Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, August 16, 1839, Image 1

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- - in* ciiiAiyst; amo fuuifv Tllii BODY.—Tnu npplicutiun ul'llio priucii nil) hri’Hin^liin fining uflo.woJ lo bo « of Iho created miltty in Ilia ouro and provonlinn of 3i 4 cn)i, it is ill* lliu grentust conssqiionco lu at, ooriii'm What modicum is jsupublo of prudiiuiug the ncsiHKU evfkct ill tlm oasiosl, and ut llm • Him lima in Hm most olfomiHil iimntiar It lias now no longar to contuntl with tlm hlind prejudices ol tim greatest portion of tlm nnblicjitis only with those fow who still era do- ternmmd to ho "killed according lo rule,” like lo tlm people of old who 'would have’ ii'Ktng reign over them.’ But, thanks to the cirauln. tion of newspapers—thanks In the general dif- ast> ...Hi-i. —-'-'os nineteen read end to lie- Casion of knowledge, whmli onahles twentieths of THE PBOFLE to re indgo Tor thomselves—now wo no longer lieve in swallowing that deadly mineral, Mitre ccar, nrofoislng loomo— hut universally leuv- jag as in a wurss condition nfmr its use. Wo no longer believe in tlm absurd notion that Lift vm.nalians ufatiy kind can be cured by abstracting our life—UUll BLOOD, It is now well understood that an inflammation Is a wise WHDtsAsce of Natuiik, n signal that she re- nmres tlm assistance of purgative medicine lo «SI9 iter of tlm oppressive burden which she Sirovas by tile high fever urn! the strong pulse, is wanted to he removed. In oilier words, the body calls for a vegetable cleansing UiusouBru's VKairsni.K UiflVJtmut, Pan, printed direclioii only lies lu bo obsorvod, and ahoy describe ilteinot proportion of tlm duso, to Ike magnitude of the dheaso to be cured. Xsl ait persons read the /oUaioing opinion a/ a gentlemen who udl known ike i/anlUiee of these Pills. IIRANDRETIFS PILLS This modicum is acknowledged lobe one of tlm most valuable ever discovered, os e purifier of tlm blood and fluids. It is superior lu Sar< eipnrilla, whether ns a sudorific or alterativo. It Blands infinitely before all tlm preparations or combinations of Mercury. Its purgative pim parlies ere elone ofincalculebla value—fur these Pills may bo taken daily ion asv piriod, and instand of waakening by tlm cathartic efiacMlmy ailrj strength by taking away tlm cuuse of weak 1 ness- There Is no good MEHCURY does, tvliich theso Pills do not likewise. But they have nuno of the iniserakla Qtf.ir.is nf that ukaiu.t spkciv* ic. Tlm TKCTit are not injured—the aong% ond limbs era net paralyzed—no—but in the stead of theso distressing symptoms, nsw life sad consequent animation i« evident in every movement of the body. Biuxdrktii's Pills art indeed e Uriversal Remedy, for limy cure opposite diieasesttlmy cure Irplamuatior mid Chromic Rheumatism! They cure Diabetei mid Stramouakt! They ouro Dysentery aud Comstitutioral CosTivENEssl They will cure all these apparently opposite diseases, because they cleanse andrunirv ihohlood ptuvided. however, nature is nut beyond all human AS. 8ISTANCE. Pour yearn this modicum hue now bcott before Iho public in tlm U. Slates; wherever it hoe beau introduced ithas superso ded all other remedies. Dr. Bramlroth’s Offices in Now York nre 241 BROADWAY,.183 Hudson st. and 276 Bow. cry. between Prince anil Houston tie. 25 cents pur box wjth directions, Beware of cnuHteriails. Druggists never modo agents. Esah of Dr. Brandroth's Agents have nn am graved certificate,tlalcil,vihl<Ui the twelve months Kent preceding. These certificates am renew, led regnlarlyttherofore wlmn over Iwolve months I old tliey no lunger guarantee the genuineness I of the medicino. I o Renumber Druggists ars aseer mailr. Agents. I Bold liy SEABORN UOODA1.L. cnrimr of I Congress and Jefferson streets, (near llie Mar- I kel) THE ONLY AGENT TOR THR SALE OF THE Ioenuise Branpreth's Pills in Savumiah. July 10 153tw3m no skill in tlmir Rdministretioiii the LUCINA CORDIAL LE CORDIAL DE LUCINE. _ OU L'ELIXIR DE L'AMOUR, f ■ \ rl b subscriber lino iho pleasure or rii< JL uoiiucitig to tlio citizen* ofihe U. State*, ln:U ho hut purchased, for a vnry large sum and from the inventor, tho oelohrniod Ur. Magniu, of Paris, the recipii mid right for making this uitnuidiiug medicine. Until tlio appeuranco tn the |Lncimt Cordial/ (about three years W(n that the coinplainta, which it apoodily overcomes, wore beyond the reach of liuiniu remedy, os for upwards of a thousand years, they k id h.ifil’-d the wisdom ond ingenuity ofthe must profound physicians m nil part* of Iho world. This Cordial, how ever, to tlio great udvnntago of iho human race, soon proved itself to bo the desideratum ao long •ought for; and accordingly, notwithstanding the brief period of its existunco, it hns required a celebrity ao great, that it is oagotly inquired for throughout the civilized globo. Dr. Mag- nin soon finding that the demand was so vast astnrondor m supply