Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, August 07, 1839, Image 1

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/ cr CLEANSU AND l’Uitirv miJg uouv.-'l’lio oppllcution oftho princu .n-aigniion being »llo«vod to be one of the utility in ibo cure nml provemion of it feel'ibo greatest eoiiaeqiionoo to ae< irte'n what nUitteno l» capable of 1 producing lU DtJineo KyFEOT In the eeiieel. end at the „mo time in the moet effectual manner It hu new no longer to contend with tho wtnil oreiudioaa oftlio greotoet portion or the So? , < only with there few wlio etill are do- ££nod to be-‘killed ecoording tortile," like To people or old who 'Would have' a 'King to Mian ever them.' But, thanke to the circulu. lion of newepapore—lhauke to tho (tenoral dif- LIIGINA CORDIAL llf’ETERS’PILiS. LE CORDIAL DE LUCINE. OB L'ELIXin DE L'ANOUR. •■THE TRUE RICHES OF LIFE IS HEALTH." T HE subscriber line the ploosure nr an, MIM7E know that health and the ability to la. nonucing to the citizeni oftho U. Stntea, ( TV hor oonititutee Ike wealth oftho great that ho line pnrcliafud.for a very largo sum and »>a<a oftho people in tine, na in moat other conn, from the Inventor, tho colohiated Ur. Magnin, trioe. To preserve thoroforo, that health hy nn. of l’eria, tho rocipu mid right for making (hie ll| ral meona la a grand tnorol and political HalnwaalitM^ f T. .1 .1 . I enlioanal Ia Italfsl UrKlotl VoAniaoo n„a ..I aatonidiing modiciuo. Until the eppoorunco Iscltome, to fuini which, reqnirea our ulinoalel. of tho 'Litcina Cordial,' (ubont three yonra tuutioii. Tho unprecedontod popularity and eiuco,) it wn-1 that tho compluinle, univeraul approbation which thia Medicine hue radon or knowledge, which onabloa niuetc twentieths or THE FEOFLE to read end indue for ihoimelvoa-now wo no longor be liovoill awallowing thnl deadly mineral, Mam eunr, profeuing tocuto—but uiiivereully louv- I,,- m |n a woraa condition after ita uae. We no longer boliovo in the absurd notion ikmlnllmtiuatioiiaol'aliy kind cull becuredby tho ■hatraciing our life—OUR BLOOD. It ie now well understood that an iufluunuation la a wire 0BOW*»ct or NsTUti*. a signal that alto re- oiuraa die assistance of pnrgativo modiciuo to eaoo hot of tho oppressive burden which ahe .. coinpluinta, which it apeodily ovcrcomea, wero beyond tho roach of human roincdy, aa for upward! of a thouaand yearn, tlioy had haftled tho wisdom and ingenuity oftho moat profound phyaiciani I in all parte uf tho world. Thia Cordial, how* | evor, to tho groat advantago of die human taco, | euoti proved itself to bo the desideratum eo long E revee by tho high fever end tho atrong pulse, I wanted to be removed. In othor worda, the body calla for a vegetable cleansing UaieiiiisTii't V r.oarABi.a Utttvztmt. Pitta, teeuiro no akill in their udininialrationt tile printed difeclioti only ha a to bo observed, and they dercrilio tho just proportion of the doso, to d» magnitude oftho dl.oase to be cured. Lit oil pertom read Ida following opinion of a »,nt(em.m le.’io well known the jnntUiu of that r at, BRANDRETU'S PILLS. Thismodiciiiu is acknowledged tube one of tho moil valnablo over discovered, as a purifier el'tha blood and fluida. It ia auperior to Sar. iipstills, whether ui a ouduritia or alterative. It iiandi inlinitoly before all the propnratione or cetnbinaiioiu of Morcury. Its purgative pro, parties are ulono of incalculable value—for theto Fill! may bo token doily ron akv period, and initoad of woakouing by the cathartic effect,they add strength by taking away the cause of weuk- ■toss. There la no good Mercury duea, which llioie Pills do not likewise. But they have none oNto iniseiabla eireoti of that dkault specif- tc. The TKartt aro not injured—tho bores and limba are not paralyzed—no—but in Ibo Head of then disireaeing aymptoma, new life and consequent animation is ovidoiitin every tnoveineut oftho body. BtiArronKTii’a Pills are indeed o Universal Kkukdv, for .they euro ' disoaiesi they cure Inflammation uud achieved lliroughout tho United Sutea, the Caundai, Texas, Mexico und tho Weal Indies, fully justify Dr. Patera in warmly nml conscien tiously recommending them to the special uttem lion of tho aOlicted. Dr. Fetera hoa spent much time in expori. .. . mauling with difl'oreut' Voaetablo Medicines, sought for; and accordingly,"notwithstanding for diseases oftho liver,nndnowolTeiaIds Veg; 'in brier period uf its axi.iuuco, it turn required ej“bl« ”*!