Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, August 28, 1839, Image 1

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NO. 17 1 -VOL. XXXVI. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 98, 1880. WHOLE NO.—90,000 7? cUEANSU and UUItllV 'I’llE BODE—The nppliculion ofllio prinpii ii &Pet«MWrt boms iillovvod (o bo one of the J MBit utility in Hi" cure nt'd P« ........ prevention of I;",,, liiaurtha gtoalost couscqnonco to a,. ilrtaHVltat modicum is capable of producing U, riilrtM xrrzot in tlio o attest, and alllto . mo limo in Ihc met effltolunl manner It ha« mu* no longer to conlund with tlto wind nretuiliooa of tlto groeteet portion of the •JMffi only wim there fow who .till aio do- Fa mmod to bo''killed according torulo," like SB nooplo of old who 'Would havo' o 'King to raiin over the in,' But, ihanka In the ciroula. tion of newspapers—ihanke to the amoral dif- r.uinn of knowledge, which ouabloe niiietoen twentieths of T11G PEOPLE to read and to iud«0 for llieiniolvoi—nuw wo no longer be' liavo In fwallowliig that deadly niinornl, Mme " „ r professing to cute—but uuivoroally laav- a„,in a worn condition nfler ito use. AVa Ito longer boliovo in the aboard notion Uni InBtiniitailone of any kind cun bo cured by oburticiing our life—OU It BI.OOD, lli.now wall niidoralnud that an inflammation la a wiao flaoWAae* of Nannie. n signal that she re quires the assistance of purgnlivo medicine to usia her of die oppressive burden wliiclt alia tiroves by ilio high fuver and the strong pulse, I, wanted to lie removed. In other words, the body calls for a vegetable cleansing iBsasuncTii's vkoktablr Uatvcnsat. Pina, unoirc no skill in their administration; the jilted direction only has to be observed, and i hey describe the just proportion of the doso, to ‘the magnitude ofthe ditease to be eured. Xet all persons niul the following opinion of a gentian in who welt knows (At qualities of lnt.se BRANDRETH’S PILLS This medicine is acknowledged to be one of 'She most valitnblc ever discovered, os a purifier of the blood and fluids.. It is superior to Bar. aipsrill.i.wlislher ass sudorific or ulterativo. (t ■lands infinitely before all the preparniions or •combinations of Mercury. Its purgative ptoi K 'es are alone of incalculable value—for these may be taken daily roa Any FBfttOD, and instead of weakening by Ilia cathartic effect,they add strength by taking away the cause of weak' ness. Tliore is no good M tommy does, which these Pills do not likowiee. But they have none of the miserable effects of that muof.r spactr- The tacTU are uot injured—the nones and limbs nro nut paralyzed—no—but in the ■lead of these distressing symptoms, new life and consentient animation is evident in every movoinsnl of the body. DlunoaitTH's Pins ate indeed a Univtcasai. Rkmkiiv, for they euro opposite disenses; they cure Inri.AHiiATion and Cuaontc Riibumatism! They euro Dusctu and STRinavAUv! Tltey cure DvsanTsar and CoastiTUttoaAt. CosTtvantssI Tltey will euro all tliess apparently opposito disoasss, bccausk they clcahsk and puiufv llie hlood. provided, however, nature is uot beyond all human AS, 818TANCE. Four years this medicine has now been before the public in the U. Slates; wherever it has been introduced It has stiperso ded all other remedies. Dr. Brandrsth's Offices in New York are 241 BllOADWAY, 185 Hudson at. and ‘270 Bow, ary, between Prince and Houston sis. So cents par box with directions. Beware of eannterfnits. i Druggists asvin made agents. Each of Dr. Brandrath's Agonls have on cm I graced eertj/icale,dated,within the twelve mouths cast proa,.ding. Thaw enrtificalns are renew, ad regularlyithcrofore when over twelve months old they uo longer guarantee the genuineness of the medicine. Peminber Druggists are never mode Agents. Sold by SEABORN GOODALL, corner or Congress and ;Jufforsnii streets, (near the Mar ket) TUP. OSLY AOBNT FOR TUB SALK OF THF. casuist Brasdrsth's Pills in Suvannoh. jnly 10 153lw3m LUCIN/V CORDIAL LE CORDIAL DE LUCINE.» OU VELIX.M DE VAMOUll. T HE subscriber has the pUaiiiro or tn« nonnoing to the citizens of the U. Staten, that he Ims purchased, for a very large sum and from the inventor, the colohrated Dr. Magniu, of Peris, tire recipe end right for making this ustoniriiing midiciue. Until the appeurmice of the 'Lucina Cordial/ (about three yoars *mce,) it wni thought that tho complaints, which it spood'dy overcomes, were beyond the leach of human remedy, ns for upwards of n thousand years, they had baffled the wisdom and ingenuity ofihu must profound physician* in nil parts of the world. This Cordial, how* over, to the great advantage of tho human race, suon proved itself u> be the detideraiutn so long sought for; and accordingly* notwithstanding tho brief period of its existence, it has required a celebrity so great, that it is eagerly inquired for throughout the civilized globe. Dr. Alag* nin noon finding that the demand was so vast aa to render i supply impossible, disposed of the recipe and