impossible, disposed of tho tecipo nttd right of sale, under obligations of secrecy, for England, tho United States, and othnr countries, only preserving France and Italy fir himself. Thus has tho subscriber po«* sossod liimselfof the invaluable secret, and now hastens to givo the inhabitants of bis line of agency the benefits ofhii speculation. •Lo Cordial De Luctno’ or, in English, Mho Luctnu Cordial/ is a guttural thvtgorotor of tho human frame! In all tho various cases of Ian* giior,lnssiiiido f and debilitation; it is an unfailt ing remedy; as it is equally its province to im part cheerfulness and decision to tlio tnind, as health and vigor lo the body, lint the peculiar v »rtno on which its celebrity is based, is the fa cility and certainty with which it restores the virile powers when they have boon destroyed by disease, lime, recklessness, or any of the nu merous causos which terminate in the prostra tion of tho.su functions. $10 REWARD j® Will be paid for the apprehen* fS 1 "ion of my mulatto boy WILi flzpy LIAM.who isobout 5 feel 6 inch* pgrfy / ea high, and stoutly made,a vnry fair mulatto and slightly freck led—formerly tho property of I Miss Judith Minis. J. R. TH0.Y1PS0N. eng 5 I64r, (Geor) I1S0 REWARD. jn Absconded from Wnverley J Plantation, Camden County, oh tho 10th day of July last, LAR* , tfsWr/ KIN, DICK, ami CATO. Lar* kin is a stout Mulatto fallow, n- about 23 years of ago, 5 foot 6 to j 0 inches high—ho has a scar on his right oheek. I also some marks of small pox about his faco, I particularly on his nose, also a large scar from I an axe on his foot, near the great too. Larkin I has rather n feeble voice for a man of his statue. I Cato is a black fellow, nil African by birth, he I Is a stout, square built fellow, about 5 feet 4 to 16 inches high—has the mark of his tribe on his J breast; ho is likewise ruptured, and has a very | large mouth. Dick is a small black, well sol fol- I low, also nn African by birth, with a round face I nnd down cast look, easily-confused when inter- | rogoted: there is also a singular appearance about his mouth when nlarined. Tho above I throe fellows were bought of tho estate ofJno. I H. Morel, in March 1333, ami formerly lived at | the Cotton ham Plantation, Brynn Co. They { are also well acquainted in aud about Snvnsinah GEO. C. DUNHAM, Manager. * 50 (Georgian) puiiity, but with advantage. Tho usages of society aro unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding tlio benefits which would bo sure to result from it, we cannot enter into nn analysis of this inestimable Cordial hero, or publish many of tho documents which have been received, as vouchers of tho blessings it has conferred on numbers ofduspatriug iudivid. unis. But this we cannot forbear romurking— that it has boon demonstrated that there it* searcely ever, if any such thing at ail, us nolo* rni barrenness, or ns natural imbecility of the procreanl functions, in either sox; and therefore that those evils are the effects of artificial caas* es, and may bn speedily subdued and removed by the use of ‘Le Cordial do Lucino/ The Lilt-inn Cordial is uiso nn indubitable cure for the Gleet, and the Fluor Alims, ob structed. difficult, or painful Menstruation; also, for the incontinence of Urine, or the involunta ry discharge thereof. It is likewise an mvnhi able and unrivalled medicine in casosof Cluom ic Eruptions of the skin, and in tho dropsical affection* of the aged. Most important lo tlio American Public. The United States proprietor ofihe cotnhra* ted‘Lucino Cordial, or ‘Elixir of Love/ begs lu lay before tho community, tho following cer tificate, which tie has received from the inven tor, the illustrious Dr. Magtiiu. of Paris: ‘This is tocortify, that I have disposed of the recipe for making tho 'Luciun Cordial/ or *E lixir of Love/ and also the right to sell it through out the United Stales of North America, lo John Winters Holdervvell, M.D. My reasons for so doiug is, that the demands to ino for the abovo Cordial, of which I am the inventor, are ao numerous, thnt I nin unable lo supply oil the ordors from France and Italy alone; and have therefore disposed of the privileges vouchsafed in this, and other certificates of a like tint ire in order to generalise the benefits of uiy discovery throughout tho world. Given under my baud at Paris, on this nine, teen'h day of January in tlm year of our Lord, eighteen hundred nud thirty-eight, EUASTE MAGNIN. ETERS'PILLS. ••THE TRUE IHOIIE8 OF LIFE IS HEALTH." m»fE know that health and thenhilily tola- Y Y bor constitutes the wealth nTtlia greet mass of tho people in this, ns in most other coun* trios. To preserve thoroforo, thnt honlth by na- tnrnl means is n grand moral and political scheme, to fulfil which, requires our utmost at* tentioti. The unprecedented popularity and universal approbation which this Medicine has achieved throughout tho United States, the