■*• »• the bool, most convenient, and celebrity so great, that it is eagoily inquired choopoit Medicine that can be prepared for fur throughout llio civilized globo. Dr. Mug' l general ilia, BSEXAlUmu MAJUIIOTH T HE following details or n Scuknk ov a Lottxrv. lo bo drawn in December nuxt, warrants u. in declaring it lobe UNPARAL- LGLED in Iho hiKtory of Lotterir*. Prizes to the amount have nkvrii bkfoiie been oefkked to the public. It is true, there nro mniiy blank*, ID’ It shall tie nt the option of the winner* I of Pusses of Dank Stocks; either to take the stock itself, or the per vuluo thereof in cash. The recoiptaof the sale of the Tickets nro, 1 and will be, deposited in the Citizens'. Con* I aolidoted, Canal. Union, and Cnrrollton Banks, in tho namo oftho Alannger* jointly with J. U. Perreult, Eiq., actually cashier of Ine Citizen*’ hut oil tho other hand, tho extremely low charge Bank, nnd A. Uotidotiin, Esq actually cashier of of $3© per Ticket— tho Vai.uk and Numbf.b I the Consolidated Bank, as Trustees, ns per of the Capitals, nnd the revival ofthe good old Act passed before A. Mnzurcati, Esq., Notary custom of warranting that every ptizo shall bo " * ‘ "' ** drawn and sold, will, wo are sure, give uuivor* iliu soon finding that the demand was so vast as to ronder u supply impassible, disposed of the recipe and right of sule, under obligations ofsecreoy, for England, the United States, and other cunnlrios. only preserving France mid Italy for himself. Thus has tho subscriber pok* sessed himself of the invaluable secret, and now hastens to givo the iiilinhitants of his Hue of agency the benefits of his speculation. •Le Cordial Do Luciiie’ or, in English, 'the One great quality of his vegetable Pills is that ioy have the alternative principle combined ith thoir cathartic, or operative qualities, or,that ley not only clennse tho stomach and bowols the; wit! they not only by purging, but they rogolnto the liver, change the morbid secretion, strengthen the digestive organs, purify the blood, invigorate the circular lion, and gives tone and energy to the nervous system. w„,u,a, „u uu.,„» or, ill English, *111. I 'f hoy " ro n ? ,W "T 1 P'T." 1 in ll ¥* l J! 0 P“'"!">. n Luciuu Cordial, 1 ii» gmtocal mvigumtor of tba and convey a mint immediatei convlclion of tlioir human trams! In all tho various case. of lam «« r ™ u , lll<!ir bmtdo.o. llicy can hai taken tinr,la*itude, and dubilitatioiit It is an uufail. , b / P."* 0 "* ° r ‘ n r .■£* ""f 1 lh « ft “ 1 ble, the infirm, tho nervous and the delicate are S' ing reined); us it is equally its province to itn f iarl cheerfulness and decision to the mind, as i , «. . * . . • vuluo on wlircli it! culobrity ii baaed, i. tha fir I jtcttabiliiy, and invariably produce .ound cilily and certainly with which it resturoi the ..’i ' p.n. » , virile powers when tlioy have beon destroyed . ^ Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy for by dueuo, lime, rcckleMi.e M , o. any ortlie nil* J'"'". 11 '™* >“* »'«> "«'*“«* h “ ad “ cl 1 10 ’ d DP«P»r. --- ’••• • ’ •” I costiveness, sickness of the stomach, lieuribuin, all billions complaints, fevers ofall kinds, nnd if In common witht lie generality of really good 11^" .ri'L'iTmK medicine!, tliii CotdiuT Mntaiui nothing of a n/iniredUMUttfSi!'bStf. "atTlm ‘SaViu in norfouf and hypoSriil Lc ny iniredieute which compote i« but it. at the | „ tuH of app(>lU( ,, „ n a ,p n || co „,,,|«i m . to inliieL r„n,elae n Intin non Dllhinnl 'I*iI»u finer. jhrosuc Uhkumatism! They cure Diaurtes and Stu vnquahy! They cure Dyscktkry and CossTiTurioNAt. Costivrnrss! They will euro all tliess apparently opposito diseases, because tlioy cleanse auapuHiFY the blood, provided, howsver, nature Is uot beyond all human AS* 8ISTANCE. Four years tills medicine has now been before the public in the U. States; wherever it has been introduced it has suporse ded all other remedies. . Or. Braiidreth's OiHcei in New York ore 241 BROADWAY, 185 Hudson it. and 270 Bow. ory. bUuxcn Prinet und Houston sis. 25 cants pur box with diroctions. Beware of counterfeits, Druggists never made agents. Each of l)r. Brandretli's Agents have nnen* grawsdeenificaln,dated,wiihiu the twolvo months next preceding. These certificates mo renew* ed regHlurly;therofore whan over twelve mouths old they no longor guarantee tho genuineness of the mcdicin3. eIRanumber DruwtUUi arf never made. Agents. Sold by SEABORN GOODALL, corner of Congress and iJotferson streets, (near the Mar ket) THE ONLY AOENT FOR THE SALE OK TUE •xsufvE Branpiieth’s Pills III Suvuiitiuli. July 10 I53tw3m same tune, so simple, yet'so otHo .cions, that while it can renovuio tho prostrated energies of agiant,an infant may use it, uot only with iu*i puuity, but with advantage. Tho usages of society ure unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding tho benefits which would be sure to result from it, we cannot enter into an analysis of this inestimable Cordial hero, or iibtish many of the documents which have eon receivod, as vouchers of the blessings it has conferred on numbers ofdetpauittg iudivid. unis. But this wo cunnot forbear remarking— that it hue been demonstrated that there is scarcely ever, if any such thing at all, as iitttu* I tf fum | t is intimate knowledge ofthe propi ml barronuoss, or as natural imbecility ofthe Ue ' v o( herbt and drUgi) produce an efflek procieant functions, in either sex; und therefore l0edic i nBiall( j | mnstacknowledge that hisVcge, that these evils are tho oflocts ol arliticiul cuus* I | a t,| e Pilljs fully respond to my expectation, ei.oml may ba .peecllly .ubduod aiid remuvud | , fhBy nla iR j ec j a .uperior mudioiiiD, nnd to* .i .in i .tinmn ^ ocl u |j| iQ U p 0|| |) 10 c Uemiit, the physician, and which females alone are subject. They oper ate »s a mild speedy purge, and are u safe and certain remedy for worms in children. Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney of N.Or* leans, La. Oct. 9, 1837.— 11 1 have received much I assistauco in my practice {especially in jaundice and yellow fever; from the use of Peteis* Fills. I resume that, on on averago, I prescribe 100 oxes in a month." Extract ofa letter from Dr. Prichard, of Iludi son, N. Y., June 3.1836; *1 was aware that Dr. Peters was one of the best chemists in the Uni* led States, and felt assured that ho would some 3er. lent by the use of ‘Le Cordial do Lucine. The Lncinu Cordial is also an * indubitable cure for the Gleet, ami the Fluor Albus, ob* slructud, difficult,or painful Menstruation; also, for the incontinence of Urine, or the iuvoiuiita' ry discharge thereof. It U likewise an tuvalu able and unrivalled medioine in cusesof Ciiruiii ic Eruptions of the skill, and iu the dropsical aflectious of ilia aged. Most important to tho American Public, The United Btatus proprietor oftho celehrai ted‘Luchin Cordial/ or ‘Elixir thu philosopher, Extract of n letter from Dr Wainos, of Cin< cinuuti, Feb. 2,1838; ‘Your Pill* aro the miid est in their operations, und yet most powerful in their effects, of any that l have ever met with in a practice of eight and twenty years. Their action on the chyle, and hence on the impurities o( the blood, is evidently very surprising.* Chariottr, N, C. Jau. 1,1837. Dear Sir—I have made frequent use of your sal satisfaction, ond especially to tho Six lluN dred Prize Holders. To thusa disposed to ndvculuro, wo recoin* mend early application being made to its for tickets—when the prizes are oil sold, blutiks only romam—the first buyers have the .best chance. Wn. ihotcforo, eim»h*©™k’ DELAY NOT! but at nnco irj to us your (jiiiers, which shall immediate ittemion. l«uitut and application* made to SYLVESTER & CO„ 150 Broadway, New York. (T7*0b8orve the Number, 150*. $700)000II! $500,000!I $25,000! 0 prizes oi $20,000!! 2 prizes of $15,000!! 3 prizes of $10,000 ! LOTTERY OfRoal Estate nnd Bank Stock, situated in New Orleans. (IT The richest and most magnificent Schemo ever promoted to the public, in this or any other country. TICKETS ONLY $20. Authorized by an Act of the Logixlntive Assem bly ot Florida, and undet the Directions of the Commissioners, acting under the same. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December 1st, J839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER & CO., 150 Broadway, New York, Sole Agents. NO COMBINATION NUMBERS!!! 100,000 licketsfrom No 1 upwards,in succession Extract from tho Laws of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida. Chap. 701.—No. 22.—Whereas the Court House of Duval county, is in ait unfiuish* ei state, and tliorc are yet due and owing tip on the sumo, monies, which it is believed wi! impose too burdensome a tax upon tho people of Duval; and (whereas, it it desirable to pay those said sums snd complete saidhuildi mg,us well fur tho greater convenience ofthe ml ministration ofju»tice,us for the double purpose of nn Academy, for which purpose iu part, the said building, when completed, is desigued Therefore— Sec. 1 ] Bo it enacted by the Governor nnd Legislative Council of tho Territory of Florida. That it shall and may be lawful fu Joseph B. Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hart and Wil. lium J, Mills, or any two of them under the direction of thu county court of Duvul county to rai»c such sum or sums uf money hy Lottery in such Schemes ns they may deoin appropriate and ndvisuble: Provided, thut the said persons shall kind themselves in such manner ns tho I na* Public, on tho 2d May, 1838. nnd the 'properties truti*Torred tiniiiriiinhered, for the security ofthe fortunate Prize Holders. Mode of Drawing.—100.000 tickets, from 1 to 100,000. will be put iu ono wheel, nnd 000 prizos, with tho blanks in nuothor. To overy number o prize or blank will bo drawn, until all the prives are determined, leaving the balance of numbers in the wheel blanks. ILI* To Editors and Publishers.