right of sale, under obligations of secrecy, for England, the United States, and other countries, only preserving France and Italy fur hhnself. Thus has the subscriber pom sowed hiiiiselfuf tho invaluable secret, and now hastens to give the iuhubiinnta of his line of agency thobenefits ofhis speculation. ‘Lo Cordial Do Lucme’ or, in English, 'the Lucina Cordial/ is a general iiivigurator of tho human frame! In all tho various cases of Ian* {ttorjassitiide, nud debilitation; it is an iinfndi ing remedy; ns it is equally its province to im part cheerfulness and decision to the mind, as health and vigor to the body. Uut the peculiar virtue oil which its celebrity is based, is the fa* cility and certainly with which it restoros the virile powers when they have been destroyed by disease, time, recklessness, o» any of the nn* morons causes which terminate ill the prostru* tion of those functions. In common with the generality of really good medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of a mercurial or deleterious nature, among tho ma* ny ingredients which compose it; but is, at the same time, so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it can renovate the prostrated energies of PETERS’PILLS. “THE 'l'KUE RICHES OT LIFE IS HEALTH." W E know lliat health and (lieability tola* bornonslilntss (ke wealth of the great mass ofllio paoplo in this, ns in most oilier enuii, tries. To preserve therefore, that health by ns- lural weans is a grand moral and political scheme, lu fulfil which, requires our iilmosl qu leution. Tho un|irecedeulod' populnrily aiftT* universal approbation which this Medicine has achieved throughout the United Stales, the Canadas, Tesas, Mexico and tho Wes; Indies, fully justify Dr. Felers in warmly and conacien. lionsly recommending ihem to tho special aiiom tion of tile afflicted. Dr. Peters has spent much lime in evporl morning will) different Vegetable Aledicmes, for disease, of the liver, and now offers his Veg etable Pills, ns Ilia best, meat convenient, and cheapest Medicine that can he prepared fur general use. One great quality ofhis vogotahla Pills Is that they have the eliernstive principle combined with thejr cathartic,or operativeqiinlilies, or that they not only clennio the stomach snd bowels ' purging, but they regulate the liver, change i morbid socrction, strengthen the digestive organs, purify the blood, invigorate the circular tion, and givea tone and energy to the nervous system. They are mild and pleasant in their operation end convey almost immediate oon.lclion of tlisir utility from their firsldose. They can be taken with safety by peisoni of any age', and the feer bio, the iufiim, the nervous mid the delicate are ■Irongiliened by their operation, because they clear the system ofbnd humours, quiet nervous irritability, and invariably produce sound health. The Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy for jaundice, nek and nervoui handacho, dyspepsy, enslivenaas, sickness of the stomach, heartburn, all billioua complaints, fevera afall kinds, and if (akon at tba commencement will ittvsriable cheek their progress, and lave the patient from R protracted mid dongeretia sickness. They are invaluable in nervous and hypucondricn! afflic tions. loss of appetite, and all complaints to duns at inn a giant, an infant may use it, not only pnnity, but with advantage. Tho usagna ofsociaty are unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding the benefits which would be sine to result from it, wo cannot enter into an analyais of this inestimable Curdial here, or g ublish many of the documents which have eon recoivod, as vouchers of the blessings it has conferred on numbers ofdeapaiiing individ. nals. But thia we cannot forbear remarking— that It baa been dainanatrated that there is scarcely ever, Ifany inch Hung at all, at tialu' ral barrenness, or as natural imbecility of the practeanl functions, in either sex; and therefore that those evils are the effects of artificial caus' es, and may be speedily subdued and removed by the use of ‘Lc Cordial do Lucina.’ The Lucina Cordial is also an indubitable eura for the Gleet, and the Fluor Albus, ob structed. difficult, or painful Menstruation; also, for tho incontinence of Urine, or the involunta 1 ry discharge thereof. It is likewise an invatu aula and unrivalled medicine in cusoa or Citron, io Eruptions of the skill, and ill tlto dropsical affections of tho oged. Most important to the American Public. The United States proprietor ofllio colobra. led 'Lucina Cordial,' or‘Elixir of Love.’ begs to lay before the community, the following cor, tificate, which (in lias received from the inven tor, the illustrious Dr. Mngnin, of Paris: 'This is to certify, that I have disposed of ill,, recipe for making the.'Lucina Cordial,’ or 'E lixir of Love,’ and also lha right to sellitthrnugh of N, FOIt HUNT, That largo and comfortable Homo, situated in Washington ; Word, fronting the Square. If it < is not rented before the first