Cutiadas, Texas, Mexico and tho West Indies, fully lusltfy Dr. Peters in warmly andconscien* tiously recommending them to tho special nltettt tion of the nflheted. Dr. Peters lias spoilt much time in expbri. mcnting with different Vegetable Medicines, for diseases of the liver, aud now offers hi* Veg etable Pills, ns the best, most convenient, and cheapest Medicine thut can be prepared for general use. One groat quality of his vegetable Pills is thnt they have the alternative principle combined with their cnlhnrtic, or operative qualities, or.lhal they not only cleanse the stomach and bowel* by purging, but they regulate tho liver, change tho morbid secretion, strengthen tint digestive organs, nitrify the blond, invigoruto iho circuhu tion, and gives tone and energy to the nervous system. They are mild and pleasant in their operation and convey almost immediate conviction of their utility from their fiutihue. They ton be taken w ith safety by persons of any sgu; nud the fee* hie, tho infirm, tho nervous and the delicate are strengthened by their nporation, because they clear tlio system of bad humours, quiet nervous irritability, ami invariably produco sound health. The Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy for jaundice, sick and nervous headache, dyspopsy, costiveness, sickness of tho stomach, heartburn, 1,11 tt lUimin rnlitnlninle ('..■•ora #»(*..11 Li.i.l. it nil billions complaints, fevers ofull kinds, and if In common with the generality of really good l ?* ce ? .. nl *1*° commencement will invariable medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of a mercurial or doloterious nature, among tho ma' ny ingredients which compose it; but is, at the same time, so simple, yet so efficacious, thut while it oari renovuto the prostrated energies of a giant, mu infant may use it, not only with iuu vantage. chock their progress, and save the patient from a protracted and dangerous sickness. They nrn invaluable in nervous and hypocnndrical affec tions, loss of appetite, and all complaints to -which females alone aro subject. They opot- afn as a mild speedy purge, and are u safe and i # . r__ Guspard Define, ? VVilUn Merrill, \ Witnesses. This highly important medicino is for sale by John Winters Huiderwell, No. 129 Liberty st. Now York; Charles U. Tyler. No. 70 Chusniit st. Philadelphia; and in Baltimore by Roberts & Atkinson, John M. Larnqne; and G. R. Ty. ler; in Washington City by Tobins Watkins and Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Lintlmcntn; in Richmond by John H. Eustice; in Petersburg by Braggs Thomas and Diipuy, Rosser Jones; and in Norfolk by M. A. Sam tos and B Emerson;and by John Woudly, No. G5 Poydrasst. New Orleans. It can also bo found at all the principal Drug Stores in South Carolina, nud in Augusta, by Havilnud Risloy & Co., Thomas Barrett *fc Co. and Nelson Carter; and in Savannah by G. R. HENDRICKSON-. Price $3 per bottle, with full directions, ang 5 161—ly Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney of N.Or* leans, La. Oct. 9,1837.—"1 have received much assistance in my practice;especially in jaundice and yellow fever; from the use of Peters 1 Pills. I C resume that, on an average, I prescribe 100 oxos in a month.” • Extract ofa letter from Dr. Prichard, of Hud. son, N. Y., Juno 3. 1836; *1 was aware that Dr. Peters was one of the he>t chemists in the Uni* ted States, and felt assured that he would some day (from his intimate knowledge of the proper, ties of herbs end drugs) produco an efficient medicine, and 1 must acknowledge that bis Vcgc* table Pills fully respond to my expectation. They are indeed a superior medicine, and re flect alike upon the chemist, the physir.inu, and the philosopher. Extract nf a letter from Dr Wainos, of Cin* cinnnti, Feb. 2,1838; ‘Your Pills are the mild* est in tiioir operations, and yet most powerful in itiuir effects, of any that l nave ever met with in a practice of eight and twenty yenis. Their action nn tho chyle, and hence on tho impurities of tho blood, is evidently very snrprismg/ Cuxrujttr, N, C. Jan. 1,1837. Dear Sir—I havo made frequent use of your pills in the incipient stngo of billion* fever, and obstinate constipation of the bowels, also, in the enlargement of the spleen, chronic diseases of the liver, sick headache, general debility, and in nil cases have found them to be very eflec* c. J. D. Bnyr>. M. D. MECRLF.xnunn. Co., Va. Feb. 7,1837. Having used Dr. Fetors’ pills in my pruciice for tho last 12 yionthf, i tnko pleasure in giving my testimony of their good effects in esses of dyspepsia, sick headache, billions fo. vers, and other diseases, produced by in aclivii ty of the liver. They are a sale and mild np. orient, being the be»t article of the kind i have ever used. UlionoK C. Scott, M. D. This celebrated Medicine is for sale bv all the ptinciffal Druggists in Savannah and through* out tho United States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico and the West Indies. Price 50 cents per box with full directions, ang 5 164—1y feb 28 AN ORDINANCE JO amend and consolidate the various Or ROWAND’S PULHIONARIA, I OR VEGETABLE DEMULCENT. N coses of obstinate Cetnrilij in coughs whether arising from recent or neglected , coldc; in Asthmiij end ns nn auxiliary, end I <tw«ns of present teliof from tire throtuoning j symptoms of oppronohing Pulmonary Con- oitmptlon, no medicine hnsgroulor claims upon the confidence of the invalid then the ubovo ' medicine. It is fot tho afflictive end troublesome symp- tomsorcouglnng, expeetorntion or phlegm, pain i !'