—Having received Newspapers containing the above Scheme, from tweuly*twa States and Tartitor ies,besides several ofthe British Provinces, we are satisfied with the circulation, and therefore request that such papers as have not. up to this timo, inserted tho advertisement, will be pleas' ed nut to do so, and that all the other pnpers will insert it once a \cedt only until the 1st of De< comber, nnd forward us their account*. SYLVESTER & CO., 150 Broadway, N. Y. juiy 29 1511 $150 RE1VARU. Absconded from Waverley ' Plantation, Camden County, on the 10th day of July last, LAR KIN, DICK, and CATO. Lor- . kin is a stout Mulatto fellow, a- 1 about 28 years of ngo, 5 foot G to 9Inches high—he has a scar on his right cheek, also some marks of small pox about his fnco, particularly on HU tiuau, also a large acar from an axe on his foot, near the groat too. Larkin has ratlior a feeble voice for a man of bis statue. Cato is a black fellow, an African by birth, lie Is a stout, square built follow, about 5 feet 4 to 0 inches high—has tho mark or his tiibe oil his breast; ho is likewise ruptured, and hns a very Urge mouth. Dick is a small black, well set fel low, also an African by birth, with a round face nnd down enstlook, easily confused when inter* rogatod: there is also a singular appearnneo about hts mouth when alarmed. The nluve three follows were bought of the estate ofjno. H. Morel, in March 1838, uud formerly lived at the Cotton Imm Planluiion, Bryan Co. They are ulio well acquainted in and abeut Savannah „ , w GEO. C. DUNHAM, Manager. * feb 28 GQ (Georgian) *100 UBWAllll. 4$ Ranawny from McPherson- J v ’ffie, Beaufort District, S. CL on JKEM* Hio lOth iust. a mulatto boy naor flSTJy / CHARLES, tho property of lsubscriber. Charles is be ■ Uveon 10 and 17 years of ago, a* Dout 5 feet in height, stout and well made, hns •hort btown eurhng hair,with keen dark brown •yea. On his upper lip ho has a dark, oblong, tutural mark, easily percoived upon close oh' lervation. Ho leads well, speaks quickly and is remarkably intelligent. Among other np« P#rel, lie carried with him a blue cotton twilled frock coat Jr a brown fur cap. He lias free iu rola* hons Savannah und in the interior of Georgin, Bnd was lust heard of in Barnwell Villago, S. Ci on his way. it is bolievod to Augusta and wjjnj 0 10 Savannah. One hundred dollars will bq pnH for his rocovory and proof lo con* v |c !jon of Ills having been harbored or afforded lacililios of eacnpo by any parson, white, black or colored, or twenty five dollnrs for his safe da* livery to me, or to the- Jail m Savannah so that 1 recover him. W. H. WIGG. Pocatuligo Post Offieo, 8. C. rf J"he Augusta Chronicle <& Seminol will in u . ut30V0 Haily for two weeks—and t , ' , nie * onco R week until forbid, and M • i ?ISi r W! 10 offieo for payment. jJ u| y 22 158ca-1 , , . P . ,lix ! r °.r l V 0Ve,, * ,C ** I pUU in Uiq incipient stngo of billious fever,*und to lay before tha cominuiiity, the lollown.g cer* 5 bl , inal » eonatlpaiioia oftho bowels, also, in the tificatff; which lie has lecoived from the inven* oll | arRO mentof the spleen, chronic diseases of tor, the illustrious Dr. Miigmn, of Pan-: _ . j tlie ,f veff lick headache, general debility, and ill ull cases Imve found them to be very effect to, J. D. Boyd. m. D. Mecklenburg. Co., Va. Feb. 7, J837, Having used Dr. Peters’ pills in my practi for the last 12 months, 1 take pleasure iu giving my testimony of their good effects in cases of dyspepsiu, sick headacho, billious fo. vers, and other diseases, produced by in activii orders from Franco and Italy alone; and have | |y of lba || ver . They are a safe and mild ap* therefore disposed of the privileges vouchsafed j e||t toeing the best article of the kind I hove in this, and other certificates of a like nature in I evcr uso j George C. Scott, M. D. ordar tu ganoruliau the benefit! of my di.oovety ce|abr ,u d Medicine i, for sole bv ell the tbrouxhoulllio world. .... niincipa! Druggut! in Savxiiiiab and tlitooj(li. Given tindor tny linbd «t Peril, on thu nine. I 0lll ,®f S tnte». iho Oanidu, T*iu, 'This is to certify, that I Imve disposed oftho recipe for making the/Luciua Cordial/ or 'E lixir of Love/ and ulso the right to soil it through out the United Stales of North America, to John Winters Holdorwell, M.D. My reasons for so doiug is, that the demands to me for the above Cordial, of which I uin the in von tor, are so numorous, that I aui unable to supply all the orders from Franco und Italy alone; and have (JOINUi GOING!! GONE!!! rail IB Subscriber intending to make an eu Jft. tire c!o?eofh<s nioicbamilo business in Savannah, by the 1st doy of November nuxt will sell his large stock of 8 PAPLE nnd FAN* CY DRY GOODS, of Inst Fall and this Spring's selections at less prices than they can be puichnsed fot at any other store in Savannah, for uuhIi only at retail; mid when