Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, August 14, 1839, Image 1

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(IT CLEANSC AND PtTUIFV TUB BODY.—Tho applicBlioii oTIho prmcii nlo ori’Higaiwn boing allowed to be one of the Jjrantost utility in Iho euro mid prevention of dliain, It liorfltl greatest coiisoquonco to ns, certain what medicine is eapable ufproducing liioDEsinRu kiteot ill llio oasiest, and attho siuio time in tlio most olteolual tuannor. It lias new no longor to cuuleud with the blind prejudices ol the groatost portion of the S ublie; it !s only with thoio few who still are de limited to bo ”killod according to rule," liko tlio people of old who ‘would linvo' a ‘King to reign over them.' But, thanks to the circuln. tion of nowspnpors—thanks to tho gonorul dif- fusion of knowledge, which ouablos nineteen twentieths of T11K PEOPLE lb read olid to judge for themselvoe—now wo no longer bo- liovoin swallowing that deadly ininornl, Man- cunr, profossing tooute— but universally leav ing Its In a worse condition after its use. We no longer botiovo in tho absurd notion that Inflammations of nno kind can he cured by abstracting our life—UUll BLOOD, Iiisuow well understood that an inflatnuiniion is a wise OBDiriAifca of Nstork, a signal that she re quires the assistance of purgative medicine tu onso her of tho oppressive burden which she provos bv tlio high Tovar and tho strong pulse, is wanted to ho removed. In other words, tho body calls fora vogotubla cleansing URASDRETIl'a VKQKTABt.K UNIVERSAL PlLLS, require no skill in their administration) the prnited direction only has to be obsorved, and they describe iho just proportion of tho dnso, to the magnitude of tlio disease to be eured. let all persons read the following opinion of a geniUnun who well knows Ua qualities of (Lee ’ BRANDRETH’3 PILLS This medicine is acknowledged to be olio of the most valunblo evor discovered, as a puriflor of the blood and fluids. It is superior to Snr. •saperiile, whether as a sudorific or ultornlivo. It etsnds infinitely before all tlio preparations or -combinations of Mercury. Its pnrgalivo pro, .parties are alone of incalculable value—for theie Pills may be taken daily for a»t period, and instead of weakening by tlio cathartic affect,they add strength by taking nway the cause of weak- -ness. Ttioro is no good Mercury does, which these Pills do not iikewieo. But they have noise of tlio iniseiablu affects of that deadly specif ic. Tile teeth are not injured—the bunks and limbs are not paralyzed—no—but in the steed of these distressing symptoms, new life end consequent animation is evident in every movement of tho body. Brandrkth’s Pills art indeed a Universal Remedy, for they euro opposite dissasos) they cure Inflammation and Chronic Rheumatism! They cure Diabetes and Struiouart! They cure Dysentery and Constitutional Costiveness! They will cure all these apparently apposite diseases, because they cleanse andpuniFY the blood, provided, however, nature is uol beyond all human AS SISTANCE. Four years this medicine has now been before the public lu the U. Slates) wherever it has been introduced it has superso ded all other lemediea. Dr. Brandreth’a Offices in New York nra24l BROADWAY, 186 Hudson st. and 270 Bow. •ary, ictioeea Prince awl Houston sis, 23 cents per box with directions. .Beware of counterfeits. Druggists never made agents. Each of Dr. Brandroth’s Aganta have an cm graved certificate,daletl,w\ihiu Iho twelve months next preceding. These certificates ate renew, ad raiularlyitherefora whan ovor twelve months oh| they no longer guarantee the gennineness of the medicine. -o. Remember Druggists ore never mmle Agents. Sold by SEABORN GOODALL. corner of Congress and {Jefferson street*, (near the Mar• •hd) THE ONLY AOENT VOR THE SALK OF THE oenuhe Branpreth’s Pilm in Savannah. July 10 I53tw3m WO REWARD Will be paid fur the npprehon' *i»n of my mulatto boy WILi LIAM, who id about 5 feet 6 inch* es high, and stoutly mndu.n very fair mulatto and slightly frock* Mis, Judith Mlf“TMoffit ° f »ug5 I64b (Geor) §150 REWARD. ' Absconded from Wnverloy r Plantation, Cntndon County, on the 16th day of July last, LAR- KIN, DICK, nnd CATO. Lnr- , kin is a stout Mulatto fellow, a- .. , ' about 23 years of ago, r> feotflto » mchos high-ho Iras a scar on his right cheek, also soino marks of small pox about his face, particularly on his noso, also a largo scar Irom an axe on his foot, near the groat toe. Larkin has rather a feeble voice for a man ufiiisatatire. Cato is a black follow, en African by birth, lib Is a stout, square built follow, about 6 feet 4 to 6 inches high—lins tho mhrk of his tribe nu his breast) ha u likewisa ruptured, and has a vurv large mouth. Diok is a small block, well sol fol low, also an Afrioanby birth, with n round face and down cost look, easily confused when inter, regaled: there is also a singular appearance about his month when alarmed. The above ihree fellows were bought °r the estate ofjno. H. Morel, in March 183d, and formerly lived at the Cotton ham Plantation, Bryan Co. Thov . a ”® wellacqnaintad in and about Savannah fob or G rn C ' DUNH ;-'M- Monngor. fob 28 GO (Georgian) BOWAIIID’S I*lILilIO.