! l . ho “roost, &C. which constitute prominent lootitrea of the complaint, thnt the Pnlmonorin wee designed, and lias manifested its most vein. | able properties. It is equally useful of conree in the reliof of Coughs end Colds, arising from sudden chnngos Fors'do'by 0 " 1 ' Vu ' lr ‘" s dai "l’ lin8 "’*“• J!gy g3 A. BARTOW. CUICKTsaWHATUIIEE T „ n , LANDS. HE subscriber ofiers for solo n trod of Land Situate in the 3d District, Baker SSUr- 0 "'bracing 1500 acres, which compri. tm.i j. variety of.tliu most superior soil. The I .a,, '"Husbed with slight improvainents, and ' team, " 1,1 fli geographical dimensions wwy deglBP extent. As nn ndditionn! con. aintinii ,I1 i* 0 u I?tt'chusoi-. reasonable torms and I SKcfiMlb oir ° l ' ed ' F "'' nmro mi»* 1 'h» «bb.or 9 ibm°m A.hens apph0 " m8 °“" CHALLENGE^The Gf.h- _ uinb FRENCH PILLS n* install Iho QUACK NOSTRUMS of the nge for the cure «*f * # * # Th® French Pills nro nnplicoble in all cases, for cither sex, (warranted freo from Alercury.) and possesses great advantages over tho Bal. snms and all liquid medicines, by being entirely Troo from smoll, and consequently do not effect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage they never disagree with tho stomach, nml in tho first stages of tho disease they usually effect a cure ill n lew days, with little regard to diet or exposure. Ill the most obstinato stages ol tho disease, they nro equally certain,having cured many after ovary other romedy had failed. In short, they have been so universally successful that the proprietor challenges any one to produce n rein, edy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollura. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Price $2 per box. 164—ly ang 5 jikl!luOIMmo F. G. BALDWIN. fl HAMS. efiaalk BALTIMORE enroll Hams, just sole by V received by brig Eloanor.jind for 103 J. B. GAUDRY. an» poiik. I Ly pnme Bcof eng 5 75 do do Pink -10 do mess do landing, for sain by CLAGHOUN & WOOD. HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. F OR Ike cure of While Swolliilgs, Scrofm loos end other Tumors,Ulcers,Sore Logo, old end fresh Wounds, Sprnins and Bruises, Swellings and Inflammations, Scold Head, Wo men's Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Puins, Tetlo.s, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlows, Biles, Corns, and Extorunl Disensos generally. It is likewise grcntly suporiot to any medicino horatutaro discovered for ths chafed backs and liiuhs of horses—for ring worms, chapped lips—and in short for every external bodily evil that jtpay fall to the lot of man or boast. For sale by • G. R. HENDRICKSON, nnd T. M. & J* M. TURNER. Price 50 cenls por box. aug 6 164—ly F dinnucea of the City of Savannah, in iefi ore nee to Dog". Sec. I. Be it ordained by the Mayor nnd A1 dermcn of tho city of Savamtah and hamlets ihereof. nud it is hereby ordained by the an- thority of tho same, That no Dog shall ho por* mitted to go at largo within the said city, iiiiIojs ho ho muzzled in such a manner ns to prevent him from biting, nnd also have around his neck a collar with the owner’s name plainly express ed or ungraved thereon; nnd if any Dog is, or shall be discovered going at large, without be ing so muzzled n,,(1 without a collar as afore said. the owner of said Bog shall forfeit ond pay a sum not exceeding five dollars, for each and every offence, ftjid if any person bo bitten or injured by any Dog running at large, or with out the enclosure ofihe owi'sr ihereof,the own er ofsiich Dog, or tho individual in whose en closure such Dog is usually kept/^lmll be lined in a stun not exceeding thirty dollnr&r-^ Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, Thatno'Bog shall bo permitted to be brought, or come, wiffH in thirty feet of the market houso, during mar ket hours; nud any person bringing or suffering a Dog or Dogs to accompany him or her, con trary to the provisions of this section, shall bo lined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars Sec.3. Bo it further ordained. That the May- or f ‘ or in his nhseuco the Chairman of Council, or in tho absence of both of thflln, any two Al dermen may, at any time, in his or their discre tion. issue iii* or their order, in willing, to the