it i* by whole sale, for approved City acceptances, oil six months credit. Persons wishing to get great bargains will do well to call and judge for them* selves, at my store. A. BENNETT, No. 1 Witting'* Building, Market Square, juiie 19 LIST OF LETTERS R emaining in »ii« Post office ut savant null, July 31st, 1839. Persons wishing letters from this lint art requested to ask for advertised letters. A Arthur mrsS S B Brennan) Brlget Bilbo miss Henrietta? Bignall Win Bryan Aaron L Bond David Uotirke Chas Bniinenrd Jno E Boor Capl JciomiaN Bollotigh mrsL Blnis Josoph llnrke Wm Butler miss Ann Bnrgo Francis Bug mns Alary ^Uiuley miss Janer Cooper Stephon Conn Geo At Cowart Benj Cooke Rufus Constantine Peter V Copland Thus P Crosby Jacob Crosby Charity Coleman James 8 Allen Win Batty mrs Polly Bailnrd Job Bates Jos Barnard mrs Ann C Barnard inissC L Bandy Jarnoa Brady Pnt’k Blanco Joa G Brnzol Briger Blakowood J 8 Belcher A1 Beuiu mrs Auu O Beck Jno Bentley Jno Beuuf'Rev Clark J M 2 Clark Sarah B Clark Peter Cant Jno 2 Cantell S Chapman CT Cnliir* James CantneU Jno H Crawford Sarah Ann Crews miss Lydia AnnCabbage mrs Rebecccf Christie Cnpt CummTnos n,!B Cochran James , WfESnteiis. ffTIIE Subscriber, Agent fur the Allien B Manufacturing Company, ba» constant ly on hniid. a supply of their domestic Woollen and Cotton Goods, n superior article for Negro Clothing. NOBLE A. HARDEE. jnneH PILES, Ac. HAEMORRHOIDS. No Ctne Ifo Pay!!—Price $). HAYS’ LINIMENT. N O FICTION.—This extraordinary chem ical composition, the result of science,and tho invention of a celebrated medical man. the introduction of which to tho public was invent, ed with the solemnity of a death bed bequest, hns since guined a reputation iiiipnrulleled.fully sustaining the correctness of tho Inmented Dr. Gtidley's last confession, that '‘ho dared uot die without giving to posterity the benefit of Ins knowledge on this subject,’’ and he therefore bequeathed to his fiieud und attendant, Soloi mtm Huy*, the secret of his discovery. It is now used in the principal hospitals, and the privatn practice in our country, first and , „ .... , . , most certainly for the euro ofthe Piles, and also court shall direct,well and truly to conduct such I s0 extensively and effectually as to bafllo credit- lottery in good faith,to appropriate the proceeds | ilyf nil | e „ where its effects nro witnessed. Ex. -* * - • ... •• all V, I, I . ' ... ... a ii . . . _ • ,. . . to the object abovo stated.—Passed, v—Ap feb. 7th 1834,—Approved Feb. 11th 1834 By agreement, bearing dato the 28th of Febi maty, 1839, tin* uh«va Joseph Iaiiicaster,lsniuh D. flart and William J. MilindiJ, for cerium considerations, in conformity lo the said Legis lative Act, duly assign unto Messrs Schmidt & Hamilton all their Right and In terest, and tho Powers vested in them by the above recited Act of the Legislature of Florida. Extract from tho valuation of George Phillip Mauouvrier and Jacob do Cordova, both of tho City of New OrlcntH. made uud swum to on the 19th day of April, 1639:— That tho said George Phillip Mauouvrier nnd Jacob Curdovn, appraise and cnii’-cioiuiuuxly and honestly value (lie property known under the iinnio and appellation of “Banks Arcade,, in the City of New Orleans,at Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, nnd JD D ft vis Win I! At Co Donnhoo Tlios Davis mrs Sarah Dolnml James Du Cnxia Col Correa Douherley Wm Davis Wm Dnvis Edwd J Davis mr« Maria Deynnnre G A1 De Lyou miss Celia Denison John Delaronch <St Jones D’Lyon Col Iraac Dixon James Thom Fleming E Feiill Jno W A Foj- inrs R D Gannhl Jos Graham mrs F. AT Gnlpiu Geo W Galieny Philip Graves* P Ganuhl Uickens Gray Rufus F r iy V Dolly Nafby mrs Dosenback A Dodge Jno G Dufiy Terence 3 Dure Daniel T Ditpon Jno P A Dupord Stephen F Diirrettint3sSiiMnG0 Dutroverille mrs C Foly Jrio For sight mwa Janst Forst Joseph a Garcin Af A Greivos miss Alar/ Greener N Green Stephen C Griffin Sanil Griffis mrs Catherine Golden mra Nancy Gale Copt Wortldng'n Goolsby W A II Haclirr Gen E llaydon A B Hancock Jno Harris R Harris miss Alar/ Hnupt Win L‘J Harris Capt KichdT Henry Nutoft Ilenlli Jno D Herbert J fl & Co 3 Horingtun Jno N Hope James Haustoun lurs S Ilollen Stephen . • . 