\Altl t I OR VEGETABLE DEMULCENT. N case, of obstinate Calnnh; in coughs whether arising from recontor noglooiod ‘u AsIhmu ; and as nu auxilinry, and moans of present relief from tho threatening symptoms of approaching Pulmonary Con- sumption, no medicine hn,greater claims upon modWno 81,06 ° f H ' nvobd ,b “ n ,ho above i n m.^r° r 'Bn nifliotive and tronblosome symp- jSfflSDgbgfflHH oxpoctoration nr phlegm, pa n mUMBm co " s, it"to prominent complaint, that the Pnlmonaria able propertm.“" d mnmfii8t6{J ita m °»‘ valu CtnrehfTiu!/! ?J erul . of oonreo in the relief of ofwlmho? r ° W “’ orl *. ,n 8 rrom suddon ohnnge Forlalo'by 0 " 1 ' voan "S damp lliieii,&o„ "’" y83 A. BARTOW. HE snbsonbor offers fur sale a tract of OMinvfL n ™tfii u ?‘i ia3,1 Bnltor . mb . ,0 SUW 1500 “ oro "i whicii com ' tract i , e Z;°. rl L 0ly ° r . lb “ mosl superior anil. 01 can bo .EteM ’MVImprovements, and rrm l.„ ' ■Wlin SllgHl Itll, „„„ toanv lanr 1 ln 6 00 fl ra pf ,,cnl dimensions ' 8 ext F m ‘ As nn national con. DroiiniI?« n i t0 a purchaser, reasonable terms ntid Sff"! dll,r ‘ olfuroii. For mure mis- >ho suhscrib?^!'Affi 0 on , s OPP ' 10 “" lS °" n '" ddr088 169V4mrf' BALDWIN fi mams. BALIIMORE cured Hams, just tohhi V received by brig Elonnor, nnd Tor J5g» 103 J - B> GAUDllY ‘ jw A Sf,?P AND PORK. BBLS prune Hoof roaKs d° do Puili nu „ t ’0 do moss do iamlinir. for ,nie by CLAGHOUN & WOOD, LUCINA CORDIAL IIPETers ’ PILLS *;p cordial de lucine. T ud §, BU ,P R . DE AMOUR. Hh subscriber has tho pleasure or nti* nonneing to tho citizens of tho U. States, innt no has purchased, for o vory largo sum and rrom the invontor, the colohratod Dr. Magniu, ,bo fncipii and right fur making this astonishing modielne. Until tho appearance ", f „ „ ,ba Cordial, 1 (about three years *<»>,' wa ’ lb “"« b < thut tho complaints, Which it speodily overcomes, were beyond llm reach of human remedy, as for upwards of a thousand years, they had baffled the wisdom and ingoniiiiy ofthe most profound physicians m nil pans ul tlio world. This Cordial, how ovor, in tho grant udvantiigo of the human taco, soon provod itself to bo tho desideratum so lon» I" 3 accordingly, notwithstanding tho brief period of its exisfuiice, it has required a celebrity so groat, that it is oageily inquired for throughout the civilized globa. Dr, Mai' mu suon finding that tho doinand was so vast a* to rendar a supply impossible, disposed of tlio recipe and right of sale, under obligation! ofsecreoy, for England, the United States, and nlhar countries, only preserving Franco and Italy for himself Thus lias tlio subscriber por. jessed himse fnf the iiivalnnble sceret, and now i'aonr'w ,i° ?. lVQ r lle i.'J l !* bil “ Ml8 ° r >>!■ line of agency the benefits ofhis spsciiialion, InhfiPn ji {m’ 4 * 6 * " c P! 0,,i " Mngtiah, Mho Lucina Cordial, la a general invigurator of the lumen Irsine! In all the various casos of Ian' ,uor,lassi[ude, and dobilitalion; it is an unfaili S5. , 'iL ned i , i“ 1118 "fl'mliy its province to im- lurt choerfiilncss and decision to tlio mind, cs hoaltli nnd Vigor to the body. But the peculiar Yirluo on which its colobrity is basod, is the fa cility and certainty with which it restores the virile powors when they have been destroyed by disease, lime, recklosiness, or any ofthe nir morons enures which terminate in the prostra- tion of those functions. In common with the generality of really good medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of a mercurial or deleterious nature, among the nm* ny ingredients which compose it; but is, at tlio S3u l | , ."? ,i0 iim P ,0 »y« l 80 eHio.cious, that while t can renovate the prostrated energies of n giant, nu infant may use it. not only with Jim pumty, but with advuntago. Tlio usages of society ore unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding tho benefits which would be suro to result from it, wo cannot enter into an analysis of this inestimable Cordial hero, or niblwh many of the documents which have >oon rocoivod, as vouchers of the blessings it has ounferred on numbers ofdespairing individ. unis. But ibis we cannot forbear romurking— thnt it has boon demonstrated that there is scarcely evor, if any such tiling nt all, as tialn* ral barrunness, or as natural imbecility ofthe irocreaul functions, in either sox; and therefore hat these evils are tho effects of artificial