Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, August 21, 1839, Image 1

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icr CLEANSE AND PURIFY Till', I1UDY.—Tire application ofthe priucit plu ofPitgstion lieilig allowed la be one of Ilia greatest milily ill Ilia euro end pro volition of diiono, llieuf llio greatest comoqiionce la ns, eerliiin wb it inodicmu is capable of producing the nxsmno I'.rrxCT ill the oaiieat, end el llio ■11110 lime ill tile m ill officinal inannar II lice now nn lunger In cuntaud with Ilia blind prejudice! ol Ilia greatest portion of the public; itIs only wiui thorn Tew who mill are de termined to lie "killed .uoeurding to rule,” like tin people of old who •would have’ a 'King to reign over lliem. 1 B it. thinks to the circola. lion of no.vsp.ipar!—tb inka to tho lenural dif fusion of knowledge, winch enables nitiotean twentieths of Til li PEOPLE lo read and to jndga fur tliomsolvos—now we no lunger be lieve in swallowingthat doadly mineral, Mae- cunr, professing to cure— but universally leav ing us ill a worss condition nfler Its use. Wo MO longer believe in the absurd noliou (hat lull un.nitions of any kind can be cured by abrtraetingourlife—OUR BLOOD. Ilia now well understood that an innainnialloii la a wise onnivAVCcof NtTuna. a signal that ihoro- spires the assistance of purgative medicine to * «asa her of the oppressive burden which she proves by the high fever and the strong pulse, is wanted to be removed. In other words, tho body calls fir n vegetable cleansing dIRAVlIRBTH'S VnaSTABI.K UltIVZRSAL Pills, require on skill in their administration; the printed diiectton only has to be observed, mid tlioy describe the just proportion of the dote, to the magnitude ol Use disease la be cured. Let all persons read the following opinion of a ffcntleimn ioho tosU kwiWiUit qanlitia of that BRANDRETII'S PILL8 LUCINA CORDIAL This medicine is acknowlodgod lo be one of Hie most valuable ever discovered, ns a purifier of the blood and fluids. It is superior lo Her- a iparilla. whelher ns a sudorific or alterative. It atanda infinitely before all tho preparations or combinations of Mercury. Its purgative proi ponies are olono oflncalculable value—for there Pills may be taken daily ron anr rinioo, and instead of weakening by the cathartic effect,they add strength by taking away the oauto uf weak ness. There is no good Mttncunr does, which those Pills do not likewise. But they have none ofthe miserable effects of that nnauir specie* The tutu are not injured—the Bonas LK CORDIAL DE LUCINE. T oy rr.r.ixnt de l'amour. HE subscriber has tho pleasure of an- nnnncing In llio citizens of iho U. Stales, that bo has purchased,fur a very large sum end from the inventor, the coieliteied Dr. Magnitt, of Paris, the recipe and right for making this astonishing insdiciuo. Until tho nppearnncu nl tho Jhiicim Cordial,' (about tlireo year* *»inco,) it wa** thought that tho complaints, winch it spoedily overcomes, wore beyond tlio reach of humm remedy, na for upwards of n thousand yours, tlioy kid biflfed tho wisdom and ingmuity of tho inoat profound physicians mall parti of tho .world. This Cordial, how ovor, to the great advantage of the human rnce, noon proved itself tu bo the desideratum so long ■ought for; and accordingly, notwithtianding tho brief period of iH existence, it haa required a celebrity *o groat, thnt it ii ongntly inquired for throughout the civilized glnbo. Dr. AIng* nin anon finding that tho demand tvai so vast na to render a supply impossible, disposed of the roeipe and right of snle, under obligations of secrecy, for England, llio Uuitod States, and other countries, only preserving Frnnce nnd Italy fur hnnself. Thus has the subscriber po*. aossed himseifitr the invaluable secret, and now hastens to givo the inhabitants of his line of agency tho bunoilts ofhii speculation. 'Lo Cordial De Luctno’ or, in English, ‘the Lucina Cordial.' is a general mvigorator of tho human Irainu! In all tho various cases of lan* £tior, lassitude, nnd debilitation; it is un unfniU i:ig rerno.lv; as it is equally its province to im part cheerfulness nnd decision to the mind, aa health mid vigor to the body. But the peculiar virtuo on which its celebrity is bnsod, is the ft* -THE TRUE RICHES OF LIFE IS HEALTH.” W F. know that health nnd tho ability tola- hor constitutes tho wealth ortho great ma«a of the peopto in tins, as in most other enun* tries. To preserve therefore, that health by na tural moons is n grand moral nnd political schemo, to fulfil which, requires our utmost at. -i T he •mprccedonlrd pnnuhriiy and .. - -••• -» isMedicine universal approbation which this .Medicine has achieved tliroiighont the United States, the Canada*. Ioxis, Mexico and tho Wosl Indies, fillla# l.lal, r.F lid n...... . ... . ■ fillly justify Dr. Peters in warmly