Marshal nnd City Constables,' requiring ilium to kill and destroy, for such a time ns tho order shall specify, any Dog or Dogs, not accompa nied by tho owner ihereof, or muzzled as afore said, which may, or slinl. be discovered or found in any sqiiato. street, lane or ether open plnce within the limits of tho City; aud for u diauhe- dienco or neglect of such order, tho said Mar shal ami City Constables shall bo fined in u sum nut exceeding thirty dollars, ami fur the se cond offence shall ho lined in a like sum, nnd may bo dismissed from office, nnd any porsoti resisting nnd interfering with the said Marshal and Ciiy Constables in the proper discharge of tho said duty, according to ilia provisions of this section, shall he fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, for each and every offence. Sec. 4. And he it further ordained, That the penalties enacted by this Ordinance, shall be recovered by the same process thnt the viola, tion of the oilier Ordinances of tho city are re. covered, and that all Ordinances ond parts of Ordinances relating in any manner to Dogs, bo and the snmo are hereby repealed. Passed in Council, April 11,1839. [L. S.] ROBT. Al. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest M. Myers, c. c. ang 14 UNEXAMPLED MAMMOTH T ,._ SCHEME HE following details of n Scm.uc or » Loytziiy lo be drawn in December next, rtVon o l' 01 "' 1 "*,i* to bo UNPARAL> LELLP in the history of Lotteries. Prizee to the amount have KEVEH Bcronx been offered lo tho public. It is true, thore ere many blanks, lint on tlio other hand, tho oxlreinoly low choree of?90 per Ticket—the Value ash Numbed of llie Capitals, ond the revival of the good old custom of warranting Diet every prize shall be drawn end sold, wifi, we ate sure, give nniver- eai satisfaction, mid especially to tho Six Hum ured Prize Hui.ukrs. To those diepnsed to ndrentnre, wo recom, mend eorly applicolion being .undo to ns for tickets—when llie prizes ere all eold, blanks only remain—tho first buyers Imvo the best ™""W- We. therefore, emphatically soy— DELAY NOT! hutntoncore-initendtrees-mit to ns your ordors, which shall always receive our immediate attention. Lottors lo bo eddressed, end applications mode to SYLVESTER & CO., 150 Broadway, New Yolk. (CT Observe the Number, 15(f, 9700,0001II $900,0001! 995,000! 6 prize, of $90,00011 2 prize, nf $13,00011 3 prizes of 910,000 I , LOTTERY OfRoal Estate and Bank Stock, situated in New Orleans. O' Tho richest nnd most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public, iu this or auy other country. TICXETf ONLY $20. Authorized by nn Act of the Legislative Assem bly ol Florida, and nuclei the Directions of the Commissioners, acting under the same. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December 1st, 1839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER & CO . 156 Broadway, New York, 8olo Agents. NO COMDlfUTION NUMBERS.'!! 100,000 tickets from No. 1 up wards,in succession Extract from the Laws of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida. Chap. 761.—No. 22.—Whereas the Court m\We, n bti!?ttraVeTwytft (ine^urrbwnfg-tfp on tho same, tnonios, which it is believed wil impo*Q too burdmisoniaa tax upon the people of Duval; and (whereas, it is desirable to pay those said sums and comploto said build* mg,as well for tho greater convenience ofihe ad ministration of justice,us for the UounUi purpose of an Academy, for which purposo iu part, the said building, when completed, is designed Therefore— Sec. 1 ] Bo it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of tho Territory of Florida, That it shall nnd may be lawful for Joseph B. Lancaster, Isuiah D. llart nud Wil. liam J, Mills, or any two of thorn under tho direction of the comity court of Duval county, to raise such sum or sums of money by Lottery, in such Schemes ns they tuny deem appropriate and advisable: Provided, that the said persons shall hind themselves in such manner as the court shall direct,well and truly lo conduct such lottery in good faith,to appropriate the proceeds to tho object abovo stated.—Parsed, Feb. 7lh 1834.—Approved Feb. Iltli 1834. By agreement, buaring date the 23tlt of F«hi runty. 18-'9, the above JoM>tih I^mcuster,Isaiah D. llart and William J. Mills did, for curtain considerations, in conformity to the raid Legis lative Act, duly assign unto Messrs Schmidt «&- Hamilton all their Right and In terest, and tho Powers vested ill them by the above recited Act of the Legitlnture nf Florida. Extract from tho valuation of George Phillip Manouvrier and Jacob do Cordova, liothof tho CitV of New Orleans, made and sworn to on the 19th day of April, 1839:— That tho said George Phillip Manouvrier and Jacob Cordova, appraise and con*cieniiou<ly and honestly Value the property known under the iiumo and appellation of “Banks Arcade,” in the Citv of New Orleans, ut Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, and “The property known under the appellation of “City Hotel” or “ Bishop’s Motel,” in the said City of of New Orlcnns, at Four Hundred nnd Twenty Thousand Dollars.” The deeds of tho Properly and the Stock trans ferred in trust to tho Commissioners appointed by iho said act of tho Legi.slatuio of Florida, for the security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! 