Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, August 05, 1839, Image 1

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Bra HfiL*:; • ■ gncaUK ' f ik i^rosfcSw^-* 3* HP Sr “ NO. 101 -VOL. XXXVI. MONDAY EVEIIJMLAIIUIST #, tsao. pllnli. public; lion r KT CLEANSE AND f UlllFV V i!Ol)V.— 1 The application ofllmprliich . i>rti<aui>n lieinj nltowetl tubs ono of Ilia utility ill Ilia cura and prevention of lM j t |i 0 f ilia greatest otinsoquonco la ns. riVuVvvlii'l in.iiliomu ii copnblo ul’prujucing dx.iukd KKI’BOT ill Ilia easiest, end al llio ma lima i» *•» 1,1011 “«»«•*., . It hu now <»> longer l<> conlonil with Ilia i.trtiliooa af tlm groaton norlicm of llio l U only Will) these foiv who alill era do- railoml laba ••killo.l ncdordiiig la nilo,'’ lika nooplo of old ivlio •would have 1 a ‘King to 'iinovarlliani,’ Dm. thank.in the oirottla. -of Iioavauaporn—iliaukalullio general dil- ,n of knowledge, winch oimbloa nineteen anlialb. of CUE PEOPLE In read and to dio for llionualvtu—now wo no longer lie- ,5 in .wallowing Ibat deadly inlnornl, Mr.ff nrofe.uing m cilia—bill umvarrally leav- K Hi III a wore, condition after iu use. Iva no longer believe in the abitird nohon L, lull un if any kind can bo cured by Kicdiig onr life-OU It U LOO D. Ii in now L e || understood that on inliainination la a who Laomaca of Nitoaa. a aignal that alio ro- lire, the assistance of purgative medicine to no hot of the oppressive burden which oho ]. by llio lilgli fever and Ilia airong pnlro, , wanted to be leutovod. In other worda, the )r call, fern vegetable dooming UmnunKrii'a Vkoxtshi.* Umvenut. Plica, rfiulra no .kill in tlieir admnn.lralimi; llio rimed diiociion only ha. lo bo observed, and key describe the just proportion oflho dote, to pa iimgniinde of tlio ‘ ‘ 1 swaIMS Vermifuge T IKS remedy oouiiloraota llio whole train of diicaae. ari.iug from the debility oflho COLT’S BOOK-KEEPING. INO v . * IV Hot.l-l N<>.- IID.1I.ID i di.oato lo bo cured. I nU ptreont rend the fattening opinion of a ! gindsMin icAo io.it knew. I*, janliuu of Unto I rule. DRANDRETH’S PILLS, | Tbi. medicine i< acknowlodged loba ono nf la mo.t valoabla aver discovered, aa a purifier rtlio blood and fluid.. It i. auperior lo Bar. liimrill.i. wheiher n. a aodoritio or allurativo. It Tend, influiuly before all tho praparnllou. or kinbineiione of Mercury, lu purgative pioi hrli.i ara alono of incalculable value—for l.ie>e Kll. may bo taken daily ron Aar rxntob, and Mead of weakening by the cathartic uflecl.they 1 airangth by Ukiog away the coma of weak- r n. Them ie no good Maaourtr doe., which jeae Pill, do not likotviw. Dot they have nono grille iniaoinblo olfeol. of that tiaaui.r iracrr- Yha TKKTit are nut injured—llio aoira. J limb, are nut paralyaod—no—but in the lad of then di.lrexing eyinpioma, now life dconsequent animation i. avideutin every kvoineiit oflho body. Biusdkxtii’s Pilu C indued e U.iveuai Rinaur, for they enro [poiile diieaM.|tliey oure lariaunATion and ltao.ic Iliieon.iTi.Ml They euro DiABKTaa Id SrataouAKVl They cure Dr.aimtnv and [..Tirurie.Ai CoiTivairau! They will cure . npfventiji oppoiiia diseases, nacau.a jrciata.a andrURirr llio blood provided, ivever, nature I. not beyond all human AS. STANCH i'onr year. Uii. madlelna hat i beau befors Ilia public in Ihe U. Stale.; over il lia. been introduced iiha. .upetie II oilier remtflee. . Drandrath’. Officas in Now York araflil lOADtVAY, I So tlud.un .1. and 270 Dow. I bjieetn Prince and Houston til. K> com. per boa with direction., beware of cmiHiurfail., Droggl.l. mtvea mado agents dr of Dr. UrandreUr'a Agenta have an .a> dcsrtifkote,dated,withiti lira twelve mouth. I preceding. Theie cerlifioale. aia renew, fegularlyitberefore wlioii over twelve month. : they no longer guaraiitoe the genuineness 'he mediciuo. ' mailer Drutsit's are nee.r made A tents. I by SEA HORN (iUODALL. corner uf ess and .Jellersnn .Iraat., (near lie Mar- the o.vir Aaa.T run the calk or the lei.a UuAaimr.ru’. Pill, in Savannah. inly 10 15'dlwllni digc.tivo organ, or a dupravod condition of tlie ■lomaclr and bowels. Most ofthe disonree of children originato in vorminoiiaalTootiiiii.. Worm, destroy tho nnnriahment which i> in tonded by nalnro to support life. Tho imniodiatn ofleet of Swmm’. Vermifuge are lo traliqriilizo Ilia alnmacli, clear il nf ncitlu- mi. phlegm, dissipate .iiporflunii. hilo, IncroaK the gra.lic juice, and proitiote honltliy digc.tion Il alleviate. Hick hcud.tcha. and i. an aulodolc for the Cholera Morhnm of our country, dirracr Tovar nnd ague, and tint cla.i of disease* wliicl owo their origin to a disordered Halo oflho He. loach or bowel.. Till, remedy expel, worm, by giving health) action In llio Hoinnnliondorgnn. of digestion,* Tiiero ii nothing in iu coinpo.iiion lo kill worm.. They are .oldom Men after iu un, and lha pa lien! improve, in health, color and appetite.