of Novembor, the owner will occupy it. R. Hi PETTIGREW, aug 14 108t Mr ri ' 9150 I6EWAUD. Absconded from Waverley ' Plantation, Cntnden County, on tho 18th day or July last, LAR* KIN, DICK, and CATO. Lar- ! kin is a stout Mulatto follow, a- about 28 years of nge, 5 feet 6 to Oinchoi high—ho has a scar on his right cheek, also some marks of small pox about his face, particularly on his nose, also a large scar from ■nnxo on uii foot, near the great too. Larkin has rather a feeble voice for a man ofhis statue. Cato is n black fellow, an African by birth, he U a stout, square built follow, about 5 feet 4 to 0 inchei high-hat tho mark of hit tribe on his breast; he is likewise ruptured, and has a very large mouth. Dick is a small black, well set fel* low, also an African by birth, with n round face ana uowo castlnok. easily confused when inter* rogated: thorois also a singular appearance •bout his month when alarmed. Tho above three fellows wore bonghl dfolhe estate of Jno. l Morel, In March 1838, and formerly lived at tho Cotton ham Plantation, Bryan Co. They are also well acquainted in and about Savannah GF.O. C. DUNHAM, Manager. • fob 28 50 (Georgian) nug. js. above Coflfcl, of which I am the inventor, are so numerous, that I am unable to supply all the orders from Franco and Italy alone; and have therefore disposed of tho privileges vouchsafed in this, and other certificates of a like tint-ire in order to generalise tho beuofits of my diicoveiy throughout the world. Given under my hand at Paris, on this nine* teoir.li day of January in the year of our Lord, eightoen hundred nnd thirty-eight, EKASTE MAGNIN. Gnspard Delluo, ? Witnuoe* William Merritt, j WUn0 “ 08 ’ This highly important medicine is for sale by John Winters Holdorwell, No. Liberty at. New York; Charles U. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut at. Philadelphia; and in Baltimore bv Roberts & Atkinson, John M.Lnrnque; and G. R?Ty< ler; in Washington City by Tobias Watkins and Charles Stott; in Goorgotown by O. M. Linthacum; in Richmond by John H. Eustice; in Petersburg by Bragg* Thomas and Duptiy Rosser & Jones; nud in Norfolk by M. A. Sntv tos and B. Emerson,-and by John Woodly, No 65 Poydrasst. New Orleans. It can also be found at all the principal Drug Stores in South Cnrolinn, nnd in Augusta, by Haviland Ris’ey & Co., Thomas Barrett & Co, and Nelson Carter; and in Savannah by G. R. HENDRICKSON Price $3 per bottle, with full directions, aug 6 164—ly e PATENT BAKEEV. DOZ Robinson’s Patent Barley, received and for sale by «ug 21 ANSON PARSONS now A NI>’S PUUMOJVAItlA, 1 0R VEGETABLE DEMULCENT. N cases of obstinato Catarrh; in coughs whether arising from reedntor neglectod coldc; in Asthma; and' as an auxiliary, and means of present relief from the threatening ■ymptoras of approaching Pulmonary Con* sumption, no medicine hasgreater claims upon the confidence of tho invalid than tho above medicine. It is for the afflictive and troublesome aymp- toms of coughing, expectoration or phlegm, pain rn the breast, dfco. which constitute prominent toaturea of the edmpluint, that the Pnlmonuria was designed, and bus inunifosted its most vain* •bio properties. It is equally useful of course in the relief of Coughs and Colds, nrlsing from sudden chnnges oi weathor, fiotn wearing damp linen, &e. for sale by 3 A. BARTOW. CHICKASAWHATCIIEK , LANDS, t 8 . u u 8 cribor offers for sale a tract of Land siluulo in tho 3d District, Baker Gounty, embracing 1600 acres, which comprh '’uriety of the most superior soil. The W- furnished with slight improvements, nnd wn oe enlarged in its geographical dimension* to any desirable extent. As an additional con. ■laernuon to a purohusor, reasonable terms nnd PJjjWred oredit are offored. For more mis* euanoous , nforn , nti° , i, applicants can addross tno subscriber at Athens. l|j - —■ F- O' BALDWIN. ^'HTE WASH BRUSHES, TS DOZ Wliilo Wa.li BrushosiSs lloud«, *** . 0Mc »ried sizes 84 do fine Shoe do I..-. - d ? f’Jremnnon’s Paste Blncking J >"t received and for snlo by “ u 883 G. R. HENDRICKSON. UNJEXAIIIPUED MAMMOTH sell EM E mil E following details of « Schkmr or k JL Lottkhy. to be drawn In December next, warrants us in declaring it to he UNPARAL LELED in the history of Lotteries. Prizes to th« amount HAV*NSvtnBK*ms bkkn orrEnr.n to the public. It is true, there aro ninny blanks, Porrault, E*q„ actually c hut nn tho other hand, the extremely low clinrge Bank, nnd A. Boiidoitin, Esq actually cashier of °£ u ^?,^ er ^ ieket-—tho Value and Numiier tho Consolidated Bank, as Trustees, os por i*f tho Capitals, and the revival ofllio good old Act paused before A. Mazureau, Esq., Notary custom of warranting that every prize shall be Public, on thn2d May, 1838. and tho properties drawn and sold, will, we me suro, give univer* trun.furred unincumbered, for the security ofihe sal satisfaction, nud especially to the Six lluin [ fortunate Prize Holders. (CP It shall he nt the option of the winners of Prizes of Bank Stock*, either to take the stock itself, or the par value thereofincash. The rectfipisof the into of tho Tickets are, und will bo, deposited in tho Citizena', Con solidated, Canal, Union, and Carrollton Banks, I in tho name of the Manager* jointly with J. B. lunlly cashier of llie Citizens’ drkd Prizr Holders. To those disposed to ndventuro, wo rcconi mend early application being inado to iis for tickets—when tho prizes are all sold, blanks !