anil ennaeien' ttnsssly recommending tlieoi lutlio special nitoni lion ofthe afflicted. Dr. Peters lias spent much tlmo In oxporl ingntlng with different Vegetable Medicines, for diseases of the liver, end now offals hi. Veg • etsblo Pills, ns the best, most convenient, and cheapest Medicine that can he prepared for gcnoral use. One great quality of his vegetable Pills is that J5G Broadway. New Yolk £?.h p .," cipl *„ . con,bi, " ,d ID-Obrerve the Number,l«f. with theireelhorlie,nr operative,,ie|ltle,,or.th,. | $700,000111 $500,000!! *95,0001 U prize, of $90,000! I U piizcs of $15,000 I t ciiiiy nnd certainly with which it restores the hoatlh. virile powers when they have been destroyed 1b » Vegetable Ptlla are e sore remedy far ■ S.ISIM —.die MM.I eed.ee.ee— I. I. I ■ * •and limbs are nut paralyzed—no—hut in the •toad of thsso distressing symptoms, new life and consequent animation is evident in every •movement of tho body. BnxXDnzTH'a Pills are indeed a Univkrsal Remedy, lor they euro opposite diseases; they cure Ikvlammatiojv and Cuitosic Rheumatism!. They cure Diabetes and Stribouaht! They cure Dtskztbry and CoBSTif UTioiiAL CosTiVBRttss! They will euro all thesa apparently opposite diseases, because they clkasse nmfruiurv the blood, provided, however, nature is not beyond all human AS SISTANCE. Four years this mudicine has ' now been beforo tho public in tho U. States; wherever it bus been introduced it lias superso ded all other remedies. Dr. Brandreth'a Offices in New York are841 BROADWAY, 185 Hudson st. and 370 Bow. ery, between Prints and Houston sis. 35 cents per box with directions. Beware of counterfeits. Druggists never made ngonti. Each of Dr. Brandreth’a Agents Imvo nn ««• grnvalcsri\ficate,da[rA t vtilhiti the twelve months m»xt preceding. These cartiflcalo* aiu renew, ed regularlyUherefore when nvertwelvo mouths old they no longer guarantee tho genuinonoss •of tho medicine. Remember Druggis's are never made Agents. Sold by SEABORN GOODALL. corner of Congress and {Jefferson streets, (near the Mar ket) tub onlt aobnt von tub sale of the OBiunK Branprbth** Pills in Savannah, july 10 163tw3m powers when they hnve been destroyed by disease, lime, recklossneas, or any ofthe nu* morons causes which toruiiuate in tho prostra tion of iIioho functions. In common with the generality of really good medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of a mercurial or deleterious nature, among tho nm* ny ingredients which compose it; hiitTs, at (lie same tune, so simph, yet so efilc cious, that wlnle it can renovato the prostrated energies of n giant, nn infant may use it, not only with ion Punity, but with ndvantngo. Tlio usages of soeioty aro unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding tho benefits which would he sure to result from it, we cannot outer into an analysis of this inostiinahlo Cordial hero, or publish mnnv of the documents which have hi eon received, as vouchors of the blessings it has conferred on numbers ofdespairing individ. inis. But this we cannot forbear remarking— that it hns boon demonstrated that there is scarcely ever, if any such thing at all, as natu* ral barrenness, or as* natural imbecility ofthe procieunt functions, in either sex; and therefore ihat those evils aro tho effects of artificial const es, and may bn speedily subdued and removed by the use of ‘Lo Cordial do Luciiie.’ The Lucina Cordial is also an indubitabio cure for the Gleot, and the Fluor Alhus, oh* structud, difficult, or painful Menstruations also, for the incontinence of IJrino, or the involunta* ry discharge thereof. It i« likewise an invalu able and unrivalled medicine in cases of Chron* io Eruptions of tho skin, and in the dropsicui affections of the aged. Most important to the American Public, The United States proprietor of tho cehbra« ted'Lucina Cordial, or'Elixir of Love,' hogs FOR IIENT y A That largo and comfortable Homo, situated in Washington Ward, fronting the 8quare. If it is not rented before tho first of November, the owner will occupy »t- R. II. PETTIGREW. «ng 14 1G8I 9190 REWAKD. ja Absconded from Wnvorloy ifgk / Plantation, Camden County, on the IGth day of July last, LAIt* ts/rfy / K| N. HICK, nnd CATO. Lur- kin is a stoat Mulatto fellow, a- about 23 year* of age, & feet 6 to 0 inches high —ho has a scar on his right cheek, also soiiio marks of small pox about his face, S artioularly on hi* nose, also a largo scar from naxo on his foot, near llio great loo. Larkin haa rather a feeble voice for a man of his statue. Cato is a black follow, an African by birth, he Is a stout, square built fellow, about G feet 4 to 6 inohos high—hns tho mark of his tribe on his breast; ho is likewise ruptured, and hns n very largo mouth. Dick is a small black, well set Tel' low, also an African by birth, with it round face and down