1 Prize—The Arcade—286 feet, 5 inches, 4 lines, on Magazine street; 101 feot, 1] inches,on Natehez street; 126 feet, 6 inches, on Gravier st. Rented ut ubout $37,000 per un . ffjf* It shall he at the option of the winners of Pr izus of Bank Stocks, either to take the stuck itself, or the par value thereof in cash. The receipts of the snlo of the Tickets are. and will be* deposited iu the Citizens', Con* soltdated, Canal. Union, and Carrollton Banks, ill the name of tho Managers jointly with J. II. Pferrimh, Esq., actually cashier ofihe Citizens' Bank, and A. Bpiidoiuu, Esq acltinlly cashier of tho Consolidated Bank, as Trustees, as por Act passed hefnro A. Mazoreau, Esq., Notary Public, on the 2d May. 1838, and the properties trnti»rerred uni tint inhered, for the security ofihe fortunate Prize Holders. Mode of printing.—100,000 tickets, from 1 to IOO.OUO, will be put in one wheel, and 600 prizos, with tlio blanks in another. To every numlior n prize or blank wifi lie drawn, until all the prives are determined, leaving (lie balance of numbers hi the wheel blanks. (CT To Editokkamd Publishers.—Having received Ncwspapeta containing the above Scheme, from twenty-two Stales and Territor ies,besidea several of the British Provinces, we ate satisfied with the circulation, and therefore request that such papers ns have not, up to this Uma, inserted the advertisement, will be plena* cd poI to do so, and tlint all the other papers will insert it once a xouk only until the 1st of De cember, nnd forward us their accounts. SYLVESTER & CO., 156 Broadway,N. Y. july29 1511 T GOING! GOING!! GONE!!! HE Subscriber intending to tnnke an en tire cIofc of bis mcrchnniile business in Savannah, by the 1st day of November next will sell Ins large stock ol S TAPLE and FAN CY DRY GOODS, of last Fall nnd this Spring's selections at loss prices than they can be purchased fot at any other store in Savannah, for cash only at retail; and wheti it i* by whule- snlo, for approved City acceptances, on six months credit. Persons wishing to get great bargains will do well to call aud judge for them selves, at my store. A. BENNETT, No. 1 Waring's Building, Market Square. June 19 n IJIJST RECEIVED. aorw**""' s »'”«ing 0 do brown Drilling 2 do 7-8 Apron Check 2 do 4 4 do do, 2 do fancy do 4 do white wool Flannel * 5 do 4 4 Irish Linen. 4 do Gt4 Cambria tt o ^ j k"a/ ,iu pi " ia I 2 boxes Taffeta Ribbons 12 dozen Coilon Pockei Hdkf. 3 pcs Pongee Silk fi 0 1 dozon block Ilulinn do 2 do blue Romnlo do I do corded Muslin do idoit:£ p ci , * Ve,,PMie, "» 3 do colVI Suspenders 10 do Lndiea while Cotton Hoco A i" d ? Ul )< d ? d °. 3 do Misses vvbito do 10 do imxod b Hon. 4 do brovyn do do Cotton nnd Silk Umbrella! Grass Linen Birds Eye and Huckaback Diaper Marlboro Stripes Silk and cotton Velvet Kid, Silk and Linen Gloves MarshnlP. W B patent Tbrcad Bod Picking, Laces Crapa Sliatvl,, Ringlets Al.o.n largo assortment of block and whit. Hoods VVM. H. LLOYD, i!*®— Market Square, T ,.„ TO PLANTERS. HR Subscriber, Agent fur llie Alhon Manufacturing Company, hna cunsinnt- ly on bund, n supply ofilicir domestic Woollen und Colton Goods, a superior article for Negro •’'jllhtFTI ^ WIIEELGR’g KAJLSAM OF A „ MOSCATELLOi GRATEFUL ond efieotiial remedy for diseases of the stomach nud bowel*, vizt H’WA’ O'-'-brea,Dy.cn,ery, Cholera Mor- bus, Colic, A. alio ami Spasmodic Cholera, nl'swZn'r ri’io ,en T Celllin *' Sl,mmci ' Com. plaints or Children, dangerous eflectsofdrink' ing cold water whon overhealed, Ac. Afresh supply nfthis valoable medicine just received per brig Augusta. Several persons in this city havo tested this > remedy,& found IIsheettifkl ih every cose. G. H. HENDRICKSON. Bole Agent. 500,000 20,000 20,000 GOWEAND’S LOTION, dec. R ECEIVED, a fre«h supply of Gowlnnd'a Lotion, lor improving and beautifying the complexion. Likewise, Ghurche’s Vegeta ble Lotion, an uffectual euro for eruptions on the faco and chin. For sale by num. Dollars. Valued at 700,UOO 1 Prize—City Hotel—162 ft on Com mon street, Ufi feel, 6 inches, on Gamp st. Routed at $25,000- Valued at l Prize—Dwelling Mouse (adjoining tho Arcade) No. IG.24 ft. 7 tncht es front on Natchez st. Rented at .$1200—Valued at I Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 16,23 ft front nn Natchez st. Rented at $ 1200—Vnlnnd at 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcnde) No. 20,23 feet front oil Natchez Kt. Rented at $1200—Valued at X-Erize—Dittiy-No. 23, North cornor of BupTiT»fe TJu5tom;lionji9 . street; 40 feet frontpn Busin, and 40 feet on Franklin st. by 127 ft. deep in Custom house st. Rented at $1500—Valued at l prize—Ditto—No. 24, Southwest corner of Banin & Custom limine street; 32 feet, 7 inches on Banin 32 feel. 7 inches on Franklin. 