8,e ly!l Hawkins Col Geo S 2 llonikcr Robl Harford Reuben F Hodges — J Jackson mrs Susan 2 /ones mrs Sarah Junes E Johnson Wm 2 Mexico uud the West Indies. Price 59 cents per box with full directions, aug 5 164—jl ROWLAND’S KALVDOR* F OR the face und skin, uud of vital impor tance to tho support of female loveliness. I Powerful of effect, yet mild of influence, this admirable specific (a preparation from tho most teemhday of January in the year of our j Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight* „ EKASTE MAGNIN- Gaspard Delluo, ? W!i William Alerriu, j W,l,,ol,M ' This highly important medicine is for sain by John Winters Holdertveli, No. 120 Liberty st. New York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut I admirnme speeme pruparnu.,., iruu. i„« st. Philadelphia; ami m Baltimore by Roberts I delightful baUatuic exotica, and perfectly free At Atkinson, John M.Lnroque; and G. R. Ty, from mineral, or other pernicious adinixtuies) lor; in Washington City l-y Tobias Watkins I possess** balsamic properties of surprising en- and Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O.M. orgy, it eradicates tan. freckles, pimples, spots, Litulmcum; iu Richmond by John II. Eustice; l reutiQM, ami all cutanooils eruptions, grauuntiy in Petersburg by Braggs Thomas nnd Dupuy, realizing a delicately clear, lair' nnd *911 Rosser & Jones; and in Norfolk by M. A. Sam 1 ,u “ to* and B- Emeraonjnnd by John Woodly, No. 65 Poydra«8l. New Orleans. It ran also be found at all the principal Drug Btorea in South Carolina, nnd in Augusta, hy Huvilaud Riatoy At Co., Thomas Barrett At Co. and Nelson Cartel; and in Savannah hy G. U. HENDRICKSON. Price $3 per bottle, with full direotions. aug 5 164—iy transforms even the utost sallow complexion into radiant whiteness; renders harsh aud rough skin delightfully soft and smooth; imparts to tho faco, neck aud arms, a healthy and juvenile bloom; and, by due perseverance in its upplicu* tion, promotes a free nnd uninterrupted exor* cisn of those important functions of ttio skin, which are ofthe utmust necessity fur the pre servation of health and attninmeut uud contiuu 1 anoo ofa bo.mtifnl cotnploxiou. * A fresh supply of this valuable at tide iust re* ceived, and lor sale by A. PARSONS, aug 6 163 SOWAMU'S PlIMIO.^AKU, I orvegetaule demulcent. N OBsos of obstinate Catarrh; in coughs whether arising from recent or noglectod coiac; i n Asthma; and as an auxiliary, and weans of present relief from tho threatening ■»» « * a PP roa °khig Pulmonnry Con- ■lunption, its medicine hasgroater claims upon tneSie ° nC0 l ^° inva, ‘^ *^ an *L.® “^ove ini? '*/® r wfiliptive and troublesomo symp- V'l^^oughingr expectoration or phlegm, pain Iom brciwt * *- n - which constitute prominent attiros of the complaint, that the Pulmotrarin was designed, and has manifested its most valu» able properties. It is equally tHoful of course in the reliof of ond Cojds, arising from sudden changes ° For a l* <,,0m wearil '8 dQm P &c - b/ A. BARTOW. O , COLUinilfA; LpRlDGE’S Balm of Columbia, for ro* und beautifying the Hair. A fresh 8 Plj'y just received and for sale bv 1“'J ft G. R..HENDRICKSON. SB CHALLENGE.— 1 Tit. Gek- SSsStaBKuwz FRENCH PILLS tt. J*}7 n .t ail H.o UUACK NOSTRUMS of thu J. 0 fur tlio cure»(' * * . B 'l-|io Fioncli Pills uru npplicobli in nil cues, fiir eitlier sox, (wnirnined Ireo from Mercury.) nml pns«0!«0» (treat nilvnnmgos over the Uni. nniSiinr! all liquid mcJicinos, l-y bom? onnrely f rc0 from stnoll, nnd conicqnontly du not nffect Iho brenth, thoroby prnvenUng the pnuibdity ur discovery wliilo wring them. Ucnidc! tldn important advnntoge they nevot dijirrroo with tiro stoinucli, nnrl in ilro first »tngu» of lire disensu tlioy uaunlly ufirict n euro in n lory dnv«. will) liltlu regard to diet oroxpoartro. In tiro most obstinnlo slngca ol tho dia«a«e, they nro equally curtniu,having cured many after overy Othur remedy bad failo-l. In .liorl, they have'lieorl so univeraally snccaaafui that tire proprietor challongeaany one lo producoa rein, ody of equal enriainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollar!. For sale hy HENDRICKSON, end T. M. dt J. M. TURNER. Price $2 per box. 164—Iy aug 5 SARATOGA WATER. O 4k DOZ Congress Spring Water, pints O V and quarts, bottled in dry weather.— J ust received aud for sale hy inly 26 ANSON PARSONS. GOTVLAND’S LOTION, Ace. R ECEIVED, a fresh supply of Gowlands Lotion, for improving and beautify ing tho eotnplexion. Likewise, Churohe’s Vegeta- hlo Lotion, an effectual cam for eruptions on the face and chin. For sale by julylU ANSON P<\R8Q%8. FUti&n SPICliSL fijs BAG8 Black Pepper, 3 do Pimento JSl 1 bbi Nutmegs, received nnd for smIo by ^ut y 3 ANSON PARSONS, ternally in the following compiuints: For Dropsy—Creating extraordinary aksorp< tieu at once. AH Swellings—Reducing them in a few horn* Rheumatism—Acute or Chronic,giving quick ease. Sore Throat—By cancers, ulcers, or colds. Croup and Whooping Cough—Externally, and over the chest. All Bruises, Sprains nnd Burns—Curing in a few hours. Smesaud Ulcers—Whether fresh or long standing, and fever sores. Its operations upon adults and children in tedneing rheumatic swellings, and loobening coughs and lightness of tho chest by relaxation of thu parts, inis been surprising beyond con. coplioii. The common remark of those who have usud it in the Piles is, 'It acts like a charm/ THE PILES.