caus* os, and may be speedily subdued and removed b /the use of ‘Le Cordial de Lucine,' L he Lucina Cordial is also an indubitable cure for the (ileet, nnd the Fluor Albus, ob* strncted, difficult, or painful Menstruation; also, for the incontiueuco of (Jrine, or the involunta* rv discharge thereof. It is likewise an invalu able and unrivalled medicine in cases of Chrom to Eruptions of tho skin, and in the dropsical affections of the aged. Most important to the American Public. Tho united Sintos proprietor ofthe cehbrni i *L’*°i' , a Cordial,* or‘Elixir of Love.’ bogs to lay before tho community, the following cor. tinaate, which lie line received from the inven* lor, tho illustrious Dr. Mngnin, of Paris: •This is to certify, that I linvo disposed of tho recipe for making the ‘Lucina Cordial,’ or ‘E lixir of Love,’ and also iho right to sell it through out tho United States of North America, to John winters Holderwell, A!. D. My reusous for so doing is, that the demands to mo for the ubovo Cordial, of whicli 1 am tho inventor, are so numerous, thnt I am unable to supply all the orders from France and Ituly alone; nud have therefore disposed of the privileges vouchsafed in this, and other certificates of a like nntire in order to generalise the benefits of my discovery throughout the world. Given under my hand at Paris, on this ninei teemli duy of January in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. ERASTE MAGNIN. Gnspnrd Delluc, ? w . t William Merrill, J VVitnesses. This highly important medicine is for sale by John Winters Holderwell, No. 120 Liberty st. New York; Charles U. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut st. Philadelphia; and in Baltimore by Roberts & Atkinson, John AI. Laroque; and G. R. Ty. ler; in Washington City by Tobias Watkins nnd Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. Al. Linthacnm; in Richmond bv John H. Eustice; in Peiersburg by Braggs Thomas nnd Duptiy, Rosser & Jones; olid in Norfolk by AL A. 8am tos and B. Emerson;nnd by John Woodly, No. 65 Poydrasst. New Orleans. It can nlso bo found nt oil the principal Drug Stores in South Carolina, and in Augusta, by Huvilnud Risley & Co., Thomas Barrett Sc Co. and Nelson Carter; nnd in Snvannnh by G. R. HENDRICKSON, Price $3 por bottle, with full directions, aug 5 164—ly nil I tin nil CHALLENGE.—The Geit- uine FRENCH PILLS a. gainst all the QUACK NOSTRUMS ofthe ogo for the cure nf * * * # The French Pills are applicable in all cases, for either sex, (warranted free from Afercury.) and possesses great advantages over the Hal. snms and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, and consequently do not effect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage they never disagree with tho stomach, and in the first stages of the disease they usunlly effect a cure in a few days, with little regnrd to diet or exposure. In tho most obstinate stages ol tho disease^ they are equally certain,having cured many after every other remedy had failed. In abort, they Imve been so universally successful thnt the pioprietor challenges nny one to produce n rein, edy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. For sale by (». R. HENDRICKSON, nnd T. AI. Si J. AI. TURNER. Price $2 per box. 164—ly nug 5 HARRISON’S 8PECIFIC OINTMENT. F OR the euro of White Swellings, Scrofu Ions and other Tumors,Ulcer*,Sore Legs, old nnd fresh Wounds, Sprains and Bruises, Swellings nnd Inflammations, Scald Head,Wo- .men’s Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tette.s, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlows, Biles, Cqriis, and External Diseases generally. It i* likewise grently superior to any medicine heretotore discovered for the chafed backs and limbs of horses—for ring worms, chapped lips—and in short for every external bodily evil that may fall to the lot of mnn or boast. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. Al. & J. M. TURNER. Price GO cents per box. aug 5 164—ly THE TRUE RICHES OF LIFE" W ij HEALTH." E know that health and Ihuahilily tola- bor non,litotes the wealth ortho areal iua,s or tho pcoplo in this, os in most oilier coon, trie,. 