— Thorn remedial which kill worms muslofcniirsc injure the stomach materially, and llio canao of many uriou. complaints. ’Phis fact ha. boon materially nagloctod by the faculty, and tho or. ror ha. never boon discovered until Swoim'a Vormifugo proved it lo llio entire satisfaction of ovory family who lias used II. Too mcdicino I. note., oflicacion.in manyo the diseases of grown persons, by dissipating thoto morbid secretion, which prnduco dy.cu lt) ry, diarrim, clmlera inurbii., piles, fever and agiin, dyspepsia, acidity of the Homocli, foul breath, and the disagreeable affectioni conse quent upon billions disorders. It is now ill genera! uso in most parts nf tho world. Families roiident in the country. Irn- vallor. going into the inlerior or voyaging into distant tropical climates, (insulalod from medi cal lolaiit) would tlild Swnliu’s Vormiftiga of grooladvamago. Kept constantly on hand, and for tale by A PARSONS.sola Agout for tho State, SWAIM’S PANACEA. A 8 tho iiitoinporaiico and luxury of tho ago are hastening tho raveges of scorbutic com plaints, nnd rendering llio blood more impure, and as thousands liavo destroyed their ennstitu lions by iiogiocliug lo apply ilia proper reme dies; to such, Swaiui's Panacea must bo and h is been ninre Ilian doubly valuable aa o certain and elfeeliial means of restoring them lo perfect health and vigor. Few families are wholly, ex- emptfrom scorbutic affections, which oxliil.it va rious symptoms, as ornntiens, ulceration., debit. >uofappetite and dejection, all arising from iiu ‘' A PRACTICAL work up on a plnnentiroly now.—The occouin. which form ihe Ion- os nf llio scicnco are classed under Fivo Divi sions, with Jolinilo explanations uftcr llio ferini of grammar and orillimolic. It contains a vo cabulary af mercantile terms end phrases. Also, n Key explaining thedtatiire olid mannernfjnnr utilizing each of llio Day Duokonlries asoprao I loot accountant would explain tho titmo lolm pupil; Ibis so simpliflos ilia acicuco that any young man nf common Kugli.lt education may ncquira u kuowlodxo willimil Ilia assistance afa loacbor. To which is ndded, Direclions lo tile Learner,olid Practical Forms for Keopingbnnki In overy exlont and variety ofromtucrcial bona- c.| Public Address, Ilia first ever deliverer upon llio subject, i&c. Ac. Just received anc for solo wholesale nnd roiail by jan 8 W. TIIORNK WILLIAMS. MOmiT’S LIFE PILLS AND PUCKNIX UITTtRS T ilF.SE inodicincs liavo lung boon known and apprecinlcd for Ihoit exlrsordinnry and immcdialo potvera of restoring perfect licolih lo persons suffering under nearly every kind ofdiseatoto winch iho human frumo is liable. The pronriolor rejoices in iho opportunity af forded by iho universal thflusion of llio daily mess (or placing his VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS within tho knowledge nnd reach of eve, ry individual in Ilia community. Unlike the host of pernicious qnackarios, which bonsl of vegolnbio ingredient, iho Lift) Pills ore purely, and loldlj/ ecgila/dton I contain ueiil.or mercury antimony, arsonic, nor nny other minernl in ony form wliaiorcr. They are entirely com posed ofoxtrncti from rare nnd poworfnl plants, llio virtues of which, though long known lo sev- ornl Indian tribes, nud recently In some eminent E liainmccutical chomitts, ara altogether nn- nown lo Ihe ignorant prelondors lo madirjil scicnco | nnd wore noverheforo adininisturcd in so hnppily efflcnciousn combination. THE PI1CENIX BITTERS, are so called bacaiiM they possess Ihe power of restoring llio expiling embers of health, to n glowing vigor throughout ilia constitution, ns lha Plimnix is said to bo restored to life from tho cslies of its own disolution. The Khamii Bitter ar« entire ly vegetable,enmposod of roots found only in cor arts ofthe western country, which’ will in ity.losaofappetite am impure blood, and if not properly ottomTod lo, ed of 9130 ICEVVAIC1>. Ab.conded froth Wayorloy - Plantation, Comdon County, on iho 10th day ofJuty last, LAR KIN, DICK, and CATO. Lar- . kin is a stout Mulatto fallow, a- 1 about 23 yean of age, G foot 0 to hos high -ho has o lcnr on his right oheok, some mark, af small pax about his face, iculsrly on his nose, elso a largo scar Irani i Ilia foot, near llio groat toe. Larkin •atlier a feeble vnico for a man of his statue. ) i. a black fellow, nn African by Inrtli, ho [iioul, square built follow, about G foot 4 lo ’lot high—haa tho rattk of his uibe nn his ! ho i. likatvisa riiplnrod, nnd has n very a inaolh. Diuk is a small black, wall sol (el- L also an Arrioanby birth, with n round face [down cast look, easily confused when inter- Vedi thoreii olio a singular appearance lit Ins mouth when alarmed. The ab.ive hi follows warn bought of tho estate nfjiio. Rlorul, in March 1333, and