127 feet, 104 inches deep in front of Custom house street. Rented at $1500—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches on Royal street, by J27 ft. 11 inches deep. Runted at $1400. Valued at 1 Prize—250 shares Cnnal Bonk Stock, $100each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com do, do do 1 Ditto—150 ditto Mechanics* nud Traders' do do 1 Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do do do 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bank do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do l Ditto—15 do Mechanics' & Tin ders' dodo I Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 10 shares of the Louis* iana Slate Bank, $100 each, each Prize $1000 do—each 2 shares of $100 each, each Prize $200, of the Gas Light Bank 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of tho Bank of Louisiana 20,000 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of tho Naw Orloans Bank 20,000 150 dn—each 1 share of $100 of the Union Bank of Florida 15,000 PILES. Ac. HAEMORRHOIDS. No Cute No Pay!!—Price $1. HAYS’ LINIMENT. N O FICTION.—This extraordinary chem ical composition, the result of science,and the invention of a celebrated medical man. the intrndoctiou of which to the public was invent, ed with the solemnity of a death bed bequest, has sinco gained n reputation unparalleled.fully Hiislniniiig the correctness of the lamented Dr. Gridley's last confession, that "he dared not die without giving to postoriiy the benefit of his knowledge on this subject,” and he therefore bequeathed to his friend nnd attendant, Soloi mon Hays, the secret of his discovery. It is new used in the principal hospitnls, and the private practice in our country, first aud most certainly for the cure of the Piles, and also so extensively and effectually as to baflle credo* lity. unless where its effects nre witnessed. Ex. ternnlly in the following complaints: For Dropsy—Creating extraordinary absorp tion nt once. All Swellings—Rcdncincthem in n few hours Rheumatism—Acute or Cbrontc,giving quick onso. Sore Throat—By cancers, ulcers, or colds. Croup nnd Whooping Cough—Externally, and over the chest. All Bruises, Sprains nud Burns—Curing in a few hours. Sores and Ulcers—Whether fresh or Jong standing, nml fever sores. Its operations ttyeu adults and children in reducing rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs und tightness of the chest by relaxation of tho parts, has been surprising beyyjid con. caption. The common remark of those who have used itiu the Piles is, 'It acts like n charm, THE PILES.—The price $1 is refunded to any porsoti who will use a bottle of Haya' Lin* intent for the Piles, and return the empty bot tle without being cured. Those are the posttive otders of the proprietor to the agents; and out nf many thousands sold, not one has been un successful. YVo might insert certificates to nnv length, but profer that those who sell the article should ttxhibil the original to purchasers. SOLOMON HAYS. HAYS’ LINIMENT. Flnrenco. Alubuma, Sept 28. A gentleman of the highest standing iu this town, who has been dreadfully afilicted with the Blind Piles for the last 26 yeurs, called upon me and freely confessed to me his situation.— After describing the severity of the complaint, he remarked he had not been so well for 29 years pastas he was attlmt moment. Ho hat used one bottle only of Hays’ Liniment. To use his own words lie said “the whole human family, who were thus afilicted, ought to be made acquainted with this medicine.” Signed, R. L. BLISS. A fresh supply of the abovo medicino receiv' cd. nnd for sale by jnly 17 A. PARSONS, Agent. CASTOR Oil,, Ac. LCLIVED per brig Augusta, n supply of superior Starch, nud No. 4 and 2 Castor Uil, lor family and plantation uae. Also, -A.«..onlq.nliX\ii oOUD, warranted a cenuiria French article from Iho Laboratory or Labor, reqne. Also, Bermuda Arrow Boot Robinson's Potent Barley Pearl Barley, fresh Snaps, for .ale by purcher & laroche/ Sign ofthe Golden Globo, ni, l? 3 Opposite the Market. jnly 10 ANSON PARSONS. 10 20,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 iti.ono 10,000 5000 5000 2500 2500 1500 1500 20,000 2000 bEIDLlTZ AN1) SOMA POW DERS. F.CEIVF.D, e largo supply of Maynard & IX Noyes' Soiilliiz aud Sofia Powders, and lor sale by ANSON PARSONS. iuiiD-Ki— 142 .. SODA, PEARL ASH, Ac. a CASKS Washing Soda ^ 6 do 1st sort Pearl Ash 2 do Sal Aerslns 3 bbls Cream Tnrlsr 8 do Castor Oil, No. I and 9 10 casks Epsom Salts, 2 do Alum 2 do refined Salt Poire 20 boxes London Milliard, auporior 30 do Coiegatc's Starch 5 do Roll Sulphur 6C do Underwood’s Lemon Syrup d " •'fBwich snp’r Cnvandiah Tobacco n bbls Mnccoboy nnd Scotch Snuff Received per late arrivals aud fnr »nlo low, a G.U. HENDRICKSON. *ng9 160 • SARATOGA WA1EK. 9A D 9 Z Congress Spring Water, pints and quarts, bottled in ary Weather.