cast look, oasily confused when intor- rogntodt (hero is also a singular appearance abont his mouth when alarmed. The nb.ivo three fellows were bought ofthe estate ofJno. H. Morol, in March 1833, and formerly lived at the Cotton ham Plantation, Bryan Co. They are also well acquainted in nnd about Savannah ' _ GEOrC. DUNHAM, Manager, feb 28 GO(Georgian) to lay bo fore tho community, the following cer< lificutc, which ho has received from the invert tor, the illustrious Dr. Magnin, of Paris: •This is to certify, thnt I have disposed of the recipe for miking the’‘Luchin Cordial,' or ‘E lixir ofLove/and also llio right to sell it through out tho United Slates of North America, to John Winters Holder well, AI.D. My reasons for so doing is, that the demand* to me for tho ubovo Cordial, of which I am the inventor, uro so numerous, thnt I am unable to aupply all the orders from France and Italy alone; and have therefore disposed of tho privileges vouchsafed in this, nnd olhor certificates of n like nnt ire in order to gQuergliin the benefits of my discovory throughout tlio world. Given under my hand at Paris, nn this nine, tuunhduy of January in the yonr of our Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. „ , ERASTE MAGN1N. Gaspard Define, ? «... William Merrill, \ BO WAND’S PULHI01VAR1A, OR VEGETABLE DEMULCENT. XN esses of obstinste Cstntili; in coughs JL whether arising from recent or negleeiotl Celtic | lit Asthma i snd as an ntixilinry, slid moans ofpresotit relief from llio threatening symptoms or approaching Pulmonary Coi? sumption, no medicine hn.greeter claims upon tho confidence of tho invalid then tho ul modicitio. It is for tho nfihctive and troublesome eymp- tomiorcunghisig, cznoclorotinn or phlegm, pum rn the breost, &n. which cmislitnto prominent matures or llio complaint, tlml the Piilmooorin was designed, and has manifested ita most volu able properties. _It 11 equally useful of course in the relief of Coughs and Colds, arising from sudden chnngos' ° For oil r 'b ,01n W0Br ‘ ,, fl <l*mpliuou, dkc. - mi> y 23 A. BARTOW. CIlICKASAWIIAl'CUEE T LANDS. HE subscriber offers fur sale a tract of Land situato in tho 3d District, Baker bounty, embracing 1600 ncros, which compri ms averv variety ofthe most superior soil. The tract ta furnished with slight improvements, nnd can bo enlarged in its geographical dimensions to any desirahlo extent. As an addiiionnl con. ■taoration to a purchaser, reasonable terms nnd prntinoted credit are offered. For more mis* ccilaueotis information, applicant* can addross the subscriber at Athens. . . OJ F.G. BALDWIN. J«ly84 lG0H4mo . _ BAI/riMOBE HAMS. slttlt BALTIMORE uurod Mums, just received by brig Eleanor, nnd Tor "1% 1 J.B.GAUDUY. ^BEEF and pork. HBLS prime Boef 75 do do Potk 40 do me** do Inuding. for sale by CLAGHQHN A \yuOD. dillOUN iV UNEXAMPLED MAMMOTH rgl HE following dsiailsaf a Sciikmr or a Lottxrv.Io bo drawn In December nest. tSiitnta.£.ntf , 2S*r l, . ,a ^ °NPARAl; LLLbp in the histar/nf Lotlerivs. Prizes la M*V« RIVER zsrosz SKKH «rrzRXD * J 1 ** p, ' bll,c - >*•«Ihore nr. many blanks, 'VL""J b " 0,b,r b,nJ . estremely low charge of $90 per Tickot-ihe V*i»r as. Nuirezn of Uie Cahtaii, nnd tbs revival uftlie good old custom of warranting that every piixe shell be drawn and sold, will, we ere eura, give univer sal satisfaction, anil especially to the Six lies. lUtKO PltlZK lloi.UZRS, To Ihnia disposed 10 adventure, wo recom. mend caily npplicaihm being made to us for tickets—when tlio niizeo ere ell aoM, blanks only remain—llio lirst bnyars have the best .Wr,:. 'hrmfure, emphatically say— DELAY N03 I liutsioncers mitandlrans-niii l» us your orders, which shall always receivs our immedisio nlteniinn. letters In bo addressed, and applienliuni lll-ulo tu SYLVESTER &. CO., operative,ii limy not only cleanse tlio •temscli end hnw.la by purging, but they regulate the liver, change the morbid secretion, strengthen the digestive organs, purify llio blood, invignrslo llio circulai tmii, nnd gives lone and ensigy to llio ncivoiii system. They are mild end plossant in tlieir operation In Pnsivou sIshasI I .I #■ .■ , 3 prize* of910,000 I LOTTERY Of Real Estalo und Bunk Stock, sitnated in New Orleans. and convey almost immediate conviction of their S3* The richest nnd most magnificent Scheme utility from their fiutdono. Tlioy can bo token ® v .* r P r « sontod to the publio, in this or any with safety by persons ofnny age; nnd the fee* °“ ,Br country, hie, tlio infirm, the nervous and the delicate are tickets onlt 9^0- strengthened by their operation, because they Authorized by an Act fifths Legislative Aseem- clear the system of bud humours, quiet norvotts M ** D, *** J * — J *• - t.. - . irritability, nnd Invariably product) sound jaundice, sick and nervous headache, dyspepsy, costivenos*, sickness or the stomach, hoHrtbum,. all billious complaints, fevers of all kind*, and if taken at the commencement wifi invariable check their progress, end save the patient from a protracted and dangerous sickness. They are .. - . iipl which females alone aro subject. They npor ,, .. fii—.... .