy24 M. IJILLGN & CO, FMIME BKEF & MGLAStiES. I SB IJBLS pritno Beef, New York Cits XV lu.pcction; C hlids first into reloillng Molnsses, Jti.i received, nml for ,nlo by i-’iy ‘-a M. dillon & co. Lamp oil. *fl ftf BBLS lino,ummer strninrd blenched JL Od, now Inmling from skip Colin, and fur sain low from Iho whnrf, by j-'y M I. BALDWIN. JS&fBStfh. An rinlir. Snliscriboi. „ J- Mnunfnoliirin* Compnny, ly on Imml. n supply ofiheir dun nud Cotton Goods, n superior art IHoflilng. NOBLE Juno 11 • O TUiTsiiBscitiiimE ' PFiaiS for »nle ntrcduced price, llm M. lowing nnielenr- 3 bales 7.8 Spfiugfiuld Shir tine 3 do3.4 do do, I do4.4 do do 4 dirft 1 dodo. I do0.4 do do low piict*d (’nliuoes ■ ’ 4 10 pcs French Muslin 20 o« do Cambric, 8 do do Linen 6 do Mexicnn Jenna 4 do Crnpo, for gFiitlcmnn’s wear : 5 do plain Swiss Muslin 10 do Cross har'd,8\vi*« Muslin ,. 3 do Nnnsnnk Mnslin G do Book do, 5 do Bishop Lawn Bilk Shawls, Thread laicas Gimp Edging*. Bohbinet do Open woir oiIk Gloves^ Plain do do, Linen and Cottondo Long Whito Kid do Do do open work Silk do Silk Hose, plain and open work Also, a large aMortmnrit of I'alnt Leaf Hoods jnly 17 WM. H. LLOYD, Markot Sq. . 1 do 1 do 1 do 2 do 3 do JUST It EUE 8. VCD—Per brig 8 a van'll; 1 CASE Florence Bonnet# 1 do sup. do do leghorn Straws (inn do col’d. do Tissue do 3 doz Boys Cops 14 doz hlnck nud white Hoods, sun'orftTL 8 doz Ti-suc Horn). G boxes Bonnet Ribbons 6 pcs Printed Lawn 15 do do Cambria 4 r. nndslridi Linert G pcs Linen Sheeting 20 do Russia Dinner 11 do Birds Eye Diaper 4 do Linen Dull, superfine G do Crape for Pantaloona 7 do Summer Cassimere Scotch Gin* I is ms English Prints Long Lawn* 4*4. 5-4 and 6-4 Dohbinct Edginj Thread l.acos Plain and opon work Do . do do work Silk I Which will bo sold el reduced Glove* do Don; d at reduced price., by WM. II. LLOYD, TEXBT Tj SA BOXES Soiiciiong Tea, 14 lb. oacli JL a* 10 do lly.ou do US do do IfO do do do ii do do For .alo hy M. DILLON * CO. July 34 159 HEAD’S UKliAM ALU, I Sk BBLS Bead', celebraled Slock Ale, JLVF received pur brig Mndi.mi, and for «<l«by M. DILLON & CO. July 90 100 CIILniIMfE LLUB 500 i!- NDS ' fi - ,Q - d - ry illy 22 # Chloride Liiuo.ieceived nud forpnlo by A. PARSONS. TOMATO, PETERS A BUAiV DRLTH’S PILLS. GROCE Peters'Ami Bilious Pills 3 do Briiudreih’s do do G do Phelphs' Tomato do Just received and for sntn wholesale nud re' tail hy G. IL HENDRICKSON, Agent, jnly 21 159 aincnn i/uruurn, oppruiso niiu cou*ci and UouesUy value the property know tho nnme nnd appellation of ''Banks intho City of New Orleans, at Six CANTOR OIL. BUTTLES cold pressed Castor Oil, in quarts 200 do do do do, in pints 400 do Plantation do do, in qomt* 400 do do do do, in pints Received ond for sale hy JOHN K. 8T1LWF.LL, jnly 22 Opposite tlio Mansion Ilonso. I'l'i'lv litoy lb PLAYING EABBS* : , HI WO GROSS superior- Playing Caida, . JL rmtoivod aud for snloliy- jmiu 10 TfWMAS RYEKSON. SEIDLU'Z AND SODA FOIV- DERS. R ECEIVED,.a largo supply of Alnynnrd Sr Noyes’ Soidlitz and Sochi Powders, nud for sale by ANSON PARSONS. jnno 15 142 FRESH SPICKS. BAGS Black.Popper, 3do Pimento 1 bbl NillUitigs, ronoived and for salo by July'4 ANSON PARSONS. ferred intrust to the Commissionors appointed by tltu said act of iho Lc^islniuro of Floridu, fur tho security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—The Arcado— 28G feet, 5 inches,[ 4 lines,on Magazine street; 101 foul, II mchcs,on Nniuhez street; 120 feet, G inches, nn Gruvior st Runted ut uboul $37,01)0 pur uu* mint. Dollars. Valued nt 700,000 1 Prize—Cily Hotel—IG'Jftnu Com mon street, I4G font, G inches, on Camp st. Rented nt $25,00(1— Valued «t l Puzo— Dwolling House (adjoining llie Arcade) No. 16.21 ft. 7 inclu cm front ou Nuichcz it. Kcutod at $1200—'Valued at 1 Prixo—Ditto (adjoining the Arcado) N<>. 