1 o preserve therefore, thnt lienlth bv na ture! meansi is o grand more! end political ■clionte, to fulfil which, require! our utmost at. the unprecedented popularity and Medicine ten tion. ... r universal approbation Whlchthls Medicine hos achieved throughout tho United Stale,, the Canada., I oxas, Mexico and tho We,t Indio,. fully justify Dr. Poiers in warmly inrieonwien- tiously recommending them to tho ,pocial utteui Hon of the afflicted. Dr. Poiers ha, ,pont much time in experl, inanline with difieronl Vegetable Medicines, Tor dureere 8 ofthe liver, and now oiret, hi, Veg etable Pills, a, the best, most convenient, and chonpest Medicine that can he prepared Tor general use. * 1 One great quality orhi. vegetable Pill. 1. that they have the alternative principle combined with their cathartic, nr operative qualities, or that they not only cleanse the stomach end bowels iy purging, hut they regulate the liver, ehaiixe .he morbid socrotion, strengthen the digestive organs, nurify tlio blood, invigorate the clrenlai tion, nnd gives tone and energy to the neivous system. They are mild and pleasant in their nperalion and convey almost immediate conviction or their utility from their fiistdose. They can be taken Will, safely by poison, of any agetand the fern bio, the mhim, the nervous and the delicate are strengthened by their operatian, because they clear the aystem of had humours, quiet nervous irritability, and invariably produco sound health. The Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy for jaundice, sick nnd neivous headache, dy«pep,y, cosuvenes,, sickness of the stomach, houribuin, all billion, complaints, fever, ofall kinds, and if Inkeii nt the commencement will invariable chock their progress, and save the patient from e protracted and dangerous sickness. They are invaluable in nervous and hypocondrieal affec tion,, loss of appetite, and all complaints to which female, alone are aubject. They oper ate as a mild spoedy purge, and nro u safe and t6»u!w rastssw.lj All hvikmU «I||Mi«isi Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney of N.Or* leans, La. Oct. 9,1837.—“I have received much assistance in my practice {especially in inundice and yellow fever; from (he use of l’eters’ Pills. I iresutne that, on an average. 1 prescribe lOff luxes In a month ” Extract of a letter from Dr. Prlehnrd, of Hudi sou, N. Y.. June 3.1836; 'I was aware thnt Dr. Peters was one of the bent chemists in the Uni* ted States, and felt assured that he would some duy (from his intimate knowledge ofthe proper, ties of herbs and drugs) produco an efliciont medicine, and I must acknowledge that his Vegei table Pills fully respond to my expectation. They are indeed a superior medicine, and re* fleet alike upon ike chemist, the physician, and the philosopher. Extract of a letter from Dr* Waines, of Cin* cinnnti, Feb. 3,1838; 'Your Pills are the mild* estin their operations, nnd yet most powerful in their effects, of any that I have ever met with in a practice of eight and twenty years. Their action on the chyle, and heticeon tlio impurities of the blood, is evidently very surprising.’ Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 1,1837. Dear Sir—I have made frequent use of your pills in tho incipient since of billions fever, nnd obstinate constipation of the bowels, also, in the enlargement of the spleen, chronic diseases of tiie liver, sick headache, general debility, nud in all casus liuve found them to bo very effect tivo. J. D. Boyd. Ai. Di Mecxlenburo. Co., Va. Feb. 7, 1837. Having used Dr. Peter*’ pills in my practice for the last 12 months, 1 take pleasure in giving my testimony of their good effects in cases of dyspepsia, sick headache, billious fe. vers, and other diseases, produced by in activii ty of the liver. They are a safe and mild ap» orient, being the best article of the kind I have ever used. George C. Scott, Al. D. This celebrated Medicine is for sale by all the principal Druggists in Snvannnh and through* out the United States, tho Canadas, Texas, Mexico and the West Indies. Price 59 cents per box with full directions, aug 5 164—ly WNJBXAMFtED MAMMOTH T l.rsa... SCHEME H E following detail, of a Scheme of a lrfUTTERY lo be drawn in December next 10 LELED u . t0 b8 UNPARALI LELED in the hlutory of Lotteries. Prizes to lie amount have never hkfohk been offered to the public. It j, true, lharo nro ninny blanks 'r ms?” olborballJ ‘ > b « extremely low charge °!.5 a< r. ,wr riok>t “ lb « Value and Numbeh ofthe Capitals, nnd Iherevivsl ofthe good old custom of warranting that every prize shall bo rlrawn and sold, will, wo are aura, givo univer. e.peciaHy to tho Six Hun. drkd Prize Holders. ,nIn?i!'"| edi ’ P i' Mdl ° * dy *hltlWr wo rccom. mend cerlv application being made to iin for tickets—when the prizos ere all sold, blanks only remain—the first buyers have the bast n^fv irrV h .? ,Br,,,0 ‘ omphntioally say- DELAY NOF! butatoncore mitond Iran,.niit to us your orders, which shell always recaive our immediate ettennan. Latter, to ho addressed, and applications mode to SYLVESTER & CO., 156 Broadwov, New York. 07 Observe tho Numbor, 163. ROWLAND’^ KAJLYDOK. F OR the fuce and skin, and of vital impor lance to the support of female loveliness. Powerful of effect, yet mild of influence, this ndmiruhle-speciflc (h preparation from the most delightful balsamic exotics, and perfectly free from mineral, or other pernicious