«rw... bly ol Honda, and undot the Directions of the Commissioner*, acting under the seme. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, December let, IKK). SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Manager*. SYLVESTER & CO., 156 Broadway. New York, Sole Agents. NO COMBINATION NUMBERS! !l 100,000 tickets from No. 1 upwards,in succession Council ofthe Territory ofFlorii tCF It shall be nt tho option of the winners nfPiizes of Bank Slock*, either to take the stock it*elf, or the par value thereof in cash. 'Hie receipts of tho *.ile of the Tickets are, and will bo, dono*itpd in tho Citizena', Con* solidatad, Canal. Union, end Carrollton Banks, in the name ofthe Managers jointly with J. B. 1 errnult. Esq.,-actually cashier ofthe Citizen*' Bank, and A. Bottdoiili,, Esq actually cashier of the Consolidated Bank, as Trustees, as per Act passed before A. Mnxureau, Etd., Notary Public, on the 2d May, 1838. end the properties trsiiaferred tininruiuhcrcd, for the security ofthe fortunate I'rizn Holdors. "«!*"/ Onuiog—100,000tiekels,from 1 to 100,0110, will be put in one wheel, end 600 prize., with the blanks in another. To every number n prize or blnnk will he drawn, until ell Ihe privos are determined, leaving the balance nr in ibe wheel blanks. ID* 'j‘° Lbitohsard Poai.isnxRs,—Hiving rereivinl Newspapers containing the above Scheme, Horn twenty-two Stales end Toriitor- les,besides several ofthe British Provinces, we ere satisfied with Ihe circulation, end therefore re,ue»t that such papers ee have not. up lo this tune, inserted the edvenirainont, will be pleasi ed not lo tin so, end that all Ihe other papers will Insert it oner.» mk only until the let of De, “S’®**- RRd forward ui their aecennts. SYLVESTER St CO., 160 Broadway, N. Y. jnly 29 l&lt t. r I LI 7 ra.wres.irm,. J lie j urn lUW.wifUIIUKUIBKUnilVO.IUpWBrUS, lon. "?„« ‘y. 0 ;™!!;. 8 " U „ l .' yp T ,,d,l ?l ■* ,c - E * w,e ' rru,,, Laws Ofthe Legislative I poretlon, and in lions, loss of appetite, and all complaint, to | Council ofthe T.rrtnw. ofPI„“}, ' ' AN ORDINANCE, O amend and consolidate the various Or dinnnees of the city of Savannaii, regulo* ling Cert., Drey., Wagene.tnd Vehlcloeraud to prevent cruelty lo >011001,. Sec. I. Bo it ordained by the Mayorlnnd Al. dernien of ihe city of Savannah and hamlete Ihcrcuf, Thai from and after lira passngo of this Ordinance, that no person shell let or drive for lum any carl, drey, wagon, or other carriage, within lira cuy,“ without having obtained n li‘ cense Torso doing from the City Tieuurer for the lime being, who shall number the seme and register ihe same, and for which license the sum of seven dollars for each dray, and five dollars ror each carl, wagon, or other carriage so infen* dsd for hire, shall bs paid for the use of the cor council oi me Territory or Florida. I °fecr carriage shall be let 01 driven for 'hire Ghap.7GI.—No.22.—Whereas the Conrt I within the city, without having first obtained Alins. J.V lll.liol Anil !a I— A— ■ , I aiiaIi I!a„ma„ am.1 ... !,L .a I. , .. ■ in cAse anv cart, wagon, drey, or shall be let 01 driven for hire c«la'nremed , vto?wfimfin*ehHdran*" r0,nd H .°"" " r */“'•! county, i, in anunflnleh-' 1 such license, end without having"tira mimber ExtftSor/letie?TomHr S™ 81 "’" l0 - “'"1 there are yet duo end awing up of such a license and na other stamped ou a tin ™Sj![ impure too burdeneome a tax upon the people I conspicuous plica on said cert, wagon, dray, or _ - ,. --- - -- • *- • * tsirabla oilier carriage so intended lo bo let or driven for assistance in my practice|especially in jaundice of^ Duvall ainl lwher.a“ il is de.ira! presSunu'm^an iverzge”” uresciibo'lUO P " y ""if“r swldbuildi I biro, lira owner or owners thornrshalT,"fbl'e Cr li" 1 ' Ipro,c,,bo lu0 uig,m well for tliegrealer convenience of Ibe ed ry such offence, feilcitoiid p.y z fin. net pVt.aM il.i.p DM J ... . ministration ofju»Uce,as for the double purpose ceding tinny dollars. so^N. Y. Jum 3 a waa^wara'fha^s' or .«". Al ?' l « ln y. “I'ich purpore in part, lha Sec 2. And be it further ordained by tlireu Peters wes'ene^rVe^toVraniaUTtb. Unb Tlrarefere-*' Wh °" C0,,,p,,,,0,1 ’ “ " 0,i ' ncd “llSi refnfiuj-J*'£f.g»TK. day ffrlnn'ids hjflmate 'know'lcd# 1 ' 0 fih ,0 ' n * B» c - I ] Be it enacted by tlio Governor nnd driven end managed by « oober, discreet and a( h-,l,lf » Pledge Ofthe Proper. I Legislative Council of iho Territory of ableperaou, nm less than sizteen years of an ,nmjin„ .,,a l""„'!, , !!?e , L P T.') l "?„""v!