-** Just received and for sale by j"'y 20 ANSON PAR80NS. ^ fhesh spices; r Pepper, ado pimento 1 bbl Nutmegs, received nud fnr sale by J»ly 3 ANSON PARSONS. A GROCE Petors’ Vegetable Pills . 1 do Evans’ Chamomile do 4 do Phelps’ Comp. Tmnato do . 4 do Rowaiid’s Tonic* do Received and for palo by „ JOHN E. STILWfeLL, ang 7 Opposite the Mansion Honsd, LL1X.ER OF IIAHK. Prepared only by J, M. Ln Roque, Chemist & Druggist, T HIS excellent preparation is particularly recommended to persons of delicate hnb* it and weak stomach: it increases the appetite, facilitates digestion and ull the secretions, and is well adapted to persons who reside in low marshy countries where ague and fever prevail* or ihoso who nre exposed to damp and wet weather. It istukenwith success by persona weakened by n copinn. perspimtion, whether -reduced by the heal of slimmer or feveri.—• ’ersons recovering from llie bilioui attack ■hoiild use it freely lu proven! a relopso. Tlio Elixer of Bark is pleasant to the palnlo, tlio dosO iafrom ono half to one wine gluts full, onca or twice n day as occasion may require. Put up in quart battles, price §1 26 cents. Fot “*»lw PORCIJEU Si LA ROCHE. N. B.—References can be given as la iis vir> lues to persons in ibis ciiy, who has given it it trial before iis introduction boro. Directlnlis, Ac. accompanying each bottle. nng 7 JANE’S INDIAN EXPECTO RANT, IL* OR coughs, colds, icfliionzn.conohmpti'orti JL asthma, spitting of blood, hoarseness) whooping cough, difficulty of breotlnng nhd TAX'IVO’Vt'mE. , , N O I'U; E is hereby given tlmt n'{air..f <| f the year A D. 1839, has been nsses*bopsoeclwi. „... . _ . . , - ---—- nil property real and personal, within the limits ”5$ under protracted coughs and pains in thd S 1 ' ol, • , . . hftOTl gitnimvorl lx, 11,„, . , - r ~ .. -/oily of breathing a other pulmonary affections. This medicine is highly and justly recommended by numerous and respectable individuals, who have found re* lief from its nse. Many who have been labor- 600 Prizes. $1,500,000 t'ICKQTS $20—A’0 SHAPES. ofthe ciiy of Brunswick, amounting to twenty threo] hundred, sixty soven dollars and eighty one cents, which the owners of said property are hereby teqnested to pay within Eight Weeks from the date of this notice. All the property upon which the taxes shall not be paid agreeably to tlio request in this notice will be immediately advertised for sale nt the expense ofthe owner. Names of tho owners of property in said ci ty, 80 far ns known to the subscriber: The Brunswick and Florida Rail Rond Co. Geo. Anderson, John YV. Anderson, H, A. Breed. E. Bend, Brunswick Land Co. J. Bal four Adm. Est. of Jas. Mossman, Ilobt. Bolton, A. G. Burnett, Est. Major John Berrien, Colby & Davis, S. D. Corbitt, Stephen Chase, U. Dart, H. Dnbignnn, Gee Dupree, T. Dnrt.T. C. A. Dexter, E. A. Dexter,L. S, D’Lyon.Ann Oentere.John McDertnid,Moses Eastman,John Franklin. Thos. Glascock, It. L. Gamble, T. W. Goode, J. J. Higginbotham, Est. Priscilla lloustoun. Patrick Houstoun, it. Hazlehurst, Benj. S. Harris, Ex. lo Est.John Milton, Robt. Hutchinson, Bank of Brunswick, The Bruns* wick Lumber Co. M. II. & J. Hebbnrd, Thos. B. King, S. C. King, Snrnh A. Kimberly, Ann King, J. S. Lawrence, Louisa Leach, Colin Lamb, A. H. Merrtman, Jns. Mooro, YV, B. Miller, Henry M. Meals and Sister, Solomon Moody, P. M. Nightingale, It. S. Piles, J. G. Putman, R. Pooler for Mr. Porter, Mrs. Pin- dur, Mrs. Postell, Jano Remshart, E. S. Rees, Jos. Ilynls, Alex- Scott, Wni II. Stiles. J.R. Sauosey. C. J. Shelton, W. P. White, Est. A- Whitehead, P. Jr YVillinms, Ann YVright, . A. L. KING) Mayor.' Brunswick, Jiine 29,1639. 1 July 3 150tL breasW and (Heir friends far advanced iff «..i,8uiiipiiou,** hnve^been happily restored to perfect health l»y the use of this valuable Expectorant. A sup* ply recoived and for sale by JOHN E. STILYVeLL. 01> g 7 Opposite the Mansion House. PAINTER’S DIAMOND CE» MENT. A N invaluable discovery for joining broken Glnss, Chinn, Earthenware, Cabinet Work and fancy articles of every Uescrtptioh. Received and for sale by (JOHN E. STILYVELL* nng 7 Opposite thd*Mminion House. ROSE AND ORANGE FLOW ER WATER. e DOZ Rose YVnter, in qts 6 do do do, in pints ap 6 do Orange do, in do Received and for sale by JOHN E. STILWELL. nug5 Opposite Mansion Hours. PILLS! PILLS! PILLS!! P ETERS’ Vegetable Anti BUious Pills Brandroth’s do Universal Pills Hibbard’s do Anti Bilious PHIa Segur’s Renlorntive Stomach Pills Gallighan’s Vegetable Fever «fc Ague Pillf Beckwjih’a Anti Dyspeptic Pilla Loqier’s FeVer nnd Aglto do Lee's New London Bilious do Leo’s New Windham do do For sale wholesale and retail by PORCH ER *fe LA ROCHE. Sign ofthe Golden Globe, aug 5 Opposite the Marks!. ■ UiEIn