formorly lived at Colton ham Plantation, Bryan Co. They Iso well ncqnninted in nnd about Savanuati GEO.C. DUNHAM, Manager. >®§ GO (Georgian) »lOO IfliWAIW, Dana way from McPherson' 1 villo, llcnufnrl District, 8. C.on tho lOih Inst, n mulatto boy naoi- e d CHARLES, tho property of the snhsr.nber. Charles is ho, tween 1(1 nud 17 yoars ofago, a- 15 feel in liaighl, Hunt nnd well made, baa ■blown ourlmg hair.wiih keen dark brown On his upper lip ho hos a dark, oblong, •a! mark, easily perceived upon closa ob> ‘Mon. lie reads woll, speaks quickly and ntarkably intelligent. Among other tip, I, he carried with him a blue cotton twilled I cost * 0 brown fur csp. IIo has ftreo in tala' f Savannah end in tlio iutarior uf Georgia, «n» lest licnnl of in Uornwoll Village, 8. t his way. it i« believed to Aiigugin mid *9 lo 8^vmumh. Olio hundred dollnm 8 paid for liis rocovorv nnd proof 10 con. ) ofhU having been harliorod or n(forded 'o» of eicapo by nuy pernon, wluie. block ored, or iwentv fivo dollnre for hi* safe do. / 10 "*?• °f lo tho Juit in Snvnmmh so that t’, v , 8r ' 1 ;«- „ W. H. W1GG ocolnligo Post Oflieo, S. C. lha Augusta Chronicle * Sonliuol will >b Ilia above daily for two weeks—nud bmp, once a woolt until forbid, nud ’ bill lo this oflieo for piiymout. IMca—t produces tho greatest injury to tho constitution* and may bo imparled to thoirofTspring. Swaitn’a Panacea i« recommended at this season of tho year, ns nn invntunblo restoratWo of tho system, thereby invigorating tho cnnslilNtinn and ennj bling us to bear ihe debilitating n fleets of iho sum mer season. It is conveyed by the circulating fluids, and correctstheir tendency to all thnso dm cases which originnteinavitiatedblood.diseased liver,dopiaved appetite, or predisposilion to af fection ofthe lungs, Arc. No one, however, is advised to use it without convincing thuinsoives ofthe truth ofwhat is lioro slated. This mediciuo is now used with success in all parts of tho world, aud is gaining groat reputaj tion in England. Fraut Dr. Valentine Af all. Professor of Surgery in tho University of Now York, Surgeon of the N. York Hospital. Arc. I have roi.cticuiy used Swaim's Panacea, both in tlio Ilospitalnml in privnteprnctico, nnd have always found it to ho a vnhiauln mediciuo in chronic.syphilitic,,nndscroruloiiscoinplaints, nd in obstinate cutaiionusatrections. VALENTINE MOTT, M. D. From thlsvariotis impositions which have boon practised by adulteration, Sfc. ovoti to thn extent of porjury.for tho purpose of imitating the me dicine,is suflicicnt to prove its eflicocy in the di*. eases in which it has boon suiiiciently proven to have cured. It is unnecessary to say further in relation to this Panacea, other than to caution the public against tho deleterious mixtures which have been mado to imposo upon the ignernnt The genuine article can always bo found at the store ofthe subscriber, who is the sole agent for this State. A. PARSONS, Druggist, * on fnlilily cure FEVERS AND AGUES oral kinds; will never fail to eradicato entirely all the affects of mercury .infinitely sooner tlmnilhomosi powerful preparations ofSursapnrilla, nnd will immediately euro tho determination nfBLOOD TO Til K II KA D; never fail in tlio suknett »ac». dent to young female*; and will be found a certain remedy in all cosos of nervous debility and totals ness ul the moat impaired constitutions. Asa remedy for Chronic nud Inflammatory Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phramx Ritters will be demonstrated by tho use of a single bot tle. Tho ustinl dose of thc«o bitteis is half a wine glnssfull.in water or wine, nud this quail* tity may be taken two or three times a day,about ha on hour before meals, or a less quantity may be taken at nil limes. To those who are afflicted with indigestion after meals, these bit* tors will prove invaluable, ns they very greatly increaso tlie action ofthe principal viscorn, help them to perform their functions, and unnblo the stomach to diichnrgo into tin: bowels whatever is offensive. Thus indigestion is easily mid speedily removed, appetite restored, nnd the mouths of tho nbsorbant vessels being cleansed, nutrition is facilitated ond strength of body and energy of mind aro the happy rosull*. For farther particulars of .'Uofi’itt’s Life Pills nnd Phcaiiix Ritters,apply at Mr. Moflim'soflieo No 510 Broadway, New York, where tho Pills can ho obtninud lor2«'> cants. 