—thu fir Mode of Drawing.—160,000 tickets, from 1 to 100,000, will bo put in one wheel, and 600 prize*, with the blanks in another. To every — —, — number n prize or blnuk will he drawn, until all only remain—thu first buyer* havo tho bc^t. the privesnre determined, leaving the bulaiice chance. We, therefore, emphatically say— of numbers in the wheel blanks. DELAY NOT I but atonoe remit and lrans«niit fij* To Editoksand Publishers.—Having to us your orders, which shall aiwuys receive our | received Ncwspapeis containing the above immediate attention. Loiters to be sddressed, Scheme, from twenty-two States and Territor* snd applications made to ics,besides severnl of the British Provinces, we SYLVESTER & CO„ are satisfied with the circulation, and therefore 16G Broadway, Now Yotk. 1 request that such papers ns have not, up to this Qj*Observe tho Number, 15(f, limo, inserted the advertisement, will bo plensi 9700.00011! $500.00011 995.0001 not 10 (,M »nd that all the other papers will 6 prizes ol $20 f OOOl l | msi ' rl once a xcctk only until the 1st of De< .. . mpl which femslos ulouo are subject. They opei ato aa a mild speedy purge, and are a safe and certain remedy for worms in children. Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney ofN.Or- leans, La. Oct. 9,1837.—'"I have received much assistance in my practice;especially in jaundice and yellow fever; from the use of Peters’ Pills. I rresutne that, oil an average, I prescribe 100 roxei in a month.” Extract ofa letter from Dr. Prichard, of Hudi son, N. Y., Juno 3.1836; 'I was aware that Dr. Peters wee ono of the host chemists in the Uni ted Slates, mid felt assured that ho would some day (from his intimate knbwledge of the proper, tios of herbs and drugs) produce an efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge that his Vege» table Pills fully respond to my expectation. They nro indeed a superior medicine, nnd re* fleet alike upon tho chemist, tho physiciuu, and the philosopher. Extract of n loiter from Dr Waines, of Cin- cinimti. Feb. 2. 1838; 'Yolir Pills aro the mild' e*t in their nporniioii*, nnd yet most powerful in their effects, of any that l have ever met with in a practice of night and twenty years. Their notion on tho chyle, nnd hence on the impurities ol the blood, is ovidontly very surprising/ Char* otte, N, C. Jon. 1,1837. . Dear Sir—I havo ntado frequent use ofyom pills in the incipient singe of billious fever, nnd obstinate constipation of the bowels, also, in the enlargement of the spleen, chronic diseases of tho liver, sick headache, genoral debility, nud in all cases have found them to be very effect live. J. D. Boyd. M. D Mecrlenburo. Co., Vn.Feb. 7,1837, FLORIDA, December 1st, 1839. SCHMIDT & HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER <L CO., 156 Broadway, Now York, Sole Agents. R0 COMBINATION NUMBERS!!! 100,000 tioketsfrom No. 1 upwards,in succession Extract from tiie Laws of the Legislative Counoil or the Territory of Florida. Chap. 701.—No. 22.—Whereas the Court House of Duval county, is in on utifiuish’ ed state, and there are yot due and owing up on the same, aiqniQfl, which it is believed wit impose too burdensome a tax upon the people of Duval; and (whereas, it Is desirable to pny those said sums and complete said huildi tng,at well for the greater convenience of the nd ministration of justice,ns for the double purpose of an Academy, for which purpose in part, the said building, when completed, is designed Therefore-* out tho United States of North America, to Having used Dr. Peters’inlis in my prnctice John Winters Holdorwell, Al.D. Aly reasons for the last 12 months, 1 take pleasure in giving my testimony of their good effects in cases of dyspepsia, sick headache, billious fe. vers, and oilier diseases, produced by in aclivii ty of the liver. They are a safe nnd mild ap erient, being the best article of the kind 1 have ever used. Gkouok C. Scott, Al. D. This celebrated Medicine is fur sale by all the principal Druggists in Suvannnh and through out the United Stntos. the Canadas, Texas, Mexico and the West Indies. Price 50 coins per box with full directions, aug 5 161—ly BUG BANE. R ECEIVED, fl <loz Snunholtz’s Roach and Bed Bug Bane. For salo by nug 14 A. PARSONS OOWLAWD’S MOTION, improving nud beautifying tlto com- JL7 plexinn, rendering tho skin fair, soft and transparent, and for removing tans, sunburns, freckles, -lie., warranted genuine. Just roceiv ed and for sale by aug 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON. j comber, nml forward its their accounts. SYLVESTER & CO., 156 Broadwny,N. Y. July 29 1511 8 prizes of 915,000! 