admixtures) possess** balsamic properties of surprising en* orgy, it eradicates tan, freckles, pimples, spots, redness, and nil cutaneous emotions, gradually realizing a delicately clear, fair and soil skin; transforms even the most sallow complexion into radiant whiteness; renders harsh and rt/iigh skin delightfully soft and smooth; imparts,^) tho face, neck and arms, a healthy and juvenile bloom; and, by due perseverance in its applies* tion, promotes a free nnd uninterrupted exor* ciso of those important functions of the skin, which are of the utmost necessity for the prb* servation of hoaltli and attainment and continu ance of a be iutifnl complexion. A fresh supply of this vuluablo niticlo just re 1 coived, and for snle by A. PARSONS, aug 5 163 SARATOGA WATER 0OZ Congress Spring Water, pints IF and quarts, bottled in dry weutlior.— Just received and for sale by julyjje ANSON PARSONS GOWIiAND’S JLOTION, &•*.. R ECEIVED, a fresh supply of Gowiaud’s Lotion, for improving and beautifying the complexion. Likewise, Churche's Vegeta* ble Lotion, un effectual cure for eruptions oil the fuco and chin. For sale by julylU ANSON PARSONS. FRESH SPICES. <57) BAGS Black Pepper, 3 do Pimento /& 1 bbl Nutmegs, received nnd for sale by july 3 ANSON PARSONS. J. B. GAUDUr, Offers for sale in store, tI /njh/fN BOXES assorted Claret ri Vet/vi U 200 baskets Bacchus Hoc Cham pagne 35 boxes Sparkling Mock 6 do Curncoa Cordial, 10 do Olives 10 do Cupers, .50 do Raisins 6 chests Powcliong Tea 3 do Hyson Tea,30qr chests do do 10 boxes Biandy Fruits 53 do No 1 Soap, 20 half do do do 2 cases Sardines, 6 boxes Vermicelli 6 bbls Crushed Spgur 20 pipes Oturd, Dupuy & Co’s Brandy 8 do Anchor Gin 4 puncheons St Croix Rum 4 casks Vinegar, 20 qr casks Malaga 8 hhds Santa Cruz Rum 30 bbls assorted Biscuits 50 bags Cuba Coffee, 5 do Java do 8 boxes Havana Sugar 20 baskets Olive Oil 150 M Segprs, Mcdu, Colon and Principe brands • 50 half and qr kegs Mackerel 101) casks Porter, quart and pint bottles 30 reams Wrapping Papnr 10 buxos Ginger Preserves July 20 160 §700,000111 §500,0001! $30,0001 6 prizos uf §30,00011 2 iitizss 01315,00011 3 prizes of §10,000 I „ lottery oriteal Estate uml Bank Stock, situated in . New Orleans. O’ The richest and most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public, in this or any other country. • TICKETS ONLY f20. Authorized by an Act ofthe Logirintivo Assem- Jjy ol Honda, and undei tho Directions of the Lommlhsioners, acting under the same. T ° JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, Decemb.r 1st, 1839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Manager.. SYLVESTER A CO., 150 Broadway, New York, Solo Agonte. NO COMBINATION NUMBERS! I! 100,000 tickets from No. I upwards,in succession Extract from the Law* of tlio Legislative Council ofthe Territory of Florida. iV?.« P lr 0 iV."!!?i O l 2s,, T Wh *f e a* ,ho Courl i f*stalo, and tH'ere are yet duo'and*u\ving'‘u*p on the same, monies, which it is belioved wil impose too burdensome a tax upon tho people of Duval; nnd (whereaii, it is desirable to pny those said sums and complete snidbuildi mg,us well for the greater conveuifliice ofthe ad ministration ofjui«tice,as fur the double purpose of an Acudemy, for which purpose in part, the said building, whon completed, is designed Therefore— Sec. 1 ] Bo it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, That it shall and may be lawful for Joseph B. Lancuster, Isaiah D. Hart and Wil. Horn J, Mills, or nny two of them under the direction of the county court uf Duval comity, to raise such sum or sums of money by Lottery, in such Schemes os they may deem appropriate and advisable: Provided, that the said persons *h.ilI bind themselves in such manner as the court shall direct,well and truly lo conduct such lottery in good faith,to appropriate the proceeds to the object abovo staled.—Parsed, Fob. 7th 1834.—Approved Fell. 11th 1834. By agreement, bearing date the 28th of Febi ruary, 1839, tho above Joseph Lancaster,Isninh 3. Hurt and William J. Mills did, for certain considerations, in conformity to the snld Legis lative Act, duly assign ** unto Messrs Schmidt & Hamilton all their Right and In terest, and the Powers vested in thorn by tlie above recited Act of the Legislature of Florida. Extract from the valuation of Georgo Phillip Manouvrier nnd Jacob de Cordova, hath of the City of New Orleans, made and sworn to on the 19lh day of April, 1839:— Thnt the said George Phillip Alanouvrier and Jncob Cordova, appraise nnd conscientiously and honestly value the property known under the name and appellation of *'JBntiks Arcade,” in the City of New Orleans, at Six Huudred Thousand Dollars, and ‘The properly known under the appellation of “City Hotel” or “Bishop’s Hotel, in tlio said City of of New Orleans, at Four Huudred and Twenty Thousand Dollars.” The deeds of the Property nnd the Stock traits* ferred m trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said act of the Legislature of Florida, fur the security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME 11! 