50 coins, or $1 per box; and tho Bitter*for$l o $2 per bot tle. Numerous certificates of tho wonderful efficacy of both, may be thero inspected. For sale by A. BARTOW. At his Store on tho Bay,,corner of Druytou St. nov23 LANUS FOR SALE. T HE subscriber will soil on reasonable terms, three small Farms or Plantations, iu Walton county: two of which are known as tho Cowpens, adjoining luiids fo’inerly owned byJadge Harris, (now the properly of Col. John A. Cobh.) These Farms or Plantations nra well improved, It iving all necossary nnd comfortable buildings, with excellent springs of wntnr, with a small and well selected apple orchard and other pleasant fruits. Tho other ubdht two mites from the former, with acorn* Ibrtable dwelling house, with a few well select ed apple trees,and several nogroenbins. These farms or plantations nro well known to ho ns healthy oh nny section of the State. South or East of. the mnunteins. Terms,—Five Thoiis> nnd Dollars for the two first metionod; nud Throe Thousand for the last—possession will he given on iho first of November next. The lorms of payment will be made oaty to the purchaser or purchasers. HINES HOLT, Sr. juno7 135—1I3in Milledgevillo Recorder. WAND’S PULftlOIVAitlA. >R VEGETA 11LE DEM ULCENT. I caws 0 r ob.tinnto Couuih; in cough] l"u. froin focontor noglocloil to Asthma; anil aa ail anxilinry, nnd i ’[flosont reliof froin tlie threatening lien* n°jwS(Ir! .1 Pulmonary Con- ,-nn- foot |i)W> tea* ini’* r,in(l S 01 * - in o* en. nn medicine Im.groater claims upon ife "co 4f 11,0 inv “lid than the abavo llV. r ., ,h L an( ' ,u '-t iv ” nm ' trnublesome synii TwH?. .®' ox |'.oetorution or phlegm, pit! b. nr ,censlilula promiuciil id.,...I c WT6aIlli ,'Wi the Pnlmnimrhi foperiiiiislirS " losl vnlu Ks ff'n-i^ t'sefnl of cnitrso in tlio relief of K*Sp Lolds, arising from sudden change. IsiilBb pl " ,0l,r '"S tlemp linoii, *o. 12't ^ Kr A. BARTOW. limftM* LOLtfMUlA: IhirhSBft? WmBf Cohimhin, forro- I ""l 1 '“'""lilViiif Iho Hair, A fresh Jest rvccivud ami f„ r In- - O- U- HENDIUL'KSON. w ICO WAND’S TONIC 1U1XTU1CE OR VEGETABLE FEBRIFUGE. A specific and Insting euro for Fever & Ague. T HIS worthy remedy earnestly repels tho slur of being a quack mediciuo. it having boon tho remit of many years exporiouco and labor, iu tho medical prnctieo nnd observation ofFover and Ague. It is composed of such medical principles as ware considered most fit to rcstoro tho harmony nf action botweon tho stomach, liver, and iho other important func* tioii9 «*f the system, tho loss of which harmony is evidently the immediate cause of the disease. It uneedily promotes a regular and healthy ap petite, which Is generally entirely destroyed or rendered very precariou?; by which effect, vig* or aud strength is soon iifiordcd to the whole system. It must ho apparent to nil, that n me dicine possessing these peculiar virtues, is usci ful in a grout variety of complaints, by renew ing the healthy action of tho digestive organs, it has proved itself of remarkable benefit iu dya* S , depraved appetite, heart burn, water flatulency, jaundice,night sweats, dysen. tery, bowol complaints, aud many other nfl*cc< lions of aimilar origin. But it i* in the treat incut offuvers, nnd especially in Fovor and A* gtio, or intermittent fuvar, llmt its powors have been principally tested, nnd with those who have seen its usefulness, it is pronounced sov orcigu to all remedies hctoloforo'discnverod for those diseases. It haa also boon used as n pro* ventive, by many who were subject to a peri odical recurroucy of chills nud fever, nnd it has nhvnvs warded olf tho apprehended attack.— (CTIt was deemed not improper to accompany tho febrifuge with n few of tlio many unequivocal certificates politely furnishod to tho proprietor, coirobiiralivo of tho foregoing statements. For further accounts of its groat usefulness, sco pnmphlols accompanying each bottle, A fresh supply received nnd for solo by A. PARSONS. jnly 10 No. 8 Gibbon** Buildings. FILES, Aro. HAEMORRHOIDS. No Ciue Nil Fi/m//—Priu SI. HAYS’ LINIMENT. O FICTION.—Thin extraordinary chenv icul composition, the result of science,nml the invention of u celebrated medical man. tho inlroduclioii of which to the public was invent, od with the solemnity of n death bed bequest, has since gained a reputation unparalleled.liilly sustniniug tho correciuoss of tho lumentud Dr. Gridlvy’s Inst confession, thnt 4, ho dared not die without giving to posterity the bum-fit oflm knowledge on this subject,” nnd ho thoroforo bequeathed to hi* friend and attendant, Soloi mnn Hays, the secret nf his discovery. It is now used in tho principal hospitals, and the privatn practice in our Countty, first and most certainly for the cure of the Piles, and also so extensively nnd effectually ns to Imfilu credu lity, unless where its effects nro witnessed. Ex. terunlly in tho following cnmplninti*: For Dropsy—Croatiug oxtruordinary absorp turn utoncu. All Swellings—Rcducingthem in n few hours Rhuuinati-m*.