“"' I Flr.rtdn._;n_mt it sli.lj end may. be lawful for | end net over _aixty, end for e violation of tie not over aixty, olid for n violation provl«inn» of tliia section, the owner ofsuch cert, dray, wagon, or other carriage shell forfeit „ p, f " ,,,,n "»• exceeding Ibiriy dollars. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained. That ell licenses for driving calls, drays, wagons, or oth er carriages wilhin the city, expire on Ibe firsi inl C fi t p!f | B, MV ,,| , ,, „^ ,< T Vlfl I* Josopb*B, Liincastor, Isefali D.Tlait end Wil! -Pisil P ra!L ; n ' ,l y™ po " ,, s ,0 Wl ? •*P« ctJ »D° , i. liamJ, Mills, or any two or them under the Ihoy are indeed a superior medicine, and re* direction of the county court of Duval county, Ibi'bl uihll'r ,htt cliemi,, » U,e P h 3 ri,c,,,, » to raise such sum or sums of money by Lottery, rC r « V r . n tv • - in «ncl» Schemes ns th«y may deem appropriate intmri F. if Q C ' n ,’ and advisable: Provided, that tho said person* I «r carriages wunin the city,expi alt in t iiai r n nn rn Hiinl ,h ° * ft ‘kfim selves in such manner as Die Monday in January in each andevery year.ind in\hl\r u(f n rAm Tr^ ?!! * l P 0, J er f ,, J ■hall direct,well and truly to conduct such every person who slinll have obtained inch Ii* ” * , 0 eVer ,oUer y 1,1 R° od feiih.to appropriate the nrocend* I cense ahull b* oWuifti.APd lb»»v, in a practica of eight and twenty yooia. Their I to the obiuct abnyo atauuL- 1 riso. / url ^i«»w**«* « b «o unWwfien Yiot aclualiy engage?. lienee on uraimpimues j I Boa.—Approved Feb. Tlili 1834. or pre-engaged io work for some other person ' By ngicemcnt, bearing dale lira 2Sth of Febi uumediuivly, (Sundays excepted) to carry all viiary, 1839, llio above Joseph Lancaster,Isaiah goods, wares, merchandize nnd commoditise,nn D. Han ami William J. Mills low 8 conls per halo, and in pm tanco on highest rams not lower I 8i rntert See. 7. And be it further Ul , 5MSRraa*r4i ;. n i'. n nT Ci,al ' d fr ° m d(ivi " Bl " l,J li'Sre cancelled See. 8, And he it further ordained. Tlat whenever the service, ofew.gnn, can dra. [", b f u 'i"* "‘^nsmiiynflhi Jiy ofthe lly mentioned goods, or other articles specli rn this ordlninco, lets ihat! a full load,"lira own" er or driver ofsuch wagon, dray or cst shSu be paid double the retee specified in this ordinanr» pl HM??- ,b ** ,n, e ■hJl not exceed Urn nrico nf i Dill load, except in no event,eball nn extra eh.rff b*. n, "l" Sec. 0. And be it fiirther ordainn! Timi Ii •hall not bo lawflil for any person or perrons,‘to l*t?M fSt ,ni "’* 1 nr animals of hi mien,used within the cny or liemlets then of. r„ r tb. t,a„,. porlntion of perrons, goods,weiee and inerchan dize, nor to use, work or employ in any man- nor, ony bruised, maimed, ei lamo bensf o" den, nor to eruelly beat, bmire. III use, aril manner tenon any beast or burden, an white person eliall be convicted of viola •‘t pr««lsran.0f!|.l. eoolion, Ira ori _ bo finodine sum not exceeding thirty del SE'srawcr.'.fs'irt fence, he or sho may be whipped, ot iho owner agraas 1 * fincdi "° ,um nence, shell go, one half to thoriiv, and iliooih- or half to the informer, if such informer be a private perrons but If such Informer held nn of. Bee or appointment trader Connell, aa IfHba the doty of aueb informar to lodge such infor- mation, lie shall not receive mare than one ' < ‘ n,I " ,e , ‘ n "' ndcr .ll^^c^i!!r^^ d " in ' d ^‘ ponding with this ordinance, are hereby superseded, and Hi nnd parts of .ordinances milit ordinance lie and the same ar. Passed in Council 6th Jnn_, A ROBERT M. CHAIU?. * Attest Joskfii Felt, c. c. pro (cm. 10 170 P action on the cliyfe- t jOL , oi the blood, i* evidently very surprising.' Charlotte, N, C. Jan. 1,1837. i r , «..« «#» h ....uu,iio V . h Dear Sir—I linvo madu frequent uso of your U. Hart and William J. Mills did, for certain application being mndo and payment being pills iu the incipient stneo of billious fever, nnd considerations, in conformity to the raid Legis* tendered, and for ovary neglect or refusal so to obsiiuute constipation of the bowel*, al*o, in the Native Act, duly assign unto Messr* | do, the owner thereof shall be fined in sum not Manouviier nnd Jucob de Cordova, both nt u°'for any coachman or other person driving the City of New Orleans, made and sworn to ? coach nr other carriage, to proceed faster than T ft an oiwinancjb, ~ O amend on Ordinance, omitted an Ordi» ■ nance to compel informers nnd witnessca lo ellendondg've tesilmonv, nn information laid before Council. Fined 30ih May. 1803. 8«. I. Bolt ordained by the Mayer and Al- dermcn of the city of Snvnnnnh nnd hnmleta tliereef, nnd It ie horeby ordained by lha author, ityofthe uir,e, that from nnd aflor the parsing of this Ordinance, the provisions and penalties ofthe nbove entiiied Ordiirauco rlnill l,„ i,,,i,i rJ/li!