18, 23 ft liout on Natchez si. Rented at $ 1200—Valued nt Prizo—Ditto (adjoining.tlio Arcndo) No. 20,23 feet front on Natchez st. limited nt $1200—Valued nt 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, Norili cast corner of Basin & Custom.honso street;40 foot fronton Basin, aud 40 feet on Franklin st. hy 127 ft. deep in Custom houso st. Rented nt$ 1500—Valued at 1 Piiiso— Ditto—No. 24, Smith west corner of Basin A*. CiiMiom Iioiifo street; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feet, 7 inches ou Ftiinkliu 127 feet, l()£ineho*dcop in front of Custom hoiiHii street. Rented u(» $1500—Valued at l Prize—Ditfo—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches ou Royal st rout, hy 127 fi, 11 iucliesdeep. Runted at $1400. Valued at 15,000 1 Prize—250 share* Canal Bank S lock, $ 100 each 25.000 I Ditto—200 ditto Com do, do do 20,000 1 Ditto—150 ditto Mechanic.’ nud Traders’ do do 15,000 1 Ditto—100 do Cily Bank do do 10,000 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 10,000 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 10,000 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do 5000 l Ditto—50 do do do do do 5000 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bank do do 2500 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 2500 I Ditto—15 do Mcchuuic*’ & Tin ders’ dodo 1500 I Ditto—15 do do do do do 1500 20 do—each 10 shares of tho Louis* iana State Bank, $IOOoach, each Prize $1000 20,000 do—each 2 shares of $100 each, onch Prizo $200, of the Gan Light Bank - 2000 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of tho Bank of Louisiana 20,000 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of iho Now Orleans Bank: 20,000 150 do—each 1 share of $100 of the Union Bnuk of Florida 15,000 500,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 HAVANA SUGARS. SUPERIOR quality v™ Havana Sugars, favor> ito brands, viz: Tncon, Star, Agues, Bnrnunco Iberia, Regalia. Cnrnues, Ac. Counuiseursuie invited lo examine this parcel. jnly21 G. It HENDRICKSON. Jwly 5 Market Sgunro, linenOT A very & Johnson imvo receiv ncs super Iii.h Linens, nlso Linen in$*, Dinpers, Sic. For sale low. »]iily 3 8ontli side Monument Square. GOINGl GOING!! GONE!!! T HE Subscriber intending to uinko mi ell* lire cliDOofliis incrchunlile business Snvannnli. hy the 1st day of November will «e|| UU large stock of STAPLE ni ‘ CY DRY GOODS, of last Fal Spring'" "elections nl less pri be puiclinsod fin at any other f5r ca.h uuSy ut retail; uud sale, fur approved C r month" credit. Persons linrguiu" will du well luei sulvo", at my store. No. I Waring'* Building! jnno 19 FRICTION ItlA fi (iROCE B JL /dtf Matclu'M, 12 proved Pulomkiltt« for sale hy jnly 8/ TOC O RRIS. Cl . es. Receiv Jnly 22 Oppn3 < EDE8» ODORIFEROUS Com pound. nr Persian Scout Bugs. MOST guileful pm Ilium for s Drawer", Wnrdrobus, «Vc., and is i LEMON SI RUP. 0 41 DOZ Roy's superior Lemon Syrup, received aud for ".lie by jnno 15 ANSON PARSONS- FOU Tin; TOl I JiT. POMATUMS AND HAIR OILS. A FRESH Ktipply just received of Rose, Alt tumid, Violet, Jessamine, Bergamot nud Orange Pomatums, a Flench article, in pots, warranted of superior quality. Also, genuine Rowland's .Macassar Oil. Bears Oil, Ohiridge’n Balm Columbia, Indian Dye, PmnntuuM lolls, of a great variety, for kuIo vvIhiIcmiIo nr retail, by POItCHEK Sc LA ROCHE. Sign of the Golden filnbn, jnly 20 Opposim iho Market. PHOSPHORUS. A SUPPLY .pftlipcrior ltiosphorus, jus received nnd for salo bv POJICHER Si LA ROCHE, Sign of Guidon Globe, opposite the Market' jnneI4 141 LEMON SIRUP. DOZ Underwood’s sup'r Lemon Syr 1 up,20 do Rees’ do do, just received nud for Sale by jiily 21 G. R. HENDRICKSON. 