—Acute or Chroutc,giving quick aane. Sore Throat—By enneers, ulcers, nr colds. Croup nnd Whooping Cough—Externally, and over the chest. All Bruises, Sprains and Burns—Curing iu a few hours. Sores nnd Ulcers—Whothcr fresh or long standing, and fovor sores. It* operations upon adults and children in reducing rheumntic swellings, nud loosening coughs and tightness of tho cheat by relaxation of the parts, has been surprising boyutul con. ccptioti. Tlio common remark of thnso wlir have used it in tlio Pile* is, 'It acts like a charm.' THE PILES.—The price $1 is refunded to any person who will uso a Imitle of Hays’ Lin* inrun' for the Piles, nud return tho empty but tle without being cured. These ore the positive oidors of the proprietor to tho agents; and out uf many thousands Bold, not otto has bcott utv successful. Wo might insert certificates to nny length, blit profuMhat llmso who n-ll tho article should exhibit tlio original to purchasers. SOLOMON HAYS. HAYS’ LINIMENT. Florence, Alabama, Sopt 28. A gentleman of tho highest standing in this town, who has been dreadfully afflicted with tlio Blind Piles for the hint 20 years, called upon me and freely confused to me Ins situation.— After describing the severity of tho complaint, lie remarked ho had not been so well for 20, yean* past ns hu was at that moment. Ho had used one bottle only of Hays’ Liniinont. To use his own words he said' the whole human family, who weto thus afflicted, ought lo be made acquainted with this medicine.” Signed, R- L. BLISS. A frosit supply ofthe abovo medicine receiv ed. nnd rarsulo by jnly 17 A. PARSONS, Agent. T PLAYING HARDS- „ , WO GROSS superior Flaying Cards, received*aud for sale by juuo 10 THOMAS RYEKSON. SE1DL1T2 AND SODA POW DERS. R ECEIVED, n largo supply of llnynord * Noyes’ Seiilliiz and Soda Powdors, aud for solo l>y- ANSON PARSONS. jmie la J4jC ' PIIESII SPICES. JIAGS lllerlt Popper,'.Ido Piulento A j l UL] Nuiiuog., reooivod nod Tor salo Gy jnly 3 ANSON PARSONS. UNEXAMPLED MAMMOTH SCHEME T HE following dnniilsor a SctiXMK or * LuTTxnr to ho druwn in Doccmhur next, wnrrautaua iu declaring it to ha UN PA UAL. LKLED lo llio history of Lotlorios. Prizes to llio amount hate aztin uzronz hkkn ormizn lo llio public. It is truo, iliore-nro umny I,tanks, I,lit on tlio other hand, lire nztremcly lot* rh.rrgo of 990 par Ticket—the Vm.u* ahi> Nunazn of tho CAriTAU, ood tho royi.nl nrihn good old custom of warranting flint ovary piizo shall ho drown nnd aold.nill, tvo aro inro, give uuivor. ■al smisfnciioii, nud ospccinlly lo the Six lion, unzn I’mzt: Hot.ur.Rs. To those disposed to ndrentnro, wo rccom. ninud early applirnlion Going mado to us for tirkols—when Iho prizes nro all sold, blanks only remain—tho Hist buyers hnvo Ihe host chance. We, ihnofnio, omplinticnlly say— DELAY NOT1 hotatoncure mitandtran,-niii In ns your orJern. wliictr shult always reroiveaur immediate atlenlinri. Lettera to he addressed, and applications ninrlo to, SYLVESTER to CO„ 1G(I Broadway, New York. B7 Observe tho Number, 1GU. $700,000111 *300,000111(03,0001 li prizes ul *110,000! I 2 prizes of $] 3,0001! 3 prize* of $10,000 l LOTTERY Of Real E»tato und Bunk Stock, litimted in New Grlean*. ttT Tho fieheftl nnd most magnificent Schento ever pre«ented to the public, iu thi* or any other cuu ut ry. TICKKT* ONLY $30. Authorized by an Act of the Logixlntivo Ament- bly ol Florida, and iindei the Directions of tho CommUsioners, ucting under the tame. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December 1st, J839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managors. SYLVESTER & CO , 150 Broadway, Now York, Sole Ageut*. NO COMBINATION NUMBKRs!!( 100,000 UckeUftom No. 1 upwards l iit succession Extract from the Law* of the Legislative Council oflho Torri'ory of Florida. Chap. 701.—No. 22.—'Wlieren* the Court House of Duval county, is in an uufimHh* ol stale, ond there nro vet due and owing up onthe saitio, luimios, which it i* beliovod wil itupora too burdensome a tax upon tlio people of Duvul; nnd (whereas, it is desirable to pny thorn said minis and complete saidhiiildi ing.ns woll for tho grenter couveuieiice ofthe ad mmimratiott of justice, as for the domdo purpose of an Acutlumy, (or which purpose in pnrt. the said building, when completed, is designed Therefore— Sec. I ] Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of tho Territory of Florida, That it shall nn-l in.iv be lawfid fi r Joseph B. Lancaster, Uaiuh D. Hart and Wit. limn J, Mills, or nny two of them under the diieciiou of tho county court of Duval county, to rai«e xttrh sum or minis of money by l*oitiiry, in socti Scheme* h.< they may deem appropriate nnd advisable: Provided, that the said persons shall hind themselves in mich manner as the court shall direct,well and truly to conduct sorb lottery iu good fuilh.tn appropriate iho nioceed* to the object above staled.—l'n-sed, Fell. 7di 183*1.