3 prize* of 910,000 LOTTERY OfRsal Eiittto undB.tilt Stock, situated in I AN ORDINANCE, t i » an, ‘ . o i P|lOamend nnd consolidate vations ordi 1 ICT The richest slid most insjmfic.nt Sebum. J. nancus of the city or Savannah, for lha .vac prasantod to lha public, in thu oc «ny ,. g „|aiing of th. C.mntetie. or Burial Grounds othur country. j j„ M jd c , 1 y i an j f or defining the dunes of the TICKETS om.v $20. Srxiou thereof. Authorised by an Actnrthe Lugi.lntivo Assam- Soc. ]. Bo it ordained by the Mayor and Al. blyol Florida, and undet the Directions of the dermcn of the city of Savannah, and hamlala Commlssionera, noting under the aatne. thereof, That tho old or brick Cemetery, the TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, now L’emetery in Aberrorn atreet, and the bu' of registry shall bo Itcpl in such iil;ico ns thd Mayor niay direct, niul which book of registry shall be laid before Council nt every regular meeting thereof] and for the purpose of enabling him to get the necessary information required by {hU Ordinance, tho said Sexton is hereby, authorized, (and when ho is nt nil doubtful of tho statements given,) liu is hereby required Id administer an oath to the informant or informf ants to give, to tho best of his, her or their ho- lior, true and correct answers to such questions as may by tho Sexton bo propounded to him* her, or thorn, provided that tho questions pro 1 posed by the Sekton havo a necessary and dr reel relation to the infotnialion, which, by th’uf Ordinance, tho Sexton is required to obtain/ and if any person or poisons shall refuse to giva whatever information ho, she, or they may pna* sess of the nature required by this Ordi nance; or shall refuso to answer or affirm to thu cor< redness of his, hor or their stntomcnn, wlicit required by the Sextan, such person oi persons/ upon informatmn brought before this Board by llie Sexton, (whose duty it shall bo) rimll bff fined in a sum not oxceeding twenty dollars, to bo collected in the usual way. Sec. 7. That the said Sexton shall bo entitled to roccivo the annual salary of two hundred duP lars, payable quarterly, and tho following fees and perquisites! rial ground now used for persons of color, shall hereafter be tile only places for burial of all persons who may or shall be buried in the city ofSavannsh. as hereinafter mentioned. Sec. 2. That no person or persons shall aft ter tho passing of this Ordinance, bury or pet 4 , mil to bp buried or interred the body of any hui man person in any yard, garden, lot or other indoinre nr place whatsoever within the city, except m the Cemeteries mentioned in the first section of this Ordinance, and ench and evory person so offending shall be fined, if a white person in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and tho body removed nt his, her, or their ex pense; nud if a slave or free person ofcolur in the sum of twenty dollars 0 r thirty lashes; nor shall any white person or ( porsons he buried in {he public Cemeteries, except under the super intendence of the Sexton, or his assistant under tho penalty prescribed above. Seo. 3. That all persons visiting any of the Cemetorios, shall whilst * Florida. That it shall nnd insy be lawful for ffilnetomh XK Uarri^J 1 MUuTManytwo 1 ^oT^hem'undw^Tha £ lo,ura, ' or ,r «es, eithor by writing thereon, or liatn j , Aims, or any two or them under the I n.■,i. 0 f unMa nr nihurwiia fo'raiie BUcl/.unForsuins of monev'bv Lollo'li’ in j urin * >■—»>. -h.ll, if . while porfon be fined In such Schemes 1 u’lhey tney'deem ppprupriDte I in * ,mn doll.,., end if . exceeding thirty - person of color, shell be subject lo the same fine, or be punished with not exceeding thirty nine lashes. $2 00 2 cd IfiO fi 00 5 00 1 00 3 00 0 25 0 E0 5 00 BY! and advisable: Provided, thut thu safo* persons I shall hind themselves in such manner as the court shall direct,well and truly to conduct such a M . h .n ’KTw! b0ele ' ;,e:, *""• r°Su”.r B me.fin**o g rCoun ISM^ADDrn^ Feb HdTlBaT^ ’ oil in the month of January in each year, who By egteemeut, bunting dele the 23th of Fehi j^nd5I7dolhw»* ter UnTSShllS Derformence of I ;nry, IS30, the tibovo feeeph Leuce.ler.t.hiuh F. h? “ “= HHUft. . . ■ , D. Hurt nnd William J. Mill, did, ter. certain 1I e ™7 «»»• ifany person tit persons sbnll in said huial ground «f persons deceased person Or persons, wltli- edee nhd pet mission of the SeXlntt >r my office, to the Rest or iny | or assistant first had and obtained* the samo ability, so help me God.” And it shall bo the for each nnd every offence if a white peri • -* -1*-:— exceeding flit My For lolling the bell, if required. For burying all paupers who bccotfio chargeable to the city, For burying other white person*, For inviting the friends of the deceas ed, if required, For superintending the building of any vault of brick or stono, Por luporintanding the building of any enclosure, For attending the body of the deceit* ed to