-‘rr"nii"r wlni-iV;,,.; lie I'd re iheTnMce Court, Passed in Council.22d July. 1R3D. [L. $.] ROBT. M. CHARLTON. Mayor, Attest, Joseph Felt, c. c pro tern, lime, latiis and nails. €>> a l\ CASKS Limo, 30.000 Batlw,2G0 k Z gn NaU '' !»Nin*r.om brig Virginia, from Boston, and for snlo bv ‘ “ LDWIN- aug 14 L. BAL This highly important mndicino is for «aln by John Winter* Iloldenvcll, No. 129 Liberty si. New York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut st. I'hilndblpliin; and in Bnltitnoro by Robert* & Atkinson, John M. Lnrnquc; and G. R. Ty, for; in Wnsbiiigton City by Tobias Watkin* and Chirlos Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Lintlmcum; in Richmond by John II. Euxticc; in Petersburg by Bragg* Tlioiim* and Dupuy. _ . Bragg* i iioum* and liunuy. Rosser «&. Julies; and in Norfolk by M. A. Saw Mecklezburo. Co., Va. Feb. 7, J837. Having used Dr. Peters' pills in my practice . w ~. — , for the last 12 months, 1 taka pleasure in I on the 19th dav of April, 1839:— in a moderate trot, nor for any persun driving a giving my testimony of tlieir good effect* in Thnt the said George Phillip Alanouvrier and I loaded carl, wagon, dray, or other carriage used cases of dyspepsia, sick headache, billious fe. Jacob Cordova, appraise and conscientiously for the transportation of any articles of produce, vers, and other diseases, produced by in activii I and honestly valuo the property known under I wares, merchandizo, to proceed in a pace be> ty of the liver. They are a safe and mild api the name and appellation of •'Banks Arcade,” yotid a walk, (except bread carts, which may be orient, being tho host articlo of the kind I have N ( i the City of New Orleans, at Six Hundred driven at a moderate trot:) but all unloaded ever mod. George C. Scott, M. D. Thousand Dollars, and carts, wagous nr drays, may be driren in a mo* This celebrated Medicine is for sale l.v ell the "' Ph “ PIT'')' known under the eppellntinn derate trot in all wide streets, provided, never, niiiieinnl Drinr-nts in Snvaiinnh end ihrmreli. 1 Uny Hetel’ or "Bishap's Hntol," in lira iheloss, llinl Ihadrivorlherenfelial not be a on- 5", Z U»h?J, the Can"?., T.x*e. *“"' F'V " r "f I Pi “ w Ot an..; ot Four Hundred ed to turn comer, er proceed through narrow Mezico and the West Indies. Frico 6U ccrile I " nd 1WB,ll f lllul,,a " d Uellars." stretl, nr cn wharves in any othsr manner than The Heed* of tlio Property nnd the Stock trans. ,n 1 ??*"* " n 7 violating any of tlie ferred intrust to tlio Coinmiimionersnppoiiited I* v **'* 0 • 1 * •J 1 hi* sectlon, tlio owner or owner* by tho anid nvt of tho Lcgislnturo of Fluiidu, I ve kldo, shall, on conviction, bo fined, if for tho saciiriiy of the Prize Holders. a u w ' 11 *? P« wot* m tho sum of five dollars, and if , «fi3i«a8«ssvias,', I SfflS -s.—iKtc linos, on .‘Magazine street; 101 foot, 11 inches,nn Nalehez sired; 120 feet, ti inchu*, on Gravier «t. Rented at about 2137,000 per an 1 mini. Valued nt GOSIIEN BUTTER. *M HTK FIRKINS fresh Goshen Butter, just A V received by the brig Augusta, and tor »le by <J. l. McNISH. •ale by tog 22 STEAMBOAT FJLOUIDA STOCK. per box wills full directions, eng 5 164—1y to* and B. Emerson;nnd by John Woudly, No. 65 Poydrasst. New Orleans. Il can also bo found nt all the principal Drug Store* in South Carolina, und in Augusta, by Havi!niid Risley & Co.,Thomas Barrett Sc Co. and Nelson Curler; and in Savannah by G. 11. HENDRICKSON, Price $3 per bottle, with full directions, aug G 164—ly tft O CHALLENGE.—Tho Gee- uine FRENCH PILLS a* rfin't all the CiUACK NOSTRUMS ofthe ago for the euro «f # * • * Tho French Pills aro aoplicable in all cases, for oithcr sox, (wairnntou free from Mercury,) and possesses great advantages over the Bnl. Mm* and *fi liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, nnd consequently do not effect tho breath, therahy preventing the possibility of discovery wliilo using thorn. Besides this important advantage they never disagree with the stomach, nnd in tho first stages of iho discasu they usually effect a euro in u few days, with little regard lo did oroxnosure. In the most obstinato stages ortlie disease, they are equally certain,hiving cured many after every other remedy iind failed. In «*hort. they have been so universally successful that the pioprlotor chnllomre* any one to produce a rein, cdy of equal c«rtainty. under a forfeiture of Throe Hundred Dollars. For snle by O. R. HENDRICKSON, nnd T. M. ct J. M. TURNER. Price 92 per box. 164—ly aug 6 HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT* F OR the cure of White Swellings, Scrcfu luu* nnd other Tumors,Ulcers,Sore Legs, old nnd fresh Wounds, Sprains nnd Bruises, Swellings nnd Inflammations, Scald Hoad, Wo men’* Sore Breast*, Rheumatic Pains, Tette.s, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlows, Biles. Corns, and External Disoasns generally. It is likewise greatly superioj to any modicitio heretotoro discovered for the chafed backs and limbs of horses—for ring wot ms, chapped lips—and in short for every oxternal bodily evil that may fall to tho lot of man or boast. For snle by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. Sc J. M. TURNER. Price 50 cants por box. aug 6 164—ly V PILES, An. HAEMORRHOIDS. No Cute No Pay’.!