—Approved Feb. Iltli 1834 By ngicemcut, boating date tlie 38tl* of F«*bt rttary, JC30, dm above Jusepli Lancaster,Iminli D. Hurt nnd William J. Mills did, for rcitnin considerations, in coiiformiiy to the said L*?gis- lati vo Act, duly assign iiutn Messrs Schmidt iV Hamilton all their Right and In tcrest, and tho Powers vested it) thorn by the nbovo recited Act ofthe legislature of Florida. Extract from tho valuation of Goorgo I'hillip Matiouvrter nud Jacob do Cordova, both of the City of Now Orleans, miule nud swutu lo on tho 19th day of April, 1639:— That the said George Phillip Minion vrirr nud Jacob Cordova, op praise and conscientioiiBly and honestly value the property known under tho name and appeilntiori of "Banks Arcade, 1 in tho City of New Orleans, at Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, and "Tho properly known tinder tho nppollnlion of^‘'City Hotel” or "Bishop's llolol,” in the said City of of New Orleans, at Four Hundred nnd Twenty Thousand Dollars.” Tho deed" of tho Property and tlio Stock traits* ferred in trust to tlio Commismoners appointed by the said act of tho Lcgi'liitum nf Florida, for the security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—Tho Arcade—260 feet, 5 inches, 4 lines,on Magazine sweet; 101 feet, II inclies,ou Natchez street; 120 feet, (3 inches, on Gravior st. Rented at ubout $37,Out) per atr num. Valued at 1 Prize—City Hotel—IG'Jfton Com mon street, I4G feet, 0 inches, on Camp *t. Runted ut $.’5,000— Valued al l Prize—Dwelling House (adjoining (lie Arcade) No. 10,24 It. 7 iiicln cs front on Natchez si. Rented at $1200—Valued at 1 Prize— Diiio(odioiuiug the Arrado) No. 18,23 ft (rout on Natchez ul. Rented at $1200—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining tho Arcade) No 20,23 I'eut front on Natchez st. Routed at $1200—Valued nt 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North cast corner ofB if'iu&. Cuxtom.house street;40 leul fronton Basin, and 40 feel on Franklin st. by 127 ft. di.-ep iu Custom Iioomomi. Rcntud nt $1500—Valued at 1 Piizo—Ditto—No. 24. Southwest corner of Baain iV CutUiun housu street; 32 fun I, 7 inches oil Bunin 32 feet, 7 inches on Franklin. 127 feet, 1ftj inches deep in front of Custom house street. Rented nt $1500—Valued nt I Prize— Ditto— No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches* on Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 inches deep. Routed nt$MUl). Valued at 1 Prize—250 shares Canal Bank Stork, $100each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com do, do do i Ditto—150 ditto Mechanics’ and Trader*’ do do I Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—50 do Exehango Bank do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bank do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 1 Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ & Tin ders’ dodo 1 Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 10 shares of tho Louis* innn State Bank, $100 each, each Prize $1000 do—each 2 slmros of $100 each, each Prize $200, ofthe Gus Light Bank 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of tho Bank of Louisiana 200 do—each 1 share of $100, ofthe New Orleans Bank 150 do—each 1 nhnro of $100 of the Union Bank of Florida (ET It'hull fo at tha option of the winners ofPintesnf Bank Stocks, either totako the stock itself, or tho par value thereof in cn>|t. The receipts of tho i*n!e nf thn Tirkefa nro, and will bo, deposited iu tlm Citizens’, Con* •ululated, Canal. Union, nnd Carrollton Banks, in the name oflho Managers jointly with J. B. Perrnuli, E«q„ actually caultfer of tho Citizens’ Bank, and A. Botuloiiiu. Esq actually cashier of thn Consolidated Rank, as Trusters. a< par Act passed before A. Mnzureau, Eiq*. Notary Public, on thn2*1 May, 1838. and the properties Iramferted uninrnmbnred, for lha security ofilte fortunate Prize Holders. .1 lode of l)raising.— 100.000 tickets, from 1 to IOO.OuO, will bu nut in otto wheel.'and COO pttzos, widi the btnukft in anmkor. To every "umber a piizo or b! ink' willhn diawn. until nil the privea are drtrrmiiu-ii, leaving the balance of numhors in tha wheel blank*. ILT To Editor*and PuHi.isnr.ns.—Having received Newspupcis containing tho nlmve Sch-Miie. from twoulylwo Slates aud Tenitor* ies.busides several of tho Bi itislt Provinces, wo nio satisfied with the circulation, and therefore request that such papers os have not. up to this time, inserted tho advertisement, will bo pleasi ed nut to do so, aud thnt nil tho other paper* will insert it onua week only until the 1st of Do. comber, nnd forward us their account*. SYLVESTER & CO., 150 Urundwuy,N. Y* j«dy 20 1511 LINT OJF LbTTOW KMAINlNf# in tho Post Oflieo at Satan* nab, Jifty 31*1, IHfltf. Poreoy* Ihiicm ftom this list aro requested l advertised tetter*. R ooinros GoiiMon gokeiii nnilK Subscriber intending to inako an ett JL tiro dure or hi* tnerchatitile business ir Snvaiiuah, by tho 1st day of November next will soil hi* largo stock ol'S TAPLE and FAN CY DRY