—The price $1 is refunded to a bottle of llay»’ Lin* return the empty but* tlo without being cured. These are the positive otduraof the proprietor to tho agents; and out of iqauy thousands sold, not one has been un' successful. Wo might insert certificates to any length, but prefer ilmltluisu who sell the at tide should exhibit the original to purchasers. SOLOMON IIAYS. HAYS’ LINIMENT. Florence. Alabama, Sept 28. A gentleman of the highest standing in this town, who liuJ been diendfully nfllicted with tho Blind P’d».*M for the last 26 years, called upon me nml fieely confessed to me Ins situation.— After describing tlie severity of the complaint ho remarked ho had not been so well for 29, yeais post as lie ^vas^ajlltpi moment. He hud 500 000 mTo'tnrrne only of 1 lavs’ Liniment. 1 I noo llio mt'ii unril, .t.niil •'ll,., vvimlo It Jones John Kalin M Kelly Edwd Retching James Keller E Lacklison R I<ncklatid Henry Lavender miss Mary Lmnpo C Lain mis Sarah M Lnffitfe Dr D M Lee Edmond Leflit Chas Dollars. 70U.0U0 To | use his own words lie said "the wholo human family, who woru thus afflicted, ought lo be made acquainted with this medicine.” Signed, R. L. BUSS. A fresh supply oftho above medicine roceiv tie Ir A. PARSONS, Agent. ed. nnd fiirsulB by July 17 S12IDL1TZ AND SODA POW DERS. R ECEIVED, a large supply nf Maynard Sr Noyes' Seidliiz and soda Powders, and for sale by ANSON PARSONS, jnno 15 142 J. JB. GAUDRY, Offers for sale in store, BOXES assorted Claret 200 baskets Bacchus Hoc Chain- HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. „ _ F OR the cure of White Swellings, Scrofu< Ions am! other Tumors,Ulcers,Sore Logs, old nnfi fivah Wound., Sprain, and Bruije,, Swcllinc! and Inflammation., Scald Hand,Wo. mmi’a Suto Breast., Rhomnaiio Pains. Tulto,., Eruptions, Chilblain., Whitlows, Din. Corns, and External DisoaBC, generally. It is likewise areally superior to any niodieino here otoro discovered lor the ehnfed backs and limbs uf a^^?r™rbeirr/,.!rn,a/4 the M*f*«*r^dRICKSo’n. nnd T. M. &■ J. M. TURNER. Price CO cents por boi. . augO IM-lf pngno 25 boxes Spnrkling Hock 6 do Curucoa Cordial, 10 do Olivos 10 do Capers, 50 do Kuiaius 6 chests Fow chong Tea 3 do Hyson Ten,20qr chests do do 10 boxes Brandy Fruits 50 do No 1 Soap, 20 halfdo do do 2 cases Sardines, 6 boxes Vermicelli G bbls Crushed Sugar 20 pipes Oturd, Dupuy & Co s Brandy 8 do Anchor Gin 4 puncheons St Croix Rum 4,casks Vinegar, 20 or easks Malaga 8 lihds Santa Cruz Rum 30 bbls assorted Biscaits 50 bags Cuba Coffee, 5 do Java do 8 boxes Havana Sugar • 20 bnskets Olive Oil , ■ 150 M Segura, Meda, Colon und Principe brands , 50 half and qr kegs Mackerel 100 casks Porter, quavtand puUbotUoa 30 reams Wrapping Paper 10 boxes Ginger Preserves July 86 160 “Tho properly known under tho appellation UB y ,„. rso „ who will use a l of “City Hm«l” or “Bishop’s Hotel,” in tho inlelll f or , ho |»,| e , t an J rct said City of of New Orleans, at Four Hundred | l)e without being cured. Tl anil Twenty Thousand Dollars.” Tho deeds ofthe Properly und the Slock trans furred in trust to thu Commissioners appointed by the said net of tho Lugulutuio of Florida, for the security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—Tlie Arcade—286 feet, 5 incites, 4 lines, mi Magazine street; 101 feet, 11 inches,on Natehez street; 126 feet, 6 inches, oil Gravier st. Rented ut about $37,000 per un- num. Valued at i Prize—City Hotol—162 Aon Coin* moil street, 146 feet, 6 inches, on Camp st. Rented at $25,000— 1 Prize—Dwolling Houko (adjoining the Arcade) No, 10,21 ft. 7 inch* en front on Nnichez ut. Rented nl $1200—Valued at 20,000 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 18, 23 ft front on Natchez st. Rented at $1200—'Valued at 20,000 ] Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 20,23 font front on Natchez st. Rented at $1200—^Valued at 20,000 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North past corner of Basin St CtiMntn.liunso street; 40 feet fronton Basil), and 40 feet on Franklin st. by 127 ft. denp in Custom house st. Rented at $1500—'Valued at 20,000 l Prize—Ditto—No. 24, South west corner of Basin At. Custom lionso street; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feel. 7 inches on Franklin. 187 foot, IO.4 incites deep in front of Custom house street. Rented at $1506—Valued ut 20,000 I Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches on Royal street, by J27 ft, ]1 inches deep. Rented ut S 1*100. Valued at 15,000 1 Prize—250 shares Cntral Bank Stock. $100 each . 