any church, For superintending the erectfofi of headstone ot board, Fora certificate of the death of any person buried with the cemetery, For removing the body of the deceas* ed affer burial/ from ono grave to another, (which sum shall include the dig* ging of the new grave ond all ex penses.) But ifsaid body shall be removed to d vault, the sum of 2 50 (blit he shall In no instance remove the body of the deceased without . - ■ permission in rtriting from the May or or Cemetery Committee, and ft1 every instance the old grave shall be immediately filled up.) For inspecting the grave of persons of color, 0 tjij Sec. 8- That it shall be the duty of tho Sex- tion, to superintend and keep in chains tho' burial ground ofporiona of color, nnd keep n proper book of rbgisitry' to be furnished hint by Council, and kept in such form as the May/ or may direct, in which tie shall enter or ennso to be entered inn fair and legible hand Writing the names of all persona of color that may bd in said burial ground parricularixing the disenso, age ns nearly as posible, color, wbetliei black or mulatto, whother bond oi fieo, ifn slave, thd owner’s name and all circiiniMaucea of tlto case that may be of importance and come within his knowledge,and published the same monthly or ns ho may be otherwise directed by tho Mny* or. Sec. 9. That the Satton shall inspect or can re to be inspected by some propfer person, each Ar. ... i.. t.i . t_t Manouvrier nud Jacob do Cordovo, hotlmf the City of Now Orleans, made and sworn to J„|y 0 f the said Sexton offer being qualified, to 80ll| be fined in a sum not Thutthe^aid tieor^Philfq^blanouvTier nnd I ^ ver,U -° iu “ l len8t ’ °- n0 Gaze « eof,ha I dollars nnd if nfreo person of color or slave, in ---- - - . . T. pfoco of residence and every change thereof. a sum not exceeding five dollars or tlility Inalwd Jacob Cordova, appraise and oonsoiontinuxly gQC 5> -pj, at j t 8 ), a || b B tho duty of the Sex- _ on ,j jf guc |, burial tukes place offer the time and honestly value the property known under , orlj whenever directed by the Mayor to appoint specified in this Ordinance/ the penalty and pum Sr artf «as 1 » hi * i b . yi Thousauti Dollars, and “The properly known under the appellation oP'Ciiy Hotiil' 1 or “Bishop'. Hotel,” in the Sec- U That ifany slnvo or slaves slmlt ho bn’ ried in said burial ground, of poisons of color without the knowledge end contonl of III. Sex. ten the person or persons awning Sold skives at tiro time of death elmll be fined at lilt? discretion of Connell, - ‘ ' Seo. 12. Thatiftho said Soxlon shell win i fully neglect any of the dutiea required of him. " rial Dollnri. 700,000 I CHALLENGE.—'The Gun- SmSAVY'lj' UIHE FRENCH PILLS a. cellist all the QUACK NOSTRUMS of ihe See for the cure of * * * * 6 The French Pills nro applicable in nil ca.es, for either sex, (wnitnniod i'roo from Mercury,) and possesses groat advantages over the Bal. same and all liquid modicinos, hy being entirely freo from smell, nnd consequently do not effect the brenlli, thereby preventing llie possibility of discovery while using them. Besides this important odvnntnge they never disngroo wilh the stomuch.nnd in the first stages of Itio disenso they nsunlly ulfoct a cure in c low days, with tittle regard to diet or exposure. In llie most ohstiii.Ho stages onlie disease, tlioy are equally certain, linving eured maiiyafior every oilier remedy Imd fiiilod. lit .liorl, tlioy liuve boon so univorsally Biiccessiiil that the piopriotor challenges nnv ono lo prodneo a rein, ody of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Throo Hundred Dollars. For salo by G;R. HENDRICKSON, ond T. M. A J. M. TURNER. Price $2 por box. 1C4—ly aug 5 BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IM ITATION. . O E0. W. CARPENTER'S Compound Extract of Iceland Moss. Corrngcen or Irish Moss, Slippery Elm, Horehouiid, Ac., n valuable remedy for colds, coughs, dyspepsia, dysentery, diarrhma, catarrh, and all nffliclions of the lireast end lungs. For sale by nug 21 POUCHER & LA ROCHE. JLAiUP OIL., dec. JCo’jfNtfA GALLS pure Sperm Oil, (Full •AWn™ strained) 200 do Summer strain' el do. Also, 12 doz Lamp Chimnies. Just received, and for sale by oug 14 A PARSONS. REFINED LIQUORICE. A SUPPLY of the ubovo article of fine qunlity.lor solo by nug II) POUCHER Sc. LA ROCHE, HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. F OR llie enro or White Swellings, Sorofu. Ions ond ollwr Tumors,Ulcers.Sore Legs, old nnd fresh Wounds, Sprains and Bruises, Swellings nnd Inflnmraalions, Scold Head, Wo men's Sore Breasts, Rhetunntio Pains, Telte.s, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlows, Biles, Corns, nud External Diseases gonernlly. It is likewise greatly superior to any ntodioine hpretotoro discovered for the eltsfed backs end limbs of horses-for ring worms, chopped lips-ondin short Tor ovory external bodily ovtl Hint mny fnll to tho lotofmanor beast. For sale hy to tno to HENDRICKSON, nnd T. M. «S. J. M. TURNER. Price 