GOODS, of Inst Fall nnd thi* Spring’s selections at less prices than they esn be purchased fot at nuy other fttoreiuSnvntinnh, fur cash only at retail; ami when it D by whole* sale, for approved City acceptances, on six month* credit. Porsou* wishing to got great bargain* will do well to cull nnd judge for them* selves, at my store. A. BENNETT, No. 1 Waring'* Building, Market Square, juno 19 ~~T«> 1’Lanteks. HF» Subscriber, Agent for the Athen Manufacturing Company, has constant* ly on linttcl, a supply of their domestic Woollen and Cotton Goods, a superior article for Negro Clothing. NOBLE A. HARDEE. June 11 GRANT’S LONDON SKETCH ES. S KETCHES of London by Jamos Grnnt. author of 'Random Recollection* of tho House* of Lord* and Common*,' 2 vnl*. The American Lounger, or Tale*, Sketcbe* and Legend*, gathered on .nindry joitruoying*, by the author of-'L-ifitto the Pirate/ Ac. 1 vol. Tito Pocket Isacon, comprising nearly lOtJO extracts from the best authors, by John Taylor, 2 pnekot volumes. Precaution, n novel by J. Fcnnimoro Coop er,author of tha Spy, Ac. Anew edition revisi od hy the author, 2 vol*. The PlMiiiom Ship, complete, hy Capt Mar ry ait, author of'Midshipman Easy,’ Ac. 2 vol* The Bnrhcr of Pari*, or Moral Retribution, hy Pmd De Kock, author of 'Andrew, the Sa* voturd,’ Ac. Ac., tratislutcd from the French, 2 it*. Ruist*’ Flownr Garden Directory, o now nnd roYHftd edition, 8 vo. No. 9 Skntoho* by Bnz. Lady Chuvclcy, or ihe Woman of Honor—A Poem. Abo, A now supply of Cooper's Naval Hi«tnry of tho United States. July 24 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. TOMATO, FETEKN A DlftAIV- DRE TIPS PILLS. GROCE Peters’Anti Bilious Pills 3 do Brandrcth’* do do G do Pltelpha'Tomato do Just received and (or sale wholesale and re* taill»y G. It. HENDRICKSON, Agout. jnly 24 159 Allen Win Batty mrs Polly Bnilnrd Jos Bates Jos Barnard mrs Ann C Barnard mlwC L Handy James Brady Pat’k 11 In rice Jo* G Rrnzel Utiaer BlakewoodJ S llalcher M Benin mrs Ann O Reck Joo Bentley Jno Beiinf Rev Clark J M 2 ' Clark Sarah U Claik Pater Cant Jno 3 Canted S Chapman CT Catilrs Jamas Camncll Jun 11 Crawlonl Sarah Ann Arthur mriS S It llr.nnartl Drix.t llillio miss Henrietta rtignall Win llrynn Aaron h lloud David lloutko Chas nomtoard Jno G lloor Capt Jcicmiab llotlnnrh mraL Illnis Joseph Ilnrko Win Muller miss Anti Murgo Francis Hug min Alary Bruloy nun Jana e Cooper Stephen Conn Geo Al Cowart Uonj Cooko Rufti. Cninuniin. Polar tr Copland Thin P Crosby Jacob Crosby Charity Cnli'iiian James 8 Crew, mira Lydia AnnCutibage mra Robcccg LlinatieCapt Cummins. Dr J ij Cochran Janie. Davis Wm II Ar Co Donnhne Tiios Dovts mn 8arah Dnland Jama. Da Cn.ta Col Correa Dnnherloy Win Davta Wm Davis Gdwd J Davis mn Maria D.yonaro G Al I). Lynn miss Colia Denison John Dolaroach Ac Jonas D'Lyon Col liaac Dixon James Fay Thos Flaming G Fenll Jno W A Foy mrs 11D Ganahl Jot Graham mrs F. Al Gnlpm Gro W Galleny Pliilip Graves P' Ganoid Biekens Gray Kurus >y W Dolly Nalby mi. Diwanhsck A Dodge Jno G Dairy Terence 9 Dure Daniel T lltipon Jno P A Dupord Stephen F Durrelt miss Susan G 8 Dutr.verillo mrs C F Foly Jno Fursightmiss Jana Furtl Joseph O Garcia Al A Groivoa miss Alary Greener N Gra.u Stephen C Griffin Sami Griffis mr. CatherinO Golden mr. Nancy Gale Capt Worlhing’i^Goolsby W A llschrr Geo G l lnydnn A D Hancock Jno Harris U Harris mire Mary flniipl Win 1.9 Hurt is Capt Kiehd T iry I I lentil Jno D lloibert J I) A Co 3 Horington Jno N Hope James lion,lotin inra S Dalian Stephen Hawkins Col Geo B3 lioruker Hobt llerftird Itouh.n F Hodge. — 20 Jnrkson mrs Susan 2 Jones E Jones John Kalin M Kelly Edwd Kotching Jauiea Keller E Lackli'nn R Lv kl.iml Henry Lavender miss Mary Lampo C Lain nut Sarah M loaflitte Dr D M Lyp Edmund IocflitChnt Jono* mr* Sarah Johnson Wm 2 Job listen inis* D R K Kirk mra S Kieflk O M Knowles Josenli 2 Kollock Wm L l^ihy mi** Onth’n Q Lynch Col J as Low John Love Mary C l/ockn P L Longhnsne1 Lehy tntsAli Af/VE Dollar*. 7OU.000 500,000 20,000 20.000 20,000 20,000 TAX NOTICE. N OTICE i* hereby given llmt a tax for llio year A I). 1839, ha* been a*soj*»ed upon «tl property real nud pemmnl, withitt the limit* of the city of Brunswick, amounting to twenty three! hundred, sixty seven dnllai* and eighty ono cent*, which the owner* of mud ptoperty nro hereby requested to pay within Eight Weeks from the date of tiii* notice. All the properly npuu which the tnxc« *hnll not bu paid ngruuubly to the request in thi* nutico will bu immediately ndvoilii*ud for sule al thu expense ol the owner. Name* of the owners of properly in said ci ty, *» far ns known tn tlie subscriber; The Brunswick and Florida Hail Road Co. Geo. Anderson, John \V. Andureoti, 11. A. Breed. E. Bend, Brunswick Laud Co. J Bab four Adin. l-.st. of Jas. Mn*«tn:m, Robt. Bolton, A. G. Bninutt, E*t. MajorJohn Berrien, Colby tV. Davi*. S. D. Cmlntt, Stephen Cha*e. IJ. Dart, 11, Duhigmm,Gee Dupree, T« Dntt.T C. A. Dexter.K A. Dexter,L. S. D’Lyon,Ann Demure,John MeDunnid.AIoxe* I-!n«tiiinu.John Franklin. Tho*. Gle*co«k. R L Gamble, T W. Goode, J. J. Hlgsinbniham, E*«. Piisciila lloiiHlouti. Patrick ilou*|oiiii. It. llnzlrhnret, Itniij. S. Ilarri*. Ex. to r.