—Price $1 HAYS’ Lift(MENT. N O FICTION.—This extraordinary chem ical composition, tlio result ofscionce.niid the invention of a celebrated medical man, tho introduction of which to the public was invent, cd with the solemnity of a death bed bequest, lias since gained a reputation unparalleled.fully . sustaining the correctness of ihe lamented Dr. 1 Prize—City Hotel—162 6 on Coro- said slave shall be committed to jail, and there | to remain until his owner ot employer shall rith all e: Dollars. 700,000 Giidley’s last confession, that “he dared not die ! without giving to posterity the hem fit of Ins knowledge on (Id* subject,” nnd ho therefore bequeathed to his fiiend nnd attendant, Soloi innu Hays, the secret of his discovery. It is now used in the principal hospitals, and tho privnto practice in our country, first and tnon street, 146 feet. 6 inches, on Camp *t. Rented at 9^9,000— Valued nt l Prize— Dwelling House (adjoining tho Arcade) No. 16,24 ft. 7 inch* es front on Natchez st. Rented nt $1201)—Valued at 500,000 , pi ........ j, -al most certainly for the euro nf the Pile*, and also 1 Prize—Dltto(ndjoining the Arcade) so extensively and elfectnully as to bafllo crcdu* No. 18,23 A front oil Natchez st. lily, unless where its effects are witne>*cd. Ex. Rented at $1200—Valued at terunlly in the following complaints: 1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) For Dropsy—Creating extraordinary absorpM . No. 20,23 loot front on Natchez lien nt once. st. Rented at 91200—Valued at All Swellings— Reducing them in n few hours 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North east Rheumatism—Acute or Chrome,giving quick corner of Basin & Custom-house ea*o. street;40 feet fronton Basin, and Horn Throat—By cancers, ulcers, or colds. 40 feet on Franklin st. by 127 ft. Croup and Whooping Cough—Externally, deep in Custom house st. Rented and ovor the chest. at 91500—Valued at All Bruises, Sprains and Burns—Curing in I l Prize—Ditto—No. 24, South west a few hours. Smes and Ulcers—Whelher fresh or long standing, mid fever sores. It* operations upon adults and children in reducing rheumatic swelling*, and loosening coughs uiul tiglitiiHs* nf tlio chest by relaxation nf the parts, has been surprising beyond con. caption. Tho common remark of t’hoso who have used it ill the Pile* is, 'll acts like a charm THE PILES.—Tho price $1 i* refunded to any person who will iiso a bottle of Hay*’ Lin* inietii for the Pile*, mid return tho empty bot tle without being cured. Those are the positivo orders of the proprietor to tho agents; and out of many thousands successful. We might insert certificates to nnv length, hut nrofer that tlinso who sell tho articlo should exhibit the original to purchasers. SOLOMON HAYS. HAYS' LINIMENT. Florenco, Alabama, Sept 28. A gentleman of tho highost standing in this town, who has been dreadfully affected with . 4 , the Blind Piles for the Ia*t26 years, called upon I Ditto—lo do do do do do * - * - * ... i go do—each 10 shares ofthe Louis' innn Stata^Bank, $IOOoach, oaoh he remarkod Ko had not been so woll for 20, ' ~ year* pastas he was at that moment. He had used one bottle only of Hays' Linimont. To use his own words he said “tho wholo human hive paid'the said fine, together with all expert so*: and it* any free person of color offending against H it Ordinance, refuse or bo unable to pay the uforosnid fine,such froo person may 1 e committed to jail, there to remain not exceeding ten days, or until the said fiuo and all expenses luve been paid. Sec. 6. And ho it further ordained, Thnt no cart, dray, wagon, or other carriage, shall use the lanes of the city, but shall avoid driving through them, and in case any person be found driving in, or using the lanes as aforesaid, with* out guod and sufficient excuse, the driver there* of, or the owner, or employers thereof, shall ba 20 000 I ** >ued ' r> “ 8,,m ,,0 t«*ceeding three dollars, to bo 1 collected mid enforced in the same manner an is prescribed in the fourth section of this Ordi* nance. Sec. G. And be it further ordnined, That the following rnt> s shall be allowed fur loading and unloading, and hauling. 