50 ccnls por box. ang 6 104—ly MEDICAL, COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. rgl IIE eighth Course of Leolures in this I" B stituiivn, will ho commenced on tho se cond Monday (the lltli) of noxt Novnmber, and ho teimiiintad on tho first Saturday (the 3d) of March following. The lecturea will he delivered hy. G. M. NEVVTON, M' D-, Profossorof Anah otnv. L. A DUGAS. M. D., Professor of Physiology nnd Pathological Anatomy• CIIALLS DAVIS, M. D., Professor of Chemistry nnd Pharmacy. JOSEPH A FsVE, M. D .Professor of Thera. politics and Materia Medicn. L. D. FOKD, M. D., Professor of Institutesi nnd Practiceuf Medicine. PAUL F. EVE, M. D., Professor of Principles nnd Prnctico of Surgery. MILTON ANTONY, M. I)., Profossorof Ob- stelrics nnd Disonscs of Women nnd lnfuiits. The Professor of Anatomy, assisted by Dr. John MoLesteri will superinlerid the Dissecting Rooms in person, nnd discharge lira duties of Domonstmtor without additional foe. Tho Professor of Anatomy and Chemistry devote thair whole time to the College. The expenses for the full Course of Lectures, including the Demonstration ticket, is $115. Students attending thia institution for the first time, will pny for Mntricnlation 9->- The cur rent money of any of the States in which Stu dents may reside will be taken nt par. Specimens lit Anatomy nnd Natural Hwtoty will he thankfully rocoivod for the Museum. « PAUL F. EVE, Detiu of the Faculty. AugttslOjAug^lO, 1839. 170t4\v aug 19 _ proper assistant at hi* own expense/ conduct he shall be hold responsible ill the vio lation of any clause of this Ordinance. See. 6. Be it further ordained, That it shall r .. ^ u , , i he the duty of the Sextou to bury in the new said City of of New Orleans, at Four Hundred Q emeler y f n || stranger*, vho have no relutions I niul 1 wenty lliousand Dollars. interred in the old Cemetery, unless some pro 1 The deeds of the Property nnd tho Stock trnns- J prietoror owner of a vault in the old Cemetery shnll consent in writing, that tho body of the I , LetWntnre ot Florida, I stranger mny he buried ill his or her vault, in relating 0 to burial ground f.f persons of color/ for tho security of the Prize Holder*. which case it shall be the duty of the Sexton to I | ie shall be fined in any sumuot cxceedmg'thirty SPLENDID SCHEME III - repoit such written permission to the Mayor or dollars. 1 Prize—The Arcade—286 feet, 5 indhes, 4 acting Mayor, or in the absencei or the Mayor Sec , 13, TtoU all fine* nml penalties inflict 1 nnd Chairman to the Cemetery Committee, a!# e( j by ffij g Ordtfinnce shall be recovered in the *0 may confirm or refuse said permission, nc. ,, g „ u | m untier one half of Which collected * hull cording to his or their discretion—and the said g0 Jol j, e informer ,tlie other Imlflo the two of Om Sextou shall keep tho Hearse under shelter I from sun and ram, except wlton in use, and the harness m good order. He shall not bury nor j permit to he buried any person in said Cemete ries in any other manner, than in a close coffin, not nfter 'dark nor bsforo daylight, unless such I 500,000 [ burial be required from the necessity of the case, but in all Uutuuces where n burinl is ro-1 aiiired uTter 6 o’clock ut night, written permis sion from ono or more of the board of Aldermen 20,000 | must first he obtained. It shall bn his duty to keop the two Cemeteries for white persons, clean and clear of weeds and rubbish; nnd to 20,000 | linvo « good and gentle horse always at com mand, and he himself or assistant always ready ] to attend with tho hearse when called on to btr 20,000 I ry thedend. Ho shall while attending funerals, conduct himself in a pror and becomingly dressed SWft :/ws“kf;;e^rta of Q a,l I within the city. Il shall be his duly to causa all do ' ? ,, .6 ll,h a " d , Gorman do, uems 4 More, 20,000 l graves to bo dug six feet deep, and other proper I 1 dimensions, nnd when tho hones of the old I graves are disturbed hy digging, to nave the sumo carefully collected and buried in the grave from which they were removed; it shall be his | duty to keep die large gates of the Cemeteries always locked, except when opened nnd attend- 20,000 | ed hy himself or assistant—the small gates shall be locked overy day at sunset, and unlocked 1 the next day before ton o’clock, for {ho accom modation of persons wishing to visit the same. It shall bo Ins duty so fat. to superintend all I erections of vaults, or enclosures in said Come* torius, so its to conform them to tho size and di mensions permitted by tho Mayor, or In Ids ab* set ice tho Cemetery Committee; and he shall 1 not permit any vault to be dug, or enclosure mitde, without permission from the Mayor, or in his ahsenco tho Cemetery Committee. He CTT nnwiFirv A-* shall keep a proper bound book, to be furnish- Received ner brii? AuciiMn ed Hy Council, for the registry of all deaths of j apk nnd hltie bik Gro duSivisA Silka* while persons which mny occur iu the city of M-t^ACK French bik siik Vlo Savannah, ond who