1 Prize—Tho Arcade—286 Icot, 5 inches, 4 lines,on Magazine Btreetj.101 feet, II inches,on Nateitez street; 120 feet, 6 inches, on Grnvior st. Rented al uboul $37,000 per an* num. Valued at 1 Prize—City Hotel—162 ft on Com mon street, 146 feel, 6 inches, on Camp st. Rented at $25,000— Valued al 1 Prize—Dwelling House (adjoining the Arcade) No. 16,24 ft. 7 inch* es front on Natchez st. Itemed nt $1200—Valued al 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcndo) No. 18, 2311 front on Natchez st. Rented at $1200—'Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcndo) No. 20,23 feet front on Natchez st. Rentednt$l200—Valued at I Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North east corner of Basin & Custnm.house street;40 feet fronton Basin, and 40 foot on Franklin st. by 127 ft. deep in Custom housosi. Rented at $1500—Valued ut l Prize—Ditto—No. 24, South west corttor of Basin Si. Custom house street; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feci, 7 inches on Franklin. 127 feet, 10£ inches deep in front of Custom house street. Rented at $1600—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches on Royal stroot, by 127 ft, 11 inches deep. Rented at $1400. Vnlued nt t Prizo—2o0 shares Cnitnl Bank Stock, $100each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com do, do do 1 Ditto—150 ditto Mechanic*’ and Traders’ do do 1 Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do 1 Ditto—50 do do . do do do 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bank dodo 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 1 Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ & Tin ders' dodo I Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 10 shares of tho Louis* iana Slate Bank, $100 each, each Prize $1000 do—each 2 shares of $100 each, each Prize $200, ofthe Gas Light Bank 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of the Bank of Louisiana 200 do—each 1 share of $1Q0, of tho Now Orleans Bank 150 do—each 1 share of $100 of the Union Bauk of Florida rr? •ft! 1 il 1 ,b . H °l' l,or » of the winners orPiizos of Bank Stocks, either to take thestock itseir, or the par value thereof in cash. Ihe receiptsofihesaleor the Tickets are, an,a will be. deposited in the Citiseus’, Con solidated, Canal, Union, and Carrollton Banks, in Iho name oflho Managers jointly with J. B. j errata It, Esq., actually cashier ofthe Citizens’ Hank, and A. Boudnmu, Esq actually cashier of the Consolidated Bank, as Trustees, as per Act passed before A. Maz-ireati, Esq., Notniy Public, on the 2d May. 1838. and the properties transferred unincumbered, for the security ofthe fortunate Prize Holders. «“!«/ Drnwing.-mmticket,,Iron, 1 to 100,000. will bn put in one wheel, and 600 prizes. With iho blanks in another. 'To every number a ptizo or blank will bo drawn, uutilafl the prtves are determined, leaving tho balance °f numbers in the wheel blanks. 07 To Editorsajtd Publishers.—Having received Newspapers containing the above Scheme, ftom twenty-two States nnd Territor ies,besides several ofthe British Provinces, we are satisfied with the circulation, and therefore request that such papers ns have not, up to this tune, inserted the advertisement, will bo plcosi ed not to do so, and that nil tho other papers will insert it once a ictch only until the 1st of De. ceinbor, and forward us their accounts. SYLVES1ER & CO., 150 Broadway, N. Y. J^ygQ 15!t do da do* T G ®V' , « ! , .OOIsoil GONE 111 lit. Subscriber intending to make an en* tire close of his merchnntile business in Savannah, by the 1st day of November next “jJJ *ell hi. largo .lock of S TAPLE and FAN CY DRY GOODS, of last Fall nnd thi. Spring a selecnuna el lore price, than they can ho purchased lot at nny uiher .lore in Savannah, i ca,b on ij- at retail; and when it L> by wliolo- .ale, for approved City acceptance!, on .ix month, credit. Pcr.nn. winking tn gel greet bargain, will do well to call and judge fo.thein* Jm 8 * PE *- J'.fcy ,*' oro - A - IILNNKTT, No. I Waring'. Building, Market Square, jnue 19 ' T TO FLANTEU8, HE Soli.criber, Agent for the Alban iilnnnractnring Company, ha. con.nint> ly on hand, n .apply nftbeir domestic Woollen and cotton Good., n superior article for Negro jtihe II 5§aB i lmm '" Shirting ** V G do brown Drilling 2 do 7-8 Apron Check 2 do 4 4 do do, 2 dofuhcy do 1 1° l* VV00 * FlnnnrJ y 6 do 4.4 Irish Lino ft} 4 do 6i4 Cambric * 8 h"*"* Tffleta Ribbon. 