10 A . I'cctnal preventivo against moth. Prennred o: ly by Robert Bunt Edo, Cbuuiist nnd Perfumci by Hpeciel nppmntmeut to the Queen. For sale by POKCI1ER & LA ROCHE, Opposite the Market, July 22 Sign m die Golden Globe. To mbtheipT. ' A FRESH supply of Evans' Soothing Syr up. for chijdrqttj teething. Also, Evans' Chamomile 1'illv, for tuiln hy PORCHER Si LAROCHE, Opposite iho Market* jnly 24 Sign nf the Golden Glulttt BKitft.VICD’S CHOLEiLnilX- TURE. OR Cholera Morbus, Asiatic Cholera t Clmlf.ra liifaiiluui. Bowel Complaint, l.iiosette"" nf the Bnvvels, Ate. A fresh supply just roroived and for salo by 1’OltCIIF.IUV LA lfOCUE. F jnly 24 Opposite the Market, Sign of tlio Golden Globe. 8IIPEIUOU CAVIJNDIfeli TO BACCO. A SUPERIOR article of CavendUh To. bacco, just received nud for sale by PORCHER& LA ROCHE, jnly 24 Opposite the Market. Sign nf the Gulden Globe* GOO Prizes. $1,500)000 TICKETS $20—NO SHARES. LAND, NKGKOKS, «*c. FOR SALE. f OFFER for salo'my PLANTATION, iu L this District, nn Savannah River, nud tho l.owcr 3 Runs. The Tract contains by a tei cent survey 1037 acres, the greater portion nr which is llcrt quality of Hammock, aud Oak and Hickory land. 400 acres cleaned and in good order for cultivation. It has mi it a coni* fortahle Dwelling House, Gin House, Cotton Screw, Burns, Stables, and Negro Houses, all in fino repair. A description ou paper cannot mil a place, but l think l am authorised in say. ing.tliat n nioro vnluablo Cotton Plantation is not to bo found in Unruwul) District. It is sit* unted about 3 miles from two landings on tho Rivor, nud is about ono mile from n Post Office. I nlso offer for sale my Houso und Lot in tho Village of Barnwell, fronting tho public square. It is a pleasant residence, and lias two Store Houses, new Kitchen, Smoke House, Stables, &c. I also ofinr to Kell about $0 Negroes, as likely and valuable ns cun bo found any where—a* inong them,a Jobbing Carpenter,n Blacksmith. Seamstress nnd Cook; 30 Field Hands, the bal ance children. Also, 8 Mules, several good Horses, 4 brood Mares, and 6 Colls of the ganio blood; 125 head of Cattle, stock of Hogs. Terms—For tho Laud uud Negrous, a credit of 1,2, 3, 4. and 5 years, with interest, secured in the usual way; for the Horse*,’Mules. 'Sia. a credit of 12 months.' J. G. IJIIOWN; Bat ii’wtiH, C. H.> July 22,1839. ;KT1 'lie'Carolinian, ami Savannah Itepubli* can,will givo three weekly insertions audiim waid amountsnanbovo. jnly 31 W\u TAX NOTICE. TOTOTICE is hereby given that n lax for lit* yonr A 1). 1839, bus been asscssod upon nil properly real nud personal, wiihin tho limits ofibo city of Brunswick, nuimiuting io twenty threej hundred, sixty 1 seven dollnts nnd eighty* one cents, which tho'ownors of snnl property are hereby requested to pay within Eight Weeks from tho date of this notice. All iho properly upon which the taxes shall not be pnhl agreeably to tho request in this untied will bu immediately advertised for sale at the expenso ofthe owner. v Names of tho owners of properly in said ci ty, so far ns know u t» tho subscriber: Tlio Brunswick nnd Florida Rtiil.Kniid Co, Geo. Anderson, John W. Andcrsob, II. A* Breed. E. Bend, Brunswick Land Co. J. Bid* four Adin. Est. of Jas. Mossthan, Rnbt. Bolton> A. G. Burnett, Est. Major John Borrion, Colby Sl Davis, S. D. Corbitt, Stephen Chase, U* Dari, II. Dnbigiiou, Gee Dupree, T. Dart.T. C. A. Dexter, E. A. Dexter,L. S. D'Lyon,Autt Demere.John MoDermid.MoHes Eastmnu.Johit Franklin. Thus. Gloscdck, R. L. Gamble, T. VV. Goode, J- J- Higginbotham, Est. Priscilla Hoiistnun. Patrick Houstouh, Bern. S. Harris, Ex. to Est. Joh Hutchinson, Bank of Brunswick wick Lumber Co. M. II. & J Hi B. King, S. C. King, Sarah A. Kimberly, Ami King, J..8. Lawrence, Louisa Leach, Celia Lamb, A. H. Mernman, Jas. Mob/e, W, B. Miller, Henry M. Meals and Sister, Solomon Moody, P- M. Nightingale, R. S. Piles, J. G. Putman, R. Pooler for Mr. Port*, Mrs. Pin dar. Mr*. Postell, Jane Rnmslinrt, E. S. Rers, Tlruiiswiok. Jnno 29,1839. jnly 3 lMIt