*t.John Milton, Robt. IliilrhitiKon, Batik of Brtnixwick, Thu Brunr wick Lumber Cn. M. II. .V J llrblmid. Tim*. D. King, C. King, Sarah A. Kimberly. Ann KiugtJ- S- Lawrence, Louisa 1-flnch. Celia l.nmb, A. II. Merrimnti, Ja*. Moore, W. B. Miller, Henry M. Meal* and Sinter, Solomon .Moody. P. M Nightingale, It. S. Pile*, J. O Potman. R. Pooler for Alr. Porter. Mr*. Pin dar. Mr*. Poslell, Jane Rumshart, E. S. Reo*, Jo*. Ityal*. Alex Scott, Win II. Stile*. J. It Suu*Hiy, C. J. Shnltoii, W. P. White, Eat. A Whitehead, P. J, William*, Ann Wiight. A. I. KING, Mayor. Rruuswick. June 29, 1839. jtrly 3 IfrOti. Magill mrs Jann Mszor mi** Sarah A Marcel Frnnci* It 3 Mnllery mrs Mary Motorola Abraham Mil'or Polly Mills Col Wm J Mixson Roiilnsti Mills mrs Anne McCoy Patrick McLeod mr* Sarah Mclntmh J U 10 20,000 15,000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10,000 10.000 10,000 5000 5000 2500 2500 1500 1500 20,000 2000 20,000 20,000 itt Moncor Win Morn* J< Morgan Tho* Morrpll mr* Phi Murphy C D Miinn Jn* Momly Jn* M Myers Gersha We McDonald Cnto Mi-Keczie P S Me Don gall 11W W Nelson mrs Sarah O'Ronrko Andrew Oglu bay uir* C A Naylor Jn* 2 Newell U A O’Brien John Other Henry Uinell S D Parker mire Cniolina Philip* mire Maty l'rendergn*t nue M O FPostell Joseph N PrcndergnM mr* C M 2Portev mis* Mary Piorca mr* Snrnli Pomeroy mire Mary H pelol It W Punnnell mr* 8nrah Pieuderenst Edwd Purcoll Martha S 2 It Regan John Undnlph mr* Mary J Reynold* John M Robinson Wm Reid mi** Char lotto 3 Rogers J Reilly Bernard RohiiMou miss C C2 itibi-’ro Joseph Ruhinson J Riley Owen mr» Roheit* Isaac 3 Ritchie Win 2 Robinson Madison D3 Richard* mr* CathalinoRobertsoti Wm ltufucll Joseph A 48 Skinner Jn* Shultz Jno M Spicer Snnrl 3 15,000 600 Prize*. $1,600,000 TICKETS $20—NO SHARES. L.ANH, NERROEU, Ac. FOlt SALE. S OFFER for salo my PLANTATION, in thi* District, on Savannah River, nud tho Power 3 Run*. Tlio Tract contains by n id cent survey 1037 ncre*. tho greater portion of which i* best quality of Hammock, nud Oak and Hickory land, 400 acres cleaned nud in good order lor cultivation. 11 hn* on it n conn portable Dwelling House, Gin House, Cotton Screw, Burns, Stable*, and Negro House*, all in lino repair. A description on paper rnnnul sella place,hut 1 think I am authorised in say. ing.th it n more valuable Cotton Plantation i* not to bu found in Barn well-L'istrict. It is sit* uated about 3 mile* front two landing* on the River, nud i* about one mile from a Post Oflieo. also filler for sale my iIun«o und l^ot in tho Villago of Barnwell, fronting tho public square. It 'a a plouretit residence, and has two Store Houses, now Kitchen, Smoke House, Stables, &c. I also offer to sell about 50 Negroes, as likely nud va’.unblo n* can be found any where—a* inong them,a Jobbing Curponlor.a Blacksmith. SeumRlrcN* turd Cook; 30 Field Hawn, the bal ance children. Also, 8 AIulus, several good Horsr*. 4 brood Mares, aud G Colt* of the gauio blood; 125 head of Cattle, stock of Hog*. Terms—For the Lana nud Negroes, a credit of 1.2, 3, 4. and 5 years, with interest, secured iu thu usual wav; for tho Horses, Mule*. Ac. a credit of 12 mouth*. J. G. BROWN; Barnwell. C. IL, July 23,1839. ttTTho Carolinian, and Surah tab Republi* can, will give threo weekly inrerliut* aud for* wmd ncrmtntan* above, jnly 31 163tu Sngurs J & II Ssigre* D P Sharpe Jn* D Scranton Aatatt 8atidorliii Jesse Sntzedaa mrs B. Srhefler A Sager Edmund 3 Seckingnr Jno A Struct Jas B Sector Mary Stephen* mr* Eliz’th Stile* tuts Murgt Schmidt Augustus Stihbs J H Smith Clarissa R Stoiiny mire Meta Scott J E Scott Corpl R R Sloan Uoht Strnhnrt wsr* Anne F Shcftull mr* Sarah M Sammons mr* Eliz'tli Silovich Capt Slimmer* mr* Julian Simon* mts Entity M T Travia C Thotnn* mr* Anna Taylor * Borritt Thompson mr* Sidney Threntlcrnft Seth Geo Thmun* John A Thrcadcrtift mire M ACThomn* John Temence mr* Mary Tuten F.ln* Typographical AttSooirTracbelut mra Lnui«) lion Thompson mr* l’hoebo V Vullattan mrs Eliz’th Vidoro Thorna* W Wnrron tnr* Mrry William* Thn* Ware Win J William* Jno Waltbott r Thomas Williatn* Wi Warren Robt B William* Jno Wade Jno Williams mra C Wain miss Elizabeth William* Dr West mr* Rebecca WtUink mr* Unbelt West Goo W Willink II F Webster Joshua D Whito 8nml B Webster Geo W Wyatt Edwd Webster J A Wigg* mire Anno Webin Edwin.C Woodhotree Jn*^I Wing Capt Joseph M Woodkouse inra M AE Wyl'y Geo W ^ Zipperor John S JJeider Daniel Zippe.e Goo GE0RGE 8CULEVi p. M .