20,000 SHARES for sale in the above boat, at a bargain and on a long credit, to z responsible purchaser. Apply to nug 14 CLAGHORN <5r WOOD. FOIC SALE. "B iffeffb KEGS Nails, assorted sizes M, “W 20 hhd* Porto Rico Sugars 20 do Muscovado do 50 coils Bale Rope 5 chests Hyson and Black Tea 60 bbls Vinegar 10 JerseyWagn ang9 gons, of two qualities, by uURN, LKWI8 & C0. IRISH POTATOES* BBLS received by brig Augusta, and IFV for sale by nag 9 COPE & MILLS. FoTatoksT BBLS superior, in first reto order, /VV landing from ship Nownrk, and for COPE & MILLS. •ale by aug 16 — WHEELER’S BALSAM OF MOSCATELLO; A GRATEFUL and effectual remedy for disease* of the stomach and bowel*, vin Dyspepsia, Dinrrliooa.D' 20,000 bus, Colie, Cramps, jlaintsof ng cold wj •of II corner of Basin tV. Custom house *licut; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feet. 7 incites on Franklin. 127 feet, I0£ inches deep in front of Custom house street. Rented at $1500—Valued nt I Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches on Koynl street, by 127 ft, Il inches deep. Routed at $1100. Valued at 1 Prize—250 shires Canal Bauk Stock, $10(1 each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com Ho, Ho do l Ditto—150 ditto Mechunic*’ and Trader*’ do do 1 Ditto—100 do City Dink do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—J00 do do do do do 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bank do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 1 Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ Sc Tra ders' dodo 7 Cent* 8 do 314 20,000 31 37! 15,000 3U 25.000 20.000 314 25 15.000 10.000 lo.ooti lo.nno 5000 500(1 2500 10 Prize $1000 do—oach 2 shares of $100 each, each Prize $200, ofthe Gu Light Dank family, who wore lima nfllicted, might to be 1200 do—onch 1 share of $100, of the made acquainted with this medicine.'' Signed, R. L. BLISS. A fresh supply of Iho above mad mine recoiv- i. and fnrsuloby nd jnly 17 A. PARSONS. Agent. Bank of Louisiana 200 do—encli 1 share of $100, of Ibe New Orleans Bank 150 dll—encli 1 shore of $100 of the Union Bauk of Florida R ECElVfHJ^fl’dozSaimMtz'e Roach and IfiOOPfines. $1,500,000 Bed (jug Bane. For sole by 1 TICKETS $20—NO SHARES. /ftV- eug M A. PARSONS Urayneo of Cnttnn generally. Under the Bluff per bale 20,000 I Up the Bluff do do Rice 31A coma per load of 2 ) , 1K whole tierce*. funder or np do 314 do lie 3 half do $up the bluff Bbls *of Liquor or salted provision* 5 J nt u load under or above the bluff. ) Bbls flour, bread and dry bbls. 7 nt a ( load either under or ahovo the bluff 5 Tobacco per hhd do do do Grain per bushel do do do Pipes or hhds ofaugar up or under tho the bluff Hhds sugar 1200 lbs or over, np or nn. der the bluff , llhdssiignr UOOand not exceeding 1200 Chairs por dozen Wood pur cord and coal per chaldron Hay per bundle Iron por ton 2240 tbs. Ballast per ton do Lumber per 1000 ft. Staves per 1000 . Shingles do'do 2500 Bricks dodo Trunks of travellers 2£ feet long 1500 I and other baggage in proportion. 1500 | Trunks under 2$ feet 8 cents, and other'artr cles not enumerated may be charged in propor* i lion, under or up the bluff, whether by dray or 20,000 I one horse wagon. Salt in bulk. 3 cents per bushel, under or above the bluff. Salt in sacks 31A conti por load of7 sacks uu< der or abovo the bluff. Hauling to and from Rail Road depot to the city generally, 40 per cent on theliighest above rates. From and to the Canal from the Ex. change or like distances, 30 per cent on highest rales; from Exchange to Eastern wharf, and from Canal to Enstern wharf, 50 per cent on highest rates; from above the Exchange to Far torn wharf, 10 cents per bale for Colton be* su n ply c )er brig Augusta. Soveral persona in thia city * ' * " flu A*. r..i,n.l I. --- #• e " lave tested lhisjremeily,& found it successful in every ease. G. R. HENDRICKSON. ■“8° Sole Agent. 9 76 75 1 25 50 1 25 124 2000 20,000 20,000 15,000 irbgs.Dyseiiiory, Cholera Mar- mtio nnd Spasmodic Cholera, Iren Teething, Summer Com* Iren, dangerous effects of drink* when ovcrhcnlod, Ac. Afresh i medicine just received VEGETABLE ^ GROCE Peters' Vegei do Evans' Chamomile 4 do Phelps' Comp. Tomato do 4 do Rnwend’s Tonio do Received end for sale by JOHN E. STILWELL, eng 7 Opposite the Mansion Hnnse, PAINTER’S BIAITIOIVD CE- A.^c"--" ,, k , °:-- , c 0 *^ , ?./“ r J ( ! inln S, b ' , okcil ■■ Glass, Chine. Earthenware, Calm ... Work and fancy ailiclea ofeverv description, Received and for sale by (JOHN E. STIIAVEL* Op atig7 Opposite Ihe Mansion lln ROSE AN!) ORANGE FI ER WATER. e DOZ Rojo Wnler, in qta 6 de do do, in pint! 0 do Orango do, in do. Received and for salo by JOHN E. STILWELL! rnigC Opposite Mansion Honro. — retit ( P FILLS! PILLS! FILLS!! ETERS’ Vegetable Anti Bijioua Pills Brandreth’s do Universal Pil AntiD Hibbard's do Anti Bilious Segur's Restorative Stomach "allil - * GtUighan'e Vegetable Fever & t Beckwith's Anti Dyspeptic Pills La,ier'a Fever and Agno do Leo’s New London Bilious do Leo’s New Windham do do For sale wholesale and retail fcy PORCHER &XAROCH Sign ofthe Golden Glc zng 5 Opposite the Mi 4hfit- jsm im