may be buried in the Ce. | Jf* ftSS liues, on Magnziuo street; 101 feet, 11 inches,on Nntehez street; 126 feet, 6 inches, on Gravier st. Keiited nt about $37,000 per an num. Valued at 1 Prize—City Hotel—162 ft on Com mon street, 146 feet, 6 inches, on Camp st. Rented at $25,000- Valued at 1 Prize—Dwelling House (adjoining tho Arcade) No. 16,24 ft. 7 incln es front on Natchez *t. Reuted at $1200—Valued ut l Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 18, 23 ft l‘i a a t on Natchez st. Rented ut $ 1200—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto(Mdjoining the Arcade) No. 20,23 feet front on Natchez nt. Rentedat9l200—Valued at I Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North cast corner of Basin & Customhouse street; 40 feet fronton Basin, and 40 feet on Franklin st. hy 127 ft. deep in Custom house st. Keutod at $1500—Valued at l Prize—Ditto—No. 24, South west corner of Basin &. Custom house street; 32 foot, 7 inches on Basin 32 feet, 7 inches on Franklin. 127 feet, 10^ inches deep in front of Custom house street. Rented ut 91600—Valued at | Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 font, 8 inches on Royal street, by 127 ft. 11 inches deep. Rented at 91400. Valued at 1 Prize—230 shares Canal Bank Stock, 9100each I Ditto—200 ditto Com do, do do l Ditto—150 ditto .Mechanic-.’ and Traders’ do do I Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 1 Ditto— 100 do do do dn.do l Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bunk do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do do do 1 Ditto—25 do Gas Light Bunk do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do l Ditto—15 do Mechuuics’ & Tra ders’ dodo I Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 10 shares of the Louis* iann Slate Bank, 9100 each, each Prize 91000 do—ench 2 shares of $100 each, each Prize $200, of the Gas Light Bank 200 do—ench 1 share of $100, of the Bank of Louisiana 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of tho Now Orleans Bnnk 150 do—each 1 shore of 9100 of the Union Bank of Florida. 15,000 25,000 20,000 15.000 10,000 10.000 10,000 5000 5000 2500 2500 ^ec. 14 That all Ordinance of part* of Or* ' I dinauce* regulating the duties of the Sexton* lor in any wise relating to the burial of tho dend, be, und the same aro horeby repealed* Passed In Cotiu6i! J4th March, 1830. m. ii. McAllister, Muyof. 1 [ts. b] Attest, M« Mykks,g. oi j aug20 ... \ I... JEST UECEIVED FEB SHIP NEWARK. I CiUPER 4 4 Ginghams, black and dol’d Stiff 53 folk Drill*. Linen Cumbric, fancy Sowing Silk Hdkfs, embroidered nett Silk Gloves/ Feather Fans, Colton Umbrellas, ftdtt-Stppen* iwnuo unending era... Sf® fKRyjMMf . proper manner and he web Shtrtiifa L ig. n n d A tm5. C. 10 and 12.4 super ‘ „,r n„ ,1,„H whenever Linen Sheetings, Pillow Gaso Linen, (n sup t Rivor * or Board of Health a«'He) white Flannels, (watremedi Ladle! layer or Board ol Mealtli b|uck ^ i|k , lo>0) Laj ios w |,| le '•r.l’.l do, English and German do, mixed, brown and white, &c. 1 SNIDER, LVrHROP fc NEVITT, ang 31 171 I NEW GOODS, NOW OPENINCt. PCS 4.4 brown Shirting rwTr 30 do 7.8 do do, 15 do 3.4 do do 12 do Red Flannel, 50 do light Priuts 40 do dark ground do 9 do Pongee Silk Hatidkerehiefii 10 dozen Ladies white Cuittm Mold 6 do white Cotton 4 Hose 5 do fine Cotton Umbrellas 14 da Coarse do do. 1 do HO Shbti Silk do ] do 28 inch do dOj 2 do 20 do do do 40 do 8pool Conan. For sale by WM.I1, LLOYD, Market Square, eng 21 171 10 1500 1500 20,000 2000 20,000 20,000 15,000 OOO Frizes. 31,500,000 TICKETS 920—XO SHAESS. BihereotTand form as lha Mayor or Council may direcl; end' }f d SV 1 KjfiB « |g,„“ 6 ill case of white persons,he shall record or cause n “| da,k d “ 8 d “ VCS lobe recorded therein, ina fair and legible hand Do “Irek hSelr Gniwn Cen nilihmt writing, the name ofihe deceased, tlie dev of ?dk Slay Laces bIrek Gauz. C4p Ril.boit death or burial, street end ward they diedlhl I White»gj(eej{’|jl<!.lead Cap pthjipg attending physician, diseasa they died of, their JJarniv- black Be t Rihb “ g , age, country of their birth, term ef illess, rash Plau £ “X , ,i nd Ey * vfm tfFlIN dontornon resident, and any and every cir' Forsaloby GLO. U . I L . cumstance that may come within hi* knowb No 2 Shad s BaWng*. ecfge, which may be of importance to the pub- KA/OKS cV 16 A § OB S r I 1601 lie, or tho friends and relations of the deceased; 1 a SPLENDID assortment of tumhniHd and whenever a person shall die^ without bav-1 /% silver und steel Razors or excellent ing received medical attendance it shnll be the I manship, in cases, of various prices. AIsii, duty ofihe Sexton io enter in the record of Sanders. Emersons and Meclns Razor Strops mortality Uiauhe disease producing death was kept constanilv for salt, by unknown, unless death was evidently tho result I PORCH ER »& LA ROCH E, of some obvious casualty, and that then he shall Sign oi the Golden Globe, yeepyd yvJiM pal casualty wa*;a.nd-ilio suidbook aug 19 • ' ^Opposite tho iMarkoi.