18 dozen Colton Pocket Hdkf. 3 pc. Pongee Silk d 0 1 dozen black Italian 2 do blue Romals 1 do corded Muslin 4 do Tamhored^npe. 11 Vc ‘' 3 do col’rl Su.pender. Ifi do Indies White Cntm,, fl 0s8 in dn b i k i d ?, do ' 3 do **••“» dcr 10 do mixed J Hose. 4 do brown do do Cotton and Silk Umbrella* Grate Linen Bird. Eye nnd Huckaback Diaper Matlborn Stripe. r Siik and cotton Velvet ,®’! k 1,1,3 Linen Gloves' Mar, ,ail-eW B patent Thread Bed Ticking, Lace. Crape Shawl., Ringlet! 8 ° 0 " 0 ' , "wi t I .' , I r . hl "^^V htw ■ 8 “* 8 Market Square. 1-IEES, Ac. IIAEMimitllOIDS. No Cine Nu PuuU—Price $1. IIA VS’ LIMMENT. ttTO FICTION.—Thi. extraordinary cham, J.Y ieai cninpotiiion, the re,nit nf.cienee.nnd ilia invention of a celebrated medical man. the introduction of which to the public wa. invent, ed with the solemnity of n death bed beqne.l, ha. aincegained aropnlnlinn unparalleled.lolly «n,mining the correotnera of the lamented Dr. Giidley’. Inst confee.ion, that --he dared nut die without giving lo posterity the benefit of hi. knowledge on Him .object,” and he therefore bequeathed to hi. fiiend anti attendant, Solet tnon Hay., thevucrct nrhis discovery. It i. now uied in the principal hospital., and the private practice in our country, first and moitcortainly for tho cure of the Piles, and also .0 extensively and effectually a. to baffle credu lity, unless where its effect, ore witnessed. Ex. lernaily in the following complaints: For Dropsy—Creating extraordinary abzorp 1 lien at once. All Swollings— Reducing them in a few hour. Rheumatism—Acute or Chromc.giving quick ease. Sore Throat—By cancers, ulcers, or colds. Croup and Whooping Cough—Exiornolly, and over the chest. All Bruises, Sprains mid Burns—Curing in fuw hours. Sores and Ulcers—Whether fresh or long finding, ond fovor sores. It. operations upon adults and children in redlining rheumatic swelling., and loosening coughs and tightness of tlio cltost by relaxation of Ilia pnrls, hits been surprising beyond con. ception. Tbs common remark nf those who have used itin the Piles is, -Iinctslika n charm.' THE PILES.—Tlie price $1 is refunded to ny person who will use a bottle of Hay.’ Lin iment for the Piles, and return tlio empty bot tle without being cured. Those are the positive older, of (ho proprietor to the agents; ami not of many thoiisnnda sold, not one has been un successful. Wo might insert corlificales to nny longih. 10 Dollars. 700, DUO 600,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,900 20,000 15,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,0110 5000 5000 2500 2500 1500 1500 20,000 2000 20,000 20,000 15,000 600 Prizes. §1,500,000 TICKETS §20-NO SHARES. but prefer that those «Im sell Ilia atlici ibit exhil v should the original tu purchasers. SOLOMON HAYS. HAYS’ LINIMENT. Florence, Alabama, Sept. 38. A gentleman of the highest standing in this town, wlm has been dreadfully afflicted with th#Blind Piles for tho last26 years, called upon mo nud freely antfossed to me Ins situation.— Afier describing the severity of tlio complaint, he remarked lie had not been so well for 20, years past as he was at that ninitietn. Ho had used tine bailie only of Hays' Liltiinetil, To use his own words he said -’ tlio whole Itiimnn family, wlm were lints afflicted, ought to he otade acquainted with this medicine.” Signed, R. |„ BLISS. A freslt supply ef the nbovc medicine recciv- ale b ed. und for sale by july 17 A. PARSONS, Agent. 8BIDLITZ AND SODA 1'OW HERS. R ECEIVED, n large supply of Maynard <V Noyes’ Soitililz trad stela Powders, nud for sale by ANSON PARSONS, jnlio 15 148 w.raExcn.jasx.,15 „ r A 4—isiSL as hire P cEh«’ Cholera Mor- CraJPnJ^ ouu* ,r f WHt Spn-modio Cholor*, nln ntflfrru"" T ecll " n S> Snnimor Comr plaintstifCItildren, dangerous efiectsofdrink- tng cold water when ovorhented, Ac. A fresh ^ 0 * tbl * Ta uabl ° tnod i c >n" ju-i received per bug Augusta. Several persons in tln.citv novo tailed tltisJremody,A found itsnccesaArlii! •very on,g. n . HENDRICKSON. 9 Sole Agent. R 8 *KCMVpk eA , 8T ? B ° ,L - tsLI.lv LD per -ling Aiignstn, n Ntipnly of 'If# Starch, and No. 4 and 2 Castor vii, ior family ond plantation use. i s - AJsft.ugrx.ime. ond a fair dozen ChloridH ol Soda, warranted a genuine French article from the Laboratory or Lnbai' r «q»«- Also, Bermuda Arrow Root Robinson’* Patent Barley Pearl Barley, fresh Soaps, for safe by PORCHER& LA ROOIIE, Sign ortho Golden Globe, nu ff 3 Opposite lfie Market* hODA, PEAKE A fell, Ac, 6}) CASKS Washing Soda & 5 do 1st sort Pearl Ash 2 do Sal Aerntiur 3 bbls Cream Tartar 8 do Castor Oil, No. I nnd g casksi Epsom Salts,2 do Alutff 2 do refined Salt Pelre 20 boxes London Mnstnrd, superior 30 do Colegate’ii 8tarch & do Roll Sulphur 6C do Underwood^* Lemon Syrup « f*, 0 .Laft^ich sup’r Cavendish TobacetY 6 hb.s Mnccoboy nnd Scotch Snuff Rnooivcd pur lute