25,000 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com do, do do 20,066 I Ditto—150 ditto Aleclmnios’ uud Traders' do do 15,000 1 Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 10,000 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 10,000 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 10,000 I Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do 5000 1 Ditto—50 do do do dodo 5000 j Ditto—25 do Gus Light Bank do do 2500 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 2500 1 Ditto—15 do Mechunics’ St Tin ders' dodo j Ditto—15 do do do do do 1500 20 do—each 10 shares of the Louis* ; a na Slnto Bank, $100 each) each Prize $1000 20,000 do—each 2 shares of $100 ouch, each Prize $200, of the Gas Light Bank 2000 200 do—each 1 share of $IC0, of the Bank of Louisiana 20,000 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of llio Now Orleans Bank 20,000 150 do—each 1 share of $100 of tho Union Bank of Florida *15,000 Mngill mrs Jane Mazar miss Sarah A Marcel Francis R 3 Mallory mrs Mary Meserole Abraham Miller Polly Mills Col Wm J Mixsoti Reuben Mills mrs Anne McCny Patrick Me Lend mrs Sarah McIntosh J H Johnston miss B U K Kirk mrs S Kicfffl G M Knowles Josoph 3 Kollock Win E l^by mien Cath'n G Lynch Col Jas Low John Love Alary C Locke P L Letighnsne Edwd Leby mrs Mary Oof-' 'iHIHk BI Monger Wm 11 Morris Joseph G Morgan Tlios Morrnll mrs Phoebe Murphy C D Mo nn Jns Alnody Jns M Myers Gcrsha Naylor Jns 2 Newell B A O'Brien John Other Henry Ornolt S D 171c McDonold Cato McKenzie D 8 McDmigaURW N Nelson mra Sarah O O'Rourke Andrew* Oglubay mra C A 10 OOO Prizes. $1,(100,000 tickcts $20—ivo shares. TAX NOTICE. mrOTICE is hereby given that a tax for the Xw year A D. 1839, has been assessed upon nlipioperty real and personul, within the limits of the city of Brunswick, amounting to twenty throef hundred, sixty soven dollnrs nnd eighty one cents, which the owners of said property are hereby requested lo pay within Eight WEKKsfroni tho date of this notice. All the property upon which the taxes eludl not be pnid agreeably to tho request ill this notice will be immediately advertised for sule at the expense oftho owner. . Names of iho owners of property in said ci ty, so far as known to tho subscribe!: The Brunswick and Florida Rail Rond Co. Geo. Anderson, John VV. Anderson, H. A. I Breed. E. Bend, Brunswick Land Co. J. Bat* | four Adm. Eat. of Jas. Mnssmun, Robl. Bolton, A. G. Uninett, Est. Major John Borrien, Colby At Davis, S. D. Coibitt, Stephen Chase, U. Dart, 11. Dubignon, Gee Dupree, T. Dnit.T* C. A. Dexter,B. A. Dexter,L. S. D’Lyon,Ann Demme,John AlcDennid.Moses Eastman,John Franklin. Tho*. Glascock, R. L. Gamble, T. W. Goode, J. J. Higginbotham, Est. Priscilla Houstouu, Patrick Houstnun, It. Hazlehurst, Benj. S. Harris, Ex. to Est. John Milton,Robt. Hutchinson, Bank of Brunswick, The Brunt- wick Lumber Co. M* tl. & J. Hebbard. Thos. B. King. S. C. King, Sarah A. Kimberly, Ann King, J- S. Lawrence, Louisa Leach, Colia Lamb, A. H. Mernman, Jas. Moore, W, B. Miller, Henry M. Meals and Sister, Solomon Moody, P. M. Nightingale, R. S. Piles, J. G. Putman, R. Pooler for Mr. Porter, Mrs. Pin dar, Mrs. Posted, Jane Renishart, E. 8. Rees, Jos. Ryals, Alex. Scott, Wm H. Stile*. J. R. Saiissey, C. J. Shelton, W. P. White, Eat* A. Whitehead, P. J, William*, Ann Wright, A. L. KING, Mayor* Brunswick, June 29| 1839* ; 1 ju!y 3 150fx. Parker nils* Cninlinn Philip* miss Mat/ Prendergastsmall'O FPostell Joseph N Prendergast mra C M SPor'er miss Mary Pierre mrs Sarah Pomeroy mis* Alary H * Pelot II W Pnmmell mr* Sarah Prcndergust Edwd Parcel) Martha S 2 - Regan John Rudolph tnr* Alary J Reynolds John M Robinson Win Reid miss Charlotte 3 Rogers J Reilly Bernard Robinron mis* C C 8 Ribe’ro Joseph Robinson J Riley Owen mra Roberts Isaac 3 Ritchie VV m2 Robinson Mudi*anD3 Richards mrs CntharineRobertsoii Wm Russell Joseph A S Skinner Ja* Sagtir* J St tl Sngres D P Sharpe Jas D Scranton Anton Sanderlm Jesse Snizedas mrs B Scheffer A Sager Edmund 3 Seckinger Jno A Street Jus B Sector Alary Stephens mrs Eliz’th Shultz J110 M Spicer Sami 3 Stile* mrs Mnrgt Schmidt Augustus Stibba J tl Smith Clarissa R Stoncy miss Meld Scott J E Scott Corpl R R Sloan Ruin Slrobnrf mis* Ando F SheftaU mrs Sarah M Sammons mrs Eliz’th Silovich Capt Summer* mrs Julian Simons mrs Emily M T Travi* C Thomtta tnr* Anita Taylor & Berritt Thompson mra Sidney Thrcadcraft Seth Geo Thomas John A Tlireudcraft miss M ACThoma* John Temence mra Mary Tuteh Bias Typographical Associa-Truchelut tnr* LoiiIho lion Thompson mrsPhuebd Vallaltan mrs Eliz’th Videre Thomas W Worren mr, Mrry W lllinlns Thos F Ware Wm J Williums Jno IS Wollhour Thomas Williams Wnshiriclon Wntren Robt U Williams Juo G 2 Wndo Jno Willioms mis C Wain miss Elizabeth Williums Dr West mra Rebecca Willink mrslaaboll Weat Goo W Webster Joshua D Webster Geo W Webster. J A Wcbiti Edwin C Wing Capt Joseph Wylly Geo W Willink H F White Snml B Wyatt Edtvd M Woodhouso wriMAE X ^ipperer John S Peltier Daniel Zippo.a Goo GEoaGE SCHLE y ( M .