arrivals and for sale low, by a HENDRICKSON. * u 8 y 166 A CERTAIN, safe and’speedy cure lo, xm. dysentery, diarrhma, cholera morbns,sun* liter cninplaints, colio, smtr stuumch, An. ond all diseases- uf stomach and bowelst also, all spasmodic nnd nervous diseases. A fresh inn- ply just received and Tor sale hy ""g° A. PARSON8. VEUETAI1LE PILLS. ^6 GROCE Peters' Vcgetahlo Pills I do Evans’ Cliontomila do do Phelps' Cnmp. Tomato do _ do Unwand's Tonic do Received and for snlo by JOHN E STILWELL, aug 7 Opposite tho Mnluioh Home, ELIXEII OF BARK. Prepared only by J. lij. |gj n„„„ 0l ci.omist & Druggist. T HIS uxccllent pruparniion is pdrliciilatly rccnlntiteilded lo persnns ofdelicate ltah< it sod weak stomach: it increases the appetite, lactlitaios dtgesften and all the secretions, and is well adapted in persona who reside in low tnursliy countries where ague and fitver prevail, or those wlm are exposed to damp and wet weather. It Eb taken with success hy porsnitu weakened by n copious perspiration, wliethc, produced by the heat of summer or fevers.—- Persons recovering from the bilious attack should use it freely to prevent a relapse. Tha Elixer of Bark is pleasant to the palate, tlie dose isfiumotid hair lo otto wine glass full, otica or twice a duy as occasion may. require. Put lip in quart bottles, price §1 25 coots. Fu, .ale by I'OllCHER & LA UbCHE. N. B.—References can he given as to its vir tues In persons in this city, wlm liasgiven ita trial before its introduction here. Directions, &c. accompanying each bottle. nng7 TAX NOTICE. 1%XOTICE is hereby given (lint a tax far the J.X year A l>. 1830, lias Itcett assessed upon oil property real and personal, within tile limits of the city of Brunswick, amounting to twenty three) hundred, sixty seven dollars and eighty one cents, which (lie owners nf sai-l property are hereby requested lo pay within Eight Weeks from tlie date of this notice. All the property upon which the taxes shall not be pnid agreeably to the request in this notice will be immediately advertised for sale at the expense ofthe owner. Nnntos of tho owners of property in said ci ty, so fur ns known In tha subscriber: Tlie Brunswick nnd Florida Kail Rond Co. Gen. Anderson, John W. Anderson, II. A. Breed, E. Bend, Brunswick Land Co, J. Bn!. fourAdm- Est. of Jus. Mossutan, Uobt. Bolton, A. G. Burnett, Est. Major Joint Berrien, Colby Si. Dnvis, S. D.' Culhitt, Stephen Cltnso, U. Dart, H. Diihignnn, Gee Dupree, T. Dart.T. C. A. Dexter, E A. Dexter,L. S. D'Lyou.Ann Demote,Joint McDcrtnid,Moses Eastman,John Franklin. Tims. Glascock, R. L. Cambio, T. W. Goode, J. J. Higginbotham, Est. Priscilla Hmisteuii, Patrick Iloustnun, R. Hnzleliurst, Benj. S. Harris, Ex. to Est. John Milton, Robt. Hutchinson, Bank of Brunswick, The Bruns' wick Lumber On. M. II. & J Hobburd. Titos. B. King, S. C. King, Snrah A. Kimberly, Ann King, J. S. Lawrence, Louisa Loach, Celia Lamb, A. II. Mernman, Jns. Moore, W, B. Miller, Henry M. Meals and Sister, Solomon Moody, P. M Nightingale, R. S. Piles, J. G. Putman. R. Pooler for Mr, Porter, Mrs. Pin dar, Mrs. Poslcll, Jane Remslinrt, E. S. Roes, Jos. Kynls, Alex. Scott, Win II. Sides, J. R. Sntissey, C. J. Shelton, W. P. While, Est. A. Whitehead, P. J, Wilburns, Ann Wright. A. L. KING, Mayor. Brunswick, June 29,1839. july3 IfiOtx, JANE’S INDIAN EXPECTO RANT, HA OR coughs, colds, ixfliienza.constimptipHi X asthma, spitting of blond, hoarseness, whooping cough, difficulty of breathing and other pulmonary affections. This medicare id highly and justly recommended by numerous and respectable individuals, who have found re* ■ lief from its ush. Many who have been labor ing under protracted cnuglia and pains in tho breast, and have been supposed hy themselves and their friends far advanced in consumption, linvo been happily restored to perfect hoaltli hy the use of this valunblo Expectorant. A sup* ply rocoived and for sale by JOHN E. STILWELL, nog 7 Opposite the Mansion House. PAINTER’S DIAMOND CE MENT. A N invaluable discovery for joining broken Glass, China, Earthenware, Cabinet Work nnd fancy articles of every description. Received and for sale by |JOHN E. STtLWF.LL. aug 7 Opposite the Mansion House. ROSE AND ORANGE FLOW* ER WATER. 6 DOZ Rose Water, in qts 6 de do do, in pints 6 do Orange do, in do. Received and for sale by JOHN E. STILWELL. ang5 Opposite Mansion House. PICES! PICES! PICES!! P ETERS’ Vegetable Anti Bilious Pills Brandreth’a do Universal Pills Hibbard’s do Anti Bilious Pills Sogur’s Restorative Stomach Pills Gallighan’s Vegetable Fever & Ague Pills Beckwith's Anti Dyspeptic Pills Laqier’s Fever and Ague do Lee’a New Luiidnn Bilious do Leo's New Windham do da For sale wholesale and retail by & LA aug5 PORCHER & LA ROCHE, Sign ofthe Golden Globe, Opposite the Market.